Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. (2002), 128, pp. 973–989 Role of spatial and temporal variations in the computation of radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols: A regional study By GUNNAR MYHRE1;3¤ , JAN E. JONSON2 , JERZY BARTNICKI2 , FRODE STORDAL3;1 and KEITH P. SHINE4 1 University of Oslo, Norway 2 Norwegian Meteorologica l Institute, Norway 3 Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Norway 4 University of Reading, UK (Received 13 June 2001; revised 12 November 2001) S UMMARY A high-resolutio n regional model for sulphate aerosols is used to investigat e the effects of spatial and temporal averaging of radiative forcing. Mie theory is used to calculate the aerosol optical properties . The strong hygroscopi c growth with increasing relative humidity is taken into account. The results for the regional area selected in our study (Europe and much of the North Atlantic) show that earlier global studies may have underestimate d the magnitude of the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols by up to 30–40% due to coarse spatial and/or temporal resolution, at least over certain regions. This underestimatio n in global models of the water uptake is important for all strongly scattering hygroscopi c aerosols. Our results imply that representatio n of relative humidity at even higher spatial resolution than used in this study may be of importance. This could be incorporate d in models using subgrid-scal e parametrization s of the relative humidity. K EYWORDS: Hygroscopi c aerosols Radiative transfer model Relative humidity 1. I NTRODUCTION For the well-mixed greenhouse gases that absorb and re-emit thermal infrared radiation, the spatial and temporal resolution of meteorologica l data only modestly affects their radiative forcing (Myhre and Stordal 1997; Freckleton et al. 1998). For other radiative forcing mechanisms this insensitivit y to spatial and temporal resolution may not hold. Haywood et al. (1997a) and Petch (2001) reported that due to strong nonlinearitie s in the hygroscopic effect on the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols, the magnitude of the forcing was substantially underestimate d for horizontal resolutions normally used in general circulation model (GCM) studies. The radius of hygroscopic aerosols grows by uptake of water in humid air. At the deliquescence point this growth with higher humidities increases substantiall y, making this process strongly nonlinear with relative humidity (Fitzgerald 1975; Tang 1996). Observational campaigns (e.g. TARFOX, Hegg et al. 1997) show that water is the main constituent of mass in aerosols over the eastern part of North America, a region with a high industrial in uence on the large aerosol optical depth. The range in the global estimates of the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols is substantial, from about ¡0.2 to ¡0.8 W m¡2 (see Myhre et al. 1998; Haywood and Boucher 2000). There are many reasons for the large spread, but two effects clearly seem to be important: the forcing in cloudy regions, and the effect of relative humidity on the aerosols. The difference in the hygroscopic effect may arise either from the treatment of the hygroscopic effect of sulphate aerosols or from the global distributio n of relative humidities and its spatial and temporal variation in the models calculating the radiative forcing. Some previous global studies have used monthly mean data for relative humidities; others have used high temporal resolution for relative humidities, ¤ Correspondin g author: Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo, PO Box 1022 Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway. e-mail: gunnar.myhre@geofysikk.uio.n o ° c Royal Meteorologica l Society, 2002. 973 974 G. MYHRE et al. but monthly mean data for sulphate. The spatial resolution also differs in the previous global studies. This paper has three main focuses: (i) investigatio n of spatial and temporal resolution on the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols; (ii) consistency between distribution of clouds, relative humidity, and sulphate; and (iii) the radiative forcing due to sulphate over Europe. A regional high-resolutio n chemistry transport model (CTM) and a radiative transfer model are used in this study. In Haywood et al. (1997a) a limitedarea model with a high resolution (2 £ 2 km) was used and compared to the spatial resolution used in one grid cell in GCMs. Petch (2001) considered a 1 km resolution over 1-D (one-dimensional) domains of 256 and 500 km. This modelling study investigates spatial variations down to a somewhat larger scale (50 £ 50 km), but it covers a larger regional area. In contrast to Haywood et al. (1997a) and Petch (2001) this study includes the spatial variability of the sulphate aerosol itself, as well as relative humidity and clouds. 