VIEW TITLE II REPORTS Login About Title II | SUBMIT REPORTS Webinars Technical Assistance Contacts User Manuals 2014 Edinboro University of PA Traditional Program Complete Report Card AY 2012-13 Institution Information Name o f Institu tio n: Edinboro University of PA Institu tio n/Pr o gr am Type: Traditional Academic Year : 2012-13 State: Pennsylvania Addr ess: 310 Scotland Road 330 Butterfield Hall Edinboro, PA, 16444 Co ntact Name: Dr. Alan Biel Pho ne: 814-732-2724 Email: Is yo u r institu tio n a member o f an HEA Title II Teacher Qu ality Par tner ship (TQP) gr ant aw ar ded by the U.S. Depar tment o f Edu catio n? (http://w w w 2.ed.go v/abo u t/o f f ices/list/o ii/tqp/index .html) No If yes, pr o vide the f o llo w ing: Aw ar d year : Gr antee name: Pr o ject name: Gr ant nu mber : List par tner distr icts/LEAs: List o ther par tner s: Pr o ject Type: Section I.a Program Information List each teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am inclu ded in yo u r tr aditio nal r o u te. Indicate if yo u r pr o gr am o r pr o gr ams par ticipate in a Teacher Qu ality Par tner ship Gr ant aw ar ded by the U.S. Depar tment o f Edu catio n as descr ibed at http://w w w 2.ed.go v/abo u t/o f f ices/list/o ii/tqp/index .html. Teacher Pr epar atio n Pr o gr ams Teacher Qu ality Par tner ship Gr ant Member ? Art Education No Early Childhood and Special Education No Early Childhood Education No Health and Physical Ed No Mid Lvl - Eng/Lang/Reading No Mid Lvl - Math and Science No Mid Lvl - Mathematics No Mid Lvl - Science No Mid Lvl - Social Studies No Mid Lvl -Math&Eng/Lang/Read No Mid Lvl -Math&SocialStudies No Mid Lvl- Sci &Eng/Lang/Read No Mid Lvl- Sci &SocialStudies No Music Education No Secondary - Biology No Secondary - Chemistry No Secondary - Comprehensive English No Secondary - Earth Space Science No Secondary - General Science No Secondary - German No Secondary - Mathematics No Secondary - Physics No Secondary - Social Studies No Secondary - Spanish No To tal nu mber o f teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr ams: 24 Section I.b Admissions Indicate w hen stu dents ar e f o r mally admitted into yo u r initial teacher cer tif icatio n pr o gr am: Other See Below Do es yo u r initial teacher cer tif icatio n pr o gr am co nditio nally admit stu dents? Yes Pr o vide a link to yo u r w ebsite w her e additio nal inf o r matio n abo u t admissio ns r equ ir ements can be f o u nd: Please pr o vide any additio nal co mments abo u t o r ex ceptio ns to the admissio ns inf o r matio n pr o vided abo ve: Undergraduate Students: If you are an undergraduate student you should apply for candidacy when you meet the following criteria: • have completed at least 45 credits (or will complete 48 credits in the semester in which you are applying) • have a minimum 2.8 QPA • have passed Praxis I tests (PPST: Reading, PPST: Writing, and PPST: Math) or PAPA Reading, Writing, and Math • have completed English 101 or 102, an English Literature course, and two Math courses at the 100 level or above (either MATH 104 or MATH 110, cannot use both) • have completed SPED210 (if in curriculum) • have completed ECED110 or ECED120 (if in curriculum) • have completed HPE133 (HPE majors only) • have completed either HPE220, HPE225, or HPE230(HPE majors only) • A QPA of 2.8 must be maintained to remain in candidacy. • Graduate with the required 3.0 QPA • HAVE OBTAINED REQUIRED CLEARANCES AND SUBMITTED A COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT SECRETARY Graduate Students: IF YOU ALREADY POSSESS A BACCALAUREATE DEGREE and are pursuing a first teacher certification, you must meet the following standards: • HAVE OBTAINED REQUIRED CLEARANCES AND SUBMITTED A COPY TO THE DEPARTMENT SECRETARY • have at least a 3.0 QPA at the undergraduate level OR have an overall QPA of 3.0 at the post-baccalaureate level with a minimum of 9 credits • Maintain a 3.0 QPA ADDITIONALLY, BOTH UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE STUDENTS MUST: • Graduate with the required 3.0 QPA. • Successfully complete the program for which they are applying (including all required courses for their major). • Earn a “C” grade or higher in all education courses and for courses in general education that are required for the major. • Successfully complete all field experiences. • Obtain current criminal, child abuse, and FBI fingerprinting clearances per University policy. • Have current TB tests per University policy. • RENEW all clearances and TB tests BEFORE student teaching, to be current throughout the entire student teaching experience. • PASS OR HAVE SCHEDULED all Praxis II/PECT tests BEFORE student teaching (dual majors must pass a minimum of one certification area.) • Attend a mandatory student teaching meeting the semester prior to completing student teaching. Section I.b Undergraduate Requirements Please pr o vide the f o llo w ing inf o r matio n abo u t yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am's entr y and ex it r equ ir ements. (§205(a)(1)(C)(i)) Ar e ther e initial teacher cer tif icatio n pr o gr ams at the u nder gr adu ate level? Yes If yes, f o r each element listed belo w , indicate if it is r equ ir ed f o r admissio n into o r ex it f r o m any o f yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am(s) at the Under gr adu ate level. Element Requ ir ed f o r Entr y Requ ir ed f o r Ex it Transcript Yes Yes Fingerprint check Yes Yes Background check Yes Yes Minimum number of courses/credits/semester hours completed Yes Yes Minimum GPA Yes Yes Minimum GPA in content area coursework Yes Yes Minimum GPA in professional education coursework Yes Yes Minimum ACT score No No Minimum SAT score No No Minimum basic skills test score Yes Yes Subject area/academic content test or other subject matter verification No No Recommendation(s) Yes No Essay or personal statement No No Interview No No Other No No W hat is the minimu m GPA r equ ir ed f o r admissio n into the pr o gr am? 2.8 W hat w as the median GPA o f individu als accepted into the pr o gr am in academic year 2012-13 3.25 W hat is the minimu m GPA r equ ir ed f o r co mpleting the pr o gr am? 3 W hat w as the median GPA o f individu als co mpleting the pr o gr am in academic year 2012-13 3.51 Please pr o vide any additio nal co mments abo u t the inf o r matio n pr o vided abo ve: Section I.b Postgraduate Requirements Please