AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OF Jun Hee Kim for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering presented on December 22, 2003. Title: Performance-Based Seismic Design of Light-Frame Shearwalls Abstract approved: Redacted for privacy David V. Rosowsky Performance-based design has gained interest in recent years among structural designers and researchers. Performance-based design includes selection of appropriate building sites, structural systems and configurations, as well as analytical procedures used in the design process, to confirm that the structure has adequate strength, stiffness and energy dissipation capacity to respond to the design loads without exceeding permissible damage states. Although performancebased seismic design has advanced for some materials and structural types, such as steel and reinforced concrete buildings and bridges, its application to light-frame structures remains largely unexplored. The objective of this research was to explore the potential for the application of performance-based engineering concepts to the design and assessment of woodframe structures subject to earthquakes. Nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis was used to predict the performance of shearwalls considering a suite of scaled characteristic ordinary ground motions to represent the seismic hazard. Sensitivity studies were performed to investigate the relative effects of damping, sheathing properties, fastener type and spacing, panel layout, and other properties on the performance of wood shearwalls. In addition, the effects of uncertainty in ground motions and variability in sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameters were investigated. Issues such as the contribution of nonstructural finish materials, different seismic hazard regions, and construction quality also were investigated and modification factors to adjust peak displacement distributions were developed. The peak displacement distributions were then used to construct performance curves and design charts as a function of seismic weights for two baseline walls. Finally, fragility curves were developed for the baseline walls considering different nailing schedules, corresponding allowable seismic weights, and various overstrength (R) factors. ©Copyright by Jun Hee Kim December 22, 2003 All Rights Reserved Performance-Based Seismic Design of Light-Frame Shearwalls by Jun Hee Kim A DISSERTATION submitted to Oregon State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Presented December 22, 2003 Commencement June 2004 Doctor of Philosophy dissertation of Jun Hee Kim presented on December 22, 2003. APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Major Professor, Civil Engineering Redacted for privacy Head of Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Redacted for privacy Dean of thet-Graduate School I understand that my dissertation will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my dissertation to any reader upon request. Redacted for privacy Jun Hee Kim, Authr ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research presented here was made possible largely through grants from the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project and the National Science Foundation through Grant No. CMS-0049038. This financial support from these organizations is acknowledged. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. David Rosowsky for his advice, guidance, passion, patience, encouragement, and financial support throughout my graduate work at Oregon State University. I also would like to thank my graduate committee members: Dr. Solomon Yim, Dr. Robert Leichti, Dr. Thomas Miller, and Dr. Bartelt Eleveld for their advice and help in completing my graduate program. Special thanks are due to Dr. Brian Folz for his valuable assistance with the computer programs CASHEW and SAWS. Many thanks to the Structural Reliability Research Group members and the staff in Civil Engineering for their assistance during the course of this research. I would like to thank my sister, Mun Hee Kim, and brother-in-law, Dr. Daniel Kim, for their love and support. Also, I would like to thank my father, Dong Chan Kim, who passed away two months ago, and my mother, Jung Sook Mm, for their love, encouragement, support, and prayer. And finally, I wish to thank my wife, Mi Soon, and two lovely children, Gyu Yeun and Gyu Tae, for their love, patience, prayer and support. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 General ................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Scope and objectives ............................................................................................ 4 2. BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................... 6 3. NONLINEAR DYNAMIC TIME-HISTORY ANALYSIS .................................... 10 3.1 Computer programs ............................................................................................ 10 3.1.1 CASHEW .................................................................................................... 10 3.1.2SASH1 ........................................................................................................ 11 3.1.3SASHFIT .................................................................................................... 12 3.1.4 SAWS .......................................................................................................... 14 3.2 Ordinary ground motion records ........................................................................ 16 3.3 Distribution functions (exceedence probability curves) .................................... 17 4. ANALYSIS OF ISOLATED SHEARWALLS ....................................................... 22 4.1 Model configuration (isolated shearwall) .......................................................... 22 4.2 Sensitivity studies .............................................................................................. 26 4.2.1 Baseline sensitivity studies ......................................................................... 26 Ground motions .................................................................................... 27 Damping ............................................................................................... 28 Shear modulus of sheathing materials.................................................. 31 Fastener spacing ................................................................................... 32 Panel layout .......................................................................................... 35 Shake-table test walls ........................................................................... 35 Missing fasteners .................................................................................. 38 Model uncertainty ................................................................................. 40 4.2.2 Sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability ............. 47 4.2.3 Contribution of nonstructural finish materials ............................................ 55 Analysis of solidwall ........................................................................... 57 Analysis of walls with openings .......................................................... 62 4.2.4 Construction quality .................................................................................... 65 4.2.5 Effects of different seismic hazard regions ................................................. 73 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 4.3 Additional studies . 84 4.3.1 Development of modification factors ......................................................... 84 Sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability ...... 84 Construction quality ............................................................................. 89 Contribution of nonstructural finish materials ..................................... 99 4.3.2 Construction of performance curves and design charts ............................ 107 Baseline walls .................................................................................... 107 Construction of performance curves ........................................... 108 Design charts ............................................................................... 111 Construction quality ........................................................................... 121 Construction of performance curves ........................................... 121 Design charts ............................................................................... 122 Effects of different seismic hazard regions ........................................ 130 4.4 Performance-based design ............................................................................... 136 4.4.1 Incremental dynamic analysis ................................................................... 4.4.2 Fragility curves ......................................................................................... Fragility curve based on peak displacement ...................................... Fragility curve based on ultimate force .............................................. 136 143 143 154 5. ANALYSIS OF SHEARWALLS IN COMPLETE STRUCTURES .................... 161 5.1 Model configuration......................................................................................... 161 5.1.1 Model configuration of one-story residential structure ............................. 162 5.1.2 Model configuration of two-story residential structure ............................ 165 5.2 Shearwall performance in complete structures ................................................ 167 5.2.1 One-story structure .................................................................................... 167 Performance of shearwalls with OSB only ........................................ 167 Performance of shearwalls with NSF materials ................................. 170 5.2.2 Two-story structure ................................................................................... 177 Performance of shearwalls with OSB only ........................................ 177 Performance of shearwalls with NSF materials ................................. 182 5.2.3 Additional studies ..................................................................................... 187 Interstory displacement ...................................................................... 187 Effect of partition walls ...................................................................... 192 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) gç Performance comparison for isolated wall and wall in one-story structure........................................................................................... 197 5.3 Performance-based design ............................................................................... 200 5.3.1 Incremental dynamic analysis ................................................................... 200 5.3.2 Fragility curves ......................................................................................... 203 Fragility curve for one-story structure ............................................... 203 Fragility curve for two-story structure ............................................... 206 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................ 214 6.1 Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 215 6.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................ 218 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 221 APPENDICES........................................................................................................... 230 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 CASHEW modeling procedure .............................................................................. 11 3.2 Force-displacement response of a wood shearwall under cyclic loading. Hysteretic model is fit to test data for an 8 ft x 8 ft shearwall with 3/8-in. thick OSB sheathing panels (from: Durham, 1998) ...................................................... 13 3.3 Load-displacement curve using parameters determined by SASHFIT .................. 14 3.4 Code based target response spectra ........................................................................ 1S 3.5 Development of probability-based design charts for shearwall selection .............. 21 3.6 Fitting a lognormal distribution to the sample CDF of peak displacements .......... 21 4.1 Components of typical woodframe shearwall ........................................................ 23 4.2 Detailed configurations of baseline solid wall (BW1) and walls with openings(OWl and 0W2) .................................................................................. 25 4.3 Baseline wall sheathing configuration ................................................................... 27 4.4 Response (peak displacement) variability for the three limit states ....................... 29 4.5 Effects of viscous damping ratio () on peak displacement .................................. 31 4.6 Effect of assigned shear modulus (G) on peak displacement ................................ 33 4.7 Effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement (W 560 lbs/ft) ........................ 33 4.8 Effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement (W 840 lbs/ft) ........................ 34 4.9 Effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement (W = 1120 lbs/ft) ...................... 34 4.10 Effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement (W = 1400 lbs/ft) .................... 35 4.11 Effect of panel layout on peak displacement ....................................................... 36 4.12 Task 1.1.1 and task 1.1.2 walls ............................................................................ 37 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 4.13 Peak displacement distributions for task 1.1.1 and task 1.1.2 walls .................... 37 4.14 Effect of missing fasteners on peak displacement (10, 5 0/50) ............................ 39 4.15 Effect of missing fasteners on peak displacement (LS, 10/50) ............................ 39 4.16 Effect of missing fasteners on peak displacement (CP, 2/50) .............................. 40 4.17 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement distribution ........................... 43 4.18 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (3"/6") .................................. 44 4.19 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (3"/12") ................................ 44 4.20 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (4"/12") ................................ 45 4.21 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (6"/6") .................................. 45 4.22 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (6"/12") ................................ 46 4.23 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for different nail parameters (W=5601bs/ft) .................................................................................................... 50 4.24 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for different nail parameters (W=8401bs/ft) .................................................................................................... 51 4.25 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for different nail parameters (W=ll2Olbs/ft) .................................................................................................. 51 4.26 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for different nail parameters (W= 1400 lbs/ft) .................................................................................................. 52 4.27 Effect of fastener parameter variability on peak displacement ............................ 54 4.28 Typical exterior wall cross-section ...................................................................... 56 4.29 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W 560 lbs/ft) ..................................................................................................... 59 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 4.30 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 840 lbs/fl) ..................................................................................................... 59 4.31 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 1120 lbs/ft) ................................................................................................... 60 4.32 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W 1400 lbs/ft) ................................................................................................... 60 4.33 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 840 lbs/ft) ..................................................................................................... 61 4.34 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 1400 lbs/fl) ................................................................................................... 61 4.35 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W=281 lbs/fl) ..................................................................................................... 63 4.36 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 703 lbs/ft) ..................................................................................................... 63 4.37 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 703 lbs/ft) ..................................................................................................... 64 4.38 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W 984 lbs/fl) ..................................................................................................... 64 4.39 Peak displacement distributions for construction qualities (BW1, OSB only) ................................................................................................. 68 4.40 Peak displacement distributions for construction qualities (BW1, OSB ± GWB) ........................................................................................... 69 4.41 Peak displacement distributions for construction qualities (BW1, OSB + Stucco) .......................................................................................... 69 4.42 Peak displacement distributions for BW1 considering different constructionqualities ........................................................................................... 70 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 4.43 Peak displacement distributions for OWl (OSB only) considering different construction qualities ............................................................................. 70 4.44 Peak displacement distributions for OWl (OSB + GWB) considering different construction qualities ............................................................................. 71 4.45 Peak displacement distributions for OWl (OSB + Stucco) considering different construction qualities ............................................................................. 71 4.46 Peak displacement distributions for OWl (OSB + GWB + Stucco) considering different construction qualities ......................................................... 72 4.47 Target response spectra for different seismic hazard regions .............................. 75 4.48 Comparison of earthquake record scaling to target response spectra .................. 76 4.49 Comparison of peak displacement between CCWP and SAC earthquake records ............................................................................................... 80 4.50 Comparison of peak displacement between fault-normal and fault-parallel earthquake records ............................................................................................... 81 4.51 Comparison of peak displacement for different seismic hazard regions (@4"/12", W 1400 lbs/ft) ................................................................................. 82 4.52 Comparison of peak displacement for different seismic hazard regions (@6"/12", W 1400 lbs/ft) ................................................................................. 82 4.53 Selection of median and target peak displacement distributions ......................... 86 4.54 Change of peak displacement considering various mean values of modificationfactor ............................................................................................... 86 4.55 Change of peak displacement considering various COV values of modification factor ............................................................................................... 87 4.56 Modification factors for sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability ............................................................................................ 88 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 4.57 Graphical method for determination of modification factors in construction quality (BW1) ................................................................................... 91 4.58 Graphical method for determination of modification factors in construction quality (OWl) .................................................................................. 91 4.59 Mean of modification factor for BW1 (OSB only) .............................................. 92 4.60 COV of modification factor for BW1 (OSB only) ............................................... 92 4.61 Mean of modification factor for BW1 (OSB + GWB) ........................................ 93 4.62 COV of modification factor for BW1 (OSB +GWB) .......................................... 93 4.63 Mean of modification factor for BW1 (OSB + Stucco) ....................................... 94 4.64 COy of modification factor for BW1 (OSB + Stucco) ....................................... 94 4.65 Mean of modification factor for OWl (OSB only) .............................................. 95 4.66 COV of modification factor for OWl (OSB only) .............................................. 95 4.67 Mean of modification factor for OWl (OSB + GWB) ........................................ 96 4.68 COy of modification factor for OWl (OSB + GWB) ......................................... 96 4.69 Mean of modification factor for OWl (OSB + Stucco) ....................................... 97 4.70 COV of modification factor for OWl (OSB + Stucco) ....................................... 97 4.71 Mean of modification factor for OWl (OSB + GWB + Stucco) ......................... 98 4.72 COV of modification factor for OWl (OSB + GWB + Stucco) .......................... 98 4.73 Graphical method to develop deterministic modification factors in nonstructural finish materials effects (BW1) ..................................................... 103 4.74 Graphical method to develop deterministic modification factors in nonstructural finish materials effects (0W2) ..................................................... 104 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 4.75 Mean of deterministic modification factor for BW1 (OSB sheathing) .............. 104 4.76 Mean of deterministic modification factor for BW1 (Plywood sheathing) ....... 105 4.77 Mean of deterministic modification factor for BW1 (Plywood sheathing) ....... 105 4.78 Mean of deterministic modification factor for OWl (OSB sheathing) .............. 106 4.79 Mean of deterministic modification factor for 0W2 (OSB sheathing) .............. 106 4.80 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @3"/6" ......................................... 112 4.81 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @4"/12" ....................................... 112 4.82 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @6"/6" ......................................... 113 4.83 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/s-in.), @6"/12" ....................................... 113 4.84 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/s-in.), @3"/6", axes switched ................. 114 4.85 Performance curve for BW1, PWD (3/8-in.), 8d@3"/6" .................................... 114 4.86 Performance curve for BW1, PWD (3/8-in.), 8d@4"/12" .................................. 115 4.87 Performance curve for OWl, OSB (3/8-in.), @3"/3" ......................................... 115 4.88 Performance curve for OWl, OSB (3/s-in.), @4"/4" ......................................... 116 4.89 Performance curve for OWl, OSB (3/8-in.), @6"/6" ......................................... 116 4.90 Performance curve for OWl, PWD (31'8-in.), 8d@4"/4" .................................... 117 4.91 Performance curve for OWL PWD (3/8-in.), 8d@6"/6" .................................... 117 4.92 Effect of model uncertainty on performance curve for BW1, OSB(3/8-in.), @3"/6"......................................................................................... 118 4.93 95thPercentile design chart for BW1, JO (50/50) .............................................. 118 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 494 95thPercenti1e design chart for BW1, LS (10/50) ............................................. 119 495 95thPercentj1e design chart for OWl, JO (50/50) .............................................. 119 4.96 95thPercentile design chart for OWl, LS (50/50) ............................................. 120 4.97 Performance curve for BW1, OSB only ............................................................ 123 4.98 Performance curve for BW1, OSB + GWB ....................................................... 123 4.99 Performance curve for BW1, OSB + Stucco ..................................................... 124 4.100 Performance curve for OWl, OSB only .......................................................... 124 4.101 Performance curve for OWl, OSB + GWB ..................................................... 125 4.102 Performance curve for OWl, OSB + Stucco ................................................... 125 4.103 Performance curve for OWl, OSB + GWB + Stucco ...................................... 126 4.104 95thPercentile design chart for BW1, poor quality ......................................... 126 4.105 95thPercentile design chart for BW 1, typical quality ...................................... 127 4.106 95thPercentile design chart for OWl, poor quality ......................................... 127 4.107 95thPercentile design chart for OWl, typical quality...................................... 128 4.108 95t1'-Percentile design chart for BW1, (OSB + Stucco) ................................... 128 4.109 95tIiPercentile design chart for OWl, (OSB + GWB + Stucco) ..................... 129 4.110 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone III (Seattle), @3"/12" .................. 131 4.111 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone IV (LA), @3"/12" ....................... 131 4.112 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone II (Boston), @4"/12" ................... 132 4.113 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone III (Seattle), @4"/12" .................. 132 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure iEiig 4.114 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone IV (LA), @4"/12" ....................... 133 4.115 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone II (Boston), @6"/12" ................... 133 4.116 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone III (Seattle), @6"112" .................. 134 4.117 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone IV (LA), @6"/12" ....................... 134 4.118 95tlPercentile design chart for BW1, LS (10/50) ........................................... 135 4.119 Typical IDA curve ........................................................................................... 139 4.120 Estimated collapse points by tangent slope ...................................................... 139 4.121 Set of IDA curves (BW1, group 1) .................................................................. 140 4.122 Set of IDA curves (BW1, group 2) .................................................................. 140 4.123 Set of IDA curves (BW1, group 3) .................................................................. 141 4.124 Set of IDA curves (Owl, group 1) .................................................................. 141 4.125 Set of IDA curves (Owl, group 2) .................................................................. 142 4.126. Set of IDA curves (Owl, group 3) ................................................................. 142 4.127 Peak displacement distributions for different R factors (3"/12", 10) .............. 146 4.128 Peak displacement distributions for different R factors (3"/12", LS) .............. 146 4.129 Peak displacement distributions for different R factors (3"/12", CP) .............. 147 4.130 Fragility curves for three different hazard levels (2"/ 12") ............................... 148 4.13 1 Fragility curves for three different hazard levels (3"/12") ............................... 149 4.132 Fragility curves for three different hazard levels (4"! 12") ............................... 149 4.133 Fragility curves for three different hazard levels (6"/12") ............................... 150 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 4.134 Fragility curves considering R = 2.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ........................ 151 4.135 Fragility curves considering R = 3.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ........................ 152 4.136 Fragility curves considering R = 4.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ........................ 152 4.137 Fragility curves considering R 5.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ........................ 153 4.138 Single fragility curve considering R = 4.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ............... 153 4.139 Fragility curves considering different assumed R factors (LS, 3"/12") ........... 154 4.140 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (3"/12", JO) ............................ 156 4.141 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (3"/12", LS) ............................ 156 4.142 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (3"/12", CP) ........................... 157 4.143 Fragility curve for ultimate uplift force with various R factors (3"/12", HTT 22) ................................................................................................ 158 4.144 Fragility curve for ultimate uplift force with various R factors (3"/12", PHD2-SDS3) ........................................................................................ 158 4.145 Fragility curve for ultimate uplift force with various R factors (4"/12", LTT 20B) ............................................................................................. 159 4.146 Hold-down fragility curve considering ultimate uplift capacity ...................... 160 5.1 Plan view and section view for the one-story house model ................................. 163 5.2 Detailed wall configurations for the one-story house model ............................... 164 5.3 Elevation and plan view for two-story house model (from: Fischer et al., 2001) ................................................................................. 166 5.4 SAWS model of the one-story structure, OSB only ............................................ 168 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 5.5 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB only (JO, 50/50 hazard level) .................................................................... 169 5.6 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB only (LS, 10/50 hazard level) .................................................................... 169 5.7 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB only (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ...................................................................... 170 5.8 SAWS model of the one-story structure, OSB and NSF materials (GWB and Stucco) ............................................................................................. 173 5.9 SAWS model of the one-story structure, OSB and GWB ................................... 173 5.10 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB (10, 50/50 hazard level) ............................................................... 174 5.11 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB (LS, 10/5 0 hazard level) .............................................................. 175 5.12 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ................................................................ 175 5.13 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB + Stucco (10, 50/150 hazard level) ................................................ 176 5.14 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB + Stucco (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ............................................... 176 5.15 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB + Stucco (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ................................................. 177 5.16 SAWS model of the two-story structure, OSB only (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) ....................................................................... 180 5.17 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in two-story structure (JO, 50/50 hazard level) .................................................. 181 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure iag 5.18 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in two-story structure (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ................................................. 181 5.19 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in two-story structure (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ................................................... 182 5.20 SAWS model of the two-story Structure, OSB and NSF materials (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) ....................................................................... 185 5.21 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in two-story structure (10, 50/50 hazard level) .................................................. 186 5.22 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in two-story structure (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ................................................. 186 5.23 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in two-story structure (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ................................................... 187 5.24 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB (JO, 50/50 hazard level) ............................................................................ 189 5.25 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ............................................................................ 189 5.26 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB (CP, 2/50 hazard level) .............................................................................. 190 5.27 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB + GWB ± Stucco (10, 50/50 hazard level) ................................................ 190 5.28 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB + GWB + Stucco (LS, 10/50 hazard level) ............................................... 191 5.29. Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB + GWB + Stucco (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ................................................. 191 5.30 SAWS model of one-story structure without partition walls, (OSB+GWB) .................................................................................................... 194 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 5.31 Peak displacement distributions for one-story structure, OSB + GWB (without partition walls), 10 (50/50 hazard level) ....................... 194 5.32 Peak displacement distributions for one-story structure, OSB + GWB (without partition walls), LS (10/50 hazard level) ....................... 195 5.33 Peak displacement distributions for one-story structure, OSB + GWB (without partition walls), CP (2/50 hazard level) ........................ 195 5.34 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for the effect of partition walls and NSF materials, (JO, 50/50 hazard level) .............................. 196 5.35 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for the effect of partition walls and NSF materials, (LS, 5 0/50 hazard level) ............................. 196 5.36 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for the effect of partition walls and NSF materials, (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ............................... 197 5.37 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for isolated shearwall and shearwall in complete one-story structure (JO, 50/50 hazard level) .................. 199 5.38 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for isolated shearwall and shearwall in complete one-story structure (LS, 10/50 hazard level) .................. 199 5.39 Set of IDA curves for selected OSB-only walls with garage door opening (2EW) ................................................................................................................. 202 5.40 Set of IDA curves for selected OSB + NSF walls with pedestrian door opening(2WW) .................................................................................................. 202 5.41 Fragility curves for the North wall (OSB only) in the one-story structure (without partition walls) ..................................................................................... 204 5.42 Fragility curves for the North wall (OSB + GWB) in the one-story structure (without partition walls) ...................................................... 205 5.43 Comparison of fragility curves for the North wall in the one-story structure (JO, 50/50, 1% drift limit) ................................................... 205 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 5.44 Fragility curve for wall with garage door opening, max (relative to ground) at first story ........................................................................ 207 5.45 Fragility curve for wall with garage door opening, interstory drift ................... 208 5.46 Fragility curve for wall with garage door opening, ömax (relative to ground) at second story .................................................................... 208 5.47 Fragility curve for wall with pedestrian door opening, max (relative to ground) at first story ........................................................................ 209 5.48 Fragility curve for wall with pedestrian door opening, 6max (relative to ground) at second story .................................................................... 