2. M ODELS (a) CTM The sulphate distributio n is calculated using the Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP) 3-D Eulerian Acid Deposition model. The EMEP model is an off-line regional CTM centred over Europe, and its model domain includes most of the North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic region. The model uses 20 sigma layers of up to 100 hPa in the vertical, of which ten are below about 3 km. In the horizontal the resolution is 50 £ 50 km, with a polar stereographic mapping true at 60± N. The model time step is 10 minutes, but for the vertical advection the time step is reduced to 5 minutes. In the present model version nine chemical species are included (SO2 , NO, NO2 , HNO3 , PAN, NH3 , SO4 , ammonium sulphate, and ammonium nitrate). Dry deposition is parametrized according to the resistance anology as described in Jakobsen et al. (1997) with some modi cations (Olendrzynski 2000). The model treats in-cloud and below-cloud scavenging differently, based on the parametrization in Berge (1993). In-cloud scavenging is based on a direct relation between cloud water, locally released precipitation and concentrations of pollutants. Below-cloud scavenging of gases and particles is calculated based on information about the accumulated precipitation from the layers above. The oxidation of SO 2 to sulphate is parametrized as a function of cloud cover and water content as described in Jonson et al. (2000). The model is described in more detail in Jonson et al. (1998) and Olendrzynski et al. (2000). The meteorologica l input data are updated at 3 h intervals. The data are generated from the regional numerical weather prediction (NWP) model HIRLAM (Källén 1996) on the same grid as the acid deposition model. Meteorologica l data for 1998 are used in this study. For sulphur the lateral boundary concentrations are based on seasonally averaged concentrations from a hemispheric model (Tarrason, personal communication). A 10-day period was used to spin-up the model before a 1-year run. Emissions of SO2 , NOx and NH3 are from the EMEP database for 1998 with a monthly variation (Bartnicki et al. 1998). A distinction is made between emissions above and below 100 m. Emissions above 100 m are distributed into the three layers above the lowest model layer. Calculations of radiative forcing are performed for 4 months: January, April, July, and October. Annual means in our results refer to averages over these 4 months. Sulphate calculations are performed for anthropogeni c and natural emissions. In this study results RADIATIVE FORCING DUE TO SULPHATE AEROSOLS 975 are shown for the difference between simulations including and excluding all sulphate emissions. The sulphate from the model is compared to surface observations in Bartnicki et al. (1998), Olendrzynski et al. (2000) and Olendrzynski (2000) with reasonable agreement. Figure 1 shows scatter plots for January and July 1998 from 57 EMEP stations for monthly mean sulphate concentrations . The modelled sulphate concentrations are generally lower than those observed, especially in January. Correlations are 0.68 and 0.65 in January and July, respectively. Away from the surface there is inadequate data with which to evaluate the model. Figure 2 shows the distributio n of the modelled annual mean total (anthropogenic and natural) sulphate burden. The highest values are over southern and central Europe. The maximum in southern Italy is due to the large natural emission from volcanoes. There is generally a higher burden in eastern Europe than in western Europe. Over the ocean the sulphate burden is relatively high, as over the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the North Sea, and the Baltic Sea. The average sulphate burden over the model domain is 2.3 mg m¡2 . The maximum total sulphate burden of 22 mg m¡2 over Europe is similar to the anthropogeni c sulphate burden over Europe found in previous global studies (Langner and Rodhe 1991; Feichter et al. 1996; Restad et al. 1998). However, this maximum is mainly from natural emission and the sulphate burden is up to 10 mg m¡2 in regions with strong anthropogenic emissions. The large difference from previous global studies can be explained by substantia l reductions in sulphur emissions between the 1980s used for emission data in the above global models, and 1998 used in this study. Over Europe anthropogenic sulphur emissions were reduced by almost 60% from 1985 to 1998 (Vestreng and Støren 2000). (b) Radiative transfer model The solar radiative transfer model used here is the discrete-ordinate method (Stamnes et al. 1988). In the