~ SAOANAND APARTMENTS, 2nd FLOOR, \,, cdPA.~ "9n/A.3, GOKHALENAGAR ROAD, '. (BHAMBURDA, SHIVAJINAGAR, .; 'PUNE 411 016. !: .(f) 25659121 TELEFAX: 25658429 E-mail: arkadv@vsnl.com ADVOCATE' Date: 04/1112007 TITLEAND.SEARCHREPORT I i" ; I I. At the instance of Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd., a company duly. registered and incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at ' 30, Yashoda, Kala Nagar, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051 through'its Director Mr. Shrikant P. Paranjape, I have investigated into the titl~.of respective owners of the lands, situated at Village Bhugiton, Taluka Mulshi, District Pune, within the limits of Zilla Parishad Pune, Panchayat Samiti TalukaMulshi and in the Registration Sub-District TalukaMulshi, Disi: Pune which lands are more particularly described in the Para 1 below. Hence I submit 4erewith my Report of Search and Title as follows:' G' . I I. i' !: I: ii: r I 1. Description of the Property A) Land owned by S.R. Kulkarni and 14 others, whp have grante~ Development rights'infavour ofMat~i:xnevelopers Pvt.jLtd. I , I AIr that piece and. parcel of land adm.'I' Hectares' 31 Ares' out' d.f Surve~_ No. 86/1/2 totally adm. 3 Hectare 95.2 Ares aSSessed at Rs.'5.45 pais~~ situated at Village Bhuga,on, Taluka: Mtdshi,District: fune, \\7ithinthb limits 9f ZillaParishad Pune, PanchayatSamiti Taluka Mulshiand in thb Registration 'Sub-District TalukaMulshi(Paud), Dist: Punewhich lanU , adm. 1 Hectare 31Aies is bounded as follows: : By Survey No. J 06 (part) On or towards East On or toward$, South By Survey No. 86 (part) ; I' On or toward~West . By Surv,eyNO.86 (pari) On or towards North : By Survey No.85 (part) (hereinafter~eferredto . . as 'SAID I-A .LAND') , . i . . ,:. _~ B) Land owned, by Mr. Prakash A. Apte, who 'has granted Development rights in favour of Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd. I I All that piece and parcel of land adm.,Ollectares40 Ar~s,bearingSurvey No. 102l1l1i(Survey No. 102/113 asrperthe Mutation Entry No. 3492), assessed at Rs. 0.70 Paise situated. at Viliage'Bhugaon, Taluka::Mulshi, District: Pune, within the limits of ZillaParishad Pune,Panchay~t-Samiti Taluka Mulshi and in the Registration Sub-District Taluka Mulsht(paud)', Dis!: Pune, which Survey No, 102/1;1 is bounded as f01l0WS~ ' I .... "'. . . . " ' , \ .~- i Ii" )" \ ' -._--~---"------~----~-_."-._---"---"--c--. " , , ._"_". . .----,__ ~ . _ I, I" i , f { :~" :. • ." .' '-". ! ~. ~ , On or towards East By Survey No. 102(part) On or towards South By Survey No. 102 (part) On or towards West By Survey No. 93 On or towards North By Survey No. 102 (part) 1 !.: i: (hereinafter referred t~ as 'SAID I-B LAND') C) Lands owned by Smt1 Gauri Ennamadi of which Development Rights came through Panch.ratna Township Pvt. Ltd. in favour otMatrix Developers Pvt. Ltd. : i All those pieces and parcels of two lands totally adm ..,O Hectares 41 Ares, situated at Village Bh~gaon, Taluka: Mulshi, District, Pune, wit4in the limits of Zilla Parishad Pune, l>anchayat Samiti TalukaMulshi and in the Registration 'Sub-:Pistrict Taluka Mulshi(Paud), DistPune consisting of pieces of lands b~aring ISurvey Nos., Areas, Assessments and boundaries as follows: ' I" Sr. No. , Survey NO.1 Hlssa No. Gunthewsrl Act 10111 I. (part) 102/3/2 2. (part)"", ",' ."! , i A~ea In' ~q.M. It R 0 33 Assessed at Rs. Ps. 3 00 0 47 Boundaries , ,out of 2' 29 \...--'" 0 08 out of 0 44 (hereinafter referred toJs 'SAID l-e LANDS') The lands more particularly described in Clause I-A, 1;,B'and l-C above are independently referred to i as the "said I-A land", the "said I-B land" and "said l-e lands" respectively itnd said I-A land, the said I-B land and said l-C lands are collectively referred to as the "said lands" wherever context Sorequires. 2 .... ~---_._----_... _ ...• ... , ---_. __ ._---_ .. _-, .. _---------- ... __ ._-' ... _-_ .. _-- .. __ .__ -._-'--_.' .. . _------,. __ ..... -_. __ .. _ .. _._--------~ , ,- Continuation Sheet ADVOCATE. 2. Search of Index II Registers and Revenue Records: Myself along with my colleague Advocates Mrs. Madhuri N. Naik and Mrs. Mrudgandha S. Joshi, carried .out the search in respect of the said lands in the Index II registers for the period of 1978 to 2007 (Le. for the period of last 30 years) in the offices of Sub Registrar, Mulshi (Paud), Sub-Registrar, Wadgaon Maval and District Registration Office, Purte,after depositing necessary search fees for the same. The copy of the search receipt is annexed herewith as Annexure' A'. During search, we did not come across any entry rt?pugnant. to the. right, .title and interest. of the present' owners' to their respective lands out of the said lands as well as to the development rights of said Pancharatna Township Pvt. Ltd. as the Developer of the said l-C lands. [However, this Report is to be read subject to any missing entry due to condition of records inspected or non-availability of records' in the offices of Sub Registrar, Mulshi (Paud), Sub-Registrar; Wadgaon Matal and District: Registration Office, Pune. !' 