ACADEMIC LABORATORY SAFETY PROGRAM Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Table of Contents
Regulatory Reference
Training and Recordkeeping
Emergency Procedures
Control Measures
Laboratory Safety Equipment
Standard Laboratory Facility Requirements
Standard Laboratory Safe Handling & Storage Requirements
Standard Operating Procedures
Hazardous Waste Management
Electrical Safety
Laser Safety
Radiation Safety
Biological Safety
Nanomaterial Safety
Spill Response Procedures
Machine Shop Safety
Animal Care and Use
Acutely Toxic Chemicals
Carcinogenic Chemicals
Reproductive Toxins
Peroxide Forming Chemicals
Peroxide Forming Chemicals Label
Chemical Inventory Form
Laboratory Move Guide
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
It is the responsibility of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology to take every reasonable
precaution to provide a work and learning environment that is free from recognizable
hazards for its employees and students. The development and implementation of the
Academic Laboratory Safety Program is designed to meet and exceed the applicable
regulatory requirements. This document is intended to support the use of chemicals and
other potentially hazardous materials for teaching and research purposes. At the same
time, Rose-Hulman is committed to ensuring the safety of its students, faculty, staff, and
visitors and to complying with all regulatory requirements impacting its facilities and
operations. This document meets all requirements of the Chemical Hygiene Plan required
by the OSHA Lab Standard.
Regulatory Reference
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1450 “Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories”
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 “Hazard Communication Standard”
EPA 40 CFR Parts 260 – 279
EPA RCRA Subtitle C
The laboratories and machine shops located on the Rose-Hulman main and south campuses
are subject to the Academic Laboratory Safety Program. For the purposes of this Program,
all individuals using these spaces are responsible for following the requirements of this
The Rose-Hulman Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) is responsible for the
establishment, implementation, and review of this program. EH&S is responsible for
developing and updating this program as appropriate, makes the written program available
in written format and on the EH&S website. EH&S will provide employee training to meet
the requirements of the program as necessary. EH&S maintains records for all training.
Academic Departments are responsible for developing their own laboratory safety programs
that assess risks in context of their curricular learning objectives and their laboratory
environments. These programs should be filed prior to the beginning of the academic year
(and whenever changes are made) Relevant sections, including safety rules, included with
syllabi distributed for every class and independent study/thesis experience.
reference the ALSP document provided in Appendix H.
The department head of each academic department is responsible for the safety of all
individuals working in the department’s laboratories. The department head accomplishes
this responsibility by ensuring that all departmental faculty members understand and take
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
seriously their roles in implementing the Academic Laboratory Safety Program. To assist in
this process each department will be represented on the Environmental Health and Safety
Commission by the department technician or another individual assigned by the department
Each faculty member or principal investigator is responsible for the safety of individuals
working within his or her laboratories. This includes ensuring every individual working in
the lab is provided the appropriate training; that the required personal protective equipment
and lab safety equipment are provided, maintained, and used; that specific standard
operating procedures are observed; and that prompt action is taken to correct any unsafe
acts or conditions which have been observed or reported.
Each academic department technician and staff member worker is responsible for
implementing the requirements of the Academic Laboratory Safety Program. This includes
participating in required training, utilizing appropriate lab safety equipment, personal
protective equipment and apparel, observing standard operating procedures, and informing
the responsible individual of any accidents or unsafe conditions.
Each student or laboratory worker is responsible for implementing the requirements of the
Academic Laboratory Safety Program. This includes participating in required training,
utilizing appropriate lab safety equipment, personal protective equipment and apparel,
observing standard operating procedures, and informing the responsible individual of any
accidents or unsafe conditions.
Training and Recordkeeping
Information specific to each laboratory and machine shop should be disseminated at the
beginning of each academic quarter and included in the course syllabus. This information
should include the appropriate attire, personal protective equipment, safety guidelines,
laboratory/shop hours, supervision requirements and emergency information.
Faculty and department technicians should attend annual training presented by EH&S
covering the requirements of this Program related to their laboratory/shop.
All training records related to this program will be maintained by EH&S. Training or testing
conducted by the academic department may be maintained in the academic department
with copies forwarded to EH&S at CM29.
Emergency Procedures
In the event of an accident in the laboratory involving uncontrolled fire, explosion, or a large
release of chemicals:
1. Evacuate the building by activating the nearest fire alarm
2. Call 911 and give details of the accident including location, chemicals involved, and if
there are any personal injuries
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
If the accident involves serious personal injury or chemical contamination, designate
someone to follow the steps listed above while at the same time:
3. Move the victim from the immediate area of the fire, explosion, or spill only if this
can be done without further injury to the victim or yourself
4. Remove any contaminated clothing from the victim and flush all the areas of the
body contacted by chemicals with copious amounts of water for 15 minutes
5. Administer first aid as appropriate
Consult the Rose-Hulman Emergency Response Plan for more details and how to respond in
the event of other emergency events.
Control Measures
Control measures are categorized as administrative, engineering, procedural, or personal
protective equipment (PPE). Control measures are implemented based on the hazard
analysis conducted by EH&S. The various control measures used will vary dependent upon
laboratory or shop use. These control measures are spelled out in greater detail in Sections
9 – 11.
Administrative Controls consist of the various policies and requirements established by
EH&S in conjunction with the department head, responsible faculty, lab supervisor, or
principal investigator. These may include:
1. Designated hours of access and requiring faculty or staff supervision for any students
using the laboratory or machine shop. Supervision does not include work study
2. Ensuring that all laboratory personnel have been provided with adequate training to
enable them to conduct their duties safely
3. Requiring prior approval and additional control measures for certain particularly
hazardous operations or activities
4. Restricting access to areas in which particularly hazardous chemicals are used
5. Posting appropriate signs to identify specific hazards within an area
6. Requiring that various standard practices for chemical safety and good housekeeping
be observed at all times in the laboratory
The OSHA Lab Standard requires that activities involving certain particularly hazardous
chemicals be reviewed and approved in advance by an appropriate individual or group.
Examples of the types of operations that should receive prior approval are those involving
the use of select carcinogens, reproductive toxins, acutely toxic chemicals, highly reactive
or shock sensitive chemicals, or highly corrosive or oxidizing chemicals (see Appendices A C). In addition, any operation that produces unknown, but potentially hazardous results,
should receive prior approval. At the time of approval, any additional required control
measures for the project should be specified.
Engineering controls consist of various measures for reducing a hazard at its source or for
separating personnel from the hazard. In the laboratory, examples of engineering controls
include the substitution of less hazardous chemicals in an operation, isolating a particular
chemical operation, enclosing a potentially explosive reaction, or utilizing local exhaust such
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
as a fume hood for an operation that produces airborne. Because engineering controls
function to reduce or eliminate a hazard at its source before it is created, they should be
fully considered and utilized whenever possible as the first step in chemical hazard control
within the laboratory.
Procedural controls (or work practice controls) are typically in the form of standard
operating procedures (SOPs) that define the manner in which certain types of chemicals are
to be handled, or the manner in which specific operations involving chemicals are to be
conducted, in order to minimize hazards. Section 11 of this Program contains a number of
SOPs, which are generally applicable to all laboratories. It is the responsibility of personnel
in each laboratory, however, to develop and implement specific SOPs that reflect the
operations and experimental protocols performed in their laboratory.
Personal Protective Equipment is necessary to implement due to the risk of exposure not
being totally eliminated through the use of other control measures. Because PPE functions
as a barrier between the laboratory occupant and the chemical hazard, rather than by
actually reducing or eliminating the hazard, its use should always be in addition to (and
never as a substitute for) appropriate engineering and procedural controls. It is the
responsibility of the principal investigator (or supervisor) of the laboratory to ensure that
appropriate personal protective equipment is provided to and used by all laboratory
personnel. Such equipment should be adequate to ensure personnel are protected from
chemical exposure to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract.
Eye Protection: Appropriate PPE for the eyes is required whenever there is a reasonable
probability that the eyes could be exposed to chemicals or debris. Vented safety goggles
are the preferred eye protection to be worn when chemicals are handled in the
laboratory. These should be worn over prescription glasses. All protective equipment for
the eyes must bear the stamp Z87, which indicates that it meets the performance
guidelines established by the American National Standards Institute in ANSI Z87.1
“Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection.”
Note: Contact lenses may complicate treatment in the event of an accident. They may
be allowed or prohibited based on the specific laboratory procedures and policy. The use
of contact lenses is only allowed in conjunction with appropriate safety eyewear and the
laboratory supervisors’ approval. Instructors or supervisors must be aware of those
wearing contact lenses.
Face Protection: A face shield is required whenever there is a potential for severe
chemical exposure from splashes, fumes, or explosions. Because a face shield alone
does not adequately protect the eyes, it must be worn over safety goggles. In general,
any operation that requires a face shield should be conducted inside a hood with the
sash down as an additional barrier. Face shields are also to be used in machine shops
when grinding or when there is the potential for flying objects. Eye protection may need
to be removed while viewing materials through a microscope or similar equipment. Eye
protection must be replaced after operation is complete. Microscope and similar
equipment must be located in an area where removal of eye protection does not place
personnel at risk from other hazards in the area.
Hand Protection: Because the hands are typically the part of the body in closest contact
with chemicals in the laboratory, they are particularly vulnerable to chemical exposures.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Hand protection is required when chemicals being handled create the potential to . It is
essential that laboratory personnel select appropriate protective gloves and wear them
whenever handling chemicals. Because different glove materials resist different
chemicals, no one glove is suited for all chemical exposures. Glove selection guides are
available from most manufacturers and should be consulted before choosing a glove.
Contact EH&S if you have any questions.
Foot Protection: Safety shoes or other specialized foot protection are generally not
required for most laboratory operations. However, footwear that completely covers the
skin of the feet must be worn whenever chemicals are being used. Sandals and opentoed or open-heeled shoes should not be worn in campus laboratories and shops.