calculations for this study the multistream model is used with eight streams. Rayleigh scattering and clouds are included in the radiative transfer model, and the exponential-su m tting method (Wiscombe and Evans 1977) is used to account for absorption by water vapour and ozone. Four spectral regions are used, with the main emphasis on wavelengths below 1.5 ¹m. The spectral regions are 0.3– 0.5 ¹m, 0.5–0.85 ¹m, 0.85–1.5 ¹m, and 1.5–4.0 ¹m. The number of exponential-su m tting terms for each spectral region is two or three. The GENLN2 line-by-line model (Edwards 1992) is used to calculate the transmission data for water vapour with spectroscopic data from the HITRAN-92 database (Rothman et al. 1992). The water vapour continuum is included. Cross-sections for ozone in the ultraviolet and visible region are from WMO (1985). Temperature and pressure dependencies are not included as these effects in uence the radiative forcing due to the aerosols by less than 1%. As discussed below, the effect of absorption of gases other than water vapour and ozone on the forcing due to aerosols is also small. Data for cloud fractions and cloud liquid content are from the NWP model and therefore consistent with the CTM. The random cloud-overlap assumption is used, based on radar observations (Hogan and Illingworth 2000). The optical properties of clouds are calculated using the procedure described in Slingo (1989), with effective radii of 10 ¹m for low clouds and 18 ¹m for high clouds (Stephens 1978; Stephens and Platt 1987). The atmospheric water vapour content is also taken from the NWP model, which is instantaneou s data sampled every 3 h. Surface albedo is calculated based on the surface vegetation and monthly mean snow cover distributio n from the NWP model. For each 976 G. MYHRE et al. 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 EULERIAN (a) 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 RU 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 IS 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 OBSERVED 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 (b) 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 LV EULERIAN 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 IS 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 NO 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.04 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 OBSERVED Figure 1. Scatter plot of observed and modelled sulphate for (a) January and (b) July 1998. The observation s are from 57 EMEP stations (see text). Surface observation s and modelled values from the lowest level in the chemistry transport model are used. Units in ¹g(S) m¡3 . The code associated with each observation refers to country and station classi cation. More information can be found at www.emep.int 977 RADIATIVE FORCING DUE TO SULPHATE AEROSOLS mg/m2 Above 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Figure 2. Annual mean sulphate burden (mg m¡2 ) calculate d with the chemistry transport model. of the seven surface vegetation types in the model a surface albedo value is given. We have taken into account that the solar zenith angle varies with season and latitude, and over the diurnal cycle. We use the term ‘radiative forcing’ not strictly as used in IPCC (2001) because we include the natural sulphate in addition to the anthropopgenic sulphate. The radiative forcing is calculated at the top of the atmosphere, as it was shown in Myhre et al. (1998) that the difference between the radiative forcing due to aerosols at the top of the atmosphere and at the tropopause was small. (c) Optical properties The optical properties (speci c extinction coef cient, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry factor) used in this study for dry aerosols and for wet aerosols at relative humidities above 30% are the same as in Myhre et al. (1998), where the growth of the aerosols for relative humidities above 81% was based on Fitzgerald (1975). (d) Validation of radiation model The radiative transfer scheme is compared to a model again using the discreteordinate method (Stamnes et al. 1988) but calculating the water vapour absorption directly from GENLN2. Therefore, the two radiative transfer schemes treat the gas absorption differently. The two schemes are compared for a dry sulphate aerosol with sulphate mass concentration of 10¡8 g m¡3 at the ground and decreasing concentrations from 0 to 5 km, with a gradient of 2:0 £ 10¡9 g m¡3 km ¡1 . Table 1 shows a comparison of the sulphate radiative forcing from the two radiative transfer schemes. In both models Rayleigh scattering and absorption by ozone and water vapour are taken into account. Calculations are performed for different surface albedos 978 G. MYHRE et al. ¡2 TABLE 