MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2014 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, January 16, 2014, at the Forest Park Campus, 5600 Oakland Ave., St. Louis, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Dr. Craig Larson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Dr. Craig Larson, Chair; Dr. Doris Graham, Vice Chair; Ms. Melissa Hattman, Trustee; Ms. Hattie Jackson, Trustee; Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Trustee, and Ms. Joan McGivney, Trustee. Also present were Dr. Dennis Michaelis, Interim Chancellor; Mr. Marc Fried, Legal Counsel, and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations. 2. Welcome to Guests None. 3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Ms. McGivney, and seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda, after pulling the Bid Awards and Academic and Student Affairs sections from the consent agenda for discussion. 5. Approval of the December 5, 2013 Minutes On motion by Ms. Hattman and seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously approved the December 5, 2013 regular meeting minutes. 6. Approval of Resolution Re February 20, 2014 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. Hattman and seconded by Ms. Jackson, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll-call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on February 20, 2014, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 7. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Mr. DeLancey Smith, Director of Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. 8. Informational Presentations A. Foundation Announcement Ms. Jo-Ann Digman, executive director of the Foundation, made a brief presentation on the Foundation’s “Falling in Love in Five courses,” event, scheduled on February 8, 2014. 9. Approval of Fiscal Year 2015 Board Meeting Schedule Following discussion, on motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, and seconded by Ms. Hattman, the Board unanimously approved the Fiscal Year 2015 Board Meeting Schedule. 10. Approval of Consent Items Consent items are approved by a single motion and vote unless otherwise noted below. 10.1 Consent Item Motion and Vote On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, and seconded by Ms. Hattman, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved, after discussion regarding revisions to the Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology program. 10.2 Academic and Student Affairs Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution: 2 RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. 10.3 HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resource Recommendations The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 10.4 BID AWARDS Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 3 Following approval of all other items, Ms. McGivney asked questions regarding the recommendation of award with Public Safety Strategies for an operation and liability analysis. Following discussion, on motion by Dr. Graham and seconded by Ms. McGivney, the Board voted unanimously to approve the award with Public Safety Strategies. 10.5 FINANCE There were no reports to approve this month. Financial reports appear on a quarterly basis in February, May and August. 10.6 CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 10.7 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS Acceptance of External Funds The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set 4 forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. 10.8 INSURANCE No items. 11. COMMUNICATIONS 11.1 Chancellor’s Report Dr. Michaelis gave an update on the Florissant Valley President search. He said the applications are coming in and a screening committee has been selected. He added that the closing date for applications is February 28th, and he anticipates recommending someone for the position at the April Board meeting. Dr. Michaelis commended faculty and staff across the college for working together to make up enrollment loss on the first two days of classes. He said early enrollment figures were not solid, and losing two days of registration due to inclement weather was concerning. He added that the cooperation and extra effort has the enrollment numbers looking much better. Dr. Michaelis then ended his report by reading the following statement: “Over the past few weeks, I have become aware of efforts to develop a comprehensive policy regarding the charging of in-district or in-state tuition to undocumented persons who are enrolled as students at colleges and universities throughout the State of Missouri. 5 As a result, as Interim Chancellor of St. Louis Community College, I have decided to defer STLCC’s administrative decision to grant in-district or in-state tuition to these students until such time that a comprehensive statewide policy is developed. STLCC strives to work together with members of Missouri’s higher education community to help students achieve their dreams and aspirations.” 11.2 For the Good of the College Report Dr. Larson gave the following report: The Board will be conducting its annual planning retreat on January 23rd from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to setting the calendar for 2014, the Board will hold strategic discussions regarding issues impacting the college. I would like to extend congratulations to Dr. Doris Graham on being named an “Extraordinary African-American Trailblazer of St. Louis” by the Royal Vagabonds Foundation. Dr. Graham will be recognized at a luncheon on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at the Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel. Please let Becky know if you would like a seat at this event. I hope all of our Board members are available to attend the Foundation’s “Falling in Love in Five Courses” event. It’s a wonderful evening in support of a great cause! On behalf of the Board, I want to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year! 11.3 Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns None. 11.4 Board Member Comments Ms. McGivney thanked Dr. Hess and the Forest Park campus for hosting the meeting. Ms. McGivney, Ms. Jackson and Dr. Graham congratulated Dr. Hess on the recent renovations to the Student Center. 18. NEW BUSINESS It came to the attention of the Board that the December 5, 2013 Work Session minutes were not approved under agenda item 5. On motion by Ms. Hattman and 6 seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously approved the December 5, 2013 Work Session minutes as written. 19. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations 7 #6 Resolution Re February 20, 2014 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on February 20, 2014 at 6 p.m. at the Cosand Center St. Louis, Missouri, in the Executive Board room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [10]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [8]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. January 16, 2014 Board Agenda #9 FISCAL YEAR 2015 MEETING SCHEDULE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE MEETING LOCATION 2014 July 17 Regular Meeting South County Education Center August 14 Regular Meeting Corporate College September 25 Regular Meeting Harrison Center October 16 Regular Meeting Cosand Center November 20 Regular Meeting Cosand Center December 11 Regular Meeting Cosand Center 2015 January 22 Regular Meeting Cosand Center February 19 Regular Meeting Cosand Center March 26 Regular Meeting Forest Park April 23 Regular Meeting Florissant Valley May 21 Regular Meeting Meramec June 18 Regular Meeting Wildwood Board retreat and work sessions to be scheduled as needed. Board/SCHD2014-15.doc Revised Academic and Student Affairs The college recommends that the Board approve the revision of the Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology degree approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee Program: Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology Associate in Applied Science Effective: Upon approval by the Coordinating Board of Higher Education Impact Statement Since the inception of St. Louis Community College, the college has provided programs producing electrical and electronic technicians. As technology has changed the electronics industries, this revision will keep the Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology AAS Degree Program abreast with technology. Curriculum revisions will allow the students to matriculate through the program smoothly and give them options to go into the technical field of work or to continue their education. The revisions are in step with changes in the criteria for ABET accreditation in Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology and will maintain that level of rigor. Current Program Courses Career General Education ENG:101 ENG:102 ENG:103 College Composition I College Composition II (or) Report Writing 3 XXX:xxx XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement Social Science Requirement 3 3 MTH:124 MTH:134 Technical Mathematics (and) Technical Mathematics II (or) 3 3 MTH:144 Technical Algebra and Trigonometry Technical Analytical Geometry and Calculus 5 MTH:154 Physical Education Activity Area of Concentration Board Meeting 01/16/14 Revised Program Courses Career General Education General Courses ENG:101 College Composition I ENG:102 College Composition II (or) ENG:103 Report Writing (or) COM:101 Oral Communication I XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement XXX:xxx Social Science Requirement Credits 21-22 3 Credits 21-24 12 3 3 3 3 Math Requirement MTH:185 Precalculus (or) MTH:144 Technical Algebra and Trigonometry (or) MTH:160C College Algebra (and) MTH:170 Trigonometry 5-7 5 5 Science Requirement (select one) PHY:111 College Physics I CHM:101 Fundamentals of Chemistry I BIO:111 Introductory Biology I BIO:207 Anatomy & Physiology I 4-5 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 Physical Education Activity 30 Area of Concentration 1 2 24 GE:131 GE:101 EGR:104 EE:106 EE:130 EE:131 EE:132 EE:233 EE:242 EE:260 Engineering Technology Orientation Technical Computer Applications Electronic Drafting IBM Personal Computer Installation and Repair Electric Circuits I Electric Circuits II Electronic Devices Digital Logic Introduction to Microprocessors Electronic Project Design and Fabrication 1 GE:131 3 2 1 GE:101 EGR:104 EE:106 4 4 5 4 3 3 EE:130 EE:131 EE:132 EE:233 Electives (complete one of the options listed below) . 13-20 Electrical Engineering Technology 14-15 Engineering Technology Orientation Technical Computer Applications Electronic Drafting IBM Personal Computer Installation and Repair Electric Circuits I Electric Circuits II Electronic Devices Digital Logic 1 3 2 1 4 4 5 4 PHY:111 CHM:101 College Physics I (or) Fundamentals of Chemistry 4 5 EE:236 PLC/Programmable Logic Controller Electrical Machines 3 Electives (select 17 or more credit hours from the following) 17 GE:133 Quantitative Methods in 2 Engineering Technologies EE:242 Introduction to Microprocessors 3 EE:236 PLC/Programmable Logic 3 Controller BE:254 Biomedical Applications 4 4 EE:260 EE:240 EE:241 Transmission and Distribution of 3 Power Program total 67-69 credits Biomedical Engineering Technology BIO:111 Introductory Biology I BE:150 Biomedical Electrical Safety EE:240 GE:240 EE:241 20 4 2 EE:204 EE:235 ME:210 4 ME:254 BE:251 Workplace Learning: Biomedical Engineering Technology Biomedical Electronics 5 BE:153 BE:254 Biomedical Applications 5 GE:290 BE:153 Program total 73-74 credits Computer Engineering Technology 15-16 PHY:111 College Physics I (or) 4 CHM:101 Fundamentals of Chemistry 5 EE:201 Computer Peripherals 4 EE:202 Logic and Switching Circuits 4 EE:203 Operating Systems 3 Program total 68-70 credits Electronic Engineering Technology PHY:111 College Physics I (or) CHM:101 Fundamentals of Chemistry EE:234 Applied Electronics Board Meeting 01/16/14 13-14 4 5 5 2 Electronic Project Design and Fabrication Electrical Machines 3 Product Design and Fabrication Transmission and Distribution of Power Three-Phase Power Electronic Communications Robotics Subsystems and Components Electricity and Controls 4 3 Workplace Learning: Biomedical Engineering Technology Workplace Learning: General Engineering 4 4 4 4 3 3 1-6 EE:235 Electronic Communications 4 Program total 66-68 credits Telecommunications Engineering Technology 16-17 PHY:111 College Physics I (or) 4 CHM:101 Fundamentals of Chemistry 5 TEL:103 Introduction to 3 Telecommunications TEL:104 Voice Communication 3 TEL:206 Network Topology 3 TEL:209 Telecommunication System 3 Operations Program total 69-71 credits Workplace Experience: Students may substitute up to six credit hours of appropriate and relevant workplace learning experience for technical courses, and/or electives, included in the program. In order for the workplace learning credit to be counted for the degree requirement, the learning experience must be preapproved by the department, and the appropriate faculty member must supervise the work. Program total 64-67 credits Workplace Learning Experience: Students may substitute up to six credit hours of appropriate and relevant workplace learning experience for technical courses, and/or electives, included in the program. In order for the workplace learning credit to be counted for the degree requirement, the learning experience must be pre-approved by the department, and the appropriate faculty member must supervise the work. The college recommends that the Board approve the revision of the Baking and Pastry Arts degree program approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee Program: Baking and Pastry Arts Associate in Applied Science Effective: Upon approval of the Coordinating Board of Higher Education and the Higher Learning Commission Impact Statement After careful evaluation of the labor market data gathered, it can be determined that there will continue to be a need for a qualified workforce, in the areas of baking and pastry arts into the year 2020. The data suggests that there will continue to be a positive increase in job openings in most all areas in which the proposed Baking and Pastry Arts AAS degree supports. These annual openings are a result of either new growth or net replacement. According to the 2013 Full-line Retail Bakery Survey conducted by Modern Baking magazine, retail bakers are notoriously optimistic about the future of the industry, partly due to bakery products’ resistance to recessions, although the economic downturn in the last decade did more to test this theory than previous recessions. The average number of employees per bakery is 10.3 full-time and 6.7 parttime; average wages increased to pace inflation. Sixty-eight percent of bakers indicated they expect sales to increase in 2013, and 27% of bakery owners cite finding and keeping skilled labor as their biggest impediment to sales growth. This program revision will continue preparing skilled candidates for job openings. This revision is to modify and update the curriculum based on industry research and advisory board input. This request for program revision is related to the existing Hospitality Studies Board Meeting 01/16/14 3 program that currently offers an AAS in Hospitality Studies: Hotel and Restaurant Management, Hospitality Studies: Culinary Arts, and Hospitality Studies: Baking and Pastry Arts. The proposed change will reduce the current total credit hour value of the AAS program, to comply with the MO State DESE's request, while retaining the necessary requirements for programmatic accreditation through the American Culinary Federation. This proposed change has been vetted in a recent advisory committee meeting, through discussions with four-year institutions throughout the region, and consultation with respected industry experts. In addition, the title change of the AAS degree will allow for ease in listing SLCC's program in MDHE's College and Degree Search database. The AAS in Hospitality Studies: Baking and Pastry Arts will allow students to gain the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to become a successful pastry professional. Concepts of baking theory and nutrition; breads, rolls, and bakeries; production pastry techniques; and cake production and decoration will lay the foundation for essential pastry-related skills. Advanced classes in artisan and decorative bread; ice cream and frozen desserts; chocolates and pralines; contemporary plated desserts; and showpieces and confectionary art will allow specialized training in specific areas of concentration for the aspiring pastry chef. The final course, Baking and Pastry Arts Capstone, will give the student a real-world simulation of what to expect upon graduation. Current Program Courses Credits XXX:xxx XXX:xxx Career General Education College Composition I Oral Communication I (or) Public Speaking Elementary Applied Mathematics or higher Natural Science/Mathematics Elective Social Science Elective Missouri State Requirement XXX:xxx Physical Education Activity ENG:101 COM:101 COM:107 MTH:108 XXX:xxx Area of Concentration HRM:134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry CUL:101 Safety and Sanitation 3 3 2 XXX:xxx Physical Education Activity 2 3 CUL:101 Area of Concentration Safety and Sanitation 1 1 HRM:112 Procurement in the Hospitality Industry HRM:128 Nutrition for the Culinarian 3 HRM:134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry HRM:146 Professionalism in the Hospitality Industry HRM:201 Supervision and Leadership in 3 3 3 3 3 3 HRM:128 Nutrition for the Culinarian 3 ART:107 2 Board Meeting 01/16/14 Credits Career General Education ENG:101 College Composition I COM:101 Oral Communication I (or) COM:107 Public Speaking MTH:108 Elementary Applied Mathematics or higher XXX:xxx Natural Science/Mathematics Elective XXX:xxx Social Science Elective XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement HRM:201 Problems of Hospitality Management HRM:205 Operational Cost Control Design I Revised Program Courses 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 HRM:112 Purchasing 3 HRM:141 Workplace Learning I: Hospitality Studies 1 Baking and Pastry Arts Courses BAP:101 BAP:105 BAP:110 BAP:115 CUL:150 BAP:201 BAP:205 BAP:201 BAP:215 BAP:220 BAP:250 the Hospitality Industry HRM:205 Hospitality Financial Planning & Cost Control 3 Baking and Pastry Arts Courses Culinary Essentials for the Pastry Arts Introduction to Baking Theory 3 CUL:150 Introduction to Baking Theory and Nutrition Breads, Rolls, and Bakeries Production Pastry Techniques Cake Production and Decoration Culinary Essentials for the Pastry Arts Artisan and Decorative Bread Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts 3 BAP:101 3 3 3 BAP:105 BAP:110 BAP:115 3 BAP:201 2 2 BAP:205 BAP:210 Chocolates and Pralines Contemporary Plated Desserts Showpieces and Confectionary Art Dessert Buffet Presentation 2 2 2 BAP:215 BAP:220 BAP:260 Program total 3 Breads, Rolls, and Bakeries Production Pastry Techniques Cake Production and Decoration Artisan and Decorative Bread 3 3 3 Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts Chocolate Candies and Showpieces Plated Desserts Sugar Candies and Showpieces Baking and Pastry Arts Capstone 2 2 2 2 2 3 7 71 credits Program total 65 credits The college recommends that the Board approve the revision of the Culinary Arts degree program approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee Program: Culinary Arts Associate in Applied Science Effective: Upon approval of the Coordinating Board of Higher Education and the Higher Learning Commission Impact Statement The Foodservice Industry is the second largest industry in St. Louis with over $2.5 Billion in sales annually. It employs more than 46,000 people in 15 business categories. As foodservice institutions look to increase profitability and quality, they are seeking the talents of Certified Culinarians. These employers are in search of highly skilled professionals proficient in all aspects of food preparation. The AAS in Culinary Arts will continue to allow students to gain the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to become a successful culinary professional. Concepts of food preparation theory and nutrition; knife skills; stocks, soups, and sauces; fabrication; charcuterie; and other food preparation techniques will lay the foundation for essential culinary-related skills. Board Meeting 01/16/14 5 Advanced classes in garde manger; American regional, global; and nutritional cooking will allow specialized training in specific areas of concentration for the aspiring culinarian. This revision is to modify and update the curriculum based on industry research, consultant collaboration, and advisory committee input. This program revision is related to the existing Hospitality Studies program that currently offers an AAS in Hospitality Studies: Hotel and Restaurant Management, Hospitality Studies: Culinary Arts, and Hospitality Studies: Baking and Pastry Arts. The proposed change would be one of three components that would make up the program offerings of the Hospitality Program. This program revision is in conjunction with the proposed changes to both the AAS in Baking and Pastry Arts and the AAS in Hospitality and Tourism. Not only will the changes take advantage of common core courses within the hospitality department, but also it will seek to reduce program hours to be in line with Missouri State requirements. As a result of this revision, the AAS in Culinary Arts will have its own identity while remaining part of the three hospitality program offerings; an AAS in Baking and Pastry Arts, and an AAS in Hospitality and Tourism will complete the program offerings. Current Program Courses Revised Program Courses Credits XXX:xxx XXX:xxx Career General Education College Composition I Oral Communication I (or) Public Speaking Elementary Applied Mathematics or higher Natural Science/Mathematics Elective Social Science Elective Missouri State Requirement XXX:xxx Physical Education Activity Credits 3 3 ENG:101 COM:101 COM:107 MTH:108 3 XXX:xxx 3 3 XXX:xxx XXX:xxx Career General Education College Composition I Oral Communication I (or) Public Speaking Elementary Applied Mathematics or higher Natural Science/Mathematics Elective Social Science Elective Missouri State Requirement 2 XXX:xxx Physical Education Activity 2 3 CUL:101 Area of Concentration Safety and Sanitation 1 1 HRM:112 HRM:201 Problems of Hospitality Management HRM:205 Operational Cost Control 3 HRM:128 3 HRM:134 HRM:112 Purchasing 3 HRM:146 HRM:128 Nutrition for the Culinarian 3 HRM:201 ENG:101 COM:101 COM:107 MTH:108 XXX:xxx Area of Concentration HRM:134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry CUL:101 Safety and Sanitation 3 Choose at least 3 credits from the following Board Meeting 01/16/14 HRM:205 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 Procurement in the Hospitality Industry Nutrition for the Culinarian 3 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry Professionalism in the Hospitality Industry Supervision and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry Hospitality Financial Planning and Cost Control 3 3 1 3 3 ACC:100 Applied Accounting HRM:250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM:202 Hospitality Law 3 3 BAP:150 3 CUL:110 CUL:235 Culinary Competition Skills 3 CUL:115 CUL:230 Ice Carving 2 CUL:120 3 CUL:201 Culinary Arts Courses Bakeshop Basics for Culinarians Food Preparation Theory & Practical I Food Preparation Theory & Practical II Food Preparation Theory & Practical III Garde Manger 4 1 CUL:205 CUL:215 Global Cuisine American Regional Cuisine 3 3 1 CUL:250 Culinary Arts Capstone 6 HRM:212 Bar and Beverage Management XXX:xxx Foreign Language HRM:141 Workplace Learning I: Hospitality Studies HRM:241 Workplace Learning II: Hospitality Studies Culinary Arts Courses CUL:105 Food Preparation Theory CUL:110 Food Preparation Practical I CUL:115 Food Preparation Practical II BAP:150 Bakeshop Basics for Culinarians CUL:201 Garde Manger CUL:205 Global Cuisine CUL:210 Nutritional Cooking CUL:215 American Regional Cuisine CUL:250 Restaurant Operations Program total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 69 credits Program total 64 credits The college recommends that the Board approve the revision of the Hospitality and Tourism degree program approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee Program: Hospitality and Tourism Associate in Applied Science Effective: Upon approval of the Coordinating Board of Higher Education and the Higher Learning Commission Impact Statement According to the St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission, St. Louis hosts 21.4 million visitors each year, who spend $4.33 billion in the local economy on leisure, conventions, meetings and business travel. In addition, 80,000 St. Louis area residents are employed in the tourism industry, with $2.51 billion in earned wages generating $801 million in local, state, and federal taxes. St. Louis travel and tourism ranks among the top 10 industries in St. Louis City and St. Louis County. Board Meeting 01/16/14 7 With multiple business categories including transportation, lodging, food service, and convention and event management, the door is open for good jobs for those individuals who are academically prepared for careers in the hospitality and tourism industries. This revision is to modify and update the curriculum based on industry research, consultant collaboration, and advisory committee input. This program revision is related to the existing Hospitality Studies program that currently offers an AAS in Hospitality Studies: Hotel and Restaurant Management, Hospitality Studies: Culinary Arts, and Hospitality Studies: Baking and Pastry Arts. The proposed change would be one of three components that would make up the program offerings of the Hospitality Program. This proposal would establish one AAS degree in Hospitality and Tourism that fulfills industry’s need for teaching “the business of hospitality” with a concise emphasis in either hotel management, food and beverage management, event planning, or travel and tourism. This change would also allow the creation of a stackable certificate in each of the four mentioned areas that could be attained before and/or during a student’s completion of the AAS degree. This program revision is in conjunction with the proposed changes to both the AAS in Baking and Pastry Arts and the AAS in Culinary Arts. Not only will the changes take advantage of common core courses within the hospitality department, but also it will seek to reduce program hours to be in line with Missouri State requirements. As a result of this revision, the AAS in Hospitality and Tourism will have its own identity while remaining part of the three hospitality program offerings; AAS in Culinary Arts, and an AAS in Baking and Pastry Arts will complete the program offerings. Current Program Courses Credits XXX:xxx XXX:xxx Career General Education College Composition I Oral Communication I (or) Public Speaking Elementary Applied Mathematics or higher Natural Science/Mathematics Elective Social Science Elective Missouri State Requirement XXX:xxx Physical Education Activity ENG:101 COM:101 COM:107 MTH:108 XXX:xxx HRM:134 CUL:101 HRM:201 HRM:205 Area of Concentration Introduction to the Hospitality Industry Safety and Sanitation Problems of Hospitality Management Operational Cost Control Board Meeting 01/16/14 Revised Program Courses Credits 3 3 Career General Education ENG:101 College Composition I COM:101 Oral Communication I (or) COM:107 Public Speaking MTH:108 Elementary Applied Mathematics or higher XXX:xxx Natural Science/Mathematics Elective XXX:xxx Social Science Elective XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement 2 XXX:xxx Physical Education Activity 2 3 ACC:100 Core Applied Accounting 3 1 3 IS:123 IS:151 3 HRM:112 3 3 3 3 8 Introduction to Windows Microcomputer Applications in Business Procurement in the Hospitality Industry 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 CUL:105 Food Preparation Theory HRM:134 ACC:100 Applied Accounting 3 HRM:146 HRM:202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM:147 Hotel and Restaurant Management Courses HRM:141 HRM:221 HRM:241 HRM:214 HRM:209 HRM:210 HRM:211 IS:123 HRM:112 HRM:250 HRM:212 TUR:201 Workplace Learning I: Hospitality Studies Workplace Learning II: Hospitality Studies Workplace Learning III: Hospitality Studies Hospitality Human Resources Management Hospitality Sales and Marketing Guest Services Management Hotel Facilities Management Introduction to Windows Choose at least six credits from Purchasing Foodservice Design and Layout Bar and Beverage Management Convention and Meeting Planning HRM:201 1 HRM:202 1 HRM:205 1 HRM:209 3 HRM:210 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry Professionalism in the Hospitality Industry Negotiations in the Hospitality Industry Supervision and Leadership in the Hospitality Industry Hospitality Law 3 Operational Financial Planning and Cost Control Hospitality Sales and Marketing Hospitality Customer Service and Guest Relations 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Choose one of the following four focus areas: Hotel Management CUL:101 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM:141 Workplace Learning: 2 Hospitality HRM:211 Hotel Facilities Management 3 HRM:213 Hotel Operations 3 XXX:xxx Elective 3 Food and Beverage Management CUL:101 Safety and Sanitation 1 3 3 3 3 HUM:112 Creative Thinking 3 COM:110 SOC:103 Organizational Communication Human Behavior at Work and in Business Microcomputer Applications in Business 3 3 HRM:141 Workplace Learning: Hospitality HRM:212 Bar and Beverage Management HRM:250 Foodservice Design and Layout XXX:xxx Elective Event Planning Management 3 HRM:261 Event Planning I 3 HRM:262 Event Planning II HRM:263 Event Planning III XXX:xxx Elective Travel and Tourism TUR: 104 Travel and Tourism Foundations TUR: 105 Travel and Tourism Computer Systems TUR: 106 Travel and Tourism 3 3 3 Choose at least six credits from IS:151 Board Meeting 01/16/14 9 2 3 3 3 6 5 3 Destination Geography Program total 67 credits Program total 64-66 credits The college recommends that the Board approve the revision of the Travel and Tourism certificate program approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee Program: Travel and Tourism Certificate of Specialization Effective: Upon approval from the Higher Learning Commission Impact Statement Hospitality and Tourism continues to be one of the largest industries, both on a global and local level. “Record-setting U.S. Travel and Tourism Exports (inbound travel) surge to $153 billion in 2011,” according to the U.S. Travel Association. St. Louis alone welcomes 21.6 million visitors annually, with expenditures of 4.20 billion in the local economy, according to the St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission. And according to the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA), the over 15,000 U.S. travel agency locations handles 146 billion in annual travel sales, more than 50% of all travel sold. In addition, travel agencies sell more than 50% of all airline tickets, more than 79% of all tours, and more than 78% of all cruises, helping more than 144 million U.S. travelers get where they want to go each year. In an effort to fulfill the continued staffing needs of the local Hospitality