Technical Note GKSS/WMS/00/03 interner Bericht Finite Element Modelling Lecture Notes Faculty of Engineering Kiel W. Brocks Februar 2000 Institut für Werkstofforschung GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht Inhalte Wiederholung von Grundbegriffen der Festigkeitslehre und Einführung in die Kontinuumsmechanik fester Körper: Spannungs- und Verzerrungstensor, Gleichgewichtsbedingungen, elastisches Stoffgesetz, Formulierung des Festigkeitsproblems als Randwertaufgabe und als Variationsaufgabe (Prinzip der virtuellen Arbeiten) Einführung in die Methode der finiten Elemente (FEM): Diskretisierung des Kontinuums, Verschiebungsansätze in den Elementen, (elastisches) Stoffgesetz, Steifigkeitsmatrix und Lastvektoren, Lösung des Gleichungssystems Aufbau eines FE-Programmes: erforderliche Eingaben, Programmablauf, Ergebnisdaten Einführung in die Anwendung des FE-Programmsystems ANSYS mit Übungen am Rechner: Erstellung von FE-Netzen und sonstigen Eingabedaten, Durchführung von FE-Rechnungen, Ergebnisdarstellung und Ergebnisauswertung. Selbständige Bearbeitung einfacher Probleme: Stab unter Zugbelastung, Biegebelastung einer eingespannten Scheibe mit Rechteckquerschnitt, gelochte Scheibe unter zweiachsialem Zug. empfohlene Literatur (deutsch): J. ALTENBACH und H. ALTENBACH: "Einführung in die Kontinuumsmechanik", Teubner Studienbücher Mechanik, Stuttgart 1994. K. KNOTHE, H. WESSELS: "Finite Elemente, Einführung für Ingenieure", SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1991. K.J. BATHE: "Finite-Elemente-Methoden", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986. O.C. ZIENKIEWICZ: "Methode der Finiten Elemente", Carl-Hanser-Verlag, München, 1984. ======================================================== Contents repetition of fundamentals of strength of materials and introduction into continuum mechanics of solids: stress and strain tensors, balance equantions, constitutive equations of linear elasticity, formulation as boundary value problem and variational problem (principle of virtual work) introduction into the finite element method (FEM): discretization of the continuum, shape and displacement functions, isoparametric elements, (elastic) constitutive equations, local and global stiffnes matrices and load vectors, solution of equations general structure of a FE programme: input data, flow diagram of problem solution, results application of the FE programme ANSYS with computer exercises: meshes and other input data, FE simulations, presentation, evaluation and interpretation of results, individual working on case and parameter studies: tensile bars, bending of a clamped rectangular panel, panel with hole under biaxial tension recommended literature (english): W.M. LAI, D. RUBIN, and E. KREMPL: "Introduction to Continuum Mechanics", Pergamon Press, 1993. M.E. GURTIN: "An introduction to Continuum Mechanics", Academic Press, New York, 1981. K.J. BATHE, "Finite Element Procedures", Prentice Hall, New Jersey 07632, 1996. O.C. ZIENKIEWICZ: "The Finite Elemente Method", McGraw-Hill Book Comp., Maidenhead (UK), 1977. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 2 Contents Introduction to continuum mechanics • kinematics • forces and stresses • balance equations • constitutive equations, HOOKE's law of elasticity Variational principles • variational calculus • principle of virtual work FE modelling and computational procedure Shape functions: • orthogonal elements • general isoparametric elements Nonlinear FE Analyses • geometrical nonlinearity • material nonlinearity Examples • plane panel under bending load • plane panel with hole under biaxial tension Appendix • Notation • Physical units (SI units) WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 3 Continuum Mechanics Continuum mechanics is a phenomenological field theory. Basing on observed phenomena, mathematical models for the mechanical behaviour of matter are formulated. As everybody knows, the behaviour of matter is determined by interactions of atoms and molecules. However, an engineering modeling cannot be done on this level. The discretely structured matter is hence represented by a phenomenological model, i.e. the continuum; this is done by averaging its properties in space. For describing the mechanical behaviour of heterogeneous materials with strong local gradients of the microstructure a phenomenological theory is not sufficient, in general. For this purpose, micromechanical models on a "meso level" between a microstructural and a phenomenological modeling are developed and applied. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 4 Equations of Continuum Mechanics 1. material independent principles kinematics • • • • body configuration motion deformation kinetics • external actions: • internal reactions: forces stresses balance equations (conservation laws) • • • • • 2. matter momentum moment of momentum energy / work / power entropy (2nd principle of thermodynamics) material dependent equations constitutive equations: solids, fluids, gases reversible, irreversible processes The combination of all principles leads to the formulation of initial boundary value problems. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 5 Kinematics Body A body B is a three-dimensional differentiable manifold, the elements of which are called particles x ∈ B. A body B is endowed with a non-negative scalar measure, m, which is called the mass of the body. Configuration A configuration χ of a body B is a smooth homeomorphism of B onto a region, B ⊂ E3, of three-dimensional EUKLIDean space E3, x = χ(x), called the region occupied by the body B in the configuration χ. Motion A motion of a body B is a one-parameter family tχ of configurations, x = tχ(x) = χ(x,t). The real parameter t is the time. Deformation The "local" deformation results from observing an infinitesimal vicinity of a particle in its present configuration with respect to a reference configuration. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 6 Deformation Any general motion of a body includes a deformation which can be described as follows. A particle, x, which is identified by its place 0 x = 0 χ( x) in a reference configuration at time t=0, occupies the place t x = t χ( x) = χ( 0 χ −1 ( 0 x ), t ) = φ( 0 x, t ) = t φ( 0 x ) = 0 x + t0 u at the time t. The mapping tφ is called deformation, and t0 u is the displacement of the particle. Observing an infinitesimal vicinity of the particle in the course of motion, t ∂ tφ 0 x + d x = φ( x + d x ) ≈ φ( x ) + 0 ⋅ d x ∂ x t t 0 0 t 0 leads to the definition of the deformation gradient, t 0 ∂ tφ 0 t F = 0 = ∇ 0 u + I = t0 H + I ∂ x Various tensor-valued measures of the local deformation, commonly addressed as strains, can be derived from t 0 F. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 7 Strain Tensors polar decomposition t 0 F = t0 R ⋅ t0 U = t0 V ⋅ t0 R t 0 with R ⋅ t0 R T = I right CAUCHY-GREEN Tensor t 0C = t0 F T ⋅ t0 F = t0 U 2 = I + H + H T + H T ⋅ H • GREEN's quadratic strain tensor t (G) 0E = 12 ( t0 U 2 − I) [ ) +( ∇ )⋅( T = t0 E + 12 ( 0 ∇ t0 u) ⋅ ( 0 ∇ t0 u) = t 1 0 ∇ 0u + 2 t 0E ( 0 ∇ T t 0u t 0u 0 0 ∇ ) T t 0u ] strain tensor for small deformations • HENCKY's logarithmic ("true") strain tensor t 0 E ( H ) = ln( t0 U) tensor of deformation rates t D= t 1 2 [ ∇ v + ( ∇ v) ] t t t t T ˙ ( G ) ⋅ t0 F −1 D = t0 F − T ⋅ t E WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 8 Forces and Stresses The concept describes the action of the outside world on the body B in motion and the interaction between the different parts P of the body. (a) external body force Fb (P ) = ∫ b( x, t )ρ dV , P ⊂ B P over the part P of B in the configuration χ. (b) contact force Fc (P ) = ∫ t( x; P ) dS ∂P extended over the boundary ∂P of P . (c) total resultant force F(P ) = Fb (P ) + Fc (P ) (d) stress principle t ( x; P ) = t ( x, n ) where n is the exteriour unit normal vector at the point x on the boundary ∂P of P This implies the existence of a stress-tensor field S(x) such that the stress vector t(x,n) may be expressed by t( x, n) = n ⋅ S( x ) WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 9 Principal Stresses and Invariants S⋅n = σ n "eigenvalue" problem condition det(S − σ I) = 0 characteristic equation σ 3 − J1σ 2 − J2σ − J3 = 0 invariants of stress tensor J1 (S) = tr(S) = σ ii J2 (S) = 12 [ tr(S 2 ) − tr 2 (S)] = 12 (σ ijσ ij − σ iiσ jj ) J3 (S) = det(S) = 13 σ ijσ jkσ ki three real solutions ("eigenvalues") = principal stresses σ I ≥ σ II ≥ σ III with corresponding principal directions S ⋅ ni = σ i ni σ I S= 0 0 0 σ II 0 n I , n II , n III (i = I , II , III ) 0 0 ni n j σ III invariants in terms of principal stresses J1 (S) = σ I + σ II + σ III J2 (S) = −(σ I σ II + σ II σ III + σ I σ III ) J3 (S) = σ I σ II σ III WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 10 stress deviator S′ = S − 13 σ ii I hydrostatic stress σ h = 13 σ ii invariants of stress deviator J1 (S′) = 0 J2 (S′) = 12 σ ij′ σ ij′ [ = 16 (σ 11 − σ 22 ) + (σ 22 − σ 33 ) + (σ 33 − σ 11 ) + 2 2 2 2 +σ 122 + σ 23 + σ 132 ] J3 (S′) = 13 σ ij′ σ ′jkσ ki′ = 13 σ ijσ jkσ ki VON MISES equivalent (effective) stress σ e = 3 J 2 (S ′ ) VON MISES yield condition σ e ≤ R0 upper limit of purely elastic deformation beginning plastic deformation R0 = yield strength WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 11 plane stress σ xx S = σ xy 0 σ xy σ yy 0 0 0 e i e j 0 principal stresses σI 1 2 = + σ σ 2 ( xx yy ) ± σ II 1 4 (σ xx − σ yy ) + σ xy2 2 direction of first (maximum) principal stress tan 2ϕ 0 = 2σ xy σ yy − σ xx maximum shear stress τ max = 1 4 (σ xx − σ yy ) + σ xy2 = 12 (σ I − σ II ) 2 direction of maximum shear stress π 4 VON MISES equivalent (effective) stress ϕ1 = ϕ 0 ± 2 2 2 σ e = σ xx + σ xx − σ xxσ yy + 3σ xy = σ I2 + σ II2 − σ I σ II WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 12 Balance Equations conservation of mass global: any finite part P of B d m˙ (P ) = ∫ ρ dV = 0 dt P local (equation of continuity) ρ˙ + ρ div x˙ = 0 balance of momentum global d ρ x˙ dV ∫ dt P local (CAUCHY's law of motion) div S + ρ b = ρ ˙˙ x F( P ) = balance of moment of momentum for non-polar media global d ∫ x × bρ dV + ∫ x × t dS = dt ∫ ρ x × x˙ dV P ∂P P local (symmetry of stress tensor) S = ST WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 13 General Principles governing the mechanical behaviour of materials 1. material frame-indifference Constitutive equations must be invariant under changes of frame reference. If a constitutive equation is satisfied for a process with a motion and a symmetric stress tensor given by x = χ( x, t ), S = S( x, t ) then it must be satisfied also for the motion and stress tensor given by ˜ x, t˜ ) = c(t ) + Q(t ) ⋅ χ( x, t ) , x˜ = χ( S˜ = S˜ ( x, t˜ ) = Q(t ) ⋅ S( x, t ) ⋅ Q T (t ) t˜ = t − τ 2. determinism The stress in a body is determined by the history of the motion of that body. 3. local action In determining the stress at a given particle x, the motion outside an arbitrary neighbourhood of xmay be disregarded. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 14 Constitutive Equations principle of determinism: t S( x, t ) = f {χ( y, τ ), x} τ =−∞ transformation of time: x, y ∈ B τ =t−s ∞ S( x, t ) = f{χ( y, t − s), x} s=0 principle of material frame-indifference: Q ⋅ f⋅ Q T = f{Q ⋅ χ} ∞ S( x, t ) = f{χ( y, t − s) − χ( x, t − s)} s=0 principle of local action: Ω : y − x ≤ δ ; x = χ( x), y = χ( y) ∞ S( x, t ) = f s=0 { t −s −∞ } −s F( x), t − s ∇( t−∞ F( x)),... ∞ "simple materials" −s S( x, t ) = f{ t−∞ F( x)} s=0 principle of fading memory: the memory of a simple material fades in time WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 15 Hooke's Law of Elasticity general: < 4> S = C ⋅⋅E < 4 > −1 E = C ⋅⋅S <4> C 4> <C isotropic: , σ ij = Cijkl ε kl , −1 ε ij = Cijkl σ kl stiffness tensor (4th order) −1 compliance tensor (4th order) Cijkl = 2Gδ ik δ jl + ( K − 23 G)δ ijδ kl or ν S = 2G E + (tr E)I 1 − 2ν ν σ ij = 2G ε ij + (ε kk ) δ ij 1 − 2ν 1 ν E= S− (tr S)I 2G 1 + ν ν 1 ε ij = σ ij − (σ kk ) δ ij 2G 1+ν G = shear modulus K = bulk modulus ν = POISSON's ratio WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 16 Material Parameters for Linear Elasticity Elastizitätskonstanten λ= µ= E= ν= K= G= λ, µ λ µ µ (3λ + 2 µ ) λ+µ λ 2( λ + µ ) λ + 23 µ µ G, K K − 23 G G 3K ⋅ G 3K + G 3K − 2G 6 K + 2G K G E 2(1 + ν ) E ν E 3(1 − 2ν ) E 2(1 + ν ) E, ν Eν (1 + ν )(1 − 2υ ) λ, µ G K E ν LAMÉ's coefficients shear modulus bulk modulus YOUNG's modulus POISSON's ratio LAMÉsche Konstanten Schubmodul Kompressionsmodul Elastizitätsmodul Querkontraktionszahl WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 17 Variational Principles variational principles in mechanics replace the (differential) equations of motion or equilibrium, as there are • balance of momentum, • balance of angular momentum, • CAUCHY's field equations; are extremum principles for energy type quantities, like • work, • kinetic energy, • potential energy. Differential equations of motion can be established by methods of variational calculus. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 18 Variational Calculus problem: find a set of functions for which the integral xi(t), i = 1, ..., n t1 I = ∫ F(t, x1 ,..., x n , x˙1 ,..., x˙ n )dt t0 becomes an extremum under given "boundary" conditions xi (t0 ) = xi0 ; xi (t1 ) = xi1 (b.c.) definition of "varied" functions xi (t ) = xi (t ) + εξi (t ) with ξi (t0 ) = ξi (t1 ) = 0 ξi ( t ) are arbitrary, differentiable functions meeting the b.c. t1 ( ) ⇒ I (ε ) = ∫ F t, x1 + εξ1 ,..., x˙1 + εξ˙1 ,... dt t0 the condition for I becoming an extremum is ∂I = 0 ∂ε ε =0 δxi = ξi (t ) ; δx˙ i = ξ˙i (t ) are variations of xi ; ẋi ∂I δI = ∂ε ε =0 is the (first) variation of I δI = 0 is the variational problem WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 19 the variational problem leads to ∂F ∂I ∂F ˙ δI = = ∫ ξi + ξi dt = 0 ∂ε ε =0 ∂x˙ i ∂xi t t1 0 partial integration yields t1 t1 t1 0 0 0 ˙ ∂F ∂F d ∂F ξ ξ dt = − ∫ i ∂x˙i i ∂x˙i ∫ ξi dt ∂x˙i dt t t t where [..] = 0 due to b.c. ∂F d ∂F δI = ∫ ξi − dt = 0 ∂xi dt ∂x˙ i t t1 0 and as ξi (t ) are arbitrary ("test functions") ⇒ EULER's differential equation of the variational problem ∂F d ∂F − =0 ∂xi dt ∂x˙ i WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 20 Variational Problem in Mechanics u = x(t ) − x(t0 ) displacement vektor w arbitrary "virtual" displacement, • independent of t • w(t0 ) = 0 in the reference configuration Z energy functional δZ = lim ε →0 Z (u + εw ) − Z (u) ∂Z (u + εw ) = ε ∂ε ε =0 variation of Z at u in w direction (GÂTEAUX derivative) δu = δx = ∂ (u + εw ) =w ∂ε ε =0 virtual displacement (1) δZ (u, αw ) = αδZ (u, w ) (2) δZ (u, w1 + w 2 ) = δZ (u, w1 ) + δZ (u, w 2 ) example: Z = 12 u ⋅ u − b ⋅ u 1 1 1 [ 2 ( u + εw ) ⋅ ( u + εw ) − b ⋅ ( u + εw ) − 2 u ⋅ u + b ⋅ u] ε →0 ε δZ = lim = lim[u ⋅ w + 12 εw ⋅ w − b ⋅ w ] ε →0 = (u − b) ⋅ δu δZ is linear in δu WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 21 Principle of Virtual Work CAUCHY's field equations of motion ∂σ ij + ρb j = ρ u˙˙j ∂xi , j = 1, 2, 3 multiply by virtual displacement δuj and integrate over the volume V: ∂σ ij ∫ ∂xi δu j dV + ∫ ρb jδu j dV = ∫ ρ u˙˙jδu j dV V V V ∂ (δu j ) ∂σ ij ∂ ∫ ∂xi δu j dV = ∫ ∂xi (σ ij δu j ) dV − ∫ σ ij ∂xi dV V V V GAUß' theorem ∂ ∫ ∂xi (σ ij δu j ) dV = ∫ ni σ ij δu j dA = ∫ t j δu j dA ∂V ∂V V ∫ σ ij V ∂ (δu j ) ∂xi ∂u j dV = ∫ σ ij δ dV = ∫ σ ij δε ij dV ∂ x i V V ∫ ρ u˙˙jδu j dV = V d ρ u˙ jδu j dV − δ ∫ 12 ρ u˙ j u˙ j dV ∫ dt V V δA − δW = δP − δE WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 22 virtual work of external forces δA = ∫ t j δu j dA + ∫ ρb jδu j dV ∂V V virtual work of stresses (virtual strain energy) δW = ∫ σ ij δε ij dV V virtual power of momentum δP = d ρ u˙ jδu j dV ∫ dt V virtual kinetic energy δE = δ ∫ 12 ρ u˙ j u˙ j dV V virtual work of mass acceleration δB = δP − δE = ∫ ρ u˙˙jδu j dV V WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 23 δ ( A − W − P + E) = 0 The variation of the energy functional (A - W - P + E) vanishes. or The energy functional (A - W - P + E) becomes an extremum (minimum) among all admissible states (virtual displacements). special cases: • rigid body δW = 0 • elastic body δW = ∫ Cijkl ε klδε ij dV V W = 12 ∫ Cijkl ε ij ε kl dV elastic strain energy V • static problem (equilibrium) δB = δP − δE = 0 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 24 Example: plane panel p H L thickness = 1 t x ( x, y) 0 = {t} = t ( x , y ) y boundary − p 0≤ x ≤ L, y= H displacement field u x ( x, y) {u} = uy ( x, y) boundary conditions (b.c.) u x (0, y) = uy (0, y) = 0 dimensionless coordinates ξ= x y ; η= L H global shape functions, ϕ i (ξ , η ), fulfilling b. c. ϕ1 = ξ ϕ4 = ξ3 ϕ1 ϕ 2 {Φ} = 0 0 , ϕ2 = ξ 2 , ϕ 3 = ξη , ϕ 5 = ξ 2η , ϕ 6 = ξη 2 ϕ3 ϕ4 ϕ5 ϕ6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ϕ1 ϕ 2 ϕ 3 ϕ 4 ϕ 5 ϕ 6 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 25 series expansion of displacement field 6 α ϕ i i ∑ {u} = 6i =1 = {Φ}{α} ∑ α i +6ϕ i i =1 {α} is α1 . {α} = . α 12 with (12×1) matrix of unknowns strain matrix ε xx ∂∂ux ∂u {ε} = ε yy = ∂y ∂u ∂u γ xy ∂y + ∂x x y y x = {D}{u} = {D}{Φ}{α} = {B}{α} differential operator ∂∂x {D} = 0 ∂∂y 1L ξL {B} = 0 0 0 0 0 ∂ H∂η ∂ L∂ξ 0 L∂∂ξ 0 ∂ ∂y = ∂ H∂∂η ∂x 2η L 3ξ 2 L 2 ξη L η2 L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ξ H 0 ξ2 H 2 ξη H 1 L 2ξ L 0 ξ H η L 0 0 3ξ 2 L 0 ξ2 H 2 ξη L 0 2 ξη H η2 L WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 26 stress matrix and HOOKE's law σ xx {σ } = σ yy = {C}{ε} σ xy {C} stiffness matrix for plane stress: σ zz = 0 1 ν E ν 1 {C} = 2 1−ν 0 0 0 = {C}T 1 2 (1 − ν ) 0 for plane strain: ε zz = 0 ν 1 − ν E ν 1−ν {C} = (1 + ν )(1 − 2ν ) 0 0 = {C}T 1 1 2 ν ) 2( − 0 0 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 27 virtual work of external forces 1 δA = ∫ {t}T [δ {u}]η=1 Ldξ = {f}T δ {α} ξ =0 virtual work of stresses 1 δW = 1 ∫ ∫ {σ} δ {ε}Ldξ Hdη = {α} {K}δ {α} T T ξ =0 η=0 "generalized" forces 1 {f} = T ∫ {t(ξ )} {Φ (ξ )}η T 1 =1 Ldξ = L{t} T ξ =0 ∫ {Φ (ξ )}η =1 dξ ξ =0 = − pL(0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 2 ) global stiffness matrix 1 {K} = LH ∫ 1 T T { B } { C }{ B } d ξ d η = { K } ∫ ξ =0 η=0 principle of virtual work δA − δW = ({f}T − {α}T {K}) δ {α} as δ {α} is arbitrary {K}{α} = {f} linear system of equations for unknowns αi WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 28 FE Modelling and Computational Procedure Finite element methods (FEM) base on variational principles for minimizing some potential like, e.g., the potential energy of a mechanical systems. Variational methods replace the solution of the corresponding boundary value problem. For the so-called "deformation methods", FEM is based upon the Principle of Virtual Work δΠ = − ∫ S ⋅⋅δ (grad u) dV + ∫ ρb ⋅ δu dV + ∫ t ⋅ δu dA = 0 B ∂B B • stress-tensor field T(x), • external body forces, b(x), defined for any x ∈ B, • contact forces or tractions t(x), defined for any x on the boundary ∂B. • The continuous body B is separated by imaginary lines or surfaces into a number, K, of (finite) elements Bk. The union K B̃ = U B k k=1 is the finite model of the body. • The elements are assumed to be interconnected at a discrete number, N, of nodal points, xn, situated on their boundaries. The displacements of these nodal points u n = u( x n ), n = 1,... N are the basic unknown parameters of the problem. • A set of functions, ϕ i( k ) (ξ) , i = 1, ...Nk, ξ being local coordinates, is chosen to WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 29 define uniquely the state of displacement, u˜ ( k ) (ξ) , within each element, k, in terms of its nodal displacements, u(i k ) , Nk ˜ ( k ) (ξ) = ∑ ϕ i( k ) (ξ) u(i k ) u i =1 ( ) with u(i k ) = u˜ ( k ) (ξ (i k ) ), ϕ i( k ) ξ (jk ) = δ ij . • The displacement functions uniquely define the state of deformation, i.e. some strain tensor, ˜ ( k ) (ξ) , within each element in terms of the nodal displacements, e.g., small strain E T Nk (k ) (k ) ˜E( k ) (ξ) = 1 ∂ϕ i ⋅ ∂ξ ⋅ u( k ) + ∂ϕ i ⋅ ∂ξ ⋅ u( k ) , ∑ i i 2 i =1 ∂ξ ∂x ∂ξ ∂x with ∂ξ = JACOBIAN matrix. ∂x • These strains, together with the constitutive properties of the material, determine the state of stress, S˜ ( k ) (ξ) , throughout the element and also on its boundaries. • A system of forces, t (i k ) concentrated at the nodes equilibrating the boundary stresses, ˜t ( k ) = n( k ) ⋅ S˜ ( k ) , is determined, resulting in a force-displacement or "stiffness" relationship for each element. Nk t (i k ) = ∑ C(ijk ) u(jk ) . i =1 • Nodal displacements, u(i k ) , nodal forces, t (i k ) , and element stiffnesses, C(ijk ) , are N assembled according to the conditions of connectivity, u(i k ) = ∑ Ain( k ) u n , n =1 for all elements to compose the system of equations ensuring the conditions of compatibility and equilibrium throughout. K N k =1 n =1 u˜ ( x ) = ∑ u˜ ( k ) ( x ) = ∑ψ n ( x ) u n where Nk (k ) (k ) ϕ i ui u˜ ( x ) = ∑ i =1 0 (k ) x ∈B k else K , Nk ψ n ( x ) = ∑ ∑ ϕ i( k ) Ain( k ) k =1 i =1 • Any system of nodal displacements listed for the whole structure in which all the elements participate, automatically satisfies the condition of compatibility. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 30 As the equilibrium condition has already been satisfied within each element all that is necessary is to establish equilibrium at the nodes of the structure. This is done by the principle of virtual work. • The resulting equations governing the mechanical behaviour of the entire structure contain the nodal displacements as unknowns. s n + fn + pn = 0 , n = 1,..., N sn = − ∫ S ⋅ B ∂ψ n dV ; fn = ∫ ρb ψ n dV ; pn = ∫ t ψ n dA ∂x B ∂B A solution of this system of equations provides an approximate solution of the fields of displacements, strains and stresses throughout the domain of the body. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 31 Shape Functions for Orthogonal Elements y u x y b/2 η 3 4 yk bk a/2 ξ 2 1 ak xk element (k): x x k − 12 ak ≤ x ≤ x k + 12 ak global coordinates yk − 12 bk ≤ y ≤ yk + 12 bk local coordinates: −1 ≤ ξ , η ≤ +1 ξ= 2 2 x x − , η = ( ( y − yk ) k) ak bk WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 32 4-Node Elements "linear" plane elements: Nk = 4 shape functions ϕ i (ξ j , η j ) = δ ij i, j = 1, ..., 4 ϕ1 (ξ , η ) = 14 (1 − ξ )(1 − η) ϕ 2 (ξ , η ) = 14 (1 + ξ )(1 − η) ϕ 3 (ξ , η ) = 14 (1 + ξ )(1 + η) ϕ 4 (ξ , η ) = 14 (1 − ξ )(1 + η) displacement field: {u} = {Φ}{ˆ} uk u x ( x, y) ϕ1 0 ϕ 2 0 ϕ 3 0 ϕ 4 u ( x, y) = 0 ϕ 0 ϕ2 0 ϕ3 0 y 1 u1( xk ) u(k ) 1y 0 .. ϕ 4 .. (k ) u4 x u(k ) 4y strain matrix ε xx {ε} = ε yy = {D}{u} = {D}{Φ}{ˆ} u k = {B}{ˆ} uk γ xy {û}k nodal displacement matrix of element (k) WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 33 ∂∂x differential operator {D} = 0 ∂∂y 0 a2 ∂ξ∂ 0 ∂ ∂y = ∂ ∂ b2 ∂η ∂x k k 0 2 ∂ b ∂η 2 ∂ a ∂ξ k k u1 x u1 y .. {uˆ }k = {A}k {uˆ } = {A}k .. u Nx u Ny {û} {A}k N = 2N= global nodal displacement matrix (8 × 2N) incidence or connectivity matrix total number of nodes number of degrees of freedom {ε} = {B}{A}k {ˆ} u stress matrix and HOOKE's law σ xx {σ} = σ yy = {C}k {ε} = {C}k {B}{A}k {ˆ} u σ xy principle of virtual work δA − δW = 0 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 34 virtual work of external forces K δA = ∫ {t} δ {u} ds = ∑ ∫ {t}T {Φ} ds δ {ˆ} u k = {fˆ}T δ {ˆ} u T k =1 ∂Sk ∂S K {fˆ} = ∑ {A}Tk ∫ {Φ}T {t( s)} ds nodal forces k =1 ∂Sk virtual work of stresses K δW = ∑ + 12 ak + 12 bk T T { σ } δ { ε } dx dy = {ˆ} u {K}δ {ˆ} u ∫ ∫ k =1 x =− 1 ak y =− 1 bk 2 2 element stiffness matrix +1 +1 ab {K}k = k k ∫ ∫ {B}T {C}k {B}dξ dη ={K}Tk 4 ξ =−1 η =−1 global stiffness matrix K {K} = ∑ {A}Tk {K}k {A}k = {K}T k =1 ( ) δA − δW = {fˆ}T − {ˆ} u T {K} δ {ˆ} u =0 as δ {ˆ} u is arbitrary {K}{ˆ} u = {fˆ} linear system of equations for 2N unknowns {û} WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 35 y 3 1 4 3 5 4 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 6 4 global nodes elements nodal coordinates (1), ..., (6) [1], [2] (1): 0 , (2): 0 , (3): L/2 , (4): L/2 , (5): L , (6): L , elements [1]: (2) (4) [2]: (4) (6) ak = L 2 , bk = H , k = 1, 2 displacement b.c.: x H 0 H 0 H 0 (3) (1) (5) (3) u1 x = u1 y = u2 x = u2 y = 0 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 36 nodal displacements 0 0 0 0 u3 x u3 y {ˆ} u = {uˆ }k = {A}k {uˆ } u4 x u 4y u5 x u 5y u6 x u 6y u1( xk ) u(k ) 1( yk ) u2 x u(k ) 2y {ˆ} u k = (k ) , u3 x u(k ) 3( ky) u4 x u(k ) 4y 0 0 0 0 { A}2 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 37 element stiffness matrix (k = 1, 2) +1 +1 LH T T {K}k = { B } { C } { B } ξ η { K } d d = k k ∫ ∫ 8 ξ =− 1 η =−1 2 global stiffness matrix {K} = ∑ {A}Tk {K}k {A}k = {K}T k =1 {fˆ}k = element nodal forces T Φ {t( s)}k ds { } ∫ ∂B k 0 {t}k = − p(ξ ) pressure load +1 L T Φ {fˆ}k = { ( ξ ) } {t(ξ )}k dξ + {rˆ}k ∫ η =1 4 ξ =−1 or interpolation for arbitrary function {t(ξ )} {t(ξ )} η =1 = {Φ} η =1{ˆt}k , {ˆt}k = (8×1) matrix +1 L T ˆ {f}k = ∫ ({Φ} {Φ}) η =1 dξ {ˆt}k + {rˆ}k 4 ξ =−1 reaction forces (k = 1, only) {rˆ}1T = (r1 x r1 y 0 0 0 0 r4 x r4 y ) 2 global nodal forces {fˆ} = ∑ {A}Tk {fˆ}k k =1 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 38 system of equations K1,1 K2,1 K3,1 K 4,1 K5,1 K 6,1 K7,1 K 8,1 0 0 0 0 K1, 2 K2 , 2 K 3, 2 K4, 2 K1, 3 K2 , 3 K 3, 3 K4, 3 K1, 4 K2 , 4 K 3, 4 K1, 5 K2 , 5 K 3, 5 K1, 6 K2 , 6 K 3, 6 K1, 7 K2 , 7 K 3, 7 K1,8 K2 , 8 K 3, 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K4, 4 K4, 5 K4, 6 K4, 7 K4,8 0 0 0 K 5, 2 K 5, 3 K 5, 4 K 5, 5 K 5, 6 K 5, 7 K 5, 8 K 5, 9 K5,10 K5,11 K6 , 2 K6 , 3 K6 , 4 K6 , 5 K6 , 6 K6 , 7 K6 , 8 K6 , 9 K6,10 K6,11 K 7, 2 K8 , 2 0 K 7, 3 K8 , 3 0 K 7, 4 K8 , 4 0 K7,10 K8,10 K9,10 K7,11 K8,11 K9,11 0 K 7, 7 K8 , 7 K9, 7 K10, 7 K 7, 9 K8 , 9 K9, 9 0 K 7, 6 K8 , 6 K9, 6 K10, 6 K 7, 8 K8 , 8 K9, 8 0 K 7, 5 K8 , 5 K9, 5 K10, 5 K10,8 K10, 9 K10,10 K10,11 0 0 0 0 0 0 K11, 5 K12, 5 K11, 6 K12, 6 K12, 7 K12, 7 K11,8 K12,8 K11, 9 K11,10 K11,11 K12, 9 K12,10 K12,11 0 0 r1 x 0 f1 y r1 y 0 0 r2 x 0 0 0 r2 y K5,12 u3 x 0 0 K6,12 u3 y f3 y 0 = + K7,12 u4 x 0 0 K8,12 u4 y 0 0 K9,12 u5 x 0 0 K10,12 u5 y f5 y 0 K11,12 u6 x 0 0 K12,12 u6 y 0 0 0 0 0 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 39 Lagrangian Interpolation Polynomials ξj − ξ g (ξ ) = ∏ j =1, ξ j − ξi n +1 (n) i j ≠i n = order, 1D: i = 1, ..., n+1 "truss" element n = 1 (linear): 1 ξ1 = −1 ; ξ2 = +1 2 nodes i = 1: ϕ1 (ξ ) = g1(1) (ξ ) = 12 (1 − ξ ) i = 2: ϕ 2 (ξ ) = g2(1) (ξ ) = 12 (1 + ξ ) 2 ξ n = 2 (quadratic): 1 2 3 ξ 3 nodes ξ1 = −1 ; ξ2 = +1 ; ξ3 = 0 1 i=1: ϕ1 (ξ ) = g1( 2 ) (ξ ) = − 12 ξ (1 − ξ ) = 12 (1 − ξ ) − 12 (1 − ξ 2 ) i=2: ϕ 2 (ξ ) = g2( 2 ) (ξ ) = + 12 (1 + ξ )ξ = 12 (1 + ξ ) − 12 (1 − ξ 2 ) i=3: ϕ 3 (ξ ) = g3( 2 ) (ξ ) = (1 + ξ )(1 − ξ ) = 1 − ξ 2 {Φ} = (ϕ1 ϕ 2 ϕ 3 ) WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 40 2D: quadrilateral element n = 1 (linear) 4 nodes 3 4 η ξ1 = −1 ξ2 = +1 ξ3 = +1 ξ4 = −1 ξ η1 = −1 η2 = −1 η3 = +1 η4 = +1 2 1 (1) (1) (1) (1) ϕ1 (ξ , η ) ϕ 3 (ξ , η ) g1 (ξ )g1 (η ) g1 (ξ )g2 (η ) = ϕ 2 (ξ , η ) ϕ 4 (ξ , η ) g2(1) (ξ )g1(1) (η ) g2(1) (ξ )g2(1) (η ) 14 (1 − ξ )(1 − η) = 1 4 (1 + ξ )(1 − η) (1 − ξ )(1 + η) 1 1 + ξ 1 + η ( ) ( ) 4 1 4 {u} = {Φ}{ˆ} uk ϕ1 0 ϕ 2 {Φ} = 0 ϕ1 0 0 ϕ2 ϕ3 0 ϕ4 0 0 ϕ3 0 ϕ4 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 41 n = 2 (quadratic): 9 nodes 7 4 3 η 8 ξ5 = 0 η5 = −1 ξ6 = +1 η6 = 0 ξ7 = 0 η7 = +1 ξ8 = −1 η8 = 0 ξ 9 = 0 η9 = 0 9 6 ξ 1 5 2 ϕ1 ϕ 3 ϕ 8 ϕ 2 ϕ 4 ϕ 6 = ϕ5 ϕ 7 ϕ9 g1( 2 ) (ξ )g1( 2 ) (η ) g1( 2 ) (ξ )g2( 2 ) (η ) g1( 2 ) (ξ )g3( 2 ) (η ) g ( 2 ) (ξ )g ( 2 ) (η ) g ( 2 ) (ξ )g ( 2 ) (η ) g ( 2 ) (ξ )g ( 2 ) (η ) 1 2 3 2 3 2( 2 ) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) g3 (ξ )g1 (η ) g3 (ξ )g2 (η ) g3 (ξ )g3 (η ) ϕ1 0 ϕ 2 {Φ} = 0 ϕ1 0 ... ... ... ϕ 9 0 ... ... ... 