International labour mobility, business cycle and inflation dynamics and monetary policy∗ INCOMPLETE - PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE Morten Spange and Tony Yates† Bank of England June 10, 2008 Abstract We analyse how labour mobility across countries affects inflation dynamics and international business cycle comovements, and how it affects the design of optimal monetary policy. The analytical framework is a two country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with sticky prices. In our model, labour mobility tends to amplify the effect of productivity shocks on output, with the effect on inflation being ambiguous. Despite this, labour mobility does not affect the structural relationship between output and inflation via the slope of the new Keynesian Phillips curve. Our model also suggests that labour mobility reduces the cross-country correlation of output, suggesting that this is not the likely cause of increases in such comovement observed in the data. We find that labour mobility implies that in response to a productivity shock it will be optimal to allow for a slightly larger pickup in consumer price inflation in order to stabilise producer price inflation. 1 Introduction A key feature of the world economy over the recent decade has been a tendency towards increasing international integration. This process has had many manifestations, in goods and factor markets. Our paper studies the implications for business cycles and monetary policy design of one of them: the increase in the mobility of labour across national boundaries. This mobility is manifest in a ∗ The views expressed in this document are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Bank of England. Comments and suggestions by Mick Grady, Stephen Millard, Katharine Neiss, James Proudman and in particular Roman Sustek are gratefully acknowledged. We are also grateful for help from Matthias Paustian with implementing the Dynare codes for optimal policy. † Mailing address: Bank of England, Threadneedlestreet, London EC2R 8AH, United Kingdom. e-mail: and 1 rise in the stock of immigrants in the US labour force from about 10 per cent in 1990, to 15 per cent in 2005; and in Germany from about 5 per cent in 1980 to around 8 per cent in 2005.1 Barwell (2007) describes how estimated gross migration flows for the United Kingdom totalled 400k in 1979, but had risen to 970k by 2005. This increased mobility no doubt has diverse and subtle causes, such as, amongst other things: the spread of a common language (English?); a fall in transport costs; a relaxation of the rules governing migration from one nation to another, particularly in formerly communist countries, or governing the terms under which residents from one country can take employment in another, particularly relevant following the accession of eastern European nations into the European Union; a reduction in the costs of remitting capital from one country to another. We develop a two-country DSGE model with labour mobility. We study how migration affects busincess cycle dynamics, the response of inflation to shocks, and therefore monetary policy design. Our first concern, how increased labour mobility affects the inflation process and monetary policy design, is inherited from an already considerable body of work on the broader question of how globalization has affected the inflation process. Mumtaz & Surico (2007) and Ciccarelli & Mojon (2005) detect that inflation across countries has become increasingly driven by what they call a ’global factor’. Borio & Filardo (2007) claim to have found evidence that measures of ’global slack’ help explain inflation in individual countries, and that the strength of this impact has increased, though a subsequent study by Ihrig et al. (2007) argue that the evidence is not robust. The possibility that there is an increased correlation between inflation in a single country and global forces has caused others to think through what theory should tell us would be the effect of increased international openness on the inflation process. Razin & Binyamini (2007) aim at providing a unified analysis of the effects of globalisation on the Phillips curve and monetary policy, in a New-Keynesian framework. They find that labour, goods, and capital mobility flatten the tradeoff between inflation and activity. Bean (2006), Bernanke (2007) and Woodford (2007), deal with an alarmist view of globalisation, which is that it may cause central banks to lose control over their own inflation rates. In their own ways, they emphasise a view that will obtain in the model we develop, which is that though globalisation (for us read international labour mobility) affects how shocks are transmitted into inflation, the central bank can and must still choose the rate of inflation in the long run. The flip side of inflation being more tightly related to global factors is that it is less strongly related to domestic factors. Benati (2007) documents an increase in the reduced form correlation of inflation with unemployment in the UK. He appeals to the story told by L. Ball & Romer (1989) that lower inflation would have increased the degree of price stickiness. A related literature has looked at whether estimates of the relation between real quantities like the output gap or marginal costs and inflation has weakened when seen through the lens 1 IMF World Economic Outlook, April 2007, Chapter 5, Figure 5.2. 