S.No…………… Cost of Tender Document Rs.1,000/- F. No.3-14/2013-14/S&S NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING (S&S Section) Tender Document for providing dedicated 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for uninterrupted internet connectivity on optical fiber in NCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET) Last Date & Time for submission of Bids 09.07.2013 at 3.00 PM Venue : S&S Section, Central Stores of NCERT, Workshop Building, National Council of Educational Research and Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 1 No. 3-14/2013-14/S&S NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi -110016 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders under two bid system i.e Technical and Commercial Bids are invited from leading/reputed eligible Internet Service Provider (ISP) or their authorized dealers only in separate sealed envelopes for providing dedicated 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for uninterrupted internet connectivity on optical fiber in NCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET) for a period of three years. The Tender Document may be downloaded from the NCERT website: www.ncert.nic..in. The completed Tender documents with a Crossed Demand Draft of Rs.1,000/- in favor of Secretary, NCERT, payable at New Delhi. (J.P.Bhulania) Sr. Stores Officer 2 SECTION - I 1. INTRODUCTION: The National Council of Educational Research & Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016 under the Ministry of Human Resource Development has its Local Area Network (LAN) connections spread over the various office building of NCERT in the Campus. The Campus is serviced by two internet connections from MTNL, Delhi , a 2 Mbps Broadband connection serving the 1st floor, Zakir Hussain Khan and, a 10 Mbps leasedline (on optical fiber) to serve the network across the Campus which provides internet over the LAN. Further, the NCERT proposes to expand the internet connectivity of 500 computers spread across its Campus for the provision of a 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline (on optical fiber) for uninterrupted internet connectivity in NCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET). 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS The NCERT invites sealed tenders from leading/reputed and eligible Internet Service Provider (ISP) /or their Authorized Dealers only for providing dedicated 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for uninterrupted internet connectivity on optical fiber in NCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET). The annual turnover of the firm should be at least Rs.5.00 crores in each of the last three years 2009-10, 2010-11 & 2011-12. The tender form containing the details of terms and conditions duly filled in along with the demand draft for Earnest money in favor of Secretary, NCERT should reach to the Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section, Central Store, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi- 110016 latest by 3.00 p.m. on 09.07.2013 and shall be opened on same day at 3.30 p.m. One representative of the firm may be present at the time of opening of the Technical Bid. All interested and eligible bidders are requested to submit their bids duly filled in as per the criteria given in this document: (point 17 Submission of offer) i. Technical Bid and EMD should be sealed in a separate envelope subscribing “Technical for Tender No: F.3-14/2013-14/S&S Bid Commercial Bid should be sealed in a separate envelope subscribing “Commercial Bid for Tender No: F.3-14/2013-14/S&S iii. Demand Draft for Earnest money of Rs.50,000/- in favor of Secretary, NCERT must be put in separate cover with the Technical Bid and terms and conditions as per format given in Annexure -I Both Technical and Commercial Bid envelopes should be enclosed and sealed in a separate envelope subscribing the “Tender for providing dedicated 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for uninterrupted internet connectivity in NCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET). The sealed envelope should be addressed to: ii. 3 Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section, Central Store, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi- 110016 Last Date of Submission: 09.07.2013 up to 3:00 p.m. The completed Tender documents are to be submitted with Tender Fee Amount of Rs.1,000/- in cash or DD in favour of Secretary, NCERT, payable at New Delhi. Tender fee/ Demand draft must be kept in the Technical Bid. As such the Technical Bid envelope must have (i) duly filled in Technical Bid (ii) Demand Draft for EMD in separate cover and (iii) Demand draft for Tender Fee as per point 15. 3. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) fulfilling the following requirements shall be eligible to apply. 3.1 The ISP should provide end to end connectivity on its own network on (OFC local loop) Optical Fiber Cable in Ring Topology. 