3. L1st of documents perused: a) 7/12 extracts of the said lands for the period at last 30 years. b) Relevant Mutation. entries in respect of the said lands .for th~ period of last 30 y~ars. '. , • c) Villagetpap of Bhugaon. d) Zone certificates in respect of' the said lands issued. by the Assist*nt Director: of Town Planning, Punewith reference to the Regional Planlof Pune Di~trict. " ' e) Original! or the certified copies of title deeds' in respect of the: said laIlds excepting the title deeds, which could not be traced out or made availabl~ for my perusal. . f) Certificate of Incorporation ofPancharatn a Township Pvt. Ltd; g) Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association ofPancharatna Township Pvt, Ltd. .; h) Our Putllic Notices in 'Sakal' dated 18/06/2007 in respect of the said lands. ; i) Compos~te preliminary order dated 16/2/2006 bearing ref~rence No. PMAINAI SRl131/2005 issued by the Collector, Revenue Branch,Pune as per :the provisions of Maharashtra Gunthewari (Regularization Upgrad~tion and Control)Act2001. ' j) The composite layout sanctioned by the Collector, Revenue Branch, Pune, as per the aforesaid preliminary Order dated 16/2/2006 .••. I i I I \ i n 3 .... _-------- _ -_ .. _.__ _ _.--_ _ _ _ _--~.. -. ..~. ~i 1'I, k) Composite final order dated 28/6/2006 bearing reference No. PMAINN SRI 131/2005 issu~d by the Collector;' Revenue Branch, Funeas per the provisions of Maharashtra Gunthewari (Regularization Upgradation and Control) Act 2001.' I) Demarcation Certificate issued by Taluka Inspector of Land Records under reference, Gunthewari very Urgent Measurement Register No. 62/2006 on 29/4/2006 m) Revised Layout sanctioned by Collector, Revenue Branch, Pune; dated 9/10/2006 vide Order No. PMAlNNSR /164/2006. .1 , Title Deeds and Agreements in respect of said I-A land n) Original Sale Deed'dated 9/10/1990 executed by Baban Sadhu Sanas and others in favo,ur of Ashok Kumar Mehr~, Badruddin Hir~i and. Narudding Hirani ibearing Registration No. printed 1484/199(l),Joint District Registrar, ~une. , 0) Agreement for Sal~ dated 22/9/2005 executed byAshokKumar Mehra in favour of Mr. S. R. Kulkarni and 13 others, bearing registration No. 4936/200'5 in the office of Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (Paud). p) Power of Attorney ~ated22/9/2005 executed by AshokKumar Mehrain,i ,favour of Mr. S. a.Kulkarni and 13 others,bearing,tegistrati6nNo;' 4937/2005 in'the office of Sub-Registrar , Mlilshi'(Paud). 'I q) Agreement for Sal~ dated 22/9/2005 executed by Mr. BadruddinJHiran( in favour of Mr. S. R. Kulkarni and 13 others;bearirigtegistrat~on No. ' 4930/2005 in ,the office of Sub-Registrar, MtilshL(Paud);" ' , _ r) Power of Attorney dated 22/9/2005 executeciFbyMt. Badruddin~ Hirani in favour of Mr. S.!R. Kulkarni and 13 othel's,bearingtegistratipn No. 4929/2005 in the office of Sub..Registrar , Mtilshi(J>aud): ' , s) Agreement for Sale! dated 22/9/2005 execut~d by Mr:NaruddinlHirani in favour of Mr. S. '~. Kulkarni and 13 others, bearing registration No. 4927/2005 in the office of Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (PaUd). t) Power of Attorney dated 22/9/2005 executedlbyMr.Naiuddin Hirani in favour of Mr. S. R. Kulkarni and 13 others, bearing registration No. 4928/2005 in the office of Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (Paud). ' u) Deed of Conveyance dated 18/4/2006 executed by Ashok KumariMehra in favour of Mr. S. !R. Kulkarni and 13 others, bearing registration No. , 2298/2006 in the office of Sub-Registrar , Mulshi{Paud). v) Deed of Conveyanc~ dated 25/7/2006 executed by Badruddin Hirani in favour of Mr. S. R. Kulkarni and 13 others~ bearing registration No. ,4905/2006 in the office of Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (Paud). ' ; 4 -'.' " .: '",' -' 1 i t- I . e !, I " Continuation Sheet ADVOCATE' w) Deed of Co~veyance dated 25/5/2006 executed by Naruddin Hirani in favour of Mr. S. R.Kulkarniand ,Bothers, bearing registration No. 4906/2006 ini.the offlceof Sub-Regi~trar,Mulshi (Paud). . x) Original DeVelopment Agreement dated 29/08/2007 executed by S.R.Kulkarni and 13 others in favour of Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd. bearing Registration No. 6239/2007 in the office of Sub..Registrar, Mulshi (Paud) alongwith original Registration Receipt and Index II thereof. . y) Original Power of Attorney dated 29/08/2007 executed by S. R. Kulkarni and 13 others in favour of Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd .•bearing Registration :No. 6240/2007 in the office of Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (Paud) .. Title Deeds and'Agreements in respect of said I-B land z) aa) Certified copy of Sale Deed dated 15/3/1993 executedoy Satis~ Puri and Anita Puri in favour of Kashyap, .BharEitand ~amleshi Shah bearing registrationNo~ 619/1993, S4b.