Body Protection: By virtue of its large surface area, the skin is at considerable risk of
exposure to chemicals in the laboratory. To lessen this risk, it is essential that laboratory
personnel wear clothing, which, to the extent possible, covers all skin surfaces (shorts
and skirts are inappropriate attire for the laboratory). In addition, a fully buttoned lab
coat should be worn during certain chemical manipulations. Clothing and lab coats
should be regarded, not as means of preventing exposure, but as means of lessening or
delaying exposure. The effectiveness of clothing as a protective barrier for the skin
depends upon its prompt removal in the event that it becomes contaminated.
Respiratory Protection: The implementation of appropriate engineering and procedural
controls should always be the preferred strategy for ensuring that any airborne levels of
chemicals within the laboratory are well below regulatory limits. However, in rare
circumstances where such control measures are not sufficient, laboratory personnel may
need to utilize respirators for a particular operation. In such instances, personnel must
participate fully in the university’s Respiratory Protection Program, which requires a
medical exam, respirator fit-testing and training prior to respirator use. Contact EH&S
for more information.
Note: Particulate respirators (dust masks) are ineffective in protecting against vapors,
aerosols, and fumes.
Head Protection: Head protection may be necessary in industrial type laboratories where
overhead hazards exist or fluids may splash onto the head. Appropriate head protection
in the form of hard hats should be used in these cases. Hooded disposable coveralls may
also be used if necessary.
Laboratory Safety Equipment
The availability and use of a number of types of safety equipment is essential to the practice
of safe science. Safety equipment should be present in well-marked, highly visible, and
easily accessible locations in or near all laboratories that use hazardous chemicals. For more
information regarding safety equipment or specific regulatory requirements, please call
Chemical Fume Hoods: Chemical fume hoods are one of the most important items of
equipment used for the protection of workers in the laboratory. A standard fume hood is a
chemical and fire resistant enclosure with a movable window (sash) at the front to allow the
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
user access to the interior. Chemical fume hoods capture, contain, and expel chemical
emissions. In addition, chemical fume hoods (with the sash down) provide a protective
barrier between laboratory personnel and chemicals or chemical processes. A properly
functioning hood draws between 60-100 linear feet per minute of air at full-open sash. The
storage of large numbers of chemical bottles or other items within the hood can
dramatically impair this functioning. To ensure that fume hoods are operating properly,
EH&S will conduct periodic inspections. EH&S will ensure annual face velocity and
containment testing is conducted.
Eyewash Stations & Safety Showers: Eyewash station and safety showers are required
where hazardous chemicals are used and where there is a chance for debris to enter the
eyes, such as machine shops. These provide an effective mean of initial treatment in the
event of eye contamination. Plumbed eyewash and shower units are best and preferred.
Eyewash stations and safety showers should be inspected weekly to ensure they are
working properly. In the event of contamination immediately flush for 15 minutes, remove
any contaminated clothing, and seek medical attention.
Fire Extinguishers: Fires are one of the most common types of laboratory accidents.
Laboratory personnel should know the locations of all fire extinguishers in the laboratory,
the type of fires for which they are appropriate, and how to operate them correctly.
Training is provided by EH&S upon request. Fire extinguishers in the laboratory should be
the appropriate type for the expected fire emergency. Extinguishers are classified according
to a particular fire type. EH&S manages all aspects of the fire extinguisher program on
campus. Don’t hesitate to contact EH&S if you have any questions regarding the type or
placement of fire extinguishers in a laboratory or machine shop.
Fire Blankets: Fire blankets are recommended in all laboratories that use flammable liquids.
Fire blankets should be easily accessible and unobstructed. In the event that a person’s
body or clothing catches fire, the person should immediately drop to the floor and roll to
help extinguish the fire (STOP-DROP-and-ROLL method). A fire blanket should be used only
as a last resort to help smother a body or clothing fire. Fire blankets can also be used to
keep shock victims warm.
Refrigeration Equipment: The use of domestic refrigeration equipment for the storage of
flammable liquids presents a significant hazard to the laboratory work area. Refrigerator
temperatures are commonly higher than the flash points of the flammable liquids stored in
them. In addition, domestic refrigerators contain readily available and exposed ignition
sources such as thermostats, lights, and heater strips. Flammable liquids should only be
stored in two types of laboratory refrigerators: explosion-proof and laboratory-safe models.
Explosion-proof refrigeration equipment is designed to protect against ignition of flammable
vapors both inside and outside the refrigerated storage compartment. Laboratory-safe
refrigeration equipment (also called explosion-safe) is designed to eliminate ignition of
vapors on only the inside of the storage compartment, although other safety design features
like self-closing doors, magnetic door gaskets, and compressors and circuits located at the
top of the refrigeration unit have been incorporated. All flammable liquids that need to be
stored in a cool environment should be stored in these types of approved refrigerators
Containers should be tightly closed to minimize the amount of vapor released. Every
laboratory refrigerator should be clearly marked to indicate whether or not it is safe for the
storage of flammable liquids. Although not considered optimum protection, it is possible to
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
modify some domestic refrigerators to hold flammable liquids. Please call EH&S for more
First Aid Kits: First aid kits should be easily accessible to all laboratory personnel. First aid
kits should be regularly inspected and restocked as necessary. As a general guideline, first
aid kits should contain adhesive tape, bandages (small and large), pressure bandage
compresses, premoistened cleansing wipes, antiseptic cream/spray, gauze pads, gauze
wraps, latex gloves, and a CPR micro shield. First aid kits are provided and maintained by
EH&S. Red Cross First-Aid and CPR/AED training is available through EH&S.
Chemical Spill Kits: Every laboratory that uses hazardous chemicals should have access to
a spill control kit. The keys to an effective spill kit are location and content. Spill kits should
be strategically located around work areas in fixed spots so they will be easily accessible. In
general, a spill kit should contain absorbent material, appropriate personal protective
equipment, a container for spill residue, and a plastic dustpan and scoop. Laboratories that
use mercury or mercury filled thermometers and manometers should also have a mercury
spill kit available. Once a spill kit has been used it should be immediately restocked. The
following is a list of recommended items that should be contained in a chemical spill kit.
However, it is important that spill kits be tailored to meet the specific spill control needs of
each laboratory.
Standard Laboratory Safe Handling & Storage Requirements
Proper chemical labeling and storage is essential for a safe work and learning environment.
Inappropriate storage of incompatible or unknown chemicals can lead to spontaneous fire
and explosions with the associated release of toxic gases. To minimize these hazards,
chemicals must be segregated properly. The storage procedures listed below are not
intended to be all-inclusive but should serve instead to supplement more specific procedures
and recommendations obtained from container labels, the Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s) and
other chemical reference material. Contact EH&S for more information concerning chemical
storage and labeling.
Labeling of the primary container and any secondary containers should meet all of the
1. Manufacturer chemical labels should never be removed or defaced until the chemical
is completely used.
2. All chemical and waste containers should be clearly labeled with the full chemical
name(s) (no abbreviations or formulas) and appropriate hazard warning information.
Small containers that are difficult to label such as 1-10 ml vials and test tubes can be
labeled as a group and stored together. Unattended beakers, flasks, and other
laboratory equipment containing chemicals used during an experiment should be
labeled with the full chemical name(s).
3. All time sensitive chemicals should be labeled with the “date received” and “date
4. All chemical storage areas such as cabinets, shelves and refrigerators should be
labeled to identify the hazardous nature of the chemicals stored within the area
(e.g., flammables, corrosives, oxidizers, water reactives, toxics, carcinogens, and
reproductive toxins). All signs should be legible and conspicuously placed.
5. All hazardous waste containers must be labeled with the words “hazardous waste.”
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
6. All hazardous waste containers must be marked with an accumulation date. The
accumulation date represents the date that the container becomes full (waste
containers should NOT be filled to more than 90% of their capacity). All full waste
containers should be disposed of promptly.
Storage of chemicals should occur based upon the hazard class. It is the responsibility of
the lab user(s) to know these hazard classes and their incompatibilities.
Hazard Classes
Flammable/Combustible Liquids
Inorganic Acids
Oxidizing Acids (Nitric, etc.)
Air Reactives
Unstable (Shock-sensitive, Explosive)
Carcinogens & Reproductive Toxins
• Toxic Gases
• Flammable Gases
• Oxidizing Gases
• Corrosive Gases
• Inert Gases
Flammable Solids
Organic Acids
Caustics (Bases)
Water Reactives
Toxins, Poisons
In addition to storing chemicals by their hazard class the following guidelines should be
1. A defined storage place should be provided for each chemical and the chemical
should be returned to that location after each use.
2. Chemical containers should be in good condition before they are stored. Containers
should be managed to prevent leaks.
3. Chemicals (including waste) should be separated and stored according to their
hazard class and specific chemical incompatibilities. Chemicals within the same
hazard class can be incompatible and therefore it is important to review the chemical
label and SDS to determine the specific storage requirements and possible
incompatibilities. Appendix D contains a partial list of incompatible chemicals.
4. Special attention should be given to the storage of chemicals that can be classified
into two or more hazard groups. For example, acetic acid and acetic anhydride are
both corrosive and flammable. In addition, perchloric acid is both corrosive and a
strong oxidizer. Refer to the SDS for proper storage procedures.
5. Chemicals should be separated by distance. Physical barriers such as storage
cabinets and secondary containers should be used to prohibit contact of incompatible
chemicals in the event that they are accidentally released or spilled.
6. Secondary containers are highly recommended for the storage of liquid chemicals.
Secondary containers should be made of a material that is compatible with the
chemical(s) it will hold and should be large enough to contain the contents of the
largest container.
7. Liquids should not be stored above dry chemicals unless they are stored in secondary
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
8. Storage of chemicals within hoods and on bench tops should be avoided.
9. Stored chemicals should not be exposed to heat or direct sunlight.
10. Storage shelves and cabinets should be secure to prevent tipping. Shelving should
contain a front-edge lip or doors to prevent containers from falling.
11. Flammable and corrosive storage cabinets should be used when possible.
12. Flammable liquids in quantities exceeding a total of 10 gallons in each laboratory
must be stored in an approved flammable storage cabinet.