3.2 The ISP would ensure that the local loop provisioning does not violate regulations as laid by Government of India / TRAI in respect of such links/networks. Bidder will be responsible for making all the payments towards the local loop charges/rentals/WPC Charges etc. 3.3 The ISP should have its own International Gateway. DoT Licence / Certificate for the same to be provided. 3.4 Only firm / agency having the Category “A” Internet Service Providers (ISP) license issued from the Department of Telecommunication, Govt. of India, must have requisite infrastructure and resources to successfully execute the project and provide services in NCERT. Self-attested valid license copy of certificate and Infrastructure details must be enclosed with technical bid. 3.5 The firm / agency must have a fully functional Customer Service Centre(s) in the Delhi/NCR, which is fully operational 24x365 days. List of Customer Service Centre(s) must be enclosed with technical bid. 4. Local Conditions: It shall be the responsibility on each tenderer to fully inform / acquaint / familiarized itself with local conditions and factors, which may have any effect on the execution of services to be rendered under the contract. All tenderer(s) intending to bid shall visit and make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the local site conditions. The NCERT shall presume that the tenderer has understood and agreed that all the relevant factors have been kept in view while submitting the bid. No financial adjustment arising thereof shall be permitted by NCERT, on the basis of any non-clarity of information about local conditions being pleaded by the tenderer. Further, no claim for financial adjustment being made by the contract awarded on these tender document will be entertained by the NCERT. 4 5. The service provider should provide a single window service for last mile connectivity with self healing fiber optic ring through different routes (paths) and the Internet Bandwidth (IBW). getting clearances for the Last Mile connectivity is in the scope of the service provider. 6. The service provider should provide DNS services including reverse Lookups and registration for both IPV4 and IPV6. 7. Service provider should indicate their SPAM control mechanism and traffic routing mechanism. 8. The ISP should maintain the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for more than 99% uptime through the self healing fiber optic ring with 24/7 for the required IBW service. Uptime shall calculated as:- be (Total Time – Down Time) X 100/Total Time. Deduction in payment will be made for downtime in the quarterly bills raised by the ISP. 9. Service provider should quote separately for one time cost and recurring cost in the specified format at tached as per Annexure - III. 10. Scope of work: The assured Internet bandwidth should be functional at our premises i.e. NCERT, New Delhi through the last mile connection. The termination of the last mile connection should be made in the network rack installed in the Computer Resource Centre in Zakir Hussain Block of NCERT. This last mile termination should be only for the NCERT Internet facility. One Ethernet port of the available Gajshield router should be connected to the last mile termination through proper interface and the other Ethernet port should be connected to the existing firewall. The available Gajshield router should be configured for the INTERNET bandwidth connectivity with ACLs. If any earth work is involved inside the NCERT premises it should be coordinated with our Sr. Stores Officer. 11. ISP should have their own/direct access to international gateway in India, for providing Internet bandwidth, which should be connected onto international fiber systems only (not on satellite). 12. Procuring necessary permissions for any earth work needed is the responsibility of the service provider. NCERT will only provide necessary letters of the requirement. 13. The termination should be on Ethernet and should be compatible with NCERT perimeter UTM device. 14. ISP will be responsible for their compatibility with firewall and central switch. 5 15. Tender Fee: Tender document can be obtained by remitting Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 0016 and if the tender document is downloaded, the tender fee shall be remitted by demand draft from any one of the schedule banks drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT and payable at New Delhi at the time of submission of tender along with DD for EMD. 16. Earnest Money Deposit: Earnest Money Deposit amounting to Rs.50,000/(Rupees Fifty Thousand only) should be submitted along with the tender in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Secretary, NCERT and payable at New Delhi from any nationalized schedule bank. The demand drafts for earnest money deposit & tender fee must be enclosed in the envelope containing the technical bid. Technical bid without the demand drafts of earnest money deposit and tender fee is liable to be rejected. The NCERT is not liable to pay any interest on such amount. Earnest money deposit shall be forfeited, if the tenderer withdraws its bid during the period of tender validity. The earnest money deposit of the tenderer, whose tender has been accepted, will be returned on the submission of performance security. Earnest money deposit of the successful tenderer shall be forfeited, if it refuses or neglects to execute the contract or fails to furnish the required performance security within the time frame as specified by the NCERT. After the award of the contract to the successful tenderer, the earnest money deposit of all the others tenderer(s) will be refunded. 