•RegistrarMulshi KPaud).: Certified cqpy of Correction Deed.'dated 30/9/1993 executed by~atish Puri and ~ita Puri in favour of Kashyap, Bharat and Kamleshi Shah bearing registration No ..2531/1993;S~.I1J..Registrar ..•. Mulsh!i(Paud Unregister~cl.,,:Sal~.Deed dated:21/2/2006. executed by K~hyap, Bharat and Katnlesh Shah in favourofMr.PrakashAtun¥\pte.. . Original Deed ofConfinnation dated 22/8/2007 executed by K~hyap Shah, Bharat Shah.and Kamalesh Shah in favour. of. '.Mr. Prakash Apte annexed with Original. Safe ,Deed . dated 21/2/2i006,b~aring Registration No. 5800/2007inthe i6ffice of Sub ..Regi~trar, :N1ulshi (Paud) alongwith original Registratiop Receipt and .Index II thereof. Original D~velopment Agreementd~ted ..29/08/2007 executed by Mr. P. A. Apte in favour of Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd. b~aring Registratio# No. ,.6237/2Q07 in the (office of Sub-RegIstrar, Mulshi (Paud) alongwith,originaL Registratiop Receiptand Index II thereof. OriginalPqwer of Attorney dated 29/08/2007 executed by'Mr.,P. A. Apte in favour of Matrix Developers' Pvt. Ltd.' bearing Registration No. 6238/2907 inthe office of Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (Paud) t bb) c~) dd) ee) Title Deeds andiAgre~ments in respect of said l-C land ff) Copy of In,dex- II ofSaJe Deed dated 9/6/1989 executed by Oagdu Khandu Ingawale ~andot4ers in favqurof Punita J. Desai for a4m. 1 Hectare 71.5 Are out of Survey No. 101. .•. ri. \ 5 . - - ... ---_ ...• _------_.,~--_....---- ._._-- ._ _-----,.---.. ---_.-, --... -----------_. -" ..-----_. - ..---_ ..- -"-"-"-' .- gg) Certified copy of Sale Deed dated 18/12/1989, executed by Kum. Punita Jaisinghrao Desai in favour of Smt. Gauri Ennamadi, Mr; Harsh Kohli, Smt. J~.an Durante and Mr. Konath Parameshwaran. Bearing Registration No. Printed 717/1989 in the office of Joint District Registrar, Pune. . hh) Original Devel,Opment Agreement dated 17/01/2007 executed by Smt. Gauri Ennamadi in favolJr of Pancharatna Township" Pvt. ,L~q.'bearing Registration, No. 2517/2007 in the office of Sub~Registrar,;'Mulshi (Paud) alongwith origirtalRegistration Receipt and IndexIlthereof. " ii) Original Power; of Attorney dated 17/01/2007executedbyi SIIlt.Gaki ' Ennamadi in (avourof;directors of Pancharatna Townshipi,pvt.Ltd. bearing Registration No. 2518/2007 in the office of Sub4Registr~, Mulshi (Paud), alongwith original Registration Receipt anq Index! II thereof. ' , • ' , , jj) Copy of Deed of Correction dated 6/9/2007, executed <by Gauri Ennamadi, and ,Pancharatna Township Pvt. Ltd; bearing R~gistrati<:>n No. 6957/2007 ;inthe office of Su1;J-Registrar,Mulshi (Paud)~longwith original Registr~tionReceipt and~ndex Ilthereof. ,." ",. i, , ,i kk) 0rigii1aJ Oevel~pmefit Agreementidated ~11IO/~OO~exec~te4 Gatlrl Ennatlladi;and 'j'RanChl!fatna!Towmhip' ~.L~.inyfavour b~YMlllr\x Developers, Pvt,>Ltd."bearingRegistrationNo,'7328/2007"ihWe 0ff1~e of Sub-Registt~r,Mulshi '(Paud) al04gwithoriginal c,Rdgistratiqn Receiptand Ind~xJlthereof. ",' ,I ,..i 11) Original Powef of Attorney dated 11/10/2007'exe!cuted,:~y Gati~i Ennamadi and pancharatna TownshipPVt.Ltd;;irt/favouric!>fMan1x Developers Pvt.iLtd. bearing Registratiotl No. 7329/2007 iff theoffiqe of Sub-Registraf, Mulshi(Paud). i ! 9 '0' , ' , ! i 4. List of documents w~ich are not available for'myperl1sal: i) Sale Deed dated 26/5/1932 executed by Maruti Tukar~ISanas in favour of Dagd~ and Bhau Hari Sanas in~espectof said J-A fland;! Ii) Sale Deed date~ 10/q/1936 executed by!Maruti T; Sanasiri favour ~f Laxman Devji Sldunkeinrespect ofsaid'l .•A land. iii) Mudat Kharedi khat dated 13/10/1942 ex.ecutedbyMaruti T.ISanas ip favour of Sadhu ,Khandu sanas in respect of said 1~A land., , , iv) Sale Deed dated 22/211944 executed by '~aruti T. Sallas infavouro:f Sadhu Khandu Sanas in respect of said 1-~ land. v) Sale Deed dated 2414/1945 executed by Narayan Bapu Sanas in favour ofYesu Rama Bhilare'ih respecto~'said I;'Alan.d. j 6 :.._ ...- .. - .- - - ..,-_. __ .__ ._---_ ...- ..- ----_._-'---- ..... _~ ..._." Continuation Sheet cd. P/-l. oY~. ADVOCATE vi) Sale Qeed datedI4/12/1990 executed by PadmakarBhiwa Ingawale to Sudh~ and Vijay Bhinde bearing registration No. 5089/1990 in the office ,of Sub-Registrar, Maval in respect of I.;B land. vii) Sale I?e~d dated 15/6/1992 executed by Ihgawale family to Satish Puri and ~ita Puri bearing registration No. 262411992 in the office of SubRegistrar, Mulshi(Paud) in respect of I-B land. viii) Sale Deed dated. 9/611989 executed by Dagdu Khandu Ingawale and others in favour of Punita J. Desai for adm. 1 Hectare 71.5 Are out of Survey No. 101 in respect of said l-C lands. ix) Sale Deed dated 15/6119,89executed by Ramchandra Abuji Ingawale aDd ot4ers to, Punita J. Desai, bearing registration No. 565/1'989 in the office of Sub-Registrar, Maval in respect of 1-C lands. r-. 