Edinboro University of Pennsylvania SCHOOL OF EDUCATION APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO TEACHER CANDIDACY For Office Use Only □ Clearances □ PAPA/CORE □ Banner □ Database □ Email □ Major Please read all directions carefully. All requirements below must be met and only complete applications will be accepted. All applicants must attach current degree evaluation. All applicants must attach a hard copy of one of the following: PAPA/CORE/SAT/ACT scores, if applicable (even if you requested they be reported to Edinboro). All clearance requirements must be on file per University Policy (http://www.edinboro.edu/academics/schools-and-departments/soe/clearancescertifications-candidacy/clearance-requirements/ ) Please submit the completed application form and attached documents to the School of Education, Butterfield Hall, Room 140 when you meet all conditions. Status of Teacher Candidacy is granted via the Edinboro email address provided. Name: Student ID: @ Last First MI Local Address: Number Local Telephone Number: Street ( City ) State Zip Edinboro E-mail Address: Major or Area of Certification Requested: Please complete the following: Undergraduate Students: _______________________ (must have completed at least 48 credit hours including present semester) Current Undergraduate GPA: (must be 2.8 or higher) One of the following: PAPA/CORE/SAT/ACT test results: Test PAPA: Reading PAPA: Math PAPA: Writing PAPA composite Passing 220 220 220 Minimum 193 197 192 686 Score Test CORE: Reading CORE: Writing CORE: Math CORE composite Passing 156 162 150 Minimum 148 158 142 475 Score *At the time of college matriculation (entering Edinboro) students who meet either the SAT or ACT requirement are exempt from taking the PAPA or CORE examinations. SAT Test Critical Reading Writing Math Total required: Minimum 500 500 500 *Date Score 1550 ACT Test English/Writing Math Composite Minimum 22 21 *Date 23 You must also successfully complete the requirements below. Completed □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ In Progress □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ English 101 and 102 Literature course: ENGL________ Two Math courses according to your program curriculum. MATH_________ SEDU271 SPED210 ECED majors only: ECED110 ECED/SPED majors only: ECED120 HPE majors only: HPE133 HPE majors only: HPE220, HPE225, or HPE230: HPE __________ Score MATH________ CANDIDATE: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY (your signature denotes understanding of the following items): I understand that I must: Maintain a 2.8 GPA, which is required for teacher candidacy. Successfully complete the program for which I am applying (including all required courses for my major). Earn a grade of C or better for each course in major and for any courses in general education that are required for major. Successfully complete all field experiences. Attend a mandatory informational student teaching meeting during the spring semester for the following year. RENEW criminal, child abuse, FBI fingerprinting clearances, Act 24/82, TB test, liability insurance and Act 126 BEFORE student teaching. All clearances must be current throughout the entire student teaching experience when submitting the student teaching packet, per University policy. http://www.edinboro.edu/academics/schools-and-departments/soe/clearances-certifications-candidacy/clearance-requirements/ Provide Edinboro University and the PA Department of Education (PDE) passing scores for all PAPA, Praxis or PECT tests required by the PDE for certification in the candidate’s subject area. http://www.edinboro.edu/academics/schools-and-departments/soe/testing/ ATTACH registration tickets/passing PAPA, Praxis II and/or PECT scores to the Student Teaching Packet per instructions given at the mandatory meeting. Student Teaching Packets will not be accepted until they are COMPLETE and will be subject to a $100 processing fee if the COMPLETE packet is not submitted by the specified deadline (this includes all clearances which are CURRENT through the END of student teaching). http://www.edinboro.edu/academics/schools-and-departments/soe/student-teaching/ During the student teaching semester information will be provided on how to apply for PDE certification via the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS). http://www.edinboro.edu/academics/schools-and-departments/soe/clearances-certifications-candidacy/certification-requirements/ I certify I have read and understand the above and that the information included with this application is accurate. The attached degree evaluation is correct and all curricular adjustments have been made. Any future adjustments must be made using the School of Education “Curriculum Adjustment Request” form. All future requests must be made prior to enrolling in the substituted course(s). Student Signature Date ADVISOR: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY (your signature denotes understanding of the following items): Based on my knowledge as the student’s advisor, I believe the student has the necessary intellect to become a successful teacher. I see no behavior, at this time, which would indicate the applicant does not possess the necessary dispositions to become a successful teacher. I have reviewed this application and certify that it is accurate and complete. □ Recommended □ Not Recommended The attached degree evaluation is correct and all curricular adjustments have been made. Any future adjustments must be made using the School of Education “Curriculum Adjustment Request” form. All future requests must be made prior to enrolling in the substituted course(s). Education Advisor Signature □ Recommended Date □ Not Recommended Director of Field and Student Teaching ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Reason not recommended Revised 04.2015 Date