2 of structrual aggregate supply equations. Sbordone (2007) explains that the increase in competition likely to have resulted from the increased openness in product markets in the United States would not have led to a sizable reduction in the relationship between marginal costs and inflation. Our second concern is the increased international comovements of real variables over the business cycle that has been documented by, amongst others, Stock & Watson (2005). There is evidence that this is due to increases in the proportion of output that is traded, since as Baxter & Kouparitsas (2005) have documented, countries that trade more with each other have outputs that comove more strongly. And that greater financial integration has increased the degree of comovement between consumption and output in different countries: see, for example Imbs (2006), Fund (2007).2 Our model allows us to explore whether increased international labour mobility may have been a factor in bringing about this increased comovement in business cycles. As we will explain later, we shall see that it cannot. The model used in this paper is a two country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with labour mobility. The share of households residing in each country is determined by optimising behaviour. Migration in real life typically has implications for the pattern of spending: workers that leave country A to work in country B usually buy housing and other services in country B that they formerly bought in country A. We capture this by enforcing that there is a ‘home bias’ in consumption that, in crude terms, leads to spending on goods produced in country A to be higher when more households live in that country. We first study how international labour mobility affects the way the economy responds to a productivity shock. Since labour is attracted to the country with the higher productivity, we find that international migration amplifies the response of output to the shock. The amplification effect of labour mobility also leads to a larger fall in the terms of trade and the real exchange rate. Next, we study how increased labour mobility affects the likely shape of the New Keynesian Philips Curve. We find that this relationship would not appear to change. We move on to compute the optimal ‘Ramsey’ policy along the lines of Schmitt-Grohe & Uribe (2007) and Coenen et al. (2008) and study how this changes with increased labour mobility. We find that under a productivity shock labour mobility implies that it will be optimal to allow for a slightly larger pickup in consumer price inflation in order to stabilise producer price inflation. Under a cost push shock labour mobility increases the volatility of inflation and output. Our analysis to this point connects to two antecdents in the literature. Woodford (2007) illustrates how a global and perfectly competitive market for labour affects inflation dynamics, but yet leaves the domestic central bank still able to control its own inflation rate in the long run. We also have a competitive labour market, but the effective labour supply curve faced by our home country 2 We are grateful to Chris Peacock and Victoria Sapporta for drawing this literature to our attention, and the implications that our model might have for it. 3 will be upward sloping, since extra migrants drive up the price of home-produced necessities like land and housing (which we capture through the device of home bias). Moreover, in our case movements will be restricted by the costs of migration. Bentolila et al. (2007) ask how immigrant workers may have affected the Phillips Curve in Spain. They model the immigrant labour force as a distinct labour market in which immigrants have lower bargaining power than natives. In our model we abstract from any such distinction. Finally, we illustrate the effect of increased labour mobility on the comovement of real variables at business cycle frequencies across countries. We find that increased labour mobility descreases international business cycle comovements. This is to be expected, since as we observed above, increased labour mobility causes flows of labour away from the country hit by low productivity shocks to the other country that amplifies the effect of productivity on output. Since we assume shocks to productivity are uncorrelated across countries, it follows that these migrant flows reduce the comovement of outputs. We must therefore conclude that the increased comovement observed in the data has some other source. The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we present the model and characterise the behavior of households and firms. Section 3 discusses the calibration of the model, and in Section 4 we present the results on inflation dynamics. Section 5 studies the implications of labour mobility for optimal monetary policy, and Section 6 concludes. 