SPONSORSHIP ORDER FORM COMPANY INFORMATION (Please complete) Company Name (Please list company information as it should appear in printed materials and on the booth/table ID sign) Contact Title Email Telephone Address City State/Province Zip/Postcode Country SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES | 2015 Annual Meeting Only Please indicate your sponsorship selection(s) TOTE BAG: $14,500 | Exclusive SOLD LEADERSHIP RECEPTION: $3,500 | Limit 2 Sponsors SOLD PADFOLIO: $13,500 | Exclusive BADGE: $2,995 | Exclusive SOLD WIRELESS INTERNET: $10,000 | Exclusive SOLD TOTE BAG INSERT: $2,650 | Limit 4 Sponsors (3 LEFT) LANYARD: $7,000 | Exclusive SOLD REFRESHMENTS: $3,250 | Limit 3 Sponsors HOTEL KEY CARD: $6,750 | Exclusive SOLD BOOKSTORE DRAW: $1,995 | Exclusive 5K RUN: $5,000 | Exclusive SOLD MEMBERSHIP BREAKFAST: $1,800 | Limit 4 Sponsors (2 left) MOBILE CHARGING STATION: $4,750 | Exclusive LUNCH: $1,800 | Limit 2 Sponsors SOLD TUESDAY NIGHT PARTY: $4,500 | Limit 4 Sponsors (3 left) EXHIBIT HALL GIVEAWAY: $1,750 | Limit 10 Sponsors SOLD WELCOME RECEPTION: $4,500 | Limit 2 Sponsors TUESDAY NIGHT PARTY PRIZE: $1,250 | Limit 6 Sponsors ISPE SALES CONTACTS Alisa Pachella Account Manager Tel: +1-813-739-2274 apachella@ispe.org Diane Munda Sales Coordinator Tel: +1-813-960-2105, Ext. 399 dmunda@ispe.org Robin Lane Sales Coordinator Tel: +1-813-960-2105, Ext. 235 rlane@ispe.org PAYMENT METHOD Orders will not be accepted without payment information. CHECK: Please make checks payable to: ISPE Check # enclosed payable to ISPE in the amount of $ (must be in US Dollars, drawn on a US Bank) CREDIT CARD: Card Type: VISA MASTERCARD AMEX Total Amount: $ Cardholder Name: (As it appears on card) Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: Cardholder Signature: AUTHORIZATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE (Please print) SIGNATURE Return this completed form with payment to ISPE headquarters: ISPE Headquarters 600 N. Westshore Blvd., Suite 900 | Tampa, Florida 33609 USA Tel: +1-813-960-2105 | Fax: +1-813-739-2288 | FEI #59-2009272 DATE