Document 11673535

Manor New Technology High School
Century Schools
Strategies that Work
Chrysta Carlin, Claudia Acevedo, Janice Trinidad, Sara Hawkins
Manor New Technology High School
242 students
44% Latino
33% Caucasian
21% African American
2% Asian
55% free and reduced lunch
Manor New Technology High School
22 Facilitators of Learning
8 master degrees
1 – Science 1 - Public Policy
3 – English 1 – Computer Science
1 – Kinesiology1 – Engineering 1Ph.D.
Manor New Technology High School
Improved Student Academic Achievement 97% Student Attendance Rate for 07-08 97% Students returned for the 08-09 school year 96% Students advanced to next grade level
Established MNTH Culture
Achieved National Recognition
Developed 20 Local & State Business/Education
Became a New Tech Foundation Demonstration School
100% Teacher Retention
Manor New Technology High School
Project Based Learning
• Course content is embedded in projects.
• Teachers incorporate state standards into projects.
• Projects are linked to student needs and interest
through real life application of concepts.
• All projects are teacher facilitated and student
Manor New Technology High School
School-Wide Learning Outcomes
• Work Ethic
• Collaboration
• Oral Communication
• Written Communication
• Critical Thinking
• Technology
• Numeracy
• Global & Community Engagement
• Content Proficiency
• Outcomes were
designed by the
staff to fit our
• They are all taught
and assessed in
every class.
Collaboration & The
Learning System Tools
• Communication enabled:
• student  student
• student  teacher
or teacher  student
• teacher  teacher
• On-line Discussion Boards
• E-mail service is provided to
students & staff.
• On-line Collaboration Evaluations
• Teacher Feedback Tool
Online Collaboration Evaluations
Between Students
Online Discussion Board
21st Century Schools-
Strategies that work in Integrated Math/Science Courses
Janice Trinidad, Ph.D.
• Location: Room 121 MNTHS
• 2 Teachers/Project Facilitators:
• Dr. Trinidad (UTeach Science grad)
• Ms. Craig (UTeach Math grad)
• Course: Algebra 2/Physics
• 62 Students, 3 Non-Tracked Sections.
• Meeting Times: 5x Weekly (3 - 75 min sessions, 65 min, 50 min)
Key Strategies in Yearlong Design of
Algebra 2/Physics Course
Research TEKS: TAKS Item Analysis (Nouns, Verbs, Contexts, Levels) Develop a yearlong plan that includes:
• All TAKS SE’s
• Clusters of Algebra/Physics TEKS that
are linked through real world
applications PBL
Key Strategies in Designing/Facilitating
Integrated Algebra 2/Physics Project
• Engaging, Authentic Contexts
• Rigorous, Authentic Products that are • Aligned to Alg2/Physics TEKS
• Real World Applications
• Both structured & open ended
• Project Calendar that includes
• Variety of Scaffolding (workshops, labs, checkpoints,
hands-on activities)
• Adequate Work Time
• Diverse Formative & Cumulative Assessments
Strategies for PBL Workshops
• Pre/Post Quizzes &
• Clear objectives
• Clear, timely feedback
• Concise, interactive
lessons • Preceded/Followed by
Supporting Activities
Strategies for Facilitating Work Days
Clear feedback
Clear expectations
Facilitate activities that
get groups to plan ahead
and plan together
Designing Curriculum that is Relevant and Engaging
to Students
Sara Hawkins, MNTH Biology
Characteristics of Relevant and
Engaging Projects
-Embedded in Current Events
-Multiple Pathways to Success
Students engage in tasks that people actually do
in the real world and/or solve a problem that
actually exists.
When possible, students use the tools or
processes used in the real world.
Students create something more meaningful
than a collection of facts.
The project is embedded in current events.
Evaluation of products incorporates community
members, business partners, or experts. Hands-On and Creative Products
Students create something that is new and unique.
Whenever possible, students DO the thing that
they are learning about.
Knowledge is acquired and then repackaged.
Students showcase talents that go beyond
academics (artistic, musical, comedic, theatrical).
Students persuade, hypothesize, demonstrate,
teach, innovate.
Open-ended Projects with Multiple Pathways to
Products generated reflect the interests and
style of the students.
Optional content workshops and other
differentiated scaffolding allow students to tailor
classroom experience to their learning style.
Students are provided with choices and twists
within a project. Learning Outcome: Global and Community
-Assesses students’ ability to take knowledge acquired in the
classroom and apply it to community and global issues. -Recommending or taking action, establishing hierarchical
decision rules, discussing ethics, and integrating other
cultures or backgrounds are all part of this learning
outcome. -Evaluated EITHER by using the school-wide rubric for the
learning outcome, OR by teachers creating specific points on
the rubric based on that school-wide rubric.
Sample Rubric Descriptors
Sample Rubric Descriptors
Some Project
Speciation Nation Students select an existing species and
imagine how evolution might occur in
the future. Covers state standards
about natural selection, taxonomy,
species identification, phylogeny DNA for Dinner
Students research Genetically Modified
Organisms to prepare for a debate.
Covers state standards for DNA,
mutations, inheritance, gene flow,
Students re-write lyrics to popular
songs to be about Biology. Students can choose from multiple state
standards in order to review many
Bee Newsworthy
Students investigated the phenomenon
of Honeybee Colony Collapse and
created a newscast to inform the public
about what they need to know. Covers
Ecology state standards.
Implications for College
Students develop strategies to cater to their own learning styles.
Students are used to applying the knowledge acquired in class.
Students are free-thinkers who do not wait to be told information.
Students are more accustomed to a system in which there is no “right” or
“wrong” answer.
Students more readily make connections between content and experience.
Student think critically about current events.
Students are innovators and creators, not just consumers.