2 The model Our analysis is conducted in a two-country dynamic stochastic general equilibirum model with sticky prices. The countries are denoted A and B. We assume that the world is inhabited by a continuum of agents. The agents are infinitely lived and form rational expectations. They maximise utiltiy with respect to consumption, labour supply and country of residence, subject to a budget constraint. In each country there is a continuum of monopolistically competitive firms producing a single differentiated good. Output is produced subject to a production function with labour as the only input. The firms are owned by the households who consequently receive all profits. Ex ante the countries are symmetric, but stochastic shocks will lead to temporary cross country productivity differentials. This generates an incentive for international migration since households will prefer to live in the country with higher productivity. To close the model we need to specify how monetary policy is conducted. In Section 2 and 4 we assume that the central banks set a short term interest rate according to a Taylor rule. In Section 5 we proceed to analyse optimal monetary policy. 4 2.1 Consumers In this section we outline the optimization problem facing the representative household. Each household indexed with an i maximizes an infinite horizon utility function. In each period the household chooses consumption and hours worked. In addition, the household faces a choice between residing in country A or country B. The optimization problem with respect to location is complicated by the fact that the choice of country is a binary variable. Inspired by Devillanova (2001) we follow Hansen (1985) and Rogerson (1988) and convexify the set of actions through the introduction of lotteries over the choice of country. So in each period the consumer chooses the probability of staying in each of the two countries. With preferences computed according to the expected utility of outcomes we are back to solving a convex representative agent’s problem. Let U denote utility. With Ct denote consumption and Ht denote hours worked. With β being the discount factor, the discounted sum of a household’s stream of future utility can then be written ∙ ½ ¸ ∞ X ¢1−ξ2 1 ¡ A ¢1−ξ1 κ ¡ t A U0 (i) = β λt (i) + C (i) 1 − Ht (i) 1 − ξ1 t 1 − ξ2 t=0 ∙ ¸ ¢1−ξ2 1 ¡ B ¢1−ξ1 κ ¡ B + (1 − λt (i)) + (1) C (i) 1 − Ht (i) 1 − ξ1 t 1 − ξ2 −Mt (i)} M (i) is a cost which arises if the consumer changes the probabilities in the lottery from one period to the next. M therefore tends to reduce the migration flows, and we interpret it as cost associated with migration. This cost is intended to capture both the financial costs of travel and relocation of property as well as the social costs associated with loss of contact with the local comunity. For simplicity we assume that M (i) = 2 [λt (i) − λt−1 (i)] 2 The households earn wage income from supplying labour services to the representative firms. In addition, profits from the firms are distributed back to the households. The households can invest in two types of one-period nominal bonds, denominated in the currency of country A and B, respectively. We use superscripts A and B to denote variables for consumers in those two countries. The representative household operates subject to the following budget constraint ¢ A R 1 A ¡ A¢ A ¡ Πt j dj 1 + iA λt WtA HtA (i) t−1 Bt−1 (i) 0 + + PtA PtA PtA R 1 B ¡ B¢ B ¡ ¢ B εt 1 + iB εt (1 − λt ) WtB HtB (i) εt 0 Πt j dj t−1 Bt−1 (i) + + + (2) PtA PtA PtA B A (i) εt PtB εt BtB (i) (1 − λt ) CtB (i) + = λt CtA (i) + t A + A Pt Pt PtA 5 where Btj is bonds issued in country j, paying a nominal rate of interest ijt , Πjt is profits of the representative firm in country j and εt is the nominal exchange rate (the price in country A’s currency of one unit of country B’s currency). As we are considering a closed system the bonds are in zero net supply supply, i.e. Z 1 Z 1 A Bt (i) di = BtB (i) di = 0 0 0 The setup with the lotteries implies that migration can be studied as a continuous problem, where the choice of location is the probability of staying in country A, λt . Aggregation across individuals implies that population of country A and B will be λt and (1 − λt ), respectively. All households in a country will act identically, so in the following we will drop the index i. The consumption bundles are defined over domestically produced and imported goods as a Dixit-Stiglitz aggregator, ie χ µ ¶ χ−1 ¢ χ−1 χ−1 1 ¡ 1 A A A χ χ χ χ θ (CA,t ) + (1 − θ) CB,t (3) Ct ≡ CtB χ µ ¶ χ−1 ¢ χ−1 1 ¡ χ−1 1 B B χ θ χ (CB,t ) χ + (1 − θ) χ CA,t ≡ (4) where θ is the weight placed on domestically produced goods and χ is the elasticity of substitution between domestically produced and imported goods. When θ > 12 this reflects a home bias, which means that the consumer has a relative preference towards consuming goods produced in the country where he resides. This captures factors such as the necessity of buying nontradables like land/housing and some services like haircuts locally while living in a country, without modelling an explicit non-tradables sector. The price index defined as the minimum cost of obtaining one unit of the consumption bundle is given by h ¡ i 1 ¡ ¢ ¢ A 1−χ B 1−χ 1−χ PtA ≡ θ PA,t + (1 − θ) εt PB,t (5) 1 " # µ ¶1−χ 1−χ ¡ B ¢1−χ 1 A B Pt ≡ θ PB,t + (1 − θ) P (6) εt A,t The sectoral consumption indices are generated by integrating over individaul goods (brands) Cji ≡ ∙Z 1 Cji (h) η−1 η 0 η ¸ η−1 dh , i = {A, B} , j = {A, B} (7) 1 ¸ 1−η dh , i = {A, B} , j = {A, B} (8) The consumer minimises the cost of obtaining one unit of the index. Assuming that the law of one price holds, this leads to the following price indices Pji ≡ ∙Z 0 1 Pji (h) 1−η 6 2.1.1 Consumer optimization Maximising (1) subject to (2) produces the following conditions for CtA , CtB , HtA , HtB and λt β ³ ´−ξ1 W j t Ctj Ptj ³ ´−ξ1 ³ ´ j Ct+1 1 + ijt j Pt+1 ³ ´−ξ2 = κ 1 − Htj = ³ ´−ξ1 Ctj Ptj ; j = {A, B} ; j = {A, B} 1 h¡ A ¢1−ξ1 ¡ B ¢1−ξ1 i − Ct Ct 1 − ξ1 ¢1−ξ2 ¡ ¢1−ξ2 i κ h¡ − 1 − HtB 1 − HtA + 1 − ξ2 + [β (λt+1 − λt ) − (λt − λt−1 )] ¸ ∙ A A εt PtB B Wt Ht (i) εt WtB HtB (i) A − − C (i) + C (i) +Φt t PtA PtA PtA t = 0 (9) (10) (11) Now turn to the consumer’s intratemporal optimization problem. The DixitStiglitz indices for consumption (3) and (4) imply that demands for goods from country A and B are given by à !