MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2006 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, February 23, 2006, at the St. Louis Community College Cosand Center, in the Large Boardroom, 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Dr. Dolores Gunn, President, called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Dr. Dolores Gunn, President; Ms. Denise Chachere, Trustee; Mr. Robert Nelson, Trustee; Mr. Michael Rohrbacker, Trustee, and Ms. Lisa Taylor, Trustee. Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Vice President, was absent. Also present were Dr. Henry Shannon, Chancellor; Becky Garrison, Administrative Associate to the Board and Ms. Tina Odo, General Counsel. 2. Welcome to Guests None. 3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Mr. Nelson, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda, as revised, said revisions all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items Mr. Mark Weber, Department Chair of Art at the Forest Park Campus, addressed issues surrounding the renovation of the new art facility at Forest Park (agenda item 4.3.2). Those issues included alleviating crowding of the existing art studios and future expansion of ceramics and other art programs. He then invited the Board to an upcoming art exhibit. On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Ms. Taylor, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved following discussion of agenda item 4.3.2. 6. Approval of January 19, 2006 Minutes On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Mr. Nelson, the Board unanimously approved the January 19, 2006 Board of Trustees minutes. 7. Approval of Resolution Re March 23, 2006 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Mr. Rohrbacker and seconded by Ms. Chachere, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on March 23, 2006, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 8. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Pat Matreci, Coordinator of Media Relations, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. Bruce Dell of Hoener Associates, Inc., Architects, presented the Board with a plaque that was awarded for outstanding design of the Emerson Center for Engineering and Manufacturing. 9. Lodging of Revised Board Policies Mr. Rohrbacker lodged revised Board Policies A 1.1 Responsibilities and Authority; A 5.1 Election and Term of Office; A 6.2 Quorum; A 9 Release of Information to the Public; B 10.1 Americans with Disabilities Employee 2 Grievance Procedure; C 10.1 Controlled Use of Computer Systems; C 10.2 Cellular Phones; C 20 Confidentiality of Personnel Files; C 21.4 Medical Leave; C 21.6 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; C 24.1 Public School Retirement System of Missouri; C 24.3 Retirement Privileges – Emeritus Staff; C 27 Group Insurance Program; E 1.2 Salary Range Conditions; E 1.8 Center for Business, Industry and Labor Temporary Hourly Professional Employee Pay Scale; F 3.1 Center for Business, Industry and Labor (CBIL) Temporary Hourly Classified Employee Scale; G 8.1 Grievance Process for Students with Disabilities; G 9.11 Satisfactory Academic Progress for Students Receiving Federal Higher Education Act (HEA) Title IV Financial Aid; H.2 Fiscal Budget; H 14 Change Orders and H 20.1 Maintenance Fees all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 10. Ratification of Trustee Expenditure Report The Board, by consent, ratified an expenditure report from Trustee Rohrbacker from the AGB Conference. 11. Information Item Trustees Chachere and Gunn gave reports on the ACCT Legislative Conference. Mr. Rohrbacker reported on the AGB Conference. 12. Appointment of Commissioner to Tax Increment Financing Commission The Board, by consent, approved the appointment of Mr. Kenneth Schmalbeck as Commissioner to the St. Louis County Tax Increment Finance Commission. 13. Approval of Advisory Committee Appointments The Board, by consent, unanimously approved Advisory Committee appointments all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 14. Chancellor’s Report Dr. Shannon reported on a meeting with the Regional Business Council, the upcoming Community College Rally Day in Jefferson City; the March 1, 3 2006 RCGA Breakfast and discussed an AACC Research Brief on Career Paths for Community College Leaders, as it relates to developing programs to plan for staff transitions at SLCC. 15. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns Ron Mozelewski, JCD-NEA, stressed the importance of communicating the economic impact of St. Louis Community College during the upcoming tax election. He then made a contribution to Citizens for Education and Job Training and encouraged others to follow suit. Dr. Gunn reiterated Mr. Mozelewski’s comments, emphasizing the impact that SLCC would have on retraining displaced workers at the Hazelwood Ford Plant and helping people moving off of public assistance. Mr. Arnie Dienoff informed the Board that he would be taking his case to be added as a candidate for the Subdistrict 1 Trustee Seat to the April 4, 2006 ballot before the full court of appeals. II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES No items. III. HUMAN RESOURCES 19. Human Resource Recommendations The Board by consent approved the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. 4 IV. BID AWARDS 20. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board by consent approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit C; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. V. BUSINESS & FINANCE 21. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of January, 2006, were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, budget status summary report general operating fund through January 31, 2006, budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2005 – January 31, 2006, student financial aid fund, July 1, 2005 – January 31, 2006, Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2005 – January 31, 2006, and restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2005 – January 31, 2006. B. Warrant Check Register - - January 31, 2006 The Board, by consent, approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending January 31, 2006. 5 C. Transfer of Funds The Board of Trustees, by consent, approved the transfer of $435,600 from the General Operating Fund Balance to the Capital Budget. The purpose of the transfer is to provide partial funding for agenda item 4.3.1. In addition, the Board of Trustees approved the transfer of $200,000 from the General Operating Fund Balance to the Operating Budget. The purpose of the transfer is to provide funding for enrollment management strategies. D. Ratification of Investments The Board by consent ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of January, 2006 for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. E. Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered The Board by consent ratified Payments for Services Rendered for the period of July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 22. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance on renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board by consent unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate in each instance. VII. EXTERNAL FUNDS 23. Acceptance of External Funds The Board by consent approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set out in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for workstudy programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE RECOMMENDATION 21. Approval of Insurance Renewals The Board, by consent, approved renewal of various insurance agreements and policies, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. IX. NEW BUSINESS On motion by Mr. Nelson and seconded by Mr. Rohrbacker the Board voted unanimously to reschedule the March 4, 2006 Board Retreat to April 29, 2006. 7 ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Garrison, Secretary Board of Trustees 8 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Henry D. Shannon DATE: February 23, 2006 SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Tab Page No. Revision E 4 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/Change of Assignment/Administrative Professional Staff Add: Michael Petz; CC; from: Coordinator, Engineering & Network Support; range P 10; $52,725.10; to: Manager, Telecommunications & Engineering; range P 14; $59,286; effective 02/24/06-06/30/06. New salary is minimum for the range; this is a replacement position. 91 3.4 Other Personnel Actions/Resignations/Retirements/Certificated Staff Add: Zelma Dickinson; FP; Professor/Dental Hygiene; effective 06/30/06. This is a retirement after 21 years' service to the College. 92 3.4 Other Personnel Actions/Revisions to Previously Approved Items Delete: Brian McKeever, Manager Electronic Communications Services, from P 13, $56,361 to P 14, $59,286. #7 Resolution Re March 23, 2006 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on March 23, 2006 at 6:00 p.m., at the Cosand Center, 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO, in the Executive Board Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [9]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [13]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. February 23, 2006 Board Agenda #9 Recommended Lodging of Revised Board Policies A.1 Responsibilities and Authority (R 4/03) A 1.1 Statutory Responsibilities The statutory responsibilities of the Board of Trustees include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Approve the appointment, retention and dismissal of employees of the College, define and assign their powers and duties and fix their compensation. b. Levy such taxes as are required for the operation of the College. c. Establish fees for students in the amount necessary to maintain College courses. d. Provide instructional programs and services and physical facilities. e. Approve all contracts. f. Formulate and oversee disciplinary policy regarding students. g. Comply with all applicable federal, state and local mandates. A.5.1 Election and Term of Office (R 2/94) Officers of the Board will be elected at the first regular meeting of the Board after June 1 of each year. Vacancies will be filled as soon as practicable by electing a successor to the unexpired term of office. Each officer of the Board will be elected for a term of one year, will assume office immediately upon election, and will hold office until a successor will be IS elected and qualified. In the event of the absence of both the president and vice president at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Trustees, those Board members present will select by majority vote one of their members to preside. A 6.2 Quorum (R 2/94) At all meetings of the Board of Trustees a majority of the entire membership of the Board will constitute a quorum to do business, but a number less than a quorum may adjourn from day to day or ON to a specific date. A.9 Release of Information to the Public (R 1/01) Records of the College are open to the public unless closed in accordance with state or federal law. For purposes of release of information to the public, the Board secretary serves as the Ccollege's custodian of records. Members of the public may request the custodian of records to provide access to public records. After receipt of the request, the custodian will provide access within three business days or sooner if possible or explain in writing the reason for denial of access or for delay. Members of the public may request copies of public records. A reasonable charge may be made to cover the actual cost of copies and for the cost of staff time required to perform document search or provide copies of public records. Division B B 10.1 Americans with Disabilities Employee Grievance Procedure (R 4/03) [AP B 7] In keeping with the College’s Equal Employment Opportunity policy and Affirmative Action commitment, St. Louis Community College adopts the following internal grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regulations implementing Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title I states, in part, that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual can, solely by reason of his or her disability, be subjected to discrimination in employment.” The regulations prohibit discrimination against an otherwise qualified individual with a disability in regard to job application procedures, the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training and other terms, conditions and privileges of employment. Complaints related to employment must be addressed to the SENIOR Manager of Employment, St. Louis Community College, Cosand Center, 300 South Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri 63102. The manager of employment has been designated as the College’s EMPLOYMENT ADA coordinator COMPLIANCE OFFICER. Prior to an employee filing a complaint with human resources, the employee must try to resolve the problem by discussing his/her needs with his/her direct supervisor, the department's dean/director and/or if appropriate, the campus president. If issues cannot be resolved at the campus level or location, the employee should address the complaint to human resources. • A complaint must be filed in writing containing the name and address of the person filing it and briefly describing the alleged violation of the regulations. • A complaint must be filed within 30 calendar days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation. • An investigation, as may be appropriate, will follow a filing of a complaint. The investigation will be conducted by the SENIOR manager of employment. The investigations will afford all interested persons and their representatives, if any, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to a complaint. • A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution, if any, will be issued by the SENIOR manager of employment and a copy forwarded to the complainant no later than 10 working days after the date the complaint is filed. • The complainant can request a reconsideration of the case in instances where he/she is dissatisfied with the resolution. The request for reconsideration must be made within 10 working days to the Director of Human Resources, St. Louis Community College, Cosand Center, 300 South Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri 63102. Within 