MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 2013 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, August 15, 2013, at the Corporate College, 3221 McKelvey Rd., Bridgeton, MO 63044, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Dr. Craig Larson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Dr. Craig Larson, Chair; Dr. Doris Graham, Vice Chair; Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Trustee; Ms. Melissa Hattman, Trustee, and Ms. Hattie Jackson, Trustee. Ms. Joan McGivney, Trustee, was absent. Also present were Dr. Myrtle E.B. Dorsey, Chancellor; Mr. Marc Fried, Legal Counsel, and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations. 2. Welcome to Guests Dr. Graham welcomed Bishop James Stewart, the Rev. Douglas Parham, and Bishop Lawrence Wooten. 3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items Student Latasha Brown, Bishop James Stewart and the Rev. Douglas Parham addressed the Board regarding its decision to not renew Dr. Dorsey’s contract. Ms. Brown asked that the students have a voice in who leads the college. Bishop Stewart told the Board that he feels the Board has moved in a great direction with diversity and that Dr. Dorsey has his full support. Rev. Parham said he supports Dr. Dorsey and feels the college, after having three CEOs in the last few years, now has the opportunity for progressive continuity. He asked that Dr. Dorsey remain in place and continue to lead the district in a forward direction. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, and seconded by Dr. Graham, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 5. Approval of the July 11, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes and the July 27, 2013 Work Session Minutes On motion by Ms. Jackson and seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously approved the July 11, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes and the July 27, 2013 Work Session Minutes after removing the word “and” after Rod Nunn’s name on page 4 of the Regular Meeting Minutes. 6. Approval of Resolution Re September 26, 2013 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. Hattman, and seconded by Ms. Jackson, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll-call vote, with Ms. McGivney being absent, the resolution scheduling an executive session on September 26, 2013, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Ms. Fitzgerald announced that she would be absent for this meeting. 7. Approval of Scheduling a Public Hearing to Set the Tax Rate on September 26, 2013 On motion by Ms. Hattman, and seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously approved the scheduling of a Public Hearing to set the tax rate on September 26, 2013, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 8. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Dr. Cindy Hess, President of the Forest Park campus, presented the 2014 League for Innovation Awards to Joan McCready, Mark Manteuffel, Holly Schuessler, and Syed Chowdhury. Then Dr. Hess presented the district award to the Forest Park Master Class Team, including Angelic Cole, Kelli Harris, Sandra Osburn, Claudia Perry, and Ena Primous. 2 9. Discussion Regarding Proposed Revisions to Board Policy D.3 Part-time Faculty Discussion ensued regarding proposed revisions to Board Policy D.3, lodged at the July 11, 2013 meeting. Dr. Donna Dare, Ms. Pam McIntyre and Mr. Kent Kay expressed concerns about consistency with other policies and procedures, and requirements for office hours and class preparation. Specifically, lowering the clock hour equivalency will require less time for adjunct faculty (who retired in the PSRS system) to prepare for classes, and this will be inconsistent with requirements for other faculty. Mr. Kay advised the Board that under the Affordable Care Act, changes could be coming regarding adjunct faculty within the year that will change this policy again. Following discussion, Dr. Larson said the Board would table this agenda item. 10. Recommended Approval of Board Member Committee Assignments for the Association of Community College Trustees On motion by Ms. Jackson, and seconded by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously approved Dr. Graham’s appointment as an associate committee member on the Diversity Committee and Dr. Larson’s appointment as an associate committee member on the Governance and By-Laws Committee. 11. Information Reports A. Ms. Lita Pener, Director of Professional Development and Quality, and Donna Mertz of Corporate Services, reported on Vision and Core Values. Ms. Jackson asked Ms. Pener and Ms. Mertz to include diversity in academic programs and to put student focus first. B. Dr. Donna Dare, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs; Dr. Rod Nunn, Vice Chancellor for Workforce Solutions; Mr. Steve Long, Associate Vice Chancellor for Workforce Solutions; Ms. Gina Benesh, Manager, Career and Technical Education, and Ms. Pat Tubbesing, Director of the Education Service Center at SSM, presented on Labor Market Value of Career and Workforce Programs. C. Mr. Kent Kay, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, presented the quarterly financial reports to the Board. 3 Ms. Regina Blackshear, Director of District-wide Financial Aid and Scholarships, joined Mr. Kay and answered questions about the Pell Grant and distribution of Pell Grant funds. 12. Approval of Consent Items Consent items are approved by a single motion and vote unless otherwise noted below. 12.1 Consent Item Motion and Vote On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, and seconded by Dr. Graham, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved. 12.2 Academic and Student Affairs Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. 12.3 HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resource Recommendations The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 4 12.4 BID AWARDS Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 12.5 FINANCE Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of June 30, 2013, were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, preliminary budget status report general operating fund through June 30, 2013, preliminary budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013, preliminary Corporate College – managed property operating report: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013, preliminary student financial aid fund, July 1, 2012– June 30, 2013, preliminary Workforce Solutions status report: July 1, 2012– June 30, 2013 and preliminary restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. B. Ratification of Investments The Board, by consent, unanimously ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of June, 2013, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 5 C. Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered during the year ending June 30, 2013 The Board, by consent, unanimously ratified payments for services rendered during the year ending June 30, 2013, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. D. Ratification of Adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget The Board, by consent, unanimously ratified adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 12.6 CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 12.7 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS Acceptance of External Funds The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: 6 RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. 12.8 INSURANCE No items 13. COMMUNICATIONS 13.1 Chancellor’s Report Dr. Dorsey announced the beginning of service week and said she was happy to have the faculty back on campus. She reported on automatic attendance tracking, the Missouri Completion academy, the State of the St. Louis Workforce, the fall administrator’s meeting and the status a self-study and site visit for the Funeral Services program at Forest Park. 13.2 For the Good of the College Report Dr. Larson reported that fellow board members Jackson and Graham were in attendance as the State of St. Louis Workforce report was unveiled. He said the workforce report provides reliable data that directly addresses the needs of our business and industry partners. Issues examined in the 2013 report included information on what jobs are in our region, the value of traditional versus online degrees, work experience, the labor market value of a degree or certificate, and how the Affordable Care Act will affect employment levels. 7 He thanked Dr. Nunn and his staff for a great turnout for this fifth annual event, and said the State of the Workforce breakfast is very well-received in the community. Dr. Larson then announced that earlier in the day, a press conference was held to release the results of the investigation regarding the April incident on the Meramec Campus. He said at the same time, an e-mail communication was sent to all faculty and staff with information regarding where the report can be found on the college website. The Board commissioned this report and considers it an investment in the future of the College. The results of this investigation will be used to make sure policies and procedures are in place to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and staff. Dr. Larson then recognized the courage of instructor Aurora Hill, who interrupted the assault and held the assailant until the campus police arrived. He also said he reached out to the student and her family. 13.3 Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns None. 13.4 Board Member Comments Dr. Graham referenced the Press Conference held earlier in the day and said the Board Chair represented the Board well. 14. NEW BUSINESS None. 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations 8 In accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.021, the following matters have become final and are hereby made public: 1. Legal Actions Lawsuit Settlements Workers’ Compensation Settlement Agreements August 15, 2013 Board Minutes 9 #6 Resolution Re Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of closed meetings, record and vote on September 26, 2013 at 6:00 p.m., at the Harrison Education Center, 3140 Cass Ave., St. Louis, MO 63106, in the First Floor Conference Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [10]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [8]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and 6) to discuss records which are protected from disclosure by law (610.021(14), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. August 15, 2013 Board Agenda #9 Proposed Revisions to Board Policy D.3 Part-time Faculty D.3 Part-time Faculty (R 4/13) The Board of Trustees authorizes the administration to employ part-time faculty on a temporary, non-continuing basis to teach or provide counseling or library instructional resource services. Ratification of such part-time employment will be presented to the Board as soon as practicable following the end of the fall, spring and summer sessions. The normal maximum assignment for part-time faculty in any semester is nine semester credit hours or the equivalent contact hours. For the purposes of Public School Retirement System retirees, 18 credit hours is equivalent to 550 480 clock hours per fiscal year. THIS REVISION TO THE CREDIT HOURS-TO-CLOCK HOURS EQUIVALENCY IS TO BEGIN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR IN WHICH THE REVISION IS APPROVED, AND INTENTIONALLY DOES NOT ADDRESS ANY ISSUES REGARDING CREDIT HOURS-TO-CLOCK HOURS CONVERSIONS THAT MAY HAVE OCCURRED IN PREVIOUS ACADEMIC YEARS. The 550 clock hours are intended to include any hours that the part-time faculty spends at an adjunct orientation event for each semester during which that part-time faculty member will be teaching courses. Academic and Student Affairs REVISION TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEM Program: Radiologic Technology Associate of Applied Science Board of Trustees Approval on 05/16/13, page 5 Area of Concentration XRT:101 Radiographic Procedure I XRT:101 Radiographic Procedure II XRT:101 Radiographic Procedure III XRT:108 Radiologic Physics I XRT:107 Radiologic Physics II Revision Area of Concentration XRT:101 Radiographic Procedures I XRT:101 Radiographic Procedures II XRT:101 Radiographic Procedures III XRT:107 Radiologic Physics I XRT:108 Radiologic Physics II Advisory Committee Appointments It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify the appointments/reappointments for the Center of Visual Technology/Digital Media Advisory Committee July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014. Mr. Jim Butler Group Creative Director CheckMark 1111 Chouteau Avenue St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 982-1326 Ms. Kay Cochran Vice President/Creative Director Rodgers Townsend 1000 Clark Avenue St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 436-9960 Mr. Dan Dreyfus Owner Dreyfus & Associates 2101 Locust Street St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 436-1988 Mr. Tom Eisenhauer Director, Video & Motion Graphics Switch 6600 Manchester Avenue St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 206-7868 Mr. Scott Ferguson President Ferguson Photography 5200 Shaw St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 610-2730 Mr. Adam Hosp Interactive Designer MasterCard 2200 MasterCard Boulevard O'Fallon, MO 63368 (573) 270-2282 Board Meeting 08/15/13 1 Mr. David Johnson President Coolfire Media 415 North 10th Street St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 421-2665 Mr. Michael Johnston Vice President, Sales and Marketing Top Graphics 658 Fee Fee Road St. Louis, MO 63043 (314) 218-2078 Mr. Patrick Murphy Vice President & Executive Producer KETC Channel 9 3655 Olive Street St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 512-9000 Mrs. Kirsten O'Laughlin Senior Interactive Designer Moosylvania 7303 Marietta Ave. St. Louis, MO 63143 (314) 644-7900 Mr. Doug Peters Creative Director Maritz Motivation 1375 North Highway Drive Fenton, MO 63026 (314) 315-1029 Mr. Tom Shaughnessy Director, Systems Development Group 360 Worldwide 1227 Washington Avenue St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 249-8806 Mr. Brian Slawin President Panamedia Group & Busy Event 1734 Clarkson Road Suite 350 St. Louis, MO 63017 (888) 788-4896 Mr. Byron Sletten Partner/Owner Mindactive 7803 Clayton Road Suite A St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 567-1117 Mr. Eric Thoelke President/Creative Director Toky Branding and Design 3001 Locust Street St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 534-2000 Mrs. Maria Wagner Account Executive Creatives on Call 200 South Hanley Rd. Suite 1101 St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 863-7223 Board Meeting 08/15/13 2 HUMAN RESOURCES AGENDA SUMMARY APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY 6 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 6 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 2 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF 2 REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ITEMS 2 INFORMATION ONLY: RETIREMENTS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 2 RETIREMENTS / FACULTY 2 RETIREMENTS / CLASSIFIED STAFF 1 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF 3 RESIGNATIONS / FACULTY 2 RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF 3 08/15/13 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME FACULTY CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Thein, Melany N FP Instructor I, temporary (Dental Hygiene) I-A $43,365.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 12/16/13 Schuster, Rositta N FP Instructor I (Dental Assisting) I-A $43,365.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Metroulas, Michael C FV Instructor II, temporary (History) II-B $50,590.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 12/16/13 Poelker, Tim N FV Assistant Professor, temporary (Community Services) III-G $59,805.00 MoManufacturing WINS Driskill, John C FV Assistant Professor (Deaf Communications) III-A $56,121.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 Coughran, David N FP Assistant Professor, temporary (Funeral Services) III-K $63,788.00 Replacement 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 NAME TITLE RGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 08/13/13 – 05/15/14 -1- 08/15/13 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Edwards, Stacy C FP Interim Manager, Harrison Education Center & Community Outreach PN 13 $65,286.00 Acting assignment; may end earlier 8/19/13 – 06/30/14 Foster, Mark N CC Application Systems Analyst/ Programmer – Senior PN 11 $54,059.00 Replacement 08/16/13 Fillenwarth, Albert N CC Financial Analyst PN 9 $59,400.00 Replacement 08/19/13 Stokes, Melanie N CO Project Associate II, temporary PU 8 $42,219.11 SLATE 08/16/13 – 12/31/13 Hubbard, Kelly N CO Project Associate II, temporary PU 8 $41,620.49 SLATE 08/16/13 – 12/31/13 Moreland, Bertha C FP Academic Advisor PU 8 $40,619.00 Replacement NAME TITLE RGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -2- 08/26/13 08/15/13 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Caldwell, Mary C FV Senior Instructional Designer PU 11 $61,789.35 Reclassification 07/01/13 Graham, John C FP Senior Instructional Designer PU 11 $54,059.00 Reclassification 07/01/13 NAME TITLE RGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -3APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Houseright, Joseph N CO Educational Assistant II, temporary CU 6 $36,528.00 MoManufacturing WINS 08/16/13 Whitworth, Patricia C MC Secretary CU 4 $37,144.00 Replacement 08/16/13 NAME TITLE RGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE 8/15/13 REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees approval on 05/16/13, page 1: Other Personnel Actions/ Change of Assignment/ Administrative/ Professional Staff Revise interim assignment ending date for Pam McIntyre from 09/01/13 to 05/31/14. Revise interim assignment ending date for Patrick Vaughn from 09/01/13 to 05/31/14. -4- 08/15/13 INFORMATION ONLY RETIREMENTS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Roney, Gary CC Supervisor, Maintenance/ HVAC 14 years service 07/31/13 Vogelgesang, Bruce CC Controller 10 years service 11/15/13 RETIREMENTS / FACULTY NAME LOCATION TITLE COMMENTS -5- EFFECTIVE DATE Coburn, John FV Professor (Mathematics) 23 years service 08/01/13 Zant, Thomas FP Professor (Political Science) 42 years service 07/31/13 RETIREMENTS / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Brown, Mary LOCATION TITLE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE MC Telephone Attendant/ Receptionist 12 years service 07/31/13 08/15/13 RESIGNATIONS / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Porter, Kimberly FP Manager, Harrison Education Center & Community Outreach 08/07/13 Sindel, Kasey FP Project Associate II (VP, Academic Affairs’ Office) 07/26/13 Staerk, Becky FV Educational Assistant III (Life Sciences) 07/19/13 RESIGNATIONS / FACULTY LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Brieler, Robert MC Assistant Professor (Mathematics) 07/31/13 Cupples, Tommy FV Associate Professor (Information Systems) 08/02/13 NAME -6- RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Bottger, Mary MC Secretary, part-time, continuing (VP, Academic Affairs Office) 08/02/13 Vagen, Richard FV Educational Assistant II (VC of TESS Office) 07/12/13 Wibbenmeyer, Kimberly FP Student Activities Assistant II (Student Affairs) 07/31/13 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Abbott, Monte L M M W W W W W CO FP FP CC FP FP FP CO W W W CO FV FV CO FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV CC CO FV CO M M FV W W FP W W W CO FP FV CO FV FV FV M M M FacultyOrientation201310 ANT2026X1201310 BIO122376201310 BIO122375201310 OpeningSession201310 BIO122374201310 BIO122368201310 COMP201305 ENG030450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 BTOP201310 MTH140451201310 MTH140453201310 MTH140486201310 FLFRDCE201305 BIO122338201310 OpeningSession201310 BIO122339201310 FOODDCE201305 RDG020526201310 RDG020550201310 GED201305 HONORS201310 SOC103501201310 SOC126585201310 Substitute 201310 SOC211585201310 Substitute 201310 ART113,213,AT213:421 201310 ST111401201310 REFLIB201310 MBSKTBcoach201310 WRITDCE201305 RDG03051B201310 THTRDCE201305 COM101634201310 COM101628201310 MUS132551201310 Opening Session201310 GEO1003W12001310 EMS201310 BIO203350201310 BIO1113W1201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 FINCDCE201305 DMS115450201310 ECE202580201310 CCPRCE201305 Substitute 201310 AFSD201310 MUSDIRSPELLINGBEE201310 RDG030603201310 PTFACORIENT201310 RDG030609201310 Abrams, Joanna M Achelpohl, Robyn E Adams, Demetrius M Adams, Kevin Adams, Leroy Adams, Patricia J Adeyemi, Gloria W Aehle, Barbara J Agard, Constance E Ahrens, Marlene R Aitken, Victoria J Akin, Rachel A Albers, Emily C Albert, Susan B Albrecht, Randall L Alessi, Jean A Alexander, Kimberly A Allen, Amy C Allen, Deborah Allen, Ivy M Allman, Julie A Altman, Kevin J Ambrose, Elise C Amen, Charles A Amerman, Stephanie M Anderson­Rice, Rose M Anderson, Alerica L Anderson, Barbara B 07/09/13 ­1­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 03/15/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.88 1,500.40 05/11/13 1.88 1,500.40 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.88 1,500.40 05/11/13 1.88 1,500.40 05/31/13 6.00 174.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 128.00 3,968.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 12.00 252.00 05/11/13 1.88 1,934.44 05/15/13 1.00 37.50 05/11/13 1.88 1,934.44 05/25/13 4.00 92.00 05/11/13 2.16 1,505.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 150.50 2,048.00 05/11/13 15.00 1,395.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 20.00 600.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 5.00 130.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 4.67 2,907.52 05/11/13 2.38 1,657.76 05/11/13 3.40 3,499.00 05/25/13 9.00 243.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 12.00 252.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 0.40 246.63 05/11/13 4.67 3,260.04 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 4.00 108.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 6.00 186.00 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Anderson, Gina M Anderson, Karla D FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV W W FV W W W W M FV M FV M M M FP M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FP FV FV FV FP FP CO M M M CO CO CO CO CO CO FP CO CO EMS201310 PE122550201310 PE122580201310 COM101421201310 COM101422201310 COM101H21201310 EMS201310 BIO207505LAB201310 PSC101501201310 PSC101502201310 ART172275374201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 AT105551201310 PSI111350OneTimePay OPENINGSESSION201310 PSI115350201310 PSI111350201310 IS103602201310 QC208500201310 IS103602201310 GE101502201310 IS103601201310 IS103602201310 IS103601201310 IS103401201310 IS103601201310 Substitute 201310 ENG101526201310 ENG101513201310 AFSDF4W201310 TUR230499201230 BAP105461201310 BAP101450201310 BAP110461201310 EE132550201310 NUR205201310 CE108550201310 ENG030552201310 ENG030553201310 SubstituteLab201310 SubstituteLecture201310 FOODDCE201305 ENG070601201310 Substitute 201310 ENG053603201310 CFKDDCE201305 TCSDCE201305 CTCEADJ201305 OECE201305 OECEADJ201305 CTCEADJMH201305 EMS201310 CTCEMH201305 CTCRADJ201305 Anderson, Lynda S Andert, Lucas G Andreoff, George Andrews, Courtney A Angert, Joseph C Angliongto, Maryanne V Arlt, Robert A Armstrong, Francine M Arnett, Carol A Arnold, Gary L Arnot, Paul B Ashby, Ronald D Atkinson, Sara J Augenstein, Anthony G Austin, Ron A Autrey, Mary J Axe, Stephanie K Ayers, Fran A Back, Gail A 07/09/13 ­2­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 2.62 1,633.41 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.40 872.48 05/11/13 1.33 1,224.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 03/30/13 1.00 200.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,061.44 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.02 814.04 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/29/13 0.87 694.33 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/29/13 0.87 694.33 02/16/13 0.87 694.33 05/11/13 1.02 814.04 05/17/13 1.13 897.84 02/16/13 0.87 694.33 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 2.92 2,039.70 05/11/13 2.92 2,039.70 03/30/13 2.00 150.00 01/31/13 1.00 93.00 03/07/13 3.33 2,657.60 02/15/13 3.33 2,657.61 05/11/13 3.33 2,657.60 05/11/13 5.34 4,261.76 05/11/13 7.77 5,425.16 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 6.00 156.00 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/25/13 4.00 108.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 18.00 486.00 05/25/13 3.45 2,150.04 05/31/13 1.50 23.37 05/31/13 91.00 2,458.50 05/31/13 18.50 272.65 05/31/13 0.50 7.79 05/11/13 2.80 1,745.89 05/31/13 5.00 165.00 05/31/13 1.00 15.58 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc CO CO Back, Gordon E FP CO CO CO CO CO CO Baclawski, Joan E M M M M Bailey, Matthew T FP Bailey, Steven G M M M M Bake, Marlene G FP FP FP Barks, Jennifer L FV FV FV FV Barnes­Roberts, Andrea M CO CO Barnes, Bobbie S FV Barnes, Javonda J CO Barnes, Leslie C CO Barnholtz, Lane D FP FP FP FP FP Barrett, Barbara J M M M Barrett, Price B FP FP Barrett, Sandra K FP FP Barry, Candace J FP Barshis, Victoria R W W Barteau, Brian E FP Basinger, Jenelle M CO Batey, Keith M FP Bathily, Diadie B CO Batisto, Joan J FP Battaglia­Esses, Stephanie FP S Baugh, Joseph F M M 07/09/13 Course Number CTCR201305 CTCE201305 EMS201310 CTCEADJ201305 OECE201305 OECEADJ201305 CTCEMH201305 CTCEADJMH201305 CTCE201305 Substitute 201310 PTFACORIENT201310 COM101641201310 COM101614201310 EDU218451201310 PTFACORIENT201310 STR050610201310 STR050605201310 BLW201601201310 RDG016402201310 RDG017402201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 BIO104LABMANUALDEVELOPMENT BIO104550LAB201310 HONORS201310 BIO104550201310 SUPV201305 GEDUDCE201305 IS102550201310 GED201305 ARTSDCE201305 IDS101463201310 MCM113401201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 STR050403201310 PTFACORIENT201310 BUS104674201310 BUS104675201310 SubstituteLab201310 SubstituteLecture201310 MTH080411201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 NUR108201310 SOC101350201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 EMS201230 CRFTDCE201305 IDS101486201310 DANCDCE201305 EMS201310 DHY132.401201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PHY112601201310 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/13 10.00 330.00 05/31/13 12.50 412.50 05/11/13 2.53 1,573.58 05/31/13 2.00 31.16 05/31/13 65.50 1,996.50 05/31/13 6.50 93.48 05/31/13 5.00 165.00 05/31/13 0.50 7.79 05/31/13 13.50 445.50 05/11/13 24.00 720.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 2.00 1,596.16 05/11/13 1.00 798.08 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 920.96 05/11/13 2.67 2,458.96 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 1.00 920.96 05/31/13 60.00 960.00 05/25/13 22.50 472.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/13 134.25 1,203.41 05/25/13 20.00 540.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 1.25 37.50 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 4.00 104.00 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 05/11/13 2.91 2,028.80 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 7.00 4,361.28 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.53 1,577.63 05/25/13 32.00 576.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 6.00 108.00 05/11/13 0.99 618.53 05/11/13 2.33 2,401.28 03/15/13 05/11/13 ­3­ 1.00 5.00 75.00 4,604.80 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Baur, Edward C Baxter­Carr, Susan L Bayer, John G CO CO M M W W W W CO CO CO W W W W FP FP W W FP FP FP W W M M M FP FP FP FP CO FV FV FV FP FP FP CO CO M M M M M M M M M M FP CO CO FP BRIDDCE201305 ANIMDCE201305 IDS201608201310 IDS201605201310 IDS101301201310 RDG030301201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 STR050301201310 CFKDDCE201305 COMP201305 COMP201305 ENG101301201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 ENG1103X1201310 ENG030302101331201310 Substitute 201310 ART265401201310 GEG106301201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 DHY132.401201310 DHY232401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG101306201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 PTFACORIENT201310 IS205675201310 IRT140674201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 CLT210401201310 CLT207401201310 ART109,110,209,210:450201310 DANCEDCE201305 ENG030517201310 ENG101521201310 AFSD201310 MUS121486201310 MUS221486222486201310 MUS122401201310 GNSFDCE201305 GEDSTP201305 BIO207609201310 PTFACORIENT201310 Substitute 201310 BIO208651201310 BIO208650201310 COM107601201310 COM101607201310 Substitute 201310 COM101602201310 PTFACORIENT201310 EMS201310 CT/CE­ADJ201305 CT/CE201305 EMS201310 Bear, Judy A Bearden, Jerry L Bearden, William G Beardsell, Kathleen D Becker, Carrie M Becker, Roger A Beckman, Melinda B Bednar, Lisa Bee, Bethabra Begum, Razia Behle, Michael J Behnen, Andrew T Bell, Harmony D Bemberg, Stephanie P Bender, Jack Bender, Kathleen A Bender, Marcia M Bene', Molly E Bennett, Charles E Bennett, Linda M 07/09/13 ­4­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/25/13 10.00 250.00 05/25/13 27.00 486.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.88 2,006.98 05/25/13 9.00 243.00 05/31/13 36.00 1,188.00 05/31/13 5.00 155.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.50 65.00 05/11/13 48.00 2,510.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.31 1,613.94 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.92 1,194.16 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.08 05/11/13 3.90 3,588.53 05/25/13 6.00 84.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/11/13 32.00 1,255.60 05/25/13 20.00 540.00 05/31/13 317.50 5,886.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,224.88 05/11/13 1.33 1,224.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 9.00 270.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 0.45 280.44 05/31/13 2.00 31.16 05/31/13 11.00 363.00 05/11/13 0.88 548.57 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Benton, Melissa J FV FV FV FV M M FP M M M CO FV FV FV FV FV W W FP FP M M M M M FP FP FV FV FV FV W W W FV FP CO FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M W W W W W W AFSDF4W201310 COM101522201310 COM101519201310 MCM2095XA201310 BIO113601201310 BIO207604201310 IS102474201310 PSI101674201310 CHM210602201310 PTFACORIENT201310 CCPRCE201305 AFSD201310 ART102551201310 IDS101516201310 PSY215520201310 PSY217585201310 ECO140301201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 NURBJC 201310 NURLAB 201310 PHY504SDL201310 COM101S01201310 COM101S02201310 PTFACORIENT201310 COM101S03201310 IS103451201310 ILC MTH020562201310 AFSD201310 Substitute 201310 EDU211502201310 EDU211301201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 EDU227301201310 HONORS201310 NUR108 201310 FINCDCE201305 SEEDCoord201310 EEProgCoord201310 BE153500201310 BIO207581201310 BIO207580201310 BIO207580LAB201310 BIO207581LAB201310 EMT121400201310 PTFACORIENT201310 ART235651201310 ART235698SDL201310 HST101301201310 PresDaySpeakerOneTimePay Substitute 201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 IDS101303201310 CHM101301201310 Bergin, Cheryl L Bergjans, Dorrine C Bergman, Elizabeth T Berkbigler, Jodie L Berkowitz, Shira L Berne, Richard R Berry, Janet M Bersche, Mary J Beta, Martha Beyer, Deborah A Bick, Gregory J Bickel, Gregory S Bierbaum, Susan E Biggs, Courtney A Bingham, Brian T Bingham, Thomas J Birch, Ruth E Bise, Elaine M Bivens, Dennis R Blalock, John E Blanchard, William D 07/09/13 ­5­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.67 2,561.96 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 2.00 66.00 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.25 1,570.68 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 0.40 319.20 05/11/13 1.13 904.40 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.81 2,244.60 05/11/13 2.00 1,596.16 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/16/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 6.33 4,420.16 05/25/13 12.00 300.00 05/11/13 1.00 1,030.26 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 0.80 823.16 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 1.33 1,368.52 05/11/13 1.33 1,368.52 05/11/13 7.75 4,828.56 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 5.00 465.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 100.00 05/11/13 1.25 37.50 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 5.33 5,484.36 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Blase, Carrie K Bloodsworth, Susan Blue, David Boaz­Chambers, Audrey M Bober, Michael B Boehm, C R Bogosian, Ahzad R Bohra, Sunita Bolden, Eddie E Bolhofner, Edward J Bollinger, Jason J Booker, Gloria D Boos­Finke, Carrie L Bottger, Robert C Bowles, Micah J Boyce, Robin M Boyd, Robert K Bradford, Sallie F Bradley, Jean M Braig, Christopher L Brandle, Maria A Brannan, Beverly C Branson, Christina C Bravo, Maria R Brazeal, Jana S Breitman, Peter N Brennan, Beverly B Brennan, Patricia A Brennan, Susan M Brodsky, Maureen M 07/09/13 Loc Course Number W CO FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP M M FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP CO FP CO M FP FV FV FV FP FP CO FP CO W W W M M M M M FP M FP M FP FP M M CO CHM101350201310 PEDUDCE201305 STR050509 STR050503201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PSY200486201310 HIT214450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PE133501201310 MTH030526201310 MTH020532201310 ART114,214,AT229:450201310 BIO203650201310 BIO203603201310 MTH020452201310 MTH020486201310 MTH020456201310 MTH140S04201310 MTH030S07201310 PHL101450201310 PHL101402201310 PHL104401201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 IS15141P201310 IS103422201310 PLD201305 PE130201310 EMS201310 MCM1015XD201310 ESC200550201310 EE204550201310 RDG030401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 COMP201305 Substitute 201310 FLITDCE201305 RDG030302201310 RDG030301OneTimePay OPENINGSESSION201310 ENG1026WX201310 ECO1516WA201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PT REF LIBRARIAN PTFACORIENT201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PTFACORIENT201310 ACC:110.451­201310 ACC100S01201310 COM101462201310 RTH140&245201310 PHL101606201310 PHL101607201310 ARTSDCE201305 ­6­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 5.33 5,484.36 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.25 778.80 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/11/13 4.66 3,253.04 05/11/13 4.66 3,253.04 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 2.88 2,006.98 05/11/13 2.88 2,006.98 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 37.50 1,125.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/14/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/13 37.00 529.10 05/11/13 2.50 2,302.80 05/11/13 1.50 934.80 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 4.34 4,465.68 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 2.87 2,647.76 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 6.00 198.00 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 05/25/13 40.00 864.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/30/13 1.00 200.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 8.90 6,212.21 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 0.67 532.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 15.00 375.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Brody, Gail S Brooks, Melanie M Bross, Jacquelyn S Brown, Gregory L Brown, Joan G Brown, Kathy A M FV CO FP CO FP FP FP FP CO M FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV ARC219698SDL201310 NUR108CLINICAL201310 RADCE201305 DMS116450201310 HISTDCE201305 PAR226S01201310 PAR212S01201310 ECE205480201310 ECE200450201310 PLB201305 CRJ206674201310 ART138238401201310 ENG1026WQ201310 CRJ111674201310 CRJ124674201310 PTFACORIENT201310 RDG030429201310 PAR202S01201310 PAR224S01201310 Cont Education ­ FP PAR222S01201310 STR050407201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 EMS201310 REFLIB201310 M M M M M M M FP FP FV FV FV FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV BIO111650201310 IS116602201310 IS130671201310 PTFACORIENT201310 IS116601201310 IS129650201310 Substitute 201310 IS102401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG101555201310 ENG2135XB201310 Substitute 201310 CRJ:102.474­201310 CRJ:123.401­201310 CRJ123601201310 CRJ:212.401­201310 Substitute 201310 DHY232.401201310 DHY132401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HST101H01201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HST101451201310 HST102450201310 HONORSFALL201230 MTH020582201310 MTH020539201310 Brown, Latonya V Brown, Michelle M Bruce, David P Bruenger, James K Brumfield, David J Bryant, Joseph Buchanan, Leonor S Buck, Stephanie J Buckey, Mary A Budwell, Matthew D Buescher­Milligan, Kathleen Buettner, Thomas L Bullock, Robert L Bunton, Thessalonia Burgess, Sandra J Burk, Charles W Burke, Mary H Burkhardt, Patrick J Burkhardt, Sarah B 07/09/13 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 5.00 465.00 05/11/13 10.88 7,593.36 05/25/13 47.00 271.95 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/25/13 2.00 42.00 05/11/13 2.50 1,557.60 05/11/13 1.00 623.04 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 6.00 85.80 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 2.67 1,661.44 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.00 698.08 05/11/13 48.12 749.71 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/11/13 2.94 2,050.61 05/11/13 14.70 441.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 0.10 62.32 05/11/13 6.06 4,227.28 05/11/13 05/11/13 03/09/13 03/15/13 05/11/13 02/16/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 02/19/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 02/19/13 05/11/13 02/19/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 03/09/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 ­7­ 4.33 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 5.83 2.77 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 4,455.40 2,394.24 2,394.24 75.00 2,394.24 798.08 90.00 3,086.88 75.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 210.00 2,394.24 2,394.24 2,394.24 2,394.24 270.00 6,003.20 2,852.36 75.00 2,094.24 75.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 93.00 1,869.12 1,869.12 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Burkhardt, Vivian C Bush, Gina M Bush, Jennifer L Buss, Kenneth D Butery, Karen A Byington, Carol H Bynum, Alice J Byrkit, Douglas A Cahill, James P Caldwell, Marilyn C Calicutt, Carolyn J Calicutt, Steven C Calicutt, Stevie C Callison, Christine M Cameron, Brian K Campbell, Jane M Candice, Christopher G Cantrell, Michele R Carlos, Mario P Carlson, Chris A 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV M M M M CO FV FV FV FV FV FV W W W W FV FV CO M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV CO W W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV AFSD201310 EDU210601201310 Substitute 201310 FacultyOrientation201310 ENG030610201310 NPAD201305 PE130523201310 PE130514201310 Substitute 201310 PE106581201310 PE162501201310 AquaticDirector201310 IDS201350201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 AdjFacLiaison201310 Substitute 201310 CHM101550201310 CHM101551201310 CTCEMH201305 MUS113601201310 ENG1026WG201310 PTFACORIENT201310 BIO111551201310 BIO111580201310 BIO111580LAB201310 Substitute 201310 IS151­450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 IS151474201310 IT208450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 IS130451201310 IT211450201310 PTFACORIENT201310 IS130640201310 ENG102SW1201310 PHL101551201310 PHL109551201310 FOODDCE201305 IDS101374201310 ENG101375201310 IDS101305HON201230 ENG1023X1201310 PE181182421201310 PE13012430201310 PE13012412201310 PE13012411201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PE13012410201310 PE181182422201310 BAP160:401201310 ART108,207:401 201310 NUR105Lab201310 ­8­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.50 105.00 02/28/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 6.00 198.