pr o vide the f o llo w ing inf o r matio n abo u t yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am's entr y and ex it r equ ir ements. (§205(a)(1)(C)(i)) Ar e ther e initial teacher cer tif icatio n pr o gr ams at the po stgr adu ate level? Yes If yes, f o r each element listed belo w , indicate if it is r equ ir ed f o r admissio n into o r ex it f r o m any o f yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am(s) at the Po stgr adu ate level. Element Requ ir ed f o r Entr y Requ ir ed f o r Ex it Transcript Yes Yes Fingerprint check Yes Yes Background check Yes Yes Minimum number of courses/credits/semester hours completed Yes Yes Minimum GPA Yes Yes Minimum GPA in content area coursework Yes Yes Minimum GPA in professional education coursework Yes Yes Minimum ACT score No No Minimum SAT score No No Minimum basic skills test score No No Subject area/academic content test or other subject matter verification No No Recommendation(s) Yes No Essay or personal statement No No Interview No No Other No No W hat is the minimu m GPA r equ ir ed f o r admissio n into the pr o gr am? 3 W hat w as the median GPA o f individu als accepted into the pr o gr am in academic year 2012-13 3.83 W hat is the minimu m GPA r equ ir ed f o r co mpleting the pr o gr am? 3 W hat w as the median GPA o f individu als co mpleting the pr o gr am in academic year 2012-13 3.92 Please pr o vide any additio nal co mments abo u t the inf o r matio n pr o vided abo ve: Section I.c Enrollment Pr o vide the nu mber o f stu dents in the teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am in the f o llo w ing catego r ies. No te that yo u mu st r epo r t o n the nu mber o f stu dents by ethnicity and r ace separ ately. Individu als w ho ar e no n-Hispanic/Latino w ill be r epo r ted in o ne o f the r ace catego r ies. Also no te that individu als can belo ng to o ne o r mo r e r acial gr o u ps, so the su m o f the member s o f each r acial catego r y may no t necessar ily add u p to the to tal nu mber o f stu dents enr o lled. F o r the pu r po se o f Title II r epo r ting, an enr o lled stu dent is def ined as a stu dent w ho has been admitted to a teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am, bu t w ho has no t co mpleted the pr o gr am du r ing the academic year being r epo r ted. An individu al w ho co mpleted the pr o gr am du r ing the academic year being r epo r ted is co u nted as a pr o gr am co mpleter and no t an enr o lled stu dent. Additional guidance on reporting race and ethnicity data. Total number of students enrolled in 2012-13: 635 Unduplicated number of males enrolled in 2012-13: 169 Unduplicated number of females enrolled in 2012-13: 466 2012-13 Nu mber enr o lled Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino of any race: 2 Race American Indian or Alaska Native: 0 Asian: 3 Black or African American: 9 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: 0 White: Two or more races: 620 1 Section I.d Supervised Clinical Experience Pr o vide the f o llo w ing inf o r matio n abo u t su per vised clinical ex per ience in 2012-13. Average number of clock hours of supervised clinical experience required prior to student teaching 150 Average number of clock hours required for student teaching 600 Average number of clock hours required for mentoring/induction support 0 Number of full-time equivalent faculty supervising clinical experience during this academic year 29 Number of adjunct faculty supervising clinical experience during this academic year (IHE and PreK-12 staff) 630 Number of students in supervised clinical experience during this academic year 437 Please pr o vide any additio nal inf o r matio n abo u t o r descr iptio ns o f the su per vised clinical ex per iences: Section I.e Teachers Prepared by Subject Area Please pr o vide the nu mber o f teacher s pr epar ed by su bject ar ea f o r academic year 2012-13. F o r the pu r po ses o f this sectio n, nu mber pr epar ed means the nu mber o f pr o gr am co mpleter s. "Su bject ar ea" r ef er s to the su bject ar ea(s) an individu al has been pr epar ed to teach. An individu al can be co u nted in mo r e than o ne su bject ar ea. If no individu als w er e pr epar ed in a par ticu lar su bject ar ea, please leave that cell blank. (§205(b)(1)(H)) Su bject Ar ea Nu mber Pr epar ed Education - General Teacher Education - Special Education 50 Teacher Education - Early Childhood Education 58 Teacher Education - Elementary Education 111 Teacher Education - Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education 43 Teacher Education - Secondary Education 62 Teacher Education - Multiple Levels Teacher Education - Agriculture Teacher Education - Art 22 Teacher Education - Business Teacher Education - English/Language Arts 23 Teacher Education - Foreign Language Teacher Education - Health 16 Teacher Education - Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education - Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education - Mathematics 19 Teacher Education - Music 10 Teacher Education - Physical Education and Coaching 16 Teacher Education - Reading Teacher Education - Science Teacher Education/General Science 7 11 Teacher Education - Social Science Teacher Education - Social Studies 24 Teacher Education - Technical Education Teacher Education - Computer Science Teacher Education - Biology 5 Teacher Education - Chemistry 2 Teacher Education - Drama and Dance Teacher Education - French Teacher Education - German 2 Teacher Education- History Teacher Education - Physics Teacher Education - Spanish 2 Teacher Education - Speech 17 Teacher Education - Geography Teacher Education - Latin Teacher Education - Psychology Teacher Education - Earth Science Teacher Education - English as a Second Language 1 Teacher Education - Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Education - Other Specify: Section I.e Teachers Prepared by Academic Major Please pr o vide the nu mber o f teacher s pr epar ed by academic majo r f o r academic year 2012-13. F o r the pu r po ses o f this sectio n, nu mber pr epar ed means the nu mber o f pr o gr am co mpleter s. "Academic majo r " r ef er s to the actu al majo r (s) declar ed by the pr o gr am co mpleter . An individu al can be co u nted in mo r e than o ne academic majo r . If no individu als w er e pr epar ed in a par ticu lar academic majo r , please leave that cell blank. (§205(b)(1)(H)) Academic