−χ A ¡ ¢ A PA,t A 1 − ΓA,t Yt = λt θ CtA (12) PtA à !−χ A PA,t CtB + (1 − λt ) (1 − θ) εt PtB ¡ ¢ B 1 − ΓB B,t Yt = λt (1 − θ) à + (1 − λt ) θ B εt PB,t !−χ PtA à !−χ B PB,t PtB CtA (13) CtB where PtA and PtB are defined in (5) and (6). Notice that the expressions on the left hand side are the amount of output left for consumption once the price adjustment costs Γt have been incurred, see discussion below. 2.2 Firms Assume that the goods are produced by a continuum of firms in each country. Each firm is the monopolistic producer of a single differentiated good. This 7 assumption justifies why output is demand determined once the price has been set. For simplicity, we abstract from endogenous capital formation: firms use labour as their only input, and the production function is assumed to exhibit decreasing marginal returns to labour.3 We can therefore think of our model as one with fixed capital. Labour input is the product of population size in a particular country and the number of hours worked by a household in that country. The production functions are as follows ¢σ ¢σ ¡ ¡ A B YtA (j) = ΨA ; YtB (j) = ΨB (14) t λt Ht (j) t (1 − λt ) Ht (j) Ψt is total factor productivity which is assumed to follow a stochastic AR(1) processes (in logs), i.e. ³ ´ ³ ´ log Ψjt − Ψ = ϕ log Ψjt−1 − Ψ + υ jt ; j = {A, B} (15) where υ t are i.i.d. shocks. Firms set prices in the currency of the producer country, and changing prices from one period to the next is assumed to be costly as suggested by Rotemberg (1982). We assume that this cost which we denote Γt is given by φA A ΓA A,t (j) = 2 à A (j) PA,t A PA,t−1 (j) !2 −1 (16) with a similar adjustment cost function for country B. The firms maximize the present value of an infinite stream of future profits. Per period profits can be expressed as A A A A A A A ΠA t (j) = PA,t (j) Yt (j) − λt Wt Ht (j) − PA,t Yt ΓA,t (j) ΠB t (j) = B PB,t (j) YtB (j) − (1 − λt ) WtB HtB (j) − B PB,t YtB ΓB B,t (17) (j) (18) To discount profits we use the stochastic pricing kernals ρit,t+j ≡ β Φit+j Pti ; i = {A, B} i Φit Pt+j where the superscript i corresponds to the currency in which the profit stream is denominated. A A Let ΘA 1,t (j), Θ2,t (j), and Θ3,t (j), denote the lagrange multipliers on (14), (12) and (16). The first order conditions for the country A firm with respect to 3 It is typical in this class of models to abstract from capital formation, see, for example, Clarida et al. (2002). 8 A PA,t (j), YtA (j), HtA (j) and ΓA A,t (j) are then given as follows 0 = YtA (j) − ΘA 2,t (j) PtA + (1 − λt ) (1 − θ) η à ⎡ ⎣λt θη à à A (j) PA,t A PA,t A (j) PA,t A PA,t !−η−1 !−η−1 1 A PA,t ! A (j) PA,t à 1 A PA,t A PA,t εt PtB à A PA,t PtA !−χ !−χ ⎤ CtB ⎦ CtA (19) 1 −1 A A PA,t−1 (j) PA,t−1 (j) ! à A A −PA,t+1 PA,t+1 (j) (j) A A A +ρA − 1 i2 h t,t+1 Θ3,t+1 (j) Pt+1 φA A (j) PA,t A (j) PA,t +ΘA 3,t (j) PtA φA A A A A A PA,t (j) − ΘA 1,t (j) Pt − Θ2,t (j) Pt = 0 ¡ A ¢σ−1 σ A A λt = 0 −λt WtA + ΘA 1,t (j) Pt Ψt σ Ht (j) A −PA,t 2.3 (j) YtA − ΘA 3,t (j) PtA =0 (20) (21) (22) Monetary policy To close the model we need to specify how monetary policy is conducted. We assume that there is a central bank in each country setting interest rates according to a Taylor rule, given by: à ! Ytj − Yetj j j it = i + ς P pbt + ς Y ; i = {A, B} (23) Yetj hj Y j −Y A ‘tilde’ denotes a flex price variable. So t Yh j t is the flex price output gap. t When computing the flex price equilibrium we need to take a stand on how to treat endogenous state variables. In our case we have one endogenous state variable, namely λt . We assume that in the flex price equilibrium population shares are as in the corresponding sticky price equilibrium. Later we shall study how the model behaves when we replace the Taylor rule with an assumption that the central banks conduct optimal monetary policy. 2.4 Market clearing The economy’s aggregate resource conditions can be written as ¡ ¡ ¢ A ¢ B A B A B 1 − ΓA 1 − ΓB A,t Yt = λt CA,t +(1 − λt ) CA,t ; B,t Yt = λt CB,t +(1 − λt ) CB,t (24) 9 3 Calibration We shall study a calibrated version of the model. Where possible, we take values that are standard in the literature. We interpret one period to represent a quarter and set the discount factor β = 0.99 so as to yield a steady-state annual real interest rate of 4 %. The literature opperates with a range of values for the parameters ξ 1 and ξ 2 , which determine the consumers’ relative risk aversion with respect to consumption and leisure. Following the literature we set ξ 1 = 2.5 and ξ 2 = 5. We calibrate κ to ensure that in steady state the consumers spend approximately one third of their time endowment working. This leads us to set κ = 0.4. For the elasticity of substitution between goods produced in different countries χ, Obstfeld & Rogoff (2000) report