10 working days of the receipt of the request for reconsideration, the director of Human Resources will render a written decision regarding the complaint and forward that decision to the complainant. All findings and conclusions in such cases will also be forwarded to the Chancellor for his/her information. • If the complainant is dissatisfied with the decision of the director of Human Resources regarding the original complaint, he/she can request that the complaint be considered by the Chancellor. The request for consideration must be made within 10 working days to the Chancellor for his/her action. Within 10 working days of the receipt of the request for consideration, the Chancellor will notify the complainant in writing of his/her decision concerning the request. • Use of this procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies. The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed hereunder will not be impaired by the person’s pursuit of other remedies such as the filing of an ADA complaint with the responsible Equal Employment Opportunity agency or an employee filing a formal grievance through the appropriate Board-approved grievance procedure. • These rules are intended to protect the substantive rights of interested persons to meet appropriate due process standards and to ensure that St. Louis Community College complies with the ADA and Title I regulations. • The SENIOR manager of employment will maintain the files and records of St. Louis Community College relating to the complaints filed related to employment. Board Policy Division C C ALL COLLEGE EMPLOYEES (Provisions regarding specific employee groups may be found in the following: full-time faculty Statement of Understandings, JOINT RESOLUTION professional bargaining unit Resolution, classified office and technical bargaining unit Resolution and physical plant employees Resolution.) C 10 Use of College Property and College Employees (R 4/95) [AP C 15, C 15.1 - C 15.4] College employees will not use any College equipment, supplies, other property or any College employees for personal benefit or for any purpose other than College business. Abuse of this policy will be sufficient cause for termination. C.10.1 Controlled Use of Computer Systems (6/98) [AP C 15, C 15.1 - C 15.4] The College provides controlled access to computer systems, networks and other technology (local and Internet) to employees. Computer technology users must comply with College policies, procedures, TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES OPERATING GUIDELINES, and applicable laws. C 10.2 Cellular Phones (4/00) [AP C 14.1] Cellular phones for C college business purposes will be provided to employees who received approval from Leadership Team. Reimbursement may be obtained for the use of personal cellular phones for college business in accordance with Administrative Procedure 14.1 Cellular Phones. C.20 Confidentiality of Personnel Files (R 4/95) [AP C 20] One official master personnel file on each active employee will be maintained at the Cosand Center by the Human Resources department. Duplicate personnel files also may be maintained on all active employees at the locations where they work. Employees will have the right to inspect either of these THEIR file and to obtain a copy of the contents with the exception of placement records. The file review will be conducted in the presence of administrators, or their designees, responsible for the maintenance of the personnel file. THE official personnel files will contain applications for employment and records relative to compensation, payroll deductions, evaluations and other such documentation as may be considered pertinent for responding to inquiries from the Board of Trustees and from state and federal authorities. Records and documents maintained in THE employees’ personnel files should be signed and dated by the originator of the record or document. Employees may place materials which are relevant to their employment in their personnel files. However, voluminous materials may not be placed in THE personnel files. A summary sheet referencing such material may be placed in the files. Supervisors and administrators, or their designees, having direct responsibility for an employee's performance are entitled to inspect the employee's personnel file. No other persons or agencies may have access to information in the personnel file unless authorized by the employee, state or federal mandates or if subpoenaed or ordered for release by a court of law. Personnel files for inactive employees will be maintained by the Human Resources department and may WILL be kept at the Cosand Center. or at another College location. The personnel files of inactive employees will, at a minimum, contain the documents specified for retention under the state’s record retention guidelines. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS C 21 Paid Leaves (R 4/95) [AP C 21, C 21.1 - C 21.5] C.21.4 Medical Leave (R 6/04) [AP C 21.3] Whenever any full-time employee is compelled to be absent from duty due to temporary medical disability, illness or injury, including disability related to pregnancy, childbirth or related conditions, the employee will be allowed full compensation for accrued medical leave. Administrative/professional employees may accumulate medical leave at the rate of 1.2 days or 9.6 hours per pay period worked for a maximum of 14.4 days for each full year of service. Classified non-unit employees may accumulate medical leave at the rate of 4.431 4.44 hours per bi-weekly pay period worked for a maximum of 14.4 days for each full year of service. Full-time 36week professional employees scheduled to work full-time during a 10-month period will accumulate medical leave at the rate of 1.2 days or 9.6 hours per pay period worked for a maximum of 12 days or 96 hours for each year of service. Full-time 36-week professional employees scheduled to work over a 12-month period will accumulate such leave at the rate of one day or eight hours per pay period worked for a maximum of 12 days or 96 hours for each year of service. Full-time employees on a 12-month appointment and classified non-unit employees may accumulate the unused portion of medical leave up to a maximum of 180 days or 1,440 hours. Full-time employees on a 36-week schedule or an academic year schedule may accumulate the unused portion of medical leave up to a maximum of 125 days or 1,000 hours. No payment will be made to any employees for time accrued upon termination of employment. A full-time employee may also receive full compensation for accrued medical leave when he/she is compelled to be absent from duty due to temporary medical disability, illness or injury of a member of his/her immediate family. Members of the immediate family are defined as: mother, father, foster parent, foster child, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister, current mother-in-law, current father-in-law, grandparent, or any relative living in the immediate household. All full-time administrative/professional employees and non-probationary classified non-unit employees are entitled to unpaid leave for reasons of illness for a period up to a maximum of 90 days. The Board of Trustees may approve an extension of unpaid leave for up to one year upon recommendation by the Chancellor. Probationary classified non-unit employees may be granted an unpaid leave for reasons of illness for a period of two consecutive weeks. The probationary period will be extended by the length of such leave. Part-time employees are not entitled to medical leave with pay. C.21.6 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (R 4/03) The Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College is committed to compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) effective August 5, 1993. Eligible employees (as defined under FMLA) will be provided with up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave within a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any FMLA leave for certain family and medical reasons. Employees will be required to provide at least 30 days advance notice when the leave is foreseeable. When leave is requested due to a serious health condition, the leave must be supported by a certification issued by the health care provider of the employee or the employee’s ill family member. Whenever an eligible employee is granted FMLA leave, the employee will be required to substitute, in lieu of unpaid leave, any accrued vacation and personal leave in instances where the leave is taken: • FOR THE BIRTH AND to care for OF the employee's child after birth; • for adoption or foster placement of a child in the employee's home; or • for a serious health condition of the employee or to care for his/her immediate family member. Additionally, the employee will be required to substitute accrued sick leave to care for a seriously ill immediate family member or for the employee's own serious health condition. During approved FMLA leave, the employee may continue any group insurance coverage on the same cost-sharing basis as coverage would have been provided if the employee had been actively employed during the FMLA leave period. In cases where the employee's own serious health condition is the reason for the leave, other than for intermittent leave or a reduced leave schedule, the employee must submit a medical certificate that he/she is able to perform the duties of his/her assigned position before returning to work. FMLA provisions will be applicable when provisions of Board policy, administrative procedures, Statement of Understandings or Resolutions are more restrictive and will be used as a basis for recommending Board policy revisions or development, and in the development and revision of administrative procedures applicable to such leave. C.24 Retirement System (R 4/03) [AP C 26] C.24.1 Public School Retirement System of Missouri (R 6/98) [AP C 26] Full-time employees who meet the requirements of the Public School Retirement System of Missouri and who are certificated by the College or the State of Missouri are required to participate in the Public School Retirement System of Missouri. Part-time professional employees who meet the requirements of the Public School Retirement System of Missouri and who are certificated by the College or the State of Missouri may participate in the Public School Retirement System of Missouri. To comply with the Missouri state law on “teacher and school employee retirement systems,” the cChancellor OR THE DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES may certify employees to the Public School Retirement System of Missouri. C.24.3 Retirement Privileges - Emeritus Staff (R 4/03) Emeritus staff are those employees who have retired after 10 years of full-time service to the College and are eligible to receive a retirement allowance from the Non-certificated Retirement Plan or the Public School Retirement Plan SYSTEM of Missouri. The following privileges are available to emeritus staff: • Parking privileges at all locations upon securing a valid parking sticker as is required of employees. • Library privileges at College libraries. • Unless specified otherwise in Board Policy or in a unit resolution, emeritus staff may continue the College group medical insurance upon retirement until age 70 or, for certificated employees, as prescribed by law. As prescribed by law, upon retirement, employees are eligible to continue their participation in the College's medical insurance programs, subject to provisions of the medical insurance plan contract. Emeritus staff selecting such insurance will pay the full costs involved, including any applicable administrative costs. • Maintenance fee waivers for courses at the College will be available for emeritus staff members, dependents, and spouses. These privileges are available to previously retired employees who are receiving a retirement benefit from either the Non-certificated Retirement Plan or the Public School Retirement System of Missouri, as of the date of adoption of this policy. C.27 Group Insurance Program (R 4/03) [AP C 27.1 - C 27.3 & C 28] The College makes available to all full-time employees the following group insurance programs: life/AD&D, vision, dental, medical, voluntary accidental death, long-term disability, and VOLUNTARY short-term disability. All full-time employees are entitled to insurance plan participation on a costshared premium basis with the College during any month of paid employment. Full-time faculty and 36-week employees who are not scheduled to work during the summer or other periods are entitled to insurance coverage during such periods if employment is scheduled to continue following such periods. Premium payments for such non-work periods will be made through payroll deductions in advance and/or following such periods. The College and an employee will cost-share premium payments when an employee enrolls in the medical, dental, vision, life/AD&D and long-term disability plans as follows: Employee only coverage: College pays 90 percent of premium rate Employee pays 10 percent of premium rate Dependent coverage: College pays 60 percent of premium rate for medical coverage only. For all other coverages, College pays 50 percent of premium rate. Employee pays 40 percent of premium for medical coverage only. For all other coverages, employee pays 50 percent of premium rate. A full-time employee whose employment terminates due to disability following at least 10 years of full-time employment and at the time of termination is receiving long-term disability benefits may continue to participate in the College’s medical plan only until the earlier of (1) attainment of age 70 or (2) long-term disability benefits cease. All employees of the College are covered under Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Board Policy – Division D D FACULTY (Additional policies concerning full-time faculty may be found in the Statement of Understandings.JOINT RESOLUTION.) Board Policy – Divison E E.1.2 Salary Range Conditions (R 10/96) [AP E 2.1] Initial Placement and Promotion To ensure minimum eligibility requirements are met, an applicant's qualifications for a position will be evaluated thoroughly by Human Resources and a College officer, or his/her designee, before a recommendation for employment is made. Qualifications must be documented on the College's employment