Majo r Nu mber Pr epar ed Education - General Teacher Education - Special Education Teacher Education - Early Childhood Education Teacher Education - Elementary Education 50 58 111 Teacher Education - Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education 43 Teacher Education - Secondary Education 62 Teacher Education - Agriculture Teacher Education - Art 22 Teacher Education - Business Teacher Education - English/Language Arts 23 Teacher Education - Foreign Language Teacher Education - Health 16 Teacher Education - Family and Consumer Sciences/Home Economics Teacher Education - Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education - Mathematics 19 Teacher Education - Music 10 Teacher Education - Physical Education and Coaching 16 Teacher Education - Reading 7 Teacher Education - Science 11 Teacher Education - Social Science Teacher Education - Social Studies 24 Teacher Education - Technical Education Teacher Education - Computer Science Teacher Education - Biology 5 Teacher Education - Chemistry 2 Teacher Education - Drama and Dance Teacher Education - French Teacher Education - German 2 Teacher Education - History Teacher Education - Physics Teacher Education - Spanish 2 Teacher Education - Speech 17 Teacher Education - Geography Teacher Education - Latin Teacher Education - Psychology Teacher Education - Earth Science Teacher Education - English as a Second Language Teacher Education - Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Education - Curriculum and Instruction Education - Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education Liberal Arts/Humanities Psychology 1 Social Sciences Anthropology Economics Geography and Cartography Political Science and Government Sociology Visual and Performing Arts History Foreign Languages Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences English Language/Literature Philosophy and Religious Studies Agriculture Communication or Journalism Engineering Biology Mathematics and Statistics Physical Sciences Astronomy and Astrophysics Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology Chemistry Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences Physics Business/Business Administration/Accounting Computer and Information Sciences Other Specify: Section I.f Program Completers Pr o vide the to tal nu mber o f teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am co mpleter s in each o f the f o llo w ing academic year s: 2012-13: 254 2011-12: 281 2010-11: 254 Section II Annual Goals - Mathematics Each institu tio n o f higher edu catio n (IHE) that co ndu cts a tr aditio nal teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am (inclu ding pr o gr ams that o f f er any o ngo ing pr o f essio nal develo pment pr o gr ams) o r alter native r o u te to state cr edential pr o gr am, and that enr o lls stu dents r eceiving F eder al assistance u nder this Act, shall set annu al qu antif iable go als f o r incr easing the nu mber o f pr o spective teacher s tr ained in teacher sho r tage ar eas designated by the Secr etar y o r by the state edu catio nal agency, inclu ding mathematics, science, special edu catio n, and instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents. (§205(a)(1)(A)(ii), §206(a)) Inf o r matio n abo u t teacher sho r tage ar eas can be f o u nd at http://w w w 2.ed.go v/abo u t/o f f ices/list/o pe/po l/tsa.html. Please pr o vide the inf o r matio n belo w abo u t yo u r pr o gr am's go als to incr ease the nu mber o f pr o spective teacher s in mathematics in each o f thr ee academic year s. Academic year 2012-13 Did yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s in mathematics in 2012-13? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s did yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in mathematics in 2012-13? 1 Did yo u r pr o gr am meet the go al f o r pr o spective teacher s set in mathematics in 2012-13? No Descr iptio n o f str ategies u sed to achieve go al, if applicable: NA Descr iptio n o f steps to impr o ve per f o r mance in meeting go al o r lesso ns lear ned in meeting go al, if applicable: Expansion of online programs to increase certifications in shortage areas for under-served populations. Pursuing grant opportunities to increase enrollment and support those who major in STEM education fields. Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Academic year 2013-14 Is yo u r pr o gr am pr epar ing teacher s in mathematics in 2013-14? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s did yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in mathematics in 2013-14? 1 Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Academic year 2014-15 W ill yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s in mathematics in 2014-15? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s do es yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in mathematics in 2014-15? 1 Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Section II Annual Goals - Science Each institu tio n o f higher edu catio n (IHE) that co ndu cts a tr aditio nal teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am (inclu ding pr o gr ams that o f f er any o ngo ing pr o f essio nal develo pment pr o gr ams) o r alter native r o u te to state cr edential pr o gr am, and that enr o lls stu dents r eceiving F eder al assistance u nder this Act, shall set annu al qu antif iable go als f o r incr easing the nu mber o f pr o spective teacher s tr ained in teacher sho r tage ar eas designated by the Secr etar y o r by the state edu catio nal agency, inclu ding mathematics, science, special edu catio n, and instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents. (§205(a)(1)(A)(ii), §206(a)) Inf o r matio n abo u t teacher sho r tage ar eas can be f o u nd at http://w w w 2.ed.go v/abo u t/o f f ices/list/o pe/po l/tsa.html. Please pr o vide the inf o r matio n belo w abo u t yo u r pr o gr am's go als to incr ease the nu mber o f pr o spective teacher s in science in each o f thr ee academic year s. Academic year 2012-13 Did yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s in science in 2012-13? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s did yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in science in 2012-13? 