MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, January 26, 2012 at the Cosand Center, 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1. Call to Order/Roll Call Ms. Melissa Hattman, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Ms. Melissa Hattman, Chair; Ms. Libby Fitzgerald, Vice Chair; Mr. Bob Burns, Trustee; Ms. Hattie Jackson, Trustee, and Ms. Margo McNeil, Trustee. Dr. Craig Larson, Trustee, was absent. Also present were Dr. Myrtle E.B. Dorsey, Chancellor; Mr. Marc Fried, Legal Counsel, and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations. 1.2 Welcome to Guests Ms. Hattman welcomed the Honorable Eric Schmitt, State Senator, Mr. Jason Terry of Gilmore & Bell, P.C. and Mr. Martin Ghafoori of Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Inc. 1.3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 1.4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Mr. Burns, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 1.5. Acceptance of the December 15, 2011 Minutes On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously accepted the December 15, 2011 minutes. 1.6. A. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Ms. Susan King-Edmiston, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. Award recipients included Terry Cooper, Psychology Professor; Jena Boyko, Interior Design Student; Thomas Zirkle, Associate Professor of Music; Cindy Campbell, Professor of Physical Education; Carol Hake, Associate Professor of English; Charles Burkhardt, Professor of Physics, and Andrea Nichols, Associate Professor of Sociology. B. Presentation of MCCA Award Ms. Ann Brand, Legislative Liaison, introduced the Honorable Eric Schmitt, State Senator for the 15th District. Ms. Zora Mulligan, Executive Director of MCCA, was also welcomed to the meeting. Ms. Hattman, Dr. Dorsey and Ms. Mulligan presented Senator Schmitt with the Missouri Community College Association “Distinguished Legislator Award.” Ms. McNeil told Senator Schmitt that she was pleased that he received the award and said she was looking forward to working with him this year. 1.7 Informational Presentation – International Initiatives Dr. Donna Dare, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, introduced faculty and staff members Chris Sulincevski, Patrick Vaughn, Cindy Epperson, Dan Yezbick, Carol Lupardus and Rihab Sawah, who presented to the Board on International Initiatives. In addition, former students Paul Schneider and Joan Radin-Swoboda spoke of their experiences in the International Education program at St. Louis Community College. 1.8. Approval of Resolution Re February 23, 2012 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously approved a resolution, with Dr. Larson being absent, scheduling an executive session on February 23, 2012, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 2 1.9 Approval of Renaming the Facility at 3221 McKelvey Road Following discussion, on motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously voted to change the name of the Corporate Center to Corporate College. 1.10. Approval of Consent Agenda Items On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved, with the exception of section 1.10.3, Human Resources. 1.10.1 CONSENT AGENDA Agenda items 1.10.2 through 1.10.8 are approved by consent by one single motion unless otherwise noted below. 1.10.2 INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. 1.10.3 HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resource Recommendations The Board, by a vote of 4 to 1, with Ms. McNeil abstaining and Dr. Larson being absent, approved the following resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and 3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or her designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 1.10.4 BID AWARDS Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board, by consent, voted unanimously to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 1.10.5 FINANCE Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of December 31, 2011, were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, preliminary budget status report general operating fund through December 31, 2011, preliminary budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2011 December 31, 2011, preliminary student financial aid fund, July 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011, preliminary Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2011– December 31, 2011 and preliminary restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011. 4 B. Warrant Check Register – December, 2011 The Board by consent approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending December 31, 2011 C. Ratification of Investments The Board by consent ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of December 2011, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 1.10.6 CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 1.10.7 ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS Acceptance of External Funds The Board, by consent, approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: 5 RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. 1.10.8 INSURANCE No items. 1.11 Approval of Revised Board Policy B.23 District Wide Tobacco Ban On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously approved revisions to Board Policy B.23, District Wide Tobacco Ban, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein. 1.12 Approval of Revised Board Policy H.20.10 Vehicle Registration and Parking Fees On motion by Ms. Fitzgerald, the Board unanimously approved revisions to Board Policy H.20.10, Vehicle Registration and Parking Fees, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein. 1.13 Communications 1.13.1 Chancellor’s Report Dr. Dorsey said she was pleased to report that she had participated in a phone call with Bruce Vogelgesang and Standard and Poor’s and that the College had 6 received an AA rating for series 2012 Leasehold Revenue Bonds, which is an outstanding rating. Dr. Dorsey then announced that the Corporate Center grand opening will be held on Thursday, March 8th at 2:30 p.m. Dr. Dorsey then said the college has accepted an invitation to participate in the League Significant Discussions Project titled “Significant Discussions Auditing Major Projects to Aid Secondary and Post-Secondary Curriculum Alignment in Math and Promote Student Readiness.” She said she is excited about the project and that Marcia Pfeiffer will take the lead with her math faculty. She further stated that participation in this project includes a $7,000 sub grant. Dr. Dorsey said that Ms. Zora Mulligan, Executive Director of MCCA, did a great job coordinating a very successful Legislative Breakfast in Jefferson City. She said she was able to talk to Legislators, informing them of the needs of the community college, especially as they relate to fiscal issues. Rally Day at the State Capitol is scheduled for Wednesday, February 22 beginning with an informal breakfast at 7 a.m. The kickoff is at 9:30 a.m. in the Capitol Rotunda, with legislative visits beginning at 10 a.m. Dr. Dorsey invited all who want to attend to be there. She further advised that there will be a legislative reception at the Doubletree Hotel hosted by MCCA from 5 – 7 on February 21st and everyone is invited to attend that as well. Dr. Dorsey then said she participated in a St. Louis Business Journal Woman’s Leadership Panel with Dr. Elizabeth Stroble, President of Webster University; Dr. Ellen Harshman, Dean of the John Cook School of Business and Associate Professor of Management at St. Louis University, and Ms. Lisa Lyle, Head of School at Mary Institute and St. Louis Country Day School. She said she had a great time and the topic was entitled “Educating Leaders.” She thanked those in the audience who attended the event. 1.13.2 For the Good of the College Report Ms. Hattman advised the Board she had the opportunity as a Trustee on January 5th to attend the St. Louis Business Journal’s MVP event with the St. Louis Cardinal’s MVP David Freese at the Peabody Opera House. She said it was a wonderful opportunity with a really nice turnout. 7 Ms. Hattman advised that the Board retreat scheduled for January 21 was cancelled due to icy road conditions and will be rescheduled soon. She further advised that the Board Policy Review Committee, co-chaired by Hattie Jackson and Craig Larson, along with Becky Garrison, Marc Fried and Melissa Hattman, has finished its work. The Committee Chair and Vice Chair will be going over the proposed changes with the full Board at the upcoming Retreat. Ms. Hattman thanked everyone for putting in extra time and effort on the project. She then reminded everyone of the Foundation’s “Falling in Love in Five Courses” event to be held on March 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel. She encouraged Board members to attend. 1.13.3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns None. 1.14 New Business Mr. Burns thanked and complimented Ms. Hattman and the Board for positively receiving his request to change the Board seating arrangement. Ms. Hattman said she recently made acquaintance with Meramec Alum Todd Newton. She added he was very complimentary of the College and the Meramec campus, and advised that if the College needed anything, to let him know. Ms. Hattman then offered photos of her with Mr. Newton to Community Relations. Dr. Dorsey thanked Ms. Castella Henderson of Institutional Development for making arrangements for students attending the “Falling in Love” event to have formal wear provided to them at no cost. 1.15. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations 8 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Myrtle E.B. Dorsey DATE: January 26, 2011 SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Section Page No. Revision Front 1 Add: 1) RESOLUTION APPROVING A TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING COMPLIANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI. (Attached) Front 1 Add: 2) RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF LEASEHOLD REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2012 (THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI), BY THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, BUILDING CORPORATION; AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS. (Attached) 1.10.3 1 3.1 Add: Appointments/Full-Time/Administrative Staff Robert L. Stewart; Acting District Chief of Police and Director of Emergency Preparedness; A 15; $77,545.00; effective 01/27/2012. RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION APPROVING A TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING COMPLIANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI. -2- RESOLUTION NO. 2 College RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF LEASEHOLD REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2012 (THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI), BY THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, BUILDING CORPORATION; AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS; AND AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS. WHEREAS, The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (the “District”) is authorized pursuant to Section 177.088 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the “Act”), to sell or lease to a nonprofit corporation any existing sites owned by the District, together with any existing buildings and facilities thereon, in order for the nonprofit corporation to provide for the acquisition, construction, improvement, extension, repair, remodeling, renovation, furnishing, equipment and financing of buildings and facilities thereon, and then lease or purchase such sites, buildings and facilities from the nonprofit corporation; and WHEREAS, The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, Building Corporation (the “Corporation”), is a nonprofit corporation duly organized and existing under the Missouri Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 355 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, for the purpose of benefiting and carrying out the purposes of the District, by providing for the acquisition, construction, improvement, extension, repair, remodeling, renovation and financing of sites, buildings, facilities, furnishings and equipment for the use of the District for educational purposes; and WHEREAS, the District and the Corporation entered into a Base Lease dated as of December 1, 1998 (the “Original Base Lease”), pursuant to which the District leases to the Corporation certain real estate and the existing improvements thereon within the geographic boundaries of the District consisting of (a) the site of the St. Louis Community College at Wildwood (the “Wildwood Campus”) and (b) the site of the Joseph P. Cosand Community College Center (the “Cosand Center” and, collectively with the Wildwood Campus, the “Original Facilities”); and WHEREAS, the District and the Corporation entered into a Lease Agreement dated as of December 1, 1998 (the “Original Lease”), pursuant to which the Corporation leases the Original Facilities back to the District on an annual basis in consideration of Rental Payments (as defined therein) and subject to the other terms and conditions contained therein; and WHEREAS, the Corporation and UMB Bank, N.A., St. Louis, Missouri, as Trustee (the “Trustee”) entered into a Trust Indenture dated as of December 1, 1998 (the “Original Indenture”), under which the Corporation issued its Leasehold Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 (The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, Lessee) (the “Series 1998 Bonds”) in the -3- principal amount of $9,995,000 to provide funds to pay the costs of refunding certain outstanding lease obligations of the District and acquiring the site of the Wildwood Campus; and WHEREAS, the District and the Corporation entered into a First Supplemental Base Lease dated as of October 1, 2003 (the “First Supplemental Base Lease”), pursuant to which the Original Base Lease was amended for the District to lease to the Corporation additional real estate consisting of the site of the District’s South County Education and University Center (the “South County Center”); and WHEREAS, the Corporation and the Trustee entered into a First Supplemental Trust Indenture dated as of October 1, 2003 (the “First Supplemental Indenture”), under which the Corporation issued its Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2003 (The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri Project) (the “Series 2003 Bonds”) in the principal amount of $9,995,000 to provide funds for the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping the South County Center; and WHEREAS, the District and the Corporation entered into a First Supplemental Lease Agreement dated as of October 1, 2003 (the “First Supplemental Lease”), pursuant to which the Original Lease was amended to provide for the lease of the South County Center back to the District and to increase the amount of Rental Payments due thereunder to enable the Corporation to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Series 2003 Bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, the Corporation and the Trustee entered into a Second Supplemental Trust Indenture dated as of April 1, 2005 (the “Second Supplemental Indenture”), pursuant to which the Corporation issued its Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2005 (The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri Project) (the “Series 2005 Bonds”) in the principal amount of $13,975,000 to provide funds for the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping educational facilities at the Wildwood Campus; and WHEREAS, the District and the Corporation entered into a Second Supplemental Lease Agreement dated as of April 1, 2005 (the “Second Supplemental Lease”), pursuant to which the Original Lease was further amended to increase the amount of Rental Payments due thereunder to enable the Corporation to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Series 2005 Bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, the District and the Corporation entered into a Second Supplemental Base Lease dated as of December 1, 2008 (the “Second Supplemental Base Lease”) and a Third Supplemental Base Lease dated as of February 1, 2009 (the “Third Supplemental Base Lease”), pursuant to which the Original Base Lease was further amended for the District to lease to the Corporation the site upon which the Harrison Education Center is located (the “Harrison Center” and, collectively with the Original Facilities, the South County Center and all improvements now or to be situated thereon, the “Facilities”); and -4- WHEREAS, the Corporation and the Trustee entered into a Third Supplemental Trust Indenture dated as of December 1, 2008 (the “Third Supplemental Indenture”) and a Fourth Supplemental Trust Indenture dated as of February 1, 2009 (the “Fourth Supplemental Indenture”), under which the Corporation issued its Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 (The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri Project) (the “Series 2008 Bonds”) in the principal amount of $10,000,000 to provide funds for the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping the Harrison Center; and WHEREAS, the District and the Corporation entered into a Third Supplemental Lease Agreement dated as of December 1, 2008 (the “Third Supplemental Lease”) and a Fourth Supplemental Lease Agreement dated as of February 1, 2009 (the “Fourth Supplemental Lease”), pursuant to which the Original Lease was further amended to increase the amount of Rental Payments due thereunder to enable the Corporation to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Series 2008 Bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, the Corporation and the Trustee entered into a Fifth Supplemental Trust Indenture dated as of March 1, 2009 (the “Fifth Supplemental Indenture”), under which the Corporation issued its Leasehold Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2009 (The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri) (the “Series 2009 Bonds”) in the principal amount of $5,640,000 to provide funds to refund all of the outstanding Series 1998 Bonds; and WHEREAS, the District and the Corporation entered into a Fifth Supplemental Lease Agreement dated as of March 1, 2009 (the “Fifth Supplemental Lease”), pursuant to which the Original Lease was further amended to increase the amount of Rental Payments due thereunder to enable the Corporation to pay the principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Series 2009 Bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, the Original Indenture authorizes the issuance of Additional Bonds (as defined in the Original Indenture) on a parity with the Series 2003 Bonds, the Series 2005 Bonds, the Series 2008 Bonds, the Series 2009 Bonds and any other Additional Bonds for the purpose of providing funds to refund any series of Bonds then outstanding; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the District finds and determines that it is advantageous and in the best interests of the District that the Corporation: (a) issue its Leasehold Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 (The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri) (the “Series 2012 Bonds” and, collectively with the Series 2005 Bonds, the Series 2008 Bonds, the Series 2009 Bonds and any Additional Bonds hereafter issued under the Original Indenture, the “Bonds”) to provide funds, together with other available money of the District, to (i) refund all of the outstanding Series 2003 Bonds and (ii) pay the costs of issuing the Series 2012 Bonds; -5- (b) enter into a Fourth Supplemental Base Lease dated as of February 1, 2012 (the “Fourth Supplemental Base Lease” and, together with the Original Base Lease, the First Supplemental Base Lease, the Second Supplemental Base Lease and the Third Supplemental Base Lease, the “Base Lease”), pursuant to which the Original Base Lease will be further amended to provide for the release of portions of the Facilities upon the final maturity of each series of the Bonds, as provided therein; (c) enter into a Sixth Supplemental Trust Indenture dated as of February 1, 2012 (the “Sixth Supplemental Indenture” and, together with the Original Indenture, the First Supplemental Indenture, the Second Supplemental Indenture, the Third Supplemental Indenture, the Fourth Supplemental Indenture and the Fifth Supplemental Indenture, the “Indenture”), with the Trustee, under which the Corporation will issue the Series 2012 Bonds; and (d) enter into a Sixth Supplemental Lease Agreement dated as of February 1, 2012 (the “Sixth Supplemental Lease” and, together with the Original Lease, the First Supplemental Lease, the Second Supplemental Lease, the Third Supplemental Lease, the Fourth Supplemental Lease and the Fifth Supplemental Lease, the “Lease”) with the Corporation, pursuant to which the Original Lease will be further amended to adjust the amount of Rental Payments due thereunder to reflect the refunding of the Series 2003 Bonds and the issuance of the Series 2012 Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the District further finds and determines that it is necessary and desirable in connection with the lease of the Facilities and the issuance of the Series 2012 Bonds that the District take certain other actions and approve the execution of certain other documents as herein provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings and Determinations. (a) The Corporation will engage in activities that are essentially public in nature. The purposes and activities of the Corporation are those permitted under the Missouri Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 355 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, and all of the Facilities are located within the geographic boundaries of the District. (b) The Corporation is not organized for profit except to the extent of retiring indebtedness, and the Articles of Incorporation so provide. (c) The income of the Corporation will not inure to any private person, and the Articles of Incorporation so provide. (d) The District will have a beneficial interest in the Corporation and will have exclusive beneficial possession and use of the Facilities while the Bonds remain outstanding. -6- (e) The District will obtain full legal title to the Facilities upon payment in full of the Series 2012 Bonds and any Additional Bonds (as defined in the Indenture). (f) The Corporation will be performing activities which otherwise would be the responsibility of the District. Section 2. Approval of Issuance of the Series 2012 Bonds by the Corporation. The District hereby approves the issuance and sale by the Corporation of the Series 2012 Bonds for the above-stated purposes. The Series 2012 Bonds shall be issued and secured pursuant to the Indenture. The Series 2012 Bonds shall be in such denominations, shall bear interest at such rates, shall be in such forms, shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity, shall have such other terms and provisions, and shall be issued, executed and delivered in such manner subject to such provisions, covenants and agreements, as are set forth in the Indenture. The signatures of the officers of the Corporation executing the Sixth Supplemental Indenture shall constitute conclusive evidence of their approval and the Corporation’s approval of the final terms of the Series 2012 Bonds. The Series 2012 Bonds shall be sold to Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated (the “Purchaser”) on the terms and conditions as set forth in the Purchase Contract herein referred to. Section 3. Limited Obligations. The Series 2012 Bonds and the interest thereon shall be limited obligations payable solely out of the rents, revenues and receipts received by the Corporation from the District pursuant to the Lease. The Series 2012 Bonds and the interest thereon shall not constitute a debt or liability of the District, or of the State of Missouri or of any political subdivision thereof, and the Series 2012 Bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. Section 4. Authorization of Documents. The District is hereby authorized to enter into the following documents, in substantially the forms presented to and reviewed by the Board of Trustees of the District at this meeting (copies of which documents shall be filed in the records of the District), with such changes therein as shall be approved by the officers of the District executing such documents, such officers’ signatures thereon being conclusive evidence of their approval thereof: (a) Fourth Supplemental Base Lease between the District and the Corporation. (b) Sixth Supplemental Lease between the District and the Corporation. (b) Purchase Contract (the “Purchase Contract”) among the Corporation, the District and the Purchaser. (c) Continuing Disclosure Agreement (the “Disclosure Agreement”) between the District and UMB Bank, N.A., as dissemination agent. (d) Tax Compliance Agreement (the “Tax Compliance Agreement”) among the Corporation, the District and the Trustee. -7- Section 5. Approval of Sixth Supplemental Indenture. The District hereby approves the Sixth Supplemental Indenture, in substantially the form approved by the Board of Trustees of the District at this meeting (a copy of said document shall be filed with the records of the District), between the Corporation and the Trustee, pursuant to which the Series 2012 Bonds shall be issued and the Corporation shall pledge and assign the rents, revenues and receipts received pursuant to the Lease and all of its right in the Base Lease to the Trustee for the benefit of and security of the registered owners of the Series 2012 Bonds upon the terms and conditions as set forth in the Indenture. Section 6. Official Statement. The Preliminary Official Statement, in the form presented to and reviewed by the Board of Trustees of the District at this meeting, is hereby approved, and the final Official Statement is hereby adopted by supplementing, completing and amending the Preliminary Official Statement. The Chair of the Board of Trustees or the Chancellor is hereby authorized to execute the Official Statement and the Purchaser is hereby authorized to use the Preliminary Official Statement and the final Official Statement in connection with the sale of the Series 2012 Bonds. Section 7. Execution of Documents. The District is hereby authorized to enter into and the Chair of the Board of Trustees or the Chancellor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, for and on behalf of and as the act and deed of the District, the Fourth Supplemental Base Lease, the Sixth Supplemental Lease, the Purchase Contract, the Tax Compliance Agreement, the Disclosure Agreement and such other documents, certificates and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent of this Resolution. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to attest to such documents and such other documents, certificates and instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent of this Resolution. Section 8. Further Authority. The officers, agents and employees of the District, including the Chair and Secretary of the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor shall be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to execute all documents and take such actions as they may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out and perform the purposes of this Resolution, and to carry out, comply with and perform the duties of the District with respect to the Base Lease, the Lease, the Purchase Contract, the Tax Compliance Agreement, the Disclosure Agreement and the Series 2012 Bonds, to make alterations, changes or additions in the foregoing agreements, statements, instruments and other documents herein approved, authorized and confirmed which they may approve, and the execution or taking of such action shall be conclusive evidence of such necessity or advisability. Section 9. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force immediately after its passage by the Board of Trustees of the District. -8- Passed by the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, this 26th day of January, 2012. Chair of the Board of Trustees (Seal) ATTEST: Secretary of the Board of Trustees -9- #1.8 Resolution Re February 23, 2012 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on February 23, 2012 at 6:00 p.m., at the Cosand Center, 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102 in the Executive Board Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [9]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [13]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. January 26, 2012 Board Agenda #1.9 Recommended Approval of Renaming the Corporate Center Facility at 3221McKelvey Road the “Corporate College” It is recommended that the Board approve the renaming of the Corporate Center facility, located at 3221 McKelvey Road, the “Corporate College.” The Board approved the Corporate Center name at its February 17, 2011 meeting. The facility is a state-of-the art professional training facility conveniently located at the intersection of I-270 and I-70 in St. Louis County. The center is fully furnished to meet corporate training, conference and event needs. # 1.11 Recommended Approval of Revised Board Policy B.23 District Wide Tobacco Ban B.23 District Wide Tobacco Ban The College is committed to providing an environment that is safe and healthy. Use of tobacco products is prohibited on all college property and in all college vehicles. There will be no designated smoking areas within the property boundary. VIOLATORS MAY RECEIVE DISCIPLINARY ACTION, INCLUDING FINES AND HOLDS PLACED ON REGISTRATION AND TRANSCRIPTS. #1.12 Recommended Approval of Revised Board Policy H.20.10 Vehicle Registration and Parking Fees H.20.10 Vehicle Registration and Parking Fees Vehicle parking tags are available through the College. Replacement tags are $3. Employees pay no fee for parking with the exception of the downtown parking garage reserved spaces. The College is authorized to issue appropriate parking and traffic regulations. Violators of these regulations may receive disciplinary action, including fines and removal of vehicles. II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board approve the deactivation of the Database Developer Certificate of Specialization approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Campus: Effective: Database Developer Certificate of Specialization FV, FP, MC Pending CBHE notification Impact Statement: The Database Developer Certification of Specialization is being deactivated due to a lack of enrollment. It is recommended that the Board approve the deactivation of the Communications Arts Associate in Arts Degrees approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Campus: Effective: Communications Arts: Advertising/Public Relations Communications Arts: Broadcasting Communications Arts: Creative Writing Communications Arts: Film Communications Arts: Foreign Language Communications Arts: Journalism Communications Arts: Literature Communications Arts: Multimedia Communications Arts: Organizational Communication Communications Arts: Speech Communication Communications Arts: Technical/Business Communication Communications Arts: Theatre Arts Associate in Arts FV, FP, MC Pending CBHE notification Impact Statement: The 12 degree options of the AA Communications Arts degree require deactivation for the subsequent approval of the new AA Communications degree. The AA Communications Arts degree has not been revised since 1974. The five areas of concentration in the new degree reflect the current trends in Communication. Students will be able to receive an AA in Communications by choosing from one of five areas of concentration: Speech Communication, Advertising/Public Relations, Theatre, Film, or Media Communications. Board Meeting 01/26/12 1 It is recommended that the Board approve the new Communications Associate in Arts degree approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Campus: Effective: Communications Associate in Arts FV, FP, MC, WW Pending CBHE notification Impact Statement: The AA in Communication Arts has been problematic for the district for a variety of reasons. Most notably, it allows students to choose their degree from 12 options. No other degree within St. Louis Community College uses such a complex configuration under one degree heading. This complexity, which can appear at first glance to be a degree structure that is unique and separate from all other AA degrees within the district catalogue, can easily lead to confusion for students and receiving institutions. The Missouri Department of Higher Education concurs with this observation and has singled out the AA in Communications Arts as confusing and needlessly complicated. Another problem that stems from this complexity is that of combining a multitude of degree options with a finite number of courses that are offered. With just so many courses to choose from, many degree options are forced to require that students take many of the same courses to fulfill their requirements. This has unintentionally created a situation in which students can earn multiple degrees by simply taking an additional one or two courses. This unintended consequence can greatly reduce the significance and perceived merit of each individual degree. Complicating this problem even more is the wide breadth of disciplines covered by the 12 options. When these 12 degree options were first conceived in 1974, divisions and departments were more loosely arranged. The organizational alignments that exist today, however, are quite different. As a result, several of the degree options included in the AA of Communication Arts concentrate on disciplines that are not offered by the Communications Departments on each of the four campuses. Among the 12 Communication Arts degree options there are, for instance, options in foreign language and literature. This broad assortment of disciplines under one umbrella can create confusion for students in terms of which department chair to turn to for advising and degree approval information. Revising the AA in Communications (please note the elimination of “Arts”) to a more conventional and streamlined package of “Areas of Concentration” will remedy the above problems. Thus, the 12 options in the AA Communications Arts degree would be deactivated to make way for this revised AA Communications degree. Students will earn an AA degree in Communications by focusing on one of five (5) areas of concentration: Speech Communication, Film, Advertising/Public Relations, Theatre, and Media Communications. This revision will bring our Communications degree offerings more in line with other degree options within the district, as well as bringing them more into compliance with other community colleges in the state of Missouri, and thus satisfying the call for revision from the DHE. Since 12 options producing 12 degrees has been reduced to one degree, it will ensure the integrity of the degree by eliminating the likelihood of students compiling multiple degrees with little effort and by eliminating confusion for students, as well as receiving institutions, about our degree structure. Board Meeting 01/26/12 2 I. General Education IDS: 101 Cornerstone ENG: 101 College Composition I (or) ENG: 104 Honors College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I (or) COM: 107 Public Speaking MTH: 160 College Algebra or higher (except MTH:165 and MTH:166) XXX:xxx XXX:xxx XXX:xxx XXX:xxx Missouri State Requirement Social and Behavior Sciences Humanities and Fine Arts Life and Physical Sciences (One lab course required) XXX:xxx IDS: 201 General Education Elective Capstone 42-45 credits 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 6 6 7-10 3 4 II. Physical Education Activity 2 credits III. Electives 3-6 credits IV. Area of Concentration 15 credits Select an area on concentration from the following: Speech Communication Select 5 courses from: COM: 102 Oral Communication II COM: 103 Small Group Communication COM: 104 Persuasion COM: 107 Public Speaking COM: 110 Organizational Communication COM: 114 Oral Interpretation of Literature COM: 200 Communication Between Cultures COM: 201 Interpersonal Communication 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Public Relations/Advertising Required: MCM: 101 Introduction to Mass Communications MCM: 140 Introduction to Advertising MCM: 141 Public Relations Select 2 courses from: COM: 104 Persuasion MCM: 102 Media Literacy MCM:142 Applied Advertising Board Meeting 01/26/12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MCM: 201 MCM: 211 Workplace Learning I: Media Applied Public Relations 3 3 Media Communications Required: MCM: 101 Introduction to Mass Communications MCM: 120 Introduction to Broadcasting MCM: 110 Journalism I: Writing and Reporting Select 2 courses from: MCM: 102 Media Literacy MCM :112 Feature Writing MCM: 113 Applied Journalism MCM: 121 Television Production MCM: 122 Applied Broadcasting MCM: 123 Broadcast Journalism MCM: 124 Radio Production MCM: 125 Scriptwriting for Television and Film MCM: 201 Workplace Learning I: Media Theatre Required: THT:101 Introduction to Theatre Select 4 courses from: COM: 114 Oral Interpretation of Literature THT: 102 Stagecraft THT:103 Stage Design and Lighting THT: 106 Theatre Practicum THT: 107 Playwriting THT: 108 Acting I THT: 109 Acting II THT: 110 History of Theatre THT: 115 Acting for the Camera THT: 201 Directing 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Film Required: MCM: 101 Introduction to Mass Communications MCM: 130 Film Appreciation Select 3 courses from: MCM: 115 Acting for the Camera MCM: 125 Scriptwriting for Television and Film MCM: 131 History of Film MCM: 132 Major Themes in Film MCM: 134 Filmmaking MCM: 209 Blacks and the World of Cinema Board Meeting 01/26/12 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MCM: 215 MCM: 218 MCM: 219 Major Film Directors Advanced Filmmaking Multimedia Applications 3 3 1-3 Program Total 65 It is recommended that the Board approve the deactivation of Robotics Technology Associate in Applied Science approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Campus: Effective: Robotics Technology Associate in Applied Science FV Pending CBHE notification Impact Statement: The Robotics Technology Program is being deactivated because it will become part of the proposed Computer Integrated Manufacturing Program. Courses necessary for completion of the Robotics program will be available within the CIM program for those students currently declaring Robotics Technology as a major. This is part of the Engineering Technology Program consolidations, and will give students greater flexibility, and more career path options. Board Meeting 01/26/12 5 It is recommended that the Board approve the new Computer Integrated Manufacturing Associate in Applied Science approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Campus: Effective: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Associate in Applied Science FV Pending CBHE approval Impact Statement This new program is a modification and consolidation of existing programs in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology. It will consist of a set of industry recommended core courses and offer students paths to more specialized areas by adding electives in production support, design/graphics, quality control, and robotics. Employers participating in the Manufacturing and Mechanical Technology Redesign Focus Group indicated that they anticipate the need for hiring individuals with formal academic training in computer integrated product and process technology. Consolidating existing AAS and Certificate programs will result in a viable, flexible program that can more efficiently accommodate the needs of traditional students and those who are seeking career changes or advancement. It will serve the community by preparing graduates with the skills needed and identified by our industry focus panel. I. Career General Education 18 credits ENG :101 COM: 101 MTH: 140 College Composition I Oral Communication I Intermediate Algebra or higher except MTH:165 and MTH:166 3 3 3 XXX:xxx XXX:xxx XXX:xxx Missouri State Elective Social Science Elective Natural Science elective 3 3 3 II. Physical Education Activity III. Area of Concentration GE: 131 EGR :100 EGR: 133 GE :101 GE :121 ME :133 ME :151 ME: 152 ME: 249 QC: 212 GE :240 Board Meeting 01/26/12 2 credits Engineering Technology Orientation Engineering Drawing Introduction to AutoCAD I Technical Computer Applications (or) Principles of Engineering Production Control Manufacturing Processes I Manufacturing Processes II Materials and Metallurgy Quality Tools for Advanced Manufacturing Product Design and Fabrication 6 28 credits 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Computer Integrated Manufacturing, AAS 3-D CAD Requirement Select one of the following 2-4 credits EGR: 147 ME :230 EGR: 145 EGR :148 Introduction to Engineering Design (or) Introduction to 3-D Solid Modeling for Design (or) Computer Solids Modeling (or) Solid Modeling with Unigraphics Fundamentals Course Select one of the following ME :140 ME :121 GE: 151 Introduction to Robotics (or) Computer Integrated Manufacturing (or) Introduction to Aerospace Engineering IV. Electives ME: 101 ME :223 ME :103 ME:110 ME: 211 ME :241 ME :135 ME: 210 ME :223 ME: 230 ME: 232 ME :242 ME :243 ME: 244 ME: 253 EGR: 145 EGR: 255 EGR :148 EGR: 257 EGR :256 QC: 100 QC: 102 QC: 202 QC: 206 QC: 208 EE :233 EE :242 SAF :100 SAF: 101 EGR: 140 Welding Technology Basic Hydraulics I Mechanical Maintenance HVAC Operator I Programmable Logic Controllers Numerical Control Programming Mechanics - Statics Robotics Subsystems and Components Basic Hydraulics I Introduction to 3-D Solid Modeling for Design Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Mechanics-Dynamics Strength of Materials Mechanical Design I Energy Conversion Computer Solids Modeling Advanced Computer Aided Drafting Solid Modeling with Unigraphics (or) Unigraphics for Part Design (or) Solid Modeling with CATIA Introduction to Quality Control Quality Cost Analysis Inspection Methods Statistical Quality Control I Statistical Quality Control II Digital Logic Introduction to Microprocessors Safety Program Organization and Administration Safety and Health Standards, Regulations and Codes Computer Aided Drafting and Design I 3 credits 3 3 3 Program Total Board Meeting 01/26/12 7 3 4 2 2 9-11 credits 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 64 credits 01/26/12 3.1 APPOINTMENTS / FULL- TIME ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME Gioia, Daniel 3.1 CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC C CC TITLE Applications Solutions Analyst RGE ANNUAL RATE PU 12 $58,358.00 RGE ANNUAL RATE II-B $50,391.00 COMMENTS New position. Internally funded. Minimum for the range. EFFECTIVE DATE 01/27/12 – 06/30/12 APPOINTMENTS / FULL- TIME FACULTY -1NAME Meyer, Jason CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC C FV TITLE Instructor II, temporary COMMENTS Replacement position. Internally funded. Salary is in accord with Board Policy D1, Faculty / Initial Placement. EFFECTIVE DATE 01/09/12 – 05/14/12 01/26/12 3.1 APPOINTMENTS / FULL-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Gier, Mary C M Moffatt, Mary C Marion, Marc L. RGE PAY RATE Business Services Specialist CU 6 $37,655.00 Replacement position. Internally funded. Salary is in accord with classified unit resolution Article VIII, Section 2. 01/30/12 FV Student Admissions / Registration Assistant II CU 4 $28,509.00 Replacement position. Internally funded. Minimum for the range. 01/30/12 C FP Student Financial Aid Assistant CU 6 $38,864.00 New position. Internally funded. Salary is in accord with classified unit resolution Article VIII, Section 2. 01/27/12 Pipe, James C FV Housekeeper n/a $12.26 / hr Replacement position. Internally funded. Rate for the position. 02/01/12 Adams, Yolanda C W Administrative Secretary II CU 6 $32,648.00 Replacement position. Internally funded. Minimum for the range. 01/27/12 NAME TITLE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE -2- 01/26/12 3.1 APPOINTMENTS / PART-TIME CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME CURRENT OR NEW EMPLOYEE LOC Cobbs, Kimara C M Clerk Typist, part-time, continuing PT 03 $11.57 / hr Replacement position. Internally funded. Minimum for the range. 01/27/12 Yuen, Amanda N FV Educational Assistant II, part-time, continuing PT 06 $15.33 / hr New position. Internally funded. Minimum for the range. 01/30/12 -3- 3.2 NAME Vogelgesang, Bruce TITLE RGE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE CLASSIFICATION REVIEW / ADMINISTRATIVE / PROFESSIONAL STAFF LOC CC TITLE Controller RANGE FY12 BASE RATE ADDITIONAL COMP RATE A22 $94,094.09 $103,503.50 COMMENTS Additional responsibility for annual budget in absence of VC, Finance & Administration. May end earlier. EFFECTIVE DATE 12/05/11 – 06/30/12 01/26/12 3.2 NAME CHANGE FROM PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS / CLASSIFIED STAFF LOC TITLE PAY RATE COMMENTS EFFECTIVE DATE Canion, Rochelle FV Housekeeper $15.10 / hr Rate for classification. 01/04/12 Sutton, Arthur FV Housekeeper $15.10 / hr Rate for classification. 01/02/12 Martin, Joyce FV Housekeeper $15.10 / hr Rate for classification. 01/07/12 Verges, Aaron FV Housekeeper $15.10 / hr Rate for classification. 01/01/12 -4- 01/26/12 3.2 2012 – 2013 SABBATICAL LEAVE RECOMMENDATIONS NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE -5- Burkhardt, Charles E. Flynn, Thomas W. Hansen, Troy Popper, Regina Reilly, Catherine Shultis, Eric Thomas-Woods, Renee FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Professor, Physics Associate Professor, English Assistant Professor, Counseling Professor, English Professor, Library Services Professor, Fine Arts Assistant Professor, Communications Fall 2012 Summer 2012; Summer 2013 Summer 2012; Summer 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Carter, Christine Epperson, Cynthia Ilhan, Gulten Long, Richard D. McDowell, Barbara Padberg, Christine Werner, Donna Wilkinson, Lisa M M M M M M M M Professor, Reading Professor, Sociology Professor, Humanities Associate Professor, English Professor, Nursing Education Assistant Professor, English Professor, Philosophy Assistant Professor, ESL Fall 2012 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2012 Summer 2012; Summer 2013 Spring 2013 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Gardner, Steven Zuo, Yingxue Petroff, Kathleen FP FP FP Instructor II, Reading Professor, Fine Arts Assistant Professor, Reading Summer 2012; Summer 2013 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 01/26/12 3.4 NAME RESIGNATIONS / CLASSIFIED STAFF LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Eversgerd, Kelly M Educational Assistant I 01/03/12 Lehr, Bryan FP General Maintenance Mechanic 11/22/11 -6- 01/26/12 3.4 REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees approval on 09/29/11, p 4: 3.2 Summer 2011 Ratifications Revise to include assignments starting 05/16/11 - 05/22/11. Board of Trustees approval on 12/15/11, p 5: 3.1 Appointments / Full-Time Classified Staff Revise effective date for Michael Buda to 01/09/12. Board of Trustees approval on 12/15/11, p 7: 3.4 Retirements / Administrative / Professional Staff Revise location for Timothy Tolson to FP. -7- 3.2 Ratifications Faculty, Classified, Adminstrative and Professional Staff Summer 2011 Name Abbott, Monte Lee Abdul-Hafidh, Jamal A Adams, Leroy Adeyemi, Gloria W Adkins, Ashley Jean Ahrens, Marlene Rose Aitken, Victoria J Aldridge, Sarah E Allman, Julie A Anderson, Barbara B Anderson, Gina Marie Anderson, Matthew E Andrews, Courtney A Angert, Joseph C Ankenbrand, Ralph J Anthonis, Dennis M Arensmeier, Melanie Diann Armstrong, Francine M Arnot, Paul B Ashby, Ronald David Aubuchon, Gregory P Ayers, Fran A Bacher, Alyssa Adele Back, Gail Ann Back, Gordon Edward Bagley, Sara L Bailey, Matthew T Bake, Marlene G Baker, Kathryn Elizabeth Baker, Mary J Balderas, Barbara A 12/21/11 Loc M M M FP FP FP W W W CC CC FV FV FV FV FP W M FP FP FV FV FV W FV FP CC M FP FV M CC CC CC CC FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FV CC FP FV FP FP FP CC FP M M FP FP FP FP CC FP FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ANT105674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS201602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BUS201601 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH140452 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO122375 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.88 BIO122338 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.88 BIO122374 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.88 Lifeguard D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 41.25 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 169.00 SOC126551 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Substitute 06/12/11 08/12/11 12.00 SOC103503 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 SOC211501 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Substitute 05/25/11 08/14/11 10.00 GEO100350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG030S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.45 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.80 PSC101T65 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSC101T55 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSC101571 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART172374 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 5.93 DMS207450 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 Lifeguard D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 39.25 MTH004601all 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Fall 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 TFT Project 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ECO152604 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 25.50 Lifeguard D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 58.00 AH/CE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 83.00 AH/CE ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 1.24 CCPRADJHEC 06/06/11 06/30/11 0.01 CTCR ADJ 05/18/11 09/09/11 0.48 CAMP D-CE 08/03/11 08/20/11 15.00 CCPR711H80 06/06/11 06/30/11 3.50 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.05 TC EQUIP 05/18/11 09/09/11 5.51 CTCR INSTR 05/18/11 09/09/11 54.00 CPRR FV PRI 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 AH/CE ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.16 CCPRADJHEC 06/06/11 06/30/11 0.01 CPRR FV ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.01 CCPR711H80 06/06/11 06/30/11 3.50 CTCR ADJ 05/18/11 09/09/11 0.03 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.15 AH/CE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 64.00 CTCR INSTR 05/18/11 09/09/11 7.00 PSY200604 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Workshop 06/26/11 08/06/11 1.00 EDU218450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG017402 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 RdgLabTutor 06/06/11 08/12/11 29.05 RDG016402 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 AHCE DCE 05/17/11 06/13/11 21.00 DMS203401 06/06/11 07/30/11 14.17 IS 101574 05/17/11 06/21/11 1.00 IS 102574 05/17/11 07/31/11 3.00 -1- Amount Paid $2,034.24 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,878.19 $1,878.19 $1,878.20 $395.60 $2,704.00 $2,997.12 $300.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $250.00 $2,325.12 $2,034.24 $877.54 $484.16 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $3,996.48 $5,920.26 $1,033.92 $376.42 $2,325.12 $83.00 $775.20 $2,325.12 $688.50 $551.01 $2,739.00 $748.95 $7.57 $287.49 $495.00 $115.50 $1,845.87 $3,336.17 $1,782.00 $155.00 $98.36 $7.57 $7.57 $108.50 $15.14 $695.98 $1,984.00 $217.00 $2,034.24 $50.00 $2,325.12 $775.04 $480.20 $1,550.08 $651.00 $10,985.40 $678.08 $2,034.24 Name Banks, Valerie R Loc FP FP Barnes, Javonda Jane CC CC Barnholtz, Lane Daryl FP FP Barr, Kimberly Suzanne FV FV Barrett, Barbara Jean M Barteau, Brian Edward FP FP FP FP Bates, Bradley E W Batey, Keith M M Bathily, Diadie B CC Batisto, Joan J FP FP Batson, Stephanie Renae CC Battaglia-Esses, Stephanie Suzanne FP Baugh, Joseph Frederick FV FV Bauman, Derek L FV Baur, Edward Charles CC Baxter-Carr, Susan L CC Bearden, Jerry L CC CC Bearden, William G CC Beardsell, Kathleen Dorothy W W W Beck, Scott M M Becker, Carrie Marie FP Becker, Roger A W W Bednar, Lisa FP FP Bee, Bethabra M Behle, Lawrence K FV Behle, Michael J FP Bemberg, Stephanie P FP Bender, Jack FV Bender, Kathleen A CC Bender, Marcia Marie M Bennett, Linda M FP Benton, Melissa Joy W Bergin, Cheryl Lynn M M M Berkbigler, Jodie Louise CC Berry, June E FV Beta, Martha M M Beyer, Deborah Ann M Bickel, Gregory Scott FV Bingham, Brian Thomas FV Bingham, Thomas J FV FV Birch, Ruth E FV Blackwell, Lewis E FP Blanchard, William D W 12/21/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute 05/18/11 08/12/11 6.00 ECE101401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 60.25 GED/INSV 06/01/11 08/12/11 9.11 MCM113401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ENG030450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO111501lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 BIO111501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BUS104674 05/17/11 06/24/11 3.00 PAR22269B 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 PAR22469B 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 PAR22669B 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Assessment 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 COM107650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DANC D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.22 EMT121401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 22.50 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.58 PHY122501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHY122550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 07/11/11 07/30/11 24.00 BRID D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.00 ANIM D-CE 05/17/11 09/09/11 14.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 33.00 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 Lit Journal 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 ENG101301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART165450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 HST1193W1 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 GEG106350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101HO1 06/06/11 07/16/11 0.62 English - FP 06/06/11 08/19/11 36.00 IRT140674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SENR FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.50 ART111450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MUS121486 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 GNSF FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 STPATS/GED 05/17/11 08/12/11 58.50 BIO111605 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.39 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.20 IDS101304 05/17/11 08/06/11 2.00 BIO208603 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 BIO208601 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 BIO207603 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 RDG020550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHY223601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHY122601 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.00 COM101606 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH230551 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 FINC FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 SEED 2010 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ATT-AMEREN 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 BIO207502 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.33 ENG1024WE 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CHM101301 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 -2- Amount Paid $150.00 $2,325.12 $914.60 $91.10 $894.08 $2,682.24 $901.85 $2,034.24 $3,813.12 $1,209.92 $604.96 $60.52 $1,814.88 $25.00 $2,034.24 $108.00 $738.34 $1,814.88 $315.00 $582.82 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $600.00 $230.00 $252.00 $891.00 $930.00 $145.00 $678.08 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,814.88 $2,712.00 $1,494.24 $2,997.12 $496.51 $1,743.84 $2,997.12 $121.50 $3,576.00 $1,356.16 $540.00 $1,579.50 $3,927.25 $121.04 $166.00 $901.85 $901.85 $901.85 $174.00 $2,034.24 $1,814.88 $3,629.76 $2,325.12 $4,995.20 $276.00 $999.20 $999.20 $3,871.36 $2,997.12 $5,324.89 Name Blandford, Jayme B Blanke, Aron L Bolden, Eddie E Bollinger, Jason John Bommarito, Lisa Dawn Booker, Gloria Dennis Boos-Finke, Carrie L Borgman, Mary Elisabeth Boyd, Gabriel R Boyd, Kara N Brazeal, Jana S Breidenbach, Ann Detwiler Brennan, Joan Mary Brennan, Patricia A Brogdon, Benjamin Ray Brown, Amy L Brown, Kathy Ann Brown, Latonya V Brown, Sarah Tobermann Buchanan, Leonor Shelton Buck, Stephanie Janine Buckey, Mary Ann Buescher-Milligan, Kathleen Buettner, Thomas L Bullock, Robert L Bunton, Thessalonia Burgess, Sandra Jean Burk, Charles Walter Burke, Mary Hagan Burkhardt, Sarah B Burkhardt, Vivian C Burton, Christine Federspiel Buss, Kenneth D Butler, Cathy Ann Butler, Synetra T Buuck, Loralee Chandra Buzzai, Annunciata Bynum, Alice J Cagle, Lisa Lynette 12/21/11 Loc M CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP CC M M M M M M CC FP FV FV FV FV FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M FP FV FP FP FP FP FV FV M CC FV FV FV FV FV FV CC M M M CC CC FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG030601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 33.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 4.00 MTH020452 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH020454 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 HonorsSummers 06/06/11 09/02/11 2.00 PHL101450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL104401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHL101448 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.33 IS 103401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PLB MCE 08/10/11 12/23/11 110.50 ART111401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 33.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/22/11 2.50 COM101652 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 4.84 PSY200677 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY200674 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY200672 06/26/11 08/06/11 3.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 33.00 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 ENG101576 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG1025WE 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 COM101551 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.08 ECE200401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECE107674 06/06/11 07/01/11 1.49 RDG030405 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PAR22869A 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 PAR22569A 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 RDG030451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 5.08 BIO208550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BIO208550lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 IS 123601 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 IS 102474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101551 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CRJ123401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 CRJ122401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Crdts Exam 05/17/11 06/03/11 0.79 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.17 MTH020552 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH020550 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.81 Port Defense 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 CAMPDCE 08/03/11 08/20/11 18.00 Aquatic Dir 05/17/11 06/03/11 0.67 PE 173501 06/06/11 09/01/11 1.36 PE 130501 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 Aquatics Dir 06/06/11 07/16/11 0.67 Substitute 05/17/11 07/30/11 1.00 PE17301 07/01/11 08/12/11 1.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 40.00 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 13.50 PSY200605 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Workshop 06/26/11 08/06/11 1.00 FLIT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 32.00 AHCE DCE 07/01/11 08/12/11 10.00 PHL1124WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 -3- Amount Paid $2,034.24 $759.00 $100.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $83.00 $166.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $201.52 $2,325.12 $1,580.15 $3,101.76 $891.00 $62.50 $2,325.12 $3,279.83 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $759.00 $516.96 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $678.08 $2,034.24 $1,860.69 $1,814.88 $898.74 $2,682.24 $604.96 $2,419.84 $2,034.24 $3,440.87 $2,997.12 $1,328.72 $581.00 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $790.97 $1,165.64 $1,814.88 $1,701.45 $50.00 $414.00 $452.00 $823.21 $904.00 $452.00 $25.00 $51.90 $720.00 $205.88 $2,034.24 $50.00 $864.00 $330.00 $2,034.24 Name Cahill, James Pendleton Calicutt, Carolyn J Calicutt, Steven C Calicutt, Stevie C Calvert, Craig Cameron, Brian K Candice, Christopher G Cantrell, Michele Rene Carlos, Mario Pruna Carney, Marinan M Carosella, Anthony Joseph Carroll, Amy Michelle Carroll, Brian J Carson, Diane E Carter, Bryonie Anne Carter, Terrell Lamont Casey, Zita Maria Castro, James F Chambers, Florence Chambwa, Mwaka Chang, Sheow Hwey Chapman, Jennifer Sue Chaudhry, Mohammad A Chien, Rueih Wei Clark, Clara M Clark, Gloria Jean Cody, Cathy Cox Colby, Scott M Colcleasure, Sean Shepard Collins, Adrienne Denise Collins, Isaac A Collins, Judith A Collins, Robert W Combest, John G Conner, Elcee C Conway, Thomas A Cooke, Dorothy Jane Cope, Wendy Myles Copley, John Clayton Copper, David W 12/21/11 Loc FP M FP FP FP M FP FV W FP FP FP FP M M CC M M M M M M M M W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M FP CC CC FP CC FP FP FP CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP W CC FP CC FP FP FP CC CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PHL104450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 151450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/06/11 8.00 T4T NE 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 130650 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 Cont Education - FP 06/06/11 08/21/11 0.78 PHL101501 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Assessment 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 GuestSpeaker20113008/01/11 10/21/11 1.00 Design IV 06/01/11 06/23/11 1.00 Gallery Dir 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 Design III 06/01/11 06/23/11 1.00 PSY205601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART172696 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 22.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 COM107602 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PE 173650 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 133680 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 PE 130 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 MCM113SDL 06/06/11 08/05/11 2.00 IDS201602 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 IDS201601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ART100375 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART100376 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG020401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG020402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.70 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 1.00 BIO111453lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 BIO111452lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 ARTS FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 ENG101S02 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO208421 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 FLCH D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 16.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/31/11 9.10 CRFT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.00 PE 130401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 130402 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 ENG030404 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 WBGR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.75 MTH030H50 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 ENG1024WA 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHY223550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHY223501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PE 130507 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 118580 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 PE 130506 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/15/11 0.67 RTH131401&2 06/06/11 07/10/11 2.67 PE 133301 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 HEAL D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 EDU120402 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 CTRDCE 07/01/11 08/12/11 4.00 CTCR ADJ 06/20/11 08/13/11 0.03 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 CTCR INST 06/20/11 08/13/11 8.00 AH/CE DCE 07/01/11 09/04/11 16.50 AHCE/ ADJ 07/01/11 09/04/11 1.50 -4- Amount Paid $2,034.24 $2,682.24 $3,100.16 $200.00 $2,682.24 $2,241.12 $484.16 $2,997.12 $25.00 $50.00 $83.00 $775.44 $83.00 $2,997.12 $3,101.76 $726.00 $50.00 $2,034.24 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $166.00 $2,712.32 $2,712.32 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $423.64 $25.00 $804.60 $804.60 $540.00 $2,034.24 $3,355.93 $400.00 $126.00 $227.50 $72.00 $904.00 $904.00 $2,325.12 $204.00 $1,742.88 $2,997.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $746.08 $2,984.32 $904.00 $46.00 $1,742.88 $132.00 $15.14 $60.52 $264.00 $544.50 $23.00 Name Corley, Norman G Cormier, David H Cottle, Sandra K Cox, Jodi Lynn Ashley Cox, Karen E Crane, Alison B Crews, Kevin A Crider, Jack Crinnion, Catherine Marie Critchfield, Cynthia S Croghan, Ann D Crusoe, Stephanie Eunice Cruthis, Harold T Curran, Michele Leianne Cyr, Laura-Jean A Dalton, Patricia Ann Daly, Judith M Daniel, Allen R Danyluck, Sharon J Darr, Anna M Das, Nobel Vidyasagar Dattilo, Gina M Daugherty, Kathleen Ann Davies-Sigmund, Francine M Davis, Joseph L Davisson, Michael Glenn Dawson, Susan Christine Day, Christopher K Deelo, Joan M Deetz, Kathleen M Deloney, Ronald W DeShetler, Steven James Devine, Edith A Dhawan, Balram Dingus, Steven Michael Ditto, Tina Seville Donatt, Paul Michael Dorough, Scott C Doss, Stacia Renee Douglas, Milton R DuBois, Kathleen Collins 12/21/11 Loc FP FP W M FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FP CC FV FV M FP FP CC CC M M CC FP M CC M M M M M W W FP FP FP FV M M M M M M M FV FV CC FV FV FP FP FV FP FP FV FP CC M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EMT121450 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 ENG1023W1 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS103675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE104475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO151575 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO151574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 SOC101502 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 SOC101550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EMS Adj 06/27/11 07/30/11 0.60 PE 130412 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.27 PE 130411 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.27 PE 130453 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.27 PEDU FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 61.00 SOC101401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ARTS D-CE 05/17/11 09/09/11 204.00 ARTS FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 132.00 DANC FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 9.00 MTH140603 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DMS208401 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.83 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.13 BTOP Instructor 08/01/11 09/16/11 77.50 CTCRDCE 07/01/11 09/09/11 4.00 PHY111603 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.38 PHY223601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 15.00 Honors Fall 06/01/11 06/25/11 2.00 CHM105603 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 RDG030650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG070602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ESL PLCMNT 05/30/11 08/12/11 2.00 ESL PLACEMENT 06/01/11 12/17/11 20.50 PSC101650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Faculty Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 2.00 Faculty Development 07/25/11 08/30/11 1.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 4.00 ART100402 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IDS101407 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART109501 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Substitute 06/13/11 08/12/11 6.00 ACC110HON 07/11/11 08/05/11 1.00 ACC110601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 PSY205676 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY205673 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY205677 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Workshop 06/26/11 08/06/11 1.00 Substitute 06/14/11 08/12/11 6.33 SIGN FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 16.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 327.00 CHM106501 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 CHM106550 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 Substitute 06/21/11 08/12/11 7.50 PE 161H01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 116580 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM101404 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BLW101401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MCM124501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Creative.com 05/18/11 06/11/11 1.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 15.00 LGL218695 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 -5- Amount Paid $3,629.76 $60.52 $2,034.24 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $363.12 $1,136.13 $1,136.13 $1,136.13 $1,098.00 $2,034.24 $5,508.00 $3,564.00 $162.00 $2,034.24 $4,523.40 $1,005.75 $2,402.50 $132.00 $4,370.80 $2,997.12 $405.00 $166.00 $5,324.89 $54.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $44.00 $533.00 $2,997.12 $150.00 $50.00 $332.00 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,712.00 $150.00 $83.00 $3,100.16 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $50.00 $158.25 $336.00 $6,867.00 $3,996.16 $3,996.16 $165.00 $2,034.00 $2,325.12 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $400.00 $270.00 $2,682.24 Name Dugge, Wayne Alan Dunham, Mary Smith Dunn, Randy R Dunn, Richard A Durley-Petty, Renay D Dutt, Michael D Duval, Michel Dzunu, Pamela Guntharp Eatherly, Maria Mihneva Ebert, Dineen M Eckert, Melissa Eder, Carol Betsy Eigel, Mary T Eilerman, Ruth Katherine Elders, Kay L Ellermann, Kurt H Elliott, Glendoria Ellison, Sandra L Endy, Alice J Engel, Edward J Erby, Robbie Marie Evans, Chantelle L Evens, Kevin A Fagin, Gary C Farace, Julie Anne Farias, Teddy A Farr, Robert E Farwig, Phyllis Jeanne Favre, Matthew Thomas Feezel, Regina L Feiner, Jason W Fernandez, Cynthia Ann Finger, Richard E Fingers, Angelicia Elpis Fisher, Christine Marie Fisher, Constance Lynne Fisher, Mark Appling Florea, Audrey Louise Floyd, Toshi 12/21/11 Loc M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV CC FP FP FP M M M CC CC M M W FP FV CC CC M M CC FV M M CC M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M CC FP M M CC CC M M FV M FV FV CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv LGL224650 07/18/11 07/25/11 1.00 BIO111604 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO207S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 MTH230603 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH230601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 IRT201674 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 SUBSTITUTE 06/26/11 07/23/11 18.00 PSY2145SA 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PE 130550 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.25 PE 121502 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 169550 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 106580 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 DANC D-CE 05/23/11 07/22/11 6.00 ENG070451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/13/11 08/12/11 4.50 ENG061450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 COM101608 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 IS 123674 06/06/11 06/26/11 1.00 CAMPDCE 08/03/11 08/20/11 22.50 MUSC D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 ART131602 06/26/11 07/09/11 1.33 CRJ123674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Faculty Development 07/25/11 08/30/11 1.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 PE 122501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 ANIM D-CE 05/23/11 08/12/11 9.00 AHCE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 34.00 ART131S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ART131650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 FED/GED 05/17/11 08/12/11 81.00 PEDU FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 7.00 MTH170650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH160CS50 06/06/11 07/30/11 64.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/22/11 5.00 PE 130 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 PE 161650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.75 MTH140406 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH030405 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG030H03 07/29/11 08/31/11 1.00 ENG020451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 25.00 ENG030H03 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.59 PHL104501 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PHL1095XH 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 AT 120601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 CVTW DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 49.33 PE 181182461 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 BIO207650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 Substitute 06/13/11 08/12/11 10.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 17.00 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M 07/07/11 08/12/11 18.00 PSY200603 06/26/11 08/06/11 3.00 PSY200651 06/26/11 08/06/11 3.00 AT176503 07/18/11 08/06/11 1.33 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 11.00 Pt Faculty BTOP 07/18/11 12/24/11 361.00 BTOP Instructor 05/17/11 09/16/11 79.50 FED/GED 05/17/11 08/30/11 199.00 -6- Amount Paid $894.08 $4,325.85 $4,325.85 $3,875.20 $3,875.20 $1,992.00 $396.00 $2,325.12 $849.76 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $84.00 $2,034.24 $112.50 $2,034.24 $50.00 $2,034.24 $999.04 $517.50 $300.00 $1,332.16 $2,034.24 $50.00 $60.52 $904.00 $162.00 $1,054.00 $3,101.76 $3,101.76 $3,432.78 $126.00 $2,997.12 $3,651.84 $360.00 $125.00 $516.96 $2,326.32 $453.90 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $393.11 $2,034.24 $625.00 $1,078.15 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,712.00 $1,627.89 $806.08 $2,936.08 $220.00 $306.00 $414.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $930.56 $167.75 $11,191.00 $2,464.50 $5,373.00 Name Fogelbach, Kelly Joy Foley, Sarah Jane Foster, James E Foster, William D Fouche, Gwyndolyn Frankenreiter, David A Fraser, Eileen B Fraser, Jennifer C Frese, Anne M Fricks, Aldene L Froelker, Justine Lea Brooks Fuller, Neathery Batsell Gahan, Lisa Ann Gallup, Craig William Ganim, Margaret Joyce Gardner, Kathleen Hinrichs Gardner, Royd L Garland, Julie Ann Gartner, Nancy E Gawlik, Deborah Reeves Gawlik, Ray A Geist, Zoe Ann Gentelin, Karen Zes Gero, Susan A Giovanni, Joanne B Giulvezan, Stacia Christine Gladden, Patricia L Glass, Alan D Goede, Robin Christine Golliday, Sharon Gorman, Belinda L Graves, Darnette Michelle Greer, James F Greer, Nancy M Griffin, Brian Cordell Grillo, Julia S Grimm-Howell, Elizabeth M Grossheim, Thomas Roland Grothe, James W Grueninger, Kara M 12/21/11 Loc FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV M FV FV FV FP M M M M FV W W M M CC FV CC FP CC CC FV FV FP M M W W W FV FV M M M CC FP CC FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP M W W FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 122550 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 181550 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 Substitute 06/12/11 08/12/11 3.00 SOC100501 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 CHM101450 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 MTH030501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS101574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MGT106574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH030S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 FOOD FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.00 CHM101551 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 CRFT FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 IS 102401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY200673 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY200650 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.88 Workshop 06/26/11 08/06/11 1.00 ANT102674 05/17/11 07/12/11 3.00 CCPR FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 IDS101377 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL104375 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ESL PLCMNT 05/30/11 08/12/11 2.50 ESL PLACEMENT 06/01/11 12/17/11 11.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 Phys Ed 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 64.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 92.00 BIO207503LAB 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 APLPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 3.67 Counselor 05/16/11 08/12/11 2.00 BIO111650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO111603 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 PE 161301 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.50 PE 161302 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.50 Faculty Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 2.00 SUBSTITUTE20112007/27/11 08/19/11 3.00 MTH140503 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS201650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS202650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC110650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 AHCED CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 13.70 RdgLabTutor 06/06/11 08/12/11 257.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 MTH030540 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030542 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Substitute 07/11/11 08/18/11 4.00 COM101S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 3.50 MTH020451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030453 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 FRE101401 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 BLW201602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH185301 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH160C350 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH154451 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH144450 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 ENG053402 06/14/11 07/29/11 12.00 ENG053402 06/14/11 08/26/11 2.50 ENG070450 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.89 ENG080450 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.89 -7- Amount Paid $904.00 $904.00 $75.00 $2,034.24 $4,765.45 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $1,814.88 $378.00 $2,712.32 $216.00 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $1,274.79 $50.00 $2,034.24 $135.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $55.00 $286.00 $750.00 $806.08 $252.00 $60.52 $1,152.00 $1,472.00 $901.85 $2,485.16 $1,998.40 $4,325.85 $4,325.85 $2,722.32 $2,722.32 $150.00 $75.00 $2,325.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $3,100.16 $452.10 $4,248.21 $360.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $100.00 $2,738.88 $87.50 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,712.32 $2,997.12 $3,024.80 $2,419.84 $2,712.32 $3,390.40 $750.00 $156.25 $1,960.07 $1,960.07 Name Guilfoy, Daniel W Guldalian, Sarah Elizabeth Gusdorf, Dorine Renee Hafezi, Bella Hagan, Marilyn Kay Hagan, Oliver L Hall, Gloria J Hall, Janessa D Hallermann, Charleen T Halsband, Donna L Hammond, Michaella Anne Hanewinkel, Katherine I Hankins, Mary Lee Hankinson, Chad A Hany, Kimberly Louise Hapner, Barry N Harder, Keith E Harmon, Amy E Harris, Robert L Harris, Sharon Ruth Harrison, Kenneth E Hartin, Liesa A Harvey, Caitlin Marie Harvey, Martha Elizabeth Hatton, John F Hawley, George R Heck, Theresa Elizabeth Heckmann, Jean Frances Helle, Nancy A Heller, Annette P Helton, Daniel J Henderson, Martha Lee Henson, Dennis Ray Hepner, Michael R Herdlick, John D Hernandez, Leslie S Herron, Glenda S Herzog, David L Higgins, Donna Lynne Higgins, Nancy Ann Higgins, Stephanie Hill, Elke A Hindman, Alida Anne Hirssig, Gary James Hodges, Peggy Lee Hoefel, Briann O 12/21/11 Loc CC CC W W FP M FV FV FV FP M M M CC FP CC W W FP FP CC FV FV FV W W W FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FV FV FP FP CC CC M M M M M M FV FV FV CC FV W W CC FP FP CC W M FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PERD D-CE 06/03/11 08/12/11 6.00 NPAD DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.00 PHL101302 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL104301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/16/11 08/12/11 6.30 ART152601 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 ECO140502 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 FOOD FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.00 PSY200550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/30/11 3.00 PRD122699 07/11/11 07/15/11 1.00 ENG1026WD 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PE 181603 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 REAL DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 PSC101450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CAMPDCE 08/03/11 08/20/11 15.00 HST1013W1 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST1053W1 05/17/11 08/06/11 12.00 PE 180475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART100401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUSN DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 ENG1035WE 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG1035WD 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG2135XA 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PE 181368 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 181338 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PED116350 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 181403 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.21 ENG020404 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 RdgLabTutor 06/06/11 08/12/11 205.00 RDG020402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 DHY 215 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BRID FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 Rest/Hospitality Mgt 06/28/11 08/12/11 6.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 ESL Coord 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 MTH140405 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH140404 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BUSN DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 RANGE AIDE-DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 21.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 3.64 ART101S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CRJ124674 05/17/11 12/17/11 3.09 CRJ207S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CRJ124HON 07/11/11 08/05/11 1.00 MTH160C603 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ECE125574 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE102531 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE102530 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUSN DCE 05/17/11 08/20/11 4.50 MGT204574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 COM107302 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM101374 05/17/11 08/06/11 1.00 NPAD DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 08/12/11 0.60 ENG030451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CFKD DCE 07/24/11 08/20/11 24.75 PE 130302 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 49.75 DIT106501 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.40 DIT209501 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.40 -8- Amount Paid $138.00 $116.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $5,632.20 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $378.00 $2,034.24 $249.00 $83.00 $2,034.24 $1,033.92 $145.00 $2,325.12 $345.00 $2,325.12 $996.00 $2,682.00 $2,034.00 $198.