and Tourism industry, the Certificate of Specialization is being revised for Travel and Tourism so it can eventually be one of the focus areas for the AAS in Hospitality, along with Event Planning, which was implemented in the fall, 2012. Since the certificate was put on hiatus after the Great Recession, the Travel and Tourism Advisory Committee convened on April 27, 2011, to not only affirm the continued need for a local travel and tourism program, but also provided the needed framework for the changes. The need and structure was again reaffirmed at the Hospitality Advisory Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 20th, 2012, with one of the key members, Stephanie Turner, CEO of Brentwood Travel, asserting that last year was the most successful year in the company’s 55 year history, and that they will continue to be in need of qualified travel professionals. The Hospitality Studies Department’s revised Certificate of Specialization in Travel and Tourism will prepare future travel professionals to enter the workforce in leisure travel sales, corporate travel management, and home-based travel agencies, reinstituting one of the more popular Certificates of Specialization at St. Louis Community College prior to the Great Recession. Concluding, no additional costs are anticipated for the revitalization of this certificate because some automation costs will be passed on to the student in the form of textbook fees and other computer systems will be acquired from the suppliers on a complementary basis for training purposes. Board Meeting 01/16/14 10 Current Program Courses TUR:104 Travel and Tourism Foundations TUR:104 Travel and Tourism Foundations Program total Revised Program Courses Credits IS:123 Introduction to Windows 1 Credits 6 10 IS:151 Microcomputer 4 Applications in Business HRM:146 Professionalism in the 1 Hospitality Industry HRM:147 Negotiations in the 2 Hospitality Industry GEG:106 U.S. and World Geography 3 TUR:104 Travel and Tourism 6 Foundations TUR:105 Travel and Tourism 5 Computer Systems TUR:106 Travel and Tourism 3 Destination Geography Program total 25 credits 16 credits The college recommends that the Board approve the revision of the Kitchen and Bath Design certificate program approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee Program: Kitchen and Bath Design Certificate of Proficiency Effective: Upon Board of Trustee approval Impact Statement This program revision is being proposed in response to increasing national competition from online and hybrid programs and to address the accreditation competency that the program did not meet during the accreditation visit. The new program will offer more courses in a hybrid or online format. The age range for kitchen and bath students is very diverse, but the majority of the students are in the age range of 36-50. The option to complete several courses in this program in an online/hybrid format makes this an accessible option for students from this age group. The program received a full five year accreditation in November or 2010. Accreditation is determined by verifying that the NKBA Body of Knowledge is understood and applied by the students. NKBA found during their verification visit that although students imitate architectural standards in residential construction, they could not verify that students understand the formulation of the standard. In response to this issue, a new course will be added to the program called Building Systems and Construction for Interior Designers. This course will replace ARC 112 Design and Production and ARC 209 Mechanical and Electrical Systems. This course will emphasize commercial and residential construction and building systems, and also focus on renovations. Other revisions- ART 150 Design Communication for Interior Designers and Board Meeting 01/16/14 11 Architects will be changed to an elective option. MKT 104 Principles of Selling will be changed to an elective option. MKT 203 Principles of Marketing will be added as an elective option. This revision will provide students with more flexible scheduling options which will hopefully increase enrollment in the program. This revision and future scheduling options will also address the minimum course enrollment requirement set by the college. Current Program Courses Credits ARC:110 Architecture Graphics 3 ARC:112 Architectural Design and 3 Production I Mechanical and Electrical Systems Interior Design I Bath Design Advanced Kitchen Design 3 Revised Program Courses Credits ARC:110 Architecture Graphics 3 ART:186 Building Systems and 3 Construction for Interior Designers ART:151 Interior Design I 3 3 3 3 ART:155 ART:156 AT:151 Perspective Drawing and Rendering for Interior Designers Workplace Learning: Kitchen and Bath Design Designer Resources 2 AT:152 3 AT:251 Lighting Design Computer Aided Kitchen and Bath Design MKT:104 Principles of Selling 3 3 Computer Aided Kitchen and Bath Design ART:158 Workplace Learning: Kitchen and Bath Design MKT:104 Principles of Selling (or) MKT:203 Principles of Marketing (or) 3 ART:150 ARC:209 ART:151 ART:155 ART:156 ART:157 ART:158 AT:151 AT:152 AT:251 Program total Board Meeting 01/16/14 3 35 credits 12 Bath Design Advanced Kitchen Design Interior Specifications, Materials, and Methods Lighting Design 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Design Communication for 3 Interior Design and Architecture I Program total 30 credits HUMAN RESOURCES AGENDA SUMMARY APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY 1 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 4 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 2 PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 SABBATICAL LEAVE RECOMMENDATIONS 12 INFORMATION ONLY: RETIREMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY 1 RETIREMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 3 RESIGNATIONS / FULL-TIME FACULTY 1 RESIGNATIONS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 2 01/16/14 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY NAME Petterchak, Michelle CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC C FV TITLE Assistant Professor, temporary (Nursing) PAY RATE RANGE III-A COMMENTS $56,121.00 Replacement EFFECTIVE DATE 01/06/14 – 05/15/14 -1- APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC White, Cassandra C FP Manager, Advising PN 12 $59,476.00 Replacement 01/21/14 Boyle, Brett C FV Senior Instructional Designer PU 11 $54,059.00 Replacement 01/21/14 Graham, Stephanie C W Interim Coordinator, Campus Life & College Transition PU 10 $50,051.65 Temporary assignment 02/01/14 – 05/31/14 Martin, Katherine C W Interim Coordinator, Enrollment Management PU 09 $44,680.00 Temporary assignment 02/01/14 – 05/31/14 NAME TITLE RANGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 01/16/14 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME Corson, Debra CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC C MC TITLE RANGE Senior Project Associate I, part-time, continuing (Student Support Services) PU 10 PAY RATE COMMENTS $23.00 / hr Reclassification EFFECTIVE DATE 01/17/14 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC McIntyre, Adam N FV College Police Officer CN 6 $35,554.00 Replacement 01/21/14 Simmons, Arika C MC Student Services Assistant II (Student Financial Aid) CU 4 $29,051.00 New position 01/21/14 NAME TITLE RANGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -2- PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Shaw, Joseph LOC FV TITLE Housekeeper PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE $15.39 / hr Completion of probationary period 12/25/13 01/16/14 2014 – 2015 SABBATICAL LEAVE RECOMMENDATIONS NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE McGovern, Thomas Langnas, Robert Florini, Jeanne Stephens, Christopher Gerstenecker, Dale Copp, Julie FV FV FV FV FV FV Associate Professor (Engineering) Professor (Art) Associate Professor (Dietetic Technology) Professor (Communications) Associate Professor (Engineering) Assistant Professor (Communications) Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Summer 2014; Summer 2015 Summer 2014; Summer 2015 Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Garvey, Pamela Linder, Timothy Sibbitts, Gary MC MC MC Professor (English) Associate Professor (Art) Professor (Information Systems) Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Alvarez, Teresa Henry, Deborah FP FP Assistant Professor (Biological Science) Associate Professor (History) Summer 2014; Summer 2015 Fall 2014 Granger, Kim W Assistant Professor (Mathematics) Spring 2015 -3INFORMATION ONLY RETIREMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY NAME Karleskint, George LOCATION MC TITLE Professor (Biological Science) COMMENTS 30 years of service EFFECTIVE DATE 05/31/14 01/16/14 RETIREMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Crumpton, Tonya FV College Police Dispatcher 41 years of service 11/27/13 Jeffries, Dolores MC Senior Cashier 32 years of service 01/31/14 Seal, Richard MC College Police Officer 10 years of service 01/31/14 RESIGNATIONS / FULL-TIME FACULTY NAME LOCATION -4- Wagner, Joyce FV TITLE Associate Professor (Nursing) COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 8 years of service 12/31/13 COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 13 years of service 01/01/14 5 years of service 01/31/14 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE Cherry, Darryl FP Project Associate II (VP, Academic Affairs Office) Aumann, Patricia W Coordinator, Campus Life & College Transition St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Abbott, Monte L M M M W W W FP FP FP FP FP CO FP FP FP CO W W W FV FV FV FV CO CO FV FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV M FV CC CO M M M M M FV W W W W W CO FV CO FV M ANT101674201330 ANT2026X1201330 ANT101675201330 BIO122375201330 BIO122374201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 CTL ­ ADJ FAC FALL201330 Substitute 201330 DHY223401201330 DHY120401201330 ENG030454201330 COMP201325 Substitute 201330 MTH140451201330 MTH140453201330 FLFRDCE201325 BIO122338201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 BIO122339201330 RDG020511201330 RDG030510201330 RDG030524201330 AFSD201330 GED201315 HISET201325 SOC2115XA201330 HMS102501201330 HMS100501201330 HMS100550201330 SOC1265XA201330 PTFACORIENT201330 SOC1035XA201330 HONORS201320 Substitute 201330 SOC211650201330 REFLIB201330 MBKBASSTCOA201330 THTRDCE201325 COM101645201330 COM101640201330 COM101647201330 Substitute 201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MUS132551201330 GEO1003W1201330 BIO117301201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 BIO1113W1201330 BIO203350201330 FINCDCE201325 AFSD201330 CCPRCE201325 ECE125550201330 RDG030S02201330 Abrams, Joanna M Adams, Amy R Adams, Demetrius M Adams, Kevin Adams, Leroy Adams, Patricia J Adeyemi, Gloria W Agard, Constance E Ahrens, Marlene R Aitken, Victoria J Albert, Susan B Alexander, Demetrius Allen, Amy C Allen, Deborah Allen, Ivy M Allman, Julie A Ambrose, Elise C Amen, Charles A Anderson­Rice, Rose M Anderson, Barbara B 01/02/14 ­1­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.88 1,500.40 10/19/13 1.88 1,500.40 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 19.00 570.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,395.84 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 41.00 1,189.00 12/14/13 7.00 210.00 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/21/13 12.00 252.00 12/14/13 1.88 1,934.44 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.88 1,934.44 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 08/31/13 37.50 1,071.00 12/21/13 97.50 1,755.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.74 1,790.40 12/14/13 1.74 1,790.40 12/14/13 1.74 1,790.40 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/07/13 7.00 686.00 12/14/13 33.00 990.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 6.96 4,859.84 11/16/13 0.40 250.26 12/21/13 12.00 252.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 8.50 255.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.33 2,325.03 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/21/13 4.00 108.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/20/13 6.00 186.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Anderson, Gina M Anderson, Karla D Anderson, Lynda S Andert, Lucas G Andreoff, George Andreoff, Marsha K Andrews, Courtney A Angert, Joseph C Angliongto, Maryanne V Arnett, Carol A Arnot, Paul B Ashby, Ronald D Atkinson, Sara J Aubuchon, Gregory P Augenstein, Anthony G Austin, Ron A Autrey, Mary J Axe, Stephanie K Back, Gail A 01/02/14 Loc Course Number M M M FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV M M M FV FV FV W W W W FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP M FV FV FV FP CO M M M FP CO FP CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO PTFACORINET201330 RDG030S01201330 RDG030S05201330 EMS 201330 PE122580201330 PE122550201330 COM101416201330 COM101407201330 COM101H04201330 SubPay2013 EMS 201330 BIO208511LAB201330 PSY200S03201330 PSY200SWA201330 PSY205S01201330 PSC101502201330 PSC101501201330 ART275580201330 ART167172275374201330 PSI115350201330 PSI111350201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 ENG1025XS201330 AFSD201330 BAP201450201330 BAP210461201330 BAP215461201330 BAP205461201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 BE254501201330 EE133550201330 NUR205401201330 ECO152646201330 CE115550201330 ENG020551201330 ENG101520201330 BAP220461201330 FOODDCE201325 Substitute 201330 ENG070601201330 ENG062601201330 ENG053401201330 AHA/TRAINCTRSUP201325 EMS 201330 OECE201315 OECEADJ201315 CTCEADJMH201325 TCSDCE201315 CTCE201325 CTCEADJ201325 OECE201325 OECEADJ201325 CTCE201315 CTCEMH201325 ­2­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 0.40 249.28 12/14/13 1.17 726.88 12/14/13 1.17 726.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 0.30 186.96 12/14/13 1.33 1,224.88 12/14/13 2.25 2,072.16 12/14/13 2.25 2,072.16 12/14/13 2.25 2,072.16 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 09/14/13 2.00 1,596.16 10/17/13 2.00 1,596.16 11/07/13 2.33 1,859.53 09/26/13 2.00 1,596.16 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.00 3,990.90 10/19/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 6.57 4,587.68 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/05/13 2.14 1,330.58 12/21/13 8.00 216.00 12/14/13 2.75 82.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 170.00 2,648.60 12/14/13 2.18 1,355.46 08/31/13 33.00 1,419.00 08/31/13 1.50 38.95 12/21/13 1.00 15.58 08/31/13 47.00 1,152.92 12/21/13 14.00 462.00 12/21/13 1.50 23.37 12/21/13 106.00 3,498.00 12/21/13 11.50 179.17 08/31/13 2.00 66.00 12/21/13 10.50 346.50 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Back, Gordon E Loc CO CO CO CO CO CO FP CO CO CO Baclawski, Joan E M M M M M Bahm, Katie L M M Bailey, Steven G M M M Bake, Marlene G FP FP FP Barks, Jennifer L FV FV FV Barnes­Roberts, Andrea M CO Barnes, Javonda J CO CO Barnes, Leslie C CO Barnholtz, Lane D FP Barrett, Barbara J M M Barrett, Sandra K FP FP FP Barry, Candace J FP Barshis, Victoria R W W Barteau, Brian E FP Basinger, Jenelle M CO Batisto, Joan J FP Battaglia­Esses, Stephanie FP S Battee, Tracy L CO Batteiger, Jason W FV Baumgartner, Melissa M CO Baxter­Carr, Susan L CO CO Bear, Judy A W W W Bearden, Jerry L CO CO 01/02/14 Course Number OECEOECEADJ201325 OECEADJ201325 OECE201325 OECEADJ201315 CTCE201325 OECE201315 EMS 201330 CTCEADJMH201325 CTCEADJ201325 CTCEMH201325 COM101613201330 Substitute 201330 PTFACORIENT201330 COM107602201330 COM101617201330 PTFACORIENT201330 EDUPLACEMENTCOOR201330 BLW201601201330 STR050615201330 PTFACORIENT201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 RDG016405201330 RDG017405201330 AFSD201330 BIO104550201330 BIO104550LAB201330 SUPVUCHS201325 HISET201325 GED201315 ARTSDCE201325 MCM113401201330 BUS104674201330 BUS104675201330 Substitute 201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 MTH020432201330 NUR108201330 SOC101350201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 EMS 201330 CRFTDCE201325 EMS ADJ 201330 DHY 222.4012031330 PLB201325 SUBSTITUTE201330 PEDUDCE201325 ANIM­D/CE ANIMDCE201325 STR050301201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 RDG020301201330 COMP201325 CFKDDCE201315 ­3­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/21/13 20.50 641.66 12/21/13 8.00 124.64 12/21/13 72.00 2,376.00 08/31/13 3.00 77.90 12/21/13 34.50 1,138.50 08/31/13 30.00 1,650.00 12/14/13 3.60 2,243.52 12/21/13 1.00 15.58 12/21/13 4.50 70.11 12/21/13 10.50 346.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 24.00 720.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,596.16 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 920.96 12/14/13 2.67 2,458.96 12/21/13 60.00 960.00 12/21/13 94.00 1,504.00 08/31/13 29.00 464.00 12/21/13 20.00 540.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.88 2,006.98 12/14/13 6.27 3,904.64 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.65 1,028.28 12/21/13 34.00 612.00 12/14/13 1.59 989.17 12/14/13 2.67 2,744.32 12/21/13 12/21/13 12/21/13 08/31/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 10/12/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 08/31/13 6.25 6.25 24.00 15.00 25.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 27.00 30.00 95.31 187.50 792.00 270.00 450.00 2,094.24 75.00 2,094.24 891.00 1,701.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Bearden, William G Beardsell, Kathleen D Becker, Roger A Beckman, Melinda B Bednar, Lisa Bedwell, Janie A Bee, Bethabra Beebe, Laurie B Begum, Razia Behle, Michael J Behmer, Carl F Behrmann, Kathleen M Bell, Harmony D Bemberg, Stephanie P Bender, Jack Bender, Kathleen A Bender, Marcia M Bene', Molly E Bennett, Linda M Benton, Melissa J Bergin, Cheryl L Bergjans, Dorrine C Berglin, Gary A Bergman, Elizabeth T 01/02/14 Loc Course Number CO CO W W W W W W W FP FP W M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP CO CO FV FV FV FP FP FP CO CO CO M M M M M M M M FP FV FV FV M M M FP M M M M M COMP201315 COMP201325 ENG101374201330 ENG1103X1201330 ENG101305201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 HST128301201330 GEG106301201330 OPENING SESSION2013 DHY222.401 201330 DHY 121.401 ENG101308201330 Substitute 201330 IRT140674201330 IS205675201330 PTFACORIENT201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 HRM128402201330 HRm12840120130 CLT202401201330 CLT200401201330 ART109,110,209,210:421 203030 ARTSDCE201325 CRFT­D/CE201325 STR050515201330 STR050525201330 AFSD201330 MUS121486201330 MUS122451201330 MUS221486MUS222486201330 GNSFDCE201325 HiSet201325 GEDSTP201315 BIO207608201330 BIO111607201330 Substitute 201330 PTFACORIENT201330 COM101603201330 COM101602201330 Substitute 201330 COM101611201330 EMS 201330 COM101518201330 COM101516201330 COM101522201330 BIO207650201330 BIO113601201330 BIO207651201330 IS102474201330 RDG030651201330 PTFACORIENT201330 CHM109650201330 PSI101674201330 Substitute 201330 ­4­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 08/31/13 1.00 33.00 12/21/13 6.00 198.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 48.00 2,646.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.33 1,628.48 12/14/13 1.75 1,221.36 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 14.50 435.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 3.33 2,076.80 12/14/13 3.90 3,588.53 12/21/13 15.00 315.00 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 32.00 1,176.00 12/14/13 32.00 1,176.00 12/21/13 20.00 540.00 12/21/13 275.50 7,438.50 08/31/13 30.00 810.00 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 9.00 270.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 15.00 450.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.86 1,156.19 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Berkowitz, Shira L Berne, Richard R Berry, Janet M Bersche, Mary J Beta, Martha Bick, Gregory J Bickel, Gregory S Bierbaum, Susan E Biggs, Courtney A Bingham, Brian T Bingham, Thomas J Birch, Ruth E Birgen, Benjamin A Bise, Elaine M Blalock, John E Blanchard, William D Bloodsworth, Susan Blue, David Boehm, C R Bogosian, Ahzad R Bohra, Sunita 01/02/14 Loc Course Number M FV FV FV FV FV FV W W W W W FP FP M M M FP FV W FV FV W FP CO FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP W W W W W FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FP FP M M M M PTFACORIENT201330 ART107551201330 ART1015512013330 AFSD201330 IDS101575201330 PSY200ALP201330 PSY215521201330 STR 050302201330 IDS101305201330 ECO140301201330 Substitute 201330 Opening Session 2013 Nursing NURBJCLAB201330 PSI111S50201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PHY122650201330 IS103450201330 MTH108560201330 Opening Session 2013 EDU227501201330 EDU2265XA201330 EDU211301201330 NUR108401201330 FINCDCE201325 BE153500201330 ElecProgCoord201330 SEEDProgAdvisor201330 BIO208580LAB201330 BIO207552LAB201330 BIO208580201330 AFSD201330 BIO207552201330 EGR148550201330 EMT121401 Primary 201330 IDS101301203130 HST101301201330 Opening Session2013 CHM101350201330 CHM101301201330 STGR050520201330 ENG020519201330 RDG020515201330 PSY200486201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PSY200451201330 MTH020543201330 MTH020545201330 Substitute 201330 ART114,214AT229,421,201330 Substitute 201330 BIO203603201330 BIO203650201330 BIO203650201330 ­5­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.75 1,392.51 12/14/13 0.31 244.72 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 6.00 4,188.48 12/14/13 2.16 1,720.86 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 6.27 4,373.63 12/21/13 12.00 324.00 12/14/13 0.20 205.80 12/14/13 3.00 3,087.60 12/14/13 1.00 1,029.20 12/14/13 1.33 1,368.52 12/14/13 1.33 1,368.52 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 2.34 1,867.50 12/14/13 7.75 4,828.56 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.33 5,484.36 12/14/13 5.33 5,484.36 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 15.00 390.00 12/14/13 48.00 2,940.00 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 4.66 3,253.04 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 4.66 3,253.04 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Bolden, Eddie E FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP CO CO CO CO FV FV CO FP FP FP FP FP CO FP M CO W W W W M M M M M CO M FP FP CO FP M M CO FV CO CO CO FP FP FP FP MTH020451201330 Substitute 201330 MTH020486201330 MTH020454201330 MTH140S06201330 MTH030S08201330 Substitute 201330 PHL101402201330 PHL101450201330 PHL104401201330 IS103402201330 IS103404201330 PLB201315 PLB201325 BUSS201325 CFKDDCE201315 ESC200501201330 EE233550201330 CRFTDCE201325 STR050417201330 RDG020409201330 ADJRDGFAC201230201310 STR050401201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 COMP201325 MUS138450201330 MUS138638201330 FLITDCE201325 Opening Session2013 STR050304201330 RDG030301201330 RDG030302201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ENG101678201330 ENG101616201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ECO151650201330 RADCE201325 NUR108601201330 ACC110.451­201330 COM101452201330 MOTRDCE201330 RTH240401201330 PHL101646201330 PHL101641201330 CRFTDCE201325 GEO10055001330 ARTSDCE201325 RADCE201315 RADCE201325 EMS 201330 ECE102450201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 ECE202480201330 Bolhofner, Edward J Bollinger, Jason J Booker, Gloria D Boos­Finke, Carrie L Boyce, Robin M Boyd, Gabriel R Boyd, Robert K Bradford, Jennifer L Bradford, Sallie F Bradley, Jean M Braig, Christopher L Brandle, Maria A Brannan, Beverly C Branson, Christina C Bravo, Maria R Bray, Todd G Breidegam, Alice E Breitman, Peter N Brennan, Beverly B Brennan, Donald E Brennan, Patricia A Brennan, Susan M Brinkmeyer, Cathy A Brockelbank, Alicia J Brodsky, Maureen M Bross, Jacquelyn S Brown, Kathy A Brown, Latonya V 01/02/14 ­6­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 2.81 1,752.30 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 2.25 67.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 08/31/13 8.00 143.00 12/21/13 2.25 32.18 12/21/13 18.00 486.00 08/31/13 30.00 1,701.00 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 6.00 198.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.00 1,395.30 12/21/13 32.00 864.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 14.00 102.90 12/14/13 9.00 8,290.08 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 40.00 720.00 12/14/13 0.67 532.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 8.00 144.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 30.00 750.00 08/31/13 14.00 102.90 12/21/13 56.00 411.60 12/14/13 0.26 162.34 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/21/13 12.25 175.18 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 12/14/13 48.00 2,058.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.20 1,105.15 12/14/13 1.20 1,105.15 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/14/13 2.50 75.00 12/21/13 3.81 2,661.13 Name Loc Course Number Brown, Michelle M Bruenger, James K CO FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV PLB201325 ART138,236,238401201330 PhotoImagPhotoshop ENG1026WJ201330 ENG101S52201330 CRJ124674201330 RDG030412201330 RDG030401201330 RDG030428201330 RDG030426201330 CTLADJRDG201230201310 Substitute 201330 REFLIB201330 FV AFSD201330 09/28/13 M M M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M CO M M M M M CO FV FV FV FV FV BIO111651201330 Substitute 201330 IS130640201330 IS103601201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ENG101555201330 ENG101554201330 STR050516201330 CRJ123.401­201330 CRJ122.474­201330 Substitute 201330 DHY222.401 201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 DHY225.401 201330 DHY 125.401 201330 HST102450201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 HST101451201330 HST101452201330 MTH020581201330 MTH020525201330 AFSD201330 EDU210601201330 EDU210603201330 PTFACORIENT201330 IDS201607201330 CAMPDCE201315 PTFACORIENT201330 ENG101605201330 ENG1026WB201330 ENG101HON201330 ENG1026XE201330 NPAD201325 PE130502201330 PE130501201330 Aquatic Director201330 Substitute 201330 PE130509201330 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/19/13 12/14/13 10/15/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/13/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/13/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/28/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/15/13 12/14/13 08/31/13 10/15/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/07/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 10/19/13 10/19/13 10/19/13 12/14/13 10/19/13 Brumfield, David J Bryant, Joseph Buchanan, Leonor S Buescher­Milligan, Kathleen Buettner, Thomas L Bullock, Robert L Burgess, Sandra J Burk, Charles W Burke, Mary H Burkhardt, Patrick J Burkhardt, Sarah B Burkhardt, Vivian C Burton, Christine F Bush, Gina M Bush, Jennifer L Buss, Kenneth D 01/02/14 ­7­ 1.00 4.33 22.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 5.17 1.00 1.72 2.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.81 3.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 24.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.75 1.33 75.00 4,455.40 660.00 2,394.24 2,394.24 75.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,394.24 2,394.24 120.00 5,317.12 75.00 1,770.08 2,058.24 2,094.24 75.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 1,752.30 1,869.12 75.00 4,115.84 3,086.88 75.00 1,028.96 552.00 75.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 98.00 2,094.24 198.00 930.56 930.56 930.56 52.50 930.56 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Butery, Karen A Butler, Cathy A Butler, Synetra T Byington, Carol H Bynum, Alice J Cabrera, Brenda K Cahill, James P Caldwell, Marilyn C Calicutt, Carolyn J Calicutt, Steven C Calicutt, Stevie C Callison, Christine M Cameron, Brian K Campbell, Jane M Candice, Christopher G Cantrell, Michele R Carlos, Mario P Carman, Jason A Carney, Marinan M Carosella, Anthony J Carr, Gregory S 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV W W W CO CO FV CO CO M M FV FV FV FV FP CO CO FP FP FP FP FV M M FV M M M FV FV FV CO W W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M M M M CO M FV PE162501201330 ProfDev201330 Opening Session2013 IDS201301201330 MOTRDCE201315 PLB201325 CHM101550201330 MHWCNAExam201330 CRFTDCE201325 ENG101626201330 ENG101635201330 BIO111553201330 BIO111580201330 BIO111580LAB201330 AFSD201330 IS151413201330 IS:151­42P 8/19­10/11 CPDV:709­900 90002 9/1­9/30 Substitute 201320 Substitute 201330 IT235450201330 IT101466201330 IS116552201330 IS130671201330 PTFACORIENT201330 IS103580201330 ENG101S09201330 ENG101S122013330 ENG101S11201330 PHL101551201330 PHL109501201330 PHL109502201330 FOODDCE201325 IDS101306201330 Substitute 201330 ENG101375201330 ENG101303201330 PE181450201330 PE181421182461201330 PE181182451201330 PE130131424201330 Substitute 201330 PE181401201330 BAP160450201330 ART108,207402201330 BAP160401201330 ENG030527201330 PSY200S02201330 PSY200SS1201330 AT106695201330 ART280698SDL201330 COMP201325 ART172674201330 AFSD201330 ­8­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 12/07/13 2.00 500.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 08/31/13 20.00 360.00 12/21/13 2.25 34.31 12/14/13 5.33 5,484.36 12/07/13 9.00 297.00 12/21/13 2.00 42.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 4.00 3,192.32 10/19/13 4.00 3,192.32 10/19/13 1.00 798.08 08/31/13 8.00 240.00 12/14/13 16.00 480.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/19/13 5.00 4,604.80 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 3.50 73.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.27 791.78 12/14/13 1.27 791.78 12/14/13 1.21 752.84 12/14/13 5.00 130.00 10/19/13 1.27 791.78 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/21/13 38.50 1,270.50 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Carroll, Amy M Carroll, Brian J Carter, Terrell L Castillon, Jerry R Castro, James F Cerutti, Jessica E Chambers, Florence Chang, Sheow H Chapman, Jennifer S Chapman, Thelma L Chaudhry, Mohammad A Chauncey, Latoya L Chism, Sean J Christian, Cheryl M Christman, Mary B Christmann, Gary A Chyi, Barbara T Clark, Dane M Clark, Gloria J Clay, James A Clayborne, Micheal A Clayton, Joel T Clayton, John A Clifton, Kathy E Cody, Edward S Cole, Wendell L Cole, Yvonne E 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FP M M M M M M M M W W M FP FP FP FP FP CO M M M CO FP FP CO CO FP CO CO FP CO FP CO FP FP FP FP FP CO FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M M CC CC FV FV ENG101533201330 COM107401201330 PTFACORIENT201330 Substitute 201330 COM107605201330 COM101612201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PE173650201330 PE133680201330 PE130201330 IDS101375201330 ART100375201330 BIO124601201330 EMS 201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 ART115215AT215401201330 ENG030408201330 ENG030404201330 ARTSDCE201325 ENG020S01201330 ENG101S08201330 PTFACORIENT201330 NURS201325 BUI215414BJC201330 BIO208405201330 NONPLBHLP201325 PLB201325 STR050486201330 DANCDCE201325 CTCR201325 EMS201330 HISET201325 XRT213401201330 CFKDDCE201315 XRT111401201330 XRT111401201330 XRT103401201330 Substitute 201330 ENG101438201330 KIDSDCE201325 IS102505201330 IS102504201330 COM101502201330 AFSD201330 Substitute 201330 MCM101401201330 MCM124461201330 RDG020604201330 PTFACORIENT201330 RDG030619201330 AsstMSOCR201330 AsstVBALL201330 BIO1545WH201330 BIO111552201330 ­9­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 0.10 62.32 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 15.00 405.