1. R ADIATIVE FORC ING DUE TO SULPHATE (W M ) FO R VARIOUS SURFAC E ALBEDOS AND SOLAR ZENITH ANGLES CALCULATED WITH THE RA DIATIVE TRANSFER SCHEME WITH GAS ABSORP TION FROM A LINE - BY- LINE MODEL (LBL) AND USI NG AN EXPO NENTIAL SUM FITTING METHOD (ESF) Surface Albedo Solar Zenith Angle (degrees) 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0 75 0 30 75 0 75 0 75 LBL ESF ¡1.31 ¡2.17 ¡0.51 ¡0.71 ¡1.65 0.27 ¡0.95 0.45 ¡0.35 ¡1.31 (0.0) ¡2.10 (¡3.0) ¡0.52 (2.6) ¡0.72 (1.7) ¡1.61 (¡3.0) 0.24 (¡9.3) ¡0.93 (¡2.3) 0.41 (¡10.0) ¡0.36 (1.7) Values in parentheses are percentag e deviation s between the ESF and the LBL codes. (a) (b) 90.0 - 100.0 80.0 - 90.0 70.0 - 80.0 60.0 - 70.0 50.0 - 60.0 40.0 - 50.0 30.0 - 40.0 20.0 - 30.0 10.0 - 20.0 0.0 - 10.0 Figure 3. Average relative humidities in (a) January and (b) July in the seven lowest levels in the model. and solar zenith angles, and the radiative forcing due to the sulphate aerosols follows the dependency on surface albedo and zenith angle as described in Haywood and Shine (1997). It is worth noticing the positive forcing for high surface albedo and low solar zenith angle which is explained in Haywood and Shine (1997). The results agree for the two model versions within 5% for all cases except the ones with high surface albedo and low zenith angle, where differences are up to 10%. In the real world such a combination is rare. In the model treating the gas absorption with the exponential-sum tting method, absorption by other gases (most importantly oxygen and carbon dioxide) is left out to save computer time. GENLN2 is used to investigate the effect of this simpli cation. A maximum difference of slightly above 1% is found. 3. R ELATIVE HUMIDITY In this section some aspects of the variation in relative humidity will be shown, as there is a strong nonlinearity in the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols. Later it will be shown that this effect induces large changes when spatial and temporal averaging are carried out. 979 RADIATIVE FORCING DUE TO SULPHATE AEROSOLS (a) (b) 27.0 - 30.0 24.0 - 27.0 21.0 - 24.0 18.0 - 21.0 15.0 - 18.0 12.0 - 15.0 9.0 - 12.0 6.0 - 9.0 3.0 - 6.0 0.0 - 3.0 Figure 4. Standard deviation (temporal variability) of the relative humidity during (a) January and (b) July. (a) (b) 27.0 - 30.0 24.0 - 27.0 21.0 - 24.0 18.0 - 21.0 15.0 - 18.0 12.0 - 15.0 9.0 - 12.0 6.0 - 9.0 3.0 - 6.0 0.0 - 3.0 Figure 5. Vertical standard deviation of the monthly averaged relative humidity for (a) January and (b) July. Figure 3 shows the averaged relative humidity for the seven lowest levels in the model (up to about 1.5 km) for January and July. It shows that there are large spatial variations in the relative humidity, with much higher values over ocean than land. Over the ocean the relative humidity is above 80% whereas it is mostly below 60% over land. It is somewhat larger in January than in July. In Fig. 4 the temporal standard deviation of the relative humidity during January and July is shown. The basis of the gure is the averaged relative humidity for the seven lowest levels in the model, and the temporal resolution of the data was 3 h. The standard deviation is relatively homogeneous and mostly around 15%. It is generally higher over ocean than land, with the largest standard deviations often in coastal regions. Figure 5 shows the standard deviations in the vertical variability over the seven lowest levels for the monthly mean relative humidities for January and July. There is a large difference between them: in January the largest standard deviation is over land, especially in northern Europe with low and high pressure systems and inversions; in July the standard deviation is much lower over land as the vertical mixing is much larger. Figure 6 shows a comparison of the relative humidity for ve meteorologica l stations in one grid point of the model. The comparison is made for the lowest level 980 G. MYHRE et al. (a) (b) Figure 6. Observed and modelled relative humidity for (a) January and (b) July. Surface observation s from an area near Oslo, Norway, and modelled values from the lowest level in the model are used. Modelled relative humidities are from 06, 12, 18, and 00 UTC whereas the observation s are from 06, 12, and 18 UTC. For 00 UTC averaged values of 18 and 06 UTC are used. Obs 1: Rygge (59.23± N, 10.47 ± E, 157 m), Obs 2: Blindern (59.57± N, 10.43 ± E, 94 m), Obs 3: Fornebu (59.54± N, 10.37 ± E, 10 m), Obs 4: Tryvasshøgda (59.59 ± N, 10.41 ± E, 528 m), Obs 5: Dønski (59.54 ± N, 10.30 ± E, 59 m). in the model and surface observations . The observations are within 0.3± of each other, and mostly within 0.15± . The altitude above sea level of the stations varies from 10 to about 500 m. Results are shown for