empirical estimates range between 3 and 6, but in recent literature the elasticity is usually assumed to be lower. We choose χ = 2. We assume an elasticity of substitution between varieties of the same type of goods of η = 5. This gives rise to a steady state markup over marginal cost of 25%. To calibrate the relative weight on domestically produced goods we set θ = 0.7. This gives rise to a steady state import share of 30%, which roughly corresponds to that of the United Kingdom. In the production function the parameter σ determines the labour share of total revenue in steady state. To get a wage share of two thirds we set σ = 2/3.4 Following the literature we assume technology shocks to be fairly persistent and B set ϕ = 0.95. To calibrate the price rigidities we set φA A = φB = 100. This is lower than the value used by Harrison et al. (2005) for the stickiness of prices of consumption and capital goods, but higher than the value used for export goods. Faia & Monacelli (2008) have a stickiness parameter of 75. In the policy rule we set ς P = 1.5 and ς Y = 0.5, the original benchmark values proposed by Taylor (1993). The litterature provides no estimate of , which captures the cost of migration. We have experimented with different values and decided to set = 20. This implies that a 2.5 % productivity shock leads to a peak effect on population of around 1.5%. 4 4.1 Results Migration and inflation dynamics In this section we consider the response of the economy to a productivity shock in country A.5 The results are presented in the form of impulse responses, which are collected in Appendix 2. The shock is assumed to be temporary but persistent. We shall compare the response of the endogenous variables to the 4 Although literally we have no capital in the model, and it might seem curious, therefore, to allocate a labour share of less than 1, in fact we wish our model to be thought of as one with fixed capital, hence our assumption of diminishing returns, and therefore the labour share less than 1. 5 The results are obtained with Dynare. 10 shock when migration is prohibited (λt = 12 ∀t) to the case in which labour is internationally mobile (λt determined by (11)). The positive shock to productivity in country A means that firm firms in this country face a temporarily low marginal cost of production. This leads to a fall in producer prices (b pA A,t < 0) and a fall in the terms of trade (τ t < 0). A fall in producer prices and a fall in the terms of trade have opposing effects on the consumer price level, but the net effect is that with the exception of the first quarter following the shock, inflation is below its steady state. Price rigidity implies that firms do not cut prices as quickly as they would otherwise have done. This means that output picks up by less than in a flex price world, which leads to the opening up of a negative output gap. Since the shock is assumed temporary, all variables eventually converge back to their initial level. Higher productivity in country A implies that residing there has become relatively more attractive. In the scenario where labour is internationally mobile, this means that more agents migrate to country A (λt > 0). Notice that the hump shaped responce of λt reflects that the cost of migration gives an incentive to smooth the relocation process. This mimics the empirical observation that migration flows tend to take place over time. The flow of workers into country A amplifies the pickup in output. It also leads to a pickup in demand because of the assumption of a home bias in consumption, but the supply effect dominates the demand effect. Therefore, the terms of trade fall by more when labour is internationally mobile as larger relative price adjustments are necessary to clear the market. Labour mobility also has implications for the extent to which wages and profits respond to the shock. We find that migration leads to a sharper rise in profits and a smaller increase in wages. This has nothing to do with bargaining power since in both cases the labour market is perfectly competitive. Instead it reflects that inward migration limits the pickup in the marginal product of labour, which is what determines the wage. And since inward migration boosts the supply capacity of firms, profits are higher when labour is mobile. Table 1 summarises the effect of labour mobility on the unconditional variances of inflation, the output gap and the nominal interest rate for the two different assumptions about labour mobility. Table 1 ¡ ¢ V ar ¡π A t¢ V ar ¡ytA¢ V ar iA t Productivity shock V ar| Ratio V ar| l m o b i l e l n o t m o b ile 0.96 2.36 0.97 The results confirm the intuition from the charts that labour greatly amplifies the volatility of output. 