'i ~1 , 5. History of title I I have 'pen,Ised the revenue. record and the' available: title deeds ~d documents or certified copies thereof in respect of each land out of the sajd lands and I have checked the history of title thereof. I have also perused ~ll th~ do,cumeJ!lsand transa<;tions,which took .pla<;efor ~sfer ~f title Qf eachhmd o~t of the said lands from previous owners to tl1epreseJ;lt ownefs and for grant of d,eveloPlllentrights from present owners of saicilands to MatrixiqevelopersPvt. Ltd., as stated below. A) History of title in respect of said I-A land. a) Suryey No. 86 totally adm, 18 Acres and 27.5 Gunth~s was originally owned an~ possessed by Mr. Shripati Devji Salunke,Mr. Narayan Bapu Sanas and Mr .. Maruti Tukaram Sanas. Thereafter by Sale D~ed dated 26/511932, Mr. Maruti Tukaram SanassOld,conveyeq andtrtp1sferred the land adm. 1 Acre out of' Survey No. 86 to Mr. Dagadu Han Sanas and Mr. Bhagu Hari Sanas and their names .were entered .on.the' revenue record vide Mutation Entry N0373. As per .,said Mutatione:ntry the entire land bearing Survey No. 86,was divided into two parts~ Survey No. 8611 adm. 17 Acres and27.5 Gunthas and Survey No. 86/~ adm. 1 Acre. The aforesaid Sale Deed dated 26/5/1932 being very old, is not available fpr my perusal. b) Thereafter Mr. Shripati Devji.Salunkhe confirmed that land belo~gingto his share out of the said Survey No, 8611 was being~ultivated by his nephew Mr. Maruti Tukaram Sanas 'and hence his name was d~leted as per Mutation entty No. 696. ~ 7 fk, I, ii i.' ,,' !i. t.,. c) By a Sale Deed dated 10/12/1936, Mr: Maruti Tukaram Sanas sold, conveyed and transferred the land adm. 0 Acres 13 Gunthas out of Survey No. 86/1 to Mr. LaxmanDevji Salunkhe and his name was entered on the revenue record vide Mutation Entry NO.697.As per said Mutation entry the land bearing Survey No. 86/1 was divided into two parts Survey No. 86/1A adm. 17 Acres and 14.5 Gunthasand Survey No. 86/1B adm. 0 Acre 13 Gunthas. The aforesaid Sale Deed dated 10/12/1936being very old, is not available for my perusal. d) Mr. Maruti Tukaram Sanas executed and registered a MudatKharedi Khat dated 13/10/1942in respect of l/4th share in the said SuNey No. . 86/1A (wrongly written as Survey No. 86/lB in the said Mudat Kharedi Khat and Mutation Entry No. 822) in favour of Mr. SadhulQIandu Sanas, which has been recorded on revenue record by Mutation entry No. 822. The aforesaid Sale Deed dated 13/10/1942 being very old, is not available for my,perusal. e) Said Mr. Maruti Tukaratn Sanas thereaftetby . Sale Deed; dated 22/2/1944: sold his land adm. 8 Acres 27 Gtlrtthasoutofthesaid Survey No. 86/1A (wrongl)f quoted as Survey No. 86/1.Binihesaid Sal~Deed dated 22/2/1944) to Mr.. Sadhu Khandu San:~:and hisp.~e~asbeen entered on the revenue record of SurveyNo. :8~/IAyide Mutati()n.entry No. 852. The aforesaid Sale Deed dated 22/2/1944 beingv~ry.old~is not avaihible for my perusal. .' ". f) Further by Sale Deed dated 24/4/1945, Mr. N~ayan Bapu Sanas sold, conveyed and .transf~rredhis landadm. about;7 :Acrei24 Gunthas 'out of , the said Survey No.:86/IAtoMr. ¥esu Ram~Bhilare,Whose:namewas entered on the revenue record of the Survey!No.86/IAvideMutation Entry No. 859. The aforesaid.Sale :Deeddated!24/4/1945 being very old, is not available for my perusal. g) The said Survey No. 86/1A is divided into two parts I.e. Survey No. 86/1A/l adm. 7 Arce 24 Gunthas:I.e. 3 Hectare 08 Ares belonging to Mr. Yesu Rama Bhilare and Survey No. 86/1A/2adm. 9 Acres 03 Gunthas I.e. 3 Hectare 95.2 Ares belongingto Mr. Sadhu KhanduiSanas. h) Mr. Sadhu Khandu Sanas died intestate leaving behind him hjs legal heirs widow Sakhubai Sadhu Sanas, Mr. Baban Sildhu Sanas, Mr. Vasant Sadhu Sanas, Mr. Ashok Sadhu.SanasJSmt. SahIbai Ko~ate and Smt. Vimalbai Vithoba Kokate and the name.dfMr. Bahan Sadhil Sanas .,. was entered as Manager of Hindu Undivided Family on the revenue record of Survey No~86/1A/2 vide Mutation Entry No. 1928. a, 8 ----- ....- _., .•. _._-_. .._- .. ----_.'._._- -',- .... __ .__ . - "'---'-_. __ -.------_ .. ..-._._-.-- .._-- "-"_. ---"-''''-'-'-"'-'---'-'-''-''-'--~.- ._~ . - Continuation Sheet ADVOCATE i) By a Sale Deed dated 9/10/1990, Mr. Baban Sadhu Sanas, Mrs. Revubai Baban Sanas, Mrs. Anjanabai Vasant .Sanas, Mrs. Surekha Ashok Sanas, SarubaiiVisluiu Kokate, Mr. Vas ant Sadhu Sanas, Mr. Ashok Sadhu Sanas, Smt. Sakhubai Sadhu Sanas, Vimalbai Vithoba Kokate sold, conveyed and transferred, the land adm. 1 Hectare 31 Ares out of the said Survey No. 86/1A12 to Mr. AshokKumar Mehra,Mr.Badruddin Pirbhai Hirani and Mr. Nuruddin Pirbhai Hirani. each having equal share as follows ': ' Mr. Ashok Kumar Mehra Mr. Badruddin Pirbhai Hirani Mr. Nuruddin Pirbhai Hirani o lIectare43.66 o Hectare 43.66 , Ar,es Ares o Hectare 43.66 Ares The aforesaid Sale Deed has been duly registered in ,the offi:ce of Joint District Registrar, Pune, at Sr. No.'Printed 1484/1990. I ha~e seen the original ,Sale I:>;eeddated 9/10/1990. The names of the aforesaid owners have been duly enterled on the •. revenue record of the said propertY vide Mutation entry No. 37:56. : - - " : - d.. : j) Due to ,computerization of rev~nue records of village B~ugaon,!by MutatioQ.erttryNo. 