17. Submission of offer: 17.1 All tenders in response to this invitation shall be submitted in two parts as under in two different sealed envelopes and both the envelopes along with the third envelope containing EMD/tender fee should again be placed in a bigger envelope and sealed. 17.2 Part-I (Technical): This cover shall be superscribed Part - I Technical Bid as per Annexure – II for providing dedicated 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for uninterrupted internet connectivity in NCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET) and with the tender number as F.No. 3-14/2013-14/S&S with due date. It should also bear the name and address of the bidder in a corner. Part-I will have: i. Covering letter from Bidder with a letter of authorization for Authorised Signatory. ii. Complete technical proposal, including nearest diagram and to complete the scope of work as mentioned above. POP distance, iii. Eligibility Documents. iv. Copy of Certificates/P.O. with proof of having executed such similar Projects. v. All the commercial terms other than price. vi. Registration details of Sales Tax, Service Tax, VAT etc. and PAN No. for Income Tax. vii. Schematic In the commercial bid Taxes and Duties if any payable should be indicated separately, failing which, it will be presumed that the quoted rates are inclusive of all the taxes and duties and no other payment for the same will be admitted later. No Individual PAN/ITR shall be accepted at any cost. 6 viii. The price in any form should not the price is indicated in Part-I or sealed cover, the tender will be rejected. be indicated in the Technical bid. If price bid is not kept in a separate 17.3 Part-II (Price): This cover shall be superscribed Part - II Price Bid for for providing dedicated 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for uninterrupted internet connectivity inNCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET) and with the tender number as F.No. 3-14/2013-14/S&S with due date. It should also bear the name and address of the bidder. The price bid should contain covering letter from the bidder and their price bid should be submitted only in the prescribed format Annexure - III. 17.4 In the Price Bid, the prices and other information like discounts having a bearing on the price shall be written both in Words and Figures. If there is discrepancy between the price information quoted in words and figures, the price information quoted in words will be treated as final. No conditional discount will be accepted. 17.5 Each page of the offer shall be numbered and bear the signature of the tenderer at the bottom. All offers shall be either type written/printed neatly in indelible ink. Any corrections should be properly attested by tender signing authority. 17.6 Part-I (Technical) envelope and Part-II(Price) envelope and cover containing EMD/Tender fee if any should be kept in a common envelope and this envelope should again be sealed and super scribed with the NCERT tender number and the last date and time specified for receipt and opening indicated in the tender document and should reach Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 on or before the time and date specified for its receipt. 17.7 Only the tenderers whose Technical part (Part-I) are found suitable/acceptable to the NCERT, will be given advance intimation by the NCERT to enable such tenderers to depute their representative to participate in the opening of Part-II (Price) of the tender. The technically unqualified tenderers will neither be given intimation about the due date and time for opening of Part-II of the tender nor they will be permitted to participate in the opening of the same. Part-II of the technically disqualified tenderers will not be opened. The Secretary, NCERT reserves the right to call for a revised price bid based on the recommendations of the committee which evaluates the tender bids. 18 Tender Opening 18.1 Unless otherwise preponed or postponed with advance intimation to the tenderers, the Part-I Technical Bid of the tender will be opened at the office of Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 on the date and time indicated in this tender document. 18.2 Late/delayed tenders: If the Part-I, Part-II and EMD do not reach the Sr. Stores Officer, S&S Section, Workshop Building, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 on or before the due date and time specified for its receipt, such tenders will be treated as late tenders and will neither be opened nor considered by the NCERT and will be summarily rejected. 7 19. 