209 5.49 Comparison of fragility curves for shearwafl in two-story structure (JO, 50/50, 1% drift limit) .................................................................................. 210 5.50 Comparison of fragility curves for shearwall in two-story structure (LS, 10/50, 2% drift limit) ................................................................................. 210 5.51 Fragility curves for shearwall with NSF materials (2EW) in two-story structure ............................................................................................. 212 5.52 Fragility curves for shearwall with NSF materials (2WW) in two-story structure ............................................................................................. 212 5.53 Comparison of fragility curves showing contribution of NSF materials, max (relative to ground) at first story ................................................................. 213 5.54 Comparison of fragility curves showing contribution of NSF materials, ömax (relative to ground) at second story ............................................................ 213 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 20 Ordinary ground motion records and PGA values ............................................ 19 3.2 Structural performance levels and requirements for woodframe walls (from: Table C 1-3, FEMA 356) ........................................................................... 19 4.1 Sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameters ........................................ 48 4.2 Comparable connection hysteretic parameters from other studies ........................ 49 4.3 Nail properties considered in this study ................................................................. 54 4.4 Matrix of walls used to investigate nonstructural finish material effects .............. 57 4.5 Definitions of three construction quality categories (from: Isoda et al., 2002) ...................................................................................... 66 4.6 Developed deterministic modification factor for construction quality .................. 67 4.7 Target response spectra for different seismic hazard regions ................................ 75 4.8 20 Ordinary ground motion records and PGA values (seismic zone IV, LA) ....... 76 4.9 20 Ordinary ground motion records and PGA values (seismic zone III, Seattle) ..................................................................................... 78 4.10 20 Ordinary ground motion records and PGA values (seismic zone II, Boston) ...................................................................................... 79 4.11 Analysis matrix for effects of different seismic hazard regions .......................... 79 4.12 Summary of modification factors considering construction quality .................... 90 4.13 Developed deterministic modification factor (ty) for contribution of nonstructural finish materials effects ................................................................. 103 4.14 Fastener parameters used to develop performance curves and design charts for baseline walls ......................................................................... 108 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table 4.15 Seismic weights calculated based on UBC '97 allowable unit shear values (Table 23-TI-I-i) ................................................................................................. 145 4.16 Capacities of hold-downs considered in this study ............................................ 155 5.1 Hysteretic parameters for the shearwall spring elements in one-story structure, OSB only ............................................................................ 167 5.2 Hysteretic parameters for the shearwall spring elements in one-story structure, OSB and NSF materials ..................................................... 172 5.3 Hysteretic parameters for the shearwall spring elements, OSB sheathing only (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) ..................................... 179 5.4 Fitted hysteretic parameters for the SDOF shear element model of an 8 ft>< 8 ft shearwall with stucco and gypsum wallboard (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) ....................................................................... 183 5.5 Hysteretic parameters for the shearwall spring elements, OSB and NSF materials (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) ............................... 184 5.6 Estimated collapse limit (from IDA) for shearwall in the complete two-story structure ............................................................................................. 201 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Example showing convolution of hazard curve and fragility curve ...................... 231 B. Deterministic modification factors for construction quality ................................. 233 C. Scaling earthquake records to response spectra considering different scaling methods.............................................................................................................. 236 D. Earthquake records used in this study ................................................................... 239 E. Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors .......................... 244 F. Fragility curves for baseline wall (BW1) considering different hazard levels ...... 250 G. Fragility curves for baseline wall (BW1) considering different R factors and nailing schedules ......................................................................................... 257 H. CDF for baseline wall (BW1) considering ultimate force with variousR factors ................................................................................................ 262 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES Figure A.1 Convolution of hazard curve and fragility curve ................................................ 232 C. 1 20 0GM records (CUREE) scaled over the plateau region of the response spectrum(LS, 10/50) .......................................................................................... 237 C.2 20 0GM records (CUREE) scaled at a period of 0.2 sec to the response spectrum(LS, 10/50) .......................................................................................... 237 C.3 20 0GM records (CUREE) scaled at a period of 0.5 sec to the response spectrum(LS, 10/50) .......................................................................................... 238 E. 1 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (2"/12", JO) ........................................................................................................ 245 E.2 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (2"/12", LS) ........................................................................................................ 245 E.3 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (2"/12", CP) ....................................................................................................... 246 E.4 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (4"/12", 10) ........................................................................................................ 246 E.5 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (4"/12", LS) ........................................................................................................ 247 E.6 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (4"/12", CP) ....................................................................................................... 247 E.7 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (6"/12", 10) ........................................................................................................ 248 E.8 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (6"/12", LS) ........................................................................................................ 248 E.9 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (6"/12", CP) ....................................................................................................... 249 F.1 Fragility curves (R= 2.5, 2"/12") ........................................................................ 251 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure F.2 Fragility curves (R=2.5, 3"/12") ........................................................................ 251 F.3 Fragility curves (R = 2.5, 4"/12") ........................................................................ 252 F.4 Fragility curves (R = 2.5, 6"/12") ........................................................................ 252 F.5 Fragility curves (R 3.5, 2"/12") ........................................................................ 253 F.6 Fragility curves (R 3.5, 3"/12") ........................................................................ 253 F.7 Fragility curves (R = 3.5, 4"/12") ........................................................................ 254 F.8 Fragility curves (R = 3.5, 6"/12") ........................................................................ 254 F.9 Fragility curves (R = 4.5, 2"/12") ........................................................................ 255 F.10 Fragility curves (R 4.5, 3"/12") ...................................................................... 255 F. 11 Fragility curves (R = 4.5, 4"/12") ...................................................................... 256 F. 12 Fragility curves (R = 4.5, 6"/12") ...................................................................... 256 G.1 Fragility curves considering R = 2.5 (10, 50/50 hazard level) ............................ 258 G.2 Fragility curves considering R = 3.5 (10, 50/50 hazard level) ............................ 258 G.3 Fragility curves considering R = 4.5 (JO, 50/50 hazard level) ............................ 259 G.4 Fragility curves considering R = 5.5 (10, 50/50 hazard level) ............................ 259 G.5 Fragility curves considering R = 3.5 (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ............................. 260 G.6 Fragility curves considering R = 4.5 (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ............................. 260 G.7 Fragility curves considering R = 5.5 (CP, 2/50 hazard level) ............................. 261 H. 1 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (2"/12", 10) ............................... 263 H.2 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (2"/12", LS) ............................... 263 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES (Continued) Figure H.3 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (2"/12", CP) .............................. 264 H.4 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (4"/12", 10) ............................... 264 H.5 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (4"/12", LS) ............................... 265 H.6 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (4"/12", CP) .............................. 265 H.7 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (6"/12", 10) ............................... 266 H.8 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (6"/12", LS) ............................... 266 H.9 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (6'712", CP) .............................. 267 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table B. 1 Deterministic modification factors for construction quality ............................... 235 D.1 Set of LA ordinary ground motion records (CUREE project) ............................ 240 D.2 Set of LA earthquake ground motions with 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years (SAC project) ............................................................... 241 D.3 Set of Seattle earthquake ground motions with 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years (SAC project) ............................................................... 242 D.4 Set of Boston earthquake ground motions with 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years (SAC project) ............................................................... 243 Performance-Based Seismic Design of Light-Frame Shearwalls 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Wood is the most common material used in one- and two-story residential construction in the United States. Light-frame wood structures have a number of advantages including aesthetics, beauty, construction cost and time, versatility, flexibility in floor plans, and so forth. Most woodframe structures consist of floors, walls, and roof systems tied together by fasteners. Shearwalls and diaphragms provide the primary resistance to lateral forces in woodframe structures. Light-frame wood structures generally have performed well with regard to life- safety under natural hazard loadings such as earthquakes and hurricanes. Properly built woodframe structures can withstand major earthquakes and hurricanes without collapsing. However, costly damage (both nonstructural and secondary assemblies), which can add significantly to the total economic loss in natural hazards, remains a problem. Many woodframe structures designed to meet current standards (code requirements) were damaged in recent natural disasters such as the Northridge earthquake and hurricane Andrew [NAHB, 1993, 1994]. In the wake of these and other events, the structural engineering community has come to recognize the limitations of current design provisions, particularly with respect to damage prevention. For example, current seismic design procedures for light-frame structures [ICBO, 1997; AF&PA, 2001] require an estimate of the elastic fundamental period. 2 This may not be simple to estimate since woodframe buildings exhibit inelastic response over the entire range of lateral deformation. Current strength-based code procedures do not allow for a proper assessment of the safety of engineered buildings considering the various limit states that these structures may have to meet during their service-life. Therefore, the structural engineering community has started to embrace a new design approach (termed "performance-based design") in order to address more explicitly various performance requirements. Although performance-based seismic design has advanced for some materials and structural types, such as steel and reinforced concrete buildings and bridges [SAC, 1995; Wen and Foutch, 1997], its application to light-frame structures remains largely unexplored. In recent years, the concept of performance-based design has gained interest among designers and researchers. Performance-based design includes selection of appropriate building sites, structural systems and configurations, as well as analytical procedures used in the design process, to confirm that the structure has adequate strength, stiffness and energy dissipation capacity to respond to the design loads without exceeding permissible damage states [SEAOC, 1999; FEMA, 2000 a,b; AISC, 2001]. The objective of performance-based design is to obtain a more reliable prediction of structural behavior, quantifying and controlling the damage risk to an acceptable level during the service-life of the structure [Moller et al., 2001]. Performance-based design has evident benefits. These benefits have to be made clear in order for performance-based design to be an accepted alternative to present design procedures. 3 Although performance-based design concepts are gaining acceptance in the design community, these are a number of obstacles that must be overcome for performance-based design to be widely accepted. Performance objectives (including both performance levels and hazard levels) must be formulated in a probability-based format to take proper account of the various sources of uncertainty. Uncertainties can be classified as aleatory or epistemic. Aleatory uncertainties arise from inherent variability in (e.g., material) properties, whereas epistemic uncertainties arise from a deficiency in the knowledge base, including limited data or model uncertainties. In design for natural hazards, the greatest source of uncertainty arises from the hazard itself. For example, variability in the seismic hazard (as represented by a characteristic suite of ground motions) contributes the greatest uncertainty to the predicted response (peak displacement) of a woodframe shearwall. The ground motions are highly variable in terms of peak ground acceleration, strong motion duration, frequency content, and so forth. Other uncertainty sources could include the analytical models, material and connection properties, construction materials, workmanship, and so on. Efforts to develop performance-based design procedures must identify and quantify sources of uncertainty to accurately evaluate the associated reliability (performance) levels. The objective of the proposed research is to explore the potential for the application of performance-based engineering concepts to the design and assessment of woodframe structures subject to earthquakes. To accomplish this, a general methodology will be developed for assessing probabilistic response of ru woodframe structures. The eventual adoption of performance-based concepts in design can lead to an improvement in performance, reduction in property destruction and damage, improvement in durability, and reduction in maintenance costs of woodframe structures. This research also can provide a technical basis for the development of further performance-based design provisions for woodframe construction. 1.2 Scope and objectives The focus of this research is on shearwalls in woodframe structures subject to earthquake loading. The shearwalls are treated as isolated subassemblies (Chapter 4) or as parts of complete systems (Chapter 5). Shearwalls comprise the vertical elements in the lateral force resisting system of woodframe structures. They support the horizontal diaphragms and transfer the lateral forces downward into the foundation. A number of sheathing materials can be used to develop shearwall action in a light-frame wall. These include wood structural panels such as OSB and plywood, gypsum wallboard (interior finish material), and stucco (exterior finish material). There are three main objectives in this research. The first is the development of general methodology for assessing probabilistic response of wood shearwalls subject to earthquake loading while considering the various parameters (ordinary ground motion records, effects of nonstructural finish materials, construction quality, effects of different seismic hazard regions, and sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameters) which affect shearwall performance. The shearwall response (peak displacement) is obtained by nonlinear time history analysis using the analytical model CASHEW and visually best-fit program, SASHFIT (detailed descriptions of both programs are provided in Chapter 3). The second objective is the development of probability-based (risk-consistent) design aids for woodframe shearwall design (selection) in seismic regions. The resulting design aids (performance curves and design charts) can be used in both design and evaluation applications. The third objective is the application of fragility methodology, which can be used for design and post-disaster condition assessment. 2. BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW In the early 1990's, several natural disasters struck opposite ends of the United States. Hurricane Andrew struck the coast of Florida in 1992 and the Northridge earthquake hit Southern California in 1994. These two large-scale natural hazards caused tremendous damage to residential woodframe structures in these regions. According to an NAHB survey, the main forms of damage to residential woodframe structures were roof sheathing removal due to wind loading and damage to interior and exterior finish materials due to earthquake loading [NAHB, 1993; 1994]. In seismic events, shearwalls function mainly to resist lateral force, while in high-wind events, roof systems function primarily as sheltering elements for the interior spaces of buildings. In light of the costs of these recent natural disasters, many studies have focused on mitigating damage through the development and implementation of improved design procedures. Wood shearwalls have been the subject of extensive investigation in recent years. Numerous experimental tests have been conducted and both static and dynamic analysis models have been developed to describe shearwall performance subject to earthquake loading [Foschi, 1977; Tuomi and McCutcheon, 1978; McCutcheon, 1985; Stewart, 1987; Cheung et al., 1988; Dolan, 1989; Filiatrault 1990; Dolan and Madsen, 1992; Durham, 1998; Dinehart and Shenton, 1998; Salenikovich, 2000; Dinehart and Shenton, 2000; Folz and Filiatrault, 2000; 2001; 2002]. More recently, reliability concepts have been applied to predicting shearwall performance under seismic loading. Ceccotti and Foschi (1998) evaluated the earthquake design procedure for 7 woodframe shearwalls in the Canadian National Building Code using First-Order Reliability Method (FORM) techniques. Paevere and Foliente (2000) investigated the effect of hysteretic pinching and stiffness degradation on the peak displacement and reliability of shearwalls using the Bouc-Wen-Baber-Noori (BWBN) model combined with Monte Carlo Simulation. Rosowsky and Kim (2002a) proposed a risk-based methodology for woodframe shearwall design considering a suite of earthquake records and using a numerical model (CASHEW) and nonlinear dynamic time history analysis. Another study by van de Lindt and Walz (2003) used a new hysteretic model for dynamic analysis of wood shearwalls and fit the response to a Weibull distribution. A large, multi-university project (the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project) with the overall objective of developing improved analysis and design techniques for woodframe structures is nearing completion at the time of this research. The project included shake table tests of various woodframe assemblies and structures, development of testing protocols, consideration of effects of anchorage and wall finish materials, testing of nail and screw fastener connections, development of seismic analysis software, reliability studies, and other aspects of woodframe structures subject to earthquake loading [Camelo et al., 2002; Cobeen, 2001; Deierlein and Kanvinde, 2003; Folz and Filiatrault, 2000; Fonseca et al., 2001; Isoda et al., 2001; Krawinkler et al., 2000; Mahaney and Kehoe, 2002; McMullin and Merrick, 2001; Rosowsky and Kim, 2002a] As described above, many studies have focused on reducing the damage to woodframe structures subject to natural hazards. Many of these are based on emerging [I] performance-based design concepts. The concept of performance-based design, in actuality, is not new. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development experimented with what would later be known as performance-based design when they sponsored a large research program ("Operation Breakthrough") to develop criteria for design and evaluation of innovative housing systems [Performance, 1977]. This concept appeared again after the Northridge earthquake of 1994, where it became apparent that buildings designed by code for life safety did not perform up to performance expectations in other aspects. Performance-based design, when implemented successfully, can contribute effectively to the reduction of damage and associated losses, as well as improvement in the performance and safety of structures under natural hazard loadings. Performance-based design requires, most importantly, a realistic model for the structural behavior under appropriately described natural hazard loadings. In addition, tools are needed for the evaluation of probabilistic assessment of the response in order to quantify the exceedence probability for each of the relevant performance states. Performance-based design consists of four key features: performance levels, seismic hazard levels, performance objectives, and confidence levels. Performance levels are a state of defined and observable damage in a structure or structural component. The performance goals should be based on reliability and uncertainty principles. In other words, they should be based on calculated responses associated with observed behaviors, and the acceptable risks should be determined in relationship to other societal risks. Seismic hazard levels are representations of variation in suitable parameters of the annual probability of exceedence. Performance objectives are the coupling of performance levels with hazard levels. Confidence levels that the building will satisfy the design requirements must then determined. Performance objectives must be translated into engineering quantities to establish acceptance criteria, defined as limiting values in the response parameters that become targets for the design [AISC, 2001]. The expression of performance requirements is one of the most significant challenges in developing performance-based design concepts. 10 3. NONLINEAR DYNAMIC TIME-HISTORY ANALYSIS 3.1 Computer programs 3.1.1 CASHEW The CASHEW (Cyclic Analysis of Shearwalls) program was used in this study to evaluate the dynamic response of woodframe shearwalls (treated as isolated subassemblies). Specifically, the response quantity of interest was peak displacement (or "drift") at the top of the wall. CASHEW is a numerical model capable of predicting the load-displacement response of wood shearwalls under quasi-static cyclic loading, and was developed under Task 1.5.1 (Analysis Software) of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project {Folz and Filiatrault, 2000, 2001]. With information on shearwall geometry, material properties, and the hysteretic behavior of the individual fasteners, CASHEW can be used to calibrate the parameters of an equivalent SDOF system (modified Stewart hysteretic model). This is done, for example, using the CUREE-Calteeh loading protocol developed under Task 1.3.2 of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project. The equivalent SDOF hysteretic model can then be used to predict the global cyclic response of a shearwall under arbitrary quasistatic cyclic loading or, using a nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis program, and actual ground motion records. The CASHEW modeling procedure is illustrated in Figure 3.1. Details of the numerical modeling procedure, the loading protocol, the system identification procedure used to define the equivalent SDOF model parameters is provided elsewhere [Folz and Filiatrault, 2000, 2001]. 11 With assumed structural and connection parameters CUREE bas ProtocJ I Single set of hysteretic parameters for given wa/I CASHE Program I Equivalent Nonlinear SOOF llar J A . . . Ground motion Ordinary ground motions characterizing seismic hazard in southern CA Scaling Procedurej UBC design spectrum NEHRP guidelines _____ Scaled ground moti HI Suite of 0GM records scaled for specific performance level (LS-10/50, 10-50/50) Figure 3.1 CASHEW modeling procedure 3.1.2 SASH! SASH 1 is a nonlinear dynamic time history analysis program used to analyze shearwalls under actual earthquake ground motions. The shearwall is modeled as a single degree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillator using a modified Stewart hysteretic model. The global shearwall hysteretic parameters used as input to SASH 1 are obtained from CASHEW or SASHFIT (described next). The mass and damping ratio as a percentage of critical, along with the earthquake record scaled appropriately for the target hazard levels, also are required input for SASH 1. The SASH 1 program then performs a nonlinear dynamic time history analysis to predict the peak relative displacement of shearwall. The program also generates peak relative acceleration, peak relative velocity, peak absolute acceleration, and peak force at top of wall. 12 3.1.3 SASHFIT SASHFIT is a spreadsheet program which can be used to develop a set of hysteretic parameters for the behavior of a single fastener or an entire (isolated) shearwall. It requires the complete cyclic test data (i.e., load-deformation curve) for the particular fastener or assembly. SASHFIT is developed based on the following equation [Foschi, 1977]: sgn(8) (F0 F= + K0 S)x [i exp( K0 s)i F0 5j (3.1) sgn(8)xF+r2K0[8_sgn(s)x8J 0, where, F = global force, 8 = deformation, 8u = deformation at ultimate load, deformation at failure, F0 = force intercept of the asymptotic line, K0 Sp' = initial stiffness, rjK0 = asymptotic stiffness under monotonic load, F = ultimate load, and r2K0 = post ultimate strength stiffness under monotonic load. This equation was developed based on monotonic loading, so further consideration of cyclic loading is required. Figure 3.2 shows a load-deformation curve under an arbitrary cyclic loading. In this figure, r3K0 = unloading stiffness, r4K0 degrading stiffness K = KO(6O/8m)a, 6m stiffness degradation, and re-loading pinched stiffness, /38, a and /3 = hysteretic parameters for = final unloading displacement. 13 30 - (o,F) lj 1rK 20 - I G F0 K z U - E 14KO__ ci) 0 0 120- [Cyclic Loading Protocoj LI E80- -10 400) E ci) <-, -20 0- D D -30 1111111 -80 -80- 111111 I -40 I 0 I 11111111 I III 40 I 1111111 80 120 Displacement, (mm) Figure 3.2 Force-displacement response of a wood shearwall under cyclic loading. Hysteretic model is fit to test data for an 8 ft x 8 ft shearwall with 3/g-in. thick OSB sheathing panels (from: Durham, 1998) The hysteretic response of a typical shearwall exhibits the same defining characteristics (pinched behavior, strength and stiffness degradation, etc.) as those of the individual sheathing-to-framing connector under cyclic loading [Dolan and Madsen, 1992]. Consequently, the hysteretic model presented here, which was used to represent the hysteretic behavior of sheathing-to-framing connectors [Folz and Filiatrault, 2001], also can be used to represent the global hysteretic response of a shearwall under cyclic loading with appropriate model parameter values. The spreadsheet application, SASHFIT, developed as part of this research, can be used to identify the ten hysteretic parameters for the shearwall directly from full-scale cyclic 14 shearwall test data. Alternatively, SASHFIT can be used to identify the ten hysteretic parameters of the individual fasteners, and CASHEW can be used to determine the global hysteretic parameters of the overall shearwall. Figure 3.3 shows a comparison of one example of the model based on the parameters determined by SASHFIT with the original cyclic load-displacement curve. 1r\ a C', 0 -J Displacement (in.) Figure 3.3 Load-displacement curve using parameters determined by SASHFIT 3.1.4 SAWS The SAWS (Seismic Analysis of Woodframe Structures) program was developed to predict the seismic response of a complete structure [Folz and Filiatrault, 2002]. In this model, the light-frame structure is composed of two primary components: rigid horizontal diaphragms and nonlinear lateral load resisting shearwall elements. In the modeling of the structure, it is assumed that both the floor and roof 15 elements have sufficiently high in-plane stiffness to be considered rigid elements. This is expected to be a reasonable assumption for typically constructed diaphragms with a planar aspect ratio on the order of 2:1, as supported by experimental results from full- scale diaphragm tests [Philips et al., 1993]. The actual three-dimensional building is degenerated into a two-dimensional planar model using zero-height shearwall spring elements connected between the diaphragms and the foundation. All diaphragms in the building model are assumed to have infinite in-plane stiffness [Folz and Filiatrault, 2002]. The SAWS program executes linear dynamic analysis, nonlinear dynamic analysis, and quasi-static pushover analysis on the woodframe building model with information of building configuration, masses of system, hysteretic wall parameters, viscous damping parameters, and earthquake records. The program also can be used to predict the response of structures consisting of shearwalls with nonstructural finish materials such as stucco and gypsum wallboard. The hysteretic parameters for the shearwalls in the structure can be obtained by CASHEW or SASHFIT. Selected hysteretic parameters for nonstructural finish (NSF) materials are provided in the SAWS report [Folz and Filiatrault, 2002], however they also can be developed using SASHFIT if full-scale test data are available. The SAWS report only provided hysteretic parameters for an 8 ft. x 8 ft. wall with NSF materials (stucco and gypsum). Therefore, these values must be adjusted for the length of the actual wall and for the presence of door and window openings [Folz and Filiatrault, 2002]. 16 3.2 Ordinary ground motion records The ground motions considered in this research were obtained from Task 1.3.2 (Loading Protocol) of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project (CCWP). The suite of 20 ordinary ground motion (0GM) records are assumed to be representative of the 10% in 50 years (10/50) hazard level for California conditions and formed the basis for the development of the CUREE-Caltech loading protocol {Krawinkler et al., 2000; Filiatrault and Folz, 2001]. Two limit states, life safety (LS) and immediate occupancy (10), were the focus of this study. The life safety limit state is paired with the 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (10/50) hazard level, while the immediate occupancy limit state is paired with the 50% probability of exceedance in 50 years (50/50) hazard level [FEMA, 2000a,b]. For the life safety (LS, 10/50) limit state analyses, each record was scaled such that its mean 5% damped spectral value between periods of about 0.12 and 0.58 seconds matched the UBC design spectral value of 1.lg for the same period range {ICBO, 1997]. For the immediate occupancy (10, 50/50) limit state, the records were scaled according to the procedure recommended in the NEHRP Guidelines [FEMA, 2000a,b]. Seismic zone 4 and soil type D were assumed for most cases in this study. The code provided target response spectra are shown in Figure 3.4 with three hazard levels (JO, LS, and CP). The scaled peak ground accelerations for the 20 records are shown in Table 3.1. The evaluation of the collapse prevention (CP, 2/50) limit state, which is paired with the 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years (2/5 0) hazard level [FEMA, 2000a,b], is the subject of some discussion. While not considered as extensively as the 17 LS (10/50) and 10 (50/50) limit states here, the CP (2/50) limit state (generally associated with a 2% in 50 years hazard level) was considered in selected stages of this research. The peak ground accelerations for these records also are shown in Table 3.1. Again, the focus of this study was on the life safety (LS, 10/50) and immediate occupancy (JO, 50/50) limit states. 3.3 Distribution functions (exceedence probability curves) The greatest source of variability (or more specifically, the largest contribution to the variability in peak response) arises from the ground motions themselves (i.e., the suite of 20 ordinary ground motion records characterizing the seismic environment in California). It was therefore decided to present the peak displacements obtained using each of the ground motions, scaled as appropriate for the limit state, in the form of a sample cumulative distribution function (CDF). The relative contribution of the ground motion variability to the overall response (drift) variability will be addressed in the next section. These distribution functions provide a convenient method for estimating probabilities of exceedence, or "non-performance." That is, one can quickly evaluate the probability of the maximum shearwall drift exceeding (or not exceeding) a prescribed level at the hazard level defined by the suite of ground motions. In this study, the prescribed performance levels correspond to the FEMA 356 drift limits (see Table 3.2). Once the peak displacement distributions are determined, they can be post- processed into a form useful for design and/or assessment for given target probabilities. This process is illustrated in Figure 3.5 and will be described later in Section 4.3.2. 2 1.8 - - - 1.6 1.4 I 1.2 Collapse Prevention (2%/5oyrs) 0) \ (I) ([ 0.8 Life Safety (10%/50yrs) Immediate Occupancy (50%I5Oyrs) 0.6 0.4 0.2 OL 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Period (sec) Figure 3.4 Code based target response spectra 2.5 3 3.5 4 Iv EQ Event File &Year Peak Ground Acceleration (g) Raw Scaled Station OG North d SUP1 SUP2 SUP3 NOR2 NOR3 Brawley El Centro Imperial County Center NOR4 NOR5 NOR6 NOR9 Glendale NOR1O LP1 LP2 LP3 LP4 LP5 LP6 CM1 CM2 Loma Prieta (1989) Cape Mendocino (1992) Landers (1992) LAN! LAN2 PlasterCity Beverly Hills 14145 Mulhol CanogaPark-TopangaCanyon Las Palmas LA-Hollywood Storage LA (North) Faring Road NorthHollywood-Coldwater Sunland-MtGleasonAve Capitola Gilroy Array #3 Gilroy Array #4 Gilroy Array #7 Hollister Differential Array Saratoga West Valley Fortuna Boulevard Rio Dell Overpass DesertHotSprings 1 10 (50/50) LS (10/50) CP (2/50) 0.264 0.255 0.174 0.205 0.261 0.206 0.210 0.266 0.212 0.206 0.185 0.206 0.227 0.179 0.604 0.584 0.398 0.470 0.599 0.472 0.482 0.609 0.485 0.472 0.423 0.473 0.520 0.410 0.415 0.600 0.530 0.532 0.542 0.399 0.985 0.973 0.643 0.759 0.967 0.762 0.778 0.984 0.783 0.762 0.683 0.764 0.840 0.662 0.670 0.969 0.856 0.859 0.875 0.644 0.116 0.258 0.186 0.416 0.356 0.357 0.231 0.273 0.271 0.157 0.529 0.555 0.417 0.226 0.279 0.332 0.116 0.3 85 0.154 0.152 Yermo Fire Station 0.181 0.262 0.231 0.232 0.237 0.174 Table 3.1 20 Ordinary ground motion records and PGA values Structural Performance Levels Elements Type j ] Primary Wood Stud Walls Secondary Drift Assumed hazard level and mean return period Collapse Prevention] Connections loose, Nails partially withdrawn. Some splitting of members and panels. Veneers dislodged Sheathing sheared off Let-in braces fractures and buckled. Framing split and fractured. 3% transient or permanent. 2/50 (2% in years), 2475 years 50 F Life Safe Moderate loosening of connections and minor splitting of members Connections loose, Nails partially withdrawn. Some splitting of members and panels. 