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 2.50 82.50 12/14/13 5.64 5,194.20 12/14/13 4.33 3,455.68 12/21/13 6.00 93.90 12/21/13 2.50 39.13 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 12/21/13 8.00 264.00 12/14/13 0.14 90.05 12/21/13 2.50 45.00 12/14/13 2.50 1,744.80 08/31/13 3.00 81.00 12/14/13 2.07 1,442.07 10/19/13 0.25 176.80 12/14/13 0.63 437.36 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 2.50 62.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.20 747.64 12/14/13 0.40 249.20 11/16/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 2.81 2,893.95 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Collins, Adrienne D Collins, Isaac A CO FP FP FP FP FV FV FV CO M M M FP FP M M M M M M M M CO CO CO FP FP W W W W CO CO M M M M FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV W W W FV FV SUPVHXS201325 MTH080450201330 MTH080452201330 ENG101407201330 ENG101417201330 PHY112580201330 PSI105501201330 Substitute 201330 MUSCDCE201325 PTFACORIENT201330 MUS122601201330 MUS221636201330 FIR112.450­201330 FIR111.450­201330 MTH140S01201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH160CS03201330 MTH140S02201330 COM101S03201330 COM101S05201330 COM101S02201330 Substitute 201330 CTCEMH201325 CTCEADJMH201325 FOODDCE201325 EMS 201330 EMT121S50 Primary 201330 ENG2053W4201330 Opening Session2013 Opening Session2013 ANT1013S1201330 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 LIFEGUARDDCE201315 BUS103695201330 PTFACORIENT201330 BUS103696201330 BUS103674201330 AFSD201330 ART133503201330 ART131502201330 MTH080432201330 ECE127475201330 ECO151551201330 ECO151575201330 AFSD201330 ECO151574201330 ENG020501201330 ENG020504201330 MTH030560201330 BIO111302201330 BIO111303201330 Opening Session2013 SOC101508201330 SOC101513201330 Collins, Judith A Collins, Robert W Conley, Cheryl A Conley, Larry C Conley, Laurie A Conover, Deborah A Copper, David W Corbett, Suzanne E Corley, Norman G Cormier, David H Cosmopoulos, Deborah Costello, Ian J Cottle, Sandra K Courtois, Timothy L Covington, Regina M Cox, Jodi L Cox, Karen E Cox, Michelene F Cozart, Tosha S Cradick, Thomas R Crane, Alison B 01/02/14 ­10­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/21/13 90.00 1,440.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 5.00 3,990.40 12/14/13 3.06 2,438.13 12/14/13 16.50 459.00 12/21/13 65.00 1,755.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 1.39 1,109.34 10/19/13 1.95 1,556.26 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/21/13 5.00 165.00 12/21/13 0.50 7.79 12/21/13 31.50 850.50 12/14/13 0.95 664.31 12/14/13 6.00 4,188.48 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 75.50 742.17 08/31/13 5.00 49.15 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Crews, Joel P Crider, Jack FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV CO M M M CC FP M M M M M M M FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP CO CO CO CO M M CO FP M FV M CO FP FP M M M M M M W MUS128421201330 PE130131452201330 PE177404201330 PE130131432201330 Substitute 201330 PE177178424201330 PE130131412201330 SOC101450201330 STR050412201330 BIO141550LAB201330 DANCDCE201325 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH020609201330 MTH160C615201330 WSOCRASST201330 PT Fac J Library Serv FP LGL217696201330 LGL216696201330 PTFACORIENT201330 LGL232695201330 ENG101S02201330 STR050S01201330 ENG102SX1201330 DMS211401201330 COM2005XA201330 COM1045XA201330 COM101512201330 IS225450201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 IS241474201330 IS225474201330 DHY222/401 201330 Substitute 201330 PLB201325 CONS201325 CTCR201325 BRIDDCE201325 PHY111650201330 HST101S50201330 PEDUDCE201325 HST101486201330 PTFACORIENT201330 CHM206580201330 CHM106650201330 CCPRCE201325 CTLADJFACCONF201330 ECE101461201330 RDG016646201330 RDG100601201330 RDG030613201330 Substitute 201330 PTFACORIENT201330 RDG017646201330 ART100302201330 Critchfield, Cynthia S Cross, Tambra Z Crump, Ryan W Crusoe, Stephanie E Cruthis, Harold T Cucchi, Michael A Cunningham, Chelsea B Cunningham, Heather R Cunningham, Kendra A Curran, Michele L Currier, Jamie L Curtis, Brian Cyr, Laura­Jean A Daggs, Rachel L Dalton, Patricia A Daly, Judith M Damyan, Roberta A Daniel, Allen R Danna, Gina M Danyluck, Sharon J Darr, Anna M Das, Nobel V Dattilo, Gina M Daugherty, Kathleen A Davania, James A 01/02/14 ­11­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/19/13 1.21 1,113.02 10/19/13 1.27 1,170.59 12/14/13 1.33 1,228.16 12/14/13 4.00 104.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,228.16 10/19/13 1.27 1,170.59 12/14/13 2.84 2,269.54 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.25 870.41 12/21/13 15.00 270.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 1.07 744.44 12/23/13 9.72 6,783.69 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 16.00 798.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 5.33 4,256.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 5.33 4,912.64 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/21/13 121.75 1,741.04 12/21/13 91.00 3,003.00 12/21/13 8.00 264.00 12/21/13 6.00 108.00 12/14/13 5.00 5,144.80 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 20.00 540.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 5.33 5,484.36 12/20/13 6.00 174.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.78 2,219.66 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.17 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name David, John C Davis, Dana L Davis, Diana L Davis, Joseph L Dawson, Susan C De La Cruz, Maria A de la Garza, Maria E Deelo, Joan M DeLorenzo, Lisa C Dempsey, Jean E Denny, Mary A Denu, Matthew J Derby, Michelle R Derickson, Sandra S Dersch, Peggy E DeShetler, Steven J Detrick, Alexandra J Devine, Edith A Devine, Sherryl A Dhawan, Balram Dietzler, Janette C Dietzler, Michael N 01/02/14 Loc Course Number W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV W M FP FP FP M M CO M M M M W W W M M M FP FP FP FP W CO M M M M FV FV FV FV CO CO CO CO FV FV FV FV FV FV CO FP ART107108207208338201330 MCM140401201330 ENG020451201330 ENG020486201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 ENG030452201330 ENG020424201330 ENG020406201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PSC101505201330 PSC101302201330 PSC101646201330 ART100:460 201330 ART101402201330 ART100475201330 PTFACORIENT201330 CHM101603201330 FLSPDCE201325 ACC100S01201330 ACC110676201330 ACC100606201330 Substitute 201330 PSC1013W4201330 PSC101301201330 Opening Session2013 ENG070650201330 ENG050650201330 ESL Placement Substitute 201330 HRM112450201330 XRT213401201330 XRT111401201330 ENG101376201330 SENRDCE201325 COM107608201330 COM107607201330 COM101628201330 Substitute 201330 DCS104553201330 Substitute 201330 DCS119501201330 MCM1305XA201330 HISET201325 GEDSTP201315 GED201315 HiSet201325 PSY200512201330 PSY200511201330 SGTR050514201330 AFSD201330 CHM105504201330 CHM105550201330 NURS201325 EMT121S01 Primary 201330 ­12­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 2.89 2,017.89 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.33 4,908.72 12/21/13 56.00 1,288.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 6.00 3,738.24 12/14/13 9.00 234.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 10/19/13 0.44 274.14 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 16.00 288.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 5.00 3,115.20 12/14/13 5.00 150.00 12/14/13 1.00 623.04 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/21/13 300.75 6,315.75 08/31/13 12.00 405.00 08/31/13 69.50 1,942.50 12/21/13 15.00 405.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.31 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.33 5,484.36 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/21/13 4.00 116.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Dingus, Steven M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M M FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV CO FP M M M M CO M M M M M CO M M M M FP W FP W M M M M CO FP PE130131425201330 PE111402201330 PE130131405201330 PE173401201330 PE111401201330 Substitute 201330 FacultyRetreatOneTimePay201330 OTA208601201330 OTA208602201330 OTA203601201330 BIO1116W5201330 Substitute 201330 BIO1116W2201330 COM1046S5201330 COM1046S3201330 COM101636201330 NUR108401201330 SPA102550201330 SPA101550201330 AFSD201330 BLW101.401­201330 PSC101401201330 COM101450201330 NUR102Lab201330 MCM134501201330 MCM124501201330 MCM102501201330 PEDUDCE201325 CTLADJFAC201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PTFACORIENT201330 LGL218696201330 LGL217695201330 PEDUDCE201325 BIO208650201330 BIO208651201330 IDS201695201330 IDS201S95201330 PTFACORIENT201330 COMP201325 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH030S10201330 MTH030S09201330 MTH030627201330 ENG020410201330 ENG101309201330 ENG1024WH201330 Opening Session2013 COM101HON201330 COM101622201330 COM101624201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PERDDCE201325 IT101486201330 Dinzebach, Deborah L Dion, Mary E Dixon, Robert T Dodd, Emily C Dominguez, Christine M Donatt, Paul M Dooling, Denise M Dorough, Scott C Dorsey, Patrick T Dotson, Beverly M Dubberke, Molly K DuBois, Kathleen C DuCasse', Wendy L Dugge, Wayne A Dulle, Rene E Dumonceaux, Benedict J Dunham, Mary S Dupler, Dawn A Dupy, Jill A Duran, Troy D Durbin, Jason R 01/02/14 ­13­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 12.00 312.00 09/28/13 1.00 150.00 12/14/13 2.66 2,449.76 12/14/13 2.66 2,449.76 12/14/13 4.00 3,683.84 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 18.50 555.00 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 6.27 4,373.63 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,395.66 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/21/13 8.00 168.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/19/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/21/13 10.00 210.00 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 6.00 198.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 21.00 525.00 10/19/13 4.38 3,054.10 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Durley­Petty, Renay D FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV W W M M M FP M M M M M FP FP W W FP FP FP FP FV FV FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV CO M M M M M CO M M M M M CO Adjunct Counselor PSY200450201330 PSY200H01201330 Counseling ­ FP PSY200551201330 PE130580201330 PE130581201330 PE130519201330 PE129301201330 PE129302201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ART138601201330 ART239639201330 ENG053450201330 COM101615201330 PTFACORIENT201330 Substitute 201330 COM101619201330 COM101621201330 CRJ211401201330 CRJ209.401­201330 MTH020304201330 Opening Session 2013 COM101H02201330 COM101409201330 SubPay2013 MCM121401201330 COM101507201330 COM101508201330 RTH240401201330 CRJ123674201330 CRJ122674201330 Substitute 201330 Lecture Substitute 201330 LAB CUL205422201330 CUL201402201330 HMS201202401201330 HMS201202450201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 Substitute 201330 VOCAL COACH ANIMDCE201325 ART131604201330 ReleasedTime201330 ART131602201330 PTFACORIENT201330 AT226639201330 ECOLDCE201325 PTFACORIENT201330 HST102S02201330 HST101S03201330 MTH186650201330 MTH160C653201330 MOTRDCE201325 Dutt, Michael D Dyess, John F Dzunu, Pamela G Eatherly, Maria M Echols, Felicia C Edelen, Vitina J Edwards, Bobby J Edwards, Bryan C Eggemeyer, Brian E Eilerman, Ruth K Elkin, Thomas R Elliott, Christopher M Elliott, Laurel M Ellison, Sandra L Engel, Edward J Erickson, Andrew T Ettling, Brian L Evans, Elizabeth A Evens, Kevin A Fagin, Gary C 01/02/14 ­14­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 8.43 8,671.01 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/28/13 0.50 514.60 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 0.92 639.76 12/14/13 1.00 697.92 10/19/13 1.08 756.08 10/19/13 2.00 1,395.84 12/14/13 2.00 1,395.84 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,456.32 12/14/13 4.00 3,684.48 12/14/13 3.72 3,425.97 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 7.50 225.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 48.00 882.24 12/14/13 1.80 1,256.56 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.91 2,319.42 12/14/13 2.91 2,319.42 12/14/13 0.67 532.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 25.50 765.00 12/14/13 20.00 520.00 12/14/13 3.33 2,657.60 10/19/13 3.33 2,657.60 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 10/26/13 1.00 623.04 12/21/13 16.50 297.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/21/13 3.00 63.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/21/13 60.00 1,080.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Fantroy, Dianna R Farace, Julie A Farmer, Brittany D Farwig, Phyllis J Favre, Matthew T Feagan, Mary E Feeney, Patricia M Fernandez, Kathleen M Ferris, Martin W Fetouh, Kamal A Fey, Marsha W Filla, Antoinette M Filla, Christina D Finder, Phillip J Fingers, Angelicia E Fingers, Stephenie M Finnell, Patricia K Fischer, Barbara A Fisher, Christine M Fisk, Todd E Fitz, Donald E Floyd, Toshi Flynn, M L Foley, Sarah J Fortenberry, Thomas A Foster, Charles G Foster, Jeffrey T Foster, William D 01/02/14 Loc Course Number CO FP M M FP FP FP FP FP CO CO W W W W M CO FP CO FV FV CO FP FP FP M M M M M M M CO CO FV FP FP CO FV FP CO CO CO CO CO FV FV FV FV CO FP CO FV FV MOTRDCE201315 ACC100.452­201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH030650201330 IDS101486201330 MTH020435201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 MTH0814052031330 Substitute 201330 CPDV:708­901 90009 ARTSDCE201325 ENG1023X2201330 Opening Session 2013 ENG1023X3201330 ENG101306201330 PE161S50201330 NATRDCE201325 DMS210450201330 PEDUDCE201325 AFSD201330 CRJ207501201330 REAL­C/CE ART113ART213ART213401201330 Adjunct Faculty Substitute 201330 PE110602201330 PE181604201330 PE174650201330 PE122650201330 PE110601201330 PE130201330 Substitute 201330 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 LIFEGUARDDCE201315 Nursing Combo 201330 COM101486201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PT­Faculty Cont Ed Pers201325 CE235550201330 PSY200406201330 EDUC201315 FEDHISET201325 FEDGED201315 EDUC201325 FLITDCE201325 IDS101524201330 SOC100501201330 AFSD201330 SOC100503201330 CRFTDCE201325 RTH120403201330 CONS201325 MTH020554201330 MTH020552201330 ­15­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 08/31/13 20.00 360.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 6.00 4,188.48 12/21/13 16.00 368.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.00 12/21/13 9.00 189.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,395.84 12/21/13 10.00 210.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 2.00 54.00 12/14/13 3.90 2,718.98 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 25.00 650.00 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.21 752.84 12/14/13 2.00 1,246.08 12/14/13 19.50 507.00 12/21/13 28.50 276.45 08/31/13 4.00 38.80 12/14/13 3.54 3,646.52 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 6.00 138.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 08/31/13 21.00 609.00 12/21/13 61.00 1,769.00 08/31/13 40.00 1,740.00 12/21/13 42.00 1,218.00 12/21/13 16.00 432.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 8.00 144.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,064.00 12/21/13 66.00 2,493.48 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Foy, Richard A Frailey, Nancy J Frankenreiter, David A Franklin, Kimberly R Fraser, Eileen B Fraser, Jennifer C Frese, Anne M Fricks, Aldene L Frischmann, Robert S Froelker, Justine L Frye, Felipe S Fulbright, James S Fuller, John A Fusco, Angeline C Gage, Susan J Gahan, Lisa A Gallen, James M Gallup, Craig W Ganim, Margaret J Garascia, Mark C Garcia, Timothy A Garland, Julie A 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FP FP FP M M M M FV FV CO CO FV FV FV M CO M M M M M M M W W W W M M M M M W W CO FP FP FP FP CO CO W M M M M FV FP FV FV FV FV CO MTH020550201330 Poster Contest Winner CTLADJRDGFAC201230201310 RDG020461201330 MTH020S02201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH030S04201330 MTH030649201330 ACC114550201330 AFSD201330 BUSS201325 FOODDCE201325 CHM101501LAB201330 CHM101502LAB201330 CHM101503LAB201330 CHM101651201330 CRFTDCE201325 IS102646201330 PTFACORIENT201330 IS102601201330 STR050612201330 STR050646201330 PSY200678201330 PSY200607201330 Opening Session 2013 ART109110209210339201330 Substitute 201330 ART109110209211368201330 ENG1026WL201330 ENG101649201330 ENG1026X1201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ENG102HON201330 PSI123301201330 Opening Session 2013 DANCDCE201325 DMS114401201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 DMS112450201 DMS113450201330 CCPRCE201325 HISTDCE201325 PHL104374201330 PTFACORIENT201330 IDS101681201330 IDS101676201330 Substitute 201330 STR050504201330 Substitute 201330 Substitute 201330 STR050523201330 Substitute 201330 MUS113551201330 PEDUDCE201325 ­16­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 08/30/13 1.00 150.00 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 5.00 165.00 12/21/13 33.00 891.00 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 5.33 3,720.76 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 3.00 78.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,596.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,064.00 12/20/13 6.00 186.00 12/21/13 2.00 54.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 7.50 225.00 12/14/13 6.00 3,738.24 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/21/13 15.00 375.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Garner, LaDonna R Gartner, Nancy E Garwood, Deborah S CO FP M M M CO FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M CO FP FP W W W W W W W M M CO FP FP M FP FP CO FV W W W FV FV FV FV GENEDCE201325 EMS 201330 IDS101699201330 IDS101670201330 IDS101670HON201330 FLSPDCE201325 ART172551201330 ART167501201330 REFLIB201330 BIO123501201330 BIO111S96201330 BIO111S01201330 BIO110602201330 STR050603201330 Substitute 201330 ENG020603201330 ENG030601201330 ENG020425201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 BIO111405406 BIO111405LAB BIO111406LAB CTLADJFACCONF201330 PTFACORIENT201330 BIO111613201330 Substitute 201330 BIO111616201330 PERDDCE201325 CTLADJRDGFAC201230201310 RDG030424201330 Opening Session 2013 PE161301201330 PE161302201330 PE161395201330 MTH020346201330 MTH030304201330 MTH030305201330 ECO140602201330 ECO140601201330 ANIMDCE201325 ECO151401201330 Substitute 201330 ACC100651201330 ECO151.4SA­201330 FNL206401201330 PEDUDCE201325 PE181503201330 PED181182338201330 PE181301201330 PED116301201330 GUESTSPEAKER201330 PE174501201330 GalleryDirector AFSD201330 Gasquet, Rosario G Gaubatz, Douglas Geczi, Judy E Geist, Zoe A Gelfand, Glenna R Genova, Amy K Gerik, Kimberly J Gero, Susan A Gieseler, Catherine M Ginn, Patricia J Giovanni, Joanne B Giulvezan, Stacia C Gladden, Patricia L Glanz, Melissa A Glass, Alan D Glass, Mark A Gleason, Christina M Gochnour, Frances E 01/02/14 ­17­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/21/13 4.00 108.00 12/14/13 0.10 62.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/21/13 12.00 324.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/14/13 6.53 4,558.83 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 20.75 622.50 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 2.88 2,006.98 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/21/13 2.00 42.00 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,093.76 12/14/13 3.00 2,093.76 12/14/13 3.00 2,093.76 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.96 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 7.50 202.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/21/13 22.00 462.00 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Goddard, Cheryl A Golliday, Sharon Gonzalez, Lorenzo F Gonzalez, Thomas L Goode, Phillip T Goodman, Lee C Goodrich, Scott M Gorry, Timothy W Graefser, Zachary A Grailer, Joseph G Granger, Deanna Grass, Thomas R Graves, Darnette M Graves, Jack L Gravette, Ann M Green, Anthony C Green, Khaleelah Greenhouse, Ted A Greer, James F Greer, Marsha A Greer, Nancy M Gregg, Agnes M 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FV FP FV FP FP FP FP CO FV FV FV FV FP FP FV CC W M M M CC M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M FV CO M M M M M M FP FP FP M PermanentCollectionCoordinator Substitute 201330 NURBJC2012013 Substitute 201330 STR050421201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 STR050409201330 STR050402201330 FLSPDCE201325 AFSD201330 COM101552201330 COM101554201330 COM101580201330 FIR111.450­201330 FIR112.450­201330 BLW101501201330 BASEBASST201330 SeriesSpeakerOneTimePay201310 PE107601201330 PE116S01201330 PE109680201330 BASEASST201330 PE130201330 PE117S01201330 Substitute 201330 ENG101648201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 STR050427201330 STR050410201330 STR050411201330 ME230551201330 MTH080521201330 MTH020527201330 AFSD201330 Substitute 201330 MTH081521201330 FIR204.450­201330 FIR204451201330 Substitute 201330 HRM263450201330 MCM125650201330 STR050613201330 STR020528201330 PEDUDCE201325 COM101633201330 PTFACORIENT201330 COM101656201330 COM101639201330 BIO207S02201330 BIO207S01201330 MTH030425201330 MTH081411201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ­18­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 20.00 600.00 12/14/13 6.14 4,899.72 12/14/13 35.00 910.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 96.00 2,592.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/19/13 3.88 3,096.56 12/14/13 2.78 2,218.66 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.20 747.64 12/21/13 1.00 200.00 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.20 747.64 12/14/13 0.67 465.28 12/14/13 1.33 930.55 12/14/13 31.00 806.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/14/13 4.67 3,727.53 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 33.84 1,015.20 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 48.00 1,176.00 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 1.50 1,047.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/21/13 43.00 903.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Gregory, Michelle D Gresick, Catherine J Gretencord, Timnah C Grib, John A Griffin, Brian C Griffith, Daniel J Grimm­Howell, Elizabeth M Grossman, Robert J Grotha, Carol A Grothe, James W Guenther, Charles J Gunther, Margarita K Gurney, Norman J Gusdorf, Dorine R Guss, Jason W Haag, Lisa K Hacker, Nichole M Hake, Jon J Hall, Dave Hall, Gloria J Hall, Janessa D Hall, Martin K Hallermann, Charleen T Halsband, Donna L Ham, Nikki L Hamilton, Gerald E Hamlett, Laura E Handel, Christel K 01/02/14 Loc Course Number M FP FP CO W W W FV FV FP FP FP FV M FP FP M M FP FP M M CO CO W W W W CO M W W CO FV FP FP CO FV FV FV CO FP FP M M M FP FP FP W W FV FV FV RDG020651201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 DMS209450201330 PEDU­D/CE Opening Session 2013 ENG101311201330 ENG101346201330 GEO103501201330 GEO100503201330 Substitute 201330 MTH081451201330 MTH030453201330 ME151550201330 BLW201650201330 ECO152.4WA­201330 BUS104.451­201330 PTFACORIENT201330 NUR101601201330 MTH160C461201330 MTH 185451201330 ESC200650201330 PTFACORIENT201330 FLSPDCE201325 HISTDCE201325 PHL101301201320 PHL1043S1201330 PHL101301201330 IDS101303201330 PEDUDCE201325 CHI101650201330 ENG101301201330 ENG101302201330 PEDUDCE201325 ENG101531201330 STR050406201330 STR050425201330 FOODDCE201325 PSY200550201330 PSY205551201330 PSY205550201330 MOTRDCE201325 MTH186450201330 SPRING2013HONORS IDS101614201330 PRD122699201330 PTFACORIENT201330 FNL206401201330 CUL110450201330 CUL115461201330 IDS201375201330 IDS201374201330 ECO152502201330 GER101501201330 BUS104502201330 ­19­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/21/13 9.00 189.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 5.00 150.00 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/14/13 4.67 3,727.04 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 2.81 2,244.60 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 7.17 5,719.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 5.00 3,490.40 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 16.00 400.00 12/21/13 1.50 31.50 08/24/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 22.00 396.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 7.00 126.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.69 1,876.10 12/21/13 10.00 270.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 20.00 360.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 08/30/13 1.00 93.00 12/14/13 0.38 299.28 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.33 4,256.00 10/19/13 3.33 2,324.60 12/14/13 3.33 2,324.60 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Hanewinkel, Katherine I Hankin, Robin H Hankins, Mary L Hanneke, Joyce R Hanson, Robin A Hany, Kimberly L Hapner, Barry N Hardeman, Vernon G Harder, Keith E Hardy, Brian A Hardy, Cathleen M Harness, Kim M Harris, Barbara J Harrison, Annette Harrison, Kenneth E Harshman, Erik D Hart, Laurie A Hartin, Liesa A Hartlieb, Jeanette M Hartwig, Patricia M Harvey, Martha E 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV M M CO M CO CO M M M M M CO W W W FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M CO FP FP CO FP FP FV FV FP CO FV M M W W W FP W FP W FP W M M M W W W FP FP AFSD201330 PE181601201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PEDUDCE201325 PE182602201330 PLB201325 REAL201325 PTFACORIENT201330 ENG101S10201330 Substitute 201330 HST102646201330 HST101648201330 CRFTDCE201325 Opening Session 2013 HST1003W1201330 HST1053W1201330 RDG05051I201330 RDG05451I201330 RDG030508201330 RDG05251I201330 PE180475201330 CUL110401201330 CUL115421201330 PE165650201330 PERDDCE201325 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PE122401201330 PEDUDCE201325 PE122402201330 Substitute 201330 PE122502201330 Substitute 201330 PE122451201330 CCPRCE201325 ENG1105XB201330 ENG101651201330 PTFACORIENT201330 Opening Session 2013 BIO207302201330 BIO208350201330 PED116486201330 Opening Session 2013 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PE181350201330 PE181486201330 PE181182368201330 MTH030S02201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH160CS02201330 Opening Session 2013 Substitute 201330 ACC100301201330 CTLADJRDGFAC201230201310 Substitute 201330 ­20­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 1.33 1,064.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 10.00 270.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,064.00 12/21/13 2.25 32.18 12/21/13 7.00 203.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 10.50 262.50 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/19/13 2.96 2,358.32 12/14/13 3.33 2,657.60 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/21/13 4.00 84.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/21/13 64.00 1,344.00 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 3.00 78.00 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 5.25 157.50 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/20/13 16.00 400.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 1.33 1,228.16 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,228.16 12/14/13 1.33 1,228.16 12/14/13 1.33 1,228.16 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/14/13 11.25 337.50 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Hasheider, Aaron M Hatch, Lance R Haviland, Colleen M Hawley, George R He, Guangrong Heck, Theresa E Heffernan, Cris M Helbling, Charles A Helle, Nancy A Helms, Katie J Helton, Daniel J Hemingway Harvey, Heather M Henderson, Martha L Hennen, Debra R Henry, Ronald Henson, Dennis R Henson, Michelle D Hernandez, Leslie S Hernandez, Rafael Herron, Glenda S Hertel, John E Herzog, David L 01/02/14 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.00 920.37 12/14/13 2.00 1,840.77 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 0.28 171.38 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/21/13 33.75 330.08 08/31/13 4.00 39.12 12/21/13 16.00 288.00 08/31/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 1.00 698.08 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.50 165.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 39.00 1,287.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 2.00 1,596.16 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 2.25 1,795.68 10/26/13 1.00 200.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/21/13 40.00 720.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 Loc Course Number FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV CO CO CO M M M FP FP FP CO M M M CO FP FP FP FP FP CC M CO M RDG017422201330 RDG016422201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 EMS 201330 BIO207580LAB201330 BIO207504LAB201330 BIO207580201330 BIO207504201330 Substitute 201330 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 LIFEGUARDDCE201315 BRIDDCE201325 Substitute 201320 IS123674201330 PTFACORIENT201330 Substitute 201330 HRM134450201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 COMP201325 STR050610201330 STR050611201330 STR050616201330 CPDV711901201350 MTH080401201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 MTH080408201330 Substitute 201330 MTH080409201330 AdjFacCertProgOneTimePay201330 ART133668201330 MOTRDCE201325 MTH030614201330 M FacultyOrientation201330 10/15/13 M MTH030611201330 12/14/13 M FP FP CO FP FP M FP FP FP FV FV W CO FP FP FV PTFACORIENT201330 BAP115420201330 BAP215421201330 FOODDCE201325 HST137450201330 HST137H50201330 ART100S01201330 HIT102450201330 HIT10201401201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 Substitute 201330 ECE101550201330 BIO1113WA201330 BUSN201325 CTLADJFACCONF201330 CRJ123.474­201330 MGT204574201330 10/15/13 12/12/13 11/07/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/27/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 09/13/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 ­21­ 1.00 3.00 1,869.12 1.00 3.33 2.33 29.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 3.00 4.33 4.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 75.00 75.00 2,074.72 1,451.68 783.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,762.88 4,115.84 1,028.96 75.00 75.00 2,394.24 3,455.68 148.50 75.00 2,394.24 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Hicks, John J Hiestand, Jo A Higgins, Donna L Hill, Elke A Hinkel, Sandra S Hinrichs, Suzanne K Hirson, Diane L Hirssig, Linda K Hirst, Lori C Hizer, Herbert G Hoefel, Briann O Hoekstra, Elvin L Hoffman, Beverly L Holland, Kara S Holterman, Donald L Homeyer, Yvonne M Honnold, Adrianne L Hope, John S Hoppe, Bradley R Hornberger, Kent D Horner, Mary E Hotze, Pamela E Houghton, David M Howe, Joseph W 01/02/14 Loc Course Number W FV FV M CO W W M M FP M FP FP M M W FP W W W W W CO FP FV FV FV FV FV M M CO FP FP FV FV FV FV CO M W W FV FV CO CO W W W W M M FV M BUS104374201330 AFSD201330 BUS104574201330 ARC102640201330 WRITDCE201325 IDS101374201330 IDS101376201330 ENG1026WQ201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ENG101436201330 ENG1026X4201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 ENG030406201330 EDU120601201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ENG101304201330 COM101425201330 PE130131341201330 PE130371201330 PE130340201330 PE130131372201330 Opening Session 2013 CPDV712901201330 NURSING TUTOR AFSD201330 DIT209501201330 DIT106501201330 PRACTICUMCOOR201330 DIT107501201330 IS225650201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ARTSDCE201325 ART 172:474 201330 Substitute 201330 PE116501201330 Substitute 201330 PE116502201330 PE130520201330 FINCDCE201325 MUS128674201330 MUS1283SA201330 MUS128374201330 ME110550201330 ME226550201330 MOTRDCE201315 NPAD201325 Opening Session 2013 COM101303201330 COM101306201330 COM101307201330 ECE202601201330 PTFACORIENT201330 CRJ503501201330 MTH020S08201330 ­22­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/19/13 3.00 2,394.00 12/21/13 4.00 92.