18.3 The authorized personnel from the company may be present at the technical bid opening with the valid authorization letter. Technically qualified bidders will be informed in writing, the date of opening of Price bid at the appropriate time. 18.4 Tendered price should be valid for 120 days from the date of opening of Part-I (technical bid). The price quoted should be firm for the entire contract period of three years (Renewal every year based on the performance) and no upward revision will be allowed. Any reduction in pricing during the course of contract as per orders of TRAI will be passed on to the NCERT. Evaluation of offer 19.1 Evaluation of the offer is made in two stages, viz. Technical Bid Evaluation and Price Bid Evaluation. At the time of Part-I evaluation, the vendors may be called for detailed discussions at a specified date, time and venue, if required or called for clarification in writing from them. 19.2 The Price bids of the technically qualified vendors only shall be opened in the presence of their representatives if present on a specified date and time at the Office of the Sr. Stores Officer, NCERT, New Delhi which will be intimated to the successful tenderers. 20. General 20.1 The tenderers must ensure that the conditions laid down for submission of offers detailed in the preceding/following clauses and sub-clauses are completely and correctly fulfilled. Tenders, which are not complete in all respects as stipulated in the tender document may be liable for rejection. 20.2 The submission of any offer connected with these specifications and documents shall not constitute an agreement and the tenderer shall have no cause of action or claim, against the NCERT for rejection of his offer. The NCERT reserves the right to reject or accept any offer or offers at his sole discretion and any such action will not be called into question and the tenderer shall have no claim in that regard against the NCERT. 20.3 The offer shall be kept valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 120 calendar days from the due date for opening of Part I of the tender. Offers with shorter validity period will be liable for rejection. 20.4 The offer shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened and until such time the official intimation of award of contract is made by the NCERT to the successful bidder. While the offer is under consideration, if necessary, the NCERT may obtain clarification on the offers by requesting for such information from any or all the tenderers either in writing or through personal contacts as may be considered necessary. 8 20.5 The contract shall be valid for performance). However, Reserves the right to review depending upon the need extend the contract for further period a period of three years only (Renewal every year based on the the NCERT the requirement before the expiry period of three years for continuity, the performance of the contractor and based on mutual agreement. 20.6 The NCERT shall not be responsible for any delay in submission of the tender bids including postal delay. The offers submitted by telex/telegram/fax/photocopy or email would not be considered as a valid offer and will not be evaluated. No further correspondence will be entertained on this matter. 20.7 In the event, the ISP’s company or concerned division of the company is taken over/bought over by another company, all the obligations under the agreement with the NCERT shall be passed on to the new company/division for compliance by the new company. 20.8 All ISPs will automatically agree to honour all aspects of fair executing the purchase orders placed by the NCERT by responding to this tender. 20.9 The Registration Nos. / PAN No. of the firm allotted by the Sales Tax /Service Tax/Income Tax authorities, shall invariably be given along with relevant documents. 20.10 In the case of tenderer whose tender is accepted for placing the order, the tenderer shall give a Bank Guarantee from any Nationalized Bank equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of the order value as performance guarantee, valid for two months beyond the contract period for the due performance of the contract. trade practices in 20.11. Performance Security: On acceptance of tender, the successful bidder shall within the period specified by the NCERT, deposit the Performance Security for an amount of 10% value of the contract which may be in the form of an Account payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt from a Commercial Bank/Nationalised Bank, Bank Guarantee from a Commercial Bank/Nationalised Bank in an acceptable from to ensure due performance of the contract. However, Govt./ Semi Govt. Organisations will be exempted to furnish the performance security. 20.12 NCERT reserves the right to call for the revised price bid if necessary taking in to account the technical changes which have financial impact after opening the technical bid. 20.13 The NCERT reserves the right consideration the interest of the NCERT. 21. Catalogues/Technical Literature: to reject one or all tenders taking into All necessary catalogues/drawings/technical literature data as are considered essential for full and correct evaluation of the offers and as such shall invariably accompany the Part-I (Technical Bid) of the tender. 