APRIL - 2007 Strategies for Promoting Peace Education among SAARC Countries A consultative meeting was held on 26 and 27 February 2007 under the chairpersonship of Prof. Krishna Kumar, Director, NCERT to discuss issues related to promotion of peace education in the SAARC region. The meeting was attended by eminent educationists, academics, experts on peace education, and members of the focus group on Peace Education, and Joint Director, NCERT. Head, DEPFE was the convener of the meeting. The members were apprised of the wide-ranging initiatives, which emerged from the position paper on education for peace. NCER T’s interest in initiating programmes which would facilitate sharing of experiences in the SAARC countries and building shared structures for promoting peace education in the SAARC region was highlighted. The members suggested that a region-wise pool of 8-10 people may be formed, who could monitor the work in the region. The need for research on conflicts in the SAARC region was pointed out. The members were of the opinion that sharing and dissemination of information is required about what has already been done. This would involve advocacy, development of database on existing materials, initiatives, translation of existing materials, case studies on nature and location of conflicts, etc. The suggestions included exchange of resource persons/social scientists and organising an India Chapter on the training of teachers/development of reading materials/anthologies etc. Science Talk CELEBRATION OF NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY National Science Day is observed every year on 28 February to mark the novel discovery of the Raman Effect by the great Indian physicist Sir C.V. Raman. It offers an opportunity to bring issues of science on to centre stage. Its basic objective is to spread the message of the importance of science and its applications among the people. This year’s theme for National Science Day celebrations was ‘More Crop per Drop’. The theme’s focus was on efforts to build an eco-water-literate society that valued water. It LIFE ETERNAL THROUGH LEARNING The intertwined Hansas symbolise the integration of three aspects of the work of the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT): (i) Research and Development, (ii) Training, and (iii) Extension. The design has been adapted from an Ashokan period relic of the third century B.C. found in excavations near Maske in the Raichur district of Karnataka. The motto has been taken from the Isavasya Upanishad and means life eternal through learning. advocated the optimum use of water in all aspects of human activity and water conservation by all means. The Department of Education in Science and Mathematics, NCER T, on this occasion arranged for a popular lecture – ‘Making Each Drop Count’ by Dr. A.K. Singh, Project Director, Water Technology Centre, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. During his deliberations, Dr. A.K. Singh mentioned that India has the largest irrigated area in the world having productivity around 2.5 tonne per hectare (t/ha). This productivity can be raised to 4 t/ha with proper management of inputs, especially soil and water. Dr. Singh also discussed methods of reusing and recycling of waste-water for irrigation without a detrimental effect on crops and the soil, which is another aspect that needs to be tackled in a systematic manner, in addition to the management of the poor quality of groundwater. This lecture was attended by several faculty members of NIE, school teachers from Navyug School, Cambridge School, Army Public School, St. Mary’s School and Apeejay School. To celebrate this day NERIE organised a meeting under the chairpersonship of Prof. D.S Bhattacharjee, Principal, NERIE. Science teachers from different states of the North-East including faculty members of NERIE were present. In keeping with the theme ‘More Crop per Drop’, Prof. M.K. Satapathy (Head DESM&ICT) delivered a lecture on ‘Sustainable Agriculture: Water Conservation and Crop Productivity’. WORKSHOP ON SCIENCE MAGAZINE A four-day workshop was held from 28 to 31 March 2007 at NERIE, Shillong. Ten writers from different states of NorthEast attended the workshop. Experts from the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu had earlier contributed through articles. A total of 30 articles were identified in different areas like conservation of water and energy, flora and fauna of North-East India, pollution, global warming, health and nutrition, aquatic world, disaster management, scientists of India, scientific invention and discoveries, medicinal science, oceanography, information and technology, evolution and existence, planets 2 in the solar system, forestry in human life etc. A draft manuscript of the identified articles were prepared. The programme was jointly coordinated by Dr. B. Devi (DCDEVE) and Dr. Daksha M. Parmar. JNNSEC-2006 E XHIBITS W IN P RIZES CHILDREN SCIENCE CONGRESS-2007 IN Twenty best exhibits selected from the Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Exhibition for Children2006 held at Pune during 23-26 November 2006 were displayed in the Children Science Congress2007 organised together with the 94th Indian Science Congress Association Meeting held at Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, during 3-7 January 2007. Following exhibits of JNNSEC-2006 received Certificates of Merit and cash prizes in this Congress. 