2% transient; 1% permanent 10/50 (10% in 50 years), 474 years Immediate Occupancy Distributed minor hairline cracking of gypsum and plaster veneers Same as primary 1% transient; 0.25% permanent 50/50 (50% in 50 years), 72 years Table 3.2 Structural performance levels and requirements for woodframe walls Table C1-3, FEMA 356) (from: 20 Figure 3.6 illustrates the construction of the sample cumulative distribution function (CDF) and the fitted distribution function Fx(x) for the peak displacement of one wall considering both the life safety (LS, 10/50) and immediate occupancy (JO, 50/50) limit states. Each point represents the peak drift obtained from a nonlinear time-history analysis for a particular ground motion record. The results are then rankordered to construct the sample cumulative distribution function (CDF), which is then fit to a lognormal (LN) distribution given by: F(x) (3.2) where 'Do = standard normal cumulative distribution (CDF) function, X = logarithmic mean, and = logarithmic standard deviation. The LN parameters (X, ) are obtained using a maximum likelihood procedure. In addition to providing a good fit, the LN distribution is the most convenient distribution form for fragility analysis as well as consideration of model uncertainty, as will be discussed later. Figure 3.6 can be used, for example, to evaluate the probability that a wall of this type will exceed a certain peak drift, again assuming California seismic hazard conditions. For example, the probability that the peak drift will exceed the FEMA 356 drift limit for life safety (LS, 10/50) of 2% is about 0.03 (or a 97% non-exceedence probability). As can be seen from this figure, the probability of non-performance of this wall considering the immediate occupancy (JO, 50/50) limit state is very small. The JO (50/50) distribution function is considerably below the 1% drift limit prescribed by FEMA 356. 21 Scaled ground motion ds SASH1 program Peak displacement 1 L dtribution,Fx(x) j Nonlinear time-history analysis Modified Stewart hysteretic model Parameters from CASHEW Seismic hazard characterization Response distribution for given seismic weight II Performance curves (peak drift vs. seismic weight) Design charts for shearwall selection J One set for each non-exceedence probability level One set for each combination of Structural parameters (sheathing, Fastener type, fastener spacing) Figure 3.5 Development of probability-based design charts for shearwall selection 0.9 + * + 0.8 * IO(5lI50) 0.7 * * 0.6 LS(10/50) . 0.4 I I I I * 0.3 H I8ft. Ill+ 8ft. * i 0.2 I C'4 * d + 0.1 BW (8 >< 8), 8d3"I6, OSB(3/8"),ED= /8', f ii + G =l8Oksi,ç=2%, * + W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) C) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 6max (in.) Figure 3.6 Fitting a lognormal distribution to the sample CDF of peak displacements 22 4. ANALYSIS OF ISOLATED SHEARWALLS 4.1 Model configuration (isolated shearwall) The focus of this chapter is on the performance of shearwalls in woodframe structures under real earthquake loading. These shearwalls are treated as isolated subassemblies in this chapter. Shearwalls acting as part of a complete structure are discussed in Chapter 5. Woodframe shearwalls typically have three major components: dimension lumber framing, sheathing panels, and fasteners. The dimension lumber framing elements generally are nominal 2 in. x 4 in. or nominal 2 in. x 6 in. sawn lumber pieces. These are oriented horizontally (plates and sills) and vertically (studs) with only nominal nailing to hold the framework together. The top plate and end studs generally consist of double members, while the sole plate and the interior studs are single members. Studs are generally spaced at 16 in. or 24 in. on center. Hold-downs are used to prevent overturning of the wall and ensure a racking mode of deformation. For exterior sheathing, structural panels such as oriented strand board (OSB) and plywood are most commonly used. Gypsum wallboard is most commonly used for interior sheathing and stucco is a widely used finishing material, particularly in California. Sheathing panel thicknesses vary, but 3/8-in., 15/32-in., and 7/16-in. are the most common in typical lightframe shearwall construction. Sheathing panels are usually 4 ft. x 8 ft. in size and are installed either vertically or horizontally. Blocking is often used when panels are installed horizontally. The sheathing is attached to the framing with dowel-type fasteners such as nails (most common), screws, or staples, 23 although adhesives sometimes are used. These fasteners are typically spaced at regular intervals with fastener lines around the perimeter of the sheathing panels more densely spaced than throughout the sheathing panel interior. Figure 4.1 depicts the components of typical woodframe shearwall. Top-plate Sheathing-to-framing connector i:rnr.r.r Sill Sheathing material Figure 4.1 Components of typical woodframe shearwall Three (typical) shearwall configurations were considered in this study. The first baseline wall (BW1) was a solid 8 ft. x 8 ft. wall built with 2 in. x 4 in. nominal lumber, 4 ft. x 8 ft. OSB sheathing materials (3/8-in. thicimess) oriented vertically and various nailing schedules (3"/12", 4"/12", and 6"112"). Double top plate and end studs were assumed with single sole plate and interior studs. The stud spacing was 16 in. and properly installed hold-downs were assumed to be present. The second baseline 24 wall (OW!) was a long wall with a 16 ft. garage door opening (see Figure 4.2) This wall was built with 2 in. x 4 in. nominal framing lumber, vertically oriented OSB sheathing (3/8-in. thickness) at the wall ends, a solid header over the opening, and various nailing schedules. Hold-down anchorage was assumed to be present and properly installed. The third baseline wall (0W2) was a 16 ft. long wall with a pedestrian door opening (see Figure 4.2). The construction parameters were similar to those of OWl. 25 - - - ----11-. S I I II II I I II . I II I II II . I II BV\/1 II II II I I i S I II II S S S 11l I II I II S II . S S II II . II II _11___ I I S I 4ft. 4ft. 8ft. . S S S : : . owl I . I S I I S S I 4- -----Il---- 3ft. 3ft. loft. 16 ft. -1 . S I I I II I I I S. S es S II I I II I I I I S II I I .. S S 0W2 : 3ft. 3.5 ft. 3ft. : 3.5 ft. .: . 3ft. 16 ft. Figure 4.2 Detailed configurations of baseline solid wall (BW1) and walls with openings (OWl and 0W2) 26 4.2 Sensitivity studies 4.2.1 Baseline sensitivity studies Sensitivity studies were performed to investigate the relative contribution of both aleatory (inherent) and epistemic (knowledge-based) uncertainties to the estimation of shearwall peak displacement. Some factors affecting performance of wood structures are inherently random (aleatory) in nature, and thus are irreducible at the current level of engineering analysis {Ellingwood et al., 2003]. Examples would include strength of wood in tension or in compression parallel-to-grain, shear modulus values for sheathing materials and fastener hysteretic parameters. Others arise from the assumptions made in the analysis of the system and from limitations in the supporting databases. In contrast to the aleatory uncertainties, these knowledge-based (epistemic) uncertainties depend on the quality of the analysis supporting databases, and generally can be reduced, at the expenses of more comprehensive (and costly) analysis. Sources of epistemic uncertainty in light-frame wood construction include modeling error (CASHEW), two-dimensional models of three-dimensional buildings, seismic mass, and probabilistic models of uncertainty estimated from small data samples. The effects of these sources of uncertainty (variability) on shearwall response (peak displacement) are described in the following sections. The four solid walls (all 8 ft. x 8 ft.) considered in the sensitivity studies are shown in Figure 4.3. The baseline wall used for most comparisons is the 8 ft. < 8 ft. solid wall with two sheathing panels oriented vertically, designated BW1. 27 - II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II II I II II II II II II II II 4ft. II II II II II II I I I I II I I II I I II I I II I I II I I II I 18 ft. 8 - II I I I I I I II II II II II II II II II II II I I I I I I I II I I I II I II I II 4ft I II I II I I II I I 4ft. - - - 4ft. 8ft. 8 ft. Baseline Wall 1 (BW1) Baseline Wall 2 (BW2) -4ft. ir-II II II II 4ft. 8 - rt. III III 8 ft. I il -- I II - 4ft. Baseline Wall 3 (BW3) 4ft. 8 ft. Baseline Wall 4 (BW4) Figure 4.3 Baseline wall sheathing configuration Ground motions The greatest contributor to response variability is expected to be the ground motions. The 20 ground motions taken to be representative of the seismic hazard in southern California are highly variable (in terms of spectral acceleration, strong motion duration, frequency content, etc.). Figure 4.4 shows the variability of relative !41 response (peak displacement) obtained using the CASHEW modeling procedure described in Section 3.1.1 for one given wall configuration, assuming the Durham nail hysteretic parameters (described in Section 4.2.2), and considering the three limit states: life safety (LS, 10/50), immediate occupancy (JO, 50/50), and collapse prevention (CP, 2/50). The distributions shown for 10 (50/50), LS (10/50), and CP (2/50) are obtained using the 20 ordinary ground motion records scaled to the appropriate UBC design spectral values (1.1 g) and NEHRP guidelines {TCBO, 1997; FEMA, 2000a, b]. The distribution for CP_NF is obtained using the six near-fault records also identified as part of the CCWP. These near-fault records were not scaled because insufficient knowledge exists at this time to scale near-fault records to return period specific hazard levels [Krawinkler et al., 2000]. The FEMA 356 drift limits are shown for comparison. The response variability clearly increases at higher hazard levels. The evaluation of the CP (2/50) limit state is the subject of some debate, and the focus of this study is on the LS (10/50) and JO (50/50) limit states. Damping Damping ratios for woodframe structures are often presumed to be in the range of 2% to 8%. Fischer et al. (2001) performed shake-table tests of full-scale woodframe structures as part of Task 1.1.1 of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project (CCWP) and found equivalent viscous damping ratios of 3.1% at ambient levels, increasing to 12% at PGA = 0.22g shaking, and decreasing to about 6% at PGA 0.5g shaking. As part of CCWP Task 1.3.3 (Dynamic Characteristics of Woodframe Structures), damping ratios were determined to be in the range of 2.6% to 17.3%, with an average of 7.2% [Camelo et al., 2001]. However, much of this is likely to be hysteretic damping, which is accounted for directly in the hysteretic model. I 0.9 IO(50/50) 0.8 LS(10/50) 0.7 0.6 -- I- KCPNF (2/50) CP (2/50) / 0.5 / LL 0.4 0.3 0.2 Bft. 0.1 ,' / BWI (8' x 8'), 8d3"/6", OSB(3/8"), ED = I8", G = 180 ksi, ç = 2%, W=1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 6max 12 14 16 18 20 (in.) Figure 4.4 Response (peak displacement) variability for the three limit states The damping parameter in the nonlinear time-history analysis program is the nominal viscous damping value, as a percent of critical. This is why measured damping values are often in excess of 15%, while most people assume about 2% (viscous) damping in their models [Foliente, 1995]. In fact, the viscous damping is thought by some to be much less, perhaps effectively zero, in woodframe shearwalls, particularly at high peak ground acceleration (PGA) values. Some people use 0.1% (for example) to avoid singularity problems in the analyses. Discussion among Element 1 researchers in the CCWP suggested it may be appropriate to use different damping values for different ground motion intensities. For example, the full-scale building tests at University of California at San Diego suggest viscous damping levels of about 7% for low-intensity shaking, and close to zero for strong shaking. Using BW1 (and considering both JO, 50/50 and LS, 10/50), three different approaches to the assignment of viscous damping are considered: (1) constant damping, 0%, 1% and 2%, is assumed for all cases; (2) 7% is assumed for the records scaled for 10 (50/50) and 0.1% is assumed for the records scaled for LS (10/50) and (3) damping is assumed to vary linearly from 0.1% to 7%, inversely proportional to the PGA of the scaled record. The effect of these damping assumptions on the peak displacement distribution is shown in Figure 4.5 for the two different performance levels. For the development of performance curves and design charts, described later in this dissertation, a single damping value of 2% of critical is assumed. However, based on the results shown in Figure 4.5, it may be conservative in future studies to assume a lower value of damping for higher intensity ground motions (i.e., records scaled for LS, 10/50). 31 17/ /Z' 0.9 /f :LL" 0.8 ç = 0% l0, 50/50) /,," = 0% (LS, 10/50) = 1% (10, 50/50) //'/ = 0.1% (LS, 10/50) = 2% (l$D, 5O/5O),i-c.: 0.7 Variable (10, 5oI1'J ,,N 0.5 1" 1'I LL (LS, 10/50) 2% (LS, 10/50) = 7% (10] 50/50)"" 1x = 1% (LS, 10/50) Variable I 0.4 I;,,; 0.3 8ft 0.2 8ft. II Ii BW1 (8' >< 8'), 8d@3"/6", 0.1 OSB(3/8"), G = 180 ksi, W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) 01 0 iii 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 max (in.) Figure 4.5 Effects of viscous damping ratio () on peak displacement Shear modulus of sheathing materials The assigned shear modulus (G) for wood sheathing panels ranges from about 60 90 ksi (0.41 0.62 GPa) for plywood, and about 180 - 290 ksi (1.24 - 2.00 GPa) for OSB [Plywood, 1998; Wood Handbook, 1999]. The shear modulus increases with panel thickness. It was shown that the variability in shear modulus (G) contributes very little to the variability in response (peak displacement), and hence, shear modulus can be treated as a deterministic quantity. A sensitivity study can be performed to evaluate the effect of shear modulus on peak displacement, however it must be recognized that in addition to changing shear modulus, the change in thickness and sheathing material will affect the fastener hysteretic parameters. Since only the Durham (1998) nail data (see Section 4.2.2) is used for this part of study, only the 32 shear modulus is changed for the purposes of this comparison. Figure 4.6 shows the effect of assigned shear modulus on the peak displacement distribution, considering baseline wall BW1 and the life safety (LS, 10/50) limit state. The effect of shear modulus, considering sheathing thickness varying from /8 /8 in., is seen to be relatively small; however, to properly investigate its effect will require the appropriate fastener hysteretic parameters. From this point forward, the shear modulus (G) is assumed to be deterministic with values of 60 ksi for plywood and 180 ksi for OSB. 42.l.4 Fastener spacing The number of fasteners is clearly one of the most significant factors affecting shearwall performance under earthquake loading. The arrangement (spacing) of fasteners also is important. These factors influence specific fastener failure modes (i.e., which fasteners are worked hardest) as well as the overall energy dissipating characteristics of the shearwall. Figures 4.7 through 4.10 show the effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement with various assumed seismic weights, considering BW1 and the life safety (LS, 1 0/5 0) limit state. A practical drift limit of 4 in. also is shown on these figures. Based on the comparison of 6"/6" and 6"/12" nailing schedules, field nailing schedule has little effect on the performance of shearwalls compared to the effect of edge nailing schedule, particularly at higher values of seismic weight (see Figures 4.7 through 4.10). Fastener spacing obviously is a significant design parameter for woodframe shearwalis and will be treated as such in the design charts developed in Section 4.3.2. 33 0.9 G 290 0.8 G=235ksL ';;/ 0.7 G = 218 ksi G=180ksN// 0.6 0.5 U- ______ 7/ 0.4 /1 0.3 ________8ff 8ff. // 0.2 BW1 (8 x 8), 8d3'I6", OSB(3/8"),ED= /8", /1 0.1 0 W5OkN,ç=2%, / [S (10/50) n 0 0.5 2 1.5 1 2.5 3 (in) Figure 4.6 Effect of assigned shear modulus (G) on peak displacement S. 8d@4"/l / 5; I I 8d@3"/12" ... 0.7 8d6"I6" ' / I 8d@6"/12" I 0.6 : ' / 0.5 // 0/ Lii 1i 0.4 / 0/I I 0.3 / I 0.2 ,'o / / 1 0.1 / / _J It 0 0.2 8ff. / '>i 8ff. BW1 (8' x 8'), OSB (/"), ED = / G=180ksi,=2%,LS(10/50), ',/ 0 / 0.4 0.6 W = 560 lbs/ft (20 kN total) 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 ömax (in.) Figure 4.7 Effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement (W = 560 lbs/fl) 34 0.9 8d©4"/12" / 0.8 ,, I 0.7 8d@fi2" /// 0.6 8d@3flhlr 0.5 0.4 I 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.1 8ft._Oft. / ,'// ,/ / / / BW1 (8 8'), OSB (3/), ED =/8", G=l8Oksi,ç=2%,LS(10/50), W = 840 lbs/ft (30 kN total) n 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 ömax 2.5 3 4 3.5 (in.) Figure 4.8 Effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement (W = 840 lbs/ft) / 0.9 8d@4"/12" -- V I - / - -. I - -- 0.8 8d©3"/12" xr8d@6"/6" 0.7 0.6 / 0.5 U0.4 11/ 0.3 j II / / 0.1 ,/ 8ft. ,'/ I / 0.2 ,'g / ' V BW1 (8' x 8'), OSB (/"), ED = G = 180 ksi, = 2%, LS (10/50), W = 1120 lbs/ft (40 kN total) U 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3max 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 (in.) Figure 4.9 Effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement (W 1120 lbs/ft) 35 7 0.9 8d@4"/12" 0.8 / 8d@3"/12"/ 0.7 0.6 Th'-i,/' '1 / / I 0.5 U- I / / 0.4 / / 0.3 8d@6"/12" // ' ,, HI // 1 0.2 __8ft. f ,r / / / ,, 0.1 , BW1 (8' x 8'), OSB (/8"), ED G / 180 ksi, /8, = 2%, LS (1 0/50), W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) - n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6max (in.) Figure 4.10 Effect of fastener spacing on peak displacement (W = 1400 lbs/fl) Panel layout Figure 4.11 shows the effect of sheathing arrangement on the peak displacement distribution. The horizontal panel arrangement (with blocking) performs better than the vertical panel arrangement. Despite having more fasteners, BW4 performs the least well because of the additional discontinuity in the sheathing and hence reduced overall rigidity of the wall. Shake-table test walls The procedure described in Section 3.1 also can be used to construct peak displacement distributions for walls that have been tested on a shake-table. This can serve a number of purposes, among them (1) to validate the CASHEW model, and (2) 36 to provide information on expected shearwall response under dynamic loading. The full-scale walls considered in Task 1.1.1 (UCSD) and Task 1.1.2 (UC- Berkeley) were analyzed using this procedure. These walls were designed and built specifically for shake-table testing under specific ground motions (and with specific seismic weights). Figure 4.12 shows the three walls with the panel layouts. Figure 4.13 shows the peak displacement distributions determined using the CASHEW modeling procedure for the east and west walls tested in Task 1.1.1 and the rear wall tested in Task 1.1.2 (for two different seismic masses, the smaller value corresponding to a post-retrofit condition). The performance of the Task 1.1.2 rear wall (with retrofit) exhibits significantly lower peak displacements, in part due to the reduction in seismic weight. 1 BW4 BW3 BW1 BW2 BW1 , 88. 8ft. 0.5 1/ U- /1 7/ 0.4 / 8ff. 8ff. BW3 BW4 88. 8ft. 0.3 0.2 8d©3"16", OSB (I8"), ED =18', G = 180 ksi, ç = 2%, LS(10150), I/,,L 0.1 W = 840 lbs/ft (30 kN total) 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 ömax (in.) Figure 4.11 Effect of panel layout on peak displacement 3 3.5 4 37 96n. in 32in. 46in. 36in. 46in. 32in. 192 in. I 03r\, I. I. Task 1.1.1 West Wall I L.QL VVGIII in. I asK 1.1.2 Kear Wall (Norm Wan) Figure 4.12 Task 1.1.1 and task 1.1.2 walls 0.9 / 0.8 I 0.7 / Task 1.l.1 west Wall W = 82(t) lsIft (58.4 kN tota9-4 OSB, G ,V - 180 ksi, / task 1.1.1 East Wall / / W = 856 lbs/ft (58.4 kN total) / / lbs/ft (1 7.8kN tl) / __Task 1.1. Rear Wll O.5 w = ii od OSB, G = 180 ksi, 8d@3"/12" PWD,GF6Oksl,8d 4I1, 0.4 With Retfofit ,' 0.3 / / Task 1.1.2 Rear Wall // / / W=22171bs/ft(315.SkNtotal) PWD, G 60 ksi, 8d@4"/12" 0.2 / 0.1 - 7" ED C' 3/, /8, t = 2%, LS (10/50) - 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 max (in.) Figure 4.13 Peak displacement distributions for task 1.1.1 and task 1.1.2 walls Missing fasteners As a preliminary study to investigate the effect of construction tolerances (errors), the effect of missing fasteners was investigated using the CASHEW modeling procedure. Such issues of construction quality are thought by some to significantly affect the performance of woodframe assemblies, particularly under dynamic loading [Seible et al., 1999]. Using BW3, the effect of missing fasteners or fastener lines in critical locations is investigated. The results are shown in Figures 4.14 through 4.16 for the three limit states (immediate occupancy, life safety and collapse prevention), respectively. While certainly not a comprehensive study, the results in these figures provide some indication of the relative importance of ensuring the design fastener schedule on the shearwall performance. Notice that while the nail along the sole plate has a significant effect on performance, the fact that overturning anchors are present reduces the effect of missing nails since the sole plate nails only resist wall racking forces. Further discussion of construction tolerance issues is provided in Section 4.2.4. 39 1 0.9 d@3"16" [2M] 8c3 '/6" [4M] 8d3"/6" [3M] 8d©/6 MM] 0.7 / 8d©3"/è" / 0.6 0.5 3/6" baseline wall nail pattern ElM] missing left side vertical nail line in S1 [2M] missing horizontal blocking at mid-height [3M] missing every other nail along sole plate [4M] missing entire nail line along sole plate ,' // I-I- / 0.4 Iii 1s21s31 ," 0.3 J / SI (0 0) ,, 0.2 I I 86. II III 0.1 / BW3 (8' I 0 ' ED=3/8" 8'), 8d@3"/6", OSB x (/8"), G=180ksi,=2%, 10(50/50), W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) nt 0 0.5 2 1.5 1 max (in.) Figure 4.14 Effect of missing fasteners on peak displacement (JO, 50/50) -- --------"0.9 - 8d©3"/6" [2M] 8d@3"16" [4M} 0.8 -, 8d@3"/6" [3M] 0.7 8d@3"/6" MM] 8d@3"16" 0.6 k, I / / L"/6" baseline wall nail pattern [1 M] missing left side vertical nail line in S1 [2M] missing horizontal blocking at mid-height I[3M] missing every other nail along sole plate missing entire nail line along sole plate 0.5 I U- 0.4 I 0.3 Is3 I I I//' 0.2 s 186. ci I Si I I I I 811. 0.1 BW3 (8' < 8'), 8d@3'/6", OSB (3/s), ED = /8", G = 180 ksi, = 2%, LS (10/50), W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) 0 U 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ömax 2.5 3 3.5 (in.) Figure 4.15 Effect of missing fasteners on peak displacement (LS, 10/50) 4 1 0.9 8d@3"16" [2M 0.8 / 8d©3"/6" [4M] 8d@3"/6" [1M] 0.7 8d©3"16" // 0.6 8d©3"/6" [3M] 0.5 / // / U- / 0.4 / 36",taseline wall nail pattern ,,11M missing left side vertical nail line in S1 [2MJ missing horizontal blocking at mid-height J1M] missing every other nail along sole plate , [4M] missing entire nail line along sole plate r //,',' // 0.3 S2S3 8ft. S1 // 0.2 / // -/ 0.1 0 0.5 1 1.5 ' BW3 (8 > 8), 8d@3"16", OSB (3/), G = 180 ksi, ç = 2%, CP (2/50), ED = W 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 max (in.) Figure 4.16 Effect of missing fasteners on peak displacement (CP, 2/50) Model uncertainty The numerical model (CASHEW) contributes to the epistemic uncertainty in the analysis. This uncertainty arises from modeling assumptions and simplifications, either idealizations or approximations. One example is the assumption in CASHEW of rigid tie-downs. Model uncertainty should therefore account for variations in (or perhaps lack of) anchorage. While it is expected that this uncertainty and its effect on dynamic response would be greater than some of the physical parameters such as fastener hysteretic parameters and sheathing properties, it is not obvious how it would compare to the effect of variability in the ground motions (seismic hazard). Model uncertainty often is taken into account using an error term (s), such that X* = where X = model predicted response (a random variable) and X = the random 41 response taking into account model uncertainty. The model error term, s, can be modeled as a random variable. (If both and X are lognormal variables, then X also is lognormal.) In order to determine moments of the model error term, it is necessary to have a series of full-scale test results to which model predictions can be compared. (Note that additional uncertainty is introduced in moving from actual field construction to laboratory test conditions). Only limited full-scale test results are presently available for which direct comparisons can be made to model predictions using CASHEW. However, since the Durham fastener parameters for the spiral nail (see Section 4.2.2) were used in this part of the study, the model predictions obtained using CASHEW can be compared with the full-scale wall tests conducted by Durham (1998). Folz et al. (2001) presented a comparison of these results considering peak displacement under both a cyclic loading protocol and the Landers earthquake. The results suggest an "error" term having a mean of about 1.0 and a COV between 15% and 30%, depending on how many peaks in the Landers analysis are used in the comparison [Rosowsky and Kim, 2002]. Lognormal parameters (2w, ) can be determined using the method of moments. To examine the effect of model uncertainty on the dynamic response, one could compare peak displacement distributions, as done previously. The relative contribution of the model error also could be evaluated by considering its effect on the peak displacement distribution parameters. Since a lognormal distribution is fit to the peak displacements obtained using a suite of 20 scaled ordinary ground motion 42 records, the modified distribution, taking into account the model error term, is given by F (4= s x F (4. The lognormal parameters (2, ) for the modified distribution F; (x) are given by: = + (4.1) (4.2) Figure 4.17 shows the effect of model uncertainty on the peak displacement distribution for BW1, for LS (10/50) and Figures 4.18 through 4.22 show the effect of including these error terms on the peak displacement distributions for various nail spacings and two seismic weights. The effect of including the model uncertainty (error) diminishes as the response variability increases, e.g., for large nail spacings (see Figures 4.21 and 4.22). In that case, the response variability is completely dominated by the variability in the seismic hazard (i.e., the suite of ground motion records). The model error may be significant, however, for peak displacement distributions having less variability, such as those with tighter nail spacings. Note that these steeper distributions (lower variability) are typically seen at lower values of peak displacement, i.e., for walls that would meet the FEMA 356 peak drift criteria with high probability. In these cases, the uncertainty introduced by model error may be on the same order of magnitude as the response variability arising from the suite of ground motions. The effect of model error associated with the CASHEW program may be significant. The model error also may not be uniform over all displacement ranges (i.e., degree of nonlinearity). This is a potentially significant source of uncertainty and 43 should be studied further, prior to the development of final design recommendations. This will require additional comparisons between full-scale tests and CASHEW model predictions. Results from tests such as those conducted at UCSD (Task 1.3.1) and UC- Irvine (Task 1.4.4) could be useful in this regard. Consideration also could be given to the differences between laboratory tests and actual field conditions. This also could be taken into account through a model error term. 1 S. 8d@3"/6" (COV=0%) 0.8 8d@3"16" (COV=15%) fN 0.7 8d@3"16" (COV=30%) [SIr 0.5 U- 0.4 8ff. 0.2 BW (8 x 8'), 8d@36", OSB (3/.), 0.1 ED = /8, G = 180 ksi, = 2%, W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total), LS (10/50) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 ömax (in.) Figure 4.17 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement distribution 4 0.9 :IT2lbS/ft (40 kN total) 0.8 8d3"/6" (COV=0%) 8d©3"/6' (COV=15%) 8d@3"/6" (COV=30%) 0.7 0.6 W = 560 lbs/ft (20 lN total) 8d@3"/G" (COV=0°(o) 8d@3"/6" (COV=15%) 8d@3"/6" (COV=30%) LL 0.4 0.3 811. C) 0.2 811. OW (8'>< 8'), 8d@3'I6", 0.1 OSB(3/e"),ED=3/8",=2%, G = 180 ksi, LS (10150) n 0.5 0 1.5 1 max 2.5 2 3 (in.) Figure 4.18 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (3"/6") 0.9 //YN II' 1/" 0.8 I; 'N 0.7 8d@3"/1" (COV=0%) 8d@3"/1" (COV=15%) //' 8dQ3"/1" N.J' 0.6 W = 1120 lbs/ft (40 kN total) ,TN W = 560 lbs/ft (20 N total) 0.5 8d@3"/12" (COV=Ø%) 8d©3"/12" (COV=15%) 'J "I 0.4 8d@3"/12" (COV=0%) 0.3 _8ft. 0.2 0.1 ,' ' /1 OW (8' x 8'), 8d@3"112", OSB(3/8"),ED=3/8",=2%, / = 180 ksi, LS (10/50) - 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 max 2 2.5 (in.) Figure 4.19 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (3"/12") 3 45 1' 0.9 W=ll2Olbs/ft(4okNtotal) ,//' 0.8 8d©4"/12"(COV=0%) 8d@4"/12" (C0V15%) 8d@4"/12" (C0V30%) /' II: 0.7 W = 560 IbIft(20 kN1 total) 0.6 8d@4"/l 2'COV=0°/) 8d©4"/12Y(COV=15%) (COV=30/0) 8d@4"f o.5 :1 0.4 0.3 8ft. 0.2 j 0.1 / BW (8' x 8), 8d©4"/12", OSB (/8") ED = /8, G = 180 ks = 2%, LS (1 0/50) 1) 0 0.5 1.5 1 2.5 2 max 3.5 3 4 (in.) Figure 4.20 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (4"/12") 0.9 (// 0.8 W=5601bs/ft(20kNtotal) 8d@6"I6" (COV=0%) 8d©6"/6" (COV=15%) 8d@6"/6" 1120 lbs/ft (40 kN total) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 811. 0.2 8L 0.1 BW (8' x 8'), 8d@6"/6", OSB (3/), ED = /8", G = 180 ksi, = 2°I, LS (10/50) r) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 6max (in.) Figure 4.21 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (6"/o") 5 - - - 0.9 'VV = 560 lbs/ft (20 kN total) /,' 8d@6"12" (COV=0%) 8d@6"/12" 0.8 8d©6"12" (COW39%'o) W = 0.7 / / 0.6 1120 lbs/ft (40 kN total) 8d@6"/12" (COV=0%) 8d@6"/12" (COV=15%) 8d©6"/12" (COV=30%) 0.5 HY 0.4 0.3 0.2 8ft.1 0.1 BW (8 x 8), 8d©6"/12", OSE (/8"), ED = '8, G = 180 ks, = 2%, LS (10/50) n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 max (in.) Figure 4.22 Effect of model uncertainty on peak displacement (6"/12") 6 47 4.2.2 Sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability As part of Task of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project (CCWP), a database of sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic properties was developed for a wide range of fastener types, sheathing materials, and boundary conditions. Once validated, this database can provide valuable information for the development of performance curves and design charts (discussed later in Section 4.3.2) for a broad range of structural types. For the purposes of this study, however, the fastener parameters (see Table 4.1) provided by Durham (1998) for an spiral nail and by Folz (2001) for an 8d box nail were used. (Additional parameters from Dolan (1989) also will be used later.) The Durham parameters were obtained from tests of 3/8-In. OSB sheathing, having an assigned shear modulus of 218 ksi, attached to nominal 2 in. x 4 in. framing members with pneumatically-driven 2 in. long spiral nails. The Folz parameters were obtained from tests of 3/8-in. OSB sheathing, attached to nominal 2 in. x 4 in. framing members with pneumatically-driven 8d box gun nails. Table 4.1 shows the sheathingto-framing connection hysteretic parameters obtained from the experimental studies by Durham (1998) and Folz (2001). Further information on these hysteretic model parameters may be found elsewhere [Durham, 1998; Fischer et al., 2001; Folz and Filiatrault, 2000, 2001]. Nail K0 r2 r1 r3 r4 F0 a F1 J DurhamW spiral Folz° 8d box gun I I 3.203 kips/in 4.87 kips/in I 0.061 -0.078 I 1.40 I 0.049 -0.049 0.143 I 1.40 0.015 0.169 kips 0.180 kips I I 0.032 kips 0.042 kips 0.492 I I in. 0.50 in. 0.8 1.1 0.8 1.1 I Table 4.1 Sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameters (1) Values obtained by Durham (1998). Fasteners were 2 in. long, power-driven spiral nails attaching iin. OSB to framing members. (2) Values obtained by Folz (2001). Fasteners were 8d box gun nails attaching 3/8-in. OSB to framing members. (3) Protocol did not include cyclic behavior near the ultimate capacity of the wall, resulting in unrealistically high values of r4 compared to other studies. Therefore, the value of r4 was changed in this study to 0.05 (see Folz and Filiatrault, 2000). Selected data from other studies were considered in order to investigate the contribution of fastener parameter variability on performance (peak displacement) of shearwalls. First, a comparison was made between results obtained using the Durham and Folz nail data and comparable sets of parameters developed in the CCWP Task (see Table 4.2). Fonseca et al. (2002) obtained sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameters for numerous connection types and compiled a database. This database was used in the sensitivity studies to investigate the variability of sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameters. Several parameters were considered in that study such as sheathing types and nail types, sheathing panel direction (perpendicular and parallel), edge distances, and the effect of overdriven nails; however only Douglas Fir-Larch (DF-L) framing lumber was used. Testing was conducted using the simplified basic loading history developed in Task 1.3.2 of CCWP [Krawinkler et al., 2000]. Ten specimens were tested for each combination of parameters. Sampling was done at a rate of 20 points per second, and ten hysteretic parameters (for use in CASHEW) were determined for each specimen tested. Also shown in this table are the parameters obtained by Dolan (1989) for a comparable plywood product. Institutions Parameter K0 Units lups 'In r1 r2 Durham' Folz2 IJBC IJCSD /8" OSB /8" OSB '8 OSB 3.2034 4.8700 2.9746 3.5898 4.0341 5.1791 0,0610 -0.0780 0,0490 -0.0490 1.4000 0.0150 0.0150 0.1800 0.0420 0.5000 0.8000 1.1000 0.0740 -0.0774 2.4933 0.0724 0.0724 0.1344 0.0418 0.2502 0.6000 1.1000 0.1099 -0.1459 1.6240 0.1363 0.0500 0.1229 0.0431 0.1385 0.6000 0.1220 -0.0753 1.3495 0.1334 0.0700 0.1318 0.0442 0.1573 0.6000 1.1000 0.0496 0.0595 1.4000 0.0265 0.0265 r3 1.4000 r4 0.1430 0.0500 0.1688 0.0317 r4 F0 F1 jp_ kips in a 0.4921 0.8000 1.1000 Task (Fonseca et. al.,)3 BYU 3/8"OSB 3/8"OSB Dolan4 UBC Plywood 1.1000 0.2271 0.0409 0.3150 0.8000 1.1000 Table 4.2 Comparable connection hysteretic parameters from other studies Values obtained by Durham (1998). Fasteners were 2 in. long, power-driven spiral nails attaching iin. OSB to SPF framing members. 2) Values obtained by Folz (2001). Fasteners were 8d box gun nails attaching 3/8-in. OSB to framing members. Fastener hysteretic parameters (average values shown) obtained by Fonseca (2001). Fasteners were 8d common nails attaching 3/3-in. OSB to DFL framing members. Loading was perpendicular to the grain. Three different OSB manufacturers were considered. (4) Fastener hysteretic parameters (average values shown) determined using results obtained by Dolan (1989). Fasteners were 8d common nails attaching 3/g-in. plywood to SPF framing member, 3/8-in, edge distance, loading perpendicular to grain. Values of r4 changed per Note 3 in Table 4.1. 3) Figures 4.23 through 4.26 present a comparison of peak displacement distributions for the Durham OSB data set (spiral nail), the Folz OSB data set (8d box gun nail) and the three BYU (Task OSB data sets (8d cooler nail) with various assumed seismic weights and considering the life safety (10/50) hazard level. The baseline 8 ft. x 8 ft. solid wall (BW1) with two sheathing panels oriented vertically and a 3"/l 2" (edge/field) fastener schedule was considered. The sample distribution functions in these figures provide some indication as to the relative sensitivity of 50 results to assumed fastener parameters, which increases dramatically for larger demands (seismic weights). The peak displacement curve developed using the Durham nail parameters (spiral nail) generally is close to the median of the peak displacement distributions throughout the range of seismic weights considered. This median peak displacement curve will be used to develop a modification factor for sheathing-toframing connection hysteretic parameter variability in Section /, 1 8d cooler nail_3 8d box nail ' / /'/ I /: / /' ,, / / 8d cooler nail_i 8d cooler nail 2 8d spiral nail / 0.5 !,," // / 0.4 // // / 0.3 0.2 8ft /,," // / ,/'// 0.1 8 ft. BW(8' 8'), 8d©3"/12", OSB (/"), ED318",G l8Oksi,ç2%, W = 560 lbs/ft (20 kN total), LS (10/50) ii 0 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 6max (in.) Figure 4.23 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for different nail parameters (W = 560 lbs/ft) 51 - /7,', 0.9 8d cooler nail 3 0.8 / ,' ,7' 8d box nail 8d cooler nail_i 8d cooler nail 2 8d spiral nail // / / / 0.7 0.6 ,f/ / // 0.5 LL / // 0.4 /// ': 0.3 18ft 0.2 / // !' // /,' 0.1 8ft. // / BW (8 x 8'), 8d@3"/12", OSB (/"), ED=3/8",G=l8oksi,ç=2%, W = 840 ibs/ft (30 kN totai), [S (10/50) n 0 0.3 0.9 0.6 max 1.2 1.5 (in.) Figure 4.24 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for different nail parameters (W = 840 lbs/ft) 0.9 0.8 /,7 8d spiral nail 8d cooler nail 3 8d box nail 0.7 /7 / // 8d cooler nail_i 8d cooler nail 2 // 0.6 H, 0.5 U- 0.4 / / 0.3 / 8ft. 0.2 BW (8 x 8), 8d3"/12", OSB(3/8"),ED= /8', 0.1 /,, G=180ksi,=2%, /I// W = 1120 ibs/ft (40 kN totai), LS(10/50 n 0 0.5 1 1.5 6max (in.) 2 2.5 3 Figure 4.25 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for different nail parameters (W = 1120 lb s/ft) 52 1 0.9 8d cooler nail 3 0.8 8d box nail 8d cooler naiL 2 0.7 I 8d spiral nail 0.5 U- 0.4 0.3 / 8ft. ,,/// 0.2 8L. BW1 8' x 8'), 8d@3'/12", OSB (/"), 0.1 ED = /", G = 180 ksi. LS (10/50), W1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total), 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 = 2% 4 max (in.) Figure 4.26 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for different nail parameters (1N = 1400 lb s/ft) Next, variability among parameter sets was investigated. Since many of the fastener hysteretic parameters are strongly correlated, it is not possible to explicitly consider the effect of individual parameter variability on the predicted shearwall response. Instead, the results from the individual connection tests are considered as sets of parameters. That is, rather than using the average values (obtained by averaging the results from 10 individual tests per series), the hysteretic parameters fit to each individual connection specimen are considered. The peak displacement distribution results can be compared to those obtained using the average values, thereby providing some indication of the relative contribution of fastener parameter variability. This was done using the 3/g-in. OSB MFG1 data set from Task (see Table 4.2). The results are shown in Figure 4.27 for the LS (10/50) limit state, and assuming 4496 lbs, 53 6744 ibs, and 8992 lbs seismic weights. Note that only five curves are shown (in addition to curve obtained using the average values) for each seismic weight. CASHEW could not provide a convergent solution for the other five sets of parameters. Whether this suggests a lack of robustness of the CASHEW program or a problem fitting the test data obtained in Task (there are still questions regarding edge distance effects in this data, for example) remains to be determined. Still, the limited results shown in Figure 4.27 provide some insight into the relative contribution of fastener parameter variability to the predicted response. The peak displacement distribution could be modified by a factor to account for fastener parameter variability. For example, one could apply a factor to the logarithmic mean value, denoted by 2, to adjust the median response. Alternatively, a positive factor could be applied to the logarithmic standard deviation, denoted by E, to adjust the uncertainty in the response. This is conceptually similar to the treatment of model error, which is discussed in Section For the remainder of this study, the sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter sets obtained by Durham and Folz for 3/8-in. OSB, and determined from data obtained by Dolan for 3/8-in. plywood, are used without further consideration of fastener parameter variability. (Note that the fasteners are different; see Table 4.3.) 