5,348 the Jli~saNumbers. of the~lands :jof vill~ge BhugaOIiare~hangedand ~he ahd' llie Survey No. and the His~a NumlJer ofthe said property has been c~anged to Survey No. 86/1/2. ' i , . k) By three different Agreements~for Sale the aforesaid ownersi agreed:to sell, convey and transfer their respective lands' toM,. Sanj~y Ramchandra Kulkarni and 13 others, and also executed Spec~ficPower of Attorp.eys. in Javour of Mr.~anjay Ramchandra KulkatiIi and.p others, 'Yhich Agreements. ,for Sale and Power of Attorneys ~avebe~n duly reg~stered ,in the office of. ~ub-Registrar, Mulshi(Patld~, District Pune as stated below: .. ., Survey No./ Hissa No. Name orthe previous owner Ares Ares 0 43.66 Date orthe Agreement andPOA 22/9/2005 Mr. Badruddiit Pirbhai Hirlini 0 43.66, 22/912005i Mr. Nuruddin Pirbhai HitaJii 0 43.66 .22/9/2005 H ! 86/1/1 Mr. AshokKumar Mehra f- 86/1/1 86/1/1 IiRegistration I: No.. li i 4936/2005 and . 14937/2005 ! .. 4930/2005 , and 4929/2005 !. 4927/2005 i and I, 492812005 I have seen all the original Agreements for Sale dated 22/9/2005. 9 ........ -----------_._- --------._._---_._. ~, -..... _ .._--_.,_._-_ .. ..._--_ '. -_ .._ ....•. .._-----_ , _. _.- . -_.~ ..,.,-_.-'-._,_. .. ~.:: / .. T I -! 1) By diverse Receipt Cum Possession Letters dated 7/12/2005, the aforesaid. owners have handed over the peaceful andvncant possession of their respective Uindsto Mr. Sanjay RamchandtaKulkarni and 13 others. m) In pursuance of the aforesaid Agreements, .by executing vari0tls, Deeds of Conveyance, the aforesaid previous owners' sold, .conveyed' and transferred their respective lands to Mr. Sanjay RamcharidraKtilkarni and 13 others, which Deeds.of Conveyance.wer~registered in tpe office of Sub-Registrar,' Mulshi {Paud),District Puneas stated below and the names of said Mr.: S, R. Kulkarni and 13 other are entered on .the revenue records of the aforesaid lands as the Purchasers and Owners thereof as follows: Survey No. /Hissa No. (piotNo. as Previous owner per ..;. DateoC Sale Deed and registration No. Mutatic;.n Entry No. Guntbewari Act 86/1/2 12 86/1/2 13 8 /1/2 5169 I 0 43.66 5770 14 B) History of title in respect of said I-B land: a) The land bearing Survey No. 102/1 adJ}l.i<OHectro-e81 Ares was previously owned .byMr.. Pandharwath .. Bhiva' .' Ingawale, '. Mr. Padmakar .BhivaIngawaleand Mr. Tll~aram BhlvaIngawale and ' their names were entered on the revenue t~icdrd()f StirveyNb. 102/1 ' vide Mutation Entry, No: 3208. b) By a Sale Deed dated 14/12/1990, Mr. Pa4tV:~ar BhivaIngawale sold land adm. 0 Hectare 27 Ares out of the Suryey No. lO~/1to Smt. Sudha . I. Vijay Bhinde and Mr. Vijay Purushottam Bh~de, which Sale Deed has. been duly registered in the office of Sub-R~gistrar,Maval at Sr. No. 5089/1990 and accordingly their!names were mutated on the revenue record of the said Survey No. 102/1 vide Mutation Entry No. 3454. The area adm. 0 Hectare 27 Ares was allotted wit,h new Survey No. 102/1/2 •.. and the area remaining with the aforesaid.o~ners,a~m. 0 Hectare 54 i"'" 10 . I Continuation Sheet i. ! ADVOCATE Ares was allotted with new Survey No.. 102/1/1. However Sale Deed dated 14/12/1990 is not available for my perusal. c) By a Sale Deed dated 15/6/1992, Mr. Pandharinath Bhivaji' Ingawale, Mr. Padmakar Bhivaji Ingawale, Smt. Tarabai Tukaram Ingawale, Mr. Vilas Tukaram Ingawale, Mr. Shivaji Tukaram Ingawale, Mrs. Janabai Shivaji Ingawale, Mr. Vinayak TukaramIngawale, Mr. Suresh Vinayak Ingawale, Mr. Hemant Tukaram •.Ingawale,Mrs .. Sunita Hemant Ingawale, Smt.Kundabai Maruti Satpute, Smt. Nandabai Eknath Balwadkar, Smt. Jayashri Subhash Valhekar and Smt. 'Chandabai Yenpure sold the land adm. 0 Hectare 40 Ares out of the Survey No. 102/1/1 to Mr. SatishPuri and Mrs. Anita Puri, which Sale Deed has been duly registered in the office Df Sub-Registrar, Mulshi at Sr. No.. 2624/1992 and. accordingly their ..names were. mutated on'th.e revenue record of the said Survey No.. 102/111 vide Mutation Entry Nq. 3492 and as per the said Mutation Entry No. 3492 thesaidareaiadm. 0 Hectare 40 Ares Was allotted with new Survey No. 102/1/3, but inadvertently the names of Mr.:and Mrs. Puri aIJpeared to have beenente~ed on the •.. Survey Nol02/1/1 for the area adm. 0 Hectare 40 Ares. Ho~everSale Deed dated 14/12/1990 isnDtavalIable for my perusal. . . . I. i ( ~ ' t. i I I I , I I i I, d) ~ereaftjerbYi~ Sale Deed dated115/3/l993;,Mr.SatishPur~ and Mrs. Anita Puri, sold the landadm.O' Hectare 40 Ares. bearing ~urvey No.. 102/1/1 (Survey No. 102/1/3 as per Mutation entry No. 3492) to Mr. Kashyap C. Shah, Mr ..Bharat G.