9 Section - II GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. General 1.1 The ISP should provide end to end connectivity on its own network on (OFC local loop) Optical Fiber Cable in Ring Topology. 1.2 The Service Provider shall responsible for providing the 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for un-interrupted internet connectivity at NCERT at all the time 24x365 days throughout the contract period. 1.3 The Service Provider shall be responsible for installation, commissioning and configuring of hardware and uplink of connectivity. The ISP will maintain the OFC and equipment to provide Internet Services. 1.4 Liasioning (if required) with other firms(s) for obtaining point connectivity between between ISP node and NCERT, shall be the responsibility of the Service Provider. 1.5 The Service Provider would ensure that the local loop provisioning does not violate any regulations as laid by Government of India / TRAI in respect of such links / networks. Service Provider shall responsible for making all the payments towards the local loop charges / rentals/ WPC charges etc. 1.6 The Service Provider will do preventive maintenance once a quarter for upkeep of the systems running. The schedule will have to be adhered to strictly by him. 1.7 Any increase in bandwidth needed would be on pro-rata basis. However, Institute shall place the order for required additional bandwidth as and when required by giving a written request to the Tenderer. 2. Penalty for delay in execution 2.1 The selected vendor should be prepared to complete the installation and providing of services within the committed time quoted in Technical Bid from the date of issue of the purchase orders. The bidder will responsible for undertaking any civil /electrical work etc., involved from commissioning to the completion of the project, at his cost. 2.2 If the vendor fails to deliver/execute the order within the period committed by him/her in the technical bid prescribed for such delivery/execution, then the Liquidated Damages will be @1% per week on contract value and a maximum of 10% on contract value. 2.3 The decision of the authority placing the order, whether the delay taken place or not on account of reasons attributed to the vendor, shall be final. 10 in execution has 3. Performance Security: 3.1 The vendor shall furnish Performance Bank Guarantee/ FDR/ Account payee Demand Draft for 10% of the total contract value from any one of the Commercial Bank/ Nationalised Banks towards satisfactory execution of the contract including installation, commissioning and acceptance of Internet Bandwidth connections by the NCERT and satisfactory performance of the hardware and software supplied and for services to be provided during the validity of the contract. Further, such Performance Security shall be valid for period of sixty days beyond the date of completion of all contractual obligations of the contract of the proposed Internet connectivity in NCERT. This should be furnished within 10 days from the date of successful commissioning. 3.2 If the vendor, having been called upon by the NCERT to furnish Performance Security fails to furnish the same, it shall be lawful for the NCERT to forfeit the amount of EMD deposit or to recover the amount of the bond from the vendor by deducting the amount from any pending bills of the vendor under any contract with NCERT including this contract. 3.3 On performance and completion of the Guarantee Bond will be returned to the vendor. EMD/Performance guarantee submitted. 4. Safety Measures 4.1 The vendor shall take all precautionary measures in order their personnel (his representative, agent, sub vendors the office while executing the work. 4.2 The vendor shall ensure that unauthorised, careless or inadvertent operation of installed equipment, which may result in accident to their staff and or damage to the equipment do not occur. 4.3 The vendor shall assume all liability for and give to the NCERT the complete indemnity against all actions, suits, claims, demands cost charges or expenses arising out of and in connection with any accident, death or injury, sustained by any of their person or persons within the office premises and any loss or damage to the NCERT property/person sustained due to the act or omissions of the vendor irrespective of whether such liability arises under the workman compensation act or any other statute in force from time to time. 4.4 If there is any issue due to which the ISP provider decides to disconnect the service, intimation should be sent to NCERT 14 days in advance to sort out the issue and avoid disconnection. There should not be any arbitrary disconnection without prior intimation. Any such act will be viewed as violation of contract terms and action as deemed fit within the contract terms will be taken. 5.0 Payment Terms 5.1 Payment of the contract price shall be in two parts. i. 100% of the one time charges shall be paid after delivery / supply of the one time equipments/ hardware/ software and providing of services within the committed time quoted by the firm from the date of issue of the Purchase Order and after receipt of satisfactory installation report. 