January and July 1998. Figure 6 shows two aspects. First, the relative humidity from the model is generally in accordance with the observations , taking into account the variations between the observations . In the rst part of January the relative humidity from the model is lower than the observations , whereas in the latter part it is in the upper range of the observations. The model has less variability than the observations . In July the diurnal variation in relative humidity is much larger than in January. The model has generally a smaller diurnal variation than the RADIATIVE FORCING DUE TO SULPHATE AEROSOLS 981 observations. A large number of observations covering the whole grid with a horizontal resolution of 50 km are necessary to validate the model results further. The second aspect shown in Fig. 6 is an important point—the difference in the relative humidity between the observations . The meteorological observing stations are well within the model horizontal resolution of about 50 km, indicating that relative-humidit y variations within model grid boxes of 50 £ 50 km can be signi cant. However, these observations are from a coastal region, and we expect smaller variations in relative humidity over ocean and non-coastal land regions. 4. R ADIATIVE FORCING In this section results of radiative forcing calculations will be presented. The main focus is on spatial (horizontal and vertical) and temporal averaging with the main emphasis on impacts of relative humidity and clouds. A special consideration regarding the variation of the solar zenith angle and surface albedo has been necesssary in the study of the horizontal averaging. Several factors in uence the radiative forcing due to sulphate in a nonlinear way, e.g. surface albedo, solar zenith angle, relative humidity, and clouds (see Haywood and Shine 1997 and Boucher et al. 1997). In order to investigate the effect of spatial resolution on relative humidity and clouds, the surface albedos (a value of 0.2) and solar zenith angles are kept xed in the calculations. If this had not been done, some of the variation in forcing would have been due to the change in solar zenith angle and surface albedo as the resolution changed, and this would have confused the analysis. We have imposed a xed diurnal cycle for the solar zenith angle at all latitudes and seasons. The solar zenith angle has been given values according to the time of day (85± , 60± , 40± , 60± , and 85± at 06, 09, 12, 15, and 18 UTC, respectively). Note that this procedure has only been followed in the study of horizontal averaging; in all other cases, the solar zenith angle and surface albedo are varied as described in section 2(b). A 3 h time step is used in the radiative transfer calculations. We have performed two sets of calculations, one for clear sky and one including clouds (keeping the total cloud cover xed in the averaging procedure), in both cases averaging the relative humidity and sulphate concentrations to various horizontal resolutions. Two averaging procedures have been used for relative humidity: one is based on averages of speci c humidity and temperature, and one uses simple averaging of relative humidity. It will be shown that there are only small differences between the two approaches. We have chosen to present most results adopting the simple average in relative humidity. (a) Spatial resolution Calculations for eight different horizontal resolutions are performed ranging from representing the investigated area in all the 151 £ 133 CTM grid boxes to groups of 2 £ 2 and 4 £ 4 gridboxes, and so on, until nally grouping the entire grid into one grid box. For lower horizontal resolutions than the original grid, averaged values are used (except for solar zenith angle and surface albedo in the case of horizontal averaging, see above). Figure 7 shows the radiative forcing due to sulphate for the different horizontal resolutions for clear sky and when clouds are included in the calculations. The forcing is strongly dependent on the horizontal resolution, which is almost entirely due to the hygroscopic effect of the sulphate aerosols, as the radiative forcing for dry sulphate shows little spatial variability. Generally, the patterns for clear sky and the calculations including clouds are similar. However, for the highest horizontal resolutions the rate of change of forcing with resolution in the radiative forcing is slightly stronger in the 982 G. MYHRE et al. Figure 7. Radiative forcing due to sulphate (W m¡2 ) as a function of horizontal resolution . Radiative transfer calculations are performed for horizonta l resolution s (km) marked with C. ‘Clear’ indicates that clouds are excluded in the calculations and ‘cloud’ indicates that clouds are included. clear-sky