2015 ISPE ANNUAL MEETING 8‐11 November 2015 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA E X H I B I T R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M COMPANY INFORMATION (Please complete) Company Name (Please list company informaƟon as it should appear in printed materials and on the booth/table ID sign) Contact Title Email Telephone Address City State/Province NEW Exhibi ng Company Zip/Postcode Country Returning ISPE Corporate Exhibitor | Years exhibited: EXHIBIT PACKAGES Please select a package STANDARD PACKAGE : $2,900* | $3,100 One 6’ x 2’ skirted table with chair and one‐line iden fica on sign Two complimentary Exhibitor Badges (fee applies for addi onal exhibit badges) Company lis ng in the printed Event Guide distributed at the event Complimentary lis ng in ISPE’s online searchable Exhibitor Directory Complimentary list of pre‐registered Conference Delegates Two Complimentary Guest Passes for Exhibit Hall admission PREMIUM PACKAGE: $3,200* | $3,400 All items listed for Standard package, plus: Priority choice of table selec on (based on registra on date; subject to availability) Enhanced lis ng in Exhibitor Directory featuring: Company Logo and Outline Border Link to company website in online version SUPPLIER SPOTLIGHT PACKAGE: $3,650* | $3,850 All items listed for Premium package, plus: 5‐minute (approximate) unmanned, self‐running PowerPoint presenta on with audio to play on TV screen inside Exhibit Hall during the Networking Breaks 10x10 BOOTH PACKAGE: $4,400* | $4,600 All items listed for Standard and Premium package, plus: Pipe and drape ‐ 7’ high across the back and 3’ high on both sides SUPPLIER SPOTLIGHT BOOTH PACKAGE: $4,850* | $5,050 All items listed for Booth package, plus: 5‐minute (approximate) unmanned, self‐running PowerPoint presenta on with audio to play on TV screen inside Exhibit Hall during the Networking Breaks * Early Bird Pricing Deadline: 31 August 2015 2015 ISPE ANNUAL MEETING 8‐11 November 2015 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA PAYMENT METHOD Registra ons will not be accepted without payment informa on. CHECK: Please make checks payable to: ISPE Check # enclosed payable to ISPE in the amount of $ (must be in US Dollars, drawn on a US Bank) CREDIT CARD: Card Type: VISA MASTERCARD AMEX Total Amount: $ Cardholder Name: (As it appears on card) Credit Card Number: Expira on Date: Cardholder Signature: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Suble ng of space will not be allowed. Exhibits must be staffed at all mes during exhibit hours. Exhibits may be staffed by a maximum of two representa ves at a me from each company. Table top exhibits should be as simple as possible and must conform to the following: The en re exhibit must be confined to the table top only (nothing will be allowed to hang off, be located underneath, behind, in front or along side of the table). The maximum height including lights, signs, etc., of any display shall be 60 inches from the top of the table. The maximum width of any display shall be 72 inches. Displays must not overhang the top of the table. Only sta c displays are acceptable. No opera ng machinery, unless it can fit on top of the table and is unobtrusive, of any type will be allowed (excluding computer terminals and video monitors). ISPE reserves the right to restrict table top exhibits which are objec onable because of size, noise, glaring or flashing lights, method of opera on or any other reason, and therefore, to prohibit or evict any Exhibitor who, in the opinion of ISPE, may detract from the overall good of the exhibit. This reserva on includes persons, conduct, printed ma er or anything ISPE judges to be objec onable. Any failure to comply with the above restric ons shall result in exclusion from par cipa on in future ISPE Table Top Exhibits. Early bird pricing must be paid in full prior to Early Bird deadline. Cancella on Policy: A fi y percent (50%) refund will be given up to 10 weeks prior to the event date. No refunds will be given there‐ a er. Our company and its representa ves agree to abide by ISPE Table Top terms and condi ons. Authorized Company Representa ve (Print Name) Signature ISPE SALES CONTACTS John Phillips Alisa Pachella Diane Munda Robin Lane Director of Interna onal Sales Account Manager Sales Coordinator Sales Coordinator Tel: +1‐813‐739‐2292 Tel: +1‐813‐739‐2274 Tel: +1‐813‐960‐2105 x399 Tel: +1‐813‐960‐2105 x235 jphillips@ispe.org apachella@ispe.org dmunda@ispe.org rlane@ispe.org ISPE Headquarters 600 N. Westshore Blvd., Suite 900 | Tampa, Florida 33609 USA Tel: +1‐813‐960‐2105 | Fax: +1‐813‐739‐2288 | FEI #59‐2009272