1. A S IMPLE L OW C OST H IGH MULTIPURPOSE IRRIGATION PROJECT RURAL AREAS P OTENTIAL REMOTE FOR Name of the School : Kupwara Public School, Sogam Road, Kupwara Name of the Student : Mr. Bilal Rashi Khan Name of the Teacher : Mr. Dipyendu Mesuaa 2. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE LUNGS Name of the School : Puranchandra Vidyaniketan, Hemant Vihar, Kanpur Name of the Student : Ms. Medha Mishra Name of the Teacher : Mrs. Sushma Jaiswal NATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING The National Steering Committee deliberated on various activities initiated by NCERT for the dissemination of NCF-2005 during the one-day meeting held on 16 March 2007 at NCERT, New Delhi. The committee reflected on the progress of review process. It also deliberated on the shorter version of NCF-2005 (draft). Recognising the multiple initiatives of various departments of NCERT and also the effort of States/UTs in the dissemination of NCF, the committee offered constructive suggestions for wider participation across the country. NCERT NEWS/April-2007 Language and Beyond TEACHING OF ENGLISH AT THE SECONDARY STAGE An Orientation Programme of Key Resource Persons of North-East States in Teaching of English at Secondary Stage was held at Don Bosco Youth Centre, Shillong during 5–9 March 2007. Nine participants from various DIETs/ SCER Ts of the North-East attended the programme. Prof. A.K. Mishra highlighted the significant themes on language education according to the NCF-2005. Dr. P. Barua from Guwahati University discussed in detail the methods of English language teaching. Dr. J. Chatterjee, CIEFL, Shillong and Dr. T.K. Bamon emphasised on reading and listening skills. The latter also discussed the psychosocial aspect of teaching and learning second language. Dr. P. Thungam, NEHU, Shillong brought out an innovative method of teaching languages through dramatisation method. Participants were asked to enact their performance based on a topic chosen by them. Ms Mellisa Wallang (DLSSAPE) was the coordinator of the programme. SIGN LANGUAGE FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED When it comes to disability, it is all about changing our attitude towards the disabled... An Orientation Programme for Special Education was organised at St. Francis Mount, Umbir during 19–23 March 2007. There were 43 participants from all North Eastern regions. The resource persons were: Mr. Bikramjit, AYNNIH, Mumbai; Ms. Sona Choudhury, S&CHH, Shillong; Mr. Carmo Norohna, Director, Bethany Society, Shillong; Sr. Merley Tom, Director, Ferrando Speech and Hearing Centre, Shillong; Prof. U. Konwar, NERIE; and other faculty members of NERIE. There were two interpreters for sign language; Sr. Sini Antoney, Ferrando Speech and Hearing Centre, and Ms Kathleen from USA working at Ferrando. The programme was inaugurated by the Minister of Higher and Technical Education Mr. R.G. Lyngdoh. In his speech, Mr. Lyngdoh lauded the efforts of NERIE for organising the programme which, he is confident, would enhance the methodology in imparting NCERT NEWS/April-2007 education to children with hearing impairment. Prof. D.S. Bhattacharjee, Principal, NERIE, in his speech stated that such a programme should be carried forward in all the states of the entire North Eastern region. Prof. U. Konwar highlighted the significant themes of Inclusive Education according to the NCF-2005. Mr. Carmo Norohna also discussed issues of Inclusive Education and emphasised on the Right to Education for All. Sr. Merley cited pathological causes and consequences of hearing loss in learning development. She also familiarised the participants on classroom procedures in handling deaf students in the classroom and discussed mainstreaming deaf education. The programme coordinator presented the History of Deaf Education in the country and the researches carried out so far. Dr. S. Devi discussed the importance of first language in learning the second language, in this case sign language being the first language of the hearing impaired. The rest of the programme was carried out by the hearing impaired resource persons and interpreters. The resource persons talked about the basic Indian sign language known as ‘A-level’. Four units of this course were completed. In this programme, a discussion was also made regarding the variations of sign language in the North Eastern region in comparison to mainstream India. The feedback from the participants received was that some sort of a research-cum-workshop programme regarding Deaf Education is still necessary in the NE region. ORIENTATION PROGRAMME EDUCATION ON MULTILINGUAL Orientation Programme of State Key Functionaries in North-East States in promoting Multilingual Education as Resources of Child’s Cognitive Development and National Harmony was held at Don Bosco Youth Centre during 12– 16 March 2007. Twelve participants from Manipur, Assam, Mizoram and Meghalaya participated. Prof. A.K. Mohanty, J.N.U., Delhi, focused on the importance of multilingual education and mother tongue for the cognitive development of the child. Prof. Ch. Yawanta, 3 Manipur University, talked abut linguistic approaches and methods to tackle the situation of MLE. Dr. S. Lamare, St. Edmunds College, Shillong, focused on the importance of developing MLE in India especially in the NorthEast. Dr. R.K. Brajananda, Human Right Consultant, talked about the rights of children and minorities and cited numerous examples from the North-East. Prof. A.K. Mishra, DLSSAPE-NERIE, discussed on constructivism and the National Curriculum Framework 2005 in relation to language education, while Dr. S.C. Roy, DLSSAPE, spoke on TLM. Participants were asked to elaborate on specific state problems and suggestions were offered through an interactive process. Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi was the coordinator of the programme. MANUAL FOR BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN HOME LANGUAGE AND SCHOOL LANGUAGE A four-day workshop was organised to develop the manual at the elementary stage at NERIEShillong, during 26–29 March 2007. Resource persons included faculty members from Shillong College, Mother Angelis School, Tura, DIET, Sohra, the Principal of Upper Primary Government School, Jayantia Hills, Shillong and Prof. M.S. Ningomba from Manipur. Internal resource persons included Prof. A.K. Mishra, DLSSAPE; Ms Mellissa Wallang, Dr. Ch. Sarajubala Devi, DLSSAPE; Mr. Bijoykumar, DCDEVE and two JPFs from NERIE. The resource persons analysed the textbooks (English) used by the Meghalaya Board, listed vocabularies and glossed in Khasi and Garo. They also analysed grammatical structures included in the lesson. The coordinators will try out the manual in some selected schools of Meghalya before finalising the manual. RESOURCE MATERIALS FOR TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN NORTH-EAST A four -day workshop was held to develop resource materials for the elementary stage, at the North East Regional Language Centre, Guwahati, from 5–8 February 2007. The workshop was attended by sixteen master trainers belonging to DIETs/SCERTs of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland, and some teachers from Assam. Prof. A.K. Mishra and Dr. Sima Saigal, DLSSAPE were the coordinators. Guidance and Counselling CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME A programme was organised from 14–16 March 2007 at NIE campus, NCERT, New Delhi to (i) enable the key personnel in guidance and counselling perform leadership, support and supervisory functions for strengthening guidance activities in their states, (ii) provide them a common platform for sharing their experiences with respect to implementation of the guidance programme. Fifteen participants including Directors, Assistant Directors of State level guidance agencies/SIEs/SCERTs, Dist. counsellors, counsellors incharge and other KPR in guidance and counselling attended the programme. The participants were from eight 4 northern states including Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Punjab, Chandigarh, Delhi, and Rajasthan. They were exposed to different areas of guidance and counselling with reference to NCF 2005, an overview of guidance and counselling services in the country, effective guidance practices in participating states, current issues such as academic stress, career information, child sex abuse, disaster management and HIV/AIDS addressed by government and non-government organisations and the counselling skills/practices. Later action plans were prepared by the participants suitable for their respecture states for implementation. NCERT NEWS/April-2007 DIPLOMA COURSE IN GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING The Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations of Education, NCERT, New Delhi offered a six months Diploma course for teachers, teacher educators, and untrained guidance personnel from the State Education Departments within the country as well as in the SAARC and other Asian countries. The course was based on ‘Teacher as a Counsellor’model as teachers have a special role to play to counsel and guide students. However, they need professional orientation and training. The course aims to empower teachers to be a guide and a mentor rather than only an expert. It is expected to bring about changes in the attitudes and perceptions of teachers and their ways of interacting with students. This year the course was offered from 12 September 2006 to 12 March 2007. Thirty-six teachers attended the course of which seven were deputed by the Government of Bhutan, five by the Government of Sri Lanka and twenty-four from other parts of the country. The course consisted of core components in guidance and counselling processes and procedures, major principles and perspectives of human adjustment and career development, their application in counselling, psychological assessment and appraisal, and the use of career information in guidance and counselling practices. Guest lectures and workshops on inculcating counselling skills were also arranged by way of enrichment in the course content. The trainees were taken to field trips and on an educational tour to Mumbai where they visited a number of professional organisations.Cultural meets were organised to encourage the sharing of experiences amongst different countries. Women’s Studies REPRESENTING INDIAN WOMEN 1875-1947 A VISUAL DOCUMENTARY DECLINING SEX RATIO (FEMALE FOETICIDE) CONCERNS AND STRATEGIES The Department of Women’s Studies, NCERT, in collaboration with the Centre for Women’s Development Studies and RIE, Mysore organised an exhibition at RIE whose focus was on underlying narrative of representing ‘Indian Women 1875-1947 – A Visual Documentary’ which covered over 250 visuals. The archival photographs based on the theme were not only a visual treat but helped in understanding the country’s multifaceted history. The Department of Women’s Studies, NCERT organised a three-day National Consultation on Declining Sex Ratio (Female Foeticide) – Concerns and Strategies, at the NIE Campus from 28 February to 2 March 2007 in which 52 social