1 Did yo u r pr o gr am meet the go al f o r pr o spective teacher s set in science in 2012-13? Yes Descr iptio n o f str ategies u sed to achieve go al, if applicable: Worked with STEM departments to ensure alignment of programs. Descr iptio n o f steps to impr o ve per f o r mance in meeting go al o r lesso ns lear ned in meeting go al, if applicable: Expansion of online programs to increase certifications in shortage areas for under-served populations. Pursuing grant opportunities to increase enrollment and support students who major in STEM education majors. Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Academic year 2013-14 Is yo u r pr o gr am pr epar ing teacher s in science in 2013-14? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s did yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in science in 2013-14? 1 Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Academic year 2014-15 W ill yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s in science in 2014-15? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s do es yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in science in 2014-15? 1 Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Section II Annual Goals - Special Education Each institu tio n o f higher edu catio n (IHE) that co ndu cts a tr aditio nal teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am (inclu ding pr o gr ams that o f f er any o ngo ing pr o f essio nal develo pment pr o gr ams) o r alter native r o u te to state cr edential pr o gr am, and that enr o lls stu dents r eceiving F eder al assistance u nder this Act, shall set annu al qu antif iable go als f o r incr easing the nu mber o f pr o spective teacher s tr ained in teacher sho r tage ar eas designated by the Secr etar y o r by the state edu catio nal agency, inclu ding mathematics, science, special edu catio n, and instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents. (§205(a)(1)(A)(ii), §206(a)) Inf o r matio n abo u t teacher sho r tage ar eas can be f o u nd at http://w w w 2.ed.go v/abo u t/o f f ices/list/o pe/po l/tsa.html. Please pr o vide the inf o r matio n belo w abo u t yo u r pr o gr am's go als to incr ease the nu mber o f pr o spective teacher s in special edu catio n in each o f thr ee academic year s. Academic year 2012-13 Did yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s in special edu catio n in 2012-13? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s did yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in special edu catio n in 2012-13? 1 Did yo u r pr o gr am meet the go al f o r pr o spective teacher s set in special edu catio n in 2012-13? No Descr iptio n o f str ategies u sed to achieve go al, if applicable: NA Descr iptio n o f steps to impr o ve per f o r mance in meeting go al o r lesso ns lear ned in meeting go al, if applicable: Developed SPED 7-12 programs for all secondary content area certifications. Currently awaiting PDE approval. Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Academic year 2013-14 Is yo u r pr o gr am pr epar ing teacher s in special edu catio n in 2013-14? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s did yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in special edu catio n in 2013-14? 1 Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Academic year 2014-15 W ill yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s in special edu catio n in 2014-15? Yes Ho w many pr o spective teacher s do es yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in special edu catio n in 2014-15? 1 Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Section II Annual Goals - Instruction of Limited English Proficient Students Each institu tio n o f higher edu catio n (IHE) that co ndu cts a tr aditio nal teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am (inclu ding pr o gr ams that o f f er any o ngo ing pr o f essio nal develo pment pr o gr ams) o r alter native r o u te to state cr edential pr o gr am, and that enr o lls stu dents r eceiving F eder al assistance u nder this Act, shall set annu al qu antif iable go als f o r incr easing the nu mber o f pr o spective teacher s tr ained in teacher sho r tage ar eas designated by the Secr etar y o r by the state edu catio nal agency, inclu ding mathematics, science, special edu catio n, and instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents. (§205(a)(1)(A)(ii), §206(a)) Inf o r matio n abo u t teacher sho r tage ar eas can be f o u nd at http://w w w 2.ed.go v/abo u t/o f f ices/list/o pe/po l/tsa.html. Please pr o vide the inf o r matio n belo w abo u t yo u r pr o gr am's go als to incr ease the nu mber o f pr o spective teacher s in instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents in each o f thr ee academic year s. Academic year 2012-13 Did yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s in instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents in 2012-13? No Ho w many pr o spective teacher s did yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents in 2012-13? Did yo u r pr o gr am meet the go al f o r pr o spective teacher s set in instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents in 2012-13? Data not reported Descr iptio n o f str ategies u sed to achieve go al, if applicable: Descr iptio n o f steps to impr o ve per f o r mance in meeting go al o r lesso ns lear ned in meeting go al, if applicable: Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Academic year 2013-14 Is yo u r pr o gr am pr epar ing teacher s in instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents in 2013-14? No Ho w many pr o spective teacher s did yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents in 2013-14? Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Academic year 2014-15 W ill yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s in instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents in 2014-15? No Ho w many pr o spective teacher s do es yo u r pr o gr am plan to add in instr u ctio n o f limited English pr o f icient stu dents in 2014-15? Pr o vide any additio nal co mments, ex ceptio ns and ex planatio ns belo w : Edinboro University is obtaining approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to certify students in this area. Section II Assurances Please cer tif y that yo u r institu tio n is in co mpliance w ith the f o llo w ing assu r ances. (§205(a)(1)(A)(iii), §206(b)) No te: Be pr epar ed to pr o vide do cu mentatio n and evidence f o r yo u r r espo nses, w hen r equ ested, to su ppo r t the f o llo w ing assu r ances. Pr epar atio n r espo nds to the identif ied needs o f the lo cal edu catio nal agencies o r States w her e the pr o gr am co mpleter s ar e likely to teach, based o n past hir ing and r ecr u itment tr ends. Yes Pr epar atio n is clo sely linked w ith the needs o f scho o ls and the instr u ctio nal decisio ns new teacher s f ace in the classr o o m. Yes Pr o spective special edu catio n teacher s ar e pr epar ed in co r e academic su bjects and to instr u ct in co r e academic su bjects. Yes Pr o spective gener al edu catio n teacher s ar e pr epar ed to pr o vide instr u ctio n to stu dents w ith disabilities. Yes Pr o spective gener al edu catio n teacher s ar e pr epar ed to pr o vide instr u ctio n to limited English pr o f icient stu dents. Yes Pr o spective gener al edu catio n teacher s ar e pr epar ed to pr o vide instr u ctio n to stu dents f r o m lo w -inco me f amilies. Yes Pr o spective teacher s ar e pr epar ed to ef f ectively teach in u r ban and r u r al scho o ls, as applicable. Yes Descr ibe yo u r institu tio n’s mo st su ccessf u l str ategies in meeting the assu r ances listed abo ve: All programs of study are aligned to the PDE competencies for that certification in addition to meeting the standards necessary for National Recognition and NCATE accreditation. Rigorous programs of study for all secondary programs include all the same specialization courses as a major in that subject area. Initial certification programs include all 4 stages of field and include experiences working with diverse populations in both rural and urban areas. All prospective general education teachers are required to take at least 2 courses in special education and have at least 60 hours of preparation focused on ELL. All special education teachers are currently dual majors in Early Childhood, however, Special Education 7-12 programs have been developed and submitted for approval. These majors will have a rigorous program of study focused on content as well as special education. In addition to program requirements, students are required to have at least one diverse placement in either field or student teaching, giving them experience with diverse populations in urban areas. Opportunities such as the Philadelphia Urban Experience allows for cultural immersion for field students in an urban environment. The University also places field students and student teachers in Professional Development Schools including urban centers such as Pfeiffer Burleigh K-8, Roosevelt Middle School, and East High School of the School District of the City of Erie, The Charter School of Excellence (Perseus House) in Erie, and Cambridge Springs Elementary of the rural PENNCREST school district. Tutoring opportunities, reading clinics, Wilderness Quest camp, College for Every Student visits, and campus visitation days for Roosevelt and Perseus House students, to name a few, are all examples of the types of opportunities available to Edinboro candidates as they prepare to teach. Course outlines have been modified to include new developments in education such as the Common Core standards and the new PA teacher evaluation system. Based on the needs and requests of the school districts, Edinboro created new technology courses to provide students with methods and means for using instructional technology for teaching and learning. Additionally, students learn theoretical and practical foundations of classroom management as well as the identification, prevalence, and learning characteristics of students with special needs. Also, as a response to local school district requests, the new Special Education 7-12 programs have been developed. Section III Assessment Pass Rates Assessment co de - Assessment name Test Co mpany Gr o u p Nu mber Avg. Nu mber Pass taking scaled passing r ate tests sco r e tests (%) ETS0133 -ART CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 1 ETS0133 -ART CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 17 172 16 94 ETS0133 -ART CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 24 168 24 100 ETS0134 -ART CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 15 158 9 60 ETS0134 -ART CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 21 166 17 81 ETS0134 -ART CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 11 164 11 100 633 36 ETS0235 -BIOLOGY CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 3 ETS0235 -BIOLOGY CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 7 ETS0235 -BIOLOGY CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 9 ETS0235 -BIOLOGY CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 7 ETS0245 -CHEMISTRY CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 1 ETS0245 -CHEMISTRY CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 3 ETS0245 -CHEMISTRY CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 3 ETS0245 -CHEMISTRY CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 3 ETS0020 -EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 7 ETS0020 -EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 36 100 ETS0020 -EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 38 633 38 ETS0020 -EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 35 655 35 100 174 39 100 ETS0571 -EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES - CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 1 ETS0571 -EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES - CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 1 ETS0571 -EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES - CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 2 ETS0353 -ED OF EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS CORE CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 1 ETS0353 -ED OF EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS CORE CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 39 100 ETS0011 -ELEM ED CURR INSTRUC ASSESSMENT Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 9 ETS0011 -ELEM ED CURR INSTRUC ASSESSMENT Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 114 177 103 90 ETS0011 -ELEM ED CURR INSTRUC ASSESSMENT Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 141 177 126 89 ETS0011 -ELEM ED CURR INSTRUC ASSESSMENT Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 125 180 117 94 ETS0041 -ENG LANG LIT COMP CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 