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,192.00 $1,192.00 $1,192.00 $1,080.25 $1,814.88 $3,388.66 $2,682.24 $2,997.12 $216.00 $150.00 $775.04 $775.04 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $165.00 $152.25 $2,819.79 $2,682.24 $2,094.24 $2,034.24 $83.00 $3,576.32 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $148.50 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $83.00 $135.00 $363.12 $2,034.24 $179.44 $904.00 $711.43 $1,627.39 $271.23 Name Hoffman, Beverly Lake Holland, Kara Susanne Holland, Steven W Holtzer, Dan R Honnold, Adrianne L Hoppe, Bradley Robert Horner, Mary E Hossin, Omar J Hotle, Dana F Hotze, Pamela Evon Howard, Michael Joseph Howe, Joseph W Howell, Nicole M Hoyer, Kendell Lynn Hritzkowin, Nicholas J Hubbard, Korie Donnell Hubbman, Yvette Joneen Hughes, Martha R Hunn, Jonathan William Hurt, Debra A Hyman, Cherie M Irby, Roby B Ivery, Judy Ann Jablon-Bernstein, Moira M Jackson, Christina Ann Jackson, Joseph W Jackson-Potter, Jessica Nicole James, Anna Kathleen James, David Michael Jamison, Michael T Jansen, Charlene S Jasper, Geraldine A Jayaweera, Henry Bernard Jeep, Robert T Jewell, Deanna Sue Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, David Art Johnson, Frank Walter Johnson, William F Johnson-Stephenson, Maria M Johny, John Mulavana Jones, Allen W Jones, Darren Bruce 12/21/11 Loc CC FP FP FP FP W M CC W FP M M W M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M W FP FP FP FV M M FV FP CC FP M FP FV FV FV FV FP FV CC CC M M M CC FP FP M FP FP FP CC FP FV M CC M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ARTS D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 HonorsSummer 06/06/11 12/10/11 1.00 ART275401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Librarian 05/23/11 08/12/11 4.76 MTH020406 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MUS128374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MUS128674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 COM107301 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.33 MUS114S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE200601 06/06/11 06/30/11 0.00 BIO111302 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH177650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.30 MTH020520 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO111550lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 BIO111502lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 MTH020505 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH020501 06/06/11 06/30/11 1.12 MTH020551 06/06/11 06/30/11 1.12 Workshop 06/26/11 08/06/11 1.00 ANT102647 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ANT102374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MUS103401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MUS114474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/27/11 09/09/11 3.00 PSY205550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO207602 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO208650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 GEDU FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 48.00 PE137137402 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 RANGE AIDE-DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 7.00 PED116401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 4.63 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.71 MTH020541 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH108551 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH020504 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH040550 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 ECO151550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M 07/01/11 08/12/11 13.46 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 ESL PLACEMENT 06/01/11 12/17/11 27.50 ENG070601 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 ESL PLCMNT 05/30/11 08/12/11 26.00 PEDU DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 RDG030H01 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 3.00 PHL112674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PE 162163401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 162163450 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 162163402 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.27 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.00 HMS100475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SPA201550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.88 MTH186650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 BUSS DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.00 PE 132 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.79 FITCordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 -9- Amount Paid $810.00 $83.00 $2,712.00 $3,229.00 $1,814.88 $2,325.12 $2,034.24 $360.00 $2,034.24 $201.52 $2,325.12 $0.00 $2,997.12 $3,996.16 $786.76 $2,325.12 $804.59 $804.59 $1,814.88 $680.58 $680.58 $50.00 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $75.00 $2,682.24 $2,936.08 $2,936.08 $1,296.00 $1,033.92 $50.75 $904.00 $3,135.75 $431.21 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $3,390.40 $60.52 $2,997.12 $444.18 $396.00 $715.00 $2,241.12 $572.00 $360.00 $1,742.88 $249.00 $2,034.24 $1,033.92 $1,033.92 $985.45 $144.00 $2,034.24 $3,996.16 $3,100.16 $330.00 $2,307.37 $1,104.00 Name Jones, Donald L Jones, Ronald L Jones, Sarah Elizabeth Jorgensen-Zidar, Nikole S Joyce, Sherry G Juhlin, DaNae Lynn Kacer, Karen Faye Kahn, Dency B Kaiser, Jane Bokamper Kalyanaraman, Somasundaram Kalz, Kristen Michelle Kammerer, Robert R Kauffmann, Kelly Jean Kavanaugh, Thomas Patrick Kelly, J Kevin Kennison, Richard D Kerlagon, Kathleen A Kern, Laura A Kerr, Bob Ketcherside, Gary L Kettler, Rebecca Kidder, Robin L Kiddoo, Kristin Leigh Kim, Hwang Y Kimzey, Kristie A Kimzey, Satoko K Kincy, James C Kinder, David Edgar King, Brittany Rose Kinney, Johnna D Kinslow, James Mayfield Kirk, Brian Matthew Kissinger, Susan Harshaw Kitt, Robert L Kizart, Claudean Klearman, Melvin Klein, Bonnie J Kleyboecker, Bonnie N Klinkerman, Brenda S Klug, Melanie Jean Knight, Paul D 12/21/11 Loc CC FP M FV FV FP FP FP CC CC FP M M FP FP FP M M M CC M M CC FP FP M CC M M W W W CC FP FP M M FV FP CC FP M M FP FV FV FP FP FP FP CC FV FP FP FV FP FP CC W CC M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 93.50 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.66 ENG1026WC 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO208501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BIO208501lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.54 Substitute 05/25/11 08/12/11 3.50 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 AH/CE ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.09 AH/CE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 Librarian 05/23/11 08/12/11 7.35 Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 2.83 ART131602 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.67 BIO111459Lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 BIO111450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO111448Lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 SOC1016W5 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 SOC101602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 SOC101604 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 Substitute 06/13/11 08/12/11 2.00 PE 105601 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 47.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.50 ART131401 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 PE 130 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.12 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 ACC100601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 5.75 HST1013W1 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 HST102374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 51.25 SPA102401 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.33 PSY200601 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 PSY200676 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 7.00 ENG053450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 FLJP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 16.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.20 PHY111603 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.63 PHY112601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 EMS Adj 06/27/11 07/30/11 1.20 PE 173502 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 PE 130504 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 KIDS704H06 06/06/11 07/30/11 124.25 PE 130404 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 Substitute 06/22/11 07/30/11 3.00 PE 130403 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/26/11 16.00 ART165551 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 RDG013404 06/06/11 07/30/11 16.00 RDG012404 06/06/11 07/30/11 32.00 PEDU FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.50 DMS213401 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.25 DMS212450 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 DANC D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.25 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 PSY205650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 -10- Amount Paid $1,963.50 $400.04 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $1,030.80 $2,539.43 $87.50 $60.52 $52.96 $870.00 $4,983.30 $2,822.74 $1,612.16 $1,030.80 $3,355.93 $1,030.80 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $360.00 $44.00 $806.08 $930.00 $62.50 $2,418.24 $2,118.13 $810.00 $2,325.12 $3,898.50 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $922.50 $3,996.16 $201.52 $3,100.16 $2,325.12 $175.00 $2,325.12 $432.00 $121.04 $558.80 $4,470.40 $726.24 $1,104.00 $1,104.00 $2,857.75 $904.00 $66.00 $904.00 $432.00 $3,101.76 $498.08 $996.16 $99.00 $5,587.51 $1,192.00 $108.00 $106.25 $252.00 $2,325.12 Name Knobloch, Christian Ian Mark Koehler, Charles H Koehr, Marilyn Elizabeth Koeneker, John B Koenig, Courtney P Kolker, Ruth K Kootz, Jamie Rae Kopp, Patricia Ann Korbesmeyer, Bruce Korkaric, Huso Korte, Jennifer Lynn Kosednar, Priscilla A Kosfeld, Minh Tam Do Koshak, Karen D Krausch, Ronald W Krause, Joan B Kravitz, Rebecca S Kretschmer, Curtis Scott Krownapple, Michael Martin Kruescheck, Nancee L Kuhlman, Elaine M Kumthekar, Shraddha Mahesh Kungu, George Boro Kuschel, Diane Gale Kuseliauskas, Melissa Kay Kusto, Accalia Rae Kyle, Marcel A Ladd, Kathy L LaGarce, Charles Gratiot LaGrone, John E Lakebrink, Kelly Leigh Lambert-Gardiner, Mary J Lambing, Eric J Landis, Bryan H Lane, Graham Loyd Lange, Margaret M LaPorte, Michelle Lynn Larko, Melissa A Larson, Judy C Leap, James M 12/21/11 Loc FV FV CC FP FP FP M CC FP FP FP CC M M M M M M W W W FP FP M M M M CC FP CC FP FP FP FV FV CC FP W FP M M M M CC M M FP CC FV FV CC FP FP M M M M FP FP M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG030550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG030505 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 TRIP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 ENG101451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101406 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MTH030451 05/24/11 06/23/11 3.00 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 18.50 ARTS D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 Substitute 06/08/11 08/12/11 3.00 PE 130405 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.21 PE 130410 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.21 CFK SUPV/MC 05/17/11 08/12/11 56.50 ECO151604 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO152S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 ECO151S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH186S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 COM107605 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/22/11 2.50 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 11.00 Faculty Development 07/25/11 08/30/11 1.00 Mth Project 05/31/11 06/30/11 40.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 Clin Lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 PED116601 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 130 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 AquaCoor 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.30 PED116651 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 MUSC D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 24.00 CCPR 765 06/06/11 06/30/11 2.00 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 Substitute 05/25/11 08/12/11 3.00 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.17 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.33 PSY205502 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY205503 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HORT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.50 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 HIT213450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC1016W2 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC1016W3 05/17/11 06/25/11 3.00 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.50 PSY205602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ARTS D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 32.00 ART109668 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 AT 100601 05/17/11 06/11/11 1.33 SPA101450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 9.00 MTH020502 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH040501 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 CRJS DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 29.00 CHM101421 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 ART116401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 IRT174695 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 IRT174695 05/17/11 06/03/11 0.97 IRT172695 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 IRT172695 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 BIO111H01 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.33 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.30 IS 205674 05/17/11 07/30/11 4.00 HIT103474 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 -11- Amount Paid $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $105.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $264.55 $810.00 $66.00 $819.25 $819.25 $904.00 $2,325.12 $2,241.12 $2,325.12 $2,712.32 $2,034.24 $62.50 $275.00 $50.00 $690.40 $83.00 $775.44 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $648.00 $66.00 $66.00 $75.00 $1,043.00 $201.52 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $67.50 $452.00 $125.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $207.35 $2,034.24 $864.00 $2,712.00 $904.00 $3,100.16 $162.00 $2,034.24 $3,390.40 $841.00 $5,324.89 $3,576.00 $1,550.08 $775.04 $1,550.08 $775.04 $2,936.08 $181.56 $3,576.32 $1,788.16 Name Learman, Mark D Lee, Tiffany B Lehocky, Daniel Leroy Leick, James A Leifheit, Rhonda K Leinauer, Kathryn A Lenox, Roy E Leroux-Wende, Gina Lynn Lesh, James Scott Levine, Douglas L Lewis, Bonnie L Lewis, Robert Light, Greg Lindberg, Anne Janine Lindmark, Richard John Lindor, Rodney Lindsay, Jason Gene Louis Lipic, Gayle A Lizorty, Ronald J Lochmann, William James Lodato, Theodora L Lombardo, Elizabeth M Long, Gregory D Long, Sean Michael LoPiccolo, Amy E Lord, Robert Joseph Louder, Jessica Lynn Crews Love, Joseph J Luna Zapiain, Silvia Margarita Maag, Colin B Mack, Cindy J Mackay, Sadie Elise Macke, John E Maclin, Margorie Jean Maddox, Teri Lee Mahan, Christopher L Maines, Laylonda S Maixner, Diane M Maize, Kathy J Malique, Ismail Al Malone, Rodney S Manning, Scott D Manson, James E 12/21/11 Loc FV FP W W M CC CC CC FP M FV FP FP CC FV CC CC CC FP FP FP M FV FV FV CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FV M CC CC CC FP FP CC M M CC FP M FP FP W W W M M M M FV FV M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 3.60 COM101H02 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL101374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL101375 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART275695 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 PERD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.00 HOME D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 22.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.20 PE 153650 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 PSC101551 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH020409 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 KIDS704H05 05/16/11 06/30/11 88.50 CAMP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 7.50 CAMP FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 15.00 MED/COORD. 07/01/11 08/01/11 3.00 AH/CE ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.15 AH/CE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 TC EQUIP 05/18/11 09/09/11 0.10 CTCR INSTR 05/18/11 09/09/11 42.06 TC COOR 05/18/11 09/09/11 23.19 ART111636 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 CHM106501lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 CHM106lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 CHM101503 06/06/11 07/16/11 5.33 DANC D-CE 05/23/11 08/12/11 6.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.70 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.12 ART240501 06/06/11 07/30/11 64.00 AT 208561 06/06/11 07/30/11 64.00 AT 212501 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.50 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 2.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 3.00 PHL1034WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 KIDS FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 ACC100650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ARTS D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 RANGE AIDE-DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.00 SENR D-CE 05/17/11 08/20/11 2.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.30 ENG1024WD 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 9.00 PE 118651 06/20/11 06/22/11 1.33 PE 118650 06/13/11 06/15/11 1.33 CAMP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 33.00 EMS Adj 06/27/11 07/30/11 0.40 GEO1006SA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG070401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MCM113401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH186301 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH186350 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 3.75 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.00 BIO208602 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO207S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 ACC213695 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 QC 212551 05/17/11 05/28/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 5.50 PHL101603 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 08/12/11 0.20 IS 123450 06/06/11 07/06/11 1.00 -12- Amount Paid $2,440.80 $2,034.24 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $3,576.00 $216.00 $162.00 $726.00 $121.04 $1,209.12 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $2,212.50 $202.50 $405.00 $300.00 $90.78 $990.00 $60.53 $1,387.98 $14,027.51 $2,712.00 $901.85 $901.85 $3,614.17 $108.00 $423.64 $872.37 $995.84 $995.84 $1,938.60 $50.00 $249.00 $2,997.12 $36.00 $2,325.12 $300.00 $101.50 $50.00 $181.56 $2,034.24 $225.00 $806.08 $806.08 $825.00 $242.08 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $3,576.32 $3,576.32 $93.75 $100.00 $2,936.08 $2,936.08 $2,682.24 $2,325.12 $137.50 $2,034.24 $121.04 $775.04 Name Marchbanks, Robert A Marcinko, Linda L Marcy, Melanie Elizabeth Markova, Kamelia Penkova Martin, Leonard Kent Martin, Mary E Martin, Steven Robert Mashibini, Deborah L Mathenia, Amanda Jolenta Mathews, Roselyn R Mathis, Janet Lynn Matthews, Ann Christine Matyi, Timothy Maxwell, Kevin McAllister, Kevin M McArthur, Constance E McBride, Linda K McConaghy, Elizabeth Cundiff McConkey, Kenneth Roger McDevitt, William Dale McDowell, Lynda M McGhee, Mark T McGowan, Ruth Ann McGuffin, Dorothy B McMeans, Katherine Susan McMillen, Donna M McNutt, Karol Anne Mcsparin, Brett E Meade, Dennis G Meechai, Ann K Meenach, Dean C Meredith, Kimberly A Mertz, Kristen D Meser, John Edward Michaelis, Dale H Michaelis-Cobb, Cherie B Miederhoff, Marilyn K Mignin, Erin Nicole Miller, Jeffrey Miller, Thi Tran Mimlitz, Edward J Mincher, Amanda Lynn Mines, Thomas E Mishra, Pranav K Misra, Bishnupriya 12/21/11 Loc CC FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FP CC FP FV FP FP CC FV CC M FV M M FV FV FV FV CC FP CC W CC M M M FP FP FP CC CC FP CC CC CC FV FV FP FP CC CC FP M FP CC M FV FV FP CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ANIM D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 16.00 HRM128402 05/17/11 07/30/11 3.00 PE 130 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 BIO203450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.64 BIO203448 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.64 MCM202401 05/18/11 06/10/11 1.00 MCM201403 05/18/11 06/10/11 2.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.33 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.50 ENG101407 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART115401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 HEAL D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 DMS203401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.75 FLSP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 38.00 RTH131401&2 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.67 ENG1025XI 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 Class Vis 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 GEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 63.50 Substitute 05/17/11 08/14/11 3.75 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 40.00 PE 126601 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 CHM105501 06/06/11 07/16/11 5.33 MTH030608 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH210602 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 CorrectionOneTime Pay 08/06/11 K598458 08/20/11 1.00 MTH030541 06/20/11 07/30/11 1.01 MTH020540 06/20/11 07/30/11 1.01 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 2.78 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 Faculty Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 2.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 40.00 ESL PLCMNT 05/30/11 08/12/11 5.00 ESL PLACEMENT 06/01/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG080650 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 ENG053401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG061402 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.33 PERD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.00 RANGE AIDE-DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.00 Med Director 05/18/11 08/13/11 4.55 AHCEADJ 07/01/11 08/12/11 0.09 AHCEDCE 07/01/11 08/12/11 34.00 MEDDIR 07/01/11 08/12/11 2.00 EE 110550 05/17/11 07/26/11 4.00 EE111550201130 08/02/11 10/27/11 4.00 RDG030433 05/17/11 06/25/11 0.75 RDG020H02 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 CPRR ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.04 CPRR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 13.50 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.13 HST102S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM101451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CRFT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.50 PE 133S80 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 ENG030503 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CHM101501 06/06/11 07/16/11 5.33 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 08/14/11 24.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 -13- Amount Paid $288.00 $2,325.12 $604.56 $3,146.29 $3,146.30 $83.00 $166.00 $200.02 $300.03 $2,034.24 $2,712.00 $54.00 $2,907.90 $1,026.00 $1,808.00 $2,034.24 $516.96 $25.00 $1,714.50 $93.75 $720.00 $806.08 $4,765.44 $2,034.24 $3,390.40 $3,092.00 $778.92 $778.92 $2,772.78 $810.00 $516.96 $162.00 $150.00 $720.00 $110.00 $26.00 $2,490.24 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $200.02 $168.00 $101.50 $150.15 $54.53 $1,122.00 $300.00 $3,996.15 $4,117.13 $508.56 $2,034.24 $22.71 $445.50 $681.61 $2,034.24 $2,997.12 $81.00 $1,192.00 $1,814.88 $5,324.88 $363.12 $324.00 Name Mitchell, Odell Mitchell, Pacquita H Mittendorf, Deborah Ann Mittler, Charles C Mockobey, Jean F Moeller, Michelene C Moore, Daniel B Moore, David A Moore, Michael R Moraru, Natalia Constantine Morey, Janet R Morgan, Mary Fulcher Morris, Brandon D Morris, Sandra E Mosby, Timothy C Moser, Grace Wade Moss, Robert Spencer Motta, Denise K Mounts, Jason Andrew Mozelewski, Ronald A Muehling, Janet M Mueller, Jenna Lee Muldoon, Peggy J Murray, Robin R Myers, Sara Jade Nadal, Cecilia Alfreda Nadler, Joel Lynn Neal, Ashley Alyson Neels, Mark A Negash, Efrem O Neil, Darlene H Newcomb, Steven D Niemeyer, Candace Lynn Niere, Guy Robert Nored, Rechell Renee Northern, Rebecca Ann 12/21/11 Loc FP FP FP FP CC FV FV FV FP FP M FP FP FP M M W FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M CC CC W W FV FV FV FP FP M M FV FP M M M M W W W M FP FP FV FP FP CC FV FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ART172450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Substitute 06/10/11 08/12/11 7.50 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.02 ANT102474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 99.75 HUMAN SERV/FV 07/11/11 07/15/11 3.00 HMS204501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 HMS202501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ILC 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 ART204402 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 PE 130 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 BIO207423Lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 BIO207451 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO208423Lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 ESL PLCMNT 05/30/11 08/12/11 8.00 ESL PLACEMENT 06/01/11 12/17/11 11.00 PSY200302 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/08/11 08/12/11 3.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 5.79 PE 130509 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 PE 130508 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 130551 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 HST101502 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101503 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 LGL232695 07/19/11 07/30/11 1.00 PE 181601 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 PE 181602 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 182602 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 181650 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 181650 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.00 Lifeguard D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 84.60 ECO151375 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO152375 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030504 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.91 MTH030506 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.81 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 6.18 COM101450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM101401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 LGL108695 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 LGL228695 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 CCPR FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.00 HMS102402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY205678 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY208675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Workshop 06/26/11 08/06/11 1.00 PSY208676 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Faculty Development 07/25/11 08/30/11 1.00 Faculty Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 2.00 MTH030301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030H01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH020H01 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 ECE101550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EMT121401 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 Counselor 05/16/11 08/12/11 6.50 ECOL D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.00 ECOL FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 XRT116401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.38 XRT215401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.38 -14- Amount Paid $2,418.24 $187.50 $1,019.94 $2,997.12 $2,094.75 $249.00 $822.08 $822.08 $1,550.88 $2,418.24 $678.00 $1,189.12 $3,871.36 $1,189.12 $176.00 $286.00 $2,997.12 $66.00 $3,923.94 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $999.04 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $270.00 $803.70 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $1,758.16 $1,701.45 $4,186.65 $2,998.37 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $290.00 $2,682.24 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $50.00 $2,997.12 $50.00 $150.00 $1,814.88 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,245.12 $2,925.12 $3,024.80 $6,494.80 $84.00 $84.00 $60.52 $3,911.25 $3,911.25 Name Loc Nowacki, Kelly Ann M M W CC CC CC FP FP CC W CC M FV FP FP CC FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV M FV M FP FP FP W W W W FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP CC CC FV FV FP FP CC FP CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV Nuetzel, Michele Louise O'Connell, Shannon Patricia O'Connor, Patrick Joseph O'Keefe, Florence Elizabeth O'Neill, Cheryl O Oakes, Jordan Mitchell Oakley, Mark H Ochonicky, Michelle Ann Ohmer, Roberta M ONeal, Michael E Oneil, Michael J Opela, Stephanie Michelle Ott, Diana Ott, Gregory J Owen, Jacob Benjamin Owen, Thomas Joseph Owens, Joseph E Owulette, Ernest Paddock, Grace Elizabeth Palank, Robert F Pape, Dana Lauren Parran, Herbert Sylvester Patino, Sara Nelly Patton, Michael Francis Patty, Mark Richard Paul, Lori L Pauley, Mark M Pearson, Todd A Peebles, Paul Demetrius Penfold, Edwin P Pennycuick, Mark T Pepple, Kim P Perry, John H Perry, Talya Renee Peters, Austin Alexander Peters, Thomas J Peterson, Kimberly G Petty, Douglass Phillips, Roxanne M Pikey, Carol A 12/21/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute 05/18/11 08/12/11 29.00 PTA105650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.67 Faculty Develpment 07/25/11 08/30/11 1.00 Lifeguard D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 91.50 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 STPATS/GED 05/17/11 08/12/11 36.00 MTH020407 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH040402 06/06/11 07/16/11 5.00 WRIT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 36.00 ART109336 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 HORT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 36.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 3.33 Substitute 06/12/11 08/12/11 4.00 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 ECE127475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M 08/03/11 08/20/11 10.50 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 HonorsSummer 06/06/11 09/30/11 1.00 MTH170450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH210450 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 CHM105650 06/06/11 07/01/11 2.64 CHM105650 07/24/11 08/06/11 2.69 ART111639 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.02 MTH140542 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030502 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH030S51 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS103574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.25 PE165166401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 181402 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 181401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 ECO151302 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO151374 05/17/11 08/06/11 1.00 ECO151350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO151301 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 1.50 PHY122501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH108501` 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO207550lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 BIO207550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ART107650 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.67 IDS201474 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 CPDV DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.00 DVTW DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 9.67 ENG030504 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG030506 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/02/11 08/12/11 6.75 CUL101448 05/17/11 07/16/11 1.00 RMGT DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 2.00 CFKD DCE 07/24/11 08/20/11 41.25 BIO207421Lab 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 BIO207421422 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 BIO207422Lab 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 BIO208450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 Counselor 05/16/11 08/12/11 4.56 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 7.00 Art Gallery 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.50 CPRR FV ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.01 -15- Amount Paid $725.00 $2,825.17 $50.00 $881.16 $360.00 $972.00 $2,034.24 $3,390.40 $900.00 $3,101.76 $972.00 $2,254.36 $100.00 $60.52 $2,325.12 $220.50 $83.00 $83.00 $2,034.24 $3,390.40 $1,789.71 $1,878.27 $3,594.63 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $217.31 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $2,682.24 $83.00 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $37.50 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $1,328.72 $2,997.12 $2,664.32 $3,100.16 $605.20 $232.00 $319.11 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $168.75 $999.04 $396.00 $166.00 $299.06 $1,189.13 $3,576.32 $1,189.13 $3,871.36 $60.52 $4,558.85 $175.00 $1,162.56 $7.57 Name Pisoni, John C Pitchford, Duane C Pitchford, Stanley Lamar Pittenger, Jeffery E Pittman, Dwight D Pohlmann, Gary A Popp, Dolph Christian Popp, Tamara E Porter, James Michael Porter, John P Portman, Gale Rublee Pratte, Cheryl D Preston, Sonja Michelle Prifti, Norma J Pritchett, Gerri R Puricelli, Stephanie M Quarles, Olivia J M Quinn, Margaret A Quinn, Thomas Gerard Ratino, Kathlyn S Rauch, William L Ray, Isadore Reaves, Florence A Redler, Melanie M Reed, Elizabeth Topham Reed, Laura Jean Reid, Christopher C Reidel, Amy N Reitan, Eric A Relerford, Linda Darnell Renz, James B Ribaudo, Ann E Richardson, Carol J Richardson, Mariah Lavelda Richter, Elizabeth Rose Richter, Phyllis T 12/21/11 Loc FV CC CC FP FP FP M M M FP FP FV FV FV FV CC M M CC FV M CC M CC M FV M FP CC FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M FP FP CC FV FV FV M FV FV M W W FP M M M FP CC CC M FP CC CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CPRR FV PRI 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 AH/CH DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 37.00 AH/CE ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.10 CTCR INSTRUCT 05/18/11 09/09/11 30.00 TC COORD 05/18/11 09/09/11 17.19 TC EQUIP 05/18/11 09/09/11 0.08 ESL PLCMNT 05/30/11 08/12/11 5.50 ESL PLACEMENT 06/01/11 12/17/11 7.00 ENG061651 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ILC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 IS 101474 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ENGLISH/FV 08/07/11 08/20/11 1.00 MTH160C514 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH020542 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MATH/FV 06/27/11 07/30/11 1.82 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 50.00 MUS128S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MUS128601 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 3.38 MTH140S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 NURS DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.50 ART109636 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.00 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 7.00 DANC FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 PLB D-CE 05/17/11 06/12/11 73.00 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.73 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 16.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.50 PE 105502 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 105501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 HMS201401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 HMS100401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HonorsSummer 06/06/11 12/10/11 3.00 IS 109674 06/06/11 06/26/11 1.00 PSY205681 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY200S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM107474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM1204WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 18.00 MTH140504 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH140501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE 07/06/11 08/12/11 1.50 Substitute 06/26/11 07/09/11 1.00 GEDU FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 48.00 ENG1025XL 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CHM101S97 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 SPA102301 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 SPA101301 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ART100404 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL104SX1 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.49 IDS101S05 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 PHL101SX1 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CCPR 765 06/06/11 06/30/11 2.00 MUSC D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 260.50 MCM102674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IDS101402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 CFKD DCE 08/05/11 09/03/11 3.00 CAMP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 33.00 -16- Amount Paid $165.00 $1,221.00 $60.54 $990.00 $10,397.77 $45.41 $121.00 $182.00 $2,997.12 $999.12 $999.04 $83.00 $2,712.32 $2,034.24 $1,271.40 $900.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $360.00 $2,288.25 $2,034.24 $181.50 $3,996.48 $200.00 $100.10 $216.00 $1,327.88 $1,340.87 $528.00 $12.50 $806.08 $806.08 $894.08 $2,682.24 $249.00 $604.96 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $486.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $37.50 $25.00 $1,200.00 $2,034.24 $4,130.97 $3,996.16 $3,996.16 $2,034.00 $2,490.11 $1,245.12 $2,997.12 $58.00 $300.00 $5,470.50 $2,997.12 $2,682.24 $69.00 $825.00 Name Riedisser, Janice M Riess, John F Rieves, Denise C Risch, Jeffrey M Ritzka, Gerard James Robben, Keith Bernard Roberts, Lin M Roesslein, Timothy J Rogers, Joseph Patrick Rogers, Larry P Roiger, Helene A Romeo, John E Romero, Linda Ann Romo, Dana Maria Rooney, Patricia Ann Rose, Catherine C Roseman, Stephen Edward Rosen, Adrienne Rosener, Russell John Ross, Laura Guyer Rudis, Niloufar Morshed Ruh, Polly Parker Rundquist, James Michael Rush, Nicholas A Russell, Janine R Russell, Lawrence P Russell, Rita D Ryan, Jennifer Lauren Sabharwal, Chander Lekha Sabharwal, Surinder K Saccavino, Alex V Salomon, Mary Ann Salsgiver, William John Sanchez, Andrew Sanders, David T Sanvito, B Alice Saurage, Judith Lynn Savoca, Diane L Savoye, Craig Fitzhugh Schmisseur, Amber M Schneider, Ann Teresa 12/21/11 Loc FP FP M M M CC FV FV FV FV FP FP W M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M CC W M FV CC CC FV FV M M CC CC M M CC FV FV M W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV M M CC FV CC M W M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PAR21269B 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 PAR20269B 06/06/11 07/30/11 8.00 PHY111602 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 MTH140651 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHY111601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.96 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 PT Faculty BTOP 07/18/11 12/23/11 521.50 BUS201550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO140574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO140575 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 SOC101H02 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 COM101301 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ENG101650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 123474 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ILC 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 Librarian 05/23/11 08/12/11 6.95 EMT121450 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 NUR LAB 05/18/11 06/11/11 0.67 EMS Adjunct 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.97 PAR22769A 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 26.00 GED DCE 06/28/11 08/12/11 10.00 ART100374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART100650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DCS115501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BUSN DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 25.50 AT 212501 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.50 ART27557A 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MUS114674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 92.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 195.00 HORT D-CE 06/09/11 08/12/11 2.00 PE 180674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PE 130 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 GEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 47.50 PHY111501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 WRIT FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 28.00 MTH030S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH108401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH165450 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 MTH166450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 TH 115401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 THT101401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MCM130471 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DMS203401 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.67 BIO203602 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.66 BIO203650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.66 GNSF FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 ECO101603 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO151602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HEAL D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 11.00 CCPR FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.00 Retreat 06/12/11 06/25/11 1.00 Faculty Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 COM101609 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.60 -17- Amount Paid $604.96 $4,839.68 $1,550.08 $2,325.12 $4,640.55 $198.00 $16,166.50 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,742.88 $83.00 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $678.08 $1,356.00 $6,213.31 $1,209.92 $516.96 $1,191.95 $2,419.84 $396.51 $140.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $330.00 $637.50 $2,497.80 $3,996.48 $2,034.24 $1,403.00 $4,095.00 $42.00 $2,034.00 $678.00 $1,187.50 $2,997.12 $644.00 $1,814.88 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $1,245.12 $2,997.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $5,169.60 $3,159.86 $3,159.86 $90.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $297.00 $66.00 $264.00 $800.00 $75.00 $2,034.24 $363.12 Name Schneider, Douglas E Schott, Christopher R Schrader, Diann J Schuermann, Carol S Schulte, Jeanne M Schwartz, Oscar A Sciaroni, Cynthia L Scott, Kimberly Marie Selders, Lynn R Shea, John M Shea, Marion C Shedd, Charles Philip Shell, Christina Marie Shepek, Gary D Shepherd, Edward A Sheppard, Patricia M Sherman, Gudrun Elisabeth Sherry, Jerome Paul Shiller, Alan H Shrinivas, Radha S Shuecraft, Steven W Siddens, Trisha Lynn Sigler, Danny R Silver, Margaret B Silver, Stephen Anthony Simmons, Karen L Simmons, Nancy R Simpson, Chana Maria Sinclair, Scott William Singleton, Timothy E Skala, John E Slaughter, Anne H Smith Brookins, Adrienne Carol Smith Piffel, Phyllis A Smith, Allan D 12/21/11 Loc CC CC CC W M W CC FV FV FP CC CC CC FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FP CC M M M M FP FP FP M FP FP CC CC CC FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv AHCEADJ 05/17/11 09/09/11 0.04 AHCEDCE 05/17/11 09/09/11 9.00 TRIP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 Faculty Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 MTH160CS51 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 EDU211301 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 CAMP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 33.00 KIDS SWIM 05/17/11 08/12/11 40.00 KIDS SCI 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 MED DIRECT 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 FOOD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.00 CTCR ADJ 05/17/11 08/12/11 0.04 CTCR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 19.50 CTCR ADJUNCT 08/01/11 09/03/11 0.05 CTCR INSTRUCTOR08/01/11 09/03/11 13.00 CCPRADJHEC 06/06/11 06/30/11 0.01 CCPR711H80 06/06/11 06/30/11 3.50 BUS201501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH020570 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS201575 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHL101650 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHL103603 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHL103650 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH140602 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ENG020403 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.81 ENG030406 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.81 MTH030404 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH030403 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MOTR MAINT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 3.00 ART107636 05/17/11 06/11/11 2.67 GER101601 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 ESL PLCMNT 05/30/11 08/12/11 16.00 COM107604 06/06/11 06/24/11 3.00 MTH140402 05/23/11 06/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/06/11 8.00 MTH160C403 05/23/11 06/30/11 4.00 SOC101S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 English - FP 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 128.50 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 39.75 GED DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 165.00 KIDS765H06 06/06/11 07/30/11 39.00 PgmCordin 06/06/11 06/30/11 2.00 LGL219639 06/06/11 06/30/11 1.20 PE 103402 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 Substitute 05/18/11 08/12/11 3.00 PE 103401 06/06/11 10/31/11 1.37 PHL103421 07/18/11 08/05/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 07/09/11 1.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 49.00 DHY142421 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.71 Substitute 05/25/11 08/14/11 4.00 RDG016403 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.99 RDG017403 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 RDG030452 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG030450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ARTS D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 100.00 Art - FP 06/06/11 12/17/11 12.00 Art - FP 06/06/11 08/01/11 0.49 -18- Amount Paid $23.37 $261.00 $105.00 $75.00 $2,712.32 $1,494.24 $825.00 $720.00 $750.00 $999.04 $270.00 $22.70 $643.50 $30.26 $429.00 $7.57 $115.50 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $1,701.45 $1,701.45 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $330.00 $2,067.84 $2,988.00 $352.00 $2,325.12 $2,997.12 $200.00 $3,996.16 $2,325.12 $125.00 $1,494.24 $2,698.50 $834.75 $2,583.90 $975.00 $2,542.08 $1,525.25 $806.08 $66.00 $827.49 $2,325.12 $83.00 $83.00 $882.00 $2,421.25 $100.00 $1,545.24 $775.04 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,700.00 $264.00 $387.72 Name Smith, Alverta L Smith, Dennis Alan Smith, Haden D Smith, James J Smith, Jeanne W S Smith, Jeffrey W Smith, Jennifer N Smith, Michelle Ann Smith, Patty Marie Smith, Stacia M Smith, Susan Clifford Smith, Tiffany Mayet Smith-Buckingham, Minnie M Sneed, Jane Snyder, Stephen D Sobieralski, Joseph B Sone, Stacy R Sotraidis, Sandra K Spaulding, Courtney Bradley Spears, Amanda J Spencer, Jamieson Spinks, Jeffrey P Sprinkle, Regina M Stanton, Tracey M Starkey, Gale Wesley Staryak, Paul Alexander Steenberg, Karl T Stephan Marino, Almut Stewart, Linda F Stewart, William K Stone, Charles D Stopsky, Fred Harold Storer, Christopher M Stowers, Janelle Antionette Strait, Gerry T Strait, Marlene A Strubberg, Tracy Lee Stuckey, Kimberly Lorraine Stygar, Elizabeth Frances Suchland, Colin E Sullivan, Kathleen Ann Sullivan, Maggie Ann Summers, Abbie Elizabeth 12/21/11 Loc FP FP CC FP FP M W W W W M M FP CC CC W W W FP FP W M M M FP M M W FV FV FP FP FP M FV FV CC FV CC FP CC CC M W FV FV FV CC CC CC CC CC M M M M M M M FV CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv SUBSTITUTION 06/06/11 12/17/11 4.83 ART245499 06/01/11 06/23/11 3.00 NURS DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 98.66 MTH160C451 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH160C450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ARC124650 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 Faculty Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 2.00 PHL103301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Faculty Development 07/25/11 08/30/11 1.00 MTH030350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Workshop 06/26/11 08/06/11 1.00 ECO151650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE105499SP 06/26/11 07/15/11 2.00 AHCEADJ 07/01/11 08/12/11 0.03 AHCEDCE 07/01/11 08/12/11 16.00 SOC101302 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG1023W5 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG1023W4 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ST 211401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.83 Surgical Technology -08/01/11 FP 08/12/11 51.00 MTH020301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL104602 05/29/11 07/09/11 3.00 ECO152650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO140650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DMS213401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.58 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 3.00 COM107603 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.00 PEDU FVCE 05/24/11 08/12/11 7.00 ENG1025XA 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Librarian 05/23/11 08/12/11 3.58 CTCR ADJ 08/01/11 09/03/11 0.01 CTCR INSTRUCTOR08/01/11 09/03/11 4.00 ECE105650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CHM206552 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.82 GNSF FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 7.00 GED MCE 06/06/11 07/09/11 58.75 RMGT FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.00 RMGT DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.75 CRJS DCE 06/27/11 08/12/11 8.00 RANGE AIDE-DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.00 Port Defense 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 HST102301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO208502 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.33 BIO207501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BIO207501lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 FED/GED 05/17/11 08/12/11 83.00 DANC D-CE 05/17/11 08/26/11 98.00 DANC D-CE 05/17/11 08/26/11 98.00 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/26/11 10.00 NURS DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 19.50 Workshop 06/26/11 08/06/11 1.00 SOC101605 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC1016W4 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC101X1 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC1016W8 05/17/11 06/25/11 3.00 SOC202674 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 PHL109601 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HST101501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M 08/03/11 08/20/11 15.50 -19- Amount Paid $106.26 $249.00 $3,255.78 $2,712.32 $2,712.32 $1,998.24 $150.00 $2,325.12 $50.00 $1,814.88 $50.00 $2,325.12 $166.00 $15.58 $528.00 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,457.83 $1,647.81 $1,814.88 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $957.22 $75.00 $2,325.12 $100.00 $126.00 $3,813.12 $3,196.05 $7.79 $132.00 $2,034.24 $2,812.30 $126.00 $1,107.44 $378.00 $324.00 $218.75 $232.00 $101.50 $50.00 $2,997.12 $2,619.48 $1,814.88 $804.59 $2,241.00 $1,764.00 $1,764.00 $270.00 $643.50 $50.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,742.88 $2,997.12 $2,325.12 $356.50 Name Surrette, Alonzo Suydam, Rycken S Sweet, Dustin L Swiderski, William G Swiener, Rita R Swindle, Monica Sydel Tabisaura, Rosa Taborn, Tyrone A Tackette, Roger D Taylor, Jennifer Lynn Temple, John Wesley Tepen, Erin N Teren, Lisa Anne Thomas, Steven Dean Thomas, William H Thompson, Marcia L Thumin, Ling J Tiedt, Linda J Tiggs, Ambre Nicole Timmermann, Karl Nicholas Tippett, Royce Crosby Tjaden, D Scott Tobler, Betty H Toledo, Sue A Toma, Terry Lynn Trares, Mary Patrice Trietley, Roger Stuart Trolinger, Amanda Elaine Trout, Kelly Ann Truong, Amanda Marie Turner, Bryan J Tyus, Shalonda Karletta Tyus, Vera Rose Ulrich, Virginia Unverferth, Donna M Usher, Ellen Nicole Vallely, John Anthony 12/21/11 Loc W W M M M W W W W CC W W M CC FP M M M M FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M W W FV FP FP FP M CC FV FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV CC FV FV FV FP FV CC FP FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PSC101302 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSC101301 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 3.00 MTH170602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030606 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS201301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO152301 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ECO152350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS201350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CRJS DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 16.00 PSY205350 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 PSY125338 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.88 ENG101603 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DANC D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.00 BLW101451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM101607 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140606 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH030605 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG102SWC 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030570 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030553 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MUS154401 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 MUS150448 05/17/11 06/10/11 2.00 MTH160C407 06/27/11 07/29/11 4.00 MTH140407 06/27/11 07/29/11 3.00 Substitute 07/06/11 07/28/11 3.00 MTH140502 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 0.70 PE 180601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PE 118652 06/20/11 06/26/11 1.33 PE 118350 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 106350 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 MCM130574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PE 130408 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 130409 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 180476 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART221601 06/06/11 07/30/11 96.00 CVTW DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 44.00 MKT203574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BUS104574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MGT101574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH140S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140S52 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 RdgLabTutor 06/06/11 08/12/11 88.00 RDG020403 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 RDG030404 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 IDS101474 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ART100403 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COMP ASST 06/16/11 08/12/11 31.00 RANGE AIDE-DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 28.00 PHY111501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHY111550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO111504LAB 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 ST 211401 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 RDG030505 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 DANC D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 18.00 MTH030402 05/23/11 06/24/11 3.00 MTH081401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG101452 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.84 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 3.00 -20- Amount Paid $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $75.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $528.00 $996.00 $1,878.19 $2,034.24 $252.00 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $2,712.32 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $1,209.92 $1,209.92 $2,712.32 $2,034.24 $75.00 $2,997.12 $699.44 $3,807.36 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $2,034.24 $904.00 $904.00 $2,034.00 $2,324.16 $1,452.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $83.00 $1,454.65 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $372.00 $203.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $901.85 $1,356.00 $2,997.12 $324.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $2,204.02 $75.00 Name Vareedayah, Mariadhaso Vaughn, Ronald Lee Vedamuthu, Mary Selvi Velten, Gail Appelbaum Vigil, Anamaria V Vinson, Annette Lorraine Vitullo, Angelo George Von Der Ahe, Yvonne M Vroman, Paul J Wahoski, Christopher David Wahoski, Stephanie L Wallace, Marsha Elaine Wallace, William Hayes Wamsley, David M Ward, Kevin W Ward, Wynn B Warfield, Richard Edward Washington, Donald Maurice Washington, Mason A Watkins, Carol Sue Watson, Pier Angela Watt, Darren W Weaver, Donna Dea Wegener, Delano P Weinberg, Robin Ann Weindel, Kenneth J Weiss, Denise Weiss, Sandra Lee Welby, James E Wells, Shirley Ann Werner, Michele Yvonne Werner, Terry F Werner, Vicki L Westmoreland, Kelli M Weston, David Ray Wheelan, Craig Pierre White Strickland, Eric Sharon White, Donna Marshaye Whitney, Lisa Marie Wieckhorst, Kathryn N Wiggins, Autumn Elayne Wilhelm, Amy L Williams, Brett J Williams, Cynthia Darlene 12/21/11 Loc FP CC M CC CC FV FP FP CC FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M M M CC CC M M M CC FV FP CC CC FV FV M M FP FP M M M CC W W FV FV M M FV M M FV CC M M M M FP CC M M FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG061401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MOTR D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 40.00 CHM101696 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 PEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 FLSP D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 34.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/01/11 12.00 Substitute-Lab 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Substitute 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 HORT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 MTH140552 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030552 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.50 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.80 MTH030454 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 5.50 MTH030452 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 LGL51A 07/11/11 07/30/11 0.97 BLW201574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 GEO111601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.67 GEG1016S1 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 AT 135650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 CVTW DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 11.00 HIST D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 Substitute 06/13/11 08/12/11 3.00 BLW101HON 07/11/11 08/05/11 1.00 BLW101601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 EDUC DCE 07/01/11 08/12/11 15.00 SOC204520 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.20 CPDV DCE 06/12/11 08/12/11 8.33 CPDV DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.17 CAMP ASST 06/09/11 08/12/11 27.00 MTH140570 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG100601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH160CS01 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 BIO111H02 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.34 Librarian 05/23/11 07/30/11 0.96 Port Defense 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 EDU218650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PTA215695 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CRJS DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 32.00 SOC101374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC101375 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 PEDU FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 3.00 PE 174502 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 BIO111S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO111S02 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BUS104550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG030650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PLB MCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 20.75 GNSF FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 Lifeguart D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.75 ANT102601 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 PE 130 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 PHYSICAL EDU/M 06/17/11 07/30/11 3.00 PE 192601 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 Fnl Svc 06/06/11 08/12/11 1.00 BUSS DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 SPA102601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Correction 06/12/11 06/25/11 0.43 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 3.67 -21- Amount Paid $2,325.12 $720.00 $5,324.89 $216.00 $918.00 $300.00 $88.00 $50.00 $42.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $302.60 $1,089.36 $1,814.88 $137.50 $2,034.24 $999.04 $2,997.12 $3,844.71 $2,034.24 $2,418.24 $363.00 $162.00 $75.00 $83.00 $2,034.24 $405.00 $2,034.24 $121.04 $224.91 $328.59 $324.00 $1,814.88 $2,034.24 $3,996.16 $3,883.66 $955.49 $50.00 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $992.00 $2,682.24 $1,742.88 $54.00 $806.08 $4,325.85 $4,325.85 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $316.44 $90.00 $122.27 $2,034.24 $604.56 $66.00 $806.08 $604.96 $174.00 $2,712.32 $293.80 $2,485.16 Name Williams, Holly Jean Williams, Joel C Williams, Linda Carol Williams, Marilyn Rena Williams, Mary Christine Williams, Terril K Williams, Trina S Willingham, Shannon Donald Wilson, Crystal Julienne Wilson, Kevin Michael Wilson-Ramsey, Yevonn Winkler, Elizabeth Anne Winslade, Tracy Ziemba Woerther, Michael E Wolfe, Leslie Olivia Woodruff, Kerry M Worley, Kenneth R Wright, Allyson Weathers Wylie, Carolyn E Yancey, Amanda Ann Young, Bryan G Young, Elaine Annette Young, Michael E Yount, Laura E Zahra, Matthew J Zamenski, Andrew J Zhou, Yuefang Zoeller, Charles J 12/21/11 Loc FV M CC FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W FP FP FP CC M FV CC CC W FV W FP CC M CC FV W W CC FV FP W FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH020535 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ANT101675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M 05/17/11 08/12/11 7.00 MTH030406 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH081402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH030408 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 CCPR 765 06/06/11 06/30/11 3.00 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 3.00 PE 139140401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 177178401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 109110401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 ECE202401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.20 PE 130406 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 130450 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 ART103350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART114336 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 3.00 ART109401 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 BIO111450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 25.50 ACC114650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/14/11 08/12/11 6.33 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 15.00 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 15.00 ART100301 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART100501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM101302 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.29 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 BUS104650 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 FLGE D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.25 Forum 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Faculty Development 07/25/11 08/30/11 1.00 MTH160C302 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 CFKD D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 33.00 PHY122550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 BIO207350L 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 Pgm Cordin 05/17/11 06/03/11 6.00 -22- Amount Paid $1,814.88 $2,034.24 $231.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $99.00 $99.00 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $2,682.80 $121.04 $806.08 $806.08 $2,034.24 $2,712.00 $249.00 $2,712.00 $2,936.08 $688.50 $2,325.12 $158.25 $405.00 $495.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $291.41 $990.00 $2,325.12 $222.75 $678.08 $50.00 $3,576.32 $759.00 $2,034.24 $452.00 $1,328.72 $5,364.48 Name Adamecz, Gustav Agard, Constance Eileen Ahrens, J Markus Aiello, Janis J Alvarez, Teresa Ann Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Anthes, Richard M Appelbaum, Susan S Applegate, Mark D Armstrong, Richard D Ayres, Janet C Babbitt, Donna Elizabeth Bai, Steven Soby Ballard, Kelly K Ballentine, Cynthia R Barker, Jacqueline A Barrett, Robyn Camella Barron, Tracy J 12/21/11 Loc FP FP FP FV FV M M M M M CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CSEC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 T4T-NE 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 IS 231474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG016503 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 RDG017503 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 ACC114675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC208695 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC291639 07/11/11 07/15/11 1.80 ACC100675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 NRSG DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 1.75 BIO208451Lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 BIO208448Lab 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 BIO208450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO208448/451 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.00 IT 101486 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 T4T-NE 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 CSEC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 DMS202401 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 DMS203401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 AUT151450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.67 AUT168401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.67 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 HRM128448 05/17/11 06/30/11 3.00 PE 161478 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HonorsSummer 06/06/11 12/10/11 1.00 Cordin Pool 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Blackboard 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 PE 120401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 MTH220551 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH210551 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 HIT Grant 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 T4T HIT 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 HIT102474 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.91 HIT102474 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.09 IT552476 07/18/11 09/30/11 6.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC100374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC110301 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Radio/TVStn 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 MCM115501 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.88 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 3.75 COM101503 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MCM PC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 MCM201503 07/11/11 07/22/11 4.00 MTH140605 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL103602 05/29/11 07/09/11 3.00 MTH220602 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 Release Time QTA 07/10/11 08/20/11 1.00 COM101604 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Asst Chair 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 ACC124674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC110675 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 COM101477 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG016401 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 CIN101476 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG017401 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 RDG020407 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 -23- Amount Paid $1,115.04 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $1,356.16 $678.08 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,287.87 $3,813.12 $57.75 $1,093.36 $1,093.36 $3,559.60 $3,288.32 $6,355.20 $5,084.16 $1,271.04 $2,542.08 $1,271.04 $5,084.16 $5,207.23 $5,207.23 $83.00 $3,345.12 $2,484.00 $83.00 $828.00 $200.00 $1,104.00 $6,355.20 $6,355.20 $975.04 $3,900.16 $2,836.76 $1,063.41 $5,850.24 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $822.08 $1,541.40 $3,082.80 $2,466.24 $822.08 $1,328.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $6,355.20 $798.08 $975.04 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $2,466.24 $1,644.16 $2,466.24 $822.08 $2,466.24 Name Bast, Matthew Dale Beach, Elva Maxine Becker, Kathleen Sue Benton, Deira L Berger, Carol A Betzler, Daniel J Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang Bjorkgren, Lynn M Blackwell-Hardin, Sara Lynne Blalock, Kay Jeanene Blanco, Carlos A Boedeker, Stacey S Boehm, Jason L Bouchard, Celia E Bozek, Brian M Brady, Sandra Helen Brake, Dean A Brennan, James R Brieler, Robert A Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M 12/21/11 Loc FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV M M M M FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv RDG012401 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 RDG013401 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.50 BIO111602 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 ENG201601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Self Study 05/17/11 06/30/11 1.00 RDG030401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 RDG030402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHL1045WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PC HUM/PHIL 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 DCS219551 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 THT115501 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.88 DCS215551 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 DCS217501 07/11/11 07/22/11 1.00 THT PC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 DCS219501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Director So Belle 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 BIO207503 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 BIO111504 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ECE124674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE101674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Released 05/17/11 07/09/11 1.00 ENG030502 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG030501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST102674 05/29/11 07/23/11 3.00 HST115601 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 HST101675 05/29/11 07/23/11 3.00 HST101674 05/29/11 07/23/11 3.00 RDG030503 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 RDG030502 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ST 211401 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.00 ST 210401 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 MATH/FV 07/30/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH160C505 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH185501 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 Librarian 06/14/11 07/14/11 2.80 MTH140535 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Sustainability 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 RDG016601 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 COL020Cor 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 Tch of Record 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 XRT116401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 XRT215401 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 RTH146401 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.67 RTH222401 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 MTH220601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH140604 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 HST137401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HST102401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HST137474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST138401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PE 130503 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 192501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 169501 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 Dep Chair 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 PE 130505 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 -24- Amount Paid $1,644.16 $822.08 $698.08 $62.50 $2,936.08 $2,925.12 $1,271.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $2,383.20 $2,542.08 $83.00 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $3,813.12 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $5,850.72 $1,950.24 $50.00 $2,867.84 $2,712.32 $3,390.40 $2,730.56 $3,345.12 $954.08 $2,241.12 $1,950.08 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,542.08 $7,191.68 $2,538.24 $4,875.20 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,104.00 $1,104.00 $1,104.00 $1,644.16 $822.08 $1,104.00 Name Burke, Michael A Burkhardt, Charles E Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Cindy L Campbell, Jay G Carter, Brian D Carter, Christine E Chambers, Stanley V Champene, Aaron R Chanasue, Deborah M Chapman, Thelma L Char, Deborah J Chott, Craig S Chowdhury, Md Syed A Christiansen, Steven Clark, Anthony Steven Clark, Judy V Coburn, John W Cohoon, Christina Marie Cole, Angelic Inez Collier, Nancy C Collins, Jennifer P Collins, Linda Housch Collins, Steven G 12/21/11 Loc M FV FV FV FV FP FP M M FV FV FV FV W W M FP FP FP M FP M M M FP FP CC FP FP FP M M M FP W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV M M FP FP M M M FP FV FV FV M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG2056WA 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PHY111501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH123581 06/10/11 07/10/11 1.00 MTH215551 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 2.00 MTH240450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 GEO100601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 GEO501601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PE 180501 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PE 174501 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 PE 120580 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 IDS101505 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PE 120301 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 180301 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PHL101602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH160C405 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 MTH160C404 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 MTH160C401 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.00 RDG030602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HonorsSpg 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 PHL104601 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 Perkins 06/12/11 06/25/11 2.00 Ret to Ind 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 MDG Trn 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 NRSG DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 1.75 MTH185401 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH140401 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Blackboard 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.50 IS 151674 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 IS291601 07/11/11 07/15/11 0.80 CSEC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 BIO208301 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO207350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO207301 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 PSY200504 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PSY200503 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY200505 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BUS201574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO152574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO152550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO152575 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO151502 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH030401 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 3.00 MTH186552 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Orientation 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 Program ACCE 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 MGT204474 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MKT203474 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 CHM101602 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.33 CHM101601 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.58 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.50 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 HST102502 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST102504 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST102550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST102601 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.50 -25- Amount Paid $2,925.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $166.00 $3,813.12 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $3,807.36 $1,692.16 $1,692.16 $3,813.12 $1,692.16 $3,807.36 $3,813.12 $3,288.32 $3,288.32 $3,288.32 $3,813.12 $83.00 $798.08 $2,925.12 $2,542.08 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $57.75 $4,875.20 $2,925.12 $200.00 $2,787.60 $4,460.16 $892.03 $1,115.04 $4,221.93 $2,925.12 $4,221.93 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,682.24 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,466.24 $249.00 $5,084.16 $798.08 $775.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,961.52 $8,363.45 $5,719.68 $83.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,992.00 $5,719.68 Name Consolino, Beverly M Copp, Julie C Corich, Evelyn F Counte, Suzanne C Cronin, Christopher Blair Cruz, Ana Lucia Cupples, Tommy G Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T Das, Neil Emery Dattoli, Anthony David Daugherty, Seth A Davis, Phyllis Regina Day, Leroy Thomas Dennis, Jeremy K Dieckmann, Thomas M Doering, David A Dorsch, Joachim O Downey, Michael D 12/21/11 Loc M FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FV FP FP M FV FV M M FV FV M FV M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV CC FV M M FP FP FP FP FP M CC FV FV M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HST105601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DHY226421 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 DHY 142 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 COM101502 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 COM P/C 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 COM101574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 COM101577 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH160C402 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.00 MTH715400 07/11/11 08/12/11 1.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 3.00 ACC110674 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.00 Substitute 05/24/11 08/12/11 4.67 BIO203552 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.05 Released 05/17/11 06/11/11 1.00 EDU211601 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 CLTCORDIN 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 IS202599 07/11/11 07/15/11 0.40 IS 112674 07/01/11 07/30/11 1.50 CLTDORDIN 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.00 IS 112674 06/06/11 07/09/11 1.50 PSY200475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY200474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY205474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY200448 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Chair/SocSci 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Chair/Reading 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 107450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 229450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CSEC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 IS 251474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 246474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Librarian 05/23/11 06/24/11 2.31 PE 132603 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 129601 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.00 DEPT CHAIR 07/01/11 07/30/11 1.00 PE 132602 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 PE 130 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 07/09/11 1.00 MTH210401 06/06/11 07/16/11 5.00 MTH160C406 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 IS 123575 06/06/11 07/04/11 1.00 IS 102576 05/17/11 07/26/11 3.00 IS 132565 06/07/11 06/16/11 1.00 IS 124565 06/21/11 06/30/11 1.00 Adobe Trn 06/06/11 06/30/11 0.75 IS 126565 07/05/11 07/14/11 1.00 FRE101601 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 SPA101602 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ENG1024WE 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG1024WC 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101453 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 ENG101450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG1026XA 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Coordinator 06/06/11 06/30/11 2.00 IS 129565 06/06/11 06/22/11 1.00 IS 131564 06/27/11 07/13/11 2.00 GEG103601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 HRM112401 05/17/11 06/27/11 3.00 -26- Amount Paid $3,813.12 $1,692.16 $846.08 $2,925.12 $975.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $4,460.16 $1,115.04 $75.00 $249.00 $5,084.16 $108.74 $2,747.08 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $446.02 $1,672.56 $6,690.24 $1,672.56 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,895.74 $1,104.00 $1,656.00 $828.00 $1,656.00 $1,656.00 $2,925.12 $83.00 $4,875.20 $3,900.16 $775.04 $2,325.12 $775.04 $775.04 $508.50 $775.04 $5,084.16 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $83.00 $3,813.12 $2,034.24 $1,950.40 $975.04 $1,950.08 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 Name du Maine, Jessica J Duchinsky, Jason G Dufer, Dennis C Eayrs, Christaan N Ebest, Ron J Elkin, Thomas Reed Elliott, John Mark Epperson, Cynthia K Ethridge, Michelle Rene Fackelman, Joseph A Featherson, Vincent E Fickas, Julie C Finnell, Patricia K Fischer, Carl W Fish, Lynda K Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Fonseca, Eve M Forde, Gary C Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip 12/21/11 Loc FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FV FV FP M M FV M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV CC FV FV FV FP FV FV CC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HRM134448 05/17/11 06/27/11 3.00 CUL101447 05/17/11 06/23/11 1.00 HRM201448 06/06/11 07/16/11 48.00 BE 150500 07/11/11 08/08/11 3.00 Prog Coord 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 TFT Project 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Substitute 06/08/11 08/12/11 6.00 BE 153500 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.60 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 6.53 COM101601 05/17/11 06/05/11 3.00 COM101650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ORIENTATION 08/08/11 11/05/11 1.00 ENG1025WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG1025WB 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CurricDev 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.00 MTH210603 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH030603 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MTH715650 07/11/11 08/12/11 36.60 MTH160C604 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 WEB Update 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.50 Learn Circ 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 PE 161674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PE 161501 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 HPS Oper 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Pgm Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 XRT212401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 XRT211401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 3.75 BIO151596 05/18/11 07/06/11 1.00 DCTM 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 NRSG FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 Curric Rev 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 AHCE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 Nrs Self Study 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Prog Coord 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 Human Repro 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 IDS201501 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 ISW 05/29/11 06/11/11 1.00 DIT IndStd 05/16/11 05/28/11 2.00 DIT115501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PTK ADV 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 INDEP 05/24/11 06/17/11 1.00 IDS101576 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 3.67 Dep Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DCS PC 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 ENG060448 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.23 Coordinator 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ENG053402 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG051401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY200401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY200461 07/18/11 08/04/11 3.00 PSY200402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 3.75 IDS101503 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Seminar 05/24/11 07/09/11 1.00 -27- Amount Paid $3,813.12 $1,271.05 $1,992.00 $249.00 $975.04 $975.20 $150.00 $585.02 $5,363.55 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $798.08 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,550.08 $5,575.20 $2,925.12 $2,410.65 $4,460.16 $557.52 $800.00 $2,484.00 $2,484.00 $2,419.84 $604.96 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,082.80 $822.08 $1,115.04 $198.00 $3,345.12 $264.00 $1,271.04 $3,345.12 $975.04 $83.00 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $1,271.04 $332.