0 ϕ 9 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 42 3D: "brick" element ϕ1 (ξ , η,ζ ) = g1( n ) (ξ )g1( n ) (η )g1( n ) (ζ ) ϕ 2 (ξ , η,ζ ) = g2( n ) (ξ )g1( n ) (η )g1( n ) (ζ ) ϕ 3 (ξ , η,ζ ) = g2( n ) (ξ )g2( n ) (η )g1( n ) (ζ ) ϕ 4 (ξ , η,ζ ) = g1( n ) (ξ )g2( n ) (η )g1( n ) (ζ ) ϕ 5 (ξ , η,ζ ) = g1( n ) (ξ )g1( n ) (η )g2( n ) (ζ ) etc. n = 1 (linear) 8 nodes 3 4 7 8 η ζ ξ 2 1 6 5 ϕ1 0 0 ... ... ... ϕ 8 0 0 {Φ} = 0 ϕ1 0 ... ... ... 0 ϕ 8 0 0 0 ϕ1 ... ... ... 0 0 ϕ 8 n = 2 (quadratic) 27 nodes WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 43 Note: for quadratic (and higher order) 2D and 3D elements, internal nodes may be omitted to reduce the number of degrees of freedom by means of which some higher polynomial terms vanish "boundary node" elements ⇒ 2D quadratic: 8 nodes term ξ 2η 2 vanishes 1 ξ ξ2 η ξη ξ 2η η2 ξη 2 ξ 2η 2 ⇒ 3D quadratic: 20 nodes WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 44 include only if node i is defined ϕ1 = 1 4 (1 − ξ )(1 − η) − 12 ϕ 5 ϕ2 = 1 4 (1 + ξ )(1 − η) − 12 ϕ 5 ϕ3 = 1 4 (1 + ξ )(1 + η) ϕ4 = 1 4 (1 − ξ )(1 + η) ϕ5 = 1 4 (1 − ξ )(1 − η) ϕ6 = 1 4 (1 + ξ )(1 − η 2 ) ϕ7 = 1 4 (1 − ξ )(1 + η) ϕ8 = 1 4 (1 − ξ )(1 − η 2 ) − 12 ϕ 8 − 12 ϕ 6 − 12 ϕ 6 − 12 ϕ 7 − 12 ϕ 7 − 12 ϕ 8 2 2 Interpolation functions of four to eight variable-number-nodes for 2D element WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 45 General Isoparametric Elements curvilinear distorted element y 3 η 3 4 4 2 ξ 1 1 2 x x = f x (ξ , η,ζ ) ; y = f y (ξ , η,ζ ) ; z = fz (ξ , η,ζ ) interpolation by shape functions: {x} = {Ψ}{ˆ} xk isoparametric elements: {Ψ} = {Φ} , 2D: 3D: x {x} = y x1( k ) y(k ) 1 x k = ... {ˆ} x (k ) (Nk ) yN x {x} = y z x1( k ) y(k ) 1( k ) x k = z1 {ˆ} ... ... ψ i = ϕi WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 46 ∂∂x differential operator (2D) {D} = 0 ∂∂y 0 ∂ ∂y ∂ ∂x ∂ ∂ ∂ξ ∂ ∂η ∂ ∂ζ = + + ∂x ∂ξ ∂x ∂η ∂x ∂ζ ∂x ∂ ∂f x ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ ∂f = x ∂η ∂η ∂ ∂f x ∂ζ ∂ζ ∂f y ∂ξ ∂f y ∂η ∂f y ∂ζ ∂ ∂ = { J } ∂ξ ∂x ∂fz ∂ ∂ξ ∂x ∂fz ∂ ∂η ∂y ∂fz ∂ ∂ζ ∂z ⇒ ∂ = {J}−1 ∂ ∂x ∂ξ {J} = JACOBI matrix, det{J} = J ≠ 0 ∂f y 1 {J}−1 = ∂η J ∂f x − ∂η 2D: ∂f y − ∂ξ ∂f x ∂ξ ∂f x ∂f y ∂f y ∂f x J= − ∂ξ ∂η ∂ξ ∂η ∂f x ∂ϕ = ∑ i xi( k ) , ... etc. ∂ξ i =1 ∂ξ Nk WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 47 calculation of strain matrix {ε} = {D}{Φ}{ˆ} u k = {B}{ˆ} uk stress matrix {σ} = {C}k {ε} = {C}k {B}{ˆ} uk element stiffness matrix {K}k = ∫∫∫ {B}T {C}k {B} dV Bk transformation of the volume differential: 2D: dV = B dA = B dx dy = B J dξ dη (B = thickness) 3D: dV = dx dy dz = J dξ dη dζ condition: J > 0 , {J} positive definite element stiffness matrix {K}k = +1 +1 ∫ ∫ +1 T { B } ∫ {C}k {B} J dξ dη dζ ξ =−1 η =−1 ζ =−1 integration numerically by GAUSS quadrature global stiffness matrix K {K} = ∑ {A}Tk {K}k {A}k k =1 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 48 GAUSS Quadrature a function f(ξ) is integrated approximately by a weighted sum of its values at sampling points ξj +1 n w j f (ξ j ) ∫ f (ξ ) dξ = ∑ j =1 −1 the formula integrates a polynomial of order (2n-1) exactly sampling points (GAUSS points): number coordinates weight n ξj wj 1 0.000 000 2.000 000 2 ±0.577 350 1.000 000 3 ±0.774 597 0.555 556 0.000 000 0.888 889 ±0.861 136 0.347 855 ±0.339 981 0.652 145 4 +1 2D: +1 n n ∑ w j wk f (ξ j , ηk ) ∫ ∫ f (ξ ) dξ dη = ∑ j =1 k =1 η =−1 ξ =−1 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 49 Nonlinear FE Analyses nonlinear structural behaviour a) geometrical (large displacements and/or large strain) b) constitutive nonlinearity (material) incremental formulation quasi-static process (equilibrium), "time" t ≥ 0 monotonously increasing parameter of load history principle of virtual work time t : δA(t ) − δW (t ) = 0 time t + ∆t: δA(t + ∆t ) − δW (t + ∆t ) = 0 f (t + ∆t ) ≈ f (t ) + f˙ t ∆t t → t + ∆t: δ∆A − δ∆W = 0 FE formulation: {K({u})} ∆{u} = ∆{f} WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 50 (a) geometrical non-linearity t =0 t t 0 u ∆u 0 r t t + ∆t 0 r O t + ∆t configuration total displacement t + ∆t u r t + ∆t r = 0r + t + ∆t 0 t + ∆t 0 u = t0 u + ∆ u u = t r + ∆u total strain (GREEN's quadratic strain) t + ∆t 0 E(G) = T T t + ∆t t + ∆t t t ∂ u ∂ u 1 ∂ 0 u ∂ 0 u 0 0 = 0 + 0 + 0 ⋅ 0 ∂ r ∂ r 2 ∂ r ∂ r t + ∆t 0 E + t + ∆0 t G left subscript: reference state left superscript: actual state reference state 0: Total LAGRANGEan Formulation reference state t: Updated LAGRANGEan Formulation WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 51 Updated LAGRANGEan Formulation reference state t t + ∆t t S = tt S + ∆ t S = t T + ∆ t S S = 2nd PIOLA-KIRCHHOFF stresses T = CAUCHY stresses t + ∆t t E(G) = ∆ t E(G) ≈ ∆ t E virtual work during t → t + ∆t (surface tractions only): δ∆A = ∫ t + ∆t t ∫ t + ∆t t ∫ t t t ⋅ δ t + ∆t t u dA = ∂ tV δ∆W = t = ∂ tV ∂ tV S ⋅⋅δ ∆ t + ∆t t E ( G ) dV V t ∫ ∆t ⋅ δ ∫ ∆t ⋅ δ ∆u dA V t S ⋅⋅δ ∆ t E dV + ∫ ∆ t S ⋅⋅δ ∆ t E dV t V u dA − ∫ tt S ⋅⋅δ ∆ t E dV = δA(t ) − δW (t ) = 0 t V ∫ ∆ S ⋅⋅δ ∆ E dV − ∫ ∆t ⋅ δ ( u + ∆u ) dA = 0 t t t t ∂ tV V constitutive relation: ∆ t S = t C ⋅⋅∆ t E (incrementally linear) {K( ∆{u})} ∆{u} = ∆{f} t nonlinear system of equations WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 52 ⇒ iterative solution (e.g. NEWTON) i i ∆{u} = ∑ ∆{u} = ∑ t{K} {r } (j) j =1 −1 (j) j =1 residual force (out-of balance force) (j) {r} = t + ∆t (j) {f} − {f ( {u} + ∆{u})} t convergence criterion (i) (i) ∆{u} ≤ DTOL {r } ≤ RTOL and / or f t+ ∆t f t (1) r ∆f f (1) ∆u (2) ∆u ∆u t u t+ ∆t