case than in the case including clouds. This is mainly due to the fact that the strongest nonlinear effect of the sulphate aerosols is for high relative humidities, which are often in cloudy regions. For lower horizontal resolutions, averaging is over larger spatial regions and the collocation of relative humidity and clouds is weaker, consequently results for the clear-sky and cloudy cases are more similar. The dependence of the radiative forcing on horizontal resolution is strongest for low resolutions, but it is also signi cant at higher resolutions indicating a need for further investigation s with even greater horizontal resolution than used in this study. Typical grid resolutions for models used in global estimates of the forcing due to sulphate are about 2.5–10 degrees, indicating a 10–25% (15–30% for clear sky) lower forcing than for the 50 km grid resolution used in the original version of our model. In Table 2 results are shown for various horizontal resolutions and for the two averaging procedures of relative humidity mentioned above. The difference between the two procedures is small (within 1.5%) and is largest for the lowest horizontal resolutions. For even lower horizontal resolutions (not shown) differences become larger, but such resolutions are lower than have been used in previous 3-D studies of radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols. Calculations with varying solar zenith angles and surface albedos are performed yielding generally similar results. However, for the lowest resolution the results differ slightly due to the nonlinear relationships of surface albedo and solar zenith angle to the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols. In one experiment an averaged sulphate concentration was used in the entire CTM grid. This leads to an even larger dependency RADIATIVE FORCING DUE TO SULPHATE AEROSOLS 983 TABLE 2. R ADIATIVE FO RCING DUE ¡2 TO SULPHATE (W M ) FOR DIFFER ENT HORIZONTAL RESOLUTIONS INCLUD ING CLOUDS AND FOR TWO AVERAGING PROCEDURES FO R RELATIVE HUMIDITY: ADOPTING SIMPLE AVERAGING OF RELA TIVE HUMIDITY (A PPROACH 1), AND US ING AVERAGES OF SPEC IFI C HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE (A PPROACH 2) Resolution 50 km 150 km 300 km 500 km Approach 1 Approach 2 ¡0.75 ¡0.71 ¡0.67 ¡0.61 ¡0.75 ¡0.71 (0.2) ¡0.68 (0.7) ¡0.62 (1.5) Values in parentheses are percentage differences between the two averaging approaches. TABLE 3. R ADIATIVE FO RCING DUE TO SULPHATE (W M ¡2 ) FOR DIFFERENT VERTICAL RESOLUTIONS ( FOR THE 0–2 KM ALTITUDE REGION ) UNDER CLEAR SKY CONDITIONS Cases Reference calculation s (8 layers) 4 layers 2 layers 1 layer Radiative forcing ¡1.05 ¡1.00 (¡5) ¡0.93 (¡11) ¡0.84 (¡20) Values in parenthese s are percentag e deviation s from the reference calculations . on the horizontal resolution, as the forcing for the lowest horizontal resolution was unchanged and for the highest horizontal resolution it was strengthened. This is because the sulphate concentrations are higher over land regions with generally lower relative humidities than over ocean. In the above discussion horizontal resolution for radiative forcing due to sulphate is investigated. In Table 3 calculations of the sensitivity to vertical resolution are shown. The eight lowest layers are below about 2 km where the relative humidity and sulphate are highest. We have performed three sensitivity experiments with these eight layers reduced to four, two, and one layer(s), respectively, by simple averaging of relative humidities and sulphate concentrations . Results in Table 3 are only shown for a clear sky, and show an underestimatio n of the magnitude of the radiative forcing of about 10% for around 1 km vertical resolution , and 20% when representing the eight layers by one layer. Including clouds in such calculations is problematic. However, we would expect that this would, as in the other calculations shown in this paper, reduce the effect of decreasing the spatial resolution. (b) Temporal resolution and consistency between sulphate and meteorological data Table 4 shows results for daily averaged and monthly averaged inputs compared to the reference calculations with 3 h resolution for sulphate, relative humidities and clouds. The radiative forcing based on monthly averaged data is more than 25% weaker than that based on the 3 h data, indicating that studies using monthly mean input data have signi cantly underestimate d the magnitude of the forcing. The underestimatio n using monthly mean data for the relative humidity is similar to the underestimatio n due 984 G. MYHRE et al. TABLE 4. R ADIATIVE FORC ING DUE TO SU LPHATE (W M ¡2 ) FO R DIFFERENT TEMPORA L RESOLUTIONS FOR CLOUDY CONDITIONS Cases Reference calculations Daily average