>~hahand Mr. KamaleshC S~ah, which Sale D~ed has been; duly registered in the office •of Sub~Registr~, Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 619/199:3 and theiirtames were entered on the revenue, record. "ide MutatiDn lpntry No. 3663. i have perused the certified copy 9fthe Sale Deed dated 15/3/1993. I L k t'; e) Bya Cop-ectiqnDeed:dated 30/9(1993theplirties thereto covected the amount of agreed, consideration, itten in the aforesiiidSaleI?eed dated 15/3/1993, wh~chCDrrection Dee4.hasbeenduly registered in!the office of Sub-Registrar, Mulshi(Paud) at Sr. No. 2531/1993. I hayeperused the certified .copy of the CorrectiOI\lDeed dated 30/9/1993. ",r t) By a Sale Deed dated 21/2/2006, Mr. Kashyap Shah; Mr. iBharat C. Shah and Mr. Kamalesh C Shah, Sold, conveyed and transferr~d the said property to Mr. Prakash Arun>~pte, which Sale Deedco~ld 'not be registered at the relevant time andithereafter it was impoundedl Uls. 33 of the Mumbai Stamp Act, 1958 by the Colle,ctorofStamps, PuRe (Rural) on 30/5/2007 and a Deed of ~~nfinnation dated 22/840~; annexed -~.. . .".:. ".:;,:/" , l r .f"! ' 1, -i I with the aforesaid Sale Deed as Annexure A has been duly registered in the office of Sub-Registrar, Mulshi (Paud) at Sr. No. 5800/2007 on the even date. The name of Mr. Prakash Afun Apte is entered on the revenue record ofthesilid 1-B land by Mutation Entry No 6089. I have seen the original Deed of Confinnation annexed with Sale Deed as aforesaid. i " g) Thus Mr. Prakash Arun Apte became the absolute owner o(the said property i.e. land adm. 0 Hectare 40 Ares bearing Survey No. 102/1/1 (Survey No. 102/1/3 as perMutation entry No. 3492). C) History of title in respect of said I-C lands: a) The SurV,~yNo. 101, adm. 3 Hectare 43 Ares" assessed at RsA.50 Ps. was previously owned by Mr. Natendra aliaS,Nathu Dattu Ingawale, Mr. Dagadu Khapdu Ingaw~le, Mr.' Arun Kh~du Ingawale, Mr. Manik' Khandu Ingawale, Smt. SitabaiKhandu Ingawale, Mr..Ajit Shashikant Ingawale, Mr. Atul Shashikantilngawale, jKumManisha Shashikant Ingawale: Smt. Bayadabai' Shashikantlnga~ale,. Mr.Suresh. Vasantrao' , .' 1'.' '.' ...•.... '. '. ' Ingawale, Mr. VilasVasantrad Ingawalei1Si11t.'Surekha Vasantrao, Ingwale,' Smt. Sindhubai Vasan~rao"Ingaw~le;.... Smt.Tarabai .Rajaram Ingawale, Mrs. Madhuri ,Ashok Barate,Mrs; .Lata Ramesh Lonkarand Mrs.,Usha Shankarrao Kalgude. ..; I. ,I,' '.. '. b) By a registered Sale Deed dated 9/6119;89,Mr. Dagadu Khandu' Ingawale, Mrs. Mangala Dagadu Ingawale,Mr. Arun. Khandu Ingawale, " I, . Mrs. Sangeeta Arun Ing~wale, Mr. Manik IKhandulngawale' and Smt. ' Sitabai Khandu Ingawale:from the aforesaidlownerssold, conveyed and , transferred the area adm. 1Hectare 71.5 Ardouf of the said Survey No. • 101, to Miss Punita Jaisinghrao Desaiandh~r name Was entered on the: revenue record oftheSun'ey No.itO! by Mtltation ErltryNo. 3403. The! copy of Sale Deed dated 9/6/1~89 is not available for my perusal. ' However I have seen the photocopy of Index~n thereof. i ..j ..' I , I < c) The Survey No. 102/3, adm. 0 Hectare 88 Ares, assessedat Rs.0.94Ps. was previously owned by Mr. RavvajiKhand~ Ingawale,whoexpired on 19/8/1959 and the name of his Qnly legal h~ir widow, Smt.Bhimabai ' Rawaji Ingawale was entered onithe revenuerecord'ofthe"saidSurvey No. 102/3 vide Mutation Entry Nd. 1357. ! 12 ._- ._ - ._-_ _-_ .. _ .. _------_ - ._--_. _ .. _------_._._ .. _--_ ----. __ '. I ~ .~, Continuation Sheet ADVOCATE d) Smt. Bhimabai Rawaji Ingawale died instestate on 14/9/1964 andher nephews Mr. AbujiNamdeo Ingawale,Mr. Pandharinath Bhiwaji Ingawale,. Mr. Tukaram Bhiwaji Ingawale became the owners of the said Survey No. 10213 and the' name of Mr. Pandharinath Bhiwaji Ingawale Was entered as the Manager of Hindu Undivided Family on the revenue record of said survey No. 102/3 vide Mutation Entry No. 1660. e) Thereafter Mr. Abuji Namdeo Ingawale died intestate on 6/1111973 leaving behind him his legal heirs two sons,-Mr. Ramchandra Abuji Ingawale, Mr. Genubhau Abuji Ingawale and two lt1ah'ied daughters, Mrs. Shantabai Narayan Kawade .and Mrs. Parubai Namde6 K1lmbre and their names were entered on the revenue record of said survey No. 102/3 vide Mutation Entry No. 1897. . f) By a Sale Deeddated15/6/1989~Mr. Ramchandra;Abuji Ingawale ~s the Maqagerof his Hindu Undivided Family" and Mrs. Shantabai Narayan!Kawade and Mrs. ParubJi Namdeo Kumbre,'has sold the area •...adm. 0 Hectare 44 Ares out of Survey NO.I02/3 to M~ss Pun~ta Jaisinglu;ao De$ai, w.qich Sale Qeed has .been dulyregiste~ed in the offipe o~~i~b-~egistJ;ar,M~val :atl;S~.No.Pr ..S65/19;89andta~cordingly her 'mun~> was::mutated 'on' therejyenue record of:fhe said; S\U'VeyNo. : ,."'j ..'.: .. 102/3 vide Mut~tion Entry NO.J,452 andtheareaadm; o Hectare 44 Ares, assess~d:at Rs.0.