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 5.33 5,484.36 05/31/13 93.00 3,069.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 4.50 135.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 0.12 115.12 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 64.00 2,604.16 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 9.00 189.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/02/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.27 791.78 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 03/09/13 1.27 791.78 03/09/13 1.27 791.78 05/11/13 4.50 117.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 1.27 791.78 05/11/13 1.27 791.78 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 1.09 758.40 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Carman, Jason A Carney, Marinan M FV M M M M M CO CO M M FP FV FP M M M M M M M M M FP M M W M FP FP CO FP FP CO M CO FP FP CO CO CO FP FP FP FP FP W FP FV FV FV FV FP M M ENG030522201310 PSY200SS1201310 PSY200SW1201310 AT105698SDL201310 ART172674201310 Substitute 201310 CVTASST201305 CVTW201305 AT101698SDL201310 AT106650201310 COM107403201310 ENG1025XV201310 COM101453201310 COM101608201310 Substitute 201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PE133680201310 Substitute 201310 PE130201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PE173650201310 MCM219SDL201310 COM101479201310 IDS201651201310 ENG101653201310 ART100375201310 BIO124601201310 EMS201310 BIO151402201310 CRFTDCE201305 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG020402201310 ARTSDCE201305 ENG102SXA201310 BIO207453201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 PLB201305 DANCDCE201305 CTCR201305 NUR205 201310 XRT112401201310 XRT214401201310 CTLAJDFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 IDS101375HON201230 ENG101408201310 COM101514201310 COM101502201310 COM101507201310 COM101505201310 EMS201310 RDG030S01201310 RDG030S02201310 Carosella, Anthony J Carr, Gregory S Carroll, Amy M Carroll, Brian J Carson, Diane E Carter, Brittany D Carter, Bryonie A Carter, Terrell L Castillon, Jerry R Castro, James F Caumiant, Jennifer L Cerutti, Jessica E Chambers, Florence Chang, Sheow H Chapman, Jennifer S Chaudhry, Mohammad A Chauncey, Latoya L Christian, Cheryl M Christman, Mary B Clark, Ashley L Clark, Dane M Clark, Gloria J Clasby, Carol L Clay, James A Clayton, Joel T Clifford, Anjanette Clifton, Kathy E 07/09/13 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 2.92 1,820.45 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 6.00 558.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 4.00 104.00 05/31/13 8.00 120.00 05/31/13 33.00 1,089.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 13.00 390.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 5.00 130.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,395.84 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 98.60 1,536.19 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 12.00 252.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 30.00 810.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.33 3,455.68 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 7.00 194.00 05/31/13 2.75 43.04 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/31/13 8.00 264.00 05/11/13 8.53 5,955.60 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 12.00 360.00 03/02/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.81 1,963.36 05/11/13 2.91 2,028.80 05/11/13 2.91 2,028.80 05/11/13 2.91 2,028.80 05/11/13 0.10 62.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 ­9­ St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Cody, Cathy C Cody, Edward S Cole, Yvonne E CO CC FV FV FV FV CO FP FP FP FV M M CO M M M M FP CO CO CO CO FP W W W M CO M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV W W W FV FV FP CRFTDCE201305 AsstMSOCR201310 BIO111514LAB201310 HONORS201310 BIO111514201310 BIO1545WH201310 SUPV201305 MTH030454201310 ENG1024WF201310 ENG101423201310 PHY112580201310 MUS221636201310 MUS122601201310 MUSCDCE201305 Substitute 201310 MTH020616201310 MTH030606201310 PTFACORIENT201310 RTH225401402201310 SENRDCE201305 CTCEADJ201305 CTCE201305 FOODDCE201305 EMT121S50 IDS201375201310 IDS201374201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 Substitute 201310 LIFEGUARDDCE201305 BUS103650201310 FacultyOrientation201310 BUS103674201310 ART134501201310 Substitute 201310 ART133502201310 Substitute 201310 ART133501201310 ART235501201310 ART131504201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 MTH081400201310 Substitute 201310 ECE127475201310 ECO151550201310 ECO152550201310 ENG020501201310 ENG020506201310 MTH 030582201310 BIO111303201310 OPENINGSESSION20310 BIO111304201310 SOC101584201310 SOC101501201310 NUR201SPRING201310 Collins, Adrienne D Collins, Isaac A Collins, Judith A Collins, Robert W Conley, Cheryl A Conley, Laurie A Conner, Elcee C Cook, Robert T Copper, David W Corbett, Suzanne E Corley, Norman G Cormier, David H Cosmopoulos, Deborah Cossaboom, Sterling P Costello, Ian J Cottle, Sandra K Courtois, Thomas R Courtois, Timothy L Covington, Regina M Cox, Jodi L Cox, Karen E Cox, Michelene F Cozart, Tosha S Cradick, Thomas R Crane, Alison B Crawford, Julie 07/09/13 ­10­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/25/13 2.00 36.00 05/11/13 1.20 747.64 05/11/13 1.25 1,282.99 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.99 3,078.52 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/13 78.00 1,248.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/25/13 60.00 1,620.00 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 0.67 614.08 05/25/13 2.00 50.00 05/31/13 0.50 7.79 05/31/13 4.00 132.00 05/25/13 22.50 607.50 05/11/13 6.00 4,188.48 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 7.25 205.50 05/25/13 101.25 995.30 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 13.00 390.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 02/19/13 1.00 25.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.75 112.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 0.94 748.20 05/11/13 4.20 3,872.64 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.20 3,872.64 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 11.67 8,142.40 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Crews, Joel P FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CO FP FP FP CO FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CO M M M CC FP FP M M M M M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CO CO MUS128421201310 MUS113401201310 PE13012450201310 PE13012414201310 PE177178404201310 PE177178403201310 PE13012463201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PE13012434201310 PEDUDCE201305 S0C101452201310 Substitute 201310 SOC101453201310 ARTSDCE201305 BIO111511201310 BIO111511LAB201311 HONORS201310 BIO207553LAB201310 GEO100550201310 BIO111509LAB201310 Substitute201310 ENG101507201310 BIO203551201310 BIO203551LAB201310 DANCDCE201305 PTFACORIENT201310 Substitute 201310 MTH160C608201310 AsstWSOCR201310 Reference Librarian CTLADJFACCONF201310 PTFACORIENT201310 LGL104696201310 LGL217696201310 LGL232695201310 ENG102SX1201310 PTFACORIENT201310 DMS118401201310 COM101517201310 COM1045XA201310 COM2005XA201310 COM101510201310 AFSDF4W201310 IS241574201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HIT211486201310 HIT101474201310 IS241450474201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 DHY132401201310 DHY232401201310 PLB201305 CONS201305 Crider, Jack Crinnion, Catherine M Critchfield, Cynthia S Croghan, Ann D Cronin, Christopher B Crowell, Kenneth C Crump, Ryan W Crusoe, Stephanie E Cruthis, Harold T Cucchi, Michael A Cunningham, Chelsea B Cunningham, Heather R Cunningham, Kendra A Curran, Michele L Currier, Jamie L Curtis, Brian Cyr, Laura­Jean A Daggs, Rachel L Dalton, Patricia A 07/09/13 ­11­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/09/13 1.33 1,228.16 03/09/13 1.33 1,228.16 05/11/13 1.33 1,228.16 03/09/13 1.33 1,228.16 05/11/13 1.33 1,228.16 05/11/13 1.50 39.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,228.16 05/25/13 134.00 2,412.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 9.00 270.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 12.50 337.50 05/11/13 2.00 1,433.92 05/11/13 0.33 236.60 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.33 953.56 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 0.33 236.60 05/11/13 4.50 135.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.59 05/11/13 2.67 1,863.87 05/25/13 9.00 162.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 0.43 297.76 05/17/13 7.75 5,409.50 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/16/13 1.00 798.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 5.33 4,256.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 920.37 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 1.00 920.96 05/11/13 2.00 1,841.92 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.06 2,820.93 05/11/13 1.67 1,535.20 05/31/13 158.25 2,262.99 05/31/13 91.00 3,003.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Daly, Judith M Damyan, Roberta A Daniel, Allen R CO CO M M M M CO FP FP FP FV M M M M FP FP FP CO FP M M W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV CO M M M M M M M FV FV FV W W W CTCR201305 BRIDDCE201305 PSI111HON201310 PSI111651201310 PSI111S50201310 HST101647201310 PEDUDCE201305 HST101450201310 HST101486201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 NUR108Clinical201310 CHM105651201310 CHM105603201310 PTFACORIENT201310 Substitute 201310 ECE127401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ECE107450201310 CCPRCE201305 ECE101461201310 PTFACORIENT201310 RDG100601201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 ART107108207208341201310 ART107108207208368201310 MCM140421201310 BUS104422 ENG020451201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG020450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG020404201310 ENG020409201310 PSC101650201310 ART100:461 201310 HonorsFall201230 ART102:401201310 ART103:401 201310 Substitute 201310 ART114501201310 FLSPDCE201305 PTFACORIENT201310 ART131601201310 Substitute 201310 ACC100646201310 ACC110S50201310 PSY200679201310 PSY205695201310 AFSD201310 ACC100504201310 ACC100503201310 ids201376201310 PSC101301201310 PSC1013W4201310 Danna, Gina M Danyluck, Sharon J Darr, Anna M Darris, Francelle V Darris, Maria R Das, Nobel V Dattilo, Gina M Daugherty, Kathleen A Davania, James A David, John C Davis, Dana L Davis, Diana L Davis, Joseph L Dawson, Susan C Day, Christopher K de la Garza, Maria E Deal, Jennifer S Deelo, Joan M Deetz, Kathleen M Deloney, Ronald W DeLorenzo, Lisa C 07/09/13 ­12­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/13 4.00 132.00 05/25/13 6.00 108.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 25.00 675.00 05/11/13 2.92 2,039.70 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 7.83 5,462.39 05/11/13 5.33 5,484.36 05/11/13 1.33 1,368.52 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.50 105.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/23/13 10.00 290.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.88 2,006.98 05/11/13 2.88 2,006.98 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/25/13 56.00 1,288.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 18.00 540.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 04/13/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.91 2,319.42 05/11/13 2.91 2,319.42 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.19 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Dempsey, Jean E Denny, Mary A Denu, Matthew J Deppong, Christine M Derby, Michelle R Derickson, Sandra S Dersch, Peggy E DeShetler, Steven J Devany, Katherine L Devine, Edith A Devine, Sherryl A Dietzler, Janette C Dietzler, Michael N Dingus, Steven M Dion, Mary E Ditto, Tina S Dixon, Robert T Dodd, Emily C Dodson, Ehren R Dominguez, Christine M Donatt, Paul M Dooling, Denise M 07/09/13 Loc Course Number W M FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W CO M M M FV FV FV FP CO CO FV CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV M M M FP FP M M FV FV FP FP FV OPENINGSESSION201310 ENG060603201310 Substitute 201310 ENG053450201310 ESLPLCMENT201310 CUL105402201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HRM112450201310 XRT102401­405201310 XRT112401201310 XRT214401201310 BIO111404201310 BIO111451201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 BIO111450/451201310 ENG101376201310 ENG101374201310 SENRDCE201305 COM107604201310 COM101630201310 Substitute 201310 DCS105502201310 DCS120501201310 Substitute 201310 HRM201450201310 GED201305 GEDSTP201305 PSY200510201310 AHCE201305 EMT121452201310 EMS201310 Substitute 201310 PE13012404201310 PE173421201310 PE111401201310 PE13012461201310 PE161402201310 Substitute 201310 BIO1116W2201310 BIO111603201310 IS116580201310 IS116550201310 COM1046S3201310 COM1046S4201310 COM101635201310 NUR108 201310 Substitute 201310 PSY205603201310 PTFACORIENT201310 SPA101550201310 SPA201550201310 COM101450201310 BLW:101.401­201310 NUR105Lab201310 ­13­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 6.00 3,738.24 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 15.50 403.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 0.67 415.36 05/11/13 4.67 2,907.52 05/11/13 3.33 2,076.80 05/11/13 1.33 1,061.44 05/11/13 1.33 1,061.44 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 16.00 288.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 5.00 3,115.20 05/11/13 1.00 623.04 05/11/13 5.50 165.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 271.50 4,042.50 05/31/13 40.00 1,080.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/13 2.00 58.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,492.16 05/11/13 16.89 263.15 05/11/13 16.00 416.00 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.17 814.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,093.76 05/11/13 9.00 270.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 6.33 4,420.16 05/11/13 13.00 338.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.81 1,963.35 05/11/13 2.05 1,631.91 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Dorough, Scott C FV FV FV CO CO FP FP FP FV CO FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M CO M M M M M W W FP FP M M M M M CO FV FP FP W FV FV FV FV W FV M FP FP FP FP MCM124501201310 MCM134501201310 MCM1025XA201310 KIDSDCE201305 PEDUDCE201305 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HMS205450201310 CE131550201310 ARTSDCE201305 DCS206207552201310 DCS217551201310 PT REF LIBRARIAN PTFACORIENT201310 LGL218696201310 LGL224650201310 LGL217695201310 BIO207651201310 BIO207650201310 MTH140623201310 PTFACORIENT201310 MTH140613201310 MTH140615201310 PEDUDCE201305 IRT101674201310 IRT257674201310 ART113669201310 ART213669201310 AT213669201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 ENG1023X51201310 ENG101453201310 ENG1024WJ201310 PTFACORIENT201310 COM101618201310 COM101639201310 Substitute 201310 COM101611201310 PERDDCE201305 PSY200551201310 AdjunctFaculty/Counselor201310 PSY200450201310 PE129301201310 PE106580201310 PE130525201310 PE130527201310 AFSD201310 PE129302201310 PE130528201310 ART138698SDL201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG061402201310 ENG060403201310 Dorsey, Patrick T Dotson, Beverly M Drikow, Gary P Driskill, John E Dubberke, Molly K DuBois, Kathleen C Dugge, Wayne A Dunham, Mary S Dunlap, Jill M Dunn, Randy R Dunn, Richard A Dupler, Dawn A Dupy, Jill A Duran, Troy D Durley­Petty, Renay D Dutt, Michael D Dyess, John F Dzunu, Pamela G 07/09/13 ­14­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 2.91 2,676.54 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 2.91 2,676.54 05/25/13 8.00 144.00 05/25/13 8.00 144.00 05/11/13 11.75 352.50 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 30.00 630.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.45 1,710.10 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 04/13/13 1.00 920.96 03/09/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 12.00 252.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 48.00 2,232.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 8.00 240.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 18.00 225.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 06/30/13 6.95 7,152.94 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/09/13 2.00 1,395.84 04/13/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,395.84 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 6.00 558.00 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.91 2,676.54 05/11/13 5.87 5,410.64 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Eatherly, Maria M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP CC CO M M M M FP FP CO CO FP FP CO M M M FP FP FP FP M CO FP FP M M FP PTFACORIENT201310 Substitute 201310 COM101613201310 COM101615201310 NUR108201310 CRJ:206.474­201310 CRJ:208.474­201310 CRJ:209.401­201310 COM101423201310 COM101410201310 MCM121461201310 Videography­FP Follies Substitute 201310 MCM1015XA201310 COM101504201310 COM101508201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PTFACORIENT201310 CRJ123674201310 CRJ122674201310 CRJ122650201310 CUL215403201310 CUL210403201310 Substitute 201310 HMS201202401201310 HMS201202450201310 Substitute 201310 SOFTBCOA201310 ANIMDCE201305 AT120695201310 Released Time 201310 ART131605201310 Substitute 201310 MTH020430201310 MTH030425201310 ECOLDCE201305 FLFRDCE201305 MTH081450201310 NUR:201 SPRING 201310 ECOLDCE201305 HST101646201310 HST102641201310 MTH140653201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 COMMUNICATION DESIGN201310 ART135,235,401201310 CRJ124S01201310 MOTRDCE201305 RTH245401201310 ACC:100.452­201310 PTFACORIENT201310 MTH020S50201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Eaton, Andrea L Echols, Felicia C Edwards, Bobby J Edwards, Bryan C Eigel, Mary T Eilerman, Ruth K Elkin, Thomas R Elliott, Christopher M Ellis, Glen R Ellison, Sandra L Engel, Edward J Englert, Brandon R English, Deanna L Enoch, Eva Ernst, Elizabeth A Errico, Barbara D Ettling, Brian L Evans, Elizabeth A Evens, Kevin A Evers, Gregory J Fagan, Michael Fagin, Gary C Fairchild, Mary P Fantroy, Dianna R Farace, Julie A Farwig, Phyllis J 07/09/13 ­15­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 8.50 255.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.27 2,977.79 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.20 837.68 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 04/30/13 1.00 400.00 05/11/13 9.25 277.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.33 2,657.60 03/09/13 3.33 2,657.60 05/11/13 36.00 1,008.00 05/11/13 4.60 3,211.16 05/11/13 5.00 3,490.40 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 05/11/13 5.62 3,501.48 05/25/13 9.00 162.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 6.00 156.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 3.00 63.00 05/25/13 12.00 276.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 6.31 4,401.56 05/25/13 3.00 63.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 2.50 65.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.50 2,790.42 05/11/13 32.00 1,673.92 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 0.67 532.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Favre, Matthew T Feagan, Mary E Feder, Kelly A Feeney, Patricia M Feezel, Regina L Fernandez, Cynthia A Fernandez, Kathleen M Fetouh, Kamal A Fey, Marsha W Fillenwarth, Albert F Fingers, Angelicia E Fingers, Stephenie M Finnell, Patricia K Fischer, Barbara A Fisher, Christine M Fisher, Constance L Flasar, Cathy E Fleischmann, Kristin Floyd, Toshi Flynn, M L Foley, Sarah J 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FP FP FP FP FP CO CO W W W W W W FV FP FP FP M M M FP CO W W W W M M M M M M M M CO M CO CO FV FP CO FP FP CO M M M M CO FV CO CC CO FV MTH081421201310 MTH081405201310 Substitute 201310 ENG030H02201310 ENG020H02201310 ARTSDCE201305 PEDUDCE201305 ENG1023X2HON201230 ENG1023XAHON201230 ENG102350201310 Substitute 201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 ENg1023X2201310 PHL1095X1201310 PE181402201310 PE181404201310 Substitute 201310 PED116S50201310 PE161S50201310 PE122S50201310 DMS117450201310 PEDUDCE201305 BUS104301201310 BUS104303201310 BUS104HON201230 J­Substitute201310 PE174650201310 PE173680201310 PE181603201310 PE122603201310 PE174602201310 PE130201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PE181602201310 PEDUDCE201305 Substitute 201310 LIFEGUARDDCE201305 BJCCohortFall201230 NUR106550201310 NURLAB201230 NRSG201305 COM101480201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 CAMPDCE201305 PTFACORIENT201310 PSY200646201310 PSY200650HON201310 PSY200650201310 CTCR201305 ART102551201310 GEDFED201305 BTOP201310 FLITDCE201305 AFSDF4W201310 ­16­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 13.66 409.80 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 32.00 736.00 05/25/13 14.00 294.00 03/02/13 2.00 186.00 03/02/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.81 2,590.20 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 03/09/13 1.15 713.90 05/11/13 4.50 117.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/11/13 2.85 2,277.63 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,395.84 05/25/13 24.00 432.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/02/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 4.00 104.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 0.67 415.36 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.29 804.76 05/25/13 20.00 460.00 05/11/13 60.00 1,560.00 05/25/13 72.25 700.83 02/28/13 1.00 76.25 05/11/13 7.13 7,337.62 02/28/13 1.00 40.56 05/31/13 6.00 198.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 6.00 138.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/13 8.00 264.00 05/11/13 1.50 1,047.12 05/31/13 181.00 4,089.00 05/31/13 332.00 7,750.00 05/25/13 16.00 432.00 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Foster, Charles G Foster, William D Frailey, Nancy J Frankenreiter, David A Fraser, Eileen B Fraser, Jennifer C French, Joan M Frese, Anne M Fricks, Aldene L Frischmann, Robert S Froelker, Justine L Frye, Felipe S Fulbright, James S Fuller, John A Fuller, Neathery B Fusco, Angeline C Gahan, Lisa A Gallen, James M Gallup, Craig W Ganim, Margaret J Garascia, Mark C Garcia, Timothy A Gardner, Royd L Garland, Julie A Garner, LaDonna R Garrison, Rolland N 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FP FP M M M CO FV M FV CO FV CO CO M M M M M M M M W M M W W M M CO CO CO CO W W M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV CO CO CO IDS101515201310 IDS101575201310 SOC100505201310 Substitute 201310 RTH126402201310 MTH030558201310 MTH020553201310 MTH020560201310 RDG020461201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PTFACORIENT201310 MTH030S04201310 MTH030SO2201310 FOODDCE201305 CHM105502LAB201310 CHM101651201310 CHM106550LAB201310 PEDUDCE201305 Substitute 201310 CCPRSEMINAR201305 CRFTDCE201305 PTFACORIENT201310 IS102602201310 IS102601201310 STR050608201310 PTFACORIENT201310 STR050607201310 PSY200607201310 Substitute 201310 ART109110209210338201310 ENG1026WA201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PSI123301201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 IDS201609201310 ANT102602201310 DANCDCE201305 CCPRSEMINAR201305 CCPRCE201305 HISTDCE201305 PHI104374201310 OPENINGSESSION201310 IDS101604201310 IDS101605201310 Substitute 201310 STR050424201310 STR050426201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 MUS114501201310 Substitute 201310 PE139550201310 PEDUDCE201305 GENEDCE201305 COMP201305 ­17­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 2.25 1,570.68 03/10/13 0.75 523.56 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 2.89 2,306.95 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/25/13 29.00 783.00 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 5.33 3,720.76 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/25/13 6.00 150.00 05/11/13 11.00 330.00 05/25/13 7.00 175.00 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 48.00 2,790.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/25/13 12.00 300.00 05/23/13 13.00 319.00 05/25/13 4.00 108.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 02/19/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 03/09/13 0.50 311.52 05/25/13 15.00 375.00 05/25/13 6.00 162.00 05/31/13 39.00 1,287.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Gartner, Nancy E CO CO FP CO FV FV CO FV FV M M FP FP M M CO FV FV M FP W W W W M M M M M FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP CO FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FV FV CC FP FP FP CTCE201305 CTCEADJ201305 EMS201310 FLSPDCE201305 ART169501201310 ART275502201310 GED201305 REFLIB201310 BIO123501201310 BIO111S03201310 BIO111S05201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 AdjunctFaculty/Counselor201310 BIO111611201310 BIO111614201310 PERDDCE201305 Couns201230 COUNS201310 LGL205695201310 RDG030434201310 PE161395201310 PE161302201310 PE161301201310 MTH 020302201310 BUS2016XB201310 PTFACORIEINT201310 ECO152SW1201310 BUS201SX1201310 Substitute 201310 ACC:114.401­201310 ECO:151.401­201310 GUESTSPEAKER201310 PE181502201310 PE174504201310 PSY205450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 STR0504232013 RDG013402201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 RDG012402201310 FLSPDCE201305 COM101552201310 COM101554201310 COM101580201310 AFSDF4W201310 BLW101501201310 BLW101502201310 AsstBASEB201310 ART133501201310 Substitute 201310 AsstBASEBcoach201310 STR050425201310 STR050405201310 STR050409201310 Gasquet, Rosario G Gaubatz, Douglas Gawlik, Deborah R Geczi, Judy E Geist, Zoe A Genova, Amy K Gentelin, Karen Z Gero, Susan A Gieseler, Catherine M Gilje, Brittany N Gilroy, Tracy A Ginn, Patricia J Giovanni, Joanne B Giulvezan, Stacia C Gladden, Patricia L Glass, Alan D Gleason, Christina M Goldkamp, Kristen H Golliday, Sharon Gonzalez, Lorenzo F Gonzalez, Thomas L Goodman, Lee C Goodrich, Scott M Gormley, James C Graefser, Zachary A Granger, Deanna 07/09/13 ­18­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/13 10.00 330.00 05/31/13 1.00 15.58 05/11/13 1.69 1,053.05 05/25/13 24.00 648.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/31/13 98.50 1,575.00 05/11/13 9.47 6,609.21 05/11/13 2.91 2,028.80 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 06/30/13 5.75 5,917.90 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/25/13 2.00 42.00 05/11/13 1.50 1,047.00 05/11/13 0.50 349.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 2.84 2,269.54 05/11/13 3.00 2,093.76 05/11/13 3.00 2,093.76 05/11/13 3.00 2,093.76 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.50 1,543.44 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.26 1,575.04 05/11/13 1.00 698.08 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 06/14/13 87.75 2,193.75 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.08 03/09/13 2.67 2,744.32 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 0.40 249.20 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.78 1,941.54 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Grant, Allen C FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M CO M M FV FV CO FP FV CO M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M W W W CO FV FV W W M FP FV FV FV CO FV FV CO FP FP M M FP MTH020454201310 MTH020461201310 ME230552201310 AFSD201310 ME230551201310 MTH030552201310 MTH081520201310 Substitute 201310 MTH080520201310 BIC:201.451­201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HRM262251201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PEDUDCE201305 BIO207S02201310 BIO207S01201310 GEO100503201310 GEO100504201310 ARTMODEL201305 MTH020462201310 ME151550201310 FLGKDCE201305 PTFACORIEINT201310 BLW201650201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 BUS:104.451­201310 MTH160C452201310 MTH144/185450201310 ENG071403201310 ENG062450201310 ENG053402201310 ESC200601201310 PHL1043S1201310 PHL101301201310 IDS101304201310 PEDUDCE201305 IS110566201310 IS107566201310 ENG101346HON201230 ENG101304201310 CHI102650201310 AdjunctFaculty/Counselor201310 ENG101512201310 STR050513201310 STR050520201310 FOODDCE201305 PSY205550201310 PSY200553201310 MOTRDCE201305 MTH154450186450201310 HONORSFALL201230 BIO207611201310 BIO207610201310 CUL250402201310 Grass, Thomas R Graves, Darnette M Graves, Jack L Gravette, Ann M Green, Anthony C Greenhouse, Ted A Greer, Marsha A Grib, John A Griessel, Michael K Griffin, Brian C Griffith, Daniel J Griffith, Jerry T Grimm­Howell, Elizabeth M Grossman, Robert J Grothe, James W Grueninger, Kara M Guenther, Charles J Gusdorf, Dorine R Guss, Jason W Gutzler, George S Gwinn, Mary K Haag, Lisa K Hafezi, Bella Hake, Jon J Hall, Dave Hall, Gloria J Hall, Janessa D Hall, Martin K Hallermann, Charleen T Hamilton, Carolyn Hamilton, Gerald E 07/09/13 ­19­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.67 3,727.04 05/11/13 0.94 654.45 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 27.00 810.00 03/09/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.83 1,462.48 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 62.00 1,116.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 05/11/13 2.91 2,990.42 05/11/13 2.91 2,990.42 05/31/13 3.00 41.16 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.67 3,727.04 05/25/13 28.00 700.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 5.00 3,490.40 05/11/13 1.97 1,374.35 05/11/13 1.98 1,385.25 05/11/13 2.13 1,483.42 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/16/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 06/30/13 4.31 3,972.68 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 2.81 1,752.30 05/11/13 2.88 1,791.24 05/25/13 14.00 378.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 40.00 360.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 03/09/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,455.68 05/11/13 4.33 3,455.68 05/11/13 3.05 2,129.16 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Hamlett, Laura E W W W FP M CO CO FV FV FV FV FV M M M M W W W CO CO M M M M CO W W W FV FP FP FP M M FV FP FV CO FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP W W W W FP IDS201378201310 IDS201377201310 Opening Session FNL207401201310 ENG060650201310 CCPRCE201305 CCPRSEMINAR201305 ECE124580201310 HONORS201310 GER102501201310 ECO152502201310 ECO151501201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PE181604201310 PE181605201310 PE181650201310 PED116301201310 PE181301201310 PE181338201310 PLD201305 REAL201305 PTFACORIENT201310 ENG101S02201310 HST101S02201310 HST102S01201310 HOMEDCE201305 HST1053W1201310 HST100301201310 HST1003W1HON201230 RDG020504201310 PE180474201310 CUL115421201310 CUL110401201310 PE165680201310 PE165650201310 ENG1025XO201310 PE122123403201310 PE122502201310 PEDUDCE201305 PE122123404201310 PE122123401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PE122123402201310 ENG103574201310 ENG103501201310 AFSDF4W201310 ENG1025XU201310 ENG101402201310 ENG101406201310 BIO208303201310 Opening Session BIO207350201310 Opening Session PED116486201310 Hammett, William F Hammond, Diana M Hampton, Gloria A Handel, Christel K Hanewinkel, Katherine I Hankin, Robin H Hankins, Mary L Hanneke, Joyce R Hanson, Robin A Hany, Kimberly L Hapner, Barry N Hardeman, Vernon G Harder, Keith E Hardy, Brian A Hardy, Cathleen M Harned, Patrick Harris, Barbara J Harris, Sharon R Harrison, Kenneth E Harrod, James E Hart, Laurie A Hartin, Liesa A 07/09/13 ­20­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.89 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/17/13 1.00 948.00 05/11/13 6.00 4,188.48 05/25/13 4.00 108.00 05/25/13 4.00 100.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 6.00 558.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/11/13 1.25 997.50 03/09/13 1.21 964.25 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/31/13 22.00 200.20 05/31/13 7.00 203.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 12.00 276.00 05/11/13 2.77 2,207.19 05/11/13 2.77 2,207.19 03/02/13 5.00 465.00 05/11/13 2.25 1,570.68 05/11/13 3.00 2,763.36 05/11/13 2.96 2,358.32 03/09/13 3.33 2,657.60 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 05/25/13 48.50 1,018.50 05/11/13 1.27 791.78 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.91 2,990.42 05/11/13 2.91 2,990.42 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.21 1,113.02 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Hartlieb, Jeanette M Hartwig, Patricia M Harvey, Martha E Hasheider, Aaron M Hatch, Lance R Hayes, Cynthia M Hayes, Nicola A Haynes, Shanee E He, Guangrong Heck, Theresa E Heffernan, Cris M Helle, Nancy A Helms, Katie J Helton, Daniel J Hemingway Harvey, Heather M Henderson, Martha L Hennen, Debra R Henry, Ronald Henson, Dennis R Henson, Michelle D Hernandez, Leslie S 07/09/13 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 1.21 1,113.02 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,228.16 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 920.37 05/11/13 2.00 1,842.51 05/11/13 0.60 371.27 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 32.00 864.00 05/11/13 1.94 1,205.97 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 03/15/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 75.00 1,881.00 05/31/13 52.50 1,193.50 05/11/13 8.00 240.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 10.00 930.00 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 1.06 663.15 Loc Course Number FP FP W M M M W W FP FP FP FP FV FV FV CO M M M M M M M M M M FP CO CC FP FP FP FP M CO M PE181182486201310 CTLPTFACCONF201310 PE181182368201310 MTH160CS01201310 PTFACORIENT201310 MTH140S02201310 ACC100346201310 Opening Session CTLADJFACCONF201310 RDG017421201310 RDG016421201310 EMS201310 BIO208580LAB201310 Substitute 201310 BIO208580201310 SIGNDCE201305 MTH030631201310 Substitute 201310 PTFACORIENT201310 COM101606201310 COM101612201310 PTFACORIEINT201310 Substitute 201310 FacultyOrientation201310 Substitute 201310 IS139695201310 HRM214402201310 COMP201305 BTOP201310 Substitute 201310 MTH0804342013 MTH0804102013310 MTH080401201310 ART245698SDL201310 MOTRDCE201305 MTH030631201310 M PTFACORIENT201310 03/15/13 M MTH030602201310 05/11/13 3.00 M M CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FV PT REF LIBRARIAN PTFACORIEINT201310 FOODDCE201305 CTLADJFACCONF201310 BAP115421201310 BAP115461201310 BAP215421201310 HST138H512013 HST138450201310 HST137401201310 Substitute 201310 HIT102450201310 Substitute 201310 05/11/13 03/15/13 05/25/13 02/19/13 05/09/13 05/09/13 04/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 5.58 ­21­ 1.00 75.00 1,869.12 1.00 28.00 1.00 3.33 3.33 2.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.50 4.00 3.50 4,448.88 75.00 756.00 75.00 2,074.72 2,074.72 1,451.68 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,094.24 255.00 4,115.84 105.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Hernandez, Rafael FV FV FV FV FP CO FV FV FP FP FP FV FV M M W W W FP M M FP FP M M W W W W FV FV FV CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV CO W M M W CO CO W W BIO111503LAB201310 BIO111513LAB201310 Substitute 201310 BIO226550201310 PSC1014210201330 BUSN201305 ENG1025X5201310 ENG101510201310 CRJ:122.401­201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 CRJ:122.450­201310 MGT204574201310 BUS104574201310 ARC222698SDL201310 PTFACORIENT201310 IDS101375201310 Opening Session IDS101376201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 ENG1026W5201310 ENG101426201310 ENG1024WE201310 PTFACORIEINT201310 EDU120601201310 PE130340201310 PE130131370201310 PE130131341201310 PE130371201310 DIT107501201310 DIT209501201310 DIT106501201310 ARTSDCE201305 RDG016405201310 RDG017405201310 DA174401201310 ART168450201310 ART172:403 201310 Reference Librarian STR050501201310 STR050507201310 Substitute 201310 PE116501201310 PE130515201310 PE116502201310 PERDDCE201305 MUS128374201310 MUS128674201310 MUS128675201310 MUS128350201310 RADCE201305 NPAD201305 COM101306 Opening Session Herrick, Charles F Herron, Glenda S Hershman, Alec J Hertel, John E Herzog, David L Hicks, John J Higgins, Donna L Hill, Elke A Hinkel, Sandra S Hirssig, Linda K Hoefel, Briann O Hoffman, Beverly L Hoffman, Joyce E Hoffman, Michael J Holland, Kara S Holland, Steven W Hollins­Lewis, Rosalind R Holterman, Donald L Homeyer, Yvonne M Honnold, Adrianne L Hoppe, Bradley R Hornberger, Kent D Horner, Mary E 07/09/13 ­22­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 0.33 236.60 05/11/13 0.33 236.60 05/11/13 1.33 34.58 05/11/13 2.67 1,914.28 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 13.50 445.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 5.00 465.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 0.40 279.24 05/11/13 1.20 837.68 05/11/13 0.80 558.48 05/25/13 60.00 1,215.00 05/11/13 1.73 1,784.61 05/11/13 1.00 1,028.96 05/11/13 0.42 428.80 05/11/13 48.00 2,790.24 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/12/13 7.38 5,152.12 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.50 105.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/25/13 2.00 54.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 14.00 102.90 05/31/13 9.00 243.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Horton, David Hotle, Dana F Houghton, David M CO M FV CO M M M M M M M FP FP FV FV FV FP FP M W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FV FV CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CO FV M M M CO M M M M M CO M M M HORTDCE201305 MUS114647201310 CRJ502502201310 THTRDCE201305 MTH030S05201310 MTH020S03201310 GEO100601201310 GEO100604201310 GEG100601201310 FacultyOrientation201310 GEO100HON201310 ENG060450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 BIO111550LAB201310 BIO111551LAB201310 BIO111516LAB201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ANT102474201310 ANT102674201310 ANT102374201310 HIT105413201310 HIT104474201310 HIT104413201310 HIT105474201310 IDS101422201310 MCM110401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 WSOCRcoach201310 HST101551201310 HST101580201310 NPAD201305 ENG1024WL201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 MTH030403201310 MTH030407201310 MUS103401201310 MUS1144WA201310 Substitute 201310 TRIPDCE201305 PSY205551201310 BIO208606201310 BIO208605201310 PTFACORIENT201310 CPA201305 ENG101601201310 IDS101610201310 IDS101607201310 IDS101609HON201310 IDS101609201310 GEDUDCE201305 ART111669201310 ART112669201310 BUS104652201310 Howe, Joseph W Howell, Donald L Hoxha, Hyrije H Hritzkowin, Nicholas J Hubbman, Yvette J Huber, Dawn M Hudson, Repps B Huettner, Juergen E Hufker, Barbara J Hughes, Barbara A Hughes, Lekitta Hughes, Marilyn S Hughes, Martha R Huisinga, Joan F Hunn, Jonathan W Hurt, Debra A Huss, Renee A Huxhold, John P Hyland, Deborah J Hyman, Cherie M Ibur, Anne L Ivey, Maria L 07/09/13 ­23­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/25/13 8.00 216.