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $83.00 $3,813.12 $4,658.36 $3,813.12 $2,230.08 $6,943.22 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $83.00 $3,082.80 $2,466.24 $250.00 Name Fox, Sharon A Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley Peter Freeman, Terrence L French, Brenda F Friedman, Donna G Frison, Tommie F Frost, James G Frost, Tony L Fuller, Carolyn Marie Fuller, Michael J Gackstatter, Gary Lee Gale-Betzler, Lisa E Gardetto, Darlaine Claire Garrett, Toni N Garrison, April M Garvey, Pamela A Gerardot, Diane M Gerstenecker, Dale M Glen, John Godfrey, Carolyn Jean Goessling, Steven P Goetz, Ronald E 12/21/11 Loc FV FV FV M M M CC FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV M M M FV FV FV M FP FP FV W W CC FP FP FP FP M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Dept Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC100574 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 CLTDCORDIN 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Sabbatical 06/12/11 06/25/11 7.50 ART100601 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ESC204650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 AHCE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 3.00 Prog Coord 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ESC205550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ESC206550 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.34 IDS101504 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.70 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Substitute 06/08/11 08/12/11 7.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 3.00 CHM221501 06/06/11 07/16/11 6.66 CHM1055IA 06/06/11 07/16/11 5.33 BIO11422LAB 08/05/11 08/22/11 0.34 BIO111448/452 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.00 BIO111421/422 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.99 BIO111422LAB 06/06/11 07/16/11 0.99 BIO111421LAB 06/06/11 07/16/11 0.99 BIO111449/452 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 BIO111421LAB 08/05/11 08/22/11 0.34 BIO1142142 08/05/11 08/22/11 1.10 MTH020S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH020601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MTH030S02 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CHM106602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.33 CHM106601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 RDG016501 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 RDG030501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 RDG017501 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 PHL103575 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL103576 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ANT101676 05/17/11 07/12/11 3.00 MUS114603 05/29/11 07/09/11 3.00 MUS114602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Substitute 06/13/11 08/12/11 3.00 Released 05/17/11 07/09/11 4.00 SOC1016W1 05/17/11 07/09/11 3.00 ADJ COORD 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Girl Scout Camp 06/20/11 07/30/11 1.00 MTH185551 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH140506 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101606 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ST 211401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.83 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 AHCE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 Blackboard 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 DIE202401 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 Train/Tomorrow 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.00 DIE205401 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 MTH020650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH230602 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 -28- Amount Paid $2,466.24 $1,644.16 $3,813.12 $9,532.80 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $99.00 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $1,703.20 $7,626.24 $10,434.64 $3,813.12 $175.00 $3,813.12 $8,465.13 $6,774.65 $326.64 $3,900.16 $2,915.98 $969.56 $969.56 $3,900.16 $3,900.16 $326.64 $1,073.15 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,713.09 $5,943.17 $1,950.08 $2,925.12 $975.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,739.00 $2,925.12 $75.00 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $822.08 $4,110.40 $2,466.24 $3,345.12 $1,271.04 $6,134.08 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $66.00 $200.00 $1,494.24 $1,950.08 $1,494.24 $3,345.12 $5,575.20 Name Loc Gosche, Michael C W M W W CC FP FP W W W W W W W FV W W FP FP M CC M FV FV FV FP M M M M M FV M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP M M FP FP FP M FV FV FP FP CC FV Goushey, Layla Azmi Graham, Nita S Granger, Kimberlyann Tsai Graul, Julie L Graville, Teri K Grote, Terri J Groth, Charles E Hafer, Gail H Hahn, Robert L Hake, Carol L Hake, John C Hall, Sandra Dye Hamilton, Angela L Hanlon, David R Hansen, Troy Robert Harden, Lisa Ann Harms, Robert C Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Hartwig, Cynthia Kay Hauser, Michael A Heaton, Patricia L Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller Henry, Deborah Jane Herman, Susan Kay Hernandez, Rafael Hertel, Robert B Herzog, Mary Frances Higdon, Paul Edward 12/21/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH160C301 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH186S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IDS101374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Gen Ed 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030409 06/27/11 07/29/11 24.00 MTH020410 06/27/11 07/29/11 6.00 Prof Dev 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140374 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH Dep Prj 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 MTH160C375 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH14031F 05/23/11 07/31/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH03031F 05/23/11 07/31/11 3.00 PgmCordin 06/12/11 06/25/11 0.06 MTH160C376 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH160C395 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 HIT555476 07/18/11 09/30/11 6.00 HIT Grant 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ART240698SDL 07/10/11 08/06/11 1.00 Curricunet Project 06/06/11 07/31/11 5.50 MCM130601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DEV ED COORD 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 MTH140551 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030535 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MDG Trn 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 ENG101674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.18 ENG101601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ART165601 05/17/11 06/11/11 6.00 PHO DK RM 06/06/11 07/16/11 0.67 ART165602 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 7.85 MTH186601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH140606 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO111696 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO111697 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.33 BIO111695 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 BIO111601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 PHL102474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL102475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 GenEd Cor 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 XRT116401 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 XRT215401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Coordinator 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Perkins 06/12/11 06/25/11 2.00 CHM105602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.33 CHM105601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 CHM101695 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 DHY226421 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.42 Librarian 05/17/11 08/13/11 1.00 Learn Circ 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 HST102474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST102475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101421 07/11/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 1.44 BIO111550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BIO1545WE 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 HRM205402 05/17/11 07/16/11 3.00 NRSG DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 1.75 MUS PC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 -29- Amount Paid $2,712.32 $2,712.32 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $1,462.56 $5,850.24 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,950.08 $3,900.16 $747.00 $2,925.12 $996.00 $69.69 $3,900.16 $3,900.16 $5,850.24 $975.04 $83.00 $6,990.72 $2,925.12 $1,115.04 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $975.04 $3,097.58 $2,925.12 $2,656.02 $846.08 $5,076.48 $7,655.32 $3,288.32 $2,466.24 $5,503.61 $5,503.61 $5,503.61 $5,503.61 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,950.08 $975.04 $975.04 $1,950.08 $4,232.57 $6,774.65 $6,774.65 $3,067.04 $1,271.20 $800.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,603.10 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $83.00 $3,813.12 $57.75 $1,271.04 Name High, Julie Ann Hollins, Stacy Gee Hovis, Janice Kay Hsu, Jeff C Huber, William F Huelsmann, Mary L Huether, Teresa F Hughes, John S Hughes, Ronald V Hunt-Bradford, Susan E Hurley, Mary Elizabeth Hurst, Douglas J Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M Ilhan, Gulten Irons, Sandra J 12/21/11 Loc FV FV FV M M CC FV FV FV FV FV FV CC M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M CC FV CC M M M FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MUS114574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MUS114551 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PianoCombos 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 ACCE Overload 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 PgmCordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 CTCR D-CE 06/12/11 08/12/11 12.00 IS 103574 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 155574 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 IS 209574 06/01/11 06/11/11 4.00 IS16451A 07/11/11 09/04/11 1.00 IS 151574 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Dept Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Articulation 06/06/11 06/30/11 2.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/13/11 3.91 ACC114601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC100674 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 BIO207449 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.33 BIO207423 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 BIO208423 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 BIO208422 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.34 BIO207448 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.33 ARC112698SDL 07/10/11 08/06/11 1.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 Sustainability Grant 07/28/11 08/20/11 1.00 Senior Proj Assoc 06/14/11 07/10/11 64.00 Senior Project Ass. Ach. 07/01/11 Dream 07/31/11 12.00 Achieving the Dream 07/01/11 08/21/11 5.25 HST101603 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HST101602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HST101601 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 ENG030402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG030401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG030403 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG030405 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MCM140674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MCM141674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/01/11 3.00 MCM211SDL 06/06/11 08/05/11 2.00 MCM101674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM107401 05/17/11 06/10/11 3.00 COM101434 05/17/11 06/10/11 3.00 IDS201695 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 COM101S01 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 COM201675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM201674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PgmCordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 IS 229674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 AT213697SDL 07/11/11 08/06/11 1.00 AT213696SDL 07/11/11 08/06/11 1.00 ART213637 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 AT213699SDL 07/11/11 08/06/11 1.00 ART113638 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.14 ART113639 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 PHL103601 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 PHL102675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL103674 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHL103675 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHL103676 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PHL102674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH020405 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 -30- Amount Paid $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,542.08 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $396.00 $2,925.12 $1,950.08 $332.00 $581.00 $3,900.16 $2,925.12 $1,950.40 $4,973.57 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $4,828.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $4,841.37 $4,828.12 $83.00 $650.08 $1,115.04 $5,084.16 $953.28 $6,672.96 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $75.00 $166.00 $3,345.12 $3,340.63 $3,340.63 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $83.00 $83.00 $4,476.48 $83.00 $4,476.48 $1,275.80 $4,476.48 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,466.24 Name Isaacson, Matthew Paul Ivey, Maria Laarni Ivory, Jeffrey P Jenner, Julia Carol Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D Jones, Trevin J Joseph, Reni Josten, Denice L Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kalmer, Irene C Karleskint, George Keller, Patty OHallaron Knight, Sandra M Koosmann, Steven B Koric, Arabela Kraja, Elida 12/21/11 Loc FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV CC FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH020403 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH020401 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ART113401 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 ART113450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ORIENTATION 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 HRM221448 05/17/11 07/16/11 0.80 HRM112474 05/17/11 07/16/11 3.00 HRM141448 05/17/11 07/16/11 1.00 HRM201474 05/17/11 07/16/11 3.00 HRM241474 05/17/11 07/16/11 1.00 HRM134474 05/17/11 07/16/11 3.00 PC Graphics 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.30 ART234501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.80 IB 100474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS104474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS104475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Orientation 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Gen Ed Cor 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CHM207601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CHM210601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.67 CHM101603 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 RDG020401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 RDG020404 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ACC100474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 3.00 HONORSSUMMER201120 08/01/11 09/17/11 3.00 ACC110451 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 BUS201401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS201451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 129474 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Blackboard 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 IS 103474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE105501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.60 Coordinator 06/06/11 06/30/11 5.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE203502 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.80 ECE206502 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.80 ECE206501 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.60 ECE105502 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.40 ECE203501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.40 BIO208601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 BIO207603 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.50 BIO208603 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BIO207601 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.33 PSY205675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSY200675 05/17/11 06/25/11 3.00 PSY200678 05/17/11 06/25/11 3.00 PSY200679 05/17/11 06/25/11 3.00 PSY200650 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.88 PSY205674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.20 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 MTH140400 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ACC100501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ACC110501 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 ACC291599 07/11/11 07/15/11 0.60 ACC110575 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 -31- Amount Paid $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $3,312.00 $3,312.00 $798.08 $892.04 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $1,007.55 $2,326.32 $9,813.76 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,578.39 $5,196.97 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $249.00 $249.00 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,271.04 $200.00 $3,813.12 $2,033.66 $6,356.00 $3,813.12 $1,016.83 $1,016.83 $762.62 $3,050.50 $1,779.45 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $5,719.68 $3,813.12 $5,503.61 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,389.55 $3,813.12 $12,966.24 $2,542.08 $2,466.24 $2,925.12 $3,900.16 $585.02 $3,900.16 Name Kraus, Janet Lee Kreher, Jamie L Kruger, Mark H Kummer, Denise L Kurt, Barbara E Langnas, Robert S Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy S LeClerc, Erin Rebecca Lee, Dianne M Lee, Kwan M Lee, Robert M Leech, Melissa L Lewis, Christine Marie Lincoln, Craig Walter Linder, Timothy J Lodhi, Afzal K Long, Richard Douglas Luebke, Mary E Lupardus, S Carol 12/21/11 Loc FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV M FV M M CC M W W W M M FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ACC114550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Dept Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HIT Grant 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 HIT211450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HIT554474 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.00 Photo Cor 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ART172401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ART204499 06/01/11 06/23/11 1.00 HonorsSummer 06/06/11 08/27/11 1.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 IDS201403 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 IDS101403 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IDS101401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IDS201401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ECO140601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MTH160C674 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH160C676 06/06/11 06/30/11 64.00 MTH160C605 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH020602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 NASAD 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 SABBATICAL 06/06/11 07/30/11 120.00 IDS201574 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ART158601 07/10/11 07/23/11 0.20 AT 254601 07/10/11 07/23/11 0.20 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Sustainability Grant 07/28/11 08/20/11 1.00 CSEC 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Dep Chair 05/23/11 07/16/11 3.00 HIT Grant 06/06/11 07/30/11 7.50 Dept Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSI101674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSI111674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSI1116SE 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSI101675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSI111675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST100676 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101604 05/29/11 07/09/11 3.00 HST102602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HST100677 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST100674 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 HST100675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Mth Invest 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.50 MTH170601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Course Rep 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.50 MTH020603 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH160C551 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH160C553 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 AstDepChr 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 PSI111601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PHY122550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Learn Circ 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 ART275674 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 CVTW DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 11.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.67 BIO203301 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.67 BIO111350 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG2016WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG2016WV 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM D/C 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG2265WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 -32- Amount Paid $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $775.04 $2,325.12 $4,650.24 $828.00 $3,312.00 $83.00 $83.00 $83.00 $3,900.16 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,900.16 $3,813.12 $5,084.16 $1,328.00 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $8,362.80 $3,900.16 $164.42 $164.42 $822.08 $822.08 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $9,532.80 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $487.52 $2,925.12 $487.52 $2,925.12 $4,460.16 $4,460.16 $1,115.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $800.00 $3,900.48 $363.00 $650.08 $5,935.75 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 Name Loc FV W W Magagnos, Lovedy S FV FV FV FV FV Manteuffel, Mark Steven FV FV FV FV FV Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth M M Martin, Susan J FP McCall, Kimberly L M M McCloskey, Ellen A FV FV FV McDoniel, Lawrence J CC McDowell, Barbara J M McElligott, Pamela G M McGovern, Thomas A FV McKay, Heather M McManemy, Jeffrey Charles FV M FV McManus, Laurie K M M M M CC Medeiros, Jennifer Anne FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Mense, James J FV FV Mercer, June J M M Messmer, John P M M M Metroulas, Michael B FV FV FV Meyer, Deborah M FP FP Miinch, Patricia Lincecum FV FV Miller, Donda Dianne FV FV FV Miller, Robert J M M 12/21/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EDU2265WA 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 EDU2263W4 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EDU Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 Pgm Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 ECE103550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECE102550 06/06/11 06/30/11 3.00 ECE124501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECE124550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BIO111502 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PED116501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 PE 181551 05/17/11 07/07/11 1.33 BIO151501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 BIO117675 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 BIO117674 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/13/11 08/12/11 22.00 PE 135601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MCM1015XA 06/06/11 07/16/11 6.00 COM101501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 COM101575 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Special Projects 05/23/11 08/15/11 11.80 Perkins 06/12/11 06/25/11 2.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 CAMP FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 3.00 Learn Circ 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/11 06/30/11 2.00 Substitute 06/12/11 08/12/11 16.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 ISW 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 MTH160C650 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH160C651 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH185601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 ISW 05/29/11 06/11/11 1.00 ENG2035WA 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.50 HST1025WA 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.50 HST119501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 HST102506 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PgmCordin 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 THT101585 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.50 HST102505 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 4.50 ENG101575 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101574 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 107674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 251650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSC101S02 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 PSC101602 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSC101601 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 HST101580 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 GEG101550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101505 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HIT Grant 06/06/11 07/30/11 7.50 HIT551476 556476 07/18/11 10/07/11 6.00 ENG101554 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG2015WB 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE200550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Pgm Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 ECE101574 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IS 103601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 IS 103650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 -33- Amount Paid $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,542.08 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,300.16 $1,300.16 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $484.00 $2,484.00 $7,626.24 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $15,000.16 $2,542.08 $3,345.12 $81.00 $800.00 $2,542.08 $352.00 $1,271.04 $1,271.00 $5,084.16 $5,084.16 $6,355.20 $1,271.04 $1,672.56 $1,672.56 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $1,672.56 $3,345.12 $5,017.68 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,494.24 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $8,362.80 $6,690.24 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,345.12 $2,230.08 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 Name Mizes, Lisa R Monson, Amy Elizabeth Moody, Carla J Moody, Peggy L Moreland, Lisa Kay Morris, Betsy J Mosher, Anne Marie Mueller, Craig Hugo Mueller, Kelly J Munden, James Jeffrey Munson, Bruce J Munson, Deborah Rochelle Myers, Gerald Cled Ndao, Rokhaya Niang Neal, Emily Mae Phillips Nelson, Donna Marie Nesser-Chu, Janice NewMyer, Angela Blake Nichols, Andrea Jean Nickrent, Ellen M Nielsen, Eric R Njoku, Angela C North, Sharon I 12/21/11 Loc M M M M M M FP FP FP CC FP M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV M M CC FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Rdg Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.50 RDG030601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG030651 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 BUS103674 05/17/11 07/08/11 3.00 ACC114676 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC114674 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 2.00 COM101403 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 COM101402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Cor Sustain 05/20/11 07/07/11 3.40 MDG Trn 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 ART109601 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.02 MTH170535 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MTH170501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH715500 07/18/11 08/12/11 1.00 HRM134449 05/24/11 07/14/11 3.00 CurricDev 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.00 Rest/Hospitality Mgt 06/02/11 08/12/11 3.00 SPA101501 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 SPA102550 06/06/11 07/16/11 64.00 FOREIGN LANG/FV 06/06/11 07/30/11 16.00 MTH220450 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH230450 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 Substitute 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.50 PSY200H01 06/06/11 07/16/11 48.00 PSY205401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY200450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Pgm Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 DA 176448 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.08 MUS102601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 MUS114675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH220501 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH240501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSC101674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSC101S01 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 StfDevCor 06/06/11 07/16/11 6.00 PC Photograph 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.30 Art Gallery 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.50 BIO203421LAB 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.64 BIO203421-2 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BIO203422LAB 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.64 BIO151421 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC101474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC202474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC101476 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC204474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 07/09/11 1.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 6.66 ISW 05/17/11 06/30/11 0.50 BUS201604 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 BUS201603 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO152601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Extended 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Clinical Duties 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 CLT105448 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.38 MTH186501 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH160C535 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH160C510 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 -34- Amount Paid $1,462.56 $2,925.12 $2,241.12 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $166.00 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $3,791.68 $975.04 $2,542.08 $5,102.92 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,345.12 $2,230.08 $75.00 $3,900.16 $3,900.16 $975.04 $4,110.40 $4,110.40 $112.50 $1,742.88 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $975.04 $2,031.50 $4,221.93 $2,925.12 $4,875.20 $2,925.12 $2,466.24 $1,245.00 $6,690.24 $1,267.55 $487.52 $2,170.29 $2,466.24 $2,170.29 $2,466.24 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $83.00 $6,497.27 $487.60 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $1,644.16 $1,115.04 $1,115.04 $4,896.16 $5,084.16 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $5,084.16 Name Nygard, Paul D Oliver, Keith L Oliver, Lonetta Michelle Olson, Karen A Oney, Margaret J Orlando, Lori Carleen Osburn, Sandra Sumanthi Ostlund, Karen M Otto, Esther Elizabeth Padberg, Christine Elizabeth Papier, Jeffrey A Pea, Nancy E Jones Pedersen, Timothy W Pemberton, Sharon A Peppes, Nicholas D Peraud, Richard J Perez Franco, Antonia T Pernik, Rita Moisevna Person, Sharon K Pescarino, Richard A Petroff, Kathleen M 12/21/11 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FV M M M FV FV FV CC M M M FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH123580 06/10/11 07/10/11 1.00 HST025WA 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.50 THT101585 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.50 IDS101506 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG2035WA 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.50 HST101506 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 IDS201S01 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 IDS101604 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 4.50 HST101S50 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 THT101674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 THT101675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101506 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101507 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Coordinator 06/06/11 06/30/11 3.00 ECE127674 05/17/11 06/25/11 3.00 Released 05/17/11 06/25/11 1.00 ECE103674 05/17/11 06/25/11 3.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 EDU227450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EDU227476 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 Dep Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 EDU211450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 COM2004WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Ret to Ind 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 RDG ADJ SUP 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.50 RDG020601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/15/11 6.53 Dep Chr Cor 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ESC207650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 EGR133SDL 06/06/11 07/27/11 1.00 ESC203550 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/12/11 2.00 ECO151451 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO151474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO152474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECO1514SA 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO151448 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 ECO1524SA 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG1026WB 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG1026WA 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ENG Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 MTH030510 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG080401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG070402 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ESL Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 1.50 GSCC Project 06/06/11 07/30/11 64.00 MTH210501 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 MTH160C503 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 RDG030406 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 RDG100401 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.57 Orient Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Readingn Lab Cor 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 -35- Amount Paid $1,271.04 $1,672.56 $1,672.56 $3,345.12 $1,672.56 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $5,017.68 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $3,813.60 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $2,466.24 $1,992.00 $822.08 $2,466.24 $2,925.12 $83.00 $2,925.12 $3,813.12 $975.04 $1,462.56 $2,925.12 $5,363.56 $2,925.12 $3,345.12 $83.00 $2,925.12 $50.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $83.00 $3,813.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $83.00 $2,466.24 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $37.50 $4,460.16 $5,575.20 $4,460.16 $2,925.12 $1,532.03 $2,925.12 $975.04 Name Philpott, Shannon E Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth Pierroutsakos, Sophia L Pisacreta, Diane Polk, Kim Krafte Polta, Sally Louise Pressman, Sophia Queener, Scott E Quintero, Michael O Raheja, Nina S Ralphs, Laura Christine Rebollo, Jean M Reeves, Aaron L Rhodes, Marlene Richmond, Mary Askew Ring, Phyllis A Ritts, Vicki M Rizzo, Kathleen Susan Roberts, Paul R Roffle, Angela Harleana Rohman, Todd E Romero, Marco A 12/21/11 Loc FP FP M M FP FP M M W W W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FV FV FV FP FP CC FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP M M M CC M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv RDG030403 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.50 RDG030403 06/06/11 07/09/11 1.50 Montage Cor 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.00 ENG101605 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CurricDev 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.00 CUL105448 05/17/11 07/16/11 3.00 Released 07/01/11 07/23/11 1.00 Learn Circ 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 PSY208374 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PSY125375 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.88 PSY200374 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 PSY125374 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.88 PSY200378 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 DHY142421 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.28 Crdts Exam 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 Dental Hygine - FP 07/27/11 08/25/11 1.17 Released 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.50 Released 07/27/11 08/25/11 1.86 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 7.65 XRT116401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 XRT121449 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.00 XRT121448 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.00 PSY2036X1 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.58 PSY205679 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY203602 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/12/11 11.38 PC General Fin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.30 ART107108 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.67 ART111112 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 DCTM 06/08/11 06/30/11 1.00 CorRelease 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 NRSG DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 DA 176448 05/17/11 06/03/11 2.75 Dir Show 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 THT101601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ACC114401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ACC110474 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Honors Fall 06/01/11 06/25/11 3.00 ACC100401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/12/11 8.20 ENG101503 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG101505 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 DHY142421 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.67 PSY200602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Released 05/29/11 07/23/11 1.00 PSY214601 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 AHCE DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 BIO124601 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.33 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.02 HRT105601 06/06/11 07/16/11 0.40 HMS204401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HMS203401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HMS202401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 Honors Sp 06/26/11 07/15/11 1.00 HMS201401 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 HMS118499 05/17/11 06/11/11 2.00 ENG1026WV 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IDS101675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG2316W7 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SPA201601 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 SPA101601 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 -36- Amount Paid $1,462.56 $1,462.56 $1,644.16 $2,466.24 $2,230.08 $3,345.12 $1,271.04 $400.00 $3,345.12 $2,096.28 $3,345.12 $2,096.28 $3,345.12 $2,218.80 $822.00 $1,141.30 $2,787.60 $1,808.70 $7,454.18 $3,345.12 $2,230.08 $2,230.08 $2,513.78 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $11,092.90 $1,449.55 $2,984.32 $4,476.48 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $198.00 $1,917.96 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $249.00 $3,345.12 $9,144.64 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,625.20 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $66.00 $4,828.12 $2,255.17 $446.02 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $894.08 $83.00 $1,550.08 $166.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $5,084.16 $5,084.16 Name Rosenthal, Howard G Runge, Douglas K Salmon, Harold E Saum, Suzanne E Sawah, Rihab Schalda, Anne Therese Schamber, Steven M Scherer, Juliet Katherine Schmitt, Damaris A Schneider, Jeffrey Lynn Schneider, Joseph R Seese, Lillian M Serns, Susan Lynn Shepherd, Deneen M Sherman, Patricia A Shields, David L Shuck, Patrick J Shultis, Eric Sippy, Jessica Lynn Smith, Katherine Elizabeth Smith, Rachelle D Smith, Stephen W Snaric, Jay M 12/21/11 Loc M M FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV CC FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FP FP CC FP FP FP M M M M FV FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv SPA102650 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 SPA202698SDL 07/10/11 08/06/11 1.00 PgmCordin 06/12/11 06/25/11 0.06 HMS111501 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MTH230501 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.86 MTH160C501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.89 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 13.20 CHM105552 06/06/11 07/16/11 5.33 CHM10151A 06/06/11 07/16/11 5.33 Honors Coordinator 07/01/11 09/05/11 2.00 MATH D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 Pgm Cordin 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 3.00 CHM101551lab 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.33 PSI111501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH160C536 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.00 PT Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 BLW201601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 BLW101650 06/06/11 07/16/11 48.00 BLW101602 06/06/11 07/16/11 48.00 Literacy Consultant 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/13/11 6.46 Honors Cor 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG1026WF 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.18 ENG1026WE 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.18 PSI123675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PSI1116X2 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 GEO100675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 GEO100674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE 07/12/11 08/12/11 1.50 PSI123674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Substitute 06/06/11 08/22/11 4.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 RDG020504 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 RDG020501 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG030407 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG2174XA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 T4T 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 HIT210440 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 HIT208450 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 HIT291401 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.20 ORIENTATION 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART107669 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.67 ART107639 06/06/11 07/16/11 2.67 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 SOC101477 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC1014WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC101475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC101448 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 IDS201675 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Librarian 05/17/11 08/13/11 1.03 IDS201674 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ORIENTATION 08/08/11 09/30/11 1.00 Released 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 FD 102474 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.00 FD 103474 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.00 Released 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 FD 104474 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.00 BIO151674 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 BIO151675 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 -37- Amount Paid $5,084.16 $83.00 $79.44 $3,813.12 $3,390.40 $2,712.32 $16,779.84 $6,774.64 $6,774.64 $2,542.08 $324.00 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $1,690.48 $2,925.12 $4,460.16 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $2,490.24 $2,241.12 $3,813.12 $8,215.13 $3,345.12 $3,097.58 $3,097.58 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $37.50 $2,466.24 $100.00 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,900.16 $1,950.08 $1,950.08 $1,170.05 $798.08 $3,813.12 $3,384.32 $3,384.32 $2,542.08 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $4,460.16 $1,143.08 $4,460.16 $698.08 $775.04 $0.00 $0.00 $4,460.16 $0.00 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 Name Sodon, James R Speegle, Aletta D Sperruzza, Denise M Steiner, Hope E Stephens, Christopher J Stocker, Connie Sue Suess, Patricia A Swoboda, Michael E Swyers, Kathleen M Taylor, David M Taylor, Mark L Thomas-Woods, Renee M Thompson, Judith S Toal, Kevin R Tremont, Samuel J Trunk, Deborah D Tucker, Julie M Tucker, William E Tulley, Mark David Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Urban, Georgia A Voss, Karl Dirk Wachal, Barbara Joan Wagganer, Andrea M 12/21/11 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M FV FV CC FV FV M FV CC M M M M M FP M M M M FV CC FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FP M FP FP M FV FV FV FV FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG2135XB 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ENG1025WD 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG2055XA 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG1025XE 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG2035WB 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG2055WA 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH030602 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 MTH160C675 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 COM107601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 COM101610 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 IDS101601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 COM110674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 13.20 GEN ED 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.06 Director 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 ISW 05/29/11 06/11/11 1.00 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 4.50 ALPCOOR 05/17/11 07/30/11 2.00 Course Repeater 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.50 Sabbatical 06/06/11 07/30/11 7.50 CVTW DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 22.00 ART236698SDL 07/10/11 08/06/11 1.00 AT277699SDL 07/10/11 08/06/11 1.00 AT 276601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 AT277698SDL 07/10/11 08/06/11 1.00 ART245698SDL 07/10/11 08/06/11 1.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.80 Asst Dept Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.18 ENG1026XB 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.18 IDS101674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101604 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.18 Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ISW 05/29/11 06/11/11 1.00 Director 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 COM101576 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 FORUM 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 ART133639 05/17/11 06/11/11 4.00 BiotechProgCoord 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 BIO203503 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.67 Substitute-Lab 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.67 Substitute 07/14/11 07/30/11 2.00 BIO203502 05/17/11 06/03/11 4.67 Proj Devlop 05/17/11 06/30/11 4.00 DHY142421 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.63 MTH140601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 CRJ111450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CRJ124474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Learn Circ 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 PSY200575 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSY200502 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 PSY200574 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 Ret to Ind 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 HST115602 05/17/11 06/11/11 3.00 IDS201575 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ENG101501 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 IDS201576 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG2045WA 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 IDS101574 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 SOC101503 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 -38- Amount Paid $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $16,779.84 $3,892.56 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $5,719.68 $2,542.08 $635.52 $8,362.80 $726.00 $83.00 $83.00 $3,312.00 $83.00 $83.00 $13,728.96 $3,097.58 $3,097.58 $3,345.12 $3,097.58 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $975.04 $2,925.12 $1,950.08 $5,076.48 $975.04 $4,553.44 $58.74 $50.00 $4,553.44 $3,288.32 $3,331.44 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $800.00 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 Name Waghulde, Vidyullata C Wagner, Joyce D Walker, Mitchell E Wallner, Donna F Walsh, Janet K Warfield, Angela Marie Warren, Aundrea L Weber, Mark A Weil, Robert L Welty, Dorothy J Wentworth, Glenna C Werner, Donna J Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M White, Dennis Arthur Wiesler, Eugene Paul Wilkinson, Lisa R Williams, Louis Willis, Dahna Raye Wilson, Hilary Lea 12/21/11 Loc M M M M FV FP FP FP FP CC FV FV CC M M FP FP FP FP FP FV W FP W W FV M M M M M M M CC FV M M FV FV FV M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CHM206601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 CHM105695 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 SUBSTITUTE 07/12/11 08/12/11 11.50 CHM101694 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Cur Devlop 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 AUT150401 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.67 AUT156450 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.67 ISW 05/29/11 06/11/11 1.00 Extended 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/11 06/30/11 2.00 NRSG DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 Self Study 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Coor Nursing 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 ENG201401 07/11/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 5.00 ENG1024WF 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101473 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101476 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 BIO203501 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.67 Sabbatical 06/06/11 07/30/11 7.50 Sabbatical 06/06/11 07/30/11 7.50 PSY Cordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 PSY200376 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 7.00 PHL104674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 PHL104675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Released 05/17/11 08/15/11 5.00 PHL104676 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 StaffDevCor 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 StaffDevCor 05/17/11 06/03/11 0.06 StfCor 2nd 05/30/11 06/11/11 1.94 ISW 05/29/11 06/11/11 1.00 Substitute 06/13/11 08/12/11 8.33 SOC101601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 SOC204674 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 RDG030504 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 1st Yr Exper 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 RDG030550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 MTH030604 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH140607 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 MTH220603 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 ENG053601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG061601 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 HUM106401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HONORSUMMER 06/06/11 09/03/11 2.00 HST101401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 2.00 HST101448 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 HST102450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 HST101450 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECE127450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ECE201450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 ENG226474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ENG101475 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 EDU218401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Blackboard 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 Honors Fall 06/01/11 06/25/11 3.00 Writing Ctr 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 -39- Amount Paid $3,813.12 $6,774.65 $287.50 $6,774.65 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $5,935.75 $5,935.75 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $2,542.08 $198.00 $3,813.12 $5,084.16 $2,925.12 $415.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $4,553.44 $9,532.80 $8,362.80 $975.04 $2,925.12 $6,826.40 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $6,355.20 $3,813.12 $6,355.20 $79.44 $2,462.64 $1,271.04 $208.25 $2,925.12 $2,738.88 $2,466.24 $1,644.16 $2,466.24 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $6,355.20 $2,925.12 $2,490.24 $3,813.12 $166.00 $3,813.12 $166.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $83.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $200.00 $249.00 $822.08 Name Wilson, Joe A Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Nathan G Wilson, Pamela S Wiseheart, Barbara T Wodajo, Tadesse B Worth, Joseph B Yale, Emily A Yan, Wei Yezbick, Daniel Zant, Thomas Ziegler, Patricia Lynn Zirkle, Thomas A Zumwinkel, Donna Marie Zuo, Yingxue 12/21/11 Loc FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M M FV M M M M M FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP M FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Blackboard 05/29/11 06/25/11 1.00 CHM101422 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 CHM106401 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.33 Released 06/12/11 06/25/11 0.13 SOC101501 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 SOC101504 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Course Repeater 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 MTH160C676 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 MTH210601 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.00 Substitute 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 Asst Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 MTH212601 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 6.40 LGL106695 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 Learn Circ 06/01/11 06/30/11 1.00 ECO152603 06/06/11 06/30/11 0.00 ECO152602 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ECO151601 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.00 ALPPGM 05/17/11 07/30/11 3.75 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 6.91 NRSG DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 1.75 ENG101474 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG1024WB 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG101401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 Honors Summer 06/06/11 09/30/11 1.00 ENG1024WG 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG101403 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG101402 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 ENG101405 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 Global Ed 06/06/11 07/30/11 6.00 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 2.00 HonorsSummer201120 06/06/11 09/30/11 5.00 ENG101404 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSC101474 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 PSC101401 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 IRT172674 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 PrgCordin 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 IRT170674 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 IRT171674 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.00 IRT171674 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 IRT138674 06/06/11 07/30/11 48.00 Honors Fall 06/01/11 06/25/11 2.00 Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 5.18 Honors Sp 06/01/11 06/25/11 1.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 ART114401 06/06/11 07/16/11 4.00 -40- Amount Paid $200.00 $5,196.97 $5,196.97 $121.88 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $975.04 $3,900.16 $4,875.20 $150.00 $1,950.08 $2,925.12 $7,137.28 $2,997.12 $800.00 $0.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $4,766.40 $8,787.17 $57.75 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $83.00 $83.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $5,850.24 $166.00 $415.00 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,245.12 $975.04 $2,241.12 $975.04 $1,950.08 $2,241.12 $166.00 $5,771.16 $83.00 $3,813.12 $5,076.48 Name Adams, Rhonda Johnson Armstead, Scott Eric Aslin, Holly A Aumann, Patricia Marie Banahan, Richard M Bauer, Joseph Andrew Boedeker, Elizabeth D Bossi, Patti D Loc M M FV W FP FV FV CC CC Boyle, Brett A M Boyle, Stacy R M Bufalo, Rachel Lynn CC CC Burks, Michael J M Chapman, Diana L CC Christopher, Mark Stephen FP Clayton, Sandra E M Davis, Kamie D CC CC De Vore, Erin Elizabeth CC FV Drown, Frances F M Ehlen, Steven F FV Eversgerd, Kelley M M Finney, Eloise FP Gilbers, Bernard J FV FP Graham, Stephanie Ann CC Grupas, Angela K M M M Herrion, Dobbie Reese FV Hooker, Fran M Iborg, Deborah A FV FV FV Jackson, Carolyn A CC Johnson, Yvonne M Kinzel, Carrie L CC Kossuth, Jessica A W W Krogmeier, Mary J FV Lewis, Rosita D FV Mallory, Patrick R M Malta, Randy J FP Mann, Anna-Marie Tia FV FV FP CC Matson, Kristopher M FV Mayse, Renee M FV McCool, Marie L FV McGee, Darlene K M CC McNeil, Haralyn LaDawn FV CC Meaders-Booth, Jacqueline Diane CC Miller, Amy Gail FV Myers, Nicole M FP Novikova, Galina M M 12/21/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Counselor 05/17/11 08/15/11 1.94 $1,592.63 Educational Assistant08/08/11 III 08/19/11 13.00 $229.06 CCPR FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 2.00 $66.00 PTK Advisor 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 $1,356.16 CRJ122474 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,925.12 Substitute 06/12/11 08/12/11 6.00 $150.00 BIO226550 05/17/11 06/03/11 3.67 $3,578.40 CRFT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 5.00 $90.00 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 $990.00 IS 103675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,034.24 IS 125674 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.00 $1,356.16 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 9.00 $279.00 PHOT D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 $162.00 AT 176650 05/17/11 06/11/11 2.00 $774.68 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.00 $108.00 EMT120450 06/06/11 07/30/11 5.25 $3,176.04 MTH030607 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,466.24 BTOP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 113.00 $2,373.00 GED D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 42.00 $588.00 CFK SUPV/WW 07/10/11 08/12/11 39.83 $724.51 CAMP FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 3.00 $69.00 MTH020651 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,085.12 CAMP FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.50 $121.50 Summer Prod 06/06/11 07/16/11 0.97 $604.96 HMS111401 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,466.24 IS218599 07/11/11 07/15/11 0.20 $195.01 IS 130450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,925.12 SENR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 57.50 $1,035.00 Dep Chair 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $3,813.12 COM107675 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $3,813.12 COM107674 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $3,813.12 COL020550 06/06/11 07/16/11 0.00 $0.00 Teacher of Record 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,925.12 PE 130502 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 $1,300.16 PE 103501 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.33 $1,300.16 PE 121501 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 $1,300.16 GEDU D-CE 05/17/11 08/12/11 18.00 $414.00 HST102695 05/17/11 06/25/11 3.00 $3,813.12 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.50 $121.50 BIO111350L 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 $804.60 BIO111302L 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 $804.60 INDEP STD 05/17/11 05/28/11 1.00 $83.00 COL020502 06/01/11 08/15/11 3.00 $2,466.24 HST102650 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,150.88 COM101475 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,925.12 ECE206501 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 $82.21 ECE206502 06/06/11 07/30/11 0.10 $82.21 CCPR 765 06/06/11 06/30/11 3.00 $81.00 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 14.50 $391.50 CAMP FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 $162.00 ECE204550 06/06/11 07/16/11 3.00 $2,925.12 THT101501 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $3,345.12 ART172697 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 $2,418.24 CVTW DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 11.00 $363.00 Speaker 05/17/11 05/28/11 15.00 $375.00 CCPR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 10.50 $283.50 CPDV DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 6.00 $198.00 SIGN FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 22.00 $462.00 RDG020450 06/06/11 07/30/11 38.00 $1,610.44 MTH160C601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 $3,900.16 MTH160C602 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 $3,900.16 -41- Name Oswald, Paul M Partee, Nigel C Phillips, Karana J Russell, Brenda Carol Schmitt, Linda M Schrader, Karen M Thoele, Mary A Thompson, Darren L Turner, Sandra Theressa Willmore, Richard A Wilson, Patricia Ellen Works, Gregory Allen Young-Abotsi, Kirsten Renee 12/21/11 Loc FP FP CC FP FV FV FP FP M M CC FV M FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Summer 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv EMS ADJ 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.00 $605.20 PE 109110402 06/06/11 07/30/11 1.33 $806.08 COMP DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 12.00 $396.00 HIT101474 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.00 $4,460.16 Substitute 06/10/11 08/12/11 8.00 $200.00 MATH020551 06/27/11 09/25/11 30.00 $1,303.20 HIT101450 05/17/11 06/03/11 1.09 $659.78 HIT101450 06/06/11 07/30/11 2.91 $1,760.05 BIO203601 06/06/11 07/30/11 4.33 $2,936.08 Summer Prod 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 $822.08 THTR DCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 4.00 $200.00 CAMP FVCE 05/17/11 08/12/11 30.00 $630.00 Summer Prod 06/06/11 07/16/11 1.00 $822.08 DHY142421 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.89 $3,101.76 SOC101450 06/06/11 07/30/11 3.00 $2,034.24 Reference Librarian 07/01/11 12/16/11 0.56 $445.74 -42- St. Louis Community College Grand Total 3.2 Ratifications Summer 2011 Total Dollars Relevant to Credit Hours: $4,873,623.59 Total Dollars Relevant to Clock Hours: $408,618.65 12/21/11 -43- ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location CC Name Albritton, Roberta J Barlond, Brian L Bell, Mary A Bond, Sheranda T Brokhina, Irina Maratovna Cobb, Melissa K Cooperwood, Sandra L Copley, John Clayton DeLargy, Margaret E Duenwald, Lucas D Dulle, Rene Ellen Ems, Bernard Michael Friesen, George H Gable, Karla J Gamache, Stephen E Hockaday, Emily Diane Howard, Teria Sherese Huber, Pamela Marie Jacobs, Vetrue James, Rosemary Jenkins, Patricia J Jones, Carolyn Defay Jones, Darren Bruce Jones, Edward T Jordan, Jessica Lee Kates, Deidre Rochelle Krull, Linda M Laury, John D Liermann, James Joseph Matlock, Yvonne M McFerrin, Erica R McKeever, Brian W Menges, Christopher Aaron Edward Miller, Julia M Milos, Kelli Michelle Nienkamp, Roger L Peterlin, Jennifer L Reith, Robin L Robinson, Rhonda Nichole Scott, Tearion Andre Trent, Shawn Aileen Triggs, Cherise Arnell Vertrees, Karen S Wallner, Michael D Washington, Clara B Webb, Jonathan Paul Weinrich, Arnold Virgil Weston, Patricia L White, Calla L Wickersham, Judith L Wiegman, Robert B Wingerter, Jack Eugene Wolf, Pamala S Yanko, Albert Program/Job Title PT Temp Acct. Clerk Programmer Program Manager Office & Technical Programmer Athletic Trainer Office & Technical Educational Assistant II Cont Ed & Special Pg Service/Maintenance Project Associate II Security Officer Facilities Support Assistant Hydromat DP-$45.32 Professional/Enroll Mgt Professional/TESS Administrative Secretary Accounting Clerk I Fiscal Services Specialist Administrative Clerk Student Services Assistant II Administrative Assistant I Project Associate II Athletic Trainer Int Col Athletics Program Manager Copy Ctr Tech Educational Assistant I Administrative Clerk II Facilities Support Assistant Facilities Support Assistant Secretary Student Services Asst II Professional/TESS Recycler Project Associate II STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I Voc Ed (2nd) Career & Tech Senior Project Associate I Recycler STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I Business Tech Trng Educational Assistant II STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT I Educational Assistant I (2nd) Secretary Recycler Educational Assistant I Project Associate Project Associate I Copy Technician Graphic Designer I Accounting Spec/Stu Accts Vice-Chancellor for Office & Technical Facilities Support Assistant Project Associate WSOCSCOREKEEPER201130 Total CC 12/31/11 Amount Paid 3,335.02 5,903.04 22,885.44 788.50 4,732.52 349.07 7,542.80 1,625.48 5,020.08 2,289.51 436.56 114.62 6,845.17 2,834.06 24,231.59 3,236.19 233.60 6,126.63 6,927.84 5,236.38 7,522.54 16,145.77 2,000.90 4,078.14 1,249.16 5,830.85 8,152.46 15,275.36 5,763.01 6,107.58 6,805.16 1,150.20 9,095.10 23,396.15 2,996.98 7,226.78 774.60 4,045.52 2,695.29 7,228.12 3,208.77 432.49 3,949.02 4,246.81 438.94 1,468.78 1,226.88 1,693.58 7,220.54 7,605.19 360.50 13,951.53 10,627.15 5,330.44 4,990.00 2,636.52 6,533.42 5,150.00 210.29 329,514.62 -1- E.1.8 Workforce & Community Development (WCD)/Center for Business, Industry and Labor (CBIL) Temporary Hourly Professional Employee Pay Scale (Effective July 1, 2011) LEVEL RATE 1 $24.72 2 $28.85 3 $32.95 4 $37.08 5 $41.20 6 $45.32 7 $49.43 8 $54.93 F.3.1 Workforce & Community Development (WCD)/Center for Business, Industry and Labor (CBIL) Temporary Hourly Classified Employee Pay Scale (Effective July 1, 2011) LEVEL RATE 1 $12.35 2 $15.10 3 $17.85 4 $20.59 5 $24.72 Nearly all assignments are externally funded. ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name CC-CBIL Adams, Kevin Armon, Flora Mae Augustine, Denise G Austin, Denise J Bates, Tiffany Catrice Beauclair, Sharon N Bell, Ashley Dawn Boyd, Charles E Carraway Chambers, Monica Crockett, Barbara J Daly, Judith M Dapkus, Jane Elizabeth Dimmitt, Airika Miranda Duane, James Francis Dunlap, Michael A Dwyer, Jennifer Ann Edwards, Stacy M Eisenberg, Max James Elliott, Vanessa Rena Foster, Jeffrey T Hayden Foushee, Terry Joseph Fraser, Karen Theresa Friesen, George H Program/Job Title Trng for Tom-$37.08 Bus Tech Trng MTA-$32.95 RETI Patient Care Tech Grad STL PCT RETI TRNG SUPT WCD Staff Dev Training for Tomorrow Grad STL PCT RETI Patient Care Tech Training for Tomorrow Pohlman USA Patient Care Tech Grad STL PCT Training for Tomorrow POST Proctoring Graphics POST Proctoring WCD Staff Dev WorkKeys Assessment UAW Green Jobs Trng UAW LETC CS Oper WCD Staff Dev Training for Tomorrow Graduate St Louis Consortium WCD Staff Dev Special Proj-$37.08 Special Projects-$41.20 RETI Trng for Tom-RTEC Transchemical Williams Patent Crusher GSI Engine JW Aluminum Lean Bus Unit DEC DEC Contract Trng Trng Facilitator 4 - $45.32 Hydromat DP-$49.43 AB Direct Pay Rug Doctor $49.43 Packaging Concepts Performance Analyst $41.20 SLCC Projects Firmenich Bissinger's WCD Staff Dev Sigma CT-$44.65 Lean Bus U GSI Engine SLCC PROJ Hourly Rate $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 32.95 $ 24.72 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 15.01 $ 41.20 $ 32.95 $ 32.95 $ 37.08 $ 41.20 $ 37.08 $ 41.20 $ 45.53 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 41.20 $ 28.42 $ 20.59 $ 20.59 $ 32.95 $ 37.08 $ 40.59 $ 41.20 $ 24.72 $ 32.95 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 32.95 $ 37.08 $ 41.20 $ 20.59 $ 24.72 $ 54.12 $ 48.70 $ 44.65 $ 48.70 $ 40.59 $ 20.29 $ 20.29 $ 45.32 $ 49.43 $ 48.70 $ 48.70 $ 44.65 $ 41.20 $ 36.53 $ 45.32 $ 44.65 $ 32.95 $ 45.32 $ 41.20 $ 45.32 $ 36.53 Amount Paid * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hours Paid 65.00 79.62 79.41 684.50 35.96 27.50 297.52 1101.09 1.00 206.83 136.00 344.00 47.87 181.73 35.83 38.33 128.75 152.25 4.50 293.06 8.00 3.00 1005.37 35.00 430.50 674.55 3.00 844.99 89.70 1.00 433.20 141.09 266.50 130.00 12.00 2.50 1.50 54.52 0.75 710.60 108.00 204.00 158.82 16.12 18.27 44.57 31.00 13.33 61.97 1.00 3.00 68.91 113.53 23.65 6.09 Amount Paid $ 2,410.20 $ 2,952.22 $ 2,616.40 $ 16,920.84 $ 1,333.35 $ 1,019.70 $ 4,465.84 $ 45,364.98 $ 32.95 $ 6,815.10 $ 5,042.88 $ 14,172.80 $ 1,774.89 $ 7,487.28 $ 1,631.52 $ 1,421.31 $ 4,774.05 $ 6,272.56 $ 127.89 $ 6,034.16 $ 164.72 $ 98.85 $ 37,279.06 $ 1,420.65 $ 17,736.60 $ 16,674.83 $ 98.85 $ 31,332.28 $ 3,326.20 $ 32.95 $ 16,063.10 $ 5,812.79 $ 5,487.25 $ 3,213.60 $ 649.44 $ 121.75 $ 66.98 $ 2,655.30 $ 30.44 $ 14,418.15 $ 2,191.32 $ 9,245.28 $ 7,850.61 $ 785.04 $ 889.74 $ 1,990.06 $ 1,277.20 $ 487.00 $ 2,808.50 $ 44.65 $ 98.85 $ 3,123.06 $ 4,677.28 $ 1,071.60 $ 222.48 * assignment began before 07/01/11 12/31/11 -2- ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name CC-CBIL Gamache, Stephen E Gerst, Louis F Ginger, Sandra K Greenwood, Paul E Henning, Madonna K Homco, Damon James Huie, William Henry Hurst, Kimberly Angelica Huss, Renee A Irons, Ellen E Johnson, Tiffany S Johnson-Stampley, Sheryl Jones, Edward T Jostes, Keith Allen Keith, Tracey Michelle Kellom, Debora Malcom Program/Job Title Firmenich-$49.43 Sigma CT-$40.59 Trng Facilitator 5 - $49.43 Rug Doctor-44.65 WCD Staff Dev DEC-$48.70 Training Support DTC Special Projects METRO Rawlings DP - $49.43 Covidien - $37.08 National Sales Dial Assessment-$41.20 Rawlings-$48.70 ABB-$40.59 Rug Doctor Special Projects UAW Green Jobs Training Assess BU Operating Hubbell Killark-$48.70 Dial Assessment-$37.08 Boomerang Tube Hydromat WCD Staff Dev DOJ-Misc Assess CBIL - PT Professionals Grad STL MIIS-$32.95 Bus Tech Trng-$37.08 Trng for Tom-$32.95 Grad STL MIIS-$28.85 Bus Tech Trng-$28.85 MIIS-$28.42 Trng for Tom-$28.85 Training for Tomorrow Grad STL PCT Training for Tomorrow RETI Grad STL PCT Patient Care Tech Pohlman AB Direct Pay Patient Care Tech Bus Tech Trng MIIS-$36.53 CBIL-GRAD STL MIIS T4T-MIIS-$37.08 IR Team Bldg Graduate St Louis Training for Tomorrow Patient Care Tech Grad STL PCT Bus Tech Trng Bus Tech Trng-$32.95 Hourly Rate $ 49.32 $ 40.59 $ 49.32 $ 44.65 $ 32.95 $ 48.70 $ 54.93 $ 54.12 $ 40.59 $ 36.53 $ 49.43 $ 37.08 $ 44.65 $ 41.20 $ 48.70 $ 40.59 $ 45.32 $ 40.59 $ 40.59 $ 41.20 $ 32.95 $ 48.70 $ 37.08 $ 49.43 $ 44.65 $ 32.95 $ 40.59 $ 41.20 $ 32.95 $ 37.08 $ 32.95 $ 28.85 $ 28.85 $ 28.42 $ 28.85 $ 40.59 $ 37.08 $ 41.20 $ 24.72 $ 37.08 $ 36.53 $ 45.32 $ 41.20 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 36.53 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 32.95 $ 32.46 $ 48.70 $ 36.53 $ 37.08 $ 28.85 $ 32.95 Amount Paid * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hours Paid 28.06 8.00 242.54 3.00 3.00 45.00 924.20 1.50 37.48 10.00 66.00 178.00 30.00 26.00 16.00 19.50 18.00 8.12 16.00 161.88 128.00 6.50 165.50 36.00 8.12 3.00 24.00 160.00 24.00 33.50 59.00 7.00 9.97 3.00 4.50 382.72 141.50 993.34 147.75 41.00 145.46 16.00 560.80 117.80 201.11 8.50 24.00 204.00 4.00 327.82 133.87 38.77 81.75 226.98 25.00 Amount Paid $ 1,384.04 $ 324.72 $ 11,962.06 $ 133.95 $ 98.85 $ 2,191.50 $ 50,766.13 $ 81.18 $ 1,521.35 $ 365.30 $ 3,262.38 $ 6,600.24 $ 1,339.50 $ 1,071.20 $ 779.20 $ 791.51 $ 815.76 $ 329.60 $ 649.44 $ 6,669.52 $ 4,217.60 $ 316.55 $ 6,136.74 $ 1,779.48 $ 362.56 $ 98.85 $ 974.16 $ 6,592.00 $ 790.80 $ 1,242.02 $ 1,944.05 $ 201.95 $ 287.64 $ 85.26 $ 129.83 $ 15,534.56 $ 5,246.82 $ 40,925.68 $ 3,652.38 $ 1,520.28 $ 5,313.67 $ 725.12 $ 23,104.99 $ 4,368.13 $ 7,457.16 $ 310.51 $ 889.92 $ 7,564.32 $ 131.80 $ 10,641.01 $ 6,519.65 $ 1,416.09 $ 3,031.29 $ 6,548.33 $ 823.75 * assignment began before 07/01/11 12/31/11 -3- ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name CC-CBIL Kruger, Nancy Ruth Levko, Fred McCollum, Michael Edward Mccourt, Joan Marie McMurtry, Tracy E Miller, Karen Lee Miller, Lucia R Morris, Sirrom Murphy, Malcolm Joel Patterson, Cory Deangelo Pease, Alana Rose Perry, Gavin John Pritchard, Charlinda Michele Prost, Vaughn Xavier Putnam, Karen J Ryan, Robert T Schapiro, Barry Jay Scharringhausen, Annamarie Scharringhausen, Jeffery L Schuh, William J Smith, Makiba Robin Smith, Velta Marie Spalt, Stella M Toliver, Jewell Alexandria Tuttle, Patricia A Voigt, James L Weaver, Robert V 12/31/11 Program/Job Title MIIS-$28.42 T4T - MIIS DBIL-GRAD STL MIIS Trng for Tomorrow - Life Sci HY-C Jost Chemical Jilly's Cupcake Bar Aerospace Grad STL-PCT Bus Tech Trng Training for Tom-$37.08 MIIS-$32.46 BTT-$28.85 Grad STL-PCT WCD Staff Dev Community Service Operating MET RETI Training for Tomorrow Bus Tech Trng-$32.95 Bus Tech Trng Trng for Tom-$32.95 RETI Business Tech Trng Bus Tech Trng-$32.95 RETI WorkKeys Assessment Spec Proj Floorlayers AB Cust Carpenters WCD Staff Dev Social Security Admin Pohlman USA MBTI L'ship BU SLCC PROJ St Anthony's Pohlman USA DDI CBIL - PT Secretary/Clerical Spec Proj Graphics Tech Trng Bus Unit UAW LETC UAW Green Jobs Training CTAF Special Project Patient Care Tech NCWE NOTETAKER Grad STL PCT Patient Care Tech Comm Svc Operating WCD Staff Dev Operating CBIL -PT Tech/Paraprofess Tech Trng Business Unit UAW Green Jobs Trng WCD Staff Dev -4- Hourly Rate $ 28.42 $ 28.85 $ 28.85 $ 32.95 $ 54.93 $ 37.08 $ 54.12 $ 24.72 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 32.46 $ 28.85 $ 37.08 $ 32.95 $ 32.95 $ 12.35 $ 24.72 $ 24.72 $ 32.95 $ 28.85 $ 32.92 $ 28.85 $ 28.85 $ 32.95 $ 49.43 $ 24.72 $ 54.12 $ 54.12 $ 54.12 $ 54.12 $ 32.95 $ 45.32 $ 41.20 $ 41.20 $ 40.59 $ 41.20 $ 45.32 $ 45.32 $ 32.95 $ 32.95 $ 45.32 $ 45.32 $ 44.65 $ 40.59 $ 41.20 $ 36.53 $ 12.35 $ 41.20 $ 40.59 $ 12.17 $ 32.95 $ 37.08 $ 45.32 $ 45.32 $ 44.65 $ 32.95 Amount Paid * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hours Paid 38.00 185.00 26.00 592.08 27.00 2.00 16.00 283.00 13.00 125.69 85.00 3.75 15.00 9.50 3.00 356.86 574.00 128.00 1020.44 23.00 6.90 37.03 217.25 13.90 23.50 59.00 526.10 407.36 13.19 5.58 77.14 3.00 1.00 13.00 228.84 15.00 4.93 40.00 8.00 4.00 741.68 82.93 588.50 50.00 88.73 289.08 51.62 28.00 48.00 24.75 56.91 3.00 958.34 844.00 132.08 67.50 3.00 Amount Paid $ 1,079.96 $ 5,337.26 $ 750.10 $ 19,509.17 $ 1,483.11 $ 74.16 $ 865.92 $ 6,995.76 $ 482.04 $ 4,660.53 $ 3,151.80 $ 121.73 $ 432.75 $ 352.26 $ 98.85 $ 11,758.57 $ 7,088.90 $ 3,164.16 $ 25,225.36 $ 757.85 $ 198.94 $ 1,219.15 $ 6,267.68 $ 400.89 $ 774.33 $ 2,916.37 $ 13,005.24 $ 22,046.17 $ 714.09 $ 302.12 $ 4,174.68 $ 98.85 $ 45.32 $ 535.60 $ 9,428.09 $ 608.85 $ 202.95 $ 1,812.80 $ 362.56 $ 131.80 $ 24,438.27 $ 3,758.21 $ 26,670.82 $ 2,232.50 $ 3,601.65 $ 11,910.18 $ 1,885.58 $ 345.80 $ 1,977.60 $ 1,004.52 $ 692.65 $ 98.85 $ 35,535.20 $ 38,250.08 $ 5,985.81 $ 3,013.88 $ 98.85 * assignment began before 07/01/11 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Program/Job Title CC-CBIL Westphalen, Mary O Witter, Janet K Training for Tomorrow Bus Tech Trng Trng for Tom-$37.08 Training for Tomorrow Comm Svc Operating WCD Staff Dev RETI MO Energy Sector Grant Total CC-CBIL 12/31/11 Hourly Rate $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 $ 32.95 $ 37.08 $ 37.08 Amount Paid Hours Paid 1035.93 55.00 113.00 532.54 37.17 2.00 262.75 105.99 Amount Paid $ 38,412.36 $ 2,039.40 $ 4,190.04 $ 19,746.63 $ 1,378.13 $ 65.90 $ 9,742.77 $ 3,930.21 $ 987,782.37 -5- ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name FP Abudarb, Hawraa Adel Ackerman, Thomasray Ainley, Dennis James Alfoldy, Mary Janice Andrews, Brian Asfaw, Selamawit M Austin-Tolliver, Nancy Charmaine Bailey, Timothy Curtis Bashirzadeh, Parviz Becirovic, Adis Blalock, Wanda Alise Bobbitt, Valerie Lynn Booker, Sattin Kristy Boyd, Brittany Taylor Boyd, Dennis Lee Brokhina, Irina Maratovna Brookins, Sonya Renee Brown, Marquetta Lane Bryant, Lance A Byerly, Jerold Irvin Chaney, Audrey A Chauncey, Latoya Lynette Chittinappilly, Sheela Joy Chopra, Angela Clark, Glandean Althea Clay, Lauren T Claywell, Kristofer Q Clements, Donald J Collins, Alexandria Henrietta Combs, Johnathon Alexander Costello, Colleen M Cribbs, Maurice W Davner, Donna Nicole DeLargy, Richard W Dickerson, Tabitha Sherrell Diuguid, Vincent Glenn Dodge, John H Donaldson, Jimmy L Doss, Stacia Renee Dowell-Foster, Donna A Doyle, Terri Ann Dufer, Dallas Donald Eck, James Timothy Edmond, Troy D Edorh, Dossah Dossou Edwards, Jonathan Blake Edwards, Julius David Ellis, Jonathan Fried Evans, Mary G Fasano, Catherine F Felts, Christopher Kelby Fetahu, Sadik Gage Washington, Nancy Carol Galvin, Christine Iris 12/31/11 Program/Job Title Cashier Event Worker Model ESL Tutoring SI-PSYCH 201130 Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II PT Professional Security Officer Educational Asst. II College Police Officer Clerk Recruiter I Events Worker Clerk Security Officer Educational Assistant I Administrative Clerk II Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I-ADC Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I M-SSC Tutor Educational Assistant I Clerk Office & Tech MODEL Reporter Bookstore Asst I Mechanic Educational Assistant I Gym Supervisor Post Secondary Interpreter I HOUSEKEEPER PT Educational Assistant I Bookstore Prof Cashier MODEL Educational Assistant III College Police Officer Clerk Creative.com Senior Project Associate I Clerk Model Post Sec Interpr III/Voc Rehab Post Secondary Interpreter III Security Officer LAC Clerk Part-time Police Officer Tutor Model Educational Assistant II Theatre Operations Office & Technical SI-BUSS MATH Educational Assistant I -6- Amount Paid 899.93 160.00 468.68 1,110.05 2,094.75 3,934.14 1,008.00 1,599.75 12,133.26 336.00 14,342.75 5,255.46 927.36 376.00 4,815.37 6,825.05 7,982.39 10,009.67 12,683.43 1,947.78 6,413.75 5,365.67 2,805.04 3,724.54 3,728.72 854.92 1,052.96 1,451.46 135.45 30.00 9,439.31 9,535.27 1,386.80 200.28 75.27 5,308.58 289.64 5,004.34 1,296.35 322.50 7,032.34 6,251.56 2,854.26 900.00 12,573.57 8,203.86 347.01 62.81 251.24 6,724.08 5,010.22 7,443.70 5,296.53 3,265.54 329.87 6,390.78 4,465.91 132.66 2,612.62 1,307.25 1,227.85 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Garcia, Sorayda Yaneth Geyer, Melody O Gill, Kaci N Godfrey, Dayna M Granger, Johnny H Green, Bonnie R Greer, Nancy M Gwinn, Elizabeth Kathleen Haier, Bert G Hallermann, Suzanne C Hanson, Lavern West Harris, Cynthia Lousie Henley, Michelle Kimberly Hernton, Angela Terena Hessari, Bahereh Badie Holland, Valarie Delores Holmes, Ashlee M Holmes, Megan Anne Holt, Barbara Jean Horvath, Trudy Kay House, Verna Denise Hubbard, Terrell A Hudspeth, Cassandra Marie Husky, Matthew E Hutson, Jovana Frances Jackson, Camille D Jacobs, Jewel E James, Kenneth Jeffries, Dimitrius Rael Jennings, Jayson K Johnson, Jimmie J Johnson, Valerie B Johnson-Newby, Kathleen Jones, Ciara Sarah Jones, Gladys Davis Jones, Rodney W Karsten, Curie Denyea Keaton, Byron M Kelley, Brenda G King, Megan E Klonowski, Deborah Ann Knoll, Tobias Michael Koesterer, Garry R LaHay, Ann L Lajsic, Marija Lambert, Jennifer Lamichhane, Arun Lampen, Ann V Leslie, Carol Diane Likos, John J Littleton, Geoffrey Lamar LoBaido, Michael Anthony Loeffler, Rita M Mack, Benjamin L Mansco, Kevin Lamont 12/31/11 Program/Job Title Housekeeper, PT Physical Plant Model Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Cashier GED Examiner SSC Tutor Model Model SSC Tutor Writing Tutor Office & Technical Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant I Clerk I Cashier Model Project Associate II Office & Technical Educational Assistant Cashier Clerk Educational Assistant II Cashier Clerk Project Coordinator Security Officer Educational Assistant I Model Events Worker Educational Assistant III Student Support Serv Event Worker Cashier GYM SUPV. Lifeguard Post Secondary Interpreter II Clerk Events Worker Student Services Assistant II Office & Technical Office & Technical SIM Lab Coordinator Educational Assistant II Writing Tutor Speech & Theatre Educational Assistant II Office & Technical Model Office & Tech SI-PHYSICS Library Associate SSC Tutor SSC Tutor Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I General Maintenance Mechanic Educational Assistant I KIDS 704 Educational Assistant I -7- Amount Paid 4,162.88 32.28 94.21 2,037.07 5,823.30 528.36 3,312.96 93.53 971.08 730.80 4,283.51 7,275.63 2,088.38 278.46 4,869.81 2,280.09 8,405.69 199.95 1,612.35 838.91 5,681.08 1,429.21 8,687.11 1,821.60 1,321.88 826.01 120.00 4,744.19 8,357.53 495.38 688.00 3,915.96 9,579.54 1,752.00 4,962.62 1,777.49 1,638.18 992.29 2,430.52 1,632.00 1,028.84 318.78 2,603.91 1,368.38 2,800.91 5,024.27 600.00 6,633.66 9,255.17 843.03 135.20 1,470.00 7,491.44 366.64 5,387.08 4,819.65 5,461.18 11,070.77 1,915.03 414.82 1,098.04 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Marshall, Charnay Cheree Martin, Kirk D Mathis, Malcom Bernard McClelland, Jason Eugene McFerrin, Erica R McIntosh, Terri L McKinley, Sage Ruth McLafferty, Martin David McMeans, Nicole Chayne McPeters, Barbara Ann Meyer, Krystal Brooke Miles, Helen M Miley, Monica Renee Moore, Patty Y Morris, Jillian Terese Mulligan, Theresa B Murrel, Rosalind R Nicholson, Monica Kathleen Oliver, Rayshell Panus, Jeffrey J Paster, Latrica Denise Payne, Gary Tyrone Peniston, Eric B Piper, Roberta Leigh Porter, Ashley L Proctor, Erica Renea' Rankin, Sana Khaleelah Rivers, Daphne Marie Robert, James M Robinson, Esabio R Rothwell, Nathan John Roundtree, Shaylah Monet Russell, Jesse J Ryan, Cartrina J Sahr, Daniel Ryan Schmidt, Paul Frederick Scott, Lisa Ann Shepherd, Latonya Ruth Shields, Laura Raye Simmons, Arnetta M Simmons, Kathleen Kohler Smith Brookins, Adrienne Carol Smith, Leola Smith, Mark Eugene Smith, Romon T Smith, Sonya Denay Squire, Messie Nyagua Stanford-Jones, Patricia A Steinmann, Amy Elizabeth Stephenson, Eddie C Stewart, Alandrea Patrice Stewart, Ellisa Renee Stone, Kathleen A Strode, Reginald Dwayne Sutton, Michael Taylor, Tina Maria Teren, Lisa Anne Thomas, Linda D 12/31/11 Program/Job Title Amount Paid Cashier Gym Supervisor Educational Assistant I PT Professional Clerk II Bookstore Assistant I SI-BUSS. MATH Educational Assistant III Office & Technical Event Workers Student Affairs Educational Assistant III Clerk II Cashier Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant I SSC Tutor Clerk HOUSEKEEPER Part-time Police Officer Office & Technical Bookstore Coordinator -Satelli Security Officer Model Post Secondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Cashier Office & Technical Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant I EAI/Theatre Bookstore Column/Layout Cashier Educational Assistant I Clerk II Educational Assistant II HOUSEKEEPER, PT PHYSICAL PLANT Clerk II Clerk II Post