u u WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 53 (b) constitutive non-linearity elastic- plastic material behaviour (VON MISES, PRANDTL, REUSS) 1. uniaxial tensile test σ loading unloading RF εe εF εp ε σ ≤ R(ε p ) , R(0) = RF for σ ≤ RF Eε HOOKE's law: σ = p ε − ε E ( ) for σ > RF σ˙ > 0, ε˙ p > 0 loading loading condtion: p σ˙ < 0, ε˙ = 0 unloading yield condtion: WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 54 2. general (multiaxial) stress state yield condtion: σ ≤ R(ε p ) VON MISES ; σ= 3 2 σ ij′ σ ij′ equivalent (effective) stress σ ij′ = σ ij − 13 σ kk deviatoric stresses HOOKE's law: 2G ε˙ + ν (ε ) δ ij 1 − 2ν kk ij σ˙ ij = ν 2G (ε˙ij − ε˙ijp ) + (ε kk ) δ ij 1 − 2ν σ ij′ σ˙ ij > 0, ε˙ijp loading condtion: p ˙ ˙ < σ σ ε , 0 ′ ij ij ij flow rule for σ ≤ RF for σ > RF > 0 loading = 0 unloading 3 ε˙ p 3 σ˙ ε˙ = σ ij′ = σ ij′ p 2σ 2E σ p ij Ep = σ ij ε˙ijp = σ ε˙ p Et E E − Et ⇒ ε˙ p = , Et = 2 3 dσ dε ε˙ijp ε˙ijp ε̇ ijp is deviatoric, i.e. ε̇ kkp = 0 "true" stress-strain curve required for UL formulation: F L true stresses σ = vs logarithmic strain ε = ln A L0 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 55 p H L A plane panel of dimensions length L = 200 mm, height H = 100 mm, thickness B = 1mm is clamped at x = 0 and loaded by a constant pressure p = 100 MPa at y = H The material is isotropic, elastic with YOUNG's modulus E = 218 400 MPa and POISSON's ratio ν = 0.3. Establish the system of equations of the respective finite element model and calculate the displacement, stress and strain field by applying the FE code ANSYS. 1. analytical solution for a model of two linear elements y 3 1 4 5 4 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 4 2 6 x WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 56 1.1 Calculate the elastic stiffness matrix C11 {C} = C12 C13 C12 C22 C23 C13 C23 C33 for plane stress conditions. 1.2 Calculate the (symmetric) element stiffness matrix for one element k {K}k = 1.3 ak bk 4 +1 +1 ∫ ∫ {B} {C} {B}dξ dη T k ξ = −1 η = −1 Calculate the global stiffness matrix (see table on page 3) K {K} = ∑{A}Tk {K}k {A}k k =1 1.4 Calculate the column matrix of nodal forces (see table on page 3) K {f} = ∑ {A}k ∫ {Φ} {t} ds . T k =1 2. T ∂S k FE solution by the ANSYS code Solve the same problem by the FE code ANSYS and compare the results with analytical values (see lecture notes), especially the displacement u y of node (6) and the stresses at the nodes (1) and (2) in the table on page 4. 2.1 Use the model of two linear plane stress elements as on page 1. 2.2 Use two quadratic (8-node) elements instead of linear elements. 2.3 Use two other refined meshes and quadratic elements; explain and display the meshes. WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 57 analytical solution (theory of bending) bending stress Mz ( x ) H y− 2 Iz pBL2 x x2 1− 2 Mz ( x ) = − + L L 2 Mz (0) max = 0 = 0 x x σ xx = σ xx = σ xx = = 1200 MPa y= H y=0 Wz 2 BH 2 10 4 section modulus Wz = I z = = mm 3 6 6 H deflection 1. simple bending (no shear) pBL4 x 2 x3 x4 b + −4 uy ( x ) = − 6 L L 24 EI z L 4 pBL uyb,max = uy ( L) = = 1.10 mm 8 EI z 2. shear pL2 x x 2 s − uy ( x ) = − 2 2GH L L 2 pL uys,max = uys ( L) = = 0.24 mm 2GH total uymax = uyb,max + uys,max = 1.34 mm σ xx ( x, y) = − WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 58 uy / L * (E / p) 0 -5 exercise #1: rectangular panel -10 bending shear total -15 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x/L WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 59 exercise #2: biaxially loaded panel with circular hole y py px px R 2H x 2H py H = 50 mm, R = 10 mm plane stress, B = 1 mm py = 100 MPa, px = β py E = 200000MPa, ν = 0.3 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 60 analytical solution for "infinite" plate: R << H, uniaxial tension (β = 0) 2 2 4 R R R 1 +3 − 1 − 4 cos 2θ σ rr (r,θ ) = 2 py 1 − r r r R 2 R 4 + 1 + 3 cos σ θθ (r,θ ) = py 1 + 2 θ r r 1 2 2 4 R R sin 2θ −3 σ rθ (r,θ ) = 12 py 1 + 3 r r 3 σrr (θ=0) y σθθ (θ=0) r θ σij / py 2 σrr (θ=π/2) x σθθ (θ=π/2) 1 0 -1 1 2 r/R 3 4 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 61 FE solution: symmetry conditions ⇒1/4 model y py px x boundary conditions: uy y=0 = 0 ; ux x =0 =0 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 62 Notation 30.10.99 tensors, vektors, skalars - general scalar latin or greek, small or capital (italics) a , H, α , vector symbolic indexed latin or greek, small, bold or underlined x , x , σn , σ n latin or greek, small (italics) xi , α i x = xi ei , x = xi ei 2nd order tensor symbolic indexed latin or greek, capital, bold or underlined T,T latin or greek, capital or small (italics) Tij , σij T = Tij ei ej , T = Tij ei ej 4th order tensor symbolic latin or greek, capital, < 4> bold with overhead <4> indexed C or double underlined C latin or greek, capital Cijkl < 4> C = Cijkl ei ej ek el , C = Cijkl ei ej ek el WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 63 vector and tensor algebra and analysis scalar product α = u⋅v = ui vi , t = n⋅S = niσij ej, A = B⋅C = Bij Cjk ei ek = Aikei ek double scalar product α = B⋅⋅C = Bij Cji < 4> T = C ⋅⋅E = Cijkl Ekl ei ej or α=B:C ... or S= C :E ... tensorial product T = a b = ai bj ei ej < 4> C = A B = Aij Bkl ei ej ek el a b⋅c = (a b)⋅c = a (b⋅c) spatial derivatives NABLA operator ∇ = ei ∂ ∂xi v = grad ϕ = ∇ ϕ = ∂ϕ ei = ϕ,i ei ∂xi F = grad v = ∇ v = ∂vi ei ej = vi,j ei ej ∂x j a = div v = ∇⋅v = = vi,i = w = div T = ∇⋅T = ∂vi ∂xi ∂Tij ej = Tij,i ej ∂xi convention of summation is used in all cases 3 Aij