Department Relocates to New Human Services Building Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Spring 2011
Volume 2, Issue 2
Cochlear Connection
Department Relocates to New Human Services Building
of space
Lanand opporguage
tunities for
the George
G. Leader
and Hearmoved
ing Center
into the
to expand
its acafloor of
demic and
the new
profesRibbon Cutting Ceremony for
Human Resources Building
sional ofServices
building in December 2010.
On April 25, EUP held a ribThe new building offers an
bon-cutting ceremony and
reception to celebrate the
opening of the new Human
Services building. Guest
speakers included Provost
and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Philip Ginnetti, Dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences, Dr. Terry
Smith, Department Chair and
Graduate Program Head, Dr.
Char Molrine, and Edinboro
University President, Dr. Jeremy
Inside the newsletter is a picture tour of the new facility.
(continued on page 2)
Inside this issue:
New Human Services
Building & Photo Tour
MASLP Students Attend 1 & 4
& Present at PSHA
New Faces: Maggie
MASLP Students Attend 4
Concussion Summit
MASLP Students Attend and Present at PSHA
MASLP students and faculty members attended the
Pennsylvania SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association (PSHA) Conference in
Pittsburgh, PA, on April 7
through April 9. They attended seminars covering
topics, such as alternative
and augmentative communication, Autism Spectrum
Disorders, dementia, dysphagia, and cultural issues.
The graduate students participated in workshops focusing on National Examination
in Speech-Language Pathology (NESP) preparation and
clinical fellowship year place-
ments and experiences, as well as a
vendor fair. Firstyear graduate student Lauren Mehalik said that she
enjoyed the small
group atmosphere
with functional
objectives presented by practicing clinicians.
Graduate students Lauren Mehalik and Kara
Dreikorn leading a NSSLHA seminar at PSHA
Dr. Patricia Leigh
and first-year
graduate student
discussed the role of relaKim Buettner presented
tionships in the context of
Using Relationships in
Therapy to Increase Effectiveness, in which they
intervention and
(continued on page 4)
Former Student Returns 5
to Demonstrate
Dysphagia Treatments
MASLP Student Earns
Local NSSLHA Chapter
First Year Graduate
Student Placements
Created by
Rosa Gerber
Edited by
Dr. Char Molrine
Page 2
Cochlear Connection
New Human Services Building (continued from page 1)
Leader Center Lobby
Pediatric Waiting Play Area of Lobby
Seminar Classroom
Pediatric Treatment Room
Kitchenette / Locker Area
Volume 2, Issue 2
Page 3
New Human Services Building (continued from page 2)
Computer Lab
Treatment Room
Preparation Room
Observation Room
Faculty Office
Audiology Suite
Page 4
Cochlear Connection
New Faces Around Leader Clinic: Margaret Herzog
The Speech, Language and Hearing
department welcomed Margaret
(Maggie) Herzog as
a temporary instructor for SHLD 220
Survey of Communication Disorders in
Adults and as a
graduate clinical
supervisor for the
school-age clinic at
the Leader Speech
New temporary faculty Maggie Herzog
and Hearing Center.
Maggie reported
that she enjoyed teaching and working
with students and hopes to
continue in the future. She
focused on bringing a practical approach to therapy to
share with her students, while
introducing them to the field
of speech-language pathology.
Maggie holds an associates
degree in Mechanical Engineering from SUNY Alfred, a
BS in Communication Sciences and Disorders from
Nazareth College of Rochester, and a MA in SpeechLanguage Pathology from
Edinboro University. She is a PA licensed
and ASHA certified clinician. Maggie’s
previous work experience includes: assistant mechanical engineer and technical
writer at Micro Instrument Corp in Rochester, NY; SLPA at Alpha Speech and Language Center; and SLP at Presque Isle
Rehabilitation and Nursing Center and
HealthSouth Rehabilitation in Erie, PA.
Her specialty is in adult neurogenic disorders.
Maggie plans to begin work on her
Ph.D. within the next three years to pursue a full-time career in research and education. She currently resides in Erie with
her husband, Robert.
MASLP Students Attend the Multidisciplinary Concussion Summit at EUP
On April 29, MASLP students and faculty attended the Multidisciplinary Concussion Summit sponsored by Edinboro
University and St. Vincent Health System.
Gathering from across the country, nine
speakers from a variety of disciplines,
including specialized medicine, neurosci-
ence, speech-language pathology, and
physical therapy, discussed their experiences and therapy techniques in working
with individuals with concussion symptoms. Speakers also presented their research with current and former NFL players and the possible long-tem effects
of concussion. Postmortem brain images
highlighted the unique tau protein deposit patterns evinced in chronic traumatic
encephalopathy of these players as a result of multiple concussions at different
ages. Audience questions about concussion were addressed by a panel of experts.
MASLP Students Attend and Present at PSHA (continued from page 1)
the ways in which clinicians can foster
ously seemed to be a distant,
those relationships to facilitate therapy.
unobtainable goal.