Sec Interpr III/Voc Rehab Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II New Student Success Workshop Clerk II Bookstore Assistant I Clerk Stock Clerk Stock Clerk Office & Technical Art Educational Assistant II Senior Project Associate I Housekeeper Educational Assistant III Events Worker Housekeeper Cashier M-SSC TUTOR Educational Assistant II -8- 1,750.66 5,169.74 1,454.54 1,705.79 1,273.28 6,167.65 1,228.50 10,660.70 2,232.60 376.00 632.00 567.46 8,678.11 6,713.50 5,644.84 909.07 1,177.30 577.95 4,131.62 2,667.42 2,333.47 8,652.57 9,181.29 46.89 161.66 3,354.63 4,329.79 7,118.33 4,195.30 7,449.63 2,323.07 86.84 1,724.63 125.00 5,424.44 8,500.99 6,091.65 5,901.23 294.24 9,789.29 10,487.09 753.68 10,686.13 4,204.86 150.00 9,332.03 7,358.38 337.79 543.58 619.50 14,015.89 7,823.46 5,664.47 18,317.72 4,291.61 9,536.02 408.00 10,080.20 1,796.78 960.00 2,837.76 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Thomas, Simeon James Thompson, Sandra D Thompson, Tellia A Thompson, Terris Bryant Travis, Juanita Tsukerman, Mikhail Santiago Turek, Amanda E Turner, Shirley Ann Turner, Tamala Christine Ury, Christopher M Ury, Jane Marie Van Dillen, Aundrea Marie Varner, Derrick E Vernon, Clara M Wade, Yvette Walker, Joseph M Walker, Robin Carine Ware, Kendall Anthony Wargo, Lisa Michele Wheeler, Victoria Michele White Strickland, Eric Sharon White, Arlynn Dawnell White, Charon Michael Williams, Marilyn Rena Williams, Valarie K Wilson, John Logan Woodley, Rubie B Wrisley, Catherine G Program/Job Title Educational Assistant I Office & Technical Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Administrative Secretary ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Model Accounting Clerk I Project Associate I Theatre Event Worker Theatre Event Worker Theatre Event Worker Photo/Report Columnist Events Worker Secretary Clerk Gym Supervisor Accounting Clerk I Educational Assistant I Post Secondary Interpreter II Office & Technical Lifeguard Events Worker Sports Reporter & Editor Clerk Educational Assistant II Post Secondary Interpreter III SSC Tutor Part-time Secretary PT Professional Total FP 12/31/11 Amount Paid 3,471.28 1,352.98 1,326.19 11,126.62 5,412.90 3,478.82 2,566.80 1,536.00 154.80 6,815.99 8,331.79 162.14 725.60 2,259.12 45.00 50.00 640.00 3,769.14 8,141.50 4,230.92 383.40 1,982.15 200.97 1,678.41 2,132.11 840.00 530.00 5,994.75 2,910.28 854.98 6,408.81 14,498.47 1,566.00 789,479.51 -9- ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location FV Name Abernathy, Earl R Acevedo, Maria Del Rosario Allen, Janice Marie Amos, Melphina Latrice Andrews, Amy Jennifer Anugwo, Obinwa Armstrong, Brian Dwayne Aubuchon, Courtney Lynn Bacon, Lori Ann Balderas, Barbara A Banks, Anthony Lewis Bates, Jodie Lynette Bates, Martez Demond Bell, Barbara R Bell, DeAndre L Bess, Stephanie L Biondo, Kathleen M Bitanga, Jasmine Marie Black, Mary Alberta Blanton, Jean Marie Boddie, Courtney Rennard Booker, Richard Boyd, Alicia E Brendel, Shihong Song Brown, Anthony Edward Silliman Bruns, Nicholas Robert Bryant, Drummond Bryant, Lance A Burgess, Darretta L Cadwell, Ellen Joyce Campbell, Nija Osha Canamore, Hermesha Shinese Caputa, Kelsey Anne Carrawell, James Carter, Maria Patrice Carter, Shawn E Chaperlo, Patricia A Chapman, Hillary Ann Charles, Jean Claude Cherry, Isaac T Cline, Amy M Coleman, Ollie Bernard Conteh, Sidee Cooper, Joseph Michael Cosey, Lamar Darrion Costello, Colleen M Cotton, Candess Taylor Cotton, Charlotte Cox, Jennifer Ann Crinnion, Catherine Marie Daniels, Catherine O Davis, Anthony D 12/31/11 Program/Job Title AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant II Security Officer Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II AAMI Clerk AAMI CLERK Clerk Child Care Attendant I Clerk II AAMI Clerk Child Care Attendant I Project Associate II Academic Advisor AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant II Clerk Educational Assistant II Cashier Cashier Educational Assistant II College Security Officer Perkins Operating Library Associate AAMI Clerk Clerk AAMI Clerk AAMI CLERK Stdent Admissions/Reg. Asst. I Child Care Attendant I Clerk Child Care Attendant I Educational Assistant I Clerk EDUCATIONAL ASST. SEED 2010 Perkins Operating Stu Adm Reg Asst I Perkins Operating Clerk Interp-Seed/11 AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant II Clerk AAMI CLERK EAII-SEED EAII-YFU AAMI Clerk External Operating Theater Educational Assistant II Child Care Attendant I Career & Employment Svcs Spec Career & Employment Services S Lifeguard Lifeguard Student Services Assistant I AAIM CLERK - 10 - Amount Paid 500.00 1,001.50 3,468.57 1,423.52 847.42 700.00 300.00 798.30 1,071.86 4,003.80 750.00 6,240.24 4,032.22 4,955.81 750.00 2,793.77 4,029.27 2,221.05 5,482.17 3,402.65 6,910.00 10,759.42 482.13 21.91 2,226.42 750.00 1,744.29 750.00 650.00 786.76 7,141.98 2,996.26 2,921.63 4,810.84 3,789.47 84.32 890.15 5,438.94 7,478.45 1,924.93 6,181.70 557.06 707.35 750.00 153.30 2,180.87 300.00 9,092.51 92.45 750.00 766.16 577.76 400.00 1,252.96 6,555.53 3,334.65 909.45 977.28 766.74 1,401.64 750.00 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Davis, Edward J Deinowski, John J Delap, Amy DeMoulin, Danielle N Dibbert, Kathy Michelle DiDonato Tinsley, Rachel Nicole Dobbins, Andrae L Donner, Steven Dorsey, Dwight L Dufer, Dallas Donald Early-Exton, Angela Dinah Eck, James Timothy Edwards, Charlene K Edwards, Cheryll Rhondene Elam-Michaud, Beth Ann Ellis, Eleanor B Eunice, Selena E Evans, Mary G Fane, Durrell Donaldson Felts, Christopher Kelby Ferguson, Davion D Fischer, Katherine Kari Flieger, Jimmy D Fogal, Judith Lynn Foley, Therese M Foor, Tyson Curtis Frese, Anne M Frierson, James Melvin Gardiner, Bruce R Geyer, Melody O Gill, Kaci N Gipson, Robert L Gist, Timothy D Glear, Janice Kay Goodwin, Kristin Marie Gordon, Latasha Luenise Graham, Robert Gray, Hakeem A Greene, Amanda L Griessel, Michael K Gruenloh, Taylor J Guo, Zhenhua Gupta, Prarthna Guzman, Angela K Hall, Markice T Hannah, Randy Tyrone Hansen, O D 12/31/11 Program/Job Title AAMI CLERK Operating Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Clerk Postsecondary Interpreter III Mth/Sci/Eng & Tech Peer Tutoring Coordinator Educational Assistant II AAMI Clerk MODEL SEED 2010 Operating Operating External SEED 2010 SEED 2010 Operating Academic Advisor Educational Assistant II Mth/Sci/Eng & Tech Academic Advisor Project Associate II Model AAMI CLERK THEATER PRODUCITON ASST. AAMI Clerk Clerk II Educational Assistant II Clerk Operating Project Associate II Perkins Project Associate ii Tutor Child Care Attendant AAMI Clerk Security Officer Security Officer Model Operating External SEED 2010 Library Associate AAMI CLERK Stu Adm Reg Asst I PostSecondary Interpreter II Office & Technical AAMI CLERK AAMI Clerk AAIM Clerk Cashier Model Educational Assistant I Theatre Rentals Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Interp -SEED11 AAMI CLERK AAMI CLERK Clerk - 11 - Amount Paid 750.00 413.92 2,069.56 3,786.51 3,886.05 217.63 4,047.14 1,100.56 4,215.76 750.00 77.46 439.66 188.42 1,900.04 344.53 282.64 1,907.80 816.50 12,845.72 1,313.07 2,640.81 5,318.82 16,304.32 619.37 650.00 244.80 750.00 6,591.35 10,582.21 1,574.97 4,058.06 4,822.13 329.66 73.48 5,426.85 4,693.34 750.00 4,718.49 108.53 119.43 736.60 9,849.52 2,457.07 3,718.92 600.00 6,946.95 124.35 2,433.54 200.00 550.00 650.00 6,022.78 583.62 604.24 74.10 9,196.75 13,527.22 717.46 200.00 650.00 844.48 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Harned, Patrick Harper, Demond William Harper, George E Harris, Paul Romano Hart, Lois M Hatch, Ryan J Hayes, Mary Rose Heil, James Mark Helton, William Clayton Henley, David Michael Henley, Michelle Kimberly Hernton, Angela Terena Hinvi, Ida E Holloway-Wingo, Regina Anne Holmes, Lanthie R Holtschneider, Elizabeth Jane House, Lambert Householder, Robert Mason Hovis, Joshua W Hubbard, Brittany J Huddleston, Paul A Huffstutter, Gary W Huntley, Alisha Nicole Huntley, Ashley Danielle Huntley, Taiwana Marie Jasper, Geraldine A Jenkins, Norman Jett, Patricia A Johnson, Alvin Joe Johnson, Andrew Aaron Johnson, Dominick A Johnson, Steven A Jones, Adrian Jaron Jones, Carolyn Defay Jones, Kiihandra Renee Karsten, Curie Denyea Kelley, Brenda G King, Melanie A Kizeart, Willie Ladell Klein, Mollie Michelle Koester, Michael W Kohnen, Samuel Paul Kudrna, Patricia Ann Kuenzel, Jeffrey M LaChance, Christine Marie 12/31/11 Program/Job Title Writing Lab Tutor Educational Assistant I Educational Asst. I AAMI Clerk Part-time Temporary Cook Student Services Assistant I Educational Assistant II Operating Educational Assistant II Perkins Educational Assistant I Model External Operating SEED 2010 Post Secondary Interpreter III Operating Theater External External Operating Clerk Student Services Assistant II Office & Technical Student Services Assistant I AAMI Clerk Custodial Services Acad Support Service Operating Clerk General Maintenance Mechanic Clerk Clerk Child Care Attendant I Acting Manager Educational Assistant I Project Associate II AAMI Clerk AAMI Clerk Clerk Educational Assistant I AAMI Clerk Educatonal Assistant II Clerk External SEED 2010 SEED 2010 Post secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Operating Operating Student Assistant II SEED 2010 Housekeeper Ed Asst II Model HCHSCOORDINATOR Clerk Theater Office & Technical Accounting Clerk I - 12 - Amount Paid 4,201.57 64.80 230.40 750.00 2,669.63 6,475.64 5,464.41 4,592.12 721.27 739.58 275.86 350.24 3,313.14 1,868.54 3,877.92 1,352.42 1,530.95 200.00 4,600.69 204.13 1,436.74 491.59 1,239.36 2,737.74 7,779.54 750.00 7,600.59 4,231.09 612.38 1,746.64 4,158.95 793.81 793.81 2,263.13 4,590.46 8,169.31 5,749.84 750.00 700.00 554.19 12,107.99 750.00 6,880.88 7,939.41 2,659.89 502.43 248.72 3,435.46 396.40 1,004.85 3,567.40 407.30 4,412.40 9,034.62 12,083.28 1,279.23 345.60 3,932.13 200.00 6,029.26 4,134.77 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Lally, Meaghan M Lambert, Jennifer Lambur, Sallie Adair Lee, Gerald Clayton Lemke, Lorraine C Lloyd, Vernon Lockett, Steven Herbert Lopez, Vivial Marie Malique, Ismail Al McClain, Kenneth Thomas McDaniels, Brandice Nicole McKinney, William Jamaal McLemore, Tiffani M McLin-Morris, Anis F McMurray, Gerard E McQuinn, Andrew T Mertens, Denise Elaine Miller, Geraldine V Miller, Sonya Mobley, Michael K Moore, Pamela Jo Moran, Mary A Morley, Stevi D Morris, Alvin T Morrison, Robert G Mosley, Aaron Lyndalle Burt Murray, Esther Lynn Myers, Carlin Evan Nagel, Mary Michele Nahrgang, Kelly Lynne Najafi, Amon T Nash, Linda L Neal, Barbara Sue Neil, Darlene H Nowack, John E O'Connell, Marcia L Ochs, Mary Marie Oliver, John C Onukogu, Chidiebere Ndubisi Onyekazi, Ngozi Remigius Osborne, Rebecca F Oyedeji, Olawale Kehinde Pack, Gloriana T Panosh, Cynthia Carolyn Peniston, Eric B Penson, Willie Louis Petty, Stacy Lynn Phillips, Roxanne M Pierrie, Harold 12/31/11 Program/Job Title Education Asst. II/SI Leader Model Lifeguard Lifeguard AAMI Clerk Clerk AAMI CLERK AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II AAMI CLERK Accessibility Servic Acad Support Service AAMI CLerk Clerk Educational Assistant II Office & Technical Copy Technician Clerk Clerk II Student Adm/Reg Asst. I Cashier Clerk Project Associate I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Clerk Admissions Rep I Educational Assistant I AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Reading Lab Bookstore Assistant I FACS Outreach Coordinator FACS Outreach Coordinator Part Time Professional FACS Outreach Coordinator Office & Technical Educational Assistant II Student Services Assistant I PART TIME TEMP WORKER AAMI CLERK AAMI CLERK Office & Technical AAIM Clerk Operating Lifeguard Lifeguard Model Clerk Clerk II CLERK II Educational Assistant I AAMI CLERK - 13 - Amount Paid 3,667.71 90.80 38.57 296.42 600.00 744.06 750.00 750.00 3,621.08 8,777.99 1,364.93 5,656.59 500.00 75.11 2,503.52 650.00 724.77 4,568.35 6,767.89 7,869.58 166.26 8,910.44 2,087.82 3,233.02 1,783.30 1,094.78 504.00 3,499.20 2,667.00 2,190.61 10,173.83 750.00 92.45 1,559.83 700.00 3,614.00 10,781.21 12,956.80 2,015.90 6,362.03 1,700.82 6,365.19 773.10 5,695.17 8,039.23 1,304.59 818.58 2,564.63 50.00 750.00 520.60 750.00 125.62 1,160.60 809.40 820.82 5,310.63 3,100.77 1,365.26 675.69 200.00 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Pilkington, Yvette Christina Pipe, James Allen Piper, Roberta Leigh Ponder, Tina Elizabeth Prewitt, Christopher J Priscu, Rachel Michelle Purnell, Andrea Marie Putnam, Kathleen M Raffurty, Pamela Sue Randolph, Curtis Randolph, Emily Sue Rappold, Ian Joseph Regh, Rachel E Rice, Donald Keith Richardson, John D Robbins, Megan Lynn Roberts, Jonathan Bree Robinson, Leron Oba Rolf, Judy M Rozanek-McGuire, Gay Lorraine Rush, Amber M Russell, Thomas L Scaife, James Haywood Scates, John T Scherer, Susan M Schildroth, Hayley Schmermund, Rachel Clara Schroeder, Erin L Sciuto, Lee Ann Sedrak, Samir Ishak Shead, Edwin Pierre Shelton, Deionza L Shields, Laura Raye Shoenrock, Jessie Ann Smith, Darryl Everett Smith, Latoya Latice Smith, Robert Smith, Steven James Spikener, Marty D Stafford, Sherry A Steinbach, Marie Siobhan Stephenson, David A Stevenson, Shonda Steward, LaTyllia Dekail Stewart, Christopher M Stimage, Camelia F Storer, Christopher M Stroker, Claire A Suess, Amanda M Taylor, Amanda K Taylor, Jr., Robert Taylor, Lisa Lynnette 12/31/11 Program/Job Title AAMI Clerk Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Housekeeper External Operating Post Secondary Interpreter II Educational Assistant I Stu Adm Reg Asst 1 Operating Educational Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I YIN Mentor AAIM CLERK Lifeguard Part-Time/Temp Model Educational Assistant II AAMI CLERK Model AAMI Clerk AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Admissions Rep I Admissions Rep I AAMI Clerk Cashier Clerk CE-LIFEGUARD LIFEGUARD Clerk Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant III AAMI Clerk Peer Tutor Operating Postsecondary Interpreter II Security Officer MODEL Security Officer AAMI CLERK Student Affairs AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant II Office & Technical AAMI CLERK Child Development Ct Child Care Attendant I AAMI Clerk Model Clerk Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Clerk II Educational Assistant I AAMI CLERK Stud Svc Asst I - 14 - Amount Paid 600.00 734.28 123.76 8,439.97 3,642.40 1,216.75 519.76 7,565.11 4,113.48 314.04 705.60 5,979.66 8,256.32 500.00 1,094.91 459.90 477.67 5,551.94 100.00 154.92 750.00 1,250.00 1,965.60 432.00 5,776.30 3,171.10 2,218.68 130.40 4,277.18 750.00 6,179.45 567.21 612.00 74.40 3,708.61 9,395.81 2,986.46 750.00 2,404.08 94.21 746.10 6,642.68 51.64 6,978.18 650.00 200.00 600.00 5,498.18 57.57 200.00 988.00 1,040.04 750.00 577.91 254.80 3,325.80 5,290.26 550.08 12,742.90 550.00 2,856.31 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Telthorst, Benjamin David Teren, Lisa Anne Thomas, Alicia Vernette Thomas, Lisa Michelle Tipton, Patrick A Tobias, Montorrius Dajuan Trout, Dwayne Tucker, Mary L Turnbough, Mike R Turner Moss, Phyllis O Turner, Brennan Richard Underwood, Deborah A Ury, Jane Marie Vallely, Susan M Vaughn, Albert Vickers, Wesley William Vogt, Daniel Lee Vogt, James Thomas Vroman, Paul J Walker, Belinda J Walker, Jimmy L Walker, Neita F Wallace, Valencia A Wargo, Lisa Michele Watson-Collins, Elizabeth Kelly Watts, Cedric Ivan Webster, Donna M Webster, Hosani Jevoni Weier, James A White, Joel S Wilkins, Christopher C Williams, Clovis Eugene Williams, Maureen A Williams, Michael L Williams, Valarie K Wolf, Pamala S Word, Johnny Wren, Deborah Kay Yancey, Kristen Lynne Yarbrough, Angeline L Young, Roderick Edward Zahra, Matthew J Program/Job Title PT Temp Educational Assistant II Cashier Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II AAMI CLERK AAMI Clerk AAMI CLERK Library Associate Cashier Educational Assistant II Child Care Attendant I Cashier Bookstore Asst. I Educational Assistant I STEM Tutor Educational Assistant II Career/Emp Svc Spec AAMI CLERK Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Accounting Clerk I AAIM Clerk Accounting Clerk I Educational Assistant II External Operating Educational Assistant II Office & Technical Clerk II Clerk Clerk Educational Assistant III SEED 2010 Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III AAMI Clerk Educational Assistant I Clerk II AAMI Clerk Postsecondary Interpreter III Educational Asst. II AAMI CLERK External Model Educational Assistant II Model Educational Assistant II Total FV HP 12/31/11 Amount Paid 5,488.78 3,973.00 510.43 2,284.82 5,639.64 250.00 650.00 100.00 5,689.68 4,771.34 1,333.20 3,790.85 3,517.45 3,568.43 640.47 214.62 6,614.43 2,623.81 700.00 154.24 1,236.92 1,793.09 2,014.58 311.39 5,141.95 6,680.32 375.10 750.00 4,176.88 11,107.00 808.09 2,964.31 6,105.20 2,098.77 4,920.45 8,083.72 1,101.53 10,517.89 5,458.73 62.81 2,936.29 266.93 750.00 1,275.84 5,268.66 700.00 1,803.22 567.21 450.00 433.94 608.97 11,941.38 350.25 2,250.02 978,670.74 McKeever, Brian W Professional/IR - 15 - 5,617.31 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Program/Job Title Total HP 12/31/11 Amount Paid 5,617.31 - 16 - ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location MC Name Abernathy, Erick Randolph Abotsi, Alfred Kwashie Adkins, Ashley Jean Ahearn, Jennifer Lynn Ahrens, Jonathan C Alfoldy, Mary Janice Arensmeier, Melanie Diann Bacher, Alyssa Adele Barbercheck, Patrick Shelby Barnes, Donna Robinson Barnett, Susan Lauren Beasley, Jennifer L Bedwell, Janie A Beeson, Jessica Ann Bernal, Mary L Berson, Ruth Biedenstein, Lauren Alicia Bina, Nancy E Birtley, Ann K Blase, Carrie Kathleen Blumenthal, Nicholas Kyle Boeddeker, Timothy M Bolar, Douglas L Brandt, Karen F Brannan, Becky Anne Brannan, Lindsey Anne Brissette, Kellianne Lyn Brusati, Patricia Lynn Buckley, Stephanie Kirsten Burnett, David Michael Busch, Kelly Marie Canono, Sherry Mae C Carbery, Kathryn Elizabeth Carmody, Martin Philip Carroll, Ann Christine Chryst, Marilyn Kathryn Chu, William S Clark, Glandean Althea Cobbs, Kimara L Collier, Chad Alexander Corson, Debra H Costello, Colleen M Costello, Ian Joseph Cox, Denise Ann Davis, Dedra Danielle Derousse, Mark S Deutman, Kevin Joseph Dibbert, Kathy Michelle Dorsett, Ricky Lee DuBois, Shawna Marie Dufer, Dallas Donald Echterhoff, Joan H Eck, James Timothy Edwards, Charlene K Ellermann, Edward Briggs England, Deborah K Fairley, Christina M 12/31/11 Program/Job Title Office & Technical Stu Service Asst II Library Associate Lifeguard Educational Assistant II Office & Technical Educational Assistant III Lifeguard Lifeguard Cashier Educational Assistant II Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Office & Technical Education Assistant III Educational Assistant III Educational Asisstant II Cashier Student Services Asst II College Police Dispatcher Bookstore Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant II College Police Officer Secretary Cashier Cashier Bookstore Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Educational Asst III Bookstore Assistant I Clerk II Cashier Library Associate Cashier Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Model Part-Time Clerk- Typist Cashier Project Assistant - General Post Secondary Interpreter II Lifeguard College Police Dispatcher Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant III Clerk II Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant I Secretary Model Educational Assistant III Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Cashier Cashier Educational Assistant I - 17 - Amount Paid 267.42 5,112.36 1,748.43 1,114.94 7,607.73 1,383.50 1,739.84 1,494.53 1,384.98 1,480.81 2,778.41 4,488.47 1,043.13 13,165.26 10,123.85 5,381.28 317.11 66.76 394.68 8,164.84 8,984.75 2,102.90 1,705.77 8,125.21 743.82 2,264.54 1,945.25 5,255.15 7,418.72 4,996.56 1,169.63 3,127.18 6,273.64 12,722.78 4,098.69 5,000.12 8,064.04 4,165.75 3,505.25 12,147.45 38.92 625.03 3,453.66 8,093.03 354.40 682.20 106.35 5,550.21 1,420.55 7,033.21 1,554.50 2,176.62 264.31 965.55 613.42 4,368.03 2,580.75 77.73 4,145.81 3,796.47 4,530.32 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Farace, Julie Anne Felsen, Joseph R Fitzgerald, Lamar Winston Fitzwater, Donna D Flanery, David V Flotron, Mary Ann Ford, Aaron James Fowler, Cheryl L Frankenreiter, David A Franklin, Thomas William Gardner, Emi Rose Geyer, Melody O Gifford, Yvonne L Gill, Kaci N Gipson, Robert L Godwin, Damon James Grupe, Sara Ruth Gunderson, Jesse William Guyton, Rosalyn B Haier, Bert G Halsband, Donna L Haus Day, Hazel Raishelle Heffernan, Jane E Hemingway Harvey, Heather M Henley, David Michael Henley, Michelle Kimberly Hernton, Angela Terena Herries, Paula Elaine Herring, Jennae Lyn Hill, Kathleen Sue Hockaday, Emily Diane Hoeninger, Jason H Hoffman, Ann Marie Hoffman, Carl Frederick Hoffman, Michael G Holmes, Megan Anne Hudson, Grace Ann Hurst, Rene Michelle Huson, Stephanie Nicole Hutchings, Daniel Joseph Jackson, Michele L Jaeger, John A Jankowski, Mariann Helen Johnson, Joseph D Karpel, Alicia C Karsten, Curie Denyea Kilburn, Jon Roger Klotz, Annerose G Koester, Samantha Kudrna, Patricia Ann Ladendorf, Katherine D LaGarce, Charles Gratiot Lahm, Dana Diane 12/31/11 Program/Job Title Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Clerk Typist Clerk NPST One Time Pay Library Associate Clerk II Secretary Secretary Secretary Clerk II Student Services Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant III College Police Officer Clerk Model Educational Assistant III Education Assistant III Post Secondary Interpreter III Library Associate Office & Technical Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant I Student Services Asst II Model Senior Project Associate II Educational Assistant III Education Assistant III Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant III Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Phy Therapy Asst Prg Model Clerk II Secretary Clerk II Bookstore Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant I Model Cashier Bookstore Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Admissions Educational Assistant II Office & Technical Office & Technical Clerk Educational Assistant II Post Secondary Interpreter III Clerk II Bookstore Assistant III Clerk II Post Secondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II - 18 - Amount Paid 5,762.78 10,866.15 3,233.83 570.03 200.00 3,353.17 11,766.05 1,966.65 139.20 2,090.79 5,976.72 4,809.21 11,054.29 3,514.68 5,160.25 5,108.72 1,052.92 4,614.81 1,149.72 342.13 3,547.15 556.84 4,228.03 3,733.81 9,946.22 938.62 15,697.07 1,903.12 729.06 276.33 2,002.80 4,135.41 1,025.97 155.51 559.62 3,080.00 1,478.21 1,634.73 2,679.10 243.46 2,091.86 1,443.85 10,789.11 1,216.61 4,754.85 8,727.62 2,519.11 373.14 3,614.15 773.78 7,333.29 1,223.42 1,168.93 68.39 1,016.28 3,243.30 57.30 1,282.62 5,757.76 9,914.63 1,018.27 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Lambert, Jennifer Lampe, Jeremy Michael Lane, Amy Butler Lane, Mary Kathryn Lee, Lisa Marie Lesch, Allison M Lewis, John Lamont Maness, Jeffrey Kael Markway, Carol J Marlowe, Elizabeth S Martin, Sarah Grace Martin, Stephanie Ann Massot, Elizabeth Ann Mathes, Anna McAllister, Cheryl Patrice McDonald, Jonathan C McLean, Alice R McMahon, Michael Terance Mitchell, Robert Alan Modray, Bryan Joseph Mounts, Jason Andrew Mullins, Linda Sue Nagle, Robert Jacob Livington Nansubuga, Anita Nguyen, Julie Anne O'Connell, Shannon Patricia O'Neill, Timothy J Olsen, Steven R Ortiz, Linda M Pace, Bonnita G Palesch, Karl Peniston, Eric B Peterson Johnson, Sarah K Philippone, Caroline R Piedimonte, Karen L Piper, Roberta Leigh Poirrier, Margaret Mary Polizzi, Bernadette M Price, Rene Pryor, Andrew C Reed, Lynne-Renee Rehkop, Peggy L Roberds, Willette J Robinson, Jane Christina Rolfe, Cheryl Lee Rossiter, Megan Elizabeth Safina, Evgenia Bronislavovna Schallom, Claire A Scherer, Carol Ann Schindler, Kathleen Mary Schrader, Jerome A Sciuto, Ellen Wallis Shaw, Kay A Smith, William A 12/31/11 Program/Job Title Model Educational Assistant I PT Temp Education Assistant III PT Temp Educational Assistant I Office & Technical Student Services Assistant I Campus Business Offi Cashier Office & Technical Educational Assistant II Student Services Assistant I Educational Assistant II Clerk II Stu Fin Aid Asst Lifeguard Cashier Secretary Clerk Clerk II Lifeguard Educational Assistant II Bookstore Clerk Peer Leader Lifeguard Office & Technical College Police Officer Model Clerk College Police Officer Model Clerk Education Asst II Temp Cashier Post Secondary Interpreter II Clerk II Clerk II Project Associate II Education Assistant III Educational Assistant III Clerk I Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Office & Technical Specialist/Svc for Disabled Clerk II Clerk Stud Support Service Clerk II Education Assistant III Supervisor Nursing Skills Lab Office & Technical Library Associate Cashier Lifeguard - 19 - Amount Paid 192.86 10,563.10 4,022.30 1,251.76 3,347.13 1,329.04 1,333.73 487.33 7,575.12 674.51 2,099.66 3,931.62 2,510.41 566.73 452.33 2,991.71 89.99 3,223.09 5,760.51 1,900.43 10,215.17 3,745.92 2,017.40 2,094.18 4,542.72 472.00 1,636.38 211.00 975.69 1,059.84 490.43 7,666.16 921.99 2,681.37 7,331.94 7,680.58 4,880.75 5,987.87 4,052.92 6,512.10 812.86 1,796.36 717.81 1,814.42 2,152.43 1,832.91 1,784.16 509.76 127.44 7,453.56 11,089.67 6,733.12 834.18 561.60 3,345.69 2,453.43 3,782.90 7,630.26 2,700.00 5,775.90 942.55 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location Name Spradlin, Andrew Harrison Sprague, Ann M Steenberg, Karl T Steiner, Sarah Elizabeth Stokes, Zulfiya Minzagitovna Sucher, Chad C Summers, Sabrina A Summers, Shellie Jean Switzer, Virginia L Tate, Michael Jovan Terando, Judith M Turner, Cynthia M Underwood, Daniel Richard Vitale, Angela Marie Wallace, Valencia A Wallace, William McKinley Walton, Chad R Weston, Patricia L White, Joel S Williams, Bruce A Williams, Yannick Duran Wills, Gloria June Wren, Deborah Kay Yanko, Albert Zemann, Pamela A Zitzmann, Michael Richard Zitzmann, Ralph M Program/Job Title Clerk II Phy Therapy Asst Prg Professional Student Services Assistant II Clerk Educational Assistant II Bookstore Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Library Associate Educational Assistant I Clerk II Educational Asst III Educational Assistant I Student Services Assistant I Educational Assistant III Communications College Police Officer Graphic Designer I Bookstore Assistant I Post Secondary Interpreter III Post Secondary Interpreter III Model Clerk II Accompanist Media Specialist Scorekeeper Night Supv Administrative Clerk II Cashier Cashier Total MC 12/31/11 Amount Paid 5,143.49 1,230.00 9,036.71 11,707.89 3,617.25 11,953.88 10,120.04 2,242.18 1,482.01 5,000.72 10,789.11 6,355.18 1,965.26 2,210.66 336.00 3,906.18 36.25 127.71 816.07 570.76 2,020.86 3,498.11 2,650.73 2,715.39 1,838.06 611.34 19.43 1,987.02 4,355.93 488.55 7,549.21 745,890.79 - 20 - ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/11 through 12/31/11 Location W Name Buatois, Amy Dickmann Devoti, Bart S Feller, Candi P Fox, Jessica Lynn Franklin Story, Sherry C Gales, Regenia Graham, David N Haier, Bert G Henley, David Michael Kaemmerlen, Jalayna Kelly, Charles Arnold King, Teya Lieberman, Barbara Leslie Marshall, Tracy Lyn Massmann, Susan Antoinette Nelson, Amber Lee Nuetzel, Michele Louise Pozderovic, Suad Shupe, Deena Darnell Smith, Jeffrey W Thuet, Kelly A Tinucci, Diane Marie Urban, Julie A Winters, Lori Anne Young, Joan Frances Program/Job Title Educational Assistant III Admin Support TANF Advisor Academic Advisor Cashier Educational Assistant II Housekeeper Cashier Model Post Secondary Interpreter III Educational Assistant III Model Art Model Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant III PT Secretary/Clerical Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Housekeeper Info & Enrollment Assistant Educational Assistant III Office & Technical Educational Assistant III Bookstore Assistant I Info & Enroll Asst Bookstore Total W 5,408.74 1,832.86 3,245.61 3,719.06 8,608.99 1,211.22 10,200.33 8,669.61 363.42 172.72 1,414.53 311.35 306.72 8,526.60 4,929.71 2,603.07 568.48 4,519.34 9,801.52 7,435.76 4,280.32 559.28 836.00 9,798.80 6,260.26 3,566.47 109,150.77 Grand Total 12/31/11 Amount Paid 3,946,106.11 - 21 - 3.2 Ratifications Faculty Fall 2011 Name Abbott, Mark Kenneth Abbott, Monte Lee Abrams, Joanna Mariam Achelpohl, Robyn E Adams, Demetrius M Adams, Leroy Adams, Patricia Joyce Adeyemi, Gloria W Adkins, Ashley Jean Adkins, Deborah Kay Aehle, Barbara Jean Aerne, Jo A Ahrens, Marlene Rose Aitken, Victoria J Akin, Rachel Ann Albrecht, Randall L Albright, Matthew Patrick Aldridge, Sarah E Alessi, Jean A Alexander, Kimberly A Alks, Uldis Allen, Deborah Allen, Deborah Patricia Allen, Ivy M 12/31/11 Loc M M M M M W FP W CC FP FP FP FP FP FP CC W W W W W CC M M M CC M M FV CC FV FV FV FV FV FP FP CC FV FV FP FP FP FP FP CC FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HST101647201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ANT2026X1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT1026W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT105674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO208395201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111H03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.58 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG030486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Special pay Orientation 10/03/11 2011 10/31/11 1.00 FLFPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 BIO122375201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 BIO122374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 BIO122368201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 BIO122338201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 LIFEGUARDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 17.50 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 RDG020606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FOOD-D-CE 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ART133668201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART133503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 87.50 SOC2115XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUB201130 10/17/11 11/20/11 10.00 SOC1265XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SOC1035XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitution 09/16/11 12/17/11 5.00 CERAMICS1-3201130LS 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 MBKBCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.40 HST102506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101513201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100421201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ACC100402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 WRITDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 RDG030522201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 RDG030530201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030619201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEG101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 GEG100601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 COM101603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM101613201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101623201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101613201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 0.00 COM101623201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 0.00 COM101603201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 0.00 MUS13255121130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 -22- Amount Paid $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,455.68 $4,453.28 $75.00 $348.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $252.00 $75.00 $1,934.44 $1,934.44 $1,934.44 $1,934.44 $170.28 $45.00 $2,394.24 $75.00 $184.00 $75.00 $3,684.48 $3,684.48 $1,400.00 $3,086.88 $300.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $130.00 $2,791.68 $3,500.72 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $81.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.96 $180.00 $2,094.96 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,128.00 Name Allen, Kelli Danielle Allison, Kathy Sue Allman, Julie A Altman, Kevin J Amen, Charles Alan Anand, Vinod K Anderson, Barbara B Anderson, Carole F Anderson, Gina Marie Anderson, Karla Denise Anderson, Lynda Smith Anderson, Mary Marta Anderson, Matthew E Anderson, Michelle Nicole Anderson-Rice, Rose Mary Andert, Lucas G Andrews, Courtney A Angert, Joseph C Angliongto, Maryanne Vacho Anthonis, Dennis M Archey, Janey E Arensmeier, Melanie Diann Armstrong, Francine M Arnett, Carol Ann Arnold, Gary L Arnot, Paul B Atkins, Luella L Austin, Ron Anthony Autrey, Mary Jungewaelter 12/31/11 Loc FV FV FV CC W W W W FP CC M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FP CC FV FP FV FV FV FV FV W W W FP FP FP CC M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG030554201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1025XS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 RANGEAIDEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 14.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 BIO117301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEO1003W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.43 FINCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 BIO111610201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030618201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 eng020405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020423201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG020426201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.60 PED116551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 PE122580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE122550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 COM101409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101417201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101534201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.20 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 ECE125531201 09/08/11 12/18/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.40 PSC101502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSC101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSC101508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/30/11 1.00 ART275580201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 4.00 PSI111350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 PSI115350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 DMS112450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 DMS210450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 LIFEGUARDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 133.25 MTH025602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101S13201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG101514201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.64 ENG101313201130 09/13/11 09/24/11 0.36 TUR230401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 BAP250450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.80 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG030553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 RDG030550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG020550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BAP220461201130 11/15/11 12/01/11 2.00 Substitute201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 4.00 BAP210451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 -23- Amount Paid $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $101.50 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $264.86 $54.00 $4,455.40 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,241.03 $830.72 $50.00 $830.72 $830.72 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,094.25 $2,094.24 $124.64 $420.00 $2,394.24 $249.28 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,684.48 $2,394.24 $75.00 $798.08 $1,596.00 $1,064.00 $75.00 $1,296.53 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $1,842.93 $251.31 $1,320.00 $4,628.88 $75.00 $1,963.36 $1,963.35 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,246.08 $112.00 $1,246.08 Name Axe, Stephanie Kaye Azwell, Evelyn P Bacher, Alyssa Adele Back, Gail Ann Back, Gordon Edward Bailes, Christopher Wade Bailey, Jill C Bailey, Matthew T Bailey, Steve Bake, Marlene G Balderas, Barbara A Baldwin Kim, Jillian Leigh Baldwin, Robert O Banks, Valerie R Barbero, David John Barch, David J Barks, Jennifer Louise Barnes, Bobbie Sue Barnes, Javonda Jane Barnes, Leslie C Barnes-Roberts, Andrea Marie Barnhart, Victor A Barnholtz, Lane Daryl Barohn, Kathryn Carol Barr, Kimberly Suzanne 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP M M M W W CC FP FP FP CC FP CC FP CC CC FP FP M M M M FP M M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC CC CC CC FV FP FP FP M FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BAP210421201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 BAP115421201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 BAP215461201130 10/25/11 11/10/11 2.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG050650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ENG070604201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 FRE1013S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 LIFEGUARDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 49.25 TCEQUIPMENT201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 5.08 CTCRADJUNCT201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 0.14 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.60 CTCRADJ201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 1.24 CTCRINSTRUCTOR201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 46.00 CTCRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 121.50 CTCRINSTRUCTOR201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 12.00 CTCRADJ201130 08/16/11 12/23/11 0.25 CTCRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 100.50 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.96 CTCRADJUNCT201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 0.04 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 GER101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECE108674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU218451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BUS201601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG016404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG017404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IS102575201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS101574201130 10/17/11 11/21/11 1.00 IS101501201130 08/23/11 10/01/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 IS21051A201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 ENG062650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY206474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY208474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE125401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.72 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG030H02201130 10/03/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030424201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ECO1524SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO104551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.67 AFCPFALL201130 12/07/11 12/17/11 1.00 HONORS201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 2.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 BIO104550201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.67 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 IS102550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 110.25 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 GEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 18.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 60.00 DCS115501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM113401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101521201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.75 IDS101410201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030647201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO207509201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 BIO207503LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 -24- Amount Paid $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $90.00 $4,188.48 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,792.32 $474.77 $3,162.74 $85.69 $2,243.52 $771.21 $1,518.00 $4,009.50 $372.00 $155.80 $3,115.50 $1,846.23 $23.37 $75.00 $2,792.32 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $3,086.88 $1,596.16 $798.08 $2,094.24 $698.08 $698.08 $75.00 $88.00 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,169.78 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $2,094.24 $3,379.92 $200.00 $176.00 $75.00 $3,379.92 $75.00 $2,244.60 $1,673.60 $540.00 $378.00 $960.00 $2,394.11 $2,762.88 $2,532.64 $2,762.88 $2,094.24 $2,028.80 $928.44 Name Loc FV FV FV FV Barrett, Barbara Jean M M M Barrett, Sandra Kristine FP FP FP FP Barshis, Victoria R W W W Barteau, Brian Edward FP FP FP FP Basinger, Jenelle Marie CC Bastien, Chardais Veronica FP FP FP FP FP Bates, Bradley E W W W W Batey, Keith M M M M M Bathily, Diadie B CC Batisto, Joan J FP FP Batson, Stephanie Renae CC Battaglia-Esses, Stephanie Suzanne FP Battee, Tracy Leigh CC Bauer, Eric Jason FP Baugh, Joseph Frederick M M M Bauman, Derek L FV FV FV Baumstark, Jeffrey Mark M Baxter-Carr, Susan L CC Bayer, John G M M Bear, Judy A W W W W Bearden, Jerry L CC CC Bearden, William G CC Beardsell, Kathleen Dorothy W W W W W 12/31/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BIO207509LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 HONORS201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 BIO207503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 BUS104675201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MKT203674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE ACCT 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080413201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH080417201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 SOC101350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Pt Fac Wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 PAR22569b201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 2.24 PAR20569A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 EMT121350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 14.00 ENG030H02201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 0.94 ENG020462201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020H01201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 0.94 English - FP 08/22/11 10/23/11 3.00 ENG030H01201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 0.94 Open Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 ENG101310201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101313201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM107607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101626201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 EMT121550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 31.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 EMTADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.60 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PHY122601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 PSI111604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 17.20 ART244501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART233501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 BIO207650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 ANIMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 17.00 IDS201S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IDS201609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 RDG020301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 49.00 KIDSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.00 IDS201397201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PT Fac. Wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11Tech 12/18/11 1.00 ENG101374201130 09/12/11 12/18/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG1103X1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -25- Amount Paid $928.44 $88.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $90.00 $1,963.35 $75.00 $1,963.35 $75.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $623.04 $1,394.41 $2,492.16 $623.04 $252.00 $584.10 $1,869.12 $584.10 $116.82 $584.10 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $108.00 $623.04 $623.20 $434.00 $2,744.32 $91.50 $373.92 $75.00 $5,525.76 $2,762.88 $516.00 $1,661.44 $1,661.44 $3,022.68 $306.00 $4,115.84 $4,115.84 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $1,519.00 $162.00 $155.00 $2,792.32 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 Name Beatty, Derek E Beck, Scott M Becker, Roger A Beckman, Melinda Beth Bednar, Lisa Bedwell, Janie A Bee, Bethabra Begum, Razia Behle, Michael J Behnen, Andrew Taylor Belanger, Jane Frances Bemberg, Stephanie P Benavidez, James G Bender, Jack Bender, Kathleen A Bender, Marcia Marie Bene', Molly Elizabeth Benedick, Kristi A Bennett, Linda M Benton, Melissa Joy Berendzen, Julie Anne Berger, Anne-Marie Benedicte Bergin, Cheryl Lynn 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP FP M M M M M M W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FV CC CC M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FP W W W W W FP FV M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 BIO111407LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111407408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO111408LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 MTH020647201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030612201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH020648201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEG101601201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 0.37 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 GEG106301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST1153W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DHY120401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.87 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG020407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.75 ENG020402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.75 ENG101452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.92 ENG101451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.92 HRT134650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.24 IS205675201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IRT140674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CLT200401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 clt200401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 ART1094212011 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.90 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 RDG030408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.85 RDG020407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.88 RDG020409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS122451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS221489201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS121486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ESC101550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GNSFDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 STPATSGED201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 296.50 BIO111613201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111612201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 17.00 COM101614201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101611201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM107602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MUS1286052201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.09 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 MUS128501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMS Adjunct 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.58 MCM101302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Pt Fac. Wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 COM104301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101305201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 2.00 NUR108201130 11/01/11 12/17/11 2.25 COM101553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO208605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO113601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 -26- Amount Paid $75.00 $928.44 $2,792.32 $928.44 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $60.00 $1,869.12 $385.86 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $1,308.60 $1,861.12 $75.00 $2,194.72 $2,194.72 $2,331.89 $2,331.89 $2,019.82 $4,115.84 $3,086.88 $75.00 $1,246.08 $2,076.80 $3,588.53 $84.00 $1,989.53 $2,006.98 $2,094.24 $1,396.16 $1,396.16 $1,396.16 $2,394.24 $540.00 $8,005.50 $3,987.76 $3,987.76 $75.00 $510.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $30.00 $2,469.74 $75.00 $2,394.24 $358.34 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $150.00 $1,795.50 $2,094.24 $3,022.68 $2,094.24 $210.00 $50.00 Name Bergjans, Dorrine C Berglin, Gary A Bergman, Elizabeth Theresa Berkbigler, Jodie Louise Bernard, Sherry Linda Berne, Richard R Berry, Janet Margaret Berry, June E Bersche, Mary J Beta, Martha Beyer, Deborah Ann Bickel, Gregory Scott Bieniek, Valri Y Bierbaum, Susan E Bierig, Serena Michelle Biggs, Courtney A Bingham, Thomas J Birch, Ruth E Bise, Elaine M Black, David Alan Blackwell, Lewis E Blake, Cheryl Ann Blalock, John Eugene Blanchard, William D 12/31/11 Loc FP M M M M M FV FV CC FP FV FV FV FV W W FV FV FV FV FP FP M M M M M M M M FV FV FV W W W W W FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP CC FP FP FP FP M M M W W W W W St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS102474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM101603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 PSI1016WL201130 09/15/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ECE201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 Honors 10/05/11 10/31/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ALPPGM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200511201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101519201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO140301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 RDG0165410201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.94 RDG016508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.94 RDG017508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.97 RDG01751021130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.97 NURLAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.58 NURLAB201130 10/27/11 11/05/11 8.00 PSI111648201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSI111650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSI111S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM101S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101S05201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH124550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH108552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 EDU218302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 EDU211301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU227301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DMS209450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 NUR108201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.04 SEED COORD 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.00 AT&T COORD 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.00 BIO207581LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO207580LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO207580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 BIO207581201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMT121401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.75 PT FACULTY-CE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 ENG1024XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.95 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG020461201130 09/25/11 11/20/11 3.00 ENG1024WB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG102SX1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HST1013W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101306201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 CHM101350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM101301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 -27- Amount Paid $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $3,720.76 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $198.00 $83.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $75.00 $1,352.53 $1,352.53 $676.27 $676.27 $1,263.50 $208.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,128.00 $4,217.76 $1,028.94 $1,028.94 $1,368.52 $1,368.52 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $4,828.56 $300.00 $3,033.50 $75.00 $3,086.89 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $5,484.36 $5,484.36 Name Blandford, Jayme B Loc M M M Bledsoe, Yanan Ma M Bloodsworth, Susan FV FV FV FV Blount, Tiffany Michelle FP FP M M Blue, David FP FP FP Boaz-Chambers, Audrey Marcella FP FP FP FP FP Bober, Michael Bernard FV Boedges, Robert John M Boehm, C R FV FV Bogosian, Ahzad Robert FP Bohra, Sunita M M M Bolden, Eddie E FP FP FP Bolhofner, Edward J M M Bollinger, Jason John FP FP FP FP Bommarito, Lisa Dawn FP Booker, Gloria Dennis FP FP FP FP Boschert, Barbara Ann CC CC Botello, Jennifer Ann FV FV FV FV Bottger, Robert C M M Boulanger, Jay Wilson FP Bourque, June Ellen FV FV Bowles, Micah J FP Boyd, Jamison Marie M M Boyd, Kara N M M Boyd, Robert C M M Boyd, Robert K FV 12/31/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG030614201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101680201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC110650 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG030522201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG030553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030524201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM101402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MCM101603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PSY200451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020445201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020H50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HIT214450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Substitute Acct. 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.50 PE133501201130 08/22/11 11/20/11 1.50 MUS133650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030527201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020531201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART114421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO111680201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BIO111651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 MTH020486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020454201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020S08201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140S07201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL104401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PHL101402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RTH204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 IS103404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS103422201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS103401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NRSGADJ201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 0.05 NRSGDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 RDG020553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 RDG020518201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.75 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 RDG020550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 FNL206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 52.00 BIO124550LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO124550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.10 ART155650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 AT251650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101S06201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101S07201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101636201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH02052A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -28- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $90.00 $2,094.24 $3,192.32 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $225.00 $934.56 $2,762.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $4,116.48 $3,022.68 $75.00 $3,022.68 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $311.52 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $31.16 $528.00 $2,590.20 $690.72 $75.00 $2,762.88 $75.00 $1,842.24 $891.80 $1,368.52 $3,086.88 $62.32 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 Name Boyer, Gerald Cornelius Bradfield, Katherine Anne Bradford, Jennifer Lee Bradford, Sallie Ford Bradley, Jean Marie Bramer, Julia Anne Bramley, Amanda Rose Brandle, Maria A Brannan, Beverly C Branson, Christina C Bravo, Maria R Brazeal, Jana S Breidenbach, Ann Detwiler Breitman, Peter N Brennan, Beverly B Brennan, Patricia A Brennan, Susan Mary Briscoe, Sarah Melinda Brodsky, Maureen M Brody, Gail S Broekelmann, Tom Joseph Brogdon, Benjamin Ray Brown, Amy L Brown, Kathy Ann 12/31/11 Loc FV M M W CC FP FP FP FP FP CC FV FV FV FP FP CC W W W W W W M M M M M M M M M FP M M W FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FV CC M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH030545201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PHL1013W5201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 CRFT-D-CE 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 RDG016017201130SUB 09/28/11 11/05/11 14.00 RDG030402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG030413201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030401201130 10/10/11 11/27/11 0.30 COMPDCE201130 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG020515201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020516201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.78 ITL103461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 FLITDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 32.00 RDG030301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PT Fac Wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11Tec 12/18/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/11/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/18/11 4.25 ENG101607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030622201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECO151650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Librarian 08/22/11 12/23/11 8.96 PSY200676201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200648201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC110451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.35 ACC100346201130 09/12/11 09/24/11 0.40 ACC100640201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COM101425201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RTH204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 PHL104601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL101606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU211503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU227501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 30.00 ARC209650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030529201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020520201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101554201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030528201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101555201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1025WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 Substitute 11/14/11 12/17/11 1.50 COM101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101559201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101557201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PAR21196A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 -29- Amount Paid $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $144.00 $420.00 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,762.88 $272.83 $99.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,941.54 $2,492.16 $864.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $127.50 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $6,251.48 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,447.02 $411.58 $3,086.88 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $532.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $3,086.88 $3,168.00 $75.00 $630.00 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $112.50 $45.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $623.04 Name Brown, Latonya V Brown, Pamela Jeanne Brown, Sarah Tobermann Bruce, Loretta Lavaughn Brumfield, David J Bruns, Jonathan E Buchanan, Leonor Shelton Buck, Stephanie Janine Buckey, Mary Ann Budler Little, Patricia Susanne Buescher-Milligan, Kathleen Buettner, Thomas L Bullock, Robert L Bunton, Thessalonia Burgess, Sandra Jean Burk, Charles Walter Burke, Mary Hagan Burkhardt, Patrick James Burkhardt, Sarah B 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M CC M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.62 PAR20369A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 ECE205450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE102450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PT FACULTY Obrving/eval 10/17/11 lab 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101654201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030608201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 ECE107674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE207698SDL201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 3.00 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.50 ENG102SXA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.76 RDG030422201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG100402201130 Substitute 08/27/11 Pay 10/28/11 3.00 PAR20169A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PAR22169A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PAR22369A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 READING TUTOR 08/22/11 12/17/11 60.50 RDG030486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030430201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG100403201130 SUB 09/26/11 10/28/11 3.00 RDG030428201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.81 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG030350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 09/30/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECE101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 reflib201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 5.74 BIO208551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO207552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 BIO207552LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO208551LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 IS139695201130 10/03/11 12/11/11 3.00 IS130640201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 IS125601201130 11/08/11 12/15/11 3.00 Substitute 09/19/11 12/17/11 10.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS102401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 IS102475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1025XD201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 48.00 ENG101530201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101578201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ122402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ102474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ123401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DHY225401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.72 DHY125401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HST101H21201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101404201130 09/25/11 12/18/11 3.00 MTH020525201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -30- Amount Paid $387.01 $1,635.48 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $645.26 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $45.00 $1,869.12 $264.00 $63.00 $2,094.24 $532.23 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $75.00 $90.00 $1,869.12 $623.04 $623.04 $990.99 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $90.00 $1,963.35 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $4,009.14 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $1,368.52 $1,368.52 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $300.00 $75.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,770.08 $2,058.24 $75.00 $5,488.64 $78.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,869.12 Name Burkhardt, Vivian C Burns, Linda Burns, Mary Esther Burns, Richard B Buschardt, Graciela Bush, Jennifer L Buss, Kenneth D Butery, Karen A Butler, Synetra T Byerly, Jennifer D Byington, Alvin R Byington, Carol H Cables, Shana Langefeld Caldwell, Marilyn Carol Calicutt, Carolyn J Calicutt, Steven C Calicutt, Stevie C Callison, Christine Marie Calvert, Craig Cameron, Brian K Candice, Christopher G Cantrell, Michele Rene 12/31/11 Loc FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M M CC FV FV FV FV FV W W W W CC FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FV W W W W FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH020581201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020540201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 15.00 EDU210602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU210601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 EDU210650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 EDU210601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160C61420113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH030611201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 WORKSHOP 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSY205S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 EDU211650201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 SPA102650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 NPADDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 AquaticDircetor201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 PE162501201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PE130509201130 08/22/11 10/19/11 1.27 PE130518201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 SUBSTITUTE20113008/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 PT Fac wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 IDS201395201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 30.00 ECO1514WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM106501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM101550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 DIT115551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SubstituteLec 11/10/11 12/17/11 1.50 BIO111580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SubstituteLab 10/27/11 12/17/11 2.66 BIO111553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 BIO111580LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 IS157574201130 10/12/11 11/16/11 8.00 IS161574201130 11/17/11 12/17/11 8.00 IS151450201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 4.00 IS151474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS236450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 IT547486201130 09/10/11 12/17/11 48.00 IT211486201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IS130671201130 10/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG102SW3201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.40 PHL101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101305201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101308201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 ENG101312201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE13012432201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 0.59 PE13012430201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.85 Subs 201130 PE130.401 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE13012431201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.85 -31- Amount Paid $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $450.00 $3,086.88 $88.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $2,792.32 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,086.88 $4,115.84 $75.00 $198.00 $1,861.12 $930.56 $884.03 $930.56 $75.00 $75.00 $4,115.84 $75.00 $75.00 $457.50 $2,394.24 $5,484.36 $5,484.36 $2,094.24 $45.00 $1,963.35 $75.00 $69.16 $1,963.35 $870.41 $399.04 $399.04 $3,192.32 $3,192.32 $75.00 $75.00 $1,958.00 $1,689.60 $3,683.84 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $249.28 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $369.93 $1,155.22 $26.00 $1,155.22 Name Carlos, Mario Pruna Carlson, Chris Ann Carney, Marinan M Carosella, Anthony Joseph Carr, Gregory Stephen Carroll, Amy Michelle Carroll, Brian J Carroll, Maria Esther Carson, Diane E Carter, Brittany Diane Carter, Bryonie Anne Carter, Terrell Lamont Casey, Zita Maria Caster, Faith Ann Castillon, Jerry R Castro, James F Caumiant, Jennifer Lynn Cavallo, Cheryl L Cavanaugh, Mary E Cerutti, Jessica E Chabot, Melissa Chambers, Florence Chandak, Pallavi Manish Chapman, Jennifer Sue 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M M M M CC FP FP FP M M M M M M M M W W M W M FP FP FP M W W FP FP FP FP FV M M FP FP FP FP CC FP CC FV FV FV FP FP FP FP CC M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE13012412201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PE18118242220113010/17/11 12/17/11 0.59 PE13012410201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PE17717842220113010/06/11 11/11/11 1.75 Subs 201130 161.40108/22/11 181.450 12/17/11 7.25 Substitute 08/24/11 12/17/11 8.50 PE13012411201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 ART107404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 SUBSTITUTION 10/10/11 12/17/11 20.33 ART107402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 NUR101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 PSY205649201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 48.00 PSY200604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ART172695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART172697201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 22.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COM101462201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM107401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101648201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101655201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 9.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 PE173650201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 SPA1013SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Pt Fac. Wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 SPA101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 MCM115650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COM101476201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101486201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG2316WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART100375201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART100346201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030412201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG004401201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.00 HUM106401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020422201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.94 NUR201501201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 8.50 BIO117601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO124601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.10 BIO151450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO151402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO151401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CTCR201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 nur201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.83 CRFT-D-CE 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 COM101505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101509201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.50 ENG020404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG020427201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 ENG101612201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -32- Amount Paid $830.72 $369.93 $830.72 $45.50 $188.50 $221.00 $830.72 $2,128.00 $528.58 $2,128.00 $1,744.80 $1,584.00 $6,173.76 $3,192.00 $3,192.00 $726.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $270.00 $75.00 $75.00 $66.00 $1,661.44 $830.72 $3,683.84 $75.00 $3,683.84 $75.00 $1,543.44 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $797.58 $2,394.24 $2,344.36 $6,782.66 $3,086.88 $4,455.40 $685.52 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $132.00 $8,645.00 $144.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,141.36 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $108.00 $2,094.24 Name Chauncey, Latoya Lynette Chien, Rueih Wei Chmiel, Mark J Christmann, Gary A Clark, Ashley Lynn Clark, Gloria Jean Clasby, Carol L Clay, James A Clayton, Joel Timothy Clayton, John A Clifford, Anjanette Clifton, Kathy E Cline, Jennifer Ann Cody, Cathy Cox Cohen, Elliott C Cole, Yvonne E Collinger, Allison H Collins, Adrienne Denise Collins, Isaac A Collins, Judith A Collins, Robert W Combest, John G Conley, Cheryl A Conley, Larry C Conner, Elcee C Cooksey, Kenneth W Cooley, Dennis Wayne Cope, Wendy Myles 12/31/11 Loc M M M CC CC M M FP FP FP FP W W W FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M FP CC FV W FV FV FV FV FV FP CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M CC FP FP FP FP CC FV FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101649201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 FLCHDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 40.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PHL103SW1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.38 NUR205201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.82 MTH080431201130 09/13/11 09/25/11 0.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IDS101380201130 10/11/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG101421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 48.00 ENG1024WC201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1024WD201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101507201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS102501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 COM101517201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS102505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM124401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT2011 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.55 RDG030S05201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IDS101407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 Acc204550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/17/11 1.00 BIO111503LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 BIO111503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 BIO1545WH201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 MCM141451201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 66.00 MTH020465201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020456201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG101413201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHY112580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 PSI105501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 PE103591201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 PE130520201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 PE130551201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 PE118580201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MUS221601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS122601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUSCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 65.00 FIR112H21201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.67 FIR501450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FIR111H01201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.67 RTH2404401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 MSOCASSTCOA201130 11/27/11 12/24/11 0.04 BIO226551201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.30 EDU120452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 -33- Amount Paid $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $93.90 $1,000.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $235.10 $5,455.40 $0.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $344.63 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $72.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $1,282.99 $2,990.42 $3,086.88 $45.00 $2,394.24 $1,056.00 $2,094.23 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,990.40 $2,657.60 $930.56 $930.56 $930.56 $930.56 $75.00 $1,396.16 $1,396.16 $1,755.00 $1,332.80 $2,394.24 $1,332.80 $614.08 $25.96 $1,433.00 $2,112.00 Name Copley, John Clayton Copper, David W Corbett, Suzanne E Corley, Norman G Cormier, David H Corrigan, Sean J Corson, Dennis Cosmopoulos, Deborah Costello, Ian Joseph Cottle, Sandra K Courtois, Timothy L Coveyou, John Joseph Nobert Cox, Jodi Lynn Ashley Cox, Michelene F Cozart, Tosha S Cradick, Thomas Robert Crane, Alison B Creamer, George B Crews, Joel P Crider, Jack Critchfield, Cynthia S Crocker, Daniel Charles Croghan, Ann D Crowell, Kenneth Clark Crusoe, Stephanie Eunice Cruthis, Harold T Cucchi, Michael A Cunningham, Kendra Anne 12/31/11 Loc CC CC CC FP FP CC FP FP W W FV FV M W W CC M M M FV M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV W W W FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M CC FV CC M M M CC M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CTCRDCE201130 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 CTCRADJ201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 0.06 CRCRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 23.50 CTCRINSTRUCTOR201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 7.50 CTCRADJUNCT201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 0.01 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 13.50 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.66 EMT12169A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 ENG2053W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020547201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 IS217650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT1013S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 LIFEGUARDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 33.25 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BUS103674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS103650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART131552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CHM101647201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 4.00 ECE204455201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE204475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020517201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020507201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160C54920113009/13/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH160C58020113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 BIO111303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111305201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101511201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101513201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 5.50 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.23 MUS128421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS1133401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE13012453201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 PE13012464201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE13012436201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE13012463201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE13012435201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 PE13012452201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 PE130411201130 09/20/11 11/11/11 1.75 SOC101402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 SOC101406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101676201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG030S05201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 126.50 ENG101535201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 18.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 MTH160C65320113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 WSOCASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.72 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101642201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -34- Amount Paid $132.00 $38.95 $775.50 $247.50 $7.79 $364.50 $411.62 $4,984.32 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,752.30 $75.00 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $75.00 $320.53 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,192.00 $2,492.16 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $3,191.82 $3,192.32 $75.00 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,839.44 $140.22 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,228.16 $1,228.16 $1,228.16 $1,228.16 $1,228.16 $1,228.16 $38.50 $1,963.35 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $88.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,415.50 $2,094.24 $324.00 $150.00 $2,792.32 $75.00 $1,200.44 $75.00 $2,094.24 Name Curran, Michele Leianne Currier, Jamie Lynn Curtis, Brian Cyr, Laura-Jean A Dalton, Patricia Ann Daly, Judith M Damyan, Roberta Anne Daniel, Allen R Danna, Gina Marie Danyluck, Sharon J Darr, Anna M Darris, Francelle V Das, Nobel Vidyasagar Dattilo, Gina M Daugherty, Kathleen Ann Davies-Sigmund, Francine M Davis, Dana Lynn Davis, Diana L Davis, Joseph L Davisson, Michael Glenn Dawson, Susan Christine Day, Christopher K Day, Thomas M H Deelo, Joan M 12/31/11 Loc M M M FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP CC CC CC M M M M CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M CC FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP M W W W W W FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG102HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 ENG1026WC201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1026X2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DMS114401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 COM2005XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101511201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HONORS201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 COM101512201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 DHY120401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 CONSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 43.00 CTCRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 PHY111650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HST101641201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101648201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 25.00 HST101486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 HST101452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS123H80201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 16.00 IS102450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS101H80201130 09/17/11 10/15/11 16.00 IS102H50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM101650201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 1.33 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 ece107402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE1014612011 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030617201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG100603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG070601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG060601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030429201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020H01201130 10/03/11 12/17/11 1.20 ENG020451201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSC101S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 09/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 PT Fac J Assignment11/19/11 Regular 12/18/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 ART101402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART100475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART100460201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART107501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART109502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH030511201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 19.50 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/17/11 1.00 MTH030501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 MTH030512201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC101s01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 09/07/11 12/17/11 15.50 ACC110676201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 64.00 -35- Amount Paid $88.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $4,256.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $88.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $4,912.64 $1,842.24 $1,419.00 $264.00 $108.00 $5,144.80 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $675.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $798.08 $2,394.24 $616.00 $2,394.24 $1,368.52 $162.