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 798.00 12/14/13 34.00 531.08 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 0.40 319.24 12/14/13 0.40 319.24 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 12/14/13 0.80 638.48 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 72.00 1,944.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 2.50 65.00 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 7.75 232.50 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/21/13 2.00 54.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.34 2,665.60 12/14/13 3.34 2,665.60 08/31/13 20.00 360.00 12/21/13 11.00 319.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Hoxha, Hyrije H Hubbman, Yvette J Huber, Dawn M Hudson, Repps B Hudspeth, Cassandra M Huettner, Juergen E Hufker, Barbara J Hughes, Barbara A Hughes, Lekitta Hughes, Marilyn S Hughes, Martha R Hugill, Edmund F Huisinga, Joan F Humphreys, Dawn M Hurt, Debra A Huss, Renee A Huxhold, John P Hyland, Deborah J Ibur, Anne L Ivey, Maria L Jackson­Potter, Jessica N Jackson, Christina A 01/02/14 Loc Course Number M W FP FP FP W M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FV FV CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W W W CO M M M M CO M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV W W MTH140S05201330 MTH 140350201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 ENG060450201330 ANT102474201330 ANT102374201330 ANT102647201330 HIT105401201330 HIT104401201330 HIT101414201330 IDS101424201330 MCM110402201330 STR050415201330 STR050426201330 WSOCRcoach201330 HST101551201330 HST101580201330 NPAD201325 ENG101486201330 MTH080411­201330 MTH1600402201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 MTH080416201330 MUS131421201330 MUS1144WA201330 MUS114H01201330 COSTUME DESIGNER FOR PLAY Opening Session 2013 MTH030302201330 MTH165301201330 MTH0200301201330 TRIPDCE201325 PTFACORIENT201330 LGL205695201330 BIO207605201330 BIO208605201330 BUSN201325 ENG101608201330 ENG101601201330 ENG101603201330 IDS101610201330 IDS101652201330 IDS101603201310 IDS101603HON201330 ART111668201330 ART109601201330 BUS104650201330 STR050618201330 STR050604201330 MTH080520201330 MTH020571201330 MTH080530201330 Opening Session 2013 PRD102301201330 ­23­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 6.00 6,173.76 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 10/19/13 2.00 1,596.16 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.39 3,500.56 12/14/13 4.00 3,191.82 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 4.00 132.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 11/09/13 1.37 1,414.82 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/15/13 1.00 600.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 47.00 1,269.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/21/13 4.25 140.25 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/19/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 1.00 698.08 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Jackson, Joseph W Jackson, Sharon A James, Anna K FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV CO M M CO CO FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV EMS 201330 ENG020520201330 MTH02051A201330 Substitute 201330 MTH040503201330 EMS 201330 MTH030450201330 MTH030452201330 ECO140550201330 BLW101550201320 AFSD201330 CCPRCE201325 ESL Placement Substitute 201330 PEDUDCE201325 PEDU­CE JPN101550201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 AFSD201330 GraphicCommCoord201330 ART133501201330 ART131501201330 Substitute 201330 AFSD201330 SPA15550201320onetimepayment M FP FP FP CO M M M CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP CO FV FV FV M M M BIO111S51201330 HMS101401201330 PE162450201330 PE162163451201330 HOMEDCE201325 HMS204650201330 HMS203650201330 HMS102650201330 FLIRDCE201325 IS156440201330 IS118440201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 IS118499201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 HMS101450201330 PSY213421201330 MTH030680201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH170650201330 MTH030652201330 PRD108421201330 BUSS201325 STR0590508201330 STR050580201330 STR050501201330 PE130201330 PE104601201330 Substitute 201330 James, David M James, Dwayne T Jamison, Michael T Jasper, Geraldine A Jayaweera, Henry B Jeep, Robert T Jeffreys, Atsuko M Jenner, Julia C Johnson­Stephenson, Maria M Johnson, Barbara S Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, Frank W Johnson, Howard Johnson, Kinya D Johnson, Sarah C Johnson, Sheila M Johnson, William F Johny, John M Jones, Allen W Jones, Carolyn D Jones, Darren B 01/02/14 ­24­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.10 683.02 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 120.00 12/14/13 4.90 3,417.54 12/14/13 0.20 124.64 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/14/13 2.81 1,963.35 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/20/13 28.00 924.00 12/14/13 4.00 104.00 12/14/13 15.00 450.00 12/21/13 6.00 126.00 08/31/13 6.00 108.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,456.32 12/14/13 4.00 3,684.48 12/14/13 4.00 3,684.48 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 08/30/13 1.00 687.09 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/19/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/13/13 08/31/13 09/13/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/15/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/15/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/19/13 12/14/13 4.33 3.00 1.33 1.33 28.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 32.00 25.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 2.00 4,455.40 3,086.88 1,064.00 1,064.00 700.00 2,394.24 2,394.24 2,394.24 400.00 798.08 798.08 75.00 93.00 75.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,394.24 75.00 2,394.24 2,394.24 1,596.16 825.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,094.24 953.92 953.92 52.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Jones, Donald L Jones, Edward N Jones, Omer H Jones, Robert A Jones, Sarah E Jones, Wayne K Jordan, Catherine F Jostedt, Michael P Joyce, Sherry G Kacer, Karen F Kaiser, Jane B Kaiser, Robin L Kalfus, Richard M Kallial, Timothy P Kalyanaraman, Somasundaram Kammerer, Robert R Kane, Dolores A Kane, Scott D Kann, Kim S Karakhanyan, Liana V Karutz, Theresa M Kasl, David R Kauffmann, Kelly J 01/02/14 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.33 2,384.80 12/14/13 3.00 2,146.32 12/21/13 189.00 3,969.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 2.67 2,744.32 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 120.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,224.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.33 4,908.72 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.33 2,401.28 12/14/13 16.00 480.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/23/13 9.28 6,473.95 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 12.00 396.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 12.00 360.00 10/19/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 Loc Course Number M M CO FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP M CO M M M M M FP FP FITCTRCOOR201330 PE119601201330 HISET201325 STR050510201330 STR050502201330 STR050505201330 FNL206401201330 ENG030453201330 ENG030451201330 ENG2076XA201330 ENG1026WF201330 ENG1106WK201330 Substitute 201330 CHM101504LAB201330 AFSD201330 CHM101551201330 ART153602201330 PHL101647201330 PHL101601201330 DHY121.401 201330 Substitute 201330 DHY120.401 201330 PT Fac J Library Serv FP PTFACORIENT201330 COMP201325 FacultyOrientation201330 LGL104696201330 Substitute 201330 LGL228696201330 HUM115601201330 DMS120450201330 BIO111452/453LEC201330 FP BIO111453LAB201330 12/14/13 FP CTLADJFACCONF201330 09/13/13 FP BIO111452LAB201330 12/14/13 CO FP FP FP M W W FP FP FP M FP M CO M MOTRDCE201325 COM101408201330 COM101415201330 PlayDirecting201330 Substitute201330 PE161350201330 Opening Session 2013 Substitute 201330 MTH160C403201330 MTH020419201330 Substitute 201330 CE116.450­201330 PE181S50201330 PEDUMCE201325 PE105602201330 12/21/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/12/13 12/14/13 11/09/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 ­25­ 1.33 1,061.44 1.00 1.33 1,061.44 20.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 9.30 1.58 3.00 14.00 3.00 1.33 20.00 1.33 75.00 360.00 3,086.88 3,086.88 3,086.88 90.00 2,093.76 75.00 279.00 1,105.15 2,094.24 420.00 2,394.24 830.72 540.00 830.72 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Kavanaugh, Thomas P Kebert­Strawhun, Mary L Kelly, Constance M Kelly, J K Kenney, Ann L Kennison, Richard D Kenny, William R Kenzora, Paula A Kerber, Mary A Kern, Laura A Kerr, Bob Kessinger, Kathy A Ketcherside, Gary L Ketcherside, John C Kettler, Rebecca Key, Byron S Kiddoo, Kristin L Kiehne, Michelle E Kiel, Gail P Kijowski, Karen L Kilker, Charles J Kimler, Wayne J Kimzey, Kristie A Kinder, David E King, Sherman 01/02/14 Loc Course Number CO FP FP FV FP M M M FP FP FP CO M M M FP FP FP CO CO M M M M W W W W FP CO FP FV M FV FV M M M M M CO FP FP FP CO W W FP FP FP FP M M CO PEDUDCE201325 Art131,AT246:401 201330 Graphics Coordinator BIO111517LAB201330 ART133401 201330 PE130 201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PE158601201330 CTLADJRDGFAC201230201310 RDG016H21201330 RDG017H21201330 CAMP­D/CE CRJ111674201330 CRJ206674201330 CRJ212674201330 NURBJCLAB201330 NURLAB201330 NUR1014012013330 HISET201325 GED201315 Counselor201320 STR050609201330 STR050608201330 STR050605201330 HST102374201330 HST1013S1201330 HST1023W1201330 Opening Session 2013 MCM126461201330 PEDUDCE201325 HST101H21201310 Substitute 201330 Substitute 201330 Substitute 201330 DCS119553201330 PSY205601201330 PSY200676201330 PSY200680201330 PSY205S50201330 PSY205603201330 PEDUDCE201325 NURBJCLAB201330 NURLAB201330 EMS 201330 HISTDCE201325 Opening Session 2013 MUS114301201330 ENG062401201330 ENG060401201330 ESL FACULTY TRAINING FALL2013 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PSI1116S5201330 PTFACORIENT201330 DANCDCE201325 ­26­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/21/13 62.25 1,307.25 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.00 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 12/14/13 7.33 7,546.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,372.16 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,840.77 12/14/13 1.00 920.37 08/31/13 30.00 1,620.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 0.27 274.44 12/14/13 4.89 5,028.96 12/14/13 6.67 6,860.80 12/21/13 63.50 889.00 08/31/13 23.00 483.00 09/01/13 1.29 898.68 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 134.00 2,814.00 12/14/13 2.72 1,897.91 12/14/13 4.00 120.00 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 2.50 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 1.00 920.96 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 1.00 920.96 12/21/13 26.00 546.00 12/14/13 0.60 478.80 12/14/13 3.07 2,447.20 12/14/13 0.86 536.26 12/21/13 2.50 57.50 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 6.00 4,788.48 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Kinney, Johnna D FV FV FV CC FP FP CC FV FV FV FP FP FP FP CO CO FP FP FP FP M M M CO FP FP CC FP FV FV FV FV FP FP CO M M M CO FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FV FV FV CO CO Substitute 201330 PE171501201330 PE174502201330 VBALLcoach201330 NURLAB201330 Substitute 201330 MBSKTBASSTCOA201330 Substitute 201330 ART165551201330 ART168502201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 RDG020403201330 STR050419201330 STR050407201330 PEDUDCE201325 FLITDCE201325 DMS216401201330 DMS119450201330 DMS214450201330 DMS215450201330 OTA103602201330 FacultyRetreatOneTimePay201330 OTA103601201330 DANCDCE201325 HRM128450201330 HRM128404201330 AdjFacCertProgOneTimePay201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 LGL108550201330 AFSD201330 LGL205574201330 LGL104550201330 Substitute 201330 NURLAB201330 PEDUDCE201325 PSY205650201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PSY2006W1201330 CRFTDCE201325 AFSD201330 ME101500201330 AFSD201330 ENG030553201330 ENG101527201330 STR050519201330 AFSD201330 DIT115550201330 SPA101650201330 PTFACORIENT201330 AFSD201330 EE130501201330 EE131550201330 TRIPDCE201325 PLB201315 Kinney, Tina G Kirksey, Noren S Kitt, Robert L Kizart, Claudean Klearman, Melvin Klein, Barbara A Klein, Bonnie J Klein, Nancy M Kleyboecker, Bonnie N Kline, Whitney R Klingerman, Linda K Klonowski, Deborah A Klug, Melanie J Knight, Paul D Knipp, Christine E Knobeloch, Herbert I Knobloch, Christian I Knoblock­Hahn, Amy L Knudsen Galindo, Kristina Kobe, David C Koehler, Charles H Koenig, Courtney P 01/02/14 ­27­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.75 52.50 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 5.01 3,498.92 12/14/13 1.73 1,383.20 12/14/13 5.00 130.00 12/14/13 0.80 500.52 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 2.50 1,995.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.94 2,050.61 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 5.50 115.50 12/21/13 52.00 1,404.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,842.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,763.36 12/14/13 2.67 2,456.32 12/14/13 1.33 1,228.16 12/14/13 2.00 2,057.92 09/28/13 1.00 150.00 12/14/13 2.00 2,057.92 12/21/13 10.00 180.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 11/09/13 1.00 200.00 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 104.00 12/14/13 2.32 1,851.36 12/21/13 15.00 375.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 4.00 72.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.34 3,996.96 12/14/13 4.34 3,996.96 12/21/13 5.00 125.00 08/31/13 6.00 143.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Kolker, Ruth K Kopp, Patricia A Koppel, Trent L Korbesmeyer, Bruce Korkaric, Huso Kornberger, Thomas M Korte, Jennifer L Kosednar, Priscilla A Kosfeld, Minh T Koshak, Karen D Krausch, Ronald W Krause, Joan B Kravitz, Rebecca S Krings, Karen M Krivokuca, Denise Krizanec, Jasna K Krownapple, Michael M Kruescheck, Nancee L Krusa, Beth A Kuhlman, Elaine M Kuo, Sue J Kurrelmeyer, Michelle R Kuschel, Diane G Kyle, Marcel A Ladd, Kathy L LaGarce, Charles G Lages, Charles R Lages, Mary L Lambert­Gardiner, Mary J LaMora, Angela D 01/02/14 Loc Course Number CO CO CO CO M M M FP W M M W W FP FP FP M M M M M M CO CO FP FP CO M M FP FP M M M CO CO FP CO FP M M M CO M CO M CO CO FV FV FV FV FP FP PLB201325 ARTSDCE201325 SUPV201315 CAMP­D/CE ECO151606201330 MTH160CS52201330 PTFACORIENT201330 EMS 201330 COM107301201330 COM101S10201330 PTFACORIENT201330 Substitute 201330 Opening Session 2013 CLT202401201330 CLT201401201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PE105601201330 PTFACORIENT201330 AQUACOOR201330 PE173601201330 PE162601201330 PE130201330 MUSCDCE201325 CCPRCE201325 DHY222.401 DHY120.401 201330 CAMPDCE201325 PTFACORIENT201330 HMS101651201330 RUS101461201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PSY205601201330 PSY205603201330 PSY205647201330 HORTDCE201325 ARTSDCE201325 RTH240401201330 PEDUDCE201325 RTH240401201330 SOC101676201330 SOC1016WV201330 SOC1016W7201330 FLFRDCEDCE201325 ART111638201330 CVTW201325 AT100641201330 DANCDCE201325 DANCDCE201325 MTH020502201330 MTH020505201330 AFSD201330 MTH030526201330 bBIO151402 BIO215450201330 ­28­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/21/13 21.50 307.45 12/21/13 15.00 405.00 08/31/13 80.75 1,292.00 08/31/13 9.00 225.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.60 1,620.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,596.00 12/14/13 5.00 3,990.40 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.67 2,559.04 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 2.00 1,395.84 12/21/13 38.50 1,039.50 12/20/13 14.00 462.00 12/14/13 5.17 4,759.12 12/14/13 1.88 1,727.10 12/21/13 6.00 126.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.99 2,787.96 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.62 2,701.04 12/14/13 2.62 2,701.04 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 10.00 270.00 12/21/13 12.00 300.00 12/14/13 0.67 415.36 12/21/13 21.00 441.00 12/14/13 0.67 465.28 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 26.00 702.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/21/13 11.00 363.00 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 5.64 5,194.20 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Land, Sarah­Marie E FP FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV M CO M M M FP FP M FV M FV M FP FP CO FP FP FP W W W CC FP FP FP FP W W W M M CO M CO CO CO FP CO M FV FV FV FV FV FV FRE101401201330 Best of Show ­ Photography Awa FRE102403201330 CHM101405/406LEC CHM101405LAB CHM101406LAB ENG101680201330 PSY200514201330 PSY200502201330 PSY203603201330 PEDUDCE201325 PTFACORIENT201330 IRT174650201330 IRT173650201330 DHY222401201330 DHY221401201330 IS205674201330 IS132574201330 IS123601201330 IS123501201330 IS123601201330 EMS 201330 MUS152461201330 NURS201325 Substitute 201330 BIO208404201330 BIO208450BJC201330 MTH030346201330 Opening Session 2013 MTH030302201330 MBKBASSTCOA201330 COM101421201330 SUBPAY2013 COM101478201330 COM101428201330 PHL1013W4201330 PHL109301201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 NUR201601201330 Substitute 201330 CVTW201325 ART131646201330 HEALDCE201325 PLB201325 COMP201325 EMS 201330 WRITDCE201325 ECE101695201330 DIT115501201330 BIO207503LAB201330 COM101511201330 Substitute 201330 COM101509201330 COM101513201330 Landis, Bryan H Lane, Melissa M Lane, Sherry S Lang, Carrie J Lange, Margaret M Lankford, Amy T Larson, Judy C Larson, Steven B Latour, Andrew D Laufersweiler, Jonathan H Lawrence, Mary R Lechkova, Eugenia P Lee, Patricia R Lee, Steve J Lee, Tiffany B Lehocky, Daniel L Lehr, Alyssa M Leick, James A Leifheit, Rhonda K Lemmon, Constance S Lenox, Roy E Leroux­Wende, Gina L Letchworth, Beverly J Levine, Marlene H Levine, Rebecca D Levinson, Amanda D Lewandowski, Monica A 01/02/14 ­29­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 08/30/13 1.00 200.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 2.33 2,397.48 12/14/13 2.33 2,397.48 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 20.00 460.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 48.00 2,058.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 5.17 3,605.92 12/14/13 1.87 1,308.60 12/14/13 4.00 3,683.84 11/16/13 1.00 920.96 10/19/13 1.00 920.96 10/19/13 1.00 920.96 12/14/13 1.00 920.96 12/14/13 0.10 62.32 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/21/13 4.00 116.00 12/14/13 4.53 128.50 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/14/13 4.30 3,001.76 12/14/13 2.75 1,713.36 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 0.80 499.22 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 5.00 3,489.60 12/14/13 12.00 312.00 12/21/13 11.00 363.00 12/14/13 96.00 2,991.36 12/21/13 22.00 594.00 12/21/13 40.25 575.60 12/21/13 44.00 1,452.00 12/14/13 3.36 2,095.82 12/21/13 6.00 162.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.25 870.41 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 4.50 135.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Lewis, Alison Lewis, Bonnie L CO FP FP FP FV FV FV W CO M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV CO M M M FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV CO FP CO CO FP FP FP FP FV FP FV FP FP FP ECOLDCE201325 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 MTH080403201330 MTH080400201330 AFSD201330 CRJ111501201330 CRJ212501201330 CRJ122350201330 COMP201325 PTFACORIENT201330 RDG030605201330 RDG030602201330 PAR221S50 Primary 201330 PAR223S50 Primary 201330 EMS201330 ART109551201330 AFSD201330 AT177550201330 AT177551201330 CRFTDCE201325 OTA204650201330 FacultyRetreatOneTimePay201330 NUR201601201330 DHY222.401 201330 DHY120.401201330 ESLFACTRAIN201330 ENG061450201330 Substitute 201330 ENG071402201330 ART138502201330 AFSD201330 ART138501201330 PE130506201330 PE130513201330 Substitute 201330 PE130514201330 PE130505201330 PHL104474201330 PHL1034WA201330 CRJ111502201330 ARTSDCE201325 FNL206401201330 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 LIFEGUARDDCE201315 EMS 201330 ENG030411201330 ENG030409201330 ENG101418201330 AFSD201330 PSC101450201330 PSC1015WA201330 ADJUNCT FAULTY MTH020433201330 MTH080415201330 Lewis, Collette N Lewis, Robert Liebman, Nicole M Light, Greg Lin, Chien F Lin, Chih Yu Linder, Amy M Linville, Joseph E Lipic, Gayle A Liu, Chia Hui Lizorty, Ronald J Lochmann, William J Lodato, Theodora L Loehr, Angela N Long, Sean M Lonning, Robert D Loredo, Jacob A Louder, Jessica L Love, Joseph J Love, Mario K Love, Myrtle M 01/02/14 ­30­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/21/13 4.00 84.00 10/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 9.00 297.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.50 1,047.12 12/14/13 1.00 623.04 12/14/13 1.00 623.04 12/14/13 1.23 763.42 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 12/21/13 23.00 575.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 09/28/13 1.00 150.00 12/14/13 10.49 7,318.84 12/14/13 5.33 4,912.64 12/14/13 2.00 1,842.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 3.25 97.50 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/21/13 51.00 1,377.00 11/16/13 0.22 227.26 12/21/13 38.00 368.61 08/31/13 5.00 48.50 12/14/13 0.60 373.92 12/14/13 1.88 1,308.90 12/14/13 1.88 1,308.90 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Lovett, Jack B W W CO W W W CO FV FP M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV FP FP FP FP CO M M M M W W W W CC M M FP CO BUS104346201330 BUS104302201330 WRITDCE201325 PSY200303201330 PSY2003W1201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 PEDUDCEDCE201325 BIO226551201330 NUR108OB201330 PE118651201330 PE118652201320 PE118650201330 GEO1116SA201330 GEO1006SA201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ENG053403201330 ENG070402201330 ESLFACTRAIN201330 MCM113401201330 ECE102550201330 ECE102501201330 ECE103550201330 Substitute 201330 MTH185301201330 MTH160C304201330 BIO208507201330 BIO207502LAB201330 BIO207502201330 BIO208507LAB201330 Substitute 201330 AFSD201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ACC213695201330 ACC214650201330 GE101500201330 Substitute 201330 RDG030408201330 STR050423201330 ADJUNCT FACULTY STR050404201330 NATRDCE201325 FacultyRetreatOneTimePay201330 ENG051601201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ESL Placement OPENINGSESSION201330 SOC101395201330 SOC1013S1201330 SOC1013W4201330 AsstWBSKTB201330 STR050606201330 PE130201330 PE177178422201330 MUSCDCE201325 Luby, Heather D Ludwig, Jo H Luna Zapiain, Silvia M Lutke, William K Lutz, Jodi R Maag, Colin B Macke, John E Maclin, Margorie J Maddox, Teri L Magagnos, Lovedy S Mahan, Christopher L Maines, Laylonda S Maixner, Diane M Malique, Ismail A Mallory, Evern H Malolepszy, Klaus M Manion, Kirstin A Mannion, Sharon E Mapes, Sheila M Marcy, Melanie E Markl, Karl S 01/02/14 ­31­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/21/13 12.50 312.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 10.00 270.00 10/19/13 3.44 2,401.83 12/14/13 2.08 1,454.00 09/14/13 1.33 830.72 09/28/13 1.33 830.72 09/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 5.67 5,834.20 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 6.00 4,788.48 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 5.00 4,604.80 12/14/13 4.00 3,683.84 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/19/13 1.16 812.39 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 21.82 633.32 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 8.00 168.00 09/28/13 1.00 150.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 35.75 929.50 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.41 1,499.44 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/21/13 16.00 432.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Markova, Kamelia P Marquardt, Sharon C Marshall, Lois A Marshall, Tracy L Martin, Carolyn M Martin, Leonard K FP CC CO W FP FP FP FV CO CO CO M M CO CO CO FP FV FV FV FP FP CC FP FP FP FP CO CO CO CO CO M M M W W W W CO FP FV M M M CC M FV M M CO M M M BIO203450201330 SOFTBcoach201330 DANCDCE201325 OPENINGSESSION201330 DMS204401201330 MCM123450201330 CTL­ADJFACFALLCONF2013 ECO152580201330 DANCDCE201325 OECE201315 OECEADJ201315 ART107650201330 ART209636201330 PERDDCE201325 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 FLSPDCE201325 RTH240401201330 AFSD201330 ENG101551201330 ENG101552201330 NUR2014012013330 RTH240401201330 AdjFacCertProgOneTimePay201330 MTH080412201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 MTH080406201330 Substitute 201330 PLB201315 PLB201325 GEDUDCE201315 GEDU­D/CE MOTRDCE201325 ENG1026WC201330 ENG030614201330 PTFACORIENT201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 MTH020302140306201330 MTH020303140307201330 Substitute 201330 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 MTH020463201330 HST101503201330 Substitute 201330 PE126601201330 PE126602201330 WSOCRASST201330 BIO203651201330 CHM105550LAB201330 CHM1056W4201330 PTFACORIENT201330 ART MODEL 201325 MTH220650201330 MTH140650201330 PTFACORIENT201330 Martin, Russell L Martin, Sharon M Martin, Steven R Martinez, Laura E Mathews, Roselyn R Matteson, Kyle M Matthews, Ann C Matyi, Timothy Maxwell, Kevin Mayes, Ellen D McAllister, Kevin M McArthur, Constance E McBee, Robert T McBride, Linda K McConkey, Kenneth R McCord, Laura R McCoy, Janette E McCoy, Jason A McDaniels, Brian P McDermott, Scott A McDevitt, William D McDonald, Alexander J McDonald, Virginia N McDowell, Lynda M McFarland, Stephanie R McGhee, Mark T 01/02/14 ­32­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 4.64 3,239.08 12/14/13 5.62 3,501.48 12/21/13 8.00 144.00 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 1,029.12 12/14/13 48.00 2,352.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 16.00 288.00 08/31/13 10.00 330.00 08/31/13 1.00 15.58 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/21/13 2.00 54.00 12/21/13 131.50 1,286.08 12/21/13 128.00 3,456.00 12/14/13 0.67 532.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.69 2,573.00 12/14/13 0.67 532.00 10/26/13 1.00 200.00 12/14/13 2.91 1,810.71 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.91 1,810.71 12/14/13 5.50 165.00 08/31/13 2.00 28.60 12/21/13 59.50 850.86 08/31/13 24.00 648.00 08/31/13 24.00 648.00 12/21/13 20.00 360.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/21/13 62.25 608.82 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.00 52.00 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.20 747.64 12/14/13 4.66 4,794.96 12/14/13 1.33 1,224.88 12/14/13 5.33 4,908.72 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 9.00 123.48 12/14/13 5.00 3,490.40 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number McGowan, Ruth A FV FV FV M M M M M M M FV M FV M CO FP CO W W W FV CO CO FP FP CO CO M CO FP FP M M M FP CO M M M M M M CO FP FP CO CO CO M M M FP W FV MTH081500201330 MTH020540201330 MTH080500201330 RDG030646201330 Substitute 201330 MTH140647201330 PTFACOREINT201330 MTH140S51201330 MTH030612201330 Substitute 201330 PSY200553201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PSY214501201330 PSY218601201330 PEDUDCE201325 RTH240401201330 COMP201325 SPA1013S1201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 SPA1013SA201330 EE242550201330 PEDUDCE201325 MOTRDCE201315 ENG070450201330 ENG071450201330 MOTRDCE201315 MOTRDCE201325 MUS130601201330 FOODDCE201325 DHY222.401 201330 DHY120.401 201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PSI115652201330 PSI115653201330 Substitute 201330 DANCDCE201325 Substitute 201330 CHM105605201330 PTFACORIENT201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH160C616201330 MTH160C617201330 OECE201325 EMS 201330 EMT121S50 Primary 2013 OECEADJ201315 OECEADJ201325 OECE201315 HST101S01201330 HST102S01201330 HST101S02201330 DMS216401201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 DIT214501201330 McGrath, Maureen A McGuire, Mary E McKenna, Donald J McLin­Morris, Anis F McMeans, Katherine S McMillen, Donna M McMurtry, Tracy E McNamee, Burnette M McNeil, James H McNutt, Karol A Meder, Carol A Meechai, Ann K Mellring, Scott A Melman, Morton M Melton, Michelle N Menendez, Michele E Menendez, Richard A Merchant, Lorraine W Merlin, Karen J Michael, Paul R Michael, Valerie L Miederhoff, Marilyn K Mignin, Erin N Miley, Joann R Miller, Anne C 01/02/14 ­33­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 6.00 156.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 26.00 702.00 12/14/13 0.67 532.00 12/21/13 24.00 696.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 3.34 3,436.72 12/21/13 24.00 648.00 08/31/13 20.00 360.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 08/31/13 20.00 720.00 12/21/13 40.00 720.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/21/13 24.00 504.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,596.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.17 12/14/13 10.00 300.00 12/21/13 44.00 792.00 12/14/13 9.00 270.00 12/14/13 5.33 3,720.76 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/21/13 10.00 330.00 12/14/13 1.98 1,235.18 12/14/13 2.00 1,246.08 08/31/13 1.00 23.37 12/21/13 1.00 15.58 08/31/13 10.00 495.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 0.67 532.00 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Miller, Beverly K Miller, Carolyn S Miller, Fred E Miller, Jeanette P Miller, Jeffrey Miller, Julia M Miller, Thi T Mills, Stephanie L Mills, Theoda E Mimlitz, Edward J Misra, Bishnupriya Mitchell­Phillips, Angela M Mitchell, Metra L Mitchell, Odell Mitchell, Pacquita H Mitchener, Debra L Mittendorf, Deborah A Mnyapara, Haron K Moberly, Jonathon D Mockobey, Jean F Moeller, Michelene C Moll, Malgorzata S Monachella, Lisa M 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FV CO FP FP FP FP FP CO CO FP FP FP FP CO CO CO M M M M FP FP M CO CO FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV CO FV FV FV FV FP M FP FP M M DIT115350201330 DIT202501201330 CRFTDCE201325 RDG030413201330 RDG030402201330 STR050405201330 CTLADJFACFALL CONF2013 CTLADJRDGFAC201230201310 COMMDCE201325 PEDUDCE201325 COM101410201330 CTLADJFACFALL CONF2013 COM101404201330 COM101462201330 WRITDCE201325 CRFTDCE201325 CRFTDCE201315 MTH160C646201330 MTH020621201330 PTFACORIENT201330 Substitute 201330 HIT213450201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 PE133601201330 PEDUDCE201325 WRIT­D/CE201325 ART114,214AT229402201330 Substitute 201330 ART107401201330 DIGITALPHOTOII201330 HMS100450201330 CTLADJFACFALL CONF2013 MTH030602201330 MTH030646201330 Substitute 201330 DHY222.401 201330 DHY120.401 201330 Substitute 201330 BIO208508LAB201330 BIO207501LAB201330 ECO151580201330 BLW101502201330 MKT203574201330 HISET201325 HMS202501201330 HMS203550201330 HMS204550201330 HMS201501201330 ENG051402201330 Substitute 201330 ESL FAULTY TRAINING FALL 2013 ENG050402201330 Substitute 201330 MTH020680201330 ­34­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 20.00 460.00 12/14/13 2.94 3,022.57 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 2.81 2,893.95 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/21/13 14.00 322.00 12/21/13 25.00 525.