1 Algebra I: Strand 2. Linear Functions; Topic 12. Systems of equations; Topic Notes STRAND 2: LINEAR FUNCTIONS TOPIC 2.12: SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS Topic Notes Mathematical focus The objective of this activity is to have students analyze situations that require the formulation of systems of linear equations to solve them. Topic overview Participants will be presented with several situations involving purchasing tickets. They will formulate systems of equations using a process column and a table and will find solutions and make connections between tabular, graphical, and symbolic representations. This topic contains two tasks: Task 2.12.1: Donkey Basketball Fundraiser Task 2.12.2: Susie’s Homework TExES standards focus TExES Standard II.006 Patterns and algebra. The teacher understands linear and quadratic functions, analyzes their algebraic and graphical properties, and uses them to model and solve problems. The beginning teacher: (C) Applies techniques of linear and matrix algebra to represent and solve problems involving linear systems. (G) Models and solves problems involving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities using a variety of methods, including technology. TEKS/TAKS focus TEKS A.2 Foundations for functions. The student uses the properties and attributes of functions. The student is expected to: (B) identify mathematical domains and ranges and determine reasonable domain and range values for given situations, both continuous and discrete. TEKS A.3 Foundations for functions. The student understands how algebra can be used to express generalizations and recognizes and uses the power of symbols to represent situations. The student is expected to: (A) use symbols to represent unknowns and variables; and (B) look for patterns and represent generalizations algebraically. High School TAKS Objective 2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties and attributes of functions. November 22, 2004. Ensuring Teacher Quality: Algebra I, produced by the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. 2 Algebra I: Strand 2. Linear Functions; Topic 12. Systems of equations; Topic Notes TEKS A.5 Linear functions. The student understands that linear functions can be represented in different ways and translates among their various representations. The student is expected to: (B) determine the domain and range for linear functions in given situations; and (C) use, translate, and make connections among algebraic, tabular, graphical, or verbal descriptions of linear functions. TEKS A.6 Linear functions. The student understands the meaning of the slope and intercepts of the graphs of linear functions and zeros of linear functions and interprets and describes the effects of changes in parameters of linear functions in real-world and mathematical situations. The student is expected to: (B) interpret the meaning of slope and intercepts in situations using data, symbolic representations, or graphs; and (E) determines the intercepts of the graphs of linear functions and zeros of linear functions from graphs, tables, and algebraic representations. High School TAKS Objective 3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of linear functions. TEKS A.7 Linear functions. The student formulates equations and inequalities based on linear functions, uses a variety of methods to solve them, and analyzes the solutions in terms of the situation. The student is expected to: (A) analyze situations involving linear functions and formulate linear equations or inequalities to solve problems; (B) investigate methods for solving linear equations and inequalities using concrete models, graphs, and the properties of equality, select a method, and solve the equations and inequalities; and (C) interpret and determine the reasonableness of solutions to linear equations and inequalities. TEKS A.8 Linear functions. The student formulates systems of linear equations from problem situations, uses a variety of methods to solve them, and analyzes the solutions in terms of the situation. The student is expected to: (A) analyze situations and formulate systems of linear equations in two unknowns to solve problems; (B) solve systems of linear equations using concrete models, graphs, tables and algebraic methods; and (C) interpret and determine the reasonableness of solutions to systems of linear equations. High School TAKS Objective 4: The student will formulate and use linear equations and inequalities. November 22, 2004. Ensuring Teacher Quality: Algebra I, produced by the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. 3 Algebra I: Strand 2. Linear Functions; Topic 12. Systems of equations; Topic Notes Materials Task Copies of the task “Donkey Basketball Fund Raiser” Graphing calculator Graph paper Chart paper #1 #2 x x x x x x x x Procedure After giving each student a copy of the task, break the class into groups of 3 or 4. Give each group a piece of chart paper. At the end of the first problem, bring the class back together to make sure that the students have the correct rules. Ask students to complete the rest of the problems, recording their work on the chart paper. After all have completed the tasks, post the solutions while letting each group explain their approach for given questions. Summary After completing these tasks, participants will have a better understanding of systems and their solutions and how they relate to the real world. Extensions In TEXTEAMS Algebra I: 2000 and Beyond, Systems of Linear Equations will provide supplementary materials for participants. In addition, Algebra I Assessments Chapter 8: Interacting Linear Functions, Linear Systems, also provides extension activities. Assessment/Transition to the classroom Participants should complete the Teacher’s Journal, recording their responses and making any modifications necessary to make the tasks completely classroom ready. November 22, 2004. Ensuring Teacher Quality: Algebra I, produced by the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.