Honoring Heritage, Creating Tradition T Commemorative Granite Pavers

Honoring Heritage, Creating Tradition
Commemorative Granite Pavers
Fighting Scot Statue © Jim Prokell
he Fighting Scot Statue Plaza is the newest iconic gathering place for the Edinboro University
Community. The magnificent bronze statue located between the Frank G. Pogue Student Center and
McComb Fieldhouse will long honor the University’s proud heritage with
the promise of creating traditions for decades to come. Over 200 of the
12 x 12 pavers have been personalized and installed.
The opportunity to become a part of Edinboro University history is
limited. Won’t you join in the next installation by purchasing a 12 x 12
granite paver? You can inscribe your name, celebrate your class, or
dedicate a paver in honor or memory of a classmate, family or
faculty member.
Create your own legacy on our beautiful campus. It’s an excellent way
to show your support for the University and, at the same time, receive
tangible recognition for your generosity!
The Fighting Scot Statue Plaza is a striking and permanent testimony to the people who are part of
Edinboro’s history, and you can be part of it!
Please use your receipt for possible Tax Deductions. Consult your tax professional as to your deduction up to the
amount acceptable by current tax laws.
Orders can be submitted
online at:
keyword: Paver
Office of Alumni Relations
210 Meadville Street
Edinboro, PA 16444
Honoring Heritage,
Creating Tradition
Yes, I would like to order the 12 x 12 Personalized Granite Paver ($500 each)
with a personal message with four lines of text up to 13 characters each including
punctuation and spaces. For additional pavers, please copy this form or go on-line:
www.edinboro.edu keyword: Paver
Please fill out this form and
return in an envelope with the
number of pavers ordered. Copy
this card for multiple orders.
Edinboro University
Office of Alumni Relations
210 Meadville Street
Edinboro, PA 16444
Thank you.
MAILING ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP:_______________________________________________________________
PHONE:________________________________________Number of Pavers________
Method of Payment:
$___________ Cash/Check No._______ Payable to: Edinboro University
$___________ Credit Card:  MasterCard  Visa  American Express  Discover
credit card #:_____________________________exp date:__________
Fighting Scot Statue © Jim Prokell
Signature of Donor