13. Only explosion-proof or laboratory-safe refrigerators may be used to store flammable
14. Liquid chemicals should be stored below eye level to avoid accidental spills.
15. Chemicals should not be stored in areas where they can be accidentally broken and
spilled such as on the floor or on the edge of a bench top.
16. Chemicals should not be stored in areas where they obstruct aisles, exits, and
emergency equipment.
17. Maximum quantities of chemicals that can be in storage and use in laboratories are
found in NFPA 1 Appendix B or IFC Appendix E. These codes place specific
requirements on storage facilities for all hazard classes and some are very low such
as highly toxic gasses and organic peroxides. Contact EH&S to interpret and verify
these quantities for your laboratory or shop.
Chemical inventory management is another required component of a safe laboratory or
shop environment. All chemicals should be inventoried, especially high risk chemicals.
Inventories provide a method for tracking chemicals for ordering and re-ordering, waste
disposal, complying with building and fire codes, hazard communication, community rightto-know requirements, and tracking dangerous or time sensitive chemicals for safety and
security reasons. The chemical inventory form can be found in Appendix O, on the EH&S
website, or by contacting EH&S.
12.0 Standard Operating Procedures
General Lab Safety Procedures:
Know the potential hazards of the materials used in the laboratory. Review the
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and container label prior to using a chemical.
Know the location of safety equipment such as emergency showers, eyewashes, fire
extinguishers, fire alarms, spill kits, first aid kits, and telephones.
Review emergency procedures to ensure that necessary supplies and equipment for
spill response and other accidents are available.
Practice good housekeeping to minimize unsafe work conditions such as obstructed
exits and safety equipment, cluttered benches and hoods, and accumulated chemical
Wear approptiate personal protective apparel when working with chemicals. This
includes eye protection, lab coat, gloves, and appropriate foot protection (no
sandals). Gloves should be made of a material known to be resistant to permeation
by the chemical in use.
Wash skin promptly if contacted by any chemical, regardless of corrosivity or
Label all new chemical containers with the “date received” and “date opened.”
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Label and store chemicals properly. All chemical containers should be labeled to
identify the container contents (no abbreviations or formulas) and hazard
information. Chemicals should be stored by hazard groups and chemical
Use break-resistant bottle carriers when transporting chemicals in glass containers
that are greater than 500 milliliters.
Use fume hoods when processes or experiments may result in the release of toxic or
flammable vapors, fumes, or dusts.
Use the buddy system in every laboratory or machine shop.
• Eat, drink, chew gum, or apply cosmetics in areas where chemicals are used and
• Store food in laboratory refrigerators, ice chests, cold rooms, or ovens.
• Drink water from laboratory water sources.
• Use laboratory glassware to prepare or consume food.
• Smell or taste chemicals.
• Pipet by mouth.
• Work alone in the laboratory or machine shops without prior approval from the lab
• Leave potentially hazardous experiments or operations unattended without prior
approval from the lab supervisor. In such instances, the lights in the laboratory
should be left on and emergency phone numbers posted at the laboratory entrance.
Corrosives (liquids, solids, and gases) are chemicals that cause visible destruction of, or
irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. Corrosive
effects can occur not only to the skin and eyes, but also to the respiratory tract through
inhalation and to the gastrointestinal tract through ingestion. Corrosive liquids have a high
potential to cause external injury to the body, while corrosive gases are readily absorbed
into the body through skin contact and inhalation. Corrosive solids and their dusts can
damage tissue by dissolving rapidly in moisture on the skin or within the respiratory tract
when inhaled. In order to minimize these potential hazards, precautionary procedures must
be observed when handling corrosives.
• Safety goggles, protective gloves, and a laboratory coat should be worn when
working with corrosive chemicals. A face shield, rubber apron, and rubber booties
may also be appropriate depending on the work performed.
• Appropriate protective gloves that are resistant to permeation or penetration from
corrosive chemicals should be selected and tested for the absence of pin holes prior
to use.
• Eyewashes and safety showers should be readily available in areas where corrosive
chemicals are used and stored. In the event of skin and eye contact with a corrosive
chemical, the affected area should be immediately flushed with water for 15 minutes.
Contaminated clothing should be removed and medical attention sought.
• Corrosive chemicals should be handled in a fume hood to ensure that any possible
hazardous or noxious fumes generated are adequately vented.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
When mixing concentrated acids with water, add the acid slowly to the water. Allow
the acid to run down the side of a container and mix slowly to avoid violent reactions
and splattering. Never add water to acid.
Appropriate spill material should be available in areas where corrosive chemicals are
used and stored.
Protective carriers should be used when transporting corrosive chemicals.
• Containers and equipment used for storage and processing of corrosive material
should be corrosion resistant.
• Corrosive chemicals should be stored below eye level, preferably near the floor to
minimize the danger of their falling from cabinets or shelves.
• Acids and caustics (i.e., bases) should be stored separately from each other.
Secondary containers can be used to help with separation within a corrosive cabinet.
• Inorganic acids should be separated from organic acids and flammable/combustible
material (inorganic acids are particularly reactive with flammable/combustible
• Acids should be segregated from active metals (e.g., sodium, potassium, and
magnesium) and from chemicals that can generate toxic gases (e.g., sodium cyanide
and iron sulfide).
Chemicals which exist at ambient temperatures in a liquid form with sufficient vapor
pressure to ignite in the presence of an ignition source are called flammable or combustible
liquids (note that the flammable/combustible liquid itself does not burn; it is the vapor from
the liquid that burns). “Flammables” generate sufficient vapor at temperatures below 100oF
(37.8oC), whereas “combustibles” generate sufficient vapor at temperatures at or above
100oF. Invisible vapor trails from these liquids can reach remote ignition sources causing
flashback fires. In addition, these liquids become increasingly hazardous at elevated
temperatures due to more rapid vaporization. For these reasons, precautionary measures
must be observed when handling and storing flammables and combustibles.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves, lab coat, and safety goggles)
should be worn when working with flammable/combustible liquids.
Flammable/combustible liquids should never be heated using open flames. Preferred
heat sources include steam baths, water baths, oil baths, hot air baths, and heating
• Ignition sources should be eliminated in areas where flammable vapors may be
• Flammable/combustible liquids should only be dispensed under a fume hood.
Ventilation is one of the most effective ways to prevent the formation and
concentration of flammable vapors.
• When pouring from containers of 1 gallon (3.8 liters) or greater capacity, make sure
both containers involved are electrically interconnected by bonding to each other and
to a ground. The friction of flowing liquid may be sufficient to generate static
electricity, which in turn may discharge, causing a spark and ignition.
• Flammable/combustible liquids in containers larger than 1 gallon (3.8 liters) should
be transferred to smaller containers that can be easily manipulated by one person.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Appropriate fire extinguishers should be available in areas where flammables are
Flammable/combustible liquid stored outside of flammable storage cabinets
in the laboratory should be kept to the minimum necessary for the work
being done.
Containers larger than 5 gallons (19 liters) shall not be stored in the
Flammable/combustible liquid stored in glass containers shall not exceed 1
gallon (3.8 liters).
Flammable storage cabinets and safety cans should not be altered or
modified unless specified by Indiana’s Fire Prevention Code or National Fire
Protection Agency (NFPA) guidelines.
Flammable/combustible liquids should only be stored in explosion-proof or
laboratory-safe refrigeration equipment.
Flammable/combustible liquid containers, filled or empty should not be
stored in hallways or obstructing exits.
Waste flammable/combustible liquids should be stored in safety cans.
Flammables and combustibles should not be stored near oxidizers,
corrosives, combustible material, or near heat sources. Make sure all
chemicals stored near flammable and combustibles are compatible.
Oxidizing agents are chemicals that bring about an oxidation reaction. The oxidizing agent
may provide oxygen to the substance being oxidized (in which case the agent has to be
oxygen or contain oxygen) or receive electrons being transferred from the substance
undergoing oxidation (chlorine is a good oxidizing agent for electron-transfer purposes,
even though it does not contain oxygen). The intensity of the oxidation reaction depends on
the oxidizing-reducing potential of the material involved. Fire or explosion is possible when
strong oxidizing agents come into contact with easily oxidizable compounds, such as metals,
metal hydrides or organics. Because oxidizing agents possess varying degrees of instability,
they can be explosively unpredictable.
Gases: fluorine, chlorine, ozone, nitrous oxide, oxygen
Liquids: hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, perchloric acid, bromine, sulfuric acid
Solids: nitrites, nitrates, perchlorates, peroxides, chromates, dichromates, picrates,
permanganates, hypochlorites, bromates, iodates, chlorites, chlorates, persulfates
• Appropriate personal protective equipment (safety goggles, gloves, lab coat, etc.)
should be worn when working with oxidizers.
• If a reaction is potentially explosive or if the reaction is unknown, use a fume hood
(with the sash down as a protective barrier), safety shield, or other methods for
isolating the material or the process.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Oxidizers can react violently when in contact with incompatible materials. For this
reason, know the reactivity of the material involved in an experimental process.
Assure that no extraneous material is in the area where it can become involved in a
The quantity of oxidizer used should be the minimum necessary for the procedure.
Do not leave excessive amounts of an oxidizer in the vicinity of the process.
• Oxidizers should be stored in a cool, dry place.
• Oxidizers should be segregated from organic material, flammables, combustibles and
strong reducing agents such as zinc, alkaline metals, and formic acid.
• Oxidizing acids such as perchloric acid and nitric acid should be stored separately in
compatible secondary containers away from other acids.
For the purpose of storage, the Uniform and International Building Code and the National
Fire Protection Association classify oxidizers based on the increase in the burning rate of the
combustible material with which it comes into contact. Contact EH&S for more information.
Reactives are substances that have the potential to vigorously polymerize, decompose,
condense, or become self-reactive due to shock, pressure, temperature, light, or contact
with another material. All reactive hazards involve the release of energy in a quantity or at
a rate too great to be dissipated by the immediate environment of the reaction system so
that destructive effects occur. Reactive chemicals include: explosives, organic peroxides,
water-reactives and pyrophorics. Effective control is essential to minimize the occurrence of
reactive chemical hazards.