11 4.2 The slope of the Phillips curve A key question for monetary policymakers is whether international labour mobility alters the way inflation is affected by demand and supply conditions in the economy. It has often been suggested that globalisation and the associated pickup in international mobility of goods and labour will have implications for the trade-off between inflation and the output gap. In particular, it has been suggested that inflation will tend to be unaffected by the output gap since instead of leading to higher wages, labour market tightness will lead to an inflow of migrants without a pickup in wage inflation. To study the implications for the Phillips curve it is convenient to define a measure of real marginal cost, RM CtA . ¡ A ¢1−σ −1 ¡ A ¢−1 ¡ A ¢−1 σ Ht PA,t Ψt RM CtA ≡ WtA λ1−σ t (25) For a generic variable xt , let x bt defnote the log deviation from steady state of that variable. Based on (19) - (22) we can derive the log-linearized Phillips curve (see appendix for details) π bA A,t = η−1 A rmc d t + βEt π bA A,t+1 φA A (26) This is the familiar New Keynesian Phillips curve, which shows how current inflation depends on real marginal costs and expected future domestic inflation. As seen from (26), this is independent of openness and labour mobility. But to get a clearer picture of how international labour mobility affects the Phillips curve we need to establish the link bewteen real marginal cost and a measure of the output gap. To address this question we simulate the log-linearized model for 10,000 periods. It has been shown in related open economy models that the structural Phillips curve typically involves a term in the terms of trade. We define the terms of trade τ t as A PA,t pA A,t τt ≡ = B εt PB,t et pB B,t where et ≡ εt PtB PtA is the real exchange rate. For a generic variable xt , let x et defnote the log deviation from the corresponding ’natural’ value of that variable. In the workhorse new Keynesian model natural levels are defined as the values that the variables would take if prices and wages had always been completely flexible. A complicating factor of our model is that polulation λt is an endogenous state variable. If we continue to calulate natural levels under the assumption that prices have always been flexible, the natural levels will be conditioned on a value of λt which is different from actual population. Instead we define natural rates under the 12 assumption that prices are flexible but population is equal to the value under sticky prices.6 We then estimate (27), which has the same functional form as the structural Phillips curve derived by Clarida et al. (2002).7 πA etA + γ 2 · e τ t + γ 3 · Et πA A,t = γ 1 · y A,t+1 + u3,t (27) The results for the scenario with and without labour mobility are reported in Table 3. Table 3 γ b1 γ b2 γ b3 No migration 0.00275 0.072 0.99 Migration 0.00275 0.072 0.99 Firstly, our result confirm the usual finding that the Phillips curve tends to be very flat in this class of models for reasonable degrees of price rigidity. But we also find that for the correct specification in domestic inflation, the Phillips curve is unaffected by the assumption about labour moblility. This contradicts the perceived wisdom that increased labour mobility would flatten the trade-off between inflation and the output gap. Notice that this conclusion is conditional on the way we treat population when computing the output gap. 4.3 International output co-movements Empirical evidence suggests that cross-country output correlations across the industrialised economies picked up sharply at the time of the large oil prices shocks of the 1970’s and have remained high since, see e.g. Kose et al. (2003) and Fund (2007). In theory strong output co-movements may reflect that the countries are hit by a common shock. This is likely to be behind the high output correlations observed in the 1970’s. Alternatively, it may reflect the way that shocks are transmitted across countries via trade linkages. It has been suggested that the continuation of the strong co-movements of output may be linked to increased international integration as this allows for stronger spill-over effects of country specific shocks. To assess whether labour market integration has the potential to contribute to the strong co-movements of output, Table 2 compares the cross-country correlation of output under the different assumptions about labour mobility. The results are based on simulations in which both countries are subject to uncorrelated productivity or monetary policy shocks. 6 See Woodford (2003) chapter 5 for a discussion of how to treat endogenous state variables when computing ’natural’ rates. 7 The precision with which these estimated are obtained suggests that (27) is indeed the correct structural Phillips curve. In the next version of the paper we intend to include derivations to formally show this. 13 Table 2: output correlations productivity shock monetary policy shock No migration -0.36 -0.676 Migration -0.78 -0.89 Firstly we notice that output is always negatively correlated across countries for both shocks. Although this is a familiar feature of this type of models, it is strongly at odds with the evidence. Moreover, the correlation becomes even more negative when labour is allowed to migrate. This is because labour mobility amplifies the effect of shocks on output. So the model considered here would suggest that the labour mobility is not behind the high correlation of output across industrialised countries. 5 Optimal monetary policy In this section we study the implications of labour mobility for optimal monetary policy. The concept of optimal policy we adopt here is the so-called Ramsey plan.8 The central banks therefore set interest rates in order to maximise (1), taking as constraints the first order conditions resulting from private sector optimisation as well as the economy’s resource constraints. We study the response of the economy under optimal policy to a productivity shock and a mark-up shock. 