54 Nail type 8d box gun nail Spiral nail 8d cooler nail 8d common nail Test location (investigator) UCSD (Folz) UBC (Durham) BYU (Fonseca et al.) Length (in.) Shank diameter (in.) 21/2 0.113 2 0.105 2/ 0.113 2'/2 0.131 UBC(Dolan) 'lable 4.3 Nail properties considered in this study 1 [ / /( 0.9 0.8 0.7 W=1120 lbs/ft I//I W= 840 lbs/ft total) (30 0.5 /1! U- W = 560 lbJ/ft. (20 kN 0.4 total? 0.3 I//I '. 0.2 8 ft. / 88. 0.1 J n 0 BW1 (8 >< 8), 8d@3 /6, OSB /,.' 0.5 1 1.5 (/8 ED=318",G=l8Oksi,1=2%,LS(1O/50) CN 2.5 2 max 3 3.5 (in.) Figure 4.27 Effect of fastener parameter variability on peak displacement 4 4.2.3 Contribution of nonstructural finish materials Woodframe structures are built with a wide variety of architectural finishes on the walls. Two of the most common wall finishes in woodframe structures are gypsum wallboard and stucco (Portland cement plaster). Modern structures usually rely upon OSB or plywood shearwalls for lateral strength. They are seldom the final surface of the wall and are usually covered with either gypsum wallboard or stucco (Portland cement), for both appearance and fire resistance [McMullin and Merrick, 2001]. Finish materials such as stucco or gypsum wallboard usually are not considered to have significant structural capacities and thus are neglected in design. However, results from both the shearwall tests and the full-scale shake-table tests conducted as part of Element 1 of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project (CCWP) suggest the presence of stucco, albeit under fairly ideal conditions (i.e., well applied, uncracked, undamaged by moisture or other environmental actions), may be beneficial from the standpoint of performance (drift). In the case of shearwalls, a well applied stucco layer has the effect of making the sheathing panels perform as a single rigid body. In the case of the full-scale structures, the stucco has the additional effect of providing shell action around corners. The result in both cases is substantially reduced drifts. Recent studies also indicate that the presence of finish materials in shearwalls decreases deflection capacity and increases strength and initial stiffness [Gatto and Uang, 2002]. Also, stucco applied to the sheathing panel appears to restrain sheathing nail withdrawal and partially restrain nail head rotation [Cobeen, 2001]. This further suggests the effect of finish materials such as gypsum wallboard and stucco may 56 indeed be significant and should be considered in developing performance-based design guidelines. A cross-section of a typical wood shearwall with nonstructural finish (NSF) materials is shown in Figure 4.28. Gypsum wallboard Framing member OSB or Plywood Stucco Figure 4.28 Typical exterior wall cross-section It is difficult to use CASHEW to account directly for the behavior of nonstructural finish materials such as stucco and gypsum wallboard since it may not be possible to determine a particular nailing schedule and shear modulus that can capture the performance of the nonstructural finish materials. Therefore, the results of three recent experimental tests of wall with nonstructural finish materials were used to investigate this issue using SASHFJT rather than the CASHEW modeling procedure. The three experimental testing programs were taken from: (1) CCWP Task 1.3.1, (2) CCWP Task 1.4.4, and (3) the CoLA test program [Gatto and Uang, 2002; Pardoen 57, 2001, 2002]. These tests results were used to capture the global shearwall hysteretic parameters using the visual best-fit program SASHFIT. The material combinations and test programs considered are summarized in Table 4.4. Project CUREE 1.3.1 Sheathing materials + NSF OSB (3/) OSB (I8") + OSB (/8") + PWD (15/) PWD (15/) (15/) PWD GWB ('/2") Stucco (/8") 1.4.4 CoLA OSB (/8")+ Stucco ("8") OSB (3/8")+GWB ('/2") + Stucco (/8") OSB (3/) OSB (/8") + Stucco (/8") OSB (/8") + GWB ('/2") + Stucco (/8") PWD (3 ,' ) PWD (/8") + GWB ('/2") PWD (/8") + GWB ('/2", 2 sides) Loading protocol solid wall (8 ft. x 8 ft.) + GWB ('/") + Stucco (/8") _OSB (/8") CUREE Shearwall wall with garage door opening (16 ft. x 8 ft.) wall with pedestrian door opening (16 ft. x 8 ft.) solid wall (8 ft. x 8 ft.) CUREE SPD' Table 4.4 Matrix of walls used to investigate nonstructural finish material effects (1) Sequential phased displacement loading protocol Analysis of solid wall Results from two experimental test programs (CUREE Task 1.3.1 and CoLA) were used to investigate the performance of an 8 ft. x 8 ft. solid shearwall with nonstructural finish materials. The test programs considered the same shearwall configuration, nailing schedule, and sheathing materials. The test data were obtained from the CUREE (Task 1.3.1) and CoLA testing program. Each shearwall configuration was tested two or three times in these programs. Only the worst case results for each shearwall configuration were selected to study NSF materials effects on the performance of the isolated solid baseline shearwall, BW1 (8 ft. x 8 ft.). Two sheathing material types, 3/g-in. OSB and 15/32-in. plywood, were used in Task 1.3.1 and 3/8-In. plywood was used in the CoLA tests. The fastener schedules were 4"112" (edges/field) with a double row at the end studs for the Task 1.3.1 and 4"/12" for the CoLA tests. Both tests had the same thickness of nonstructural materials: Y2-in. gypsum wallboard and 7/8-in, stucco. The material properties of the stucco and gypsum wallboard are found elsewhere [Gatto and Uang, 2002; SEAOSC, 2001]. The peak displacement curves showing the effects of NSF materials are shown in Figures 4.29 through 4.32 for various assumed seismic weights. As expected, NSF materials greatly enhance the performance of shearwalls. In particular, the presence of stucco serves to greatly reduce peak wall displacement. Figures 4.33 and 4.34 also show the effect of two-sided gypsum wallboard on shearwall behavior. The use of gypsum wallboard on both sides of the wall, as is done for interior partition walls, is considerably more effective than one-sided GWB. 59 0.9 0.8 PWD+Stucco1 OSB PWD , OSB+GWB ,' OSB + Stucco --/ 0.7 PWD + GWB / 0.6 0.5 LL / I 0.4 / / 0.3 / /. 0.2 / BW (8' 0 0.2 8', 8d@4"/12", 2%, GWB (/2'), Stucco (I8"), W = 560 lbs/ft (20 kN total), LS (10/50) /_,' / 0.1 OSB (/"), PWD 0.4 (15/..) 0.6 max 0.8 (in.) Figure 4.29 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W 560 lbs/fl) ----- : 0.9 0.8 n::::: 0.7 OSB + Stucco *EX ,:'T T,/<: + GWB OSB 0.6 0.5 0.4 / 0.3 /1// 0.2 ,' :,/ / / / ,'/ / /1 8ft. 8ft. ,/ / 0.1 ',, n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 BW (8' x 8'), 8d@4"/12", = 2%, (3/), OSB PWD (/32"), GWB (l/2) Stucco W = 840 lbs/ft (30 kN total), LS (1 0/50) 0.8 1 1.2 (7/), 1.4 1.6 6max (in.) Figure 4.30 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement lhs/ft) (W=1 840 0.9 OSB+GWB- .., 0.8 PWD + Stucco 0.7 PWDGWB OSB + Stucco PWD OSB 1/ 0.6 /i 0.5 0.4 ;':/° 8ft 4I 0.3 8ft. 0.2 * BW (8 x 8), 8d@4"/12", OSB (/8"), PWD (15/32), GWB (/2"), Stucco (/8"), = 2%, LS (10/50), W = 1120 lbs/ft (40 kN total) 0.1 it 0.5 0 1.5 1 2.5 2 3 ömax (in.) Figure 4.31 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 1120 lbs/ft) OSB+GWB/ ,,' 0.9 0.8 PWD+Stucco OSB+Stucco' 0.7 PWD+GWB 4'-' k 0.6 0.5 0.4 //,,,,, // 0.3 8 ft. 0.2 I, 0.1 I, '/ // = 2%,, LS (10/50) OSB (3/), PWD (15/32W), GWB (1/2) BW (8 x 8), 8d@4'112", /,,./ Stucco (7/), W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) It 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 6max (in.) Figure 4.32 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 1400 lbs/ft) 61 1 0.9 :/ 0.8 0.7 PWD PWD+GWB 7 0.6 PWD GWB (both sides) I. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 // 7 0.1 ,' _J' C) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 SW (8' x 8), 8d@4"/1 2", = 2%, PWD (/"), GWB (1/2), LS (10/50) W = 840 lbs/ft (30 kN total) 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 1 ömax (in.) Figure 4.33 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 840 lbs/ft) 0.9 0.8 /PWD 0.7 PWD+WB 0.6 / 0.5 U- PWD + GWB (both sides) 0.4 / 0.3 0.2 ' / / / 80. BW (8' x 8'), 8d@4'/12", / 0.1 )=2%, LS(10/50) W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total) 1) 0 0.5 1 1.5 max 2 2.5 3 (in.) Figure 4.34 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 1400 lbs/ft) 62 Analysis of walls with openings Two types of shearwalls with openings were considered, both 8 ft. high x 16 ft. long, one having a garage door opening and the other having a pedestrian door opening. Both walls had vertically oriented sheathing at the ends and a solid header over the opening, and were tested under Task 1.4.4 of the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project (CCWP). As before, only the worst case results for each shearwall configuration were selected from the CUREE Task 1.4.4 experimental test results to investigate the contributions of NSF materials for walls with openings. The walls had 3/8-in. OSB, ½-in, gypsum wallboard, and 7/8-in. stucco. The nailing schedules (edge/field) were 3"/12" for the wall with the garage door opening and 6"/12" for the wall with the pedestrian door opening. The material properties of the stucco and gypsum wallboard are given by Pardoen et al. (2003). Figures 4.35 and 4.36 show the NSF material effects on the performance of the wall with the large garage door opening for various assumed seismic weights. As with the solid wall, NSF materials are seen to contribute significantly to shearwall performance. The effects of NSF materials on peak displacement of the wall with the pedestrian door opening are shown in Figures 4.37 and 4.38. As was seen in the wall with the large garage door opening, NSF materials serve to reduce the peak wall displacement. 63 /* /x 0.9 OSB / i/i / 0.8 OSB + Stucco / 0.7 OSB + GWB + Stucco 0.6 / ,/ 0.5 U- I 0.4 0.3 H8ft H 0.2 OW(i36X8adq/122 0.1 W = 281 lbs/ft (20 kN total),LS (10/50) U 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 max (in.) Figure 4.35 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 281 lbs/ft) 0.9 OSB 0.8 OSB + Stucco 0.7 OSB + GWB + Stucco /( 0.6 0.5 0.4 A' / 0.3 H16 ft. - 0.2 H 8 ft. OW (16 x 8'), 8d@3"/12", =2%,LS(10I50) OSB (/8"), GWB (1/2) Stucco (/8), W = 703 lbs/ft (50 kN total) 0.1 (1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 max (in.) Figure 4.36 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 703 lbs/ft) 0.9 / OSB+Stucco 0.8 ,'QSB + GWB + Stucc OSB 0.7 0.6 / 0.5 U- / 0.4 0.3 0.2 + I' 0.1 OW (16' x 8'), 8d6"/12", ç = 2%, / OSS (/"), GWB (/2), Stucco (/8"), W = 703 lbs/ft (50 kN total),LS (10/50) ('I 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 6max (in.) Figure 4.37 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W= 703 lbs/ft) 0.9 OSB + Stucco /bSB + GWB 0.8 0.7 OSB 0.6 0.5 U- 0.4 0.3 H H 0.2 H8ft. 16ff. OW (16' x 8'), 8d6"/12", ç = 2%, 0.1 OSB (/8"), GWB (/2"), Stucco (/"), W = 984 lbs/ft (70 kN total),LS (10/50) n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 ömax (in.) Figure 4.38 Effect of nonstructural finish materials on peak displacement (W 984 lbs/ft) 65 4.2.4 Construction quality While construction quality issues (specifically, missing fasteners) were addressed in a very cursory way in the sensitivity studies in Section, there are a number of other construction quality issues which could significantly influence overall shearwall behavior. Among these are missing or misplaced fasteners and anchors, deterioration of structural and nonstructural finish materials, improper selection of fasteners, under-driven or over-driven fasteners, missing blocking, the use of smaller panel segments, cutouts in framing members (e.g., for installation of conduit), and so forth. Wood structures may deteriorate with time. In addition to natural aging, walls in woodframe structures may be subject to severe environmental conditions such as moisture absorption and fungus attack. A number of such durability issues could significantly impact the dynamic behavior of fasteners and woodframe assemblies. Isoda et al. (2002) developed numerical models for deterministic nonlinear time-history analyses of four index woodframe buildings (small house, large house, small town house, and apartment building). The required input parameters for the shearwalls in the index buildings were developed using the CASHEW program and available experimental test data [Folz and Filiatrault, 2000; SEAOSC, 2001]. The walls in the four woodframe buildings included nonstructural finish materials such as gypsum wallboard and stucco. Three categories of construction quality were considered for each of the index woodframe buildings: superior quality, typical quality, and poor quality. These are described in Table 4.5. A nonlinear dynamic time history analysis was conducted to investigate the effects of construction quality using the global hysteretic parameters and the three construction quality categories. Superior Quality Good nailing of diaphragms. 100% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests. Typical Quality Good nailing of diaphragms. 90% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests, Good nailing of shearwalls. 100% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests. Average nailing of shearwalls. 5% greater nail spacing. Good connections between structural elements, 100% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests. Typical connections between structural elements. 10% reduction of stiffness and strength in shearwalls from highquality laboratory tests. Good quality stucco. 100% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests. Superior nailing of interior gypsum wallboard. 100% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests. Average quality stucco. 90% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests, Good nailing of interior gypsum wallboard, 85% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests, Poor Quality Poor nailing of diaphragms. 80% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests. Poor nailing of shearwalls. 20% greater nail spacing. 5% reduction stiffness and strength due to water damage. Poor connections between structural elements. 20% reduction of stiffness and strength in shearwalls from high-quality laboratory tests. Poor quality stucco. 70% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests. Poor nailing of interior gypsum wallboard. 75% of stiffness and strength from high-quality laboratory tests. Table 4.5 Definitions of three construction quality categories (from: Isoda et al., 2002) The global hysteretic parameters developed to correspond to each of the cases are similar in form to those considered in the nonlinear time history analyses performed in the CCWP Task 1.5.3 and described earlier in this dissertation. A sensitivity study was performed to investigate the construction quality on performance of shearwalls. Deterministic modification factors (relating back to superior quality) were then developed for each hysteretic parameter. Table 4.6 shows the deterministic modification factors for the different construction quality levels. These factors are 67 used to modify the original hysteretic parameters, assumed to correspond to superior quality, to obtain the global hysteretic parameters of shearwalls of poor or typical construction quality. Complete results of this sensitivity study are presented in Appendix B. Quality TYP. Sheathing OSB OSB+NSF OSB POOR OSB+NSF OSB + NSF (GWB) K0 a 1.00 F 0.85 0.86 0.63 0.66 F 0.85 0.86 0.63 0.67 0.85 0.87 0.61 0.66 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.69 0.69 0.69 1.00 1.00 r1 r2 r3 0.86 0.87 0.61 0.66 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.97 0.98 0.69 1.00 0.98 F0 ] 1.01 lable 4.6 Developed deterministic modification factor for construction quality (1) r4 is assumed to be 1.00 for all cases. The peak displacement curves were constructed using the modified global hysteretic parameters (i.e, global hysteretic parameters obtained from experimental test x modification factor) and the CCWP Task 1.3.1 shearwall test results. Various assumed seismic weights were considered to construct peak displacement distributions for shearwalls with different sheathing combinations (i.e, OSB only, OSB + GWB, and OSB + Stucco). These results can be used to develop performance curves and design charts (discussed later in Chapter considering different construction quality. Figures 4.39 through 4.41 show comparisons of peak displacements for different combinations of sheathing materials and nonstructural finish materials. The seismic weights in these figures were selected such that the majority of peak displacements of the poor quality shearwalls were below a practical drift limit of four inches. As another comparison, Figure 4.42 shows the peak displacements for the L!I different combinations of sheathing materials with one value of seismic weight (W 840 lbs/ft) for all shearwalls with or without nonstructural finish materials. The NSF materials significantly improve the shearwall performance at all quality levels. Similar analyses were performed for a shearwall with a large garage door opening using the modified hysteretic parameters and the CCWP Task 1.4.4 test results. The results are shown in Figures 4.43 through 4.46. >-0.9 TYP. 0.8 SUP. IPOOR 0.7 0.6 0.5 /* 0.4 0.3 // 8ft. 0? 0.2 8ft 0.1 BW (8' x 8'), 8d@4"/12, OSB (/"), ç = 2%, W = 840 lbs/ft (30 kN total), LS (10/50) ni 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 6max (in.) Figure 4.39 Peak displacement distributions for construction qualities (BW1, OSB only) 0.9 0.8 / 0.6 / 0.5 / // U- POOR -. 0.7 ,H 0.4 0.3 8ft 0.2 8ft. 1/ 0.1 7' - = 2%, LS (10/50), W = 1350 lbs/ft (48 kN total) BW (8 n 0 0.5 1 2 1.5 8'), 8d@4"/1 2", OSB (I') GWB (1/) 9 - x max 3 2.5 3.5 4 (in.) Figure 4.40 Peak displacement distributions for construction qualities (BW1, OSB + GWB) SUPIYP.TT 0.9 0.8 /// 0.7 POOR 0.6 // H-: // 0.4 0.3 8ft. 0.2 / 0.1 0 0.5 8L. / 1 8W (8' 8'), 8d4"/12', = 2%, (7/), LS (10/50), Stucco W = 1690 lbs/ft (60 kN total) OSB 1.5 2 6max x (/8") + 2.5 3 3.5 4 (in.) Figure 4.41 Peak displacement distributions for construction qualities (BW1, OSB + Stucco) 70 0.9 "-.-- OSB only 0.8 (SUP., TYP., POOR) OSB+GWB 0.7 (SUP., TYP., POOR) 0.6 I:! // OSB + Stucco (SUP., TYP., POOR) 0.5 U- I II,'! 0.4 j: :/ 0.3 8ft /:7/ / 0.2 0.1 8L. BW (8' 2%, 8'), 8d@4"/12", OSS (/"). GWB (1/2), Stucco (7/), W = 840 lbs/ft (30 kN total), LS (10/50) x n 0 0.5 1 2 1.5 2.5 3 4 3.5 ömax (in.) Figure 4.42 Peak displacement distributions for BW1 considering different construction qualities 0.9 0.8 0.7 POOR 0.6 / 1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 H / / // / 0.1 0 0.5 16ft. OW (16' x 8'), 8d©3"/12", = 2%, OSB (3/), LS (10/50), W = 562 lbs/ft (40 kN total) P n H8ft (,J 1 1.5 2 ömax 2.5 3 3.5 4 (in.) Figure 4.43 Peak displacement distributions for OWl (OSB only) considering different construction qualities 71 //v7 0.9 TYP./i 0.8 SUP 0.7 POOR if H 0.6 0.5 /e LL 0.4 /1 :" 0.3 // 0.2 H " / // / 0.1 - 0 0.5 l6ft. OW (16' x 8'), 8d3"I12', = 2%, OSB (3/), GWB (/2), LS (10/50), W = 562 lbs/ft (40 kN total) 2 1.5 1 3 2.5 3.5 4 (in.) max Figure 4.44 Peak displacement distributions for OWl (OSB + GWB) considering different construction qualities 0.9 TYP. / - 0.8 POOR sup. 0.7 ,,-' 0.6 / I 0.5 / I 0.4 I 0.3 H8ft H ,/ / / 0.2 I / I 0.1 / / OW (16'>< 8'), 8d3"I12", ç = 2%, (7/), (3/5), 0 - OSB Stucco LS (10/50), W = 562 lbs/ft (40 kN total) ft 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 max 2.5 3 3.5 4 (in.) Figure 4.45 Peak displacement distributions for OWl (OSB + Stucco) considering different construction qualities 72 7I 1 0.9 TYP. 0.8 SUP. POOR 7/ 0.7 1/ LL 0.4 // 0.3 0.2 / H I / / 0.1 8ft 16f1. OW (16'>< 8'), 8dc3"/12", 0 I = 2%, OSB (3/), GWB (/2"), Stucco (p18"). W = 562 lbs/ft (40 kN total), LS (10/50) 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 6max (in.) Figure 4.46 Peak displacement distributions for OWl (OSB + GWB + Stucco) considering different construction qualities 73 4.2.5 Effects of different seismic hazard regions Previous studies (see Section have shown that the greatest source of uncertainty arises from the characterization of the seismic hazard. Thus, the inherent variability in the ordinary ground motion records contribute significantly to the variability in performance (peak displacement) of a shearwall. The CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project (CCWP) Task 1.5.3 was conducted using a suite of ordinary ground motion records selected to characterize the seismic hazard in California (seismic zone IV). These ground motions were recorded far enough from the rupture to be free of typical near-fault pulse characteristics, and therefore near-fault ground motions were not included. Furthermore, seismic zone IV and soil type D were assumed when scaling to match the design spectrum. As such, it is unlikely the performance curves and design charts developed in the CCWP Task 1.5.3 are applicable to other seismic regions. The procedure developed in CCWP Task 1.5.3 is sufficiently modular to allow a different suite of ground motion records (and hence regions of seismic hazard) to be considered. Seismic zone II and III were considered to investigate this issue. Much of the Pacific Northwest, including parts of Washington and Oregon, has been designated seismic zone III [ICBO, 1997; FEMA, 2000 a,b]. Many woodframe buildings were damaged in the recent Nisqually earthquake, which occurred in February, 2001 [Filiatrault et al., 2001]. The Northwest (seismic zone III) earthquakes are characterized by long duration, subduction zone or interplate seismic source, long hypocentral depth, and little aftershock activity. Earthquakes in Southern 74 California (seismic zone IV), on the other hand, are characterized by short duration, shallow crustal seismic source, short hypocentral depth, and many aftershocks. Three suites of ordinary ground motion records (20 records from LA, 20 records from Seattle, and 20 records from Boston) obtained from SAC Joint Venture Project [Somerville et al., 1997] were used to generalize the methodology for shearwall design (selection) for different seismic hazard regions (seismic zone II, III and IV) and soil profile types (soil type B and D). Each ordinary ground motion record was scaled independently for the appropriate performance level (e.g., life safety, 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years) over the period range of interest. This was done according to the procedures given by UBC '97 and the NEHRP guidelines [ICBO, 1997; FEMA, 2000a, b], as described previously. Figure 4.47 shows the target response spectra for different seismic hazard regions according to UBC '97. Information about the target response spectra for the different seismic regions is shown in Table 4.7. The analysis of peak displacements was conducted as described previously (see Section 3.3). The scaled peak ground accelerations for the 20 records in the three different seismic zones are shown in Tables 4.8 through 4.10. The method used for scaling earthquake records also was investigated. Three cases are examined: scaling over the plateau region (presumed to be the period range into which most woodframe structures fall), scaling to match at a period of 0.2 secs, and scaling to match at a period of 0.5 secs. Figure 4.48 presents the peak displacement distributions for the three different scaling methods for one given wall configuration (BW 1), assuming the Durham nail hysteretic parameters, a 3 "/12" 75 nailing schedule, and the life safety (LS, 10/50) hazard level. When earthquake records are scaled to target periods (0.2 sec or 0.5 sec), the displacement distribution exhibits greater variability than when the earthquake records are scaled over the plateau region. However, the median displacement values are similar. This is similar to the results obtained by Shome (1999). The performance levels and drifts limits are adopted from FEMA 356 [FEMA, 2000a, b], as was done previously. Details about the earthquake records used in this study are provided in Appendix D. 1'' I I - Typical period range of interest (0.1 sec for woodframe structure I 0.6 sec) 0 SI5 0) 6j Region), SD Seismic Zone II (Boston Region), SD (I) \ 04 Zone fl (SeaU Seismic Zone II (Boston Region), SB 1: S ___5___ - _SS___ 0 2 - 0 0 0.5 1.5 1 2.5 2 3.5 3 4 Period (sec) Figure 4.47 Target response spectra for different seismic hazard regions Seismic zone Soil profile type ] IV (LA) III (Seattle) II (Boston) D D B D Period of interest (plateau region) 1 j Spectral acceleration at plateau region, 0.12 sec 0.58 sec 0.12 sec 0.60 sec 0.08 sec 0.40 sec 0.12 sec 0.58 sec lable 4.7 Target response spectra for different seismic hazard regions Sa 1.lg 0.9g 0.375g 0.55g 76 0.9 / 0.8 Plateau Region 0.2sec 0.5sec 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 8ft._8ft. SW (8' x 8'), @3"/12", OSB (/8"), / 0.1 > ED / ,', /8, G = 184 ksi, ç = 2%, 0 W = 843 lbs/ft (30 kN total), LS (10/50) (1 0 0.5 1.5 1 max 2 (in.) Figure 4.48 Comparison of earthquake record scaling to target response spectra EQ Event & Year Imperial Valley (1940) Imperial Valley (1979) Landers (1992) Loma Prieta (1989) Northridge (1994) N. Palm Springs (1986) File Station LAOI LAO2 LAO3 LAO4 Imperial Valley, El Centro Imperial Valley, El Centro Imperial Valley, Array #5 Imperial Valley, Array #5 Imperial Valley, Array #6 Imperial Valley, Array #6 Landers, Barstow Landers Barstow Landers, Yermo Landers, Yermo Loma Prieta, Gilroy LomaPrieta, Gilroy Loma Prieta, Newhall Loma Prieta, Newhall Northridge, Rinaldi RS Northridge, Rinaldi RS Northridge, Sylmar Northridge, Sylmar North Palm Springs North Palm Springs LAOS LAO6 LAO7 LAO8 LAO9 LA1O LA1 1 LA12 LA13 LA14 LA15 LA16 LA17 LA18 LA19 LA2O Peak Ground Acceleration (g) Unsealed Scaled 0GM LS (10/50) 0.229 0.498 0.336 0.527 0.390 0.460 0.483 0.509 0.359 0.603 0.279 0.440 0.132 0.677 0.133 0.638 0.240 0.597 0.166 0.429 0.372 0.464 0.542 0,430 0.658 0.430 0.63 8 0.479 0.675 0.5 14 0.734 0.555 0.575 0.691 0.825 0.480 0.343 0.497 0.332 0.43 1 I able 4. 20 Ordinary ground motion records and PGA values (seismic zone IV, LA) 77 While using the SAC-Joint Venture earthquake records to consider other seismic regions in this study, it was decided to compare the results obtained using the CCWP and the SAC earthquake records for seismic zone IV (LA region). It was presumed that the results would be similar. The nonlinear dynamic time history analysis described previously was performed to investigate this issue. Both sets of earthquake records were scaled to the same target response spectra and assumed soil types D (SD). Figure 4.49 shows a comparison of peak displacements for both sets of earthquake records with various assumed seismic weights. As expected, no significant difference was observed. Therefore, it was decided that the 20 earthquake records developed by CCWP would be used for all further analysis considering the LA (California) hazard in this study. Table 4.11 summarizes the ground motions used to evaluate shearwall response in different seismic hazard regions. EQ Event & Year Imperial Valley (1979) Morgan Hill (1984) Olympia (1949) File Station SEO1 SEO2 SEO3 Long Beach, Vermon CMD Bldg Long Beach, Vermon CMD Bldg Morgan Hill, Gilroy Morgan Hill, Gilroy West Washington, Olympia West Washington, Olympia West Washington, Seattle Army B West Washington, Seattle Army B North Palm Springs North Palm Springs Puget Sound, WA, Olympia, Puget Sound, WA, Olympia, Puget Sound, WA, Federal OFC B Puget Sound, WA, Federal OFC B Eastern WA, Tacoma County Eastern WA, Tacoma County Llolleo, Chile Llolleo, Chile Vinadel Mar, Chile Vinadel Mar, Chile SEO4 SEO5 SEO6 SEO7 SEO8 N. Palm Springs (1986) SEO9 SE1O SEll SE12 Seattle (1949) Valparaiso (1985) SE13 SE 14 5E15 SE16 SE17 SE18 SE19 SE2O Peak Ground Acceleration (g) Unsealed Scaled 0GM LS (10/50) 0.3 55 0.492 0.276 0.362 0.136 0.371 0.233 0.495 0.206 0.361 0.189 0.345 0.055 0.360 0.073 0.474 0.344 0.333 0.175 0.139 0.4 12 0.3 56 0.070 0.308 0.057 0.343 0.033 0.066 0.563 0.541 0.320 0.227 0.392 0.423 0.382 0.49 1 0.385 0.401 0.432 0.430 Table 4.9 20 Ordinary ground motion records and PGA values (seismic zone III, Seattle) 79 EQ Event & Year Reverse 1 Reverse 2 New Hampshire (1982) Nahanni (1985) Saguenay (1988) File Peak Ground Acceleration (g) Unscaled Scaled Station BOO! Simulation, Hanging Wall Simulation, Hanging Wall Simulation Foot Wall Simulation, Foot Wall New Hampshire New Hampshire Nahanni Nahanni Nahanni B002 B003 B004 B005 B006 B007 B008 BOO9 ianni BOlO B011 B012 B013 B014 B015 B016 B017 B018 B019 B020 Nahanni Nahanni Saguenay Saguenay Saguenay Saguenay Saguenay Saguenay Saguenay Saguenay 0GM LS(l0/50) 0.319 0.191 0.267 0.207 0.054 0.029 0.978 0.920 0.303 0.368 0.145 0.148 0.128 0.174 0.163 0.077 0.056 0.070 0.053 0.082 0.279 0.217 0.282 0.270 0.4 14 0.306 0.329 0.417 0.385 0.371 0.493 0.535 0.252 0.261 0.319 0.432 0.246 0.220 0.266 0.288 Table 4.10 20 Ordinary ground motion records and PGA values (seismic zone II, Boston) Seismic Hazard Region Seismic Zone IV jon) Seismic Zone III (Seattle Region) Seismic Zone jj (Boston Region) Soil Type Performance Level D LS (10/50) B Records 20 0GM from LA region 20 0GM from Seattle region 20 0GM from Boston region D Source CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project SAC Joint Venture [ Table 4.11 Analysis matrix for effects of different seismic hazard regions c 0.9 CCWP (30 kN) /1 SAC (30 kN)' 0.8 // /1 CCWP (40 kN) / 0.7 SAC (40 kN) / / 0.6 /i / ii V CCWP(5OkN) SAC (50 kN) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 / I I // _8ft. Bft. BW (8 x 8), @4"/12", OSB (3/) ED /8, G = 180 ksi, ç = 2%, LS (10/50) n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 ömax (in.) Figure 4.49 Comparison of peak displacement between CCWP and SAC earthquake records The two sets of 20 SAC earthquake records for seismic zone III (Seattle region) and seismic zone II (Boston region) each contain 10 fault-normal and 10 faultparallel earthquake records. Figure 4.50 shows the peak displacement distributions for the 10 fault-normal earthquake records and the 10 fault-parallel earthquake records for each seismic region and for a given seismic weight. This figure also shows the peak shearwall response for the 20 combined earthquake records (i.e., 10 fault-normal and 10 fault-parallel earthquake records). No significant difference was observed between the fault-normal and fault-parallel earthquake records. Therefore, it was decided to use the combined of 20 earthquake records (i.e., 10 fault-normal plus 10 fault-parallel earthquake records) for the purpose of investigating the effects of different seismic hazards on shearwall performance. E:JI 1 - /7' (LA) (Boston) //'iii (Seattle) 1/:- Fault_Nor'l /- Combineçt/' Ii - Fault_Pllel - Fault Pp.1l'el - Fault_Normal - Combined - Fault_Parallel //' / U- FaultjNormaj.<' CombineØ"/' 0.4 /A /1 0.3 0.2 / 1' i" J_y //' / 0.1 ) n 0 0.5 1 BW (8' x 8'), @6/12', OSB (/8"), 9 ED = G = 180 ksi, = 2%, W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total), LS (10/50) 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 6max (in.) Figure 4.50 Comparison of peak displacement between fault-normal and fault-parallel earthquake records The effect of soil profile types also was considered. Soil profile type D (SD) would be a relatively common (and conservative) design assumption for seismic zone IV (LA) and III (Seattle). However, soil profile types for seismic zone II (Boston) are difficult to determine (widely varying, highly localized conditions). Based on consultation with a geotechnical engineer [Home, 20021, the representative soil profile types for Boston region were determined. Thus, soil profile type D (SD) for seismic zone IV (LA) and III (Seattle), and soil profile type B was assumed (SB) and D (SD) were assumed for seismic zone II (Boston). Figures 4.51 and 4.52 show a comparison of peak displacement distributions for these seismic regions considering two typical nailing schedules and one value of seismic weight. 7 0.9 -- - C iioston 0.8 eattie D I / + 0.7 "' I ,, / / I 0.6 (LA)D /C / H 0.5 U- 0.4 0.3 88. 0.2 / I 0.1 I I fl / 1 BW (8' x 8'), @4/12", OSB (/8"), -' ksi, = 2%, W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total), [S (10/50) ED = J8", G = 180 / C) 0.5 0 1.5 1 2.5 2 max 3.5 3 4 (in.) Figure 4.51 Comparison of peak displacement for different seismic hazard regions (@4"/12", W 1400 lbs/fl) 0.9 / \)7' 0.7 / II (Bostn)_D 0.5 III (SeatUey6 0.4 iv (LA)_D L- /C ,-H / I LL - / II 0.6 - 'II (Boston)_B / 1/ 0.8 II 0.3 88 0.2 1/ 0.1 BW (8'x 8'), @6/12", OSB (3/), / I / JJ n 0 - - 0.5 1 - 2%, ED = /8", G = 180 ksi, ' W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total), LS (10/50) 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6max (in.) Figure 4.52 Comparison of peak displacement for different seismic hazard regions (@6"/12", W = 1400 lbs/ft) Clearly, the shearwalls in seismic zone IV (LA) perform the worst because of the higher peak ground accelerations. These figures illustrate the need to specifically consider seismic hazard when specifying design requirements, i.e., selection of dense nailing schedules, use of thicker sheathing materials, and so forth. In the case of seismic zone II (Boston), shearwalls built in soil profile type B better than those in soil profile type D (SD, stiff soil). (SB, rock) perform 4.3 Additional studies 4.3.1 Development of modification factors Sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability It is important to understand the extent to which sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability influences the predicted response (peak displacement) of the shearwall. Significant variability was observed in the fastener data obtained under Task of CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project [see Figures 4.23 through 4.27]. Careful consideration must be given to how best utilize the data obtained in CCWP Task This is a potentially valuable database; however some additional post-processing and evaluation of the data still may be needed to develop design recommendations using a model-based procedure. Once done, it should be possible to evaluate an appropriate modification factor to account for fastener parameter variability. The sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability can be handled similar to the treatment of model uncertainty in Section, i.e., in the form of modification factors (with parameters Xy, y) applied to the peak displacement distribution. The lognormal parameters (Xz, z) for the worst-case (target) peak displacement distribution and lognormal parameters (2x, Ex) for the median peak displacement distribution can be obtained by the method of maximum likelihood. Figure 4.53 illustrates the example for selection of median and target peak displacement distributions for a particular set of wall parameters. The parameters of these distributions are given by: (4.3) z =k + (4.4) where, Xz and z = lognormal parameters for target peak displacement distribution, Xx and x = lognormal parameters for median peak displacement distribution, Xy = logarithmic mean of modification factor, and y = logarithmic standard deviation of modification factor, respectively. The lognormal parameters Xy and can be obtained by solving eqs. 4.3 and 4.4. Once they are determined, the statistical moments (mean t and standard deviation ) for the modification factors (Xy, y) can be determined by: =e a (Y+) e') (4.5) (4.6) where, ty and Jy are the mean and standard deviation of the modification factor, respectively. To illustrate the effect of choice of moments for the modification factors, the mean was varied while holding the COy constant. This is shown Figure 4.54. Next, the COy was varied while holding the mean constant. This is shown in Figure 4.55. 