scientists, educationists, doctors, policy planners and administrators, media persons, advocates, religious leaders, NGOs and activists deliberated on varied perspectives of female foeticide. RARE PHOTOGRAPHS • • • • • ON Visualising the family The learning experience The worlds beyond The national movement Towards the Midnight Hour There were four panels on specific women– noted social reformer, Pandita Ramabai, two early women photographers – Debaleena Mazumdar and Annapurna Dutta, a pioneering doctor, Dwarkabai Kamlabar and school teacher, Sarah Massey. The exhibition was inaugurated by Prof. Rameswari Varma, member of the focus group on ‘Gender Issues in Education’ and the Chief Guest was Shri T.S. Satyan, photographer. NCERT NEWS/April-2007 FOCUS ON • Female Foeticide – Key Factors in Declining Sex: A Critical Analysis • The Legal Angle: Acts and Gaps and Suggested Action Points • The Medical Angle: Ethics, Reality and Intervention Strategies • The Social Angle: Efforts, Interventions and Futuristic Strategies • The Education Angle: Reality and Possibility • Role of Media: A Critical Analysis and Possible Interventions • The Political Angle: Interventions and Commitments • The Religious Angle: Facts and Acts 5 A brain storming session was also held to identify the future course of action. ACTION POINTS THAT EMERGED FROM THE CONSULTATION Need to form a consortium for preventing incidences of female foeticide by involving persons from different dimensions of this problem to carry the issue forward and take suitable actions and debate on different religions from the gender perspective with a view to critically analyse what they preach. • The government should set targets for correcting the declining child sex ratio. • The sex ratio at birth and gender differentials in infant mortality rate (IMR)should be included as health and gender parity indicators. • Auditing of ultra sound clinics (sonographic centres) has also been recommended. • The government should ensure that private as well as government channels allocate some time for telecasting relevant messages/ programmes. Professor Poonam Agrawal participated in a two-day (16-17 March 2007) National Seminar Seminar on ‘Female Infanticide : Contemporary Scenario, Issues and Challenges’ and presented a paper on ‘Female Foeticide – a Critical Assessment of the Problem and the Probable Corrective Measures’ organised by the Centre for Women’s Studies and Development, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. Professor Agrawal also participated in a National Seminar on ‘Women’s Studies in 21st Century-Various Paradigms’ from 27–28 March 2007, organised by the Centre for Women’s Studies and Development, Banaras Hindu University, and presented a paper on ‘Making Women Linguistically Visible’. She also chaired one session. Book Shelf ARTS EDUCATION A Resource Book for Teachers (Class IX) has been brought out by the Council recently, which is meant for the teachers of arts at secondary stage. The book focuses on concepts of visual and performing arts to be learnt by students in Class IX. UNITS OF THE RESOURCE BOOK • Unit I on visual arts. • Unit II on Indian music, both vocal and instrumental. • Unit III on theatre arts. • Unit IV relates to the origin of dance in India, theory and techniques common to Indian dance forms etc. • Unit V of the resource book has been developed to make the teachers more aware so that they can disseminate this information among the students. There are certain areas of arts which will be dealt with in the resource book for Class X. This resource book for the arts teachers gives some guidelines and expects the teachers to expand these ideas with their professional skills and teaching experience by utilising available resources. Library A Meeting of Senior Library Professionals from our constituent libraries at five Regional Institutes of Education at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubneshwar, Mysore and Shillong; Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) at Bhopal; media libraries of Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), New Delhi was held at RIE, Mysore during 11–12 January 2007. One of the objective of the meeting was how best we can share our resources and the need for taking appropriate steps to improve services in all the constituent libraries of NCERT. The annual meeting of the professional staff of NIE 6 and its constituent libraries will help in exchanging views of mutual interest and standardising the procedures and practices in all the Libraries. There is need to identify the role of Library Staff as knowledge managers. Fourteen library professionals of NIE and its constituent libraries participated in the meeting. FOCUS • The meeting reviewed the progress made so far on the National Resource Centre of Education (NRCE) and decided to activate the implementation of all in-house activities of automation. NCERT NEWS/April-2007 • It was agreed that for sharing e-resources NCERT consortium may be initiated. • It was decided that all the libraries may plan and design library website and link to DLDI. • The academic role of the libraries was also emphasised and agreed that short-term inservice training programmes for Librarians/ Incharge Librarians of SCERTs, SIEs and DIETs may be organised by DLDI and RIEs. The detailed discussions on the important issues related to modernisations of NIE and its Constituent Libraries for sharing of resources through NCER T Consortium followed by presentation /demo of LibSys, Informatics India