THE MARK OF A PROFESSIONAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGER The Cer fied Construc on Manager (CCM) is the “gold standard” in personnel credenals for the Construc on Management profession. It is the only CM cer fica on accredited by the American Na onal Standards Ins tute (ANSI) under the Interna onal Organiza on for Standardiza on’s ISO 17024 standard.
The CM Cer fica on Program is administered by the Construc on Manager Cer ficaon Ins tute (CMCI), an independent administra ve body of the Construc on Management Associa on of America (CMAA).
CMCI recognizes the competency of an individual to perform as the lead role of a CM
prac oner through the Cer fied CCM creden aling program.
Achieving the CCM indicates to owners and service providers that you have a mastery
of specific skills required to successfully complete projects and programs.
The CCM also offers a creden al that may increase professional stature, earning potenal and advancement opportuni es.
To apply for the CCM creden al, applicants must have 48 months Responsible-InCharge (RIC) experience and an undergraduate or masters degree from a university
recognized by the Council for Higher Educa on Accredita on (CHEA) or 8 addi onal
years of construc on or general design experience.
Applicants approve for candidacy must successfully complete a 200 ques on mul ple
choice exam within a 5 hour meframe based on the Construc on Management Associa on of America (CMAA) “Standards of PracƟce” and the Construc on Industry Ins tute’s (CII) “Best PracƟce’s Guide”.
The fees to become a CCM as of January 1st, 2014 are:
CMAA Member Applica on Fee: $325
Non‐CMAA Member Applica on Fee: $425
Exam Fee: $275
All cer fica on fees are subject to change.
Construc on Manager Cer fica on Ins tute 7926 Jones Branch Drive
Suite 800
McLean, VA. USA 22102
Phone: 703.356.2622
Fax: 703.356.6388
cer fica
www.CMcer fica The Construc on Manager cer fica on is accredited by the American Na onal Standards Ins tute (ANSI) under the
Interna onal Standard ISO 17024 General Requirements for Bodies Opera ng Cer fica on Schemes of Persons
program. Cer ficate holders agree to abide by the CCM Code of Ethics and Conduct, and are therefore en tled to
use the name Cer fied Construc on Manager and the CCM® designa on.