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 20.00 540.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 6.00 6,173.76 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 828.64 05/11/13 1.33 828.64 05/11/13 1.33 828.64 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/09/13 1.00 798.08 05/11/13 2.00 1,596.66 03/09/13 2.00 1,596.16 05/11/13 1.00 798.08 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.39 3,500.56 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/13 4.00 124.00 05/11/13 2.92 2,039.70 05/11/13 4.50 135.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/25/13 34.00 324.00 05/11/13 2.87 2,647.76 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 48.00 1,296.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,395.84 05/11/13 2.00 1,395.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Jabbar, Riziar K Jackson­Potter, Jessica N Jackson, Christina A Jackson, Joseph W James, Anna K James, David M James, Dwayne T James, Jennifer N Jamison, Michael T Jansen, Charlene S Jasper, Geraldine A Jayaweera, Henry B Jeep, Robert T Jeffreys, Atsuko M Jenner, Julia C Johnson, Barbara S Johnson, Betsy M Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, David A Johnson, Frank W Johnson, Gerald T Johnson, Howard Johnson, Kinya D Johnson, Sheila M Johnson, William F Johny, John M Jones, Allen W 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV W W FP FV FP FP CO FV FV FV CO CO CO CO M M M CO FP FP FV FV M FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP CO M FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP MGT204675201310 PTFACORIENT201310 MGT204674201310 DA203461201310 DA202421201310 DA174401201310 DA201401201310 MTH020510201310 MTH030508201310 AFSD201310 PRD102301201310 Opening Session EMS201310 MTH020547201310 EMS201310 MTH108450201310 ARTSDCE201305 LGL230550201310 BLW101550201310 ECO140550201310 CTCE201305 CTCEADJ201305 CCPRSEMINAR201305 CCPRCE201305 ESLPLCMENT201310 ENG053650201310 ENG070650201310 PEDUDCE201305 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HONORSFALL201230 ART131502201310 Substitute 201310 BIO111S51201310 EMS201310 SOC211401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PHL112601HON201310 PHL112601201310 PTFACORIENT201310 PE162163451201310 PE162163461201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 FNL207401201310 HOMEDCE201305 HMS102650201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 IS118126156440201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HMS102461201310 HMS101402201310 PTFACORIEINT201310 MTH230650201310 MTH160C652201310 PRD108421201310 ­24­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 0.67 415.36 05/11/13 0.67 415.36 05/11/13 2.67 1,661.44 05/11/13 0.65 402.38 05/11/13 2.91 1,810.71 05/11/13 2.91 1,810.71 03/16/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 716.96 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 0.80 498.56 05/11/13 2.88 2,006.98 05/11/13 0.20 124.64 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 24.00 648.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/13 10.00 330.00 05/31/13 1.00 15.58 05/25/13 13.00 325.00 05/23/13 32.00 726.00 05/11/13 3.00 78.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 8.00 144.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.00 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 8.00 124.64 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 0.93 996.80 05/25/13 28.00 700.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 5.00 3,990.40 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/12/13 2.00 1,596.16 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Jones, Carolyn D Jones, Darren B Jones, Donald L Jones, Omer H Jones, Robert A Jones, Ronald L Jones, Wayne K Jordan, Catherine F Jorgensen­Zidar, Nikole S Jostedt, Michael P Joyce, Sherry G Kacer, Karen F Kaiser, Jane B Kaiser, Robin L Kalfus, Richard M Kallial, Timothy P Kalyanaraman, Somasundaram Kalz, Kristen M Kammerer, Robert R Kane, Dolores A Kane, Stacie K Kann, Kim S 07/09/13 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/13 25.00 825.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.33 2,384.80 05/11/13 3.33 2,384.80 05/11/13 1.33 953.92 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 225.00 3,276.00 05/11/13 0.93 996.80 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 4.00 2,492.16 05/11/13 0.83 514.14 05/11/13 4.00 3,683.84 05/11/13 5.33 4,908.72 04/14/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 1.33 1,061.44 05/11/13 1.33 1,061.44 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.67 2,744.32 05/11/13 3.94 4,053.00 05/11/13 7.50 225.00 05/17/13 6.83 4,763.85 05/31/13 6.00 198.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/09/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/16/13 1.00 920.96 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 1,061.44 Loc Course Number CO FP FP FP M M M M CO FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP CO M M M M M M FP FP BUSS201305 STR050402201310 STR050428201310 STR050411201310 FITCTRCOOR201310 PE130201310 PE104601201310 PTFACORIEINT201310 GED201305 FNL207401201310 ENG030452201310 ENG030453201310 EMT121452201310 EMS CHM106550201310 CHM106501201310 afs201310 ART254602201310 BIO111409/410201310 BIO111409LAB201310 BIO111410LAB201310 PHL101601201310 PHL101641201310 PHL101604201310 DHY232401201310 DHY132401201310 Substitute 201310 Reference Librarian CVTW201305 LGL104695201310 LGL228695201310 PTFACORIENT201310 LGL226650201310 HUM115650201310 HUM115S50201310 DMS123450201310 BIO111453LAB201310 FP BIO111452/453201310 05/11/13 FP CTLADJFACCONF201310 02/19/13 FP BIO111452LAB201310 05/11/13 1.33 M M CO FP FP FP M M W W SOC103650201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTTION 201310 MOTRDCE201305 COM101405201310 COM101408201310 COM101402201310 COM101637201310 COM101638201310 Opening Session PE161350201310 05/11/13 03/15/13 05/25/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/15/13 05/11/13 3.00 ­25­ 3.91 3,117.50 1.00 1,061.44 1.00 20.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 75.00 2,094.24 75.00 360.00 3,086.88 3,086.88 3,086.88 2,094.24 2,094.24 75.00 2,093.76 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Karakhanyan, Liana V FP FP M M M M M FP CO CO M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV CO FP M M M M FV M M M M FP FP CO M M M M W W W W CO M M M M FV FV FP M M FP FP FP CTLADJFACCON2013 MTH020442201310 ECO152602201310 ECO1516W2201310 Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 SPA101604201310 BIC:103.450­201310 PEDUDCE201305 PEDUDCE2301305 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 PE105601201310 AR134,233,234:401 201310 CTLADJFACCON2013 ART131:421 201310 GraphicCoordinator201310 AFSD201310 BIO111506LAB201310 BIO111504LAB201310 CTCR201305 ART133,134,233,234:450 201310 Substitute 201310 PE158601201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 PE130201310 EGR256550201310 PSY205650201310 PSY205S01201310 PSY200SX1201310 CRJ212601201310 NURBJC 201310 NURLAB 201310 GED201305 STR050603201310 STR050606201310 Counselor/Instructor II STR050602201310 HST1013W4201310 IDS201302201310 HST1013S1201310 Opening Session PEDUDCE201305 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 GER101650201310 GER102602201310 Substitute 201310 DCS105552201310 DCS120551201310 RTH140&245201310 PSY200611201310 PSY200610201310 NURLAB 201310 NURBJC 201310 EMS201310 Karst, Philip J Karutz, Theresa M Kasl, David R Kauffmann, Kelly J Kavanaugh, Thomas P Kebert­Strawhun, Mary L Keith, Tracey M Kelly, Constance M Kelly, J K Kempf, Henry A Kennedy, Emily A Kenny, William R Kenzora, Paula A Kerber, Mary A Kern, Laura A Kerr, Bob Ketcherside, Gary L Kettler, Rebecca Key, Byron S Kidder, Robin L Kiddoo, Kristin L Kiel, Gail P Kijowski, Karen L 07/09/13 ­26­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.50 1,543.44 05/11/13 1.50 1,543.44 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,683.84 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 30.00 810.00 05/25/13 74.20 1,335.60 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.00 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/31/13 4.00 132.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,492.16 05/11/13 1.00 26.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,372.16 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 6.67 6,860.80 05/11/13 2.34 1,867.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 0.89 915.92 05/11/13 10.02 10,306.64 05/31/13 102.00 1,428.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/10/13 1.28 889.95 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 130.00 2,340.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 5.00 3,490.40 05/11/13 1.00 698.08 05/11/13 0.67 415.36 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 2.37 1,893.92 05/11/13 0.22 175.56 05/11/13 0.60 373.92 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Kilker, Charles J Kim, Hwang Y CO FV M M W W FP FP FP FP M FP CO CO CO CC M FV M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP CO CO FP FP FP M M M CO FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP CO FV FV M CO FV FV HISTDCE201305 Substitute 201310 ART109603201310 Substitute 201310 MUS114301201310 Opening Session Substitute 201310 CTLADFACSPCON201310 ENG062401201310 ENG060401201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 EMS201310 DANCDCE201305 CTCEADJ201310 CTCE201305 VBALLcoach201310 Substitute 201310 PE173502201310 PE180S01201310 PE13012405201310 PE13012403201310 PE13012406201310 PE130124252201310 PE13012426201310 Substitute 201310 ART265551201310 ART165501201310 STR05040820121310 RDG020406201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 PEDUDCE201305 FLITDCE201305 DMS125401201310 DMS122450201310 DMS124450201310 OTA104602201310 OTAFLDCOORASST OTA104601201310 DANCDCE201305 Substitute 201310 HRM128404201310 LGL205574201310 LGL216550201310 LGL10451A201310 NURLAB 201310 NURBJC 201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 PEDUDCE201305 AFSD201310 MTH020549201310 PSY203SXA201310 CRFTDCE201305 ME101500201310 AFSD201310 Kimler, Wayne J Kimzey, Kristie A Kinder, David E King, Brittany R King, Sherman Kinnard, Dale A Kinney, Johnna D Kirk, Brian M Kitt, Robert L Kizart, Claudean Klearman, Melvin Klein, Barbara A Klein, Bonnie J Klein, Nancy M Kleyboecker, Bonnie N Kline, Whitney R Klingerman, Linda K Klonowski, Deborah A Klug, Melanie J Klump, James E Knight, Paul D Knipp, Christine E Knobeloch, Herbert I Knobloch, Christian I 07/09/13 ­27­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/25/13 2.00 46.00 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 8.00 208.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/24/13 1.00 30.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 6.00 4,788.48 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.20 747.84 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/31/13 1.00 15.58 05/31/13 10.00 330.00 05/11/13 5.01 3,498.92 05/11/13 3.00 78.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 3.00 2,146.32 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.25 872.40 05/11/13 1.25 872.40 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 5.50 99.00 05/25/13 71.00 1,917.00 05/11/13 3.33 3,070.40 05/11/13 3.00 2,763.36 05/11/13 2.00 1,842.24 05/11/13 2.33 2,397.48 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/09/13 2.33 2,397.48 05/25/13 10.00 180.00 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 03/09/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/17/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 2.56 2,040.22 05/11/13 0.38 305.90 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 15.00 345.00 05/11/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 2.00 36.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Knudsen Galindo, Kristina Koch, Robert A Koch, Yvonne S Koehler, Charles H Koehnemann, Aaron J Koeneker, John B Koenig, Courtney P Kopp, Greg N Kopp, Patricia A Koppel, Trent L Korkaric, Huso Kornberger, Thomas M Korte, Sheila Kosednar, Priscilla A Kosfeld, Minh T Koshak, Karen D Kossman, Michelle A Kraus, Janet L Krausch, Ronald W Krause, Joan B Kravitz, Rebecca S Krivokuca, Denise Krizanec, Jasna K Kruescheck, Nancee L Kuhlman, Elaine M Kungu, George B Kunze, Jessica L Kuschel, Diane G Kuseliauskas, Melissa K Kush, Catherine A Kyle, Marcel A La Mell, Stephen R 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV M M FV W W CO M FP FP CO FP CO CO M M M FP CO W FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP FP CO CO FV FP FP M FP FP FP CO FP FP CO M M M CO CO CO FP FP FP ENG030550201310 SPA101650201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 ENG2015XD201310 Opening Session COM101374201310 TRIPDCE201305 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 MTH030453201310 MTH030450201310 PLB201305 MCM219461201310 SUPVCAMP201305 CAMPDCE201305 CRJ207650201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 MTH160CS51201310 EMS201310 FOODDCE201305 Opening Session CLT207401201310 CLT206401201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 PE162601201310 PE130201310 PED116601201310 AQUACOOR Substitute 201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 HITIT553474201310 MUSCDCE201305 CCPRCE201305 Substitute 201310 DHY232401201310 DHY132401201310 HMS100674201310 HONORSFALL201230 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 RUS1024612013 HORTDCE201305 RTH140&245201310 HIT102401201310 Model201305 SOC101641201310 PTFACORIENT201310 SOC101694201310 PLB201305 AHCE201305 FLFRDCE201305 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 CUL110403201310 CUL115423201310 ­28­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 5.00 115.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/13 18.00 171.60 05/11/13 3.76 3,000.78 05/31/13 14.50 232.00 05/25/13 2.00 50.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.60 05/25/13 9.00 189.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/11/13 3.00 78.00 05/11/13 7.00 182.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,596.16 05/25/13 36.00 972.00 05/25/13 10.00 330.00 05/11/13 108.50 2,941.00 05/11/13 3.17 2,916.88 05/11/13 4.67 4,298.56 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/09/13 5.00 465.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 42.50 1,729.33 05/25/13 12.50 337.50 05/11/13 0.67 415.36 03/19/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/31/13 3.00 39.42 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 3.00 42.90 05/31/13 2.00 66.00 05/25/13 32.00 864.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 2.96 2,358.32 05/11/13 3.33 2,657.60 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number LaBrier, Susan H M M M M CO CO FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV CO M M FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP FP CO M M FV W FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP ENG1026WI201310 Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 AT100641201310 DANCDCE201305 DANCDCE201305 MTH020534201310 AFSD201310 Substitute 201310 MTH108501201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 BIO215401201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 HONORSFALL201230 FRE201401201310 FRE101401201310 Substitute 201310 CHM101403LAB201310 CHM101404LAB201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 CHM101403/404201310 ART208639201310 ART207639201310 PSY200502201310 PEDUDCE201305 IRT173650201310 IRT174650201310 BIO111403/404201310 BIO111404201310 BIO111403201310 Substitute 201310 IS205674201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 IRT256674201310 IS125674201310 IS123674201310 IS123675201310 EMS201310 MUS153461201310 EMS201310 NURS201305 OBSERVATION201310 TECHNICALASST201310 REFLIB201310 COM101350201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 BIO207450201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 PSY2006W1201310 PSY200S46201310 COM101474201310 COM101403201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 COM101463201310 Ladd, Kathy L LaGarce, Charles G Lages, Charles R Lages, Mary L Lambert­Gardiner, Mary J LaMora, Angela D Land, Sarah­Marie E Landis, Bryan H Lane, Graham L Lane, Sherry S Lang, Carrie J Lange, Margaret M LaPorte, Michelle L Larson, Judy C Larson, Steven B Latour, Andrew D Laufersweiler, Jonathan H Lavalle, Jessica L Lawrence, Mary R Lazenby, Carol L Learman, Mark D Leavy, Zoanne E Lechkova, Eugenia P Lee, Deborah R Lee, Tiffany B 07/09/13 ­29­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 11.50 345.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 5.64 5,194.20 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.88 2,705.06 05/11/13 3.88 2,705.06 05/11/13 16.50 461.00 05/11/13 2.33 2,397.48 05/11/13 2.33 2,397.48 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 1.33 1,228.16 05/11/13 1.33 1,228.16 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 20.00 460.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 5.00 142.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,683.84 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 48.00 2,232.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,841.35 02/16/13 1.00 920.96 05/11/13 1.00 920.96 05/11/13 0.60 373.92 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.08 05/11/13 0.10 62.32 05/31/13 4.00 116.00 05/10/13 0.19 149.64 05/10/13 0.48 382.08 05/11/13 2.64 1,841.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Lehocky, Daniel L W W CO CO CO CO CO FP CO FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP W W FV FV FV CO CC CO CO CO CO CO CO FP CO FV FV FV CO M FV M FP FV FV M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV PHL1013W4201310 PHL102301201310 CVTW201305 PERDDCE201305 HOMEDCE201305 PLB201305 COMP201305 EMS201310 WRITDCE201305 PSC101508201310 ECE108475201310 ECE101475201310 BIO208507LAB201310 BIO208507201310 Substitute 201310 COM101513201310 MTH080407201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 MTH080400201310 Opening Session CRJ122350201310 CRS209501201310 LGL22851A201310 CRJ111201201310 COMP201305 AsstMBSKTB201310 CTCEMH201305 CTCEADJ201305 OECEADJ201305 CTCE201305 TCSDCE201305 CTCEADJMH201305 EMT201310 OECE201305 ART109551201310 AT177550201310 AT177551201310 CRFTDCE201305 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 CHM101503201310 CHM101605201310 EMS201310 Substitute 201310 ART116501201310 NUR201601201310 DHY2324012013 DHY132401201310 Substitute 201310 DHYBackPayonetimepay ENG071402201310 ENG050450201310 Substitute 201310 Eng071:403 AT204580201310 Leick, James A Leifheit, Rhonda K Leinauer, Kathryn A Lemmon, Constance S Lenox, Roy E Leroux­Wende, Gina L Letchworth, Beverly J Levine, Douglas L Levine, Marlene H Levinson, Amanda D Lewandowski, Monica A Lewis, Bonnie L Lewis, Collette N Lewis, Robert Libby, Kenneth E Light, Greg Lin, Chien F Lin, Chih Yu Lindmark, Richard J Lindsay, Jason G Linson, Martin O Linville, Joseph E Lipic, Gayle A Liu, Chia Hui Lizorty, Ronald J 07/09/13 ­30­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/31/13 11.00 363.00 05/25/13 14.00 378.00 05/25/13 18.00 486.00 05/31/13 38.25 546.98 05/31/13 38.00 1,254.00 05/11/13 2.10 1,308.72 05/25/13 8.00 216.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 7.50 225.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/17/13 2.00 1,596.16 05/17/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/13 13.50 445.50 05/11/13 1.20 747.64 05/31/13 5.00 165.00 05/31/13 3.00 46.74 05/31/13 2.50 38.95 05/31/13 43.00 1,419.00 05/25/13 5.18 3,225.06 05/31/13 0.50 7.79 05/11/13 0.85 527.85 05/31/13 31.00 1,023.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/25/13 26.00 650.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 5.33 3,720.76 05/11/13 0.40 249.28 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,684.48 05/11/13 10.49 7,318.84 05/11/13 5.33 4,912.64 05/11/13 2.33 2,149.28 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 04/13/13 1.00 5,602.00 05/11/13 2.84 1,985.16 05/11/13 6.00 4,188.48 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/25/13 1.00 785.34 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Lochmann, William J Lodato, Theodora L Loehr, Angela N Long, Sean M Lonning, Robert D Lord, Robert J Loredo, Jacob A Louder, Jessica L Love, Joseph J Love, Myrtle M Lovett, Jack B Luby, Heather D Lucas, Linda A Ludwig, Jo H Lundstrom, Alicia R Maag, Colin B Mack, Cindy J Mack, Francis S Macke, John E Maclin, Margorie J Maddox, Teri L Magnus, Gail A Mahan, Christopher L Maines, Laylonda S Maixner, Diane M 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV CO FP CO CO FP FP FP FP FP FP W W CO FV FV W W W CO M M CO FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP CO W W W M M M M M VISITINGARTIST201310 AFSDF42201310 ART238551201310 Substitute 201310 PE130507201310 PE101501201310 afs201310 Substitute 201310 PE130503201310 PE130501201310 PE130508201310 PHL104474201310 PHL103474201310 CRJ124502201310 ARTDCE201305 FNL207401201310 SENRDCE201305 LIFEGUARDDCE201305 EMS201310 ENG030413201310 ENG030486201310 MTH080416201310 MTH080414201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 BUS104302201310 MKT203301201310 WRITDCE201305 DCS107502201310 DCS116502201310 Opening Session PSY200301201310 PSY2003W1201310 COMP201305 PE118650201310 PE118650201310 CAMPDCE201305 EE131501201310 EE130550201310 AFSD201310 GEO1116SE201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 GEO1006S2201310 ENG070402201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 MCM113401201310 RADCE201305 MTH140350201310 MTH 030303201310 MTH140346201310 BIO117601201310 BIO111S02201310 Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATON 201310 ACC213695201310 ­31­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 03/30/13 2.00 100.00 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 9.00 270.00 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 03/02/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.25 97.50 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/25/13 24.00 648.00 05/11/13 1.87 1,993.60 05/25/13 4.00 100.00 05/25/13 60.75 589.28 05/11/13 0.60 373.92 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/25/13 40.55 851.55 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 6.00 162.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 04/27/13 1.33 830.72 05/25/13 9.00 225.00 05/11/13 4.34 3,463.68 05/11/13 4.34 3,463.68 03/16/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 5.67 5,834.20 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 6.00 4,788.48 05/25/13 42.00 308.70 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Maize, Kathy J Malique, Ismail A Mallory, Evern H Manion, Kirstin A Mannion, Sharon E Mapes, Sheila M Marcy, Melanie E Markl, Karl S Markova, Kamelia P Marshall, Lois A Martin, Krystal A Martin, Leonard K Martin, Sharon M Martin, Steven R Martinez, Laura E Marzouk, Magdy M Mashibini, Deborah L Mast, Robert A Mathenia, Amanda J Mathews, Roselyn R Matteson, Kyle M Matthews, Ann C Matyi, Timothy Maxwell, Kevin Mayes, Ellen D McAdams, Stacey A McAllister, Kevin M McArthur, Constance E McBee, Robert T McBride, Linda K McConkey, Kenneth R McCord, Laura R 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M W W W W M CC M M CO FP FP CO FP FP FP CO FP FP M M FV FP FP W FP FP CO CO CO FP FV FP CO FP FP FP FP FP CO CO CO M M ACC110695201310 QC212550201310 QC202550201310 ME135550201310 RDG030406201310 STR050422201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 Substitute 201310 OTA207601201310 Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 SOC1013W4201310 SOC101395201310 Opening Session SOC1013S1201310 PE111601201310 AsstWBSKTB201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 PE130201310 MUSCDCE201305 BIO111407/408201310 BIO203451201310 DANCDCE201305 BJCCOHORTSPRING201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 MCM123461201310 DANCDCE201305 EMS201310 EMT121452201310 ART108602201310 Substitute 201310 PE169550201310 ENG101409201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 BLW201301201310 ART115,215AT215:450 201310 ART115,215,AT215:401201310 HEALDCE201305 LIFEGUARDDCE201305 FLSPDCE201305 RTH245401201310 ENG101550201310 NUR201SPRING201310 ARTSDCE201305 RTH140&245201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 MTH080406201310 MTH080412201310 MTH081411201310 PLD201305 GEDUDCE201305 MOTRDCE201305 ENG030601201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ­32­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 4.00 3,683.83 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.00 623.04 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.17 726.88 05/11/13 2.41 1,499.44 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.54 1,583.56 05/25/13 16.00 432.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 4.64 3,239.08 05/25/13 8.00 144.00 05/11/13 1.40 977.09 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/25/13 21.00 378.00 05/11/13 2.11 1,317.29 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/11/13 2.00 52.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 48.00 2,510.88 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/25/13 2.00 54.00 05/25/13 82.75 809.31 06/14/13 72.00 1,944.00 05/11/13 0.67 532.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.29 2,297.32 05/25/13 30.00 375.00 05/11/13 0.67 532.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/31/13 52.25 518.38 05/25/13 95.50 2,578.50 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number McCoy, Janette E McDaniels, Brian P McDevitt, William D W FP M M CC M FV FV FV FV FV CO M M M M M FV FV FV FV M M M M M M CO FV FV FV CO FP CC W W FV FV FV CO CO CO FP FP W W CO CO FP FP M M M CO MTH030346201310 MTH030461201310 Substitute 201310 PE127601201310 AsstWSOCR201310 BIO208602201310 AFSD201310 CHM105504201310 CHM105502201310 HONORS201310 Substitute 201310 PEDUDCE201305 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MTH030603201310 MTH030619201310 MTH140601201310 Substitute 201310 MTH081500201310 MTH030519201310 MTH0805002013 Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MTH140651201310 AT152601201310 Substitute 201310 ART165602201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 FLJPDCE201305 PSY2005SC201310 PSY200512201310 AFSD201310 PEDUDCE201305 RTH140&245201310 BTOP201310 SPA1013S1201310 OpeningSession201310 HONORS201310 PSI105503201310 ME254500201310 PEDUDCE201305 MOTRDCE2201305 MOTRDCE201305 ENG071450201310 ENG070451201310 ART113338201310 ManagerArtAnnex201310 MOTRDCE201305 FOODDCE201305 DHY132401201310 DHY232401201310 PSI115653201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 PSI115651201310 PERDDCE201305 McDonald, Alexander J McDonald, Virginia N McDowell, Lynda M McGee, Tracey R McGhee, Mark T McGowan, Ruth A McGuire, Mary E McKelvie, Kenneth H McKenna, Donald J McLeer, Noriko McLin­Morris, Anis F McMeans, Katherine S McMillen, Donna M McMurtry, Tracy E McNamee, Burnette M McNeil, James H McNutt, Karol A Meade, Dennis G Meder, Carol A Meechai, Ann K Meeks, J W Mellring, Scott A Melton, Michelle N Menendez, Michele E Menendez, Richard A Meredith, Kimberly A 07/09/13 ­33­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 6.00 156.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.93 1,200.40 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 5.33 4,908.72 05/11/13 4.00 3,683.84 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 10.00 268.00 05/25/13 10.00 210.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 13.66 409.80 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/09/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 03/15/13 2.00 150.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/11/13 6.00 156.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 16.00 432.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 27.00 729.00 05/11/13 0.67 532.00 05/31/13 185.00 5,735.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.34 3,436.72 05/25/13 12.00 324.00 05/25/13 49.00 882.00 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 0.67 532.00 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/25/13 15.50 325.50 05/11/13 2.33 1,862.00 05/11/13 5.33 4,256.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/25/13 8.00 184.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Merlin, Karen J Mertz, Kristen D Meser, John E CO CO CO CO FV FV FV M M M M CO FP FP CO M M FV W FV CO FP FP FP FP CO CO FP FP FP FP CO CO M M CO FV CO FP FP FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV CO FV FV DANCDCE201305 RADCE201305 CTCE201305 CTCEADJ201305 HST105501201310 NF0201230 Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 CHM105602201310 Substitute 201310 ENG061602201310 OECE201305 EMS201310 EMT121S50 OECEADJ201305 HST101S01201310 HST102S02201310 DIT115650201310 Opening Session DIT115350201310 CRFTDCE201305 RDG030409201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 RDG030425201310 RDG030407201310 COMMDCE201305 PEDUDCE201305 CTLADJFAC2013 COM101404201310 COM101409201310 COM101415201310 WRITDCE201305 CRFTDCE201305 Substitute 201310 PE133601201310 CRFTDCE201305 MTH108552201310 PEDUDCE201305 HONORSFALL201230 ART107:401201310 HMS100404201310 CTlADJFACCON2013 MTH030632201310 DHY132401201310 DHY232401201310 BIO208509LAB201310 BIO207501LAB201310 BIO141501LAB201310 BIO140550LAB201310 BUS104501201310 BUS104502201310 GED201305 STR050580201310 HMS202501201310 Metroulas, Michael B Michael, Paul R Michael, Sally C Miederhoff, Marilyn K Mignin, Erin N Miller, Anne C Miller, Beverly K Miller, Carolyn S Miller, Fred E Miller, Jeanette P Miller, Jeffrey Miller, Julia M Miller, Thi T Mills, Stephanie L Mimlitz, Edward J Minden, Stacy E Minogue, Pauline K Misra, Bishnupriya Mitchell, Metra L Mitchell, Pacquita H Mitchener, Debra L Mittendorf, Deborah A Mnyapara, Haron K Moberly, Jonathon D Mockobey, Jean F Moeller, Michelene C 07/09/13 ­34­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/25/13 44.00 792.00 05/25/13 42.00 308.70 05/31/13 28.12 927.96 05/31/13 1.00 15.58 05/11/13 4.00 2,867.84 04/27/13 1.00 654.45 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 5.33 3,720.76 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 3.50 115.50 05/11/13 1.08 673.99 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.08 05/31/13 0.50 7.79 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 20.00 460.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.37 2,443.78 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 10.00 210.00 06/14/13 22.00 462.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 6.50 136.50 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,228.16 05/25/13 12.00 276.00 05/11/13 2.81 2,893.95 05/25/13 20.00 540.00 03/09/13 14.00 1,302.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 5.98 4,173.56 05/11/13 2.83 1,977.44 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/31/13 123.50 1,344.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.80 2,652.72 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Moll, Malgorzata S Monachella, Lisa M Monier, Shelly L Moody, Peggy L Moore, David A Moore, Michael R Moraru, Natalia C Morgan, Mary F Morris, Kathryn S Morris, Paul T Morris, Sandra E Morrow, Betty J Morrow, Thomas J Mosby, Timothy C Moss, Robert S Mossotti, Travis M Mothershead, Kristine M Mott, Guy M Motta, Denise K Mounts, Jason A Mozelewski, Ronald A Muehling, Janet M 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M FP CO W W W W FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV M M M M M FP FP CO M M M CO M M M CO W W W FV FV FV FV HMS201501201310 ENG051402201310 Substitute 201310 ENG050402201310 MTH020652201310 Substitute 201310 MUS103501201310 MUS128501201310 MUS113551201230 MUS113551201310 PSY200513201310 PSY216556201310 ART166,204,266:450 201310 PE129650201310 PE129651201310 PE130201310 BIO207450 BIO215H01 PSY200374201310 PSY2033S1201310 Opening Session PSY200375201310 NUR108 201310 PLTWEDD201310 EGR104550201310 REFLIB201310 RDG020501201310 RDG030502201310 EMS201310 PE130580201310 PE130581201310 LGL206695201310 LGL230695201310 ENG101654201310 FacultyOrientation201310 ENG1026W3201310 BIO111408LAB201310 BIO111407201310 PEDUDCE201305 PE181S01201310 Substitute 201310 PE181S02201310 PEDUDCE201305 PE130201310 PE181S50201310 PED116602201310 PEDUDCE201305 ECO151374201310 BUS201374201310 Opening Session MTH030507201310 MTH030516201310 MTH030513201310 Substitute 201310 ­35­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 4.40 3,071.56 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/24/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 6.00 4,188.48 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 7.00 210.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 01/19/13 0.52 417.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 4.00 2,492.16 03/09/13 2.00 1,395.84 05/11/13 2.00 1,395.84 05/11/13 3.33 2,326.40 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 05/11/13 5.68 5,233.36 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 8.67 6,916.00 05/11/13 3.75 3,453.60 05/11/13 2.67 2,458.96 05/11/13 8.06 5,627.63 05/11/13 2.25 2,315.16 05/11/13 2.76 2,838.72 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.40 05/11/13 1.25 872.40 05/11/13 1.25 872.40 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/09/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/25/13 3.00 54.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 16.50 429.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/25/13 13.00 351.00 05/11/13 1.29 804.76 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/25/13 25.00 450.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 2.87 2,958.26 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 38.66 1,159.80 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Mueller, Karen A Mueller, Richard W Mueller, Robert J Mujakic, Azim Muldoon, Peggy J FP FP FV CO FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP CO M M M CO CO W M M M FV FV FV M M M M FV M M CO FP FP CO FV FV FP CO M CO FV M M FP FP M M FV FV CO CC NUR201 201310 SUBSTITUTE EGR133550201310 FLBODCE201305 COM101413201310 COM101401201310 COM101407201310 FIR:205.451­201310 FIR:205.450­201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ACC203650201310 RTH245401201310 BJCCOHORTSPRING201310 ARTSDCE201305 PSY205641201310 PSY200678201310 MTH160C651201310 CVT/ASSIST PERDDCE201305 MTH160C305201310 HST101641201310 Substitute 201310 HST101S51201310 ECE101550201310 ECE127501201310 ECE127550201310 BIO111651201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 BIO111609201310 Substitute 201310 ECE206501201310 ENG020650201310 ENG030650201310 CTCE201305 EMS201210 EMT121451201310 CTCEADJ201305 ENG1025X9201310 ENG101580201310 AdjunctFaculty/Counselor201310 CPDV708900201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ECOLDCE201305 Substitute 201310 MTH140620201310 MTH140616201310 CTLADFAC2013 ENG030464201310 CHM101603201310 HRT214650201310 ENG030503201310 ENG030502201310 LIFEGUARDDCE201305 MSOCRCOA201310 Mullins, Scott A Mundle, Judy R Murphy, Daniel E Murphy, Emily E Muschany, Nancy A Nadler, Joel L Naes, Matthew Nalesnik, Robert W Nash, Deanna L Neal, Ashley A Neels, Mark A Neil, Darlene H Neufeld, Irwin J Neuner, Ann S Newberry, Tina M Newcomb, Steven D Nichols, Nichole R Niemeyer, Candace L Niemoeller, Christianna Niere, Guy R Nikonowicz, Diane M Nisbet, Lynne B Nixon, Jacquelyn Y Norton, Leslie K O'Connell, M D O'Connell, Marcia L O'Connell, Shannon P O'Keefe, Daniel B 07/09/13 ­36­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 10.67 8,512.00 05/11/13 12.00 312.00 05/11/13 2.34 1,867.52 05/25/13 16.00 432.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 0.17 133.00 05/11/13 1.47 1,023.62 05/25/13 90.00 2,430.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/31/13 32.00 480.00 05/25/13 6.00 126.00 05/11/13 4.48 2,792.39 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.50 1,197.12 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 05/11/13 0.40 368.40 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/31/13 10.00 330.00 05/11/13 1.21 755.01 05/11/13 4.75 2,959.44 05/31/13 1.00 15.58 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/09/13 3.00 2,094.24 06/30/13 7.00 7,204.40 05/14/13 6.00 4,188.48 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 11.00 253.00 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 5.33 4,908.72 05/11/13 3.33 2,657.60 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/25/13 4.00 39.84 05/11/13 5.62 3,501.48 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number O'Neill, Cheryl O FP FP FP FP CO W W W CO CO CO M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M FV CO M M FV FV FV M M M M W W W FV M M M M FP CO FP FV FP FP FV FP MTH030451201310 MTH040450201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 Substitute 201310 WRITDCE201305 ART133134338201310 Opening Session ART111112211340201310 CCPRSEMINAR201305 HORTDCE201305 SENRDCE201305 BIO111695201310 BIO111696201310 PT REF LIBRARIAN CE250550201310 BIO111504201310 BIO111510LAB201310 Substitute 201310 HONORS201310 ANT202501201310 ANT102501201310 EMS201310 MTH080460201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 FNL207401201310 ART172695201310 ART249696201310 SOC100506201310 EDUC201305 SPA101603201310 SPA102650201310 MTH020541201310 MTH020540201310 Substitute 201310 MTH030S50201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 FacultyOrientation201310 PE171601201310 PE116371201310 Opening Session Substitute 201310 Substitute 201310 PSC101680 PSC101S95201310 GEG101680201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 Substitute 201310 PLB201305 ART109,110,209,210:402201310 GUESTSPEAKER201310 PE165166401201310 PE165166421201310 PE165501201310 Getting Fit­Zumba Oakes, Jordan M Oakley, Mark H Ochonicky, Michelle A Ohlsen, Elizabeth C Ohmer, Roberta M Olliges, Rance S Olson, Krista M ONeal, Michael E Oneil, Michael J ONeil, Veronica B Ortmann, Thomas A OShea, Matthew A Osler, Jan M Osmanagic, Kimberly C Otalora, Jose D Owulette, Ernest Paddock, Grace E Paez, V SuzAnne Pagano, Kathryn A Palazzolo, Cynthia J Panus, Jeffrey J Pape, Dana L Paradise, Michael J Parran, Herbert S Paster, Latrica D 07/09/13 ­37­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 5.00 3,490.40 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.50 105.00 05/25/13 80.75 2,180.25 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/25/13 2.00 50.00 05/25/13 6.00 162.00 05/25/13 4.00 100.00 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 367.00 6,404.16 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.25 870.41 05/11/13 4.33 124.58 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 1.53 955.68 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.87 1,993.60 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/13 18.00 522.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 03/09/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 34.50 1,035.00 05/31/13 6.00 91.50 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 1.25 37.50 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 05/03/13 1.00 300.