11 contract No in all interest respects, the Performance is payable on the to ensure the safety or workmen) working of in ii. In the second part, recurring charges shall be paid as pro rata basis in quarterly installments at the end of each quarter (3 months) against submission of bill/invoice duly certified by the officer in charge in the NCERT for satisfactory performance during the month. Payments shall be made after making the recoveries if any due to the NCERT and any statutory recoveries as per the act in force. 5.2 The rate offered by you and accepted by us for recurring payment towards Internet Service shall be the lowest rate for similar nature of work. In the event of your having rendered same/identical service at a rate lower than the rate stipulated in the contract, at any time during the currency of the contract, it shall be brought to the notice of the NCERT immediately and that such reduced rate alone shall be applicable for this contract from the date on which such reduced rate became effective to others. The agreed price would be applicable throughout the contract period. No hike in price would be admissible: however, if the prices are reduced as per the order of TRAI or on any account, benefit of the same should be passed on to NCERT. 6. The Warranty 6.1 Internet services with related equipments/hardware/software installed by the vendor, shall have a comprehensive onsite warranty for the entire period of the Service Contract after the successful commissioning and acceptance. 6.2 The bidder shall ensure an uptime of more than 99% IBW for the entire duration and should not disconnect or terminate or suspend the Internet bandwidth link during the contract period. Failing the above may lead to the penalty clauses. Uptime shall be calculated as:(Total Time – Down Time) X 100/Total Time. 6.3 The NCERT reserves the right to exit the agreement, giving the Service Provider two months notice for any reasons, whatsoever. Similarly, the Service Provider may also exercise the option to exit this agreement, giving the NCERT two months notice. Dues if any at the time of closure of the agreement will be decided on a prorata basis. 6.4 In the event of abrupt termination the downtime or so to the recovered by en-cashing the PBG The ISP shall not be entitled termination. This is over and above the penalty 6.5 ISP will ensure maintaining services from the nearest service center which should be well equipped with service engineers and sufficient spares. The maintenance/complaint call should be attended immediately on receipt of the phone call. 6.6 ISP will be responsible for their compatibility with firewall and central switch. 6.7 NCERT will not purchase any hardware and firm will have to provide all the required hardware of latest technology like Router, Modem etc. from time to time and also fully responsible for its maintenance during the contract period, for which NCERT will not make any extra payment. Further, NCERT will also not be responsible for any kind of damage to these items being under complete maintenance warranty of the firm. 12 of IBW by the ISP the amount equivalent to Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) shall be and money so recovered shall be forfeited. to any damages or compensation for such clause. 6.8 In case connectivity from Fiber cable is failed, the same connectivity speed will have to be provided through wireless line by the service provider, without any extra charge. 6.9 A mechanism for monitoring the network & relevant software will be provided by the Service Provider. 6.10 Reports of performance, monitoring and usage will be submitted by the Service Provider along with each quarterly bill and as and when required by the NCERT. 6.11 The firm will maintain complete secrecy with regard to IP No. of NCERT and its data and information that are not meant for the general public. Any disclosure to be made to concerned authorities will also be made only after the written consent of NCERT. 6.12 No information or data made available will be used by the Service Provider or provided to anyone else for use in any commercial or promotional activities. 6.13 Any rerouting of connections to other service providers due to any technological exigencies will be done only after the written consent of NCERT 6.14 Round the Clock internet connectivity of acceptable bandwidth shall be ensured. The response time for attending the faults will be four hours after they are reported to the vendor. The vendor will rectify the faults within 24 hours failing which, the vendor will arrange temporary replacement. 6.15 In case the fault has not been attended to within two days, it would be open to NCERT to have the fault rectified through any other source. The Contractor would be requisite to bear the costs for repair so incurred on this account. The expenses so incurred would be deducted from the amount due to the Contractor. 6.16 Failure to ensure connectivity and/or adequate bandwidth will invite a penalty of Rs.1,000/per hour or part thereof of failed or poor connectivity beyond the specified wait time, as mentioned at S.No. 6.14 above. 