EXPLOSIVES: cause sudden, almost instantaneous release of pressure, gas, and heat when
subjected to sudden adverse conditions. Heat, light, mechanical shock, detonation, and
certain catalysts can initiate explosive reactions. Compounds containing the functional
groups azide, acetylide, diazo, nitroso, haloamine, peroxide, and ozonide are sensitive to
shock and heat and can explode violently.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment (face shield, safety goggles, leather outer
gloves, chemical resistant gloves, lab coat, etc.) should be worn when working with
• Before working with explosives, understand their chemical properties, know the
products of side reactions, the incompatibility of certain chemicals, and monitor
environmental catalysts such as temperature changes.
• Containers should be dated upon receipt and when opened. Expired explosives
should be discarded promptly.
• Explosives should be kept to the minimum necessary for the procedure.
• If there is a chance of explosion, use protective barriers (e.g., fume hood sash and
safety shield) or other methods for isolating the material or process.
• Explosives should be stored in a cool, dry, and protected area. Segregate from other
material that could create a serious risk to life or property should an accident occur.
ORGANIC PEROXIDES: contain an -O-O- structure bonded to organic groups. These
compounds can be considered as structural derivatives of hydrogen peroxide, H-O-O-H, in
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
which one or both of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by an organic group.
Generally, organic peroxides are low-powered explosives that are sensitive to shock, sparks,
and heat due to the weak -O-O- bond which can be cleaved easily. Some organic
compounds such as ethers, tetrahydrofuran, and p-dioxane can react with oxygen from the
air forming unstable peroxides. Peroxide formation can occur under normal storage
conditions, when compounds become concentrated by evaporation, or when mixed with
other compounds. These accumulated peroxides can violently explode when exposed to
shock, friction, or heat.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment (safety goggles, gloves, lab coat, etc.)
should be worn when working with organic peroxides or peroxide-forming
• Containers should be labeled with the receiving and opening dates. Unopened
material should be discarded within 1 year and opened material should be discarded
within 6 months.
• Containers should be airtight and stored in a cool, dry place away from direct
sunlight. Segregate from incompatible chemicals.
• Peroxide formers, liquid peroxides, or solutions should not be refrigerated below the
temperature at which the peroxide freezes or precipitates. Peroxides in these forms
are extra sensitive to shock (never store diethyl ether in a refrigerator or freezer).
• Unused peroxides should never be returned to the stock container.
• Metal spatulas should not be used with peroxide formers. Only ceramic or plastic
spatulas should be used. Contamination by metal can cause explosive
• Friction, grinding, and all forms of impact, especially with solid organic peroxides
should be avoided. Never use glass containers with screw cap lids or glass stoppers.
Instead, use plastic bottles and sealers.
• Testing for the presence of peroxides should be performed periodically.
• Containers with obvious crystal formation around the lid or viscous liquid at the
bottom of the container should NOT be opened or moved. Call EH&S at x8124 for
WATER REACTIVES: react with water or moisture in the air releasing heat or flammable,
toxic gas. Examples include alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, carbides, hydrides,
inorganic chlorides, nitrides, peroxides, and phosphides.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment (safety goggles, gloves, lab coat, etc.)
should be worn when working with water-reactives.
• Water-reactives should be stored under mineral oil in a cool, dry place. Isolate from
other chemicals.
• Water-reactives should not be stored near water, alcohols, and other compounds
containing acidic OH.
• In case of fire, keep water away. Appropriate fire extinguishers should be available in
areas where water-reactives are used (use a Type “D” fire extinguisher to extinguish
active metal fires).
PYROPHORICS: ignite spontaneously in air below 130oF (54oC). Often the flame is invisible.
Examples of pyrophoric materials include silane, silicon tetrachloride, white and yellow
phosphorus, sodium, tetraethyl lead, potassium, nickel carbonyl, and cesium.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment (safety goggles, gloves, lab coat, etc.)
should be worn when working with pyrophorics.
• Pyrophorics should be used and stored in inert environments.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Appropriate fire extinguishers should be available in areas where pyrophorics are
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Laboratory Standard requires
that special handling procedures be employed for certain chemicals identified as
"particularly hazardous substances.” Particularly hazardous substances include chemicals
that are "select carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and chemicals that have a high degree of
acute toxicity.” In addition, many chemicals used (including novel chemicals that are
synthesized) in research laboratories have not been tested explicitly for carcinogenic or
toxic properties and should therefore be handled as “particularly hazardous substances”
since their hazards are unknown.
Carcinogen – A substance that either causes cancer in humans or, because it causes
cancer in animals, is considered capable of causing cancer in humans. OSHA defines those
substances that are known to pose the greatest carcinogenic hazards as "select
carcinogens” (see Appendix B).
These materials include substances that:
1. OSHA regulates as a carcinogen; or
2. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) lists as "known to be a carcinogen" or
"reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen" in their Annual Report on Carcinogens;
3. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) lists under Group 1
("carcinogenic to humans”), Group 2A ("probably carcinogenic to humans"), or Group
2B ("possibly carcinogenic to humans").
Reproductive Toxin – A substance that cause chromosomal damage or genetic alterations
(mutagens) or substances that cause lethal or physical malformations or defects in a
developing fetus or embryo (teratogens). See Appendix C.
Chemicals with a High Degree of Acute Toxicity - Acute toxicity is the ability of a
chemical to cause a harmful effect rapidly after a single short term exposure. Acutely toxic
chemicals can cause local toxic effects, systemic effects, or both. OSHA’s “chemicals with a
high degree of acute toxicity” includes both “highly toxic” and “toxic” chemicals that “may
be fatal or cause damage to target organs as a result of a single exposure or exposures of
short duration” (i.e. acutely toxic effects) as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1200, Appendix A
(Mandatory). A list of Acutely Toxic chemicals can be found in Appendix A.
• Designated areas (e.g., fume hoods, glove boxes, lab benches, outside rooms, etc.)
for material use must be established and the areas identified by signs or postings.
• Containment devices such as fume hoods (if necessary) and personal protective
equipment (gloves, lab coat, and eye protection) must be used when handling these
hazardous substances.
• Procedures for the safe use of the material and waste removal must be established
prior to use.
• Decontamination procedures must be developed in advance and strictly followed.
• Only laboratory personnel trained to work with these substances can perform the
work, and always within the designated area. Prior approval is required by the
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
principal investigator or supervisor (see Section 2.1.1 Prior Approval of Hazardous
Only the minimum quantity of the material should be used.
• These materials should be stored in areas designated for “particularly hazardous
• Storage areas should be clearly marked with the appropriate hazard warning signs.
• All containers of these materials (even if the material is in very small quantities such
as 0.1%) should be clearly labeled with the chemical name or mixture components
and the appropriate hazard warning information.
• Chemical storage areas should be secure to avoid spills or broken containers.
• Storage areas or laboratory rooms should be locked when laboratory personnel are
In general, a compressed gas is any material contained under pressure that is dissolved or
liquefied by compression or refrigeration. Compressed gas cylinders should be handled as
high-energy sources and therefore as potential explosives and projectiles. Prudent safety
practices should be followed when handling compressed gases since they expose workers to
both chemical and physical hazards.
• Safety glasses with side shields (or safety goggles) and other appropriate personal
protective equipment should be worn when working with compressed gases.
• Cylinders should be marked with a label that clearly identifies the contents.
• All cylinders should be checked for damage prior to use. Do not repair damaged
cylinders or valves. Damaged or defective cylinders, valves, etc., should be taken out
of use immediately and returned to the manufacturer/distributor for repair.
• All gas cylinders (full or empty) should be rigidly secured to a substantial structure at
2/3 height. Only two cylinders per restraint are allowed in the laboratory and only
soldered link chains or belts with buckles are acceptable. Cylinder stands are also
acceptable but not preferred.
• Handcarts shall be used when moving gas cylinders. Cylinders must be chained to
the carts.
• All cylinders must be fitted with safety valve covers before they are moved.
• Only three-wheeled or four-wheeled carts should be used to move cylinders.
• A pressure-regulating device shall be used at all times to control the flow of gas from
the cylinder.
• The main cylinder valve shall be the only means by which gas flow is to be shut off.
The correct position for the main valve is all the way on or all the way off.
• Cylinder valves should never be lubricated, modified, forced, or tampered.
• After connecting a cylinder, check for leaks at connections. Periodically check for
leaks while the cylinder is in use.
• Regulators and valves should be tightened firmly with the proper size wrench. Do not
use adjustable wrenches or pliers because they may damage the nuts.
• Cylinders should not be placed near heat or where they can become part of an
electrical circuit.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Cylinders should not be exposed to temperatures above 50oC (122oF). Some rupture
devices on cylinders will release at about 65oC (149oF). Some small cylinders, such
as lecture bottles, are not fitted with rupture devices and may explode if exposed to
high temperatures.
Rapid release of a compressed gas should be avoided because it will cause an
unsecured gas hose to whip dangerously and also may build up enough static charge
to ignite a flammable gas.
Appropriate regulators should be used on each gas cylinder. Threads and the
configuration of valve outlets are different for each family of gases to avoid improper
use. Adaptors and homemade modifications are prohibited.
Cylinders should never be bled completely empty. Leave a slight pressure to keep
contaminants out.
When not in use cylinders should be stored with their main valve closed and the valve
safety cap in place.
• Cylinders must be stored upright and not on their side. All cylinders should be
• Cylinders awaiting use should be stored according to their hazard classes.
• Cylinders should not be located where objects may strike or fall on them.
• Cylinders should not be stored in damp areas or near salt, corrosive chemicals,
chemical vapors, heat, or direct sunlight. Cylinders stored outside should be
protected from the weather.
• Oxygen and Acetylene cylinders should be stored twenty (20) feet apart. Cylinders
in use may be within this distance unless there will be a 24-hour period of no use,
then the regulator must be removed, the bottles capped, and the cylinders moved to
the approved distance.