The graduThe seminar also demonstrated the use
of affect and emotions in therapy to creDreikorn led the NSSLHA Colalso particiate more salient therapeutic goals. Kim
laboration: Chapter
pated in a
commented that
she was thankful
during which they
for the opportudiscussed
nity to present at
NSSLHA chapter
in which
the conference.
school teams
She explained
Graduate students Lauren Mehalik, Kara
and effective teamcompeted to
that, through the
Dreikorn, and Rachel Weislogel at PSHA
deanswer samexperience, she
ple NESP
had developed a
involvement in Sponsored Siquestions. The group later enjoyed a
greater apprecialence, during which they inpresentation by EBS on future careers in
tion for the broad
creased awareness of alternathe speech-language pathology field.
scope of the
Graduate students Kim Buettner
Costs for the conference, lodging, and
nicative devices, specifically the
field and the abiland Marie Terbeck at PSHA
were defrayed by contributions
Proloquo2Go application for the
ity to affect the
EUP Graduate Professional DeiPad. The club donated new
lives of people
Program and the local
children’s books and pop can tabs to the
with small gestures, which had previNSSLHA
Ronald McDonald House Charities at
Volume 2, Issue 2
Page 5
Former MASLP Graduate Discusses and Demonstrates Dysphagia
Treatment Techniques with Current Students
On April 6, Edinboro University MASLP
graduate Amy Chaffee, CCC-SLP, visited
the SHLD 655 Swallowing Disorders
graduate class to discuss dysphagia and
Graduate student Rachel Weislogel
experiencing sEMG therapy
therapy planning
and to demonstrate
flexible endoscopic
evaluation of swallowing (FEES) and
Vital-Stim therapy.
Amy is a practicing
pathologist at United
Health Services Hospitals in Binghamton, NY. She shared
Digital image of graduate student
Graduate student Kara Dreikorn
her experiences as a
Dreikorn’s vocal folds from FEES
demonstrating FEES
dysphagia specialist
and the various techniques that she uses in patient treatment.
ing, as Amy demonstrated these treatThe class experienced a first-hand look at
ment techniques on volunteering stusEMG, Vital-Stim therapy and FEES imagdents.
First Year MASLP Student Awarded Scholarship
First year graduate student Kimberly
Buettner received the Gay Keiser Speech
Pathology Memorial Scholarship. The
$1000 scholarship is awarded annually
to a full-time MASLP student in Pennsylvania. The honored student demonstrates
a desire to grow professionally, participation in professional organizations, and
Leadership qualities within departmental/community activities. The award is
sponsored by the Capital Area Intermediate Unit in Harrisburg, PA.
Local NSSLHA Chapter Happenings
The local Edinboro University
chapter of the National Student
Speech, Language,
and Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
had an active
spring semester.
The club participated in community services, social
events, and fundraisers.
lected unused books and
Club members gathered in February
pop can tabs for the Ronald
for a viewing of Temple Grandin, a movie
McDonald House in Pittsdocumenting the life of a woman diagburgh to donate at the PSHA
nosed with autism who would become
one of the leading scientists in
They wrote to
humane livestock handling. The
state repreclub hosted a pizza and professentatives to
sional night on March 28, during
protest the
which two recent graduates of the
newborn inMASLP program, Ashley Hudson
fant screening
and Holly Adams, shared stories of
NSSLHA members at the Walking
their academic experiences and
for Autism
budget cut.
their transition to a professional
The club also
career in the SLP field.
For community service, the club colTo raise money in support of
money and participated in
lected sanitary articles, nonperishable
the local NSSLHA chapter, memthe Walk for Autism and
foods, and entertainment items, to send
bers sold club T-shirts, strombolis,
following picnic at Presque
to soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghaniand Sheetz coupons, and raffled a
Isle in Erie.
NSSLHA community service
stan in March. In April, members colgift basket.
First Year Graduate Students Summer
Internship Placements
Ashley Arnold
Jessica Barkhurst
Kimberly Buettner
James Byham
Kara Dreikorn
Curtis Eastep
Katlin Fleischut
Rosa Gerber
Danielle Hyde
Kathy Junkin
Erin Kranz
Kaily Lechefsky
Christina Marquez
Lauren Mehalik
Rachael Niemira
Ashley Saft
Miriam Stull
Marie Terbeck
Rachel Weislogel
Skilled Nursing Facility
Manor Care—Greentree (HCR)
Pittsburgh, PA
Presque Isle Rehab
Erie, PA
Golden Living—Western Reserve (Aegis)
Erie, PA
Wesbury (Alliance Rehab)
Meadville, PA
Forest View (RehabCare)
Erie, PA
Crawford County Care Center (RehabCare)
Saegertown, PA
Sarah Reed (Alliance Rehab)
Erie, PA
St. Mary’s Asbury Ridge (Alliance Rehab)
Erie, PA
Stratford Commons (People First)
Glenwillow, OH
Abington Crest (ProStep Rehab)
Erie, PA
Mayfair Village Nursing Home
(Life Care Centers of America)
Columbus, OH
Wesbury (Alliance Rehab)
Meadville, PA
Presque Isle Rehab
Erie, PA
St. Anne Home
Greensburg, PA
St. Mary’s East (Alliance Rehab)
Erie, PA
Golden Living—Walnut Creek (Aegis)
Erie, PA
Crawford County Care Center (RehabCare)
Saegertown, PA
Saybrook Landing (Olympia Therapy)
Ashtabula, OH
Potoker & Hoehn
Erie, PA