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Patton, Michael F W W W FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV FV M CO CO CO FP FP FV FV CO CO FV FV FV FV FP FP FP CO FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP CO CO FP M FP FP FP FP FP CO CO CO CO CO CO FV ECO1513W1201310 Opening Session ECO1513W2201310 DA201401201310 DA174401201310 DA202401201310 PHY111602201310 Substitute 201310 BIO208551201310 BIO208551LAB201310 BIO208550201310 BIO208550LAB201310 ART107601201310 ARTSDCE201305 DANCDCE201305 COMP201305 EMS201310 EMT121S01201310 ANT101501201310 SOC101511201310 PEDUDCE201305 CPDV201305 AFSDF4W201310 ENG020517201310 ENG030512201310 STR050521201310 CUL101450201310 CUL105450201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 RMGT201305 MUS121401201310 MUS115401201310 HONORSFALL201230 AFSD201310 BIO208402LAB201310 BIO208401LAB201310 BIO208401402201310 EMS201310 PHOTDCE201305 MOTRDCE201305 AdjunctFaculty/Counselor201310 ART107669201310 FIR:207.451­201310 FIR:207.450­201310 ENG101413201310 CTLADJFACSPCONF2013 EMS201310 CTCRADJ201305 CTCE201305 CTCEADJ201305 OECE201305 OECEADJ201305 CTCR201305 Substitute 201310 Patty, Diana G Patty, Mark R Paul, Lori L Pauley, Mark M Paulsen, Sarah E Pearson, Wade L Peck, David M Peebles, Paul D Pelch, Taryn C Pellegrino, Susan J Penfold, Edwin P Pepple, Kim P Perry, John H Perry, Talya R Perschbacher, Philip F Peters, George J Peters, Thomas J Peterson, Kimberly G Petrovic, Cheryl A Pettit, Alice R Petty, Douglass Phillips, Roxanne M Phipps, David E Piety, Patricia Pikey, Carol A Pilarcik, Elizabeth C 07/09/13 ­38­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 0.33 266.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 0.50 399.00 05/11/13 5.00 3,990.40 05/11/13 7.00 198.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 1.33 1,368.52 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 1.33 1,368.52 05/11/13 2.67 2,744.32 05/25/13 45.00 1,125.00 05/25/13 8.00 144.00 05/31/13 36.00 900.00 05/11/13 0.24 150.04 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 6.00 108.00 05/31/13 8.00 248.00 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 03/31/13 1.00 976.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 12.00 396.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 02/16/13 1.00 25.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,224.88 05/11/13 1.33 1,224.88 05/11/13 4.00 3,683.84 05/11/13 0.50 311.60 05/25/13 15.00 405.00 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 06/30/13 6.25 6,432.50 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 623.20 05/31/13 1.00 15.58 05/31/13 17.50 577.50 05/31/13 1.50 23.37 05/31/13 24.00 561.00 05/31/13 3.00 31.16 05/31/13 10.00 330.00 05/11/13 22.50 675.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Pilla, Michael A Pilon, Bernard F Pippens, Rasheda C Pisoni, John C Pitchford, Duane C Pitchford, Stanley L Pittenger, Jeffery E Pittman, Dwight D Pittman, Robert D Plants, Elizabeth W Podleski, Genevieve M Pohlmann, Gary A Polhemus, William W Pope, Pamela J Popp, Tamara E Porter, James M Porter, John P Portman, Gale R Poth, Margaret C Potsos, Rena I Potter, Allen S Potthoff, Joseph F Powell, Mary A Power, Ruth E Powers, Valerie S Prahl, Cory M Prakash, Elizabeth Prewitt, Amy H Pribble, Douglas S 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV CO M M M M M M FP FP CO CO CO M CO M M M CO CO CO FP FP FP M CO CO FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M HONORS201310 ART240551201310 AT234501201310 ACC122580201310 ACC120580201310 CTLADFACCON2013 CUL150401201310 NUR108 OB 201310 Substitute 201310 ENG062650201310 Eng062:450 CTLADJFACCON2013 IS101441201310 IS101440201310 ILCCONTACTHOURS201310 IS101474201310 MTH02051G201310 MTH020527201310 MOTRDCE201305 MUS128601201310 MUS128S01201310 HST102647201310 Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MTH020653201310 Reference Librarian CTLADJFACCONFP2013 MOTRDCE201305 FOODDCE201305 SUPV201305 MTH140S51201310 NURS201305 Substitute 201310 ART110606201310 ART109605201310 PEDUDCE201305 FLSPDCE201305 PEDUDCE201305 MTH124451201310 MUS150450201310 MUS154421201210 NUR108601201310 FOODDCE201305 FLRUDCE201305 ART275:450 201310 CTLADJFACSPECONF2013 BIO111552LAB201310 AFSD201310 BIO111552201310 AFSDF4W201310 STR050525201310 STR050511201310 STR050502201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ­39­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/09/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.33 2,657.60 05/11/13 2.17 1,995.76 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 1.00 1,157.58 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.00 1,028.96 05/11/13 1.00 1,028.96 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 03/09/13 1.00 1,028.96 05/11/13 2.53 1,767.02 05/11/13 2.53 1,767.02 05/25/13 113.00 1,242.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 17.32 519.60 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/17/13 6.26 4,371.25 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/25/13 6.00 150.00 05/31/13 26.00 416.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 13.50 445.50 05/11/13 15.00 390.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/25/13 30.00 810.00 06/14/13 24.00 648.00 05/25/13 20.00 540.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 03/09/13 2.00 1,246.08 05/11/13 32.00 1,116.16 05/11/13 8.83 7,049.00 05/25/13 8.00 200.00 05/25/13 16.00 216.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Price, Alice C Prifti, Norma J Puricelli, Stephanie M Quinn, Thomas G Raible, Joseph M Raife, Tracee S Raimist, Andrew Raj, Anand V Ralston, Helen R Ramer, Nicole R Randazzo, Jennifer A Ratino, Kathlyn S Ratliff, Craig R Ray, Isadore Redman, Michael G Reed, Laura J Reekers, Samuel S Reese, Myron C Reese, Ruth A Reidel, Amy N Reif, Melissa N Reis, Kevin J Reitan, Eric A Reiter, Jana C Rell, David P Renz, James B Riat, Michael S Ribaudo, Ann E Richardson, Carol J Richardson, Mariah L 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M FV FP FP FV FV M FP FP FP FV FV M M M FV CO M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV CO M FV FV M M M M M M FP M M M FP FP FP CO W W CO M FP FP FP FP CRJ111650201310 ENG101502201310 DHY132401201310 DHY232401201310 PE142580201310 ASSTAQUATICDIRECTOR201310 SOC211650201310 CHM101408201310 Substitute 201310 FNL103401201310 BIO207552201310 BIO207552LAB201310 ARC207650201310 ARC206650201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 SUBSTITUTE201310 COMP201305 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ENG030S01201310 DIT108550201310 COM107401201310 COM2004WA201310 CTLADJFACCONF2013 COM101477201310 SUBSTITUTE­LECTURE SUBSTITUTE­LAB MTH535501201310 Substitute 201310 NATRDCE201305 CHM101S50201310 DCS212501201310 DCS212551201310 CHM106650201310 Substitute 201310 ART110604201310 Substitute 201310 ART110602201310 STR050601201310 EMS201310 PHL101SW2201310 IDS101S01201310 PHL104S01201310 EDU211462201310 CUL205461201310 CUL201450201310 MUSCDCE201305 MTH230301201310 MTH160C301201310 GED201305 Substitute 201310 MCM120401201310 IDS101H03201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACSPCON2013 ­40­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 4.67 3,724.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 0.67 415.36 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 5.33 4,908.72 05/11/13 6.00 168.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 03/09/13 2.00 1,395.84 03/09/13 2.00 1,395.84 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 33.00 990.00 05/31/13 20.00 660.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 2.00 52.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 24.00 720.00 05/25/13 14.00 378.00 05/11/13 5.33 4,253.76 05/11/13 1.69 1,051.38 05/11/13 1.69 1,051.38 05/11/13 5.33 5,484.36 05/11/13 18.00 468.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 12.00 312.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.24 771.83 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.14 1,957.90 03/09/13 3.33 2,074.72 05/25/13 36.00 972.00 05/11/13 5.00 3,490.40 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/31/13 312.00 4,725.00 05/11/13 9.00 270.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Richmeyer, Lori R Riess, John F Rieves, Denise C Rilling­Bronder, Deborah A Ring, Susan M Riordan, Tracey A Ripplinger, Dennis R Risch, Jeffrey M Risch, Justin C Ritchie, Laura J Ritter, Jay B Ritzka, Gerard J Rivers, Wendell Roberts, Lin M Roberts, Mathew S Robinson, James P Robinson, Rodney B Rodgers, Rebecca L Rodney, Tamara K Roesch, Donna E Roesslein, Timothy J Rogers, Joseph P Rogers, Larry P Roiger, Helene A 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FP FP M M M M CO CC CO M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP MCM1014SA201310 NUR101 201310 MTH140617201310 PSI111650201310 PSI111604201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 COMP201305 AsstVBALL201310 MATHDCE201305 HST102696201310 HST101695201310 HST101S95201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG020421201310 ENG030417201310 Substitute 201310 ECO140575201310 ECO140574201310 BUS201550201310 MTH080451201310 MTH080453201310 HIT101401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HIT101421201310 FNL207401201310 Substitute 201310 SOC101450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 SOC101408201310 SOC101407201310 PSY200H01201310 Substitute 201310 PSY2004012013 ENG101S50201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ENG101452201310 ENG1025X4201310 ENG1025X3201310 HONORSFALL201230 PSY208450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG070403201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 EDU211S50201310 IS123414201310 IS123474201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ILCCONTENTHOURS201310 IS132474201310 PT Fac J Library Serv FP EMT121451201310 EMS201310 NURLAB 201310 ­41­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 5.33 3,722.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 12.00 396.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.08 05/25/13 12.00 324.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/09/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 8.50 255.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 0.93 884.80 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 5.00 5,144.80 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.91 2,676.54 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/09/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.83 1,762.04 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/09/13 1.00 698.08 03/09/13 1.00 698.08 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 1.00 698.08 05/17/13 7.15 6,586.60 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 0.26 162.34 05/11/13 0.00 0.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Rollins, Joseph L Romeo, John E Romero, Linda A Rooney, Patricia A Rosen, Adrienne Rosen, Marjorie M Rosener, Russell J Ross, Laura G Ross, Linda N Rubsam, Carolyn J Rudis, Niloufar M Ruh, Polly P Rush, Nicholas A Russell, Janine R Russell, Olga Russell, Paul B Russell, Retannical D Russell, Thomas L Ryan­Reardon, Kim Saccavino, Alex V Sachs, Guy H Salomon, Mary A Sanchez, Andrew Sanders, David T Sanders, John A Sanvito, B A Saurage, Judith L Schaefer, Robert E 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FP M CO FP FP CO W M M M CO FP FP CO FV FV FV M M M FP FP CO CO CO M M M CO FP CO FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP CO FP FP CO CO M M FP CO CO FP NURBJC 201310 AT234698SDL201310 CVTW201305 EMS201310 PAR202S01201310 PLB201305 ART100374201310 IDS101613201310 IDS101613HON201310 IDS101618201310 CFKDDCE201305 HIT201450201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PHOTDCE201305 Substitute 201310 ART17257A201310 ART172580201310 MUS114640201310 MUS114642201310 MUS114676201310 COM101452201310 COM101451201310 CRFTDCE201305 PLB201305 GED201305 PE130201310 PE180675201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 GEDUDCE201305 CTLADJFACCONF201310 DANCDCE201310 COM101512201310 COM107502201310 COM101515201310 DCS107551201310 DCS120502201310 DCS116551201310 Substitute 201310 COM107474201310 Substitute Pay PlayDirecting201310 MCM101401201310 MCM130474201310 ARTSDCE201305 DMS111401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 GNSFDCE201305 GNSFAIDED/CE201315 ECO151646201310 Substitute 201310 CE:115.450­201310 HEALDCE201305 CCPRCE201305 FNL207401201310 ­42­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 0.00 0.00 05/11/13 8.00 744.00 05/31/13 11.00 363.00 05/11/13 1.53 954.43 05/11/13 5.00 3,490.40 05/31/13 9.75 148.69 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 9.00 243.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 32.00 864.00 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 05/11/13 4.00 4,116.48 03/09/13 1.50 1,197.12 03/09/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/25/13 10.00 230.00 05/31/13 220.00 2,302.77 05/31/13 132.00 2,331.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,842.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,763.36 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 45.00 1,215.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 18.00 324.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 1.00 623.04 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 13.50 405.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/25/13 60.00 1,620.00 05/11/13 8.00 6,384.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 20.00 540.00 05/25/13 4.00 72.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 11.00 297.00 05/25/13 6.00 132.00 05/11/13 0.93 884.80 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Schaljo, Frederick Scharfenberger, Kristine K Scheer, Wynn P FV CO W W M M M M M M CC M M M M M FP CO M CO FP CO M M M M M M M CO FP FP CO FP W W W CO FP FP FP FP FP CO W FV FV FV CO CO FV M M M RDG020555201310 ARTSDCE201305 EDU218301201310 Opening Session Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MTH020601201310 BIO111S50201310 BIO111612201310 BIO111613201310 AsstMSOCR201310 MUS121601201310 MUS121602201310 COM101629201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 COM107603201310 EMS201310 HISTDCE201305 NUR101601201310 MOTRDCE201305 HRM261250201310 MOTRDCE201305 MGT201SDL201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MGT101675201310 BUS104610201310 MGT101674201310 MTH140S01201310 MTH030S03201310 CRFTDCE201305 ST111401201310 BAP250450201310 CAMPDCE201305 MEDDIRECT201310 MTH140303201310 Opening Session MTH030304201310 FOODDCE201305 CUL205421201310 CUL201401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 RDG020451201310 MOTRDCE201305 Opening Session ENG1025XX201310 ENG1025XL201310 HONORS201310 DANCDCE201305 BUSS201305 ECO140501201310 ART239601201310 ART238639201310 ART138639201310 Scherer, Carol A Schlichtig, Scott A Schmermund, David R Schmidt, Susan C Schmisseur, Amber M Schneider, Ann T Schneider, Douglas E Schneider, Kaycee M Schoene, Judith A Schomaker, Maria M Schomaker, Mark A Schoolman, Marilyn J Schrader, Diann J Schroeder, Cassandra H Schubert, Karen M Schubert, Stephan G Schulte, Jeanne M Schwartz, Oscar A Schwieder, Marcia A Sciaroni, Cynthia L Seaborn, Jeffrey W Seager, Mary V Seavey, Jeremy S Seman, Ryan E Senior, Martha Sevier, William D Sexton, Cathy A Sextro, Donald E Shay, Robert J 07/09/13 ­43­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 42.00 1,134.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 1.20 747.64 05/11/13 2.00 1,841.92 05/11/13 2.00 1,841.92 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 0.10 62.32 05/25/13 5.00 115.00 05/11/13 6.57 4,583.02 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 11.00 231.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/11/13 6.38 4,453.76 05/25/13 9.00 243.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,057.92 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 12.50 337.50 05/11/13 2.96 2,358.32 03/09/13 3.14 2,507.96 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 2.92 3,006.49 05/25/13 80.00 1,440.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/31/13 4.00 116.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,064.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Shay, Terri Shea, John M Shea, Marion C Shearing, Victoria V Shedd, Charles P Sheehan, Timothy P Shelton, Melanie A Shepek, Gary D Shepherd, Eiko S Sheppard, Patricia M Sherman, Gudrun E Sherry, Jerome P Shields, Samantha A Shiller, Alan H Shiller, Bonnie L Shintre, Seema Shivers, Natalie A Shiwachi, Maki S Shrinivas, Radha S Shuecraft, Steven W Siddens, Trisha L Siebel, John Siegel, Phyllis B Sigler, Danny R Sigmund, Francine M 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP M FV CO FP FP FP FV FV M M M M M CO M M FP FP FP FP FP CO FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP M M FP M CO CO M ART240698SDL201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ART108669201310 PHL101608201310 PHL104602201310 PHL104641201310 PHL103647HON201310 PHL1036S2201310 PHL1036S1201310 PHL1036S1HON201310 PHL103647201310 MTH080462201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 PSI105551LAB201310 PEDUDCE201305 Substitute 201310 MTH080432201310 MTH080417201310 PE145501201310 PE137501201310 ART107602201310 ART107603201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 GER101601201310 ESLPLCMENT201310 HOMEDCE201305 COM101609201310 COM101601201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 CDAGRANTonetimepayment ECE124401201310 ECE104451201310 ECE105450201310 FOODDCE201305 MTH080501201310 MTH 03052K201310 afs201310 Substitute 201310 MTH080510201310 JPN102601201310 JPN101601201310 MTH030410201310 MTH020422201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 MTH081402201310 SOC101S01201310 SOC101601201310 ENG020461201310 ENG051650201310 BRIDDCE201305 GED201305 ESLPLCMENT201310 ­44­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 31.00 930.00 05/11/13 3.33 2,324.60 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 17.50 455.00 05/25/13 2.50 52.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/17/13 1.00 1,500.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,842.24 05/11/13 2.83 2,604.59 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/25/13 12.00 324.00 03/09/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 22.31 669.30 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.78 1,941.54 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 60.00 720.00 05/31/13 110.00 1,512.00 05/11/13 11.50 299.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Silva, Michael R Silver, Stephen A Simeoli, Carol A Simler, Diana J Simon, Barbara R Simon, George A Sinclair, Scott W Singleton, Timothy E Sinner, Jamie L Skala, John E Skid, Neil A Skurat, Angela D Slaughter, Anne H Small, James R Smith Piffel, Phyllis A Smith­Buckingham, Minnie M Smith, Alverta L Smith, Bruce A Smith, Dennis A Smith, James J Smith, Jeanne W Smith, Jeffrey W Smith, Killian J Smith, Michael W Smith, Michelle A Smith, Patty M Smith, Richard H Smith, Ryan M Smith, Sandra T Smith, Susan M Smith, Tammy K Smith, Tiffany E 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M M CO CO M M M FP CO FP M FP FP FP M CO CO FP FP FP FP FP FP M M CO FP ENG060602201310 ENG070602201310 AUTODCE201305 GED201305 ENG030614201310 ACC100641201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 DMS111401201310 FLARDCE201305 PHL104450201310 PHL103641201310 PHL109401201310 Substitute 201310 MTH160C480201310 NUR101601201310 MOTRDCE201305 PEDUDCE201305 NURBJC 201310 NURLAB 201310 Substitute 201310 DHY232401201310 DHY132401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PSI115650201310 PSI115652201310 ARTSDCE201305 ST111401201310 CO FV FP FP W W W W W W W W CO M CO M M FP FP FV M FP FP M CO CO NURS201305 ENG030580201310 MTH081451201310 MTH160C453201310 Opening Session MTH160C304201310 MTH160C350201310 PHL103301201310 Opening Session Opening Session MTH030350OneTimePay MTH030350201310 NATRDCE201305 ARC220602201310 ELEC201305 ECO152695201310 ECO151695201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 CDAGRANTonetime payment ME1525201310 LGL211695201310 MTH030446201310 MTH030464201310 PE136601201310 CRFTDCE201305 WRITDCE201305 ­45­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 6.00 4,188.48 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 3.00 81.00 05/31/13 180.00 2,067.12 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/25/13 16.00 336.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 2.75 2,532.64 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 6.47 4,513.22 05/25/13 19.00 162.00 05/25/13 35.00 735.00 05/11/13 0.97 679.32 05/11/13 3.52 2,460.16 05/11/13 7.50 225.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,456.32 05/11/13 6.86 6,314.26 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,057.92 05/11/13 2.00 2,057.92 05/25/13 174.00 4,698.00 05/11/13 6.67 5,320.00 05/31/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/15/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/15/13 05/15/13 03/30/13 05/11/13 05/25/13 05/11/13 05/31/13 05/11/13 03/09/13 02/19/13 05/17/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 04/13/13 05/25/13 05/25/13 129.37 3.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 42.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 4.67 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 12.00 4.00 4,269.21 2,762.88 2,094.24 2,792.32 75.00 3,683.84 3,683.84 2,762.88 75.00 75.00 200.00 1,869.12 63.00 3,192.00 1,386.00 2,762.88 2,762.75 75.00 400.00 3,727.04 2,762.88 2,094.24 2,094.24 830.71 216.00 84.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Smith, Tiffany M W W CO M M CO FV FP FP FP M M FP CO FV FV CO FV CO CO FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CO CO M M M M M FV FV CO FP W W M M CO FV FV M M M M M CO W W ENG1023W4201310 ENG1023W5201310 LIFEGUARDDCE201305 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ENG101647201310 ARTSDCE201305 CHM206501201310 DMS125401201310 HUM102401201310 HONORSFALL201230 IDS201612201310 IDS201601201310 Reference Librarian CVTW201305 PIANOCOMBOS201310 MUS114551201310 MUSCDCE201305 AFSDF4W201310 CTCE201305 CTCTEADJ201305 HONORS201310 Substitute 201310 ENG101575201310 ENG1025WF201310 ME243550201310 Substitute 201310 SOC1015WA201310 Substitute 201310 SENRDCE201310 GENEDCE201305 ECE105650201310 ECEChildCareGrant201310 Substitute 201310 PE122601201310 PE122602201310 ENG1025XI201310 ENG101514201310 GNSFAIDED/CE201305 BAP250450201310 EDU2263W4201310 Opening Session ART131603201310 ART131650201310 RMGT201305 STR050514201310 ENG030519201310 STR050604201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 STR050S01201310 ART165650201310 MTH170650201310 RADCE201305 Substitute 201310 HST1023W2201310 Smith, William A Sokol, Laurence J Solomon, Elizabeth L Sommer, William Sone, Stacy R Souder, Sally A Spencer, Jamieson Spinks, Jeffrey P Sprengeler, Richard A Springer, Christina C Sprinkle, Regina M Squires, Kenneth J Stafford, Robert W Stafford, Sherry A Stallings, Martin­Keith D Stamm, Mary P Stanton, Tracey M Star, Darcie E Starwalt, Donald E Staryak, Paul A Steele, Lauren M Steiger, Jeen Steiner, Frank A Stephan Marino, Almut Stewart, Linda F Stock, Vincent F Stocker, Christine R Stoll, Sam L Stone, Charles D Stopsky, Fred H 07/09/13 ­46­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 103.00 1,012.51 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 6.00 150.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 2,492.16 05/11/13 4.00 3,683.84 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/12/13 1.19 1,093.94 05/31/13 11.00 363.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,396.16 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 26.00 702.00 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 11.00 363.00 05/31/13 1.00 15.58 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/09/13 0.44 457.89 05/11/13 5.25 157.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/25/13 2.00 50.00 05/25/13 24.00 648.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 04/27/13 2.01 1,399.66 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 2.92 2,331.89 05/11/13 2.92 2,331.89 05/25/13 11.50 207.00 05/11/13 3.19 1,987.48 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/15/13 1.00 37.50 05/11/13 4.00 3,684.48 05/11/13 4.00 3,684.48 05/31/13 24.00 648.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/25/13 18.00 132.30 05/11/13 1.25 37.50 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Storer, Christopher M Stormer, Kathleen D Stovall­Reid, Calea F Stowers, Janelle A Strait, Gerry T Strait, Marlene A Strinni, Theresa L Struebing, Meredith L Studt, Kurt H Sturmfels, Gus W Stygar, Elizabeth F Suchland, Colin E Sullivan, Barry J Sullivan, Kathleen A Sullivan, T C Suydam, Rycken S Swanson, Teresa A Sweet Patterson, Carol Sweet, Dustin L Swenson, Jennifer A Swiener, Rita R Symsack, Megan N Taborn, Eleanor C Taborn, Tyrone A Talaski, Paul Tallant, Russell S Tarbouni, Younasse Taylor, Karen A 07/09/13 Loc Course Number W FV FV FV FV FV CO FP FP FP CO CO CO CO FV FP CO M M M M M M M M FP FP FP M M CO W W W W W W W W M M W W W CO FP FP M M FP FP FP M FP Opening Session BIO208508LAB201310 BIO207LAB201310 BIO208508201310 BIO207502201310 Substitute 201310 PERDDCE201305 CRJ:101.474­201310 ENG020453201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 GEDFED201305 DANCDCE201305 DANCDCE201305 DANCDCE201305 ENG086501201310 DHY232401201310 AUTODCE201305 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 SOC101610201310 SOC202674201310 SOC101S95201310 ART109669201310 PHL109601HON201310 PHL109641201310 PHL109601201310 CUL150450201310 BAP150401201310 BAP150402201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MTH210650201310 MOTRDCE201305 Open Session MTH140304201310 MTH030306201210 MTH166301201310 ECO1523W1201310 ECO152374201310 BUS201301201310 OpeningSession201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MTH030S08201310 IDS101302201310 PSY2003W2201310 PSY200302201310 LIFEGUARDDCE201305 RDG030421201310 BLW:101.451­201310 ART271650201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 SPA101403201310 SPA101450201310 ARA102650201310 CLT207401201310 ­47­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 828.64 03/09/13 1.33 828.64 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 03/09/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 4.50 135.00 05/25/13 12.00 252.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.92 2,331.89 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 105.00 2,436.00 05/25/13 68.00 1,224.00 05/25/13 68.00 1,224.00 05/25/13 20.00 360.00 05/11/13 5.00 3,490.40 05/11/13 2.67 2,744.32 05/25/13 24.00 648.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.88 3,987.84 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.33 2,074.72 05/11/13 3.33 2,074.72 05/11/13 3.33 2,074.72 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 5.00 3,490.40 05/25/13 7.00 440.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 2.95 3,038.65 05/11/13 2.95 3,038.65 05/11/13 2.95 3,038.65 05/25/13 62.25 608.83 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 4.00 2,792.32 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/11/13 2.00 1,395.84 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Taylor, Paula A Tebbetts, Barbara L Temple, John W Tennial, Rachel E Teson, Steven G Tevlin, Geraldine A Tevlin, Robert J Tharenos, Anthony M Thebeau, Lydia G Thomas­Vertrees, Laverne Thomas, Andrew L Thomas, Bill J Thomas, Steven D Thompson, Donald E Thompson, Marcia L Thompson, Nina M Thornton, Michaella A Tiedt, Linda J Tiggs, Ambre N Timmermann, Karl N Tippett, Royce C Tishler, Jean L Tjaden, D S 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FP CO FP FP CO CO M M M M M M FV CO CO M W FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP M M M M M M M W M M W FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP M M M CO CTLADJFACCONF201310 AHCE201305 HONORSFALL201230 CLT104401201310 PEDUDCE201305 ARTSDCE201305 Substitute 201310 MTH020646201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MTH140654201310 FacultyOrientation201310 PSY200606201310 ART233502201310 DANCDCE201305 DANCDCE201305 ART135601201310 BIO208350201310 ACC100550201310 IS165475201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG101401201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 MUS254461201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 MUS150401201310 MUS154450201310 MTH030518201310 AFSD201310 MTH020506201310 MTH020501201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ENG101697201310 ENG101697201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 PE135674201310 PE180674201310 PE106650201310 PE106380201310 PE118652201310 PE106651201310 PE118380201310 AFSD201310 MCM1305XA201310 MCM1305XD201310 MCM101601201310 PE13012429201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PE13012409201310 PE180401201310 BIO1116W1201310 ART131602201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 CVTW201305 ­48­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 66.00 2,493.48 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.15 2,195.54 05/25/13 12.00 252.00 05/25/13 30.00 810.00 05/11/13 9.66 289.80 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 50.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.00 05/25/13 21.00 378.00 05/25/13 21.00 378.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,128.00 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/24/13 16.00 651.04 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.08 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 2.00 1,246.08 03/09/13 2.00 1,246.08 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/16/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/10/13 0.75 523.56 03/09/13 2.25 1,570.68 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,087.36 05/11/13 3.00 3,087.36 03/16/13 1.33 930.56 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 04/13/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.33 930.56 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 1.33 930.56 05/11/13 3.00 2,093.76 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 44.00 1,452.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Toal, Mary M Tobias, Marvin A Tobler, Betty H Toledo, Sue A Toma, Terry L Toney, Debra J Trares, Mary P Tricamo, Sandra A Trietley, Roger S Trokey, Lawrence P Trout, Kelly A True, James E Tucek, Linda A Turek, Morris E Turnage Ferber, Jacqueline K Turner, Bryan J Turner, Cynthia M Turner, Juanetta Y Turner, Mitchell M Tylka, David L Tyus, Vera R Ubriaco, Robert D Ullery, Leona M Unger, Darlene S 07/09/13 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 2.67 1,861.12 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 9.00 270.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/31/13 93.00 1,488.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/25/13 28.00 205.80 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 10.30 309.00 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/31/13 5.00 135.00 05/11/13 1.00 623.04 Loc Course Number M FV FV FV M FP CO FP FV FV FP FV FV FV FV CO FV FV FV M M M CO FV ART245636201310 CHM105550LAB201310 PSY200550201310 BUS104575201310 Substitute 201310 PHL112474201310 SUPV201305 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PE181550201310 PE181501201310 ART100:471 201310 COM101501210310 COM101518201310 Substitute 201310 COM101503201310 RADCE201305 BUS104505201310 BUS104503201310 BUS104504201310 MTH140621201310 Substitute 201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 BUSN201305 RDG017506201310 FV RDG016502201310 05/11/13 1.44 895.62 FV RDG017502201310 05/11/13 0.72 447.81 FV RDG016506201310 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.08 M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FV BIO111697201310 BIO111519LAB201310 BIO111508LAB201310 BIO111501LAB201310 Substitute 201310 BIO111515LAB201310 MTH080452201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HIT207450201310 HRM212474201310 HRM212401201310 BIO156641201310 RDG030554201310 Substitute 201310 HST101608201310 MTH030411201310 Substitute 201310 MTH108401201310 MTH030441201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 02/19/13 02/19/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 02/19/13 05/11/13 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 928.44 928.44 928.44 928.44 34.58 928.44 1,869.12 150.00 75.00 75.00 3,192.32 2,394.24 2,244.60 3,086.88 3,086.88 30.00 3,086.88 2,647.76 112.50 2,647.76 2,615.53 75.00 120.00 ­49­ 1.33 1.33 3.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.81 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.87 3.75 2.87 2.84 1.00 4.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Unruh, Ann L Unverferth, Donna M Upadhya, Gundumi A Usher, Ellen N Vaccaro, Brian A Vachharajani, Neeta A Vallely, John A Van Dyke, Karen A VanDaele, Thomas L Vandeven, Warren T Vaughn, Kimberlee P Vaughn, Ronald L Vavere, Atis Vawter, Bruce G Vedamuthu, Mary S Vehige, Erin N Velten, Gail A Verhoff, Gwendolyn E Vick, Jacqueline T Vidic, Suzana Vitullo, Angelo G Vogel, Lois V Vollrath, Brett A Von Der Ahe, Yvonne M 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV FV CO FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV FV FP FP M M M W W W W W W W W CO FV FV M M M M M M CO M M M M FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP M M CO CO AFSD201310 MTH080521201310 CPDV201305 MTH020439201310 MTH020424201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ACTADJ201210 WritingLAbCoord201310 ENG1024WB201310 ENG2174XA201310 MUS138636201310 BIO208407201310 MTH030539201310 MTH020545201310 Substitute 201310 IS151401201310 IS102402201310 BUS104609201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 BUS104S01201310 IS116301201310 IS103374201310 OpeningSession201310 psy125338201310 Opening Session PSY125368201310 PSY2003WA201310 PSY125339201310 MOTRDCE201305 CHM101504LAB201310 CHM101502LAB201310 CHM101S01201310 HRT242650201310 CHM101650201310 ENG101640201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 ENG101640201310 PEDUDCE201305 HST102601201310 HST101610201310 PSC211601201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MCM110501201310 MCM112501201310 forumADV201310 NUR201601201310 AUT:150.450­201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 DHY232401201310 DHY132401201310 ACC100650201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 CRFTDCE201305 NATRDCE201305 ­50­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 03/16/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/31/13 5.00 165.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 2.94 1,830.18 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 2.75 2,194.72 05/11/13 2.75 2,194.72 05/11/13 2.00 1,595.16 05/11/13 4.33 3,987.76 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,115.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.88 1,500.40 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.88 1,500.40 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.88 1,500.40 05/25/13 40.00 720.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,368.52 05/11/13 1.33 1,368.52 05/11/13 5.33 5,484.36 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 5.33 5,484.36 03/10/13 0.75 523.56 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 2.25 1,570.68 05/25/13 23.00 414.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 6.00 4,188.48 05/11/13 6.39 4,457.40 05/11/13 4.67 4,300.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,058.24 05/11/13 1.75 1,800.96 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 4.00 72.00 05/25/13 2.00 46.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 2.58 1,803.00 05/11/13 3.87 2,704.50 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 3.50 105.00 05/11/13 2.25 1,401.84 05/11/13 2.25 1,401.84 05/25/13 12.00 324.00 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 2.25 1,401.84 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 2.65 1,648.84 05/11/13 2.00 1,246.40 01/31/13 3.00 90.00 Name Loc Course Number Vredeveld, Linda S FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CO FV FV M FP FP FP ART107503201310 ART210501201310 Substitute 201310 HONORS201310 Substitute 201310 MTH030552201310 MTH030553201310 MATHDCE201305 AFSD201310 MTH030582201310 ENG020S01201310 EMS201310 EMS201310 Substitute 201230 M M M M FP FP FP FV W W W W W CO M M M M M M CO CO FP FV FV M M M M CO CO FP FP FP FP M M FP CO ECO1526WA201310 BUS2016X4201310 BUS2016X5201310 NUR205601201310 AUT:158.402­201310 AUT:151.450­201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 CHM105550201310 IDS101377201310 Opening Session Substitute 201310 HST101350201310 HST1023W4201310 PERDDCE201305 ENG071601201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 GEG1036X0201310 GEO100SX1201310 GEG1036X1201310 GEG103602201310 CVTW201305 HISTDCE201305 NUROB 201310 ENG020553201310 ENG020550201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 Substitute 201310 MTH030611201310 MTH030620201310 CPDV201305 50COMMCORDDCE201305 CTLADJFACCONF201310 SOC101401201310 SOC101H01201310 HONORSFALL2012130 MTH160CS02201310 MTH030650201310 BAP150450201310 BIO111414201310 Vroman, Paul J Vugteveen, Susan E Wahoski, Christopher D Wahoski, Stephanie L Walbran­Ambler, Stephanie J Walentik, David S Walker, Mary B Walker, Mitchell E Wall, Alan G Waller, Richard B Walters, Jean M Walters, Nancy G Wamsley, David M Ward, Kevin W Ward, Wynn B Warden, Stacey M Ware, Keith Washington, Bruce E Watkins, Carol S Wead, Rodney S Wegener, Delano P Weil, Dennis L Weil, Tiffany R Weinberg, Robin A 07/09/13 ­51­ 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 02/19/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/15/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/25/13 05/11/13 03/15/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/31/13 05/25/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 03/15/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/31/13 05/25/13 02/19/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 03/09/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 05/11/13 3.00 1.50 1.50 7.97 2.00 4.67 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 7.50 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 77.00 16.00 2.17 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 10.50 13.00 1.00 2.87 2.87 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.33 4.33 3,086.88 1,543.44 1,543.44 5,560.08 2,057.92 4,805.24 75.00 4,115.84 2,094.24 75.00 150.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 202.50 2,094.24 75.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,094.24 2,541.00 432.00 1,729.00 2,094.24 2,094.24 75.00 90.00 2,762.88 2,762.88 304.50 156.00 75.00 2,647.76 2,647.76 93.00 4,115.84 2,094.24 2,324.60 3,987.76 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Weindel, Kenneth J Weiss, Denise Welch, Katherine A Werner, Michele Y Werner, Terry F Wessels, Gerard J Westermann, Amy S Weusthoff, Carole J Wheeler, Benjamin A Whetstine, Lisa A Whirley, Sheila D Whitaker, Jarretha Y White, Dee Ellen B White, Donna M Whitney, Eleanor L Whittemore, Joan M Whittington, Kevin C Wieckhorst, Kathryn N Wilhelm, Robert R Wilke, Fred J Wilkins, Beverly W Williams­Cloud, Gail Williams, Belinda M Williams, Brett J Williams, Bruce A Williams, Elizabeth L Williams, Holly J Williams, James A Williams, Kenneth W Williams, Linda C Williams, Marilyn R Williams, Rosie B 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FP FP M M M M M FV M M FP FV FV CO W W W W CO FV FV FP FP FP FP M M CO M FV FV FP FV FV FV FP FP CO FP FP FP FP CO FV FV FV CO CC CO FP FP FP FP FP BIO203451201310 PT Reference Librarian EDU218S50201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 LGL218695201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 LGL104697201310 Afsd201310 BIO111S04201310 BIO111S01201310 HONORSFALL201230 LGLl217550201310 LGL218594201310 CRFTDCE201305 Opening Session MUS114374201310 MTH020350201310 Opening Session MHWADULTLRNGACAD201310 CRJ111550201310 CRJ212220201310 STR050H01201310 RDG020H01201310 RDG030H01201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 NUR205601201310 ANT102601201310 DANCDCE201305 Substitute 201310 BIO2255021310 Substitute 201310 FNL207401201310 CHM10550LAB201310 BUS104551201310 ECO151503201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 RDG030H02201310 PERDDCE201305 IS123427201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 IS102403201310 ART110,209,210:403 201310 MODEL201305 REFLIB201310 AFSD201310 MTH020505201310 MOTRDCE201305 AsstSOFTB201310 NURS201305 MTH020431201310 MTH081407201310 MTH080433201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADFACCON2013 ­52­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 4.64 4,273.24 05/12/13 1.28 1,312.23 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,762.88 03/02/13 1.00 25.00 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 05/11/13 4.33 4,455.40 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/17/13 48.00 1,674.24 05/17/13 48.00 1,953.12 05/25/13 3.00 54.00 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/14/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 7.97 5,560.