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 13.00 273.00 12/21/13 26.00 468.00 08/31/13 6.00 252.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.45 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/27/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 1.33 1,228.16 12/21/13 20.00 540.00 12/21/13 15.00 315.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 5.00 130.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 48.00 1,764.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 11.00 330.00 12/14/13 4.67 3,256.96 11/16/13 0.50 348.96 12/14/13 6.83 199.58 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/21/13 97.50 2,047.50 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 2.32 1,619.54 12/14/13 2.32 1,619.54 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 2.88 2,006.98 12/14/13 4.50 135.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.69 3,970.33 12/14/13 5.00 150.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Monier, Shelly L FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M M M FP W W W W W W FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV W W M M M M M M FP FP FP CO CO M M M M M FP W W FV FV PROGCOORD201330 AFSD201330 Substitute 201330 MUS114501201330 MUS128501201330 MUS103501201330 PSY216555201330 ART166,266450,204450201330 PE106650201330 PE1129601201330 PE130201330 PE1206012013330 PE106651201330 BIO207409201330 MTH030307201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 PSY200302201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 PSY2033S1201330 PSY200374201330 NUR108401201330 Substitute 201330 EGR100550201330 EGR104501201330 REFLIB201330 RDG030513201330 AFSD201330 RDG030514201330 EMS 201330 AFSD201330 PE106580201330 PE106380201330 PE106381201330 PTFACORIENT201330 LGL233695201330 LGL225695201330 LGL206695201330 ENG101650201330 ENG101653201330 BIO111409/410lec201330 BIO111409LAB201330 BIO111410LAB201330 PEDUDCE201325 PEDUDCE201315 PED116601201330 PE191601201330 PE181S02201330 Substitute 201330 PE130201330 FNL206401201330 ECO151374201330 BUS201374201330 MTH080510201330 Substitute 201330 Moody, Peggy L Moore, David A Moore, Michael R Moraru, Natalia C Morgan, Emily S Morgan, Mary F Morris, Kathryn S Morris, Paul T Morris, Sandra E Morrow, Betty J Morrow, Thomas J Mosby, Timothy C Moss, Robert S Mossotti, Travis M Mothershead, Kristine M Mott, Guy M Motta, Denise K Moyers, James C Mozelewski, Ronald A Muehling, Janet M 01/02/14 ­35­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 09/14/13 1.33 930.56 10/26/13 2.00 1,395.84 12/14/13 2.00 1,395.84 12/07/13 1.33 930.56 11/09/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 8.33 6,650.34 12/14/13 3.00 78.00 12/14/13 4.67 4,301.46 12/14/13 2.67 2,458.96 12/21/13 6.58 4,589.36 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.60 997.12 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 11/09/13 1.33 930.56 11/16/13 1.33 930.56 11/16/13 1.33 930.56 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 1,028.96 12/14/13 1.00 1,028.96 10/19/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/21/13 3.00 54.00 08/31/13 5.00 135.00 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.29 804.76 12/14/13 6.00 156.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 21.00 630.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Mueller, Jenna L Mueller, Karen A Muex, Muriel J Muldoon, Peggy J Mullen, Laura E Mundle, Judy R Murphy, Emily E Murphy, Steven T Murray, Lindsay C Muschany, Nancy A Nadler, Joel L Naes, Matthew Nalesnik, Robert W Nash, Deanna L Nauert, Suzanne M Neal, Ashley A Neckermann, Timothy Neels, Mark A Neil, Darlene H Nemani, Rama K Neufeld, Irwin J Neukomm, William H Neuner, Ann S Newberry, Tina M Newcomb, Steven D Nguyen, Tuan D 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FV FV FP FP FP M M FP W CO CO CO M M M M M M CO CO CO CO W W W CO M M FV FV FV FV CO M M M M M CO FV M M FP FP M M MTH080501201330 MTH020501201330 AFSD201330 COUNS201330 IDS101525201330 IDS101615201330 NUR201401201330 Substitute 201330 COM101551201330 COM101553201330 COM101401201330 COM101406201330 COM101402201330 ART207638201330 ACC206650201320 NUR108401201330 IDS101350201330 RADCE201315 RADCE201325 ARTSDCE201325 PTFACORIENT201330 PSY205671201330 PSY205677201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH020644201330 MTH210650201330 CVTW201325 ARTSDCE201315 ARTSDCE201325 HISET201325 OPENINGSESSION201330 Substitute 201330 MTH170301201330 HISTDCE201325 HST101651201330 HST105646201330 Substitute 201330 ECE127550201330 ECE124501201330 ECE124550201330 CCPRCE201325 PTFACORIENT201330 CHM101S50201330 BIO111612201330 PTFACORIENT201330 BIO111609201330 ARTSDCE201325 ECE206501201330 ENG030625201330 PT FACULTY ORIENATION 201330 EMS201330 EMT121450 Primary 201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 ART109669201330 ­36­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/19/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 2.94 1,830.18 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/16/13 0.40 279.20 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 10.67 8,512.00 12/14/13 16.00 416.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 11/16/13 0.00 0.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 08/31/13 28.00 308.70 12/21/13 14.00 102.90 12/21/13 90.00 2,430.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 5.00 3,490.40 12/21/13 5.50 181.50 08/31/13 15.00 315.00 12/21/13 42.00 882.00 12/21/13 7.50 105.00 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.50 135.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 9.00 225.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.50 75.00 12/14/13 1.50 1,381.44 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/20/13 4.00 132.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.33 5,484.36 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/21/13 24.00 600.00 12/14/13 0.20 184.20 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 0.19 119.97 12/14/13 4.75 2,959.44 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Nichols, Nichole R FV FV FP FP FP CO CO FV FV FP FP FP M W W FV M M M M M FV FV CC CO FP FP FP FP CO W W W CO CO CO M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV ENG101582201330 ENG1025XW201330 FACCOUNS201330 STR050H04201330 Counseling ­ FP CPDV:708­900 90001 ECOLDCE201325 CRSEDEVQUICKBOOKS201330 CRSDEVPEACHTREE201330 ENG020402201330 ENG020403201330 CTLADJFACFALL CONF2013 CHM101647201330 OPENINGSESSINO201330 Substitute 201330 IS229574201330 RDG020S01201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 HRT230601201330 HRT230650201330 ENG030501201330 ENG030503201330 MSOCRCOA201330 HiSet201325 MTH020430201330 CTL­ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 Substitute 201330 MTH030451201330 WRITDCE201325 ART131301201330 ART111112211338201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 CFKDDCE201315 HORTDCE201325 SENRDCE201325 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 BIO111695201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 CE240580201330 AFSD201330 BIO203550LAB201330 BIO203550201330 ANT102502201330 AFSD201330 EMS 201330 MTH080460201330 ART172695201330 HMS204551201330 HMS201502201330 HMS102502201330 HMS203551201330 HMS202502201330 Substitute 201330 Niemeyer, Candace L Niemoeller, Christianna Niere, Guy R Nikonowicz, Diane M Nixon, Jacquelyn Y Norton, Leslie K Nuetzel, Michele L Nunn, David R Nyarady, Barbara J O'Connell, M D O'Connell, Marcia L O'Keefe, Daniel B O'Keefe, Florence E O'Neill, Cheryl O Oakes, Jordan M Oakley, Mark H Ochonicky, Michelle A Ohlsen, Elizabeth C Ohmer, Roberta M Olliges, Rance S Olson, Krista M ONeal, Michael E Oneil, Michael J ONeil, Veronica B OShea, Matthew A Osler, Jan M 01/02/14 ­37­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 8.50 8,748.20 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/28/13 0.50 514.60 12/14/13 5.00 3,490.40 12/21/13 7.00 161.00 10/26/13 2.00 1,596.16 10/26/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 1.69 1,346.76 12/14/13 1.69 1,346.76 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.33 4,908.72 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 9.00 270.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 5.62 3,500.70 12/21/13 167.50 4,522.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 42.00 1,134.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 08/31/13 30.00 1,701.00 12/21/13 6.00 162.00 12/21/13 4.00 100.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 1,863.88 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.52 945.71 12/14/13 2.88 2,294.48 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/14/13 0.60 478.84 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 12/14/13 0.60 478.84 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Otalora, Jose D Ottwell, Nicole A Owulette, Ernest Paddock, Grace E Paez, V SuzAnne Palazzolo, Cynthia J Paljakka­Cargo, Terhi M Pape, Dana L Paradise, Michael J Parran, Herbert S Parsons, Phyllis A Partee, Nigel C Patterson, Lori L Patton, Michael F Patty, Mark R Paul, Lori L Paulsen, Sarah E Payer, Laura K Peck, David M Peebles, Paul D Pelch, Taryn C Pellegrino, Susan J Penfold, Edwin P Pepple, Kim P 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV M M M CO FV FV M M M W W M M M M CO CO FP FV FP FV FV FP FV FV FP FP FP CO W W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP CO CO FP FP FV FV CO CO FV FV FV HMS101501201330 SPA101605201330 SPA102602201330 Substitute 201330 CRFT­D/CE201325 MTH140530201330 Substitute 201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 MTH030S51201330 PE171601201330 Substitute 201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 PSC101680201330 ART155652201330 AT251651201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 PLB201325 PLB201315 Art109,110,209,210485201330 PE165501201330 PE165166421201330 PE165502201330 GUESTSPEAKER201330 PE165403201330 DCS115501201330 DCS115554201330 PE145486201330 PE137138481201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF2013 PEDUDCE201325 OPENINGSESSION201330 ECO1513W1201330 ECO1523W1201330 ECO1513W2201330 MTH020526201330 MTH020507201330 Substitute 201330 MTH020530201330 BIO207551201330 BIO207551LAB201330 BIO208553LAB201330 BIO208553201330 ART 175, AT 275:401 201330 PEDUDCE201325 COMP201325 EMT121S01 Primary 201330 EMS 201330 SOC101511201330 ANT101501201330 PEDUDCE201325 CPDV201325 STR050512203130 ENG020506201330 STR050517201330 ­38­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.74 1,388.66 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 64.00 3,920.00 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/21/13 15.00 345.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 10.25 307.50 10/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 2.50 75.00 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/19/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 4.25 64.81 08/31/13 2.00 30.50 12/14/13 3.52 2,809.63 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 2.50 75.00 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 2.81 2,244.60 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.27 791.78 12/14/13 1.27 791.78 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 16.00 528.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 7.25 217.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.33 1,368.52 12/14/13 1.33 1,368.52 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/21/13 10.00 210.00 12/21/13 36.00 900.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 1.61 1,125.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 12.00 252.00 12/21/13 6.50 201.50 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Perry, John H Perry, Talya R Perryman, Patricia L Peters, Thomas J Peters, Valerie A Peterson, Kimberly G Petterchak, Michelle M Pettit, Alice R Petty, Douglass Pikey, Carol A Pilarcik, Elizabeth C Pilon, Bernard F Pippens, Rasheda C Pisoni, John C Pitchford, Duane C Pittenger, Jeffery E Pittman, Dwight D Pittman, Robert D Plants, Elizabeth W Podleski, Genevieve M Pohlmann, Gary A Polhemus, William W Pope, Pamela J 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP CO FP FV CO FP FP CO CO CO CO FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP CO CO M M M M M M M M M FP CO CO CO AFSD201330 CUL101427201330 CUL1014532013 CUL101450201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 CUL105450201330 MUS115401201330 MUS121401201330 STR050413201330 STR050424201330 BIO106601201330 BIO207405201330 BIO207408201330 CFKD­D/CE201315 EMS 201330 NUR102Clinical201330 MOTRDCE201325 FACCOUNS201330 PRD102H01201330 OECEADJ201325 OECE201315 OECEADJ201315 OECE201325 EMS201330 AT233501201330 AFSD201330 Substitute 201330 ART239551201330 CUL150401201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF2013 NUR108401OB201330 ENG062450201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 ESL Placement ENG061651201330 ISCOMBINEDILC201330 IS101475201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 IS101474201330 MOTRDCE201325 MOTRDCE201315 MUS128601201330 MUS128604201330 HST101641201330 HST101650201330 HST102605201330 MTH030617201330 Substitute 201330 MTH030S52201330 MTH020614201330 REFLIBRARIAN201330 MOTRDCE201325 FOODDCE201325 SUPVMEHL201325 ­39­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 09/14/13 1.00 1,028.96 12/14/13 1.00 1,028.96 10/19/13 1.00 1,028.96 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.33 1,224.88 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 08/31/13 30.00 1,260.00 12/14/13 0.20 124.64 12/14/13 6.47 4,514.96 12/21/13 20.00 360.00 12/14/13 8.50 8,748.20 12/15/13 0.90 926.28 12/21/13 1.00 15.58 08/31/13 23.00 924.00 08/31/13 2.00 38.95 12/21/13 47.50 1,497.82 12/14/13 0.90 560.88 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 3.14 2,507.96 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.82 3,518.68 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 24.00 624.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.80 4,939.00 12/14/13 1.00 1,028.96 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 1.00 1,028.96 12/21/13 45.00 810.00 08/31/13 15.00 360.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/23/13 6.28 4,379.98 12/21/13 20.00 360.00 12/21/13 8.00 200.00 12/21/13 25.98 415.68 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Popp, Tamara E M M CO CO M M M M CO CO CO FP W FP CO FP FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV M M FP FP FV M FP M FP CO M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP CO CO CO FV FV FV CO CO CC FV Description KEY RESULT AREAS: MTH160CS51201330 MHWCNAINST201315 NURS201325 ART109638201330 Substitute 201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 ART109604201330 PEDUDCE201325 FLSPDCE201325 PEDUDCE201325 MTH108450201330 MTH160C350201330 MUS150450201330 FLRUDCE201325 ART275475201330 BIO140501LAB201330 BIOBENCHWKSHP201320 AFSD201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 HIT106450201330 ENG062502201330 STR050550201330 ENG015501201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 CRJ124650201330 DHY222.401 201330 DHY121.401 201330 PE120580201330 MUS128S01201330 MUS130450201330 IS101601201330 CHM101452201330 COMP201325 ENG030613201330 ENG020613201330 Substitute 201330 ENG030650201330 COM2004WB201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 COM101479201330 COM120401201330 BAP105421201330 BAP110421201330 RADCE201315 RADCE201325 CFKDDCE201315 MTH02051G201330 Substitute 201330 MTH030527201330 NATRDCE201325 NATRDCE201315 MBKBCOA201330 DCS119551201330 Porter, James M Porter, John P Portman, Gale R Poth, Margaret C Potsos, Rena I Potter, Allen S Potthoff, Joseph F Powers, Valerie S Prahl, Cory M Prakash, Elizabeth Pretre, Linda Prewitt, Amy H Pribble, Douglas S Prifti, Norma J Puricelli, Stephanie M Quinn, Kelly C Quinn, Margaret A Raible, Joseph M Ralston, Helen R Ramer, Nicole R Ratino, Kathlyn S Ratliff, Craig R Ratterman, Katie R Rauch, William L Ray, Isadore Redman, Michael G Reed, Randy Reekers, Samuel S 01/02/14 ­40­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 08/31/13 8.00 264.00 12/21/13 8.00 264.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/14/13 9.00 234.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/21/13 10.00 270.00 12/21/13 16.00 432.00 12/21/13 10.00 270.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 10/19/13 2.00 1,246.08 12/21/13 40.00 1,080.00 12/14/13 48.00 2,058.24 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 09/28/13 1.00 500.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/06/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/06/13 1.00 1,028.96 10/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 5.33 4,256.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,596.00 10/26/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 2.00 1,596.16 10/19/13 1.00 623.04 12/14/13 5.33 4,908.72 12/21/13 13.34 440.22 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/10/13 33.28 1,295.92 11/07/13 2.08 1,295.92 08/31/13 14.00 102.90 12/21/13 42.00 308.70 08/31/13 15.00 810.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 6.00 162.00 08/31/13 15.00 567.00 12/14/13 5.62 3,499.40 12/14/13 1.00 623.04 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Reese, Ruth A Reidel, Amy N Reif, Melissa N Reis, Kevin J Reitan, Eric A Rell, David P Renschen, Patrick C Renz, James B Revels, Ramona Ribaudo, Ann E Richardson, Carol J Richmeyer, Lori R Riedisser, Janice M Riess, John F Rilling­Bronder, Deborah A Riordan, Tracey A Ripplinger, Dennis R Risch, Jeffrey M Risch, Justin C Ritchie, Laura J Rittenhouse, Shauna M Ritzka, Gerard J Robbins, Jonathan D Roberts, Lin M 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV M M M M M M M M M FP M M M FP FP M CO FP CO CO M FP FP FP M M M M CC M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP CO M DCS1045542013 Substitute 201330 ART113601201330 Substitute 201330 ART109607201330 ENG101609201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 STR050614201330 STR050607201330 EMS 201330 PHL101SW1201330 PHL104SW1201330 IDS101S02201330 CUL2104520201330 CUL215461201330 AT279601201330 MUSCDCE201325 FNL201330 HISET201325 GED201315 Substitute 201330 NUR101401201330 PAR201S50 Primary 201330 PAR211S50 Primary 201330 MTH030647201330 PSI111650201330 PSI111603201330 PTFACORIENT201330 AsstVBALL201330 HST102S95201330 HST102680201330 HST101680201330 PSC101608201330 ENG101404201330 ENG020405201330 ENG101461201330 Substitute 201330 ECO140574201330 BUS201550201330 ECO140575201330 MTH080451201330 MTH080453201330 HIT101421201330 HIT101401201330 FLDWORKASST201330 FacultyRetreatOneTimePay201330 SOC101404201330 SOC101407201330 Substitute 201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 SOC101405201330 ARTSDCE201325 ENG201SXA201330 ­41­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 5.00 3,115.20 12/14/13 15.00 390.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 18.00 468.00 12/14/13 3.88 3,092.25 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 0.20 124.64 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/19/13 3.33 2,074.72 12/14/13 3.33 2,074.72 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/21/13 24.00 648.00 12/14/13 2.67 1,661.44 12/21/13 293.50 6,163.50 08/31/13 81.00 2,709.00 12/14/13 18.00 540.00 12/14/13 5.33 3,722.24 12/14/13 8.00 4,984.32 12/14/13 0.81 506.22 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 11/02/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,246.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.25 97.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 150.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 10/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 15.00 375.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Roberts, Mathew S Robinson, James P Robinson, Russell T Rockney, Alissa A Rodney, Tamara K Roesslein, Timothy J Rogers, Joseph P Rogers, Larry P Roither, Amy E Rollins, Joseph L Romeo, Stanley J Romero, Linda A Rooney, Patricia A Rosebrough, Elizabeth P Rosen, Adrienne Rosen, Marjorie M Rosener, Russell J Ross, Laura G Ross, Linda N Rossmann, Katherine R Rowland, Jennifer L Rubsam, Carolyn J Rudis, Niloufar M Rugo, Adam M Ruh, Polly P 01/02/14 Loc Course Number M FP FV FV CO CO W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP CO CO W M M M M CO FP FP FP FP FV FV M FP FP FP CO CO CO CO CO FP CO CO ENG102SW3201330 ENG101426201330 ENG1025XJ201330 ENG1025XR201330 PLB201325 PLB201315 OPENINGSESSION201330 MTH160C201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 ENG060403201330 ESL FACULTY TRAINING FALL 2013 IS123474201330 IS123475201330 IS123428201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 IS123427201330 ILCCOMBINED201330 PT Fac J Library Serv FP EMS 201330 EMT121450 Primary 201330 ENG060651201330 Substitute 201330 ENG060651CORRECT201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 AT146695201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 ST10540120133 ST10540220133 PLB201315 PLB201325 ART100374201330 IDS101609201330 IDS101608201330 Substitute 201330 ENG101615201330 CFKD­D/CE HIT201417201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 HIT201413201330 HIT201486201330 ART17257A201330 AT175502201330 MUS114677201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 COM101451201330 COM101453201330 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 PEDUDCE201325 CRFTDCE201325 PLB201315 PLB201325 MUS144450201330 GED201315 HISET201325 ­42­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.62 2,417.52 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 10.50 150.15 08/31/13 2.00 57.20 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.89 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.91 3,681.78 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 1.00 698.08 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 09/21/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 6.20 4,328.08 12/23/13 8.94 8,233.24 12/14/13 0.30 186.96 12/14/13 2.75 1,713.36 12/14/13 5.00 3,990.40 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.83 1,463.00 12/14/13 1.83 1,463.00 08/31/13 3.00 186.81 12/21/13 28.25 430.81 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 5.00 150.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 08/31/13 15.00 810.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/21/13 3.00 30.00 12/21/13 20.00 420.00 12/21/13 10.00 230.00 08/31/13 48.00 1,227.64 12/21/13 205.50 3,216.08 12/14/13 48.00 2,352.00 08/31/13 42.00 1,260.00 12/21/13 152.00 3,192.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Rush, Nicholas A Russell, Olga Russell, Retannical D M FP FV FV FV FV CO FP FP CO CO FP FP FP FP FP CO FP FP FP CO M M M FP FP CO CO FV FV CO W W W M M M M M M M M M M CO M M M CC M M M FP CO PE130201330 GER101450201330 Substitute 201330 COM101501201330 COM101503201330 COM101506201330 WRIT­D/CE CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 COM101477201330 GEDSTP201315 HiSet201325 MCM130474201330 Substitute 201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 THT101475201330 MCM101474201330 ARTSDCE201325 DMS106402201330 DMS106401201330 DMS206401201330 GNSFAIDEDCE201325 ECO151604201330 ECO151605201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 FIR210.450­201330 FIR210.451­201330 FLFRDCE201325 HEALDCE201325 RDG020552201330 AFSD201330 ARTSDCE201325 EDU218301201330 EDU120350201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 MTH020619201330 MTH020646201330 MTH020645201330 Substitute 201330 ENG101HON201330 ENG101S04201330 ENG101S03201330 ENG020602201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 ARTSDCE201325 BIO111650201330 BIO111S02201330 ART233669201330 AsstMSOCR201330 MUS121601201330 MUS121602201330 COM107603201330 EMS 201330 TRIPDCE201325 Russell, Rita D Ryan­Reardon, Kim Ryffel, Susan B Saccavino, Alex V Sachs, Guy H Salomon, Mary A Sanchez, Andrew Sanders, David T Sanders, John A Sandmel, Barbara L Sanvito, B A Schaljo, Frederick Scharfenberger, Kristine K Scheer, Wynn P Scherer, Carol A Schiller, Christy A Schilling, Brenda J Schlichtig, Scott A Schlossberg Wood, Caren Schmermund, David R Schmidt, Susan C Schmisseur, Amber M Schneider, Ann T Schneider, Douglas E 01/02/14 ­43­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 2.00 1,842.24 12/14/13 3.99 2,787.96 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 08/31/13 8.00 184.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 08/31/13 15.50 325.50 12/21/13 187.25 3,932.25 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 7.75 232.50 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/21/13 60.00 1,620.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,064.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,064.00 12/14/13 6.33 5,054.00 12/21/13 5.50 99.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 16.00 432.00 12/21/13 11.00 297.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 40.50 1,093.50 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.50 75.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 24.00 600.00 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 1.20 747.64 12/14/13 2.00 1,841.92 12/14/13 2.00 1,841.92 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 0.10 62.32 12/21/13 5.00 125.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Schneider, Kaycee M Schomaker, Maria M M FP FP FP CO M M FV CO CO FP FP FP CO CO FP CO FP W W W W CO FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV CO FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV NUR101601201330 HRM147450201330 HRM261450201330 HRM263450201330 MOTRDCE201315 MGT101674201330 MGT204674201330 Honorarium FLSPDCE201325 CRFTDCE201325 ST105402201330 ST105401201330 BAP250450201330 KIDSDCE201325 CAMP­D/CE BIC202450201330 FLFRDCE201325 MEDDIRECT201330 MTH140303201330 MTH140305201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 MTH140304201330 FOODDCE201325 CUL205421201330 CUL201401201330 RDG020402201330 RDG020423201330 CTLADJRDGFAC201230201310 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 CHM105650201330 ENG101533201330 ENG101504201330 DANCDCE201325 AFSD201330 ECO151506201330 ECO140501201330 ART138669201330 ART138639201330 ART108650201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 PHL104641201330 PHL104602201330 PHL112646201330 PHL101607201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 MTH080462201330 Substitute 201330 MTH080463201330 RDG030535201330 RDG017516201330 RDG016516201330 RDG016502201330 Schomaker, Mark A Schoolman, Marilyn J Schott, Diana I Schroeder, Cassandra H Schubert, Karen M Schubert, Stephan G Schulte, Jeanne M Schwartz, Leo G Schwartz, Mary E Schwartz, Oscar A Schwieder, Marcia A Sciaroni, Cynthia L Seaborn, Jeffrey W Seager, Mary V Sedinkin, Sergey L Senior, Martha Sevier, William D Sextro, Donald E Shay, Robert J Shay, Terri Shea, John M Shea, Marion C Shearing, Victoria V Sheble, Heather R 01/02/14 ­44­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 6.67 4,652.80 12/14/13 1.88 1,496.40 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.50 1,197.12 08/31/13 20.00 360.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 1.00 100.00 12/21/13 48.00 1,008.00 12/21/13 2.00 42.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,395.84 12/14/13 2.00 1,395.84 12/14/13 3.10 2,164.04 12/21/13 2.50 67.50 08/31/13 30.00 1,701.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 32.00 672.00 12/14/13 2.00 2,057.92 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 20.00 540.00 12/14/13 2.77 2,208.68 10/19/13 2.58 2,059.04 12/14/13 2.87 2,958.26 12/14/13 2.91 2,990.42 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 5.33 3,720.76 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 12.00 216.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.75 1,919.72 12/14/13 5.00 150.00 12/14/13 2.75 1,919.72 12/14/13 2.91 2,028.80 12/14/13 1.00 697.65 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.59 12/14/13 1.94 1,352.53 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Shedd, Charles P Sheehan, Timothy P Shelton, Jeffrey R Shepek, Gary D Shepherd, Eiko S Shepherd, Terry L Sheppard, Mark A Sheppard, Patricia M Sherman, Gudrun E Sherry, Jerome P Shields, Samantha A Shiller, Alan H Shiller, Bonnie L Shintre, Seema Shiwachi, Maki S Shrinivas, Radha S Shuecraft, Steven W Siddens, Trisha L Siebel, John Siegel, Phyllis B Sigler, Danny R 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FV M M M M FV FV CO CO FP FP FP FV FV CO CO M M M M M M M M M M CO M M M M M FP FP FP CO FP CO M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP M CO CO CO RDG017502201330 AFSD201330 MTH140602201330 MTH170603201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 Substitute 201330 PSI105550201330 CTCEADJ201325 CTCE201325 MTH020425201330 MTH080410201330 MTH080418201330 PE145501201330 PE137501201330 HISET201325 GED ART107606201330 ART107602201330 ART107601201330 GER2016S1201330 ENG101639201330 GER202HON201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 GER101601201330 Substitute 201330 ESL Placement HOMEDCE201325 COM101609201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 COM101606201330 COM101601201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 ECE103421201330 ECE105450201330 ECE104450201330 CCPRCE201325 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 FOODDCE201325 JPN101601201330 MTH080405201330 Substitute 201330 MTH080433201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 MTH140486201330 SOC101S01201330 SOC101S95201330 SOC101608201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATOIN 201330 ENG020461201330 ENG051650201330 BRIDDCE201325 HISET201325 GED201315 ­45­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 0.97 676.27 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 26.50 795.00 12/14/13 6.00 168.00 12/14/13 3.33 2,324.60 12/21/13 0.50 7.79 12/21/13 3.50 101.50 11/09/13 1.19 947.72 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/21/13 32.50 455.00 08/31/13 3.00 42.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,456.32 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 8.50 221.00 12/21/13 5.00 105.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 1.60 1,473.53 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/20/13 2.00 66.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 12.00 324.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.78 1,941.54 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 80.00 1,440.00 12/21/13 84.00 1,764.00 08/31/13 21.00 651.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 3.00 81.00 08/31/13 48.00 1,127.52 12/21/13 196.00 3,069.36 12/21/13 2.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.75 2,617.80 12/21/13 20.00 360.00 12/21/13 25.50 586.50 12/20/13 6.00 162.