application form. All undergraduate and graduate degrees and semester hours must be earned at accredited institutions. Credit for graduate work completed at foreign universities may be given at the discretion of the College. The stated minimum eligibility requirements for appointment may be waived at the discretion of the Board, upon the recommendation of the Chancellor. Initial appointments will normally be at the minimum salary of the range which applies to the position as classified by the College. However, an amount above the minimum may be recommended by the Chancellor for prior experience above the minimum required for that position. College employees who are promoted will be placed at the appropriate salary range commensurate with their qualifications. Such placement may exceed the minimum for that range. Unless superseded by Board action on an annual basis, those whose current salaries are at or above the established maximum salaries for the job classification and range assigned will receive no salary increase unless and until such time as the maximum for their range exceeds their salary. Academic Rank Administrative/professional employees who hold academic rank within the College will retain that rank but not advance in academic rank while serving in the administrative/ professional position. In the event an administrative/professional employee returns to a faculty position, he/she will retain that rank until otherwise qualified. Administrative/ professional employees who engage in overload or coaching assignments will be compensated according to their current academic rank. Academic rank will not be granted to those appointed initially to an administrative/professional staff position. Those administrative/professional employees without academic rank who are permitted overload teaching or coaching activities will be compensated on the basis of the appropriate faculty overload salary scale based on their qualifications for academic rank. Additional Compensation Administrative employees may receive additional compensation for coaching and teaching activities for nine credit hours or three equivalent courses, unless otherwise authorized, per calendar year. Normally, assignments should be spread over three sessions. Professional employees may receive additional compensation for coaching and teaching activities for a maximum of nine semester credit hours or the equivalent contact hours per semester, summer session or intersession not to exceed a total of 18 credit hours or the equivalent per fiscal year. Additional compensation for teaching or coaching activities must be approved by the Chancellor upon the recommendation of the appropriate campus president or vice Chancellor. Each employee, upon accepting such assignments(s), will certify that this activity will not interfere with the full discharge of his/her administrative/professional duties. E.1.8 WORKFORCE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (WCD)/Center for Business, Industry and Labor (CBIL)Temporary Hourly Professional Employee Pay Scale (R 6/04) [AP E 1.1] (Effective July 1, 2004) (Effective July 1, 2005) 2006) LEVEL RATE LEVEL RATE 1 $20.36 1 $21.02 2 23.75 2 24.53 3 27.14 3 28.02 4 30.53 4 31.52 (Effective July 1, LEVEL RATE 1 $21.76 2 25.38 3 29.00 4 32.63 5 6 7 8 33.93 37.32 40.17 45.24 5 6 7 8 35.03 38.54 42.03 46.71 5 6 7 8 36.26 39.88 43.50 48.35 Exceptions to this scale may be made only with the approval of the director of Human Resources and the Chancellor. Division F F 3.1 WORKFORCE & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (WCD)/Center for Business, Industry and Labor (CBIL) Temporary Hourly Classified Employee Pay Scale (6/04) [AP F 4.1] The administration recommends that the Board of Trustees approve a 3.5 percent increase in the rate of compensation in 2004, a 3.25 percent increase in 2005 and a 3.5 percent increase in 2006 for WCD/CBILCenter for Business, Industry and Labor Temporary hourly classified employees. This increase in compensation is being recommended in order for the College to continue to attract and retain quality employees. (Effective July 1, 2004) 2006) LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 RATE $ 10.17 12.44 14.71 16.96 20.36 (Effective July 1, 2005) (Effective July 1, LEVEL RATE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 $10.50 12.85 15.19 17.51 21.02 1 2 3 4 5 RATE $10.87 13.29 15.72 18.13 21.76 Exceptions to this scale may be made only with the approval of the director of Human Resources and the Chancellor. Board Policy Division G G.8 Persons with Disabilities (R 9/96) [AP B 7 & G 6] Access to programs, courses and services will be provided in compliance with relevant laws. G.8.1 Grievance Process for Students with Disabilities (4/04) [AP B 7, G 6 & G 6.1] The College is committed to the elimination of legally impressible, arbitrary or unreasonable practices which result in discrimination. All groups operating under the policies of the College, including all employees, student governments, and programs sponsored by the College are governed by this policy of nondiscrimination. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Board policy, the College does not discriminate on the basis of disability. a. Purpose and Scope The purpose of this procedure is to provide College applicants/students with disabilities an opportunity to resolve complaints alleging discrimination based on disability (in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.). It also allows for complaints from employees who are asked to provide the accommodation(s). However, if the accommodation is approved by the Access oOffice, the employee will provide the accommodation(s) while he/she is appealing the requested accommodation(s). It is the intent of this procedure that complaints would be resolved, if at all possible WHEN POSSIBLE, in the area or department where the alleged violation occurred. Because each grievance must be judged on a case-bycase basis, it would be impossible to state or limit within this procedure the type of relief which might be afforded. If the ADA Hearing Committee finds in favor of the applicant/student with a disability(s), the reparation for such complaint must be consistent with the authority delegated to that body. This procedure does not apply to the following types of complaints as other appeals procedures exist: • Administrative Withdrawal - In order to remove a failing semester grade, a written appeal must be received by the executive dean. Extenuating circumstances should be clearly explained, and any relevant supporting documentation should accompany the withdrawal request. • Employee Grievances - Complaints of College employees except student employees should be processed through the appropriate ADA Personnel Grievance Procedure. • Grade Appeals - When the appeal involves a final grade, within 10 working days of receipt of the written response from the dean, the student or the faculty member must file a written request with the president for a hearing of the campus Academic Appeals Hearing Committee. Within 10 working days of receipt of the student’s or faculty member’s request, the campus president will designate the Hearing Committee and provide the committee with the original allegations and written responses. The committee will have 15 working days to conduct the hearing. The committee’s decision will be final. • Student Discipline - All students, including students with disabilities, are expected to follow the rules as stated in the College’s Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook, and violation of student conduct is subject to the hearing procedures stated in such handbook. • Student Record Challenges - In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students may challenge their record as being inappropriate, misleading, inaccurate, or in violation of their privacy. A student/applicant may review his/her official educational records by submitting a written request to the Admissions, Registration and Records office. b. Definitions • District COLLEGE ADA Coordinator - The individual designated to oversee the investigation, mediation and processing of complaints brought under this procedure. This person will act as a resource to the Cosand Centers /campuses' EMPLOYMENT AND CAMPUS ADA Compliance Officers and the ADA coordinator for employment by researching necessary information, providing awareness, and establishing consistent policies under the ADA. This person will attend all formal grievance hearings, but will not be a voting member of such hearing. The district COLLEGE ADA coordinator (with the help of general counsel) will be responsible for providing an annual in-service for new campus/Cosand Center ADA Hearing Committee members. • Campus/ Cosand Center EMPLOYMENT ADA Compliance Officers The individual(s) designated to receive the formal ADA grievance form. The ADA Compliance Officer(s) will meet with the grievant and necessary employees, conduct an investigation and attempt to resolve the grievance. The ADA Compliance Officer will issue a decision based on the relevant information and interviews. He/she will be responsible for notifying the grievant of his/her decision within 10 working days after the grievance is filed. He/she will be responsible for notifying the chair of the ADA Hearing Committee when the grievant wishes to appeal his/her decision. • District Coordinator for Employment –EMPLOYMENT ADA COMPLIANCE OFFICER The individual designated by Human Resources to oversee the College’s response to requirements under Title I of the ADA. He/she will hear all formal ADA complaints brought forth by employees of the College and applicants/students at the Cosand Center. • Chair(s)/ADA Hearing Committee(s) - The chair of the ADA Hearing Committee and its members will be appointed by the appropriate campus president or vice Chancellor. The campus committee will be composed of a faculty member from each division, four professional employees (or two professional and two classified employees) and two students with two alternates for each group. Alternates will serve in case of illness or conflict of interest. The district COLLEGEADA Coordinator and campus/Cosand Center EMPLOYMENT compliance officerS will act as ex officio members of the committee. Members will serve alternating two-year terms except for students, who will serve one-year terms. At least one voting member of the committee should have a disability. The charge of the committee will be to hear grievance appeals of applicants/students with disabilities only after the grievant has exhausted all informal channels, and the ADA compliance officer has attempted to resolve the grievance. • Applicant - A member of the public with a disability who has applied for admission to a program, activity or service provided by the College. • Student - an individual with a disability who has been accepted to the College and is enrolled in classes. • Employee who has been asked to provide the accommodation(s) - An employee who has been asked to provide an accommodation(s) for a student/applicant with a disability. An employee who has received notice from the Access Office that a person with a disability is entitled to an accommodation(s) based on presented documentation must provide the accommodation(s) while he/she is appealing the requested accommodation(s). c. Summary of ADA Grievance Procedure The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that public entities with 50 or more employees adopt a grievance procedure which provides for prompt and equitable resolution of grievances which arise from Title II requirements (which covers students and applicants to a College program, activity or service). This procedure does not cover student record challenges, grade appeals, student discipline or employee grievances since other procedures have been established for these instances. • Informal Grievance - The student/applicant or the employee who is being asked to provide the accommodation(s) who wishes to appeal College action regarding accommodation(s) for a disability should do so informally by requesting a conference with a member of the Access Office and other appropriate employees; i.e., this includes the instructor when the complaint is about a classroom accommodation that was or was not provided. If the matter is not resolved, an appeal may be made through the normal administrative channels (department chair, dean or executive dean as appropriate). An ADA/504 Informal Grievance form must be completed and submitted to the ADA Compliance Officer before the conference. STEPS FOR INFORMAL GRIEVANCE Step 1 Resolved or go to step 2 Student/applicant or employee contacts instructor to discuss academic adjustments Resolved or go to step 3 Step 2 Student/applicant or employee requests conference with Access Office and employee. If the employee has been asked to provide the accommodation(s) by the Access Office, the employee will continue to provide the accommodation(s) while he/she is appealing the requested accommodation(s) Resolved or go to step 4 Step 3 Student/applicant or employee requests conference with department chair(s) and any other appropriate parties from above. Resolved or initiates formal grievance Step 4 Student/applicant or employee procedure completes informal ADA complaint form and files with appropriate dean(s). Within 10 working days the dean(s) convenes a conference of appropriate parties from above and may consult with district THE COLLEGE ADA Coordinator. • Formal Grievance - If unsatisfied with the informal appeal, the student/applicant or the employee asked to provide the accommodation(s) may initiate a formal, written ADA grievance with the ADA Compliance Officer (SENIOR Manager of Employment, Cosand Center; executive dean, DEAN OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENT, Florissant Valley; Dean of Student Support Services, Forest Park; and Dean of Student Support Services, Meramec) by filing an ADA/504 Formal Grievance form within 10 working days of the conclusion of the informal appeal. The Compliance Officer will conduct an investigation and attempt to resolve the grievance. If the student/applicant or the employee is unsatisfied with the outcome of the Compliance Officer’s decision, the Compliance Officer will notify the district COLLEGE ADA Coordinator and the chair of the campus ADA Hearing Committee. The chair of the committee