FDA Product Data Sheet: Veterinary Drug & Medical Devices $FFRXQW1XPEHU $FFRXQW1DPH '8161XPEHU(if available) &OLHQW3DUW1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQRI3URGXFW (as complete as possible) *RYHUQPHQW$JHQF\3URFHVVLQJ&RGH 7DULII1XPEHU )'$3URGXFW&RGH(if known) &RXQWU\RI2ULJLQ Select one &DUJR6WRUDJH6WDWXV Select one )'$&RXQWU\RI 3URGXFWLRQ ,QWHQGHG8VHRI3URGXFW Select one 1DPHRIDFWLYHLQJUHGLHQWVLQSUHVFULSWLRQRYHUWKHFRXQWHUDQLPDOGUXJVRUPHGLFDWHGDQLPDOIHHGV * Part number as shown on Customs document to identify the product (item number, SKU, etc.) ** U.S. Customs considers the country of origin to be the country where the product last underwent a “substantial transformation” (resulting in an increase in value.) The FDA considers the country of origin to be that of the actual manufacturer. Actual manufacturer is defined as the last party involved in the production process. *** ONLY APPLICABLE TO ANIMAL DRUG (Prescription and over the counter). Not required for animal medical devices. FDA Actual Manufacturer &RPSDQ\1DPH $GGUHVV 6WDWH3URYLQFH &LW\ =LS3RVWDO&RGH &RXQWU\ '8161XPEHU(if available) Manufacturer/Exporter Registration Numbers Provide registration numbers for all applicable 9$19HWHULQDU\$EEUHYLDWHG1HZ$QLPDO'UXJ1XPEHU 9)/9HWHULQDU\0HGLFDWHG)HHG/LFHQVH 9,19HWHULQDU\,QYHVWLJDWLRQDO1HZ$QLPDO'UXJ1XPEHU 91$9HWHULQDU\1HZ$QLPDO'UXJ$SSOLFDWLRQ1XPEHU 5(*'UXJ5HJLVWUDWLRQ1XPEHU 1'&1DWLRQDO'UXJ&RGH NOTE9HWHULQDU\PHGLFDOGHYLFHVGRQRWUHTXLUHGHYLFHUHJLVWUDWLRQRUOLVWLQJ FDA Shipper $VVKRZQRQ&XVWRPVGRFXPHQW%2/RUDLUZD\ELOO &RPSDQ\1DPH $GGUHVV 6WDWH3URYLQFH )'$9HWHULQDU\ &LW\ =LS3RVWDO&RGH &RXQWU\ '8161XPEHU(if available) 86%URNHUDJH