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,456.32 12/14/13 2.00 1,842.24 12/14/13 16.00 480.00 12/14/13 2.00 2,057.92 11/01/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 84.00 2,268.00 08/31/13 33.00 2,106.00 12/14/13 3.33 2,660.00 Name Loc Course Number Siliceo­Roman, Laura Silva, Michael R Silver, Stephen A W CO CO CO M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP CO CO CO FP FP FP M M CO CO FP PHL1023W1201330 AUTODCE201325 GED201315 HISET201325 PTFACORIENTATION201330 ENG020609201330 ENG030608201330 ENG030622201330 ACC100641201330 DMS107401201330 PHL109450201330 PHL109401201330 PHL104450201330 MTH160C486201330 MOTRDCE201325 CAMP­D/CE201325 CCPRCE201325 DHY222.401 201330 DHY120.401 201330 Substitute 201330 PSI115650201330 PTFACORIENTATION201330 ARTSDCE201325 ARTSDCE201315 ST105402201330 FP ST105401201330 12/14/13 CO CO FV FV FP FP CO CO W W W W W W CO FV M M FV CO M M FP CO CO M NURS201325 NURS201315 ENG030530201330 AFSD201330 MTH020452201330 MTH124450201330 PHOTDCE201325 PT­FA CFKD 201315 MTH160C301201330 MTH220301201330 PHL103301201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 MTH030350201330 NATRDCE201325 Substitute 201330 RDG030602201330 Substitute 201330 CE247550201330 ELEC201325 ECO152695201330 ECO151695201330 ECE124450201330 NURS201315 NURS201330 LGL211696201330 12/21/13 08/31/13 12/14/13 09/28/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 08/31/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/15/13 10/15/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 10/19/13 12/14/13 08/31/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 Simeoli, Carol A Simler, Diana J Simon, Barbara R Sinclair, Scott W Singleton, Timothy E Skala, John E Skelton, Beth A Slack, Letitia M Slaughter, Anne H Small, James R Smith Piffel, Phyllis A Smith­Buckingham, Minnie M Smith, Alverta L Smith, Bruce A Smith, Dennis A Smith, Derek W Smith, James J Smith, Jeanne W Smith, Jeffrey W Smith, Kem M Smith, Michael J Smith, Michael W Smith, Michelle A Smith, Patty M Smith, Ramona R Smith, Ryan M 01/02/14 ­46­ 3.33 2,660.00 87.98 18.68 3.00 1.00 2.81 2.81 27.00 22.50 4.00 5.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.75 1.50 2.00 48.00 42.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 2,903.34 1,562.22 2,762.88 75.00 1,963.35 1,963.35 567.00 787.50 3,683.84 4,604.80 2,762.82 75.00 75.00 1,869.12 63.00 52.50 1,047.12 60.00 2,352.00 1,386.00 2,762.88 2,762.88 2,394.24 264.00 132.00 2,762.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Smith, Sandra T FP FP CO W W CO CO M M M M M M CO FP FP FP FV FV FV M M FP CO CO CO FV FV FV CO FV FV FV CO M M M M M M M CO FP FP FV FV CC FV M M M M CO CO MTH030462201330 MTH030423201330 CRFTDCE201325 ENG1023W5201330 ENG1023W4201330 LIFEGUARDDCE201315 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 ENG101647201330 ENG101S01201330 PTFACORIENTATION201330 ENG101647CORRECT201330 ENG101638201330 ART131650201330 ARTSDCE201325 DMS216401201330 DMS121401201330 HUM101401201330 AFSD201330 ACC100504201330 ACC100503201330 IDS201S01201330 IDS201601201330 PT Reference Librarian CVTW201325 MUSCDCE201325 MUSE­D/CE MUS114551201330 AFSD201330 ENG030511201330 HIST­D/CE EGR050550201330 EGR133550201330 SOC1015WA201330 GENEDCE201325 ECE207671201330 ECE125674201330 ECE203640201330 PE181603201330 PTFACORIENTATION201330 Substitute 201330 PED116650201330 GNSFAIDDCE201315 BAP250450201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 AFSD201330 EDU2265WB201330 CertProgOneTimePay201320 ENG2265WA201330 PTFACORIENTATION201330 MTH020654201330 ART131605201330 ART131603201330 RMGT201325 RMGT201315 Smith, Tammy K Smith, Tiffany M Smith, William A Sokol, Laurence J Solano, Saul Solomon, Elizabeth L Sone, Stacy R Souder, Sally A Souhrada, Timothy K Spencer, Jamieson Spinks, Jeffrey P Sprengeler, Richard A Springer, Christina C Squires, Kenneth J St John, Thomas J Staas, Walter J Stallings, Martin­Keith D Stamm, Mary P Stanton, Tracey M Star, Darcie E Staryak, Paul A Steele, Lauren M Steiger, Jeen Stein, Jody S Steiner, Frank A Stephan Marino, Almut 01/02/14 ­47­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 6.00 108.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 08/31/13 17.00 167.11 12/21/13 110.50 1,086.21 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,684.48 12/21/13 10.00 250.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 1.50 1,047.12 10/19/13 1.50 1,047.12 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/21/13 2.85 2,625.44 12/21/13 11.00 363.00 12/21/13 52.00 1,404.00 08/31/13 22.50 1,674.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 21.00 567.00 12/14/13 4.67 4,301.46 12/14/13 2.34 2,155.05 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 28.00 756.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 78.00 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 08/31/13 2.50 45.00 12/14/13 6.36 3,962.52 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 08/31/13 1.00 200.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,684.48 12/14/13 4.00 3,684.48 12/21/13 24.00 744.00 08/31/13 12.00 372.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Stevens, Annie E M M CO FV FV M FV CC M M M M M M M M M W W W FP FP CO CO CO CO CO CO FV FV FV FV FP FV FV CO CO M M M M FP FP CO CO W W W W M M M M W PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 ENG101634201330 ART MODEL 201325 AFSD201330 ENG020518201330 GEO100S01201330 NUR201SUBCLINICAL201330 CertProgOneTimePay201320 STR050S04201330 STR050S03201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 STR050S02201330 ART165669201330 ART167698SDL201330 MTH140648201330 MTH160C651201330 HST101346201330 IDS101302201330 HST2053W4201330 CRJ101.474­201330 ENG020450201330 PLB201325 FEDGED201315 SENR­D/CE DANCDCE201325 SENR­D/CE DANCDCE201325 AFSD201330 ENG051501201330 ENG050501201330 ESLCOORD201330 DHY 222.401 201330 PSI111502201330 PSI105502201330 AUTODCE201325 CVTASST201325 ART110602201330 PHL101SW2201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 PHL109601201330 bap150402201330 BAP150401201330 MOTRDCE201315 MOTRDCE201325 ECO1523W2201330 ECO152374201330 BUS201301201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 MTH020S10201330 Substitute 201330 MTH030641201330 PSY2053W1201330 Stewart, Christopher M Stewart, Linda F Stinchcomb, Bruce L Stinson, Starlynn M Stock, Vincent F Stocker, Christine R Stoll, Sam L Stopsky, Fred H Stovall­Reid, Calea F Stowers, Janelle A Strait, Gerry T Strait, Marlene A Struebing, Meredith L Studt, Kurt H Stumbaugh, Kyle H Sturmfels, Gus W Sucher, Chad C Sullivan, Barry J Sullivan, Kathleen A Sullivan, T C Swanson, Teresa A Sweet, Dustin L Swenson, Jennifer A Swiener, Rita R 01/02/14 ­48­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 15.00 205.80 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/19/13 12.00 312.00 08/31/13 1.00 200.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 4.00 3,683.84 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 41.25 2,274.11 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 2.92 2,331.89 12/21/13 24.00 696.00 08/31/13 21.00 957.00 08/31/13 13.50 243.00 12/21/13 56.00 1,008.00 08/31/13 13.50 243.00 12/21/13 56.00 1,008.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 6.00 4,188.48 12/14/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 2.67 2,744.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.33 2,324.60 12/21/13 22.50 607.50 12/21/13 8.00 120.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.33 2,074.72 12/14/13 3.33 2,074.72 08/31/13 2.00 220.00 12/21/13 4.00 440.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Symsack, Megan N Taborn, Eleanor C Taborn, Tyrone A Talaski, Paul Tallant, Russell S Tapscott, Lee A Tarbouni, Younasse Taylor, Karen A Taylor, Paula A Taylor, Steve M Tebbetts, Barbara L Temple, John W Terhune, Robert H Tervort, Gregory R Teson, Steven G Tevlin, Geraldine A Tevlin, Robert J Tharenos, Anthony M Thomas­Vertrees, Laverne Thomas, Bill J Thomas, Steven D Thompson, Donald E Thompson, Judith S Thompson, Marcia L Thompson, Nina M 01/02/14 Loc Course Number W W W CO FP FP FP FP M M FP FP CO CO M CO FP FP CO W CO M M M M M FP FP FV FV CO CO M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M M M FV FV FV FV FP PSY200301201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 PSY200346201330 LIFEGUARDDCE201325 RDG020413201330 CTLADJRDGFAC201230201310 RDG030403201330 BLW101.451­201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 ART265601201330 SPA101450201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 PLB201325 PLB201315 ARA101650201330 AHCE201325 CLT101401201330 CLT202401201330 PEDUDCE201325 SUBSTITUE FALL 2013 ARTSDCE201325 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 MTH160C652201330 MTH030655201330 MTH020648201330 AUT151450201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 ART2335012013 ART236501201330 DANCDCE201325 DANCDCE201325 ART135602201330 ART135603201330 ACC100503201330 ACC100550201330 ACC100504201330 ENG020408201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 ENG030421201330 Substitute 201330 ENG1024WA201330 MUS150401201330 MUS150421201330 MUS154462201330 MTH040501201330 ART236601201330 ART133601201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 MTH030501201330 MTH020513201330 MTH030507201330 AFSD201330 ENG020H02201330 ­49­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/21/13 2.50 24.45 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/14/13 1.50 1,381.44 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.75 2,992.50 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 117.50 1,680.25 08/31/13 23.50 436.15 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/21/13 66.00 2,493.48 12/14/13 3.50 2,442.72 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/21/13 25.00 525.00 12/14/13 7.00 210.00 12/21/13 6.00 162.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 4.67 2,909.60 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/21/13 15.75 283.50 12/21/13 15.75 283.50 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/14/13 1.50 1,543.44 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.50 1,543.44 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 4.00 120.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/19/13 2.00 1,246.08 12/14/13 2.00 1,246.08 12/14/13 2.00 1,246.08 12/14/13 4.90 5,037.40 12/14/13 2.67 2,744.32 12/14/13 4.00 4,116.48 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Tiedt, Linda J M M M FP M FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP M M CO FV FV FV FV FV CO FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV M M M FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 PE161675201330 PE180674201330 Nursing201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 MCM130501201330 Substitute 201330 MCM1016S3201330 NUR1081601201330 PE130131431201330 PE130131409201330 PE130130411201330 PE130131429201330 PE180401201330 BIO111680201330 ART221601201330 CVTW201325 Substitute 201330 CHM105503LAB201330 MGT101574201330 MGT106574201330 LGL228550201330 SUPVKHS201325 RDG020454201330 RDG030461201330 ADJRDGFAC201230201310 YogaInstuctoronetimepay PE181550201330 PE181501201330 AFSD201330 Substitute 201330 ART100476201330 BUS104504201330 BUS104505201330 BUS104506201330 MTH160C605201330 MTH160C608201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 BIO111553LAB201330 BIO111507LAB201330 BIO111505LAB201330 BIO111696201330 BIO111552LAB201330 BIO111513LAB201330 BIO111502LAB201330 AFSD201330 Substitute 201330 MTH030486201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 HIT207413201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 HRM212401201330 EDU211601201330 BIO148641201330 Tille, Heather A Timmermann, Karl N Tinajero, Kasandra A Tippett, Royce C Tishler, Jean L Tjaden, D S Toal, Mary M Tobler, Betty H Tolliver, Leslie T Toney, Debra J Trares, Mary P Tricamo, Sandra A Trietley, Roger S True, James E Tucek, Linda A Turner, Bryan J Turner, Cynthia M Turner, Juanetta Y Turner, Mitchell M Tuttle, Ronald E Tylka, David L 01/02/14 ­50­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,087.36 12/14/13 3.00 3,087.36 12/14/13 10.67 7,444.20 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 8.67 6,048.64 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 10/19/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 1.33 930.56 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/21/13 33.00 1,089.00 12/14/13 12.00 360.00 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/21/13 90.00 1,440.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 12/21/13 1.00 180.00 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 12/14/13 1.33 928.44 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.33 34.58 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.00 920.96 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Tyus, Vera R FV FV FV M M FP FP FP FP CO FP CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV CO FV FV FV FP M M M M W W W CO M M CO CO FV FV FP FP FP M FV FV FV M M M AFSD201330 RDG030522201330 STR050521201330 HST102601201330 HST101649201330 Substitute 201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 MTH108401201330 MTH140422201330 CPDV201325 MTH080434201330 CertificateProg201330 MTH080407201330 MTH030421201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 BIO111450LAB201330 BIO111451201330 BIO111450/451LEC201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 ENG1024WB201330 ENG101401201330 WRITINGLABCOOIRD201330 Substitute 201330 BIO207450201330 Substitute 201330 MATH­D/CE MTH020573201330 AFSD201330 MTH020566201330 IS102402201330 BUS104646201330 BUS104604201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 BUS101601201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 IS116301201330 IS103374201330 MOTRDCE201325 CHM101S01201330 CHM101650201330 PEDUDCE201325 HISTDCE201325 Substitute 201330 ForumAdvisor201330 AUT168.450­201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 DHY222.401 201330 ACC110650201330 AFSD201330 ART108501201330 ART209551201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 ENG030S052012330 Ubriaco, Robert D Ullery, Leona M Unruh, Ann L Unverferth, Donna M Upadhya, Gundumi A Usher, Ellen N Vachharajani, Neeta A Vallely, John A Van Dyke, Karen A VanDaele, Thomas L Vandeven, Warren T Vaughn, Ronald L Vavere, Atis Vedamuthu, Mary S Velten, Gail A Velten, Kenneth R Vick, Jacqueline T Vitullo, Angelo G Vogel, Lois V Vollrath, Brett A Vredeveld, Linda S Vugteveen, Susan E 01/02/14 ­51­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 49.00 1,470.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.94 2,705.32 12/14/13 2.92 2,686.33 12/21/13 5.00 165.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 09/14/13 1.00 200.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,368.52 12/14/13 1.33 1,368.52 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.92 2,331.89 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.00 798.08 12/14/13 4.88 139.00 12/14/13 4.33 3,987.76 12/14/13 7.66 229.80 08/31/13 12.00 324.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/21/13 40.00 720.00 12/14/13 5.33 5,484.36 12/14/13 5.33 5,484.36 12/21/13 30.00 630.00 12/21/13 4.50 94.50 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 6.00 4,188.48 12/14/13 4.67 4,300.88 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.71 2,787.20 12/14/13 4.00 2,792.32 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Walden, LIndsay P Walentik, David S Walker, Mary B Walker, Mitchell E Waller, Richard B Walsh, Kevin J Walters, Nancy G Wamsley, David M Ward, Kevin W Ward, Wynn B Ware, Keith Washington, Bruce E Watkins, Carol S Watt, Darren W Wead, Rodney S Wegener, Delano P Weil, Dennis L Weil, Robert L Weinberg, Robin A Weiss, Denise Weltman, Deborah T Werner, Michele Y Werner, Terry F Westermann, Amy S 01/02/14 Loc Course Number M W W M M FP FP W W W W CO M M M M M M M M CO CO CO FV FV FP M FP M CO CO CO FV FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP M M CO FV FV FV M M FV FV FV ENG020612201330 PSY125339201330 PSY125338201330 ECO151646201330 NUR205601201330 AUT151.401­201330 AUT168.401­201330 IDS101304201330 HST101374201330 HST1013WA201330 OPENINGSESSION RELG­D/CE ENG0716032013 ESL Placement ENG070651201330 GEG101601201330 GEG1036X1201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 GEG103603201330 CAMPDCE201315 COMP201325 HISTDCE201325 ENG030552201330 ENG030580201330 MTH160C452201330 MTH160C609201330 Substitute 201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 +50COMMCORDDCE201325 COMMCORDDCE201315 CPDV201325 MTH030582201330 SOC101H01201330 SOC101401201330 SOC101H21201330 MTH160CS01201330 MTH140S50201330 AUT271.402­201330 AUT156.401­201330 Bio111406Lab201330 BIO111407/408lec201330 BIO111405LAB201330 EDU218S50201330 EDU218602201330 ARTSDCE201325 PE174550201330 Substitute 201330 PE173502201330 BIO111S04201330 BIO111S05201330 LGL218580201330 LGL217580201330 AFSD201330 ­52­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.88 1,312.40 12/14/13 1.88 1,312.40 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 7.93 5,536.84 12/14/13 4.67 4,805.24 12/14/13 4.67 4,805.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 4.50 94.50 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 7.00 182.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 7.50 225.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 08/31/13 33.00 891.00 12/21/13 45.00 1,485.00 12/21/13 14.00 378.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,683.84 12/14/13 4.00 3,683.83 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 10.00 120.00 08/31/13 6.00 72.00 12/21/13 11.00 319.00 12/14/13 2.81 1,752.30 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 2.94 2,705.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,115.84 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.67 4,300.88 12/14/13 4.67 4,300.88 12/14/13 1.33 1,226.04 12/14/13 4.00 3,683.84 12/14/13 1.33 1,224.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.00 1,028.96 12/21/13 3.00 63.00 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 4.33 4,455.40 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/21/13 3.00 54.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 6.00 3,738.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 1.50 1,197.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 11/24/13 1.00 90.00 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 7.73 5,397.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 Name Loc Course Number Weusthoff, Carole J Wheeler, Benjamin A Whetstine, Lisa A Whirley, Sheila D CO W CO FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M M CRFTDCE201325 MUS114374201330 CPDV:708­901 90009 AFSD201330 CRJ122550201330 STR050428201330 STR050H03201330 RDG030H02201330 ADJRDJFAC201230201310 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 NUR205601201330 ANT101601201330 ANT1026W1201330 PSY205602201330 M PSY205604201330 12/14/13 M PTFACORIENT201330 10/15/13 CO M FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV CO FV FV CC FP FP FP CO CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP DANCDCE201325 MUS115601201330 FNL206401201330 PSC:101­402 Substitute 201330 AFSD201330 STR050522201330 ECO151505201330 RDG030H03201330 RDG020H01201330 ADJRDGFAC201230201310 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 IS102403201330 ART110209210401201330 Art110,209,210401201330 Substitute 201330 REFLIB201330 MTH020506201330 MOTRDCE201315 AFSD201330 ECE107550201330 SOFTBASST201330 MTH080409201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 Substitute 201330 FOODDCE201325 FOOD­D/CE MTH080H01201330 MTH020H01201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 Substitute 201330 PE109403201330 PE139401201330 PE109110404201330 12/21/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/28/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 11/24/13 10/12/13 10/12/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/15/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 08/31/13 09/28/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/22/13 10/12/13 12/14/13 12/21/13 12/21/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/12/13 12/14/13 10/19/13 10/19/13 12/14/13 Whitaker, Jarretha Y White, Dee Ellen B White, Donna M Whiteford Damerall, Alison P Whitney, Eleanor L Whittemore, Joan M Wieckhorst, Kathryn N Wiedlocher, Laura E Wildschuetz, Bridget F Wilke, Fred J Wilkins, Beverly W Williams, Belinda M Williams, Brett J Williams, Elizabeth L Williams, Holly J Williams, James A Williams, Jennifer M Williams, Kenneth W Williams, Marilyn R Williams, Mark H Williams, Rosie B Williams, Terril K 01/02/14 ­53­ 3.00 2,094.24 1.00 75.00 24.00 432.00 2,057.92 3,738.24 2,094.24 90.00 75.00 2,094.24 3,086.88 3,086.88 3,086.88 90.00 75.00 75.00 2,394.24 2,023.39 697.92 247.00 1,985.05 1,869.12 360.00 75.00 2,394.24 1,246.08 467.28 75.00 75.00 368.00 506.00 2,394.24 2,394.24 75.00 52.00 830.72 830.72 830.72 2.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.90 1.00 9.50 2.49 3.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 0.75 1.00 2.50 16.00 22.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Williams, Tracey A Willingham, Shannon D Wilmoth, Gary M Wilson­Ramsey, Yevonn Wilson, Antonina Wilson, Bradley S Wilson, Crystal J Wilson, James A Wilson, Jennifer R Wilson, Jimmy D Wilson, John L Wilson, Kevin M Winkler, Elizabeth A Wiskirchen, Kelsey V Withers, Pamela S Witherspoon, Byron L Witt, Carol M Woehrle, Jill M Woerther, Michael E Wohl, Allison Wojtkowski, Kari A Wolfe, Leslie O Wood, Joshua C Woodcox, Charles A Woodruff, Kerry M Woods, Debra A 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV CO CC FP FP FP FP FP FP W W W FP CO FP W W FP M M M M FV FV CC CO CO CO CO CO M M M M M M M M M CC CO FP FP CO CO CO PE177401201330 PE177178421201330 CTLADJFACFALLCONF2013 FacultyRetreatOneTimePay201330 EMS 201330 PAR203S50 Primary 201330 EMS 201330 ART111,112,211450201330 DCS104505201330 SIGNDCE201325 SOFTBASST201330 PE130131461201330 PE130131426201330 PE109110422201330 Substitute 201330 PE109402201330 PE130131406201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 COM101301201330 COM101302201330 DMS206401201330 MOTRDCE201325 Substitute 201330 ART101350201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 BIO111HO1201330 ART107605201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 ART107604201330 ART107605HON201330 AFSD201330 LGL106550201330 MBKBASSTCOA201330 NURS/TEST201315 NURS201315 NURS201325 NRSTEST201325 PEDUDCE201325 ACC100640201330 Substitute 201330 ACC114696201330 ACC114650201330 Substitute 201330 MTH020S03201330 MTH030S03201330 PT FAULTY ORIENTATION 201330 GEO100602201330 CertProgOneTimePay201320 CAMP­D/CE FNL206401201330 FNL206401201330 COMP201315 COMP201325 SUPVMEHL201325 ­54­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 09/28/13 1.00 150.00 12/14/13 0.20 124.64 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 0.40 249.28 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/14/13 5.00 3,115.20 12/21/13 16.00 400.00 12/14/13 0.30 186.90 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 1.33 830.72 12/14/13 3.00 78.00 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 10/19/13 1.33 830.72 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 4.00 2,791.68 12/21/13 40.00 720.00 12/14/13 15.00 450.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 4.33 3,022.68 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 1,861.12 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 0.40 249.22 08/31/13 11.00 550.00 08/31/13 4.00 132.00 12/21/13 4.00 132.00 12/21/13 7.00 350.00 12/21/13 30.00 810.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 08/31/13 1.00 200.00 08/31/13 15.00 405.00 12/14/13 5.33 5,488.64 12/14/13 2.67 2,744.32 08/31/13 15.00 495.00 12/21/13 45.00 1,485.00 12/21/13 22.00 308.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Woods, Nadia D M M M M CO FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV W W FP FP FP CO CO CO CO FP CO FP FP CO W CO CO CO FP FP FP W W FP CO M FP CO CO CO ENG030S01201330 ENG030S03201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 RELGDCE201325 RDG020516201330 STR050503201330 STR050507201330 Substitute 201330 ART100402 Substitute 201330 AFSD201330 HMS205551201330 HMS101551201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 COM101346201330 DHY 222.401201330 DHY221.401201330 EMS 201330 CFKDDCE201315 COMP201325 FLCHDCE201325 GNSFAIDEDCE201325 CTLADJFACCONF201330 FLGEDCE201325 ENG020401201330 ENG020404201330 HISTDCE201325 MTH140302201330 CFLD­DCE ANIMDCE201325 ANIMDCE201325 RTH240401201330 PSC101474201330 PSC101475201330 BIO111350201330 OPENINGSESSION201330 FNL206401201330 KIDSDCE201325 MKT104651201330 Program Coordinator­201330 CVTWASST201325 CFKD­D/CE COMP201325 Worley, Jan E Worley, Jessica S Worley, Kenneth R Worthy, Michelle A Wright, Allyson W Wylie, Carolyn E Wynne, David P Yancey, Amanda A Yeh, John Yochum, Michael E York, Becky Young, Bryan G Young, Geraldine R Young, Katie H Young, Michael E Yount, Laura E Zalasky, Leann M Zalasky, William J Zamenski, Andrew J Zant, Thomas Zhou, Yuefang Zinke, Ryan D Zipp, Jeanne M Zirngibl, James L Zoeller, Charles J Zych, Francis Z Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 01/02/14 ­55­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/21/13 12.00 300.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 23.00 598.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.50 2,572.80 12/14/13 1.88 1,929.60 12/14/13 0.20 124.64 08/31/13 18.00 486.00 12/21/13 6.00 198.00 12/21/13 8.00 216.00 12/21/13 5.50 99.00 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 29.00 783.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/21/13 10.00 250.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 08/31/13 30.00 690.00 12/21/13 2.50 45.00 12/21/13 2.50 45.00 12/14/13 0.67 465.28 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,086.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,128.00 12/21/13 4.00 108.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 9.00 8,288.64 12/21/13 8.00 120.00 08/31/13 30.00 1,701.00 12/21/13 47.00 1,551.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Adamecz, Gustav FP CO M M M M M M M M FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP CO CO FP W FV FV FV M M M CC M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP M M M IT203467201330 IT:101­42P 36290 10/10­12/10 STR050650201330 COUNSELOR/ASSISTNAT PROFESSOR ACC292639201330 ACC291639201330 ACC110HON201330 ACC293639201330 ACC208695201330 ACC114675201330 NUR204401201330 BIO208601201330 BIO208606201330 FPCAC CHAIR BIO208406201330 BIO207451201330 BIO208403201330 IT201486201330 IT201467201330 DMS201401201330 DMS105401201330 DMS204401201330 Substitute 201330 AUT281.401­201330 PE120402201330 HIT:510­41T 35785 8/20­9/26 Curriculum Development HIT207417201330 HST2053W4201330 MCM115501201330 MCM219501201330 COM101504201330 PHL103602201330 PHL101608201330 PHL103647201330 NewFacOrientOneTimePay201330 OTA215602201330 OTA214698201330 OTASELFSTUDY201330 BIO111506LAB201330 BIO111519LAB201330 HONORS201320 NEWFACORIENTATION201330 Substitute 201330 BIO111503LAB201330 ACC110674201330 ACC124695201330 ACC110675201330 RDG020411201330 RDG020422201330 RDG020408201330 Substitute 201330 BIO1116W4201330 BIO1116W3201330 Adams, Rhonda J Ahrens, J Markus Aiello, Janis J Allen, Jason S Alvarez, Teresa A Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Ansari, Shamim U Anthes, Richard M Applegate, Mark D Ayres, Janet C Babbitt, Donna E Bai, Steven S Ballard, Kelly K Ballentine, Cynthia R Barr, Kimberly S Barrett, Robyn C Barron, Tracy J Bast, Matthew D 01/02/14 ­56­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/23/13 1.00 822.00 12/14/13 0.40 427.58 12/14/13 0.20 213.79 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 0.40 427.58 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.11 2,951.44 12/14/13 0.66 542.56 12/14/13 4.33 3,559.60 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 0.32 263.08 12/14/13 4.33 3,559.60 12/14/13 4.33 3,559.60 12/14/13 3.75 4,008.60 12/14/13 3.75 4,008.60 12/14/13 3.00 3,204.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,204.00 12/14/13 2.33 2,492.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 10.34 9,865.20 12/14/13 1.00 715.44 10/19/13 5.00 4,110.40 12/14/13 0.67 548.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,644.16 10/19/13 55.13 3,039.32 12/14/13 1.87 1,344.32 12/07/13 5.00 490.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,433.92 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 09/14/13 1.00 2,438.00 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/07/13 3.00 294.00 12/21/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 0.33 236.60 12/14/13 0.33 236.60 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 10/01/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 0.33 236.60 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 10/19/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 4.33 3,104.44 12/14/13 2.82 2,021.84 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Baumstark, Jeffrey M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M FV FV M Substitute 201330 BIO208607201330 BIO207607201330 AsstDeptChair201330 ENG224HON201330 ART112698SDL201330 ART211636201330 BLW201574201330 CRJ124550201330 ART10057A201330 ART10057B201330 Substitute 201330 DCS216551201330 DCS110551201330 THT115501201330 DCS210551201330 THT106501201330 BIO208511201330 BIO207509LAB201330 Substitute 201330 HRT227601201330 HRT227650201330 HRT206650201330 IDS20151A201330 ENG101501201330 ST105402201330 Substitute 201330 MTH020538201330 MTH160C552201330 MTH030514201330 Substitute 201330 MTH160C512201330 Substitute 201330 XRT104201330 XRT104Lec201330 NURBJC203403201330 Substitute 201330 NURBJC201403201330 COM101HON201330 MCMPROGCOOR201330 PGMDIRECT201330 RTH225402201320 Substitute 201330 IDS101408201330 IDS201404201330 HST137474201330 PE130515201330 PE111501201330 Substitute 201330 PE130522201330 Substitute 201330 PSI111503201330 PHY223550201330 ENG101HON201330 Beach, Elva M Behrend, Reynold C Bell, Wesley J Berger, Carol A Betzler, Daniel J Bhavsar, Neelima G Billman, Daniel T Blanco, Carlos A Boedeker, Stacey S Boehm, Jason L Bozek, Brian M Brake, Dean A Breed, Gwen E Breitwieser, Dianne E Brennan, James R Brown­Marshall, Amy L Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M Burke, Michael A Burkhardt, Charles E Burns, Rebecca S 01/02/14 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 4.33 3,104.44 12/14/13 2.32 1,663.36 12/14/13 6.00 4,932.48 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.17 3,382.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 0.38 400.88 12/14/13 1.87 2,004.32 12/14/13 14.00 420.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.87 2,004.32 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/07/13 3.00 294.00 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 1.33 1,268.92 12/14/13 1.33 34.58 12/14/13 4.33 4,131.16 12/14/13 4.33 4,131.16 12/14/13 1.65 1,574.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 2.00 1,644.00 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 4.00 2,867.84 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 2.50 75.00 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 09/21/13 0.04 39.50 12/14/13 1.33 1,264.00 12/14/13 0.45 477.04 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 8.21 8,771.84 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 2.00 2,139.25 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/27/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 9.00 270.