Department Name: Early Childhood/Reading Education Date: May 28, 2015

Program Data Analysis Report
Department Name: Early Childhood/Reading Education
Date: May 28, 2015
Contact Person: Dr. Lisa Brightman
Program: Early Childhood Undergraduate
The following changes were made based upon data collected from the Final Field Evaluation and Cooperating Teacher Program
Evaluation sheet. Upon review of the two items listed it became apparent that the current clinical field experience had the following
unanswered questions which needed to be addressed.
1. How is the clinical field experience reflected within the coursework?
2. How do perspective employers know that our students have more clinical experience beyond student teaching as the
field experience currently is not indicated on their transcripts?
3. How do students repeat the clinical field experience if they do not do well but pass the course(s) in which the field
experience is embedded?
These questions became the focus for our departmental goals for this year. Upon much discussion and examination of both the PDE
and CAEP accreditation requirements our department decided to revise the entire Early Childhood program. This resulted in the
following course and program changes which were submitted to the University-Wide Committee for approval. Approval was received
and the changes listed below will be in effect beginning the Fall 2015 – 2016 academic year.
1. ECED 110 was embedded into various courses and eliminated as a course requirement for the Early Childhood
program. This was decided after reviewing all course outlines and finding some redundancy among ECED 110, ECED
120, ECED 150 and ECED 210.
2. ECED 210 was revised to address the key components of ECED 110 that were not embedded into other courses. These
components correlated well with ECED 210 in which the major emphasis is on play and learning in early childhood
3. ECED 240 was added to the program as the faculty expressed a need for a children’s literature course to ensure that our
undergraduate students have a strong background in this area.
4. Two clinical field experience courses were added to the program replacing ECED 244 and ECED 345. These courses
include ECED 245 Building Partnerships/Clinical Experiences PreK-K and ECED 375 Classroom Guidance/Clinical
Experiences Gr. 1-4.
This year’s focus is to review the current assessments to ensure that all PDE competencies and NAEYC standards are being addressed
and to revise the rubrics to better reflect the criterion. Data collected this year will be used for the basis of validity and reliability
studies as well as examining the effectiveness of the program changes delineated earlier in this report.