Flammable Gases
• No more than two cylinders should be manifolded together; however several
instruments or outlets are permitted for a single cylinder.
• Valves on flammable gas cylinders should be shut off when the laboratory is
unattended and no experimental process is in progress.
• Flammable gas cylinders should be grounded. (Do not ground to an electrical outlet.)
Flames involving a highly flammable gas should not be extinguished until the source
of the gas has been safely shut off; otherwise it can reignite causing an explosion.
Acetylene Gas Cylinders
• Acetylene cylinders must always be stored upright. They contain acetone, which can
discharge instead of or along with acetylene. Do not use an acetylene cylinder that
has been stored or handled in a non-upright position until it has remained in an
upright position for at least 30 minutes.
• The outlet line of an acetylene cylinder must be protected by a flame arrestor.
• Compatible tubing should be used to transport gaseous acetylene. Some tubing like
copper forms explosive acetylides.
Lecture Bottles
• All lecture bottles should be marked with a label that clearly identifies the contents.
• Lecture bottles should be stored according to their hazard classes.
• Lecture bottles which contain toxic gases should be stored in a ventilated cabinet.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Lecture bottles should be stored in a secure place to eliminate them from rolling or
Lecture bottles should not be stored near corrosives, heat, direct sunlight, or in
damp areas.
To avoid costly disposal fees, lecture bottles should only be purchased from suppliers
that will accept returned bottles (full or empty). Contact the supplier before
purchasing lecture bottles to ensure that they have a return policy.
Lecture bottles should be dated upon initial use. It is advised that bottles be sent
back to the supplier after one year to avoid accumulation of old bottles.
Cryogenic liquids are liquefied gases having boiling points of less than -73.3oC (-100oF). The
primary hazards of cryogenic liquids include both physical hazards such as fire, explosion,
and pressure buildup and health hazards such as severe frostbite and asphyxiation.
Potential fire or explosion hazards exist because cryogenic liquids are capable, under the
right conditions, of condensing oxygen from the atmosphere. This oxygen-rich environment
in combination with flammable/combustible materials and an ignition source are particularly
hazardous. Pressure is also a hazard because of the large volume expansion ratio from
liquid to gas that a cryogen exhibits as it warms and the liquid evaporates. This expansion
ratio also makes cryogenic liquids more prone to splash and therefore skin and eye contact
is more likely to occur. Contact with living tissue can cause frostbite or thermal burns, and
prolonged contact can cause blood clots that have very serious consequences. All laboratory
personnel should follow prudent safety practices when handling and storing cryogenic
liquids. Some examples of cryogenic liquids are Helium, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Fluorine,
Argon, Oxygen, and Methane.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn when handling cryogenic
liquids. This includes special cryogen gloves, safety goggles, full face shield,
impervious apron or coat, long pants, and high topped shoes. Gloves should be
impervious and sufficiently large to be readily removed should a cryogen be spilled.
Watches, rings, and other jewelry should NOT be worn.
• Unprotected body parts should not come in contact with vessels or pipes that contain
cryogenic liquids because extremely cold material may bond firmly to the skin and
tear flesh if separation is attempted.
• Objects that are in contact with cryogenic liquid should be handled with tongs or
proper gloves.
• All precautions should be taken to keep liquid oxygen from organic materials; spills
on oxidizable surfaces can be hazardous.
• All equipment should be kept clean, especially when working with liquid or gaseous
• Work areas should be well ventilated.
• Transfers or pouring of cryogenic liquid should be done very slowly to minimize
boiling and splashing.
• Cryogenic liquids and dry ice used as refrigerant baths should be open to the
atmosphere. They should never be in a closed system where they may develop
uncontrolled or dangerously high pressure.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Liquid hydrogen should not be transferred in an air atmosphere because oxygen from
the air can condense in the liquid hydrogen presenting a possible explosion risk.
• Cryogenic liquids should be handled and stored in containers that are designed for
the pressure and temperature to which they may be subjected. The most common
container for cryogenic liquids is a double-walled, evacuated container known as a
dewar flask.
• Containers and systems containing cryogenic liquids should have pressure relief
• Cylinders and other pressure vessels such as dewar flasks used for the storage of
cryogenic liquids should not be filled more than 80% of capacity, to protect against
possible thermal expansion of the contents and bursting of the vessel by hydrostatic
pressure. If the possibility exists that the temperature of the cylinder may increase
to above 30oC (86oF), a lower percentage (i.e., 60 percent capacity) should be the
• Dewar flasks should be shielded with tape or wire mesh to minimize flying glass and
fragments should an implosion occur.
• Dewar flasks should be labeled with the full cryogenic liquid name and hazard
warning information.
Laboratory chemicals known as time sensitive chemicals can become dangerous with age.
This can be due to chemical reactions, over-pressurization of containers, toxicity, and other
hazardous properties. For this reason handling and management of time sensitive chemicals
are of particular importance. These chemicals include Picric Acid, Chloroform, Anhydrous
fluoride, Hydrogen bromide, liquid hydrogen cyanide, Formic acid, Alkali metal, and
peroxide forming chemicals.
Picric acid (C6H3N3O7 and other multi-nitro aromatics) can be extremely dangerous if
allowed to dry. Picric acid with a moisture content of greater than 30% is considered a
flammable solid by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Picric acid with a moisture
content of less than 30% is considered a Class 1.1D explosive by DOT and is very shock
sensitive. DO NOT OPEN OR MOVE a container of dry picric acid.
Chloroform (CHCl3) reacts with air to form phosgene gas (CCl2O) which has a very low IDLH
(Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health) value of 2 parts per million. Always open
chloroform in a fume hood.
Formic acid (90-100% CH2O2) decomposes to form carbon monoxide and water (CO +
H2O). Greater than 100 psi can develop with prolonged storage of 1 year or greater which is
sufficient to break a sealed glass container. Vent containers frequently and read the product
literature. Some have pressure relief caps and some Safety Data Sheets may recommend
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen bromide are in a liquid phase above 15 psi.
Stored in carbon steel cylinders (lecture bottles) they can react with the steel to form iron
fluoride and hydrogen gas. Lecture bottles have a typical working pressure of 1800 psi and
these chemicals have a 2 yr shelf life.
Liquid hydrogen cyanide (CHN) is a liquid that boils at 26o C and is stored in low pressure
cylinders. With no stabilizer (1% sulfuric acid) present polymerization can occur plus the
production of ammonia which also helps catalyze the process. A crust can form on the liquid
that, when jarred, can break off and fall into the liquid causing rapid exothermic
polymerization and rupture of the cylinder causing fragmentation and release of this acutely
toxic gas.
The alkali metals (Li, Na, K, and NaK alloys) can react with dissolved oxygen when stored
under mineral oil to form oxides and superoxides that can catch fire upon cutting. The
oxidation forms a yellow or orange crust or coating. Lithium stored under nitrogen can form
nitrides and the formation of the nitride is autocatalytic and can eventually autoignite.
The peroxide forming chemicals include common organic solvents and can react with
atmospheric oxygen to undergo autoxidation, or peroxidation, producing unstable and
dangerous organic peroxides and hydroperoxides. Formation of peroxides is accelerated by
light and heat. Substances which have undergone peroxidation are sensitive to thermal or
mechanical shock and may explode violently. All laboratory workers must learn to recognize
and safely handle peroxidizable compounds. Peroxide forming substances include aldehydes,
ethers (especially cyclic ether), compounds containing benzylic hydrogen atoms, compounds
containing the allylic structure (including most alkenes), vinyl and vinylidine compounds. A
list of peroxide forming chemicals can be found in Appendix E.
Safe Handling and Usage
• Labels on peroxide forming substances must contain the date the container was
received, the date it was first opened, and the initials of the person who first opened
the container. Label to be used can be found in Appendix E.
• Do not open or test the contents of the container if 1) crystals are visibly present on
or in the container or lid, 2) if a precipitate has formed or an oily viscous layer is
present, or 3) if the container has been opened but not tested and is more than two
years old. Call EH&S at x8124 for assistance.
• Check for the presence of peroxides before using, and quarterly while in storage
(peroxide test strips are available).
• If peroxides are found, the material should be decontaminated, if possible, or
disposed through EH&S.
• The date and results of any testing should be placed on the container label.
• Never use a metal spatula with peroxides. Contamination by metals or disturbance of
the crystals can lead to explosive decompositions.
• Store peroxides and peroxide forming compounds at the lowest possible
temperature, away from light and heat.
• Refrigerators must be designed for the storage of flammable substances.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Test for peroxides before distilling or evaporating peroxidizable solvents. After
testing never distill substances contaminated with peroxides.
If the peroxide forming substance has been opened and more than one year has
passed the material should be discarded.
Dispose of Class III (see Appendix E) peroxidizable solvents within one year of
purchase if unopened or 6 months of the opening.
Do not test or treat any peroxide forming chemicals if you are unsure of the age, if there
are visible crystals, or if a precipitate or oily viscous layer is present. Various test
procedures may be used on most organic solvents. Peroxide test strips are available from
EH&S. Concentrations at or above 100ppm must be given to EH&S for disposal. It is the
policy of Rose-Hulman EH&S to not treat any peroxide formers on site.
EH&S will
coordinate the treatment and disposal of any chemicals testing positive of or suspected of
containing peroxides.
Hazardous Waste Management
Disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste is addressed in the Hazardous Waste
Management Program found on the EH&S website. Contact EH&S with any questions.
Electrical Safety
Electrical safety guidelines are addressed in the Electrical Safety Program found on the
EH&S website. Listed below are a quick summary of these expectations.
All electrical panels and disconnects should never be obstructed. Clearance should
be maintained thirty-six (36) inches from the face of the panel for the width of the
Laboratory personnel should know the location of electrical shut-off switches and/or
circuit breakers in or near the laboratory so that power can be quickly terminated in
the event of a fire or accident.