will convene the committee within 10 working days of receipt of the formal grievance. The student/applicant or the faculty/staff member may request an appeal to the committee in person or have the committee act on the written materials submitted. If the student asks other people to represent him/her at the hearing, the student must also participate. The committee will render its decision within five working days following conclusion of the hearing. The chair will notify all parties concerned of the committee’s decision. If the student/applicant or the employee is dissatisfied with the committee’s decision, he/she may appeal to the campus president APPROPRIATE COLLEGE OFFICER, (SEE BOARD POLICY B.2) whose decision will be final. The student/applicant or the employee asked to provide the accommodation(s) must deliver a written appeal to the office of the president APPROPRIATE COLLEGE OFFICER within 10 working days of issuance of the committee’s decision. The president APPROPRIATE COLLEGE OFFICER will conduct an investigation and hold a conference within two working days after receipt of the appeal. He/she will render a decision and the reasons for it in writing within 10 working days following the conference. He/she may affirm, reverse or modify the committee’s decision in whole or in part. Dates may be extended with the permission of all parties concerned. STEPS FOR FORMAL GRIEVANCE Resolved or go to step 2 Step 1 Student/applicant or employee initiates formal grievance procedure by filing formal ADA grievance with campus ADA Compliance Officer within 10 days of informal grievance decision. The campus ADA Compliance Officer conducts investigation with all parties involved. Resolved or go to step 3 Step 2 Campus ADA Compliance Officer will convene campus ADA Hearing Committee and notify district ADA Coordinator within 10 days of appeal being filed. Campus ADA Hearing Committee chair will notify all concerned parties of decision. Step 3 Campus president’s Student/applicant or employee appeals APPROPRIATE COLLEGE to THE campus president OFFICER’S decision is final. APPROPRIATE COLLEGE OFFICER including copies of informal and formal grievance proceedings. G.9.11 Satisfactory Academic Progress for Students Receiving Federal Higher Education Act (HEA) Title IV Financial Aid (R 9/96) [AP G 7.10] The College has established qualitative and quantitative measures for evaluating the efforts of Title IV aid recipients to achieve an educational goal, degree or certificate. An assessment of these efforts will occur at the end of the fall, spring and summer sessions. a. A student pursuing an associate degree that requires 64 or more credit hours for completion, must be able to complete that degree within a maximum of 96 credit hours. A student pursuing a Certificate of Proficiency that requires 30 or more credit hours for completion, may attempt up to a maximum of 48 credit hours. At the end of each semester or summer session, the student must have earned a passing b. c. d. e. f. g. h. grade in at least two-thirds of all credit hours transcripted through that semester or summer session. A student receiving Title IV aid is required to meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress as defined in the Board policy “Satisfactory Academic Progress.” A student who fails to meet the above criteria will be placed on financial warning for the next semester of enrollment. Title IV aid eligibility may be continued during the financial warning semester. However, a student who fails, withdraws, or receives I, PR or U grades for all courses in a given semester will not be eligible for Title IV aid the next semester. A student on financial warning must meet the criteria in items a and b. Failure to do so will result in ineligibility for Title IV aid in the next semester of enrollment. A student who fails to meet the standards for Title IV aid eligibility may continue to enroll at his/her own expense. A student may become eligible again for Title IV aid when the criteria in items a and b have been satisfied. A student may receive Title IV aid for a one-time repeat of a course in which a required grade was not attained. (Refer to Board policy "Repeated Courses.") A student receiving Title IV aid must enroll in courses that fulfill his/her educational goals. These courses should follow published degree/certificate requirements either as AS EITHER general education requirements, program requirements, electives, or prerequisite developmental courses. A student may appeal the denial of Title IV assistance by writing the manager of Student Aid documenting all extenuating circumstances. The appeal will proceed through normal administrative channels ending with the administrator responsible for Student Financial Aid. Board Policy Division H H.2 Fiscal Budget (R 5/97) [AP H 1] The Chancellor will each year prepare or cause to be prepared an estimate of the income and revenue available for expenses to be incurred in the forthcoming fiscal year and will at the same time prepare or cause to be prepared an estimated budget for the operation of the College in the forthcoming fiscal year. The estimated budget will be divided into those specific subdivisions deemed necessary for fiscal control. The Chancellor will file the report of estimated revenues and EXPENSES, submit the estimated budget to the Board not later than June 1 of each year, and the Board will normally adopt a budget at the regular June Board meeting of each year. The estimated budget will be deemed the operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year when approved by a majority of all of the members of the Board of Trustees. Upon such approval all sums set forth in the budget will be deemed appropriated for the purposes therein set out. No expenditure will be made which is not authorized by the budget. After the adoption of the budget, no report or resolution will be adopted calling for the expenditure of money unless it states specifically the fund or sub-fund from which the appropriation is to be made and is accompanied by a statement of the treasurer that there is a balance in such fund available for such expenditure. If the Board fails to adopt a budget by the end of the fiscal year, it will thereafter appropriate on a monthly basis such funds as will be necessary to operate the College until a budget is adopted. The budget may be amended after adoption only by a majority vote of all members of the Board. H.14 Change Orders (R 6/02) [AP H 6] Any changes to the vendor recommended for award or to the material conditions of the award or to the award amount on Purchase Orders or blanket contract agreements previously approved by the Board will be resubmitted for Board approval before any formal Change Order notice is issued. In the event that such changes involve less than a 10 percent increase, up to a maximum of $50,000, in the total award amount, the vice Chancellor for finance and business services is authorized to execute approval as he/she deems appropriate. Changes to orders and contracts which have been bid but have not previously been approved by the Board may be executed by the purchasing agent, provided the changes do not increase the total award in excess of $25,000. Changes to orders which have not previously been bid may be executed REQUESTED by the ordering department or site Business office, provided the change does not increase the total award in excess of $5,000. H.20 Fees and Fines (R 3/03) H 20.1 Maintenance Fees (R 3/03) The maintenance fees for resident* students of the St. Louis Community College District have been established by the Board at $48 per credit hour effective fall semester 2002, increasing to $56 per credit hour in fall 2003, increasing to $64 per credit hour in fall 2004 and increasing to $70 per credit hour in fall 2005. * 1. 2. Resident students will be defined as follows: a dependent student who is living in a residence established by his/her parents or legal guardian within the St. Louis Community College District, or an emancipated student, regardless of age, who has established residence within the St. Louis Community College District. a. Missouri Residents Who Are Non-Residents Of St. Louis Community College District - The maintenance fee has been established by the Board at $65 per credit hour effective fall semester 2002, increasing to $75 per credit hour in fall 2003, increasing to $85 per credit hour in fall 2004 and increasing to $95 per credit hour in fall 2005. b. Out-Of-State Students - The maintenance fee has been established by the Board at $95 per credit hour effective fall semester 2002, increasing to $108 per credit hour in fall 2003, increasing to $120 per credit hour in fall 2004 and increasing to $130 per credit hour in fall 2005. I. International Students - The maintenance fee has been established by the Board at $105 per credit hour effective fall semester 2002, increasing to $118 per credit hour in fall 2003, increasing to $130 per credit hour in fall 2004 and increasing to $140 per credit hour in fall 2005. II. Senior Citizen Fee Reduction - Senior citizens who are residents of the St. Louis Community College District (those 60 years and older) may enroll in most credit and non-credit courses of the College at a 50 percent reduction in maintenance and student activity fees. Senior citizen registration may be subject to the following conditions: proof of age if requested; a maximum limit of the number of senior citizen reduced fee enrollments in any given class; exclusion of reduced fees for tours and travel courses. III. Senior Citizen Scholarship - Missouri residents who are at least 65 years of age, on or before the first day of the semester of registration, will be awarded a scholarship to be exempt from maintenance fees when enrolling in courses on a space-available basis with the following conditions: proof of age required; satisfy all other College entrance requirements and prerequisites; a. scholarship may be utilized only on a space-available basis following enrollment of paying students; b. courses taken utilizing this scholarship benefit will be on a non-credit basis (for audit); c. Senior Processing Fee - Credit Courses - Registration fee will be $10 assessed to the scholarship recipient per semester and is nonrefundable; d. Senior Processing Fee - Non-credit Courses - Registration fee will be $5 per course to a maximum of $25 per semester and is nonrefundable; e. student is responsible for other fees, such as materials, etc. IV. Delivery Out-Of-District - A variable fee has been established by the Board of Trustees based on unusual costs for delivering instruction out-of-district. This fee is calculated from projected costs and enrollment and is added to the applicable maintenance fee and other fees. DUAL CREDIT MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE FEE REDUCTION POLICY STATEMENT DUAL CREDIT MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE FEE REDUTION – STUDENTS WHO ARE ENROLLED IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT MAY ENROLL IN DUAL CREDIT COURSES OFFERED BY THE COLLEGE, AND IT WILL WAIVE ITS STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE AND CHARGE 50% OF THE MAINTENANCE FEE AND THE FULL TECHNOLOGY FEE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DUAL CREDIT COURSES IT OFFERS. DUAL CREDIT REGISTRATION WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: • STUDENTS MUST BE ENROLLED JUNIORS OR SENIORS AT THE HIGH SCHOOL. • STUDENTS MUST HAVE OBTAINED A MINIMUM, OVERALL GRADE POINT AVERAGE OF 3.0 (ON A 4.0 SCALE) AND MEET THE SAME ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS TO INDIVIDUAL COURSES AS THE COLLEGE’S ON-CAMPUS STUDENTS. • STUDENTS MUST OBTAIN PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THEIR HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE TO PARTICIPATE. FURTHERMORE, STUDENTS MUST OBTAIN PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THEIR PARENTS OR GUARDIANS TO PARTICIPATE. • STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT A HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT, THE PRINCIPAL’S OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE’S WRITTEN APPROVAL AND PARENTAL APPROVAL TO THE CASHIER’S OFFICE AT THE COLLEGE. • STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE ALL COLLEGE MANDATED PROCEDURES EACH SEMESTER IN WHICH THEY WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM. No revisions to Division I #12 Recommended Approval of Appointment of Commissioner to the St. Louis County Tax Increment Finance Commission It is recommended that the Board of Trustees: Approve the appointment of Mr. Kenneth Schmalbeck, of the City of Black Jack Fire Protection District, as the TIF Commissioner to serve on the St. Louis County Tax Increment Financing Commission (TIF) for the redevelopment of the Mayfair Plaza Shopping Center located at the intersection of Parker Road and Highway 367 in the City of Black Jack. Mr. Schmalbeck will represent the College and the interests of the other affected public taxing entities: St. Louis Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, St. Louis County Library District, and the Productive Living Board of St. Louis County. Advisory Committee Appointments It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the appointments/reappointments listed for the following program areas. Members will serve a two-year term, January 2006 through December 2008. Dental Hygiene Ms. Diann Bomkamp 612 Fairways Circle St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 432-7719 Dr. Gilbert Hart Dentists Dr. Gilbert Hart, DDS 428 Old State Rd. Ellisville, MO 63021-5918 (636) 394-5446 Ms. Gayle Lipic 886 Sugar Hill Dr. Ballwin, MO 63021 (636) 394-5079 Dr. Manny Menendez 16190 Clayton Hollow Lane Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636) 256-6521 Ms. Angela Pratt PO Box 214 Cata Wissa, MO 63015 (636) 274-3009 Dr. Robert Schlueter Dentist Dr. Robert Schleuter 9914 Kennerly Rd. St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 842-6151 Information Systems Mr. Thermus Baker Internal Revenue Service 12654 Forestedge Drive St. Louis, MO 63138 (314) 355-7861 Mr. Steven Calicutt Enterprise Network Manager Schnucks Markets 11420 Lackland Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 994-4145 Mr. Stevie Calicutt Senior Applications Technical Specialist A. G. Edwards & Sons 1 N. Jefferson