8 ETS0041 -ENG LANG LIT COMP CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 16 175 15 94 ETS0041 -ENG LANG LIT COMP CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 14 183 14 100 ETS0041 -ENG LANG LIT COMP CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 16 178 16 100 ETS0511 -FUNDAMENTAL SUBJECTS CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 45 167 42 93 ETS0511 -FUNDAMENTAL SUBJECTS CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 186 171 182 98 ETS0511 -FUNDAMENTAL SUBJECTS CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 211 170 210 100 ETS0511 -FUNDAMENTAL SUBJECTS CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 189 173 185 98 ETS0435 -GENERAL SCI CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 1 ETS0435 -GENERAL SCI CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 3 ETS5183 -GERMAN WORLD LANGUAGE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 1 ETS5183 -GERMAN WORLD LANGUAGE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 2 ETS5183 -GERMAN WORLD LANGUAGE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 1 ETS0856 -HEALTH AND PE CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 15 163 15 100 ETS0856 -HEALTH AND PE CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 16 165 16 100 ETS0856 -HEALTH AND PE CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 30 167 30 100 ETS0856 -HEALTH AND PE CK Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 17 167 17 100 157 10 100 ETS0061 -MATHEMATICS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 6 ETS0061 -MATHEMATICS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 9 ETS0061 -MATHEMATICS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 10 ETS0061 -MATHEMATICS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 7 ETS0049 -MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 6 ETS0049 -MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 1 ETS0049 -MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 1 ETS0069 -MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 1 ETS0069 -MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 4 ETS0069 -MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 2 ETS0069 -MIDDLE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 1 ETS0439 -MIDDLE SCHOOL SCIENCE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 2 ETS0439 -MIDDLE SCHOOL SCIENCE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 2 ETS0089 -MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 2 ETS0089 -MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCIAL STUDIES Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 1 ETS0113 -MUSIC CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 1 ETS0113 -MUSIC CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 9 ETS0113 -MUSIC CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 9 ETS0113 -MUSIC CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 8 ETS5156 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBJ CONC ENG LANG ARTS (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 3 ETS5158 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBJ CONC MATHEMATICS (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 7 ETS5158 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBJ CONC MATHEMATICS (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 1 ETS5159 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBJ CONC SCIENCE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 10 ETS5159 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBJ CONC SCIENCE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 1 ETS5157 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBJ CONC SOCIAL STUDIES (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 7 ETS5157 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBJ CONC SOCIAL STUDIES (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 1 ETS5154 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBTEST ENG LANG ARTS SOC STU (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 18 ETS5154 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBTEST ENG LANG ARTS SOC STU (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 3 ETS5155 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBTEST MATH AND SCIENCE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 18 ETS5155 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBTEST MATH AND SCIENCE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 3 ETS5153 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBTEST PEDAGOGY (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 18 ETS5153 -PA 4-8 CORE SUBTEST PEDAGOGY (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 3 ESP0001 -PAPA - MODULE 1 READING Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Other enrolled students 40 ESP0001 -PAPA - MODULE 1 READING Evaluation Systems group of Pearson All program completers, 2012-13 2 ESP0002 -PAPA - MODULE 2 MATH Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Other enrolled students 40 158 7 70 158 12 67 176 15 83 174 17 94 235 38 95 241 38 95 ESP0002 -PAPA - MODULE 2 MATH Evaluation Systems group of Pearson All program completers, 2012-13 2 ESP0003 -PAPA - MODULE 3 WRITING Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Other enrolled students 40 ESP0003 -PAPA - MODULE 3 WRITING Evaluation Systems group of Pearson All program completers, 2012-13 2 ESP0006 -PECT PREK-4 - MODULE 1 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Other enrolled students 236 38 95 60 225 40 67 ESP0006 -PECT PREK-4 - MODULE 1 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson All program completers, 2012-13 13 236 11 85 ESP0007 -PECT PREK-4 - MODULE 2 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Other enrolled students 55 211 29 53 ESP0007 -PECT PREK-4 - MODULE 2 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson All program completers, 2012-13 13 231 11 85 ESP0008 -PECT PREK-4 - MODULE 3 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Other enrolled students 54 210 26 48 ESP0008 -PECT PREK-4 - MODULE 3 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson All program completers, 2012-13 13 222 10 77 ESP0011 -PECT SPEC ED PREK-8 - MODULE 1 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Other enrolled students 41 232 29 71 ESP0011 -PECT SPEC ED PREK-8 - MODULE 1 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson All program completers, 2012-13 