6.17 Hardware/software supplied would be under comprehensive warranty during the contract period. Licenses for software, if any, shall be in the name of Secretary, NCERT. It will be the responsibility of bidder to update & upgrade them from time to time as per the requirement of NCERT. Costs, if any, towards such updates and upgrades should be stated explicitly and separately in the financial bid. 7. Penalty for downtime i 2hrs to 10hrs of downtime 1% of the annual charge as penalty cumulative per quarter ii 10hrs to 24hrs of downtime 3% of the annual charge as penalty cumulative per quarter iii More than 24 hrs of downtime 3%of the annual charges as penalty for every 24 hrs. downtime cumulative per quarter and Revocation of the contract Deduction in payment in will be made for downtime in the quarterly bills raised by the ISP. 13 7.2 8. In case of any defaults in the service, the report from the Computer Resource Centre of NCERT shall be final. Arbitration In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions ‘Instructions to Tenderers' or in connection with this contract the same shall be referred to the arbitration of a sole arbitrator, to be appointed by Director, NCERT or his nominee. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this contract. The arbitration shall be held at Delhi. The proceedings of arbitration shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and any statutory amendments thereto and both the parties to this contract shall bear the cost of arbitration equally. In case of appeal if any against the Arbitration award the courts at Delhi alone shall have jurisdiction over the proceedings. 9. Subletting The tenderer in the event of tender being accepted by the NCERT shall not assign/sublet or delegate the contract or any part thereof without the prior consent of the NCERT. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the satisfactory execution of the contract, irrespective of the fact whether a part or portion of the contract has been assigned or sublet by him to a sub contractor even when such subcontracting has been done with the prior consent of the NCERT. 10. Patent Indemnification: The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the NCERT from and against any and all claims, actions, costs, charges and expenses arising from or for infringement of patent rights, copy right or other protected rights of any design, plans, diagrams, drawings in respect of the stores supplied/service provided by the contractor or any of the manufacturing methods or process adopted by the contractor for the stores supplied/service provided under the contract. 11. Responsibility for Completeness: Any fittings or accessories which may not be specifically mentioned in the specification but which are usual or necessary, are to be provided by the contractor without extra charges. 12. Deduction of Tax at Source: All taxes and duties which are liable for deduction at source as per the relevant acts will be deducted from the payment due to the firm 14 ANNEXURE – I For EMD National Council of Educational Research & Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 Bidding Document for providing dedicated 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for uninterrupted internet connectivity in National Council of Educational Research & Training, HQ, Campus, (including CIET) Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110016 PARTICULARS OF EMD 1. NAME OF AGENCY : __________________________________________________________________________ 2. DATE OF RECEIPT OF TENDER DOCUMENT : ____________________________________________________ 3. LAST DATE & TIME FOR RECEIPT OF TENDER : __________________________________________________ 4. TIME & DATE OF OPENING OF TENDER : _________________________________________________________ 5. PLACE OF OPENING OF BID : ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS OF EMD: a) AMOUNT : RS. 50,000/- (RUPEES FIFTY THOUSAND ONLY) b) NAME OF BANK : _____________________________________________________________________________ c) PAY ORDER/BANK DRAFT NUMBER & DATE : _____________________________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF BIDDER OR HIS AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY) 15 ANNEXURE- II Technical Bid S.N Description of Company/Firm 1. Name of Firm/Company 2. Address 3. Telephone No. Mobile Fax: E-Mail Type of Organization (whether sole proprietorship/ partnership/private limited or\ Cooperative body etc.) Attached Documentary Proofs 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 Detailed to be filled up Name of the Proprietor/ Partners/Directors of the Organization/Firm Service Tax No & VAT Nos. of the Firm. TAN number of the firm/company of the : PAN number of the firm/company & no individual PAN/ITR will be considered at any cost (copy attached) 16 Page Number of this tender document where copy/certificate is attached 9. Work Experience For providing 05 year experience in providing dedicated leasedline internet connectivity of 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed & unshared) (Attached documentary proof in support of claim) 10. Total number of Engineers/ Professionals working in the Organization 11 Whether EMD submitted or not (Yes/No). Also indicate the BC/DD No. and date with amount of the EMD as per Annexure -I (Please Yes or No) 12 Average annual turnover of the Company of Rs.5.00 Cr. in the last three years with the details of the Net Profit & Loss duly certified by CA (proof enclosed). 