Ltd., Techfocuz, and Global Information System Pvt. Ltd. have updated their knowledge and enriched the professional skills of participants. ORIENTATION PROGRAMME NORTH EASTERN REGION FOR LIBRARIANS OF methodology followed for the training programme was lectures by experts in field, presentation by participants, group work, and interactive and participatory activities. A package consisting of twelve papers on the subjects discussed in the training was given to each participant as instructional material. The participants evinced keen interest in the library and information management techniques and took active part in practical exercises in library classification and cataloguing. They were very much interested in learning the computer basics and library software for creating standard catalogue records for the books. They felt confident and better equipped to manage libraries and provide better services to the users. They evaluated the programme as highly useful. CAPACITY BUILDING OF SCHOOL LIBRARIANS The objective of the orientation-cum-inservice MODERNISE SCHOOL LIBRARIES training to the Librarians/Incharge Librarians of SCERTs, SIEs and DIETs of North Eastern Region was to sharpen and up-date LIS professional’s skill and knowledge and to equip participants with adequate practical knowledge to develop model libraries using the latest technology within the limited resources. It was also to create a forum for interaction among library and information professionals and to keep abreast of the latest developments in the fields of information science and related IT applications. Twenty-eight library professionals and paraprofessionals attended the five-day training programme. TOPICS COVERED Library Rules, Collection Development, Processing of Books, Maintenance and Binding of Periodicals, Organisation of Knowledge such as classification, cataloguing, indexing, abstracting, and metadata, Design and Developing Instructional Programmes Appropriate to the Identified Needs of Users. The participants were introduced to computer applications to libraries. Theory and practicals were arranged on classification and cataloguing, developing a bibliographic database using WINSIS. A visit to RDIC, North Eastern Council Library was also arranged. The NCERT NEWS/April-2007 TO The first Activity Planning Meeting of the Expert Group inviting regional coordinators before conducting five days training programme on ‘Capacity Building of School Librarians to Modernise School Libraries’ at RIEs was held from 7 to 8 March 2007 at DLDI, NCERT. The objective of the meeting was identification of the target group for the programme, need assessment of the target group through survery, designing of the questionnaire and discussion on the topics to be included in the training programme. In this meeting the target group for the programme was identified and the topics for different modules of the course material were finalised. DERPP SEMINAR ON ACTION RESEARCH A three-day State Level Seminar on Action Research was organised in collaboration with SCERT, Assam and SSA, Assam from 30 March to 1 April 2007, at Guwahati. In this Seminar 30 field practitioners including primary school teachers from three districts of Assam besides a few DIET and SCERT faculty shared their findings of action research. These action researches were completed under NCERT’s capacity building project and were read out in 7 Boro, Assamesse, Bengali and English. The Seminar was a culmination of a two-year project that the Department of Educational Research and Policy Perspectives (DERPP) of NCERT took up as a capacity building initiative in action research among elementary school teachers and other field functionaries of Assam. Inspired by the success of the project, the Department, in collaboration with MSCERT, Pune, has taken up a similar capacity building project in action research among elementary school practitioners of Maharashtra. NCERT Doctoral Fellowships NCERT has invited applications for the award of 10 NCERT Doctoral Fellowships in the field of education and other disciplines directly related to education. The fellowships are intended for young aspirants to pursue doctoral work in a recognised university or research institution. The fellowships will be given in the priority areas emerging from the concerns expressed in the National Curriculum Framework 2005. These are Education of the Disadvantaged, Classroom Processes and Practices, Curricular Areas, Education for Peace and Psychological Development of Children. The fellows selected will receive a fellowship of Rs 8,000 per month and Rs 10,000 as annual contingency grant for a maximum period of 3 years. An information brochure with the application format has been developed and the same is available on NCERT’s website. Achievements • BHARTIYA CHHAPACHITRA KALA AADI SE AADHUNIK KAL TAK – Dr. Sunil Kumar has been awarded National Award (Second Prize) by the All India Council of Technical Education, MHRD, New Delhi for his book ‘Bhartiya Chhapachitra Kala Aadi se Aadhunik Kal Tak’ under Technical Textbook Award 2005-2006 category. • • AWARD – Smt. Rekha Agarwal has been awarded the National Award for Outstanding Effort in Science & Technology Communication through Books and Magazines for the year 2006. The award consists of a cash prize of Rs 1,00,000 as part of National Science Day Celebration. The award is for her contribution as a science writer, columnist, broadcaster and litterateur. SOUNDS OF SILENCE – A book published by Shri Meganathan, Lecturer is a