Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data Gunn Kristine Holst Larsen University of Oslo 13th of October 2008 Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Contents 1 Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) 2 One-Lepton Search 3 Result 4 Conclusion Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion The Standard Model • Consistent renormalizable quantum field theory. • U(1)Y xSU(2)L xSU(3)c • Explains data from a fraction of an eV to a few hundred GeV. Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Supersymmetry • • • • Symmetry between fermions and bosons, Qa |Ji = |J ± 1/2i. Solution to the Hierarchy problem. Possible Grand Unified Theory. The Standard Model only explain ∼ 5% of the matter in the universe, Supersymmetry provides candidate for dark matter (∼ 25%). Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Supersymmetry • • • • Symmetry between fermions and bosons, Qa |Ji = |J ± 1/2i. Solution to the Hierarchy problem. Possible Grand Unified Theory. The Standard Model only explain ∼ 5% of the matter in the universe, Supersymmetry provides candidate for dark matter (∼ 25%). • Quantum loop corrections to Higgs mass: 2 l| • − |λ Λ2 + ... 8π 2 cut • Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data λB Λ2 + 16π 2 cut ... University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Supersymmetry • • • • Symmetry between fermions and bosons, Qa |Ji = |J ± 1/2i. Solution to the Hierarchy problem. Possible Grand Unified Theory. The Standard Model only explain ∼ 5% of the matter in the universe, Supersymmetry provides candidate for dark matter (∼ 25%). Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion mSUGRA • No supersymmetric particles observed. • Supersymmetry broken in a hidden sector and communicated to low energy approximation, MSSM (Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model) 125 free parameters • Gravity is the messenger particle in mSUGRA, 5 free parameters • All scalars common mass m0 . • All gauginos and Higgsinos common mass m1/2 . • All trilinear Higgs-sfermion-sfermion couplings common value A0 . • tan β = vu /vd is the ratio of Higgs vacuum expectation values. • The sign of the SUSY conserving Higgs mass can is ±1. Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion The Large Hadron Collider, LHC • • • • Collide proton on proton Luminosity: 1027 cm−2 s−1 Center of mass energy: 14 TeV Observe phenomena at scale 10−18 m, conditions similar to universe 1ps after the Big Bang Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Detecting particles with ATLAS Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion One Lepton Except for SU2 gluons and squarks are dominant SUSY particles produced at LHC. For Supersymmetry nearly every event contains two χ̃02 , two χ̃± 1 or one of each, so lepton events are only suppressed by the branching fraction for χ̃02 and χ̃± 1 to decay leptonically. Real SM one lepton comes from W decay. g̃ q̃ χ̃01 q′ q χ̃± 1 W Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data ν l University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Background and signal points (Monte Carlo simulated) • QCD (strong interactions) • di-boson (WW, ZZ, ZW) • Z (Z → ll ) • W (W → l ν) • t t̄ (top) m0 [GeV] m1/2 [GeV] A0 tan(β) sign(µ) SU1 SU8.1 Coannihilation 70 210 350 360 0 0 10 40 + + SU2 Focus 3550 300 0 10 + SU3 Bulk 100 300 -300 6 + Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data SU4 Low mass 200 160 -400 10 + SU6 Funnel 320 375 0 50 + University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Cut And Count Strategy • Robust method for search in early data. • Cut on variables that discriminate signal and background. • Significance √S or √ S 2 (one bin counting). b b+σsyst q q 2 2 2 . • σtot = σstat = b + σsyst + σsyst • Systematic uncertainty in background estimate: Uncertainty in W, Z and top estimated to 20 %, while 50% uncertainty is expected for QCD. • Multi-variable scan to deal with correlations. Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Effective Mass • Meff = E /T + ΣJet pT + Σlepton pT Events/1fb-1/100GeV • Peak correlated with MSUSY = min(mg̃ , mq̃ ) 5 10 SU3 tt W Z QCD VV 104 3 10 sum bg 102 ATLAS Preliminary 10 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Meff [GeV] Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion 104 10 SU3 tt W Z QCD VV 102 sum bg 3 Events/1fb-1/100GeV Events/1fb-1/100GeV Requiring One Isolated Lepton 104 SU1 SU2 SU3 SU4 SU6 SU8 3 10 102 SM bg ATLAS Preliminary ATLAS Preliminary 10 10 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Meff [GeV] 1 0 500 1000 1500 Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Meff [GeV] University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Cut on MT 2 = 2p l p ν (1 − cos φ ) • mT lν T T 2 ≤ m2 (generates a lower bound for the W mass on an • mT W 2200 2000 Events/1fb-1/4GeV Events/1fb-1/4GeV event-by-event basis) SU3 tt W Z QCD VV 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 ATLAS Preliminary 600 SU3 tt W Z QCD VV 103 102 ATLAS Preliminary 10 400 200 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1 lepton: M [GeV] 1 0 50 ll Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data 100 150 200 250 300 1 lepton: M [GeV] ll University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Events/1fb-1/20GeV Cuts on E/T and pT of jet 104 SU1 SU2 SU3 SU4 SU6 SU8 3 10 102 SM bg ATLAS Preliminary 10 1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Missing E [GeV] SU1 SU2 SU3 SU4 SU6 SU8 3 10 102 SM bg Events/1fb-1/20GeV Events/1fb-1/20GeV T 104 SU1 SU2 SU3 SU4 SU6 SU8 3 10 102 SM bg ATLAS Preliminary 10 1 0 ATLAS Preliminary 10 200 400 600 800 1000 p Jet1 [GeV] T 1 0 200 Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data 400 600 800 1000 p Jet2 [GeV] T University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Cuts on ST and δΦ (QCD cut) • ST = 2λ2 (λ1 +λ2 ) with Sij = Σk pki pkj • δφ1 = |φj1 − φ E / | Events/1fb-1 Events/1fb-1 T SU1 SU2 SU3 SU4 SU6 SU8 3 10 102 104 SU1 SU2 SU3 SU4 SU6 SU8 3 10 102 SM bg SM bg ATLAS Preliminary 10 1 ATLAS Preliminary 10 -0.4 -0.2 -0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 ST 1 0 1 Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data 2 3 4 5 delφ 1 University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion One base line cut + three cuts from matrix optimization • matrix of 4374 cut combinations • E /T (100, 150, 200)GeV • ST (0, 0.1, 0.2) • jet1pT (100, 150, 200)GeV • jet2pT (50, 100, 150)GeV • jet3pT (20, 50, 100)GeV • number of jets (>=2,>=3,>=4) • δφ1 (0, 0.2, 0.4) • E /T /Meff (0, 0.2) jet1 jet2 jet3 jet4 Cut Meff mT ET / Jets pT pT pT pT 01 02 03 04 >800 >800 >800 >800 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 >200 >200 >=4 >=4 >=3 >=4 >100 >100 >200 >200 >50 >50 >150 >150 >50 >20 >20 >100 >50 >20 >20 Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data ST ET / Meff δφ1 >0.2 >0.1 >0.1 >0.2 >0.2 - >0.2 >0.4 University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Events/1fb-1/100GeV Effective Mass before Cut03 104 SU1 SU2 SU3 SU4 SU6 SU8 3 10 102 SM bg ATLAS Preliminary 10 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Meff [GeV] Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Events/1fb-1/100GeV Effective Mass for Cut03 103 SU1 SU2 SU3 SU4 SU6 SU8 102 SM bg 10 1 0 ATLAS Preliminary 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data 3500 4000 Meff [GeV] University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion Significance CUT S B Cut01 Cut02 Cut03 Cut04 241.8 729.8 492.4 250.5 42.0 354.7 50.3 26.7 Cut01 Cut02 Cut03 Cut04 41.3 95.7 46.8 39.8 42.0 354.7 50.4 26.7 Cut01 Cut02 Cut03 Cut04 380.1 1130.0 623.6 327.8 42.0 354.7 50.3 26.7 Cut01 Cut02 Cut03 Cut04 847.7 3703.7 1092.9 549.6 42.0 354.7 50.3 26.6 Cut01 Cut02 Cut03 Cut04 156.8 423.7 268.5 161.3 42.0 354.7 50.4 26.7 S/ √ b SU1 37.3 38.7 69.3 48.4 SU2 6.3 5.0 6.6 7.7 SU3 58.6 60.0 87.8 63.3 SU4 130.7 196.6 153.9 106.3 SU6 24.2 22.5 37.8 31.1 S/ q 2 b + σsyst S/ √ S+b 23.7 10.6 40.4 33.6 14.3 22.1 21.1 15.0 4.0 1.3 3.8 5.3 4.5 4.5 4.7 4.8 37.3 16.4 51.2 44.0 18.5 29.3 24.0 17.4 83.3 53.9 89.8 73.8 28.4 58.1 32.3 22.8 15.4 6.1 22.1 21.6 11.1 15.1 15.0 11.7 Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo Introduction (The Standard Model-Supersymmetry-ATLAS) One-Lepton Search Result Conclusion • If Supersymmetry is realized in nature in a region of parameter space with similar phenomenology as any of the studied mSUGRA points, ATLAS will be able to make a discovery already with 1fb −1 of data. • Assumed perfectly understood detector. • Trigger must be taken into account. • Now the work to alligne and calibrate the detector is about to start. • Soon we will have answers from the machine that make us dream! Discovery potential for Supersymmetry with the one-lepton channel in early ATLAS data University of Oslo