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $4,188.48 $90.00 $1,869.12 $839.88 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $1,869.12 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $1,861.12 $2,791.68 $3,086.88 $585.00 $75.00 $3,022.57 $3,086.88 $2,394.24 $465.00 $3,192.32 Name Loc Deetz, Kathleen M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV W W W W M M FP M M FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W FP FP FP M FV FV FV CC CC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP Degenhardt, Emily Marie Delmore, Stephanie Deloney, Ronald W DeLorenzo, Lisa C DeLuca, Joseph A Dempsey, Jean Evelyn Denney, Christa Gearhart Dennis, Patricia K Denny, Mary A Deppong, Christine Marie Derby, Michelle Rene Dersch, Peggy Elizabeth DeShetler, Steven James Devine, Edith A Devine, Sherryl Ann Dhawan, Balram Dietzler, Michael N Dingus, Steven Michael 12/31/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSY205671201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205695201130 10/19/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205646201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO208506LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.16 BIO208506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.44 Substitute 08/30/11 12/17/11 2.66 SUBSTITUTELEC201130 09/24/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSC1013W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSC2053S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 PSC101301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SPA2026S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 TECHWORKSHOP201130 08/22/11 09/30/11 1.00 ENG080603201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.41 ENG061602201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.41 ART165501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 HEALDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 CUL105402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CUL105474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE 20113008/22/11 12/17/11 11.00 HRM112474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111452435201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO111453LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 21.28 BIO111452453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 ENG101347201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101478201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030428201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.92 COM107606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 10/10/11 12/17/11 2.50 DCS104504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 DCS119501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 280.50 CEINSTR201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 PSY200514201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY20051201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SUB201130 10/17/11 11/20/11 1.50 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 12/22/11 1.00 CHM101506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM101504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 EMT121S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE111421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130403201130 09/30/11 11/11/11 4.00 Substitute 201130 PE129.480 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Sub 201130 PE130.425.426 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE130404201130 08/22/11 10/15/11 0.50 PE13012424201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE173401201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.50 Sub 201130 PE13012.425.426 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Substitute 09/22/11 12/17/11 18.00 PE130410201130 09/20/11 11/11/11 1.00 -36- Amount Paid $50.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $812.39 $1,701.57 $69.16 $90.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $3,086.88 $2,376.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $75.00 $4,115.84 $50.00 $876.15 $876.16 $3,684.48 $108.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $304.00 $2,094.24 $3,192.32 $1,061.44 $1,061.44 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,039.70 $2,762.88 $75.00 $3,115.20 $623.04 $5,890.50 $132.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $45.00 $75.00 $5,484.36 $4,115.84 $2,492.16 $930.56 $104.00 $104.00 $104.00 $311.52 $930.56 $934.56 $52.00 $468.00 $22.00 Name Ditto, Tina Seville Dixon, Robert T Dodd, Emily C Dodson, Ehren R Dominguez, Christine M Donatt, Paul Michael Dong, Lulu Donovan, Eric W Dooling, Denise Marie Dorough, Scott C Dorsey, Patrick T Dotson, Beverly Marie Douglas, Milton R Dreste, Victoria A Drikow, Gary P Driskill, John E Dubberke, Molly Kathryn DuBois, Kathleen Collins Dugal, Ronald V Dugge, Wayne Alan Duhigg, Cynthia L Dumit, Jabr M Duncan, Sylvia J Dunham, Mary Smith Dupler, Dawn Ann 12/31/11 Loc FP FP M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M M M FP M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M W FV FV FV FV CC FP FP CC CC FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FP M M M FP FP FP CC CC M M M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Sub PE13012.425.426 08/22/11 201130 12/17/11 4.00 PE172401201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 PE129601201130 08/22/11 11/02/11 2.00 SUB PE120402201130 09/12/11 10/11/11 7.00 Sub PE177.178.422 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.75 PE13012404201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 FALLAF020113 08/21/11 12/22/11 1.00 IS116550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS116504201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS116501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM1046S3201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101635HON 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 COM1046S4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101642201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NUR108201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.96 PSY200S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SPA102550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 SPA1015550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BLW101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHI101461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MCM130HON20113008/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 MCM130601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM130301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NUR102501201130 09/09/11 12/17/11 5.00 MCM102501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 MCM134501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.11 MCM124501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 Sub 201130 HMS 100.401 08/22/11 203.401 12/17/11 4.50 HMS100450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 36.00 HOMEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.00 CE230550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DCS214551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.44 DCS211552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 DCS216551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Reference Librarian PT 08/15/11 12/22/11 3.30 LGL217670201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 LGL225695201130 11/03/11 12/17/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 LGL218696201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACCT204451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 BIO208650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO207S80201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO208651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 MTH081460201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH020455201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FLARDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 WRITDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.50 MTH030628201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030608201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030641201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1024WG201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.88 ENG101453201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.94 -37- Amount Paid $104.00 $930.56 $1,395.84 $154.00 $45.50 $930.56 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $166.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $4,159.60 $2,394.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,792.32 $2,792.32 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,792.32 $75.00 $88.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,992.67 $2,676.54 $3,789.36 $2,676.54 $144.00 $135.00 $2,762.88 $648.00 $135.00 $3,192.32 $1,701.57 $1,832.46 $1,832.46 $50.00 $2,303.40 $2,762.88 $920.96 $50.00 $2,762.88 $2,112.00 $4,455.40 $4,455.40 $4,455.40 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $432.00 $148.50 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,006.98 $2,050.61 Name Dupy, Jill A Duran, Troy D Durley-Petty, Renay D Dutt, Michael D Dwellingham, Barbara Jo Dwyer, Terrence J Dyess, John F Dzunu, Pamela Guntharp Early, John Madison Eatherly, Maria Mihneva Ebert, Dineen M Echols, Felicia Chambliss Edwards, Barbara L Edwards, Bobby Joe Edwards, Bryan Christopher Eigel, Mary T Eilerman, Ruth Katherine El-Hage Chehade, Laura Lynn Elders, Kay L Elkins, James E Ellermann, Kurt H Elliott, Christopher Micheal Elliott, Glendoria 12/31/11 Loc M M M M M CC FV FV FV FV FV FV W FV FP FV M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M CC M M M M FP W W W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COM101625201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 COM101622201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101616201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PERDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 PSY200551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020580201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 PE130521201130 10/16/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130519201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 PE106580201130 10/02/11 10/29/11 1.33 PE129381201130 10/21/11 12/17/11 2.67 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.50 ECE101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSI115550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ART239639201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 96.00 ESL Training 10/10/11 12/24/11 3.00 ENG061450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Pay adjustment 09/28/11 10/28/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG060401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ART107601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 15.00 COM101612201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101615201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101617201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS123674201130 08/22/11 09/25/11 1.00 IS132674201130 09/26/11 10/30/11 1.00 CRJ208474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ209401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 English - FP 10/23/11 12/17/11 48.00 ENG103477201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101423201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101H02201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101H22201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COM101518201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101516201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART131604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/31/11 11.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRJ123674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ123601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARA101461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.69 MTH030306201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030305201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020346201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.70 HMS101403201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 HMS100402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HMS102481201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/22/11 1.00 -38- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $75.00 $150.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $126.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $930.56 $930.56 $930.56 $1,861.12 $137.50 $2,394.24 $1,396.16 $2,476.80 $75.00 $2,762.88 $1,296.48 $75.00 $5,525.76 $1,861.12 $50.00 $450.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,028.96 $1,028.96 $2,094.24 $698.08 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $4,116.48 $363.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,574.17 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $1,059.44 $2,094.24 $2,028.80 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 Name Ellis, Glen R Ellison, Sandra L Emert, Mark A Enbar, Shira Leah Endy, Alice J Engel, Edward J Engelhardt, Francesca E Erby, Robbie Marie Erdeg, Biljana Erickson, Andrew T Ernst, Elizabeth A Estes, Robert T Eto, Janet Kaoru Evans, Elizabeth A Evans, Michelle Ann Evens, Kevin A Fagan, Michael Fagin, Gary C Fairchild, Mary P Fan, Naxin Fantroy, Dianna R Farace, Julie Anne Farias, Teddy A Farr, Robert E Farwig, Phyllis Jeanne Faulkner, Cathy L Favre, Matthew Thomas 12/31/11 Loc CC CC FP FP FP FP FP FP CC M M FV FV CC M M M CC M FP FP FP FP FP FP CC M M M FP FP M M M FV FV CC FP FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv SOFTBASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.80 ANIMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 9.00 Fire Tech 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.15 FIR106450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FIR106451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG053401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG053450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 ENG080401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 TrainingforTomorrow201125 11/07/11 12/23/11 5.00 ART131605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 AT120601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 96.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 PSY205501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FEDGED201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 18.00 RDG020601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030646201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHOTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 AT121639201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH080462201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080464201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ART138401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART13421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART135401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 PERDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 15.00 HST101S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101SW1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101S81201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 NUR205201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.48 MTH160CS50 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH140S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 CRJ504501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 RTH240401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 Art110501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Substitute 09/19/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ACC100452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020643201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.25 MTH108650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020614201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 65.50 Substitute 09/21/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 PE104680201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE180650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.20 MTH020419201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080430201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101426201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101422201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030425201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.25 -39- Amount Paid $498.44 $162.00 $119.70 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $2,028.80 $2,028.80 $165.00 $3,192.00 $2,122.56 $75.00 $2,394.24 $486.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $46.00 $2,791.68 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $1,661.44 $2,492.16 $1,661.44 $345.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,584.00 $75.00 $5,920.68 $4,115.84 $60.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $360.00 $532.00 $2,791.68 $90.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,647.92 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,965.00 $78.00 $2,660.00 $798.00 $2,128.00 $124.64 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,664.92 Name Feezel, Regina L Feiner, Jason W Fernandez, Cynthia Ann Fernandez, Kathleen M Fetahu, Sadik Fey, Marsha W Fillenwarth, Albert Floyd Fingers, Angelicia Elpis Fischer, Barbara A Fish, Brandon Rose Fisher, Constance Lynne Fisk, Todd Eric Fitz, Donald E Fletcher, Morris E Florea, Audrey Louise Floyd, Toshi Flynn, M Luisa Fogelbach, Kelly Joy Foley, Sarah Jane Fortenberry, Thomas Avery Foster, James E Foster, William D Fouche, Gwyndolyn Frailey, Nancy Jane Frankenreiter, David A 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FV FV M FP FP M M M FV FV CC W W W W M M M CC FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FV FP M M M M CC CC CC M M FV FV FV CC FV CC FP CC FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute201130 10/28/11 12/20/11 3.25 ENG030H01201130 10/04/11 12/17/11 1.17 PHL1095xH201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 PHL1095XJ201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 AT106601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE181450201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 Substitute 08/28/11 12/17/11 1.75 PE161S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.58 PE122S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.08 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH080524201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH08054201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 BUS104301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 BUS104346201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 09/16/11 12/17/11 20.00 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE116S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 45.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COM101463201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030423201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH160C45220113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH160C45120113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSY2006X1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY2006WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200647201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 4.00 CE235550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ARC211650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ARC211650201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ARC110650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 96.00 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 FEDGED201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 178.00 FLITDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 Substitute 09/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE181S80201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 SOC101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC100503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101524201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 AFCP 09/02/11 09/17/11 1.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRFTDCE201125 11/01/11 12/23/11 3.50 CHM101543201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM101453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 MTH020501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.75 MTH030504201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020526201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.44 MGT106574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MKT203501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG020452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020S05201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 -40- Amount Paid $97.50 $815.88 $2,590.20 $2,762.88 $2,791.68 $830.72 $45.50 $2,061.50 $864.50 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $432.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $520.00 $830.72 $778.80 $867.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,752.31 $2,336.40 $75.00 $2,336.40 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,191.82 $2,394.24 $4,115.84 $3,192.00 $88.00 $75.00 $2,476.80 $91.50 $4,806.00 $432.00 $26.00 $930.56 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $200.00 $75.00 $63.00 $4,908.72 $4,908.72 $1,800.68 $3,086.88 $2,508.09 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 Name Fraser, Jennifer C Frederickson, Kenneth F French, Joan Marie Frese, Anne M Fricks, Aldene L Friedhoff, Lori Rose Fritschle, Sandra Ann Froelker, Justine Lea Brooks Frye, Felipe S Fulbright, James S Fuller, John A Fuller, Neathery Batsell Fusco, Angeline C Gaal, Frank A Gallen, James M Gallup, Craig William Gamble, Renee M Gardner, Royd L Garland, Julie Ann Garrison, Rolland Nathaniel Gartner, Nancy E Garwood, Deborah Sue Gasquet, Rosario G Gastreich, Kent David Gaubatz, Douglas Gawlik, Deborah Reeves Gawlik, Ray A Gay, Malcolm Doulas Geist, Zoe Ann Gelfand, Glenna R Gentelin, Karen Zes Gero, Susan A 12/31/11 Loc M M FV FP CC FV M M M FP M M M M M M W FP M M M M W W M M CC M CC W W M M M FV CC CC FP M W W CC CC FV FV CC CC FP FP FV FV FV M FV FP M M M M FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH020S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM105606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM105550LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 EMT121550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.50 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 IS102602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS102603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 NUR101201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.08 SPA2016S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 SPA101606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PSY125601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.38 SOC211650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 09/04/11 12/17/11 2.50 PSY200607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART109346201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 4.00 DESIGN1-4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ENG1026WJ201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101622201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101624201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 PSI123301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT102603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT102647201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 PRD10260132319 10/20/11 12/08/11 1.00 HISTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 PHL1013WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL104374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101676201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101S74201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART151650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 96.00 PE139550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 15.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 42.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.80 IDS101680201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 IDS101379201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 FLSPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 PHOTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 ART17257A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART172551201130 09/12/11 12/23/11 4.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 96.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 90.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 mcm110402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO123501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute Lecture 10/06/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO208508LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG101H0220110 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 ENG030604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Counselor 08/15/11 12/17/11 6.28 BIO1116W5201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 -41- Amount Paid $1,869.12 $3,720.76 $928.44 $3,426.72 $184.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,547.76 $4,115.84 $4,115.84 $3,057.60 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,791.68 $1,861.12 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $216.00 $1,029.20 $108.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,476.80 $830.72 $345.00 $1,386.00 $498.56 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $324.00 $210.00 $4,116.48 $4,116.48 $2,016.00 $1,620.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $90.00 $928.44 $3,022.68 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $30.00 $6,458.23 $4,455.40 Name Gerst, David R Geyer, Melody O Gibbons, Thomas Patrick Ginn, Patricia Janeice Giovanni, Joanne B Giulvezan, Stacia Christine Gladden, Patricia L Glasper, Fermin Xavier Glass, Alan D Glass, Charleen G Gleason, Christina Mary Glover-Robinson, Talisa Kay Gochnour, Frances Ellen Goldkamp, Kristen Habert Golliday, Sharon Gonzalez, Thomas L Good, Gerald J Good, Timothy Michael Goode, Phillip T Goodman, Lee Clayton Goodrich, Scott Michael Gorman, Alan D 12/31/11 Loc M M M M CC FV FP FP W W W W W FV W W FV M M M FV FP FP FP FP CC FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV CC FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute 09/23/11 12/17/11 10.00 BIO111606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO1116W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BUS104652201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Model 08/16/11 12/21/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 RDG020423201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE161303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE192301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE161302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 PE161395201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MATH02050920113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 MTH020304201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020511201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO152650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BUS201S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CE240550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ACC110401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ACC208451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.50 ACC110402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENGLDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 PE174502201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 pe181503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 DA164421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.17 28.00 DA144401201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 0.75 Substitute 10/30/11 12/17/11 6.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PSY200405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 RDG0124012011 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG013421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG012421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG016405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Reading Lab Tutor 08/22/11 12/17/11 439.00 RDG013401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG0160174201130 09/08/11 12/23/11 9.60 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG017405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM101552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101554201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 PHY111401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 PHY111450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 PHY122401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ACC100650 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FIR111H01201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 2.91 FIR112H21201130 10/18/11 12/17/11 3.33 BLW101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BLW101502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/17/11 1.00 BASEBASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS103402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS103403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -42- Amount Paid $300.00 $4,455.40 $4,455.40 $2,394.24 $39.78 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,869.12 $1,246.08 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $2,394.24 $50.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $1,597.15 $3,192.32 $2,394.24 $45.00 $3,192.32 $400.00 $75.00 $930.56 $930.56 $75.00 $1,453.76 $467.28 $180.00 $75.00 $2,792.32 $1,396.16 $698.94 $1,396.59 $1,396.16 $7,388.37 $698.08 $240.00 $75.00 $698.08 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $50.00 $3,490.40 $3,490.40 $4,188.48 $2,094.24 $2,325.40 $2,657.60 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $1,246.08 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 Name Gorman, Belinda L Gottlieb, Gary Graefser, Zachary Adam Graham, Bill P Grant, Allen C Grant, Margaret Mary Grantham, Katharine Eva Grass, Thomas R Grasso, Maria Graves, Darnette Michelle Graves, Jack Lee Green, Percy H Greer, James F Greer, Marsha A Greer, Nancy M Gregg, Agnes Marie Gregory, Jaye J Grib, John A Griessel, Michael K Griffin, Brian Cordell Griffin, Karlyn Trinene Griggs, Thomas L Grimm-Howell, Elizabeth M Groat, Dan D Grossheim, Thomas Roland Grossman, Robert J Grotha, Carol Ann Grothe, James W Grueninger, Kara M 12/31/11 Loc FP CC M M M CC CC FP FP CC FV FV M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP M M M M FV CC FP FP FP FV CC M M M M M M W W M W W M M M FP FP FP M FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS103405201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 60.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MCM124601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM124HON20113008/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 BASEBASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.40 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 40.00 MTH020452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 Reference Librarian 08/22/11 12/22/11 0.56 ME230551201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.67 ART107647201130 09/17/11 12/17/11 2.67 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 34.08 MTH080500201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 MTH081500201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020562201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FIR103451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FIR103450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 2.00 COM101635201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101640201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101643201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO207S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO207S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Substitute Acct. 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.50 MTH040421201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 MTH020420201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG03065120113 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 AT219669201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 GEO/PHYS/SCI/M 08/22/11 09/24/11 0.48 GEO103501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Art Model Figure Drawing 08/16/11 12/23/11 15.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH020464201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020462201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030555201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BLW201650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BLW201695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030S05201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030S06201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030308201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030307201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 BUS104S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 NUR102601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH144451-MTH185451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 MTH160C46120113009/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 ESL Trng 10/01/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG053450201130 11/02/11 12/17/11 1.50 ENG060450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 -43- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $1,080.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $88.00 $249.20 $720.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $84.00 $392.64 $3,727.53 $1,860.84 $1,022.40 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $259.35 $75.00 $60.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,987.76 $3,987.76 $255.00 $3,115.20 $1,869.12 $75.00 $2,094.24 $4,116.48 $30.87 $3,086.88 $198.90 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,869.12 $360.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $50.00 $2,394.24 $75.00 $3,192.00 $3,490.40 $2,792.32 $75.00 $2,094.24 $93.75 $4,188.48 Name Guenther, Charles J Guilford, Stephen C Guilfoy, Daniel W Gummere, Koreen Lee Gunther, Margarita K Guo, Zhenhua Gusdorf, Dorine Renee Gutzler, George Steven Gwinn, Mary Kathleen Haag, Lisa Kathleen Hafezi, Bella Hagan, Marilyn Kay Hairston, Mary Delores Hall, Dave Hall, Janessa D Hallermann, Charleen T Halsband, Donna L Hamilton, Carolyn Hamilton, Gerald E Hamilton, Marlo N Hammerschmidt, Debra Lynn Hammond, Diana M Hammond, Michaella Anne Hamper, Bruce Cameron 12/31/11 Loc FP M M FV FP FP FP FP FP CC M M M M M M CC FV FV FV FV FV W W W W FV FV FV W W W W W FP FP M FP FP FP FV FV FP FP M M M M FP FP CC M M M M M M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG080450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ESC200650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 ESC200501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.34 IT548450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 41.00 Information Systems -08/22/11 FP 09/25/11 12.00 IT544450201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 0.63 IT544450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.75 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PERDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 LGL104641201130 10/19/11 12/17/11 3.00 LGL223650201130 09/22/11 10/06/11 1.00 LGL220650201130 09/01/11 09/30/11 1.00 LGL104695201130 10/24/11 12/17/11 3.00 LGL218695201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 48.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FLSPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/26/11 32.00 BIO111501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitutelab 11/02/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO111501LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SubstituteLec 11/08/11 12/17/11 2.00 PHL1043S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL101301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 IDS101304201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PT Faculty 08/25/11 10/13/11 24.00 IS110565201130 10/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS103580201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 ENG030304201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101346201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030427201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 46.50 Counselor 08/15/11 12/17/11 3.76 ARC117641201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COL020H03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.93 PSY200553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EVENING COORDINATOR201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH154450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PRD12269936294 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 PRD12269836302 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 BIO207608201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO208607201130K120 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 CUL110450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COMMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG020S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG060650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ENG1026WQ201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101681201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 2.63 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CHM109650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 69.28 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CHM211601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.67 -44- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $75.00 $4,455.40 $4,465.68 $1,127.50 $330.00 $436.30 $1,221.64 $75.00 $138.00 $2,394.24 $798.08 $798.08 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $736.00 $2,094.24 $104.00 $928.44 $75.00 $60.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $1,047.12 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,028.80 $3,466.02 $4,116.48 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,044.07 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $4,115.84 $88.00 $88.00 $1,061.44 $1,061.44 $4,188.48 $75.00 $126.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $4,188.48 $2,094.24 $1,832.46 $50.00 $3,455.68 $75.00 $2,928.96 Name Hampton, Gloria Ann Handel, Christel K Hanewinkel, Katherine I Hanson, Robin Annette Hapner, Barry N Hardeman, Vernon Gale Harder, Keith E Hardy, Brian A Hardy, Cathleen Marie Harmon, Amy E Harned, Patrick Harness, Kim M Harris, Barbara J Harris, Kelley Kristine Harris, Robert L Harris, Sharon Ruth Harrison, Annette Harrison, Kenneth E Harrod, James E Harshman, Erik D Hart, Laurie Ann Hartin, Liesa A 12/31/11 Loc FV FV FV FV W W W W M M M W FV M M W W W W FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FV FV FV FV CC FV FV FV FV M M CC FV FV FV FV CC FV FV FV FP FP M M M W W W FP FP W St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ECE125530201 09/06/11 12/18/11 3.00 HONORS201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 6.00 ECO140501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Ger101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.87 PE181338201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE181301201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 Pt Fac. Wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 PE181602201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE181601201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 Substitute 09/28/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 HST101503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 HST102SW2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST102S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 HST1003W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST1053W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101346201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG0301502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030518201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PE180475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE180474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CUL115421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 CUL110401201130 09/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 pe165680201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE160650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 ARTAPPRECIATION201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.80 ENG101556201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG032519201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ENG101529201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1025XJ201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PERDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 PE122501201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 PE174504201130 10/14/11 12/17/11 1.33 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/16/11 3.00 SOC1016W5201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1016W7201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUSSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 ENG103501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG103574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Voyageur201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ENG030535201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 15.75 ENG101522201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101575201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101519201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMG1024WR20113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101418201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG030650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020610201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 BIO208350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO1113W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 PE181481201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.26 PE181480201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.26 PE182368201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 -45- Amount Paid $2,762.88 $528.00 $3,086.88 $3,987.22 $1,064.00 $1,064.00 $75.00 $75.00 $1,064.00 $1,064.00 $78.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,763.36 $2,763.36 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $830.72 $830.72 $1,954.18 $2,094.24 $1,396.16 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $84.00 $830.72 $830.72 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $198.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,396.16 $2,094.24 $425.25 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,987.76 $3,987.76 $1,161.00 $1,161.00 $1,228.16 Name Hartlieb, Jeanette Marie Harvey, Caitlin Marie Harvey, Martha Elizabeth Hatch, Lance R Hayes, Cynthia Marie Hayes, Nicola Anne Haynes, Shanee Eva Heck, Theresa Elizabeth Heckmann, Jean Frances Heffernan, Cris M Helle, Nancy A Heller, Annette P Helms, Katie Jane Helton, Daniel J Hemphill, Carol Ann Henderson, Martha Lee Hennen, Debra Rae Henson, Dennis Ray Hepner, Michael R Hern, Lindy Starr Frazee Hernandez, Leslie S 12/31/11 Loc W W M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV CC M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP CC M CC M M M M FP M M M M M M M M M FV CC FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 PE181350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 MTH030S04201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH140S04201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030418201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.88 ENG030421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030417201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.88 RDG017422201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG017406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG016422201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.00 Reading Tutor 08/22/11 12/17/11 308.50 RDG16406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG02040321130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 BIO207505LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO207505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SIGNDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 MTH030617201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030619201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101621201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101619201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101624201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRM210401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRM134451201130 10/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HRM134450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.25 ESL COORDINATOR08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ESLRET201130 09/04/11 10/17/11 3.00 ENG053501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG070501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/22/11 1.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH020402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020416201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020417201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140422201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 48.00 BUSNDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.00 ART233669201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 RANGEAIDEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 14.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030613201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030614201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Librarian 08/22/11 12/23/11 6.04 BAP115-421201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 2.00 ART100S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRJ207674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ207601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ212SO1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ212674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1016W2201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101680201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1016W4201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 ECE101551201 10/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/22/11 1.00 -46- Amount Paid $75.00 $1,228.16 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,791.24 $1,869.12 $1,791.24 $920.96 $920.96 $1,841.92 $5,207.48 $1,841.92 $2,705.32 $75.00 $928.44 $2,094.24 $432.00 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,664.92 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $1,848.00 $75.00 $120.00 $198.00 $30.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $165.00 $2,791.68 $101.50 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $4,817.93 $1,246.08 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $198.00 $75.00 Name Herries, Paula Elaine Hershman, Alec Jay Hertel, John E Herzog, David L Hicks, John J Higgins, Donna Lynne Hill, Elke A Hinkel, Sandra Sue Hinrichs, Suzanne K Hirson, Diane Lee Hirssig, Gary James Hodges, Peggy Lee Hoefel, Briann O Hoffman, Beverly Lake Hoffman, Joyce Ellen Hoffman, Michael Jeffrey Hoguet, Daniel A Holland, Kara Susanne Holland, Steven W Hollander, Robert R Holterman, Donald L Holtzer, Dan R Homeyer, Yvonne M Honnold, Adrianne L 12/31/11 Loc FV FV CC FV FV FV FP FP FP FV W FV M M W W W W W FP M M M M M M M W W FP W W W W W CC FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP CC M W St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ECE12580201 09/19/11 12/18/11 3.00 ECE101580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 TrainingforTomorrow201125 11/07/11 12/23/11 3.00 ENG101523201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101516201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101527201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 CRJ122H01201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ122401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MGT204574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARC222698201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 ARC102640201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 IDS101374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CTLAdjFacLiason201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG030617201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020606201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 0.75 ENG101603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG020607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 EDU120601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101306201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 IDS101463201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE130372201130 10/18/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130342201130 10/18/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130340201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 PE130371201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 90.50 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 AFOFAC201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 DIT107501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.55 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 90.00 RDG013403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.84 RDG012403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.85 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Lump Sum 08/22/11 09/03/11 10.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.68 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ART275475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN 08/22/11 12/17/11 273.75 HST101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.93 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Substitute201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.50 PE116501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130516201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 32.00 PE130512201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PE116502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 MTH030421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020418201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FINCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 MUS128674201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS128374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -47- Amount Paid $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $99.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,394.23 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $88.00 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $523.56 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,762.88 $930.56 $930.56 $930.56 $75.00 $930.56 $1,294.18 $50.00 $40.00 $1,780.11 $2,430.00 $868.19 $1,903.58 $75.00 $4,162.50 $471.15 $75.00 $2,791.68 $4,776.94 $3,012.92 $75.00 $105.00 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $1,869.13 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $54.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 Name Hornberger, Kent Dale Horner, Mary E Horton, David Hossin, Omar J Hotle, Dana F Hotze, Pamela Evon Houghton, David M Hovis, Joshua W Howe, Joseph W Howell, Nicole M Hoxha, Hyrije H Hoyer, Kendell Lynn Hritzkowin, Nicholas J Hubbman, Yvette Joneen Huber, Dawn Marie Hudson, Repps B Huettner, Juergen E Huffman, Lynne Marie Hufker, Barbara J Hughes, Kenneth Charles Hughes, Lekitta Hughes, Marilyn Sue Hughes, Martha R Hugill, Edmund F Huisinga, Joan F Hulsey, Scott A Hummel, Parl C Hunn, Jonathan William 12/31/11 Loc W CC W W CC FP M M M M FV FV FV M M M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV W M FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV CC FP M M FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MUS1283SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NPADDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 COM101303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101310201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HORTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 RTH204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 MUS114603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS114605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECE202650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ502501 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 CRJ502501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 MTH020S06201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140S06201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 MTH140S05201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.19 ENG060451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 MTH02054A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 MTH020555201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.88 MTH02054B201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 BIO208513HYB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 21.28 BIO111553LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 BIO111554LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 SUBSTITUTE201130Lablec 10/06/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111516LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 SUBSTITUTE201130lec 10/06/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020520201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 ANT102374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT102674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HIT104474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 HIT101476201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HIT105474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IDS101424201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 WSOCCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.39 DMS211401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DMS113450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 HST101580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101551201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.20 ENG1024WL201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH108402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH108403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 13.05 MTH020405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS1144WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUBCOM101405201130 10/28/11 12/17/11 5.00 MUS103402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS131421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 MTH020541201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020542201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.87 TRIPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 42.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.43 MTH030653201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSY205550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -48- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $324.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $54.00 $207.68 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,795.68 $1,795.68 $180.00 $3,086.88 $2,904.00 $3,086.88 $1,364.03 $6,173.76 $2,319.42 $2,294.48 $2,319.42 $828.64 $776.85 $776.85 $34.58 $828.64 $90.00 $1,810.71 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $1,596.16 $3,192.32 $75.00 $798.08 $3,086.88 $3,500.56 $3,192.00 $1,064.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $124.64 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $391.50 $3,086.88 $2,762.88 $150.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $75.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $2,958.26 $1,134.00 $339.15 $1,869.12 $75.00 $2,762.88 Name Hunt, Camille M Hurley, Patrick John Hurt, David Edward Hurt, Debra A Huson, Timothy Craig Hutchison, Joshua W Huxhold, John P Hyland, Deborah J Ingram, Aleshea L Irby, Roby B Jablon-Bernstein, Moira M Jabs, Ashley M Jackson, Christina Ann Jackson, Jessica Denise Jackson, Joseph W Jackson, Sharon A Jackson-Potter, Jessica Nicole James, Anna Kathleen James, David Michael James, Dwayne T James, Jennifer Nichole Jamison, Michael T Jasper, Geraldine A Jayaweera, Henry Bernard 12/31/11 Loc CC M M M M M M M FV FV M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M M M M CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP CC FV FV FV FV CC M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101S08201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101S09201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART157601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 BIO207607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO207608201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO207651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 PHL1035XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 ENG101510201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101610201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IDS101652201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101638201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE103480201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE1778404201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 PE17717842220113010/17/11 12/17/11 1.10 PE1378481201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.26 ped116404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 34.25 BIO207504LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 BIO207506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO207506LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO207504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PRD106601201130 10/25/11 12/06/11 1.00 Instructor II/Counselor08/16/11 12/22/11 4.45 COL020605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COLStudy201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.80 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.60 ENG03250201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ENG032516201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ENG032504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ENG032514201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/22/11 1.00 MTH020528201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH020505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH020507201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH020550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 MTH02055E201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.72 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 MTH020552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 MTH020423201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH020429201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 36.00 ECO141550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BLW101550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 LGL223550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 fallaf0201130 08/21/11 12/22/11 1.00 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 30.00 ENG070651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG070603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG080602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 15.00 -49- Amount Paid $144.00 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,128.14 $3,022.68 $2,094.24 $3,022.68 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,064.00 $1,064.00 $881.12 $1,005.81 $1,175.03 $870.41 $2,094.24 $928.44 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $698.00 $3,106.11 $2,094.24 $75.00 $200.00 $558.40 $2,243.52 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $75.00 $1,752.30 $1,752.30 $1,752.30 $2,028.80 $1,897.91 $75.00 $2,028.80 $311.60 $1,963.35 $1,963.35 $972.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $514.48 $75.00 $990.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $450.00 Name Jeep, Robert T Jeffreys, Atsuko Marie Jennings, Guy C Jewell, Deanna Sue Johnson, Barbara S Johnson, Betsy M Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, David Art Johnson, Frank Walter Johnson, Gerald T Johnson, Kinya Deneice Hope Johnson, Patricia A Johnson, Sarah C Johnson, Sheila M Johnson, Terrell Kent Johnson, William F Johny, John Mulavana Jones, Allen W Jones, Carolyn Defay Jones, Darren Bruce Jones, Donald L Jones, Felicia Annette Jones, Gregory Allen Jones, Janice Maria Rogers Jones, Omer Howard Jones, Robert Anthony Jones, Rodney W 12/31/11 Loc CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV M FV M M M FP FP FP M M M FP CC FP FP FV FP FP FP FP M M M FP CC FP FP CC M M M M M CC FV FV FV FP M FP FV FV FP FP CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG050450201130 10/11/11 12/17/11 3.37 JPN101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.23 RDG020422201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 READINGLAB20113008/22/11 12/17/11 7.08 RDG030h21201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG020h01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 BIO111S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 EMS ADJUNCT201130 09/30/11 12/17/11 0.26 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HMS101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY213421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 10/30/11 12/17/11 1.25 PHL101680201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL1045XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 PHL112675201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PHL112674201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE1623451201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE1623450201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 32.00 FNL206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 72.00 HMS102650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY125S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 PSY125602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.38 ECE04480201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FLIRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HIT201486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO226551201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 58.72 HMS101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HMS2034450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HMS201450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.80 MTH030680201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH170650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140652201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PRD108421201130 09/12/11 12/18/11 2.00 BUSSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 COL020424201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 48.00 COL020421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL Study One Time11/27/11 Pay 12/17/11 1.00 PE132602201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE180601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FITCTRCOOR20113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 196.50 CRJ122501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 LGL21151A33854201130 12/05/11 12/13/11 1.00 CRJ212501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101420201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101654201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101418201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG016504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.94 RDG017504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.08 FNL206401 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG020450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PEDU201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 33.00 -50- Amount Paid $72.00 $75.00 $3,472.74 $4,115.84 $179.55 $2,094.24 $4,635.54 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,028.80 $4,455.40 $162.34 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $37.50 $2,094.24 $2,028.80 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,064.00 $1,064.00 $1,234.80 $2,394.24 $1,500.40 $3,495.60 $3,086.88 $368.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $3,776.28 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $1,954.64 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,596.16 $330.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $200.00 $1,395.84 $2,093.76 $170.00 $75.00 $2,326.40 $4,126.50 $2,394.24 $798.08 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,784.36 $996.94 $1,029.00 $1,869.12 $313.50 Name Jones, Ronald L Jones, Sarah Elizabeth Jones, Wayne Keith Jordan, Catherine F Jorgensen-Zidar, Nikole S Jostedt, Michael P Joyce, Sherry G Joyner, Thana Kay Juenger, Gina Marie Jurgensen, Holly A Jurgiel, Lorraine Michele Kacer, Karen Faye Kaiser, Jane Bokamper Kalfus, Richard M Kalyanaraman, Somasundaram Kalz, Kristen Michelle Kammerer, Robert R Kane, Dolores Anne Kane, Stacie Kathleen Karakhanyan, Liana Volodyevna Karros, Gretchen V 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP FP W W W W FV FV M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP FP CC W FV FP CC FP CC W W M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M CC FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EMT121474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 EMT120450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.32 ENG101303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101304201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 ENG101311201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM101505LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Substitute 08/29/11 12/17/11 6.00 ART153602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART153603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 BIO208514LAB201130 08/22/11 09/25/11 0.33 Substitute-Lec 09/27/11 12/17/11 10.50 SUBSTITUTE-LAB 10/03/11 12/17/11 3.99 BIO208580LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 BIO208514201130 08/22/11 09/25/11 0.75 fallaf0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 BIO208513HYB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO208580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PHL104602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 dhy222401lec20113009/28/11 11/25/11 8.00 DHY121401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 DHY120401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Part-time Assistant 08/16/11 12/23/11 27.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 DIT115351201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRM209474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PERDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 Librarian201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 9.45 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 18.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 HUM115350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HUM115601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111450451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO111407408LEC201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 2.00 BIO1114504LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.66 BIO111402404201130 11/14/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 BIO111409LAB201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 4.00 BIO111401402411403404201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 2.00 BIO111408LAB201130 11/14/11 12/17/11 1.50 WORKSHOP 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SOC101SWA201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC103650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 40.00 COM101416201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101415201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101636201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101629201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020439201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080412201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH030408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Guest Speaker 11/28/11 12/17/11 3.00 -51- Amount Paid $1,246.08 $75.00 $2,492.16 $200.05 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,224.88 $180.00 $2,762.88 $2,112.00 $265.36 $315.00 $103.74 $995.10 $598.56 $75.00 $3,455.68 $2,244.60 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $240.00 $2,058.24 $1,929.60 $75.00 $2,744.32 $386.10 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $336.00 $6,596.10 $594.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,192.32 $60.00 $2,122.88 $78.00 $75.00 $104.00 $60.00 $39.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $720.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $90.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $90.00 Name Karst, Philip J Karutz, Theresa M Kasl, David R Kassly, Charles R Kauffmann, Kelly Jean Kavanaugh, Thomas Patrick Kebert-Strawhun, Mary Lou Kehr, Judith A Kelly, Constance M Kelly, J Kevin Kempf, Henry Anthony Kendall, Rebecca D Kenney, Ann L Kenny, William Russell Kenzora, Paula Ann Kerans, Verna Alice Kerlagon, Kathleen A Kern, Laura A Kerr, Bob Kertz, Adam N Kessinger, Kathy A Ketcherside, Gary L Kettler, Rebecca 12/31/11 Loc M M M M M M FP FP M CC M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M W W W W W FV FP CC FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECO151606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO151603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SPA101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 SPA102601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CE116450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FNL206401 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE105601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 100.75 PE105650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 22.00 ART134421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART131401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Differ sum 11* 08/22/11 12/17/11 17.10 BIO111504LAB1130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111511LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 TechWorkshop201130 08/22/11 09/16/11 1.00 SPA101451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 SPA101404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART133401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART133450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE158601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.67 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 09/16/11 12/17/11 6.00 EGR256550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.34 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 EDU2115551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG017450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG017407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG016407201130 09/23/11 12/17/11 1.87 RDG017451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG016450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG016451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 CRJ206S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ2066674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NUR101201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 11.17 NUR105201130 10/12/11 11/30/11 4.00 COM101428201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101422601130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101426201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Instructor II/Counselor08/17/11 12/22/11 5.63 COL020606201130 09/25/11 11/19/11 2.00 COL020613201130 09/25/11 11/19/11 2.00 HST1023W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST1013S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/18/11 9.00 EGR148550201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.34 MCM126461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 140.75 SPA101402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 -52- Amount Paid $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,683.84 $3,683.84 $2,394.24 $1,029.00 $830.72 $1,953.50 $830.72 $75.00 $572.00 $3,192.00 $3,192.00 $552.67 $928.44 $928.44 $75.00 $75.00 $25.00 $4,115.84 $4,115.84 $2,492.16 $2,492.16 $1,372.16 $6,860.80 $75.00 $156.00 $1,867.51 $75.00 $3,086.88 $920.96 $920.96 $1,726.80 $920.96 $2,302.40 $75.00 $1,841.92 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $11,495.28 $104.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,394.24 $75.00 $50.00 $3,926.25 $1,396.16 $1,396.16 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $270.00 $1,633.50 $2,394.24 $2,533.50 $4,115.84 Name Key, Byron S Kidder, Robin L Kiddoo, Kristin Leigh Kiel, Gail P Kijowski, Karen Louise Kilker, Charles J Kim, Daniel Kim, Hwang Y Kimzey, Kristie A Kincy, James C Kinder, David Edgar King, Brittany Rose Kinney, Johnna D Kissinger, Susan Harshaw Kitt, Robert L Kizart, Claudean Klein, Barbara A Klein, Bonnie J Klein, Nancy M Kleyboecker, Bonnie N Klingerman, Linda K Klug, Melanie Jean Klump, James E Knight, Paul D Knobeloch, Herbert Irvin Knobloch, Christian Ian Mark Knoll, Tobias Michael Knudsen Galindo, Kristina Koch, Lura Jane 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FV FV FP M M M FP FP CC M M FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M FP FV FV FV CC FV CC FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP M M CC FV FV FV FV CC FV M FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Adjunct Instructor 08/22/11 09/30/11 1.00 SPA101405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DCS119551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 DCS104552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 RTH204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 PSY205680201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200680201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200671201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 NURLAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.83 EMSADJUNCT201030 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.10 HISTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 21.00 ART111551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG062401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG060403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ESL Training 10/01/11 12/17/11 2.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSI111603201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHY111651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 EMS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.40 PE171501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.01 PE173502201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.25 VOLBCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.01 PE173501201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.17 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 25.00 ART165551201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 4.00 SUBSTITUTE 09/04/11 12/17/11 12.00 ART168502201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030423201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG017424201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030426201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.85 RDG016424201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.00 FLITDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 68.00 DMS119450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 DMS216401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 DMS214450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 OTA103601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 OTA103602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 9.00 LGL10445034244201130 10/20/11 12/15/11 3.00 LGL108550201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 LGL20551A33724201130 10/20/11 12/13/11 3.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 15.00 MTH030552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ME101500201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG030519201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101528201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG030517201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 SPA2016SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 SPA2016SA201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 PSY200SXA201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 PSY200SXA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -53- Amount Paid $50.00 $4,115.84 $698.08 $3,490.40 $207.68 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,059.00 $685.52 $42.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $630.00 $2,492.16 $2,394.24 $4,788.48 $50.00 $311.60 $75.00 $2,762.88 $4,604.80 $872.48 $9.31 $930.56 $97.50 $3,498.92 $814.24 $675.00 $3,192.00 $360.00 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $698.94 $1,987.35 $1,396.59 $1,836.00 $1,842.24 $1,842.24 $2,456.32 $2,057.92 $2,057.92 $162.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $264.00 $315.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,192.32 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $4,115.84 $88.00 $88.00 $2,394.24 Name Koch, Robert A Koch, Yvonne S Koehler, Charles H Koehnemann, Aaron John Koeneker, John B Koenig, Courtney P Kolker, Ruth K Koppel, Trent L Korbesmeyer, Bruce Korkaric, Huso Kornberger, Thomas M Korte, Jennifer Lynn Korte, Sheila Kosednar, Priscilla A Kosfeld, Minh Tam Do Koshak, Karen D Kossman, Michelle Ann Kostelc, Jane Ann Krausch, Ronald W Krause, Joan B Kravitz, Rebecca S Kretschmer, Curtis Scott Krieg, Joshua John B Krieger, Christine Louise Krieger, Melissa Nicole Krinsky, Elizabeth Ann Krivokuca, Denise 12/31/11 Loc M FV W W W W CC M M M FP FP FP CC CC M M M M M M M M FP M M M M M CC W W FP FP M M M M M M M FP M M M CC CC FP FP FP FP M M M M CC M M M CC M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG2135XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 MCM101301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101304201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101305201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 TRIPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.00 FRE101602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FRE101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH020463201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH108450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 48.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 30.00 CRJ207650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECO151S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO152S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO152S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160CS5220113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 EMS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.20 COM101645201130 10/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101644201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 COM101647201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM101646201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 8.50 CLT202401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 CLT201401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 PED116650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 PE162601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE105602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 AQUA COOR 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE173601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE173602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 NUR201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.29 ECE203640201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.24 ECE206671201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.24 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MUSCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 50.00 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 DHY120401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RTH240401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 CRJ122674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ122601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRJ111674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 AHCEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.00 ENG101632201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101625201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 17.50 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 -54- Amount Paid $75.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $105.00 $3,683.84 $75.00 $3,683.84 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $686.40 $810.00 $1,584.00 $50.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,792.32 $75.00 $1,371.04 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $168.00 $180.00 $425.00 $2,128.00 $3,990.40 $465.28 $930.56 $930.56 $1,861.12 $75.00 $930.56 $930.56 $2,996.40 $865.62 $865.62 $75.00 $1,350.00 $66.00 $75.00 $4,912.64 $1,842.24 $207.68 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $155.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $367.50 $75.00 Name Krizanec, Jasna K Krownapple, Michael Martin Kruescheck, Nancee L Krummel, Deborah K Kuhlman, Elaine M Kulczycki, Judith Mary Kumthekar, Shraddha Mahesh Kungu, George Boro Kuschel, Diane Gale Kuseliauskas, Melissa Kay Kusto, Accalia Rae Kyle, Marcel A La Mell, Stephen R LaBrier, Susan Hemenway Ladd, Kathy L LaGarce, Charles Gratiot Lager, Patricia C Lages, Charles Richard Lages, Mary Lou LaGrone, John E Lally, Meaghan M Lambert-Gardiner, Mary J Lambing, Eric J LaMora, Angela Darlene Lampros, Theodore 12/31/11 Loc M FP FP FV FV CC CC FP M M W W W W W W W W W FP FP FP M M M FP CC M M CC FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FP FV FP FP CC CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FP M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HMS101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RUS101461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 PSY205505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HORTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 7.50 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 RTH204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECE101651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020305201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030304201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020306201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH14031F201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 12.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 Pt Fac. Wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 14.50 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 HIT101H50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 HIT213450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 SOC204674201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101674201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101695201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 63.00 PSY205679201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205641201130 10/18/11 12/17/11 3.00 FLFRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 42.00 CUL101H01201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 2.00 CUL250403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 HRM134H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BAP150402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101S52201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART112601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART107607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART111604201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.37 AT100646201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO207510LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 bio208401lab201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 19.56 BIO207510201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.72 bio208402lab201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.22 BIO208402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 SPA101403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE130515201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130582201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130583201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130514201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.50 MTH020539201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH030525201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH030518201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 CRJSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 32.00 BIO151403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.25 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH140653201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -55- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,792.32 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $202.50 $140.00 $415.36 $75.00 $2,762.