Monthly average Monthly average sulphate only Radiative forcing ¡0.63 ¡0.54 (¡14) ¡0.46 (¡26) ¡0.63 (¡0) Values in parenthese s are percentag e deviation s from reference calculations . to low horizontal resolution used in global models compared to the 50 km resolution used here. The forcing based on daily averaged data is also 14% lower than the 3 h data, indicating that daily variations with even higher temporal resolution than used here may be of importance. The difference between the two averaging procedures of relative humidity has also been tested for temporal resolution. Also in this case it is small, namely about 1%. A set of calculations is performed which includes both spatial and temporal averaging to see to what extent these two effects are additive. Above we showed that for a resolution of about 300 km the magnitude of the radiative forcing is underestimated by 11% for cloudy condition and by 14% for clear sky, compared to that for 50 km resolution. When monthly averaging of relative humidities is also included, the magnitude of the radiative forcing is underestimated by 24% and 33% for cloudy and clear-sky conditions, respectively. These gures are rather close to the case in which only monthly averaging is included. Note that in the monthly average calculations realistic surface albedo and solar zenith angles were used, whereas in the calculation with different horizontal resolutions xed surface albedo and a xed diurnal variation in the solar zenith angle were used (as noted above). As shown in Table 4, use of monthly average data resulted in a 25% underestimatio n compared to 3 h data. An additional calculation using monthly mean data applying surface albedo and solar zenith angles values as in the case of varying horizontal resolution led to a slightly smaller underestimatio n (21%). Finally, an experiment was performed at 300 km horizontal resolution using monthly mean data, in which vertical averaging was performed (the eight lowest layers were averaged to two layers). This reduced the clear-sky radiative forcing by only 1%. From these calculations we conclude that the underestimatio n of the magnitude of the radiative forcing due to averaging over various spatial and temporal scales is clearly not additive. Some global estimates of the radiative forcing due to sulphate have been performed with relative humidity updated several times each day, but with monthly mean data for sulphate from a CTM. Table 4 shows calculations where the results of such a simpli cation has been investigated. The forcing in the case with monthly averaged sulphate data is very similar to that in the reference case. This nding indicates, in agreement with Koch et al. (1999), that consistency between the meteorological data (in particular clouds and relative humidity) and sulphate for larger regions is not of large importance, and that inconsistencie s at this point do not introduce major uncertaintie s in the radiative forcing due to sulphate. (c) Regional forcing Figure 8 shows the geographical distributio n of the annual mean radiative forcing due to the sulphate aerosols for clear sky and when clouds are included, adopting the 985 RADIATIVE FORCING DUE TO SULPHATE AEROSOLS (a) Wm-2 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 -5.0 -6.0 (b) Wm-2 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -2.5 -3.0 -3.5 -4.0 Figure 8. Annual mean radiative forcing due to sulphate (W m¡2 ) adopting the highest spatial and temporal resolution : (a) clear sky, (b) includes clouds. Note the differenc e in the colour scales between panels. 986 G. MYHRE et al. highest spatial and temporal resolution . The forcing is strong over the ocean in coastal regions. This is due to the combination of high relative humidity and sulphate burden and low surface albedo over the ocean. Over land areas over Europe the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols is around ¡0.5 W m¡2 . In some previous global calculations of the forcing due to sulphate (Haywood and Ramaswamy 1998; Penner et al. 1998; Myhre et al. 1998) the forcing is stronger over the European continent than over ocean, whereas in our study it is the reverse which was also found by Haywood et al. (1997b) and Feichter et al. (1997). The main reason for the distributio n of forcing over ocean and land is the ner horizontal resolution in this model, which better captures the variation in relative humidity and surface albedo. A somewhat weaker forcing in general in this study is a result of the much lower SO2 emission in 1998 than in 1985, the year for which most previous CTM studies calculated the sulphate concentration. Clouds reduce the averaged radiative forcing over the region from ¡1.05 W m¡2 for clear sky to ¡0.63 W m¡2 . In particular the forcing is reduced by clouds over ocean. A calculation for dry sulphate aerosols shows weaker radiative forcing due to sulphate. The maximum forcing is then over land regions and re ects much more the distributio n of the sulphate burden than the forcing shown in Fig. 8. 