Name: Dr.Kanan Kusum Sadhu, Designation : Professor

Name: Dr.Kanan Kusum Sadhu,
Designation : Professor
I have done B.Sc(Honours) Anthropology (1974). M.Sc Anthropology (1976) and Ph.D
from the University of Delhi (1983). My Ph.D thesis was on ‘A Bio-demographic study
of Kashmiri Pandits and Muslims’. During this period, I was getting CSIR fellowship.
Prior to joining NCERT, I have been Pool Officer (CSIR Scientists’ Pool) in the
Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi from 1986-1988. Held Honours and
M.Sc classes and undertook a research project entitled “A demographic study of slum
dwellers of Delhi’.
Joined NCERT as a Lecturer in Population education in the Department of Social
Sciences in 1988, became Reader in 1998. In December 1999 I was transferred to the
Department of Education of Groups with Special Needs and have been since working for
SC, ST and Minority Education. Became a Professor in December, 2006.
Since joining the Council, have been working in two major areas :
Population and Adolescence Education including HIV/AIDs and
Education of socially disadvantaged groups, such as scheduled caste, scheduled
tribe and minorities.
In both the above mentioned areas, I have undertaken activities which include material
development, training , research, co–curricular activities and monitoring. Accordingly, I
have developed various kinds of teaching learning materials and a list of titles, of some of
the assignments handled by me, published and mimeographed are given as below : Published materials
Sadhu Kanan, 2006; Educating Multilingual societies – A proposal for Ethnic
Groups in India, Academic Excellence Publisher.
Dhar, T.N. and Sadhu Kanan 2002; Understanding Education – Some Aspects
of Education Analysed, Rajat Publications. This has been written by me in
content consultation with Mr. T.N. Dhar who did a lot of literature survey for
Sadhu, Kanan 2000; Co-curricular Activities in Population Education in
Population Education – Content and methodology edited by Riaz Shakir
Khan, Jamia Millis Islamia.
Pandey, J.L, Yadav, S and Sadhu Kanan, 1999; Adolescence Education in
Schools – A Package of Basic materials, NCERT.
Muley, D.S. Pandey J.L. Yadav, S.B. and Sadhu Kanan (editors) 1994; Report
of the National Seminar on Adolescence Education, NCERT.
Yadav, S.B and Sadhu Kanan K, 1994 “Status of Adolescence Education in
the School Curricula’ in Adolescence Education – Report of the National
Seminar )ediors), D.S. Muley, J.L. Pandey, S.B. Yadav and Kanan Sadhui,
NCERT, New Delhi.
Muley, D.S. Chawla, S.P. and Sadhu K.K 1992: Health and Population
Education (in Hindi – Swasthya evam Jansankhia Shiksha) – A training
package, NCERT and UNFPA.
Sadhu Kanan K, 1989; “Age and Sex Composition of a slum population of
Delhi. The Journal of Family Welfare, Vol.XXXV (3).
Sadhu Kanan; A Bio-demographic study in Kashmiri’s Gian Publishing
Sadhu Kanan, 2010, Guidelines for addressing the SC, ST and Minority concerns
as reflected in NCF,2005 and NFG paper for enhancing quality of school
education. ( for Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura)
Sadhu Kanan, 2009, “Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in promoting education
of Scheduled Caste children under SSA” – an exploratory study
Sadhu Kanan, 2005 “A study of approaches and strategies for educating children
from socially disadvantaged groups”, Report, NCERT.
Sadhu Kanan, Chauhan S.C. and Gandhi, M.2005 “Jharkhand Meet on
Multilingual Education with a focus on Tribal education, Report, NCERT.
Sadhu Kanan, 2004 “A study of educational institutions run by the minorities”
report, NCERT.
Sadhu Kanan, 2003, “Equity, Equality and Empowerment of Socially
Disadvantaged”, a module in self learning material on National Curriculum
Framework for School Education and Education of Special Focused Groups,
Sadhu Kanan,2003, An Ethnographic Profile of Tribal People – The Kharias of
Jharkhand, NCERT.
Sadhu Kanan,2002, An Ethnographic Profile of Tribal People – The Jaunsaris,
Sadhu Kanan, 2001, Tribal Education in India ; Trends and Strategies (A source
book), NCERT.
Member of various committies –
As Member of the National Focus Group on Problems of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribe Children, contributed in the development of Position Paper to provide inputs in the
exercise of National Curriculum Framework review undertaken by NCERT.
I was a Member of the Research Support Committee constituted to provide research
support while developing the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005.
I was a Member of the Core team formed for developing NCERT Vision document.
I was nominated a Member of the Minority Cell constituted by the NCERT in 2006, to
strengthen its contributions in dealing with the minority education related issues.
I am a Member of the Committee for ‘Prevention of sexual harassment to women in work
places’ formed at NCERT.
At present, I have taken up programmes, largely based upon our experiences gained
through various projects I have taken up in the past, and guided by the constitutional
framework, revised NPE & POA, 1992, NCF,2005 and the Position Paper of National
Focus Group on Problems of Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe children. These
include, namely, Action Plan for the education of children in tribal areas adversely
affected by natural and human action and Action plan for the linguistic minorities and
development of supplementary reading materials in the context of various tribal
communities. I am also associated with an orientation programme for master trainers
working in scheduled caste dominated areas in various states. We are also in the process
of developing a programme in the area of minority education.