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 0.67 476.96 10/19/13 1.33 953.92 12/14/13 2.25 67.50 12/14/13 1.33 953.92 12/14/13 3.25 97.50 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 ­57­ St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Campbell, Carl E M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FP FP FP CO M M M M FP FP M M CO M CO CO W W W FV FV FV FV FV FP CO M FV FV CC FP M M FV FV M M M M FV FV FV GEO1106S1201330 GEO113601201330 GEO100646201330 IDS101502201330 Aquatic Director201330 PE180501201330 Substitute 201330 IDS101501201330 PHYS EDUC/FV Substitute 201330 HUM101601201330 MTH081401201330 MTH030415201330 MTH030418201330 NUR201403BJC201330 NRSG201325 Substitute 201330 PHL114601HON201330 PHL101602201330 NUR205601201330 MTH030402201330 Substitute 201330 ART216601201330 ART116HON201330 IT:102­42P 36289 10/2­11/8 IS291639201330 IS:237­42P 36291 11/13­12/13 IT:103­42P 36287 8/21­9/27 BIO208301201330 BIO207350201330 BIO208302201330 PSY205504201330 PSY205505201330 EC O152574201330 ECO152501201330 ECO152575201330 MTH140421201330 CTCR201325 PTA212601201330 BUS104575201330 BUS104551201330 NewFacOrientOneTimePay201330 VPAA ­ Rel Time Prog CHM101605201330 CHM101606201330 Substitute 201330 HST138551201330 HST102602201330 HST105601201330 PSY200651201330 PSY200HON201330 COM101563201330 COM101561201330 HONORS201320 Campbell, Cindy L Campbell, Jay G Carter, Brian D Caster, Faith A Cernich, Victoria M Champene, Aaron R Chanasue, Deborah M Char, Deborah J Chesla, Joseph C Chott, Craig S Chowdhury, Md Syed A Christiansen, Steven Clark, Anthony S Clark, Judy V Cohoon, Christina M Cole, Angelic I Collier, Nancy C Collins, Linda H Collins, Steven G Cooper, Terry D Copp, Julie C 01/02/14 ­58­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 1.00 716.96 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.33 1,424.00 12/14/13 0.33 356.00 12/14/13 1.75 52.50 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/21/13 32.00 1,424.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 6.00 6,413.76 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 2.25 1,609.74 12/21/13 6.00 198.00 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 0.94 1,003.92 11/09/13 1.19 976.22 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 0.17 178.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 11/16/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 0.60 572.45 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 1.33 1,093.36 12/14/13 4.33 3,559.60 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 2.00 1,433.91 12/21/13 4.00 132.00 12/14/13 3.82 3,140.36 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 09/14/13 1.00 3,345.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 5.33 5,697.56 12/14/13 1.66 1,774.48 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 6.00 6,413.76 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 09/28/13 1.00 93.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Corich, Evelyn F Coughran, David A Cruz, Ana L Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T Dattoli, Anthony D Daugherty, Seth A Davis, Phyllis R Day, Leroy T Dieckmann, Thomas M Doering, David A Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Downey, Michael D Driskill, John E Dufer, Dennis C Eayrs, Christaan N Ebest, Ron J Elliott, John M Englert, Brandon R Epperson, Cynthia K Ethridge, Michelle R Fackelman, Joseph A 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP M FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV M FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FV M M M M M FV M M M FP FP FP M M M M M FP COM101562201330 MTH160C406201330 MTH160C404201330 Substitute 201330 Substitute 201330 FSE.ACRDIT201330 FNL106401201330 EDU211601201330 PSY200474201330 PSY200476201330 PSY200403201330 IS264450201330 IS252474201330 IS237452201330 PE120602201330 PE116604201330 PE180601201330 PE129602201330 PE116603201330 MTH020443201330 Substitute 201330 MTH140403201330 MTH140405201330 FTFACORIENT201330 FRE101601201330 HUM110501201330 IS136501201330 IS116501201330 GEO111601201330 GEO111601201330 GEO111602201330 NUR204601201330 CUL101429201330 CUL101426201330 CUL101447201220 Substitute 201330 Substitute 201330 COM101HON201330 COM1046W6201330 Substitute 201330 MCM221SDL201330 VOYAGEUR201330 MTH220601201330 MTH14061F201330 MTH140676201330 MTH030417201330 MTH030412201330 MTH030419201330 IDS201HON201330 SOC101602201330 PE161677201330 PED201674201330 PE161S01201330 RTH1204012&3201330 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 12/27/13 54.00 1,620.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,096.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,096.00 12/14/13 0.75 801.72 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/07/13 1.33 953.92 12/14/13 1.33 953.92 12/14/13 3.00 2,146.32 10/19/13 2.00 1,430.88 12/14/13 1.33 953.92 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 7.50 225.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 09/14/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 5.67 6,061.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 2.17 2,319.64 12/14/13 2.48 2,648.64 09/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 09/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 11/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 4.50 135.00 12/07/13 4.00 392.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/07/13 2.00 186.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,908.16 12/14/13 5.00 4,770.40 12/07/13 3.00 294.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,906.98 11/09/13 1.03 719.90 11/09/13 1.03 719.90 12/14/13 2.88 2,006.98 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 4.50 4,810.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.00 12/14/13 2.33 1,918.00 12/14/13 0.33 274.00 ­59­ St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Fickas, Julie C Fielding, Sarah A Fish, Lynda K Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Fonseca, Eve M Forde, Gary C Fox, Sharon A Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley P Freeman, Terrence L French, Brenda F Friedman, Donna G Frison, Tommie F Frost, James G Frost, Tony L Fuller, Carolyn M Gackstatter, Gary L Galanis, Joanne M Gale­Betzler, Lisa E Gardetto, Darlaine C Gardner, Steven E Garrett, Toni N Garrison, April M Garvey, Pamela A 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FP FV FV FV CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV M CO M FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FP FP M M M M M M FV FV M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M FP M FV FV M M DIRCLINED201330 BIO207505LAB201330 Substitute 201330 BIO207505201330 NewFacOrientProgOneTime201330 MTH160C402201330 MTH160C403201330 IDS1091514201330 IDS201507201330 COM101515201330 DIT109501201330 COM101ALP201330 DCS119503201330 ENG051450201330 Substitute 201330 PSY200421201330 IDS201580201330 NUR201601201330 NURS201325 ART100695201330 Substitute 201330 ESC100501201330 IDS101550201330 IDS101510201330 STR050461201330 HONORS201320 CHM222501201330 CHM101501201330 Substitute 201330 RELEASEDEPTCHAIR201330 MTH160C674201330 MTH160C613201330 MTH16061F201330 CHM101602201330 CHM105607201330 CHM106602201330 RDG030530201330 RDG03052G201330 MUS114605201330 MUS103601201330 ART10057B201330 ART10057A201330 DCS106551201330 Substitute 201330 DCS106501201330 IDS201676201330 IDS201675201330 IDS201698SDL201330 RDG030410201330 MTH020649201330 MTH040550201330 MTH030545201330 ENG110HON201330 Substitute 201330 ­60­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 1.16 831.68 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 09/14/13 1.00 2,462.38 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.15 1,229.32 12/14/13 6.75 7,215.48 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 5.72 6,108.96 12/21/13 2.00 66.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 0.03 34.08 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/07/13 3.00 294.00 12/14/13 6.66 7,119.28 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 6.00 180.00 12/14/13 5.82 4,784.52 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 5.33 5,085.24 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.87 2,004.32 12/14/13 1.87 2,004.32 12/14/13 5.00 4,110.40 12/14/13 9.00 270.00 12/14/13 5.00 4,110.40 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.75 3,082.80 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Gerardot, Diane M FP FP FP FP FV FV W FP FP FP FP M M FP CC CO FP W W W M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP M M FV FV FP FP FP M M M M M CO FP FP FP M ST Coordinator HT Department Chair ST105402201330 ST109401201330 Lab Substitute 201330 BIO111514LAB201330 IDS201302201330 Substitute 201330 NUR108401201330 DIE106426201330 DIE206426201330 MTH140646201330 MTH140601201330 ENG030H03201330 NewFacOrientOneTimePay201330 CPDV:708­900 90001 MTH030H04201330 MTH140374201330 MTH140375201330 MTH140301201330 BIO207609201330 Substitute 201330 NewFacultyOrientation201330 PSY205507201330 CUL250401201330 CUL250402201330 CUL250403201330 IS103476201330 IS107450201330 ART133602201330 AT282646201310 ART238698SDL201330 ECO151603201330 ECO151602201330 ECO152HON201330 Counseling ­ FP CounselingFP201330 FilmLabSupv201330 MCM218650201330 MTH140535201330 MTH020535201330 NUR105401201330 NUR101401402201330 NURBJCLAB201330 ART165603201330 ART165602201330 MTH210601201330 BIO203606201330 BIO111696201330 BIO111MH1201350 PHL101401201330 XRT213401201330 XRT101Lec201330 NUR108601201330 Gerstenecker, Dale M Gevaert, Scott D Glen, John Godfrey, Carolyn J Goessling, Steven P Goetz, Ronald E Goushey, Layla A Graham, Nita S Granger, Kimberlyann T Granier, Elizabeth G Graul, Julie L Griffin, Walter C Grote, Terri J Groth, Charles E Hafer, Gail H Hafezi, Bella Hahn, Robert L Hake, John C Hall, Sandra D Hanlon, David R Harden, Lisa A Harms, Robert C Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Hartwig, Cynthia K 01/02/14 ­61­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 4.00 4,272.00 12/14/13 3.33 3,560.00 12/14/13 4.67 4,984.00 12/14/13 2.00 2,136.00 12/14/13 4.00 104.00 12/14/13 1.33 953.56 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 14.16 368.16 12/14/13 0.33 310.09 11/09/13 4.67 3,839.12 12/07/13 4.67 3,839.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,641.60 09/14/13 1.00 2,218.58 12/14/13 6.00 4,932.48 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 10/30/13 1.00 822.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 0.10 82.20 12/14/13 0.10 82.20 12/14/13 6.10 5,014.68 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 2.00 1,644.16 12/14/13 2.67 2,528.00 12/14/13 0.13 126.40 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 0.50 534.48 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/28/13 0.50 460.60 12/14/13 4.44 4,093.58 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 48.00 2,058.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 2.67 2,528.00 12/14/13 2.13 2,022.40 12/14/13 1.24 1,175.52 12/14/13 1.65 1,758.64 12/14/13 4.00 4,272.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,644.16 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 4.33 4,628.60 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/14/13 2.00 1,644.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,192.00 12/14/13 0.16 151.68 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Hauser, Michael A M M M M M M FP FP M M CO FP FP FP M FV FV FV M M FV FV FV CO FV FV M M M FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP FP M M M CHM1056W2201330 Substitute 201330 CHM210601201330 ART151602201330 ART150HON201330 STR050651201330 HST102404201330 HST102405201330 LGL220695201330 NewFacultyOrientation201330 PERDDCE201325 CUL250402201330 CUL250403201330 CUL250401201330 NUR205601201330 MUS101501201330 MUS1145SA201330 MUS121502AND122502201330 PTA100601201330 PTA104601201330 NEWFACORIENTATION201330 Highschoolworkshopfall2013 IDS101521201330 MOMANDIGLIT201330 IS151574201330 IDS101508201330 Professor/IR 201220 ACC122671201330 ACC114HON201330 BIO208408201330 DHY128.401 overload 201330 BIO208407201330 ReleaseTime201320 ARC211698SDL201330 ARC114601201330 HST101606201330 HST101HON201330 Substitute 201330 ENG030433201330 ENG101433201330 Substitute 201330 ENG061402201330 PSY2056S1201330 MCM141675201330 MCM140675201330 IS291639201330 MCM211SDL201330 MCM101675201330 MCM1314XB201330 IDS201475201330 MCM102474201330 NEAPRESIDENT201330 COM101642201330 IDS201650201330 Heisler, Virginia A Helbling, Rebecca J Henry, Deborah J Hepner, Michael R Herman, Susan K Hertel, Robert B Herzog, Mary F Higdon, Paul E High, Julie A Hill, Jennifer S Hollins, Stacy G Hovis, Janice K Hsu, Jeff C Huber, William F Huelsmann, Mary L Hughes, John S Hughes, Ronald V Hulsey, Keith C Hunn, Jonathan W Hunt­Bradford, Susan E Hurley, Mary E Hurst, Douglas J 01/02/14 ­62­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 5.33 5,697.56 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.67 1,370.00 12/07/13 4.00 392.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 10/30/13 1.00 822.00 12/21/13 8.00 216.00 12/14/13 3.05 3,260.32 12/14/13 3.05 3,260.32 12/14/13 0.05 53.44 12/14/13 1.01 954.32 12/14/13 3.50 3,741.36 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/14/13 1.16 1,240.00 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 10/01/13 1.00 698.08 12/27/13 0.38 261.78 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 08/30/13 0.30 381.36 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 2.32 2,480.00 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/14/13 4.33 4,628.60 09/28/13 1.00 1,119.12 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 0.67 632.00 12/14/13 6.00 6,413.76 12/07/13 2.00 186.00 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,762.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 0.40 381.63 12/07/13 4.00 392.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.85 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Hvatum, Margaret M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M M M CO M M M M M M CO M FP M FP FP IS141674201330 IS229HON201330 IS112601201330 IS112674201330 ART113603201330 ART113602201330 PHL103601201330 PHL103HON201330 PHL103678201330 PHL102602201330 MTH020440201330 MTH140408201330 Substitute 201330 ART113,213AT213:421 201330 ART113,213AT213401201330 ART113213AT213402201330 Substitute 201330 REIMBURSEMENT SHORTFALL FP Curr Chair 201330 HRM141401201230 HRM241474201330 PRD102423201330 PRD108422201330 Substitute 201330 BUS104.475­201330 IB100.474­201330 CHM211601201330 CHM101697201330 Substitute 201330 ACC100.474­201330 ACC100.475­201330 ACC114.451 ACC100.421­201330 IS139450474574201330 IS103474201330 IS129475201330 ECE206501201330 HONORS201320 BIO207650201330 BIO140602201330 BIO144601201330 CFKDDCE201315 NUR101601201330 ART114636201330 PSY200603201330 PSY208674201330 PSY200HON201330 Substitute 201330 NURS201325 NURCHKOUT201330 PTKadvisor201330 NUR101601201330 Substitute 201330 MTH230401201330 Ibur, James M Ilhan, Gulten Irons, Sandra J Isaacson, Matthew P Ivory, Jeffrey P Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D Joseph, Reni Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kalmer, Irene C Karleskint, George Kaufmann, Lacee A Keller, Margaret L Keller, Patty O Knickerbocker, Debra A Knight, Sandra M Kokotovich, Lisa M Koric, Arabela 01/02/14 ­63­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.31 3,538.64 12/14/13 3.33 3,560.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 11/09/13 1.19 851.40 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,288.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,288.00 12/14/13 0.67 548.00 12/14/13 5.50 165.00 12/21/13 0.75 836.25 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.20 3,053.04 12/14/13 1.20 1,144.88 12/15/13 16.00 954.08 12/15/13 32.00 1,908.16 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 2.83 2,326.48 12/14/13 5.33 4,380.66 12/14/13 4.00 120.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.50 1,603.44 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 2.40 2,565.52 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 5.33 5,697.56 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 2.50 2,672.40 08/31/13 6.00 162.00 12/14/13 0.04 28.60 12/14/13 1.17 1,246.00 12/14/13 6.00 6,413.76 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 9.00 270.00 12/21/13 2.00 66.00 12/14/13 2.33 1,918.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 4.67 4,430.32 12/14/13 3.50 105.00 12/14/13 1.00 716.96 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Kraja, Elida Kreher, Jamie L Kruger, Mark H Kurt, Barbara E Langnas, Robert S LaPorte, Michelle L Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy S LeClerc, Erin R Lee, Dianne M Lee, Kwan M Lee, Robert M Leech, Melissa L Lewis, Christine M Lincoln, Craig W Linder, Timothy J Little, Timothy A Liu, Grace G Lodhi, Afzal K Long, Richard D Lorenz, Michael R Lueke, H Michael Manteuffel, Mark S Martin de Camilo, Jody E Martin, Susan J Martino­Taylor, Lisa Marty­Farmer, Cora R Mayfield, Patrick M 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FP FV FV FV FP FP FP M M FV FP FV FV M M M CO CO M M M FV FV M M M M CO M M W W M M M M FP FP FV FV FV M M M M FP FP M M M M M M FP MTH160C421201330 ACC114574201330 ACC100505201330 ACC100501201330 ART167,272450201330 IDS201421201330 IDS201450201330 MTH140641201330 Substitute 201330 ART107502201330 Substitute 201330 DCC201330 IDS201502201330 ART154601201330 ART152674201330 ART158601201310 BJCSSM201330 Academic Lead PHY111602201330 HST105602201330 MTH030603201330 MTH140591201330 MTH140592201330 PHY224698201330 PHY112601201330 ART275674201330 ART125695201330 CVTW201325 ENG101HON201330 Substitute 201330 WACCHAIR201330 BIO203301201330 ENG114HON201330 ENG1026WG201330 Currents201330 ARC110602201330 Substitute 201330 MTH160C450201330 BIO111512LAB201330 BIO111512201330 PE181502201330 BIO117675201330 BIO117674201330 BIO111615201330 Substitute 201330 PE129402201330 Substitute 201330 SOC1016X3201330 SOC101606201330 Substitute 201330 SOC202HON201330 NewFacultyOrientation201330 MTH160C610201330 NUR204401201330 ­64­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 4.00 2,867.85 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.67 1,192.40 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,424.00 12/14/13 12.00 336.00 12/07/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 1.67 1,370.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.00 12/14/13 3.20 109.60 10/19/13 6.25 6,681.00 10/19/13 6.25 6,681.00 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 12/14/13 0.75 616.56 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 12/14/13 3.83 3,634.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,792.00 12/21/13 16.50 544.50 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.17 3,388.60 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 2.00 1,908.16 12/14/13 1.67 1,580.00 12/14/13 7.25 217.50 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 1.33 1,268.92 12/14/13 1.50 1,431.12 12/14/13 1.33 1,264.00 12/14/13 0.50 534.48 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 4.33 4,628.60 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 10/19/13 0.67 712.00 12/14/13 1.50 39.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 10/30/13 1.00 716.96 12/14/13 1.00 716.96 12/14/13 7.94 6,526.68 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number McCall, Kimberly L M M M M M W W W FP M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FV M M FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M M M FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M FP FP Substitute 201330 PE161679201330 PE177601201330 PE161678201330 PE180675201330 MCM1013X1201330 COM101374201330 MCM101374201330 NURBJC201201330 NUR201601201330 MKT203674201330 MKT203601201330 GE290501201330 GE131501201330 GE290500201330 Substitute 201330 ME244550201330 NURBJC201201330 NUR201501201330 MTH030625201330 MTH185650201330 HST102505201330 HST101ALP201330 HST119501201330 ENG101576201330 ENG101578201330 IS273450201330 IS271450201330 PSC205601HON201330 PSC101603201330 PSC205677201330 PSC101606201330 Substitute 201330 HST102504201330 HST105501201330 ENG215HON201330 ENG020512201330 ENG020514201330 ENG020516201330 ECE203501201330 ECE200550201330 ECE105501201330 RDG030603201330 MTH160C650201330 ACC110HON201330 Substitute 201330 AC110602201330 ACC212695201330 ACC110601201330 ACC110602201330 ART101601201330 ART101698HON201330 COM101H20201330 THT101401201330 McCloskey, Ellen A McDowell, Barbara J McElligott, Pamela G McGovern, Thomas A McManemy, Jeffrey C McManus, Laurie K Medeiros, Jennifer A Mense, James J Mercer, June J Messmer, John P Metroulas, Michael B Meyer, Eric W Miinch, Patricia L Miller, Donda D Mizes, Lisa R Molik, Nancy E Monson, Amy E Montgomery, David L Moody, Carla J 01/02/14 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 2.00 52.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,096.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,644.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 46.24 3,622.33 12/14/13 0.95 1,018.16 12/14/13 10.59 11,313.68 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/21/13 0.20 190.82 12/14/13 1.34 1,278.48 12/14/13 0.20 190.80 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 2.35 2,242.08 10/19/13 1.13 1,203.28 12/14/13 10.08 10,765.44 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 6.75 6,440.04 12/14/13 0.75 715.56 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 5.00 5,344.80 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 4.50 135.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 2.00 1,644.16 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 7.00 210.00 10/19/13 1.25 1,027.60 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.75 3,082.80 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 0.50 514.48 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 ­65­ St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Moreland, Lisa K FP CO FP M M FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FP FP FP CC FP FP M M M M FP FP FV M M M FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV M M M M M M M FP FP FV FV FP FP FV M NURBJC201403201330 AHCE201330 NURBJC203401201330 ART109HON201330 ART109603201330 PHY111401201330 PSI124450201330 Substitute 201330 BUS201501201330 MTH140505201330 HRM146450201330 HRM141450201330 HRM221401201330 SPA201501201330 MTH240450201330 MTH210401201330 Substitute 201330 NewFacOrientOneTimePay201330 DA164.401 201330 overload Release time 201330 MTH020643201330 MUS201601201330 MUS101601201330 MUS101HON201330 NewFacOrientation2013 Substitute 201330 MTH230501201330 PSC101604201330 PSC101HON201330 PSC101602201330 Substitute 201330 AT280504201330201330 ART165551201330 BIO151450201330 BIO203403404LEC201330 Substitute 201330 SOC101402201330 STR050555201330 IDS101ALP201330 ECO152603201330 ECO152HON201330 ECO152602201330 MTH140614201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 Substitute 201330 MTH020607201330 CLT COORDINATOR 201330 CLT100401201330 MTH123580201330 MTH140510201330 XRT213401201330 Substitute 201330 IDS201552201330 IDS101S51201330 Morris, Betsy J Morris, Jonathan M Mosher, Anne M Mueller, Craig H Mueller, Kelly J Munden, James J Munson, Bruce J Munson, Deborah R Murray, Russell H Myers, Gerald C Myers, Nicole M Ndao, Rokhaya N Neal, Emily M Negash, Efrem O Nesser­Chu, Janice NewMyer, Angela B Nichols, Andrea J Nickrent, Ellen M Nielsen, Eric R Nisbet, Lynne B Njoku, Angela C North, Sharon I Northern, Rebecca A Nygard, Paul D 01/02/14 ­66­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 0.18 170.64 12/21/13 2.00 66.00 12/14/13 0.40 379.20 12/07/13 3.00 294.00 12/14/13 0.92 982.56 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 2.33 2,223.00 12/14/13 5.00 150.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 2.40 2,289.80 12/14/13 1.60 1,526.52 12/14/13 4.00 3,288.32 12/14/13 1.00 716.96 12/14/13 5.00 3,584.80 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 09/14/13 1.00 1,316.52 12/14/13 4.67 3,836.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.75 1,870.69 12/14/13 4.33 4,131.16 12/14/13 3.32 3,167.54 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 1.00 716.96 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 10/19/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 12.00 360.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 2.50 2,055.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.56 1,282.44 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 0.50 411.04 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.00 4,272.00 12/14/13 0.67 712.00 09/07/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/14/13 4.67 3,836.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Oliver, Keith L Oliver, Lonetta M Oney, Margaret J Osburn, Sandra S Ostlund, Karen M Otto, Esther E Parrinello Cason, Michelle D Pea, Nancy E Pedersen, Timothy W Pemberton, Sharon A Pence, Jerald K Peppes, Nicholas D Perez Franco, Antonia T Pernik, Rita M Pescarino, Richard A Petroff, Kathleen M Philpott, Shannon E Piazza, Ellen E Pierroutsakos, Sophia L Pisacreta, Diane Poelker, Timothy J 01/02/14 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/21/13 12.00 300.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/07/13 5.00 490.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 8.00 8,544.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.50 1,431.12 12/14/13 20.00 600.00 12/14/13 3.18 2,613.96 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 Loc Course Number FV M CO M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP HST101550201330 IDS101S01201330 THTRDCE201325 COM101631201330 COM101620201330 HONORS201320 ENG1025XD201330 ENG2185XA201330 STGR050529201330 NUR201501201330 COM101424201330 IDS101405201330 Substitute 201330 NUR205401201330 ENG030407201330 FV CO M FV FV FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP M M W M M CO FV FV FV Nursing Combo 201330 NURS201330 EGR255698201330 ESC101550201330 GE101550201330 Substitute 201330 MTH140406201330 HRT205601201330 NewFacultyOrientation201330 HRT514650201330 Substitute 201330 HRT105639201330 ECO152.401­201330 MKT203.474­201330 ECO152.474­201330 SPA101404201330 MTH123582201330 Substitute 201330 MTH030516201330 STR050403201330 RDG100403201330 Adjunct Reading Coordinator MCM112674201330 ENG101697201330 MCM113SDL201330 Substitute 201330Lecture Substitute 201330 Lab CUL115422201330 CUL215421201330 PSY200606201330 PSY200604201330 PSY125375201330 PSY125374201330 PSY200674201330 MOMAN201330 ME200500201330 Substitute 201330 NewFacOrientation201330 ­67­ 12/14/13 12/21/13 12/07/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 10/30/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/07/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 09/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/07/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 08/31/13 12/14/13 12/14/13 08/31/13 4.85 2.50 4.00 1.34 3.00 1.25 1.50 0.99 1.00 3.33 10.00 2.20 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.49 3.33 5.00 6.00 1.88 1.88 3.00 8.00 0.34 2.50 1.02 4,594.64 82.50 392.00 1,278.48 2,862.24 37.50 1,233.12 813.84 822.00 2,737.52 300.00 1,808.58 3,206.88 3,206.88 3,206.88 3,288.32 822.08 45.00 1,068.96 2,466.24 2,466.24 1,644.16 2,150.88 2,150.88 196.00 60.00 52.00 2,375.66 3,177.08 5,344.80 6,413.76 2,009.64 2,009.64 3,206.88 264.00 279.52 65.00 810.05 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Polk, Kim K FP FP CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FV M FP FP M M M M FP FP W M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV Release time 201330 DHY222401201330 overload CFDKDCE201315 Substitute 201330 XRT213401201330 XRT111401201330 Substitute 201330 NURBJCLAB201330 NURBJC201403201330 NURLAB201330 NURBJC203403201330 THT101601201330 THT106602201310 THT108602201330 NUR201601201330 ACC122.461­201330 ACC110.474­201330 ACC110.402­201330 IDS201551201330 Substitute 201330 DHY 222.401 overload 201330 Substitute 201330 PSY200602201330 PSY200608201330 CampGrantProjOneTimePay201330 PSY206HON201330 NUR102401402201330 NUR101401402201330 ENG2013X1201330 Substitute 201330 BIO203601201330 BIO109674201330 HMS1194996201330 HMS122499201330 HMS1184996201330 HMS1184995201330 HMS1184994201330 HMS1184993201330 HMS1194998201330 HMS1194997201330 HMS119499201330 HMS1194992201330 HMS1184992201330 HMS118499201330 HMS1194993201330 HMS1194994201330 HMS1194995201330 HMS1184997201330 ENG1026WP201330 SPA101602201330 SPA101604201330 HMS204550201330 HMS203550201330 Substitute 201330 Polta, Sally L Raheja, Nina S Rebollo, Jean M Rebore, Joyce A Reeves, Aaron L Reilly, Catherine H Reno, Shaun Ring, Phyllis A Ritts, Vicki M Rizzo, Kathleen S Roach, Timothy L Roberts, Kelli C Roffle, Angela H Rohman, Todd E Romero, Marco A Rosenthal, Howard G Ross, Anne T 01/02/14 ­68­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.67 1,370.00 08/31/13 3.00 81.00 12/14/13 4.00 104.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,896.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,264.00 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 0.17 164.32 12/14/13 5.43 5,150.80 12/14/13 1.77 1,681.12 12/14/13 2.23 2,117.20 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 6.40 381.63 12/14/13 1.50 1,431.12 12/14/13 1.63 1,542.08 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 1.25 37.50 12/14/13 9.17 8,690.00 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 6.00 6,413.76 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 11/30/13 1.00 3,813.12 12/07/13 5.00 490.00 12/14/13 2.67 2,528.00 12/14/13 1.67 1,586.32 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 4.66 3,830.88 12/14/13 1.34 1,101.60 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/07/13 1.00 93.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Runge, Douglas K Salmon, Harold E Saum, Suzanne E Sawah, Rihab Schamber, Steven M Schantz, Rebecca M Scherer, Juliet K Schneider, Jeffrey L Schneider, Joseph R Schuster, Rositta Seese, Lillian M Selders, Lynn R Serns, Susan L Shepherd, Deneen M Sherman, Patricia A Sherwin, Amy B Shields, David L Shiller, Casey E Shockley, James E Shultis, Eric Sibbitts, Gary E Sigmund, Francine M Sippy, Jessica L 01/02/14 Loc Course Number FV FV FV M FV CO FV FV FV FV FV M M W M M M M M M M FP M FV FV FV FP FP CO FP FP FP FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M M M M M FP FP FP MTH030511201330 MTH030540201330 MTH030573201330 OVERLOAD201330 CHM101505201330 MATHDCE201315 CHM101504201330 CHM101506201330 CHM106501201330 PSI111577201330 PSI111578201330 BLW101HON201330 ECO152601201330 MTH160C303201330 Substitute 201330 PTKAdv201330 AsstDeptChr201330 PSI123674201330 GEO100674201330 Substitute 201330 PSI101601201330 DA151.401 201330 overload MTH160C602201330 Substitute 201330 FTFACCORIENT201330 RDG100501201330 ENG102474201330 HIT103414201330 AHCE201330 SSMOLOGIES201330 HIT291401201330 HIT103474201330 ME108500201330 MTH030508201330 EDU210602201330 EDU227HON201330 BAP205461201330 BAP201450201330 BAP210461201330 Substitute 201330 Lab BAP210421201330 BAP205421201330 Substitute 201330 Lecture BAP220421201330 NUR204401201330 ART107501201330 IS151674201330 ENG060601201330 ENG071601201330 Substitute 201330 ESL Placement Substitute 201330 SOC101408201330 SOC101403201330 ­69­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 2.00 1,908.16 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/23/13 1.00 1,069.20 12/14/13 0.33 352.76 08/31/13 12.00 324.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 0.33 352.76 12/14/13 5.33 5,697.56 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 2.00 1,433.92 12/14/13 1.00 30.