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 02/10/13 1.33 928.45 05/11/13 2.66 69.16 05/11/13 7.33 4,568.96 05/11/13 1.33 828.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/25/13 8.00 168.00 03/09/13 1.00 798.08 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/31/13 12.00 157.68 05/11/13 2.94 2,344.14 03/16/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/25/13 40.00 720.00 05/11/13 2.41 1,499.44 05/31/13 8.00 264.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 12.00 360.00 03/08/13 1.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Williams, Terril K Williams, Tracey A Willingham, Shannon D Wilson­Ramsey, Yevonn Wilson, Antonina Wilson, Crystal J Wilson, Jennifer R Wilson, Jimmy D Wilson, John L Wilson, Kevin M Winkler, Elizabeth A Wise, Theodore R Withers, Pamela S Witt, Carol M Witt, Curtiss L Woehrle, Jill M Woerther, Michael E Wohl, Allison Wojtkowski, Kari A Wood, Joshua C Woodcox, Charles A Woodruff, Kerry M Woods, Debra A Worley, Jan E Worley, Jessica S Worley, Kenneth R 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FV FP CO FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CO FP W W FP FP FV M FV CO CO CO CO M M M M M M FP FP CO CO CO FV FV FP FP FP MTH081H02201310 MTH020441201310 MTH020413201310 PE139140421201310 PE177178402201310 PE139140401201310 PE177178401201310 PE109110421201310 PE109110401201310 OTA102601201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 EMS201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 Substitute 201310 ART111,112:450 201310 SIGNDCE201305 DCS107501201310 PE13012427201310 PE13012432201310 PE13012431201310 PE13012407201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PE192451201310 DMS111401201310 MOTRDCE201305 Substitute 201310 ART102350201310 Opening Session BIO111H01201310 BIO111H02201310 PE139550201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 LGL106595201310 NURSTEST201305 NURS201305 BUSS201305 PEDUDCE201305 ACC114650201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 MTH020S02201310 MTH020S01201310 PT FACULTY ORIENTATION 201310 PHY122602201310 FNL207401201310 FNL207401201310 COMP201305 SUPV201305 RELGDCE201305 RDG020516201310 STR050515201310 Substitute 201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 ART100:402 201310 ­53­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 4.00 3,683.84 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 0.80 498.56 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 18.00 540.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/25/13 32.00 800.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 03/09/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 9.00 234.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 4.00 2,791.68 05/25/13 40.00 720.00 05/11/13 3.75 112.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 4.33 3,022.68 05/11/13 0.83 519.20 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 03/10/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/31/13 6.00 300.00 05/31/13 14.00 462.00 05/31/13 7.50 202.50 05/25/13 27.50 687.50 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 6.00 4,188.48 05/11/13 0.93 996.80 05/11/13 1.87 1,993.60 05/31/13 45.00 1,485.00 05/31/13 22.01 308.14 05/25/13 12.00 300.00 05/11/13 2.25 1,570.68 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 5.50 143.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 St. Louis Community College Part­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Worthy, Michelle A Wright, Allyson W Wylie, Carolyn E Wynne, David P Yancey, Amanda A Yanko, Albert Yeh, John Yochum, Michael E Young, Bryan G Young, Geraldine R Young, Michael E Zalasky, Leann M Zalasky, William J Zamenski, Andrew J Zhou, Yuefang Zirngibl, James L Zoeller, Charles J Zych, Francis Z Loc Course Number FP FV FV FV FV W W FP FP FP FP FP CO CC CO CO CO FP FP W CO CO FP W W M M FP CO CO CO ART100:401 201310 Substitute 201310 ART100551201310 AFSDF4W201310 HMS101501201310 COM101304201310 Opening Session Substitute 201310 DHY132401201310 DHY131401201310 DHY2324012013 EMS201310 COMP201305 AsstMBSKTB201310 FLCHDCE201305 GNSFAIDED/CE FLGEDCE201305 ENG020405201310 ENG020401201310 MTH030302201310 ANIMDCE201305 ANIMDCE201305 RTH140&245201310 Opening Session BIO111350201310 MKT104601201310 BUS101601201310 Coord. Municipal Serv. 201310 COMP201305 CFKDDCE201305 CVTASST201305 Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 07/09/13 ­54­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 05/11/13 2.33 2,401.28 05/11/13 1.88 1,929.60 05/11/13 2.50 2,572.80 05/11/13 0.30 186.96 05/31/13 24.00 792.00 05/11/13 1.20 747.64 05/25/13 39.75 993.75 05/31/13 8.50 153.00 05/25/13 30.00 810.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 2.95 2,719.71 05/25/13 2.50 45.00 05/25/13 2.50 45.00 05/11/13 0.67 465.28 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 9.00 8,288.64 05/31/13 70.00 2,310.00 05/25/13 18.00 486.00 05/31/13 8.00 120.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Adamecz, Gustav FP FP M M M M M FP FV M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP CO FP W W W FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M IT201486201310 IT201466201310 ACC114HON201310 ACC100675201310 ACC110605201310 ACC100606201310 ACC291639201310 NUR205 201310 NUR108Clinical201310 BIO110602201310 BIO110601201310 BIO105601201310 BIO110HON201310 BIO208405201310 BIO207401/402201310 BIO103401201310 IT208450201310 IT203486201310 IT208450201310 DMS Program Coordinator 201310 DMS109402201310 AUT:282.401­201310 HRM128450201310 HRM128401201310 HONORS201310 HRM128402201310 PED140401201310 PE120402201310 HIT106413201310 MOHealthWins HIT206413201310 WCCChair201310 ACC100374201310 ACC114301201310 MCM115501201310 Substitute 201310 COM101500201310 MCM126501201310 MTH230SDL201310 GLOSTUCOOR201310 PHL1036S3201310 Substitute 201310 OTA214641201310 COM200HON201310 COM2006X5201310 BIO207506LAB201310 BIO207506201310 Substitute 201310 HONORS201310 BIO207504201310 BIO207504LAB201310 ACC124675201310 ACC110675201310 ACC292639201310 Ahrens, J Markus Aiello, Janis J Allen, Jason S Alvarez, Teresa A Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Anthes, Richard M Appelbaum, Susan S Applegate, Mark D Ayres, Janet C Babbitt, Donna E Bai, Steven S Ballard, Kelly K Ballentine, Cynthia R Barker, Jacqueline A Barr, Kimberly S Barrett, Robyn C 07/09/13 ­55­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 5.00 5,344.80 05/11/13 5.00 5,344.80 05/11/13 6.00 558.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.40 2,565.50 05/11/13 2.88 2,730.24 05/11/13 2.09 1,977.78 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.16 05/11/13 4.32 3,551.40 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 4.33 3,559.60 05/11/13 2.65 2,178.52 05/11/13 3.33 2,737.52 04/14/13 2.50 2,672.40 05/11/13 5.00 5,344.80 05/24/13 4.87 5,211.18 05/11/13 3.67 3,916.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,424.00 05/11/13 5.99 5,714.92 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.33 953.92 05/11/13 0.67 476.96 03/09/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 2.50 2,385.20 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.87 1,344.32 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,433.92 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 6.00 6,413.76 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 0.50 534.48 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.33 928.44 05/11/13 2.00 1,908.16 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 2.00 1,908.16 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Barron, Tracy J Bast, Matthew D Baumstark, Jeffrey M Beach, Elva M Behrend, Reynold C Bell, Wesley J Benton, Deira L Berger, Carol A Betzler, Daniel J Bhavsar, Neelima G Billman, Daniel T Blalock, Kay J Blanco, Carlos A Boedeker, Stacey S Boehm, Jason L Bozek, Brian M Brady, Sandra H Brake, Dean A Breed, Gwen E Breitwieser, Dianne E Brennan, James R Brieler, Robert A Brown, Amy L 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M FP FP M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP CO M M FP FP FP M M FV FV ACC292HON201310 RDG020421201310 RDG030408201310 BIO111HON201310 BIO111606201310 BIO111608201310 BIO208604201310 BIO207607201310 ENG2026XA201310 ART111601201310 ART211698SDL201310 LGL219511201310 BLW201574201310 CRJ124501201310 CRS219501201310 HONORS201310 RDG020402201310 ART10057A201310 THT115501201310 THT201501201310 DCS218501201310 THT108551109551201310 Substitute 201310 BIO208512LAB201310 ALPPGM201310 HONORS201310 BIO111610201310 HRT101650201310 HST115601201310 HST101612201310 HST102675201310 IDS201501201310 HONORS201310 ST­Clinical Coordinator201310 MTH030545201310 Substitute 201310 MTH030549201310 HONORS201310 MTH030532201310 Substitute 201310 XRT­Program Director 201310 LPNBRIDGEPROG201310 NUR204 201310 NURBJC 201310 NRSG201305 COM1146XC201310 Substitute 201310 RTH128401&3201310 FNL208401201310 RTH225401&2201310 MTH220602201310 MTH186HON201310 COM101520201310 COM101551201310 ­56­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.32 1,663.36 05/11/13 4.33 3,104.44 05/11/13 4.33 3,104.44 05/11/13 2.32 1,663.36 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.17 3,382.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/17/13 0.20 164.42 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.80 1,479.74 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 0.38 400.88 05/11/13 1.87 2,004.32 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.50 1,603.44 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,268.92 05/11/13 2.20 1,808.56 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.15 3,005.36 05/11/13 2.83 2,700.04 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,192.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,844.00 05/11/13 1.15 1,231.76 05/11/13 2.91 3,104.32 05/11/13 4.09 4,364.56 05/31/13 6.00 198.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,424.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.00 2,136.00 05/11/13 5.00 4,110.40 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M Burkhardt, Charles E Burns, Rebecca S Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Cindy L Campbell, Jay G Carter, Brian D Casey, Zita M Caster, Faith A Cernich, Victoria M Champene, Aaron R Chanasue, Deborah M Chapman, Thelma L Char, Deborah J Chesla, Joseph C Chott, Craig S Chowdhury, Md Syed A Christiansen, Steven Clark, Anthony S Clark, Judy V Coburn, John W 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP FV M M M FP FP FP FP M FP M M M FP CO CO W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FacCertOneTimePay201310 STR050516201310 AFSD201310 IDS201403201310 IDS101406201310 PE130524201310 PE130521201310 PE130522201310 PE173501201310 HONORS201310 IDS201515201310 PSI111504201310 ENG102HON201310 GEO110HON201310 IDS101502201310 PE162502201310 PE129501201310 PE120581201310 IDS101504201310 PHL101609201310 MTH080403201310 MTH020411201310 MTH030415201310 HONORSFALL201230 NUR108501201310 Substitute 201310 Substitute 201310 NUR205601201310 Substitute 201310 NUR204 201310 MTH080404201310 Substitute 201310 ART116601201310 IT102496696201310 IT103695201310 IS291639201310 Substitute 201310 Substitute 201310 IT10241P201310 IT10341P201310 BIO208301201310 BIO208395201310 BIO208302201310 PSY200573201310 PSY205552201310 PSY205554201310 HONORS201310 ECO151574 BUS201574201310 ECO152575201310 Substitute 201310 Substitute 201310 MTH140424201310 MTH030537201310 ­57­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 03/30/13 1.00 1,206.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.33 953.92 03/09/13 0.67 476.96 05/11/13 1.33 953.92 05/11/13 1.33 953.92 05/13/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 5.00 465.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.33 1,424.00 03/09/13 0.33 356.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,424.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.50 1,603.44 05/11/13 1.00 716.96 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 0.45 324.32 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 2.34 2,499.12 05/11/13 2.00 52.00 05/11/13 2.84 3,033.12 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.50 105.00 05/11/13 0.16 170.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.50 2,385.20 05/11/13 0.40 381.63 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 2.75 82.50 05/10/13 3.00 2,862.24 04/05/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 1.32 1,085.16 05/11/13 4.33 3,559.60 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.25 37.50 05/11/13 1.25 37.50 05/11/13 2.00 1,433.91 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Coelho, Ana P Cohoon, Christina M Cole, Angelic I Collier, Nancy C Collins, Jennifer P Collins, Linda H Collins, Steven G Consolino, Beverly M Cooper, Terry D Copp, Julie C Corich, Evelyn F Counte, Suzanne C Cruz, Ana L Cupples, Tommy G Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T Dattoli, Anthony D Daugherty, Seth A Davis, Phyllis R Day, Leroy T Dennis, Jeremy K Dieckmann, Thomas M Doering, David A 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV FV FV M M FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV M M FP M M M FV FV FV FV FP M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FP M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M FP FP FV FV FV FV MTH030556201310 MTH030520201310 HONORS201310 PTA213SDL201310 BIO209603201310 HONORSFALL201230 VPAA ­ Rel Time Pro 201310 BUS:103.474­201310 MKT:203.401­201310 CHM1016W4201310 PSI101401201310 Substitute 201310 HST107504201310 HST105601201310 HST102605201310 DHY132401201310 PSY208601HON201310 PSY200604201310 PSY200604HON201310 COM101558201310 HONORS201310 COM101557201310 COM101525201310 MTH030406201310 ACC110696201310 ACC110HON201310 EDU211602HON201310 STR050530201310 IS237495201310 PSY200474201310 PSY200402201310 PSY200475201310 IS251474574201310 IS251574201310 InterimDirectorof CEA­IT201310 IS251695201310 PE130201310 PE180601201310 MTH210401201310 Substitute 201310 HONORSFALL201230 MTH160C403201310 IS102574201310 IS126,156,158secs574201310 BUS101501201310 IS109574201310 SPA101602201310 FRE2016S1HON201310 HONORSFALL201230 ENG1024WD201310 HUM110501201310 HONORS201310 IS116502201310 IS129575201310 ­58­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.37 1,126.24 03/09/13 5.00 465.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 2.66 2,186.72 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 2.50 2,672.40 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 5.68 6,069.80 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.16 05/11/13 2.00 1,908.16 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.91 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 03/09/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 2.00 1,908.16 05/11/13 1.00 953.49 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 6.67 4,769.60 05/11/13 1.00 715.44 05/11/13 5.00 4,110.40 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.50 2,055.20 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 716.96 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 716.96 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 03/09/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 4.00 372.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Downey, Michael D Dufer, Dennis C Eayrs, Christaan N Ebest, Ron J Elliott, John M Epperson, Cynthia K Ethridge, Michelle R Fackelman, Joseph A Fickas, Julie C Fischer, Carl W Fish, Lynda K Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Fonseca, Eve M Forde, Gary C Foster, Drew A Fox, Sharon A Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley P Freeman, Terrence L 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV M M M FP FP FP FP M M M FV M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CO FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M M FV FV FV IS136574201310 GEO111601201310 GEO111602201310 NUR204601201310 CUL105474201310 CUL101423201310 CUL101402201310 CUL101424201310 COM1046W6201310 Substitute 201310 Substitute 201310 HONORS201310 Substitute 201310 MTH160C603201310 MTH160CSDL201310 MTH140602201310 IDS201697HON201310 IDS201694201310 IDS201694HON201310 PE161674201310 PE161678201310 PE177601201310 RTH126402&3201310 RTH125402&3201310 BIO207503LAB201310 BIO207503201310 HONORS201310 PLTWEDD201310 MTH030442201310 HONORSPR2012 MTH160C402201310 IDS201502201310 HONORS201310 IDS201504201310 IDS101500201230 COM101511201310 HONORS201310 ALPPGM201310 CCPRSEMINAR201305 DCS209501201310 DCS108552201310 Substitute 201310 Substitute 201310 ENG071401201310 PSY200404201310 HonorsFall201230 2dHonorsFall2012 HONORS201310 CTLWEB201310 NUR201601201310 ART100602201310 IDS101507201310 ESC205550201310 IDS101501201310 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 5.67 6,061.00 05/11/13 2.17 2,319.64 05/11/13 2.28 2,435.04 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 03/16/13 1.00 1,068.96 02/19/13 1.00 1,068.96 03/16/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.50 105.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 5.50 165.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.00 05/11/13 0.33 274.00 05/11/13 1.00 822.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/11/13 1.16 831.68 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.25 2,146.68 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/14/13 2.00 176.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 01/19/13 5.00 465.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.20 4,489.64 05/25/13 4.00 100.00 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 12.00 360.00 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 5.05 5,396.96 05/11/13 2.00 1,906.98 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.50 1,603.44 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 ­59­ St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name French, Brenda F Friedman, Donna G Frison, Tommie F Frost, James G Frost, Tony L Fuller, Carolyn M Fuller, Michael J Gackstatter, Gary L Gaines, Karen B Galanis, Joanne M Gale­Betzler, Lisa E Gardetto, Darlaine C Garrett, Toni N Garrison, April M Garvey, Pamela A Gerardot, Diane M Gerstenecker, Dale M Gevaert, Scott D Glen, John Godfrey, Carolyn J Goessling, Steven P Goetz, Ronald E Gordon, Katherine H Goushey, Layla A Graham, Nita S 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV FP FP FV FV FV FP FP M M M M M M FV FV M FV M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV M M M M M FV M FP FP FV FV W W FP FP FP FP FP M M FV W W FP FP ESC100501201310 STR050451201310 Counseling ­ FP CHM101504201310 HONORS201310 CHM105503201310 DEPTCHAIR201310 Substitute 201310 MTH030614201310 MTH020615201310 MTH030613201310 CHM101606201310 CHM101608201310 CHM106HON201310 RDG030519201310 RDG03051G201310 IDS201602201310 PHL10357A201310 ANT101601HON201310 IDS201603201310 MUS114601201310 MUS114603201310 MUS114602201310 Substitute 201310 IDS201S02201310 ART10057A201310 DCS105551201310 Substitute 201310 DCS121552201310 SOC101609HON201310 IDS201607201310 SOC101609201310 MTH004601201310 MTH140614201310 MTH160C554201310 ENG224HON201310 HT­Department Chair 201310 ST­Program Coordinator 201310 EGR100550201310 BIO225550201310 IDS101301HON201230 HISCoord201310 Substitute 201310 NUR105 201310 LPNBRIDGEPROG201310 DIE102426201310 DIE203426201310 Substitute 201310 MTH160C614201310 HONORS201310 ENG2313W4201310 GenEdCoord201310 MTH140423201310 MTH030H03201310 ­60­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.34 3,570.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/25/13 11.00 565.18 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.00 372.00 05/11/13 5.33 5,697.56 05/11/13 6.32 5,195.56 05/11/13 1.50 45.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 5.33 5,085.24 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 1.87 2,004.32 05/11/13 5.00 4,110.40 05/11/13 7.00 210.00 05/11/13 48.00 1,674.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 5.00 5,344.80 05/11/13 48.00 2,510.88 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 1.00 716.96 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 5.33 5,696.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,204.00 05/11/13 1.84 1,755.52 05/11/13 1.33 953.56 03/02/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 13.00 338.00 05/11/13 0.33 316.00 05/11/13 0.59 562.48 04/12/13 1.34 1,101.58 05/10/13 4.67 3,839.12 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 2.50 2,055.20 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Granger, Kimberlyann T W W W FV FV W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M FV M M M M CO FP FP FP FP FP M M FP M FP FP CO FP FP FP M FV FV Prof Dev201310 MTH140302201230 MTH160C375395201310 HONORS201310 PSY205505201310 MTH210301201310 CUL215461201310 Substitute 201310 CUL205403201310 CUL205403201230 HIT553474IT553474201310 IS116401201310 HIT510474201310 IS103417201310 ART224698SDL201310 ART238601201310 ECO1516W5201310 ECO151HON201310 Substitute 201310 MCM219601201310 HONORS201310 MTH140540201310 MTH020509201310 NUR102 201310 Substitute 201310 NURBJC 201310 ENG224HON201310 ART167601201310 ART165601201310 AT280698SDL201310 COUNS201310 MTH210HON201310 MTH210601201310 BIO111694201310 BIO111697201310 MHWDEVELOPMENT201305 PHL102474201310 PHL102475201310 XRT107401201310 XRT209401201310 XRT Clinical Coordinator NUR108601201310 CHM1056W3201310 DHY232401201310 ART151602201310 HONORSFALL201230 PTKPANELIST201230 PERDDCE201305 CUL 250403201310 Substitute 201310 CUL250402201310 NUR205601201310 MUS1145SB201310 Substitute 201310 Graul, Julie L Graville, Teri K Griffin, Walter C Grote, Terri J Groth, Charles E Hafer, Gail H Hahn, Robert L Hake, Carol L Hake, John C Hall, Sandra D Hamilton, Angela L Hanlon, David R Hansen, Troy R Harden, Lisa A Harms, Robert C Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Hartwig, Cynthia K Hauser, Michael A Heaton, Patricia L Heisler, Virginia A Henry, Deborah J Herman, Susan K Hertel, Robert B Herzog, Mary F Higdon, Paul E 07/09/13 ­61­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.50 2,385.20 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.16 05/11/13 1.65 1,356.44 05/11/13 32.50 907.00 05/11/13 3.33 2,737.52 03/30/13 0.78 641.22 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.16 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.33 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 10.00 930.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,264.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 0.50 477.04 05/11/13 4.00 372.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 2.51 2,376.32 05/11/13 44.50 1,157.00 05/11/13 2.13 2,022.40 05/11/13 4.00 372.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,272.00 05/11/13 1.83 1,954.44 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 01/04/13 0.55 452.10 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 2.75 2,260.72 05/11/13 4.33 4,628.60 05/11/13 2.16 2,308.96 05/14/13 1.00 1,069.20 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/11/13 0.67 548.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/11/13 8.83 8,367.68 05/11/13 4.66 4,981.36 05/11/13 2.60 2,776.80 05/11/13 1.67 1,370.00 03/09/13 2.00 186.00 02/28/13 1.00 100.00 05/25/13 8.00 200.00 05/11/13 0.10 106.88 05/11/13 4.00 112.00 05/11/13 6.10 6,520.64 05/11/13 1.74 1,649.52 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name High, Julie A Hollins, Stacy G Hsu, Jeff C Huber, William F Huelsmann, Mary L Hughes, John S Hughes, Ronald V Hulsey, Keith C Hunt­Bradford, Susan E Hurley, Mary E Hurst, Douglas J Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M Irons, Sandra J Isaacson, Matthew P Ivory, Jeffrey P Johnson, Reginald A 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP MUS1145SA201310 MUSAdvComboPianos201310 MUS1145W1201310 PTA217601201310 BIO209603201310 PTA214601201310 PTA214602201310 PTA100SDL201310 IS123502201310 MGT106574201310 IS136564201310 MKT203574201310 IDS101517201310 IDS101514201310 ACC122695201310 DHY137401201310 BIO207407201310 BIO207403201310 Substitute 201310 ARC110650201310 HST101606201310 HONORSFALL201230 ENG101432201310 ENG1104XA201310 Substitute 201310 ENG053402SUB ENG053401201310 Substitute 201310 MCM142SDL201310 MCM202601201310 MCM141674201310 MCM101675201310 MCM201601201310 MCM140674201310 HonorsFall201230 COM107402201310 COM101414201310 IDS101402201310 NEAPRESIDENT201310 IDS201650201310 IS229674201310 ART113602201310 ART113602HON201310 ART113603201310 MTH040421201310 ART113405,213,AT213,401201310 Art113213451AT213:450201310 ART113213AT213401,2,5,201310 HRM211403201310 Substitute 201310 FP Curr Chair 201310 HRM241474201310 PRD1084612013 AssociateProf/Counselor201310 ­62­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.80 5,131.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 1.20 1,282.76 05/11/13 0.17 181.72 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 03/09/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 2.00 2,138.58 05/11/13 2.65 2,832.76 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 4.00 120.00 05/11/13 0.67 632.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 6.75 202.50 05/11/13 1.00 1,073.34 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 0.40 381.63 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.00 4,272.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.89 2,022.08 05/11/13 5.00 3,584.79 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.00 05/11/13 0.67 548.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 4.75 142.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.20 1,144.88 03/09/13 24.00 1,431.12 01/08/13 0.56 536.67 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Jones, Jeffrey D Jones, Trevin J Joseph, Reni Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kalmer, Irene C Karleskint, George Kaufmann, Lacee A Keller, Margaret L Keller, Patty O Knickerbocker, Debra A Knight, Sandra M Kokotovich, Lisa M Koosmann, Steven B Koric, Arabela Kraja, Elida Kreher, Jamie L Kruger, Mark H 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP CO FV FV M M M M M M M M M M CO FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP PRD102421201310 Substitute 201310 ACC:292.421­201310 IB:100.475­201310 BUS:104.475­201310 ACC:291.401­201310 ENG102HON201310 CHM101607201310 CHM206601201310 CHM105HON201310 CHM101641201310 HONORSFALL201230 HonorsFall201230 BUS:201.401­201310 ACC:100.475­201310 ACC:114.451­201310 IS110426201310 IS129475201310 Onetimepayment Substitute 201310 IS103413201310 IS139574201310 IS139450474574201310 CCPRSEMINAR201305 ECE206501201310 ECE202550201310 BIO144601201310 BIO141601201310 BIO208650201310 LPN BRIDGE OrthoProcObservation201230 NUR101601201310 ART114637201310 PSY200603201310 PSY205674201310 NUR102601201310 CTCR201305 Professor/Counselor PTK Advisor NUR101601201310 FNL200401201310 FNL104401201310 MTH140405201310 Substitute 201310 ACC110574201310 ACC110502201310 ACC2915IA201310 ART165:402201310 HONORSFALL201230 HUM102401201310 IDS201421201310 HonorsFall201230 PTKPANELIST201230 HUM102451201310 ­63­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/12/13 1.50 1,431.12 05/11/13 1.25 37.50 05/11/13 0.40 381.64 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 03/09/13 0.40 381.64 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 5.00 4,110.40 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 2.66 2,186.74 03/09/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.70 1,817.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 0.50 534.48 05/06/13 1.00 300.00 05/11/13 20.75 622.50 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.30 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/25/13 4.00 100.00 05/11/13 2.40 2,564.18 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 0.50 534.48 05/11/13 5.00 5,344.80 05/11/13 5.33 5,697.56 03/02/13 0.54 443.92 02/16/13 0.50 411.04 05/11/13 0.04 28.60 05/11/13 0.67 712.00 05/11/13 6.00 6,413.76 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.33 1,918.00 05/31/13 2.00 66.00 01/25/13 5.00 334.05 06/30/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 4.67 4,430.32 05/11/13 2.00 2,136.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,136.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 0.40 328.83 05/11/13 1.67 1,192.40 03/09/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 3.94 3,756.69 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 02/28/13 1.00 100.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Kurt, Barbara E Langnas, Robert S Lasek, Emily L M FV FV FV FV M CO M M M M FV M M CO M M M W W M M FP FP W FV FV W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FP M M FP FP M M M M W W W FV FV CO MTH160C607201310 ART108501201310 IDS101520201310 Couns201310 IDS201516201310 ART152674201310 BJCCohort201310 PHY111650201310 HST101611HON201310 HST101611201310 HST101605201310 MTH140591201310 PSI111675201310 ART275695201310 CVTW201305 ART275674201310 ART125698SDL201310 ENG101HON201310 BIO203301201310 WACS ENG101675201310 ARC110603201310 MTH140409201310 Substitute 201310 EDU210301ENG211390HST138139390 HONORS201310 EDU210552201310 EDUCoordinator201310 ECE105501201310 ECE124551201310 BIO111516201310 BIO151503201310 PE181503201310 HONORS201310 BIO111515201310 BIO151502201310 BIO154601201310 BIO123601201310 Substitute 201310 PE129401201310 SOC101602201310 SOC1016W2HON201310 NUR205 201310 Substitute 201310 PE120601201310 PE173601201310 PE161677201310 Substitute 201310 MCM215301201310 MCM141301COM102374201310 MCM1013X5201310 MTH040552201310 HONORS201310 NURS201305 Layton, Timothy S LeClerc, Erin R Lee, Dianne M Lee, Kwan M Lee, Robert M Lewis, Christine M Lincoln, Craig W Linder, Timothy J Little, Timothy A Lodhi, Afzal K Long, Richard D Lorenz, Michael R Lueke, H Michael Lupardus, S C Magagnos, Lovedy S Manteuffel, Mark S Martin de Camilo, Jody E Martin, Susan J Martino­Taylor, Lisa Mayfield, Patrick M McCall, Kimberly L McCloskey, Ellen A McDonald, Chris L McDowell, Barbara J 07/09/13 ­64­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 1.33 1,424.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 01/04/13 0.80 657.60 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 0.67 548.00 05/14/13 5.00 5,346.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 2.13 2,016.08 05/31/13 22.00 726.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,792.00 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 3.17 3,388.60 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.00 1,908.16 05/11/13 0.67 632.00 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 48.00 3,069.12 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.60 4,388.76 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 0.50 477.63 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 1.33 1,264.00 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.50 1,603.44 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.50 39.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,264.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.59 2,131.72 05/11/13 6.00 156.00 05/11/13 1.33 953.92 05/11/13 0.33 238.48 05/11/13 3.00 2,146.32 05/11/13 14.00 364.00 05/11/13 61.32 3,207.66 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/31/13 2.00 66.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name McElligott, Pamela G McGovern, Thomas A McManemy, Jeffrey C McManus, Laurie K Medeiros, Jennifer A Mense, James J Mercer, June J Messmer, John P Meyer, Deborah M Meyer, Eric W Miinch, Patricia L Miller, Donda D Miller, Robert J Mirikitani, Ronald T Molik, Nancy E Montgomery, David L Moody, Carla J Moreland, Lisa K Morris, Betsy J Morris, Jonathan M Mosher, Anne M Mueller, Craig H Mueller, Jenna L Mueller, Kelly J Munden, James J 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M M M M FV FV FV FV M CC M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M FP M M M FP CO M FV FV CO FV FV FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FP NUR201601201310 MKT203601201310 MKT203674201310 BUS250639201310 ME211500201310 GE131501201310 GE290500201310 NUR205501201310 MTH185650201310 TrainingISWOneTimePay201310 MTH160C650201310 IDS201507201310 GEG1015XB201310 HST102510201310 GEG101585201310 HONORS201310 ENG1025WE201310 ENG1025WD201310 IS103675201310 IS272450201310 IS246695201310 PSC101677201310 PSC101676201310 HIT551/IT551474201310 MHWCoLead201310 ENG101623201310 ENG020523201310 ECG104550201230 CCPRSEMINAR201305 ECE203501201310 ECE104501201310 HonorsFall201230 PE145604201310 Substitute 201310 MTH020610201310 ART101601201310 COM101425201310 COM101H80201310 Substitute 201310 NURBJC 201310 NUR105 201310 ART109601201310 ART210698SDL201310 PHY111401201310 Substitute 201310 MTH020514201310 HONORS201310 HRM209401201310 HRM221401201310 HRM141401201310 COUNS201310 SPA201202201310 HONORS201310 MTH220450201310 ­65­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 5.63 6,009.28 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.50 2,385.20 05/11/13 0.40 381.63 05/11/13 0.34 324.40 05/11/13 1.34 1,278.48 05/11/13 0.40 381.64 05/11/13 2.98 3,182.20 05/11/13 5.00 5,344.80 04/27/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 03/09/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.00 1,908.16 05/14/13 7.00 6,678.56 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 03/30/13 1.00 954.08 05/25/13 2.00 50.00 05/11/13 0.81 769.23 05/11/13 48.00 2,790.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,424.00 05/11/13 2.00 52.00 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 2.00 2,136.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 2.50 75.00 05/11/13 0.27 219.20 05/11/13 1.82 1,496.04 05/11/13 0.16 170.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 0.75 715.56 05/11/13 2.40 2,289.80 05/11/13 3.20 3,053.06 01/04/13 0.63 448.25 05/11/13 3.88 3,185.56 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.50 1,075.44 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Munson, Bruce J Munson, Deborah R Murray, Russell H Myers, Gerald C Ndao, Rokhaya N Neal, Emily M Negash, Efrem O Nelson, Donna M Nesser­Chu, Janice NewMyer, Angela B Nichols, Andrea J Nickrent, Ellen M Nielsen, Eric R Njoku, Angela C North, Sharon I Northern, Rebecca A Nygard, Paul D Oliver, Keith L Oliver, Lonetta M Oney, Margaret J Orlando, Lori C Osburn, Sandra S Ostlund, Karen M 07/09/13 Loc Course Number FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV M M M FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M FP FP FV FP FP FV M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP HONORSFALL201230 MTH170451201310 PTKPANELIST201310 DA174401201310 Program Coordinator DA203461201310 DA175401201310 CODA MTH220HON201310 MTH020605201310 MUS202601HON201310 MUS212601201310 MUS101601201310 MUS202601201310 HONORS201310 MTH020544201310 Substitute 201310 PSC101606201310 PSC103698SDL201310 Substitute 201310 MovementDirector/Spelling Bee ART165502201310 BIO203401/402201310 BIO151450201310 BIO151401201310 SOC204475201310 SOC101479201310 Substitute 201310 Couns201310 ECO1526WH201310 CLT207401201310 CLT Program Director 201310 MTH123582201310 XRT208401201310 XRT­Program Dir Orient 201310 HONORS201310 IDS101S52HON201310 IDS101S50201310 IDS101S52201310 THT106601201310 THT101674201310 THT110674201310 HONORS201310 ENG101518201310 ENG2175XA201310 STR050510201310 Substitute 201310 NUR205501201310 NURLAB 201310 EDU210450201310 EDU210402201310 COM2004XA201310 IDS101453201310 Substitute 201310 ­66­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 02/22/13 1.00 100.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.00 05/11/13 1.17 959.00 05/11/13 6.67 5,480.00 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 0.75 801.72 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 0.65 534.36 05/11/13 4.33 3,559.60 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.00 30.00 05/11/13 1.00 716.96 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 8.25 247.50 04/20/13 1.00 954.08 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.00 05/11/13 0.56 460.36 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 01/04/13 0.20 143.44 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.33 1,264.00 05/11/13 3.67 3,476.00 02/16/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/11/13 0.50 411.04 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 0.40 328.83 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 7.00 182.00 05/11/13 9.30 9,932.40 05/11/13 5.23 5,589.20 05/11/13 0.40 286.78 05/11/13 0.80 573.56 05/11/13 48.00 2,720.40 05/11/13 2.50 2,385.20 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Otto, Esther E FP CO FV M M M FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FP M M M M W FP FP FP FP FP M FV FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M NUR205 201310 CTCR201305 NUR105501201310 ESC101601201310 ESC100650201310 EGR100SDL201310 MTH030416201310 MTH030405201310 HRT218650201310 ECO:152.4SA­201310 ECO:152.474­201310 MGT:204.474­201310 HONORSFALL201230 HONORSFALL201230 SPA201401201310 MTH030530201310 MTH123583201310 MTH123580201310 MTH140509201310 HONORS201310 MCM112674201310 MCM112HON201310 HRM141450201310 CUL215421201310 PSY200609201310 PSY200609HON201310 PSY205646201310 PSY200647201310 PSY208374201310 DHY232401201310 Accreditation Prep201310 Release time 201310 XRT102401­405201310 XRT207401&402201310 PSY205601201310 ART107502201310 NURLPNBRIDGE201310 NUR201 201310 NURBJC 201310 LPNBIRDGEPROJ201310 THT109601201310 THT108HON201310 THT201601201310 THT106602201310 NUR201601201310 ACC:100.421­201310 ACC:120.451­201310 ACC:110.474­201310 ACC:208.499 ­ 2013 Associate Professor/Counselor AssociateProf/Counselor201310 DHY232401201310 PSY200605HON201310 PSY200605201310 Pea, Nancy E Pedersen, Timothy W Pemberton, Sharon A Pence, Jerald K Peppes, Nicholas D Perez Franco, Antonia T Pernik, Rita M Pescarino, Richard A Philpott, Shannon E Piazza, Ellen E Pierroutsakos, Sophia L Pisacreta, Diane Polk, Kim K Polta, Sally L Pressman, Sophia Quintero, Michael O Raheja, Nina S Rebollo, Jean M Rebore, Joyce A Reeves, Aaron L Rhodes, Marlene Ring, Phyllis A Ritts, Vicki M 07/09/13 ­67­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.90 3,205.80 05/31/13 4.00 132.00 05/11/13 5.22 4,949.35 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.66 1,583.76 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 0.50 411.03 05/11/13 3.33 3,066.80 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 02/16/13 1.00 822.08 02/16/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.13 2,034.56 05/11/13 2.21 2,108.52 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.60 1,315.20 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 6.00 4,932.48 05/11/13 2.00 1,896.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,264.00 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 1.77 1,681.12 05/11/13 0.24 227.52 05/11/13 0.29 271.76 05/11/13 5.25 4,973.84 05/11/13 28.32 1,118.64 05/11/13 0.50 477.04 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 48.00 2,790.24 05/11/13 0.20 190.82 05/11/13 1.63 1,542.08 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 03/09/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 01/25/13 5.00 298.15 01/07/13 1.88 1,788.90 05/11/13 5.58 5,293.