St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 955-2910 Dr. Michael Erbschloe Self-Employed 1299 Rocky Meadow Road Barnhart, MO 63012 (636) 475-4603 Mr. Harvey Ferdman Consultant 671 Clovertrail Drive Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 374-8757 Mr. Dan Hebrank Series Business Unit Executive IBM (314) 252-4160 325 McDonnell Blvd. Bldg. 301-2E St. Louis, MO 63042 Ms. Lia Koehler Director of Application and Infrastructure Concordia Technologies 1333 S. Kirkwood Road St. Louis, MO 63122 (314) 268-1570 Mr. James Manson Owner Manson Services 7007 Wayles Barnhart, MO 63012-1424 (314) 346-2578 Mr. Charles Raiford Server Design (MIS Specialist) Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc 515 North 6th St., ICC-8 St. Louis, MO 63101 (314) 589-7187 Information Systems Continued Mr. Dan Ridenhour Pulitzer Publishing 7751 North Lindbergh Hazelwood, MO 63042 (314) 830-5413 Mr. Daniel Wilke-Grimm Partner Lantern Secure Solutions 121 S. Meramec St. Louis, MO 63119 (314) 368-0106 Mr. Andrew Wimmer Director Academic & Research Technology St. Louis University 4542 Gibson St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 977-8205 Surgical Technology Mr. Brian Ash 196 Deane Court Sunset Hills, MO 63127 (314) 822-3180 Mr. Bradley Deutch CST Des Peres Hospital 412 S. Market Waterloo, IL 62298 Ms. Joyce Johnson Clinical Educator Surgical Services St. Mary's Health Center 6420 Clayton Road St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 768-8299 Dr. J. Marchosky Neurosurgeon Neurospinal Surgery, P.C. 226 S. Woods Mill Rd. #56W Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 878-0808 Ms. Debbie Mattingly Surgical Technologist St. John's Mercy 615 S. New Ballas Road St. Louis, MO (314) 569-6000 Ms. Ann Schreiber 8224 Natural Bridge Road St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 381-2238 Ms. Dorothy Thornton 8408 Buckthorn Dr. St. Louis, MO 63134 (314) 362-1389 Mr. Robert Trenholm 1661 San De Drive Festus, MO 63028 Mr. Rita Weltscheff OR Educator Barnes - Jewish Hospital #1 Barnes-Jewish Hospital Plaza St. Louis, MO 63110 Mrs. Linda Zinser RN - Educator BJH Barnes Jewish Hospital (314) 747-4068 1 Barnes Hospital Plaza Perioperative Services Mailstop 90-72-408 St. Louis, MO 63110 (314) 362-8843 02/23/06 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Scott-Barnes, Verna C CC Kettenacker, Victoria N Henderson, Flossie N NAME RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Staff Auditor P9 $40,750* 02/24/06-06/30/06 CC Manager, Student Accounts P 11 46,669** 03/13/06-06/30/06 FV Senior Project Associate II/GearUp Director P 11 51,336* 02/24/06-06/30/06 TITLE -1* Salary is in accordance with Board Policy E1.2, Salary Range Conditions. ** Minimum salary for the range Scott-Barnes: New position Kettenacker: Replacement position Henderson: Temporary, externally-funded, replacement position 02/23/06 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL- TIME FACULTY CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Hansen, Troy C FV Cody, Scott N M NAME RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Instructor II/Counselor IV-B $44,758* 02/27/06-05/15/06 Instructor II/History/Government IV-B 45,877* 08/15/06-05/14/07 TITLE -2* Salary is in accordance with Board Policy D1, Faculty/Initial Placement. Both are replacement positions. 02/23/06 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION TITLE RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Moeller, Richard N FV Computer Services Technician II 8 $1,256.04 bi-wk* 02/24/06 Thompson, Michael N FV Computer Services Technician II 8 1,256.04 bi-wk* 02/24/06 Jennings, Kathleen C CC Educational Assistant I 5 1,045.35 bi-wk* 02/24/06 Meyer, Grant C M Lifeguard, Part-time, Continuing 1 8.44/hr* 02/24/06 Young-Hunt, Connie C M Accounting Clerk I, Part-time, Continuing 4 11.36/hr* 02/24/06 Bishopp, Martina N CC Library Associate 5 1,045.35 bi-wk* 03/01/06 Morse, Katherine N M Student Admissions/Registration Assistant II, Part-time, Continuing 4 11.36/hr* 02/24/06 NAME -3* Minimum salary for the range. Jennings: New, temporary, externally-funded position; all others are replacements. 02/23/06 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE RANGE Dean, Admissions/Registration/Financial Aid A 17 ANNUAL RATE Gross, Herbert FP Nie, Changyun CC Sterman, Laura FV Dean, Enrollment Services A 17 From: Curry, Ruby FV Dean, Business & Human Development A 20 From: 76,125.43 To: 79,931.70* From: Analyst Programmer To: Senior Analyst Programmer From: $81,681.75 To: 85,571.36* P 10 P 11 EFFECTIVE DATE 02/01/06-06/30/06 44,347.06 46,669.00** 02/24/06-06/30/06 77,078.99 84,786.89* 03/04/06-06/30/06 03/04/06-06/30/06 * Increase in base compensation is in accordance with Administrative Procedures E2.3, Additional Administrative/Professional Responsibilities. ** Minimum salary for the range -4- Gross, Sterman & Curry: For additional duties of another position; ending dates may be earlier than 06/30/06. Nie: Replacement position 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Alexander, Myrtle LOCATION From: FV To: CC TITLE Secretary Educational Assistant I RANGE 4 5 PAY RATE $1,251.31 bi-wk 1,387.42 bi-wk* EFFECTIVE DATE 02/24/06 *Salary increase is in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office and Technical Bargaining Unit, Article VIII, Section 2. New, temporary, externally-funded position. St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Absher, Frank A FP Abuisba, Layla A M M M Adams, Demetrius M M Adams, Dorlita A FP FP FP FP Adams, Jana R M M M M Adams, John T FP Adams, Lawrence FV Adams, Leroy FP FP FP Adams, Russ R FP FP FP FP Aerne, Jo A M M M M Agusti, Kathleen FV Ahern, Margaret FP Ahmed, Minhaj U FP FP Aiello, Janis J M M M Aitken, Victoria J FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP Akins, James P FP FP Alfoldy, Mary J M M FP FP M 02/23/06 Course Begin End MCM201493 12/5/05 12/9/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG020651 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020462 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020451 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030486 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 ECESDLCOMB11/28/05 12/2/05 FLDBSDGRT 10/25/05 12/17/05 FLDBSECOOR 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE202650 8/22/05 12/17/05 SGN701420 9/15/05 11/30/05 PE 133501 8/22/05 10/15/05 MTH140451 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030480 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030454 8/22/05 12/17/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 EMTPARADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 PARMEDPRI 8/22/05 12/15/05 ART133668 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART245699 11/28/05 12/2/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART233669 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ARTS FPCE 9/15/05 11/30/05 MTH040451 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160C480 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 205 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/26/05 12/17/05 NUR 204 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC126474 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 ART STOR 10/23/05 11/5/05 SOC103501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 SOC126560 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC211560 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC211474 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 SPA101450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG062650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENGL701480 9/17/05 11/30/05 ENG051650 8/22/05 12/17/05 -5- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.36 6.00 3.00 20.00 1.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 18.00 3.79 0.04 3.40 4.00 2.00 21.00 4.00 1.00 25.00 5.00 4.00 8.33 7.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.63 3.00 1.00 2.00 30.00 3.00 Amt Pd 234.00 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 50.00 312.00 999.50 4,421.76 2,210.88 420.00 1,137.92 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 594.00 2,164.85 21.42 1,941.52 3,413.76 312.00 462.00 3,413.76 100.00 525.00 4,784.80 3,827.84 6,138.00 154.00 2,946.24 2,562.24 50.00 50.00 2,562.24 100.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 50.00 2,327.54 2,870.88 25.00 50.00 810.00 2,870.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Alks, Uldis Loc M M M Allen, Claude O FP FP FP Allen, Ivy M FV Allen, Robynne R FV FV Allen, Teresa A M M Allison, Robert F M M M Allman, Julie A M M M Anand, Vinod K M M Anders, Paul B M M Anderson, Alerica FV FV Anderson, Gina M FP Anderson, Holland FV Anderson, Karla D FV FV FV Anderson, Kimberl FV Anderson, Laura J FP FP Anderson, Lynda FP FP Andrews, Courtne FV Ankenbrand, RalphFV Anthonis, Dennis FP FP FP Anton, Anita M M Anton, Katharina M Arbogast, Norman M Armstrong, Franci M M Arnold, Gary L FP FP Arnold, Jack E M M Arnold, Lisa R M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End GEG101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEG100602 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEG100601 8/22/05 12/17/05 HMS102450 8/22/05 12/17/05 HMS201450 8/22/05 12/17/05 HMS203450 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS132551 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ101550 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 PHL102603 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST102W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST101W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST102W02 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEO100W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 BLK BOARD 9/11/05 9/24/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BIO111W51 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 116S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 116S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS569551 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 REAL FV 9/12/05 11/5/05 PED116551 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 122550 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 122580 8/22/05 12/17/05 DANC734500 9/25/05 12/17/05 MTH020456 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020480 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101461 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101450 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSC101T55T56 9/18/05 12/17/05 Staff Dev 10/10/05 10/14/05 DMS209450 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS210450 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS112450 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101651 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 165680 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART131680 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH025602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 TUR230499 12/5/05 12/9/05 TUR201401 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 130671 10/17/05 12/18/05 IS 103S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG1026WH 8/22/05 12/17/05 -6- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.67 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 4.33 4.33 1.33 1.33 2.00 1.00 1.05 20.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 18.00 3.00 3.00 2.87 2.91 6.00 6.00 2.67 1.33 2.00 3.00 1.33 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.81 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 Amt Pd 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,964.16 2,210.88 100.00 78.00 1,926.24 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 25.00 50.00 4,143.64 4,143.64 1,137.92 1,137.92 1,142.08 100.00 599.76 580.00 761.92 761.92 761.92 324.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,118.76 2,141.79 3,852.48 240.00 1,964.16 982.08 1,473.12 1,926.24 761.92 2,568.00 2,210.88 50.00 936.00 2,072.70 2,562.24 2,562.24 75.00 1,926.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Arnot, Paul B Ashby, Ronald D Aslin, Holly A Astorino, Barbara Atkins, Robert A Avery, Lisa A Bacon, Michael H Bader, Charles T Bailey, Jill C Bailey, Robert M Bake, Marlene G Baken, John C Baker, Angela M Baker, Frances S Baker, Mary J Baker, Philip W Balderas, Barbara Ballinger, Jack T Balls, Zoneice Baltz, Brandi C 02/23/06 Loc FP FP FV FV FV M M FP M M M M FP M M M FP CC FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M Course Begin End HRM123450 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM122450 8/22/05 12/17/05 EE 211500 12/5/05 12/9/05 CCPR714500 10/23/05 11/5/05 CCPR FV 10/9/05 10/22/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 NUR 201 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 OTA203601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101S03 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101S05 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS104451 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE124674 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 103W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 RDG012401 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG012421 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG016401 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG100421 8/22/05 12/17/05 Librarian 8/20/05 12/18/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Blk Board 9/11/05 9/24/05 RDG030W41 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG100401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 DMS206401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS107401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS106401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS106402 8/22/05 12/17/05 PEDU704FV 9/9/05 12/17/05 IS 203550 9/18/05 12/17/05 IS 101501 9/13/05 10/4/05 IS 101502 9/13/05 10/4/05 IS 101550 9/14/05 10/5/05 IS 15751A 12/5/05 12/9/05 IS 20351A 12/5/05 12/9/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 IS 204550 9/18/05 12/17/05 IS 203501 9/18/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/29/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/29/05 12/17/05 CHM105504 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUSS FV 11/20/05 12/3/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BIO111650 8/22/05 12/17/05 -7- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 10.67 0.38 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.75 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.87 1.00 2.67 2.67 1.33 1.33 48.00 15.