~7 Ps. w~s~llottedwith new SurveyNq, 102/312. The Sale,Deed dated Ip16/1989js hot availablefor tnyperusaV . i.: i -- ",' - L .'; . -. • ;''';'C; ", ).. . j '.":" "'; , " '- '", , ,o:!' : , J';". i J. g) Thus MissPunita Jaisinghrao De&aihecamethe absoluteow~er of land adm. I Hectare 71.5. Ares out of Survey ..No. 10111and larld adm.,0 Hectare 44 Ar~s beariqg Survey~o. 102/3/g.By aregistered~ale Deed dated 18/!f(1 ?,89,saigMiss PMita] aisingmao Desai sold,.1conveyed and tr~sferr~d,the.la~d adm, IH~ctare :18'Atesout ofherai;ea adm. 1 Hectare 7L51).resout of the said Survey No. 10111,and l~d adm. 0 Hectar.e44f\r~shearing Survey No. 102/3/2to Smt. Gauri Ennamadi, Mr., Har~h Kohli, Smt..Jean Dtir~nte andMr.KonathParameshwaran SaIUlamaHwhich Sale Deed haslbeen dulyregiste~ed inth~ office of Joint Distrcit Registrar, Punelat Sr. No.' Printed 717/1989 and . accordingly their namys were e~t~red on.the revenu~.record(~fthe said Survey No. 10111andithe SllrveylNo.102/p/2 vide Mutation!EntryNo. 3455. Certified copy of Sale D~ed dated 18/12/1989 is availalple'formy perusal. ' . .' '.. : :'.- "J.e" - . -.,:'! -I,,' . n(l!;'~ r 13 ! f - .- •••••. _ ... _---_ •• _-.-------,-_ .• _ ••••• _._._-- + •• "._._-~- - --_._--------_._---:--'-~--_._ •• _--_ •• _-_.- ----'"-~-_:_--_.:-_ ••• __ ._-_ •• __ •••• ~----,j • ••• "'1.,.-., h) Aforesaid purchasers were, having their undivided shares in the aforesaid purchased areas adm. 1 Hectare 18 Ares out of Survey No. 10111and 0 Hectar~ 44 Ares bearing Survey No. 102/3/2, as follows: Name of the Purchaser Area in Survey No. 10111 H Ares 0 '33 0 32.5 0 i 32.5. 0 ~. 20 Smt. Gauri Ennamadi Mr. Harsh Kohli Smt..Jean Durante Mr. Konath Paratneshwaran Sannamali -'- Total Area in Survey No. 102/3/2 H Ares 0 08 0 08 0 '08 > 0 20 , , " , , : 1 , 18 0 44 i) Thus Smt. Gauri Ennamadibecame the absolute owner of the land adm. o Hectare 33 Ares out of the said Survey No.101l1and land adrn.O Hectare 08 Ares out of Survey No. 102/3/2jcollectivelyrefdniedto as the said ,1;,Cland. j) That said Smt. GaUriEnnamad\ Msgtapt~;deyel?PllJel1t tigJIts in respect the said l-C: lands' and' handed()verpp~~essiori. thereof to land, in favour of pancharatnaTownshipPrivateliiihited,acompaPYc 'duI'y regist~red andincorporated.tinder theComp~iesAct~19S6,purs~~t to the registered Developmertt; Agreement' read~ithregiste~ed Irr~vpc'able ' ._, - : - ,', -" - ,: ,'. '. - - - 1,,_ ".,- - ,.' :,," General Power of Attotney~ both i dated 17/Q1I2007dt.dy: registered in the office of Sub Registrar, Mulshi (PaUd),P~e, atSr.No. 2517/2007 and 2518/2007 respectively. 'I', i' ; , .1,:,.:-',':':< . _'-:, t. : 1 i j k) Said Smt. Gauri Ennan.'adiand p~Charatna'tO~hiP1Pri\iatCPmit~d have executed ,and regIstered a Dyed of Co~ectIon 'dated 6/9/2007, In respect of the aforesaid Development Agreement, whereby the rSuivey number fOf' one of the land out of the saidl'l ..C land 'is corrected 'as Survey' No:! 02/3/2, which, was inadvertenH~ written: as ' 102/112. The said Deed of Correction has been duly' regi~t~r~d in tq~office ()f SubRegistrar, Mulshi (Paud) at Sr, No. 6957/2~07. It is seen 'fr~rh the aforesaid Development Agreements that sai~PancharatnaTownship Pvt. Ltd. has paid the entire amount of agr~ed .c()ns~derati()n.to the present owners of the lands out ofthe said 1-C lands. ' , ~ 14 _---------- .. _- .. -_ .. _ --'----- _---_ ..-._--_ . , ! . Continuation Sheet ~",~~~. ADVOCATE 1) The name of the present owners of the respective lands out of the said 1,C lands have been duly entered upon the revenue record Le. 7/12 record on the b~is of.therespective Sale Deeds ex;ecutedbytheprevious owners in, favour of the present owners. ' 6. Maharashtra . Gunthewari Regu~ation) Act: Act and Urban Land (Ceiling and The said lands are situated at village Bhugaon, Taluka MUlshi, Dis~ict Pune within the jurisdiction of Zilla ParishadPune,Panchayat Samite~, Taltika Mulshi, DistrictPune.The Regional Plan for Pune iDistricthas been saIlctioned, w.e.f. JO/02/1998 and the village Bhugaonis covered :under the said Regional Plan. ,On perusal of various Zone Certificates issued by Assistant Director, Town Planning, P:llneDivision Pune lssued in the' year 2006-2007 it is observed that, the zoning of thesaidJands is Agricultural and no. develoPlllent as per the dforesaid sanctiorted Regiohal Plan. However, all the lands outofthesaid;lands have been regularisediunder the provisions of Maharashtra Gunthew~rr(Regularization, iUpgrad~tion '~d Control) Act, 2001 (hereihafter referred'to as 'the "Gunthewari:Act") by the Collector, Revenue Btanch,Puneby theaforesaid;Prelitnirtaty order dated 16/02/f006~dfinalor~er date~28/06/2006.:The IdFmarcat~onof the said lands is ralsoc,arrieq:oht byTIL~MulshLPune as per the provisions of the GtintheWari Aet"nndaHayout in respect of the said labds has !ialsobeen • sanctioned "by ,the:'Collector, Revenue Branch, 'PUne viffe aforesaid Order dated 09/10/2006,'Conseq~ently, a~per the provisions of sectiorlS of the