EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS Associate of Applied Science Major: Applied Technology (1260) Student:________________________________________________ ID:@________________________ Term:____________ I. GENERAL EDUCATION (21 SH) SH Grade Date A. Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12 SH) ENGL 101 College Writing Skills _3__ ____ ___ MATH 104 Finite Math or higher _3__ ____ ___ COMM 107 Public Speaking _3__ ____ ___ CSCI104 Essential Computing I _3__ ____ ___ B. Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9 SH) (Students must complete PHIL 240 in Core 6. In addition, one Course is to be selected from two of the remaining 5 categories) 1. Artistic Expression ______________________ World Civilizations ____ ____ ___ 2. ______________________ American Civilizations ____ ____ ___ 3. ____ ____ ___ 4. ______________________ Human Behavior ______________________ Cultural Diversity & Social Pluralism ____ ____ ___ ______________________ Ethics ____ ____ ___ 5. 6. PHIL 240 Intro to Moral Issues_ (3 SH) II. APPLIED TECHNOLOGY MAJOR (24-39 SH) SH Grade Date A. Applied Practice Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12 SH) ECON 220 Microeconomics _3__ ____ ____ BUAD 160 Business in Society _3__ ____ ____ MFGT 201 Intro to Quality Control _3__ ____ ____ PHYS 181 Principles of Physics _3__ ____ ____ B. Applied Technical Field Training*. . . . . . . . . . (12-27 SH) *A completed program of study from an accredited technical institute or a journeyman’s certificate are awarded as block transfer credit under ENGR 298 Applied Technical Field Training. (3 SH) III. FREE ELECTIVES (0-15 SH) (3 SH) (3 SH) (3 SH) (3 SH) _3__ ____ ____ SH Grade Date If free electives are needed, the following course is suggested MGMT 260 Fund Mgmt _________________________ _________________________ TOTAL _3__ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ (60 SH) THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD (Approved: June 2012; Effective Fall 2015)