0.9 Target (worst-case) 0.8 Median 0.7 / 0.6 0.5 U- 0.4 ,// / 'I,,, 0.3 // // / 0.2 0.1 8ft._8ft. / / / ,' ED / / , BW (8' x 8'), 8d©3"112", OSE (3/3), = 2%, G = 180 ksi, W = 560 lbs/ft (20 kN total), LS (10/50) n 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 ömax 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (in.) Figure 4.53 Selection of median and target peak displacement distributions 0.9 Median 0.8 Target w=l.00,Vy=0.20 0.7 / 0.6 0.5 / yl.2O, Vy0.2O j.tyl.4O, Vy0.20 1=1.50,V=0.20 / / / Ly=1.60,Vy=0.20 jiyl.7O, Vy0.20 / U- 0.4 0.3 0.2 //////1 0.1 BW (8' ED=3/5",G=180ksil2%, W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total), [S (10/50) n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 ömax 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 (in.) Figure 4.54 Change of peak displacement considering various mean values of modification factor 0.9 Median 0.8 ty=1.00,Vy=0.20 iy=l.00, Vy0.40 0.7 jy=l.00, Vy=0.50 ty=l.00, Vy0.60 j.ty=l.00, Vy0.70 0.6 iy=l.00, Vy0.80 0.5 Target 0.4 / 0.3 S 8ft. I I 0.2 I I I I I 8ft. II I BW (8' x 8'), 8d@3"/12", OSB 0.1 (3/), ED=3/6",G=l8Oksi,ç2%, W = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total), LS (10/50) n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 6max (in.) Figure 4.55 Change of peak displacement considering various COy values of modification factor The baseline solid wall, BW1 (8 ft. x 8 ft.) with two sheathing panels oriented vertically and a 3"/12" fastener schedule was considered when developing the modification factors for sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability. Only the life safety (10/50) limit state was considered. Five sets of nail parameters (Durham, Folz and 3 BYU) were used. Also, the range of seismic weight considered was 560 lbs/ft to 2530 lbs/ft. The average values for the mean and COV of the modification factor (see Figure 4.56) for sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability were 1.295 and 0.2 13, respectively. [SIb] 1.6 1.4 Y,Avg .295 1.2 >- > 0 coy 0.6 0.4 - 0.2 01 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.56 Modification factors for sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability Construction quality Significant differences were observed in shearwall performance (peak displacement) considering different levels of construction quality (see Section 4.2.4). Modification factors to account for construction quality can be obtained using the procedure described in the previous section. The modification factor is intended here to adjust the peak displacement distribution for a wall having superior quality to walls having either typical or poor qaulity. Therefore, in eqs 4.3 and 4.4, Xz and z = lognormal parameters for peak displacement distribution of typical or poor quality walls, ?x and E = lognormal parameters for a peak displacement distribution of superior quality wall, ?y and y = logarithmic mean and logarithmic standard deviation of the construction quality modification factor, respectively. Figure 4.57 shows the peak displacement distributions for BW1 assuming superior, typical and poor quality. Modification factors are sought to predict the peak displacement of shearwalls built with typical or poor quality, in relation to the superior quality case. While these factors apply only to the wall being considered here, the approach can be generalized for other wall configurations and/or definitions of construction qaulity. As another example, Figure 4.58 shows the peak displacement distribution for the wall with a large opening including nonstructural finish materials. Two types of shearwalls, the baseline solid wall, BW1 (8 ft. x 8 ft.) with sheathing panels oriented vertically, and the wall with a garage door opening, OWl (16 ft. x 8 ft.), are considered to develop modification factors to account for effects of construction quality. The life safety (10/50) limit state and various assumed seismic weights are considered. Using the same procedure described in Section, modification factors were developed for different values of seismic weight, and different sheathing materials and shearwall types. Figures 4.59 through 4.64 show the statistical moments of the modification factors for baseline wall BW1 as a function of seismic weight. The mean modification factor remains relatively consistent, particularly when the effects of nonstructural finish materials are not considered. However, the COV tends to increase at high demands (large seismic weights). Figures 4.65 through 4.72 show the same results for the wall with a garage door opening. Similar trends (consistent mean modification factor and increasing COV as a function of seismic weight) were observed. Table 4.12 summarizes the moments of the modification factors developed in this section. Wall type Baseline solid wall (BW1) OSB+ OSB+ GWB Stucco Sheathing OSB 1.251 1.238 1.243 COVTYP 0.136 2.081 0.242 0.178 1.827 0.287 0.134 k'OOR COVPOOR 1.775 0.238 Wall with a garage door opening (OW 1) OSB + OSB+ OSB+ OSB GWB+ GWB Stucco Stucco 1.268 0.125 2.173 0.226 1.253 1.281 0.152 1.750 0.207 0.093 2.074 0.269 Table 4.12 Summary of modification factors considering construction quality 1.242 0.133 1.840 0.254 91 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 U- 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 - = 2%, BW (8' x 8'), 8d@4"/12", OSB (/8"), W = 843 lbs/ft (30 kN total), LS (10/50) n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 2.5 ömax 3.5 4 5 4.5 (in.) Figure 4.57 Graphical method for determination of modification factors in construction quality (BW1) 0.9 SUP 0.8 0.7 TYP. 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 118 0.2 ft 6 ft OW (16' 0.1 x 8'), 8d3"/12", OSB (/"), GWB (/2"), Stucco 2%, (/8") W = 422 lbs/ft (3) kN total),LS (10/50) n 0 0.5 1.5 1 6max 2 2.5 (in.) Figure 4.58 Graphical method for determination of modification factors in construction quality (OWl) 92 2.5 POOR Y,AVQ 2.081 2 1.5 >- 1 0.5 0' 200 I 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.59 Mean of modification factor for BW1 (OSB only) 0.4 POOR 0.3 > COVAvg = 0.242 0 0 0.2 / 0.1 TYP. n 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Seismic Weight (ibs/ft) Figure 4.60 COV of modification factor for BW1 (OSB only) 900 1000 93 2.5 POOR 2 Y,Avg 1.827 .tY,Avg 1.238 1.5 >- 1 TYP. 0.5 0' I 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.61 Mean of modification factor for BW1 (OSB + GWB) 0.5 0.4 0.3 COVAvg = 0.287 0.2 COVAvg = 0.178 > 0 0 0.1 TYP. 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.62 COV of modification factor for BW1 (OSB +GWB) 2.5 POOR 2 ,Avg 1.775 1.5 lY,Avg = 1.243 >- :1 I TYP. 0.5 0' 200 I 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.63 Mean of modification factor for BW1 (OSB + Stucco) 0.5 0.4 POOR 0.3 > 0 0 COVAvg0238,' 0.2 COVAVg = 0.134 0.1 TYP. 0' 200 I 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.64 COV of modification factor for BW1 (OSB + Stucco) 1800 2.5 - A2.173 _! 2 POOR 1.5 _±'_= >- - -.. 1. ,iii:;1 I TYP. 0.5 0' 100 I 200 300 400 500 600 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.65 Mean of modification factor for OWl (OSB only) > 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.66 COY of modification factor for OWl (OSB only 500 600 2.5 POOR 2 -Y,= 1.5 - LY,Avg = 1.253 >- 1 TYP. 0.5 0' 100 200 400 300 500 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.67 Mean of modification factor for OWl (OSB + GWB) C 0.4 POOR 0.3 > TYP. 0 0 COVAvg = 0.207 0.2 COVAVg = 0.152 0.1 0' 100 200 300 400 500 Seismic Weight (lbs/ft) Figure 4.68 COV of modification factor for OWl (OSB + GWB) 97 2.5 tY,Avg = 2.074 2 1.5 JiY,Avg 1.281 TYP. 0.5 UI 400 600 500 700 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.69 Mean of modification factor for OWl (OSB + Stucco) [II POOR 0.3 COV=ft26: > 0 0 0.2 0.1 CoVAv90oN rir 400 500 600 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.70 coy of modification factor for OWl (OSB + Stucco) 700 2.5 POOR 2 .tY,Avg = 1.840 U 1.5 l-Y,Avg = > 1.242 0.5 0' 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.71 Mean of modification factor for OWl (OSB + GWB + Stucco) > 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Seismic Weight (tbs/ft) Figure 4.72 COY of modification factor for OWl (OSB + GWB + Stucco) Contribution of nonstructural finish materials In Section 4.2.3, it was shown that the presence of stucco and/or gypsum wallboard would result in significantly reduced peak drifts, particularly at high demands. Many of the walls considered previously (particularly those without nonstructural finish materials) were generally well behaved (i.e., low COV's in peak displacement distribution) at lower values of seismic weight, but frequently exhibited very large (and highly variable) drifts at larger seismic weights. (This also relates to the geometric instability concept described in the Incremental Dynamic Analysis section, see Section 4.4.1.) The result is often a poorer fit to the peak displacement cumulative distribution function (CDF), in particular over the upper tail, which forms the basis for the performance curves, design charts, and fragility curves. Simply put, the more well behaved the shearwall response (i.e., the lower the variability in peak displacement, by avoiding geometric instabilities), the more robust the procedure developed in this study becomes. By taking proper account of the finish materials, not only will the peak drifts be reduced, but also it is likely that the variability in peak displacements can be maintained at relatively low levels over a wider range of seismic weights. The theory of products of statistically independent lognormal variables was used to develop the modification factors for sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameter variability (Section and construction quality (Section However, that procedure cannot be used when developing modification factors to account for nonstructural finish material effects because the COV's in peak 100 displacement of walls with nonstructural finish materials generally are lower than those without nonstructural finish materials (i.e., OSB sheathing only). Since = + , then the logarithmic standard deviation (,y) for the modification factor is obtained from the following equation; Y where, z ='J (4.7) logarithmic standard deviation for the target peak displacement distribution (wall with NSF materials), x = logarithmic standard deviation for the median peak displacement distribution (wall built with OSB only), and y logarithmic standard deviation of the modification factor. The expression under the square root must be positive for a real solution. However, in many cases, this value is negative because the value of z is smaller than Ex (i.e., the value of COV in peak displacement distribution considering OSB and NSF materials is lower than the COV considering OSB only). Therefore, it was decided to develop a deterministic modification factor to match the 90tlpercentile values of peak displacement for shearwalls built with nonstructural finish materials. The deterministic modification factor (i.e., logarithmic mean, ?y) can be obtained by varying the logarithmic mean (?y) to visually match the 90thpercentile value of target peak displacement distribution (OSB + NSF materials). Figures 4.73 and 4.74 graphically illustrate this approach for the baseline solid shearwall and the large wall with a pedestrian door opening, respectively. Alternatively, the deterministic modification factor can be obtained directly using the lognormal distribution: 101 (4.8) F(z) where cI?(.) is CDF of the standard normal distribution, is the logarithmic mean, and z is the logarithmic standard deviation. The distribution parameters (X, ) are obtained using a maximum likelihood procedure. Once the lognormal parameters (?z z) for the target displacement distribution are determined (i.e., peak displacement distribution including the effects of nonstructural finish materials), the 90thpercentile value can be estimated knowing the lognormal parameters by solving the following equation for lnZ. (lnZ in which, Xz and = 0.90 = (1.28) (4.9) are the lognormal parameters of peak displacement considering the wall with NSF materials. Once lnZ is obtained from eqn. 4.9, it can be used in the following equation: jlnz(2 +%)',J=0.9o=(1.28) ( +) (4.10) where, ?x and x are the lognormal parameters of peak displacement considering the wall with OSB only, 2y is the logarithmic mean of modification factor, and y is the logarithmic standard deviation of modification factor. It is assumed that the logarithmic standard deviation (y) is nearly zero because the value of x is generally larger than z. Finally, the deterministic logarithmic mean (Xy) can be obtained solving eqn. 4.10. 102 The resulting mean modification factor to account for the effects of nonstructural finish materials, considering the baseline solid wall (BW1) sheathed with OSB, are shown in Figure 4.75. The result in Figure 4.75 suggest that adding stucco results in a greater reduction in peak displacement than only adding gypsum wallboard, and this effect increases with increasing seismic weight. This is also seen in Figure 4.76, which considered the shearwall sheathed with plywood. A shearwall with two-sided gypsum wallboard (GWB) also was considered (Figure 4.77). The mean modification factor for the two-sided GWB wall was about 1.5 times greater than that wall with one-sided gypsum wallboard (see Table 4.13). In the case of the wall with a large garage door opening, attaching stucco to the outside and gypsum wallboard to the inside significantly decreases the peak displacements. The mean modification factors as a function of seismic weight for OWl are shown in Figure 4.78. Unlike the wall with the garage door opening, the use of gypsum wallboard (in addition to stucco) does not significantly improve the performance of the large wall with a pedestrian door opening. This can be seen in Figure 4.79 which shows that the mean modification factors as a function of seismic weight are nearly the same. Table 4.13 summarizes the deterministic modification factors to account for the contribution of nonstructural finish materials. 103 Wall type Baseline wall OSB+GWB 0.548 0.470 N/A 0.827 OSB + Stucco OSB + GWB + Stucco PWD + GWB PWD + GWB (2 sidL PWD + Stucco Wall with Qpening Garage door Pedestrian door N/A N/A 0.904 0.450 0.770 0.450 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.42 1 0.632 Table 4.13 Developed deterministic modification factor nonstructural finish materials effects (JLy) for contribution of 90t5 Percenthe 0.9 0.8 0.7 11 1/ 1x OSB only / /1/ OSB + Stucco 0.5 0.4 '1/ 'I 0.3 III I / 11/ II 0.2 I I I 18ff. 8ff / /1/ 0.1 I BW(8 x 8'), 8d@4"/12", OSB (3/), 0 GWB (/2"), Stucco (/8"), = 2%, = 1400 lbs/ft (50 kN total), LS (10/50) I OL 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 6max (in.) Figure 4.73 Graphical method to develop deterministic modification factors in nonstructural finish materials effects (BW1) 104 9ot0percenthe 0.9 OSB only 0.8 OSB + Stucco OSB+GWB kg 0.7 OSB + Stuc 'I/ 0.6 I l/I 0.5 Il/I / 0.4 li/i 0.3 I'll,' :,' ii 0.2 i/i 0.1 __8ft. I, OW (16' x 8'), 8d@6"/12", OSB (3/), GWB (1/2), Stucco (7/), = 2%, / W = 703 lbs/ft (50 kN total), LS (10/50) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 max (in.) Figure 4.74 Graphical method to develop deterministic modification factors in nonstructural finish materials effects (0W2) 0.9 0.8 0.7 OSB + Stucco 0.6 >- ---- - - - 0.4 OSB + GWB 0,3 0.2 0.1 n 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.75 Mean of deterministic modification factor for BW1 (OSB sheathing) 105 0.9 0.8 PWD + GWB - - vg0.8vg.87__ 0.7 0.6 >- :1 PWD + Stucco 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 n 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Seismic Weight (lbs/ft) Figure 4.76 Mean of deterministic modification factor for BW1 (Plywood sheathing) 09 PWD + GWB 0.8 0.7 0.6 >- :1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 C) 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Seismic Weight (lbs/fl) Figure 4.77 Mean of deterministic modification factor for BW1 (Plywood sheathing) 106 = 0.904 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 OSB + Stucco >- 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 (1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.78 Mean of deterministic modification factor for OWl (OSB sheathing) 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB + Stucco 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 n 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Seismic Weight (Ibslft) Figure 4.79 Mean of deterministic modification factor for 0W2 (OSB sheathing) 107 4.3.2 Construction of performance curves and design charts Baseline walls The sensitivity studies described previously (Section 4.2.1) were used to establish appropriate ranges of system parameters to consider in developing performance curves and design charts. Two baseline wall types were considered: an 8 ft. x 8 ft. solid wall with two sheathing panels oriented vertically, and a 8 ft. x 16 ft. long wall with a large garage door opening, vertically oriented sheathing at the ends, and a solid header over the opening. Two sheathing types were considered, OSB and plywood, both 3/s-in. thick. The assumed deterministic fastener hysteretic parameters (power-driven spiral nail for the OSB and 8d common nail for the plywood; i.e., the Durham and Dolan parameters) are shown in Table 4.14. Fastener schedules (edge/field) ranging from 3"/3" to 6"/12" were considered. The suite of 20 ordinary ground motion records developed for the CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project (CCWP) was used, scaled for the LS (10/50) and JO (50/50) limit states, with 2% damping ratio assumed. No additional account was taken of model uncertainty or fastener hysteretic parameter variability. Full overturning anchorage and all fasteners were assumed to be properly installed. Values obtained by Durham (1998). Fasteners were 2 in. (50mm) long, power-driven spiral nails attaching 3/8-in. (9.5mm) OSB to SPF framing members. r4W K0 r1 r2 r3 F0 F1 A _ç 3.203 0.169 0.032 0.492 us 0.061 -0.078 1.40 0.143 0.8 kip/in kips in kips 0.561 0.061 -0.078 1.40 kN/mm Values otr4 changed per note 3 in Table 4.1. 0.143 0.751 0.141 12.5 kN kN mm 0.8 J_ 1.1 1.1 Fastener hysteretic parameters (average values shown) determined using results obtained by Dolan (1989). Fasteners were 8d common nails attaching 318-in. (9.5mm) Plywood to SPF framing member, 3/8-in, edge distance, loading perpendicular to grain. K0 r1 r2 F0 r32 r4 F1 a 0.227 0.041 0.315 US 0.050 -0060 1.40 0.027 1.1 0.8 kip/m kips in kips 0.907 1.010 0.182 8.0 0.050 -0.060 1.40 0.027 1.1 0.8 kN!mm kN mm kN Value of r3 was assumed. 1 Table 4.14 Fastener parameters used to develop performance curves and design charts for baseline walls 4.3.2.L1 Construction of performance curves The information presented in the peak displacement distributions can be post- processed into a more useful form for engineering designlassessment, using seismic weight as the dependent variable (design parameter). This is not dissimilar from the approach taken by researchers in New Zealand in which walls are rated using sustainable seismic mass as the primary design parameter [Deam, 1997, 2000]. For the present study, the range of seismic weight was determined from engineering design calculations for selected woodframe structural configurations. For example, using 0.138g, unit shears were found to range from 23 lbs/ft to 200 lbs/ft in the second floor, and 47 lbs/ft to 492 lbs/ft in the first floor of a two-story house. This corresponds to a maximum seismic weight of 3565 lbs/ft. (A practical limit on mid-range demand commonly seen in one- and two-family detached dwellings was suggested [Cobeen, 2000] to be about 3000 lbs/ft.) Performance curves can be constructed, using the lognormal parameters for the appropriate peak displacement distributions, for increasing values of seismic weight and for a set of structural parameters. Each performance curve therefore corresponds to a particular limit state (JO, 50/50 or LS, 10/50) and non-exceedence probability (i.e., 50%, 84%, 90%, 95%, and 99%). Design charts (described in next section) can then be constructed using the information in the performance curves. These charts allow selection of a particular sheathing type and fastener spacing (e.g.), for a given seismic weight, at a particular performance level or non-exceedence probability. The quantities shown on the axes in both cases (performance curves and design charts) are peak displacement and seismic weight. The performance curves, as defined above, for baseline wall (BW1) with 3/8-in. OSB, assuming the Durham fastener parameters and considering four different fastener spacings, are shown in Figures 4.80 through 4.83. Each figure shows the 99%, 95%, 90%, 84%, and 50% non-exceedence curves, for both the life safety (LS, 10/50) and immediate occupancy (JO, 50/50) limit states. Also shown are the FEMA 356 drift limits, 2% for life safety (LS, 10/50) and 1% for immediate occupancy (JO, 50/50). A slightly more restrictive JO (50/50) drift limit of 0.75% also is shown. Figure 4.83 presents the same performance curve information as shown in Figure 4.80, but with the axes switched. Performance curves presented using either format weight, or seismic weight vs. ömax) (6max vs. seismic can be used as design aids for shearwall selection. For example, considering Figure 4.80 or Figure 4.84, and assuming a target peak drift 110 non-exceedence probability of 95%, the wall having parameters shown in the figure can sustain about 1450 lbs/ft , limited by drift limit of 2% for LS (10/50). Figures 4.85 and 4.86 present performance curves for 3/8-in. plywood, assuming the Dolan fastener parameters and two different spacings. Note that in addition to the different assumed fastener hysteretic parameters, the plywood has a significantly lower shear modulus than the OSB. While not a complete range of fastener spacings, these cases are presented for comparative purposes. Notice that this wall can sustain significantly higher seismic weights than the wall with 3/8-in. OSB due to differences in the fasteners and the sheathing material. The performance curves for baseline wall (OWl) are shown in Figures 4.87 through 4.89 (OSB, three different fastener spacings) and Figures 4.90 and 4.91 (plywood, two different fastener spacings). As with the BW1 performance curves, each figure shows the 99%, 95%, 90%, 84% and 50% non-exceedence curves, for both the life safety (LS, 10/50) and immediate occupancy (JO, 50/50) limit states, and the corresponding drift limits. Notice again the increased allowable seismic weight, due to the use of larger nails and plywood (vs. OSB), evident when comparing Figure 4.87 and 4.89. Figure 4.92 shows the effect of including model uncertainty on the LS (10/50) performance curves for BW1 (cf. Figure 4.79). Values of COV in the model error term of 0%, 15%, and 30% are considered. The effect is seen to be relatively small at low seismic weights, but can become significant at higher weights. Note that model 111 uncertainty is not explicitly considered in developing the performance curves and design charts in this dissertation. Design charts Design charts are constructed using the information in the performance curves. Specifically, one design chart (i.e., set of selection curves) is developed for each of the two performance limit states (LS, 10/50 and JO, 50/50) at a given percentile value, or non-exceedence probability. The design chart can thus be used to select a particular sheathing type and fastener spacing for a given seismic weight to ensure that the wall performs within the specified drift limit. The performance curves presented previously (see Figures 4.80 through 4.91) are used to construct examples of these design charts. Design charts for baseline wall BW1 (8 ft. x 8 ft. solid wall) are shown in Figures 4.92 and 4.93 for the JO (50/50) and LS (10/50) limit states, respectively. Design charts for baseline wall OWl (16 ft. x 8 ft. wall with a large garage door opening) are shown in Figures 4.95 and 4.96, for the same two performance limit states. 112 3.5 / / 99% (LS) 8ff 3.0 / 8ff 2.5 BW (8 ED 8'), @3/6", OSB (/"), x '8, G = 180 ksi, = 2% / 90% (LS) / , a, 777 ,' ./._' 84% (LS) 2%Drift=1.92in. 2.0 / 95% (LS) >< E ro .-- 50% (LS) 1.5 1% Drift= 096 in. 1.0 99% (10) 0.75%Drift=072ui. 95%(l0) 0.5 0.0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1600 1400 2000 1800 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.80 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @3"/6" 5 99% (LS) 88. 4 88. BW (8' x 8'), @4"/12", OSB 95% (LS) (/8"), ED3/8", G180ks1, =2% 90% (LS) 3 84% (LS) / E 02 2%Drift=1.92jn. 1% Drift = 0.96 in. 9s 1 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 481 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @4"/12" 1800 0 2000 113 6.5 6.0 / 99% (LS) 8 ft. 5.5 5.0 8 ft. 4.5 SW (8' x 8'), @6"/6", os ç3i"), ED = /8", G = 180 ksi, = 2% 4.0 95% (LS) 90% (LS) 3.5 . / 84% (LS) J3.0 2.5 50% (LS) 2% Drift = 1.92 in 2.0 99% (tO) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 400 600 800 1000 1400 1200 1800 1600 2000 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.82 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @6"/6" 3.5 99% (LS) 8ft. 3.0 8 ft. 95% (LS) 2.5 BW (8'>< 8'), @6/12", OSB(3/8"), ED=3/8", G = 180 ksi, = 2% , 99% (10) 90% (LS) 84% (LS) 2.0 E I 2%Drift=1 95% (10) 90% (10) /,2' 1.5 1.0 / V 50% (LS) ::-- 84% (10) 1% Drift = 0.96 in. 0 75% DrIft2_ 0.5 0.0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.83 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @6"/12" 1800 2000 114 2000 1800 84% 90% 95% 99% (LS) 50% 50, 84, 90, 95, 99% (tO) 1600 E (I, . 1400 0) 1200 0 E 1000 C/) ii:' a) i 800 Ij !! :iiii I / ,/ /,?,' i'l . 8 ft. :'. 8ft a BW (8' x 8'), @3/6", OSB (3/), ED=3/8",G=l8oksi,ç=2% 400 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 3.0 3.5 max (in.) Figure 4.84 Performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @3"/6", axes switched 99% (LS) 8 ft. 3.0 / 8ft. 2.5 1 0 BW (8' x I' 8'), 8d@3"/6", PWD (/") G=60 ksi 2/o 95% (LS) 1/ Drift = 096 in j90%(IO) 0.5 84% (tO) 50% (tO) 0.0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.85 Performance curve for BW1, PWD (3/8-in.), 8d@3"/6" 1800 2000 115 6 8ft. / 5 99%(LS) / 8ft. BW (8' x 8'), 8d@4"/12", PWD (3/J 4 ED /8, G = 60 ksi, ç = 2% I" / / / c 7 / / / 95% (LS) ,. 90%(LS) / /, 84%(LS) E 2 1 ; 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1600 1400 1800 2000 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.86 Performance curve for BW1, PWD (3/8-in.), 8d@4"/12" 9 99% (LS) 8 7 H H96mn 184 in. OW (16' x 8), @3/3", OSB (/8"), 6 ED=3/8",G=l8Oksi,ç=2%, 5 / 95% (LS) 90% (LS) 7/ 84% (LS) '8 E4 3 100 300 500 700 900 1100 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.87 Performance curve for OWl, OSB (3/8-in.), @3"/3" 1300 1500 116 8 199%(LS) I I 7 96 in. 184 in. 6 OW (16' 95% (LS) 8'), @4"14", OSB (/'), ED=3/8", G= 180 ksi,ç=2%, 5 E e.o 3 i; 2 0 100 300 500 900 700 1100 1300 1500 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.88 Performance curve for OWl, OSB (3/8-in.), @4"/4" 9 8 [J96in 99% (10)1 L__J 7 184 in. OW (16'x 8'), @6/6", OSB (/8"). 6 95% (LS) ED = G 90% (LS) 95% (10) x E4 84% (LS) 90% (10) 84% (10) 3 2 0 100 300 500 700 900 1100 Seismic Weight (lbs/fl) Figure 4.89 Performance curve for OWl, OSB (3/8-in.), @6"/6" 1300 1500 117 6 96 in. H 5 / 184 in. / OW (16 x 8'), 8d©4"/4", PWD (/a")/ 4 99% (LS) ED = '8, 0 = 180 ksi, = 2%, / / C 8<3 j 95% (LS) 90% (LS) :::: 84% (LS) 99% 95% 90% 84% E 2 L (10) (10) (10) (10) 3. 1 0 300 100 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.90 Performance curve for OWl, PWD (3/8-in.), 8d@4"/4" 6 I I 99%(l0) I 96 in. 5 OW (16' >< 8'), 8d@6"16", PWD (/8"), ED=3/<",G=l8Oksi,ç=2%, 184 in. 99/o(LS) ,, 4 I 950/0 '10 1 /95%(LS) / 90% (LS) 3 90% (10) 84%(LS) /,// 84% (10) TI!' Tr;O;I 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.91 Performance curve for OWl, PWD (3/8-in.), 8d@6"/6" 1500 118 3.5 8 ft. 3.0 / 95% (COV=30%) /, 95% (COV=15%) / 95% (COV=0%) 784% (COV=30%) 8ft. 2.5 8W (8 x 8'), ©3"/6", OSB (/8"), ED3/8",G180ksi,?=2% 84% (COV=15%) 84% (COV=0%) 2% Drift= 1.92 in. >< cE 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.92 Effect of model uncertainty on performance curve for BW1, OSB (3/8-in.), @3"/6" 2.0 PWD (4/12") j OSB (6/12") 1.8 1.6 8ft. 1.4 f, BW (8 x 8), ED /" = 2%, G08 = 180 ksi, GPWD = 60 ksi, 10(50/50) 1.2 C ./ ,v 1.0 1% Drift = 0.96 in. 0.8 0.75% Drift = 0.72 in. / OSB (6/6") OSB(4"i12") E ..V OSB (3/6") PWD(3"/6') 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Seismic Weight (Ibs!ft) Figure 4.93 95t11-Percentile design chart for BW1, TO (50/50) 1800 2000 119 6 8 ft. 5 8 ft. OSB (6/6") BW(8'x8'), ED3/5",=2%, 4 G055 = 180 ksi, GFWD = 60 ksi, LS (10/50) PWD (4/12") OSB (4/12") PWD (4/12") PWD (3/6') E 2 2% Drift 0-! 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.94 95t''-Percenti1e design chart for BW1, LS (10/50) 5 OSB (6/6" V Li 96 in. 4 L__j 184 in. )ND (6/6" BW(16' x 8'), ED = '8, = 2%, G0s8 = 180 ksi, GPWD 60 ksi, 0DB (4"/4" 10 (50/50) 3 C B (3/3") E 'D (4/4" 2 1 0-! 100 300 500 700 900 1100 Seismic Weight (!bs/ft) Figure 495 95thPercenti1e design chart for OWl, JO (50/50) 1300 1500 120 7 L_J 96 in. 6 OSB (6/6") L_i OSB (4"/4") 184 in. 5 8W (16 x 8), ED 3/a", / = 2%, GOSB = 180 ksi, GPWD = 60 ksi, LS (10/50) PWD (4"/4") PWD 9 .c3 2 1 2% Drift= 1.92 i 1 0! 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.96 95t1'-Percentile design chart for OW!, LS (50/50) 800 121 Construction quality Construction of performance curves The peak displacement distributions for the three different construction qualities (superior, typical, and poor) were compared in Section 4.2.4. Significant differences were observed among walls built with different construction quality levels. The post-processing procedure described in Section also was used to construct performance curves considering different construction quality levels. Performance curves for BW1, assuming 3/8-in. OSB, 4"/12" nailing schedule with two rows of nails along the sides of the wall (as was tested in CUREE Task 1.3.1), were developed considering the three different levels of construction quality defined in Table 4.5. These are shown in Figures 4.97 through 4.99. Each figure shows the 95% and 84% non-exceedence curves, for the life safety (LS, 10/50) limit states. Also shown is the FEMA 356 drift limit of 2% for life safety (LS, 10/50). Considering Figure 4.99, and assuming a target peak drift non-exceedence probability of 95% and a drift limit of 2% for LS (10/50), the wall built with superior quality and having parameters shown in the figure can sustain about 1700 lbs/fl, the wall built with typical quality can sustain about 1450 lbs/ft, and the wall built with poor quality can sustain about 1030 lbs/ft. Performance curves for OWl, assuming 3/8-in. OSB and a 3"/12" nailing schedule, are shown in Figures 4.100 through 4.103. As with the BW1 performance curves, each figure shows the 95% and 84% non-exceedence curves, for the life safety (LS, 10/50) limit state and the corresponding drift limit. Note that model uncertainty 122 and sheathing-toframing hysteretic parameter variability are not explicitly considered in developing the performance curves and design charts in this section since the shearwall global hysteretic parameters were obtained directly the experimental test results (see Section 4.2.4). Design charts Design charts are constructed using the information in the performance curves. As an example, design charts (i.e., sets of selection curves) are developed for the LS (10/50) performance limit state at a given percentile value, or non-exceedence probability. The design chart can thus be used to select a particular sheathing type and nonstructural finish material combination (with consideration of construction quality) for a given seismic weight. The performance curves presented previously (see Figures 4.97 through 4.103) are used to construct examples of these design charts. Design charts for BW1 (8 ft. x 8 ft. solid wall) are shown in Figures 4.104 and 4.105 for typical and poor quality, respectively. Design charts for OWl (16 ft. wall with a large garage door opening) are shown in Figures 4.106 and 4.107, again for the two construction quality levels. Figures 4.108 and 4.109 present design charts for the two different walls (BW1 with OSB + Stucco, and OWl with OSB + GWB + Stucco) considering the three different levels of quality. Note that CUREE Task 1.3.1 did not consider walls sheathed with OSB and both GWB and stucco. 123 4.5 4.0 95% (POOR) 8ff 88 BW (8' x 8), 8d@4"/12" (2 rows), 3.0 OSB (/8"), = 2%, [S (1 0/50), 84% (POOR) OSB only 2.5 j2.0 95%(TYP.) 2% Drift = 1.92 in. 84%(TYP.) 1.5 95% (SUP.) 84% (SUP.) 1.0 200 400 800 600 1000 1200 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.97 Performance curve for BW1, OSB only 4.0 95% (POOR) 8ff. 3.5 3.0 84% (POOR) BW (8' x 8'), 8d©4"/12" (2 rows), OSB (3/), ç = 2%, LS (10/50), 2.5 OSB+GWB 95% (TYP.) 29 84% (TYP.) 95% (SUP.) 84% (SUP.) 1.0 0.5 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.98 Performance curve for BW1, OSB + GWB 1400 1600 1800 124 5.0 / 4.5 8 ft. 95% (POOR) 4.0 / 8 ft. 3.5 BW (8' x 8'), 8d@4"/12" (2 rows), OSB (/"), = 2%, LS (10/50), 3.0 OSB+Stucco ,.. 84% (POOR) 95%(TYP.) 2.5 E 84% (TYP.) 95% (SUP.) 84% (SUP.) 2 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 200 700 2200 1700 1200 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.99 Performance curve for BW1, OSB + Stucco 4.0 I 95% (POOR) I L_i 3.0 16ft. 84% (POOR) OW (16' x 8'), 8d@3"/12", OSB (/"), ç = 2%, LS (10/50), OSB only C 2% Drift= 1.92 in. 2.0 1.5 95% (TYP.) 84% (TYP.) 95% (SUP.) 84% (SUP.) ,,./_ ..- 1.0 - ...___.,_' 0.5 o.oi 100 200 300 400 500 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.100 Performance curve for OWl, OSB only 600 700 800 125 / H 3.0 95% (POOR) 1186 16ft. 84% (POOR) OW (16' < 8'), 8d@3"/12", OSB (/8"), = 2%, LS(10/50), OSB + GWB 2 5 C 95% 84% 95% 84% 2°A (TYP.) (TYP.) (SUP.) (SUP.) 1.0: 0.5 0.0 mrr 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.101 Performance curve for OWl, OSB + GWB 95% (POOR) : H 3.0 1186. l6ft. 84% (POOR) OW (16' < 8'), 8d©3"/12", OSB (/8"), ç = 2%, LS (1 0/50), OSB + Stucco 2.5 C 2%Drjftl.921n. 95% 84% 95% 84% (TYP.) (TYP.) (SUP.) (SUP.) H 0.0 100 200 300 400 500 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.102 Performance curve for OWl, OSB + Stucco 600 700 800 126 4.0 95% (POOR) H 3.0 H8ft 16 ft. ./ OW (16 x 8), 8d©3/12", OSB (/"), = 2%, LS (10/50), OSB + GWB + Stucco 2 5 2%Drrft=1.92in. 2.0 ./ // / / / / / / 95% (TYP.) / V/ // ,, ./ E .. 84% (POOR) 84% (TYP.) 95%(SUP.) ,./ 84% (SUP.) 1.5 1.0 :: 100 300 500 700 900 Seismic Weight (lbs/ft) Figure 4.103 Performance curve for Owl, OSB + GWB + Stucco 5.0 OSB + Stucco 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 E 2.0 2% Drift = 1.92 in. // 8 ft. 2" (2 rows), (10/50), Poor Quality 200 700 1200 1700 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.104 95thPercentile design chart for BW1, poor quality 2200 127 3.0 OSB + Stucco 2.5 OSB+GWB / OSB only 220 1921fl1 Typical Quality 0.0 200 700 2200 1700 1200 Seismic Weight (lbs/ft) Figure 4.105 95thPercentile design chart for BW1, typical quality 4.0 OSB + GWB + Stucco 3.5 OSB + Stucco / ,1 -// ,)& / I // / 3.0 OSB+GWBIII1uI'I?" 2.5 OSB only 2 / // ,/ 2%Drift=1.921n. 2.0 i / / .. H :: 0.5 118ff 16ff. OW (16 >< 8'), 8d@3"/12", -' OSB (I8"), = 2%, LS (10/50). Poor Quality 0.0 100 300 500 700 Seismic Weight (lbslft) Figure 4.106 95thPercentile design chart for OWl, poor quality 900 2.5 2.0 2% Drift 1.92 / in. OSB + GWB + Stucco 1.5 OSB + Stucco OSB only H8tt H 166. OW (16 x 8'), 8d@3"/12", OSB (/8), = 2%, LS (10/50), Typical Quality 0.0 100 500 300 700 900 Seismic Weight (lbslft) Figure 4.107 95th1Percenti1e design chart for OWl, typical quality 5.0 4.5 / / 8ft. 401 8 ft. POOR BW (8'>< 8'), 8d@4"/12" (2 rows), OSB (I"), = 2%, LS (10/50), 3.5 OSB+Stucco 3.0 10 200 700 1200 1700 Seismic Weight (lbs/ft) Figure 4.108 95thPercentile design chart for BW1, (OSB + Stucco) 2200 129 :, 3.0 POOR H l6ft OW (16 x 8'), 8d@3"/12', OSB (/8"), ç = 2%, LS (10/50), 2.5 OSB + GWB + Stucco C TYP. sup. 1.0 0.5 0.0 100 300 500 700 Seismic Weight (lbs/It) Figure 4.109 95thPercenti1e design chart for OWl, (OSB + GWB + Stucco) 900 130 Effects of different seismic hazard regions In Section 4.2.5, shearwall performance was compared for three different hazard regions (LA, Seattle, and Boston). Different suites of earthquake records, characterizing each of the three regions, were used to develop peak displacement distributions. Again using the post-processing procedure described in Section, performance curves were developed for one wall configuration (BW1) for each of the three different seismic hazard regions. Performance curves for BW1, assuming 3/8-in. OSB, Durham fastener parameters, and three different fastener spacings are shown in Figures 4.110 through 4.117. Considering Figures 4.115 through 4.117, assuming a drift limit of 2% for LS (10/50) and a target peak drift non-exceedence probability of 95%, the wall having the parameters shown in the figure can sustain about 1900 lbs/ft in seismic zone II (Boston), 920 lbs/ft in seismic zone III (Seattle), and 700 lbs/ft in seismic zone IV (LA). Design charts (see Section 4.3.1) were constructed using the information in the performance curves. The design charts for the baseline solid wall BW1 (8 ft. x 8 ft.), considering the life safety (10/50) limit state, is shown in Figures 4.118. Since Boston (seismic zone II) is a relatively low seismic hazard region, the 3"/12" nailing schedule was not considered. Note also that only OSB sheathing materials were considered. 131 4.0 /99% 8ft. 3.5 8ft. 3Q 95% 2.5 BW (8 x 8'), @3"/12", OSB (/8"), ED = '8, G = 180 ksi, ç 2%, Seismic Zone Ill (Seattle), LS (10/50) 2.0 2% Drift = 1.92 in. / ,' 9Q% // 84% ," // / -,. 1 " ," ..-." 1 .5 50% .-' _-.9 1.0 _-.._.-- 0.5 0.0 I 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.110 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone III (Seattle), @3"/12" 7.0 / /99% 8ft. 6.0 8ft. // / 5.0 BW(8'x8'),@3"/12",OSB(3/8"), . 95% G = 180 ksi, ç = 2%, ED = Seismic Zone IV (LA), LS (10/50) 4.0 ::: 3.0 50% 2% Drift = 1.92 in. 0.0 200 r-rrTJ-r--r---r--rJ--r---1 400 600 800 I 1000 !!IrrIrI!!rrIr 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Seismic Weight (bs!ft) Figure 4.111 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone IV (LA), @3"/12" 2200 132 7.0 8ft. 6.0 8 ft. 5.0 BW(8 ED = x 8), @4"112", OSB (I"), G = 180 ksi, ç= 2%, /8. Seismic Zone II (Boston), LS (10/50) 4.0 95% 2% Drift= 1.92 in. 50% 1.0 I 0.0 0 C I 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 I 3000 3500 4000 Seismic Weight (lbs/fl) Figure 4.112 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone II (Boston), @4"/12" 4.0 99% 3.5 8ff. 8ft. 3.0 2.5 BW (8' x 8'), @4/12", OSB (/"). ED G = 180 ksi, = 2%, Seismic Zone III (Seattle), LS (10/50) 2.0 2%Driftl.92jn. // / 95% 90% 84% 1.5 50% 0.0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Seismic Weight (lbs/ft) Figure 4.113 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone III (Seattle), @4"/12" 133 99% 8ft. L8L 3.5 BW (8' x 95% 8'), @4/12", OSB (/8"), ED=3/8",G=l8oksi,ç=2%, 90% Seismic Zone IV (LA), LS (1 0/50) 84% 2.5 0 2% Drift = 1.92 in. 2.0 50% 0.0 400 200 600 1200 1000 800 1600 1400 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.114 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone IV (LA), @4"/12" 6.0 / 99% 1 8ft. 5.0 8 ft. BW (8' 4.0 x 8'), @6/12" OSB (/8"), ED-3/8",G- l8Oksi,ç2%, Seismic Zone II (Boston), LS (10/50) 95% 3.0 90% E 84% 2.0 - 2% Drift = 1.92 in. 50% 1.0 0.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.115 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone II (Boston), @6"/12" 134 _18ft 8W (8' 40 x /L% 8'), @6/12", OSB (/"), ED3/8",G180ksi,1=2%, Seismic Zone Ill (Seattle), LS (10/50) 95% 90% :.z 3.0 84%! 2°/ Drift = 1 92 in 2 0 ." -- - - 50% 1.0 0 J -] .............. 200 400 T---r----r-- 600 !I!!--------r--------r 800 F 1000 1200 Seismic Weight (Ibs!ft) Figure 4.116 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone III (Seattle), @6"/12" 3.5 99% 8ft. 3.0 8 ft. 2.5 BW (8' x 8'), @6/12", OSB (/8"), ED3/e",Gl8Oksi,/=2%, Seismic Zone IV (LA), LS (10150) 2.0 2% Drift= 1.92 in. >< E .c 1.5 0.0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Seismic Weight (Ibs/ft) Figure 4.117 Performance curve for BW1, seismic zone IV (LA), @6"/12" 900 135 5.0 LA (3/12") 4.5 4.0 BOS (4/12") LA (4/12") (6/12") 3.5 3.0 LA (6/1 2") SEA(3" / (4/112") / D=2 2.0 0 500 /SEA( 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Seismic Weight (lbslft) Figure 4.118 95th..percentile design chart for BW1, LS (10/50) 3500 4000 136 4.4 Performance-based design 4.4.1 Incremental dynamic analysis Development and implementation of performance-based design requires translating performance requirements into structural checking equations for use by design engineers. This is not always straightforward and may present considerable challenges to codes and standards committees. Even among CCWP Element 1 researchers, and the broader community of earthquake engineers in general, the three performance levels and corresponding drift limits specified in FEMA 356 (e.g.) have raised questions. The limit state associated with structural collapse is well understood by structural engineers. Performance limit states associated with life safety (LS, 10/50) (access/egress) and immediate occupancy (JO, 50/50) are less well defined and less well understood. The FEMA 356 drift limits for woodframe shearwalls were adopted in this study, and no further statement is made about their suitability as a basis for performance-based design. It may be possible to use nonlinear analysis models (such as CASHEW and SASH1) to evaluate appropriate definitions for the collapse prevention (e.g., CP, 2/50) limit state. This approach, called an Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA), has been applied to nonlinear MDOF systems [Cornell, 2000]. Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) is a new analysis method that involves performing nonlinear dynamic analyses of the structural model under a suite of earthquake ground motion records, each scaled to several intensity levels designed to force the structure all the way from elasticity to final global dynamic instability [Vamvatsikos, 2002]. 137 In an IDA, given record is scaled incrementally and the nonlinear response (peak displacement) is evaluated. Thus, for each record considered, a curve of spectral acceleration (Sa) vs. peak displacement is obtained. Among the characteristics of these curves is often a point at which the "slope" reduces dramatically, indicating a Sa value above which the displacement increases very quickly. This is analogous to the buckling response one sees in an imperfect column. If such a point can be evaluated for a range of structural configurations and ground motion records, for example, it may be possible to suggest a physically-based drift limit associated with impending collapse. This concept is briefly explored here using the CASHEW modeling procedure, BW1, and the ordinary ground motion records used in this study. The suite of 20 ordinary ground motion records was divided into three groups because it was too crowded to show all results on one figure. Two types of baseline shearwalls were considered, BW1 and OWl. Figure 4.119 shows a typical IDA curve obtained from nonlinear dynamic time history analysis with increasing spectral acceleration. The IDA curve usually starts linearly in the elastic range, however, it becomes highly nonlinear after it reaches the break point with a dramatic change in slope. (A phenomenon, termed structural resurrection, has been observed in which a system is pushed all the way to global collapse at some intensity measure, only to "reappear" as non-collapsing at a higher intensity level [Vamvatsikos, 2002J.) One method for estimating the collapse prevention point is shown in Figure 4.120. For comparison, the collapse prevention (CP) 3% drift limit provided by FEMA 356 also is shown. 138 Figures 4.121 through 4.123 show Sa vs. peak displacement for baseline wall BW1. Also shown are the tangents defining the apparent break points for those points. A characteristic value could be selected as the design drift limit for collapse prevention (CP, 2/50). For this particular example, the mean value corresponds to a peak displacement of 3.04 in., or about 3.17% of the wall height. (Note that the FEMA 356 drift limit for collapse prevention (CP, 2/50) is 3% for wood shearwalls.) Figures 4.124 through 4.126 show Sa vs. peak displacement for the baseline wall with the large opening. Also shown are the tangents defining the apparent break points for those points. A characteristic value could be selected as the design drift limit for collapse prevention (CP, 2/50). In this example, the mean value corresponds to a peak displacement of 3.70 in., or about 3.86% of the wall height. This approach to limit state identification appears to have merit and may be worth further study. The IDA approach is expected to be more appropriate, however, for the analysis of entire buildings rather than individual subassemblies. 139 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 C,) 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 40.0 30.0 6max 50.0 60.0 70.0 (in.) Figure 4.119 Typical IDA curve 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 max (in.) Figure 4.120 Estimated collapse points by tangent slope 8.0 10.0 140 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 a, 0.5 (I) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 max 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 (in.) Figure 4.12 1 Set of IDA curves (BW1, group 1) 1.5 1.2 0.9 a) (I) 0.6 0.3 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6max (in1) Figure 4.122 Set of IDA curves (BW1, group 2) 141 1.2 1.0 0) 0.6 C,) 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 ömax (im) Figure 4.123 Set of IDA curves (BW1, group 3) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ömax (in.) Figure 4.124 Set of IDA curves (Owl, group 1) 142 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 C) 1.0 (I) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 max (in.) Figure 4.125 Set of IDA curves (OWl, group 2) 1.0 0.8 C) 0.6 0) 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 max 011) Figure 4.126. Set of IDA curves (Owl, group 3) 143 4.4.2 Fragility curves While performance curves are constructed as a function of seismic weight, fragility curves can be develop as a function of hazard level (e.g., spectral acceleration, Sa). This fragility approach has a number of potential advantages, particularly when considering multiple damage states. Such an approach also may be useful for performing loss estimation studies. A fragility methodology may have applications to design and post-earthquake condition assessment {Rosowsky and Ellingwood, 2001]. The fragility of a structural system commonly is modeled by a lognormal distribution function (CDF). The lognormal CDF is given by: FR(y)= [ln(Y/mR) (4.11) where 1(.) = standard normal distribution function, mR = median capacity and R = logarithmic standard deviation of capacity, approximately equal to the coefficient of variation (COy), VR, when VR<O.3. Fragility curve based on peak displacement The baseline solid shearwall BW1 (8 ft. x 8 ft.), with two OSB sheathing panels oriented vertically, was used to develop illustrative fragility curves. The Folz nail parameters were used to develop the global hysteretic parameters of the shearwall using CASHEW. Various nailing schedules (2"112", 3"/12", 4"/12", and 6"/12") and the corresponding allowable seismic weights (back-calculated from the UBC '97 144 allowable unit shear values) were considered. Since the UBC '97 allowable unit shear values include nonstructural finish material contribution and assume the wall is acting as part of an entire woodframe building, it is necessary to consider the appropriate overstrength factor (R) when converting allowable unit shears to seismic weights. Since the assembly considered here is an isolated shearwall, values of R factor ranging from 2.5 to 5.5 were considered when developing the fragility curves. The total horizontal base shear, V, can be derived using the following equation: F=ma=[Ja=[JW in which, F = force, m (4.12) mass, a = acceleration, and g = acceleration due to gravity. The UBC '97 form of this expression is somewhat modified. The (a/g) term is replaced by a "seismic base shear coefficient". The UBC '97 base shear formula for a the main lateral force resisting system is given by: = v CI 2.5C1 RT R W 25"wo.l1c 1W R 2.5CI w (4.13) O.8ZCI w (for seismic zone 4 where V = base shear, W = weight of structure, CVI/RT = velocity-based seismic base shear coefficient, 2.5CaI/R = acceleration-based seismic base shear coefficient, Z seismic zone factor, I = occupancy importance factor, Ca and C spectrum) coefficients, and T = C1(h)213 = == seismic (response structure period [ICBO, 1997; Breyer et. al., 1998]. The acceleration-based seismic base shear coefficient (2.5CaI/R) usually governs for buildings with short fundamental periods, and most woodframe structures 145 fall into this category. Therefore, using eqs. 4.12 and 4.13, and the allowable unit shear values from UBC '97 Table IT-I-i, the seismic weight can be obtained. These values are shown in Table 4.15 for the cases considered here (importance factor of 1.0, seismic zone 4, soil profile type D, and various overstrength factors). Only unit shear values considering 3/8-in. thick sheathing panel and 8d nails are used to calculate seismic weights from allowable unit shear values in Table 23-IT-I-i in the UBC '97. Panel grade Structurall Minimum nominal panel thickness Minimum nail penetration in framing /8 l'/2 Overstrength factor (R) 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 Panel applied directly to framing Nail spacing at panel edges Nail size 8d Seismic base shear coefficient 0.440 0.314 0.244 0.200 (in). 6 4 3 2 230 360 460 610 Weight (lb.) 5854.5 8203.8 10557.4 12880.0 I 9163.6 12840.8 16524.6 20160.0 I 11709.1 16407.6 21114.8 25760.0 I 15527.3 21758.0 28000.0 34160.0 Table 4.15 Seismic weights calculated based on UBC '97 allowable unit shear values (Table 23-TI-I-i) The peak displacement curves were next developed for the different nailing schedules and R factors. Figures 4.127 through 4.129 show the sample CDF's assuming a 3"/12" nailing schedule, various R factors, and the three different hazard levels (JO, LS, CP). As expected, as the R factor increases, the allowable seismic weight increases, and hence shearwall peak displacement increases. Peak displacement curves for the other nailing schedules are provided in Appendix E. 0.9 V / 0.8 R=2.5, W=1464 lbs/ft R=3.5, W=2051 lbs/ft 0.7 W=2639 lbs/ft 0.6 / 0.5 R5.5, W=3229 lbs/ft U- 0.4 0.3 // ;1 0.2 0.1 / ___ 88. 88. / 0 BW (8' x 8), 8d@3/12", OSB (/8"), ED=3/5',G=200ksi,ç2%, 10 (50/50) n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 1.4 1.6 2 1.8 ömax (in.) Figure 4.127 Peak displacement distributions for different R factors (3"/12", JO) -- - 0.9 --- / 0.8 / / / 0.7 0.6 / 0.5 / R=3.5, W=2051 lbs/ft / R=4.5, W=2639 lbs/ft / I 0.4 / R=2.5, W1464 lbs/ft V U- 0.3 ,' R5.5, W=3229 lbs/ft / / 8ft. 0.2 1/:' 0.1 88. 0 8W (8' x 8'), 8d©3 /12 , OSB (I8"), ED - - n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 G = 200 ksi,ç = 2%, LS (10/50) 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 ömax (in.) Figure 4.128 Peak displacement distributions for different R factors (3"/12", LS) 147 0.9 R=2.5, W=1464 lbs/ft 0.8 R=3.5, W=2051 lbs/ft 0.7 R=4.5, W=2639 lbs/ft 0.6 R=5.5, W=3229 lbs/ft 0.5 U- ,, 0.4 0.3 fl8ft. 0.2 /,/ 0.1 -. n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 BW (8 < 8), 8d@3"/12", OSB (/8'), G = 200 ksi, ç = 2%, CP (2/50) ED = - 2.5 3 max 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 (in.) Figure 4.129 Peak displacement distributions for different R factors (3"/12", CP) By changing the spectral acceleration for the 20 earthquake records, a peak displacement CDF can be developed for each level of scaling. The probability of failure can be determined non-parametrically as the relative frequency of the peak displacement exceeding the specified drift limits. If this probability of failure is conditioned on a given value of spectral acceleration, this becomes one point on the fragility curve. This has the advantage of not requiring that a particular distribution be fit to the peak displacements. The records were scaled to five different hazard levels: 50% in 50 years (72-year mean return period or MRI), 20% in 50 years (225-year MRI), 10% in 50 years (474-year MRI), 5% in 50 years (975-year MRI) and 2% in 50 years (2475-year Mifi). Figures 4.130 through 4.133 present fragility curves for a baseline solid wall (8 ft. x 8 ft.) with two full sizes OSB sheathing panels oriented vertically, and four different nailing schedules. The wall is assumed to be fully anchored. The effective seismic weight acting on the wall was determined based on the allowable unit shear values in the UBC '97, as described previously. An overstrength factor (R) of 5.5 was assumed and drift limits of 1%, 2% and 3% were considered. The seismic demand (interface) variable is spectral acceleration, Sa. Fragility curves of this type can be used either as design aids or to assess risk consistency in current design provisions. The fragility curves for other overstrength factors (2.5, 3.5 and 4.5) are provided in Appendix F. 1 70.9 / 8ft. 0.8 /,, / 8ft. BW (8' x 8'), 8d@2"112", OSB (/"), /"- 0.7 ED=318",G= 185ksi,=2%, R=.5 W = 4271 lbs/ft (152.0 kN total) / 0.6 0 (50/50) / 0.5 / / 0.4 / / 0.3 ,' // 0.2 0.1 Ii 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Sa(g) Figure 4.130 Fragility curves for three different hazard levels (2"/12") 2 149 1 - - 0.9 0.8 10 (50/50) / 0.7 / / 0.6 /,", / 0.4 ,' / / //,,,, 0.3 / / ,/ 0.2 8ft. 8W (8' / 1/ 0.1 x 8'), 8d@3"/12", OSB (I") ED=3/8",G=200ksi,ç=2%, R=5.5 -- W = 3220 lbs/ft (114.6 kN total) - C) 0 0.5 2 1.5 1 2.5 S5(g) Figure 4.131 Fragility curves for three different hazard levels (3"/12") 1 - - - 0.9 0.8 I0 (50/50) 0.7 0.6 CP (2/50) ' / //,,,,, 0.4 //,,,, 0.3 / / // // 0.2 0.1 8ft. ' x 8'), 8d@4"/l 2", OSB ED = /8, G = 180 ksi, = 2%, R = 5.5 W = 2521 lbs/ft (89.7 kN total) BW (8 -- (1 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.132 Fragility curves for three different hazard levels (4"/12") 2.5 150 0.9 0.8 / 0.7 0.6 a / 0 (50/50) /,,, 0.5 //,,,,, 0.4 //:" 0.3 0.2 /,,' BW (8 x 8), 8d@6112", OSB (/8"), /' 0.1 ED=3/5",G=185ksi,=2%,R=5.5 W = 1610 lbs/ft (57.3 kN total) QL 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 Sa(g) Figure 4.133 Fragility curves for three different hazard levels (6"/12") Figures 4.134 through 4.137 show the resulting fragility curves for the baseline solid shearwall (8 ft. x 8 ft.) with various nailing schedules (2"/12", 3"/12", 4"/12", and 6"/12") considering life safety (LS, 10/50), for R factors ranging from 2.5 to 5.5. The UBC walls provided relatively consistent levels of safety, as evidenced by the fact that the resulting fragility curves were quite close for all nailing schedules. That is, the allowable seismic weights provided in the UBC '97 for the different nailing schedules resulted in comparable levels of performance. This permit the results for the different nailing schedules to be combined to construct a single fragility curve for a given R- factor (see Figure 4.138). Complete fragility curves for various R factors and considering different seismic hazard levels (TO and CP) are provided in Appendix G. Figure 4.139 shows the fragility curves for different assumed R factors considering the 151 baseline solid shearwall (8 ft. x 8 ft.), a 3"/12" nailing schedule, and the life safety (10/50) hazard level. As expected, the failure probability of the shearwall increases as the overstrength factor (R) increases. I 0.9 0.8 / / 8d@3"/12", W=1464 lbs/ft 8d@4"/12", W=1147 lbs/ft 0.7 / / // 8d@2"/12", W=1940 lbs/ft 0.6 8d@6"/12", W=730 lbs/ft 0.5 0.4 /1 0.3 0.2 /// 0.1 BW (8 x 8'), oSB (3/5), ED = - = 2%, R = 2.5, LS (10/50) 0 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 Sa(g) Figure 4.134 Fragility curves considering R = 2.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 152 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 / _8ft. BW (8 x 8'), OSB (/8"), ED = /8", /'!' ç = 2%, R = 3.5, LS (10/50) /8d@6"/12" W1026 lbs/ft 0.6 0.5 /'// 8d@2"/12", W=2720 lbs/ft ///8d@3"/12", W=2051 lbs/ft 8d@4"/12", W=1605 lbs/ft / // 0.4 0.3 0.2 /,//I 0.1 0 0.5 0 1.5 1 2.5 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.135 Fragility curves considering R = 3.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 1 0.9 7/ 0.8 8 ft. BW (8' x 8'), OSB (I") ED = /8, 0.7 = 2%, R = 4.5, LS (10/50) 0.6 o 0.5 8d©6"/12", W=1321 lbs/ft / 0.4 8d©2"/12", W3500 lbs/ft /' / 0.3 8d(4"/12", W=2065 lbs/ft 'I,' 8d@3"/12", W=2639 lbs/ft 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Sa(g) Figure 4.136 Fragility curves considering R = 4.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 2 153 1 0.9 88. 0.8 L8fl. BW (8' x 8'), OSB (/8"), ED = 0.7 ç = 2%, R = 5.5, LS(1O/50) /rd©I 0.6 W=4270 lbs/ft 8d©3"/12", W=3220 lbs/ft 8d)4"/12", W=2521 lbs/ft 1/ // 0.5 // 0.4 // 8d@6"/12", W=1610 lbs/ft // 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.137 Fragility curves considering R = 5.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 1 0.9 88. 0.8 88. BW (8' x 8'), OSB ( /"), ED = '8, 0.7 ' / = 2%, R = 4.5, LS (10/50) 0.6 Single Average Fragility 0.5 / 18d©6"/12", W=1321 lbs/ft 8d@2"/12", W=3500 lbs/ft 0.4 0.3 : :::: 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.138 Single fragility curve considering R = 4.5 (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 154 1 _- 7 7 8ft. 8ft. BW (8' x 8), 8d©3"/12", OSB (/") 0.7 ED G = 200 ksi, - / = 2% /,/ // 0.6 R=2.5 0.4 R=3.5 / 0.3 /;' / 0.2 R=4.5 R=5.5 /,,' / 0.1 /,'/ Ill 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.139 Fragility curves considering different assumed R factors (LS, 3"/12") Fragility curve based on ultimate force In this section, the fragility curve concept is extended to the issue of shearwall anchorage. Fragility curves can provide a useful tool for the selection of seismic holddowns making some assumptions about the amount of force being transferred from the top of the wall down to the wall corner being anchored. By statics, the horizontal force acting on top of the wall is equal to uplift load in the bottom plate if the dimension of shearwall is square. Three types of hold-down anchors (Simpson HTT 22, LTT 20B, and PHD2-SDS3) were considered. The hold-down ultimate tension capacities were assumed to be Normally distributed with mean values taken then average ultimate tension capacities obtained from the Simpson Strong-Tie catalogue and assumed COV's of 0.2. With this information, the Sthpercentile value for capacity of each hold- 155 down was determined and was treated as a capacity limit. (This is similar to the drift limit used when considering peak displacements.) These are shown in Table 4.16. Hold-down type 1 HTT22(16) LTT 20B PHD2-SDS3 Average ultimate tension capacity (from Simpson Catalogue) 13150 lbs. 8733 lbs. 12520 lbs. Design value (5thpercentile) 8824 lbs. 5860 lbs. 8401 lbs. Table 4.16 Capacities of hold-downs considered in this study Baseline wall BW1 (solid shearwall, 8 ft. x 8 ft., two OSB sheathing panels oriented vertically) was used to develop illustrative fragility curves for anchorage selection considering uplift capacity. The CASHEW program and the Folz nail parameters were used to develop the global shearwall hysteretic parameters. Different nailing schedules (2"/12", 3"/12", 4"/12", and 6"/12") were considered along with the corresponding allowable seismic weights back-figured from the UBC '97 allowable unit shear values (described in Section Various R factors (2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5) also were considered. The peak displacement distributions were then developed for the different nailing schedules and R factors. Figures 4.140 through 4.142 show the sample CDF's assuming a 3"/12" nailing schedule, various R factors, and the three different hazard levels (JO, LS, and CP). As expected, as the R factor increases, the allowable seismic weight increases, and hence shearwall peak displacement increases. Peak displacement curves for the other nailing schedules are provided in Appendix H. 156 0.9 FT't 0.8 0.7 :::: ;tLL I R=5.5 0.6 0.5 U- I _____ :1 0.4 8ft. 0.3 I i; 0.2 Bft. cI II BW (8' x 8), 8d@3"/12", / ii II / 0.1 , / 0_I n 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 OSB(318"),ED-3/8', = 2%, G = 200 ksi, 0 (50/50) 10000 12000 14000 Fmax (lbs.) Figure 4.140 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (3"/12", TO) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 LL 0.4 0.3 .4' 0.2 _______8ft. ,'/ 8,, 0.1 BW(8 x8) 8d@3/12 OSB(/8) ED G 200 ksi ç 2% LS (10/50) /8 n 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Fmax (lbs.) Figure 4.141 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (3"/12", LS) 157 0.9 / 0.8 8ff. BW (8 x 8), 8d@3"/1 2", OS 0.7 / ('/8"), ED = /8, G = 200 ksl, ç = 2°h, CP (2/50) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 E 0.1 c!1C1 0 /1 R=5.5 n 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Fmax (lbs.) Figure 4.142 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (3"/12", CP) The same method used to develop the fragility curves for peak displacement was used to develop fragilities for uplift force of shearwall, i.e., time-history analysis using a suite of 20 ordinary ground motions scaled to different hazard levels. Using the same baseline solid shearwall (8 ft. x 8 ft.), and considering three different hold- downs (Simpson HTT 22, PHD2-SDS3, and LTT 20B), fragility curves for ultimate uplift force were constructed for differing nailing schedules and assuming different R factors from 2.5 to 5.5. Figures 4.143 through 4.145 present the fragility curves for the baseline solid shearwall (8 ft. x 8 ft.) for each of the three different hold-downs (considering one particular nailing schedule for each case). As the overstrength factor (R) increases, the failure probability of each of the shearwalls increase. 158 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 1/ 8ft. 8 ft. BW (8 x 8'), 8d©3"112", OSB ED /8, G200ks1, ç=2%, (/8"), / HTT22(16),' 0.6 ( 0.5 ," 0.4 R=4.5 / 0.3 / 0.2 R=3.5 / 0.1 n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 1.2 1 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.143 Fragility curve for ultimate uplift force with various R factors (3 "/12", HTT 22) /// /7/ 0.9 0.8 8ft. BW (8' 0.7 x 8'), 8d@3"112", OSB el8'), / / ED318", G=2OOksi,2%,PHD2 0.6 / I/I / 0.4 0.3 :::: 0.2 R=2.5 / 0.1 n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.144 Fragility curve for ultimate uplift force with various R factors (3"/12", PHD2-SDS3) 159 0.9 0.8 / 0.7 R = 5.5 / R = 3.5 1 0.6 R = 2.5 // a o. / 'I 0.4 0.3 'I / 1/ 0.2 8 ft. 8 ft. 0.1 BW (8' >< 8), 8d©4"1l2", OSB (I8'), ED=3/8", G = 180 ksi, 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 =2%, LTT2OB 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.145 Fragility curve for ultimate uplift force with various R factors (4"/12", LTT 20B) The fragilities for each of the three hold-downs, considering a single nailing schedule and overstrength factor, also can be shown on the same figure. One example is shown in Figure 4.146 for a 3"/12" nailing schedule and assuming R = 3.5. Again, the effective seismic weight acting on the wall was determined based on the allowable unit shear values in the UBC '97. The seismic demand (interface) variable is the spectral acceleration, Sa. Fragility curves of this type can be used either as design aids (selection of hold-downs) or to assess risk consistency in current design provision. 160 0.9 0.8 // 88. BW (8' x 8'), 8d©3"/12", 0.7 OSBeI8"), ED =18, LTT2OB G=2OOksi,=2%,R=3.5 0.6 / ci 0.5 / 0.4 / 0.3 / 0.2 0.1 C) 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 Sa(g) Figure 4.146 Hold-down fragility curve considering ultimate uplift capacity 161 5. ANALYSIS OF SHEARWALLS IN COMPLETE STRUCTURES 5.1 Model configuration This chapter presents the results from studies of shearwalls acting as part of complete woodframe structures. As with the isolated shearwalls analyzed in the previous chapter, the shearwalls are subjected to a suite of earthquake records, scaled appropriately to specified hazard levels. For more than 40 years, researchers have been conducting full-scale experimental tests to investigate the performance of woodframe structures and assemblies under wind, snow and earthquake loading [e.g., Dorey and Schriever, 1957; Hurst, 1965; Yokel et al., 1973; Tuomi and McCutcheon, 1974; Stewart et al., 1988; Sugiyama et al., 1988; Phillips et al., 1993; Ohashi et al., 1998; Seo et al., 1999; Paevere et al., 2003]. As part of CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project (CCWP), the seismic response of two and three-story woodframe structures were tested on large shake tables [Fischer et al., 2001; Mosalam et al., 2002]. 'While tested at full-scale, the overall size of these test structures was slightly scaled-down due to size (footprint) limitations of the shake tables. The results were used to validate a numerical model used to predict the seismic performance of complete woodframe structures [Folz and Filiatrault, 2002]. The model can then be used to evaluate performance of structures having other configurations. The numerical model, SAWS (Seismic Analysis of Woodframe Structures), developed as part of the CCWP, was used in this study to investigate the performance of shearwalls in complete structures. The SAWS program was described in Chapter 3. 162 Nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis was conducted using the SAWS program and the suite of 20 ordinary ground motion records, as was used previously. Two structural configurations were considered, a one-story and a two-story structure. These two structures are described in the following sections. 5.1.1 Model configuration of one-story residential structure The model of the one-story single-family residential structure was developed to be representative of typical southern California construction (i.e., a "bungalow" style house). The plan of this structure was 32 ft. x 20 ft. and the structure had openings for pedestrian doors and windows. The shearwalls in the structure were built using 3/8-in. OSB, attached to the framing using the Durham spiral nail (2 in. long x 0.105 in. diameter). In most cases, a 6"/12" nailing schedules was used. The top-plate and end studs were double members, while the sole-plate and the interior studs were single members. The framing members were nominal 2 in. x 4 in. spaced (in most cases) at 24 in. on-center. Properly installed hold-downs were assumed to be present. Nonstructural finish materials (1/2-in. gypsum wallboard and 7/8-in. stucco) were assumed to be properly attached. The plan and section views are shown in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.2 presents elevation views of each exterior wall in the one-story structure. The information in this figure was used to develop the global hysteretic parameters for each shearwall using CASHEW and the Durham nail parameters (see Table 4.1). 163 H' 4ft. 6ft. ft 4ft. 4ft. 4ft. 8ft. rhroom Kitchen Bedroom 4 ft. 4ft 20ft. 4ft. 4 ft. 3 ft. 4 ft. Li 2 ft. Living Room Bedroom I 4ft. 4 8ft. 20ft. 3ft. 4ft. 4 IIJ 444 3ft. 3ft. 8ft. 3 ft. ft 32 ft. 4 Roofing (3-ply with gravel) /8" Plywood 2x6 ©l6in o.c 51/ L 1/2" 12 4 Fiberglass Loose Insulation Gypsum Wallboard Stucco OSB 2x4 @24in o.c 1/2" Gypsum Wallboard /8 /8" 32ft. Figure 5.1 Plan view and section view for the one-story house model 8ft. 164 ft, ft. 4ft. 8ft. 4ft. 3ft. 3ft. 2ft. 8ft. *-4---ø 32ft. East Wall (EW) 1.3 ft 4 ft. ft. ii 1 2ft 4fL 6ft. 4ft. 4ft 8ft. 4ft. 3ft. %AI.._LlAI....II/AflAI\ VVOL VV4II VVVVJ 1.311 4ft ft. 2.7 4ft. 4ft. 4ft. 4ft. ft. 4ft. -4 I 20ft. C'..... ..L .J'.JL.1 LI I AI._.II I('lAI'.. V V V VJ II 1.3ft 4ft ft. === 2.7 2ft 4ft. 3ft. 'I *-3ft. - 2ft -4-pI 3ft. ft. 3ft. -p *-* 20ft. KI.-....4L AI....II 11.IIAI\ I'l'.JILII VVQIIkINVV1 Figure 5.2 Detailed wall configurations for the one-story house model 11. 165 5.1.2 Model configuration of two-story residential structure The model of the two-story single-family residential structure was based on the model in Task 1.1.1 of the CCWP [Fischer et al., 2001]. The structure has plan dimensions of 20 ft. x 16 ft. and has various openings for a garage door, a pedestrian door, and windows. The shearwalls in the structure were built using 3/8-in. OSB, attached to the framing using 8d box nails (2.5 in. long x 0.113 in. diameter) at 6"/12" (edge/field). A 3"/12" nailing schedule was used for the shearwalls on either side of the garage door opening. Hold-downs were assumed to be properly installed. Nonstructural finish materials (1/2-in. gypsum wallboard and 7/8-in. stucco) also were assumed to be properly attached. The elevation and plan views are shown in Figure 5.3. This structure was design according to UBC '94 following typical construction practices in California. A more detailed description of this structure can be found elsewhere [Fischer et al., 2001]. 166 9.5 mm(in) 1F 'I / I L OSB sheathing with 8db @ 150mm (6 in) 9.5 mm ( in) OSB sheathing 9.5 mm (l in) OSB sheathing with 8db@ 75 mm (3 in) with8db@ lSOmm(6in) 4 '4.9m1 North -a------\XTZ+ Ai,ii ni+;,, HTT22 holdowns typ. at shearwall element ends / rat ui,it North 12.7 mm ( in) CDX plywood roof sheathing with 8db @ 150mm (6 in) in) OSB sheathing with 8db @150mm (6 in) 9.5 mm ISNW 6.lm (20 F) North and South Wall Elevations 4.9 m (16 ft) 80 man x 305 n (3 in x 12 in) Roof trusses @ 610mm (24 in) o.c. Interior bearint wall H(2 x 10) floor joists 38 mm x 235 mm 0 _ \ __ ii @406mm (16 in) _____ GLB & bearing wall _ \ o.c. lapped over North \ Floor sheathed with 19.0mm ( in) T & G plywood with 10db @ 150mm (6 in) 0.9 m (3 ft) pedestrian door North Plan View ) / /\ _ / \ / i /_/\ /11 Floor opening below Interior partition walls, typ. 2nd Story Plan View Figure 5.3 Elevation and plan view for two-story house model (from: Fischer et al., 2001) 167 5.2 Shearwall performance in complete structures 5.2.1 One-story structure Performance of shearwalls with OSB only The performance of shearwalls in a one-story structure was investigated using the model described in Section 5.1.1. Based on assumed weight tributary to the roof diaphragm and wall dead load, a calculated total seismic weight of 15040 lb. was assigned at the roof level and an equivalent viscous damping of 1% of critical was assumed. The CASHEW program was used to develop global hysteretic parameters for each shearwall assuming the Durham nail parameters and considering each specific wall configuration. Table 5.1 presents the resulting hysteretic parameters for each shearwall (OSB only) in the one-story structure. As done previously, seismic zone IV (LA) and soil profile type D (SD) were assumed. Figure 5.4 presents the SAWS model for this one-story structure (OSB only) composed of four zero-height nonlinear shearwall spring elements. Spring Element K0 II ii East_Wall West_Wall sy' South_Wall North_Wall F0 F1 (kips) (kips) (in.) 0.066 7.35 1.51 2.32 0.76 1.10 1.297 0.066 8.36 1.74 2.32 0.75 1.10 -0.079 1.285 0.068 5.61 1.19 2.32 0.73 1.09 -0.046 1.383 0.068 5.56 1.00 2.92 1.00 1.12 (kips/ in.) r1 r2 r3 r4 18.52 0.079 -0.031 1.298 21.52 0.080 -0.046 15.58 0.083 10.63 0.051 a Table 5.1 Hysteretic parameters for the shearwall spring elements in one-Story structure, OSB only It,rsl Figure 5.4 SAWS model of the one-story structure, OSB only The peak displacement distributions for each shearwall are shown in Figures 5.5 through 5.7 for the three hazard levels (JO, LS, and CP). The performance of all shearwalls is well below the drift limit at the low hazard level (JO, 50/50), however the South wall (SW) and North wall (NW) performed less well inthe high hazard level (CP, 2/50) because of the many openings and the relatively small number of fasteners (6"/12" nailing schedule). The East wall (EW) and West wall (WW) performed well at all hazard levels. 169 1 0.9 WW// 0.8 EW SW 0.7 J+ NW ' 0.6 !/ 01 0.5 Ii' 0.4 // J" 0.3 'o // < / / 0.2 Structure Type: One Story (32 >< 20') Nailing Schedule: 8d©6"-12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%I5Oyrs) o [I II ( 0.1 / - n 0 /o W15040 lb. total - 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.8 max (in.) Figure 5.5 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB only (10, 50/50 hazard level) --;-- EW 0.9 SW 0.8 /NW 0.7 0.6 /° 0.5 0.4 0.3 IStructure Type: One Story (32' Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" I 0.1 4/ Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%I5Oyrs) W = 15040 lb. total 0/ 0 : / / 4/ - n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 20') Sheathing: OSB (I") / 0.2 x 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 ömax (in.) Figure 5.6 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB hazard level) only (LS, 10/50 170 1 0.9 EW 0.8 ww 0.7 0.6 // 0.5 U0.4 0.3 Structure Type: One Story (32 >< 20) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Sheathing: OSB (/8') Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: NOne Damping: 1% Hazard Level: CP (2%I5Oyrs) 4/ 0.2 // i/ p 0.1 I / / 9 W= 15040 lb. total 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6max (in.) Figure 5.7 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB only (CP, 2/50 hazard level) Performance of shearwalls with NSF materials The performance of shearwalls with nonstructural finish materials (stucco and gypsum wallboard) in the one-story structure also was investigated. Two cases were considered: (1) walls with OSB and gypsum wallboard, and (2) walls with OSB, gypsum wallboard and stucco. Based on calculation, and assuming weight tributary to the roof diaphragm and wall dead load, a total seismic weight of 16793 lb. was estimated for the structure with OSB and gypsum walls, while a total seismic weight of 20952 lb. was estimated for the structure with OSB, gypsum wallboard, and stucco. (Stucco was assumed to have a weight of 10 psf.) Equivalent viscous damping of 1% of critical was assumed in both cases. 171 The hysteretic parameters for the stucco and gypsum wallboard were based on available experimental test data and were adjusted for the length of the wall. In the case of the partition walls, gypsum wallboard was attached on both sides, and it was assumed that the stiffness and strength was twice that of a single side of gypsum wallboard [Folz and Filiatrault, 2002]. The resulting hysteretic parameters for each shearwall (with NSF materials) in the one-story structure are shown in Table 5.2. The hysteretic parameters for the OSB-only shearwall (Table 5.1) can be used for the OSB-only walls use in Table 5.2. Each subscript number corresponds to a layer in the shearwall and subscripts x and y indicate a direction. If only gypsum wallboard is considered (i.e., OSB + GWB), the hysteretic parameters for stucco Sy9) (Sx1, SX8, Sy, and in Table 5.2 are eliminated. The SAWS model for the one-story structure (with NSF materials) is shown in Figure 5.8. This structure is composed of 17 zero-height nonlinear shear spring elements, one each for: four OSB only layers, four stucco layers, and nine gypsum wallboard layers. If only the gypsum NSF materials are considered, the four stucco layers are removed. Figure 5.9 shows the SAWS model considering the gypsum NSF materials only (note fewer springs). 172 K0 r Spring Element Wall Type & Location (ks/ r1 r2 r3 r4 SXI Stucco East Wall 46.39 0.058 -0.050 1.000 0.020 2.92 S>2 OSB East Wall 18.52 0.079 -0.031 1.298 0.066 24.13 0.029 -0.017 1.000 44.54 0.029 -0.017 29.69 0.029 25.98 GWB (I Side) East_Wall GWB (2 Sides) Partition_Wall GWB (2 Sides) Partition_Wall GWB (I Side) SX7 SX8 5Y1 SY2 West_Wall OSB West Wall Stucco West Wall Stucco South Wall OSB South Wall GWB (1 Side) South_Wall Sy4 & Sy GWB (2 Sides) Partition Wall GWB (2 Sides) Partition_Wall GWB (1 Side) S\8 North_Wall OSB North Wall Stucco North_Wall AU (in.) a 13 0.44 0.96 0.60 1.10 7.35 1.51 2.32 0.76 1.10 0.005 1.30 0.29 1.54 0.80 1.10 1.000 0.005 2.40 0.54 2.83 0.80 1.10 -0.017 1.000 0.005 1.60 0.36 1.89 0.80 1.10 0.029 -0.017 1.000 0.005 1.40 0.31 1.65 0.80 1.10 21.52 0.080 -0.046 1.297 0.066 8.36 1.74 2.32 0.75 1.10 49.96 0.058 -0.050 1.000 0.020 3.15 0.47 1.03 0.60 1.10 42.83 0.058 -0.050 1.000 0.020 2.70 0.40 0.89 0.60 1.10 15.58 0.083 -0.079 1.285 0.068 5.61 1.19 2.32 0.73 1.09 22.27 0.029 -0.017 1.000 0.005 1.20 0.27 1.42 0.80 1.10 25.98 0.029 -0.017 1.000 0.005 1.40 0.31 1.65 0.80 1.10 37.12 0.029 -0.017 1.000 0.005 2.00 0.45 2.36 0.80 1.10 20.41 0.029 -0.017 1.000 0.005 1.10 0.25 1.30 0.80 1.10 10.63 0.051 -0.046 1.383 0.068 5.56 1.00 2.92 1.00 1.12 39.26 0.058 -0.050 1.000 0.020 2.47 0.37 0.81 0.60 1.10 (kips) (kip Table 5.2 Hysteretic parameters for the shearwall spring elements in one-story structure, OSB and NSF materials 173 'X6 sx7 i I I I I V __________ Exterior sheanivall (OSB, GWB, stucco) Window or doqr Interior partitio wall (GWB on both sides) s3 VVVS1 sY2 SY4 S6 SY5 Sy8 Sy9 $y3 Figure 5.8 SAWS model of the one-story structure, OSB and NSF materials (GWB and Stucco) Sx6 I I V ------ Exterior shear'vall (OSB, GWB) Window or dock Interior partitio1 wall (GWB on both sides) 4. sY1 sY2 sY3 sY4 sY5 Figure 5.9 SAWS model of the one-story structure, OSB and GWB sY6 sY7 174 Figures 5.10 through 5.12 present the peak displacement distributions for each shearwall (OSB + gypsum wallboard) for the three different hazard levels (TO, LS, and CO). The distributions for the wall with NSF materials (i.e., OSB + gypsum wallboard + stucco) are shown in Figures 5.13 through 5.15. As expected, the performance of the shearwalls with NSF materials is better than OSB-only walls at all hazard levels. The addition of stucco dramatically improves the shearwall performance. This also was noted in Section 4.2.3, considering isolated shearwalls. This is especially evident at the highest seismic hazard level. - 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 SW / 0.6 .1 05 U- NW i/i! 0.4 0.3 Structure Type: One Story (32' x 20') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Sheathing: OSB (3/..) Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB Damping 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%/5Oyrs) W = 16793 lb. total j I // / / / / 0.2 rI 1/ 0.1 J / / / n 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 6max 0.2 0.25 0.3 (in.) Figure 5.10 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB (TO, 50/50 hazard level) 175 : 0.9 0.8 0.7 SW NW 0.6 / 0.5 U0.4 0.3 Structure Type. One Story (32 x 20) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Sheathing: OSB (/") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF:GWB Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%/5oyrs) W = 16793 lb. total Li.. / 0.2 / I ? / fJ 0.1 1 hi n 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 6max 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 (in.) Figure 5.11 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 0.9 0.8 SW 0.7 NW / 0.6 I 0.5 II J1 0.4 0.3 Structure Type: One Story (32' x 20) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB Damping: 1% Hazard Level: CP (2%I5Oyrs) W= 16793 lb. total ft / 1/ II / 0.2 /1 0.1 / -- n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 max (in.) Figure 5.12 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB (CP, 2/50 hazard level) 176 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1/ / NW U- i/i' 0.4 0.3 Structure Type. One Story (32 Nailing Schedule: 8d©6-1 2 / I, If / Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%/5oyrs) W = 20952 lb. total / / 0.1 n 0 20) Sheathing: OSB ('") / 0.2 x 0.04 0.12 0.08 6max 0.16 0.2 (in.) Figure 5.13 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB + Stucco (JO, 50/50 hazard level) 0.9 : 0.8 /NW 0.7 0.6 0.5 U- r:/ 0.4 q: / 0.3 // 0.2 A. / / ; 7/, /1 Structure Type: One Story (32 x 20) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%/S0yrs) W = 20952 lb. total x / / 0.1 / / () 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 6max (in.) Figure 5.14 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB + Stucco (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 177 H 0.9 : 0.8 0.7 0.6 / NW 0.5 / 4 0.4 II Ii 0.3 / .' Structure Type: One Stery (32 Nailing Schedule: 8d@6-12" // / I! 0.2 *1I / 0.1 ff x 20) Sheathing: OSB (I") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level. CP (2 /ol50yrs) x' W 20952 lb. total C) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 max (in.) Figure 5.15 Peak displacement distributions for shearwalls in one-story structure, OSB + GWB + Stucco (CP, 2/50 hazard level) 5.2.2 Two-story structure Performance of shearwalls with OSB only The SAWS program was used to investigate the performance (peak displacement) of shearwalls in a two-story structure under actual earthquake loading, using a suite of 20 ordinary ground motions to characterize the seismic hazard. A total seismic weight acting on this structure of 24730 lbs. was estimated, with 13938 lbs. applied to the second floor diaphragm and 10792 lbs. applied to the roof diaphragm. Equivalent viscous damping of 1% of critical in the first and second modes of vibration was assumed. This value of viscous damping is consistent with other studies [Foliente, 1995; Folz and Filiatrault, 2002]. 