10 235 9 90 ESP0012 -PECT SPEC ED PREK-8 - MODULE 2 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Other enrolled students 41 221 27 66 ESP0012 -PECT SPEC ED PREK-8 - MODULE 2 Evaluation Systems group of Pearson All program completers, 2012-13 10 231 8 80 ETS0265 -PHYSICS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 1 ETS0265 -PHYSICS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 3 ETS0265 -PHYSICS CONTENT KNOWLEDGE II Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 1 ETS0730 -PRAXIS I MATHEMATICS Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 280 179 274 98 ETS0730 -PRAXIS I MATHEMATICS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 230 180 228 99 ETS0730 -PRAXIS I MATHEMATICS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 264 180 264 100 ETS0730 -PRAXIS I MATHEMATICS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 249 180 247 99 ETS0710 -PRAXIS I READING Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 282 178 275 98 ETS0710 -PRAXIS I READING Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 232 179 230 99 ETS0710 -PRAXIS I READING Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 264 179 264 100 ETS0710 -PRAXIS I READING Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 251 179 250 100 ETS0720 -PRAXIS I WRITING Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 280 175 274 98 ETS0720 -PRAXIS I WRITING Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 230 176 228 99 ETS0720 -PRAXIS I WRITING Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 265 176 265 100 ETS0720 -PRAXIS I WRITING Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 250 176 249 100 ETS0354 -SE CORE KNOWLEDGE & APPLICATIONS Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 3 ETS0354 -SE CORE KNOWLEDGE & APPLICATIONS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 45 172 45 100 ETS0354 -SE CORE KNOWLEDGE & APPLICATIONS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 44 172 44 100 ETS0354 -SE CORE KNOWLEDGE & APPLICATIONS Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 7 ETS0081 -SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 15 171 13 87 ETS0081 -SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 17 168 14 82 ETS0081 -SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 21 171 21 100 ETS0081 -SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT KNOWLEDGE Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 29 170 29 680 15 100 ETS5195 -SPANISH WORLD LANGUAGE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) Other enrolled students 1 ETS5195 -SPANISH WORLD LANGUAGE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 2 ETS5195 -SPANISH WORLD LANGUAGE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2011-12 1 ETS5195 -SPANISH WORLD LANGUAGE (CD) Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 2 ETS0330 -SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2012-13 15 ETS0880 -TCHG SPEECH TO STUDENTS WLANG IMP Educational Testing Service (ETS) All program completers, 2010-11 1 100 Section III Summary Pass Rates Gr o u p Nu mber Nu mber Pass taking passing r ate tests tests (%) All program completers, 2012-13 259 233 90 All program completers, 2011-12 273 260 95 All program completers, 2010-11 259 251 97 Section IV Low-Performing Pr o vide the f o llo w ing inf o r matio n abo u t the appr o val o r accr editatio n o f yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am. Is yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am cu r r ently appr o ved o r accr edited? Yes If yes, please specif y the o r ganizatio n(s) that appr o ved o r accr edited yo u r pr o gr am: State NCATE Is yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am cu r r ently u nder a designatio n as "lo w -per f o r ming" by the state (as per sectio n 207(a) o f the HEA o f 2008)? No Section V Use of Technology Pr o vide the f o llo w ing inf o r matio n abo u t the u se o f techno lo gy in yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am. Please no te that cho o sing 'yes' indicates that yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am w o u ld be able to pr o vide evidence u po n r equ est. Do es yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e teacher s to : integr ate techno lo gy ef f ectively into cu r r icu la and instr u ctio n Yes u se techno lo gy ef f ectively to co llect data to impr o ve teaching and lear ning Yes u se techno lo gy ef f ectively to manage data to impr o ve teaching and lear ning Yes u se techno lo gy ef f ectively to analyze data to impr o ve teaching and lear ning Yes Pr o vide a descr iptio n o f the evidence that yo u r pr o gr am u ses to sho w that it pr epar es teacher s to integr ate techno lo gy ef f ectively into cu r r icu la and instr u ctio n, and to u se techno lo gy ef f ectively to co llect, manage, and analyze data in o r der to impr o ve teaching and lear ning f o r the pu r po se o f incr easing stu dent academic achievement. Inclu de a descr iptio n o f the evidence yo u r pr o gr am u ses to sho w that it pr epar es teacher s to u se the pr inciples o f u niver sal design f o r lear ning, as applicable. Inclu de planning activities and a timeline if any o f the f o u r elements listed abo ve ar e no t cu r r ently in place. Edinboro University requires specific courses providing methods and means for using instructional technology to solve teaching-learning problems. Students interact with technology including computers, Ipads, and Smartboards to learn the skills necessary to successfully use this technology in the classroom. All students learn the instructional use and implications of apps, blogs, online videos (e.g. Youtube) and other free resources, video (e.g. IMovie) and music production (e.g. Garageband), as well as other more standard resources such as Word, Powerpoint, and Publisher. Students are also introduced to content specific technology such as graphic design programs for Art Education, heart rate monitors for HPE, and computer-interfaced probes for Science Education. In all cases, students are asked to design content specific lessons using technology to aid in student learning and are asked to ground those lessons in theory and base those lessons on national and state standards. Students are introduced to Excel and gradebook programs as a way to organize data, but more importantly as they progress through their program, they are introduced to the analysis of