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 13 ITR of Company for the last three years, (Proof enclosed) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 14 DD/Pay Order/Cash Receipt toward tender document fee 15 Valid Registration as ISP Category ‘A’ license holder with Deptt. of Telecommunication (DOT), Govt. of India (Attached valid certificate/agreement) 16 Does ISP/Firm has got his/her own International Gateway or not. If yes, attached a copy of the document in support of the claim 17 17 The service provider should furnished the followings details:- 17.1 Total Internet bandwidth available with the service provider 17.2 Total committed Internet bandwidth available with the service provider 18 Network layout diagram National/ International connectivity/ detailed proposal for the solutions 19 Indicate the following service Level Guarantee Parameters:- 19.1 Network Availability 19.2 Minimum Packet delivery Expected 19.3 Maximum Packet Latency 19.4 Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) 19.5 Uptime available (Guaranteed) 19.6 Frequency of Scheduled Maintenance 19.7 Downtime Maintenance during Scheduled 20 Time required for installation & operationalisation of Leased line from the date of issue of purchase order. 21 Number of global IPs to be provided (minimum 10) 22 Financial capability cum bank solvency letter of Rs.02.00 cores from any scheduled bank. 18 23 Fully operational 24x365 days Service Centre in Delhi/NCR. Please confirm (Proof enclosed) 24 Undertaking regarding black-listing by any department as per AnnexureIV 25 Compliance report of terms & conditions (Undertaking to be attached) (Authorized Signatory of the firm) 19 Annexure – III Format for Financial Bid S.No. Particular Price in INR A. One time charges Equipment/Hardward/Software 1. One time installation and commissioning charges of leased line at NCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET) 2. Taxes (as applicable) Sub Total B. Annually Recurring Charges 1. Dedicated 50 Mbps (1:1 uncompressed and unshared) leasedline for uninterrupted internet connectivity on optical fiber inNCERT HQ. Campus in New Delhi (including CIET), New Delhi 2. Taxes (As applicable) Sub Total Grand Total (A+B) (Rupees Note:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Indicate Not Applicable (NA), if any section (in this format) which is not applicable. Rates for any additional / optional features to be mentioned clearly and separately. The rates quoted are for at destination should be in Indian Rupees only. Price must to be quoted both in figures and in words. In case of a discrepancy in the two, price quoted in words will be taken as valid. Any drop in the charges / tariff of leased line or Internet port access during the contract period shall be passed on to NCERT, New Delhi ANY INCREASE IN BANDWIDTH NEEDED WOULD BE ON PRO-RATA BASIS, However, NCERT, New Delhi shall place the order for required additional bandwidth as and when required by giving a written request to the Tenderer. We have gone through the terms & conditions stipulated in the Tender Document and confirm to abide by the same. In the commercial/price bid, Taxes and Duties, if any, payable should be indicated separately, failing which, it will be presumed that the quoted rates are inclusive of all the taxes and duties and no other payment for the same will be admitted later No other charges would be payable by the NCERT. Place: Date: (Signature of Authorized Person & Seal) 20 Annexure – IV DECLARATION REGARDING BLACKLISTING/DEBARRING FOR TAKING PART IN TENDER I / We ____________________________________ (Tenderer) hereby declare that the firm / agency namely M/s. __________________________ has not been blacklisted or debarred in the past by Union/ State Government or organization from taking part in Government tenders in India. Or I / We _____________________________________ (Tenderer) hereby declare that the Firm/ agency namely M/s. ____________________________________________ was blacklisted or debarred by Union / State Government or any Organization from taking part in Government tenders for a period of ________________ years w.e.f. ________________ to _____________. The period is over on _____________________ and now the firm/company is entitled to take part in Government tenders. In case the above information found false I / we are fully aware that the tender/contract will be rejected / cancelled by Secretary, NCERT, and EMD / SD shall be forfeited. In addition to the above Secretary, NCERT will not be responsible to pay the bills for any completed / partially completed work. Name ________________________ (Authorized signatory of the firm) Address with Seal______________________ 21