collection of poems written over a decade on people, events and happenings that stirred his life and thoughts. Through forty-one poems on varied themes from nature to education, politics, love, pains, this book attempts to provoke readers to contemplate on the ideas and themes it presents. Some of the poems have been published by leading magazines and journals. The title of the book bears the title of one of the poems. The book has been reviewed by literary journals, magazines and newspapers. Resource Support Initiative for Research within NCERT Promotion of educational research and research based policy perspectives for qualitative improvement in school education are important concerns of NCERT. This concern has to be addressed by the NCER T faculty through conduct of need-based researches on a regular basis. This, therefore, requires the younger colleagues to rise to the occasion and give attention to research activities within NCERT. With this objective the Department of Educational Research and Policy Perspectives organised a 8 five-day orientation programme for creating and nurturing a culture of research through capacity building of new faculty members of NCER T. The programme was held at RIE Mysore from 16-20 January 2007 and was attended by 27 NCER T faculty members drawn from different constituent units. A seminar is proposed to be organised towards the end of 2007-08 for sharing of experiences after the participants carry out research as a follow up. NCERT NEWS/April-2007 Abstracts and Publications C H A N G E IN C O N C E P T U A L S T R U C T U R E IN L EARNING R EFLECTION AND R EFRACTION THROUGH CONCEPT MAPPING This experimental study was conducted at RIE Ajmer during 2005-2006. The paper based on the findings of the above study was presented by Dr. Shashi Prabha at Indian Science Congress Association in January 2007 at Chidambaram. In recent times, Concept Mapping has emerged as a powerful tool in science education research in the domain of understanding learners conceptual understanding (Good, Novak and Wandersee 1990, Markham, Mintzes and Jones 1994, Wandersee, Mintzes and Novak 1994, Rye, Rubba 1998). The purpose of the present study is to investigate the change in the conceptual structures pertaining to reflection and refraction of light through concept mapping at Class X level. To achieve this goal randomised experimental group (43 students) and control group (43 students) pretest to post-test experimental design was applied. Scores of achievement tests were taken as a measure of conceptual change of the students. Box plots were used to summarise the distribution of achievement. ANOVA test done on the groups provided a support to the hypothesis that prior knowledge with the concepts of reflection and refraction of light remaining same, students subjected to the treatment showed higher achievement as compared with the students experiencing conventional teaching. The previous group found themselves better equipped with the applications of the above concepts. On the basis of these findings it is concluded that Concept Mapping can be used as one of the instructional strategies to bring the intended conceptual change. UNDERSTANDING THE SOCI-CULTURAL EXPERIENCES OF PAHARI FOLK – Mily Roy Anand, Indian Folklore Research Journal, Vol.3 Number 6. Most generalisations about North Indian society and culture are in reality generalisations about the Indo-Gangetic plains. The Central Himalayan region comprising Kumaon and Garhwal (now known as Uttaranchal) has largely been neglected or ignored due to lack of information or indifference on the part of scholars towards this region. From early times, geographical factors have played a key role in shaping the history and culture of this region. Another factor which contributed towards the culture of Uttaranchal is the waves of migration to this region from the Gangetic plains, Punjab and Rajasthan particularly in the medieval period. The impact of these migrations can be seen in the religious and socio-cultural practices of the people of Kumaon and Garhwal. This is particularly evident in the rich folklore of Uttaranchal, which throws a vivid light on the social and cultural conditions of this region. PUBLICATIONS • • OF NE-RIE FACULTY Dr. Tulika Dey, Lecturer, DEREDM published a research paper entitled ‘Structure and Geochemistry of Metabasites from Chandrapur-Narengi area of Guwahati City, Kamrup District, Assam’ in the Bulletin of the Indian Geologists Association Vol. 39 (1,2) pp. 29-39. ISSN: 0379-5098. Published article ‘Joyful Learning’ in the Sentinel Melange, Guwahati, Assam, Vol XX1V, No. 14, p.1, 25 February 2007. Briefs CAPACITY BUILDING FOR PROMOTING RESEARCH S.S.A’ was held at NERIE Shillong from 5 to 9 March 2007. State and district level ACTIVITIES A five-day programme on ‘Capacity Building for State and District Level Functionaries of N-E States in Promoting Research Activities under NCERT NEWS/April-2007 functionaries of S.S.A from Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland participated. Various aspects of research (focusing action research) such as need and 9 importance, types, identification of research problems, listing out of objectives, formulation of hypothesis, development of research tools, data collection and analysis, presentation of data and report writing were discussed, and exercised thoroughly through lecture followed by group presentation. The programme was jointly coordinated by Dr. B. Devi (DCDEVE) and Mr. T. Newmei (DEREDM). • PROMOTING EFFECTIVE READING