assessment data for making instructional decisions. As part of their capstone experience, students are asked to complete a prepost-test instructional assessment, and they are asked to use technology to display and analyze the data, culminating in a reflection on how this impacts teaching and learning. Students are required to use what technology is available to them throughout their field placements and the use of this technology is assessed by the University Supervisor. Ipads and laptops are available for student teachers and other technology can be borrowed from Technology and Communications when necessary. Section VI Teacher Training Pr o vide the f o llo w ing inf o r matio n abo u t yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am. Please no te that cho o sing 'yes' indicates that yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am w o u ld be able to pr o vide evidence u po n r equ est. Do es yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e gener al edu catio n teacher s to : teach stu dents w ith disabilities ef f ectively Yes par ticipate as a member o f individu alized edu catio n pr o gr am teams Yes teach stu dents w ho ar e limited English pr o f icient ef f ectively Yes Pr o vide a descr iptio n o f the evidence yo u r pr o gr am u ses to sho w that it pr epar es gener al edu catio n teacher s to teach stu dents w ith disabilities ef f ectively, inclu ding tr aining r elated to par ticipatio n as a member o f individu alized edu catio n pr o gr am teams, as def ined in sectio n 614(d)(1)(B) o f the Individu als w ith Disabilities Edu catio n Act, and to ef f ectively teach stu dents w ho ar e limited English pr o f icient. Inclu de planning activities and a timeline if any o f the thr ee elements listed abo ve ar e no t cu r r ently in place. Edinboro University is in complete alignment with the requirements of Chapter 49-2 and requires that all students be prepared to teach students with special needs as well as students who primary language is not English. Separate courses in Special Education are required. In addition, Special education and ELL topics and competencies are infused throughout the programs of study but are especially prevalent in Instructional Techniques and Content Literacy/Literacy courses. Edinboro University provides courses which introduce the candidates to effective teaching strategies for children with special needs, learning disabilities, emotional/behavior disorders, hearing impairments, visual impairments, physical disabilities, other health impairments, communication disorders, traumatic brain injury, as well as children who are gifted and/or talented. Coursework also covers the causes, characteristics, diagnosis, treatment, and educational provisions for children with special needs and includes units on cultural diversity, current legal and educational issues, and students whose other language is English. Additionally, courses address the identification, prevalence, and learning characteristics of students with exceptionalities. Special emphasis is placed on classroom accommodations, instructional modifications and adaptations for P-12 inclusion classrooms for the purpose of creating effective learning environments for all students. Legal mandates and requirements are addressed as well as special considerations of high stakes testing and assessments. Furthermore, students examine the process of developing Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for exceptional students, and receive supervised practice in completing state IEP forms. Students learn the best practice for collaborating with all members of the IEP team and emphasize the role of the family. Students learn strategies for encouraging parents’ active participation in designing their children's programs and in monitoring their ongoing school performance. All students are required to complete the course Multiculturalism in American Schools which focuses a large amount of class time on ELL and includes virtual observations of ELL classroom situations. Further, all students are required to complete a “diverse” field or student teaching placement. Many of these diverse placements include experiences with ELL and Special Needs students. Do es yo u r pr o gr am pr epar e special edu catio n teacher s to : teach stu dents w ith disabilities ef f ectively Yes par ticipate as a member o f individu alized edu catio n pr o gr am teams Yes teach stu dents w ho ar e limited English pr o f icient ef f ectively Yes Pr o vide a descr iptio n o f the evidence yo u r pr o gr am u ses to sho w that it pr epar es special edu catio n teacher s to teach stu dents w ith disabilities ef f ectively, inclu ding tr aining r elated to par ticipatio n as a member o f individu alized edu catio n pr o gr am teams, as def ined in sectio n 614(d)(1)(B) o f the Individu als w ith Disabilities Edu catio n Act, and to ef f ectively teach stu dents w ho ar e limited English pr o f icient. Inclu de planning activities and a timeline if any o f the thr ee elements listed abo ve ar e no t cu r r ently in place. In addition to the course work described above, Edinboro University’s program, approved through the Pennsylvania Department of Education, is nationally accredited. This national recognition by NCATE and Council for Exceptional Children ensures a rigorous program of study, appropriate content and pedagogical content knowledge, diverse field experiences, and positive impact on P-12 student learning. The rigors of these accreditations enable Edinboro University to graduate highly qualified special education teachers. Strategies to teach students with limited English language proficiency is embedded into several courses and an ELL program has been approved for 2013- 2014. A 7-12 Special Education program has recently been developed and is on course to begin Fall 2014. Section VII Contextual Information Please u se this space to pr o vide any additio nal inf o r matio n that descr ibes yo u r teacher pr epar atio n pr o gr am(s). Yo u may also attach inf o r matio n to this r epo r t car d. The U.S. Depar tment o f Edu catio n is especially inter ested in any evalu atio n plans o r inter im o r f inal r epo r ts that may be available. Supporting Files Complete Report Card This is a United States Department of Education computer system. AY 2012-13 About Title II | Technical Assistance | Privacy Policy | Contacts