Undergraduate Program Data Analysis Report Program Name: SEDU Date: 6/22/15 Contact Person: Gwen Price Directions: 1. Review the program assessment data located in D2L. 2. List the 6 to 8 assessments for each program in the box provided for Program Assessments. Examine the data collection for each program. Be sure to review both the fall and spring data collection. Answer the following questions for each program assessment placing the information in the appropriate column: o What does the data indicate for your program? o What areas of concern if any do you have regarding this assessment? o What recommendations do you have regarding any revisions for this assessment? o What program changes if any does this data suggest? 3. Save the template as a Word document and submit it to the NCATE Assessment Committee via a D2L dropbox provided in the Accreditation-NCATE link by April 9th . Undergraduate Unit Data Goal Content knowledge Program Assessment Praxis II Data Analysis Recommendations Implementation Date Analysis of the Faculty should Fall 2015 Content specific Praxis request score data II scores is difficult for individuals and due to the low investigate the subenrollment numbers of scores for the past academic year. weaknesses and ETS does not report strengths. This pass rates if less than 5 analysis should candidates take the lead to discussions specific test in a given already alluded to year. Looking at in some previous summary score SPA reports with reports, our students Content area tend to fall within the faculty. average score range for the state and have a slightly higher median than the state. Pass Content Knowledge Grades Planning Performance rates are no longer 100% at completion since successful passing of the test is no longer required to participate in student teaching. Pass rate for 2014-2015 is 81% with only completers in Math (3/7) and German (1/1) not passing before program completion. All candidates in Secondary programs must maintain a 2.8 GPA and obtain a C or above in each required course. Data demonstrates that this requirement is being enforced by the SOE. The average GPA for all Secondary completers is 3.58. Unit Plan data indicate that all evaluated candidates are either Target or Acceptable on all standards. N/A N/A Continue to use Fall 2015 Unit Plan to assess Unit Plan general and content specific aspects of planning. Ensure that all Techniques courses are incorporating the Unit Plan into the assessments. Cooperating teachers To obtain more Fall 2015 rate all secondary meaningful data TCPP/Danielson student teachers Target based on an Rubric or Acceptable on 16 of accepted the 31 criteria. 1 framework, the English candidate Unit is moving earned Developing in from the self15 areas with only 2 developed TCPP other candidates instrument to the earning developing in Danielson Rubric only 1 of the 31 for Classroom questions. Impact on Student Learning IAP Teaching. This rubric focuses on University Supervisors the same 4 subscore candidates categories of similarly. All Planning, secondary candidates Performance, received Target or Classroom Acceptable on 17 of Environment, and the 31 questions. Professionalism. It However, on the other is the rubric 14 questions, more adopted by the students earned State to evaluate developing with the in-service teachers lowest scores being and has been vetted seen in the through many Pedagogy/Performance validity & areas. reliability studies. Proper use of the In particular, rubric should allow weaknesses were seen the program to in the use of a variety more readily of assessments, clarity discover and in teaching literacy, investigate and planning for strengths & students with special weaknesses. This needs/ ELL. rubric will be completed by both the University Supervisor and the Cooperating teacher – but will remove the selfreport data (no longer used) of the student teacher. For Fall 2014 and Completers Fall 2015 Spring 2015, all continue to excel secondary completers on the IAP – as scored Target or assessment aligned Acceptable on 75% of with the INTASC all criteria (20 of 25 standards and used areas). 1 person to demonstrate an scored developing in 3 Impact on Student areas and 1 person Learning. scored unacceptable in Triangulation of 2 areas. Both of these this data with other were due to a lack of analysis of data by the student. INTASC standards for teaching Portfolio Showcase and Interview performance related data should be completed to ensure the validity of the assessment. Each Junior Field These results are Spring 2016 student is evaluated by passed along to the 3 faculty members on University each of 9 criteria Supervisor of the resulting in 71 Student Teacher so different scores. that weaknesses Faculty scored all can be set as goals candidates as Target or for the experience. Acceptable in all Low scores in the categories with the Effective use of following exceptions: Educational Technology were 3 scores/2 students often accompanied developing on by comments that Learning candidates had Environments. little opportunity to use this 2 scores / 1 candidate technology. developing on Similar comments Planning. were made for working with 3 scores/ 3 candidates students with developing on special needs. This Effective Assessment. information and information like it 4 scores / 3 students is/and should developing on continue to be Instructional shared with the Strategies. Office of Student Teaching such that 1 score/ 1 student placements can be developing on made accordingly. Application of content. The Secondary 7 scores / 7 students program should developing on assess how the Learning Differences. curricular change to move SEDU 306 8 scores / 6 students Content Literacy developing on out of Block and Effective Technology. earlier into the program affects 5 scores / 4 students scores on the developing and 1 score Language & / 1 student Literacy criteria. unacceptable on Literacy. 3 scores / 2 students developing and 1 scores / 1 student unacceptable on Collaboration. PA Standards for teaching PDE 430 PDE 430 Shortform data demonstrates that all completers in 2014 were either Exemplary or Superior in all 4 categories of Planning, Performance, Classroom Environment, and Professionalism. These scores build upon the confidence that cooperating teachers and University supervisors showed in the TCPP. Since this state required form and the new rubric to be used by the Unit in place of the TCPP are based on the same framework, these scores should be compared against the Danielson Rubric in upcoming semester to determine the validity of use of the new assessment. Summer 2016 Summary of changes and recommendations: 1. Content specific analysis should be done with the subsections of the Praxis II to determine weaknesses. Discussions with Content area faculty should be initiated to increase first time pass rates. (Implement Fall 2015; Assess effectiveness Fall 2016) 2. The new Unit assessment for Student Teaching, known currently as the Danielson rubric, is to be implemented in Fall 2015. Analysis of the results will occur Fall 2015 to determine candidate success in meeting criteria. Analysis of the new assessment will take place Summer 2016 by the Unit Assessment Committee. 3. In looking at the results of the TCPP and Portfolio Interview, in conjunction with other Unit data such as Alumni Survey results, the department has decided to focus on improving Language & Literacy scores as well as working with English Language Learners. Once major change resulting from this focus was the removal of SEDU 306 Content Literacy from the Professional Block. It is now a 4 credit, stand-alone course that will be taken earlier in the candidate’s program. In this way, the curriculum will more closely mirror the Middle Level Curriculum, a program with higher scores in the areas of focus. This will also allow for more focused field experiences in the areas of content literacy & ELL as well as more opportunity to apply the knowledge within the Block courses and Junior Field. (Implementing Fall 2015; Assess effectiveness Spring 2016)