AND WRITING SKILLS AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL An orientation programme for Key Resource Persons of North East States was held at Don Bosco Youth Centre, Shillong from 5–9 March 2007. It was attended by twenty-six master trainers belonging to various DIETs/SCERTs of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and some school teachers from Assam and Meghalaya. The programme was coordinated by Prof. A.K. Mishra, DLSSAPE. • FACULTY NEWS – NE-RIE • • • • 10 Dr. Sarajubala Devi (DLSSAPE) and Mr. K.H. Bijoykumar (DCDEVE) attended the programme ‘Problems and the possibilities of translation of scientific and technical terminologies in the eastern languages of India ( Manipuri, Assamese, and Bodo)’, at State Central Library, Shillong from 18 to 20 February 2007. The programme was organised by Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminologies and Central Hindi Institute. Dr. N.C Ojha (DEREDM) participated in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Youth and reconstruction of the nation’ held at Barkatullah University, Bhopal, M.P from 11 to 12 January 2007. Dr. A.C Borah (DESM&ICT) attended workshop on e-learning from 24 to 26 February 2007, organised by Commonwealth of Learning and Central Institute of Education, Delhi University at CIE, Delhi University. Prof. A. K Mishra (DLSSAPE) attended a National Workshop on ‘Multilingual Education for Tribal Areas under SSA’ organised by Department of School Education and Literacy, MHRD, Government • of India at New Delhi on 14 to 15 February, and made a presentation on ‘Scope for multilingual education in North Eastern States’. A five-day programme on ‘Orientation of State Functionaries on Quality Education’ was held from 26 to 30 March 2007 at NERIE-NCERT, Shillong. The programme was attended by 23 DIET lecturers from Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Meghalaya. External resource persons were Mr. D.K Ryntathiang, Fr. P. D. Johny, Mr. Dilip Barua and Dr. V. Kharmawphlang. Internal resource persons included Prof J.P. Bagchi, Dr. N.C. Ojha, Dr. F.G. Dkhar (DEREDM) and Dr. S.C. Roy (DLSSAPE). The programme was jointly coordinated by Dr. F.G. Dkhar and Prof. J.P. Bagchi. A five-day ‘Workshop-cum-Training on Textbook Writing for Potential Textbook Writers’ was held at Agartala (Tripura) from 12 to 16 March 2007. The main objective of the programme was to provide necessary knowledge and skills to produce quality textbooks. Twenty-two participants from different DIETs and SCERTs of Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Manipur attended the workshop. Dr. N.C Ojha and Prof. J.P Bagchi (DEREDM) jointly coordinated the programme. A five-day training programme entitled ‘Training of Key Resource Persons in Understanding and use of Education Technology’ was held at Guwahati from 19 to 23 March 2007. Ten DIET faculties from Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Assam and six school teachers from Assam attended the programme. The external resource persons for the programme were Prof. P.K Bhattacharjee, CIET, NCERT, Mr. Dharani Saikia, Centre for Environment Education (CEE) Guwahati, Dr. Hrishikesh Baruah, Arya Vidyapeth College, Guwahati and Mr. K.K. Deka, MI&B, Guwahati. Internal resource persons were Dr. T. Dey, Prof. J.P. Bagchi, Dr. N.C. Ojha (DEREDM) and Dr. A.K. Garg (DESM&ICT). The programme achieved its objective in familiarising the KRPs with the idea and logic behind implementation of Education NCERT NEWS/April-2007 • • Technology in schools. Extensive discussions and hands-on-experiences were given to the participants in the field of science, mathematics and social sciences. Dr. Tulika Dey and Prof. J.P. Bagchi (DEREDM) jointly coordinated the programme. A training programme entitled ‘Workshop cum Training Programme on Environmental Education as Disaster Management for Elementary Teacher Educators of North Eastern States’ was held at Kaliabor-Assam in March 2007. Prof. M.K Satpathy (DESM&ICT) was the coordinator of the programme. A four-day workshop on ‘Development of Local Specific Materials to Supplement Teaching-Learning of History at Secondary Stage in the North-Eastern States’ was organised at NERIE-NCERT, Shillong from 21 to 24 March 2007. The workshop discussed on materials, strategies and methodology to be incorporated in preparation of the teachers handbook, where snippets of North East history will be integrated with national and global developments as included in the main text. Twelve resource persons from the universities of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya attended the workshop, along with some college lecturers and school teachers. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Sima Saigal (DLSSAPE). related to curricular areas, national concerns and systemic reforms during the interaction sessions. Participants’ queries and reflective interactions indicated their curiosity to know more about NCF-2005. FOREIGN DELEGATIONS • • • Staff News SUPERANNUATIONS • ORIENTATION OF T EACHER E DUCATORS ON • NCF-2005 THROUGH EDUSAT NETWORK Curriculum Group organised an orientation programme on NCF-2005 for teacher educators through EDUSAT network from 18 January to 9 February 2007. Approximately 4,000 elementary and secondary level teacher educators from Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Chattishgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttaranchal and West Bengal participated in the programme. Altogether 59 experts drawn from the faculty of NCERT, National