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 6.00 6,413.76 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Rizzo, Kathleen S Roach, Timothy L Roberts, Kelli C Roberts, Paul R Roffle, Angela H Rohman, Todd E Romero, Marco A Rosenthal, Howard G Ross, Anne T Runge, Douglas K Salmon, Harold E Saum, Suzanne E Sawah, Rihab Schamber, Steven M Schantz, Rebecca M Scherer, Juliet K Schneider, Jeffrey L Schneider, Joseph R Seese, Lillian M Selders, Lynn R Serns, Susan L 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M M FP FP W M M M M M FP FP M M M M M M FV CO FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV CO FV FV FV FV FV M W M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV PSY200602HON201310 PSY206601201310 NUR101 201310 NURLPNBRIDGE201310 ENG2143X1201310 BIO208HON201310 BIO208608201310 HRT201SDL201310 HRT103601201310 HRT105601201310 HMS111401201310 HONORSFALL201230 ENG1026WJ201310 IDS101677201310 IDS101674201310 SPA101601201310 SPA102601201310 SPA2026S1HON201310 HMS203501201310 WRITDCE201305 HONORS201310 HMS204504201310 MTH030534201310 MTH030510201310 MTH030514201310 SOC201651201310 SOC201650201310 Counselor/Professor CHM101506201310 CHM122501201310 MATHDCE201305 HONORS201310 CHM101505201310 CHM101503LAB201310 PSI111575201310 PSI111576201310 ECO1526W6201310 MTH03031F201310 RDG100SDL201310 IDS101614201310 IDS101680201310 GEO100675201310 PSI123674201310 PSI1236X0201310 PSI123HON201310 MTH020609201310 Substitute 201310 ACC100574201310 Substitute 201310 FIN100574201310 FIN100501201310 HONORS201310 RDG030518201310 RDG100501201310 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.80 4,550.40 05/11/13 0.24 227.52 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.98 2,136.56 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 2.32 2,213.48 05/11/13 1.80 1,717.34 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 03/09/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 2.50 2,672.40 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.20 4,489.64 05/25/13 3.00 81.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.80 4,062.04 05/11/13 2.00 1,908.16 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 2.00 1,433.92 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,086.88 01/04/13 0.60 641.52 05/11/13 5.33 5,697.56 05/11/13 0.99 1,058.28 05/25/13 12.00 324.00 05/11/13 7.00 651.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,421.72 05/11/13 1.33 1,421.72 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.16 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 48.00 558.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 ­68­ St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Shepherd, Deneen M Sherman, Patricia A FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FV M FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV FV M FV FV FP FP M M M M M M M HONORSFALL201230 HIT103475201310 HIT103417201310 HIT102401201310 OLOGIESWCD201310 HIT101474201310 EDU211601201310 BAP105420201310 BAP110421201310 BAP215421201310 LPNBRIDGEPROG201310 NUR205 201310 ART109501201310 IS116646201310 HONORSFALL201230 SOC101403201310 SOC101478201310 COM101624201310 COM101603201310 COM101HON201310 IDS201675201310 HMS202601201310 HMS201601201310 HMS102698SDL201310 FD104450201310 FNL102401201310 FD101450201310 FD101474201310 BIO207608201310 BIO151641201310 BIO151676201310 ENG101576201310 ENG2055WA201310 ENG2035WA201310 MTH140676201310 IDS101617201310 IDS101S06201310 IDS101611201310 COM101HON201310 HUM1025S1201310 ITL103501201310 NUR108501 NUR108601201310 S3ACADEMYCOORD201310 MTH160C591201310 NURBJC 201310 NUR204 201310 ENG1026WV201310 ENG102HON201310 AT282601201310 AT276695201310 ART234698SDL201310 ART275698SDL201310 ART275696201310 Shields, David L Shiller, Casey E Shockley, James E Shultis, Eric Sibbitts, Gary E Sippy, Jessica L Smejkal, Christopher H Smith, Katherine E Smith, Rachelle D Smith, Stephen W Snaric, Jay M Sodon, James R Speegle, Aletta D Sperruzza, Denise M Stephens, Christopher J Stillwell, Ellen L Strahm, Cheryl A Suess, Patricia A Swallow, Cheryl A Swindle, Monica S Swoboda, Michael E 07/09/13 ­69­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 822.09 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.15 05/11/13 1.50 1,233.12 05/11/13 6.00 4,932.48 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.16 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 03/07/13 0.67 639.24 04/11/13 3.33 3,177.08 04/11/13 2.33 2,223.00 05/11/13 0.95 682.05 05/11/13 3.01 2,151.08 05/11/13 1.33 1,424.00 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.30 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 8.00 744.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 1.40 1,003.74 05/11/13 2.60 1,864.10 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.67 1,580.00 05/11/13 2.00 1,896.00 05/11/13 3.33 3,160.00 05/11/13 3.33 3,160.00 05/11/13 4.33 4,131.16 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 3.25 3,474.12 05/11/13 0.50 411.69 05/11/13 8.16 8,714.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 5.59 5,973.68 05/11/13 3.20 3,417.60 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 0.27 219.20 05/11/13 1.65 1,359.04 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Swyers, Kathleen M Talkad, Venugopal D Taylor, David M Taylor, Mark L Thompson, Judith S Toal, Kevin R Tremont, Samuel J Trunk, Deborah D Tucker, Julie M Tucker, William E Tulley, Mark D Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Urban, Georgia A Voss, Karl D Wachal, Barbara J Wagganer, Andrea M Waghulde, Vidyullata C Wagner, Joyce D Walker, Joshua M Wallner, Donna F Warfield, Angela M 07/09/13 Loc Course Number CO M FP FP FP FP M M M FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M FP FV M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FP FV FP FP CVTW201305 AT276SDL201310 PRD109474201310 IDS101474201310 CHM101402201310 CHM101401201310 IDS101675201310 IDS101676201310 ENG101620201310 HONORS201310 ART234699SDL201310 ART233698SDL201310 ART133650201310 BIO203504LAB201310 BIO203503LAB201310 BIO203504201310 HONORS201310 Substitute 201310 BIO203501LAB201310 CHM231501201310 IDS201515201310 CHM232501201310 DHY232401201310 DHY130401201310 MTH140698201310 MTH140674201310 HONORSFALL201230 CRJ207501201310 IB100HON201310 BUS104607201310 PSY200504201310 PSY200503201310 PSI105501201310 ME243550201310 PSI105502201310 HONORS201310 NUR204 201310 NURLPNBRIDGE201310 HST101604201310 HST101609HON201310 IDS201575201310 IDS201512201310 ENG2015WA201310 Substitute 201310 IDS101574201310 HONORS201310 CHM101602201310 CHM206650201310 CHM105695201310 NUR108201310 AUT:282.402­201310 NUR205201310 HONORSFALL201230 ENG101476201310 Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/31/13 22.00 726.00 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/12/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.16 05/11/13 2.32 1,907.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 372.00 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 1.67 1,780.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,193.40 05/11/13 2.67 2,193.40 05/11/13 0.50 411.04 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/11/13 2.00 60.00 05/11/13 2.67 2,193.40 03/09/13 0.66 542.58 05/11/13 1.00 798.08 05/11/13 0.66 542.58 05/11/13 5.83 6,230.00 05/11/13 1.08 1,157.46 05/11/13 6.00 558.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 5.00 465.00 05/11/13 1.50 1,431.12 05/11/13 3.75 4,008.60 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.89 3,088.62 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.57 3,816.32 05/11/13 0.24 256.32 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 9.00 270.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 9.00 837.00 05/11/13 5.33 5,697.56 05/11/13 0.33 352.76 05/11/13 5.33 5,697.56 05/11/13 1.25 1,188.96 05/11/13 7.00 5,754.56 05/11/13 10.30 11,000.40 03/09/13 5.00 465.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 ­70­ St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Warren, Aundrea L FV FV FV CO W W FP FP W W M M M CC M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M BIO203581LAB201310 IDS201515201310 Substitute201310 TRIP201305 ART 109110209210339201310 ART114214AT229338201310 AUT:167.402­201310 AUT:169.401­201310 PSY2053W2201310 PSYCoord201310 PHL109641201310 PHL109646201310 PHL104676201310 TrainingISWOneTimePay201310 MGT204HON201310 MGT204601201310 SOC101603201310 SOC101607201310 RDG030550201310 STR050553201310 PSC101509201310 HONORS201310 HONORSFALL201230 HST101403201310 HST101404201310 HST101402201310 ECE206450201310 Substitute 201310 EDU218474201310 CHM105401201310 SOC203501201310 HONORS201310 CRJ206501201310 SOC2035W1201310 MTH220HON201310 Substitute 201310 MTH220601201310 LGL219639201310 LGL202695201310 LGL108697201310 ECO151602201310 NUR108601201310 ENG101411201310 ENG101410201310 IDS201404201310 PTKPANELIST201230 HONORSFALL201230 ENG1024WA201310 Substitute 201310 ENG102H02401310 IS205676201310 IRT253639201310 IRT142674201310 Substitute 201310 Weber, Mark A Weil, Robert L Welty, Dorothy J Werner, Donna J Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M White, Dennis A Wigg, David G Williams, Louis Willis, Dahna R Wilson, Hilary L Wilson, Joe A Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Nathan G Wiseheart, Barbara T Wodajo, Tadesse B Yale, Emily A Yan, Wei Yezbick, Daniel Ziegler, Patricia L 07/09/13 ­71­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 0.34 279.52 05/11/13 2.00 1,644.16 05/11/13 4.50 135.00 05/31/13 18.00 1,800.00 05/11/13 0.33 356.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,272.00 05/11/13 1.01 963.64 05/11/13 4.67 4,455.56 05/11/13 0.64 525.63 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 04/27/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 6.00 4,932.48 05/11/13 4.00 3,288.32 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 1.50 1,431.12 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 03/09/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 2.00 2,137.92 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.40 1,003.74 05/11/13 7.25 217.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.99 3,280.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 5.00 150.00 05/11/13 3.50 3,339.28 05/11/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 03/09/13 0.75 616.56 05/11/13 7.49 8,002.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 4.00 3,816.32 02/22/13 1.00 100.00 03/09/13 4.00 372.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 2.75 82.50 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 0.40 381.63 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 90.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Faculty Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Zirkle, Thomas A Zumwinkel, Donna M Zuo, Yingxue Loc Course Number M FP FP FP M FP FP IRT171674201310 MUS114475201310 MUS202401201310 MUS102401201310 Counselor/Associate Professor ART109:451201310 ART111:401 201310 Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 07/09/13 ­72­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 1.00 1,068.96 05/11/13 4.00 4,275.84 01/04/13 0.60 572.40 05/11/13 4.00 4,272.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,272.00 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Classified/Administra Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Arthur, Mary L M M CO FV W FP FP FP CO M M M M M FV FV FV FV CO CO CO CO M FP M CO FV M W W W FV FV FV FP FP FP CO FV FP CO FP FV FV W W FV CO FP FP FV FV FV M IS116S50201310 PTFACORIENT201310 CCPRCE201305 Substitute 201310 PTKAdvisor201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 CRJ:207.474­201310 CRJ:212.474­201310 SAFE201310 Substitute 201310 MTH030617201310 MTH140606201310 PTFACORIENT201310 MTH030654201310 BIO220550201310 BIO226551201310 BIO221501201310 BIO221219201230 SENRDCE201305 COMP201305 SUPVCAMP201305 COMP201305 AT135695201310 EMT122450201310 MTH020650201310 COMMDCE201305 CE118550201310 ARC119695201310 BIOLAB111301201310 BIOLAB111350201310 BIOLAB111302201310 EE260550201310 HONORS201310 AFSD201310 HONORSFALL201230 HMS101486201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 PEDUDCE201305 IDS201565201310 STR050453201310 DANCDCE201305 IS130450201310 STR050558201310 PE130526201310 THT108350201310 Opening Session Substitute 201310 CCPRSEMINAR201305 CTLADJFACCONF201310 STR050450201310 BIO220550201310 EE106585201310 ME110550201310 EDU2266W1201310 Aslin, Holly A Aumann, Patricia M Bakke, Donna J Banahan, Richard M Banta, Paul J Beck, Scott M Boedeker, Elizabeth D Bossi, Patti D Bufalo, Rachel L Burks, Michael J Christopher, Mark S Clayton, Sandra E De Vore, Erin E Dill, Dennis W Dockins, Jessica A Ehlen, Steven F Finney, Eloise Fonod, Dennis J Forrest, Jeffrey P Foster, Stacey Y Gee, Laverne D Gilbers, Bernard J Gillespie, James L Graham, Stephanie A Hall, Jacklyn M Harris, Kelli L Hill, Jennifer S Hoffmann, William J Hope, John S Hubble, Linda D 07/09/13 ­73­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 1,965.12 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 10.00 250.00 05/11/13 6.00 180.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/31/13 6.00 198.00 05/11/13 8.00 240.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 03/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 3.51 2,885.70 05/11/13 3.44 2,824.14 05/11/13 0.56 461.70 04/30/13 1.00 478.29 05/25/13 25.04 626.00 05/31/13 52.00 1,716.00 05/31/13 20.75 409.19 05/31/13 30.00 990.00 05/11/13 4.00 4,272.00 05/11/13 6.00 4,788.48 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/25/13 4.00 84.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.23 03/09/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 1.33 828.64 05/11/13 1.33 828.64 05/11/13 1.33 828.64 05/11/13 3.67 3,017.04 05/11/13 1.00 93.00 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 03/09/13 1.00 93.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/25/13 6.00 108.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,867.84 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/25/13 12.00 216.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 03/09/13 1.33 953.92 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/15/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.50 135.00 05/25/13 2.00 50.00 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 5.11 3,563.70 02/09/13 1.00 822.08 05/11/13 3.34 2,745.76 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Classified/Administra Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Hyde, Michelle S Iborg, Deborah A Karl, Patrick J Kays, Vernon M Kemp, Carletta A Krogmeier, Mary J Lombardo, Laurie M Luebke, Mary E Mallory, Patrick R Malta, Randy J Mann, Anna­Marie T Martin, Jeffrey S McCool, Marie L McGee, Darlene K Miller, Amy G Monson, Amy E Morgan, Jeffrey A Naumann, Virginia L Nixon, Carol C Novikova, Galina Oswald, Paul M Partee, Nigel C Peck, Donna K Primous, Ena V Schrader, Karen M Stevens, William H Stewart, Robert L Taylor, Angela M Thoele, Mary A 07/09/13 Loc Course Number M FP FP FP FP FV FV FP CO CO M CO FV CO FV FV M FP FP FV CO CO FV FV FV FV FV M M FV M M CO FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP CO FP FP FP FP CO FV FV M STR050650201310 NURBJCCOHORTFALL201330 PE102421201310 PE13012422201310 PE101401201310 PE130504201310 PE130502201310 PE13012402201310 CFKDDCE201305 COMP201305 MTH030SDL201310 CRFTDCE201305 ECE207501201310 CPDV201305 DCS213501201310 DCS116501201310 HST102650201310 COM101475201310 COM101473201310 ECE206501201310 CCPRSEMINAR201305 CCPRCE201305 AFSD201310 HONORS201310 ALPPGM201310 ENG101552201310 THT101502201310 ART270601201310 ART172697201310 DCS2095552201310 ACC292639201310 ACC292HON201310 COMP201305 MTH030501201310 BIO152550201310 ECE127550201310 MTH030651201310 MTH030653201310 MTH020680201310 EMS201310 PE109110402201310 PE137138480201310 PE13012461201310 PE109110422201310 PE145486201310 COMP201305 STR050462201310 CTLADJFACCONF201310 HIT101450201310 ME:101.450­201310 SAFE201310 AFSD201310 STR050550201310 BIO203651201310 ­74­ Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 52.00 1,308.32 05/11/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/11/13 1.29 1,061.75 03/09/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/11/13 1.33 1,096.00 03/09/13 1.33 1,096.00 05/25/13 9.00 243.00 05/31/13 7.00 231.00 05/11/13 2.00 186.00 05/25/13 30.00 540.00 05/11/13 0.35 244.23 05/31/13 19.00 627.00 05/11/13 1.50 1,603.44 05/11/13 3.00 3,206.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 03/09/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 1.40 1,003.29 05/25/13 4.00 100.00 05/25/13 3.00 81.00 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 279.00 05/11/13 4.20 2,931.92 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,862.24 05/11/13 4.00 2,616.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,616.00 05/11/13 16.00 464.96 05/11/13 1.60 1,315.33 05/11/13 4.00 372.00 05/31/13 9.00 243.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 2.00 1,433.92 05/11/13 1.50 1,233.12 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 0.70 436.24 03/09/13 1.21 752.84 03/09/13 1.00 623.04 05/11/13 0.08 51.92 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/11/13 1.33 830.72 05/31/13 36.00 900.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 02/19/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 4.00 2,492.16 05/11/13 4.00 3,192.32 05/31/13 6.00 198.00 04/27/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 3.00 1,869.12 05/11/13 4.66 3,253.04 St. Louis Community College Full­Time Classified/Administra Spring 2013 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Course Number Thompson, Darren L M M FV CO FP CO FP FV FV M FV FV M M FV FV THT104602201310 THTPRODDES201310 Substitute 201310 CCPRSEMINAR201305 NURBJC 201310 NRSG201305 STR050401201310 STR050506201310 HST138501201310 ENG071650201310 IS256501201310 IS116502201310 THTPRODDES201310 THT106603201310 AFSD201310 REFLIC201310 Trauterman, Tammy M Walsh, Janet K Ware, Keith J Watson, Carole Wilke, David M Willmore, Richard A Yarbrough, Angeline L Young­Abotsi, Kirsten R Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hrs Amount Paid Date Equiv 05/11/13 0.20 143.39 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 4.50 135.00 05/25/13 2.00 50.00 05/11/13 1.25 1,289.84 05/31/13 6.00 198.00 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,094.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,466.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,394.24 05/11/13 3.00 2,150.88 05/11/13 0.20 143.39 03/30/13 1.00 75.00 05/11/13 0.38 308.26 Loc CO = ts orgs beginning 803 or ending in either 05000 or 05161 07/09/13 ­75­ St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Grand Total Spring 2013 07/09/13 Total Dollars Relevant to Credit Hours: $6,094,969.62 Total Dollars Relevant to Clock Hours: $462,304.83 ­76­ ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location CC Name Augustine, Denise G Barlond, Brian L Barnett, Susan Lauren Bell, Mary A Bogdajewicz, John Joseph Brokhina, Irina Maratovna Cabrera, Brenda Kay Carraway Chambers, Monica M Carrawell, Joseph Aaron Chadwick, Katherine Elizabeth Cobb, Melissa K Cole, Carole Wyatt Collier, James P Cooperwood, Sandra L Copley, John Clayton Corea, Eileen Jean Crinnion, Diana M Daly, Judith M DeLargy, Margaret E Duenwald, Lucas D Ems, Bernard Michael Gable, Karla J Gamache, Stephen E Hladyshewsky, Jenita Joy Howard, Teria Sherese Huber, Pamela Marie Hurst, Kimberly Angelica Jacobs, Vetrue James, Rosemary Jenkins, Patricia J Johnson, Tiffany S Jones, Darren Bruce Jones, Edward T Jordan, Jessica Lee Kates, Deidre Rochelle Keith, Tracey Michelle Kinney, Johnna D Krull, Linda M Laury, John D Liermann, James Joseph McFerrin, Erica R McKeever, Brian W Menges, Christopher Aaron Edward Miller, Julia M Milos, Kelli Michelle Mosby, Tanisha D Nienkamp, Roger L Peterlin, Jennifer L 7/10/13 Program/Job Title T4T PCT Programmer BKST ASST 1 Program Manager Project Associate II Programmer Project Associate I T4T PCT Educational Asst. I Athletic Trainer Athletic Trainer Project Associate II-PT SLATE WorkKeys Office & Technical Educational Assistant II Senior Designer-PT Temp Lifeguard201205 T4T PCT Cont Ed & Special Pg Service/Maintenance Facilities Support Assistant Professional/Enroll Mgt Professional/TESS Project Associate II Accounting Clerk I Fiscal Services Specialist T4T PCT Administrative Clerk Student Services Assistant II Administrative Assistant I T4T PCT Athletic Trainer Program Manager Copy Ctr Tech Educational Assistant I T4T PCT Project Associate I Administrative Clerk II Facilities Support Assistant Facilities Support Assistant Student Services Asst II Professional/TESS Professional/IR Recycler Project Associate II AHA Administration STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I Copy Technician Voc Ed (2nd) Senior Project Associate I Senior Project Associate I Research Associate Amount Paid 2,651.22 13,281.84 702.90 21,654.37 2,204.62 3,935.46 4,097.41 315.18 468.00 146.98 73.49 4,408.80 5,660.88 6,548.41 600.90 6,060.00 247.20 2,502.90 6,261.80 1,779.13 6,113.00 26,843.86 109.87 5,805.51 6,058.80 6,441.33 1,631.52 4,702.14 6,603.83 14,426.10 333.72 5,741.07 4,789.20 1,505.09 13,373.87 2,753.19 480.64 5,344.88 6,273.47 5,868.48 7,636.27 25,142.21 6,200.18 2,402.50 9,614.53 373.92 9,550.20 1,901.46 5,891.88 4,502.72 8,600.46 3,361.11 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Reith, Robin L Robinson, Rhonda Nichole Smith, Makiba Robin Triggs, Cherise Arnell Wachal, Laura Elizabeth Wallner, Michael D Washington, Clara B Webb, Jonathan Paul Weinrich, Arnold Virgil Weston, Patricia L White, Calla L Wiegman, Robert B Wingerter, Jack Eugene Wolf, Pamala S Yanko, Timothy M CO Adams, Kevin Augustine, Denise G Austin, Denise J Baer, Erica LeeAnn Baldwin, Timothy A Bates, Tiffany Catrice Boyd, Charles E Covington, Edith E Crockett, Barbara J Daly, Judith M Dapkus, Jane Elizabeth Duane, James Francis Dulle, Rene Ellen Dunlap, Michael A Dwyer, Jennifer Ann Edwards, Stacy M Eisenberg, Max James Foster, Jeffrey Thomas Hayden Fraser, Karen Theresa Friesen, George H 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Amount Paid Recycler STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I T4T PCT STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I Clerk Recycler Educational Assistant I Project Associate II Project Associate I Copy Technician Graphic Designer I Accounting Spec/Stu Accts Office & Technical Facilities Support Assistant Project Associate II-temp WBKBSCOREKEEPER MBKBSCOREKEEPER 2,668.60 9,585.69 333.72 9,224.20 756.29 1,467.99 7,676.56 7,559.90 801.12 12,304.29 9,867.57 4,620.83 2,213.66 11,751.74 1,133.32 90.12 120.16 BusOffAppTrng CBIL - PT Professionals Grad STL PCT RETI MO Energy Sector Grad STL PCT Furniture Brands TRNG SUPT RETI Furniture Brands Furniture Brands Grad STL PCT Training for Tomorrow Aerospace Training WorkKeys Assessment MO Energy Grant SESP RETI Comm Svc Operating Training for Tomorrow UAW LETC CS Oper Graduate St Louis Consortium Training for Tomorrow Special Proj-$37.08 Special Projects-$41.20 Trng for Tom-RTEC Aerospace Training RETI DEC Performance Analyst $41.20 Trng Facilitator VI-$54.93 Trng Facilitator 5 - $49.43 Trng Facilitator 4 - $45.32 5,005.80 14,609.52 3,874.86 5,118.90 113.25 250.29 1,334.88 39,531.40 19,611.20 1,153.60 1,318.40 4,227.12 1,153.60 391.40 34,669.80 3,031.29 4,125.15 741.60 3,680.19 6,653.80 18,305.16 6,711.48 25,288.56 15,499.44 5,850.40 4,857.48 1,161.84 16,540.91 16,451.43 7,745.60 274.65 10,973.46 28,189.04 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Gamache, Stephen E Gerst, Louis F Ginger, Sandra K Greenwood, Paul E Hayes, Leon Hefferon, Teresa D Homco, Damon James Huckstep, Jennifer Rae Huie, William Henry Huss, Renee A Irons, Ellen E Johnson-Stampley, Sheryl Jones, Edward T Jostes, Keith Allen Keith, Tracey Michelle Kellom, Debora Malcom Koenig, Judy B Kruger, Nancy Ruth Levko, Fred 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Special Projects Training Support Rawlings DP - $49.43 ABB Assess Spec 3 Boomerang Tube Virbac Dial Assessment-$37.08 Assess BU Dial Assessment-$41.20 T4T-RTEC CBIL - PT Professionals Special Projects Covidien - $37.08 Operating Grad STL MIIS-$32.95 Grad STL MIIS-$28.85 Aerospace Training Training for Tomorrow A&P RTEC Spec Proj-A&P Boeing Customized A&P RTEC Training for Tomorrow HY-C Company CBILbioMerieux Automation Service T4T-RTEC Training for Tomorrow Aerospace Training PCT-Grad St Louis RETI The Respiratory Group Furniture Brands bioMerieux Rawlings Sporting Goods Rug Doctor AB Direct Pay MET Center SLCC Projects Bus Tech Trng BOAT CBIL-GRAD STL MIIS Graduate St Louis Aerospace Training Training for Tomorrow Grad STL PCT Grad STL-$32.95 DBIL-GRAD STL MIIS CBIL Operating Trng for Tomorrow - Life Sci Jost Chemical HY-C Amount Paid 1,236.00 52,513.08 1,581.76 482.04 3,855.54 4,152.12 3,837.78 12,854.40 988.80 1,977.20 2,863.40 1,071.20 5,932.80 2,306.50 4,151.71 476.03 4,284.80 9,311.20 8,322.40 824.00 3,757.44 3,559.68 5,265.36 1,314.28 475.86 1,246.30 1,648.00 2,966.40 8,240.00 3,105.45 395.52 1,087.68 1,994.08 889.74 5,075.84 5,257.12 19,817.20 2,298.96 370.80 741.60 704.52 16,908.48 7,249.00 494.30 4,794.71 3,596.76 922.60 1,226.13 8,435.70 19,770.01 74.16 54.93 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name McCollum, Michael Edward McMurtry, Tracy E Mertz, Donna Marie Miller, Karen Lee Miller, Lucia R Morris, Sirrom Neugent, Airika Miranda Patterson, Cory Deangelo Pease, Alana Rose Pritchard, Charlinda Michele Putnam, Karen J Roach, Marla Esther Rodriguez, Debra R Ryan, Robert T Schapiro, Barry Jay Scharringhausen, Annamarie Scharringhausen, Jeffery L Schuh, William J Schulte, April Lauren Smith, Candias Chelsa Spalt, Stella M Tate, Gregory L Taylor, Christopher C Tuttle, Patricia A Voigt, James L Weaver, Robert V 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Aerospace Training for Tomorrow Boeing Customized BusOffAppTrng Grad STL MIIS Jost Chemical Grad STL-PCT Community Service Operating McHealth Wins MET Graphics POST Proctoring Boeing Customized Aerospace Training Training for Tomorrow Linn State CBIL-GRADSTLMIIS BusOffAppTrng Furniture Brands Grad STL-BTT BusOffAppTrng WorkKeys Assessment Project Associate II Grad STL PCT Floorlayers AB Cust Spec Proj Carpenters SLCC Projects Rawlings L'ship BU bioMerieux Mycroft Customized Graphics Tech Trng Bus Unit UAW LETC CTAF Special Project Grad STL PCT Grad STL PCT Grad STL PCT bioMerieux Grad STL-MIIS Tax Services Grad STL-MIIS $28.85 BusOffAppTrng Operating Tech Trng Business Unit UAW LETC Training for Tomorrow Boeing Customized Aerospace Training Amount Paid 10,036.32 1,977.60 11,667.84 4,913.10 16,908.48 3,559.68 315.18 8,649.42 7,347.86 3,976.70 6,635.13 92.66 5,919.63 7,440.72 14,139.84 1,186.56 2,636.00 1,038.24 659.20 1,977.00 2,595.60 11,952.12 1,653.47 4,366.17 2,059.88 384.52 22,905.83 5,438.09 556.20 1,178.32 7,539.60 2,900.48 3,353.68 22,669.63 4,078.80 29,797.90 4,284.80 23,195.60 778.68 5,163.39 597.40 2,307.06 3,624.50 2,274.24 15,333.78 1,817.55 31,128.66 8,066.96 34,919.06 19,281.60 10,382.40 5,932.80 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Westphalen, Mary O Witter, Janet K FP Adams, Lesley Ann Ainley, Dennis James Anderson, Deanna M Andrews, Brian Asfaw, Selamawit M Bailey, Timothy Curtis Banks, Anthony Lewis Bashirzadeh, Parviz Becirovic, Adis Blair, Lesha Y Blalock, Wanda Alise Boyd, Brittany Taylor Boyd, Dennis Lee Briscoe, Gregory D Brokhina, Irina Maratovna Brookins, Sonya Renee Brown, Marquetta Lane Bryant, Lance A Buford, Demoris Byerly, Jerold Irvin Byrd, Keesha D Camp, Katheryn Anne Camp, Lana Evelyn Chambwa, Mwaka Chaney, Audrey A Chauncey, Latoya Lynette Chittinappilly, Sheela Joy Chopra, Angela Clark, Glandean Althea Claywell, Kristofer Q Combs, Johnathon Alexander Costello, Colleen M Crawford, Harold Brent Cross, Tambra Zsa-Nean Dailey, Robert Cornelius Davner, Donna Nicole DeLargy, Richard W 7/10/13 Program/Job Title CBIL-GRADSTLMIIS Trng for Tom-$37.08 Applications Training Anheuser Busch DP RETI MO Energy Sector Grant Training for Tomorrow EA-1TUTOR Model Issues for The Scene One time payment The Scene Ne SI-PSYCH 201130 Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Security Officer ONE TIME PAY COLUMN SCENE Educational Assistant II College Police Officer Educational Asst I Clerk Clerk Security Officer Gym Supervisor-Rental Facility Gym Supervisor Educational Assistant I Administrative Clerk II Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I CCC Educational Assistant II Instructor-Professional Post Secondary Intrepreter II Model Educational Assistant II Laboratory Technician Educational Assistant I-ADC OFFICE & TECH P/T TEMP Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I M-SSC Tutor Office & Tech MODEL Bookstore Asst I Gym Supervisor Post Secondary Interpreter I Post Secondary Interpreter I Gym Supervisor Educational Assistant III General Mntnce Mechanic-PT Cashier Bookstore Prof Amount Paid 6,489.00 815.76 1,483.20 1,483.20 8,676.72 7,119.36 7,286.22 403.20 32.73 50.00 280.00 2,210.26 1,792.00 4,210.35 8,843.56 10.00 2,992.00 14,443.64 3,556.03 6,833.33 3,211.79 2,264.23 279.56 5,841.52 7,323.79 9,631.50 117.37 1,094.17 5,350.80 2,064.63 553.50 646.62 322.50 4,250.65 7,665.70 3,965.48 485.30 1,339.26 3,664.46 3,589.04 802.25 96.75 7,617.64 1,614.76 395.17 324.61 534.09 1,902.40 4,010.66 2,027.64 4,967.90 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Dimmock, Ashley A Dodge, John H Donaldson, Jimmy L Dowell-Foster, Donna A Doyle, Terri Ann Drexler, Dennis Eugene Dufer, Dallas Donald Eck, James Timothy Edmond, Troy D Edorh, Dossah Dossou Edwards, Charlene K Edwards, Jonathan Blake Edwards, Julius David Ellis, Jonathan Fried Evans, Mary G Fasano, Catherine F Felts, Christopher Kelby Fetahu, Sadik French, David K Gage Washington, Nancy Carol Garcia, Sorayda Yaneth Geyer, Melody O Gill, Kaci N Godfrey, Dayna M Granger, Johnny H Green, Bonnie R Greer, Nancy M Gregory, Kim L Haier, Bert G Hallermann, Suzanne C Hanson, Lavern West Harris, Cynthia Lousie Harris, Jonathan A Henley, David Michael Hernton, Angela Terena Hessari, Bahereh Badie Hill, Shannan Janelle Holmes, Ashlee M Holmes, Megan Anne Holt, Barbara Jean Horvath, Trudy Kay House, Verna Denise Hudspeth, Cassandra Marie Hutson, Janae Lorraine Hutson, Jovana Frances Jackson, Brittany D Jeffries, Dimitrius Rael Jennings, Jayson K Johnson-Newby, Kathleen 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Cashier Educational Assistant III College Police Officer Senior Project Associate I Clerk MODEL Model Post Secondary Interpreter III Security Officer LAC Post Secondary Interpreter III Cashier Clerk Part-time Police Officer Office & Technical Tutor Model Educational Assistant II Theatre Educational Asst I Office & Technical 1 TIME PAY PIANOIST AA HISTORY SI-BUSS MATH Housekeeper, PT Physical Plant Model Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Cashier GED Examiner SSC Tutor Post Secondary Interpreter II Model SSC Tutor Writing Tutor Office & Technical Stock Clerk Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I-Tutor Cashier Model Project Associate II Office & Technical Educational Assistant Clerk Clerk Cashier Stock Clerk Educational Assistant I Model Student Support Serv Amount Paid 3,654.71 6,616.46 93.36 11,862.08 6,387.86 32.25 129.00 612.41 4,792.61 5,962.02 1,318.97 3,608.62 2,942.49 7,197.25 969.01 3,793.16 100.98 3,939.21 3,530.83 2,496.00 2,924.01 100.00 1,651.14 7,158.37 193.66 659.49 879.31 3,349.99 352.24 1,429.12 2,145.05 605.70 730.80 4,288.73 5,713.17 486.94 188.42 2,815.54 5,961.62 313.20 7,287.38 64.50 8,420.05 771.42 7,098.14 7,870.58 1,872.00 1,264.02 553.88 398.02 32.43 3,637.80 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Johnson, Barry J Johnson, Brooks J Johnson, Shalece Nicole Johnson, Valerie B Jones, Ciara Sarah Jones, Gladys Davis Jones, Rodney W Keaton, Byron M King, Megan E Klonowski, Deborah Ann Knoll, Tobias Michael Koesterer, Garry R Kudrna, Patricia Ann Kulka, Jennifer Suzanne Lache, Julikka LaHay, Ann L Lajsic, Marija Lampen, Ann V Lathan, Rochelle M Leslie, Carol Diane Likos, John J Littleton, Geoffrey Lamar LoBaido, Michael Anthony Loeffler, Rita M Mack, Benjamin L MacNair, Stephanie Amber Marshall, Charnay Cheree Martin, Kirk D McLafferty, Martin David McMeans, Nicole Chayne Meyer, Krystal Brooke Meyers, Jocelyn Fareida Miles, Helen M Miley, Monica Renee Moore, Lamarria Sharmae Moore, Patty Y Morris, Jillian Terese Mulligan, Theresa B Murrel, Rosalind R Nicholson, Monica Kathleen O'Kelley, Robert John Oliver, Rayshell Panus, Jeffrey J 7/10/13 Program/Job Title GYM SUPV Model SI Assessment Educational Assistant III Event Worker Cashier Lifeguard Lifeguard Gym Supervisor GYM SUPERVISOR Events Worker Clerk Office & Technical SIM Lab Coordinator Educational Assistant II Writing Tutor Sound Board Onetimepay Five Wo Post Secondary Interpreter III One time pay Scene Newspaper One time pay for The Scene Post Secondary Interpreter II Educational Assistant II Office & Technical Office & Tech-PT Temp Cashier SSC Tutor SSC Tutor 201220 Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I General Maintenance Mechanic Educational Assistant I EducationalAsstI-Note Taker Model Cashier Gym Supervisor Gym Supervisor-Rental Facility Educational Assistant III Office & Technical Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Clerk II Cashier Cashier Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant I SSC Tutor Cashier HOUSEKEEPER Campus Police Officer - Temp Part-time Police Officer Office & Technical Amount Paid 1,606.42 548.25 2,189.25 3,625.45 1,156.00 1,435.26 1,101.70 119.75 3,363.06 342.15 1,568.00 942.13 2,010.71 5,039.63 2,006.86 4,372.82 900.00 2,826.37 145.00 240.00 124.35 3,631.82 5,422.16 1,003.13 873.54 4,713.40 534.08 3,749.46 5,210.61 1,785.60 1,285.60 2,815.68 393.45 4,328.90 5,207.29 1,560.52 11,578.87 4,143.23 1,477.06 2,375.46 6,778.80 7,262.18 2,924.31 3,831.73 646.64 1,093.22 3,326.61 1,103.40 2,268.84 9,390.65 1,657.29 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Paster, Latrica Denise Payne, Gary Tyrone Peniston, Eric B Phelps, Christine Michelle Piper, Roberta Leigh Porter, Ashley L Proctor, Erica Renea' Rankin, Sana Khaleelah Rivers, Daphne Marie Robert, James M Robinson, Esabio R Rothwell, Nathan John Roundtree, Shaylah Monet Russell, Jesse J Ryan, Cartrina J Sahr, Daniel Ryan Schlueter, Jesse Thomas Scott-Barnes, Verna M Scott, Lisa Ann Shepherd, Latonya Ruth Sheridan, Mark David Simmons, Arnetta M Simmons, Kathleen Kohler Singleton, George Jacob Smith, Leola Smith, Mark Eugene Smith, Romon T Stanford-Jones, Patricia A Steinmann, Amy Elizabeth Stephenson, Eddie C Stewart, Alandrea Patrice Stewart, Ellisa Renee Stone, Kathleen A Sutton, Michael Taylor, Alvin L Taylor, Daniel T Teren, Lisa Anne Thomas, Linda D Thomas, Simeon James Thompson, Sandra D Thompson, Tellia A Thompson, Terris Bryant Trieschmann, Laura Michelle Turek, Amanda E Turner, Kalisha V 7/10/13 Program/Job Title StudentAdmRegAsstI Bookstore Coordinator -Satelli Security Officer Model Post Secondary Interpreter II Post Secondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Cashier Student Affairs Office & Technical Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant I Bookstore ONE TIME PAY FOR EDITING SCENE Cashier Educational Assistant I Clerk II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I-Tutor Post Secondary Interpreter II Bookstore Assistant 1 Clerk II Secretary INSTRUCTOR-PT PROFESSIONAL Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II ClerkI/storeroom asst./temp Clerk II Bookstore Assistant I Clerk Office & Technical Art Educational Assistant II Senior Project Associate I Senior Project Associate I Senior Project Associate I Housekeeper Educational Assistant III Housekeeper Security Officer College Police Officer M-SSC TUTOR Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Office & Technical Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I INSTRUCTOR-PT PROFESSIONAL Model Adminstrative Clerk Educational Assistant I Amount Paid 2,378.47 8,853.83 8,137.09 267.92 49.74 49.74 1,158.17 5,890.00 6,984.96 40.00 3,203.72 6,300.99 2,750.05 509.25 215.00 735.72 7,489.88 5,513.53 3,753.27 363.60 310.88 2,549.74 8,664.76 10,004.68 540.00 8,954.21 2,664.09 3,416.40 7,956.22 6,336.66 651.83 12,714.62 5,267.28 5,092.61 8,407.55 223.60 357.76 7,099.89 7,634.37 7,919.96 1,889.45 766.59 3,136.00 3,062.74 4,867.90 1,072.36 396.00 10,580.45 567.00 64.50 1,849.51 8,335.32 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Turner, Shirley Ann Turner, Tamala Christine Turner, Valerie Lynn Ury, Christopher M Ury, Jane Marie Varner, Derrick E Vernon, Clara M Wade, Yvette Waldron, John M Walker, Joseph M Ware, Kendall Anthony Wargo, Lisa Michele Wheeler, Victoria Michele White Strickland, Eric Sharon White, Charon Michael White, Joel S White, Zellnar R Williams, Bruce A Williams, Courtney L Williams, Marilyn Rena Williams, Valarie K Wilson, John Logan Woodley, Rubie B FV Abernathy, Earl R Acevedo, Maria Del Rosario Allen, Kathleen M Amos, Melphina Latrice Anderson, Amanda Kathleen Aubuchon, Courtney Lynn Balderas, Barbara A Banks, Anthony Lewis Barlow, Paula J Bates, Jodie Lynette Bates, Martez Demond Bell, Barbara R Bell, DeAndre L Bess, Stephanie L Biondo, Kathleen M Bitanga, Jasmine Marie Black, Mary Alberta Blanton, Jean Marie Booker, Richard Boyd, Alicia E Brendel, Shihong Song 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Amount Paid Accounting Clerk I Project Associate I Recruiter I Theatre Event Worker Theatre Event Worker Stock Clerk Events Worker Secretary Clerk INSTRUCTOR-PT PROFESSIONAL Gym Supervisor Gym Supervisor GYM SUPERVISOR Educational Assistant I Post Secondary Interpreter II Office & Technical Lifeguard Cashier Clerk Post Secondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant II Model Clerk Educational Assistant II Post Secondary Interpreter III SSC Tutor Part-time Secretary 6,587.52 7,914.74 7,779.52 134.65 4,922.21 937.13 80.00 1,030.55 6,341.11 594.00 4,147.47 1,001.40 976.37 442.06 50.24 2,844.85 888.09 3,951.16 2,577.42 2,276.79 1,186.39 96.75 1,968.00 3,743.32 2,393.93 4,247.74 13,133.37 AAMI Clerk AAMI CLERK Educational Assistant II Bookstore Rush Worker Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Bookstore Clerk II AAMI Clerk PostSecondaryIntrepIII PostSecondaryIntrepIII Child Care Attendant I Project Associate II Academic Advisor AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant II Clerk Educational Assistant II Cashier Cashier College Security Officer Perkins Operating Library Associate 100.00 600.00 1,016.91 2,253.87 1,453.17 10,685.35 146.31 2,495.09 1,200.00 132.13 1,873.20 6,432.22 8,069.63 4,072.96 700.00 2,619.30 3,346.25 1,686.46 4,514.47 3,160.97 10,876.77 43.83 175.32 2,171.10 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Brown, Anthony Edward Silliman Bruns, Nicholas Robert Burgess, Darretta L Cadwell, Ellen Joyce Camp, Katheryn Anne Campbell, Nija Osha Canamore, Hermesha Shinese Caputa, Kelsey Anne Carpenter, Tracy R Carrawell, James Carter, Maria Patrice Carter, Shawn E Chaperlo, Patricia A Clark, Glandean Althea Coleman, Ollie Bernard Cooper, Joseph Michael Costello, Colleen M Cotton, Charlotte Courtney, Lester Cox, Jennifer Ann Crawshaw, Sandra Jean Crinnion, Catherine Marie Crinnion, Diana M Daniels, Catherine O Darris, Maria Recto Deinowski, John J Delap, Amy Delk, Molly J Dibbert, Kathy Michelle DiDonato Tinsley, Rachel Nicole Donner, Steven Doss, Pamela A Driskill, John E Early-Exton, Angela Dinah Eck, James Timothy 7/10/13 Program/Job Title AAMI Clerk Clerk Stdent Admissions/Reg. Asst. I Child Care Attendant I Post Secondary