5.1 Productivity shock Starting with the productivity shock, we see that the central banks act to almost fully stabilise domestic inflation. Thereby the firms avoid having to pay the Rotemberg cost of changing their price, and it confirms the finding in open economy models, that in response to a productivity shock, the central bank should stabilise the price of domestic output, see e.g Gali & Monacelli (2005). This illustrates that a productivity shock does not create a trade-off between stabilising inflation and the output gap.9 With domestic prices inflation close to zero, consumer price inflation is determined by the relative price of imports. Consequently, as the terms of trade deteriorates more when labour is internationally mobile (as explained in Section 4), CPI inflation is allowed to rise more in this scenario.following the shock. 8 We implement the Ramsey policy using a set of Dynare routines developed by A. Levin for Levin et al. (2005). Other studies that implement the Ramsey approach in an open economy setting include Coenen et al. (2008) and Faia & Monacelli (2008). 9 Note that under very strict assumptions it is optimal to perfectly stabilise inflation in response to a productivity shock, see e.g. Gali & Monacelli (2005). Since these assumptions are not satisfied in out model, domestic inflation is not fully stabilised. 14 5.2 Mark-up shock The (negative) mark-up shock is modelled as an increase in the degree of competitiveness among intermediate goods producers η. The shock is assumed to follow an AR(1) process η t = ϕη ηt−1 + εη,t with ϕη = 0.95. Unlike the productivity shock, the mark-up shock introduces a trade-off between stabilising (domestic) inflation and the output gap. Whereas the shock has no implications for the efficient levels of output and inflation, the shock nevertheless implies that output tends to rise and inflation tends to fall. Since output can only be brought down at the expense of even lower inflation, the shock cannot be offset. So the central bank accepts a pickup in output and a fall in inflation. The fall in margins leads to a pickup in wages and an inflow of migrants. Qualitatively this has the same amplification effect as under the productivity shock. So aggregate variables such as output and the terms of trade respond by more. Producer price inflation also falls by more when labour is mobile. 6 Conclusions The paper provides a framework for studying the macroeconomic impact of labour mobility and its implications for monetary policy. This enables us to provide a rigorous analysis of a topical issue that central banks are worrying about. We find that labour mobility tends to amplify the impact on output of exogenous shocks on the economy. We also show that within our framework labour mobility reduces the cross country correlation of output, both in response to productivity shocks and monetary policy shocks. Finally, we have found that labour mobility does not change the way that firms set prices as a function of future expected marginal costs. So in that sense the slope of the Phillips curve is unaffected. Appendix 1: Derivations The derivation of the Phillips curve is based on the firms first order conditions (19) - (22). First we aggregate across firms to get rid of the index j. From (22) we get A A A ΘA 3,t Pt = −PA,t Yt From (21) we get ¡ ¢−1 −1 ¡ A ¢1−σ 1−σ A ΘA WtA ΨA σ Ht 1,t Pt = λt t (28) and (20) can be rewritten as A A A A ΘA 1,t Pt = PA,t − Θ2,t Pt 15 (29) Now insert (29) into (28) and re-arrange to get ¡ ¢−1 −1 ¡ A ¢1−σ 1−σ A A ΘA WtA ΨA σ Ht 2,t Pt = PA,t − λt t (30) A A A Now insert the expressions for ΘA 1,t Pt and Θ2,t Pt from (28) and (30) into (19) and use that à à !−χ !−χ A A PA,t PA,t A A Yt = λt θ Ct + (1 − λt ) (1 − θ) CtB PtA εt PtB to get ³ ¡ A ¢−1 −1 ¡ A ¢1−σ ´ 1 A A − λ1−σ W σ 0 = YtA − PA,t τ A YtA Ψt Ht t t PA,t à ! A PA,t 1 A −PA,t YtA φA −1 A A A PA,t−1 PA,t−1 ! à A A PA,t+1 PA,t+1 ρA t+1 A A A +β A PA,t+1 Yt+1 φA − 1 ³ ´2 A ρt PA,t A PA,t (31) Now derive an expression for real marginal cost. We have that Y λH = Ψ (λH)σ =⇒ 1 = Y σΨ −1 σ Total costs of production therefore equals 1 costs = W A Y σ Ψ −1 σ implying that marginal costs become ¡ ¢ −1 1 ¡ A ¢ 1−σ ∂ cos ts σ = W A ΨA σ Y ∂Y σ W A λH A = σY A Defining real marginal costs relative to producer prices, we therefore have MC RM C ≡ = ¡ ¢1−σ −1 ¡ A ¢−1 ¡ A ¢−1 W A λH A PA Ψ = W A λ1−σ H A σ A A σPA Y (32) where we have used the production function (14) to substitute in for Y . Substituting (25) into (31) we get 0 = YtA − (1 − RM Ct ) τ YtA à ! A A PA,t PA,t A A −Yt φA − 1 A A PA,t−1 PA,t−1 !