All electrical equipment should be periodically inspected to ensure that cords and
plugs are in good condition. Frayed wires and wires with eroded or cracked insulation
should be repaired immediately, especially on electrical equipment located in wet
areas such as cold rooms or near cooling baths. Insulation on wires can easily be
eroded by corrosive chemicals and organic solvents.
All electrical outlets should have a grounding connection requiring a three-pronged
All electrical equipment should have three-pronged, grounded connectors. The only
exception to this rule is instruments entirely encased in plastic (such as electric
pipetters and some types of microscopes) and Glas-Col heating mantels. If
equipment does not have a three-pronged plug, replace the plug and cord to ground
the equipment.
Face plates must not be removed from electrical outlets.
Electrical wires or conduit should not be used as supports.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Extension cords should be avoided and used temporarily(defined as less than 30
days). If used, they should have three-pronged, grounded connectors and positioned
or secured as not to create a tripping hazard.
Electrical outlets, wiring, and equipment within a laboratory or building should only
be repaired by Rose-Hulman Facilities Operations or other professional electricians.
Proper grounding and bonding of flammable liquid containers should be practiced to
avoid the build-up of excess static electricity. Sparks generated from static electricity
are good ignition sources.
Laser Safety
Rose-Hulman EH&S recognizes ANSI Z136.1-2007 as the guidance for all activities involving
lasers. EH&S has one copy of this standard available for review. All class 3b and 4 lasers
must be registersd with EH&S. Contact EH&S for the laser registration form.
General safety practices to follow when working with lasers include:
1. Appropriate eyewear is to be used when using lasers. Eyewear must be appropriate
for the laser wavelength.
2. Interlocks should not be bypassed
3. Use minimum power required for project
4. Reduce laser output with shutters or attenuators
5. Remove unnecessary objects from vicinity of laser
6. Keep beam path away from eye level
Radiation Safety
Rose-Hulman EH&S recognizes and follows all Nuclear Regulatory Commission policies. This
program is maintained in Physics and Optical Engineering.
Biological Safety
Biological Safety is addressed in the Rose-Hulman EH&S Exposure Control Plan. The
handling of Biohazardous Waste is address in the Rose-Hulman EH&S Waste Management
Program. Please see the EH&S website or contact EH&S for these programs.
Nanomaterial Safety
Nanomaterials are defined as ultrafine particles with a dimension of one to 100 nanometers
in diameter. One nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. Low-solubility ultrafine particles are
more toxic than larger particles on a mass for mass basis. In addition to the hazardous
properties of the chemical constituents, their smaller dimensions, larger surface area, and
ability to penetrate cell membranes more easily than larger particles add to the hazardous
properties of these materials. Because of their small particle size, they can be deposited
deep into the lungs and, once in the bloodstream, may be able to cross the blood-brain
barrier. Exposure to these materials during synthesizing processes and use may occur
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
through inhalation, ingestion, and contact with the skin or eyes. Other hazards to consider
are catalytic effects and fire or explosion. Particles in the nanometer size range are currently
being evaluated for toxicity and critical exposure levels based on mass, surface area, and
the number of particles per unit volume. Until these factors are determined workers should
implement stringent controls on exposure when working with them.
The following guidelines are provided to educate and protect those working with
Use good general laboratory safety practices as found in this Laboratory Chemical
Safety Plan. Wear gloves, lab coats, safety glasses, face shields, closed-toed shoes
as needed.
Goggles and safety glasses meeting the appropriate ANSI standards which are
approved by the MEMS/Microfabrication technician and EH&S are required when
working with chemicals, photolithography, and wet etching.
Long hair (hair that falls in front of the face when leaning forward) should be
gathered and restrained.
Report all accidents to the lab instructor, regardless of how trivial you might think
they are.
Never bring food or beverages into the lab. Do not drink, chew, or smoke in the
No experiments should be performed in the laboratory without supervision.
Know the locations and correct operation of all safety equipment including showers
and eye washes. Do not block any safety equipment.
Report physical limitations or physical conditions (sprains, broken limbs, etc.) to the
instructor prior to the laboratory period. Special arrangements or safety instructions
may be required.
Do not taste any chemicals in the laboratory. Test odors very carefully.
Never use unlabeled bottles of chemicals.
Never return unused chemicals to their original containers.
Dispose of all waste according to the procedure in the laboratory write-up or the
instructions provided by the laboratory instructor.
Clean up all spills immediately.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available upon request for any chemical used in the
laboratories. These sheets may be obtained from any MEMS faculty or staff member
and can be found on the EH&S website.
Upon completion of an experiment, turn off all equipment, store it properly, and
clean your area.
Wash your hands at the end of the laboratory period.
Be sure to consider the hazards of precursor materials in evaluating process hazards.
OSHA's "Particularly Hazardous Substances" (such as cadmium) must be handled in
containment such as a fume hood or a glove box.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Avoid skin contact with nanoparticles or nanoparticle-containing solutions by using
appropriate personal protective equipment. Do not handle nanoparticles with your
bare skin.
If it is necessary to handle nanoparticle powders outside of a HEPA-filtered poweredexhaust laminar flow hood, wear appropriate respiratory protection. The appropriate
respirator should be selected based on professional consultation with EH&S.
Dispose of and transport waste nanoparticles according to the hazardous chemical
waste guidelines.
Equipment previously used to manufacture or handle nanoparticles should be
evaluated for potential contamination prior to disposal or reuse for another purpose.
Lab equipment and exhaust systems should also be evaluated prior to removal,
remodeling, or repair.
Consideration should be given to the high reactivity of some nanomaterials with
regard to potential fire and explosion hazards.
Spill Response Procedures
Incidental and Non-incidental spills will be determined on a case-by-cases basis.
Incidental spills are limited in quantity, exposure potential, and toxicity. Incidental spills
present minor safety or health hazards to employees in the immediate work area or those
assigned to respond. Responses to incidental spills of hazardous substances are to be
performed when the substance can be absorbed, neutralized, or otherwise safely controlled
at the time of release by the employee in the immediate area at the time of release.
Incidental spill response does not require HAZWOPER training.
Non-Incidental spills pose a significant safety or health hazard to employees working in the
immediate vicinity or to the employee cleaning up the released hazardous substance. This
type of release also has the potential to become an emergency in a short amount of time.
Responders to non-incidental spills must be trained according to the OHSA 29 CFR
1910.1200 Hazard Communication standard or the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1450 Lab Standard.
Non-incidental spills require full HAZWOPER training.
In the event of a spill on campus, the following procedures will be followed:
1. Remove all sources of ignition. If the ignition source cannot be removed, divert
spilled substance away from the ignition source.
2. Identify the release substance and consult the appropriate Safety Data Sheet.
3. Report the spill immediately to the Office of Environmental Health & Safety.
4. If the amount of spilled substance is minimal, absorb and containerize. Contact
EH&S for proper disposal methods.
5. If the amount of spilled substance is large, contain it as much as possible.
Contact EH&S and monitor area until trained response personnel arrive.
6. The EH&S Manager will determine if a reportable spill occurred. If so, notification
to the appropriate government agencies will be made followed by a written
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Office of Environmental Health & Safety
report. Indiana Department of Environmental Management requires all spills
over 1,000 gallons be reported.
7. Spills in confined spaces must follow the procedures outlined in the Rose-Hulman
Office of Environmental Health & Safety Confined Space procedure.
Machine Shop Safety
Guidelines for access and safe use of machine shops located on the campus of RoseHulman’s main campus or South Campus (Ventures) have been developed and can be found
on the EH&S website. Before use of the machine shops can begin, the following steps are to
Read the Machine Shop Safety Guidelines document
Sign and return the Machine Shop Safety Policy Acknowledgement Form
Complete, with a passing score, the Machine Shop Certification Quiz on Angel.
Permission will be granted from the Machine Shop supervisor upon the completion of
these steps.
All machine shops require the use of a “buddy system”, that is, no one is allowed to work
alone in these spaces. Shop hours are set by the respective machine shop manuals.
Animal Care and Use
The Institute Animal Care and Use Committee is responsible for overseeing and evaluating
all aspects of animal care and use at Rose-Hulman, and to ensure activities are in
compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on
Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. This policy can be found at the EH&S
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
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Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Appendix A
Diborane (gas)
Hydrogen cyanide
Hydrogen fluoride
Methyl fluorosulfonate
Methyl isocyanate
Nitrogen dioxide
2 ppm
3 ppm
10 ppm
2 ppm
15 ppm
50 ppm
30 ppm
5 ppm
3 ppm
20 ppm
Osmium tetroxide
Sodium azide
1 mg/m3
5 ppm
2 ppm
20 ppm
Sodium cyanide
25 mg/m3
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Appendix B
A carcinogen is any substance or agent that is capable of causing cancer – the abnormal or
uncontrolled growth of new cells in any part of the body in humans or animals. Most
carcinogens are chronic toxins with long latency periods that can cause damage after
repeated or long duration exposures and often do not have immediate apparent harmful
The OSHA Lab Standard defines a “select carcinogen” as any substance which meets one of
the following criteria:
(i) It is regulated by OSHA as a carcinogen; or
(ii) It is listed under the category, "known to be carcinogens," in the Annual Report
on Carcinogens published by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) (latest
edition); or
(iii) It is listed under Group 1 ("carcinogenic to humans") by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer Monographs (IARC) (latest editions); or
(iv) It is listed in either Group 2A or 2B by IARC or under the category, "reasonably
anticipated to be carcinogens" by NTP, and causes statistically significant tumor
incidence in experimental animals in accordance with any of the following criteria:
o (A) After inhalation exposure of 6-7 hours per day, 5 days per week, for a
significant portion of a lifetime to dosages of less than 10 mg/m(3);
o (B) After repeated skin application of less than 300 (mg/kg of body weight)
per week; or
o (C) After oral dosages of less than 50 mg/kg of body weight per day.
With regard to mixtures, OSHA requires that a mixture “shall be assumed to present a
carcinogenic hazard if it contains a component in concentrations of 0.1% or greater, which
is considered to be carcinogenic.” When working with carcinogens, laboratory staff should
adhere to Guidelines for Working with Particularly Hazardous Substances.