Intrepreter III Clerk Child Care Attendant CLERK Clerk Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant SEED Operating Perkins Stu Adm Reg Asst I Operating Perkins Model Clerk SEED2010 EAII-SEED Post Secondary Interpreter III Operating Post Secondary Interpreter III SEED 2010 Post Secondary Interpreter II Child Care Attendant I AAMI CLERK/MENTOR Career & Employment Services S Project Associate II Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Student Services Assistant I Educational Assistant II Operating Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Postsecondary Interpreter III Postsecondary Interpreter III Mth/Sci/Eng & Tech Educational Assistant II SGA Awards Banquet SEED 2010 Interpreter Theater External SEED 2010 Operating External SEED 2010 Operating Amount Paid 650.00 1,271.15 5,790.81 6,085.51 534.71 3,571.37 42.02 1,118.31 1,440.90 5,251.14 130.32 2,706.63 282.23 5,922.16 5,315.65 647.12 155.67 2,223.61 348.18 7,726.97 1,181.43 157.00 823.88 1,243.60 75.36 5,316.00 700.00 4,415.89 290.79 765.15 686.93 283.20 1,497.60 1,295.54 1,579.15 68.99 3,905.68 201.60 1,950.90 326.45 7,577.44 2,372.57 75.00 533.86 226.16 208.00 1,256.17 133.47 455.36 141.33 62.81 4,106.32 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Edwards, Charlene K Edwards, Cheryll Rhondene Elam Michaud, Beth Ann Ellis, Eleanor B Ernst, Ann Gleason Etheridge, Alanna Michelle Evans, Mary G Felts, Christopher Kelby Ferguson, Davion D Fischer, Katherine Kari Flieger, Jimmy D Fogal, Judith Lynn Foley, Therese M Foor, Tyson Curtis Frese, Anne M Gallinat, Jennifer L Gardiner, Bruce R Geyer, Melody O Gill, Kaci N Gipson, Robert L Glear, Janice Kay Godfrey, Dayna M Goodwin, Kristin Marie Gordon, Latasha Luenise Greene, Amanda L Greer, Sidney C Gregory, Kim L Griessel, Michael K Gruber, Rachel M Gruenloh, Taylor J Guo, Zhenhua Gupta, Prarthna Hansen, O D Harmon, Jennifer L Harper, Demond William Harris, Jason Demetrius Harris, Paul Romano Hart, Lois M Hartsfield, Jason Harrison Hatch, Ryan J 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Operating SEED 2010 Academic Advisor Mth/Sci/Eng & Tech Academic Advisor Academic Advisor Clerk II Educational Assistant II Model Theatre Production Assistant P/T TEMP RENTALS/PRODUCTION AAMI Clerk Clerk II Educational Assistant II CLERK Clerk Project Associate II Project Associate II Tutor Child Care Attendant Student Activities Asst II Security Officer Security Officer Model Operating External SEED 2010 Library Associate Stu Adm Reg Asst I External Post Secondary Interpreter II Office & Technical Cashier Security Officer Post Secondary Intrepreter III SEED 2010 Interpreter II Post Secondary Intrepreter III Model Educational Assistant II Theatre Rentals Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Clerk Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Bookstore Rush Worker Part-time Temporary Cook Student Services Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Amount Paid 251.23 235.53 11,077.75 3,560.03 1,753.06 342.90 4,547.02 6,937.63 161.57 136.82 115.20 700.00 4,770.00 9,055.87 3,357.64 237.51 716.43 9,516.43 4,216.25 4,235.90 153.33 195.35 7,316.57 79.62 3,399.51 471.06 8,125.82 3,287.19 5,548.43 188.42 49.74 1,299.87 4,576.42 4,493.58 49.74 1,342.98 1,224.85 201.95 3,498.86 148.20 211.30 3,019.91 4,569.95 10,478.80 575.31 3,888.00 316.84 528.68 7,882.90 5,943.00 2,698.40 3,197.09 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Hayes, Mary Rose Heil, James Mark Henley, David Michael Henley, Melissa Anne Henley, Michelle Kimberly Hernton, Angela Terena Herring, Jennae Lyn Hill, Jocelynn Lakaye Hill, Melody L Holloway-Wingo, Regina Anne Holmes, Lanthie R Holtschneider, Elizabeth Jane Householder, Robert Mason Huddleston, Paul A Huffstutter, Gary W Huntley, Alisha Nicole Huntley, Ashley Danielle Imbeah, Susan Frances Jasper, Geraldine A Jenkins, Norman Jett, Patricia A Johns, Phyllis A Johnson, Alvin Joe Johnson, Steven A Johnston, Theresa Louise Jones, Carolyn Defay Jones, Jared Jones, Kenneth Lacour Jones, Kiihandra Renee Jones, Rodney W Kahrhoff, John R Kauling, Allison Rose King, Claibourne J King, Melanie A King, Teya Kizeart, Willie Ladell Klein, Mollie Michelle Koester, Michael W Kohnen, Samuel Paul Kudrna, Patricia Ann Kuenzel, Jeffrey M 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Perkins Operating Educational Assistant I Operating External SEED 2010 POST SECONDARY INTERPRETER III PSedry Interpret III-SEED 2010 POST SECONDARY INTERPRETER III Post Secondary Interpreter III External Operating Model SGA Awards Banquet Educational Assistant II Student Services Assistant II Office & Technical Student Services Assistant I Custodial Services Clerk General Maintenance Mechanic Clerk Clerk Project Associate I Acting Manager Educational Assistant I Project Associate II Educational Assistant I AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Bookstore Rush Worker Custodial Services Clerk MODEL Post Secondary Interpreter II Post Secondary Intrepreter II Post Sec InterpreterIII Seed20 Post Secondary Intrepret III ACADEMIC ADVISOR SEED 2010 CLERK II Model Housekeeper Educational Assistant II HCHSCOORDINATOR Clerk External Operating Office & Technical Amount Paid 970.69 4,429.71 1,563.21 3,415.19 376.85 2,308.20 1,640.01 93.27 1,896.49 1,414.60 78.51 196.28 77.46 75.00 7,983.58 7,229.60 2,325.91 5,778.43 9,846.13 1,588.91 2,629.80 410.63 410.63 8,266.50 1,225.87 4,685.65 5,061.06 1,190.47 700.00 10,484.37 2,161.78 11,724.70 543.45 6,448.76 6,219.60 193.65 497.40 1,293.25 1,243.60 886.07 5,731.44 6,372.49 86.78 77.46 8,544.61 1,700.16 432.00 3,177.37 314.06 1,004.99 4,940.35 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Kunze, Jessica Lynne LaChance, Christine Marie Lache, Julikka Lally, Meaghan M Lemke, Lorraine C Lopez, Vivial Marie Malique, Ismail Al McDaniels, Brandice Nicole McDonnell, Megan Ann McLemore, Tiffani M McLin-Morris, Anis F McMurray, Gerard E McQuinn, Andrew T Mertens, Denise Elaine Miller, Geraldine V Miller, Sonya Mobley, Michael K Mohsen, Youssef Moran, Mary A Morley, Stevi D Morris, Alvin T Morrison, Robert G Mosley, Aaron Lyndalle Burt Murray, Esther Lynn Nagel, Mary Michele Nahrgang, Kelly Lynne Najafi, Amon T Neal, Barbara Sue Neil, Darlene H Nicholson, Crunden Justin Nowack, John E O'Connell, Marcia L O'Keefe, Matthew R Oliver, John C Onyekazi, Ngozi Remigius Opacic, Bojana Oyedeji, Olawale Kehinde Pack, Gloriana T Panosh, Cynthia Carolyn Parker, Brittney Marcella Peniston, Eric B Penson, Willie Louis 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Model Accounting Clerk I Post Secondary Interpreter II SEED 2010 Interpreter II Education Asst. II/SI Leader Clerk Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Accessibility Servic Educational Assistant II Clerk Educational Assistant II Office & Technical Copy Technician Clerk II Student Adm/Reg Asst. I Cashier STEM TUTOR Clerk Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Clerk Admissions Rep I Educational Assistant I AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Bookstore Assistant I FACS Outreach Coordinator Part Time Professional FACS Outreach Coordinator FACS Outreach Coordinator Model Office & Technical Educational Assistant II Bookstore Rush Worker PART TIME TEMP WORKER AAMI CLERK Educational Assitant II AAIM Clerk Theater Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Clerk Model Clerk Amount Paid 852.06 3,043.26 2,891.15 2,039.35 1,866.65 705.76 2,001.78 8,149.59 3,360.42 866.07 75.11 1,657.37 543.59 3,901.83 6,762.27 3,813.86 8,188.94 190.91 3,884.76 222.31 1,926.10 1,448.32 86.40 1,980.31 3,360.00 551.99 8,818.74 700.00 1,478.14 1,479.15 9,206.10 6,877.52 5,983.41 6,803.28 6,700.20 1,546.20 2,319.30 232.38 7,899.56 1,163.29 2,964.52 131.25 700.00 1,103.89 600.00 200.00 28.80 486.96 1,516.29 283.50 321.52 4,728.37 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Phelps, Christine Michelle Phillips, Roxanne M Pilkington, Yvette Christina Piper, Roberta Leigh Ponder, Michael S Pool, Deandre Purnell, Andrea Marie Putnam, Kathleen M Raffurty, Pamela Sue Randolph, Emily Sue Reagan, Erica Y Regh, Rachel E Rhoades, Julia L Rice, Donald Keith Ring, Susan Moss Robbins, Megan Lynn Roberts, Jonathan Bree Robinson, Sharon A Rolf, Judy M Roy, Christopher Glenn Rozanek-McGuire, Gay Lorraine Rush, Amber M Russell, Thomas L Scaife, James Haywood Scates, John T Scherer, Susan M Schlueter, Jesse Thomas Schmermund, Rachel Clara Schroeder, Erin L Sciuto, Lee Ann Sedrak, Samir Ishak Shead, Edwin Pierre Shelton, Deionza L Shrestha, Hridyaswor Bhakta Sisk, DeAndre D Smith, Darryl Everett Smith, Latoya Latice Smith, Robert 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Post Secondary Interpreter II SEED2010 Interpreter II Post Secondary InterpreterII Educational Assistant I SEED 2010 Theater Post Secondary Interpret II-EX Post Secondary Interpreter II Post Secondary Interpret II-OP Chemistry PHYSICAL PLANT P/T Educational Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I YIN Mentor Lifeguard Post Secondary Interpreter II Model Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Model AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant I Child Care Attendant Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Bookstore Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Admissions Rep I Admissions Rep I AAMI Clerk AAMI CLERK Cashier Post Secondary Interpreter II Post Secondary Interpreter II PSI11SEED2010 PSI11 SEED 2010 CE-LIFEGUARD Clerk Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant III AAMI Clerk Peer Tutor EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT II Model Security Officer MODEL Security Officer Security Officer Amount Paid 1,131.60 907.76 1,666.29 883.88 219.83 200.00 219.80 2,295.57 1,538.60 3,874.95 7,698.06 615.69 5,641.65 3,139.14 796.32 3,407.26 77.46 252.95 4,745.58 3,905.86 77.46 700.00 1,955.01 422.63 2,642.79 172.82 582.84 4,997.65 5,240.66 2,680.91 1,947.34 721.56 100.00 600.00 5,345.71 870.46 1,032.11 74.61 248.70 657.60 2,574.75 2,703.02 2,713.43 700.00 2,031.19 915.97 116.19 6,578.32 116.19 6,138.98 360.00 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Stafford, Sherry A Stewart, Christopher M Storer, Christopher M Stroker, Claire A Sumner, Bridget Mary Sweeney, Nicholas Thomas Taylor, Lisa Lynnette Telthorst, Benjamin David Thomas, Alicia Vernette Thomas, Lisa Michelle Todd, Catherine Louise Trout, Dwayne Tucker, Mary L Turnbough, Mike R Turner Moss, Phyllis O Turner, Brennan Richard Underwood, Deborah A Ury, Jane Marie Vales, Jamar Tyrone Vallely, Susan M Vogt, Daniel Lee Vogt, James Thomas Vroman, Paul J Walker, Belinda J Walker, Jimmy L Walker, Neita F Wallace, Valencia A Wargo, Lisa Michele Watson-Collins, Elizabeth Kelly Watts, Cedric Ivan Webster, Donna M Webster, Hosani Jevoni Weier, James A Wheat, Julie White, Joel S Williams, Bruce A Williams, Clovis Eugene 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Educational Assistant II AAMI Clerk Model Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Clerk II Educational Assistant II Stud Svc Asst I PT Temp Cashier Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I AAMI Clerk Library Associate Cashier Educational Assistant II Physical Plant - PT Child Care Attendant I Bookstore Asst. I Educational Assistant I Ed Asst. I Bookstore Rush Worker Educational Assistant II STEM Tutor Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Educational Assistant II Accounting Clerk I AAIM Clerk Accounting Clerk I Educational Assistant II Post Secondary Interpreter II External Operating Educational Assistant II Office & Technical Clerk II Clerk Copy Tech. Operator Clerk Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Clerk II SEED 2010 Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III MODEL Educational Assistant I Amount Paid 4,111.82 700.00 118.49 3,520.90 4,848.33 1,985.05 5,814.60 1,826.23 5,918.05 459.39 1,738.75 2,577.94 700.00 4,455.34 3,527.61 1,328.94 5,254.06 1,403.42 6,110.44 821.39 97.67 438.38 2,045.38 306.63 130.14 1,125.78 1,227.02 584.25 244.46 107.47 8,497.34 291.37 400.00 2,103.83 385.19 497.40 822.72 1,601.50 7,792.20 1,712.92 1,145.74 3,546.82 4,635.73 530.44 8,475.69 1,665.60 1,489.64 6,445.69 200.00 2,410.28 232.38 1,335.86 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location MC Name Amount Paid Williams, Valarie K Wolf, Pamala S Woods, Darren T Word, Johnny Wren, Deborah Kay Yancey, Kristen Lynne Yarbrough, Angeline L Young, Roderick Edward Yuen, Amanda Postsecondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II AAMI CLERK External Model Educational Assistant II Model Educational Assistant II 62.18 1,632.81 11,054.03 200.00 717.67 199.41 9,814.73 38.92 3,181.32 Abotsi, Alfred Kwashie Ahearn, Jennifer Lynn Library Associate Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Peer Leader One Time Payment Educational Asst I TounamentOneTimePay Lifeguard Cashier Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II TournamentOneTimePay Educational Assistant I Secretary Office & Technical Educational Assistant III Education Assistant III Student Adm/Reg Clerk PT Admissions PT Temp Cashier Student Services Asst II College Police Dispatcher Bookstore Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Education Assistant I Educational Assistant II College Police Officer TournamentOneTimePay Educational Assistant III Cashier Cashier Bookstore Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Educational Asst III Bookstore Assistant I Post Secondary Interpreter II Clerk II Cashier Library Associate Cashier 1,109.74 2,061.89 6,124.56 240.00 264.00 179.88 2,000.00 51.10 732.81 4,615.05 2,745.51 11,127.09 450.00 8,429.73 5,780.12 3,496.44 41.73 592.51 1,783.20 1,716.00 6,595.30 6,712.06 2,402.63 765.33 3,288.32 3,552.12 1,294.25 1,514.83 250.00 908.60 4,758.24 6,758.13 3,839.10 585.51 2,026.33 7,441.60 11,612.28 2,536.74 2,231.89 4,206.08 5,471.14 978.10 Al Amery, Asma A Albrecht, Randall L Arensmeier, Melanie Diann Barbercheck, Patrick Shelby Barnes, Donna Robinson Beasley, Jennifer L Bedwell, Janie A Bee, Donald Louis Beeson, Jessica Ann Bell-Foster, Brenda Joyce Bernal, Mary L Berson, Ruth Bianco Parrales, Dayan Estella Bianco Parrales, Kimberly N Biedenstein, Lauren Alicia Bina, Nancy E Birtley, Ann K Blase, Carrie Kathleen Blumenthal, Nicholas Kyle Boeddeker, Timothy M Bolar, Douglas L Bond, Marcus W Brady, Benjamin P Brannan, Becky Anne Brannan, Lindsey Anne Brissette, Kellianne Lyn Brusati, Patricia Lynn Buckley, Stephanie Kirsten Burnett, David Michael Busch, Kelly Marie Camp, Katheryn Anne Canono, Sherry Mae C Carbery, Kathryn Elizabeth Carmody, Martin Philip Carroll, Ann Christine 7/10/13 Program/Job Title ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Chadwick, Katherine Elizabeth Chrun, Rebeccah Elizabeth Chryst, Marilyn Kathryn Chu, William S Clarke, Margaret Janis Cobbs, Kimara L Collier, Chad Alexander Corson, Debra H Costello, Colleen M Costello, Ian Joseph Cox, Denise Ann Davenport, Ruth Ann Davis, Dedra Danielle Deutman, Kevin Joseph Driskill, John E Dufer, Dallas Donald Echterhoff, Joan H Eck, James Timothy Ellermann, Edward Briggs Enegren, Benjamin K England, Deborah K Fairley, Christina M Farace, Julie Anne Felsen, Joseph R Fitzgerald, Lamar Winston Fitzwater, Donna D Flanery, David V Flotron, Mary Ann Ford, Aaron James Frankenreiter, David A Franklin, Thomas William Fuhrig, Katherine Garcia, Maria Josephine Gardner, Emi Rose Geyer, Melody O Gifford, Yvonne L Gill, Kaci N Gipson, Robert L Godfrey, Dayna M Gregory, Kim L Grupe, Sara Ruth Gunderson, Jesse William Guyton, Rosalyn B Haier, Bert G Halsband, Donna L Harris, Shantelle Renee' 7/10/13 Program/Job Title TournamentOneTimePay Art/Photo Model Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Clerk Typist Part-Time Clerk- Typist Cashier Project Assistant - General Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter II Lifeguard College Police Dispatcher EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT II Educational Assistant I Clerk II Post Secondary Interpreter III Model Educational Assistant III Post Secondary Interpreter III Cashier Educational Assistant II Cashier Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Clerk Typist Clerk Library Associate Clerk II Secretary Clerk II Educational Assistant III College Police Officer Lifeguard Educational Assistant II Clerk CLERK II Model Education Assistant III Educational Assistant III Post Secondary Interpreter III Library Associate Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter II Educational Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant I Student Services Asst II Model Senior Project Associate II STUDENT SERVICES ASSIST.II Amount Paid 330.00 154.92 2,943.77 10,651.37 5,204.96 3,412.66 381.96 3,144.15 7,237.00 1,890.26 391.73 1,605.48 485.24 4,403.55 7,716.33 7,207.88 171.00 881.93 3,577.03 240.95 3,559.35 2,399.40 4,658.80 173.69 2,333.71 7,544.02 3,268.55 459.20 2,997.70 10,071.85 348.00 5,443.77 2,004.46 5,266.92 760.80 2,146.42 2,924.01 294.14 1,090.63 1,402.31 5,866.55 466.35 2,716.78 3,373.27 2,866.28 100.82 4,290.40 2,930.99 8,698.09 255.83 17,498.23 3,942.89 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Haus Day, Hazel Raishelle Heinrichs, Joshua D Hemingway Harvey, Heather M Henley, David Michael Henley, Michelle Kimberly Herries, Paula Elaine Herring, Jennae Lyn Hockaday, Emily Diane Hoeninger, Jason H Hoffman, Ann Marie Hoffman, Carl Frederick Hoffman, Michael G Holmes, Megan Anne Hudson, Grace Ann Hunt, Victoria Jean Hurst, Rene Michelle Huson, Stephanie Nicole Hutchings, Daniel Joseph Jackson, Michele L Jacobs, Jessica Ann Jaeger, John A Jankowski, Mariann Helen Johnson, Joseph D Jones, Darren Bruce Jones, Jennifer J Jones, Muriel L Karpel, Alicia C Kauling, Allison Rose Kern, Allison Leigh Kilburn, Jon Roger King, Teya Kirby, Joan W Klotz, Annerose G Knight, Rosalie Mary Kudrna, Patricia Ann Lache, Julikka Ladendorf, Katherine D LaGarce, Charles Gratiot Lampe, Jeremy Michael Lesch, Allison M Libby, Kathryn J Libby, Kenneth E Maness, Jeffrey Kael Mannecke, William August Markway, Carol J Marlowe, Elizabeth S 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Educational Assistant III Education Assistant III Cashier Educational Assistant III Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Phy Therapy Asst Prg Model Secretary Clerk II Bookstore Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant I Model Cashier Cashier Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Admissions Educational Assistant II Lifeguard Office & Technical Office & Technical Clerk TournamentOneTimePay Administrative Clerk Art/Photo Model Educational Assistant II PS III-MC(INTERPRETER, LEVEL 3 PSIII-MCINTERPRETER, LEVEL III CLERK II Clerk II ART/PHOTO MODEL Cashier Bookstore Assistant III Student Services Asst II Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter II Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Office & Technical TournamentOneTimePay TounamentOneTimePay Campus Business Offi Lifeguard Cashier Office & Technical Amount Paid 1,542.63 502.80 6,041.94 2,019.49 2,611.57 5,673.93 917.16 1,414.60 2,940.00 1,498.24 8,263.60 426.74 1,081.92 1,171.30 10,011.56 731.30 3,262.75 3,059.82 8,259.73 144.04 2,057.04 942.97 2,816.26 736.80 1,188.14 7,807.33 1,796.47 330.00 721.97 66.24 976.39 139.91 388.63 107.52 425.89 33.12 675.75 1,493.23 914.39 466.35 1,367.85 6,225.06 10,197.36 6,643.54 390.53 400.00 1,250.00 11,058.74 211.20 1,101.45 2,582.34 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Martin, Sarah Grace Martin, Stephanie Ann Massot, Elizabeth Ann Mathes, Anna McAllister, Cheryl Patrice Mcbeth, Susen S McDonald, Jonathan C McLean, Alice R McMahon, Michael Terance Melliere, Stacey Anne Meyer, Janet J Mitchell, Robert Alan Modray, Bryan Joseph Mohammad, Siddiqa Mounts, Jason Andrew Nagle, Robert Jacob Livington O'Connell, Mary C O'Connell, Shannon Patricia Olsen, Steven R Ortiz, Linda M Pace, Bonnita G Palesch, Karl Palubiak, Sandra Kay Peniston, Eric B Peterson Johnson, Sarah K Phelps, Christine Michelle Philippone, Caroline R Piedimonte, Karen L Piper, Roberta Leigh Polizzi, Bernadette M Price, Rene Pryor, Andrew C Quint, Gary E Rehkop, Peggy L Robinson, Jane Christina Roddy, Sheila M Rolfe, Cheryl Lee Safina, Evgenia Bronislavovna Schaffer, Errol Frederick Schallom, Claire A Scherer, Carol Ann Schindler, Kathleen Mary Schlueter, Jesse Thomas 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Educational Assistant II Student Services Assistant I Educational Assistant II Clerk II Stu Fin Aid Asst PSIII-MCInterpreter, Level III Educational Assistant I Lifeguard Cashier Secretary Student Services Assistant II Bookstore Asst I Clerk Clerk II STUDENTADM/REGCLERK Lifeguard Bookstore Administrative Clerk II ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. VICE PRES Lifeguard College Police Officer Model Clerk College Police Officer Bookstore Assisstant I Model Clerk Post Secondary Interpreter II Educational Assistant II Cashier Post Secondary Interpreter II Clerk II Project Associate II Education Assistant III Educational Assistant III Police Officer PT Temp Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Specialist/Svc for Disabled Administrative Secretary II Clerk II Stud Support Service Student Admin/Reg Clerk Stud Support Service Lifeguard Clerk II Education Assistant III Supervisor Nursing Skills Lab Post Secondary Interpreter II PS II Voc Rehab Amount Paid 3,536.94 2,017.71 606.64 464.08 2,750.00 373.08 129.60 479.95 3,431.41 5,193.11 826.24 4,259.67 1,988.38 8,550.91 31.50 445.27 3,619.06 4,641.89 687.60 1,173.38 365.88 828.00 434.46 5,342.62 5,076.90 1,165.50 1,753.83 1,392.73 8,758.86 7,539.87 248.70 2,920.21 3,511.16 1,240.24 1,500.69 933.66 269.05 672.63 127.44 10,067.76 10,916.00 3,669.56 6,354.62 633.60 590.40 566.40 2,320.80 3,256.87 3,217.01 3,535.77 640.41 149.22 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Schrader, Jerome A Sciuto, Ellen Wallis Scroggin, Leah Kathleen Sears, Debora Jane Shaw, Kay A Shehadeh, Zeina Nabil Simmons, Arika Monique Smith, William A Spaulding, Larry Lee Spradlin, Andrew Harrison Steenberg, Karl T Stokes, Zulfiya Minzagitovna Sucher, Chad C Summers, Sabrina A Summers, Shellie Jean Switzer, Virginia L Tate, Michael Jovan Tatkow, Dorcas Freeland Terando, Judith M Vermilye, Robert Eugene Vitale, Angela Marie Wallace, Valencia A Walton, Chad R Wargo, Lisa Michele West, Gloria June Weston, Patricia L White, Joel S Wilkat, Barbara Noee Williams, Bruce A Williams, Valarie K Williams, Yannick Duran Wren, Deborah Kay Yanko, Albert Zemann, Pamela A W Adams, Philip J Bashirzadeh, Parviz Buatois, Amy Dickmann Chester, Joni Johnson Devoti, Bart S Feller, Candi P Ferdman, Julie Beth 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Office & Technical Library Associate STUDENTSERVICESASSIST II Project Assistant Cashier Admissions PT Temp SECY-PTTEMP201210 Lifeguard Essay Contest Winner Peer Leader Clerk II Professional Clerk Clerk II CLERK II Educational Assistant II Bookstore Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Library Associate Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Clerk II Educational Assistant I ArtExOneTimePayment Student Services Assistant I Educational Assistant III College Police Officer Post Secondary Interpreter II SymphBandOneTimePay Accompanist Graphic Designer I Post Secondary Interpreter III Cashier Model Postsecondary Interpreter III ArtExOneTimePayment Media Specialist Night Supv TournamentOneTimePay Administrative Clerk II College Police Officer Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Info & Enrollment Asst Student Activities Asst II PT Secretary/Clerical Admin Support Academic Advisor TANF Advisor ART MODEL Amount Paid 7,353.07 2,628.39 648.50 8,641.20 4,745.81 648.00 5,964.43 1,227.02 53.00 1,212.00 1,221.87 7,988.62 3,728.60 101.88 393.33 10,918.06 9,410.98 1,948.99 681.01 4,028.81 10,011.56 61.33 5,300.92 5,180.88 100.00 2,294.25 4,125.23 383.14 124.35 400.00 2,100.63 803.30 186.54 3,229.32 2,571.72 279.81 100.00 1,779.08 1,692.28 1,250.00 3,277.90 248.96 1,869.28 4,710.09 7,561.38 1,437.96 103.28 1,835.46 506.51 186.61 191.70 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 1/1/13 through 6/30/13 Location Name Fox, Jessica Lynn Franklin Story, Sherry C Gales, Regenia Haier, Bert G Huber, Pamela Marie Kaemmerlen, Jalayna Kelly, Charles Arnold King, Teya Kinney, Johnna D Lieberman, Barbara Leslie Marshall, Tracy Lyn Massmann, Susan Antoinette Nelson, Amber Lee Nuetzel, Michele Louise Ottenlips, Maureen M Pozderovic, Suad Sharma, Yashika Shupe, Deena Darnell Smith, Jeffrey W Thuet, Kelly A Tinucci, Diane Marie Urban, Julie A Young, Joan Frances Total 7/10/13 Program/Job Title Cashier Educational Assistant II Housekeeper Model Secretary Educational Assistant III Model Art Model District-Wide Mgr Athletics Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant III PT Secretary/Clerical Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Student Support Specialist Housekeeper CASHIER P/T TEMP. Info & Enrollment Assistant Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Bookstore Cashier Educational Assistant III Bookstore Assistant I Bookstore Amount Paid 6,621.48 2,399.42 11,275.29 363.42 103.28 778.41 233.50 230.04 13,853.50 8,253.25 4,862.67 2,249.44 1,032.46 2,809.21 1,179.25 10,606.20 5,738.73 6,513.30 95.37 3,764.16 2,244.61 1,145.32 8,198.12 3,139.29 3,752,664.47 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the purchase of ten (10) Smart Classrooms (consisting of a visual presenter document camera and ten (10) additional components each) from TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC., for an amount estimated at $30,472.46. Description These cameras and components will be used in the construction of new “smart classrooms” for enhanced student learning to be installed in ten (10) individual classrooms on the Forest Park campus. These smart classrooms will provide versatility for the instructors to display transparencies, objects, paper and other items in real time. The recommended bidder offered a complete bid and has met all of the requirements. One minority-owned, one minority/woman-owned and one woman- owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0003168 The evaluation of this bid, which opened June 28, 2013, is listed below: 1 10 Smart Classrooms Bidders TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. OM Office Supply Inc. Valiant National AV Supply Kansas City Audio Visual Total Cost $30,472.46 30,938.00 30,992.70 31,063.00 Components Offered 11 out of 11 11 out of 11 11 out of 11 11 out of 11 The following vendors provided partial bid responses for the requested components: Perlmutter Purchasing Power, Aves Audio Visual Systems, Inc., W. B. Hunt Co., Inc., Midwest Technology Connection, Howard Technology Solutions, Business Services, CDW Government LLC, W. Schiller & Co., SDF Professional Computers, Inc., B&H Photo Video Pro-Audio and Adorama Inc. Funding These items will be purchased from capital funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. No ads were placed for this bid offering due to its size. Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the purchase of industrial work uniforms to UNIFORM VILLAGE dba ACKLEY UNIFORM CO., in an amount not to exceed $84,602.10, for a period of two (2) full years and ten (10) months, to begin on August 16, 2013. Description This contract will be used by the college’s district-wide maintenance staff and the Physical Facilities Departments at all college locations to purchase work uniforms for the housekeeping, grounds and plant employees as required by the college’s agreement with these employee groups. Under this agreement, eligible employees receive five uniform sets (generally a shirt and trouser) per year at the college’s expense. In addition, job-specific items such as temperature appropriate apparel for outdoor crews are also provided. The recommended bidder offered the overall best pricing and meets all requirements of the bid. One (1) bidder was disqualified for failing to submit based on specifications. One known minority-owned and one woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0003054 The evaluation of this bid, which opened July 22, 2013, is listed below: 2 Bidders UNIFORM VILLAGE INC., dba ACKLEY UNIFORM COMPANY Clean Uniform DVL Enterprises, Inc., dba Marketing Products Group Franklin Graphics Sample Pricing with 3-years of Escalation $ 84,602.10 84,829.96 86,614.72 88,306.02 The bid from Uniform Warehouse was disqualified. Funding Expenditures made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the St. Louis American. Recommendation for Ratification/Physical Facilities: Board ratification is requested of a consulting agreement to provide project management for deck repairs at the Forest Park campus with KWAME BUILDING GROUP of a negotiated fee not-to-exceed $30,000.00. Description of A14-0261, Project Management for Forest Park Deck Repair: College Board Policy 1.8 requires that architectural and engineering consultants be selected on the basis of competence and qualifications for the type of professional services required, and at fair and reasonable prices. This policy further requires ratification by the Board of consulting agreements less than $50,000. 3 During the project to re-surface the Forest Park deck, serious structural damage was discovered on the northeast quadrant of the deck, requiring extensive repair. To ensure the best price for the repair work, construction firms specializing in concrete restoration, including the original re-surfacing contractor, were invited to bid the repairs. Kwame is working with the College to develop the bid specifications, evaluate bids, provide additional contract administration, and evaluate processes, budgets, schedules and performance. Kwame was deemed the most qualified due to their experience in assembling bid packages, negotiating bid contracts and past work with the College. They were selected and a not-to-exceed $30,000.00 agreement was negotiated with them. Funding: This project will be funded from the Forest Park Capital Budget – Plaza Deck Repair. BUSINESS AND FINANCE Budget Pg. 1-2 Executive Summary – Preliminary Financial Results through June 2013 Pg. 3 Preliminary Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through June 30, 2013 Pg. 4 Preliminary Budget Status Report RTEC and Student Assistance Program: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Pg. 5 Preliminary Budget Status Report-Auxiliary: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Pg. 6 Preliminary Corporate College-Managed Property Operating Report: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Pg. 7 Preliminary Budget Status Report-Capital Fund : July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Pg. 8 Preliminary Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Pg. 9 Preliminary Workforce Solutions Group Budget Status Report: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Pg. 10 Preliminary Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Pg. 11 Preliminary Budget Status Reports-Agency Fund: July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Ratifications Pg. 12 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of June 2013 Pg. 13-15 Ratification of Investments Report as of June 30, 2013 Pg. 16-24 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered during the year ending June 30, 2013 Pg. 25 Ratification of Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Executive Summary August 15, 2013 (Preliminary Financial Results Through 6/30/2013) Revenue • Total Revenue for fiscal 2013 was $161.4 million or 97.3% of the FY 2013 budgeted revenue, as compared to $164.5 million or 98.9% of the budget for fiscal year 2012. • Local Taxes collected of $61.8 million for FY 2013 ended the year at 102.7% of budget and $613K or 1.0% more than last year. The anticipated decline in assessed property values did not materialize, rather the property value base rose 0.92% for FY 2013 over FY 2012. • State Aid received was $42.7 million and 100.0% of budget. Net appropriations for FY 2013 were $297K lower than last year primarily due to the 0.5% FY 2013 MCCA equity adjustment initiated this year. • Student Fees are $52.9 million for FY2013 versus $56.5 million for FY2012. The $3.6 million decrease from last year reflects declining enrollment partially offset by the Fall 2012 maintenance fee increase. o The Fall-to-Fall fees were $24.7 million for FY13 compared to $26.0 million for the FY12 Fall semester. o Fall-to-Fall headcount has declined 2,617 or 9.0% o The Spring-to-Spring fees are $21.9 million for FY13 compared to $24.0 million for the FY12 Spring semester. o Spring-to-Spring headcount has declined 3,333 or 12.2% o Summer 2013 compared to Summer 2012 headcount has declined 1,412 or 10.3% o Based upon the percentage of FY 2012 actual year-to-date Student Fee recorded revenue compared to budget, FY 2013 actual year-todate Student Fee revenue is indicating a $5.8 million shortfall to budget for the year. o The 6.4% decline in FY13 YTD revenue compared to FY12 YTD revenue reflects declining enrollment offset by the $5/credit hour fee increase that took effect for the Fall 2012 semester. • Other revenues of $3.9 million are 98.6% of budget and $182K higher than last year. The budget reflects the earning expectations of weak investment markets, as investment rate opportunities remain at historic lows. 1 Executive Summary August 15, 2013 (Preliminary Financial Results Through 6/30/2013) Expenditures • FY 2013 total expenditures are $140.7 million or 92.7% of budget compared to $148.6 million or 99.2% of budget for the previous fiscal year. o Total salary and wages are $92.2 million or 95.5% of budget compared to last fiscal year’s total of $95.9 million or 99.2% of budget. o Lower Fall and Spring enrollments have resulted in a $2.9 million reduction in part-time and overload salaries compared to the prior year. o Staff Benefits for FY 2013 were $24.7 million or 102.1% of budget and $0.2 million higher than last year. Benefits related to the accrued vacation liability were recorded and account for $0.7 million of the FY 2013 benefits expense. o Operating expenses are 83.6% of budget and $4.5 million lower than last year. The difference is comprised of $1.8 million favorable operating expense variance and $0.1 million favorable utilities expense variance. The $2.2 million allowance for bad debts expense, included in the FY 2013 operating expenses, is $2.4 million lower than last year primarily due to the lower FY 2013 Student Fees revenue and the FY 2012 inclusion of over $2.1 million associated with the calculation adjustment for prior periods. o The $2.6 million Contingency provided in the FY 2013 Budget was an offset to anticipated State Aid withholding by the Governor. However, in March the Governor eliminated the withholding provision and began returning the previously withheld state appropriations in equal installments beginning in March and concluded in June of FY 2013. Transfers • Total Transfers are at $14.2 million or 99.9% of the budgeted transfers for FY 2013 and compares to FY 2012 transfers of $17.0 million. • Decreases in planned capital expenditures for FY 2013 is the primary reason for the difference between total FY 2012 compared to FY 2013. 2 St. Louis Community College PRELIMINARY Budget Status Summary Report - General Operating Fund For the Period July through June, Original Budget Revisions* Fiscal Year 2013 Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of % of Total Budget to Revenue Date Amount Fiscal Year 2012 % of % of Budget Total to Date Revenue 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 60,156,723 42,712,149 58,948,154 4,000,000 165,817,026 60,156,723 42,712,149 58,948,154 4,000,000 165,817,026 61,781,386 42,714,296 52,879,893 3,942,638 161,318,212 38.3% 26.5% 32.8% 2.4% 100.0% 102.7% 100.0% 89.7% 98.6% 97.3% 61,167,957 43,011,112 56,522,390 3,760,649 164,462,108 37.2% 26.2% 34.4% 2.3% 100.0% 98.4% 98.8% 99.5% 98.9% 98.9% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Contingency Total Expenditures 96,531,312 24,205,937 28,941,019 2,584,855 152,263,123 96,531,312 24,205,937 28,392,006 2,584,855 151,714,110 92,221,530 24,707,696 23,744,043 0 140,673,268 57.2% 15.3% 14.7% 0.0% 87.2% 95.5% 102.1% 83.6% 95,852,284 24,506,247 28,253,133 58.3% 14.9% 17.2% 0.0% 90.4% 99.2% 101.8% 97.0% 13,553,903 6,680,000 25,000 125,076 640,000 3,252,337 49,175 2,778,561 843,005 (15,162) (125,000) 14,252,992 6,680,000 25,000 125,076 640,000 3,252,337 49,175 2,778,561 829,141 (15,162) (125,000) 14,239,128 4.