178 As described in Chapter 3, the SAWS program requires several input parameters including the global hysteretic parameters for each shearwall, seismic weights, viscous damping parameters, integration time-step, and input ground acceleration parameters. The CASHEW program was used to determine the global hysteretic parameters for each shearwall, using the Durham nail parameters. The resulting sets of hysteretic parameters for each shearwall in the two-story structure are shown in Table 5.3 [from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002]. The peak displacements of each shearwall in complete structure were obtained using SAWS program. In the discussion of the results in this section, peak displacements are measured from the bottom of the first-story wall either to the top of the first-story wall or to the top the second-story wall. Three hazard levels (JO, LS, and CP) were considered, and seismic zone IV (LA) and soil profile type D (SD) were assumed. Figure 5.16 illustrated the SAWS model for this structure (with OSB only). This structure is composed of eight zero-height nonlinear shearwall spring elements and two rigid diaphragms: one for the second floor and one at the roof level. The resulting peak displacement distributions (peak displacement measured relative to ground) for each shearwall are shown in Figures 5.17 through 5.19 for the three different hazard levels (JO, LS and CP). Since the South and North shearwalls (both 1SNW and 2SNW) have the same configuration for both stories, their performance was identical. The performance (peak drift relative to ground level) of the East shearwall (2EW) in the complete structure, located above the wall with the garage door opening, performs the worst. However, as seismic demand increases, the 179 peak displacement distribution for the East wall (2EW) and West wall (2WW) in the complete structure show more similar performance (see Figure 5.19). Spring Element S1 Level 1 East_Wall Sx2 Level 1 West_Wall Sy1 Level 1 South_Wall Sy Level 1 NorthWall Sx3Level2 East_Wall S4 Level 2 West_Wall Sy3 Level 2 South_Wall Level 2 North_Wall Sy4 K0 (kips/ J in.) i r1 r2 r3 r4 F0 I F (kips) (kips) (in.) a I I 16.73 0.083 -0.088 1.00 0.030 8.23 1.88 3.44 0.79 1.07 22.21 0.064 -0.056 1.07 0.030 8.25 1.98 2.28 0.87 1.11 32.49 0.065 -0.074 1.10 0.030 10.88 2.43 2.39 0.81 1.09 32.49 0.065 -0.074 1.10 0.030 10.88 2.43 2.39 0.81 1.09 11.99 0.069 -0.038 1.16 0.020 4.41 1.07 3.02 0.77 1.10 11.99 0.069 -0.038 1.16 0.020 4.41 1.07 3.02 0.77 1.10 19.13 0.054 -0.060 1.10 0.030 7.94 2.90 2.91 0.84 1.09 19.13 0.054 -0.060 1.10 0.030 7.94 2.90 2.91 0.84 1.09 Table 5.3 Hysteretic parameters for the shearwall spring elements, OSB sheathing only (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) Exterior shearwall (OSB) Window or door secono uoor oiapnragm Exterior shearwall (OSB) Window or door Figure 5.16 SAWS model of the two-story structure, OSB only (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) 181 / 0.9 I.L / 0.8 0.7 1EW/,2W / 1 ii 0.5 2EW 2SNW II 0.6 :x 1SNW 1WW a I III, LL 0.4 /x' I 0.3 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/2" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/") Structure Type: Two Story (20 / / / S / 0.2 / / J 0.1 Shearwall HP: Durham + ASHEW NSF:None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%/50 rs) W = 24730 lb. total / / / / I,' / II (1 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.2 1 max (in.) Figure 5.17 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in twostory structure (TO, 50/50 hazard level) 0.9 1SNW 0.8 1EW 0.7 :1 1WW , 0.6 2SN!' /, LL / I; /1' 0.4 II) //:x 0.3 / I' /i y} 0.1 0 0.5 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12' Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: [S (10%/5oyrs) W = 24730 lb. total . I // 0.2 ii I'j< // /' 1 1.5 2 6max 2.5 3 3.5 4 (in.) Figure 5.18 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in twostory structure (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 182 1 I SNW 0.9 0.8 1 WW 0.7 2 EW 1EW /" / 2WW 0.6 /' IA: 0.5 U0.4 / JR [ q ff 0.3 ./ // // / / / 0.2 7/ 7/ I/ 0.1 0 1 Shearwall HP: Durham CASHEW 7 1 / / J' _/_. 0 Structure Type: Two Story (20' x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6Y12" end 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: CP (2%/5pyrs) W = 24730 lb. total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 max (in.) Figure 5.19 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in twostory structure (CP, 2/50 hazard level) Performance of shearwalls with NSF materials The performance of shearwalls with nonstructural finish (NSF) materials such as stucco and gypsum wallboard also was investigated using the SAWS program. Hysteretic parameters for stucco and gypsum wallboard developed by Folz and Filiatrault (2002) were used; these are shown in Table 5.4. These parameters were developed from experimental test data obtained as part of the CCWP and CoLA project [Gatto and Uang, 2002; Pardoen, 2001], and have been adjusted for the length of the walls and presence of door and window openings in the two-story structure considered in this study. Gypsum wallboard is assumed to be attached to the interior of the wall, while stucco was assumed to be applied to the exterior. The case of an interior partition wall with gypsum wallboard on both sides also was considered. In 183 that case, it was assumed that the two layers of gypsum wallboard have twice the strength and stiffness of one layer of gypsum wallboard. The hysteretic parameters for the OSB sheathing are the same as those shown in Table 5.3 [Folz and Filiatrault, 2002]. Hysteretic Parameters Stucco GWB K0 (kips/in.) 5.00 2.60 F0 r1 r2 r3 r4 0.058 0.029 -0.050 -0.017 1.00 1.00 0.020 0.005 . (kips) 8.00 3.56 F1 A (kips) (in.) 15.0 24.0 1.20 0.80 a 0.60 0.80 1.10 1.10 Table 5.4 Fitted hysteretic parameters for the SDOF shear element model of an 8 ft. x 8 ft. shearwall with stucco and gypsum wallboard (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) The hysteretic parameter sets for each of the shearwalls having NSF materials (for use in the analysis of the complete structure) are shown in Table 5.5. Again, in this Table, subscripts x and y indicate the direction while the subscript number indicates a given layer in the shearwall. Figure 5.20 presents the SAWS model composed of 27 zero-height nonlinear shear spring elements corresponding to the eight OSB layers, eight stucco layers, and eleven gypsum wallboard layers. Figures 5.21 through 5.23 present the peak displacement distributions for each of the shearwalls with the NSF materials for the three different hazard levels (10, LS, and CP). Again, the performance of South and North shearwalls (both stories) is identical since they have the same configuration. The performance of the East shearwall second story (2EW), which is located above the wall with the large garage door, exhibits the worst performance. This result was also observed in the previous section (considering walls with OSB only). As expected, the shearwalls with the NSF materials acting as part of the complete structure perform very well relative to the bare shearwall. Comparing Figures 5.19 and 5.23 (CP, 2/50 hazard level), one sees that the performance of walls with NSF materials is much better than that of walls with OSB only. Spring Element Wall Type & Location Stucco Level_I_(EW) OSB SX2 SX4 S5 5X6 SX7 Sy1 & Sv SY2 & SY5 Sy3 & Svo Sxs & SXI3 Level I (EW) GWB (1 Side) Level_l(EW) GWB (2 Sides) Levell(PW) Stucco Level 1 (WW) OSB Level I (WW) GWB (1 Side) Level 1 (WW) Stucco Level I (SNW) OSB Level 1 (SW) GWB (1 Side) Level 1 (SNW) Stucco Level 2 (EVoW) SX9 OSB & SX14 Level 2 (EW) GWB (I Side) Level 2 (E\VW) GWB (2 Sides) Level 2 (PW) Stucco Level 2 (SNW) SXIO & SX15 Sxi & SXI2 & Sy Sy OSB & Sy11 Level 2 (SW) GWB (I Side) Level 2 (SNW) Sy &Syu K0 (kips I r r1 r2 r3 r4 r F0 F1 A,, (kips) (kips) (in.) I I 21.41 0.058 -0.050 1.00 0.030 1.35 0.22 0.44 0.60 1.10 16.73 0.083 -0.088 1.00 0.030 8.23 1.88 3.44 0.79 1.07 11.13 0.029 -0.017 1.00 0.005 0.60 0.13 0.72 0.80 1.10 22.27 0.029 -0.017 1.00 0.005 1.20 0.27 1.45 0.80 1.10 46.42 0.058 -0.050 1.00 0.030 2.92 0.44 0.96 0.60 1.10 22.21 0.064 -0.056 1.07 0.030 8.25 1.98 2.28 0.87 1.11 24.15 0.029 -0.017 1.00 0.005 1.30 0.29 1.54 0.80 1.10 49.96 0.058 -0.050 1.00 0.030 3.15 0.47 1.04 0.60 1.10 32.49 0.065 -0.074 1.10 0.030 10.88 2.43 2.39 0.81 1.09 25.98 0.029 -0.017 1.00 0.005 1.40 0.31 1.65 0.80 1.10 25.01 0.058 -0.050 1.00 0.030 1.57 0.24 0.52 0.60 1.10 11.99 0.069 -0038 1.16 0.020 4.41 1.07 3.02 0.77 1.10 13.02 0.029 -0.017 1.00 0.005 0.70 0.16 0.83 0.80 1.10 49.39 0.029 -0.017 1.00 0.005 2.65 0.60 3.15 0.80 1.10 42.83 0.058 -0.050 1.00 0.030 2.70 0.40 0.89 0.60 1.10 19.13 0.054 -0.060 1.10 0.030 7.94 2.90 2.91 0.84 1.09 22.27 0.029 -0.017 1.00 0.005 1.20 0.27 1.42 0.80 1.10 Table 5.5 Hysteretic parameters for the shearwall spring elements, OSB and NSF materials (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) 185 sx13 sx14 I I Exterior shearwall (OSB, GWB, stucco) sx15 sx12 Window or door r - Interior partition wall (GWB on both sides) Partition Wall I L Roof Diaphragm sx8 sx9 sx10 sylo sY7 sy8 sY9 syll sY12 Connection to second __,,/ floor diaphragm L...:.:.:.:> sx6 sx7 N Exterior shearwall (OSB, GWB, stucco) Window or door S4 I4 Partition Wall Interior partition wall (GWB on both sides) Second Floor Diaphragm sx1 sx2 sx3 syl sY4 sY2 sY5 sY6 sY3 Fixed support -/ Figure 5.20 SAWS model of the two-story Structure, OSB and NSF materials (from: Folz and Filiatrault, 2002) I,1 - - / 0.9 / 0.8 1 WW 7/ 0.7 / / '' 0.6 2SNW / IEW / 0.5 U- I 2WW / /7 / 0.4 2EW / J //' " 0.3 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: lob Hazard Level: 10 (50%/5oyrs) W = 24730 lb. total ' I / " / / 0.2 / ' < /1 1/ / /7 / / 0.1 i / / ' /1 4 / L > - 0 0 0.05 0.15 0.1 0.25 0.2 0.3 0.35 0.4 max (in.) Figure 5.21 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in twostory structure (JO, 50/50 hazard level) 0.9 / 0.8 1SNW //x' 0.7 ///- /1WW / 0.6 / 0.5 U- 1 EW / / 0.4 ti // 0.3 ;2WW / / / I 2EW ,' / I /. / 0.2 0.1 / / // // 'j / / ' L / Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (3/..) Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%/5oyrs) j1 I I' ' / ' , } _/_____' n 0 0.2 0.4 2SNW W=24730 lb. total 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 max (in.) Figure 5.22 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in twostory structure (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 187 0.9 0.8 1SNW / /i 0.7 / 1ww / 0.6 :// 7 1 EW ! 40.5 / / 0.4 /1 / 0.3 / / 0.2 / , / / / / / / / 0.1 ,/ 0 / t I / / / _:::i-__-' - 0 0.5 1 Structure Type: Two Story (20 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (3/) Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level. CP (2/o/5oyrs) W = 24730 lb. total < 1.5 2 2.5 3 6max (in.) Figure 5.23 Peak displacement (relative to ground) distributions for shearwalls in twostory structure (CP, 2/50 hazard level) 5.2.3 Additional studies Interstory displacement The performance of shearwalls acting as assemblies in complete structures was investigated in Section 5.2. In addition to peak displacement (e.g., total drift at the top of a multistory structure), interstory drift also is a criterion used to evaluate structural performance under lateral loading. In this section, the interstory drift in the two-story structure was separated out from the total drift at the first and second stories. Because all displacements are functions of time, and the structure may deflect according to its first or second mode at any given time, the peak interstory drift does not necessary correspond to the difference between the peak drifts at the first and second stories. The two-story structure is the same as the structure described in Section 5.1.2, and effects 188 of NSF materials also were considered. Only the wall having the worst performance at each story (i.e., both 1EW and 2EW) was considered in the comparisons made in this section. Figures 5.24 through 5.26 present the distributions for peak displacement at the top of the first-story wall, peak displacement at the top of the second-story wall, and the interstory displacement, for the three different hazard levels (JO, LS, and CP), respectively. Since the interstory drift is the absolute value of displacement difference between the second-story and the first-story at any given time in the displacement time-history, similar relative displacement behavior is observed at all hazard levels. Figures 5.27 through 5.29 present the different peak displacement distributions for the three different hazard levels (JO, LS, and CP) for a structure built with NSF materials (stucco and gypsum wallboard). The peak displacement is significantly reduced by adding NSF materials to the OSB-only walls, and the effect is more pronounced at the higher hazard levels. (This also was seen in Section However, the relative magnitude of interstoiy drift is different from that seen with the OSB-only walls. (Specifically, the interstory displacement distribution is lower than that of the first-story shearwall.) This might be the effect of the gypsum wallboard and stucco, providing additional stiffness as well as connection between the first and second stories. (The stucco layer also serves to restrain sheathing nail head rotation under cyclic (dynamic) loading.) The application of NSF materials to shearwalls improves the overall performance of shearwall, as shown previously. 189 0.9 0.8 0.7 first story max 0.6 Interstory drift 0.5 ömax 0.4 t second story x' 0.3 0.2 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16') Nailing Sche1uIe: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (I8") Shearwall HF?: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 0 (50%/50yrs) L 0.1 } 0 W = 24730 l. total -- 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.6 1.2 1 1.4 max (in.) Figure 5.24 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB (JO, 50/50 hazard level) 0.9 0.8 ' / T/ Interstory drift -I I 0.6 J-- IA 0.7 6rnax at first story x,' I max at second story / 0.5 / / 0.4 0.3 t / i I / / I 0.2 I. I , Structure Type. Two Story (20 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"112" and 3/12' Sheathing: OSB (3I") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%/50yrs) W = 24730 lb. total ' ,' II / / 0.1 // n 0 0.5 -1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 6max (in.) Figure 5.25 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 190 // H 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 max 40.5 U- Interstry drift / 0.4 max / / 0.3 / Shearwall HP: Durha + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: CP (2%I5Oyrs) W = 24730 lb. total X 0.1 - -- C) 0 2 1 at second story Structure Type: Two tory (20 x 16') Nailing Schedule: 6d6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/") ': / / 0.2 at first stow 4 3 5 6 8 7 5max (in.) Figure 5.26 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB (CP, 2/50 hazard level) 0.9 0.8 /-/ I 0.7 Interstory drift: 0.6 ::: : / 40.5 0.4 /Structure 0.3 Type: Two Story (20' x 16') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%/50yrs) W = 24730 lb. total L / 0.2 / / 0.1 / J (1 0 0.05 / / / ' - - 0.1 0.15 0.2 max 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 (in.) Figure 5.27 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB + GWB + Stucco (JO, 50/50 hazard level) 191 0.9 0.8 Interstory drift 0.7 6max at first story / 0.6 0.5 0.4 x max 0.3 / / 0.2 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d©6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%I5Oyrs) > f / / I 0.1 , > W=247301b. total -- n 0 0.2 at second story 0.8 0.6 0.4 1 1.2 1.4 6max (in.) Figure 5.28 Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB + GWB + Stucco (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 0.9 * /_ 7 /+ t 0.8 ,'< Interstory drift 0.7 6max at first story 0.6 0.5 U- 0.4 0.3 : / / / / 0.2 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: CF (2%/5Oyrs) ,< ' / 0.1 " , + W 24730 lb. total -- n 0 0.5 6max at second story 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 ömax (in.) Figure 5.29. Comparison of peak displacements at first and second stories, OSB + GWB + Stucco (CP, 2/50 hazard level) 192 Effect of partition walls Gypsum wallboard is a common material used to sheath partition walls that divide space in a building. Typical partition walls are constructed with gypsum wallboard attached to both sides of the wall framing using mechanical fasteners (drywall screws). The partition walls usually are treated as nonstructural elements in a building (i.e., they are excluded in a structural analysis or in the design of the primary shearwalls), however they may contribute to the overall structural performance. This was investigated using the SAWS model of the one-story structure described in Section 5.2.1. The SAWS model of the one-story structure without partition walls is shown in Figure 5.30. The dimensions of this structure are the same as shown in Figure 5.1. This structure is composed of eight zero-height nonlinear shearwall spring elements (shown), one for each wall layer. Gypsum wallboard was assumed to be used an all interior walls. Nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis was performed using the SAWS model to investigate the contribution of the partition walls to peak displacement. The peak displacement distributions of the structure without partition walls are shown in Figures 5.31 through 5.33 for the three hazard levels (TO, LS, and CP), respectively. Comparing these results with these shown in Figures 5.10 through 5.12 (with partition walls), one sees that the partition walls significantly influence the shearwall performance at all hazard levels. The results in Figures 5.10 through 5.12 are also shown as light lines in Figures 5.31 through 5.33 to allow for easy comparison. While 193 the displacements of the North wall (NW) in the one-story structure with partition walls are well below the drift limit, those for the same wall without partition walls are above the drift limit. This also can be seen in Figures 5.34 through 5.36 which show comparisons of peak displacement distributions considering different NSF materials and the effect of partition walls for the North wall (NW). As expected, the OSB-only shearwalls (without partition walls) exhibited the worst performance, while the shearwalls with NSF materials (stucco and gypsum wallboard, and with partition walls) performed considerably better. The worst-case wall performance was improved even further when the partition walls were considered. All shearwalls (with or without NSF materials) analyzed with consideration of partition walls perform well below the drift limit at JO (50/50) and LS (10/50) hazard levels. Also, the variability in peak wall displacement is reduced when the effect of partition walls is considered in the analysis. This was observed at all hazard levels. 194 Figure 5.30 SAWS model of one-story structure without partition walls, (OSB + GWB) 1 /// I. / /7/ - / sw NW / 0.5 itonWL with 0.4 Ii!! / I! // 0.3 / / 0.2 // / I 1/ / Structure Type: One Stow (32 20) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6'-12" Sheathing: OSB (3//) Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB (without Partition Wall) Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%ISOyrs) / / / / / /7 / / / 0.1 /7 ' / / 0 0.05 / ,/ / -, ru / 1/ -..- / --.---' 0.1 W16793 lb. total / 0.15 .-___ 0.2 0.25 0.3 ____ 0.35 0.4 max (in.) Figure 5.31 Peak displacement distributions for one-story structure, OSB + GWB (without partition walls), JO (50/50 hazard level) 195 /7 0.9 0.8 0.7 //iI 0.6 Sw / 0.5 WW NW / / 0.4 / with t'arti'tiondias 0.3 ii 0.2 / // 0.1 / II / /7 /// n // / / / 0 - 0.2 // 0.4 x 20) Sheathing: OSB (/") I I / Structure Type: One Story (32 Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" / // / Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB (without Partition Wall) Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%/5oyrs) W = 16793 lb. total / 0.6 0.8 max 1.2 1 1.4 (in.) Figure 5.32 Peak displacement distributions for one-story structure, OSB + GWB (without partition walls), LS (10/50 hazard level) 0.9 /7/7 0.8 //Ew // 0.7 WW,'' // : 0.6 1:11 /1 NW . 0.5 U0.4 ,"1 0.3 ,"/ / aitiQ WaHs with // // / 0.2 // / // 0.1 I /1 / / J /J/ n 0 0.5 / Structure Type: One Story (32' x 20') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB (without Partition Wall) Damping: 1% Hazard Level: CP (2%I5Oyrs) // 1 1.5 2 max 2.5 3 3.5 4 (in.) Figure 5.33 Peak displacement distributions for one-story structure, OSB + GWB (without partition walls), CP (2/50 hazard level) 196 I 0.9 I OSB,'+ GWB + StØ'cco (with Partition Walls) SB only (without Partition Walls) 0.7 OSB + GVB (with Partition Walls) 0.6 I: 0.5 U- 0.4 / OSBG\) / (without P 0.3 / / 0.2 on Walls) 0.1 ii 0 0.2 0.1 Structure Type: One Story (32' x 20') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6'-12" Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%I5Oyrs) Wall: North Wall (NW) 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.6 max (in.) Figure 5.34 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for the effect of partition walls and NSF materials, (JO, 50/50 hazard level) I S. I; OB+GWB+Stuc o (with Partition Wall) II 0.7 0.6 I / OSB+GWB (without Partition Walls OSB+GWB/ OSB only (without Partition Wa Is (with Partiti n Walls) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.4 Structure Type: One StoW (32' x 20') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (1 0%I50rs) Wall: North Wall (NW) 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 6max (in.) Figure 5.35 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for the effect of partition walls and NSF materials, (LS, 50/50 hazard level) 197 1 0.9 + GWB + S/cco 1(with Partition Walls) 0.8 0.7 / 0.6 / OSB + GWB (without Partition WaIIs OSB only (without Partition Walls) / / OSB+GW (with Parti(on Wa,}(s) 0.5 Li / I: 0.4 // // I: /: 0.3 / 0.2 Structure Type: One Story (32' x 20') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6'-12" Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW Damping: 1% Hazard Level: CF (2%/5oyrs) Wall: North Wall 0.1 0 0 1 2 4 3 max 5 6 (in.) Figure 5.36 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for the effect of partition walls and NSF materials, (CP, 2/50 hazard level) Performance comparison for isolated wall and wall in one-story structure Most experimental tests of wood shearwalls are performed on isolated shearwall assemblies (with or without NSF materials), with solid walls (no openings) being the most common assembly tested. Although some shake table tests of full-scale structures have been performed recently, isolated shearwall assemblies remain the most common test configuration used to evaluate the performance of wood shearwalls under seismic loading. Using the north wall (NW) in the model of the one-story structure (see Figure 5.1), the difference between performance of an isolated shearwall and the same shearwall acting as part of a one-story structure was investigated. The seismic weight acting on the isolated shearwall was assumed to be one-half of that on the full-scale structure used in the Section 5.1.1. As described previously in Section, a set of ten hysteretic parameters for the north wall in a one-story structure was obtained using the CASHEW program and assuming the Durham nail parameters. The peak displacement distributions were obtained using SASH! for the isolated wall and using SAWS for the wall in the complete one-story structure. Figures 5.37 and 5.38 present comparisons of the peak displacement distributions for the isolated wall and the wall in the complete one-story structure for the 10 and LS hazard levels, respectively. Only the wall having the worst performance (North wall, NW) is considered here. The difference in peak displacement distributions is relatively small at the JO hazard level, however increases as the hazard level increases to the LS hazard level. (At the CP hazard level, most of the peak displacements exceeded the drift limit of 3%, and so that figure is not included here.) This suggests that consideration of the performance of the complete structure system should be included in the design of wood shearwall assemblies, particularly at high hazard level events. This might be able to be accomplished using a modification factor (applied to peak drift, e.g.), however this factor may be very structure-dependent. 199 2; 0.9 0.8 Wall in System 0.7 Isolated Wall 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Structure Type: One Story House (32 x 20) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12° Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%/50yrs) 0.2 0.1 n 0 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 6max (in.) Figure 5.37 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for isolated shearwall and shearwall in complete one-story structure (10, 50/50 hazard level) / Structure Type: One Story (32' x 20) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%I5Oyrs) 0.9 0.8 Wall in system 0.7 Isolated wall / 0.6 0.5 / 0.4 / 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.1 n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 ömax (in.) Figure 5.38 Comparison of peak displacement distributions for isolated shearwall and shearwall in complete one-story structure (LS, 10/50 hazard level) 200 5.3 Performance-based design 5.3.1 Incremental dynamic analysis Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) was performed on isolated shearwalls with and without openings in Section 4.4.1. The results could be used to help define appropriate collapse limit state definitions. The same methodology is used in this section to develop IDA curves for shearwalls in a two-story structure. The same suite of 20 ordinary ground motion records was used as input to the nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis. Seismic zone IV (LA) and soil profile type D (SD) were assumed. IDA curves were developed specifically for the East wall 2EW in the two-story structure. This was the shearwall exhibiting the largest displacements (see Section 5.2.2). The suite of 20 ordinary ground motion records was divided into three groups to make it easier to show the resulting IDA curves on a single figure. Only one set (seven records) is shown here, however the results are representative. Figure 5.39 shows Sa vs. peak displacement for shearwall 2EW in the twostory structure. Also shown are the tangents defining the apparent break points and an estimated mean value for those break points. A characteristic value could be used to define the design drift limit for collapse prevention (CP, 2/50). The mean value of this break point corresponds to a peak displacement of 5.56 in. or about 2.7% of the total wall height. (Note that the FEMA 356 drift limit for collapse prevention (CP, 2/50) is 3% of the total wall height for wood shearwalls.) If NSF materials are considered 201 (Figure 5.40), the mean value of the IDA break point decreases to 4.01 in., or about 1.9% of the total wall height. Similar analyses were performed for the wall with a pedestrian door opening (2WW). There was no significant difference in the estimated collapse limit (IDA break point) between wall 2EW with the garage door opening and wall 2WW with the pedestrian door opening. The 3% drift limit suggested by FEMA 356 appears to correlate well with the collapse limit determined by IDA for the wall without NSF materials. However, if walls are built with NSF materials, the estimated collapse limit decreases. Table 5.6 summarizes the estimated collapse limit (mean value) for the shearwalls considered in this study. IDA Set 1 2 3 4 Sheathing OSB OSB OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB + Stucco + GWB Shearwall 2EW 2WW 2EW 2WW Mean, t 5.56 5.63 4.05 4.15 in. in. in. in. lable 5.6 Estimated collapse limit (from IDA) for shearwall in the complete two-story structure 202 2.0 1.5 c,) 1.0 C') 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 Smax (h.) Figure 5.39 Set of IDA curves for selected OSB-only walls with garage door opening (2EW) 2.0- 1.5 0) 1.0 C') 0.5 0.0 r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 max (1) Figure 5.40 Set of IDA curves for selected OSB + NSF walls with pedestrian door opening (2WW) 203 5.3.2 Fragility curves Fragility curves which could be used for design as well as for post-disaster condition assessments were developed for an isolated shearwall (BW1) in Section 4.4.2. In this section, fragility curves for shearwalls in representative one and twostory residential structures are developed. The seismic demand (interface) variable is the spectral acceleration, 5a Fragility curves of this type can be used either as design aids or to assess risk consistency in current design provision. Fragility curve for one-story structure Fragility curves were developed for the North wall (NW) of the one-story structure, which has a pedestrian door and windows as shown in Figure 5.1. The North wall (NW) exhibited the worst displacement performance in the one-story structure (see Figures 5.5 through 5.7). As in the previous section, the records were scaled to six different hazard levels: 50% in 50 years (72-year MRI), 20% in 50 years (225-year MRT), 10% in 50 years (474-year MRI), 5% in 50 years (975-year Mifi), 2% in 50 years (2475-year MRI), and 1% in 50 years (4795-year MRI). The procedure for constructing the fragility curves is the same as was described in the previous section (Section 4.4.2). The fragility curves for the North wall (NW) sheathed with OSB only, are shown in Figure 5.41. Drift limits of 1%, 2% and 3% of the total wall height were considered. Figure 5.42 presents a comparison of fragility curves for the North wall constructed with gypsum wallboard, but without consideration of interior partition 204 walls. Figure 5.43 presents the fragility curves for the North wall (NW) with different combinations of finish materials, and with and without consideration of the partition walls. As before, only the JO (50/50, 1% drift limit) performance level is shown here since the other performance levels (LS, CP) result in very low failure probabilities for the walls built with NSF materials. Figure 5.43 confirms that NSF materials (stucco and gypsum wallboard) contribute significantly to the performance of shearwalls acting as part of complete structures under earthquake loading. It also shows that partition walls significantly influence the performance of shearwalls acting as part of a complete structure and subject to earthquake loading. 0.9 0.8 /,"3% 0.7 / 0.6 d / / 0.5 / / 0.4 1/:" / 0.3 ' / 0.2 // 0.1 ' ' -- - n 0 0.5 1 Structure Type: One Story (32' >< 20') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"-12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% 1.5 2 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.41 Fragility curves for the North wall (OSB only) in the one-story structure (without partition walls) 205 1 Structure Type: One Story (32 Nailing Schedule: 8d@6-12" 0.9 20) x [ / Sheathing: OSB (I) Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW / NSF: GWB (without Partition Walls)/ Damping: 1% W = 16793 lb. total 0.8 0.7 I / /0 / / / 0.6 Q: / L /0 "... 3% I 0.5 /,,,, 0.4 /" 0.3 I 0.2 I / 0.1 0 0.5 1 2 1.5 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.42 Fragility curves for the North wall (OSB + GWB) in the one-story structure (without partition walls) I 0.9 0.8 OSB only (without Partition Wall / 0.7 0.6 0 B + GW + Stucco 1(th Partition Walls) OSB + GWB (without Partition Wa ls) o.s OSB+GWB I / 0.4 / (with Partition Walls) / 0.3 / / 0.2 0.1 // n 0 0.5 1 1.5 x 20) Niling Schedule: 8d@d"-12" (3/5) sheathing: OSB Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW Stvucture Type: One Story (32 / NSF: GWB + Stucco / Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%I0yrs) 2 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.43 Comparison of fragility curves for the North wali in the one-story structure (JO, 50/50, 1% drift limit) 206 Fragility curve for two-story structure Fragility curves were developed for the East wall (2EW) and West wall (2WW) with a garage door and pedestrian door opening, respectively, in the two-story structure described in Figure 5.3. Peak displacement distributions were obtained for each hazard level and the probability of failure was determined non-parametrically as the relative frequency of the peak displacement exceeding specified drift limits. The records were scaled to six different hazard levels: 50% in 50 years (72-year mean return period, or MRI), 20% in 50 years (225-year MRI), 10% in 50 years (474-year Mifi), 5% in 50 years (975-year MRI), 2% in 50 years (2475-year MRI), and 1% in 50 years (4975-year MRT). Figures 5.44 through 5.46 show the fragility curves for the East wall (2EW) considering three different peak displacements: interstory drift, and max 3max at first story (relative to ground), at second story (relative to ground). Drift limits of 1%, 2% and 3% of the relevant wall height were considered. The first story has a height of 8 ft. 1 in., and the second story has a (total) height of 17 ft. 2 in. Considering the life safety drift limit (2% of total wall height), the limit for the first story is 1.94 in., the limit for the second story is 4.12 in., and the drift limit considering interstory drift is 1.94 in. Figures 5.47 and 5.48 show the fragility curves for the West wall (2WW) in the two-story structure considering two different peak displacements story and max @max at the first at the second story). Drift limits of 1%, 2% and 3% of the wall height were considered. 207 All of the fragility curves for the two walls with openings (garage door and pedestrian door) in the two-story structure are shown for comparison in Figures 5.49 and 5.50 assuming the FEMA 356 drift limit (1%, and 2% for JO and LS, respectively). In the plateau region of the response spectrum considering seismic zone IV (LA) and SD soil profile type, the spectral acceleration occupancy (TO, 50/50) and Sa = 0.633g for immediate = 1.lg for life safety (LS, 10/50). In this example, the Sa fragility curves indicate very low probabilities of failure for these performance levels, with the exception of interstory drift. Thus, interstory drift might be the most appropriate (conservative) displacement criteria to consider in design. 1 0.9 1% 0.8 1/ 0.7 2%' 3% 0.6 / / 0.5 / / 0.4 / / 0.3 I / I 0.2 I / / 0.1 .// .../-/ n 0 0.5 1 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6Il:2" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% W = 24730 lb. total I / / ' I - 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Sa(g) Figure 5.44 Fragility curve for wall with garage door opening, ground) at first story max (relative to ------ 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 / ,,3% / 0.6 o / 0.5 / /,,,, 0.4 / 0.3 :' / / 0.2 / 0.1 / ,' / Structure Type: Two Story(20' x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d©6"/12" and 3/12' Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW ' , ' ' / NSF: None Damping: 1% W = 24730 lb. total - - - ft 0 0.5 2 1.5 1 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.45 Fragility curve for wall with garage door opening, interstory drift 1/o/ 1 0.9 / 2% 0.8 3% 0.7 0.6 ci / 0.5 /,',' / / 0.4 /," / 0.3 / / / / 0.2 / 0.1 ._-' '-I 0 0.5 _..._1 / / / -- / / - Structure Type: Two Story (20' x 16') Na/lIng Schedule: 8d@6"/12' and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8') Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW 'NSF: None Damping: 1% W = 24730 lb. total 1.5 2 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.46 Fragility curve for wall with garage door opening, ömax (relative to ground) at second story // 1 10 0.9 2% 0.8 / '.) /0 0.7 209 - 0.6 d / 0.5 / / / 0.4 / / / 0.3 / / / / 0.1 " n 0 0.5 _.- / / / x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6'/12 and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/a) Structure Type: Two Story (20 / / 0.2 ' " Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% W= 24730 lb. total ' 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 3.5 Sa(g) Figure 5.47 Fragility curve for wall with pedestrian door opening, ground) at first story max (relative to 1 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" 0.9 Sheathing: OSB (I) Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% W = 24730 lb total 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 / 0.2 / / / 0.1 n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.48 Fragility curve for wall with pedestrian door opening, ground) at second story 6max (relative to 210 0.9 "" / 0.8 0.7 2' Story (GD) / 0.6 Interstory (GD) 2 I Story (PD) 1' Story (GD) / 1S Story (PD) / 0.4 / 0.3 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%/50yrs) W = 24730 lb. total / 0.2 0.1 (1 0 0.