[Type here] OFFICE OF GLOBAL PROGRAMS PHONE: 812-877-8810 global@rose-hulman.edu ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE WAIVER for Student International Travel This Assumption of Risk and Release Waiver applies to Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and all of its trustees, officers, directors, managers, servants, agents, faculty, staff, students, volunteers, employees, advisors and/or representatives. By signing the Assumption of Risk and Release, the individual named below wishes to participate in the program/activity described below and recognizes that there are risks of damage or injury arising from this event or from other activities (including travel) that may be associated with participation in this program/activity. Participant Name_____________________________________________________ RH ID#________________ Grad/Undergrad First dd/mm/yyyy first/middle/last Middle (circle one) Last Male/Female Birthdate__________________ RH email_________________________________ Major_________ CM#__________ (circle one) mm/dd/yyyy Mobile #_________________________Citizenship Country_______________________ Visa Status_______ (attach passport/visa copy) Program/Activity__________________________________________Start Date__________________End Date__________________ Destination___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ST/PR Country Emergency Family Contact Name____________________________________________Relationship to you___________________ Phone number________________________________________Email___________________________________________________ By his/her signature below, the participating individual knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily agrees to assume and/or incurs all risks of loss, impairment, damage, or injury to person or property (including possible loss of life), that may be sustained or suffered by participation in this program whether or not the result in whole or in part of acts or omissions, negligence, or other unintentional fault of the overseas hosting institution/event site or Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The undersigned further agrees to abide by any and all rules, regulations, and policies to comply with all directions given by any representative of the international program/activity. The participant understands that special Foreign Medical/Travel Abroad insurance is required to be obtained by the participant and be in place for the duration of the program/activity. Such coverage must provide emergency services such as but not limited to; medical evacuation, emergency reunion, repatriation of benefits, political evacuation, and terrorism coverage. In addition, the participant (including his/her heirs, assigns, and personal representatives) agrees to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology from and against any claims, demands, actions, causes of action, lawsuits, expenses, or losses (including attorneys’ fees) on account of property damage or personal injury (including loss of life) arising out of or attributable to the individual’s travel to or participating in the international program/activity. RoseHulman suggests participants consider purchasing trip cancellation insurance in the event any trip may be cancelled and/or postponed. Participant agrees that any cost/expenses incurred due to and/or related to this trip are the responsibility of the participant and such costs will not be reimbursed by Rose-Hulman in the event the above noted trip may be cancelled for safety concerns and/or the participant’s failure to return required travel documents in the timeline required and etc… ************************************************************************************************************************************************ The undersigned acknowledges and represents that he/she has read the foregoing statement and understands it. The undersigned acknowledges that he/she is over eighteen (18) years of age (parent or guardian otherwise) and of sound mind. The undersigned has executed and delivered this statement on this __________day of _____________________, 20________. Participant’s Signature_________________________________________ Signature and printed name of parent or guardian (if participant is under18 years of age): Printed name_____________________________________________ Signature_________________________________________________ Printed name_________________________________ Relationship_________________________________ Revised August 2015—v5