Bjk = ∑ Aij Bjk j =1 3 , Ckk = ∑ Ckk k =1 3 , 3 Aij Bji = ∑ ∑ Aij Bji i =1 j =1 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 64 special tensors and invariants I = δij ei ej = ei ei 2nd order unit tensor T⋅I = I⋅T = T deviator of a tensor T: T' = Tij′ ei ej = (Tij - Tkk δij ) ei ej = T - T⋅⋅I transposed tensor TT = Tji ei ej inverse tensor T-1 , T-1 T⋅T-1 = T-1⋅T = I 1st invariant (trace) of a tensor J1(T) = tr (T) 2nd invariant of a tensor J 2 ( T) = 3rd invariant (determinant) of a tensor J3(T) = det (T) 1 2 (tr T 2 − tr 2 T) WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 65 tensors used in continuum mechanics deformation gradient F = I + grad u = (δij + ui,j ) ei ej GREEN's strain tensor E( G ) = linear strain tensor E= strain rate tensor D = dij ei e j = 1 2 1 2 (F T ⋅ F − I) = (u 1 2 ) + u j , i + ui , k uk , j ei e j i, j (grad u − grad u) = (u T 1 2 1 2 i, j ) + u j , i ei e j = ε ij ei e j = E T (grad v − grad v) T for small strains ˙ = ε̇ e e D=E ij i j elastic and plastic part ˙ =E ˙e +E ˙ p = ε˙ e + ε˙ p e e E ij ij i j ( ) accumulated effective ("equivalent") plastic strain t ε =ε p e p ∫ 0 CAUCHY ("true") stress tensor hydrostatic stress t 2 3 ε˙ijpε˙ijp dτ = ∫ 4 3 ˙ p ) dτ J2 ( E 0 S = σij ei ej = ST = σji ei ej σ h = 13 σ kk = 13 tr S = 13 J1 (S) VON MISES effective ("equivalent") stress σ e = σ = 3 J 2 (S′ ) = 2nd PIOLA KIRCHHOFF stress tensor for small strains 3 2 σ ij′ σ ij′ T = det(F) F −1 ⋅ S ⋅ F − T = T T T=S WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 66 plastic yielding R(εp) yield curve (uniaxial tensile test) ε p = ε ep = ε − with yield strength (at initial plastic flow) σ E R0 = R(0) especially lower yield strength 0.2% proof stress ReL R p0.2 plastic potential, flow potential (VON MISES) isotropic hardening Φ = σ e2 − R2 (ε p ) = 23 σ ij′ σ ij′ − R2 (ε p ) = S′ ⋅⋅S′ − R2 (ε p ) kinematic hardening Φ = σ e2 − R02 = 3 2 (S′ − X′) ⋅⋅(S′ − X′) − R02 with X = "back stress" tensor , ˙ p = λ˙ ∂Φ E ∂S′ associated flow rule ∂Φ ε˙ijp = λ˙ ∂σ ij′ WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 67 matrix notation general: (n×m) matrix: {A} or A n = number of rows m = number of columns A11 . {A} = . An1 A11 . {A}T = . . A1m . . . A1m . . . . . . . . . . . Anm special: (n×1) matrix {u} or . . . . . . . . . . An1 . . . Anm u u1 {u} = . un {u}T = (u1 . un ) the elements of a matrix do not form the components of a tensor or vector, in general products n {u}T {v} = α = ∑ ui vi {u} and {v}: (n×1) ; α scalar 1 u1v1 . {u}{v}T = {A} = . un v1 . . . u1vm . . . . . . . . . . . un vm {u}: (n×1) , {v}: (m×1) ; {A}: (n×m) m A1i vi ∑ i =1 {v} = {A}{u} = .... m ∑ Ani vi i =1 {A}: (n×m) ; {u}: (m×1) , {v}: (n×1) {v}T = {u}T {A}T {A}T : (m×n) ; {u}T : (1×m) , {v}T : (1×n) m A1i Bi1 . . ∑ i =1 {C} = {A}{B} = .... . . m ∑ Ani Bi1 . . i =1 i =1 .... m A B ∑ ni im i =1 m ∑A B 1i im {A}: (n×m) ; {B}: (m×p) ; {C}: (n×p) WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 68 Physical Units (SI-Units) ISO 1000 (1973) SI = Système International d'Unités SI units are the seven basic units and coherently derived units, i.e. by a factor of 1 Basic Quantities and Units basic quantity SI basic unit name symbol length meter m mass kilogramm kg time second s thermodyn. temperature Kelvin K amperage, intensity of electric current Ampere A amount of substance Mol mol luminous intensity Candela cd WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 69 Decimal Parts and Multiples of SI Units Parts and multiples of SI units which are generated by multiplication with the factors 10±1, 10±2, 10±3n (n = 1, 2, ...) have special names and symbols. They are composed by prefixes. faktor 10-15 10-12 10-9 10-6 10-3 10-2 10-1 101 102 103 106 109 1012 prefix femto pico nano micro milli centi deci deca hecto kilo mega giga tera symbol f p n µ m c d da h k M G T Multiples by the factors 10±3n (n = 1, 2, ...) are to be preferred! WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 70 Derived Quantities and Units Derived units are formed by products or ratios of basic units. The same holds for the unit symbols. quantity SI unit name relation symbol frequency Hertz Hz 1 Hz = 1 s-1 force Newton N 1 N = 1 kg m s-2 pressure, stress Pascal Pa 1 Pa = 1 N / m2 energy, work, amount of heat Joule J 1J=1Nm power, heat flow Watt W 1W=1J/s electric charge, quantity of electricity Coulomb C 1C=1As electric potential, voltage Volt V 1V=1J/C electric capacity Farad F 1F=1C/V electric resistance Ohm Ω 1Ω=1V/A magnetic flux Weber Wb 1 Wb = 1 V s magnetic flux density Tesla T 1 T = 1 Wb / m2 inductivity Henry H 1 H = 1 Wb / A WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 71 Examples for FE meshes 3D FE mesh at the notch of a side-notched flat tensile panel 3D FE mesh of a centre-notched tensile panel WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 72 2D FE mesh of a C(T) specimen, half model accounting for symmetry Detail of the FE mesh of the C(T) specimen at the crack tip with collapsed elements 2 3 1 WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 73 2D FE mesh of a biaxially loaded cruciform specimen with two-fold symmetry Detail of the FE mesh of the cruciform specimen at the crack tip with a regular arrangement of elements WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 74 3D FE mesh of a tubular joint under 3-point bending, having one symmetry plane 32896 HEXAEDER ELEMENTE Detail of the FE mesh of the semi-elliptical surface flaw in the weldment of the tubular joint ANSICHT SYMMETRIEEBENE Riss WMSReport0003.doc, Brocks, 27.08.02 - - 75