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 Sa(g) Figure 5.49 Comparison of fragility curves for shearwall in two-story structure (JO, 50/50, 1% drift limit) -- 1 0.9 Interstory(GD) 0.8 2nd Story (PD) 0.7 1st Story (GD) nd 1st 0.6 0 '_,/" Story (PD) 0.5 // 0.4 /7 / 0.3 // 0.2 //- 0.1 / / Structure Type: Two Story (20 / ,i 16') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" Sheathing: OSB (/8") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: None Damping: 1% Hazard Level: LS (10%/5oyrs) W = 24730 lb. total (1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.50 Comparison of fragility curves for shearwall in two-story structure (LS, 10/50, 2% drift limit) 211 Figures 5.51 and 5.52 present the fragility curves for the East wall (2EW) and West wall (2WW), built with nonstructural finish materials (stucco and gypsum wallboard), with partition walls and considering the JO (50/50) performance level (1% drift limit). As noted earlier, NSF materials significantly improve the displacement performance of wood shearwalls. For this wall, only the immediate occupancy (with JO, 50/50) with the 1% drift limit case could be considered since very low failure probabilities were obtained for the LS and CP performance levels when NSF materials were included. The fragility curves in Figures 5.53 and 5.54 show that wall constructed with NSF materials (with partition walls) can sustain higher seismic demand than walls sheathed with OSB only (without partition walls). For example, if the seismic demand variable (Sa) is 1.5g, the probability of failure of wall 1WW considering NSF materials and partition walls is about 10%, versus about 80% for the equivalent bare wall. Similarly, the probability of failure for wall 2WW is about 3% considering NSF materials and partition walls, versus about 85% for the bare wall. 212 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12' 0.9 Sheathing: OSB (/") Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: ID (50%/50yrs) W = 24730 lb. total 0.8 0.7 /: 0.6 o.5 First story (with Partition Walls) 0.4 0.3 / Second story 0.2 (with Partition Walls) 0.1 0 0.5 1 2.5 2 1.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.51 Fragility curves for shearwall with NSF materials (2EW) in two-story structure // Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6"/12" and 3/12" (3/.) Sheathing: OSB Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%/5oyrs) W = 24730 lb. total 0.9 0.8 0.7 o / / 0.6 0.5 First story / (with Partition Walls) 0.4 / / 0.3 / 0.2 Second story (with Partition Walls) / 0.1 A 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.52 Fragility curves for shearwall with NSF materials (2WW) in two-story structure 213 1 Structure Type: Two Story (20 x 16) Nailing Schedule: 8d@6'112" and 3/12" 0.9 / Sheathing: OSB (/) / Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%I5Oyrs) W = 24730 lb. total 0.8 0.7 / , ,' 0.6 o Bare wall (GD) (without Partition Walls Bare wall (PD) (without Partition Walls) 0.5 / 0.4 NSF wall (GD) /,,(with Partition Walls') 0.3 / 0.2 NSF wall (PD) (with Partition Walls') / 0.1 0 0.5 2 1.5 1 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.53 Comparison of fragility curves showing contribution of NSF materials, max (relative to ground) at first story // .' Structure Type: Two Story (20' x 16') Nailing Schedule: 8d@6'/12" and 3/12" 0.9 Sheathing: 058 (/') Shearwall HP: Durham + CASHEW NSF: GWB + Stucco Damping: 1% Hazard Level: 10 (50%/5Oyrs) W = 24730 lb. total 0.8 0.7 / / // / I // // / 0.6 I ci / / NSF Wall (GD) / NSF Wall (PD) (with Partition Walls 0.5 // / 0.4 /1 0.3 Bare wall (GD) / (without Parti7n Walls) 0.2 Bare wall (PD)1' (without Partjyon Walls) 0.1 n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Sa(g) Figure 5.54 Comparison of fragility curves showing contribution of NSF materials, ömax (relative to ground) at second story 214 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Wood is the most common material used in low-rise construction in the United States. Light-frame wood structures have a number of advantages including aesthetics, beauty, construction cost and time, versatility, flexibility in floor plans, and so forth. Most woodframe structures consist of floors, walls, and roof systems tied together by fasteners. Shearwalls provide the primary resistance to lateral forces (along with diaphragms), such as these arising from earthquake loading, in most woodframe structures. The objective of this research was to explore the potential for the application of performance-based engineering concepts to the design and assessment of woodframe structures subject to earthquakes. To accomplish this, shearwalls either were treated as isolated subassemblies or were assumed to act as part of complete structure. Nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis was used to predict the performance of shearwalls considering a suite of suitably scaled characteristic ordinary ground motions to represent the seismic hazard. Sensitivity studies were performed to investigate the relative effects of damping, sheathing properties, fastener type and spacing, panel layout. and other properties on the performance of wood shearwalls. In addition, the effects of uncertainty in ground motions and variability in sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameters were investigated. Issues such as the contribution of nonstructural finish materials, different seismic hazard regions, and construction quality also were investigated and modification factors to adjust peak displacement 215 distributions were developed. The peak displacement distributions were then used to construct performance curves and design charts as a function of seismic weights for two baseline walls (BW1 and Owl), considering different levels of construction quality, and different seismic hazard regions. In the consideration of shearwalls acting as part of a complete structure, interstory drift and the effects of considering partition walls also were investigated. Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) using baseline isolated shearwall and the worst performance wall in two-story structure was performed in efforts to quantify an approach drift limit for collapse prevention. In most cases considered, this value was close to the drift limit specified by FEMA 356. Examples of fragility curves (considering both peak displacement and ultimate uplift force) were developed. The shearwalls to construct fragility curves were designed by considering different nailing schedules (2"/12", 3"/12", 4"/12", and 6"/12"), corresponding allowable seismic weights (back-calculated from the UBC '97 allowable unit shear values), and various overstrength (R) factors. 6.1 Conclusions The following conclusions were drawn from the results of this research: 1. Performance-based design concepts can be applied to the design and assessment of woodframe structure and can provide valuable information for understanding the performance of shearwalls subject to earthquake loading. 216 2. The greatest contributors to variability in predicted shearwall response are the ground motions. Therefore, caution must be used when specifying the seismic hazard used to develop performance-based design requirements. Other uncertainties contributing variability in shearwall response are model uncertainty, sheathing-to-framing connection hysteretic parameters, and construction quality. 3. The contributions of nonstructural finish materials to the performance of woodframe shearwalls may be significant, especially at large demands, and therefore should be considered when developing performance-based design guidelines. In particular, the application of stucco serves to greatly reduce peak shearwall displacements. 4. Construction quality issues such as missing or misplaced fasteners, overall levels of construction quality, and quality of NSF material application can significantly influence shearwall performance under earthquake loading. 5. Different earthquake scaling methods will result in different predicted shearwall performance. However, the median displacement values are similar. 6. Simple deterministic modification factors can be developed to account for variation in sheathing to-framing connection hysteretic parameters, effects of different levels of construction quality, and contributions of nonstructural finish materials. These factors can be used to adjust peak displacement distributions obtained by nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis. 217 7. Performance curves and design charts can be developed using seismic weight as the design variable. These permit selection of a particular sheathing type and fastener spacing for a given seismic weight to meet specific performance objectives at different hazard levels. The procedure to develop performance curves and design charts is sufficiently modular to allow different information on shearwall properties, seismic hazard, and so forth to be included. 8. Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) can be used to quantify appropriate drift limits for collapse prevention. In most cases considered in this study, this value was close to the drift limit specified by FEMA 9. 356. The shearwalls designed using UBC '97 allowable unit shear values provide relatively consistent levels of safety, as evidenced by the fact that the resulting fragility curves were quite close for all nailing schedules. Thus, a single fragility curve can be constructed for a given R factor. 10. Interstory drift may be used the most appropriate (conservative) displacement criteria to consider in displacement-based design of woodframe structures. 11. The performance of a shearwall acting as part of a one- or two-story structure is quite different from a shearwall acting as an isolated assembly. The difference in peak displacement distributions is relatively small at the 10 hazard level, however increases as the hazard level increases. It therefore may be appropriate to modify isolated shearwall performance to take into account overall system performance of a woodframe structure, particularly for high hazard levels. This modification, however, may be structure-dependent. In both 218 cases (isolated shearwall and wall acting as part of a complete structure), however, peak displacements are significantly reduced with the addition of NSF materials. 12. Partition walls have a significant effect on the performance of shearwalls at all hazard levels. Also, the variability in peak wall displacement is reduced when the effects of partition walls are considered. 6.2 Recommendations The following might be suggested as topics for future study: 1. While construction quality issues (i.e., missing fasteners and level of construction quality) were investigated in this study, there are a number of other construction quality issues which could significantly influence overall shearwall behavior. Among these are misplaced fasteners and anchors, deterioration of structural and nonstructural finish materials, improper selection of fasteners, under-driven or over-driven fasteners, missing blocking, the use of smaller panel segments, cutouts in framing members (e.g., for installation of conduit), and so forth. 2. The numerical model (CASHEW) used to develop global hysteretic parameters for shearwall given nail hysteretic parameters assumes rigid hold-downs and assumes that all fasteners have the same hysteretic parameters. Both of these restrictions should be removed to permit more comprehensive investigations of 219 walls having different (and more realistic) anchorage and connection properties. 3. Durability is an important consideration in woodframe structures. The primary durability issues for wood structures are decay, corrosion of connectors, and insect attack. Recently completed tests of connections with various levels of decay are available. These results can be used, for example, to develop new fastener hysteretic parameters for use with the CASHEW model, and thereby investigate the effects of decay on shearwall performance. 4. Unidirectional earthquake records were used in this study. A suite of bidirectional earthquake records, which can be obtained from the SAC project (e.g.,), can be used to more accurately reflect ground motion characteristics and their effects on the three-dimensional structure. The SAWS program can be used with bi-directional earthquake records. Also, near-fault ground motion records were not considered in most of this study. Therefore, a more comprehensive study considering bi-directional and near-fault records might be conducted. 5. Performance curves and design charts were developed considering only limited sheathing types/thickness and nail types (sizes). In order to extend these design tools to include a wider range of products, additional sheathing and fastener types will need to be considered. 6. While it is recognized that the presence of NSF materials can significantly improve shearwall performance, and evidence of this has been documented in 220 a number of recent studies, the degree to which this benefit (1) can be counted upon for the design life of the structure, and (2) can be quantified for design purposes, remains to be studied. 7. While the drift limits used in this study were adopted directly from FEMA 356, their definition is qualitative. 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(2000), "Reliability and Performance Based Design for Seismic Loads," Proceedings of 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability (PMC2000), Notre Dame, IN. 230 APPENDICES 231 APPENDIX A: Example showing convolution of hazard curve and fragility curve 232 Fragility curves such as those developed in Section can be convolved with a hazard curve to evaluate failure probability. The probability of failure can be obtained using the following equation; Pf (A-i) =fPx(x)FR(x)dx where, Pf = failure probability, Px(x) = probability density function of hazard (in this case 50-year seismic hazard), and FR(x) = fragility. One example using a hazard curve for southern California (specifically, Landers region) and a fragility curve for an isolated shearwall considering a 3"/12" nailing schedule, various R factors, and the LS (10/50) hazard level is shown in Figure A.1. 0.9 Hazarçi Curve (Landers) 0.8 /,/ 0.7 - / 80. a) L. I\ \ ,'\ / 1 Q U) // 0.2 \/ ,' // 0.1 / I Fragility Curve R = 5.5 (3/12") -3 Pf= 0.16880 P = 0.12600 R = 4.5 (3/12") Pf =0.08417 R = 3.5 (3/12") R = 2.5 (3/12") -* Pf = 0.03697 -I-, 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Sa(g) Figure A.! Convolution of hazard curve and fragility curve 2.5 3 233 APPENDIX B: Deterministic modification factors for construction quality 234 Index Building Type F0 Quality Story Sheathing . kip K0 kips OSB only OSB + GWB OSB only Typical Small House Poor OSB only OSB + Stucco I OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB only OSB + Stucco Typical 2 OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB only OSB + Stucco Large House OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB only OSB + Stucco oor 2 OSB+ Stucco+ F0 F1 r2 r3 a 3 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 r1 kip kip 0.87 0.87 0.97 0.87 0.86 1.02 0.89 0.88 0.98 0.89 0.88 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.86 0.98 0.86 0.85 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 0.87 0.99 0.87 0.87 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 tL84 0.85 1197 0.84 0.84 1.04 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.87 0.88 0.99 0.87 0.87 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84 0.85 0.99 0.85 0.85 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.87 0.99 0.86 0.87 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.62 0.60 1.00 0.61 0.61 0.96 1.02 1.01 1.01 0.66 0.65 1.00 0.65 0.66 0.98 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.68 0.67 1.00 0.68 0.68 0.98 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.69 0.68 1.00 0.69 0.69 0.99 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.66 0.59 1.01 0.65 0.58 0.97 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.68 0.64 1.00 0.68 0.64 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.71 0.67 1.00 0.70 0.67 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.68 1.00 0.70 0.68 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.87 0.99 0.84 0.85 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 0.88 1.00 0.87 0.87 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.86 1.00 0.85 0.85 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 0.87 1.00 0.86 0.86 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.87 0.99 0.85 0.85 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88 0.88 0.99 0.88 0.87 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.86 0.99 0.85 0.85 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 0.87 1.00 0.87 0.87 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.63 0.63 0.99 0.62 0.62 0.93 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 GWB OSBonly Town House 05B + Stucco 1 OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB only OSB + Stucco Typical 2 Poor I OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB only OSB+ Stucco 0.66 0.67 0.99 0.66 0.66 0.97 0.69 0.69 0.99 0.69 0.68 0.97 235 OSB + 0.69 0.69 1.00 0.69 0.69 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1162 1161 1198 0.62 (161 1197 1.00 L00 1.00 0.66 0.65 0.99 0.66 0.66 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.69 0.68 0.99 0.68 0.68 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 Stucco+ 0.69 0.69 0.99 0.69 0.69 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 GWB OSB only 0.86 0.82 1.00 0.86 0.86 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88 0.86 1.00 0.88 0.88 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.83 1.00 0.85 0.88 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 0.86 1.00 0.87 0.88 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 (184 (186 (199 (184 (184 (197 L00 1.00 L00 0.87 0.88 0.99 0.87 0.87 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.86 0.99 0.85 0.85 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.87 1.00 0.86 0.86 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.65 0.68 0.97 0.65 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.99 0.67 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.99 0.70 0.72 0.70 0.71 0.99 0.70 0.71 0.61 0.58 1.00 0.61 0.60 0.65 0.64 1.00 0.65 0.65 Stucco+ GWB OSB onjy OSB + Stucco 2 OSB + OSB+ Stucco 1 OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB only OSB + Stucco Typical 2,3 OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB only OSB + Stucco Apartment Building 1 OSB + Stucco + GWB OSB only OSB + Stucco oor 2,3 0.68 0.67 1.00 0.68 0.68 OSB + Stucco + GWB 0.69 0.68 1.00 0.69 0.69 OSB only 0.85 0.86 0.99 0.85 0.85 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Typical Modification Factor Poor NSF OSB onjy OSB + Stucco OSB + NSF (GWB) 0.86 0.87 0.99 0.86 0.87 1163 1161 (199 1163 (161 (197 LOl 11)0 L00 0.67 0.66 1.00 0.66 0.66 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.69 0.69 1.00 0.69 0.69 0.98 1.00 1.00 1,00 Table B. 1 Deterministic modification factors for construction quality 236 APPENDIX C: Scaling earthquake records to response spectra considering different scaling methods 237 2.5 2.0 1.5 (I) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Peirod (sec) Figure C. 1 20 0GM records (CUREE) scaled over the plateau re ion of the response spectrum (LS, 10/50) 3.0 2.5 2.0 0) 1.5 U) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Period (sec) Figure C.2 20 0GM records (CUREE) scaled at a period of 0.2 sec to the response spectrum (LS, 10/50) 238 3.0 2.5 2.0 C) 1.5 C,) 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Period (sec) Figure C.3 20 0GM records (CUREE) scaled at a period of 0.5 sec to the response spectrum (LS, 10/50) 239 APPENDIX D: Earthquake records used in this study 240 EQ Event & Year File SUPI Superstition Hills (1987) SUP2 SUP3 NOR2 NOR3 NOR4 Northridge (1994) NOR5 NOR6 NOR9 NORIO LP1 LP2 Loma Prieta (1989) LP3 LP4 LP5 LP6 Cape Mendocino (1992) Landers (1992) CM1 CM2 LAN1 LAN2 Station Brawley El Centro imperial Plaster City Beverly Hills Canoga Park GlendaleLas Palmas LAHollywood LA N. Faring North Hollywood Sunland Mt Capitola Gilroy Array #3 Gilroy Array #4 Gilroy Array #7 Hollister Diff. Array SaratogaWest Val. Fortuna Boulevard Rio Dell Overpass Desert Hot Springs Yermo Fire Station MW1 D j (2) km 6.7 18.2 6.7 13.9 6.7 21.0 6.7 19.6 6.7 15.8 6.7 25.4 6.7 25.5 6.7 23.9 6.7 14.6 6.7 17.7 6.9 14.5 6.9 14.4 6.9 16.1 6.9 24.2 6.9 25.8 6.9 13.7 7.1 23.6 7.1 18.5 7.3 23.3 7.3 24.9 FM (3) strikeslip strikeslip strikeslip reverseslip reverseslip reverseslip reverseslip reverseslip reverseslip reverseslip reverseoblique reverseoblique reverseoblique reverseoblique reverseoblique reverseoblique reverseslip reverseslip strikeslip strikeslip f DT (4) sec 0.010 0005 0.010 0010 0.010 0.010 0.020 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 D5 sec 21.96 0 5 22.22 0 29.98 0 24.98 0 29.98 0 39.98 0 29.98 0 21.91 0 29.98 0 39.95 0 39.94 0 39.94 5 39.94 5 39.63 5 39.94 5 43.98 0 35.98 0 49.98 0 43.98 0 ST I PGA 1 (2) (3) (4) (5) Moment magnitude Closest source-to-site distance Faulting mechanism Recording time interval Duration r [ PGD cm D 0.116 17.2 8.6 D 0.258 40.9 20.2 D 0.186 20.6 5.4 C 0.416 59.0 13.1 D 0.356 32.1 9.1 D 0.357 12.3 1.9 D 0.231 18.3 4.8 D 0.273 15.8 3.3 C 0.271 22.2 11.7 C 0.157 14.5 4.3 D 0.529 36.5 9.1 D 0.555 35.7 8.2 D 0.417 38.8 7.1 D 0.226 16.4 2.5 D 0.279 35.6 13.1 C 0.332 61.5 36.4 C 0.116 30.0 27.6 C 0.385 43.9 22.0 C 0.154 20.9 7.8 D 0.152 29.7 24,7 Table D.1 Set of LA ordinary ground motion records (CUREE project) (1) PGV j 1 241 EQ Event & Year I I Imperial Valley (1979) (1994) L Jso 10.0 LAO2 El Centro 6.9 10.0 LAO3 Array#5 6.5 4.1 LAO4 Array #5 6.5 4.1 LAOS Array #6 6.5 1.2 LAO6 Array #6 6.5 1.2 7.3 36.0 7.3 36.0 7.3 25.0 7.3 25.0 LAO8 LAO9 LAII LAI2 LA13 LA14 LA 17 Landers, Barstow Landers, Barstow Landers, Yermo Landers, Yermo Gilroy Gilroy Newhall Newhall Rinaldi RS Rinaldi RS Northridge Sylmar Norlhridge 2.0 FM (31 F of Points strikeslip strike slip strikeslip strikestrikeslip strikeslip strikeslip strikeslip strikeslip strikeslip oblique oblique PGA D5 J I ST I I I I I I I I I I [ I ______ DT (4) , sec i I lO%/ SOyrs (2) (3) (4) (5) 0GM . 0.020 53.460 D 452.03 2.01 0.229 2674 0.020 53.460 D 662.88 2.01 0.336 3939 0.010 39.380 0 386.04 1.0! 0.390 3939 0.010 39.380 D 478.65 1.01 0.483 3909 0.010 39.080 D 295.69 0.84 0.359 3909 0.010 39.080 D 230.08 0.84 0.279 4000 0.020 79.980 0 412.98 3.20 0.132 4000 0.020 79.980 D 417.49 3.20 0.133 4000 0.020 79.980 0 509.70 2.17 0.240 4000 0.020 79.980 D 353.35 2.17 0.166 2000 2000 3000 3000 2990 2990 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.005 0.005 39.980 39.980 59.980 59.980 D D 1.79 1.79 1.03 1.03 14.945 14,945 0 0 0 0 652.49 950.93 664.93 644.49 523.30 568.58 0.79 0.79 0.372 0.542 0.658 0.638 0.675 0.734 7.0 7.0 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 12.0 6.7 6.7 7.5 7.5 6.7 6.4 3000 0.020 59.980 D 558.43 0.99 0.575 LAI9 LA2O ,Sylmar 6.7 6.4 3000 0.020 59.980 D 801.44 0.99 0.825 North Palm Springs North Palm Springs 6.0 6.7 oblique 3000 0.020 59.980 D 999.43 2.97 0.343 6.0 6.7 oblique 3000 0.020 59.980 0 967.61 2.97 0.332 Moment magnitude Closest source-to-site distance Faulting mechanism Recording time interval Duration SF 2674 Table D.2 Set of LA earthquake ground motions with 10% probability in 50 years (SAC project) (1) I I , LAI8 N. Palm Springs (1986) I 6.9 LAI5 LAI6 Northridge I El Centro LAIO Loma Prieta (1989) I - Number f I LAO! LAO7 Landers (1992) MW1 ___________ _______ ___________ [ Imperial Valley (1940) Station File D (2) of exceedence 242 EQ Event & Year 1 Station File MW' I Morgan Hill (1984) SF02 SE03 SEO4 SEO5 SF06 Olympia (1949) SF07 SE08 N. Palm Springs (1986) SEO9 SEIO SEt I SF12 SF13 Seattle (1949) SF14 SEIS SEI6 SEI7 SF18 Valparaiso (1985) FM 3) SF19 SF20 of Points I j Imperial Valley (1979) Number D12 I Long Beach, Long Beach, Morgan Hill, Gilroy Morgan Hill, Gilroy West WA, West WA, Olympia West WA, Tacoma County Tacoma County Llolleo, Chile Llolleo, Chile Vinadel Mar, Vinadel Mar, Chile I I s_ I ST sec l0%/ I 5oyrs SF Strike-slip 3909 0.010 39.080 D 170.55 0.49 0.355 6.5 1.2 strike-slip 3909 0.010 39.080 D 132.70 0.49 0.276 6.2 15.0 strike-slip 3000 0.020 59.980 D 378.82 2.84 0.136 6.2 15.0 strike-slip 3000 0.020 59.980 D 649.80 2.84 0.233 6.5 56.0 subduction intraplale 4000 0.020 79.980 0 376.18 1.86 0.206 6.5 56.0 subduclion iniraplate 4000 0.020 79.980 0 345.11 1.86 0.189 6.5 80.0 3335 0.020 66.680 D 289.19 5.34 0.055 6.5 80.0 subduction intraplale 3335 0.020 66.680 D 381.26 5.34 0.073 6.0 6.7 oblique 3000 0.020 59.980 0 576.45 1.71 0.344 6.0 6.7 oblique 3000 0.020 59.980 D 558.10 1.71 0.333 7.1 80.0 subduction intraptate 4092 0.020 81.820 0 737.82 4.30 0.175 7.1 80.0 subduction intraplate 4092 0.020 81.820 D 584.52 4.30 0.139 7.1 61.0 subduction intraplate 3705 0.020 74.080 0 362.31 5.28 0.070 7.1 61.0 subduction intraplate 3705 0.020 74.080 D 297.30 5.28 0.057 7.1 60.0 subduction inlraptate 3000 0.020 59.980 13 284.72 8.68 0.033 7.1 60.0 subduction intraplale 3000 0.020 59.980 D 563.47 8.68 0.066 8.0 42.0 subduclion inlerplate 4000 0.025 99.975 0 684.27 1.24 0.563 8.0 42.0 subduction interplate 4000 0.025 99.975 13 657.89 1.24 0.541 8.0 42.0 subduclion interplate 4000 0.025 99.975 13 531.05 1.69 0.320 8.0 42.0 subduction interplate 4000 0.025 99.975 D 376.88 1.69 0.227 Moment magnitude Closest source-to-site distance (3) Faulting mechanism (4) Recording time interval (5) Duration (2) 0GM 1.2 subduction Table D.3 Set of Seattle earthquake ground motions with 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years (SAC project) (1) f ISC 6.5 intraplate Seattle___________ West WA, Seattle North Palm Springs North Palm Springs WA, Olympia, WA, Olympia, WA, Federal OFC B WA, Federal PGA D5 DT14 243 EQ Event & Year File B002 New Hampshi re (1982) B003 B004 BOOS B006 B007 BOO8 Nahanni (1985) B009 BOlO B011 B0l2 BOI3 BOI4 BOI5 Ssguena y (1988) I FM 3) B0l6 B0l7 BO18 B0l9 B020 Simulation, Hanging Wall Simulation, Hanging Wall Simulation, Foot Wall Simulation, Foot Wall New hampshire New hampshire Nahanni Nahanni Nahanni Nahanni Nahanni Nahanni Saguenay Saguenay Ssguenay Saguenay Ssguenay Ssguenay Ssguenay Saguenay of Points I Reverse 2 Station Number 2 km BOOl Reverse D j PGA DT D3 (4) [ see 0.39 0.319 D1t61 72.93 0.39 0.191 29.990 D161 141.37 0.54 0.267 29.990 D16t 109.65 0.54 0.207 30.0 reverse 3000 0.010 29.990 6.5 30.0 reverse 3000 0.010 29.990 6.5 30.0 reverse 3000 0.010 6.5 30.0 reverse 3000 0.010 4.3 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 8.4 8.4 reverse reverse 9.6 9.6 6.1 6.1 18.0 18.0 96.0 96.0 980 98.0 118.0 118.0 132.0 132.0 reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse 3847 0.005 cn5sc j 121.97 6.5 4.3 ° ST I sec i: 1 19.230 3847 0.005 19.230 4068 4068 3752 3752 3804 3804 3548 3548 2958 2958 3906 3906 3325 3325 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 20.335 20.335 18.755 18.755 19.015 19.015 17.735 17.735 29.570 29.570 39.050 39.050 33.240 33.240 B 0 i5 564.78 309.51 i5Y 86.29 81.18 59.48 72.23 130.69 D 133.21 196.50 D D1 268.44 513.58 243.68 179.47 222.98 172.96 267.23 103 10.7 5 0.09 0.09 0.20 0.20 0.92 0.92 1.57 1.57 3.21 3.21 3.25 3.25 3.34 3.34 Table D.4 Set of Boston earthquake ground motions with 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years (SAC project) (I) Moment magnitude Closest source-to-site distance (3) Faulting mechanism (4) Recording time interval (5) Duration (6) Rock converts to soil (2) 0.054 0.029 0.978 0.920 0.303 0.368 0.145 0.148 0.128 0.174 0.163 0.077 0.056 0.070 0.053 0.082 244 APPENDIX E: Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors 245 0.9 0.8 / 0.7 / R2.5, W1940 lbs/ft / 0.6 R=3.5, W=2720 lbs/ft / / R4.5, W3500 lbs/ft / R=5.5 W=4270 lbs/ft I 0.5 U- 0.4 0.3 8ft. I// 0.2 8ft. / / 0.1 // / / BW (8 x 8), 8d@2"/1 2, OSB (/8) ED=3/8',G= 185ksi,=2%, 10(50/50) J I n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 1.2 1 1.6 1.8 2 6max (in.) Figure E.1 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (2"/12", JO) 0.9 0.8 0.7 ; / 0.6 0.5 / / U- 5 W=3500 lbs/ft R=5.5, W4270 lbs/ft 0.4 / I 0.3 II, //,, / ', I 0.1 __ / I 0.2 8ft. 0 BW (8' x 8'), 8d@2"/12", 0S (/"), 'i" ED=3/8",G=185ksi,2°4,LS(10/50) U 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 max 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 (in.) Figure E.2 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (2"/12", LS) 246 0.9 R=2.5, W=1940 lbs/ft 0.8 R3.5, W=2720 lbs/ft 0.7 R=4.5, W=3500 lbs/ft 0.6 R=5.5, W4270 lbs/ft 0.5 0.4 0.3 8ft. 0.2 8ft. 0.1 / 0 BW(8>< 8'), 8d@2/12', OSB (/') ED=3/8',G= 185ksi,=2%,CP(2/5O) 0 0 0.5 1.5 1 2.5 2 3 max 3.5 4.5 4 5 5.5 6 (in.) Figure E.3 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (2"/12", CP) 0.9 0.8 R2.5, W1147 lbs/ft 0.7 :=:: 0.6 c::::: : R=5.5, W2521 lbs/ft 0.5 II 0.4 1 0.3 / 0.2 8L 0.1 - n 0 0.2 0.4 / x H 8'), 8d@4"112", OSB (/8"), ED=3/6",G=l8Oksi,ç=2%, 10(50/50) 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 max 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 (in.) Figure E.4 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (4"/12", JO) 247 - 0.9 0.8 ---- / / 0.7 / 0.6 / // / / 0.5 / 0.4 / 0.3 R=4.5, W=2065 lbs/ft R=5.5, W2521 lbs/ft LI 8ft. 0.2 / 1/" 0.1 8 BW(8 x8), 8d©4 /12, OSB (/ G = 180 ksi, = 2%, LS (10/50) ED = ), - n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 2 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 max(fl.) Figure E.5 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (4"/12", LS) 0.9 R=2.5, W=1 147 lbs/ft 0.8 R=3.5, W=1605 lbs/ft 0.7 R=4.5, W=2065 lbs/ft 0.6 R=5.5, W=2521 lbs/ft LL 0.4 / /1 0.3 0.2 HH// 0.1 8ft. ° BW(8 x 8'), 8d@4"/12", OSB (/"), ED3/8",G180ksi,2%,CP(2/50) n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 6max 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 (in.) Figure E.6 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (4"/12", CP) 0.9 R=2.5, W=73OthsIft 0.8 0.7 7 :"L :::: 0.6 : R=5.5, W1610 lbs/ft 0.5 LL Il 0.4 0.3 / 8ft. 0.2 8ft. / 0.1 BW (8 >< 8), 8d@6/12", OSB (/) / ED=3/G 185ksi,=2%, 10(50/50) n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.4 1.2 1 6max 1.6 1.8 2 (in.) Figure E.7 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (6"/12", JO) 0.9 0.8 / 0.7 / 0.5 U- R4.5, W=1321 lbs/ft / I 0.4 R5.5 / 'r/ / / 0.3 R3.5, W=1026 lbs/ft / / 0.6 R2.5, W730 lbs/ft 4 / Bft. 0.2 / /,'/! 0.1 - '/ BW (8 x 8), 8d@6"/12, OSB (/8), ED =/", G= 185 ksi,ç=2%, LS(10/50) n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 max 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 (in.) Figure E.8 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (6"/12", LS) 249 0.9 R=2.5, W=730 lbs/ft 0.8 R=3.5, W=1026 lbs/ft 0.7 R=4.5, W=1321 lbs/ft ,' 0.6 R=5.5, W=1610 lbs/ft '1 0.5 LI 0.4 0.3 0.2 8ft. 0.1 v-" - n 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 / ° BW(8 x 8), 8d©6/12, OSB (/'), ED =I', G = 185 ksi, 2.5 3 max 3.5 4 4.5 = 2%, CP(2150) 5 5.5 6 (iii.) Figure E.9 Peak displacement distributions considering different R factors (6"/12", CP) 250 APPENDIX F: Fragility curves for baseline wall (BW1) considering different hazard levels 251 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 o 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 (1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure F.l Fragility curves (R = 2.5, 2"/12") 0.9 0.8 / 8ft. BW (8 < 8'), 8d@3"/12", OSB (/8"), 0.7 / / ED=3/8",G=200ksi,/=2%, R=2.5/ W = 1400 lbs/ft (52.1 kN total) / 0.6 o / / 0.5 / 0.4 0 (50/50) 0.3 0.2 / LS(10/50) 0.1 n 0 0.5 1.5 1 Sa(g) Figure F.2 Fragility curves (R = 2.5, 3"/12") 2 2.5 252 //7 0.9 0.8 0 (50/50) 0.7 LS / / 0.6 o // 0.5 0.4 / / 0.3 0.2 / / // / / / 0.1 BW(8 x 8'), 8d@4'/12", OSB (/8"), ED=3/5",G=180ksi,=2%,R=2.5 W = 1147 lbs/ft (40.8 kN total) 0 0 0.5 2 1.5 1 2.5 Sa(g) Figure F.3 Fragility curves (R = 2.5, 4"/12") 1 0.9 0.8 8W (8' 0.7 x / 8), 8d@6"/12", OSB (/'), 3/, G 185 ksi, = 2%, R = 2.5 W = 731 lbs/ft (26.0 kN total) ED 0.6 0.5 / / 8ft. / / // 0.4 / 0.3 IO (50/50) / 0.2 /LS1O/5O / 0.1 0 0 0.5 1.5 1 Sa(g) Figure F.4 Fragility curves (R = 2.5, 6"/12") 2 2.5 253 1 0.9 0.8 88. SW (8' x 8'), 8d@2"/12", OSB 0.7 ED 3/, G = 185 ksi, ç = 2%, R -3.5 W = 2720 lbs/ft (96.8 kN total) 0.6 / 0.5 10 (50/50) / // 0.4 / 0.3 0.2 /,,,' / 0.1 It,,, n 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 Sa(g) Figure F.5 Fragility curves (R 3.5, 2"/12") 1 0.9 0.8 88. BW (8' x 8'), 8d@3"/12", OSB (3/../ 0.7 ED'3/g",G'200ksi,/'2%, Rfr3.5 W = 2051 lbs/ft (73.0 kN total) / 0.6 0 ' / / o.s ' CP (2/50) ' / 0.4 0 (50/50) / //,,,, 0.3 //," 0.2 0.1 n 0 0.5 1.5 1 Sa(g) Figure F.6 Fragility curves (R 3.5, 3"/12") 2 2.5 254 0.9 0 (50/50) / 0.8 LS (10/50) 0.7 CP (2/50) 0.6 0.4 0.3 86. / 0.2 / / 0.1 /,, / J6 BW (8' x 8'), Sd©4'112", OSB (I"), / ED = J8", G = 180 ksi, ç = 2%, R = 3.5 ,/ W = 1605 lbs/ft (57.1 kN total) - 0 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 2 2.5 Sa(g) Figure F.7 Fragility curves (R = 3.5, 4"/12") I 0.9 86. 0.8 // 8ft. BW (8' x 8'), 8d©6"/12", OSB (/"), / ED=3/8',G= 185ksi,=2%, R=3.5/ 0.7 W = 1026 lbs/ft (36.5 kN total) 0.6 o 0.5 0.4 0.3 CF (2/50) / 0.2 / 0.1 (1 0 0.5 1.5 1 Sa(g) Figure F.8 Fragility curves (R = 3.5, 6"/12") 255 0.9 0.8 /lO (50/50) / 0.7 0.6 ,.LS(10/50) / / CP (2/50) 0.5 / 0.4 / 0.3 /,,, / 0.2 88. 8ft. / 0.1 BW (8 / 0 0.5 8), 8d@2"/12", OSB (/8"), ED=3/8",G=l85ksi,ç=2%,R=4.5 W = 3501 lbs/fl (124.6 kN total) - C) x 2 1.5 1 2.5 Sa(g) Figure F.9 Fragility curves (R = 4.5, 2"/12") I 0.9 0.8 / 0.7 0.6 o 0.5 :: / 0.4 0 (50/50) / /,," / ///,,,' / 0.3 0.2 88. / / / 0.1 88. BW (8 /, x 8'), 8d@3"112", OSB (I8"), ED=3/8",G200ksi,l2%, R=4.5 W = 2637 lbs/ft (93.9 kN total) n 0 0.5 1.5 1 Sa(g) Figure F.1O Fragility curves (R = 4.5, 3"/12") 2 2.5 256 0.9 0.8 / 0.7 10 (50/50) / / / 0.6 CP (2/50) I / o LS(10/50) 0.5 / 0.4 /,,,, / 0.3 /,,,' 8ff. / 0.2 0.1 88. IBW (8 x 8), 8d@4"112", OSB (/8"), ED=3f8G- 180ksi,=2%, R=4.5 W = 2065 lbsfft (73.5 kN total) 11 0 0.5 2 1.5 1 2.5 Sa(g) Figure F. 11 Fragility curves (R = 4.5, 4"/12") 0.9 0.8 / 0.7 0.6 a 10 (50/50) / / 0.5 / 0.4 / 0.3 /,,, / 0.2 /:' / / / ,/ 0.1 0 0 0.5 88. / 8ft. /' BW (8' x 8), 8d©6112", OSB (I8'), ED=3/8",G=185ks1,ç=2%,R=4.5 = 1321 lbs/ft (47.0 kN total) 1.5 1 Sa(g) Figure F. 12 Fragility curves (R = 4.5, 6"/12") 2 2.5 257 APPENDIX G: Fragility curves for baseline wall (BW1) considering different R factors and nailing schedules 258 1 0.9 8d©3"/12", W1464 lbs/ft 0.8 8d@4"/12", W=1147 lbsIft/ 0.7 0.6 ci:- / 8d©2"/12", W=1940 lbs/ft 8d©6"/12", W730 lbs/ft / 0.5 0.4 0.3 7',," 8ff. 0.2 /, 0.1 /, - SW (8 x 8'), OSB(31,"), ED = ?=2%, R=2.5, 10 (50/50) - ('I 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure G. 1 Fragility curves considering R = 2.5 (JO, 50/50 hazard level) 1 0.9 o 0.8 8d@3"/12", W2051 lbs/ft 8d@4"/12", W1605 lbs/ft 0.7 8d@2"/12", W2720 lbs/ft 0.6 8d@6"/12", W=1026 7/ ,' / I // Ibs/ft77'/ 0.5 0.4 /, 0.3 /'//' 0.2 / / 0.1 n 0.2 0.4 __8ff. /// // BW (8' 0.6 0.8 8'),OSB (3/,), ED = =2%, R=3.5, 10(50/50) /' -' 0 / 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Sa(g) Figure G.2 Fragility curves considering R = 3.5 (JO, 50/50 hazard level) 2 I 259 0.9 / 0.8 / 0.7 8d3"/12", W2639 lbs/ft 8d(4"/12", W2065 lbs/ft ,/ / / // 0.6 / /// 0.5 ,,' 0.4 8d@2"/12", W3500 lbs/ft 8d@6"/12", W1321 lbs/ft / / /// 0.3 __8ft. / /// 0.2 / //' / / 0.1 n 0 0.2 0.4 BW (8' x 8'), OSB (/8"), ED = /8, ç 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 = 2%, R = 4.5, 10 (50/50) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Sa(g) Figure G.3 Fragility curves considering R = 4.5 (10, 50/50 hazard level) 1 0.9 / 8d3"/12", W3220 lbs/ft /// 8d2"/12", W4270 lbs/ft 0.8 8d@4"/12", W2521 lbs/ft //I 0.7 0.6 /// 8d@6"/12", W1610 lbs/ft 0.5 //// 0.4 1/ 0.3 8 ft. 0.2 /i' 0.1 / BW (8' x 8'), OSB (/8"), ED = 2%, R = 5.5, 10 (50/50) n 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Sa(g) Figure G.4 Fragility curves considering R = 5.5 (10, 50/50 hazard level) 2 260 1 0.9 0.8 ; 0.7 8d©4"/12", W=1605 lbs/ft 0.6 8d@3"/12", W=2051 Ibs/ft Q0.5 0.4 0.3 / / 0.2 0.1 H BW (8 0 0.5 8'), OSB e/8"), ED =, ç = 2%, R = 3.5, CP (2/50) n 2 1.5 1 2.5 Sa(g) Figure G.5 Fragility curves considering R = 3.5 (CP, 2/50 hazard level) 1 0.9 1 88. 0.8 /// 88. BW (8' x 8'), OSB (3/e") ED = /8", 0.7 / ç=2%, R=4.5,CP(2/50) 0.6 d / 0.5 8d©3"Il 2", W=2639 lbs/ft 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 n 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 Sa(g) Figure G.6 Fragility curves considering R = 4.5 (CP, 2/50 hazard level) 2.5 261 1 0.9 _8ff. 0.8 BW (8' x 8), OSB (/'), ED = 0.7 = 2%, R = 5.5, OP (2/50) 0.6 0.5 8d@6"/12", W=1610 lbs/ft 0.4 8d@3"/12", W=3220 lbs/ft 8d@4"/12", W=2521 lbs/ft 0.3 8d©2"/12", W=4270 lbs/ft 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 Sa(g) Figure G.7 Fragility curves considering R = 5.5 (CP, 2/50 hazard level) 2.5 262 APPENDIX H: CDF for baseline wall (BW1) considering ultimate force with various R factors 263 0.9 0.8 R=2.5 0.7 0.6 '1 / I 0.5 I U- / 0.4 0.3 / I / n i, / / / / 2000 / / / 0.2 0.1 H / / I/j j, 4000 aft. 2 6000 BW (8' x 8'), 8d@2"/12", OSB (/8"). ED I8", G = 185 ksi, 10000 8000 Fmax 12000 = 2%, 0 (50/50) 14000 16000 (lbs.) Figure H.1 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (2"/12", JO) 0.9 0.8 H H 0.7 H 0.6 H / / / ,'' / 0.5 / / 0.4 ,,/ / / 0.2 / / 0.1 6000 / / 0.3 / 8000 / _--2' 10000 8ft. '1 88. ,'/ " 12000 Fmax BW (8' >< 8'), 8d@2"/12", OSB (/8"), ED=3/8",G 14000 l85ksi,ç=2%, LS(10/50) 16000 18000 (lbs.) Figure H.2 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (2"/12", LS) 20000 264 0.9 /1 0.8 / / R=2.5 0.7 R=3.5 / i/hV/ 0.6 R=4.5 II 0.5 R5.5 0.4 0.3 88. 'I 0.2 /'/ 7,, 88. 0.1 BW (8 x 8'), 8d@2"112", OSB (/8"), / :' G = 185 ksi, ED = = 2%, CP(2/50) C) 10000 12000 16000 14000 Fmax 20000 18000 (lbs.) Figure H.3 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (2"/12", CP) 0.9 88. 0.8 :2.5 8L. 0.7 BW (8x8'), 8dq4"/12" / / OSB(/8),ED= /8, I / G 180 ksi, = 2%, I 10(50/50) 0.6 / ,' R3.5 'W.J /- R=4.5 ,' 1 I R=5.5 0.5 U- 0.4 / 0.3 I 0.2 I '/ I I/ ,' II / " 0.1 // ___/ n 0 2000 /,,'/ (1)1:: 1 __/_____ -J 4000 Fmax 6000 8000 (lbs.) Figure H.4 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (4"/12", JO) 10000 265 .1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 U- 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 n 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Fmax 9000 10000 11000 12000 (lbS.) Figure H.5 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (4"/12", LS) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 U- 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 n 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 Fmax 9000 10000 11000 (lbs.) Figure H.6 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (4"/12", CP) 12000 266 0.9 88. 0.8 0.7 / 8ft. BW (8 x 8'), 8dc6'I12", OSB (I8"), ED = a" G=l85ksi,ç=2%, 0.6 / / / / / / 40.5 " / 0(50/50) / R=2.5 R=3.5 / I / R=4.5 R=5.5 ,' 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 n 1000 2000 4000 3000 6000 5000 Fmax (lbs.) Figure H.7 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (6"/12", JO) 0.9 0.8 / 0.7 0.6 IT" ,;, / 40.5 / 0.4 0.3 R=5.5 ,,/ ,,,/I 88. / "7 0.2 / ," / / __/' / 0.1 / 88. BW (8' x 8'), 8d6"/12", m OSB(3/8"),ED /8", G=185ksi,=2%, LS(10150) n 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Fmax (lbs.) Figure H.8 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (6"/12", LS) 8000 267 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 O.5 R=4.5 / 0.4 R=5.5 0.3 8ft. / (0 (0 0.2 8ft. I ii 8W (8' x 8'), 8d©6"/12", OSB (/8"), / / 0.1 ED / / / -J G = 185 ksi, = 2%, CF (2/50) 0 3000 4000 5000 Fmax 6000 7000 (lbs.) Figure H.9 CDF for ultimate force with various R factors (6"/12", CP) 8000