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,056.00 $75.00 $75.00 $50.00 $435.00 $75.00 $2,792.32 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $900.90 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,134.00 $1,596.16 $1,596.16 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,791.68 $1,861.12 $2,355.48 $930.56 $1,224.88 $1,125.88 $2,503.86 $1,125.88 $3,683.84 $216.00 $216.00 $75.00 $3,192.32 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $315.00 $1,963.36 $1,963.35 $1,963.36 $928.00 $4,835.04 $75.00 $3,086.88 Name Loc Lampros, William P M M M FV FV FV FP M FP FP FP FP FP M M FV CC M M FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP M M M M M M FV FP CC FP FP FP FV FV W W FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W W M Land, Sarah-Marie Elisabeth Landis, Bryan H Lane, Graham Loyd Lane, Melissa Marie Lane, Sherry Sadler Lang, Carrie Joan Lange, Margaret M LaPorte, Michelle Lynn Larko, Melissa A Larson, Judy C Larson, Robert C Larson, Steven B Laufersweiler, Jonathan H Layman, Judy D Leap, James M Learman, Mark D Leavy, Zoanne Elizabeth Lechkova, Eugenia Penkova Lee, Deborah Renee Lee, Susan S Lee, Tiffany B Lehocky, Daniel Leroy Leick, James A 12/31/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRJ124650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ124674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FRE101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 64.00 FRE101695201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 2.00 HONORS201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 FRE101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 FRE101695201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.00 CHM101405LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 CHM10140540201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CHM1014532LAB201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 1.00 CHM1014531SUB201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 2.00 CHM101406LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 ART207601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ENG101648201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 IRT174650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IRT174674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111110LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111409410201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO409LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 EMS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.99 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IS205674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HIT101474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PHY111601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IS129650201130 08/22/11 09/26/11 1.00 IS129674201130 10/31/11 12/11/11 1.00 IS205676201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 4.00 Substitute PT Fac 10/04/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS152461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 96.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HIT103475201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.00 HIT103401201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 12/22/11 1.00 reflib201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 3.91 COM101350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 bio207450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO2084505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PSY2056S1201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY125S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 PSY200486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101423201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101478201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Executive Dean - FP 10/01/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM101421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 2.00 COM101424201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL1013W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 PHL109301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 AT108601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 -56- Amount Paid $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,792.32 $1,396.16 $88.00 $2,792.32 $1,396.16 $2,397.48 $4,115.84 $26.00 $60.00 $2,397.48 $2,456.32 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $420.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $928.44 $2,792.32 $928.44 $75.00 $1,241.73 $50.00 $3,683.84 $75.00 $3,683.84 $5,144.80 $75.00 $75.00 $698.08 $698.08 $2,791.89 $90.00 $1,869.12 $1,536.00 $75.00 $1,841.93 $1,841.93 $75.00 $2,730.94 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,022.68 $3,022.68 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,308.92 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $500.00 $2,094.24 $150.00 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,684.48 Name Leifheit, Rhonda K Leinauer, Kathryn A Lenox, Roy E Leroux-Wende, Gina Lynn Lesh, James Scott Letchworth, Beverly J Levine, Douglas L Levine, Marlene Hauser Lewandowski, Monica A Lewis, Bonnie L Lewis, Ora J Lewis, Robert H Ley, Jack D Libby, Kenneth E Liebman, Nicole M Light, Greg Lin, Chien Fu Lin, Chih Yu Lindberg, Anne Janine Linder, Amy Marie Lindmark, Richard John Lindsay, Jason Gene Louis Linville, Joseph E Lipic, Gayle A Lipscomb, Jason M Liu, Chia Hui Liu, Ellen An-Lung Livengood, Dustin R Lizorty, Ronald J 12/31/11 Loc M CC CC CC FP M M M CC FV FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP CC M M M CC CC FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M M M FV FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ART275697201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 HEALDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 14.00 HOMEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 15.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 32.00 EMS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.70 PE153650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE154650201130 08/22/11 10/17/11 1.20 PE153651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 WRITDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 PSC101552201130 10/06/11 12/18/11 4.00 ECE101475201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE108474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE108401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101S10201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101S04201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH080402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE ACCT.08/22/11 201130 12/17/11 4.75 MTH080406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080410201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ART112646201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 4.00 EMSADJUNCT201125 08/22/11 12/23/11 0.70 MBKBASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.20 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG30604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CTCTADJ201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 0.05 CTCRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 TCEQUIPMENT 09/26/11 12/23/11 0.08 CTCRINSTRUCTOR 09/26/11 12/23/11 20.03 TCCOORDINATION 09/26/11 12/23/11 17.50 ART10955120130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART177551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Art177550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART109601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART110601201130 10/05/11 12/17/11 2.37 ART110602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 OTA204650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CHM101S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMS Adjunct 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.90 NUR201601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.31 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 DHY120401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 EMS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.39 ENG050450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.31 ENG062411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.16 ESL Training 10/01/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH030461201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030424201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030464201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 FNL206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ART238501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART239551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 13.50 -57- Amount Paid $3,684.48 $378.00 $405.00 $1,056.00 $1,059.44 $1,246.08 $747.65 $1,246.08 $54.00 $4,115.84 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $90.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $142.50 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $4,116.48 $436.24 $747.64 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $31.16 $264.00 $46.74 $660.99 $10,903.20 $3,192.00 $1,861.12 $1,861.12 $2,791.68 $1,657.56 $2,791.68 $2,792.32 $3,720.76 $75.00 $90.00 $2,094.24 $560.88 $7,193.24 $4,256.00 $1,596.00 $863.13 $3,010.47 $1,505.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.23 $2,094.23 $2,094.23 $1,029.00 $2,128.00 $519.75 Name Lochmann, William James Lodato, Theodora L Loehr, Angela Nicole Lomax, Noshella S Lombardo, Laurie Marie Long, Sean Michael Longoria, Ricardo Alano Lonning, Robert D LoPiccolo, Amy E Lord, Robert Joseph Louder, Jessica Lynn Crews Love, Antoinette Ruth Love, Joseph J Love, Mario K Love, Myrtle Marie Lovett, Jack B Loy, Willis L Lyons, Anthony Martin Lyons, Dawn Marie Maag, Colin B Mack, Francis Speakman Macke, John E Mackie, Margaret T Maclin, Margorie Jean 12/31/11 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV CC CC M M M FP CC CC FP FV FV FV FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP W W W M FP FP FV FV FV M M FV FV M M M M FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ART138501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ART/FV 09/25/11 12/17/11 63.99 PE130503201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PE130506201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 32.00 PE130502201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PE130501201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PE130511201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 PE130510201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.75 PE130505201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PHL1034WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL1034XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.92 PHL1034WB201120 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ111501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS102507201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS101503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 IS102504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS110564201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 AHCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030655201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020615201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FNL206401 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.07 RANGEAIDEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 28.00 SENRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/17/11 10.00 EMS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 IS103552201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 IS103551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101431201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1024WA2011 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 ENG1024WH201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSC101646201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.83 MTH080418201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH080420201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH080414201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 MKT203301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MGT204301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 IDS201674201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 4.00 BAP150401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CUL150401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG016513201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.94 RDG01753201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.97 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 PE118650201130 08/22/11 09/11/11 1.33 PE118651201130 09/06/11 09/18/11 1.33 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 EE131550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.34 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 GEO1006SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEO1116SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.67 CHM105605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 ENG080401201130 11/03/11 12/20/11 1.50 ESL Training One time 10/01/11 pay 12/20/11 3.00 ENG053402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -58- Amount Paid $2,192.00 $75.00 $2,463.63 $930.56 $930.56 $930.56 $930.56 $930.56 $930.56 $75.00 $52.50 $930.56 $3,086.88 $3,003.28 $3,086.88 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $698.08 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $165.00 $600.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,097.60 $203.00 $250.00 $1,637.31 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $2,050.61 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $54.90 $2,893.95 $2,893.95 $2,893.95 $75.00 $2,762.88 $1,848.00 $4,115.84 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,207.14 $603.57 $75.00 $830.72 $830.72 $75.00 $3,463.68 $75.00 $3,086.88 $5,834.20 $4,253.76 $45.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 Name Maddox, Teri Lee Mahan, Christopher L Maines, Laylonda S Maixner, Diane M Malique, Ismail Al Mallory, Evern Hildreth Manning, Scott D Mannion, Sharon E Mansfield, Michael Fogertey Manson, James E Marchbanks, Robert A Marcinko, Linda L Marcy, Melanie Elizabeth Markl, Karl S Markova, Kamelia Penkova Marshall, Lois Ann Martin, Carolyn M Martin, Leonard Kent Martin, Mary E Martin, Russell Lee Martin, Sharon Marie Martin, Steven Robert Martinez, Laura Elizabeth Marzouk, Magdy M Mashibini, Deborah L Mathenia, Amanda Jolenta 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP W W W W W W M M M M M M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP M M M M CC CC FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FV FV CC FP M M FV FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG070402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MCM113401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Pt Fac wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 MTH185301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 MTH160C35020113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 MTH17031F201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 3.00 BIO111614201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111696201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 09/20/11 12/17/11 15.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ACC214650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC213695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 ME135550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030410201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG100401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.70 ems201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.20 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG061601201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG051601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IS123486201130 08/22/11 09/24/11 12.00 IS123486201130 09/20/11 09/23/11 4.00 IS123466201130 08/22/11 09/24/11 12.00 IS123466201130 08/23/11 09/20/11 4.00 ANIMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 31.00 HRM128405201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRM128404201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE 20113008/22/11 12/17/11 5.50 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE120602201130 11/08/11 12/11/11 1.33 PE129602201130 08/22/11 11/03/11 2.00 WBKBASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.41 MUSCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 BIO203451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.64 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 BIO111405406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 DMS204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MCM123461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.24 ECO152580201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.02 ART107605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART107606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 PE169550201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 ENG101463201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 EN101486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.83 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Printmaking1-3201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.00 -59- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $75.00 $4,604.80 $3,683.84 $75.00 $50.00 $264.00 $3,022.68 $3,022.68 $928.44 $75.00 $450.00 $50.00 $2,762.88 $2,376.00 $623.04 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $558.60 $124.64 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $50.00 $528.00 $176.00 $396.00 $132.00 $558.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $165.00 $78.00 $1,246.08 $830.72 $1,246.08 $1,499.44 $400.00 $3,239.08 $75.00 $2,792.32 $144.00 $686.08 $75.00 $2,762.88 $1,396.44 $2,094.24 $75.00 $432.00 $636.28 $1,861.12 $1,861.12 $830.72 $2,094.24 $1,974.26 $75.00 $5,583.36 Name Mathews, Roselyn R Mathis, Janet Lynn Matthews, Ann Christine Matyi, Timothy Maupin, Stephanie Zeller Maurer, Eugene Joseph Maxwell, Kevin Mayberry, Michael K McAllister, Kevin M McArthur, Constance E McBride, Linda K McBride, Patrick C McCarthy, Christopher M McCord, Laura Ruth McCoy, Janette Eileen L McDaniels, Brian P McDevitt, William Dale McDonald, Alexander James McDowell, Lynda M McGhee, Mark T McGowan, Ruth Ann McGregory, Kendra A McGuire, Mary Eileen 12/31/11 Loc CC FP FP CC FP M FP FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M W W W FP FP FP M M M M CC FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PERDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 DMS120450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 DMS206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 FLSPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 48.00 RTH240401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 ENG102SW1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MKT203451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG030551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MSOCCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.62 RTH204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 MTH080407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020443201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030417201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030414201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.50 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 GEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 95.00 PE13012423201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.13 PE13012402201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 PE13012422201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.17 PE13012403201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 Sub PE13012.425.426 08/22/11 201130 12/17/11 3.75 PE13012421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 28.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Sub 201130 PE 177.178.422 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.25 PE13012401201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.05 ENG030606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030616201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH020350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 MTH020466201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020461201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 09/28/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE1266602201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE126601201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 1.33 WSOCASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/10/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 CHM105504LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 CHM105502LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 CHM105550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH160B65020113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH220650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 50.50 MTH020510201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020517201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 MTH080502201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG030424201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 RD030/403/030/414201130 10/10/11 11/25/11 0.75 RDG030421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH0306603201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 -60- Amount Paid $81.00 $1,064.00 $2,128.00 $1,296.00 $465.28 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,501.48 $532.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $195.00 $75.00 $2,565.00 $897.75 $1,064.00 $931.00 $1,064.00 $97.50 $931.00 $75.00 $136.50 $1,064.00 $31.16 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $1,869.12 $75.00 $50.00 $1,869.13 $1,869.13 $75.00 $75.00 $52.00 $830.72 $830.72 $300.00 $75.00 $1,224.88 $1,224.88 $3,683.84 $2,792.32 $75.00 $3,490.40 $1,515.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $523.56 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 Name McKelvie, Kenneth H McKenna, Donald J McKone, Daniel K McLafferty, Martin David McLeer, Noriko McManus, Kathleen Patricia McMeans, Katherine Susan McMillen, Donna M McNamee, Burnette M McNeil, James H McNutt, Karol Anne Mcsparin, Brett E Meade, Dennis G Meder, Carol A Medley, Marsha M Meechai, Ann K Meeks, J William Mellembakken, Arild Melman, Morton M Melsheimer, Mary T Menendez, Michele E Menendez, Richard Anthony Merchant, Lorraine W Meredith, Kimberly A Merlin, Karen J Mertz, Kristen D Meser, John Edward Metzger, Fredric A Meyer, Janet Marie Meyer, Jason E Michael, Paul R Michaelis, Dale H Michaelis-Cobb, Cherie B Miederhoff, Marilyn K Mignin, Erin Nicole 12/31/11 Loc M M M M FP CC FV CC FP W W FV CC W W CC CC FV M M M W W W CC M FV FP FP M M M M M FP FP CC CC CC FP M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv AT152601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 84.19 ART165601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030654201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 FLJPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 MKT203574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 40.00 RTH204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 SPA1023S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 64.00 PSI105501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 MTH160C30420113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 RANGEAIDEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 28.00 PIANOCOMBO201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG051650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG080650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART113339201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART113369201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ManagerArtAnnex201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 MUS130601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Part time Faculty for NSF 08/22/11 Gran 09/02/11 0.80 DHY222401 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 DHY120401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PSI115651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSI115653201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.00 PSI115652201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PSI115HON201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 RDG030425201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PERDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 44.00 RANGEAIDEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 14.00 MEDICALDIRECTOR201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 3.02 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSY2006W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NUR101201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.08 RDG017506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030521201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.25 ADJUNCT FACULTY09/12/11 12/23/11 1.25 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 RDG030545201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 RDG016506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 CHM1056W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM105603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM105HON20113012/05/11 12/09/11 0.25 Substitute201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 EE112550201130 11/01/11 02/07/12 2.86 RDG020461201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMS Adjunct 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.16 EMT121350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.00 CTCRINSTRUCTOR201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 7.50 CTCRADJUNCT201125 09/26/11 12/23/11 0.01 HST101S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -61- Amount Paid $2,476.90 $3,192.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $120.00 $432.00 $2,094.24 $1,080.00 $532.00 $75.00 $2,112.00 $2,094.24 $324.00 $2,792.32 $75.00 $360.00 $203.00 $1,396.16 $90.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,192.00 $3,192.00 $532.00 $360.00 $1,396.16 $556.16 $2,128.00 $1,596.00 $1,396.16 $75.00 $1,396.59 $1,396.16 $88.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $168.00 $792.00 $101.50 $99.66 $75.00 $2,394.24 $3,547.76 $698.08 $2,966.84 $37.50 $75.00 $2,028.80 $1,396.16 $2,094.24 $3,720.76 $22.00 $60.00 $75.00 $2,940.24 $2,094.24 $1,348.00 $4,361.28 $247.50 $7.79 $2,094.24 Name Miley, Joann R Miller, Anne Colberg Miller, Beverly Kay Miller, Carolyn Sue Miller, Christopher K Miller, Fred Elliott Miller, Jeffrey Miller, Thi Tran Mills, Stephanie Leigh Anna Mimlitz, Edward J Mincher, Amanda Lynn Minogue, Pauline K Misra, Bishnupriya Mitchell, Metra L Mitchell, Odell Mitchell, Pacquita H Mitchener, Debra L Mitchener, Galin Paul Mittendorf, Deborah Ann Mittler, Charles C Moberly, Jonathon D Mockobey, Jean F Moeller, Michelene C Moll, Malgorzata S Monachella, Lisa M Monachella, Mary B 12/31/11 Loc M M M FP FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP M M CC FP FP FP FP CC M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP FP FP CC FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HST101S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST102S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DMS216401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 DIT115350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 RDG016423201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG016452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG020401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG017452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG017423201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG030S04201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COMMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 COM101404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101410201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COM101413201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030625201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140621201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE133602201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 1.33 PE133601201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 1.33 PE133S80201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 1.33 ENG030521201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.92 ENG020510201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.92 MTH140553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.72 MTH140552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.72 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.50 Drawing 1-4 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 SUBSTITUTION 10/10/11 12/17/11 17.50 Design10740120113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 ART172421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HMS102H01201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH020612201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030616201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 6.50 MTH020646201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 DHY222401 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 DHY121401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ANT102474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 71.00 HMS201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HMS202501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG050402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.81 ENG070403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Sub11/10ENG061:401/ENG070:401 11/10/11 12/20/11 6.00 ENG060401201130 09/29/11 10/31/11 15.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH020680201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020652201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160C60720113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 -62- Amount Paid $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,660.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $420.00 $2,058.57 $2,057.92 $3,086.88 $1,028.96 $75.00 $1,030.26 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $84.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $216.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,228.16 $1,228.16 $1,228.16 $1,820.45 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,820.45 $2,797.49 $2,797.49 $283.50 $2,791.68 $455.00 $2,326.40 $2,492.16 $75.00 $1,963.35 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $75.00 $195.00 $1,869.12 $1,861.12 $1,395.84 $3,086.88 $2,590.20 $1,491.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $4,057.59 $2,094.24 $180.00 $450.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $3,086.88 $4,115.84 Name Monier, Shelly Lynn Montague, Nancy A Moore, Daniel B Moore, David A Moore, Jonathan David Moore, Michael R Moraru, Natalia Constantine Morey, Janet R Morgan, Mary Fulcher Morgan, Nicholas K Morris, Kathryn Suzanne Morris, Mary F Morris, Paul T Morris, Sandra E Morrison, Margaret Z Morrow, Betty Jean Mosby, Timothy C Moss, Robert Spencer Mothershead, Kristine M Motsinger, Teresa Ann Motta, Denise K 12/31/11 Loc FV FV FV FV M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC M M M FP FP M M W W W W W W FP FP FV FV FV M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV W FV FV M M FP FP FP FP M CC M M M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MUS113551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS103502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS103501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG202S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101S05201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101S06201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE130516201130 10/18/11 11/19/11 0.13 ILCCINTACTHOUS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IS132427201130 09/27/11 11/11/11 8.00 IS123427201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS103462201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART166450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART165452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 61.00 PE120S80201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE129S80201130 08/22/11 10/17/11 2.00 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.67 Bio215450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.56 bio207409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 11.75 ENG050601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 PSY200303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Pt Fac. wrkshp assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 PSY200302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY2033S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.20 NUR108201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.13 Substitutelec201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 12.50 EGR100550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.67 reflib201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 7.91 BLW101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 RDG030527201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030523201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020524201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030512201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE130522201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE180350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE130581201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130553201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 LGL233695201130 10/13/11 10/27/11 1.00 bio111405406lab201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111410201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 2.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 FNL206401 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.40 PE181603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 PE181S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE191601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE181S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PED116601201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE181S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.29 PED116650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 -63- Amount Paid $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $83.07 $3,192.00 $352.00 $1,197.12 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,492.16 $2,492.16 $854.00 $930.56 $1,395.84 $3,256.96 $5,125.16 $3,987.76 $352.50 $4,188.48 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $75.00 $957.60 $5,671.76 $375.00 $4,300.88 $5,522.95 $3,086.88 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $930.56 $930.56 $2,093.76 $930.56 $930.56 $75.00 $1,028.96 $2,094.24 $52.00 $75.00 $1,440.60 $830.72 $270.00 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $804.76 $415.36 $144.00 Name Mounts, Jason Andrew Mowczko, Douglas Mozelewski, Ronald A Muehling, Janet M Mueller, Jenna Lee Mueller, Karen Ann Mueller, Robert J Muex, Muriel J Mujakic, Azim Mujanovic, Jelena Aleksic Muldoon, Peggy J Mundle, Judy Roberts Murphy, Daniel E Murphy, Steven T Murray, Robin R Muschany, Nancy A Myers, Sara Jade Nadler, Joel Lynn Naes, Matthew Nagel, Jack G Nagel, Mary Michele Nanez, Benicia T Naugle, Pamela L Neal, Ashley Alyson Neels, Mark A Negash, Efrem O Neil, Darlene H Neufeld, Irwin J 12/31/11 Loc CC CC M W W FV FV FV FV FV M FP M FV FV FV CC CC FP FP FP M M FP W M M M M M CC CC M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV CC W W W W M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv LIFEGUARDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 171.50 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 32.00 MGT205650201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO152374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS201374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030510201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030507201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030513201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Part Time Counselar 08/22/11 12/17/11 9.00 PRD11460135827201130 10/26/11 12/17/11 0.63 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 NUR201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 EGR133550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.34 COM10152420113021125 10/03/11 12/17/11 3.00 FLBODCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 EDUCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 15.00 COM101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ACC206650 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RTH240401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 IDS101352201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 LGL108670201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 LGL202670201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 LGL108671201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 LGL228671201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 75.00 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 PSY208646201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY208675201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205676201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 64.00 MTH160C67620113009/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH030649201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020535201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020534201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030555201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG032554201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 MTH140350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 PT Fac wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 HST101642201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101649201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE104501201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 ECE127550201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 Substitute 09/14/11 12/18/11 10.00 SUBSTITUTE PAY 08/22/11 12/17/11 12.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BIO111609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 -64- Amount Paid $1,668.70 $576.00 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $90.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $6,282.00 $436.25 $75.00 $6,384.00 $75.00 $1,867.52 $2,094.24 $432.00 $435.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,394.24 $465.28 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,025.00 $174.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $50.00 $1,920.00 $2,791.89 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $1,396.16 $360.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,376.00 $1,233.12 $300.00 $360.00 $75.00 $4,455.40 $4,455.40 Name Neuner, Ann S Newberry, Tina M Newcomb, Steven D Nichols, Nichole Rene Nickerson, Roxanne S Niemeyer, Candace Lynn Niemoeller, Christianna Niere, Guy Robert Nikonowicz, Diane M Nisbet, Lynne B Nixon, Jacquelyn Yvonne Nored, Rechell Renee Northern, Rebecca Ann Norton, Leslie Kent Nuetzel, Michele Louise Nunn, David R Nunn, Nadine V Nyarady, Barbara J O'Connell, M D O'Connell, Marcia L O'Connell, Shannon Patricia O'Keefe, Florence Elizabeth O'Neill, Cheryl O Oakes, Jordan Mitchell Oakley, Mark H Ochonicky, Michelle Ann 12/31/11 Loc M M M FV FV M M FP FP FV FV M M M FP M M CC FV M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M W W FV FV FV M M M M M M FV FV CC CC FP FP FP FP CC W W W W CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BIO122S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.00 BIO122S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 ECE206501201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 ECE107550201 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 ENG020603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.16 EMT121501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.50 ENG101574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 OTA208601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 OTA203601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 OTA208602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Counselor 08/15/11 12/17/11 9.00 RDG030609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECOLDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.75 MTH140613201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140625201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ENG020486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG030416201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 Substitute 09/08/11 12/17/11 4.00 XRT111401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 XRT213401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.00 XRT103LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 XRT102LEC201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 SubstituteLab201130 11/09/11 12/17/11 6.00 CHM101647201130 10/17/11 11/19/11 1.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 10/11/11 12/17/11 6.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 IS229575201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJ124550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG016604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG017604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HRT230650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRT230601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRT235650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 LIFEGUARDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/17/11 106.00 STPATSGED201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 200.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH080431201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH040450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 WRITDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 ART111338201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART131301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART133301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 HORTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 -65- Amount Paid $1,934.44 $240.00 $1,934.44 $1,381.44 $1,381.44 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.34 $2,803.68 $2,094.24 $75.00 $1,863.88 $2,792.32 $1,863.88 $9,262.80 $2,094.24 $75.00 $84.00 $232.50 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $180.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $311.60 $120.00 $1,228.16 $9,211.20 $2,456.32 $1,228.16 $156.00 $1,227.18 $75.00 $180.00 $50.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,396.16 $698.08 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $1,036.70 $5,400.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,490.40 $648.00 $3,192.00 $3,192.00 $3,192.00 $75.00 $81.00 Name Ohlau, Amy Marie Ohlsen, Elizabeth C Ohmer, Roberta M Olliges, Rance S Olson, Krista M ONeal, Michael E Oneil, Michael J ONeil, Veronica B Onstott, Dorothy Laverne Opela, Stephanie Michelle Orabka, Neal A OReilly, Colleen Marie Ortmann, Thomas Alan OShea, Matthew Andrew Osler, Jan Marie Osmanagic, Kimberly Cecilia Otalora, Jose D Owen, Jacob Benjamin Owen, Thomas Joseph Owens, Joseph E Owulette, Ernest Paddock, Grace Elizabeth Paez, V SuzAnne Palank, Robert F Palazzolo, Cynthia Joyce Pape, Dana Lauren Paradise, Michael James Parran, Herbert Sylvester 12/31/11 Loc FP M M FV FV FV W FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP M CC FP M M M M CC W W W M FP FP M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M W W W M M M FV FV M M CC FP FV FP FV FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NUR205201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.73 BIO111616201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Librarian 08/22/11 12/23/11 8.11 CE240550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 BIO203550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.67 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SOC101301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SOC101550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT102502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT2011 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.92 MTH080461201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080463201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG060501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ENG061501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 eslretreat201130 09/04/11 10/31/11 3.00 ECE127475201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.06 ENG053650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 54.00 FNL206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ART172696201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HMS203650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HMS100675201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CONT ED & SPEC PGM/M 08/16/11 12/23/11 21.00 SPA1013S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 SPA101605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH210450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CHM1056W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 CHM105607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 ART110601201130 08/22/11 09/24/11 1.00 ART111604201130 08/22/11 09/24/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 MTH030537201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030532201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 MATH03053620113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030S53201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030S52201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE116350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 PE171601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE171602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 BUS103574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSC101680201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 21.00 ART109485201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE165502201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE 1656.403201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 2.00 PE165501201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 -66- Amount Paid $5,397.24 $3,022.68 $5,662.54 $1,396.60 $3,260.04 $75.00 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $1,194.67 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $4,188.48 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,444.12 $2,094.24 $756.00 $2,058.00 $4,116.48 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $609.00 $4,115.84 $75.00 $75.00 $4,115.84 $75.00 $3,490.40 $75.00 $1,626.52 $3,720.76 $921.12 $921.12 $75.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,028.80 $2,094.24 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,762.88 $930.56 $75.00 $75.00 $930.56 $50.00 $930.56 $75.00 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $320.24 $3,192.00 $830.72 $1,246.08 $830.72 $75.00 Name Parsons, Phyllis A Patino, Sara Nelly Patton, Michael Francis Patty, Mark Richard Paul, Lori L Pauley, Mark M Pearson, Todd A Peck, David M Peebles, Paul Demetrius Pelch, Taryn C Penfold, Edwin P Pennycuick, Mark T Peppers, Shelitha L Pepple, Kim P Perry, John H Perry, Talya Renee Perryman, Patricia L 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FP CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV CC CC FP FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE1656401201130 10/20/11 12/17/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 DCS109.501201130 10/26/11 12/17/11 1.13 PE181401201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 Substitute 201130 PE181.450 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.75 PE181465201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 1.67 PE182462201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE181.461/182.46286145201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 16.00 PE1882461201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE181421201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 0.67 PE181521201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130.401201130 09/12/11 12/23/11 4.50 Sub 201130 PE130.422.423 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Speaker 11/03/11 12/02/11 1.00 PE116404Substitute 10/09/11 12/17/11 3.75 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PE182461201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 0.50 Sub 201130 PE181.422 08/22/11 130.43012 12/17/11 7.00 Sub PE130425.426 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ECO151375201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO1513W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 ECO1513W2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSI111501201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020512201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020515201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO207553LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.66 BIO207553LAB2011 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 BIO207551LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO207551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART107651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART107604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 IDS201474201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 IDS201475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.53 COMP201130 08/16/11 12/23/11 36.00 EMT121S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.27 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 SUBSTITUTELEC201130 09/14/11 12/17/11 6.99 Substitutelab 11/02/11 12/17/11 2.66 BIO111505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111509LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CPDVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 22.00 ECO1514SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 ENG020513201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020509201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG020504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RMGTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 CUL101461201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CUL105450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 CUL101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MUS115403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS121401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 COL020405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.43 COL020463201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 -67- Amount Paid $830.72 $75.00 $897.84 $830.72 $45.50 $1,038.40 $623.04 $415.36 $830.72 $415.36 $830.72 $99.00 $52.00 $25.00 $97.50 $75.00 $311.52 $182.00 $52.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,710.65 $2,745.40 $1,368.52 $3,086.88 $2,744.32 $2,744.32 $3,191.82 $3,633.52 $900.00 $2,492.16 $170.13 $88.00 $209.70 $69.16 $1,869.12 $828.64 $1,869.12 $696.00 $726.00 $2,244.60 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $150.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $396.00 $1,028.96 $3,086.88 $75.00 $1,028.96 $1,396.16 $1,396.16 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 Name Peters, George J Peters, Thomas J Peterson, Kimberly G Peterson, Nicole Antwonette Petrovic, Cheryl A Pettit, Alice Rebecca Petty, Douglass Pfaus, Diane B Pfenninger, Glenn S Phillips, Roxanne M Piety, Patricia Pike, Matthew Thomas Pikey, Carol A Pilla, Michael A Piontek, Joshua James Pisoni, John C Pitchford, Duane C Pitchford, Stanley Lamar Pittenger, Jeffery E Pittman, Dwight D Pittman, Robert Dewey Plants, Elizabeth W Pohlmann, Gary A Poleski, Jeramy Todd Polhemus, William W Pope, Pamela Joyce Popp, Tamara E Porter, James Michael Porter, John P 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FV FV FP FP FP CC CC CC FP CC M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP CC CC FP FP FP FV FV FP M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV CC M M M M M M M M M M CC FP CC CC M M FP FP CC M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 COL020422201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 48.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 MTH160C55620113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO207405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO207408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.10 CCPR201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 PHOTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.50 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 Counselor 08/15/11 12/17/11 8.23 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 PE201674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GALADM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 AT1245012011308112 09/19/11 12/17/11 96.00 ART115551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 fallaf0201130 08/21/11 10/17/11 1.00 ENG101414201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.40 CTCRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 18.50 CTCRADJ201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 0.05 CTRINSTRUCTOR 09/26/11 12/23/11 12.00 TCCOORDINATION 09/26/11 12/23/11 15.53 TCEQUIPMENT 09/26/11 12/23/11 0.04 ACC211580201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC124580201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 ENG101462201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG061650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG062601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 IS101474201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.00 ISILC201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS101475201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH160C51220113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH040505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 36.00 MUS128601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MUS128S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HST102605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST102646201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH02060T201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020645201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH020653201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 40.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.05 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 14.07 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH140S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HIT101H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 64.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 NURS201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 9.00 ART109606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART109605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 -68- Amount Paid $75.00 $2,394.24 $75.00 $4,115.84 $3,987.76 $3,987.76 $62.32 $232.00 $337.50 $360.00 $8,465.17 $132.00 $2,093.76 $798.08 $3,192.00 $3,192.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $249.28 $610.50 $31.16 $396.00 $9,676.59 $23.37 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $180.00 $1,028.96 $5,145.60 $75.00 $1,028.96 $75.00 $60.00 $2,792.32 $3,490.40 $648.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $720.00 $732.90 $46.00 $225.12 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,464.00 $75.00 $297.00 $4,116.48 $4,116.48 Name Portman, Gale Rublee Poth, Margaret C Potsos, Rena Irene Potter, Allen Scott Potthoff, Joseph F Powell, Mary Anne Power, Ruth Elizabeth Powers, Valerie S Prahl, Cory M Prewitt, Amy H Pribble, Douglas S Price, Mary A Prifti, Norma J Pritchett, Gerri R Pruitt, Abram Larry Puricelli, Stephanie M Quarles, Olivia J M Quinn, Kelly C Quinn, Margaret A Quinn, Thomas Gerard Rader, Timothy Wayne Radman, Nichole L Raffurty, Pamela Sue Raible, Joseph M Raimist, Andrew Ralston, Helen R Randell, Douglas Rankovic, Catherine L Rapp, Shannon G Rashid, Kamau Rath, Nigam Ratino, Kathlyn S 12/31/11 Loc CC CC CC CC FP FP FP FP FP M CC CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M CC FP FP CC FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M FP CC CC FP M CC FP W W W M M FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 31.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 FLSPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH160C45020113008/22/11 12/17/11 64.00 MTH124450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 mus150450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS150461201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.00 NUR101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.67 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 FLRUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 ART275421201130LS09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART16540120130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG020552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030514201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG062501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ESLRET201130 09/04/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG015501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRJ122S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 TrainingforTomorrow201125 11/07/11 12/23/11 5.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 DHY121401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 80.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.23 PE120581201130 09/04/11 10/01/11 1.33 PE174501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE120580201130 12/03/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE105501201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 AsstAquaticDir20113008/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 PE162502201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 HMS205461201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 69.42 MUS130401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS128S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS128S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS101601201130 08/22/11 09/20/11 1.00 IS205650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IS101602201130 09/13/11 10/13/11 1.00 PSY218601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC126650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FNL206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 TRIPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 CCPR 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 CHM101452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.32 ARC116641201130 10/25/11 12/23/11 96.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.55 OPENING SESSION 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 12.00 ENG1023X3201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BIO111695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 SOC101474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM114451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 CHM114450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 com101479201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 3.00 -69- Amount Paid $443.30 $500.00 $432.00 $540.00 $120.00 $2,492.16 $1,869.12 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $5,320.00 $276.00 $648.00 $2,791.68 $2,791.68 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $100.00 $1,028.96 $75.00 $3,086.88 $165.00 $4,256.00 $1,596.00 $2,640.00 $179.55 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $415.36 $830.72 $75.00 $3,995.82 $1,596.16 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $623.04 $2,492.16 $623.04 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,029.00 $63.00 $198.00 $4,904.12 $1,769.28 $660.00 $383.90 $75.00 $900.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $928.44 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 Name Ray, Isadore Reed, Bruce A Reed, Ellen H Reed, Laura Jean Reekers, Samuel Scott H Reese, Myron C Reese, Ruth Annie Regina, Karen J Reidel, Amy N Reis, Kevin Joseph Reitan, Eric A Reiter, Jana C Rell, David P Renz, James B Reynolds, Kevin M Riat, Michael Shelby Ribaudo, Ann E Richardson, Carol J Richardson, Mariah Lavelda Richeson, Christian Francis Riedisser, Janice M Riess, John F Riley, Deborah Anne Rilling-Bronder, Deborah Ann Ring, Susan Moss Riordan, Tracey A Ripplinger, Dennis R 12/31/11 Loc FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV FV M M M M M FP M M M FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP W W CC M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M CC CC CC M M M M FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute 11/21/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM2004XA201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM120401201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101515201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140514201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH02051G201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 32.66 MTH020529201130 09/09/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY205648201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSY205647201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM101S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 PT Faculty-Substitute09/06/11 12/17/11 2.50 DCS119502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.88 DCS104553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.53 CHM106650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 ART113601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CHM1016W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 ART109647201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART109648201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 4.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.30 PHL101SW1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL104SW1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101S06201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU211450201130 09/19/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU210450201130 09/21/11 12/17/11 3.00 CUL250402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MUSCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 MTH030405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 PE13012407201130 08/22/11 09/25/11 0.33 MTH020435201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.75 MTH030409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH220301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 284.50 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MCM120674201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM102674201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 SubstituteCOM1014052011 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.50 IDS101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM120401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL104450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PAR22769B201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.44 MTH140622201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHY111602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 VOLBASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MATHDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 HST102680201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST102601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101680201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 ENG030422201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030426201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG030423201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 -70- Amount Paid $90.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $979.80 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $4,253.76 $75.00 $545.16 $2,823.15 $5,484.36 $2,791.68 $1,626.52 $2,791.68 $2,791.68 $810.16 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,492.16 $648.00 $1,963.35 $207.68 $1,920.15 $1,963.35 $3,490.40 $75.00 $5,974.50 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $135.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,094.24 $2,141.70 $2,394.24 $3,990.40 $75.00 $180.00 $1,246.08 $324.00 $60.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 Name Risch, Jeffrey M Risch, Justin C Ritchie, Laura Jean Rittenhouse, Shauna Michelle Ritzka, Gerard James Rivera, Lizbeth Rivers, Wendell Robben, Keith Bernard Robben, Nicholas J Roberts, Lin M Robinson, Bryce Olen Robinson, James P Robinson, Rodney B Rodney, Tamara Keisha Ann Roesslein, Timothy J Rogers, Joseph Patrick Rogers, Larry P Roiger, Helene A Roither, Amy Elizabeth Rollins, Joseph L Romeo, John E Romero, Linda Ann Romo, Dana Maria Rooney, Patricia Ann Rose, Catherine C Rosebrough, Elizabeth P 12/31/11 Loc FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP M M FP FP FP W W W W M W FP M M M M FV FV FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP CC CC M M W FV M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BUS201550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO140575201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO140574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HIT101421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 HIT101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Fieldwork Asst OTA 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 SOC101407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.84 SOC101421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 SPA101S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PSY200401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 PSY200403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 COM101302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101378201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.50 EMS ADJUNCT 201130 09/30/11 12/17/11 0.60 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG1026WF201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1026WG201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1026XC201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART1071085512011301220 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG1024WX201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1025XR201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1025XT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PSY208401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY203450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.85 ENG062421201130 10/06/11 12/17/11 1.50 ENG030408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.85 ENG062411201130 10/11/11 12/17/11 1.54 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS123475201130 10/19/11 12/17/11 1.00 IS123428201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ILCCONTACTHOURS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Librarian201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 9.16 EMT121450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.75 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.36 NURLAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.02 ENG070650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 AT146695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PAR20169A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.50 EMSADJUNCT2011 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.32 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.25 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 19.75 IDS101609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART100374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DCS115552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030618201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG020605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -71- Amount Paid $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,192.32 $3,192.32 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,792.32 $75.00 $75.00 $5,144.80 $4,115.84 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $90.00 $225.00 $373.92 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,861.12 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,775.67 $45.00 $1,775.67 $957.93 $75.00 $698.08 $2,094.24 $2,791.68 $8,440.52 $4,828.56 $1,472.62 $6,401.29 $2,094.24 $2,492.16 $2,803.68 $200.04 $247.81 $276.50 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $30.00 $2,094.24 Name Roseman, Stephen Edward Rosener, Russell John Ross, Laura Guyer Ross, Linda N Rowell, Carla G Rudis, Niloufar Morshed Ruffus Doerr, Amy Marie Rugo, Adam M Ruh, Polly Parker Rush, Nicholas A Russell, Janine R Russell, Retannical Dameika Ryan, Jennifer Lauren Ryan-Reardon, Kim Sabharwal, Chander Lekha Sabharwal, Surinder K Saccavino, Alex V Sachs, Guy Harold Saettele, Robert Richard Sago, Janis Lynn Salomon, Mary Ann Salsgiver, William John Sanders, David T Sanders, Kyle Matthew Sandmel, Barbara L Sanvito, B Alice 12/31/11 Loc CC FV FV FV FV M M M M FP FP M M CC FP FP FP CC M M M CC FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP W W W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC M M M FP FP M M M M M M M M FP CC CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BUSSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 Substitute201130 10/30/11 12/17/11 6.00 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 ART167501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART175501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MUS114674201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 MUS114675201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 MUS114676201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 09/04/11 12/17/11 2.50 com101453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 com101451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG020S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PLBDCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 220.75 PSY200H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MUS144561201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 135.50 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 PE180675201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 47.50 COM10750201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 COM107501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 COM101502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.62 MTH030S11201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020S10201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020S09201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101477201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH140304201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 MTH140305201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 MTH140306201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH166450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 MTH165451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 MTH020411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MCM130461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 THT101475201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM1304XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 45.00 HRT220646201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART269601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART167601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DMS206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DMS107401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO203603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.66 BIO203650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.66 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BIO223SDL201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECO152602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO152603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO152604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.90 FLFRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 HEALDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.50 -72- Amount Paid $330.00 $180.00 $88.00 $4,116.48 $4,116.48 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $65.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $50.00 $2,094.24 $3,366.46 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,845.50 $75.00 $1,861.12 $2,093.76 $1,187.50 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $50.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $1,848.00 $2,112.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,215.00 $2,394.24 $2,492.16 $2,492.16 $3,192.00 $3,192.00 $3,253.04 $3,253.04 $75.00 $88.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $628.20 $432.00 $148.50 Name Saurage, Judith Lynn Savoye, Craig Fitzhugh Schaefer, Robert E Schaljo, Frederick Scharfenberger, Kristine Kim Scheer, Wynn P Scheffer, Kelly A Scheller, John M Scherer, Carol Ann Schiller, Christy Ann Schlichtig, Scott Allen Schmidt, Susan Cracraft Schmisseur, Amber M Schneider, Ann Teresa Schneider, Douglas E Schomaker, Maria Menne Schoolman, Marilyn J Schork, Amy Wiezorek Schott, Christopher R Schrader, Diann J Schubert, Stephan Gerhard Schulte, Jeanne M Schwantner, Jim Charles Schwartz, Oscar A Schwieder, Marcia Ann Sciaroni, Cynthia L Scognamiglio, Edward Scott, Kimberly Marie Scott-Barnes, Verna M Seaborn, Jeffrey W 12/31/11 Loc CC W W FP FV FV CC W W FV FP FP M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FP CC FP M M M FP FP M W M M FP CC FV FV FV FV FP W W W W W CC FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 COM101346201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101306201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FNL206401 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 RDG020552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 38.00 EDU120350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 ART101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ACC122461201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 2.00 ENG101S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101s04201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO11551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111551LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 BIO111552LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 MUS121603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS121602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS121601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 COM107604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM107605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101620201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.70 TRIPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.00 HRM261250201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MGT101674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MGT204674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE129403201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE129480201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.06 ENG020S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101375201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160CS0120113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BAP250450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.95 KIDSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.50 COM101514201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101522201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 COM101523201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MEDDIRECT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH030303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 32.50 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.70 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.10 ACC120451201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 CUL205421201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 -73- Amount Paid $264.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,058.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $1,026.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $90.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $176.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $928.44 $90.00 $75.00 $928.44 $1,841.92 $1,841.92 $1,841.92 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,059.44 $105.00 $2,394.24 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $75.00 $1,395.84 $1,395.83 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,792.32 $2,059.32 $121.50 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,057.92 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $50.00 $877.50 $436.24 $62.32 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 Name Seager, Mary V Sedlmayr, Christine M Selders, Lynn R Sellers, Jennifer Lisa Senior, Martha Sevier, William D Sextro, Rita Anne Shanks, David Lamont Shaw, Patrick Leon Shay, Robert James Shay, Terri Shea, John M Shea, Marion C Shearing, Victoria V Shedd, Charles Philip Shell, Christina Marie Shepek, Gary D Shepherd, Edward A Shepherd, Eiko Saito Sheppard, Mark A Sheppard, Patricia M Sherman, Gudrun Elisabeth Sherry, Jerome Paul Shiller, Alan H Shiller, Bonnie L Shintre, Seema Shivers, Natalie Ann 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP CC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP CC FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CUL201401201130 08/22/11 11/20/11 3.00 RDG020453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020454201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 29.00 MTH020532201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020533201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 MTH020537201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 WU Portfolio 10/31/11 12/17/11 1.00 ART233502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG101505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG2165XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 PTA212201130 10/24/11 12/18/11 0.58 MTH020549201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020577201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG020519201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020518201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020540201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART138650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART107646201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.67 PHL104641201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL101SW2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL103646 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL101607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.65 MTH080452201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH080450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 MTH160C64620113009/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 12.50 MTH160C61520113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG030406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080432201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080416201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080419201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MOTRMAINTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 PE137501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE145501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE138501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 ART109651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART109603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART107639201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 GER102601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 GER101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG061602201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.50 ENG080603201130 09/12/11 10/22/11 1.00 COM101607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PT Fac. one time pay10/17/11 obs/eval 12/17/11 1.00 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 MTH020544201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030540201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 -74- Amount Paid $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $464.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $50.00 $2,791.68 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $216.00 $538.76 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,128.00 $1,860.84 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $169.50 $2,244.60 $1,963.35 $3,191.82 $375.00 $3,192.32 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $330.00 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $3,684.48 $3,192.00 $2,128.00 $75.00 $4,115.84 $4,115.84 $1,543.44 $1,028.96 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $436.10 $300.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 Name Loc Shiwachi, Maki S Shrinivas, Radha S M FP FP FP FP CC M M M M FP FP M M M CC CC FP FP W CC CC M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M W W M M FP FP FV FV FP FP FP CC M M FP FV FP FP FP Shriver, Laurie Ann Shuecraft, Steven W Siddens, Trisha Lynn Siebel, John Siegel, Phyllis B Sigler, Danny R Sikuade, Anthony Ayodeji Siliceo-Roman, Laura Silva, Michael R Silver, Stephen Anthony Simeoli, Carol A Simler, Diana J Simmons, Nancy R Simon, Barbara Ruth Simpson, Chana Maria Simpson, Lindsay Rae Sims, Wesley Alan Sinclair, Scott William Singleton, Lavon Delloyd Singleton, Patsy Louise Singleton, Timothy E Skala, John E Skosky, Brenda Marie Skurat, Angela D Slaughter, Anne H 12/31/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv JPN101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH020421201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140421201130``08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NTH140405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 30.00 SOC101605201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 4.00 SOC101S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SOC101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.88 ENG020425201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.94 HST1016W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG061651201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 BRIDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 84.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 135.00 PSI124450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PHL1023W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 AUTODCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 GED DCE 08/16/11 12/23/11 195.00 ENG030607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG020604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100641201130 10/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/20/11 12/17/11 1.00 LGL219639201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 1.60 LGL Prog Coor 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DMS107401201130 09/20/11 12/17/11 3.33 PE103420201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130412201130 08/24/11 10/01/11 1.75 MTH160C48620113008/22/11 09/25/11 1.00 PE13014618620113008/22/11 11/19/11 1.33 PE103402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Subs 201130 PE130.405.406 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.75 PE13012405201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PE130490201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 1.67 pe130489201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 2.00 NUR201601201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 6.00 PSY2003W5201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PHL103602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL109450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL109401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ACC110550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 NUR201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.58 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH160C48620113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 38.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECE108601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NURlab201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.62 NURLAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.50 DHY120LEC201130 09/29/11 11/30/11 7.00 DHY120401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 -75- Amount Paid $3,192.32 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $810.00 $3,191.82 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,006.98 $2,050.61 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,512.00 $2,835.00 $3,455.68 $75.00 $2,094.24 $81.00 $3,053.70 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,762.88 $75.00 $1,710.34 $3,086.88 $2,660.00 $830.72 $38.50 $698.08 $830.72 $1,661.44 $123.50 $830.72 $75.00 $1,038.40 $1,246.08 $4,187.52 $2,094.24 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $3,192.32 $3,198.80 $75.00 $2,792.32 $684.