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 15.99 15.99 11.00 14.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 4.33 Amt Pd 2,210.88 2,210.88 234.00 50.00 108.00 75.00 6,848.00 214.20 2,568.32 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,926.24 50.00 50.00 200.00 1,473.92 1,473.92 1,473.92 2,210.88 1,123.50 75.00 25.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,794.32 50.00 1,712.00 1,712.00 856.00 856.00 864.00 155.91 642.08 642.08 642.08 312.00 78.00 100.00 78.03 155.91 275.00 308.00 3,827.84 108.00 25.00 2,780.20 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Banjak, John T Loc M M FP Banks, Patricia A FP Bardella, MargarettFP FP Barkalow, Donald M Barkman, Thomas M Barnes, Bobbie S M Barnes-Roberts, A FP Barnidge, George FP FP Barteau, Brian E FP Barthelmass, Scott FP Bartsokas, David M Bassett, Maxine A M M M Batey, Keith M FP FP FP FP Batisto, Joan J FP Bauer, Eric Jason FP Baum, Sandra K FV Baumstark, Jeffrey M Bayer, Elizabeth FV FV FV FV Becker, Jacqueline M M M Becker, Mary O FV Beckwith, GwendolFP FP FP Bednar, Lisa FP FP FP FP Bee, Bethabra M M Behle, Lawrence FV Bell, Alexander FV FV Bell, John P FV Bell, Wilzetta M FP FP 02/23/06 Course REL100650 Workshop REL100SUB PHT116421 ENG070450 ESL Planning MTH160S50 ART266601 IS 241601 UC SUPVSR MTH020437 MTH020436 EMTPARADJ EMT ADJ COM101652 Workshop ENG020W01 ENG101W06 COM101404 COM101412 COM101423 Substitute EMTPARADJ EMT ADJ FSHN701500 BIO207650 Fac Ori Substitute ENG062502 ENG051501 EDU200602 EDU200602 EDU200S50 HEAL708500 Fac Orient RDG100403 RDG100404 ENG101461 ENG030423 ENG030451 HUM101495 IRT140674 IS 205674 COMP FV ENG101581 ENG10150H BUSN713FV Fac Orient ENG030421 Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 10/28/05 12/5/05 11/14/05 12/16/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/18/05 12/4/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/10/05 12/20/05 9/12/05 12/18/05 9/12/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/1/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/15/05 9/22/05 9/24/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 10/24/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 9/24/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/25/05 10/8/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/8/05 12/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/9/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 -8- Cr Hr/ Equiv 4.00 Clock Hr 1.00 4.00 6.67 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.70 0.11 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.40 1.41 3.00 4.33 1.00 16.00 3.00 3.00 2.25 0.75 3.00 8.00 1.00 2.91 2.91 2.75 2.81 2.81 4.00 3.00 4.00 88.00 3.00 2.25 30.00 1.00 3.00 Amt Pd 2,947.84 25.00 100.00 3,809.60 2,210.88 75.00 2,947.84 2,568.00 2,210.88 1,713.12 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,542.24 62.83 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 62.50 1,942.08 806.82 81.00 2,780.20 100.00 400.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,153.16 717.72 2,870.88 216.00 50.00 2,141.79 2,141.79 2,026.64 2,072.70 2,072.70 2,947.84 2,870.88 3,827.84 2,904.00 2,870.88 2,153.16 990.00 50.00 1,713.12 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Belyaeva, Yelena FP FP Bemberg, StephaniFP FP Benavidez, James FV Bender, Jack FV Bender, Marcia M M M M M M Benne, Cheryl A FV Bennett, Sherilyn M M M M M Benton, Deira L FP FP FP FP FP Berger, Anne-Mari FV Bergman, Elizabet M M Berry, James L FV Bersche, Mary J FP Beta, Martha M M M Betts, Aubrey S FP Beussink, ChristineM Beussink, Jeremy M M Bezdek, Helen A FV Bhavsar, Neelima FV FV FV Bidwell, Christie A M M Biere, Anthony W M Bingham, Beverly FV Binks, Randall G FP FP Birch, Ruth E FP FP FP FP 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End ENG051450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG053450 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS122ALL 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS121486 8/22/05 12/17/05 GE 101550 8/22/05 12/17/05 GNSF FV 11/1/05 12/3/05 Substitute 10/3/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/10/05 12/17/05 BIO111604 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111605 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO140602 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHOT701550 10/9/05 10/22/05 RDG030601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RDG030W02 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030613 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101413 11/14/05 12/18/05 ENG101421 11/14/05 12/18/05 ENG030409 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030411 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030413 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101553 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM101S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ASSTSOCCOA 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PHY112601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHY111650 8/22/05 12/17/05 KIDS704HEC 8/29/05 12/20/05 CRFT MCE 11/21/05 12/20/05 ENG1026WF 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1026WE 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL109501 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111553 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111553LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO208511LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 ART109110W69 8/22/05 12/17/05 CCPR714500 10/23/05 11/5/05 MTH020454 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 BIO111410ADD10/16/05 12/17/05 BIO111410 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111409410 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 -9- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 Clock Hr 14.50 5.00 2.00 4.33 4.33 2.00 4.00 3.00 9.00 1.00 3.00 2.65 0.94 1.25 2.94 2.94 2.94 3.00 5.33 1.00 2.67 8.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 248.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.33 2.00 4.33 1.00 Amt Pd 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,284.16 1,284.16 2,210.88 362.50 125.00 50.00 3,698.16 3,698.16 1,708.16 108.00 1,926.24 225.00 75.00 1,926.24 1,701.11 603.56 802.60 1,886.11 1,886.11 1,886.11 1,926.24 3,422.28 50.00 1,523.84 5,892.48 75.00 2,855.20 2,855.20 6,200.00 42.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,210.88 1,926.24 853.96 853.96 50.00 200.00 3,828.48 100.00 2,210.88 50.00 281.84 1,708.16 3,698.16 50.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Bizelli, Candy J Loc FP FP Black, Jethro FP Blanchard, William M Blankenship, NicoleM Blash, Daniel Lee FP Block, Priscilla B M Blustein, Bryna L M M Boedeker, Elizabet FV Boedeker, Stacey FP FP Boedges, Robert J M Boehm, C R FV FV FV FV Boerner, Rebecca FV Bogacki, John E FP Boggiano, John G FP Bolden, Eddie E FV Bolhofner, Edward M M M M Bommarito, Floren FV M FV FV FV FV FV M Bond, Samantha M M Booker, Gloria D FP FP FP Bopp, Corinne S M M M Bourque, June E FV FV FV Bowers, Holly L FP Bowman, JonathanFP FP FP FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 MOTR FPCE 8/26/05 11/15/05 CHM101S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 OTA204650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Counselor 9/6/05 12/16/05 ART109601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101S06 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101S07 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO104501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ST 105402 8/22/05 12/17/05 ST 105401 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS113651 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020504 8/22/05 10/15/05 MTH030504 10/16/05 12/17/05 MTH030514 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/19/05 12/15/05 CCPR707500 11/6/05 11/19/05 HRM260401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DHY 222 10/14/05 12/17/05 EGR133550 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140S04 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH140S05 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140S06 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 135501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART563698 11/28/05 12/2/05 ART STOR 10/23/05 11/5/05 Substitute 9/12/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 ADV FORUM 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART131561 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 120650 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 IS 123495 10/25/05 12/31/05 IS 123486 9/16/05 10/14/05 Substitute 9/10/05 12/17/05 PE 174650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BIO111550 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111551LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111551 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARTS709401 9/21/05 11/15/05 PHL104450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 PHL109450 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL112401 8/22/05 12/17/05 -10- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 40.00 0.14 96.00 5.33 4.00 3.60 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.87 3.00 2.94 5.50 4.00 2.81 0.33 2.34 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 24.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.33 4.33 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.29 1.00 3.00 1.33 3.00 16.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 1,080.00 78.54 1,200.00 5,100.60 2,568.32 2,311.20 3,413.87 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,947.84 3,210.00 3,210.00 1,706.88 2,118.76 2,210.88 2,164.82 137.50 116.00 1,805.85 319.04 1,336.24 2,562.24 50.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,946.24 234.00 50.00 600.00 156.00 642.08 2,946.24 2,946.24 2,780.20 2,780.20 50.00 736.96 736.96 55.00 829.25 50.00 2,210.88 980.16 2,210.88 336.00 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Boyd, Jamison M M M Boyer, Gerald C M M M Brandle, Maria A FP FP FP Brandt, Geriann M M Brandt, Michael S FV FP FP FP FV Brannan, Beverly FP FP FP Brauer, Lloyd P FV Bravo, Maria R M M Brazeal, Jana S M Breitman, Peter N M M Brennan, Beverly FP Brennan, Patricia FP Britts, Pamela Y FP FP CC FP Brodie, John E M Brody, Gail S M Brooks, Richard E FV Brown, Amy L FV FV FV FV FV Brown, David G FP Brown, Edward L FP Brown, Linda I FP Brown, Norman R FV FV Brown, Patricia A FV FV FV Broyles, Timothy FP FP Bruemmer, Vieann FV 02/23/06 Course Begin End Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 AT 251650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG030609 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030614 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 ITL104499 12/5/05 12/25/05 FLIT HEC 9/12/05 11/30/05 CRJ123650 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ123601 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMTPRIFV 10/9/05 12/17/05 EMTPARADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 AHCTCRFPCE 9/30/05 12/20/05 AHCTCRADJ 9/30/05 12/20/05 EMTADJFV 10/9/05 12/17/05 RDG020403 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020404 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020408 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Librarian 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC100W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC100641 10/20/05 12/17/05 COM101451 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH240401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101452 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101453 8/22/05 12/17/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 SOC211601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARC209650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Kids FV 9/14/05 9/24/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 COM200551 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM107501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/10/05 12/17/05 COM101514 8/22/05 12/17/05 PEDU FPCE 8/24/05 12/20/05 MUS575461 8/22/05 12/17/05 DANC FPCE 9/12/05 12/15/05 CE 240550 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MTH160501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160503 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 CE 117450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 -11- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 8.00 40.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 4.85 7.50 0.05 0.01 2.94 2.94 2.94 12.00 3.00 1.00 2.81 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.67 2.81 2.81 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.66 1.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 2.91 48.00 3.00 30.00 4.67 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 Amt Pd 75.00 1,713.12 50.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 624.00 1,080.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 94.50 2,770.32 202.50 28.56 7.14 2,508.86 2,508.86 2,508.86 300.00 1,926.24 50.00 1,805.64 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,210.88 491.04 2,072.70 2,072.70 200.00 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 55.86 100.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 150.00 1,866.05 864.00 1,713.12 540.00 3,441.60 100.00 100.00 3,827.84 3,827.84 50.00 1,926.24 132.