Gunthewari Act, the said l'ands shall ~e deemed to, have been exe~ptedUls 20 of the Urban Land (Ceiling and R~gulation) Act, 1976 and converted to non-agricultural use for all the purPoses of Maharashtra Landi Revenue Code, 1966 subject to payment of non-agricultural assessmente~c. As p~r the order dated 28/6/2006 passedby~he Collector, Revenue Brartch, Pune bearing pMAlNA/SR/13 q200S, it is Seen that all the required al110untsof development charges, N.A. assessment, Zilla Parishad tax~s, Grain Panchayat taxes, etc. in respect of the said lands have been paid. 7. Development rights and entitlements Ltd. i.e. Promoterl Developer of Matrix Develo~ers Matrix Developers Pvt. :Ltd. is a eornpanyregistered and under the Companies Act, 1956, haviJ)g its registered office at Kala Nagar,Bandra (East)~ Mumbai 400 OSlaiid Mr. Shrikant is one of the Directors of the said cOn1pany.The said company the development rights in respect of'thb said lands as follows: 15 Pvt. inqorporated 30; Yashoda P.Paranjape haSi-acquired £. A) That by .Development Agreement and General Power of Attorney both dated 29/08/2007 the ,present owners of the said"l-A land, 'entrusted the development rights of the said I-Aland with Matrix Developers Pvt. Ltd., subject to the terms and conditions stated therein. The said Development Agreement and the said General Power of Attorney are duly registered in the office of the Sub-Registrar, "Mulshi (Palldfon 07/09/2007 at Sr. No. 6239/2007 and 6240/2007 respectively. B) That by Development Agree111entand GenerahPower of Attorney both dated 29/0812007 the present owner of the, said l;..B:land with the consent and confirmation of said Panch,aratnaTownship Bvt., Lt& ' entrusted the development rights of the s;aid l-B i hInd with!Matri~ Developers Pvt. Ltd., subject to.the terms~dconditions stated thereiil~ The said Development Agreement andtpesaidGeneral Power'of Attorney are puly registered ,~ the officeqf the Sub-Registrar, Mulsht (Paud) on 07/09/2007 at Sr. No. 6237/20074rtd623812007 respectively; C) That by De~.eloptn,entA~~em~* an~ GenqraLPowerof Atto~ey both ' dated 1JJIO/~007,i thepr~s~nt:Qwner Of,t~~.said l-C,lands ",ith th~ consent and,conflnnaticw.of i ~aid Pan9!I~at1la.TownshiPi'~Yt. Ltd;! entrusted the,'developIIlt~nt.'Jig!lt~, of ".the~~~~(;1-Crhinds:with iMatrix! Developers Pvt. Ltd., :subJec~.to . the! t~nnsand condition$stated! therein. The ,s,aid'Developmenti\greement Wtd"the,said General'.P • oweri of Attorney are duly registered in!theoffice~ftheSub~Registrar;j Mulshi! (Paud) o~ 26/10/2007 at Sr. No. 7328/200t*d}329/2007respectively. ! . . : 8. Litigations : From the enquiry and investigation of title, ,,,,,pending litigation in respect,ofthe sa~dlands.:' ",'''':,~y , Ir~ did not come across any , ') " I 9. Encumbrances and charges : j i ! From the perusal of various documents and thejsearch carried out by us in respect of the said lands, I did not cqme acrossjmy encumbrance or charge, upon the said lands. : 10. Custody of title deeds and important documeqts : 1 , All the available original title deeds and lor !certifiedcopies thereof in respect of the said lands are' hand~d over by~ancharatna' Township.Pvt. Ltd., and S. R. Kulkarni & 14otheistoMatri~Developers 'Pvt. Ltd. and now, all such documents are in the custody of M~trix Developers Pvt. Ltd. 16 <6' Continuation Sheet I ADVOCATE 11. Public notice : For investigation of title, I had issued public notices in daily news-paper "Sakal" on 18/06/2007 in respect of the said I-A land, said 1~B land and said l-e lands, for inviting objections from public at large if anybody having any right, title and interest or claim therein. However, tilldate Ihave not received any objection in response to the said public' notices from any person, claiming any right, title and interest of whatsoever nature in the said lands. I i 12. Title Opinion In view of the above, I am of the opinion that the title of the present owners as aforesaid to their respective lands. out. of the said lands is.clean, •clear and marketable and free. from all encumbrances and charges and in pur~uance of the registered Development Agreements and General Power of Attorneys stated in para NO.6 above, Matrix D;evelopersPvt. Ltd. has acquired the det'elopment rights in respect of the: said lands forconsiderati~n and is entitled to commence, carry out and complete the scheme of development . and construction thereon subject to ~btaining. all the required clearances, permissions and sanctions for the sam~and to enter into agreements for sale of unitsl premises in such scheme ~iihi the intending purchasetls and to , receive the sale and other proceed~ tl}ereof. Hence I have issued 'this Title and Search Report on this 04th day ?l1':'lovember 2007 at Pune. ~~I"l'Jffit . A. Kulkatni Advocate i." , FIi' I ; I'I' I:'I' I" I 17 ._J_ ! II ':,'- I, • : I , I : I ; I ! : .[~;","wm ,. ------------~~~.~-------"._-._-