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $4,617.92 $4,538.80 $210.00 $1,842.24 $75.00 Name Small, James Robert Smallwood, Michael B Smith Brookins, Adrienne Carol Smith Piffel, Phyllis A Smith, Allan D Smith, Alverta L Smith, Bruce A Smith, Dennis Alan Smith, Earnrolyn C Smith, Haden D Smith, James J Smith, Jeanne W S Smith, Jeffrey W Smith, Jennifer N Smith, Kem M Smith, Michael J Smith, Michael W Smith, Michelle Ann Smith, Patty Marie Smith, Sandra T Smith, Susan M Smith, Tammy Kay Smith, Tiffany Mayet Smith, William A Smith-Buckingham, Minnie M Sneed, Jane Soash, Kristi Ann Sokol, Laurence J 12/31/11 Loc FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP CC FV FV FV FP FP FP FV M W W W W W W W W W W W M M FV FV FV CC M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M CC W W W M FP FP W W FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSI115650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 LGL211671201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 RDG030427201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.78 RDG016420201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG017421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG020412201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 2.63 RDG030452/420113011/10/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 184.00 GRAPHIC COORD 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.17 AT135450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.50 NURSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 84.01 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG030530201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030540201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030463201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 46.00 MTH081450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.88 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 LGL217580 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 ARC124650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140302201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Pt Fac. Wrkshp Assessment 11/19/11 Tech 12/18/11 1.00 PHL103301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop Stu10/08/11 Support 12/17/11 1.00 Open Session Math Event 08/20/11 10/30/11 2.00 MTH030346201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200SWA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE174503201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 PE122502201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 CE247550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ELECDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 42.00 ECO151670201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 ECO152671201130 10/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECE125H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE105480201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH030462201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030419201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE136601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 ENG1023X6201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 09/30/11 1.00 ENG1023X5201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 LIFEGUARDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 89.00 ST105402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.17 ST105401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.17 MTH020301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 MTH020303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 DHY222401201130 10/26/11 12/17/11 1.67 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 -76- Amount Paid $4,912.64 $75.00 $2,057.92 $75.00 $3,086.88 $2,219.66 $1,596.66 $75.00 $799.08 $2,094.96 $90.00 $4,968.00 $1,729.00 $2,793.00 $2,772.33 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $1,771.00 $2,006.98 $75.00 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $2,394.24 $75.00 $50.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 $100.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $930.56 $930.56 $3,086.88 $1,386.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,344.36 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $830.72 $108.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $857.96 $3,325.00 $3,325.00 $1,814.60 $1,814.60 $1,715.20 $75.00 Name Solomon, Elizabeth Lorine Sommerkamp, Sandra Jane Sone, Stacy R Sotraidis, Sandra K Souder, Sally A Spector, Teresa Spencer, Jamieson Spinks, Jeffrey P Sprague, Ann M Springer, Christina Cornelia Sprinkle, Regina M Sprong, Karen Christine Squires, Kenneth J Stabile, Paul James Stafford, Robert W Stafford, Sherry A Stallings, Martin-Keith Darnell Stamm, Mary P Stanton, Tracey M Star, Darcie Evon Starwalt, Donald E Steenberg, Karl T Stefl, Jennifer Ashley Stein, Jody Sue Steiner, Frank A Stephan Marino, Almut Stephens, Anna Stevens, Annie Esther 12/31/11 Loc M M CC CC FP M M M M M M FP CC FV M FP M FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV CC M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV CC M M M M M M M CC CC FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG1026X1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1026WB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 14.88 DMS121401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 COM101627201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101HON20113008/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 COM101633201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM101631201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HUM101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.30 BUSSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 ENG1025xe201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PT Fac J Library Serv08/22/11 FP 12/22/11 7.68 Substitute 09/13/11 12/17/11 14.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 PIANOCOMBOS201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS114551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 MUS130501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 CTCR ADJUNCT 11/04/11 12/23/11 0.01 CTCR INSTRUCTOR11/04/11 12/17/11 7.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 Reflib201130 08/18/11 12/22/11 7.74 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG101576201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1025WB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG030S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CE117601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 IS123574201130 08/29/11 09/26/11 1.00 IS132574201130 09/27/11 10/25/11 1.00 SOC101486201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GENEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 34.00 ECE125674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE206671201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 2.51 ECE203640201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.51 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE136601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 ENG1025XK201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101533201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GED201125 12/06/11 12/23/11 6.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030627201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140648201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020654201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ART131650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 RMGTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 ENG0511501201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 1.50 eng050501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.50 ENG101605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -77- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $184.00 $238.08 $2,076.80 $2,394.24 $88.00 $2,394.24 $90.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $3,039.16 $330.00 $3,086.88 $4,275.84 $7,070.21 $420.00 $75.00 $1,396.16 $1,832.46 $1,308.90 $7.79 $231.00 $75.00 $5,400.80 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $4,115.84 $75.00 $798.08 $798.08 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $918.00 $2,094.24 $1,752.18 $1,752.18 $75.00 $75.00 $104.00 $930.56 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $114.78 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $3,684.48 $100.00 $396.00 $1,047.12 $5,235.60 $3,086.88 Name Stewart, Linda F Stiles, Brandie Marie Stillwell, Ellen Louise Stocker, Christine R Stoll, Sam L Stone, Charles D Stopsky, Fred Harold Storer, Christopher M Stovall-Reid, Calea Fall Stowers, Janelle Antionette Strait, Gerry T Strait, Marlene A Struebing, Meredith Lynn Stuckey, Kimberly Lorraine Studt, Kurt H Stumbaugh, Kyle H Sturmfels, Gus W Stygar, Elizabeth Frances Suchland, Colin E Sullivan, Barry J Sullivan, Kathleen Ann Sullivan, Maggie Ann Sullivan, Margaret M Sullivan, T Christopher Summers, Harmony Lee Surrette, Alonzo 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FV FV M M M CC M W W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP CC CC CC FV FV FV FV CC FP FP FV FV FV FV CC M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV CC FP FP W W FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG030453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 NUR201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.58 NUR101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.88 ART165650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH186650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH140651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RANGEAIDEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 9.00 EDU211S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 HST1023W2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST2053W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO2085072020113010/17/11 12/17/11 48.00 BIO207502101130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.50 BIO207502101130LAB 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 BIO208507LAB201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 21.28 Substitutelab 09/14/11 12/17/11 2.66 SUBSTITUTELEC201130 09/14/11 12/17/11 14.00 CRJ123474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.92 CRJ101474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FEDGED201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 88.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 39.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 39.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG050502201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 6.00 eslretreat 09/04/11 10/31/11 3.00 ENG051502201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 TrainingforTomorrow201125 11/07/11 12/23/11 36.50 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PSI111502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSI111502201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 1.00 PSI105502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 PSI105502201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 1.11 AUTODCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 21.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SOC101604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1016X2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1016W3201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1016W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SOC202674201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART109650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART111650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PHL109601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL101609201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.25 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 09/04/11 12/17/11 3.25 PHL101646201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.25 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 HST10152201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101509201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 HST101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 REAL201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 48.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 BAP150450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101347201130 09/12/11 12/18/11 3.00 PSC101302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 ENG1025Xw201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.25 ENG101582201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -78- Amount Paid $75.00 $2,050.61 $407.12 $8,106.04 $3,192.00 $3,683.84 $2,762.88 $65.25 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $1,869.12 $2,803.68 $828.64 $828.64 $69.16 $420.00 $2,394.24 $2,331.89 $2,394.24 $2,376.00 $702.00 $702.00 $75.00 $4,188.48 $75.00 $2,094.24 $1,204.50 $2,744.32 $75.00 $2,094.24 $698.08 $2,324.60 $774.87 $567.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $4,116.48 $4,116.48 $3,086.88 $4,373.08 $75.00 $84.50 $4,373.08 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,344.36 $1,584.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $2,094.24 $2,617.80 $1,570.68 $2,094.24 Name Sutter, Thomas Winston Suydam, Rycken S Sweet, Dustin L Swenson, Jennifer Anne Swiderski, William G Swiener, Rita R Swindle, Monica Sydel Swink, Robyn S Tabisaura, Rosa Taborn, Eleanor Carol Taborn, Tyrone A Talaski, Paul Tarbouni, Younasse Taylor, Jeannette M Taylor, Karen Ann Tebbetts, Barbara L Temple, John Wesley Tennial, Rachel Elaine Tepen, Erin N Teren, Lisa Anne Terhune, Robert H Tevlin, Robert James 12/31/11 Loc M M M M M W W W W W M M M M CC W W W M M M CC M M M CC FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FV M M M CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv GER2016S1201130` 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 22.50 MTH160BS0120113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH140S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030621201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO1523W1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS201301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO1523W2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/18/11 6.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH030S08201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030S09201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030S10201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CRJSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 32.00 PSY210301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101302201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 COL020604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020645201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101615201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COLStudy201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 SOC101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101641201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.50 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 DANCEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 8.00 RDG0304072001130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BLW101451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART265601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ARA101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 RDG013402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.17 RDG020404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG012402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG030413201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 2.63 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 CLT202401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 CLT101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CLT106401201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 1.33 ARTSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 57.00 MTH030620201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140620201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030652201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSY200SS1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101652201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101633201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101653201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 2.00 MTH020446201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020447201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140503201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030629201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH020649201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 DANCDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 -79- Amount Paid $2,792.32 $675.00 $2,792.32 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $180.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,056.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $200.00 $2,094.24 $2,443.28 $75.00 $144.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $3,192.00 $208.00 $75.00 $75.00 $3,192.32 $931.76 $2,394.24 $1,863.02 $75.00 $2,094.96 $75.00 $930.56 $2,791.68 $930.56 $1,539.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $176.00 $1,869.13 $1,869.13 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $72.00 Name Tharenos, Anthony Michael Thebeau, Lydia Gayle Thole, Julie Marie Thomas, Bill Jeffrey Thomas, Frances J Thomas, Gail Lavon Thomas, Steven Dean Thomas-Vertrees, Laverne Thompson, Donald E Thompson, Marcia L Thompson, Nina Marie Thumin, Ling J Tiedt, Linda J Tiggs, Ambre Nicole Timmermann, Karl Nicholas Tippett, Royce Crosby Tishler, Jean Lawrence Tjaden, D Scott Tobias, Marvin A Tobler, Betty H 12/31/11 Loc M M W M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV M M M M M W W FV M FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M CC FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ART135601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART135602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 BIO207350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BIO111615201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 ENG101H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020H02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute201130 11/23/11 12/20/11 2.00 ENG020409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HMS20550J201130 09/15/11 12/17/11 40.00 RDG030551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS154461 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS150421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS154462201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 2.00 MUS150401201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 2.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MUS101401201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 4.00 ACC110574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ACC114574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 MTH140540201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.87 MTH140510201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 MTH03051420130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.50 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 One Time payment Eng0304012011 10/04/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG020424201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030401201130 10/04/11 12/17/11 1.21 reflib201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 0.19 Global Ed Presenter 201130 10/31/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE161675201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 09/15/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE180674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE136601201130 08/22/11 09/11/11 1.33 PE106651201130 11/02/11 11/13/11 1.33 PE106381201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 1.33 PE106380201130 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.33 MCM1305XB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM101602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Guest Speaker One time 11/29/11 pay 12/17/11 1.00 MCM130HON20113008/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MCM130S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Physical Education - FP 08/22/11 10/15/11 28.00 pe180401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.98 pe1312409201130 08/22/11 10/15/11 1.33 PE13012429201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE13012428201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 32.00 BIO207602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 AT283640201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.00 ART221601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 33.00 PSY200550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MGT101574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -80- Amount Paid $2,128.00 $2,128.00 $4,455.40 $75.00 $3,022.68 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $60.00 $2,394.24 $2,572.40 $1,869.12 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $75.00 $120.00 $4,115.84 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $90.00 $75.00 $2,958.26 $2,990.42 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $105.00 $75.00 $529.58 $1,869.12 $755.44 $192.98 $200.00 $3,087.36 $52.00 $3,087.36 $930.56 $930.56 $929.97 $930.56 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $50.00 $88.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $814.24 $2,079.22 $930.56 $830.72 $930.56 $3,022.68 $698.08 $2,791.68 $1,089.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 Name Toledo, Sue A Toll, Harry R Toma, Terry Lynn Townsend, Richard H Toy, Rodney Eugene Trares, Mary Patrice Traubitz, Arnold Tricamo, Sandra Ann Trietley, Roger Stuart Trone, Donna E True, James E Tucek, Linda A Tulloch, Marlowe Vickie Lynere Turnage Ferber, Jacqueline Kay Turner, Bryan J Turner, Fred Turner, Melinda May Turner, Mitchell M Tylka, David L Tyus, Shalonda Karletta Tyus, Vera Rose Ullery, Leona M 12/31/11 Loc FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV FP FP M M FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC CC FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BUS104580201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 5.50 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 AFCPFALL201130 12/07/11 12/17/11 1.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH160C60T20113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH160C64720113009/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH020440201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 mth020441201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL1124WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 JPN101550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DA144401201130 09/25/11 10/22/11 0.42 DA164422201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG030461201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.25 RDG100450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030463201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.25 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101634201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE181550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Yoga Instructor One time 12/07/11 pay 12/17/11 4.00 PE181501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ART100476201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101656201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM107S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 BUS104506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH140647201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030646201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ECE103H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020515201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 48.00 RDG030525201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ADJUNCT FACULTY09/12/11 12/17/11 1.25 RDG030508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111502LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 BIO111518LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111508LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 BIO111505LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111506LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111513LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO111507LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 Board of Commissioners201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 31.00 NRSGDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 HRM212401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRM212474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO148641201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 ST105402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ST105401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.67 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ADJUNCT FACULTY09/12/11 12/17/11 1.25 RDG020504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 RDG030507201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 RDG030503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 MTH108401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 MTH140407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 -81- Amount Paid $3,839.44 $75.00 $200.00 $75.00 $3,192.32 $3,191.82 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,394.24 $3,192.32 $259.60 $1,246.08 $2,993.12 $2,762.88 $2,993.12 $75.00 $2,094.24 $830.72 $240.00 $830.72 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $37.50 $1,869.12 $870.41 $928.44 $870.41 $928.44 $928.44 $928.44 $870.41 $1,023.00 $99.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $3,086.88 $1,395.84 $1,163.20 $75.00 $37.50 $2,990.42 $2,990.42 $2,990.42 $2,705.32 $2,705.32 $75.00 Name Unger, Darlene Sue Unruh, Ann L Unverferth, Donna M Usher, Ellen Nicole Vaccaro, Brian A Vachharajani, Neeta Akshaya Vallely, John Anthony Van Dyke, Karen A Van Herreweghe, Christa E Van Hoogstraat, William H VanDaele, Thomas L Vandeven, Warren Theodore Vareedayah, Mariadhaso Vaughn, Kimberlee P Vaughn, Ronald Lee Vavere, Atis Vedamuthu, Mary Selvi Velten, Gail Appelbaum Vernon, Ena A Vick, Jacqueline T Vigil, Anamaria V Vitullo, Angelo George Vogler, Cynthia L 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FV FV FP FP FV M M M M M W W W FP W W W W CC FV FV FV M CC M M FV FV FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.50 MTH108404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 47.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 MTH020519201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CPDVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 5.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 9.60 MTH081408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 MTH020425201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 mth020409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 MTH030401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 ENG101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.88 ENG101403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 ENG2174XB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MUS128604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS113601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS139601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 BIO208404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 MTH140581201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 IS151401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IS102402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 reflib201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 0.56 ART239601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 ART138639201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 BUS104605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 IS103301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS103374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG070451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY125338201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 PSY208350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 PSY125368201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 MOTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 60.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 CHM101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM101504LAB201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.33 CHM101641201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 5.33 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 35.00 BIO111S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Substitute 10/17/11 12/17/11 7.50 COM101519201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.62 COM101521201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.81 FLSPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 32.00 LectureSub 08/22/11 12/17/11 11.00 LabSubstitute201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 22.00 DIE103426201130 08/22/11 09/15/11 4.67 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 DA159401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 DA149401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 DA143401201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.27 DA151401201130 08/22/11 10/25/11 2.26 DA144401201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 2.20 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 DA161421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.00 -82- Amount Paid $195.00 $2,326.50 $180.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $155.00 $75.00 $288.00 $1,830.18 $1,830.18 $1,830.18 $1,830.18 $2,294.48 $2,344.36 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,596.16 $3,987.76 $2,094.24 $75.00 $4,115.84 $3,086.88 $392.64 $3,454.20 $2,302.80 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $1,500.40 $2,394.24 $75.00 $1,500.40 $1,080.00 $75.00 $5,484.36 $1,368.52 $5,484.36 $630.00 $4,455.40 $4,455.40 $225.00 $3,926.70 $1,963.35 $864.00 $330.00 $572.00 $4,300.88 $75.00 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $789.18 $1,404.95 $1,370.68 $75.00 $623.04 Name Von Der Ahe, Yvonne M Vorachek-Warren, Mara K Vredeveld, Linda Shultis Vroman, Paul J Wahoski, Stephanie L Walbran-Ambler, Stephanie J Walentik, David S Walker, Samona N Wallace, William Hayes Waller, Richard Bowes Walls, Betty Porter Walters, Jean M Walters, Nancy G Wamsley, David M Ward, Dannette C Ward, Kevin W Ward, Wynn B Warden, Stacey M Ware, Keith Ware, Regina Jane Warfield, Richard Edward Washington, David H Washington, Donald Maurice Washington, Mason A Watkins, Carol Sue Watt, Darren W Wead, Rodney S Weaver, Donald E Weber, Eugene P Weffelmeyer, Jeff Michael Weffelmeyer, John Wegener, Delano P 12/31/11 Loc CC W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M CC FV FV FV FV W FP FP FP CC M M M M M M FV M CC CC FP FV FV FV FV FV M M FP FV FV FP CC FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HORTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 BIO111395201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ART209551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH030550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030582201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030554201130 09/08/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 EMSADJUNCT2011 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.20 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG020424201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030429201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO151S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO151646201130 09/06/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 FOODDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 17.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 LGL202595201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 LGL21951A30881201130 12/05/11 12/13/11 1.00 BLW201574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST1013WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ECE103421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.06 ECE205402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.84 CPDVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG060651201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 6.00 GEG1006SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEG101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEO100S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 GEG100601201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 0.38 bio2265201130 08/23/11 12/17/11 3.67 AT135695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 11.00 HISTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 14.00 NUR108201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 ENG030580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 RDG020551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BLW101603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.35 SOC203501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101509201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.40 CPDVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.50 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 MTH020566201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140554201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101H21201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.25 SOC101404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 FNL206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CRJSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.60 Fire Tech201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.59 MTH160CS0220113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 -83- Amount Paid $42.00 $75.00 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,791.68 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $747.84 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $357.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $1,028.96 $3,086.88 $1,832.46 $75.00 $3,151.19 $2,926.11 $330.00 $90.00 $4,188.48 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $1,832.46 $261.78 $2,561.96 $2,492.16 $363.00 $378.00 $1,795.50 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,762.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $279.30 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $249.28 $304.50 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,762.88 $2,072.16 $2,762.88 $75.00 $1,029.00 $198.00 $1,276.80 $410.08 $4,115.84 Name Wehrman, Stephani Lynn Weil, Dennis Lee Weinberg, Robin Ann Weindel, Kenneth J Weiss, Denise Weiss, Sandra Lee Welby, James E Welch, Katherine A Wells, Shirley Ann Werner, Michele Yvonne Werner, Terry F Werner, Vicki L Wertin, Andrew J Wessels, Gerard J Westmoreland, Kelli M Wheeler, Benjamin Adam Whirley, Sheila D Whitaker, Jarretha Yvonne White, Dee Ellen Bailey White, Donna Marshaye Whiteside, Ken Whitney, Lisa Marie Whittemore, Joan Margaret Wible, Sherrill W Wieckhorst, Kathryn N Wiedemann, Thomas Robert Wiggins, Autumn Elayne 12/31/11 Loc M M M M M M FP FP M M M CC CC M M W W W FV FV M M FV FV FV FV FP FP M M M M M W W W W FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV M M M M M M M M M M FP FP CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COM101628201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM101637201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH020651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO203450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.64 PT Reference Librarian 08/20/11 12/22/11 231.75 EDU218S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PTA211602201130 08/22/11 11/22/11 3.33 PTA211601201130 08/22/11 11/22/11 3.33 CTCRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 CRJSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 LGL104695201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1013S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1013W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC1003S1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE103501201130 08/23/11 10/23/11 0.48 PE174550201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 0.67 BIO111SO4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111S05201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BUS104501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 BUS104503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NUR205201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.82 BIC102450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101641201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101635201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 1.50 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 MUS101301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MUS114301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS130301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 FALLAFO201130 09/18/11 10/15/11 1.00 crj122550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG016H21201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG017453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG016453201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 RDG017H21201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 0.92 NUR205601201130 08/22/11 11/11/11 7.70 ANT101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT101646201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM10150J201130 10/05/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE130201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE136601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE192601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 MUS116601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS115601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 MUS115601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Substitute 09/04/11 12/17/11 1.50 BIO111607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 FNL206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.00 DHY222401201130 11/10/11 12/08/11 0.47 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 -84- Amount Paid $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $4,273.24 $5,962.94 $3,086.88 $2,324.60 $2,324.60 $132.00 $496.00 $75.00 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $2,762.88 $299.06 $415.36 $4,455.40 $4,455.40 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $5,455.40 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $45.00 $75.00 $2,792.32 $2,094.24 $1,396.16 $75.00 $2,394.24 $1,596.66 $798.08 $75.00 $1,496.40 $732.24 $5,373.99 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $50.00 $2,492.16 $830.72 $830.72 $2,057.92 $88.00 $2,057.92 $39.00 $4,455.40 $4,455.40 $6,230.40 $480.26 $81.00 Name Wilhelm, Amy L Wilke, Fred J Wilke-Grimm, Briget Amy Wilkins, Beverly W Willard, Gina Marie Williams, Belinda Mae Williams, Brett J Williams, Bruce A Williams, Gerald A Williams, Holly Jean Williams, James A Williams, Kenneth W Williams, Lucy Caroline Williams, Marilyn Rena Williams, Mary Christine Williams, Meriam E Williams, Rosie B Williams, Terril K Williams, Trina S Williams, Victoria Elaine Willingham, Shannon Donald Wilmoth, Gary M Wilson, Antonina Wilson, Crystal Julienne 12/31/11 Loc M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP W W FP FP FP FP CC CC CC FV FV CC CC CC FP FP FP FP FP CC FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv SPA101604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SPA101602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ECO151574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO151504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 mth020413201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 mth020422201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 RDG020H02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG017H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 24.00 RDG016H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG030H02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART172374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 IS102403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ART109405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 Art Model Figure Drawing 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 ANIMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 3.00 MTH020527201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH027580201130 08/19/11 09/19/11 1.00 RANGEAIDEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 28.00 SOFTBLCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.60 CONSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 60.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH020426201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030418201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 mth020412201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 mth081404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 SUBSTITUTE 09/26/11 12/17/11 2.50 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 MTH020H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080H02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030425201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 2.88 SUB PE109110403201130 08/29/11 10/28/11 1.50 PE17717842120113010/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 Sub 201130 PE 13012.422 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.50 PE13914040120113008/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 PED1771784012011 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 PE10911040420113010/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 PE10911040320113008/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ECE202480201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.70 Fire Tech 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 23.00 JUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.16 DCS104502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.22 PE130402201130 09/12/11 10/11/11 3.50 PE1223450201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 1.33 PE12212346120113010/23/11 12/17/11 1.39 PE13012433201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 PE13012407201130 08/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 Physical Education - FP 10/23/11 12/17/11 38.61 PE13012434201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.00 -85- Amount Paid $2,792.32 $75.00 $2,792.32 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $75.00 $3,086.88 $1,543.44 $2,057.92 $3,086.88 $3,684.48 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $75.00 $2,791.68 $99.00 $39.78 $81.00 $1,869.12 $623.04 $203.00 $996.88 $1,980.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $66.00 $75.00 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $2,294.47 $33.00 $830.72 $143.00 $830.72 $830.72 $830.72 $75.00 $830.72 $75.00 $2,762.88 $75.00 $436.24 $358.34 $724.63 $2,628.45 $77.00 $830.72 $866.80 $830.72 $830.72 $1,002.32 $623.04 Name Wilson, Kevin Michael Wilson, Robert L Wilson-Ramsey, Yevonn Winkler, Elizabeth Anne Withers, Pamela Sue Witt, Carol M Woehrle, Jill M Woerther, Michael E Wohl, Allison Wojtkowski, Kari Anne Wolterman, Kim Ann Wood, Pamela Renee Woodcox, Charles Alfred Woodruff, Kerry M Woods, Debra Ann Woods, Henry Lee Woods, Nadia Djavaherian Worley, Jan Eugene Worley, Jessica Suzanne Worley, Kenneth R Worthy, Michelle A Wright, Allyson Weathers Wright, Veronica Joan Wyatt, James Michael Wylie, Carolyn E Wynne, David P Xing, Xiaoyan Yancey, Amanda Ann Yanko, Albert 12/31/11 Loc FP W W W FP FP FP FP FP FV FV M CC CC M M M M M M M M M M M CC FP FP FP FP FP CC CC FV M M M CC FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV W W W W FP M FP FP FP M M CC CC CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ART107370201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 ART107338201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 FIGDRAW13201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART109406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO111H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO111H02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 LGL106550201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 LGL229671201130 10/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 CTCRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.50 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 ACC114650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC114696201130 09/14/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 09/07/11 12/17/11 9.50 MTH020S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020S04201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSI111646201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEO100602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 GEO100604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 WRITDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 hST137H50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST137450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST138421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 FNL206401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 120.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 60.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 MTH030562201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG101639201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101617201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RELGDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 RDG016502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG016511201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.94 RDG017511201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG017502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG020501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART100401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART100402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 HMS101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101308201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101307201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 COM101309201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NUR201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.50 ART133604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 DHY221401 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.80 CHI101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 25.50 Training 09/02/11 09/17/11 1.00 MBKBASSTCOA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.20 -86- Amount Paid $75.00 $1,861.12 $1,861.12 $75.00 $75.00 $2,791.68 $2,791.68 $3,022.68 $3,022.68 $75.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $544.50 $552.00 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $285.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $276.00 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,058.00 $1,980.00 $140.00 $1,869.12 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $276.00 $1,396.16 $1,352.53 $698.08 $698.08 $2,094.24 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $75.00 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $75.00 $2,094.24 $3,140.64 $2,492.16 $2,744.32 $2,058.24 $498.56 $2,792.32 $75.00 $841.50 $160.00 $747.64 Name Yarbrough, Angeline L Yochum, Michael Earl Young, Bryan G Young, Geraldine R Young, Michael E Zahra, Matthew J Zalasky, Leann M Zalasky, William J Zamenski, Andrew J Zhou, Yuefang Zipp, Jeanne Marie Zirngibl, James L Zoeller, Charles J 12/31/11 Loc CC FV FV FV CC CC M FP FP FP FP W W FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC CC FP W W CC M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Educational Assistant12/11/11 I 12/24/11 1.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 ENG03051G201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GNSFFUCE201125 10/20/11 12/23/11 4.50 REALDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 24.00 FLGEDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 20.00 BUS101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG020421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG020428201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH030301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 GEO100550J201130 09/25/11 10/03/11 0.75 GEO100550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 PSI111504203011201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 GEO100503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 GEO100503J201130 09/25/11 10/03/11 0.75 PSI111504J203011 09/25/11 12/17/11 0.75 ANIMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.50 ANIMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.50 RTH204401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 BIO111351201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 KIDSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 MKT104650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104646201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ProgramCoordinator201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 9.00 -87- Amount Paid $200.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $81.00 $552.00 $540.00 $2,394.24 $75.00 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $3,683.84 $2,762.88 $75.00 $523.56 $1,570.68 $1,570.68 $1,570.68 $523.56 $523.56 $45.00 $45.00 $465.28 $4,455.40 $75.00 $108.00 $2,394.24 $2,394.24 $8,288.64 Name Adamecz, Gustav Aehle, Michael R Agard, Constance Eileen Ahrens, J Markus Allen, Jason S Alvarez, Teresa Ann Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Ansari, Shamim Us-Saher Anthes, Richard M Appelbaum, Susan S Applegate, Mark D Armstrong, Richard D Ayres, Janet C Babbitt, Donna Elizabeth Bai, Steven Soby Ballard, Kelly K Ballentine, Cynthia R Barker, Jacqueline A Barrett, Robyn Camella Barron, Tracy J Bast, Matthew Dale Beach, Elva Maxine 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP M FV M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M CC CC CC FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FP W W FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS203466201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SCADA & MOBILE COMM 09/01/11 201130 12/20/11 16.00 IT201467201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 5.00 ART131602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 RDG030528201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC293639201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 0.40 ACC291639201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 0.40 ACC292639201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 0.40 ACC100675201130 09/06/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC110606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ACC114HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 3.00 BIO208603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 BIO208406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 bIO207403LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO207404LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.32 IS201486201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 5.00 IS201466201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 5.00 DMS103401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 DMS102401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 DMS101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 COORDINATOR 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.67 ENG101HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 2.00 AUT169426201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 4.67 UAWPREP201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 AUT16426201130 10/18/11 12/17/11 3.68 HRM128450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRM128402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HRM128401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.47 PE120422201130 11/01/11 12/17/11 1.17 PE16216342120113010/17/11 12/17/11 1.00 Sub 201130 PE161.401 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE16216340120113008/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 PE129480201030 08/22/11 10/23/11 0.17 MTH2205WD201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HIT102450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ACC110350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.50 ACC114301 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM:201.50320113012/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 MCM122219501502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM115501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.87 COM101504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ALPPGM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 PHL103647201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL103601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH230HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 2.00 OTA101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 OTA215601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MANUAL REVISION 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ACC110675201130 09/06/11 12/17/11 4.00 ACC124695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC110HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 5.00 RDG020451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG012422201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.00 FIR501450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG013422201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.00 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 16.00 Substitute 09/23/11 12/17/11 18.00 BIO1116W4201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ENG592601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 ENG110HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 CURRENTS 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 -88- Amount Paid $2,862.24 $954.08 $4,770.40 $2,848.00 $2,150.88 $427.58 $427.58 $427.58 $3,206.88 $4,275.84 $264.00 $2,387.48 $3,559.60 $1,093.36 $1,085.16 $5,344.80 $5,344.80 $1,424.00 $1,424.00 $1,424.00 $3,916.00 $176.00 $4,455.56 $1,908.16 $3,511.02 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $2,356.56 $834.68 $715.44 $26.00 $953.92 $119.24 $1,068.96 $3,288.32 $3,339.28 $2,862.24 $88.00 $2,150.88 $1,344.32 $716.96 $2,688.60 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $176.00 $2,466.24 $822.08 $1,068.96 $3,815.73 $2,862.24 $440.00 $2,150.88 $1,434.36 $716.96 $717.87 $716.96 $540.00 $716.96 $1,848.00 $88.00 $1,644.16 Name Becker, Kathleen Sue Behrend, Reynold C Bell, Wesley J Berger, Carol A Betzler, Daniel J Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang Billman, Daniel T Bjorkgren, Lynn M Blackwell-Hardin, Sara Lynne Blalock, Kay Jeanene Blanco, Carlos A Boedeker, Stacey S Boehm, Jason L Bozek, Brian M Brady, Sandra Helen Brake, Dean A Breitwieser, Dianne E Brennan, James R Brieler, Robert A Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M Burke, Michael A Burkhardt, Charles E Burns, Rebecca Sue Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Cindy L Campbell, Jay G Carter, Brian D 12/31/11 Loc CC FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV M M M M FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV M CC FP M FP FP FP M FP FP FP FV FV FV M FP FV FV M CC M FV FV FV FV M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Nursing Accreditation201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 2.00 NUR204201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.17 ART111602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.17 Orientation 09/18/11 10/01/11 16.00 ART1005SA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 ART1057A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.87 ART10057B201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.87 DCS216552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 THT115501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.87 Substitute 10/10/11 12/17/11 8.00 DCS:211.551201130 10/26/11 12/17/11 1.31 DCS2105511220113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DCS11055121130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 BIO208508HYB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 BIO208509LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 2.00 BIO207507201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 Substitute201130 11/28/11 12/17/11 1.00 HRT101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.99 ECE201650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Fall Orientation 10/10/11 11/25/11 1.00 HST101674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST115601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST1016S1201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 4.00 LEARNINGCIRCLE 08/15/11 12/31/11 1.00 IDS20151A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ENG030518201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ST108401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.67 NEW FACULTY ORIENTATION 09/16/11 10/21/11 16.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 2.00 Chair, Campus Sustainability 09/25/11 12/16/11 1.00 MTH030526201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020611201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COLFacilitator20113011/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 XRT111401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Dept Chair Training 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RTH22401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 RTH127401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RTH221401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 MTH160B60120113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IDS101408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST137474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE130507201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE130517201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 PE192501201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 Substitute 201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 6.00 MTH240450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PHY122550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ENG101HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 3.00 GEOLDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 GEO101SDL201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 PE109501201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 IDS101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE120574201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 1.33 IDS101502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL102601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL102650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 MATH HELP LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 -89- Amount Paid $2,138.40 $4,457.12 $3,382.00 $822.08 $1,603.44 $2,004.32 $2,004.32 $3,206.88 $2,004.32 $240.00 $1,403.01 $3,206.88 $1,603.44 $271.28 $1,093.36 $176.00 $271.28 $30.00 $1,896.24 $1,908.16 $698.08 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $352.00 $400.00 $3,816.32 $2,862.24 $4,658.00 $678.08 $150.00 $176.00 $954.08 $2,862.24 $2,466.24 $500.00 $1,096.00 $1,068.96 $2,867.84 $2,136.00 $712.00 $3,288.32 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $953.92 $238.48 $953.92 $180.00 $3,206.88 $2,137.92 $6,413.76 $264.00 $270.00 $88.00 $1,424.00 $3,206.88 $1,424.00 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $2,904.00 $1,792.40 Name Chanasue, Deborah M Chapman, Thelma L Char, Deborah J Chott, Craig S Chowdhury, Md Syed A Christiansen, Steven Clark, Anthony Steven Clark, Judy V Coburn, John W Coelho, Ana P Cohoon, Christina Marie Cole, Angelic Inez Collier, Nancy C Collins, Jennifer P Collins, Linda Housch Collins, Steven G Consolino, Beverly M Cooper, Terry D Copp, Julie C Counte, Suzanne C Cronin, Christopher Blair Cruz, Ana Lucia Cupples, Tommy G Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP M CC FP FP FP M M M M M M W W W W FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV M FP FP FP M M FP FV FV M M M FP FP M M FV M M M FV FV FV M M M FV FV FV FP CC FP FV FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv TECH COORDINATOR 08/22/11 201130 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute Acct. 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.75 MTH185401 MTH144401 08/22/11 201130 12/17/11 5.00 NUR205601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.98 NRSG201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 NUR108201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.11 MTH160C40120113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 16.00 IS218639201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 0.40 IS239695201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS215641201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS215674201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.50 IT102695201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS236HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 1.00 BIO207303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 BIO207395201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 CRJ122350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ORIENTATION 10/17/11 11/20/11 1.00 PSY200552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO151580201130 09/16/11 12/17/11 2.68 ECO152574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.71 MTH160C40820113008/22/11 11/20/11 0.25 MTH160C53220113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH020518201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 4.00 PTA212601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.16 BUS104H50201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MGT204421201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104421201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 09/15/11 12/17/11 5.50 Released 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.50 GEG106401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.66 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 HST107551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST105601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 HST107601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 HST105602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 DHY127401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY208601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PSY219601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 COM101513201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ACC208695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC110HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 3.00 ACC100604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 New Faculty Orientation 10/11/11 10/31/11 16.00 SUBSTITUTE LEC 10/27/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU211601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 EDU219698SDL201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 2.00 EDU211601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 IS107564IS12674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS257599201130 12/05/11 12/17/11 2.00 IS112574201130+67408/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Lump Sum Payment 08/29/11 09/02/11 1.00 PSY200407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.00 IS251COMBO20113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Secure coding Curri. Dev201130 09/01/11 12/20/11 16.00 -90- Amount Paid $716.96 $82.50 $3,584.80 $3,182.64 $132.00 $3,317.92 $3,288.32 $822.08 $381.63 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $1,431.12 $2,862.24 $88.00 $1,915.44 $3,559.60 $75.00 $3,086.88 $43.63 $2,466.24 $2,556.93 $2,862.24 $1,945.65 $205.52 $4,275.84 $3,206.88 $352.00 $1,775.68 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $165.00 $5,879.28 $2,186.72 $88.00 $2,466.24 $6,413.76 $88.00 $534.48 $3,560.00 $3,204.00 $4,275.18 $88.00 $1,644.16 $3,206.88 $264.00 $3,206.88 $88.00 $698.08 $90.00 $1,068.96 $176.00 $88.00 $2,862.24 $176.00 $2,862.24 $3,206.88 $952.95 $7,482.72 $2,862.24 $954.08 Name Dattoli, Anthony David Daugherty, Seth A Davis, Phyllis Regina Day, Leroy Thomas Dennis, Jeremy K Dieckmann, Thomas M Doering, David A Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Downey, Michael D Dufer, Dennis C Eayrs, Christaan N Ebest, Ron J Edmonds, Dino A Elkin, Thomas Reed Elliott, John Mark Epperson, Cynthia K Ethridge, Michelle Rene Fackelman, Joseph A Featherson, Vincent E Fickas, Julie C Fielding, Sarah A Fischer, Carl W 12/31/11 Loc M M M M M M FP FP FV FV FV FV M FP FP FV FV M M CC M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS251650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE132603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE132604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PE120601201130 11/07/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE116S02201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE132605201130 12/17/11 01/13/12 0.40 Dept Chair 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 7.50 MTH230401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 16.00 IS126574201130 11/11/11 12/16/11 16.00 IS124574201130 11/11/11 12/16/11 1.00 New Fac Orientation 09/18/11 10/15/11 16.00 IS151501201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 FRE102601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.50 ENG1024WK201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101425201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 48.00 Fall Orientation 10/10/11 11/25/11 16.00 IS129575201130 11/01/11 11/29/11 1.00 GEO111602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.17 GEO111601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.67 NRSG201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 NUR205601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.08 CUL101431201130 10/25/11 11/17/11 1.00 CUL101-430201130 10/24/11 11/16/11 1.00 CUL101427201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 CUL1014269201130 08/22/11 09/19/11 1.00 CUL101429201130 09/27/11 10/20/11 16.00 CUL101428201130 09/26/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM1046W6201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.50 Substitute 201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 1.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 2.00 Voyageur201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 1.00 CUL250401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 CUL115423201130 10/19/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE 20113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 CUL205422201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 SUBSTITUTE 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CUL215461201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.75 MTH140674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 MTH0306F1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PE161674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PE161S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.67 RELEASE 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RTH12012&3201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.67 RTH2231&2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MCM110402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Respiratory Therapy -08/22/11 FP 09/15/11 2.20 Program Coordinator201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.67 XRT101LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 Department Chair201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO207501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.83 BIO208511LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 4.00 ALPPRGM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 Fall Orientation 10/10/11 11/25/11 16.00 Lec Sub 09/20/11 12/17/11 4.20 Lab Sub 09/20/11 12/17/11 1.75 -91- Amount Paid $2,862.24 $1,430.88 $1,430.88 $953.92 $953.92 $286.18 $6,165.60 $616.00 $716.96 $716.96 $698.08 $2,867.40 $3,741.36 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $698.08 $822.08 $1,250.68 $6,061.00 $198.00 $2,221.44 $1,068.96 $1,068.96 $1,068.96 $1,068.96 $1,068.96 $1,068.96 $2,862.24 $135.00 $30.00 $176.00 $1,908.16 $88.00 $1,310.08 $1,965.12 $120.00 $1,965.12 $78.00 $1,965.12 $715.56 $2,862.24 $45.00 $2,862.24 $4,275.84 $2,146.32 $1,192.40 $1,644.16 $1,370.00 $1,644.00 $2,394.24 $1,755.60 $3,916.00 $712.00 $4,272.00 $595.08 $953.56 $352.00 $2,688.60 $698.08 $105.00 $38.50 Name Fish, Lynda K Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Fonseca, Eve M Forde, Gary C Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip Fox, Sharon A Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley Peter Freeman, Terrence L French, Brenda F Friedman, Donna G Frison, Tommie F Frost, James G Frost, Tony L Fuller, Carolyn Marie Fuller, Michael J Gackstatter, Gary Lee Gaines, Karen B Galanis, Joanne M Gale-Betzler, Lisa E 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV FV M M FV M FV M M M FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH080411201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 COORDINATOR SCHEDULE 08/22/11 201130 12/17/11 5.00 MTH170401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO1400501LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 IDS101515201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 2.00 IDS101514201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ALPPGM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.56 COM101513201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 dit209501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.40 FT-FACULTY SUBSTITUTE 09/12/11 12/17/11 12.00 DCS109551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DCS211.501 10/26/11 12/17/11 1.13 DCS214.501201130 10/26/11 12/17/11 1.13 DCS216501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute201130 09/26/11 12/20/11 3.00 ENG0451450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY:200-407201130 11/02/11 12/10/11 2.00 PSY200421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ALPPGM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 IDS101508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CTLWEB201130 10/01/11 12/17/11 1.50 IDS201580201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 NUR201601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 ART100603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 IDS101550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ESC100550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.91 IDS101510201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Counseling - FP 08/20/11 08/21/11 0.31 PRD528402201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 1.00 PRD528402201130 09/12/11 12/18/11 1.00 COL020409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111401402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.25 BIO111409201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 3.00 BIO111410201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 3.00 CHM01453201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 3.00 CHM101453201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 3.00 BIO111411LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BIO111403404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.66 MTH020607201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 0.06 MTH140612201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140619201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 MTH020608201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.94 CHM101602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM101606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 RDG0305G201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030526201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL10357A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ANT101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ANT207601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 PHL10357B201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS114601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 FT-SUBSTITUTE 09/26/11 12/17/11 3.00 MUS114604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 MUS114602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH240HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 ART100557A201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.87 ART10057B201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.87 DCS106551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 -92- Amount Paid $2,137.92 $5,344.80 $3,206.88 $1,268.92 $2,862.24 $176.00 $2,862.24 $7,015.04 $3,206.88 $427.60 $360.00 $2,862.24 $1,073.34 $1,073.34 $2,862.24 $90.00 $2,862.24 $60.00 $2,466.24 $2,150.88 $2,688.60 $2,150.88 $1,603.44 $4,275.84 $3,560.00 $1,908.16 $3,206.88 $728.90 $3,206.88 $256.90 $822.08 $822.08 $2,466.24 $264.00 $5,138.00 $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $822.08 $2,186.72 $66.81 $3,206.88 $2,405.16 $3,140.07 $5,085.24 $4,770.40 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $3,206.88 $2,137.92 $88.00 $3,206.88 $2,466.24 $90.00 $1,233.12 $3,288.32 $88.00 $2,004.32 $2,004.32 $4,110.40 Name Gardetto, Darlaine Claire Garrett, Toni N Garrison, April M Gee, Melody Gerardot, Diane M Gerstenecker, Dale M Glen, John Godfrey, Carolyn Jean Goessling, Steven P Goetz, Ronald E Gordon, Katherine Heather Gormley, James C Goushey, Layla Azmi Graham, Nita S Granger, Kimberlyann Tsai Graul, Julie L Graville, Teri K Grote, Terri J Groth, Charles E Hafer, Gail H Hahn, Robert L Hake, John C Hall, Sandra Dye Hanlon, David R Hansen, Troy Robert Harden, Lisa Ann Harms, Robert C Hartmann, William K Hartsfield, Janice Craig Hartwein, Jon Hartwig, Cynthia Kay Hauser, Michael A Heaton, Patricia L 12/31/11 Loc FV FV M M M M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FV W CC FP FP FP M M FV FV W W FP W W W W FV W FP M M M M FV FP M M M FV M M M M M FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv DCS106501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 FT Faculty/Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 13.50 SOC1016X3201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201646201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH020619201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.31 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH025601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 35.00 MTH020607201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 0.75 MTH18551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 ENG104401201130 09/29/11 10/31/11 3.00 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 16.00 ST108401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 ST109401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 COORDINATOR 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.67 lecsub201130 10/03/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201396201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 SENRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 NUR:LAB201130 11/01/11 12/19/11 3.00 DIE101426201130 10/24/11 11/17/11 3.01 DIE204426201130 11/21/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030640201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140641201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 6.00 Substitute 10/30/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1023X2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG020301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH080H01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH14031F201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 24.00 MTH160C39620113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH140395201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH165301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PSY205503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160C30520113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS151402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ART133602201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 ART133601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.83 BUS201650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM219601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140542201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 NURLAB 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 ART165602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART167698SDL201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 ART165603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.70 Counselor201130 12/20/11 12/22/11 0.40 MTH020621201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 BIO106601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 BIO203HON201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 BIO111S97201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 BIO203606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.66 PHL105401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL102475201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030517201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 10/17/11 12/18/11 1.50 SUB 10/13/11 12/17/11 2.00 XRT103401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 XRT111401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 XRT213401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 NUR108601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.83 CHM105601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM1056W2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.51 DHY223401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 -93- Amount Paid $4,110.40 $405.00 $3,206.88 $4,275.84 $334.05 $120.00 $2,117.50 $801.72 $3,584.80 $90.00 $716.96 $356.00 $2,136.00 $3,916.00 $90.00 $2,055.20 $50.00 $78.00 $2,474.46 $2,466.24 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $528.00 $90.00 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $2,466.24 $2,112.00 $3,288.32 $2,466.24 $1,644.16 $2,862.24 $2,466.24 $822.08 $88.00 $3,634.00 $3,206.88 $2,466.24 $2,150.88 $4,384.00 $4,272.00 $88.00 $747.60 $286.88 $1,613.16 $534.48 $88.00 $4,275.84 $4,981.36 $3,206.88 $1,068.30 $2,466.24 $45.00 $52.00 $548.00 $2,192.00 $2,192.00 $679.52 $5,697.56 $3,752.04 $2,136.00 Name Heisler, Virginia Anita Helbling, Rebecca Jane Miller Henry, Deborah Jane Herman, Susan Kay Hernandez, Rafael Hertel, Robert B Herzog, Mary Frances Higdon, Paul Edward High, Julie Ann Hirst, Lori C Hollins, Stacy Gee Hovis, Janice Kay Hsu, Jeff C Huber, William F Huelsmann, Mary L Huether, Teresa F Hughes, John S Hughes, Ronald V Hulsey, Keith C Hunt-Bradford, Susan E Hurley, Mary Elizabeth Hurst, Douglas J 12/31/11 Loc FP M M M M M FP FP FP CC M FV W W FP FP FP M CC FV FV FV FV FV FV M CC CC FP FV FV FV FV FV CC FV M CC M M FP FP FP M CC CC M M FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv DY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 ART252601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 96.00 ART252602201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 AT151601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 72.00 ART152674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.17 COL020650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST138402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST138401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PERDDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 16.00 Associate Professor/Counselor 12/19/11 12/22/11 0.60 New Faculty Orientation 10/11/11 10/31/11 16.00 BIO1113WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 CUL250401201130 08/22/11 12/18/11 3.00 CUL250403201130 08/22/11 12/18/11 3.00 CUL250402201130 08/22/11 12/18/11 3.00 NUR205601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.74 NURPLAN201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 MUS131501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MUS114501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACTINGDEPTCHAIR201130 10/26/11 12/17/11 2.25 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 1.00 PTK Ceremony 10/23/11 12/24/11 1.00 MUS201502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 63.12 PTA104601201130 11/28/11 12/17/11 4.56 TrainingforTomorrow201125 11/07/11 12/23/11 8.00 ATDProject201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 GSCC Grant 09/12/11 12/17/11 48.00 IS125574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 IS120574201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 28.00 IS136564201130 09/25/11 10/25/11 1.00 IS291501201130 12/05/11 12/17/11 0.40 AFOFAC201130 08/21/11 10/31/11 1.00 ISOIC201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS218599201130 12/05/11 12/17/11 0.20 COL020610201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COLStudy201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 ACC114HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 1.00 ACC122671201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO208408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.31 BIO208407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 DHY128401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 ARC112602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.17 ISW FACILITATOR 10/16/11 10/29/11 1.00 Senior Project Coord.08/22/11 Achievin 12/17/11 2.00 ARC101601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 HST101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ENG1104XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030414201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG050450201130 10/06/11 12/17/11 1.50 ESL COORD201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 20112MCM202601 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.40 MCM201601 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Mentor New Faculty 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 MCM141675201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM140HON20113008/22/11 12/24/11 2.00 MCM140675201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM107402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.88 COM201675201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -94- Amount Paid $2,492.00 $2,830.08 $88.00 $1,857.60 $137.00 $2,640.00 $90.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $400.00 $572.40 $698.08 $3,104.44 $75.00 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $608.28 $132.00 $2,137.92 $3,206.88 $2,405.16 $88.00 $100.00 $2,816.16 $4,874.45 $264.00 $2,150.88 $6,000.00 $1,644.16 $1,438.64 $822.08 $328.83 $40.00 $2,925.60 $164.42 $3,206.88 $200.00 $88.00 $2,466.24 $3,158.00 $4,131.16 $1,908.16 $158.00 $240.00 $2,137.92 $88.00 $6,413.76 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $45.00 $2,466.24 $390.02 $975.04 $477.04 $2,862.24 $176.00 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $2,742.98 $3,206.88 Name Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M Ilhan, Gulten Irons, Sandra J Isaacson, Matthew Paul Ivory, Jeffrey P Jenner, Julia Carol Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D Jones, Trevin J Joseph, Reni Josten, Denice L Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kalmer, Irene C Karleskint, George Kaufmann, Lacee A Keller, Margaret L Keller, Patty OHallaron Knickerbocker, Debra Ann Knight, Sandra M Kokotovich, Lisa M 12/31/11 Loc M M M CC M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv NEA President 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NEA PRESIDENT 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201608201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 FACULTYEVALUATION201130 10/23/11 11/19/11 0.75 IS229HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 2.00 IS 136 SDL 08/15/11 08/26/11 2.00 IS241674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 IS141674201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 48.00 IS229651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 AT213698SDL20113011/13/11 12/24/11 5.00 ART113602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 AT213601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 ART113603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.25 PHL102646201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL103677201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL1036S1201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 PHL103674201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 MTH081401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH108405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH081409201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH140413201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ART113450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 ART113401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 HRM141401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HRM221401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.24 Curr Chair 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.99 ART134501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 NEW FAC ORIENT 10/02/11 12/17/11 1.00 Counselor 08/20/11 08/27/11 0.31 PRD108450201130 09/12/11 12/18/11 2.00 COL020406201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PRD108422201130 09/12/11 12/18/11 2.00 IB100474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CTL DIRECTOR 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ENG101HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.50 CHM105650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.75 Substitute201130 10/10/11 12/10/11 0.75 DEPARTMENT CHAIR 08/22/11 201130 12/17/11 7.50 BUS201450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS103475201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS103421201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS103421201130 09/25/11 11/19/11 1.00 IS110426201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS129474201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 0.87 IS129475201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.00 EDU210450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 BIO140601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 BIO144601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 NUR101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.01 ART114636201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.17 PSY20060520130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 PSY200603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 PSY200605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 NUR102601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.67 PTK Advisor 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020402201130 09/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 PRD102461201130 09/12/11 12/18/11 1.00 Counselor 08/20/11 08/27/11 0.31 NUR101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.67 -95- Amount Paid $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $4,275.84 $953.28 $176.00 $166.00 $2,640.00 $3,206.88 $1,068.96 $440.00 $3,792.00 $88.00 $233.84 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $88.00 $3,206.88 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $1,433.92 $2,150.88 $476.96 $2,861.76 $954.08 $1,184.78 $5,718.08 $1,096.00 $798.08 $298.15 $1,908.16 $2,862.24 $1,908.16 $2,862.24 $6,690.24 $88.00 $105.00 $616.56 $801.72 $7,155.60 $2,862.24 $3,206.88 $3,206.87 $1,068.96 $3,206.88 $935.34 $1,068.96 $2,394.24 $60.00 $5,344.80 $534.48 $2,866.52 $178.00 $88.00 $5,344.80 $4,275.84 $4,658.00 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $1,068.96 $334.05 $4,430.32 Name Koosmann, Steven B Loc FP FP FP Koric, Arabela FP Kraja, Elida FV FV FV FV Kreher, Jamie L FP Kruger, Mark H FP FP FP FP Kurt, Barbara E M M Langnas, Robert S FV Lasek, Emily L FV FV Layton, Timothy S FV FV LeClerc, Erin Rebecca M M M M M Lee, Dianne M FP Lee, Robert M M M M M Leech, Melissa L M M Lewis, Christine Marie FV FV FV Lincoln, Craig Walter M Linder, Timothy J CC M M Lodhi, Afzal K W W Long, Richard Douglas M Lorenz, Michael R M Luebke, Mary E FV FV Lueke, H Michael FP FP FP Lupardus, S Carol FV W W W W Magagnos, Lovedy S CC FV FV Manteuffel, Mark Steven FV FV FV FV Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth M 12/31/11 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv FNL101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 FNL201402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 FNL106401201130 09/08/11 12/17/11 1.33 MTH160C42120113009/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 1.00 AFOFAC201130 08/21/11 10/31/11 1.00 ACC110502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ACC110501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART172475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 IDS201421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 HONORS SUMMER 08/22/11 09/15/11 2.00 IDS101423201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS422201130 08/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH170602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160C67420113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART111503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 Counselor201130 12/20/11 12/22/11 0.60 COL020514201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 1.00 ART251698SDL201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 2.00 AT254601201130 11/13/11 12/23/11 0.20 ART158601201130 11/13/11 12/23/11 0.60 ART151602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.17 ART253698SDL201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 CEAIT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 9.00 HST100601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 HST100602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 HST101602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST207601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 MTH170HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 2.