Note that the potential for carcinogens to result in cancer can also be dependent on other
“lifestyle” factors such as:
Cigarette smoking
Alcohol consumption
Consumption of high fat diet
Geographic location – industrial areas and UV light exposure
Therapeutic drugs
Inherited conditions
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Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Appendix C
Glycol ether
Isocyanate, Methyl-
Lead compounds
Androgenic hormones
Methylene chloride
Boric acid
Mercury, organic
tert-Butly alcohol
Phthalate, dubutyl-
Calcium arsenate
13-cis-Retionic acid
(Isotretinoin and
Carbon Disulfide
Valproic acid
Vinyl chloride
Dimethyl mercury
Xylene, o-, m-, p-
Dinitrogen pentoxide
Zinc sulfate
Infectious Agents:
Ethidium Bromide
Cytomegalovirus (CVM)
Ethylene glycol
Parvovirus B-19
Ethylene oxide
Rubella virus
Ethylene dibromide
Ethyl methane
Varicella virus
Venezuelan equine
encephalitis virus
Ionizing radiation
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Appendix D
Unopened chemicals from manufacturer
18 months or (expiration date)
Opened containers:
Chemicals in Table A
3 months
Chemicals in Tables B and D
12 months
Uninhibited chemicals in Table C
24 hours
Inhibited chemicals in Table C
12 months
(Do not store under an inert atmosphere)
A. Chemicals that form explosive levels of peroxides without concentration
Isopropyl ether
Sodium amide (sodamide)
Potassium metal
Potassium amide
Vinylidene chloride
B. Chemicals that form explosive levels of peroxides on concentration
Diethyl ether
Diethylene glycol dimethyl
ether (diglyme)
Benzyl alcohol
Ethylene glycol dimethyl
ether (glyme)
Vinyl ethers
Methyl isobutyl ketone
Other secondary alcohols
C. Chemicals that may autopolymerize as a result of peroxide accumulation
Acrylic acidb
Methyl methacrylateb
Vinyl chloride
Vinyladiene chloride
Vinyl acetate
D. Chemicals that may form peroxides but cannot clearly be placed in sections A-C
Allyl ether
n-Hexyl ether
Allyl ethyl ether
Cyclopropyl methyl ether
Allyl phenyl ether
Diallyl etherd
Isoamyl benzyl etherd
Isoamyl etherd
n-Amyl ether
Isobutyl vinyl ether
Benzyl n-butyl ether
Benzyl ether
1,2-Dichloroethyl ethyl
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Benzyl ethyl etherd
Benzyl methyl ether
Benzyl 1-napthyl etherd
Bis(2 ethoxyethyl)ether
Bis(2-(methoxyethoxy)ethyl) ether
Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether
Bis(2-phenoxyethyl) ether
Bis(4-chlorobutyl) ether
Bis(chloromethyl) ethere
2-Bromomethyl ethyl ether
Diethyl ethoxymethyleneMalonate
Diethyl fumarated
Diethyl acetald
Isopropyl 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy- acetate
Methyl p-(n-amyloxy)benzoate
3-Methoxy-1-butyl acetate
3-Methoxyethyl acetate
2-Methoxyethyl vinyl ether
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate
2-Ethylacrylaldehyde oxime
Oxybis(2-ethyl acetate)
Oxybis(2-ethyl benzoate)
Ethyl B-ethoxypropionate
Triethylene glycol dipropionate
3-Bromopropyl phenyl ether
tert-Butyl ethyl ether
tert-Butyl methyl ether
n-Butyl phenyl ether
n-Butyl vinyl ether
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Phenoxyacetyl chloride
a-Phenoxypropionyl chloride
Phenyl o-propyl ether
n-Propyl ether
n-Propyl isopropyl ether
Sodium 8,11,14-eicosatetraenoate
Sodium ethoxyacetylidef
Triethylene glycol diacetate
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Chloromethyl methyl ether
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
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Ethyl vinyl ether
4-Vinyl cyclohexene
Vinylene carbonate
Vinylidene chlorided
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Appendix E
This label should be affixed to each bottle of potential peroxide forming chemicals.
These labels can be obtained from EH&S.
Warning: Peroxide-Forming Chemical
Store in tightly closed original container.
Avoid exposure to light, air, and heat.
If crystals, discoloration, or layering are visible,
do not move or open container.
Contact Jake Campbell, 877-8124 (Office)
208-2332 (Cell)
This chemical forms peroxides during storage, limiting its shelf life.
Dispose ________ months after opening.
Date First Opened___________
Dispose By Date_____________
If unopened, dispose after 18 months from receipt.
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Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Appendix F
An electronic copy of the chemical inventory form can be obtained from EH&S.
Chemical Inventory
Room Name:
Room Number:
Responsible Person:
Chemical Name/Common Name
(as indicated on MSDS)
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
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Pure (P)
Mix (M)
Container Type
Solid (S)
Liquid (L)
Gas (G)
Physical & Health Hazards
Fire (F)
Sudden Release of Pressure (S)
Reactivity (R)
Immediate (acute) (A)
Delayed (chronic) (C)
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Appendix G
This document provides general guidance to those laboratory personnel preparing to move
their laboratory work to another technical facility or to a new facility. Moving a research
laboratory can be a complex process, especially if hazardous materials are involved.
However, the steps outlined below can help to ensure a safe and smooth transition. If you
are moving your laboratory and have specific questions, contact Environmental Health and
Safety at x8124.
Once you have made the decision to move your lab, inform EH&S as soon as possible
– well in advance of your planned move. EH&S can help provide useful information
and resources to help facilitate the moving process.
When cleaning up your old lab, please be considerate of the next occupants
(custodial staff, maintenance workers, and new laboratory staff) and ensure all items
are removed from the lab (or scheduled to be removed), including items in drawers,
cabinets, fume hoods, refrigerators, freezers, etc.
Keep in mind the value of limited laboratory space when cleaning out your old lab.
Now is the time to discard old equipment, paper, boxes, and other materials that
have not been used in a long time (and will not be used in the foreseeable future).
For any surplus equipment, tables, cabinets, etc. that you plan on discarding, check
with EH&S to see if these items should remain in the lab you are leaving or if they
could be donated to someone else in your department or if you would like to donate
them to the campus.
Before the actual move occurs, visit the new facility and identify where equipment
from the old facility will be located. Check to see if the correct electrical, water, gas,
and space requirements are available for your new equipment and processes.
Conducting this type of preplanning will greatly facilitate the moving process and
occupation of your new facility.
When moving equipment and materials to the new facility, keep in mind that no
equipment, boxes, or other materials may be stored in hallways, stairwells, or other
egress points used in the event of a fire or other emergency. No items may be
allowed to accumulate in the hallway and they must be removed by the end of each
day. No hazardous materials (chemical, biological, or radiological) may be left in the
hallways unattended at any time.
When you arrive at the new facility, identify the location of emergency eyewashes
and safety showers, fire extinguishers, and other safety equipment before bringing
hazardous materials to the new lab. Do not block access to emergency eyewashes
and safety showers at any time. Do not stack boxes under or around emergency
eyewashes or safety showers, even on a temporary basis.
If fire extinguishers are not present in the new facility, contact Environmental Health
and Safety at x8124 to have fire extinguishers installed. If you have not been trained
in the use of fire extinguishers, you can obtain this training from Environmental
Health and Safety.
For laboratories with fume hoods, keep in mind that fume hoods come in a variety of
designs and can function differently than hoods at your old facility. Familiarize
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
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Office of Environmental Health & Safety
yourself with the new hoods before conducting any work involving hazardous
Before preparing to move chemicals to your new lab, now is the time to inventory all
of your chemicals or update your current chemical inventory form.
Only move those chemicals that will be needed for your research at the new facility
or those chemicals you expect to use in the near future. Before your move, now is
the time to get rid of old, outdated chemicals or chemicals that do not have any
foreseeable use in the new facility. For those chemicals that are in good condition,
contact EH&S to see if anyone could use the chemicals. All other chemicals that
cannot or will not be used in the new facility should be disposed of properly.
Do not move full containers of chemical wastes to your new facility. Contact
Environmental Health and Safety at x8124 for proper disposal of any hazardous
wastes. EH&S can provide assistance with making waste determinations (i.e.:
hazardous waste, universal waste, biomedical waste, radioactive waste, oil waste,
etc.) and laboratory cleanouts.
Only trained workers may move chemicals. Any highly toxic or highly hazardous or
reactive chemicals should only be moved by staff who has received special training.
When transporting chemicals, it is best to use carts with lips or trays to prevent
containers from being knocked off. Other items that are useful for transport include
rubber bottle carriers, five gallon pails, or other forms of secondary containment.
When moving chemicals, wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as
safety glasses (splash goggles for corrosives), lab coat, and gloves. Remember to
remove gloves when touching door knobs and latches, and elevator buttons. If
possible, avoid using passenger elevators. If you must use a passenger elevator,
request that no passengers ride along with you.
After removing all chemicals and waste from your old lab facility, ensure all spills
have been cleaned up and all potentially contaminated surfaces have been cleaned
with water and detergent thoroughly. This includes bench tops, fume hoods, storage
cabinets and drawers (both inside and outside), shelving, and the outside of large
equipment that is scheduled to be moved by a moving company. Remember to clean
out refrigerators and freezers thoroughly and defrost freezers. Please keep in mind
the next immediate occupants of your old lab will be custodians and maintenance
workers. Please be considerate of their health and safety by thoroughly cleaning up
any potentially hazardous (chemical, biological, and radiological) contamination.
When storing chemicals in your new lab, remember to segregate and store chemicals
according to hazard class. EH&S recommends using secondary containment such as
trays, buckets, or bottle carriers when storing chemicals to help prevent spills.
Before moving to your new facility, be sure to make arrangements for the removal of
any compressed gas cylinders that will no longer be used or for any empty cylinders.
If you need assistance having the cylinders removed, contact Environmental Health
and Safety at x8124.