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Brumfield, David M Brundick, Frank W FV Brunetti, Arturo B FV Buchanan, Leonor FP FP FP Buck, Stephanie J FP FP Buettner, Thomas FP Bullock, Robert L M M M M Bunton, Molly C FV Burden, Rhonda L FV Burke, Mary H FP FP FP FP Burkhardt, Sarah FV FV Burns, Deborah H M Burns, Kara Allyn FP FP FP Burns, Mary E M M M Burns, Paul O M Burns, Richard B FP FP Burrage, Angela L FP Bushong, Michael FV FV Buss, Kenneth D FV FV FV FV FV Butikofer, James M M Butler, Herman B FP FP FP Butler, Karen EP FP Butler, Melanie M M M M M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End ENG1026WX 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUSS705550 10/8/05 11/5/05 FLIT702500 10/15/05 12/3/05 RDG020407 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020421 9/18/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/25/05 9/11/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111452 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 123602 8/25/05 9/22/05 IS 132601 11/15/05 12/13/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Stipend 11/20/05 12/3/05 ENG1025XU 8/22/05 12/17/05 PEDU729FV 9/7/05 12/17/05 DHY 225 8/22/05 12/17/05 DHY 222 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 DHY 125 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020503 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH108405 8/22/05 10/16/05 MTH020434 9/12/05 12/17/05 MTH020421 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PSY200S51 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY203S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 FRE101695 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU215401 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU216401 8/22/05 12/17/05 PERD HEC 11/23/05 12/10/05 MTH160B508 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140510 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130501 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 130506 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 130508 10/16/05 12/17/05 PE 130509 10/16/05 12/17/05 PE 130502 8/22/05 10/15/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ECO152650 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ207401 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ212401 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ212450 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ124450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RDG030611 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG016650 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG017650 8/22/05 12/17/05 -12- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 Clock Hr 7.50 20.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.59 5.00 4.33 1.00 1.00 20.50 1.00 3.00 114.00 1.25 3.25 1.00 1.25 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 1.87 1.00 2.00 3.92 2.87 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.65 2.00 1.00 Amt Pd 1,926.24 217.50 540.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 50.00 909.64 2,855.20 4,143.64 736.96 736.96 512.50 25.00 1,926.24 2,052.00 1,196.40 3,110.64 50.00 1,196.40 1,713.12 100.00 75.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 75.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,568.32 1,794.32 956.96 54.00 2,890.27 2,118.76 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 75.00 1,926.24 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,562.24 50.00 1,701.11 1,284.16 642.08 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Butler, Melanie M M Buxbaum, Laurenc M Buzzai, AnnunciataFP Byington, Alvin R FV Byington, Carol H FV Bynum, Alice J FP FP Byrne, Amy R FP FP Caccia, Kelly M M Cahn, Elissa M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Calicutt, Carolyn J FP FP FP Calicutt, Steven C FP FP FP FP Calicutt, Stevie C M Callahan, John S FP Cameron, Brian K FV FV Campbell, David M Campbell, Joseph FP FP FV FV FV FV FV Canavan, Tim H FV Carlos, Mario P FP FP Carlson, Chris A FV Carlson, Eileen M M Carney, Marinan M Carosella, Anthony M M M M M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART100S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLIT705H50 9/12/05 11/30/05 CHM106550 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM101550 8/22/05 12/17/05 CNAEXMNR 11/15/05 12/10/05 NURS723405 11/15/05 12/10/05 DA 157 10/7/05 12/16/05 DA 144 8/26/05 9/30/05 PSC201601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSC101602 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG017450 8/22/05 9/17/05 RDG012422 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG100401 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU200450 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG055401 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG061401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 IS 129486 9/30/05 10/28/05 IS 151486 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 151450 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 239486 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 217499 12/5/05 12/9/05 IS 235450 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 236450 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 130670 8/23/05 10/16/05 FINC FPCE 9/21/05 12/15/05 PHL101551 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL109502 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/3/05 12/17/05 PE 180401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Correction 8/22/05 11/6/05 AQUA DIR 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 121550 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130553 10/16/05 12/17/05 AQUA DIRECT 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130550 8/22/05 10/15/05 ASTBASCOA 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 229486 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART111401 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 102 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU226WWA 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 CSTL 11/20/05 12/3/05 Digital Cam 10/9/05 10/22/05 ART GRANT 11/6/05 11/19/05 ART505602 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART505601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Presenter 8/18/05 9/1/05 -13- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 9.00 3.00 20.00 5.33 5.33 6.00 2.00 1.37 0.83 3.00 6.00 0.25 2.00 1.87 1.87 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.50 2.81 3.00 7.00 3.00 54.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 0.67 1.33 1.33 4.00 4.00 2.29 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 Amt Pd 225.00 2,870.88 540.00 5,100.60 5,100.60 99.00 66.00 785.73 476.20 1,926.24 3,852.48 239.24 1,913.92 1,794.32 1,794.32 956.96 1,913.92 50.00 642.08 2,568.32 2,568.32 2,562.24 234.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,210.88 157.50 2,402.10 2,562.24 175.00 1,926.00 158.76 856.00 856.00 856.00 428.01 856.00 856.00 2,568.00 2,568.00 1,310.52 1,926.24 2,562.24 70.00 70.00 716.00 2,946.24 2,946.24 150.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Carosella, Anthony M Carper, Michael T FV Carroll, Amy M M M M M M Carroll, Brian J M M M Carroll, Jeffery N CC Carroll, Maria E FP Carron, Rebecca M M Carter, Brian D FP FP FP Carter, Taylor Ann FP Carter, Terrell L FP FP Carter, Yolanda D FP FP FP FP Cassimatis, Susan M M Castillon, Jerry R M M Castro, James F FP Cate, Leighanne M M Cernich, Victoria FV FV FV FV Chang, Sheow H FV Chapman, David M Char, Deborah J M M M Charles, Mario P M M Chastain, Penny M Chavaux, Therese M Chellis, Matthew M M Chestnut, Catina FP Chickering, Laura FV Childress, Cheryl FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End AT 589697 11/28/05 12/2/05 PHL101503 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101612 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101617 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM107602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/31/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PE 130 8/22/05 12/17/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 SPA102450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101S80 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1026XU 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140411 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030418 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020444 9/12/05 12/17/05 RNGE AIDE 9/17/05 11/5/05 Gallery 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS201474 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE202480 8/22/05 12/17/05 HMS100450 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY2064WA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/5/05 12/17/05 PSY214W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BIO111W03 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO117602 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 PED116S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 122S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030516 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/28/05 12/17/05 RDG030507 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG2165XA 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARTS727500 10/15/05 12/3/05 ACC124670 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030603 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030S03 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140S03 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLDWKCOORD 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200607 8/22/05 12/17/05 REL204650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Tutor 8/22/05 12/30/05 HOME714FV 9/12/05 12/3/05 HRM134450 8/22/05 12/17/05 -14- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.67 1.00 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 14.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 92.25 3.00 1.00 4.33 3.00 0.55 1.29 1.29 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 30.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 168.00 8.00 3.00 Amt Pd 468.00 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 200.00 1,926.24 66.00 50.00 1,523.84 200.00 2,989.28 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 72.10 2,568.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,306.25 1,926.24 50.00 4,143.64 2,870.88 314.16 829.29 829.29 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 690.00 2,562.24 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,713.12 2,870.88 2,210.88 50.00 2,352.00 168.00 2,210.88 3.2 Ratifications Name Christeson, M C Cira, Salvatore W Clancy, Stephanie Clancy, Teresa A Clarke, John D Clauss, Lee L Clay, Stacy D Clayborne, Sylvia Cleary, Adam C Cliffe, Barbara J Clifford, Anjanette Coalier, Paula F Cochran, Teresa Coen, Stella Rita Coerver, Joan J Cohen, Elliott C Cohen, Lorraine Cole, Yvonne E Coleman, Walter Coley, Brian J Collins, Kristin Colson, Charles E Combest, John G Compton, Dianne Conley, Brian P Conley, Cheryl A 02/23/06 Loc M M M M M FP FP M FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FV FV M FV FV FV FP FP FP M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End COM SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101607 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101609 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ111450 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 ENG030651 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO215401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 9/12/05 Substitute 8/24/05 12/17/05 BIO208450 8/22/05 12/17/05 HDWOMVOL 8/22/05 12/17/05 PERD765H80 10/8/05 11/15/05 RDG055450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 RDG053450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101560 10/16/05 12/17/05 ENG101528 10/16/05 12/17/05 ENG020509 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART131401 8/22/05 12/17/05 AHCTCRADJ 9/30/05 12/20/05 AHCTCRFPCE 9/30/05 12/20/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 ENG030W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BIO208651 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111S03 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLIT HEC 9/12/05 11/30/05 FSHN FV 9/11/05 11/19/05 ACC204550 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111506 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/5/05 12/17/05 BIO111508 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 ENG1024WK 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1024WP 9/18/05 12/17/05 ARC110605 8/22/05 12/17/05 RNGE AIDE 9/20/05 11/10/05 PE 130582 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130583 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130551 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG050501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL COORD 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS221601 8/22/05 12/17/05 -15- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 4.50 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.82 3.00 5.33 2.00 12.00 4.33 4.00 104.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.31 1.31 3.00 4.00 0.03 6.00 74.00 3.00 1.00 4.33 4.33 40.00 17.50 3.00 3.00 2.87 2.00 2.87 0.10 2.91 2.87 4.00 21.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.00 6.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 Amt Pd 112.50 200.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,210.88 469.81 1,926.24 3,928.00 100.00 264.00 3,191.04 2,285.76 3,432.00 642.08 50.00 642.08 842.74 842.74 1,926.24 2,568.00 14.28 198.00 1,850.00 1,926.24 75.00 2,780.20 2,780.20 1,080.00 315.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,751.26 50.00 2,751.26 57.12 2,141.79 2,118.76 2,568.00 108.15 761.92 761.92 761.92 100.00 4,421.76 2,210.88 50.00 2,562.24 1,284.16 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Connell, Debra J FP Connolly, Elizabet M M M M Conoyer, Daniel J FV FV Cook, James M M M Cook, Robert T FV Coon, Eugene E FV Coplen, Nancy J FP Copp, Julie C M M M Corcoran, Dennis FP Corich, Christian FP Corley, Kathryn L FV FV FV FV Corley, Norman G FP FP Corson, Dennis M Costigan, Paul J FP Covington, Edith M Cowell-Oates, JuneM M Cox, Karen E FV FV Cox, Michelene F FV FV FV FV Craig, John FP Crane, Alison B FV Creighton, Allison FP FP FP Crews, Joel P FP FP Crider, Jack FP FP FP FP FP FP Crisler, Kathryn E M Critchfield, Cynthia M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End Clinical 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101620 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101639 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST101501 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEG101501 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 144698 11/28/05 12/2/05 AT 143680 8/22/05 12/17/05 SENR703FV 10/20/05 12/3/05 BLW101550 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH240401 9/18/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101645 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM120601 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLIR702480 9/17/05 11/30/05 Substitute 11/23/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 SOC125551 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101ALL 9/18/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/9/05 12/17/05 EMTPARADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 217650 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLGE701420 9/19/05 11/20/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 HMS203650 8/22/05 12/17/05 HMS201601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151580 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151550 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG030511 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG103550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030514 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE171172401 8/22/05 10/15/05 SOC10150H 9/18/05 12/17/05 ENG020406 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 ENG020403 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS128422 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS113401 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130464 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 130412 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 130452 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 130453 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 177178 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 130463 10/17/05 12/17/05 ART131651 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101SWB 8/22/05 12/17/05 -16- Cr Hr/ Equiv 8.67 3.00 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 3.00 2.94 2.94 3.00 4.00 16.00 3.00 0.67 12.00 3.00 3.00 54.50 2.