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 0.53 348.80 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 09/14/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 10/19/13 2.00 1,644.16 12/21/13 7.00 231.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,288.32 12/14/13 1.40 1,150.92 12/14/13 1.00 822.09 12/14/13 0.02 16.44 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/05/13 0.91 870.60 09/05/13 0.91 870.60 10/17/13 0.91 870.60 12/14/13 2.00 52.00 10/17/13 2.33 2,223.01 09/26/13 0.15 143.11 12/14/13 2.00 60.00 12/05/13 2.33 2,223.01 12/14/13 2.78 1,988.92 12/14/13 1.33 1,424.00 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 6.00 4,188.48 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 4.50 135.00 12/14/13 30.00 780.00 12/14/13 2.50 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Skurat, Angela D FP FP M M M M FP FP M M M M FP FP FP M M M M FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV FV M M FV FV FV FP FP FP W M CO M FP FP FP FP M M FV W FV FV FV FV NURBJCLAB201330 NURLAB2013330 COM101626201330 COM120HON201330 COM101650201330 COM101604201330 Learning Comm ­ Coor 2013­14 Substitute 201320 IDS201677201330 ReferenceLibrarian201320 HMS201601201330 HMS202650201330 FNL202401201330 PGMDIRFD201330 PGMDIRFS201330 BIO151641201330 BIO208602201330 BIO203604201330 BIO151642201330 ENG030551201330 ENG101502201330 ENG1025WA201330 MTH160C614201330 COM101S07201330 COM101S09201330 COM101S08201330 Counselor/Professor ITL103501201330 COM120501201330 IDS101ALP201330 MTH170601201330 NUR108601201330 MTH160C592201330 MTH160C591201330 MTH160C534201330 NURBJC201403201330 NUR204401201330 NUR108401201330 NewFacOrienation201310 ART133603201330 CVTW201325 AT276698SDL201330 STR050451201330 PRD109474201330 IDS101452201330 CHM101401201330 DeptChr201330 ENG101627201330 STR050524201330 EDU210301201330 EDU211551201330 MCM143501201330 MCM113501201330 MCM209501201330 Smejkal, Christopher H Smith, Adrienne C Smith, Katherine E Smith, Rachelle D Smith, Stephen W Snaric, Jay M Sodon, James R Speegle, Aletta D Sperruzza, Denise M Steiner, Hope E Stephens, Christopher J Stocker, Connie S Strahm, Cheryl A Suess, Patricia A Swallow, Cheryl A Swindle, Monica S Swoboda, Michael E Swyers, Kathleen M Talkad, Venugopal D Taylor, David M Taylor, Mark L Thomas­Woods, Renee M 01/02/14 ­70­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 0.13 93.04 12/14/13 4.27 2,977.80 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/07/13 5.00 490.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 08/31/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 08/30/13 0.63 703.97 12/14/13 2.00 1,433.92 12/14/13 1.20 860.35 12/14/13 1.67 1,580.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,792.00 12/14/13 4.00 3,792.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 1.33 1,268.92 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/23/13 1.00 1,069.20 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 1.50 1,603.44 12/14/13 5.50 5,879.28 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 0.16 170.88 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 4.00 4,275.84 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 0.31 334.64 12/14/13 5.07 5,409.42 12/14/13 3.00 3,204.00 0.19 134.43 12/14/13 3.33 2,740.00 12/21/13 22.00 726.00 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/15/13 16.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.99 3,280.08 12/14/13 6.00 5,724.48 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Thornton, Michaella A M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M M M M FV FV M M M FV FP FV FP FP FV FV FV W W M M M M M M CC M M M FV FV M M ENG101679201330 ENG101681201330 ENG101CORRECT201330 BIO203501LAB201330 BIO203502LAB201330 BIO203503LAB201330 BIO111513201330 CHM105502201330 CHM221501201330 DHy 222.401 overload 201330 MTH160C675201330 IB100HON201330 BUS104601201330 PSY200501201330 PSY208501201330 PSY200540201330 CE234500201330 Lec Substitute 201330 NURLAB201330 HST101647201330 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201330 HST101646201330 IDS101614201330 HST102HON201330 HST115601201330 IDS201506201330 ENG2015WA201330 CHM206650201330 CHM105606201330 CHM101695201330 NUR101501201330 AUT281.402­201330 NUR201501201330 ENG101477201330 ENG101480201330 BIO218551LAB201330 BIO203570LAB201330 Substitute 201330 ART109110209110338201330 ART114209AT214201330 FacLectAwardOneTimePay201310 PHL104678201330 PHL104675201330 PHL104674201330 ACC100675201330 ACC114602201330 QualityMattersFac201310 SOC101650201330 SOC101603201330 SOC101674201330 STR050553201330 RDG030552201330 Substitute 201330 ESLCoor201330 Toal, Kevin R Tremont, Samuel J Trunk, Deborah D Tucker, Julie M Tulley, Mark D Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Urban, Georgia A Verhoff, Gwendolyn E Voss, Karl D Wachal, Barbara J Waghulde, Vidyullata C Wagner, Joyce D Walker, Joshua M Wallner, Donna F Warfield, Angela M Warren, Aundrea L Weber, Mark A Werner, Donna J Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M White, Dennis A Wilkinson, Lisa R 01/02/14 ­71­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 2.00 1,396.16 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.00 698.08 12/14/13 2.67 2,194.96 12/14/13 2.67 2,194.96 12/14/13 2.67 2,194.96 12/14/13 0.50 411.04 12/14/13 0.33 271.28 10/19/13 0.66 542.58 12/14/13 9.28 9,911.04 12/14/13 4.00 3,288.32 12/07/13 8.00 784.00 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 4.50 135.00 12/14/13 3.64 3,887.52 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 2.63 1,832.48 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/07/13 4.00 392.00 12/14/13 4.67 4,992.04 12/14/13 5.33 5,697.56 12/14/13 1.83 1,731.68 12/14/13 10.34 8,500.32 12/14/13 5.50 5,874.46 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 2.67 2,194.96 12/14/13 0.67 550.80 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 0.33 356.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,272.00 12/23/13 1.00 475.91 10/19/13 3.00 3,206.88 10/19/13 3.00 3,206.88 10/19/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 0.12 133.62 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.25 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Williams, Louis Willis, Dahna R Wilson, Hilary L Wilson, Joe A Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Nathan G Wiseheart, Barbara T Yale, Emily A Yan, Wei Yezbick, Daniel Ziegler, Patricia L Zirkle, Thomas A Zuo, Yingxue Loc Course Number M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP ESLInstofrec201330 HST101405201330 HST101403201330 Substitute 201330 HST101407201330 HST101404201330 ECE206450201330 ENG103477201330 ENG1024WD201330 CHM207450201330 SOC101510201330 SOC101507201330 CRJ206501201330 MTH140611201330 LGL106696201330 LGL219639201330 LGL108696201330 NUR108601201330 NURS201325 ENG101416201330 ENG101421201330 ENG1024WV201330 GLOBALED201330 IDS201403201330 ENG101420201330 Substitute 201330 IRT138674201330 IS205676201330 MUS101401201330 MUS114410201330 ART109401201330 ART111401201330 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 90.00 12/14/13 1.00 1,068.96 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 2.20 1,577.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 1.99 1,635.92 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.00 822.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.50 1,431.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.60 1,315.33 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 7.49 8,002.88 12/21/13 2.00 66.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 6.00 5,724.48 12/14/13 4.00 3,816.32 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 5.00 150.00 12/14/13 48.00 2,646.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 2.00 2,137.92 12/14/13 3.75 4,008.60 12/14/13 4.00 4,272.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,272.00 Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 01/02/14 ­72­ St. Louis Community College Full­Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Alcozer, Antonio D Arthur, Mary L FV FP FP FP M M M CO W FP FV FV FP M M M M M FV FV CO CO M CO CO CO CO M FP M M M M M M M CO CO CO CO M M W W W W FV FV W FP CO FP FP CO Substitute 201330 IS124126132440201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 Substitute 201330 IS103676201330 PTFACORIENT201330 IS103677201330 CCPRCE201325 PTK ADVSR CRJ212.474­201330 Substitute 201330 MTH215550201330 IT103496696201330 Substitute 201330 PTFACORIENT201330 MTH140652201330 MTH140601201330 MTH030653201330 BIO221501201330 BIO219550201330 CRFTDCE201325 COMP201325 STR050601201330 CCPRCE201325 COMP201325 SENRDCE201325 PHOTDCE201325 AT135695201330 EMT122450 Primary 201330 PTFACORIENT201330 RDG016601201330 RDG017601201330 Substitute 201330 MTH020650201330 MTH030601201330 STR050602201330 ARCHSSUPV201315 ARCHSSUPV201325 COMMDCE201325 COMP201325 PTFACORIENT201330 BUS104695201330 BIO111350LAB201330 BIO111304LAB201330 BIO1113W1201330 BIO111301Lab201330 AFSD201330 GE131500201330 BUS104301201330 HMS111450201330 PEDUDCE201325 STR050462201330 STR050458201330 DANCDCE201325 Aslin, Holly A Aumann, Patricia M Banahan, Richard M Bauer, Joseph A Bean, Emery A Beck, Scott M Boedeker, Elizabeth D Bossi, Patti D Brady, Steven D Brooks, Sally A Bufalo, Rachel L Burks, Michael J Christopher, Mark S Clausen, Cynthia K Clayton, Sandra E Clincy, Mysha R Cross, V D De Vore, Erin E Dill, Dennis W Dockins, Jessica A Ehlen, Steven F Fillenwarth, Albert F Finney, Eloise Fonod, Dennis J Foster, Donivan W Foster, Stacey Y Gee, Laverne D 01/02/14 ­73­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 12/14/13 2.20 1,440.69 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 6.25 187.50 12/14/13 3.00 1,965.12 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,965.12 12/20/13 4.00 132.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 4.00 120.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 1.50 45.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,965.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,965.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,965.12 12/14/13 0.40 328.84 12/14/13 2.83 2,326.48 12/21/13 9.00 162.00 12/21/13 54.00 1,782.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/20/13 1.00 27.00 12/21/13 22.45 740.85 12/21/13 2.00 50.00 12/21/13 12.00 324.00 12/14/13 4.00 4,272.00 12/14/13 6.00 4,788.48 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 2.00 1,433.92 12/14/13 1.00 716.96 12/14/13 5.00 150.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 08/31/13 25.00 500.00 12/21/13 93.50 1,870.00 12/21/13 4.00 84.00 12/21/13 3.00 81.00 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 10/19/13 6.00 5,724.48 12/14/13 1.33 828.64 12/14/13 1.33 828.64 12/14/13 1.00 622.26 12/14/13 1.33 828.64 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 1.34 1,101.60 12/14/13 3.00 3,206.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/21/13 6.00 126.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/21/13 24.00 432.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Gilbers, Bernard J FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FV M M M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV CO CO CO FV CO FV FV FV M FP FP FV FV CO FV FV FV CO M M FV FV FV FV M M CO FV FV FV M M CO IT246495201330 IS130451201330 IS130450201330 AFSD201330 Substitute 201330 PE130521201330 STR050450201330 CTLADJFACCONF201330 STR0050452201330 EE106585201330 STR050652201330 EDU226698HON201330 EDU218601201330 EDU226698SDL201330 NURBJCCOHORTFALL201330 PE130503201330 PE101501201330 PE119501201330 Substitute 201330 PE130507201330 STR050552201330 COMP201325 CRFTDCE201325 CCPRCE201325 ECE207501201330 CPDV201325 STR050554201330 MTH020564201330 DCS212501201330 HST102647201330 COM101474201330 COM101419201330 ECE206501201330 AFSD201330 CCPRCE201325 ECE108550201330 THT101502201330 STR050556201330 CVTW201325 ART275646201330 ART172696201330 STR050556201330 ECE101580201330 AFSD201330 DCS115552201330 STR050620201330 PTFACORIENT201330 COMP201325 MTH020553201330 BIO152510201330 ECE127550201330 MTH030651201330 MTH020615201330 COMP201325 Gillespie, James L Harris, Kelli L Henderson, Patricia G Hoffmann, William J Hubble, Linda D Hyde, Michelle S Iborg, Deborah A Jordan, Carla L Karl, Patrick J Kemp, Carletta A Kinzel, Carrie L Krogmeier, Mary J Lombardo, Laurie M Lucido, Vicki L Luebke, Mary E Mallory, Patrick R Malta, Randy J Mann, Anna­Marie T Mayse, Renee M McCool, Marie L McGee, Darlene K McGhee, Eileen N McNeil, Haralyn L Miller, Amy G Milward, Lorraine A Morgan, Jeffrey A Naumann, Virginia L Nixon, Carol C Novikova, Galina Peck, Donna K 01/02/14 ­74­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 17.50 525.00 12/14/13 1.33 953.92 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 10/26/13 1.00 798.08 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 1.00 716.96 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 41.50 1,044.14 10/19/13 1.33 1,096.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,096.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.00 12/14/13 4.00 120.00 12/14/13 1.33 1,096.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/21/13 10.00 330.00 12/21/13 26.00 468.00 12/20/13 2.00 54.00 12/14/13 48.00 294.24 12/21/13 14.00 462.00 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/07/13 1.00 98.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 10/19/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 1.30 932.04 09/28/13 1.00 75.00 12/20/13 6.00 174.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,862.24 12/21/13 11.00 363.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,616.00 12/14/13 4.00 2,616.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 09/13/13 1.00 75.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 10/15/13 1.00 75.00 12/21/13 12.00 324.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/07/13 2.00 196.00 12/14/13 1.50 1,233.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,466.24 12/21/13 36.00 900.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Primous, Ena V FP FP CO CO FP FP FV M M CO CO CO FV FV FV FV M M M M M FP STR050455201330 CTL ADJ FAC FALL CONF 2013 CCPRCE201325 CVTW201325 HIT101450201330 ME101.450­201330 STR050558201330 TheatTechDirection201330 THT106603201330 NRSG201325 NRSG201315 CRFTDCE201325 HST138552201330 IS102503201330 IS251,256,275­501201330COMBO IS102501201330 TheatTechDirection201330 STR050647201330 LIB101676HON201330 FacultyOrientation201330 LIB101676201330 STR050422201330 Roy, Mary K Schmitt, John J Schrader, Karen M Stevens, William H Taylor, Angela M Thompson, Darren L Walsh, Janet K Ward, Deborah L Ware, Keith J Wilke, David M Willmore, Richard A Woodworth, Janet M Young­Abotsi, Kirsten R Zieren, Anita L Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 01/02/14 ­75­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 10/12/13 1.00 75.00 12/20/13 1.00 27.00 12/21/13 5.50 181.50 12/14/13 4.00 2,492.16 12/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 12/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 0.20 143.39 12/21/13 6.00 198.00 08/31/13 6.00 198.00 12/21/13 2.00 42.00 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,394.24 12/14/13 3.00 2,150.88 12/14/13 3.00 2,094.24 12/21/13 1.00 98.00 10/15/13 2.00 150.00 12/14/13 1.00 954.08 12/14/13 2.92 2,094.87 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Grand Total Fall 2013 01/02/14 Total Dollars Relevant to Credit Hours: $6,325,076.94 Total Dollars Relevant to Clock Hours: $477,582.54 ­76­ Recommendation for Award/Purchasing - Renewal On February 17, 2011, the Board of Trustees approved Contract B0002775 with MBS SERVICE COMPANY for book buyback services. The initial contract period began February 18, 2011 for three (3) full years, with an option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods. The College requests approval to exercise this contract’s renewal option for one of the additional years with no increase to the award amount. Funding This is a revenue-generating contract. This contract was originally advertised and let in FY 2011. 1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing – Renewal On November 13, 2008, the Board of Trustees approved Contract B0002449 with BLACKWELL NORTH AMERICA, INC. dba BLACKWELL for library standing order services (Agenda Item 4.1.3). The contract began January 3, 2009 for a term of five (5) years with an option to renew for an additional two (2) years. The current contract balance is $192,018.63. The College requests approval to exercise this contract’s renewal option for the additional two (2) year term with no increase to the award amount. The new expiration date for this contract will be January 16, 2016. Funding Expenditures made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. This contract was advertised and let in FY 2009. 2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing The College requests Board approval to use the University of Missouri Cooperative Contract Q043003 with DELL MARKETING for the District-wide purchase of Dell microcomputer equipment, printers and file servers. The contract period is one (1) year, to begin January 17, 2014. The estimated amount for the contract period is $1,500,000.00. Description This contract will be used District-wide to purchase microcomputer equipment, printers, and file servers on an as-needed basis. The College adopted Dell as the standard for computer hardware, desktop and laptop computers, which allows TESS to provide better support. Through this contract, the College can purchase directly from Dell and eliminate reseller mark-up. Funding All expenditures against this contract will be funded from current operating and external budgets. 3 Advertisements This contract was advertised and let by the University of Missouri System. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing The College requests Board approval to purchase one (1) Portable Photosynthesis System (LEEF Bud Package) from LI-COR BIOSCIENCES, in the amount of $30,025.00. Description Biotechnology and Life Science Lab Assistant students will use this system to increase their independent research skills through measuring photosynthesis and other gas exchange traits in real-time and analyzing the acquired data. It will have applications in multiple courses including Genetics, Biotechnology and Life Science Lab Skills. The recommended bidder has met all bid requirements. Bid – B0003202 The evaluation of this bid, which opened November 12, 2013, is listed below: 4 Bidders LI-COR BIOSCIENCES PP Systems Total Cost $30,025.00 39,417.50 Funding This purchase will be funded from Perkins CTE Equipment funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Recommendation for Ratification/Purchasing The College requests the Board ratify the sole source award of a one-year contract to HEWLETT-PACKARD for Hewlett-Packard file server equipment maintenance. The contract began on November 1, 2013, for a period of one (1) year. The contract amount is $28,421.72. Description The Technology and Educational Support Services (TESS) staff College-wide will use this contract to provide up to 4,000 hours of consulting, technical support, and training services related to the Banner system. These services are required to ensure the continual functionality of the Banner system. This vendor is neither a known minority-owned nor a woman-owned business enterprise. Funding 5 This purchase was funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements are not run on items available from only one source. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of a contract to make structural repairs to Forest Park’s northeast plaza to R. V. Wagner, Inc. in an amount of $795,875.00. In addition a budget amendment from General Operating Fund is required to fund the completion of this project. Description: During completion of the overall deck repair and concrete replacement, unforeseen structural damage was discovered and repaired on the south half and northwest quadrant of the deck. The northeast quadrant was discovered to have severe structural damage, and two structural engineering firms recommended full removal of a large portion of this area. With the estimated cost of the northeast quadrant repair, it was decided to competitively bid this work as a separate contract. This project will support the area from below, fully remove all damaged concrete, replace reinforcing, and pour a new concrete structure. The northeast area will then receive new larger capacity area drains, fluid applied waterproofing, lightweight concrete insulation, and exposed aggregate concrete. All expansion joints, drains, etc. shall be caulked to prevent water infiltration. 6 The low bidder made several visits to the job site and met with College personnel to discuss the scope of work. As a result, R. V. Wagner, Inc. indicated they were comfortable with their bid and would do the work for the bid price. Plans and specifications were prepared by David Mason and Associates, and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Bid – F 14 402R, NE Plaza Structural Repair, St. Louis Community College at Forest Park The results of this bid, which opened December 10, 2013, are listed below Contractors: R. V. Wagner, Inc. C. Rallo Contracting Company, Inc. The Harlan Company Wachter, inc. Raineri Construction, LLC Tarlton Corporation Base Bid $ 795,875.00 1,048,000.00 1,048,000.00 1,096,300.00 1,148,000.00 1,200,000.00 Funding: This project will be funded from a Budget Amendment of General Operating Fund Net Position to the Maintenance, Repair & Capital Fund. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities (cont.): Advertisements: The College places newspaper advertisements, in compliance with Board policy, on those bids estimated to exceed $15,000.00. Minority Contractors: Two known minority companies received plans and specifications. submitted a bid for this project. Two known minority companies 7 Request for Approval/Disposal of Surplus Property Board approval is requested to dispose of surplus property by recycling per contract as listed on the following pages. This property has been declared excess and posted internally for redistribution prior to any item being recycled with MRC. PDF# Qty 50252 1 Description TRUE FREEZER Property Tag Location Condition Purchased Date Original Cost Current Value 001232 FV POOR March 14, 2002 $ 6,100.00 $ - 8 No Items this Month Financial Reports will appear on a Quarterly Basis, in November, February, May and August 1 Contracts and/or Agreements Agreement between Lee and Associates Commercial Real Estate Services and St. Louis Community College The College requests Board approval for an agreement between Lee and Associates Commercial Real Estate Services and St. Louis Community College for brokerage services for the Corporate College facility on McKelvey Road. The term of this agreement is six months, beginning February 1, 2014 and ending July 31, 2014. The realtor commission is 6 % (standard commercial terms) of the base rentals payable to the College for new leases. Property Lease Agreement between Lee & Associates of St. Louis and St. Louis Community College The College requests Board approval for an agreement with Lee & Associates of St. Louis to provide suitable property for the Truck Driving Training as part of the Mississippi River Consortium. The lease is not to exceed $1500/month and will include amenities such as utilities and maintenance. The location of the property is to be near either the Florissant Valley or the Forest Park campus. It is agreed by the Client and Broker that the Broker’s commission is to be paid by the owner of any property leased or otherwise acquired by Client in connection with the Requirement. The agreement is for a period commencing December 9, 2013, and ending midnight, June 1, 2014. Federal Work Study Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to permit the following agencies to employ students under the College Federal Work Study Program, effective January 17, 2014. The agencies are not billed for matching funds and social security under these agreements. Agency 1: St. Patrick Center, 800 N. Tucker Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63101 Agency 2: North County, Inc., 350B Village Square Center, Hazelwood, MO 63042 Agreement between Fruit of Zaloom Productions and St. Louis Community College The College requests Board approval for an agreement in the amount of $8,300 with Fruit of Zaloom Productions in exchange for two performances during the spring 2014 semester at the St. Louis Community College-Meramec Campus. Funds for this program will come from the Student Life Office. 1 Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Contracts and Agreements Clinical Agreements The college recommends that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Program Effective Date Occupational Therapy Assistant 11/13/13 Physical Therapist Assistant 11/28/13 Straub’s Dietetic Technology 09/17/13 Earth Dance Dietetic Technology 11/20/13 Funeral Services 11/22/13 Occupational Therapy Assistant Physical Therapist Assistant 01/01/14 to 01/01/17 Medical Assistant 12/02/13 Sonography 12/20/13 Multiple 10/01/13 to 10/01/14 Participant NW Rehab Audrain Medical Center (SSM) Kurrus Funeral Home HealthSouth Corporation Myrtle Hilliard Davis Comprehensive Health Center Barnes-Jewish Hospital SSM Medical Group Dual Credit Agreements for Innovation Campus High Schools It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve dual credit agreements between St. Louis Community College and the following school districts for the delivery of dual credit courses that are part of the high school-level Innovation Campus Grant: Ferguson-Florissant Public School District - 10 credit hours Pattonville School District – 5 credit hours These agreements will allow students who participate in the Innovation Campus program to apply course work completed in high school toward the Associate in Applied Science Board Meeting 01/16/14 2 degree in Computer Integrated Manufacturing at St. Louis Community College. The Innovation Campus Grant provides tuition assistance to students enrolled in these dual credit courses. Dual Credit Agreement for MATH:140 Intermediate Algebra It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the renewal of the dual credit agreement between St. Louis Community College and Pattonville School District. This agreement will allow students who participate in College Prep Algebra to earn three (3) credit hours in Math:140 Intermediate Algebra for a $25.00 fee per student. Articulation Agreement between Webster University and St. Louis Community College It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve an articulation agreement between Webster University and St. Louis Community College that will facilitate seamless transfer for students from St. Louis Community College’s Associate in Applied Science degree in Biotechnology to the Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences with an Emphasis in Research and Technology at Webster University. Board Meeting 01/16/14 3 Economic Development and Workforce Solutions Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region. Funding Source AEP River Operations Title of Program and/or Purpose Lean Services Manager: Stephen Long Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Technical Training Manager: Stephen Long Campus Date Amount Workforce Solutions Group November 7, 2013 through December 31, 2014 $7,500 Workforce Solutions Group January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014 $39,000 (Previously reported $43,120 –September, 2013 Total FY2014 $104,880) Contracts and/or Agreements DL Consulting and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve to enter into a professional services agreement between St. Louis Community College and DL Consulting from January, 2014 through June 30, 2015, in an accumulative amount not to exceed $50,000 over this time period. The services provided will include 35 hours of customized training pertaining to Project Management Institute’s body of knowledge and methodology that will allow participants, to study and test for the Project Management Professional certification. Services will be funded by the Missouri Division of Workforce Development training grant programs or paid by the employer client. Missouri Rural Water Association (MRWA) and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve a professional service agreement between Missouri Rural Water Association (MRWA) and St. Louis Community College division Workforce Solutions Group. The agreement will provide on-going services developing coursework and instruction for water operator training through June 30, 2014 for an amount not to exceed $21,000. Services will be funded by the Environmental Protection Agency grant previously reported to the board August, 2012. Board Meeting 1/16/14 4 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Mark Andy, Inc. (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 34,500 (DWD) 30,000 (Company) 64,500 (Total) PURPOSE FUND Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Mark Andy, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Leadership Training; 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; Press Maintenance Training; P-Series Print Training; ISO9001:2000 Training; Lean Training; Toyota Grinder Training; Systemic Troubleshooting; and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/13-6/15/14 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 1-16-14 1 Resolution for Productive Living Board It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following resolution that will authorize the submittal of an application for funds from the Productive Living Board for St. Louis County Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (“PLB”) and if the application is approved by the “PLB” further authorizes a contract with the “PLB” for acceptance of funds and establishment of a program for individuals with developmental disabilities during the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. Resolution With Respect To Productive Living Board For St. Louis County Citizens with Developmental Disabilities Contract WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to authorize the College to submit an application for funds from the Productive Living Board for St. Louis County Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (“PLB”) in the amount of $148,390 to continue the program established in 1993-94 which provides campus based support services for individuals with developmental disabilities who desire to participate in appropriate continuing education classes offered to the general public by the College; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to authorize the College to accept funds if the application is approved by the “PLB” and to enter into a contract with the “PLB”, as submitted by the “PLB” for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that St. Louis Community College is hereby authorized to submit an application for funds from the “PLB” and further authorized, if the application is approved by “PLB”, to enter into a contract submitted to the College by the “PLB” for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 in a form approved by the College Administrator; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor for the College, or any Vice Chancellor, is hereby authorized to execute any said contract and related agreement for and on behalf of St. Louis Community College in order that the College will be fully bound thereby.