Before moving any compressed gas cylinders, remove the regulator and replace the
safety cap over the cylinder valve. Only use an appropriate cylinder handcart to
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
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April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
move compressed gas cylinders. Do not attempt to "roll" cylinders from one area to
Any compressed cylinders containing highly toxic or highly reactive gases should only
be moved by staff with special training in the use and hazards of these materials.
After moving compressed gas cylinders, secure them with a strap or chain at once
(chains are preferred). Do not leave compressed gas cylinders unsecured for any
period of time, even temporarily. Any new gas distribution systems, using metal or
plastic tubing, must be pressure tested (leak tested) before use. All cylinders must
either have a regulator or a cap depending on if it is in use or stored.
All biohazardous materials must be properly packaged and only moved by properly
trained laboratory staff. Non-laboratory personnel (including moving company staff)
or untrained laboratory personnel are not permitted to move biohazardous materials.
All potentially contaminated equipment and surfaces such as bench tops, fume
hoods, storage cabinets and drawers (both inside and outside), shelving,
refrigerators, freezers, incubators, and the outside of large equipment that is
scheduled to be moved by a moving company, must be thoroughly decontaminated.
Please be considerate of the health and safety of future occupants by thoroughly
cleaning up any potentially hazardous (chemical, biological, and radiological)
Before moving to the new facility, dispose of all biohazardous waste properly.
If you are having your Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) moved to your new location,
thoroughly decontaminate both the inside and outside of the cabinet. You will also
need to have the BSC recertified by a third party. Check with the manufacturers
guidelines before moving your BSC.
Any equipment to be handled by movers and not by laboratory staff must be certified
as contamination free before the equipment is moved.
Only properly trained staff may move radioactive materials and small equipment
used with radioactive materials. All materials must be properly packaged and
Before your planned move, properly dispose of any radioactive waste. Do not bring
full containers
of radioactive waste to your new lab.
All vacated rooms must be certified as contamination free before they are turned
over to custodians, maintenance workers, or new lab occupants. Contact the
Environmental Health and Safety at x8124 for more information.
Laboratory renovations may require more formal decommissioning procedures of both
facilities and equipment depending on the extent of renovation and the past use of the room
and/or facility. The purpose of decommissioning procedures includes:
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Decommissioning labs require standardized processes, strategies, and validation
methods for screening and characterization of hazardous debris and other regulated
waste streams and for compliance with hazardous waste regulations.
Strategies to minimize generation of regulated wastes, to encourage on on-site
treatment, and decontamination technologies and to maximize recycling/recovery of
materials from biological/chemical must also be considered.
Cost-benefit analysis of decontamination and recycling versus disposal without
Areas and materials of concern for decommissioning of facilities and equipment include:
Asbestos containing materials – floor tiles, insulation, fireproofing, fume hood panels
Chemical and biological contamination and/or spills
Fluorescent light bulbs
Fume hoods
Gas cylinders and lecture bottles
Lead shielding
Mercury sources – sink traps, thermometers, switches, etc.
PCBs – window caulking, transformers, ballasts, etc.
Reaction chambers
RCRA heavy metals
Unknown chemicals
Vacuum pumps
…and other materials and equipment
Specific roles and responsibilities for decommissioning activities include:
EH&S roles/responsibilities:
Provide the initial EH&S assessment.
Provide the EH&S technical guidance and advice.
Advise on decontamination and hazardous chemical waste disposal.
Ensure compliance with EH&S laws, regulations, policies and guidelines.
Provide continuous EH&S related updates of the plan or project on the basis of new
evidence, findings, or information.
Provide continual review of project decommissioning as new information is obtained.
Perform or review appropriate risk assessment.
Research staff members roles/responsibilities:
Provide advice on needs, concerns and issues with lab decommissioning to EH&S.
Provide to EH&S with historical use of biohazardous materials, radioactive materials,
and hazardous chemical usage for decontamination analysis.
Identify and label materials (both biological and chemical) and create an inventory to
be submitted to EH&S.
Segregate chemicals in accordance to the compatibility and pack them into a sturdy
container/box for transportation. EH&S can provide research groups with information
and assistance with segregation and proper packaging of hazardous chemicals.
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Clean work and storage surfaces with soap and water, with special attention given to
areas with visible decontamination.
Identify biological/chemical contaminated area(s) that they cannot be cleaned by
researchers and work with EH&S to facilitate decontamination of the area(s).
Additional guidance on decommissioning procedures can be found in the ANSI standard –
Z9.11-2008 – Laboratory Decommissioning.
In conclusion, the above steps are ways laboratory staff can ensure a planned move to a
new facility goes smoothly. The guidelines mentioned above and the following key points
will help to provide a safe and successful transition to your new laboratory facility:
Plan the move well in advance, including providing proper notification where
Pre-plan where items and equipment in your new lab will be placed before your begin
the move.
Take advantage of the move to dispose of old or discontinued items, equipment, and
Keep your current (and new) DSR informed of the progress of the move.
Contact your DSR or Environmental Health and Safety if you have any questions.
Once in your new lab, check with your new building coordinator to find out about any
building specific procedures.
Please be courteous to the new occupants of your old lab – leave your old lab in the
condition you want your new lab to be in when you arrive.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
Revised: JEC
August 1, 2012
April 16, 2013
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Appendix H
Academic Lab Safety Program
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
The goal of the Rose-Hulman Academic Laboratory Safety Program (ALSP) is to ensure that
the laboratory environments that are so crucial to the hands-on learning approach espoused
by the Institute are safe and minimize the risk of injury to students, staff and faculty. The
program strives to do this in a way that empowers departments to identify safety risks
inherent to their programs and laboratory environments, and to ensure that safety
procedures are implemented in ways that maintain safety while allowing programs to meet
their educational objectives.
The ALSP consists of the following components
a. The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) will publish a set of guidelines to
assist instructors and technicians in the design of departmental laboratory safety
program. EHS is also responsible for reviewing, approving and publishing departmental
safety plans for compliance with laboratory safety best practices.
b. Academic Departments are responsible for developing their own laboratory safety
programs that assess risks in context of their curricular learning objectives and their
laboratory environments. These programs should be filed prior to the beginning of the
academic year (and whenever changes are made) Relevant sections, including safety
rules, included with syllabi distributed for every class and independent study/thesis
Departmental laboratory safety programs include the following:
i. Departmental laboratory safety program overview—Each academic department
that utilizes laboratory environments and/or shops should develop policies for
student use of their facilities during scheduled labs, extended project-based
activity such as senior theses, independent studies, design courses, and cocurricular activities/teams. These programs should establish rules for a) access
to laboratory environments/shops (including whether students can work alone
in these environments), b) safety training, c) appropriate attire and personal
protective equipment, and d) general lab safety rules
ii. Addenda for specific courses with altered requirements—Each course with
laboratory or shop components for which specific hazards (or the lack of
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
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Office of Environmental Health & Safety
hazards) merit deviations from departmental lab safety rules should outline
these differences in an addendum to the Department Lab Safety Program. If lab
safety requirements are different for different lab experiences in the course, a
specific listing of lab safety requirements for each lab experience should be
included in the addendum and attached to the course syllabus so that students
can be prepared for each lab.
c. The Branam Innovation Center oversight committee is responsible for developing and
submitting annual lab safety programs that cover the users of this facility. These
programs should be submitted
Submissions and Record-keeping
a. Departmental Lab Safety Programs will be filed with the Office of Environmental Health
and Safety (EHS), who will review them and give feedback to the departments if the
program does not follow best practices. Once approved, lab safety programs will be
posted in a way that will make them available to the entire campus. EHS will be
responsible for maintaining records of the lab safety programs.
Prepared by: Jacob Campbell
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Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Guidelines for Departmental Lab Safety Document
Section 1: Departmental Laboratory Environments, Hazards and Safety Policies
a) Facility Name (Room Number)
Description of facility
Courses that utilize the facility
Description of safety hazards
General Lab Safety Rules for this facility.
Student Access Policies outside of scheduled labs (as necessary)
Special Training Requirements (as necessary)
(Repeat for all facilities for which safety hazards have been identified, including teaching labs,
studio labs, machine shops, research labs, and other facilities as needed)
Section 2: Departmental safety policies with respect to Independent Studies, Senior Design, Senior
Thesis Research, Graduate Student Research, and other special circumstances.
Management of student access to facilities (including training requirements)
Lab safety requirements
Shop safety requirements (if needed)
Other issues
(Sections b and c should explicitly addressing issues involved in unsupervised student use of the facility,
including whether students can work alone in the lab)
a) Individual Courses with rules differing from those listed in Section 1.
a. List lab experiences
b. Description of deviation from section 1
c. Rationale for the deviation
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Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Partial Example
Section 1: Departmental Laboratory Environments, Hazards and Safety Policies
a) Physiology Wet Lab (M209)
This facility is a wet lab that has 6 lab stations and a preparation area. The facility is
designed to allow physiological measurements on humans and animals (currently
including crayfish and frogs). While they are on campus, animals are housed in this
facility. It is also used as an overflow lab for AB110 and AB130 when O109 is not
This facility is used by BE310, BE320, BE55, BE540, AB110, AB120, AB130
The main safety hazards in this room include
• Sharps (scalpels, needles, etc)
• Use of animals and animal tissues (including Sharps (scalpels, needles, etc) and
potential zoonotic disease risk with frogs)
• Use of chemicals: anesthetics (MS222) , norepinephrine, acetylcholine, formalin
in preserved specimens.
General lab safety rules for this facility
• no food or drink allowed in the lab at any time
• Long pants, closed-toed shoes at all times
• When contact with invertebrate animal (e.g. crayfish) tissue and instruments
used in dissection, glove use is optional.
• During interaction with vertebrate tissue (e.g frogs) and dissecting instruments,
glove use is mandatory.
• Scalpel blades are to be discarded in the sharps container at the end of each lab.
Student Access Policies outside of scheduled labs.
Students can be granted limited electronic access during off hours with written (or
email) approval of a faculty member on an as-needed basis.
Special Training Requirements –None
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