Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Sam J. Zigrossi Program Director, MEd, MBA 512-232-2274 2011 1 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Agenda: • Focus on college and career readiness skills and 21st-century skills • Why these new focus areas • Explore some ideas to consider as we move to the next level of mathematics expectations for our students 2011 2 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Learning objective: To consider some ideas that you can pursue in your teaching strategies that will help students move to a higher level of learning mathematics. 2011 3 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! The 2012 STAAR assessment • Will focus on college and career readiness • Will be more strongly aligned to the TEKS through the designation of some TEKS statements as Readiness or Supporting TEKS • Will be more rigorous • More griddable (open-ended) items • More items • Readiness TEKS will be always be assessed and will be assessed multiple times • Test will be timed—4 hours 2011 4 The Changing Nature of the Test STAAR EOC (2012) Algebra I " 2011 5 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! What is going on? Some history in Texas 2011 6 A Look Back " 1980–1985 Texas Assessment of Basic Skills (TABS) 1986–1990 Texas Educational Assessment of Minimum Skills (TEAMS) 1990–2002 Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) 2003–2011 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) 2011 & beyond State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) 2011 7 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! So, how well have we been doing? Exit-level mathematics passing rates more than doubled since 2003, rising from 44 percent in 2003 to 90 percent this year, even as standards rose steadily over the same period. Extraordinary gains were made by every grade level tested. 2011 8 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Looking at data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which is the best objective measure we have, Texas 8th-graders from from 2000 to 2009 have progressed more than students in over 40 other states, with the largest percentage of economically disadvantaged students performing well, and with the cost per pupil at or slightly below the national average. Other grade levels have seen similar performance results. YOU HAVE BEEN DOING A GREAT JOB. 2011 9 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! The real problem in public education is POVERTY Not TEACHERS. Our current system of schooling promotes lower achievement with poverty. 2011 10 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! For almost every type of assessment A C H I E V M E N T % POVERTY 2011 11 3,6$0DWKHPDWLFV 8Q LWHG 6WDWHV)/ )LQ ODQ G 6ZLW]HUODQ G 1HWK HUODQ G V 8Q LWHG 6WDWHV)/ 3,6$0DWKHPDWLFV6FRUH *HUPDQ \ ,FHODQ G 'HQ PDUN 1R UZD\ )UDQ FH $XVWULD 6ZHG HQ 6OR YDNLD %HOJ LXP 3R ODQ G &]HFK 5HS XEOLF 8Q LWHG .LQ J G R P +XQ J DU\ /X[HPER XUJ ,UHODQ G 8Q LWHG 6WDWHV 3R UWXJ DO 8Q LWHG 6WDWHV)/ ,WDO\ 6S DLQ 8Q LWHG 6WDWHV)/ 8Q LWHG 6WDWHV)/ &K LOG3RYHUW\5DWHDIWHU7D[HVDQ G7UDQ VIHUV 2011 12 This and the following slide are taken from The Future: Next Exit, a PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Peter Bishop, Associate Professor of Futures Studies at the University of Houston, at the February 28, 2011, meeting of the Texas Business and Education Coalition (TBEC). Available via This and the preceding slide are taken from The Future: Next Exit, a PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Peter Bishop, Associate Professor of Futures Studies at the University of Houston, at the February 28, 2011, meeting of the Texas Business and Education Coalition (TBEC). Available via Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! To be successful in the job market, students must be prepared for job skills that are nonroutine interactive and nonroutine analytic. 2011 15 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! My opinion is Our goal is to prepare students to contribute to making the world a better place while pursuing their dreams. That means getting them ready for the 21st century. 2011 16 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! To attain college and career readiness skills in mathematics, students must learn math in a more conceptual way, such that they can apply mathematics in our ever-changing world to address demands that have become increasingly quantitative in nature. Through mathematics, people become more able to make well-informed decisions by formulating conjectures and testing hypotheses. Mathematics cannot be viewed solely as a series of standalone courses or set of specific skills. Texas College and Career Readiness Skills, 2009 2011 17 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! College and career readiness standards??? Consider the following regarding the Texas CCRS: Academic Skills and Knowledge Nonacademic Skills and Knowledge 2011 18 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Nonacademic skills Cross disciplinary such as: • Cognitive Skills • Intellectual curiosity • Reading • Writing • Reasoning • Research • Problem solving • Analysis and use of data • Self monitoring • Academic tenacity 2011 19 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Nonacademic skills Build some opportunities into your curriculum for some of these types of activities when working with other teachers. Start slow, • one per year, maybe, at the elementary level • One per semester in middle school • Moving to one per six weeks for seniors in high school 2011 20 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Academic knowledge and skills Increasing the rigor of learning mathematics??? Some myths about rigor . . . 2011 21 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Myth 1: If you have rigorous standards, you have a rigorous course. Rigor isn t as much about the standards as it is about how you ask students to learn the knowledge and skills described in the standards. Myth 2: Rigor means more work. While rigorous instruction may require that students put forth more effort, the level of rigor is not determined by the volume of work students complete. Myth 3: Rigor means harder. Rigorous classrooms do present more challenges to students, but there is a difference between challenging and difficult. 2011 22 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Myth 4: Rigor is a matter of content. Just because you focus on highly rigorous content does not guarantee a highly rigorous learning experience for students. How you ask students to engage in the content is the key. Myth 5: Younger students cannot engage in rigorous instruction. Even young children can think and interact with material in highly rigorous ways. Myth 6: In order to engage in rigor, students must first master the basics. Rigorous thinking is involved in learning even the most basic material. Myth 7: Rigor is for the elite. All students can and should have access to rigorous instruction and learning. 2011 23 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Academic knowledge and skills Increasing the rigor of learning mathematics??? Consider the RIGOR AND RELEVANCE FRAMEWORK 2011 24 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Summary: Working with your colleagues . . . • Determine the culture you want to develop in support of your students • Study the TEKS (readiness and supporting) • Modify your existing curriculum materials to align them with the intended rigor of the TEKS • Develop a few student activities that support your culture and that will move your students toward learning at a higher level of rigor and relevance (the D quadrant). 2011 25 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Quadrant D could include activities like: Writing a paper on how mathematics connects with another content area Using appropriate mathematical models for a natural, physical, or social science application Analyzing and using data for a given topic Developing a presentation and teaching other students something about mathematics (e.g., Fibonacci numbers) 2011 26 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Consider reframing your job Prepare students to be ready for a specific step after high school, such that they can have the knowledge and skills to improve the world while pursuing their dreams. 2011 27 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Resources: Texas College and Career Readiness Standards. (2009). Available on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board website, Academic Youth Development Achieving Academic Excellence through Rigor and Relevance. (Willard R. Daggett, September 2005). academic_excellence.pdf 2011 28 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Resources: A project-based yearlong activity that deals with $. easily_managed_project (A project on the website Digital Learning Environments: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms) Seven Myths About Rigor. (January 13, 2011). 2011/01/seven-myths-about-rigor The Future: Next Exit. A PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Peter Bishop, Associate Professor of Futures Studies at the University of Houston, at the February 28, 2011, meeting of the Texas Business and Education Coalition (TBEC). Available via 2011 29 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Learning objective: To consider some ideas that you can pursue in your teaching strategies that will help students move to a higher level of learning mathematics. 2011 30 Are You Ready to Leap Into the 21st Century? Because you ll have to! Sam J. Zigrossi, Program Director, MEd, MBA 512-232-2274 2011 31