5. D ISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS In agreement with a few previous investigation s we have found that spatial and temporal resolution is important for determining the radiative forcing due to sulphate. Based on our calculations for a regional area at midlatitudes and high latitudes in the northern hemisphere, we conclude that earlier global calculations of radiative forcing may have underestimated the magnitude by over 30–40% due to coarse spatial resolution (horizontal and vertical), and up to 25% due to temporal resolution. However, note that simultaneous spatial and temporal averaging are not additive, as the high relative humidities which play the most important role for the forcing are reduced in a similar manner by spatial and temporal averaging. In other regions the magnitude of the underestimatio n due to coarse spatial and temporal resolution may deviate from what is found here. Important factors in uencing the magnitude of the underestimatio n of the radiative forcing due to sulphate are the relative humidity and its spatial and temporal variation. For future global calculations the gain in accuracy will probably be larger from improving the spatial resolution than increasing the temporal resolution. Most global studies today are based on GCMs with relative humidities that are updated many times each day. However, the spatial resolution used in global models is substantiall y coarser than in the model presented in this study, which is shown here to signi cantly underestimate the magnitude of the radiative forcing due to sulphate. Therefore, based on our results, present GCM calculations of the radiative forcing due to sulphate clearly underestimate the magnitude of the forcing more due to the coarse spatial resolution than temporal resolution. This study indicates that it may be important to represent variations in relative humidity with even better resolution than used in this study. The observations in Fig. 6 show that large variations exist in relative humidities even within the spatial resolution used in this study. Subgrid-scale parametrizations in global models, and further studies with high-resolutio n regional models, should be used to investigate the effect of relative humidity on the radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosols. Earlier global studies on the radiative impact of sulphate aerosols differ with respect to various model assumptions. From this study it is found that different spatial and temporal RADIATIVE FORCING DUE TO SULPHATE AEROSOLS 987 resolutions introduce much larger uncertainty than the degree of consistency between the meteorological data and the sulphate aerosols. The present study has focused on sulphate aerosols, but the spatial and temporal resolution is important for all hygroscopic aerosols. Among the most important of such aerosols other than sulphate are organic carbon, nitrates and sea salt. Black carbon, which is a strongly absorbing aerosol, is to a small extent hygroscopic. However, for strongly absorbing aerosols the effect of relative humidity is probably smaller, as the extinction coef cient and the single scattering albedo will increase affecting the radiative forcing in opposite directions. The optical properties of mineral dust are found to be weakly in uenced by the relative humidity (Li-Jones et al. 1998). Further, aerosols are often a mixture of the above mentioned components. Internal mixing of absorbing and scattering aerosols increases the effect of the absorbing aerosols compared to external mixing (Haywood et al. 1997b; Myhre et al. 1998). Also in such cases the spatial and temporal variations in relative humidity are important, as the water will increase the single scattering albedo. In some regions this will even be important for the sign of the direct aerosol radiative forcing. A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS The relative-humidit y data from meteorological stations were provided by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. This work has received support from the Research Council of Norway under the ozone and climate program, including a grant through RegClim. We are thankful for the technical support from Gunnar Wollan. We also thank two reviewers for helpful comments. R EFERENCES Bartnicki, J., Olendrzynski , K. and Jonson, J. E. 1998 Berge, E. 1993 Boucher, O., Schwartz, S. E., Ackerman, T. P., Anderson, T. 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