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.25 MTH140592201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140591201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSI111674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 11.00 ART125695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.67 RTEC Release Time 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 WACChair201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO203301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.17 ENG2306W7201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ARC110603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 DCS214501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DCS211551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 16.00 SUBSTITUTE ACCT.08/22/11 201130 12/17/11 10.50 MTH160C40620113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 EDU210303201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDUCoordinator201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 EDU210301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Lump Sum Payment 08/29/11 09/02/11 1.00 ECE1085502020113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE124550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO111512LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO570HYB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 PE181502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 PED116501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO122602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.38 -96- Amount Paid $1,424.00 $1,424.00 $1,424.00 $2,867.85 $88.00 $40.00 $3,288.32 $3,288.32 $476.96 $3,287.82 $166.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $3,206.88 $4,275.84 $1,424.00 $493.20 $2,862.24 $3,288.32 $88.00 $176.00 $143.39 $430.18 $119.24 $88.00 $9,620.64 $88.00 $4,275.84 $3,206.88 $88.00 $45.00 $176.00 $157.50 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $3,206.88 $363.00 $2,192.00 $2,466.00 $3,206.88 $3,388.60 $2,862.24 $632.00 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $822.08 $315.00 $3,288.32 $88.00 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $75.00 $3,206.88 $826.76 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $1,093.36 $411.04 $1,264.00 $1,264.00 $4,178.88 Name Martin, Rachel D Martin, Susan J McCall, Kimberly L McCloskey, Ellen A McDonald, Chris L McDonald, Virginia N McDowell, Barbara J McElligott, Pamela G McGovern, Thomas A McGuire, Julie Higgins McManus, Laurie K Medeiros, Jennifer Anne Messmer, John P Metroulas, Michael B Meyer, Deborah M Meyer, Eric W Miinch, Patricia Lincecum Miller, Donda Dianne Miller, Robert J Mirikitani, Ronald T Mizes, Lisa R Montgomery, David L Moody, Carla J Moody, Peggy L Moreland, Lisa Kay Morris, Betsy J Mosher, Anne Marie 12/31/11 Loc M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV M M M FV FP M M FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FV FV FP M FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BIO153601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 RDG017516201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG016516201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Orientation 10/11/11 12/20/11 1.00 Substitute 11/01/11 12/17/11 1.25 PE13012426201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE174401201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 PE174401201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE13012405201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 PE13012425201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.33 PE129402201130 08/22/11 11/19/11 2.00 PE177601201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 0.92 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MCM1305XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 1.00 MCM140502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM140501220113008/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM:201.50120113012/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 MTH2040501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 BIO207605201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO207603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 NUR201601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.63 NUR201501201130 08/23/11 12/17/11 8.07 MKT203601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MKT203602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.50 BUS250639201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 0.40 ME244500201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.03 MTH160C40820113008/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH160C65220113008/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH185650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 ALPPGM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.26 honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 1.00 GLE503502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSC101603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 HST102504201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEG1015XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 HST102503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HONORS201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 IS123426201130 08/22/11 10/07/11 1.00 IS123474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 IT551476201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 ENG215HON201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 4.00 ENG082501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 AFOFAC201130 08/21/11 10/31/11 1.00 ENG102EXF201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE201501201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ECE203501201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE201551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IS151601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PE145602201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 1.33 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ART101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 COM101405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM101H21201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201577201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PSY200506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NUR201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.82 ART109604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.87 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.66 MTH170551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH020554201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -97- Amount Paid $1,793.68 $716.96 $1,433.92 $698.08 $37.50 $1,264.00 $1,264.00 $1,264.00 $1,264.00 $1,264.00 $1,896.00 $655.82 $26.00 $3,206.88 $88.00 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $88.00 $822.08 $3,206.88 $4,628.60 $1,737.28 $8,622.32 $2,862.24 $477.04 $381.63 $2,890.88 $822.08 $1,068.96 $5,344.80 $5,974.92 $88.00 $2,862.24 $4,275.84 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $2,094.24 $88.00 $954.08 $1,431.12 $5,724.48 $352.00 $3,288.32 $40.00 $2,466.24 $954.08 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $954.08 $1,424.00 $30.00 $1,603.44 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $3,816.32 $2,862.24 $674.39 $1,993.60 $49.80 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 Name Mueller, Craig Hugo Mueller, Kelly J Munden, James Jeffrey Munson, Bruce J Munson, Deborah Rochelle Murray, Russell H Myers, Gerald Cled Ndao, Rokhaya Niang Neal, Emily Mae Phillips Nesser-Chu, Janice NewMyer, Angela Blake Nickrent, Ellen M Nielsen, Eric R Njoku, Angela C North, Sharon I Nygard, Paul D Oliver, Keith L Oliver, Lonetta Michelle Oney, Margaret J Osburn, Sandra Sumanthi Ostlund, Karen M Otto, Esther Elizabeth Pea, Nancy E Jones Pedersen, Timothy W Pemberton, Sharon A Peppes, Nicholas D 12/31/11 Loc FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M FV FV FV M FV FP FP FP FV FV M M M FP FP FP FV M M FV FV FV FV CC M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv TUR236401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HRMPROCOORD201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.75 Substitute Acct. 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SPA201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH220401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 COL020410201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DA164422201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.20 DA162421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.27 DA143401201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.27 Program Coordinator201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.00 DA161421201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 2.67 MTH020609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.75 MUS101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 MUS201601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.49 MUS201601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 MUS201602201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 MUS135601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.66 MTH020546201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 AFOFAC201130 08/21/11 10/31/11 1.00 PSC101601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART166501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.77 BIO203404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.56 BIO2034501LECSUB201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 1.00 BIO2034502LAB201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 2.00 NEW FAC ORIENTATION 09/18/11 10/29/11 1.00 Counselor201130 12/20/11 12/22/11 0.40 LEARNINGCIRCLE 08/15/11 12/31/11 1.00 ECO1526WH201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS201HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 1.00 Clinical Lab Coordinator 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.67 CLT107421201130 10/18/11 12/17/11 1.33 CLT102401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH160C50020113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IDS101S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 2.00 IDS201551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IDS201552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 HST101550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 THTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 Distance Edu Liason 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 THT101674201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG030513201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG2185XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 NUR201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.67 COM2004WA20113010/23/11 12/17/11 1.50 COM4WAOnetimepay10/17/11 12/17/11 1.00 IDS101405201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 English - FP Dept. Chair 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 NUR201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.92 NUR102501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.44 ESC204SDL201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 ESC100HON201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 MATHCONTEST201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH140401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH020438201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 16.00 ECO152474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MKT203474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -98- Amount Paid $954.08 $2,623.72 $90.00 $3,288.32 $90.00 $3,584.80 $2,150.88 $1,808.40 $1,041.20 $1,041.20 $6,576.64 $2,192.00 $801.72 $3,559.60 $1,224.88 $88.00 $88.00 $1,364.64 $954.08 $88.00 $40.00 $2,867.40 $1,457.68 $1,118.44 $30.00 $52.00 $822.08 $286.88 $400.00 $2,150.88 $88.00 $3,476.00 $1,264.00 $1,896.00 $4,275.84 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $176.00 $954.08 $3,816.32 $954.08 $276.00 $822.08 $2,466.24 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $7,120.00 $1,233.12 $1,233.12 $1,233.12 $6,413.76 $1,578.24 $5,152.38 $88.00 $88.00 $822.08 $1,644.17 $2,466.24 $822.08 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 Name Peraud, Richard J Pernik, Rita Moisevna Pescarino, Richard A Petroff, Kathleen M Philpott, Shannon E Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth Pierroutsakos, Sophia L Polk, Kim Krafte Polta, Sally Louise Popper, Regina W Pressman, Sophia Queener, Scott E Raheja, Nina S Rebollo, Jean M Rebore, Joyce Ann Reilly, Catherine H Rhodes, Marlene Richmond, Mary Askew Ring, Phyllis A Ritts, Vicki M Rizzo, Kathleen Susan Roach, Timothy L Roberts, Kelli Cassandra Roberts, Paul R Roffle, Angela Harleana Rohman, Todd E 12/31/11 Loc FP M FV FV FV CC FV FV FP CC FP FP FP M FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV M FP FP CC FP CC M M M M FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP M M M M FP W M M M M M FP FP M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ECO1524WA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG1026W0201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH030529201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 GSCCPROJECT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.90 MTH160C52020113008/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ATDPROGRAM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 34.66 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 MTH140522201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 RDG100403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL Facilitator One Time 08/18/11 Pay 12/17/11 1.00 rdg100402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG017408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 RDG016408201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH240SDL201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 3.00 CUL115422201130 10/19/11 12/17/11 2.25 cul215421201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 PSY200610201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 1.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.67 RELEASETIME201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 XRT213401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 XRT103402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 XRT111401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.67 honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.50 PRD102421201130 09/12/11 12/18/11 1.00 COL020407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL Study One time 08/18/11 Pay 12/17/11 1.00 NUR201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 9.85 NRSGDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 7.50 THT115650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 Theatre Program Coor 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 THT1066602201130 08/22/11 12/23/11 0.20 NUR201601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.63 IDS201551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PRD528401201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 1.00 COL020404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Counseling - FP 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.00 Counselor 08/20/11 08/27/11 0.31 ENG101524201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101526201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.50 DHY228401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 PSY214601201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 PSY214601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PSY200602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 NUR101201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.47 ENG2013X1201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO208607201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO208601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.32 HRT227601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.45 RELEASED TIME 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 HRT127SDL201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 3.00 HMS2012401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.80 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 16.00 LEARNINGCIRCLE 08/15/11 12/31/11 1.00 IDS101611201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101677201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 -99- Amount Paid $3,206.88 $2,466.24 $1,433.92 $3,720.92 $953.49 $2,066.78 $150.00 $1,908.16 $2,466.24 $500.00 $822.08 $822.08 $1,644.16 $264.00 $2,146.68 $2,862.24 $6,413.10 $1,068.96 $45.00 $822.08 $4,658.00 $4,932.48 $632.00 $632.00 $632.00 $264.00 $75.00 $822.08 $2,466.24 $200.00 $9,334.26 $247.50 $1,431.12 $954.08 $190.82 $1,542.08 $4,275.84 $954.08 $2,862.24 $1,908.16 $298.15 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $3,699.00 $1,644.00 $88.00 $4,275.84 $5,344.80 $67.50 $4,234.40 $3,206.88 $2,150.88 $1,663.36 $3,291.56 $3,816.32 $264.00 $1,479.76 $822.08 $400.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 Name Rosenthal, Howard G Runge, Douglas K Salmon, Harold E Saum, Suzanne E Sawah, Rihab Schalda, Anne Therese Schamber, Steven M Schmitt, Damaris A Schneider, Jeffrey Lynn Schneider, Joseph R Seese, Lillian M Serns, Susan Lynn Sherman, Patricia A Shields, David L Shiller, Casey Eric Shockley, James E Shuck, Patrick J Sibbitts, Gary E Sippy, Jessica Lynn Sivkov, Roman Victorovich Smejkal, Christopher H Smith, Katherine Elizabeth 12/31/11 Loc FV FV FV M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP FV FV M M M M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv HMS204550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.60 HMS203550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 11.50 Professor/Counselor 12/19/11 12/22/11 0.80 SOC201601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SOC201650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM101503LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 CHM101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 CHM101502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.33 CHM121501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.66 CHM105503LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 SUBSTITUTE 08/30/11 12/17/11 6.00 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.00 MATHDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 AFOFAC201130 08/21/11 10/31/11 2.00 PSI111576201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHY223550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 MTH140505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 BLW101HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 3.00 ECO140603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 ECO151680201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO140604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 LEARNINGCIRCLE 08/15/11 12/31/11 1.00 IDS101679201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Phi Theta Kappa Advisor 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101678201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 LEARNINGCIRCLE 08/15/11 12/31/11 1.00 PSI123674 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 GEO100674 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSI1236X0 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020613201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 0.86 MTH160C60220113008/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.00 RDG100501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG020512201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HIT103474201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.00 HIT291401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.40 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 BAP110421201130 10/18/11 11/10/11 3.00 BAP205461201130 09/13/11 11/05/11 2.00 BAP215421201130 10/25/11 11/10/11 1.75 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 BAP220421201130 11/15/11 12/01/11 2.00 NUR204201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.45 ART108601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 ART115636201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART210698SDL201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 ART215698SDL201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 5.00 IS151674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 IDS201401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IDS101404201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EC0152575201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO151506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Recruit Assess Coor 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 COM120HON20113008/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 COM101650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COM1206W2201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL020609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CAC Chair Fall 201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 -100- Amount Paid $2,779.28 $4,275.84 $345.00 $855.36 $3,206.88 $50.00 $3,206.88 $1,421.72 $2,490.68 $5,697.56 $705.52 $1,421.72 $180.00 $130.00 $324.00 $80.00 $2,466.24 $1,644.16 $1,908.16 $264.00 $1,431.12 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $400.00 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $400.00 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $915.97 $2,137.92 $300.00 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $1,644.17 $1,150.92 $45.00 $2,466.24 $1,644.16 $1,438.64 $60.00 $52.00 $1,644.16 $1,750.44 $356.00 $4,272.00 $88.00 $440.00 $1,068.96 $3,288.32 $2,466.24 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $822.08 $88.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 Name Smith, Stephen W Snaric, Jay M Sodon, James R Speegle, Aletta D Sperruzza, Denise M Steiner, Hope E Stephens, Christopher J Stocker, Connie Sue Strahm, Cheryl A Suess, Patricia A Swallow, Cheryl A Swoboda, Michael E Swyers, Kathleen M Talkad, Venugopal D Taylor, David M Taylor, Mark L Thomas-Woods, Renee M Toal, Kevin R Tremont, Samuel J Trunk, Deborah D Tucker, Julie M Tucker, William E 12/31/11 Loc CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M CC FV M M M M M M FV FV M M M FV FV CC FP M CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV CC FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV W W FV FV FP FP M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COLStudy201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 FNL202401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 FD102450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.67 FD103450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 RELEASE TIME 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 CTL-CO DIRECTOR 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 fd103414201120 08/22/11 09/19/11 3.00 FD102474201120 08/22/11 09/19/11 5.00 BIO208602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.33 BIO208604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 BIO151HON201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 2.00 Lump Sum Payment 08/29/11 09/02/11 1.00 ENG101557201130 08/22/11 10/14/11 3.73 MTH160C67520113008/22/11 12/17/11 0.25 IDS101697201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101696201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 11/15/11 12/17/11 2.00 COM110674201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 Professor/Counselor 12/19/11 12/22/11 0.40 ALPPGM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.56 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 2.00 MTH160C60620113008/22/11 12/17/11 1.25 MTH160CS5120113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 NUR108601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.16 MTH108501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160C52220113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ISW FACILITATOR 10/16/11 10/29/11 1.00 NURLAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 5.31 ART133603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 11.00 IDS1014522011330 08/22/11 12/30/11 48.00 PRD109474 09/12/11 12/17/11 1.00 Counseling - FP 08/20/11 08/27/11 5.00 COL020401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM1014532LAB201130 11/14/11 12/17/11 2.00 CHM1014531SUB201130 11/14/11 11/28/11 1.00 CHM210401LA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.63 CHM206450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM101404LA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.33 IDS101674201130 09/25/11 12/24/11 0.25 IDS101675201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS101676201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 2.75 EDU218505201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ISW FACILITATOR 10/16/11 10/29/11 1.00 AFOFAC201130 08/21/11 10/31/11 1.00 EDU211501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU218502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM:201.50220113012/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 MCM2095XA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MCM113502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 BIO111516201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 BIO117550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.01 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 BIO203350201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.11 IDS201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 1.00 DHY222401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.17 DHY225401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.78 MTH140676201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.50 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 16.00 -101- Amount Paid $200.00 $1,264.00 $1,580.00 $1,264.00 $5,724.48 $2,862.24 $249.00 $415.00 $4,131.16 $1,268.92 $176.00 $952.95 $3,985.41 $238.52 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $60.00 $2,862.24 $427.68 $7,015.04 $176.00 $1,027.60 $3,288.32 $170.88 $2,862.24 $3,816.32 $120.00 $5,667.52 $1,096.00 $363.00 $3,086.88 $1,068.96 $334.05 $3,206.88 $52.00 $30.00 $2,509.24 $2,862.24 $2,223.00 $238.52 $2,862.24 $2,623.72 $3,206.88 $360.00 $40.00 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $88.00 $2,466.24 $792.00 $2,466.24 $88.00 $1,652.40 $75.00 $2,559.16 $1,644.16 $88.00 $4,450.00 $836.60 $2,054.70 $822.08 Name Tulley, Mark David Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Voss, Karl Dirk Wachal, Barbara Joan Wagganer, Andrea M Waghulde, Vidyullata C Walker, Mitchell E Wallner, Donna F Walsh, Janet K Warfield, Angela Marie Warren, Aundrea L Weber, Mark A Weil, Robert L Welty, Dorothy J Werner, Donna J Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M White, Dennis Arthur Wiesler, Eugene Paul Wigg, David George 12/31/11 Loc FP M FV FV FV CC FV FV M M CC FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV CC M CC FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV W W FP FP W W W M M M M FV M M M M M FV FV CC FV M M M FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CRJ1114012001130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 BUS104HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 3.00 PSY200501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY208501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSY200540201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CONSDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 10.00 TFTGRANT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSI105503201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 HST119601201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Acting Director Dist Education 08/22/11 12/17/11 32.00 IDS201576201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 IDS201506201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/17/11 2.00 IDS101574201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 09/19/11 12/17/11 8.00 CHM105650201130 11/20/11 12/17/11 1.67 CHM105695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.66 AUT151401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.67 AUT169499201130 12/05/11 12/09/11 1.00 AUT168401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.67 AUT271401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.66 NUR201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.00 AFOFAC201130 08/21/11 10/31/11 1.00 ISW FACILITATOR 10/16/11 10/29/11 1.00 NUR108601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 NRSGDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 FPACCHAIR201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG101480201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO203580HYB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.67 SUBSTITUTE-LECTURE 09/21/11 12/17/11 3.00 BIO218501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.34 IDS201501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 SUBSTITUTE-LAB 09/21/11 12/17/11 4.33 ART114338201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART109338201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.33 AUT281401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.00 AUT291401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 PSY125374201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 PSY125375201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.88 PSY200301201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL109646201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL104677201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PHL104676201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC100606201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ACC114550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC204675201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 SOC101603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 SOC101610201130 11/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 LEARNINGCIRCLE 08/15/11 12/31/11 1.00 WMS1016W120113011/13/11 12/24/11 1.00 COL020502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 RDG030535201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COL Facilitator One Time 08/18/11 Pay 12/17/11 1.00 RDG030524201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH140611201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 MTH160C60320113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 MTH160C61120113008/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 PSC1015SWB20113008/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 -102- Amount Paid $2,466.24 $264.00 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $2,862.24 $330.00 $1,068.96 $2,137.92 $3,206.88 $60.00 $1,908.16 $3,816.32 $3,816.32 $176.00 $2,150.88 $240.00 $1,785.16 $4,981.36 $4,992.04 $88.00 $4,992.04 $1,774.48 $8,544.00 $40.00 $560.00 $2,406.56 $396.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $1,372.88 $90.00 $279.52 $1,644.16 $88.00 $112.58 $4,272.00 $356.00 $9,540.80 $954.08 $1,545.52 $1,545.52 $2,466.24 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $2,466.24 $822.08 $88.00 $400.00 $88.00 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $500.00 $2,150.88 $1,068.96 $4,275.84 $4,275.84 $1,431.12 $88.00 Name Wilkinson, Lisa R Williams, Louis Willis, Dahna Raye Wilson, Hilary Lea Wilson, Joe A Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Nathan G Wilson, Pamela S Wiseheart, Barbara T Wodajo, Tadesse B Worth, Joseph B Yale, Emily A Yan, Wei Yezbick, Daniel Zant, Thomas Ziegler, Patricia Lynn Zirkle, Thomas A Zuo, Yingxue 12/31/11 Loc FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M M FV M M M M M M FV FV M CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC CC M M M M M FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PSC101551201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ENG070602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST102450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST101450203011 09/22/11 10/21/11 1.50 HST101407201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 HST102403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 HST102402201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECE125401201130 08/29/11 11/28/11 3.00 New Fac Ort 10/01/11 12/17/11 16.00 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ECE105450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 EDU218450201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 WRITING CENTER 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CTL-CO DIRECTOR 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 CHM101407LA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 CHM101408LA201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.99 SOC101510201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 Honors201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 2.00 SOC201130 10/17/11 11/20/11 1.50 CRJ206501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 MTH160C67520113008/22/11 12/17/11 1.75 MTH212SDL201130 08/22/11 12/24/11 1.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 10.00 Counselor201130 12/20/11 12/22/11 0.40 LGL106670201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 LGL217671201130 08/22/11 10/17/11 3.07 LGL108640201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 3.00 LGL106641201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO152646201130 09/06/11 12/17/11 3.00 ECO151HON201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 1.00 ALPPGM201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.75 Counselor201130 12/20/11 12/22/11 0.60 NUR108601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 8.16 NURPLAN201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 2.00 ENG101475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 COORDINATOR201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 IDS201403201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 GLOBALED201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 6.00 Substitute201130 11/01/11 12/20/11 2.50 PSC101475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSC101421201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 PSC211401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 Lump Sum Payment 08/29/11 09/02/11 1.00 COLStudy201130 11/27/11 12/10/11 1.00 IRT138674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 IS205677201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 4.00 IRT142674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 IRT172674201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 IRT253639201130 12/05/11 12/24/11 0.40 MUS101401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 SOLO RECITAL 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 ART111401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 ART114401201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 -103- Amount Paid $2,862.24 $90.00 $2,466.24 $3,206.88 $37.50 $1,068.96 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $75.00 $716.96 $2,867.84 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $2,150.88 $1,093.36 $813.84 $1,233.12 $176.00 $45.00 $2,466.24 $1,438.64 $88.00 $300.00 $328.80 $3,086.88 $3,164.05 $3,086.88 $3,086.88 $2,466.24 $88.00 $4,008.60 $493.20 $7,735.68 $66.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $3,816.32 $5,724.48 $75.00 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $3,206.88 $952.95 $200.00 $1,644.16 $3,287.82 $1,848.00 $1,848.00 $328.83 $3,816.32 $954.08 $4,272.00 $4,272.00 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified, Administrative and Professional Staff Fall 2011 Name Adams, Rhonda Johnson Anderson, Monica Rose Arthur, Mary L Aslin, Holly A Aumann, Patricia Marie Bacon, Jessica A Bakke, Donna J Banahan, Richard M Bast, Janet Dorothy Bauer, Joseph Andrew Bean, Emery A Boedeker, Elizabeth D Bone, Jimmie D Bonney, Margaret F Bossi, Patti D Brady, Steven D Bufalo, Rachel Lynn Burks, Michael J Clausen, Cynthia K Clayton, Sandra E Clincy, Mysha R Cundiff, Mike B Dabney, Victoria Ann Daly, Timothy A Davis, Kamie D De Vore, Erin Elizabeth Dill, Dennis W Drown, Frances F Duffin, Geralyn M Finkbeiner, Elke E Finney, Eloise Fried, Marc B Gilbers, Bernard J Gillespie, James L Graham, Stephanie Ann Grupas, Angela K Hacker, Theresa L Hall, Jacklyn Micheal Hanson, Philip D Herrion, Dobbie Reese 12/31/11 Loc M M M CC CC W CC FP FP FP M FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV CC CC CC M M CC CC M M M M M CC FP FP CC CC M M M M M M CC CC FP FP FP FP FP FV W W M CC FV FV FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv PRD102650201130 08/31/11 10/12/11 1.00 $698.00 Instructor II/Counselor08/16/11 12/23/11 2.60 $2,137.20 Reference Librarian 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.20 $139.60 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 $174.00 CCPRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 6.00 $198.00 PTKAdvisor201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 CVT/ASST 12/06/11 12/23/11 8.00 $120.00 ENG101420201130Sub 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 $90.00 CRJ122474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 CRJ212474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 Substitute201130 11/29/11 12/17/11 2.00 $60.00 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 12/17/11 1.00 $75.00 MTH030558201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 MTH030560201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 IS103451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 $2,094.24 IS103450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 BIO223552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.45 $367.88 BIO1950201130 08/22/11 09/25/11 1.50 $1,233.12 BIO221501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.60 $493.26 BIO219550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.50 $3,699.36 IDS201575201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 $2,867.84 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 48.00 $864.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 38.00 $1,254.00 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 11.00 $198.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 $75.00 COL020601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 9.00 $279.00 PHOTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 $324.00 ART280650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 $4,272.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 $75.00 RDG020609201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.20 $2,292.30 MTH020655201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 COL020603201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 SENRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 $100.00 COL020461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 Play Direction 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 $1,965.12 GED DCE 08/22/11 12/22/11 42.00 $588.00 COMMDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 $84.00 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 $75.00 ARC125642201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 3.00 $2,466.24 MGT106695201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 MTH020S50201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $1,965.12 Faculty Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 $50.00 MTH020S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $1,965.12 PEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 17.50 $315.00 SUPVDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 48.00 $672.00 HMS111450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 $75.00 CRJ122450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 IS130450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 IS130451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 PE130552201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 32.00 $953.92 THT108350 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 Opening Session 08/22/11 10/30/11 1.00 $75.00 FacultyLecture20113012/19/11 12/22/11 1.00 $475.91 ISW FACILITATOR 10/16/11 10/29/11 1.00 $120.00 BIO141550LAB 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 $871.20 GUEST SPEAKER 09/08/11 12/17/11 1.00 $30.00 mcm102474201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,394.24 MCM101461201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 COL020508201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 -104- Name Hill, Kimberly Hoffmann, William J Hope, John Stephen Hubble, Linda Diane Iborg, Deborah A Jackson, Carolyn A Karl, Patrick J Kays, Vernon M Kemp, Carletta Ann Kossuth, Jessica A Kozlowski, Dennis J Krogmeier, Mary J Langrehr, Andrew M Lewis, Rosita D Lucido, Vicki L Mallory, Patrick R Malta, Randy J Mann, Anna-Marie Tia Martin, Jeffrey S Matson, Kristopher M Mayse, Renee M McCool, Marie L McGee, Darlene K McLellan, Margaret Miller, Amy Gail Milward, Lorraine A Moore, Davis Freeman Myers, Nicole M Naumann, Virginia L Nixon, Carol C 12/31/11 Loc FP FV FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV CC CC M CC W W W W W W FP FP FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV M CC FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M CC M FV M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv COL020451201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 EE106585201130 09/04/11 10/01/11 1.00 $798.08 Lab Substitute 09/20/11 12/17/11 2.00 $52.00 ME110550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.34 $2,665.60 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 $75.00 SUBSTITUTE PAY 09/20/11 12/17/11 1.00 $30.00 EDU226695201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 $1,584.00 PE119501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.00 Substitute 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.75 $43.75 PE101501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 $1,096.00 PE111501201130 08/22/11 10/22/11 1.33 $1,096.00 GEDUDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 48.00 $1,104.00 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 23.50 $775.50 MTH030650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 CRFTDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 $216.00 BIO111301LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 $828.64 BIO111302LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 $828.64 BIO111303LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 $828.64 Opening Session 08/20/11 10/30/11 1.00 $75.00 BIO111305LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 $828.64 BIO111395LAB201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.33 $828.64 PE13012461201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 1.26 $785.29 PE13012450201130 08/22/11 10/21/11 1.33 $830.72 ECE207501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 48.00 $528.00 ECE107550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 $1,644.16 CHM101651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,862.24 COL020515201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 FALL201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 $75.00 COL020516201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 MTH04055020130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.84 $3,017.85 MTH020553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.91 $1,810.71 HST102647201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 ISW FACILITATOR 10/16/11 10/29/11 1.00 $240.00 COM101475201130 10/17/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 COM101474201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 2.63 $2,157.96 COM101419201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 ECE206501201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.12 $802.09 SUBSTITUTE FACULTY 09/15/11 12/17/11 8.00 $240.00 ECE206551201201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 $1,075.44 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 12/17/11 1.00 $75.00 COL02052201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 FALLAF0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 $75.00 Guest spker201130 10/30/11 12/09/11 9.00 $450.00 THT101502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,862.24 THT106501201130 12/05/11 12/17/11 1.00 $88.00 THT102501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,862.24 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 $75.00 ART172699201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 $2,616.00 ART249601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 $2,616.00 CVTWDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 11.00 $363.00 ENG101619201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.30 DCS214552201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 $75.00 COL020602201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 COL020450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 $75.00 RDG030462201130 10/23/11 12/17/11 3.38 $2,356.02 RDG0204520130 08/22/11 10/16/11 2.38 $1,657.94 MTH020501201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 BIO152550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.00 $1,433.92 fallaf0201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 $75.00 -105- Name Novikova, Galina Oswald, Paul M Partee, Nigel C Peck, Donna K Pence, Jerald K Phillips, Karana J Porter, Kevin D Pritchard, Kathy L Romer, Ronnie L Russell, Brenda Carol Schmitt, Linda M Schrader, Karen M Sindel, Kasey Dion Sowash, Jennifer Sue Stepanovic, Lisa E Stevens, William H Thoele, Mary A Thompson, Darren L Trauterman, Tammy M Voorhees, Heather L Ware, Keith James Watson, Carole Wilke, David M Willmore, Richard A Works, Gregory Allen Young-Abotsi, Kirsten Renee Zieren, Anita L 12/31/11 Loc FV FV M M M FP FP FP CC M M M CC FV M M M FP FV FP FV FV FV FV M FP M M M M M M CC FV M FV FV M FV FV FV FV M M FP FP FV FV M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2011 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv ECE127550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.50 $1,233.12 ECE104550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 MTH020617201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 MTH140682201130 10/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 MTH020644201130 09/25/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 EMSADJUNCT201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.60 $2,243.52 PE10911042120130 10/23/11 12/17/11 25.00 $649.00 PE10911040220113008/22/11 10/23/11 1.33 $830.72 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 36.00 $900.00 ARC118641201130 10/19/11 11/19/11 1.50 $1,431.12 HRT235601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 2.25 $2,146.68 HRT218650201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.33 $3,177.08 COMPDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 12.00 $396.00 ME151550201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.67 $3,839.12 COL020S03201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 Workshop 08/22/11 12/17/11 1.00 $75.00 PE133680201130 08/22/11 10/16/11 1.17 $814.24 HIT101475201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 64.00 $3,816.32 SUBSTITUTE 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 $120.00 HIT101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 $2,492.16 Substitute lecture 10/24/11 12/17/11 3.00 $90.00 Substitute Lab 10/24/11 12/17/11 1.33 $34.58 BIO1115502011 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.81 $2,016.45 BIO111550LAB201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 1.25 $893.96 COL020S01201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 ME101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.00 $3,192.32 BIO203651201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.66 $3,253.04 BIO203604201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 4.66 $3,253.04 Substitute 09/16/11 12/17/11 12.00 $360.00 THT104601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.40 $286.78 THT105601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 0.20 $143.39 Theatre Prod Tech Dir08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 THTRDCE201125 08/16/11 12/23/11 4.00 $200.00 Guest speaker 09/15/11 12/17/11 1.00 $30.00 MTH030S51201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $1,869.12 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 $75.00 HST101553201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 ENG080601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,466.24 FALLAFO201130 08/21/11 10/15/11 1.00 $75.00 IS116502201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,394.24 IS103504201130 09/13/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,394.24 IS103503201130 08/23/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,394.24 Theatre Prod Design 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 THT102601201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,150.88 Orientation 10/03/11 10/31/11 1.00 $75.00 SOC101450201130 08/22/11 12/17/11 3.00 $2,094.24 reflib201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 0.19 $154.13 Librarian201130 08/22/11 12/22/11 0.59 $482.94 Part Time Reference 11/01/11 Librarian 12/16/11 0.10 $82.20 COL020423201130 09/12/11 12/17/11 2.91 $2,028.79 -106- St. Louis Community College Grand Total 3.2 Ratifications Fall 2011 Total Dollars Relevant to Credit Hours: $7,982,483.27 Total Dollars Relevant to Clock Hours: $637,274.41 12/31/11 -107- Board Meeting 1/26/12 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board of Trustee approval is requested for the renewal of the following blanket (open) order agreement listed below: Blanket Order Agreement B0002792 with UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE and SHAUGHNESSY-KNIEP-HAWE, for the routine purchase of fine paper, duplicator and specialty paper, was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on January 13, 2011, Agenda Item 4.1.2, in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year, with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor to begin February 1, 2011, with an option to renew a second and third year. As the vendor has provided satisfactory service; the College now wishes to exercise the option to renew the first optional year with no increase in award amount; therefore, the following action is requested: Current approved award amount: Requested renewal: Revised total blanket order period: Current blanket order expiration date: Revised blanket order expiration date: $ 200,000.00 + 1 year 2 years January 31, 2012 January 31, 2013 Funding 1 All expenditures against this blanket order agreement will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board Policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis PostDispatch, the St. Louis American, and the St. Louis Argus. Board Meeting 1/26/12 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a blanket order agreement for the routine purchase of arts and craft supplies and school supplies to: DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY, S & S WORLDWIDE, LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTIVE PLAYTHINGS, SCHOOL SPECIALTY, BLICK ART MATERIALS and ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor for a period of three (3) full years, to begin February 1, 2012. Description This blanket order agreement will be used by the Child Care Center at Florissant Valley campus to purchase routine art and craft supplies for the children. All responding bidders are being recommended to enable the center to take advantage of the wide range of product selections at the best prices, the availability of stock and any sales/promotions offered throughout the blanket order agreement period. Bid – B0002944 2 The evaluation of this bid, which opened November 28, 2011, is listed below: Bidders DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY S & S WORLDWIDE LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS CONSTRUCTIVE PLAYTHINGS SCHOOL SPECIALTY BLICK ART MATERIALS ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY Items offered out of 54 items 34 21 18 17 0 0 0 / Discount off Catalog 15% 16% 05% 05% 12% TO 36% 15% 05% Board Meeting 1/26/12 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing (continued) Funding Purchases made against this blanket order agreement will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 3 Board Meeting 1/26/12 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a blanket order agreement for classified advertising services to the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin January 20, 2012. Description Award of this blanket order agreement will allow the College to meet its legal requirements for advertising bids, construction projects and employment opportunities. Although the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is not the only newspaper in which the College advertises it is the only hard copy newspaper of daily general circulation to the entire St. Louis metro area (ref: Board Policy Division H .7– Business and Finance). Bid – PD201215 Blanket order agreement A: Commercial Rate $5.08 per line (18 spaces/line) Blanket order agreement B: Recruitment Rate $20.22 per line (18 spaces/line) 4 Funding Purchases made against this blanket order agreement will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open bid opportunities on its web page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000. Board Meeting 1/26/12 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested to purchase perpetual* licensing for SpecOps Deploy and SpecOps Inventory Software from SPECOPS SOFTWARE, in the amount of $37,620.00. *A perpetual license conveys the right to use the purchased version of the software forever. A maintenance agreement is required to receive support, upgrades and future releases. Description SpecOps Deploy is a complete desktop management system which will be used by TESS to deploy operating systems and applications remotely district-wide. SpecOps Inventory is a compliance management product, which notifies of compliance issues in real-time. Each of these products will save the College man-hours, because End User Technicians are not required to “hand touch” each customer’s system. TESS has researched the market and found that the solution offered by SpecOps, which they solely developed, license, and maintain, is the only product capable of meeting the Colleges’ needs and is consistent with the College’s current implementation and deployment. 5 Description Quantity SpecOps Deploy Licenses 3,800 SpecOps Inventory Licenses 5,000 Prorated Support & Maintenance to co-terminate With existing licenses (valid through 05/26/2012) Cost $34,200.00 Included $ 3,420.00 Funding This purchase will be made from FY 2011-2012 TESS Infrastructure Capital Funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Ads are not placed for purchases only available from one source. 4.3.1. Board Meeting 1/26/12 Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested to extend the existing 34 agreements for our Indefinite Quantity (Open-end) Architectural, Engineering and Technical Open-End Agreements (A/E) consulting agreements. The consulting work will be divided between the various firms on an as-needed basis with actual amounts not specified nor guaranteed. Architects, Engineers, and Other Consulting Services: The consultants listed below were selected by a committee on November 24, 2009, and received initial BOT approval on December 17, 2009 based upon professional qualifications, previous educational clients, experience with renovation/repair projects, types of services available, experience with open-end consulting agreements, and Minority Business Enterprise/Women’s Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) status. These firms are now being recommended to have their openend agreements extended for a third year: Architects and Engineers 6 BIS Frucon Engineering, Inc. Bond Wolfe Architects Bozoian Group Architects BRiC Partnership, LLC Dickinson Hussman Architects EDM Hastings + Chivetta Hoener & Associates, Inc. Horner & Shifrin, Inc. KAI Design & Build KJWW Engineering Consultants Michael Roth & Associates, Architects & Planners, Inc. Ross & Baruzzini, Inc. Trivers Associates William Tao & Associates Woolpert, Inc. Specialty Consultants Arcturis Civil Design, Inc. Clayton Engineering Company, Inc. Code Consultants, Inc. David Mason & Associates Foresight Services, Inc. Kenneth H. Lemp Elevator Consultants, Inc. KWA Vertegy Geotechnology and Testing Geotechnology, Inc. John A. Jurgiel & Associates, Inc. NPN Environmental Engineers, Inc. Professional Services Industries, Inc. SCI Engineering, Inc. Shannon & Wilson, Inc. Terracon TSI Engineering, Inc. Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. Architectural/Interior Design Civil Civil/Surveying Code Review Architectural/Civil/Structural Roofing Elevators Architecture/Masonry/Roofs/Landscape LEED Board Meeting 1/26/12 4.3.1. Continued The firms perform a variety of technical, architectural, engineering, construction management, and testing services pertaining to various capital projects for renovation, repair and maintenance of college facilities throughout the district. These agreements allow us to respond quickly to facilities consulting demands. The fees will be expended on an “as needed” basis for outside consulting work in response to Physical Facilities’ projects and/or educational program demands. Charges for each individual project will be handled separately by setting NTE limits at the beginning of each job with the final billings to be on a “time charged” basis. The cost of the consulting fees has been included in the estimates for the individual capital projects listed on the approved district wide Capital Allocation Plans. Reason: We are requesting the extension in order to manage the future workload for new capital projects, to expedite certain items by assigning the work to outside consultants, to handle various new planning projects, and because the technical scope of some projects are beyond what can be performed by our limited “in-house” staff of designers. Most of our major renovations, HVAC design, and large capital projects will need to have the design work outsourced in order to meet the deadlines for fiscal year, state funding, etc. Funding: Funds will come from current capital, auxiliary, parking, rental and external funds depending upon the actual location and type of the project. 7 4.5.1 Request for Approval/Disposal of Surplus Property Board approval is requested to dispose of surplus property by sealed bid or auction as listed on the following pages. This property has been declared excess and posted internally for redistribution prior to any item being offered for sale as surplus. PDF# 10321 10321 10321 10399 10399 10399 10399 10399 40709 40724 40724 40843 40843 40843 40843 40843 40843 40843 40843 40846 40846 40865 40865 40865 40865 40865 40865 40865 40865 40865 40866 40866 40866 40866 40866 40866 40866 50337 99998 A B C A B C D E A B A B C D E F G H A B A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F G Qty 11 1 1 5 1 2 6 4 1 1 2 11 3 1 10 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 4 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 Description 17" Monitors CPU Box of Speakers 17' Monitors Scanner Fax Machines CPU-270 Boxes of Misc Supplies MICROWAVE OUT-OF-DATE MICE AND LAPTOP BATTERIES, PLUGS HEWLETT PACKARD LASERJET 4 PLUS Upholstered Swivel Chairs-Gray Upholstered Chairs Vinyl Chair - Orange Upholstered Swivel Chairs-Green & Blue Upholstered Chairs-Orange & Blue Fax Machine- Brother Fax-575 HP Laserjet 6L Printer Vinyl Swivel Chair-Orange GREEN CLOTH CHAIR WITH WHEELS MAUVE CLOTH CHAIR WITH ONE WHEEL MISSING ROUND COFFEE TABLES, APPROX. 3-1/2' RADIUS WOOD/FORMICA END TABLES, 2' X 2' SQUARE 36" X 48" TABLES 42" X 42" TABLES 24" X 48" TALL TABLES 30" X 59" TABLES 24" X 72" TABLES 30" X 60" TABLES 30" X 96" TABLES Double Door Half Oven Hobart 6-Burner Stove Victory Freezer Hobart Freezer Ice Block Machine Delfield Refrigerator Delfield Refrigerated Prep Station 36"w x 42" h LATERAL FILE CABINET- BLACK IBM Wheelwriter 1500 by Lexmark Typewriter Board Meeting 1/26/12 8 Property Tag Location CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 003070 FP 003065 FP 006566 FP 011254 FP FP FP FV CC Condition POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Financial Results through December 2011 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through December 31, 2011 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 5.1.4 Corporate Center-Managed Property Operating Report: July 1, 2011 – November 30, 2011 5.1.5 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 5.1.6 Preliminary Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July, 2011 – December, 2011 5.1.7 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2011-December 31,2011 5.1.8 Warrant Check Register for December 2011 5.1.9 Investment Report as of December 31, 2011 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of December 2011 Board Meeting 1/26/12 1 5.1.1 Executive Summary January 26, 2012 (Financial Results Through 12/31/2011) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $102.0 million or 61.3% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $104.5 million or 63.5% of the budget for the prior year. Local Taxes for FY 2012, which trails last year by $2.4 million, is due to the revenue limitations of having reached the maximum voter approved tax rate, declining assessed property values, and protested tax filings. State Aid is $1.75 million or 7.3% lower than last year and is a reflection of the 7.0% reduction to FY 2012 public higher education funding approved in the closing sessions of the Missouri legislature and reimbursement timing for state M&R funding. Student Fees are $1.7 million or 3.7% higher than last year reflecting flat enrollment and the 6% net rate increase in Maintenance, Tech and Activity Fee’s. Other revenues continue to post weak results as investment rates remain at historic lows. Expenditures Current year expenditures are $69.8 million or 46.6% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $70.4 million for the same period last year. The overall year-to-year $564k decrease in Total Expenditures is comprised of $586k lower Salaries/Wages, a $382k increase in Benefits, and $360k lower Operating Expenses. Transfers Transfers are at $13.9 million or 84.4% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $19.3 million or 89.5% of the budgeted transfers for the prior period. Decreases in planned capital expenditure and the inclusion of an unbudgeted $4.95 million transfer from General Fund balance to Plant fund during FY 2011 are the primary reasons the total for FY 2012 is lower than the total for FY 2011. Board Meeting 1/26/12 2 5.1.2 Board Meeting 1/26/12 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through December 31, 2011 Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 62,141,186 43,536,122 56,781,154 3,802,917 166,261,379 62,141,186 43,536,122 56,781,154 3,802,917 166,261,379 29,245,590 22,160,254 49,045,095 1,534,452 101,985,391 47.1% 50.9% 86.4% 40.3% 61.3% 31,690,830 23,910,433 47,311,495 1,552,251 104,465,009 50.5% 51.8% 93.0% 32.8% 63.5% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 96,586,606 24,063,417 29,135,344 149,785,367 96,586,606 24,063,417 29,135,344 149,785,367 47,758,186 12,079,565 10,024,302 69,862,053 49.4% 50.2% 34.4% 46.6% 48,344,338 11,697,516 10,384,339 70,426,193 50.0% 51.5% 36.2% 47.5% 8,180,000 3,511,677 3,318,230 1,466,105 16,476,012 8,180,000 3,511,677 3,318,230 1,466,105 16,476,012 8,180,000 1,639,281 3,318,230 772,799 13,910,310 100.0% 46.7% 100.0% 52.7% 84.4% 13,630,000 1,639,281 3,318,230 751,905 19,339,416 100.0% 50.0% 100.0% 54.1% 89.5% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July, 2011 - December, 2011 Original Budget Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Copy Centers Food Service / Vending Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 696,000 12,600,700 1,118,000 336,000 $ 696,000 12,600,700 1,118,000 336,000 $ 624,198 5,773,608 861,697 162,164 89.7% 45.8% 77.1% 48.3% $ 14,750,700 $ 14,750,700 $ 7,421,667 50.3% $ 2,155,901 468,511 2,261,934 8,875,284 $ 2,155,901 468,511 2,741,714 8,875,284 $ 1,008,180 187,608 1,336,780 5,888,670 46.8% 40.0% 48.8% 66.3% $ 13,761,630 $ 14,241,410 $ 8,421,239 59.1% $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 256,000 $ 256,000 $ 256,000 100.0% Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 14,017,630 $ 14,497,410 $ 8,677,239 59.9% Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents Board Meeting 1/26/12 4 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July, 2011 - December, 2011 Original Budget Total Revenues $ Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures 5.1.3 27,000 27,000 $ 27,000 Adjusted Budget $ 27,000 $ 110,498 27,000 $ 137,498 Actual To Date $ 47,917 % of Budget To Date 177.5% 3,972 $ 3,972 2.9% St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July, 2011 - December, 2011 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available 150,000 175,000 $ 150,000 175,000 328,572 $ 58,512 107,936 328,572 39.0% 61.7% 100.0% $ 325,000 $ 653,572 $ 495,020 75.7% 34,993 10.8% $ 34,993 10.8% $ 460,026 325,000 $ 325,000 325,000 $ 325,000 Funds in Excess of Expenditures Board Meeting 1/26/12 Actual To Date $ Expenditures Total Expenditures Adjusted Budget % of Budget To Date 5 5.1.4 St. Louis Community College Revenues / Expenditures Report Corporate Center - Managed Property Operating Report FY 2011 (11/2010 - 6/30/11) FY 2012 (7/1/11 - 11/30/11) Revenue Lease Income Other Revenue $ $ 253,073 ** - Total Revenue $ 1,381,404 $ 253,073 $ 27,576 7,956 776,743 $ 23,345 7,004 397,540 $ 812,276 $ 427,890 Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 723,140 658,264 * *One-time maintenance settlement of $309,695 and tenant real estate tax escrow of $348,569. **FY 2012 Lease Income is approximately $29k less per month than FY2011 due to tenant vacancies. Effective March 2012 an additional $10k per month will represent a recently added new tenant lease. At current occupancy, a positive fund balance is forecasted thru May with a slight fund balance deficit at fiscal year end. Board Meeting 1/26/12 6 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2011-December 2011 Funds available Original Budget * Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $899,739 555,074 $899,739 555,074 $424,756 32,494 47.2% 5.9% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 682,905 170,726 682,905 170,726 343,350 0 50.3% 0.0% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 502,240 263,317 101,586 502,240 254,477 123,921 0 210,906 36,999 0.0% 82.9% 29.9% Athletics Transition (Carry Forward BOT Athletics) Board of Trustees Scholarship Auxiliary Services Scholarship Athletics Scholarships (Fundraising) 103,522 238,065 9,980 52,749 108,885 238,065 47,256 213,531 6,610 97,592 0 40,100 6.1% 41.0% 0.0% 18.8% $ 3,796,819 $ 1,192,807 31.4% $1,454,813 853,631 756,717 123,921 607,737 $457,250 343,350 210,906 36,999 144,302 31.4% 40.2% 27.9% 29.9% 23.7% $ 3,796,819 $ 1,192,807 31.4% Total funds available $3,579,903 Revised Budget % of Revised Budget * Actual Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Athletics $1,454,813 853,631 765,557 101,586 404,316 Total expenditures $3,579,903 * Federal Pell Grant Expenditures Board Meeting 1/26/12 $26,238,388 7 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report July, 2011 - December, 2011 Revenues / Resources Government * Private Account Balances / Projects Total Revenue / Resources Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense Original Budget $ $ $ $ Adjusted Budget 2,200,000 3,700,000 700,000 6,600,000 $ 2,150,000 387,000 4,013,000 50,000 6,600,000 $ $ $ 2,200,000 3,700,000 700,000 6,600,000 $ 2,150,000 387,000 4,013,000 50,000 6,600,000 * State funded customized training reflects a lag in receipt of funds. Board Meeting 1/26/12 Actual To Date 8 % of Budget To Date 120,225 595,084 700,000 1,415,309 5.5% 16.1% 100.0% 21.4% $ 373,134 93,355 559,478 $ 1,025,967 17.4% 24.1% 13.9% 0.0% 15.5% $ 5.1.7 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2011 - December, 2011 Current Budget Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue / Resources * $6,694,005 268,542 $6,962,547 5,155,255.66 116,516 $5,271,772 77.0% 43.4% 75.7% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * $3,040,984 807,088 2,310,564 803,911 $6,962,547 3,893,852.69 994,511 1,786,190 125,897 $6,800,451 128.0% 123.2% 77.3% 15.7% 97.7% * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. Board Meeting 1/26/12 9 5.1.8 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending December 31, 2011 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 20112012 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. Board Meeting 1/26/12 10 5.1.9 St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of December 31, 2011 Board Meeting 1/26/12 Investment Type Investment Description Purchase Date Maturity Date Par Value Principal Cost Book Value Market Value Market Gain/(Loss) Yield to Maturity % of Portfolio Certificates of Deposit First Citrus Bank - Tampa, FL 1/26/2010 1/26/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 1.400% 0.373% Home Savings Bank - Albemarle, NC 1/29/2010 1/30/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 1.300% 0.373% Bank of America - Charlotte, NC 6/16/2010 6/18/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 1.150% 0.373% Leaders Bank - Oak Brook, IL 6/30/2010 4/30/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 1.000% 0.373% Ally Bank - Midvale, UT 8/13/2010 8/13/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 1.700% 0.373% GE Money Bank - Salt Lake City, UT 8/16/2010 8/13/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 1.000% 0.373% Southern Community Bank & Trust - Winston-Salem, NC 12/15/2010 3/15/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.500% 0.373% Aurora Bank FSB - Wilmington, DE 12/15/2010 6/15/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.700% 0.373% Bank of China (NY) - New York, NY 12/15/2010 6/15/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.700% 0.373% Amboy Bank - Old Bridge, NJ 12/21/2010 6/21/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.600% 0.373% Citizens State Bank - Okemah, OK 12/22/2010 5/22/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.566% 0.373% GE Capital Financial Inc - Salt Lake City, UT 12/23/2010 6/25/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.700% 0.373% 1/21/2011 2/21/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.400% 0.373% Sterling Savings Bank - Spokane, WA 2/2/2011 8/2/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.700% 0.373% Bank of Barboda - New York, NY 2/2/2011 2/2/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.500% 0.373% Alliance Bank & Trust - Gastonia, NC 3/14/2011 9/14/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.700% 0.373% State Bank of India - New York, NY 6/28/2011 6/28/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.500% 0.373% Goldman Sachs Bank USA - New York, NY 8/24/2011 8/26/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.750% 0.373% CIT Bank - Salt Lake City UT 8/24/2011 8/23/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.750% 0.373% Compass Bank - Birmingham, AL 8/24/2011 2/25/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.600% 0.373% 10/28/2011 10/26/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.450% 0.373% 11/2/2011 8/1/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.300% 0.373% Satra National Bank - New York, NY 11 BMW Bank North America - Salt Lake City, UT Beal Bank USA - Las Vegas, NV Doral Bank - Catano, PR 11/3/2011 11/2/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.400% 0.373% Discover Bank - Greenwood, DE 11/30/2011 5/30/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.800% 0.373% Town North Bank - Dallas, TX 12/21/2011 12/21/2012 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.400% 0.373% Sallie Mae Bank - Murray, UT 12/21/2011 12/22/2014 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 1.350% 0.373% 8/25/2011 8/26/2013 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 0.800% 0.800% 6,615,000 6,615,000 6,615,000 6,615,000 0.767% 10.067% American Expr Centurion - Salt Lake City, UT Total Certificates of Deposit - 5.1.9 St. Louis Community College Investment Report as of December 31, 2011 Board Meeting 1/26/12 Purchase Date Investment Type Investment Description U.S. Treasury Securities U.S Treasury Notes Maturity Date Par Value Principal Cost Book Value Market Value Market Gain/(Loss) Yield to Maturity % of Portfolio 01/25/11 08/31/12 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,497,723 2,504,395 6,672 0.513% 3.811% U.S Treasury Notes 07/06/11 07/15/12 800,000 810,469 805,499 806,031 532 1.500% 1.227% U.S Treasury Notes 06/22/10 04/30/12 1,000,000 1,007,221 1,001,027 1,003,086 2,059 1.000% 1.527% 4,300,000 4,317,690 4,304,249 4,313,512 9,263 0.343% 6.564% Total U.S. Treasury Securities 12 U.S Agency Securities Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 12/22/09 06/22/12 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,007,700 7,700 1.250% 3.055% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/26/10 07/30/12 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,011,280 11,280 1.375% 3.061% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/29/10 04/29/13 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,060,570 60,570 1.800% 4.658% Federal Farm Credit Bank FFCB 01/06/10 01/06/14 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,060,980 60,980 2.200% 3.136% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 01/19/10 02/19/14 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,112,050 112,050 2.375% 4.736% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 06/21/10 08/22/12 1,000,000 1,000,073 1,000,000 1,004,720 4,720 0.875% 1.529% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 12/28/10 12/28/15 1,000,000 1,029,700 1,009,784 1,011,970 2,186 1.000% 1.540% Federal National Mortgage Association FNMA 02/14/11 02/14/14 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,920 920 0.875% 3.045% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 08/25/11 12/24/14 1,000,000 1,020,540 1,015,149 1,012,980 (2,169) 0.450% 1.542% Federal Nat'l Mortgage Association FNMA 09/09/11 09/09/14 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 998,380 (1,620) 0.500% 1.519% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 11/23/11 11/23/16 500,000 500,000 500,000 499,915 (85) 1.000% 0.761% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 12/20/11 12/20/13 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 998,940 (1,060) 0.500% 1.520% Federal National Mortgage Association FNMA 12/09/11 09/23/13 590,000 590,685 590,000 589,327 (673) 0.550% 0.897% Federal National Mortgage Association FNMA 12/12/11 09/12/13 500,000 500,750 500,000 499,925 (75) 0.600% 0.761% Federal National Mortgage Association FNMA 12/13/11 11/30/15 637,000 636,912 636,685 635,503 (1,182) 1.000% 0.967% Federal National Mortgage Association FNMA 12/29/11 12/29/14 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 998,920 (1,080) 0.550% 1.520% Federal Home Loan Bank FHLB 02/24/11 02/24/15 400,000 409,760 403,116 404,000 884 1.079% 0.615% 22,627,000 22,688,420 22,654,734 22,908,080 253,346 1.324% 34.862% 33,542,000 33,621,110 33,573,983 33,836,592 262,609 1.149% 51.493% 31,874,000 31,874,000 31,874,000 31,874,000 0 0.170% 48.507% 65,416,000 65,495,110 65,447,983 65,710,592 262,609 0.672% 100.000% Total U.S. Agencies Total Investments before Repurchase Agreements Repurchase Agreements Total Investments 12/31/11 01/01/12 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of December 2011 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: Purchase Date: Maturity Date: Average Amount Invested: Interest Earned: Average Rate Earned: Range of Rates Earned: UMB Bank Daily throughout month Overnight $25,238,612.90 $3,751.85 0.176% .170-.180% Other Investments Fund Town North Bank Sallie Mae Bank Federal Nat'l Mortgage Assn. Federal Nat'l Mortgage Assn. Federal Nat'l Mortgage Assn. Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Nat'l Mortgage Assn. Purchase Date Type of Investment 12/21/2011 12/21/2011 12/12/2011 12/9/2011 12/13/2011 12/20/2011 12/29/2011 CD CD US Agency US Agency US Agency US Agency US Agency Board Meeting 1/26/12 Par Value Cost of Investment Maturity Date 245,000.00 245,000.00 500,000.00 590,000.00 637,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 500,750.00 590,685.06 636,911.53 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 12/21/2012 12/22/2014 9/12/2013 9/23/2013 11/23/2016 12/20/2013 12/29/2014 13 Investment Yield 0.400% 1.350% 0.599% 0.549% 1.013% 0.500% 0.550% 6. Contract and/or Agreements 6.1.1 Contract between Jodi F. Solomon Speakers Bureau and St. Louis Community College at Meramec Approval from the Board of Trustees is requested for St. Louis Community College at Meramec to enter into a contract with Jodi F. Solomon Speakers Bureau in order to secure the services of Dr. Ainissa Ramirez as the featured speaker for the Women’s History Month Program on March 5, 2012. Dr. Ramirez is an instructor at Yale University and holds numerous patents. It is the Women’s History Month Committee’s desire to host an event featuring a prominent leader in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) field to encourage STLCC students to enter into STEM-related careers. The cost for the all-inclusive contract is $5,500. 6.1.2 Agreement between St. Louis Community College and Commerce Bank It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Corporate Resolution and agreement covering Commercial Card accounts between St. Louis Community College and Commerce Bank. The agreement formalizes the manner in which the College has been operating with Commerce Bank. Specifically, it authorizes Myrtle E.B. Dorsey, Chancellor; Bruce Vogelgesang, Controller, and Cynthia Green, Assistant Controller, to: establish commercial card accounts with Commerce Bank, to incur debt associated with the accounts, and to execute all documents to effectuate this purpose which he/she may deem necessary and proper, including without limitation any application and/or agreement to open the accounts. Board Meeting 1/26/12 1 Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic & Student Affairs 6.2 Contracts and Agreements 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Program/Campus Chartwells School Dining Services Pro Rehab 6.2.2 Effective Date Dietetic Tech District Wide 01/01/12 Occupational Therapy Assistant District Wide 09/02/11 Articulation Agreement – University of Missouri - Columbia It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify an articulation agreement between St. Louis Community College and University of Missouri - Columbia. This agreement would allow students who complete the Associate in Applied Science in Interior Design to transfer seamlessly to the University of Missouri - Columbia Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies. Board Meeting 01/26/12 2 Center for Business, Industry & Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region. Funding Source Linn State Technical School Title of Program and/or Purpose Technical Training Campus Date Amount CBIL December 7, 2011 through June 30, 2012 $30,000 (Previously reported in September 2011 total amount of $20,000) Total YTD $50,000 CBIL November 28, 2011 through December 31, 2012 $240 Manager: Stephen Long St. Louis County Police Academy Proctor Testing Manager: Stephen Long Workforce & Community Development 6.3.2 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region. It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement with GKN Aerospace to provide training services and facilities to upgrade current GKN employees and train new employees in the technologies and skills related to aerospace fabrication and assembly. This agreement allows the College to train approximately 1,084 GKN employees beginning January 17, 2012 through June 30, 2012. The value of this contract is estimated at, and will not exceed, $450,000. Weekly costs to GKN will not exceed $30,000. Training will take place at the College’s Center for Workforce Innovation and the Corporate Center. Contract costs are comprised of instructional delivery, project support and facility usage. Board Meeting 1-26 -12 3 6.4 Contracts and/or Agreements 6.4.1 Quality Group It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve to enter into a professional services agreement between St. Louis Community College and The Quality Group from December 2011 through June 30, 2012, in an amount not to exceed $50,000. Services provided will be a blended (online and classroom) training solution curriculum in Lean Six Sigma for Furniture Brands International in Brentwood, MO; a customized training grant recipient. These services will be funded by the Missouri Division of Workforce Development. 6.4.2 Sublease agreement between St. Louis County and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve entering into an agreement with St. Louis County for rental of space at the MET Center in the amount of $30,000 for the period of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. St. Louis Community College has occupied space in the Center since spring of 1997. This amount covers all the space that the College currently occupies at the MET Center including the Diesel Technology space, Computer labs and other Instructional spaces. 6.4.3 Environmental Energy Consultants, LLC It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between St. Louis Community College and Environmental Energy Consultants, LLC. Environmental Energy Consultants shall provide to St. Louis Community College educational services related to BPI Home Energy Auditor Training as part of our Green Energy Training Partnership grant for dislocated workers. This agreement is to begin in January, 2012 and will end on September 30, 2012. St. Louis Community College may pay Environmental Energy Consultants, LLC through grant funds provided by the Federal Department of Labor through the Green Energy Training Partnership Grant for an amount not to exceed $93,170. Board Meeting 1-26 -12 4 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment $ AMOUNT PURPOSE FUND 557,358.62 (NGCC) 288,471.50 (Youth) 845,830.12 (Total) Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services for the Next Generation Career Center (NGCC) Staffing and the Youth Program Staffing in City of St. Louis. The awards were placed on 8/24/11 board agenda under section 6.5 Letters of Intent. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/11- 6/30/12 Project Director: Lesley Abram Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 12,040.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley Child Development Center to participate in the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) Technical Assistance Program. Technical assistance site visits will be made to early child care block grant recipients during the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/11-6/30/12 Project Director: Irene Kalmer Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 20,000.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley Child Development Center to participate in the Early Childhood Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) Grant Program. Grant funds will be used to enhance the Child Development Center through purchase and installation of the following: Rubberized mulch on two sections of preschool playgrounds; wood playset; plantings for Missouri Prairie area; bamboo fencing for Missouri Prairie area; and plants, shrubs and small tree to create natural, more-defined spaces to playgrounds. Project Period: 7/1/11-6/30/12 Project Director: Mary Krogmeier Board Meeting 1-26-12 1 Restricted