Streering Committee and National Focus Groups interacted with the participants. The experts delved deep into specifics of recommendations and key ideas NCERT NEWS/April-2007 A six-member Chinese delegation visited NCERT on 2 February 2007 to learn about the Indian school system and for establishing future cooperation with Indian educational organisations. The delegation exchanged information about the education systems in the two countries. A high level six-member South African delegation visited the NCERT on 15 February 2007. The delegation interacted with the NCERT faculty in specific areas viz., rural education, district management and administration and education in mathematics, science and technology. A three-member Tanzanian delegation visited NCERT on 22 February 2007 and had detailed interaction particularly on primary education. • • Shri Sat Ram, Senior Helper retired on 28-02-07. Shri Prakash Singh, Security Guard retired on 28-02-07. Smt. Harbheji, Safaiwali retired on 28-02-07. Shri Rattan Singh, Packer retired on 31-03-07. APPOINTMENTS • • Shri Amitabh Kumar has been appointed as Marketing Executive in Publication Department on 26-12-06. Shri Raj Kumar, Peon, has been appointed as Junior Accoutant on 08-02-07. OBITUARY NCERT condoles the death of Shri Ram Kumar, Safwaiwala who passed away on 27-02-07. 11 Thursday Lecture Forum Back Margin The following lectures were organised by DERPP under the Thursday Lecture Series. Forty years ago, the Kothari Commission had imagined that universities would some day develop a sense of responsibility towards school education. In its legendary report, the Commission had recommended that universities should regularly provide in-service training to teachers of elementary and secondary schools. Hardly anyone remembers this recommendation today. During the long summer break the vast campuses of universities and colleges bear a desolate look. After the examination is over in April, these campuses go to sleep in locked rooms, symptomising a vast wastage of infrastructure and other resources. The more industrious among university faculty find summer assignments in universities overseas. During the summer break, American and European universities run courses for people who cannot study in regular programmes. Many of these summer students are school teachers and citizens employed in different walks of life. Campuses are abuzz with activity, and libraries are thrown open to the summer crowd of parttime, adult students. If Kothari’s recomendation is resurrected today, the first step would be to give a summer ticket for college and university libraries to school teachers. The city of Delhi alone would suddenly have about eighty libraries to offer to its school teachers. For them, it would be a rare chance to see books, journals and magazines. And if colleges decided to offer summer courses for primary and secondary teachers, the age-old complaint that university teachers make would become unnecessary. The complaint is that graduate students don't have skills and knowledge that school children were expected to have once upon a time. Such nostalgic thoughts add to the cynicism and inertia we see all around us. If institutions of higher education take an active interest in updating school teachers, the quality of higher education will greatly improve within a few years. Professor Gopal Guru, who chaired NCERT’s National Focus Group on the teaching of social sciences, made this point when someone asked him why he was spending so much time on matters pertaining to school education. He said that his efforts will improve the quality of his own post-graduate students in a few years. • “Review of Primary Education in England” by Prof. Robin Alexander, University of Cambridge, UK on 25 January 2007. • “Research in the Integration of Technology in Education” by Prof. M.A. Siddiqui, JMI, New Delhi on 8 February 2007. • “Inclusive Education for the Future” by Prof. Dipak Lahiri, Council of Schools, Stockholm, Sweden on 15 February 2007. • “Educating Children at High Altitudes” by Ms. Gargi Banerji, Director, Ritika Project on 22 Feburary 2007. • “ The Reflective Teacher -Organisation of InService Training of the Teachers” by Prof. D.D. Yadav, DTEE, NCERT, New Delhi on 1 March 2007. • “Relevance of Gandhi in Today’s Education” by Prof. C.V.Venugopal (Retd.), Kar nataka University, Dharwad on 22 March 2007. SLOGAN FOR POSTER SERIES NCERT plans to develop an education based poster series. The NCERT faculty and staff are invited to contribute slogans for the same. A committee would then select appropriate slogans and use them for these posters. The themes can focus on retaining children in schools, encouraging literacy, gender sensitivity among school children, activity based learning, multi-lingualism, integration of arts and cultural traditions into education, learning among children with special needs, etc. The slogans may be sent to Dr. Jyotsna Tiwari, Department of Education in Arts and Aesthetics (DEAA), NCERT, New Delhi. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A CONTEST. Publication Team P. Rajakumar Shabnam Sinha Shveta Uppal Meenakshi Khar Arun Chitkara Design: Kalyan Banerjee Website : www.ncert.nic.in, E-mail: publica@nda. vsnl.net.in Published at the Publication Department by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110 016. Lasertypeset inhouse and printed at Gita Offset Printers, C-90, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I, New Delhi 110 020. 12 KRISHNA KUMAR NCERT NEWS/April-2007