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.4% 2.0% 0.0% 1.7% 0.5% 0.0% -0.1% 8.8% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 8,632,147 0 307,500 640,000 3,318,230 111,829 3,278,556 803,057 (13,656) (125,000) 16,952,662 5.2% 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 2.0% 0.1% 2.0% 0.5% 0.0% -0.1% 10.3% 105.5% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 291.1% 93.4% 54.8% 824.7% 100.0% 97.8% 0 (150,076) 6,405,815 4.0% (1,102,219) -0.7% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Plant Fund for Capital * To Plant Fund for Pedestrian & Traffic To Plant Fund for Tech Fee Capital To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Agency Fund for Student Clubs To RTEC & SA Programs*** To Student Financial Aid From Agency for Student Activities From Auxiliary for Pres. Init. Total Transfers Net Increase / (Decrease) 6,377,500 302,500 (549,013) 302,500 25,000 (177,424) 640,000 3,252,337 49,175 2,778,561 843,005 (15,162) (125,000) Net Assets as of July 1 Net Assets as of June 30 *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. ***RTEC is Regional Technical Education Council SA is Student Assistance Programs 23,777,481 30,183,296 92.7% 148,611,665 24,879,700 23,777,481 99.2% St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report - Regional Technical Education Center For the Period July through June Preliminary, Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2012 % of Current Budget % of Actual To Date Budget To Date Current Budget - 0.0% 0.0% $ $ 81.7% 63.2% 105.8% 362.4% 88.7% $ 892,165 261,132 1,303,461 327,918 $ 2,784,676 $ Actual To Date Budget To Date - 0.0% 0.0% Revenues / Resources Revenues Total Revenue / Resources $ $ Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense $ 1,233,394 358,719 669,478 23,085 $ 2,284,676 $ 1,007,852 226,829 708,347 83,668 $ 2,026,696 Transfers Transfer from Current Operating $ 2,284,676 $ 2,284,677 $ 2,784,676 $ 2,784,672 Total Transfers $ 2,284,676 $ 2,284,677 $ 2,784,676 $ 2,784,672 Net Increase / (Decrease) $ $ 257,981 $ $ 161,372 $ $ 353,246 611,227 $ $ 191,874 353,246 - $ $ - Net Assets as of July 1 4 Net Assets as of June 30 Preliminary - $ $ - 932,297 274,692 1,271,092 145,219 $ 2,623,300 104.5% 105.2% 97.5% 44.3% 94.2% St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report - Student Assistance Program For the Period July through June Preliminary, Fiscal Year 2013 Current Budget Revenues Revenues Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense $ $ - $ $ Actual To Date - 0.0% 0.0% $ $ 87.9% 81.3% 140.1% 0.0% 90.0% $ 362,130 99,591 32,164 $ 493,885 100.0% 100.0% $ $ 493,885 493,885 $ 362,130 99,591 32,164 $ $ 493,885 $ 318,434 80,930 45,064 444,428 Transfers Transfer from Current Operating Total Transfers $ $ 493,885 493,885 $ $ 493,884 493,884 Net Increase / (Decrease) $ $ 49,456 - Fiscal Year 2012 % of Budget To Date Current Budget $ - - $ $ Actual To Date % of Budget To Date - 0.0% 0.0% $ 361,953 94,371 50,936 507,260 100.0% 94.8% 158.4% 0.0% 102.7% $ $ 493,884 493,884 100.0% 100.0% $ (13,376) Net Assets as of July 1 $ 88,741 $ 102,117 Net Assets as of June 30 Preliminary $ 138,197 $ 88,741 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report - Auxiliary Enterprise Fund For the Period July through June Preliminary, Fiscal Year 2013 Original Budget Revenue Bookstore Sales Vending Document Centers Student Fees $ 11,679,800 290,000 Adjusted Budget $ 726,000 11,679,800 290,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Actual To Date $ 726,000 % of Total Revenue % of Budget To Date Original Budget 11,983,303 281,606 633,865 92.9% 2.2% 0.0% 4.9% 102.6% 97.1% 0.0% 87.3% $ % of Total Revenue % of Budget To Date Adjusted Budget Actual To Date 12,318,200 293,580 $ 12,318,200 293,580 738,000 738,000 $ 11,893,947 259,453 712,187 92.4% 2.0% 0.0% 5.5% 96.6% 88.4% 0.0% 96.5% 5 Total Revenue $ 12,695,800 $ 12,695,800 $ 12,898,774 100.0% 101.6% $ 13,349,780 $ 13,349,780 $ 12,865,586 100.0% 96.4% Cost of Goods Sold - Bookstores $ 8,512,353 $ 8,512,353 $ 8,718,663 67.6% 102.4% $ 8,875,284 $ 8,875,284 $ 8,626,120 67.0% 97.2% $ 2,090,470 402,118 2,651,174 (1,669,250) $ 2,090,470 402,118 2,651,174 (1,669,250) $ 1,990,382 414,213 2,503,362 (1,439,044) 15.4% 3.2% 19.4% -11.2% 95.2% 103.0% 94.4% 86.2% $ 2,155,901 468,511 2,597,153 (1,550,000) $ 2,155,901 468,511 2,597,153 (1,550,000) $ 2,018,292 388,468 2,499,122 (1,600,601) 15.7% 3.0% 19.4% -12.4% 93.6% 82.9% 96.2% 103.3% $ 3,474,512 $ 3,474,512 $ 3,468,913 26.9% 99.8% $ 3,671,565 $ 3,671,565 $ 3,305,281 25.7% 90.0% $ 95,000 125,000 50,000 36,000 $ 95,000 125,000 50,000 36,000 $ 95,000 125,000 50,000 36,000 0.7% 1.0% 0.4% 0.3% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% $ 95,000 125,000 50,000 36,000 $ 95,000 125,000 50,000 36,000 $ 1,027,000 125,000 8.0% 1.0% 1081.1% 100.0% 36,000 0.3% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 306,000 $ 306,000 $ 306,000 2.4% 100.0% $ 306,000 $ 306,000 $ 1,188,000 9.2% 388.2% Total COGS, Expenditures & Transfers $ 12,292,865 $ 12,292,865 $ 12,493,576 29.3% 101.6% $ 12,852,849 $ 12,852,849 $ 13,119,401 34.9% 102.1% Net Increase / (Decrease) $ 402,935 $ 402,935 $ 405,198 $ 496,931 $ $ Net Assets as of July 1 $ 4,294,261 $ 4,548,077 Net Assets as of June 30 Preliminary $ 4,699,459 $ 4,294,261 Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Document Centers Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Campus Presidents Transfer to Academic Scholarships Transfer to Athletic Scholarships 496,931 (253,815) St. Louis Community College Revenues / Expenditures Report Corporate College - Managed Property Operating Report For the Period July 1 through June 30, FY 2013 Revenue Lease Income Other Revenue Total Revenue $ $ 6 724,142 $ 91,685 ** 815,827 $ 646,342 * 646,342 $ 56,028 17,585 899,569 973,182 $ (326,840) Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures $ 60,689 23,015 791,754 875,458 Net Increase / (Decrease) $ (59,630) $ FY 2012 *Effective March 2012 an additional $10k per month represents a new tenant lease. **Other Revenue includes $91,031 received from St. Louis County as a settlement of 2011 Property Taxes paid in protest $ St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report - Capital Fund For the Period July through June Preliminary, Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2012 % of Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date Adjusted Budget Actual To Date Budget To Date 7 Revenues / Resources Revenue $ - $ - 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% Total Revenue / Resources $ - $ - 0.0% $ - $ - 0.0% 8,078,730 3,248,705 11,327,434 34.1% 100.0% 42.1% $ 16,263,326 6,705,000 3,252,337 100.0% 100.4% 100.0% $ 95,000 640,000 100.0% 100.0% 20,679,225 8,357,148 3,318,230 307,500 795,000 640,000 $ 26,955,663 100.1% $ 34,097,103 $ 15,628,229 Expenditures Operating Leasehold Bonds Total Expense Transfers and Carry Forward Carry forward Transfer from Current Operating Transfer from Current Operating Transfer from Pedestrian & Traffic Transfer from Auxiliary Services Transfer from Technology Fee $ $ $ $ 16,263,326 6,680,000 3,252,337 $ $ 95,000 640,000 Total Transfers and Carry Forward $ Net Increase / (Decrease) 23,680,387 3,250,276 26,930,663 $ 26,930,663 - $ $ 30,778,873 3,318,230 34,097,103 - $ 15,473,844 1,449,277 16,923,120 50.3% 43.7% 49.6% $ 20,679,225 8,357,148 3,318,230 307,500 795,000 640,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% $ 34,097,103 100.0% $ 17,173,983 $ St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report - Student Financial Aid Fund For the Period July - June Fiscal Year 2013 % of Revised Budget 8 Funds available Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $899,739 75,800 $899,739 75,800 $809,625 61,936 90.0% 81.7% $899,739 555,074 $820,286 ** 555,074 $820,286 62,752 100.0% 11.3% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 701,653 0 706,656 0 705,756 0 99.9% 0.0% 654,304 170,726 733,757 *** 170,726 733,757 12,339 100.0% 7.2% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 529,140 301,421 76,971 529,140 283,117 118,550 177,695 283,117 54,238 33.6% 100.0% 45.8% 502,240 263,317 101,586 502,240 254,477 123,921 219,289 254,477 74,221 43.7% 100.0% 59.9% Athletics Prior years funds(Transition/BOT Athletics) Board of Trustees Scholarship Auxiliary Services Scholarship Athletics Scholarships (Fundraising) 162,237 238,065 47,256 150,622 162,237 238,065 83,256 150,559 162,237 39,678 64,725 21,923 100.0% 16.7% 77.7% 14.6% 103,522 238,065 9,980 52,749 108,885 238,065 47,256 213,531 8,017 175,560 0 77,877 7.4% 73.7% 0.0% 36.5% 2,380,930 73.3% 2,438,574 64.7% $871,561 705,756 460,812 54,238 288,563 89.3% 99.9% 56.7% 45.8% 45.5% $883,037 746,096 473,766 74,221 261,453 64.2% 82.5% 62.6% 59.9% 43.0% 2,380,930 73.3% 2,438,573 64.7% $ 3,182,904 * $ 3,247,118 Actual $ Original Budget * $ 3,551,302 * Revised Budget % of Revised Budget Original Budget * Total funds available Revised Budget Fiscal Year 2012 $ 3,768,218 Actual $ Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Athletics Total expenditures Federal Pell Grant Expenditures $975,539 701,653 830,561 76,971 598,180 $ 3,182,904 $975,539 706,656 812,257 118,550 634,117 * $ 3,247,118 $ $43,665,595 * Does not include $614,499 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant $1,454,813 825,030 765,557 101,586 404,316 $ 3,551,302 * $1,375,360 904,483 756,717 123,921 607,737 $ 3,768,218 $ $52,382,916 * Does not include $605,959 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant *** Adjustments to revised budget amounts for FWS and FSEOG are due to $79,453.40 drawn down from FWS and deposited into the FSEOG fund. This adjustment was made in accordance with Federal Regulations stated in the Federal Student Aid Handbook(Vol. 6, Chapter 1). St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report - Workforce Solutions Group For the Period July through June Preliminary, Fiscal Year 2013 Original Budget Revenues / Resources Workforce Solutions Government Private Institutional Match Total WSG Revenue Corporate Services Government Private Account Balances / Projects Total Corporate Services Revenue Total Revenue / Resources 9 Expenditures Workforce Solutions Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total WSG Expense Corporate Services Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Contingency Total Corporate Services Expense Total Expenses Net Increase / (Decrease) Total Workforce Solutions Total Corporate Services Total Workforce Solutions Group Adjusted Budget Actual To Date Fiscal Year 2012 % of Total Revenue % of Budget To Date Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Total Revenue % of Budget To Date $ 4,979,249 646,000 5,625,249 $ 4,978,749 500 646,000 5,625,249 $ 7,408,033 9,710 660,417 8,078,160 91.7% 0.1% 8.2% 100.0% 148.8% 0.0% 102.2% 143.6% $ 4,804,563 3,916,760 533,543 9,254,866 $ 4,804,563 3,916,760 533,543 9,254,866 $ 5,052,600 542,101 611,009 6,205,710 81.4% 8.7% 9.8% 100.0% 105.2% 13.8% 114.5% 67.1% $ 2,100,000 3,153,966 500,000 5,753,966 $ 2,323,000 3,347,879 500,000 6,170,879 $ 2,378,681 3,102,372 5,481,054 43.4% 56.6% 0.0% 100.0% 102.4% 92.7% 0.0% 88.8% $ 2,200,000 3,700,000 700,000 6,600,000 $ 4,715,500 3,364,325 700,000 8,779,825 $ 3,174,415 3,369,888 6,544,304 51.2% 54.3% 0.0% 105.5% 67.3% 100.2% 0.0% 74.5% $ 11,379,215 $ 11,796,128 $ 13,559,214 114.9% $ 15,854,866 $ 18,034,691 $ 12,750,014 $ 3,259,986 824,000 1,486,263 55,000 5,625,249 $ 3,259,986 824,000 1,486,263 55,000 5,625,249 $ 4,538,324 1,160,961 2,218,183 419,458 8,336,927 56.2% 14.4% 27.5% 5.2% 103.2% 139.2% 140.9% 149.2% 762.7% 148.2% $ 4,403,294 1,030,195 3,821,377 $ 4,403,294 1,030,195 3,821,377 $ 3,618,141 889,629 1,847,240 62,600 6,417,610 58.3% 14.3% 29.8% 82.2% 86.4% 48.3% 102.4% 69.3% 957,500 227,500 4,068,966 500,000 5,753,966 $ 957,500 227,500 4,485,879 500,000 6,170,879 $ 1,150,625 258,643 4,036,784 5,446,052 21.0% 4.7% 73.6% 0.0% 0.0% 99.4% 120.2% 113.7% 90.0% 0.0% 0.0% 88.3% $ 829,930 192,791 5,498,957 - 13.4% 3.1% 88.6% 0.0% 40.5% 49.8% 87.1% 0.0% 6,521,679 105.1% 74.3% 11,379,215 $ 11,796,128 $ 116.8% $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ - $ $ 13,782,978 (258,767) 35,002 (223,764) 9,254,866 2,150,000 387,000 4,013,000 50,000 9,254,866 $ 6,600,000 $ $ 15,854,866 - 2,050,000 387,000 6,312,825 30,000 $ 8,779,825 $ $ $ 18,034,691 - $ $ 12,939,288 $ (211,900) 22,625 (189,275) Net Assets as of July 1 - WSG $ 1,173,721 $ 1,385,621 Net Assets as of June 30 Preliminary - WSG $ 914,954 $ 1,173,721 Net Assets as of July 1 - Corporate Services $ 1,539,897 $ 1,517,272 Net Assets as of June 30 Preliminary - Corporate Services $ 1,574,899 $ 1,539,897 *Revenues will lag expenditures due to grants being funded on a reimbursement basis. 70.7% 71.7% St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report - Restricted General Fund For the Period July through June Preliminary, Fiscal Year 2013 Fiscal Year 2012 % of 10 Current Budget Actual * To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match $ 4,919,950 519,981 $ 4,896,975 708,604 Total Revenue / Resources * $ 5,439,931 Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * Net Increase / (Decrease) Net Assets as of July 1** Net Assets as of June 30 Preliminary % of % of Current Budget Actual * To Date 87.4% 99.5% 12.6% 136.3% $ 9,621,894 274,010 $ 5,888,266 704,798 $ 5,605,579 100.0% 103.0% $ 9,895,904 $ 6,593,064 100.0% 66.6% $ 1,749,117 463,028 2,984,954 242,832 $ 5,439,931 $ 2,665,979 737,291 1,889,235 172,947 $ 5,465,453 47.6% 152.4% 13.2% 159.2% 33.7% 63.3% 3.1% 71.2% 97.5% 100.5% $ 4,231,092 1,167,767 4,181,607 315,437 $ 9,895,904 $ 3,257,210 919,962 2,393,399 182,171 $ 6,752,743 49.4% 14.0% 36.3% 2.8% 102.4% 77.0% 78.8% 57.2% 57.8% 68.2% $ $ 140,126 $ $ (159,679) $ $ 127,494 267,620 $ $ 287,173 127,494 - Total Budget Revenue To Date % of * Does not include Corporate Services or Workforce Solutions Group revenues or expenditures. Revenues will lag expenditures due to grants being funded on a reimbursement basis. - Total Budget Revenue To Date 89.3% 61.2% 10.7% 257.2% St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report - Agency Fund For the Period July through June Preliminary, Fiscal Year 2013 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Fiscal Year 2012 Actual To Date % of Total Revenue % of Budget To Date Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Total Revenue % of Budget To Date Funds available: Other Income $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 85,854 100.0% 49.1% $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 116,165 100.0% 66.4% Total funds available $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 85,854 100.0% 49.1% $ 175,000 $ 175,000 $ 116,165 100.0% 66.4% Expenditures $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 140,084 163.2% 43.1% $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 218,140 187.8% 67.1% Total Expenditures $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 140,084 163.2% 43.1% $ 325,000 $ 325,000 $ 218,140 187.8% 67.1% From Current Operating $ 150,000 $ 150,000 34,013 0.3% 22.7% $ 150,000 $ 150,000 98,172 0.8% 65.4% Total Transfers $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 34,013 0.3% 22.7% $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 98,172 0.8% 65.4% Net Increase / (Decrease) $ $ (20,216) $ (3,804) Net Assets as of July 1 $ 324,768 $ 328,572 Net Assets as of June 30 Preliminary $ 304,552 $ 324,768 Transfers - $ - $ - $ - 11 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of June 2013 Daily Repurchase Agreements * Purchased Through: Purchase Date: Maturity Date: Average Amount Invested: Interest Earned: Average Rate Earned: Range of Rates Earned: UMB Bank Daily throughout month Overnight $29,490,548.39 $5,009.37 0.20% 0.20% Other Investments Fund Discover Bank Synovus Bank State Bank of India Centrix Bank & Trust Purchase Date Type of Investment 6/5/2013 6/24/2013 6/24/2013 6/27/2013 CD CD CD CD Par Value 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 Cost of Investment 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 Maturity Date 6/5/2015 6/20/2014 6/24/2015 6/27/2014 * A repurchase agreement is the sale of a security (such as a Treasury bill or Treasury bond) to the college by the college's bank, UMB, with an agreement to buy it back at a later date at a price greater than the original sale price. The difference in the purchase and sale price represents our income on the investment. For example, at the end of each day, the balance of funds in our bank account is used to purchase U.S. Securities from UMB with an agreement that the bank will buy them back the following morning for the amount paid plus interest. Our interest for July was approximately .20% per annum. 12 Investment Yield 0.500% 0.300% 0.600% 0.350% St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of June 30, 2013 Investment Type Investment Description Purchase Date Maturity Date Par Value Principal Cost Book Value Market Value Market Gain/(Loss) Yield to Maturity % of Portfolio Certificates of Deposit Privatebank & Trust - Chicago, IL 4/27/2012 10/28/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.413% Ally Bank - Midvale, UT 8/13/2010 8/13/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 1.700% 0.413% Goldman Sachs Bank USA - New York, NY 8/24/2011 8/26/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.750% 0.413% CIT Bank - Salt Lake City UT 8/24/2011 8/23/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.750% 0.413% Sallie Mae Bank - Murray, UT 12/21/2011 12/22/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 1.350% 0.413% 2/15/2012 2/18/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.550% 0.413% Apple Bank for Savings - Manhasset, NY 2/8/2012 2/10/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.600% 0.413% Beal Bank SSB - Piano, TX 2/8/2012 8/7/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.500% 0.413% Bank Hapoalim BM - New York, NY 3/19/2012 9/19/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.413% Medallion Bank - Salt Lake City, UT 5/4/2012 11/4/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.413% GE Capital Bank - Salt Lake City UT 6/29/2012 6/30/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 1.000% 0.413% Safra National Bank - New York, NY 6/14/2012 6/16/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.700% 0.413% 7/5/2012 7/5/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.500% 0.413% BMW Bank North American - Salt Lake, UT 10/26/2012 10/27/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.700% 0.413% Everbank/Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL 12/14/2012 12/15/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.650% 0.413% Doral Bank - Cantano, Puerto Rico 12/7/2012 12/6/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.550% 0.413% Mizuho Corp Bank USA - New York, NY 12/5/2012 12/5/2013 248,000 248,000 248,000 248,000 0 0.500% 0.418% American Expr Centurion - Salt Lake City, UT 8/25/2011 8/26/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.800% 0.413% JGB Bank - Doral, FL 1/25/2013 1/24/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.350% 0.413% Merrick Bank - South Jordan, UT 1/18/2013 1/20/2015 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.413% Plainscapital Bank - Lubbock, TX 1/18/2013 7/18/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.300% 0.413% USAMeribank - Largo, FL 1/25/2013 1/24/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.300% 0.413% First National Bank - Waupaca WI 2/27/2013 5/27/2014 249,000 249,000 249,000 249,000 0 0.300% 0.420% Fifth Third Bank - Cleveland, OH 2/13/2013 8/13/2013 249,000 249,000 249,000 249,000 0 0.300% 0.420% Amboy Bank - Old Bridge, NJ 2/22/2013 2/21/2014 248,000 248,000 248,000 248,000 0 0.300% 0.418% Firstbank Puerto Rico - Santurce, PR 13 Wright Express Finl Svcs - Midvale, UT St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of June 30, 2013 Purchase Date 2/6/2013 Maturity Date 2/8/2016 Par Value 245,000 Principal Cost 245,000 Book Value 245,000 Market Value 245,000 Pyramax Bank - Greenfield, WI 3/28/2013 3/28/2017 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 Bank of India - New York, NY 3/20/2013 9/18/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 Enerbank USA - Salt Lake City, UT 4/12/2013 4/13/2015 245,000 245,000 Orange Bank of Florida - Orlando, FL 4/23/2013 10/23/2014 245,000 Brand Banking - Lawrenceville, GA 3/28/2013 9/29/2014 5/1/2013 Sterling Savings Bank - South Jordan, UT Tennessee State Bank - Pigeon Forge, TN Investment Type Investment Description Oriental Bank & Trust - San Juan, PR Market Gain/(Loss) 0 Yield to Maturity 0.900% % of Portfolio 0.413% 0 0.750% 0.413% 245,000 0 0.350% 0.413% 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.413% 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.350% 0.413% 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.350% 0.413% 5/1/2015 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.350% 0.413% 5/15/2013 5/15/2015 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.400% 0.413% 5/20/2013 5/20/2015 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.300% 0.413% 5/8/2013 11/9/2015 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.450% 0.413% Bank of Baroda - New York, NY 5/31/2013 5/30/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.300% 0.413% Discover Bank - Greenwood, DE 6/5/2013 6/5/2015 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.500% 0.413% Synovus Bank - Columbus, GA 6/24/2013 6/20/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.300% 0.413% State Bank of India - New York, NY 6/24/2013 6/24/2015 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.600% 0.413% Centrix Bank & Trust - Bedford, NH 6/27/2013 6/27/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.350% 0.413% Townebank - Portsmouth, VA 5/31/2013 5/30/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0.250% 0.413% 10,059,000 10,059,000 10,059,000 10,059,000 0.535% 16.957% Conestoga Bank - Towson, MD Key Bank - Cleveland, OH 14 Total Certificates of Deposit - U.S. Treasury Securities U.S Treasury Notes 07/12/12 07/15/13 800,000 806,250 800,240 800,281 41 0.224% 1.349% U.S Treasury Notes 02/06/12 10/31/13 1,000,000 1,050,880 1,008,341 1,008,789 448 0.231% 1.701% 1,800,000 1,857,130 1,808,581 1,809,070 489 0.018% 3.050% Total U.S. Treasury Securities St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of June 30, 2013 15 Market Gain/(Loss) Yield to Maturity 2,019,980 19,980 2.200% 3.405% 3,000,000 3,041,790 41,790 2.375% 5.128% 999,850 999,993 1,000,110 117 0.290% 1.686% 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 994,030 (5,970) 0.500% 1.676% 12/22/14 500,000 510,451 507,979 507,005 (974) 0.290% 0.855% 01/15/13 02/24/16 1,000,000 1,004,751 1,002,777 1,000,480 (2,297) 0.370% 1.687% FHLB 01/30/13 01/30/18 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 988,690 (11,310) 0.600% 1.667% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 02/13/12 08/13/13 2,000,000 2,000,174 2,000,014 2,000,460 446 0.274% 3.372% Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp FHLM 02/06/13 11/25/14 1,000,000 1,008,526 1,006,625 1,006,280 (345) 0.276% 1.696% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 02/25/13 08/25/16 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,977,320 (22,680) 0.540% 3.333% Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp FHLM 02/01/13 06/06/17 500,000 505,300 503,664 497,115 (6,549) 0.410% 0.838% Federal Nat'l Mortgage Step Up FNMS 02/28/13 08/28/17 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 997,550 (2,450) 0.500% 1.682% Federal Nat'l Mortgage Step Up FNMS 02/20/13 02/20/18 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 985,220 (14,780) 0.800% 1.661% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 02/27/13 02/27/18 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 977,960 (22,040) 1.000% 1.649% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 03/21/13 11/20/15 1,000,000 1,002,720 1,002,438 998,750 (3,688) 0.397% 1.684% Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp FHLM 03/19/13 09/18/15 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,988,440 (11,560) 0.420% 3.352% Federal Nat'l Mortgage Association FNMA 05/15/13 11/13/15 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 992,090 (7,910) 0.320% 1.672% Federal Farm Credit Bank FFCB 05/03/13 11/03/14 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 997,820 (2,180) 0.200% 1.682% Total U.S. Agencies 23,000,000 23,031,772 23,023,489 22,971,090 (52,399) 0.864% 38.723% Total Investments before Repurchase Agreem ents 34,859,000 34,947,903 34,891,070 34,839,160 (51,910) 0.735% 58.729% Book Value 24,483,000 24,483,000 24,483,000 24,483,000 0.200% 41.271% 59,342,000 59,430,903 59,374,070 59,322,160 1.132% 100.000% 01/06/10 01/06/14 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/19/10 02/19/14 3,000,000 3,000,000 Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/26/12 07/26/13 1,000,000 Federal Nat'l Mortgage Association FNMA 08/23/12 08/23/17 Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/16/13 Federal Nat'l Mortgage Assn FNMA Federal Home Loan Bank Total Investments 06/30/13 Maturity Date Principal Cost FFCB Repurchase Agreements Purchase Date Par Value Investment Type Investment Description U.S Agency Securities Federal Farm Credit Bank 07/01/13 Market Value (51,910) % of Portfolio Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Adams, Craig Adkins, Cynthia Ake, Jami L Albert, John D Alexander, Gary Allen, Gina Allen, Jeremiah Allen, Mallary Anderson, Howard L Anderson, Jiba Molei Anderson, Lisa Arnason, Johann Arnold, Gretchen W Ashlock, Aaron Scott Baker, Patricia I Ball, Trent Baratta, Carl Barker, Briant Barnett, Daniel Gregory Barrett, Brent P Barrow, Jane A Barudin, Jeffrey Baskin, DeJuan L Bassman, Victor Beck, Dennis Bedell, Mark Belcher, Daniel Thomas Benchabane, Madjid Bendiburg, Tersi Birdsall-Lander, Jane Bissonnette, Michael Bitzer, Joe Blanc, Raymond Bland, Marghuretta Blankinship, Lori A Bollwerk, Kenneth C Booher, Larry Bowen, Rick Bowen, Terry Boyd, Cortney Bradley, Stefan M Brooks, Richard E Brown, Cheryl Brown, Maxwell Bennett Brummett, Richard Amount 250.00 500.00 250.00 140.00 350.00 500.00 1,000.00 200.00 500.00 600.00 284.52 200.00 250.00 190.00 500.00 2,950.00 600.00 500.00 700.00 150.00 150.00 100.00 145.00 1,400.00 140.00 500.00 1,500.00 100.00 1,150.00 300.00 500.00 75.00 420.00 164.80 600.00 420.00 200.00 420.00 280.00 200.00 750.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 100.00 500.00 16 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Buehrle, Nichole Burks, Patrick Busse, Richard George Butler, Mark Canady, Darren Castillo, Pedro Cathey, Larry R Chai, Quan Shui Chambers, Dail L Chase, Jessica Denee Chekhovskaya, Anna P Chilton, Bradley S Christie, Carole Christy, William L Clark, Jerome Clark, Timothy Claton, Bob Cohen, Deborah Collins, Ray Consiglio, John C Corcoran, Dennis Michael Corsale, Ivana Cosic, Zlatko Cotton, Adrian A Crockett, Garrieth Cunningham, Christopher James Daniels, Gretchen Beck Dashner, Steven G Davenport, Daniel R Davidson, Debora Davis, Steven C DeBoe, Eric Allan DeGreeff, Vince Delk, Aaron D Dillard, Valerie Dittmer, Bobbi Divanbeigi, Davar Djurasevic, Dule Dobrich, Devon A Dodd, Tamara M Donnelly, Maggie Doss, John Dotta, Suzanne Douglas, Tanner Anton Dudley, Kelvin Amount 3,150.00 125.00 2,865.00 140.00 175.00 150.00 240.00 480.00 50.00 365.00 55.00 150.00 1,702.00 600.00 180.00 500.00 420.00 300.00 70.00 300.00 375.00 100.00 100.00 226.00 662.75 190.00 700.00 100.00 250.00 405.00 200.00 280.00 690.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 150.00 250.00 140.00 80.00 100.00 500.00 1,000.00 300.00 560.00 17 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Duffy, Damion Dunahue, Robert Dunard, Chris Dunlap, Phillip Dunsford, Timothy DuPont, Bill Dwyer, Arthur T Dwyer, Joseph Robert Eakins, Ella Elder & Disability Advocacy Firm of Christine A Alsop LLC Engelmohr, Maren Ervin, Sallie L Falker, Frederick G Fiala, Neil S Fister, Cherie L Floyd, Cody Fox, Peter Frese, Ethel M Frey, Bob Gall, Veronica Geders, Thomas J Geiler, Ann George, Henry Gibson, PJ Gladden, Tracy Gleason, Spencer Gregg Hoyt Glueck, Kelly Goldford, Sue Ellen Golomski, Vincent P Gomez, Austin Gonzalez, Andrew Gonzalez, Lilia M Gonzalez, Saul Graff, Evan Gray, Deborah S Grebe, James Green, Anna L Green, Thomas Greer, Steven Griffith, Homer Gross, George T Gualdoni, Mike Hacker, David Halladay, Peter Hamilton, Artie 18 Amount 500.00 280.00 500.00 1,325.00 100.00 140.00 800.00 190.00 50.00 75.00 528.00 300.00 660.00 1,330.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 1,136.80 140.00 160.00 100.00 500.00 75.00 625.00 200.00 1,250.00 1,325.00 1,000.00 500.00 100.00 75.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 75.00 510.00 700.00 50.00 350.00 360.00 500.00 500.00 735.00 2,500.00 350.00 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Hamilton, Dominique Karla Hammond, Marguerite E Hantak, Neil Harbach, Barbara Hardge, Peggy Harrison, Kevin Hatcher, Demetrius Hatic, Mensur Hayes, Ann Marcolina Haynes, Angela M Heaman, Judith A Hegarty, James H Helfrich, Doug Henderson, Peter Henry, Matthew Aaron Hercules, Matthew Robert Herzberg, Sue P Higginbotham, Ashley L Hill, Diana Hitchcock, Phillip Hoeckelman, Alan G Hoefer, Eric J Hoenes, Zachary Hohenstein, John Holtmeyer, Jared R Holtz, Christine Hossli, Kyle Howarth, Tara D Hubbard, Brandon Huber, Don F Huck, Tom Hudson, Kim Huxhold, Lilly Katharine Iturri, Victoria Jackson, Angelo Jackson, Petra N Jacoby, Paul E James, Andrew P Johnson, LaJerrel Taray Johnson, Lejuan P Joiner, Renee P Jones, Luke Anthony Jones, Sherill Ann Julane Lund Music LLC Kadane, Doug Amount 150.00 75.00 200.00 1,500.00 500.00 210.00 200.00 100.00 643.10 250.00 240.00 100.00 150.00 400.00 400.00 140.00 200.00 250.00 140.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 190.00 1,220.00 500.00 200.00 300.00 125.00 140.00 300.00 650.00 200.00 1,250.00 75.00 30.00 560.00 300.00 200.00 75.00 100.00 4,200.00 200.00 1,998.00 100.00 400.00 19 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Kang, Minsoo Kaufman, Adam Kee, Keith L Kennedy, Jean Kerr, Brenda Ketslakh, Ludmila King, Chris Kloeckener, David Luke Krabill, Damian Kremer, Jim C Kroll, Daniel P Langhauser, Marc Lee, David L Lewis, Nita L Liddy, Tim J Limpert, Rebekkah Anne Linder, Doveed Lindo, Carlos Lipkin, Joan E Lisi, Alison L Longyear, Robert Lutker, Tom Lutz, Dale R Lutz, Eric Luzecky, Ruth Madden, Grace Elizabeth Mahmutovic, Elvis Mahr, Charles Malone, Julie A Mann, Aaron Michael Mansouri, Kavahn Alexander Martinez, Robert A May, Curtis J McCaskey, Rob McFadden, Tracy L McGee, Patty Navarro McGinnis, Kevin McIntosh, Michelle L McKiernan, Terry McMullen, Eric G Meek, Demond R Mehan, Colleen F Melsheimer, Mary T Mihov, Roumen Mills, Jonathan W Amount 100.00 420.00 210.00 450.00 500.00 75.00 100.00 74.50 370.00 500.00 4,072.43 140.00 360.00 500.00 200.00 45.00 75.00 120.00 1,000.00 200.00 175.00 200.00 60.00 350.00 427.50 125.00 250.00 180.00 100.00 65.00 2,025.00 50.00 190.00 100.00 300.00 124.00 250.00 810.00 310.00 500.00 200.00 1,890.00 500.00 250.00 200.00 20 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Minor, Anderson L Mitchell, Alvin T Mitchell, Gary William Montero, Cory Mario Montgomery, Bryant C Montgomery, Jammarl M Moore, Clancy Moore, Randy Morhaus, Mike D Morse, Stacey Mosby, Todd F Moss, Gerald C Mueller, Linden Louise Mulligan, Tracy Murbarger, Donald E Nelson, Joan Lenora Nepomuceno, Roxanne Norma Rouque Nichols, Kerry Noles, Kristina Norfolk, Bobby L North American Butterfly Association-NABA-St Louis Chapter O'Dell, Chris Odenwald, John M Odom, Anne F Oliveira, Luis Ooten, Cheryl Openlander, Mary E Oriatti, Janet Oster, David Eugene Owens, Aja La'Starr Page, Justine A Painter, Jim Panosh, Brandon T Pardue, Derek Parker, Kenneth Michael Parker, Kyle G Patino, Nelly Patterson, Aleshia S Pemberton, Jason Penn, Melanie Marie Phagan, Patricia E Poliak, Joe Pollack, Sharon Polseno, Donna Pounds, Corey J 21 Amount 1,290.00 140.00 150.00 300.00 125.00 440.00 140.00 330.00 75.00 300.00 200.00 150.00 50.00 480.00 190.00 40.00 37.50 140.00 200.00 475.00 112.50 590.00 380.00 600.00 150.00 1,000.00 100.00 200.00 350.00 100.00 300.00 1,131.75 75.00 150.00 800.00 180.00 250.00 300.00 900.00 150.00 150.00 210.00 300.00 2,500.00 160.00 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Poyer, Robert Premachandra, Asha Pressy, Colin Proctor, Scott Profancik, Marc Ramsey, Suzanne Reed, Jarvis Reese, Roberta L Reese, Ruth Annie Reitz, William P Remacle, Matt Rescot, Norman Roach, Todd Robinson, Charles F Robinson, N Scott Rogers, Matthew Rollins, Ralph W Roth, Barbara A Rubright, Dan Rubright, Ted Russina, Pamela Rutherford, Dave Rutherford, Mark Salgado, Arlene Galve Sampson, Maurine E Sanderson, Joyce Scheerer, Christopher Richard Scheider, Jonathan Schnable, James R Schneider, Rebecca Schoen, Arthur J Schomaker, Thomas H Schuetz, Beverly Scott, DeJuan I Seelbach, Jill Seitz, Ken Sextro, Rita Anne Shafer, Shannon Lee Shelton, James Harold Shields Redmond, Treasure Shray, Shelley Simmons, Jason Skowra, Leszek Slaughter, Jessica M Smith, Jason W Amount 120.00 350.00 150.00 900.00 340.00 212.80 500.00 200.00 800.00 100.00 560.00 140.00 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 125.00 150.00 471.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 75.00 250.00 150.00 240.00 120.00 300.00 175.00 180.00 500.00 140.00 360.00 150.00 160.00 164.80 100.00 538.76 140.00 105.00 250.00 25.00 350.00 350.00 450.00 560.00 22 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Smith, Mark Smith, Thomas Sooter, Dietrick Michael Le Southwick, James Sowers, Vickie Sprague, Mary K Sprous, Irvin M St John Chrysostom Church Steiner, Roxeanna Steinert, Hans Daniel Steinhoff, Rebecca Stemmler, Vincent Paul Stephens, Nick Stites, David Mitchell Stonecipher, Brad Storey, Tomi Elizabeth Studt, David C Sullivan, Daniel T Sullivan, Tom Swagg Time Records Swanner, Karen Sweet, William D Talley, Damon L Tawan Perry Unlimited Taylor, Ray A Thabet, Karema Thabet, Maryam Khaled Thomas, Kathleen Anne Thompson, Andrew Thompson, Donald Thornton, Brandon Latroy Tilford, Lance Tiner, Leonard G Toler, Teri Tolliver, Justin Andrew Tomicich, Justin M Tompkins, Frederick K Trefts, William H Trejo, Mario A Trower, Robert W Tucker, Kevin L Tutundzic, Enis Tyler, Travis Valle, Steven Van De Mar, Michael Amount 150.00 250.00 240.00 100.00 3,150.00 350.00 400.00 300.00 100.00 700.00 500.00 50.00 150.00 2,500.00 350.00 1,250.00 280.00 4,824.00 140.00 450.00 150.00 660.00 75.00 3,500.00 140.00 72.50 50.00 200.00 175.00 140.00 1,800.00 100.00 495.00 300.00 102.50 400.00 100.00 930.00 100.00 150.00 500.00 150.00 750.00 150.00 130.00 23 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 This list includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters. Name of Person/Organization Van Matre, Amy J Vega, Bonnie Verbeck, Amanda Villmer, Justin Taylor Vince, Ronald L Vongsvivut, Arbha Votsmier, Henry Vundamina, Karen M Waggoner, Montana Wagner, Bryan Wall, Susie Wallace, Laura M Walters, Brian Walters, Steve Wang, Teresa H Wasserman, Sid Waters, Ashley R Watson, Edward B Weber, Sharlene Doris Weeks, Margaret Wesley, Philip L Whalen, Ken White, Valerie A Wildlife Rescue Center Wilhite, Sean Wilkerson, Patsy Williams, Sarah Wilson, Quantarrius Quashun Winkelmann, Ann T Winkelmann, G Michael Winningham, Tim David Winschel, Ruby Wolff, Doug Woodruff, Todd R Yoesel, Phil Young, Kimberle-Anne Zalite, Valdis Zettwoch, Daniel Amount 500.00 700.00 550.00 700.00 100.00 100.00 140.00 250.00 340.00 25.00 2,000.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 480.00 200.00 75.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 200.00 100.00 180.00 126.00 250.00 3,000.00 2,625.00 300.00 198.00 3,410.00 370.00 615.00 150.00 225.00 350.00 35.00 2,950.00 200.00 TOTAL $189,121.51 24 Ratification of Adjustments to Fiscal Year 2014 Budget* Rental of Facilities Cosand Center Wildwood Forest Park Florissant Valley Meramec 10,033.34 1,832.22 85,141.48 57,943.88 29,946.47 184,897.39 Agency Fund Wildwood Forest Park Florissant Valley Meramec 11,662.40 64,488.41 114,747.88 113,653.17 304,551.86 Plant Fund Capital Projects Reserve for Encumbrance 15,684,524.28 2,269,278.82 17,953,803.10 General Operating DW for CAB SAB Regional Technical Student Assistance 328,204.24 611,227.28 138,196.68 Restricted Fund Reserve for Encumbrance 301,743.42 * Represents carryforward of FY 2013 year-end fund balances and past-approved Plant Fund projects not included in the FY 2014 Budget Request. 25 Contracts and/or Agreements Ratification of Agreement 6.1.1 Ratification of Agreement between University of Missouri and St. Louis Community College It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between University of Missouri and St. Louis Community College to provide temporary lodging for 16 international students participating in the Scholarships for Education and Economic Development (SEED) program. The students will be housed in 4 units located in the Mansion Hills Apartments owned by the University of Missouri. The rental agreement is from June 21, 2013 to June 14, 2014. The total cost of the lease is $42,360. 6.1.2 Ratification of Agreement between the Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE) and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between the Center for Community College Engagement (CCCSE) and St. Louis Community College for participating in the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) for the collection of information about institutional practices and student behaviors in the early weeks of their college experience. SENSE is administered and managed by the Center for Community College Student Engagement/University of Texas at Austin. The data are collected and analyzed by the Center, and institutions receive data and survey reports. The information gathered will aid in developing and enhancing student experiences at St. Louis Community College specifically focused on early experiences that assist with course completion and persistence. The cost is $13,850.00 and will be funded by the current Achieving the Dream budget. The services covered under this agreement cover the term of one year, from January 1st thru December 31st and will be administered during the fourth and fifth class weeks of the fall 2013 academic term. 1 Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Contracts and Agreements Clinical Agreements The college recommends that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Program Effective Date St. Louis Children’s Hospital Surgical Technology 04/02/13 St. Luke’s Hospital Nursing 08/01/13 Board Meeting 08/15/13 2 Economic Development and Workforce Solutions Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region. Funding Source AEP River Operations Title of Program and/or Purpose Lean Consultation Campus Date Amount Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 (Note to extend service beyond June 30, 2013. Previously reported April, 2013 Board Agenda) Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 (Note to extend service beyond June 30, 2013. Previously reported December, 2012 Board Agenda) Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 (Note to extend service beyond June 30, 2013. Previously reported March, 2013 Board Agenda) Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 $2,640 Workforce Solutions Group June 13, 2013 through December 31, 2013 $4,600 Workforce Solutions Group July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 $2,850 Manager: Stephen Long Sonoco Plastics Lean Consultation Manager: Stephen Long Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Instructional Design Manager: Stephen Long Alton Steel, Inc. 5S Consultation Manager: Stephen Long HY-C Company ISO Consultation Manager: Stephen Long Mycroft, Inc. Leadership Facilitation Manager: Stephen Long 3 Contracts and/or Agreements Global Corporate College and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between Global Corporate College (GCC) in an amount up to $12,000 for the on-site delivery of two, 3-credit hour courses: Intelligence Analysis and Security Management and Rules of Criminal Evidence to 18 Transportation Security Officers at the St. Louis Transportation Security Administration (TSA) office. This fall 2013 contract is part of a national contract with GCC to assist in the enrollment of TSA officers across the country at more than 50 airports for the TSA Associates Program. The TSA officers program through Global Corporate College has been in partnership with St. Louis Community College since 2011. Burning Glass International Inc. d/b/a Burning Glass Technologies and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between St. Louis Community College and Burning Glass Technologies in the amount of $8,000. Burning Glass Technologies will provide the College with access to real-time labor market information. The agreement is effective for twelve months with execution date of July 16, 2013. University of Central Missouri (UCM) and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify a Memorandum of Understanding between University of Central Missouri (UCM) and St. Louis Community College. This agreement is part of the MoManufacturing WINS grant whereas UCM is contracted to develop and provide on-line courses at their institution for consortium students enrolled in MoManufacturing WINS program. The agreement shall not exceed $18,692 for the grant period March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2015. Funding for this agreement is from the U.S. Department of Labor TAACCCT grant awarded to St. Louis Community College and reported to the Board on November 15, 2012. 4 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Georgetown University/U.S Agency for International Development AMOUNT $ 638,400.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley campus to participate in the Scholarships for Education and Economic Development (SEED) Program. Funds will be used to train 19 students from Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean in Quality Technology. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/13- 7/31/15 Project Director: Susan McKnight Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 32,500.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for Restricted the Florissant Valley campus to participate in the Caring for Kids Education on Wheels Program. This program is designed to improve and enhance the quality of child care offered in the St. Louis Community College service area by supplying programs and services to individuals who provide care for young children. Project Period: 7/1/13-6/30/14 Project Director: Irene Kalmer Board Meeting 8-15-13 1