à à !2 A A PA,t+1 PA,t+1 ρA t+1 A A +β A Yt+1 φA −1 A A ρt PA,t PA,t 16 (33) Defining producer price inflation we can write pbA A,t ≡ A PA,t A PA,t−1 −1= ¢ pA A,t ¡ 1 + pbA t −1 A pA,t−1 0 = 1 − (1 − RM Ct ) τ ¡ ¢ A A −φA A π A,t 1 + π A,t +β (34) A ¢¡ ¢2 ρA t+1 Yt+1 A ¡ A φA π A,t+1 1 + π A A,t+1 A A ρt Yt which we further rewrite as RM Ct h ¡ ¢ A A = τ −1 τ − 1 + φA A π A,t 1 + π A,t A ¡ A ¢¡ ¢2 ρA Yt+1 φA −β t+1 1 + πA A,t+1 A π A,t+1 A A ρt Yt ¸ Now differentiate the lhs and the rhs wrt the endogenous variables (rmct = log (RM Ct )) ∂lhst = RM Ct ∂rmct £¡ ¢ ¤ ∂rhst A = τ −1 φA 1 + πA A A,t + π A,t A ∂π A,t h¡ A ¢2 ¡ ¢i ρA Yt+1 ∂rhst A = −τ −1 β t+1 φA + 2π A 1 + πA A,t+1 A,t+1 1 + π A,t+1 A A A A ∂π A,t+1 ρt Yt We do not need to differentiate with respect to (functions of) Y or ρ since these derivatives will be zero in ss because πA A = 0. Note that ρA t+1 ρA t ¯ A ¯ ρt+1 ¯ ¯ ρA t SS = ¡ A ¢−ξ1 PtA ΦA PtA Ct+1 t+1 = A ¡ ¢−ξ =⇒ A 1 Pt+1 ΦA Pt+1 C A t t = 1 Evaluated in steady state the derivatives are ¯ ∂lhst ¯¯ τ −1 = ∂rmct ¯SS τ ¯ ¯ ∂rhst ¯ = τ −1 φA ¯ A ¯ ∂π A A,t SS ¯ ∂rhst ¯¯ = −τ −1 βφA ¯ A ¯ ∂π A A,t+1 SS 17 This implies that the log-linearized Phillips curve can be written τ −1 rmc dt τ π bA A,t −1 = τ −1 φA bA βφA bA A,t − τ A,t+1 ⇐⇒ Aπ A Et π = τ −1 rmc d t + βEt π bA A,t+1 φA A 18 Appendix 2: Charts - Taylor rule - prod shk Productivity Output 2.5 3.00 2.50 2 No migration 1.5 2.00 1.50 Migration 1 1.00 0.5 0.50 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 0.00 1 11 21 Output gap 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 Consumer price inflation 0.00 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 0.05 91 -0.10 No migration -0.30 0 71 81 No 91 migration -0.05 Migration -0.40 Migration -0.20 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 -0.1 -0.50 -0.15 -0.60 Producer price inflation Terms of trade 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.05 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.2 -0.4 -0.1 No migration Migration -0.15 No migration -0.2 Migration -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -0.25 -0.3 19 -1.4 -1.6 Population Real exchange rate No migration Migration 0.7 1.6 0.6 1.4 1.2 0.5 Migration 1 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 0 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 1 91 11 21 31 41 Wages 51 61 71 81 91 Profits No migration 0.7 1.4 0.6 1.2 Migration 1 0.8 0.6 No migration 0.5 Migration 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.2 0 1 11 21 Hours worked 31 41 51 61 71 81 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 91 71 0.9 0.8 No 0.7 migration 0.6 0.5 Migration 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 81 91 Consumption 0 1 0.4 81 91 -0.1 -0.2 No migration -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 Migration -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 20 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 Appendix 3: Charts - Ramsey plan - prod shk Productivity Output 3.00 2.5 2.50 2 No migration 1.5 2.00 1.50 Migration 1 1.00 0.5 0.50 0.00 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 1 91 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 Consumer price inflation Nominal interest rate 0.5 0.00 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.02 0.4 -0.04 0.3 -0.06 No migration -0.08 Migration -0.10 No migration -0.12 Migration -0.14 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.16 Producer price inflation 0 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 0 -0.1 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.2 -0.4 81 91 -0.002 No migration Migration 0.1 Terms of trade 0.002 1 0.2 -0.004 No migration -0.006 Migration -0.008 -0.01 21 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 Population Real exchange rate 0.7 0.6 No migration 0.5 0.4 Migration 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 1 91 11 21 31 41 Wages 51 61 71 Profits No migration 0.35 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 Migration 0.3 No migration 0.25 0.2 Migration 0.15 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 Migration 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 81 91 61 71 81 0.1 0.05 0 1 91 11 21 Hours worked 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 Consumption 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 1 -0.05 0.8 No migration 0.6 Migration 0.4 -0.1 No migration Migration -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 0.2 -0.3 -0.35 22 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 Appendix 4: Charts - Ramsey plan - cp shk Competitiveness Output 3.50 25 3.00 20 15 10 No migration 2.50 Migration 1.50 2.00 1.00 5 0.50 0.00 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 1 91 11 21 Nominal interest rate Migration 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 41 51 61 71 81 91 Consumer price inflation No migration 1 31 91 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 0.05 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.1 No migration Migration 0 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 -0.25 91 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.2 -0.05 -0.4 -0.1 -0.15 No migration -0.2 No migration Migration -0.2 Terms of trade 0.05 11 -0.15 -0.3 Producer price inflation 1 -0.05 -0.25 -0.6 -0.8 Migration -1 -0.3 -0.35 -1.2 -0.4 -1.4 23 Population Real exchange rate 71 4.5 4 3.5 3 Migration 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 81 91 71 81 0.6 No migration 0.5 Migration 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 1 91 11 21 31 41 Wages 51 61 Profits No migration 4 Migration 3 3.5 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 91 -0.1 No -0.2 migration -0.3 Migration -0.4 2.5 2 1.5 1 -0.5 0.5 -0.6 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 -0.7 Hours worked Consumption 1.4 0.4 1.2 0.35 No 0.3 migration 0.25 1 No migration 0.8 Migration 0.4 Migration 0.2 0.6 0.15 0.1 0.2 0.05 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 0 1 24 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 References Barwell, R. 2007. 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