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 7.75 1.46 7.25 3.00 16.00 1.00 3.00 2.40 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 3.00 2.94 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 4.00 3.00 Amt Pd 5,564.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 75.00 2,811.07 2,811.07 234.00 2,946.24 288.00 2,562.24 380.73 300.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,144.50 50.00 100.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 193.75 835.38 4,140.04 1,926.24 368.00 50.00 2,562.24 2,049.80 2,870.88 2,870.88 100.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 761.92 1,926.24 1,677.43 50.00 1,713.12 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,137.92 1,137.92 1,137.92 1,137.92 1,137.92 1,137.92 2,285.76 1,926.24 3.2 Ratifications Name Croghan, Ann D Loc FP FV Crowley, James M FP Cucchi, Michael A M Culler, Donna R FV Cummings, Shawn M M M M Curran, Michele L FP FP Curtis, Brian FP Cyr, Laura-Jean A FP FP FP Daly, Jennifer L M M Daniel, Rita A M M Daniel, Thomas D FP Danmole, Lateef FP FP Darnold, Julie L M Darr, Raymond C FV Darris, Francelle FP FP FP FP Dattoli, Anthony D M Davidson, Nancy M M Davies-Sigmund,F M M M M Davis, Joseph L M M Davis, Marilyn J M M Davis, Phyllis R FV Dawson, Susan C FP FP Deelo, Joan M M M M DeFord, Eric M M DeGuire, Michelle M M 02/23/06 Course ARTS FPCE ARTS FV EMTPARADJ ASTMNSSOC DANC FV Substitute BIO117S01 BIO111607 Workshop DMS211401 DMS114402 COMP FPCE Fac Orient DHY 120 DHY 222 Workshop ART165650 IS 129651 Substitute IS 246474 MTH160C450 MTH020464 GED MCE PHL1045SA KDS765HEC IS 123H82 COMP HEC Fac Orient HD BASB ENG030W02 ENG102WWC ESL Training ENG053601 ESL ASST ENG061601 PSC101S50 Workshop COM SUB Substitute NC CARES IDS101401 IDS101474 ACC100606 Substitute Workshop ART542650 NUR 204 NUR 205 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Begin End 9/1/05 12/20/05 9/1/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/6/05 12/21/05 10/10/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/14/05 12/10/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/27/05 11/1/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/31/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/10/05 12/20/05 10/22/05 11/20/05 9/26/05 12/20/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/12/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -17- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 190.00 126.00 0.40 2.00 42.00 1.50 3.00 4.33 1.00 3.33 3.33 7.00 1.00 2.00 7.67 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 19.00 1.00 40.00 1.00 2.67 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.50 35.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 Amt Pd 5,130.00 3,402.00 228.48 1,142.88 756.00 37.50 2,210.88 3,191.04 75.00 2,455.20 2,455.20 189.00 50.00 1,473.12 5,646.96 75.00 2,285.76 736.96 75.00 2,562.24 2,568.32 1,926.24 42.00 1,926.24 399.00 736.96 1,080.00 50.00 1,712.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 25.00 1,926.24 132.00 1,926.24 2,870.88 25.00 112.50 887.50 300.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,210.88 150.00 50.00 2,285.76 2,568.00 5,136.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Deloney, Ronald DeLong, Ann S Loc FV M M M M Denney, Christa G FV FV FV Denny, Ann M FV Detering, David M Devine, Edith A M Dhawan, Balram M M M M Diekmann, Henry M M M M Dietzler, Michael FP FP FP Diouf, Kathleen M FP Dodge, John H FP Dominguez, Christi FV Donnelly, RaymondFV Donovan, Eric W M Dorsey, Patrick T FP Douglas, Deborah M Douglas, Milton R FP FP FP Dow, Annamarie M Doyle, Mari Y FP Drake, Rebecca S M Drews, Kathy J FV FV FV FV Dreyer, Kathleen FV Drezek, Jason P FP Drikow, Gary P FV Driskill, John E FV Duane, Robert E FV DuBois, Kathleen M M M DuChesne, Mark M M 02/23/06 Course ACC100551 MSOUTLOOK Workshop SCTL IS 103675 ART165502 Substitute AT 279501 Substitute ENG101619 EDUC MCE Blk Board CHM210603 Workshop CHM101650 ECO151S01 ECO152671 ECO151670 Workshop NSNGCPRFP NSNGADJFP EMT121ADJ SOC101495 Tutor SPA201550 COOR FV MCM131W50 PEDU745420 ART111650 PE162163486 PE162163450 PEDU FPCE ASTWOMVOL CCPR FPCE PHL103602 Outreach ECE124551 CCPR710500 ECE204580 CCPR714FV EMT ADJ CE 230550 DCS115501 BUSS FV LGL227650 LGL225650 LGL224650 ART165602 ART165601 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/16/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 11/20/05 12/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/9/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/21/05 12/31/05 9/11/05 9/24/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/20/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 10/16/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/20/05 12/20/05 8/20/05 12/20/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/30/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/15/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/14/05 11/20/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/13/05 12/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/15/05 12/20/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/18/05 12/22/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/10/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/4/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/24/05 11/19/05 10/6/05 10/20/05 9/15/05 9/29/05 8/22/05 9/8/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -18- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 Clock Hr 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.88 2.00 4.00 24.00 3.00 19.00 1.00 3.67 1.00 5.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 22.50 0.06 2.99 3.00 306.00 4.00 28.00 3.00 8.00 4.00 1.33 1.33 35.00 0.67 2.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.01 4.00 2.63 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 Amt Pd 2,210.88 70.00 50.00 70.00 1,713.12 2,854.17 50.00 2,946.24 528.00 2,562.24 342.00 25.00 3,512.04 75.00 5,100.60 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 607.50 35.70 1,706.46 1,926.24 4,284.00 2,568.31 336.00 1,926.24 144.00 3,828.48 1,137.92 1,137.92 630.00 380.96 66.00 1,926.24 43.50 2,210.88 54.00 2,210.88 62.00 1,149.54 2,947.84 1,685.46 116.00 854.08 854.08 854.08 2,285.76 2,285.76 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Dugal, Ronald V Duke, William G Duncan, Sylvia J Dunn, Richard A Loc FP FP FP FP FP Dunn, Richard A FP Dunne, Joseph F M M M Durley-Petty, R FV FV FV FV FV Dwyer, Daisy A FP Dwyer, Terrence J FV FV FV Dyess, Carolyn M Dyess, John F M Earhart, Julie A M M M Ebert, Dineen M M M Ebert, Elizabeth M M M Echols, Felicia C FP FP Edelen, Vitina J FV FV FV FV FV Edge, Carla E FP Edghill, Mark R FV Edward, Cecil D FP Edwards, Martha M Edwards, Robert FV FV FV Edwards, Stephen M Ehrlich-Mathiesen, M M Eidson, Catherine FP Eigel, Mary T M M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End ACC204451 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI124401 8/22/05 12/17/05 WRIT FPCE 9/28/05 11/15/05 ART213402 8/22/05 12/17/05 CERLABMGR 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 213450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Staff Dev 11/6/05 11/19/05 HUM112SXA 8/22/05 12/17/05 COL100508 8/22/05 12/17/05 TRIO ADD 10/4/05 12/23/05 PSY203550 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY205501 8/22/05 12/17/05 TRIO 9/1/05 12/31/05 SPA101451 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI115551 8/22/05 12/17/05 ASTR FV 9/29/05 11/5/05 PSI115550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART234698 9/11/05 9/24/05 ART138650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101S08 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101S09 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 IS 123675 9/26/05 10/27/05 IS 123674 8/22/05 9/23/05 ENG1026XD 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG1026XC 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ206450 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ206486 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/29/05 12/18/05 MTH030510 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030513 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030519 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 RTH240401 8/22/05 12/17/05 SIGN725585 10/23/05 11/5/05 Coaching 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 139650 10/10/05 12/12/05 BIO111507 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111503 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/20/05 12/17/05 ART239636 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101602 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101626 8/22/05 12/17/05 MOTR FPCE 8/26/05 11/15/05 PGMCORDIN 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART131604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 -19- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 4.33 Clock Hr 10.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 9.50 2.00 3.00 2.67 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 33.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 0.67 1.00 5.33 1.50 3.00 3.00 12.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 14.00 1.99 4.00 3.00 Amt Pd 2,210.88 4,143.64 270.00 2,568.00 642.00 2,568.00 50.00 70.00 2,870.88 736.96 3,684.80 2,210.88 2,210.88 3,684.80 3,416.32 1,284.16 256.50 1,284.16 216.00 2,275.83 1,926.24 1,926.24 75.00 956.96 956.96 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 825.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 100.00 380.96 200.00 3,047.68 1,105.44 2,870.88 2,870.88 300.00 2,946.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 175.00 1,901.70 3,828.41 66.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Eischen, Patricia Loc M M M M M M Eisele, Carolyn C FP FP Eisenhart, Gary J FV Elgin, Angela M FP FP El-Hage Chehade, FP Elliott, Glendoria FV Elliott, Lauren L FP Ellis, J P FP Elpers, Francis J M Engelhardt, FranceM M M M English, Nordeka FP FP Erbe, Ryan N FV Erickson, Andrew M M Escobar, Hugo S FP FP Espeseth, Stephen FV FV Esteban, FranciscoM Etling, Thomas R FV FV FV FV Evens, Kevin A M M Fackelman, JosephFP Faden, Regina M FV FV Fahning, Kim M M M Fairchild, Mary P FP Farish, Murray F M M Farnham, Teresa FP FP FP Fazekas, Joan E M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End COM101631 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM101603 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM209401 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM209402 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARTS765550 9/14/05 10/8/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 ARA101474 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 COMP FPCE 8/20/05 12/20/05 NUR507SUB 9/16/05 10/15/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PSY200T16 9/18/05 12/17/05 PSY200S52 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Stipend 11/20/05 12/3/05 MCM113401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/20/05 12/17/05 EGR145580 9/18/05 12/17/05 ART209601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 FLSP FPCE 9/12/05 12/15/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/18/05 EGR145581 9/18/05 12/17/05 ME 543550 10/24/05 12/16/05 ARC123650 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS104503 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS104504 8/22/05 12/17/05 MKT203501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MTH160C652 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020652 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH240401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1025XW 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101582 9/18/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101630 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH240401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101626 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101623 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020422 9/18/05 12/17/05 ENG101422 9/18/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/21/05 12/17/05 COM101693 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101624 8/22/05 12/17/05 -20- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 5.00 1.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 7.09 0.20 4.00 1.00 6.00 3.50 1.00 5.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.67 1.00 120.00 6.00 2.00 3.34 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 0.67 4.50 2.00 1.00 3.00 0.67 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 1,926.24 1,926.24 125.00 50.00 37.50 1,926.24 2,210.88 2,210.88 162.00 4,050.82 111.38 2,568.32 100.00 198.00 87.50 50.00 3,684.80 2,210.88 50.00 25.00 2,210.88 75.00 1,142.43 1,712.00 75.00 3,240.00 150.00 1,473.92 2,461.44 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 100.00 3,827.84 2,870.88 380.96 3,843.36 1,708.16 75.00 1,926.24 491.04 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Fazekas, Joan E Loc M M Fedak, Mary P M M Feezel, Regina L FV Feldker, Paul F FV Fernandez, Kathle M M M Fetouh, Kamal A FP Fetters, Michael A M M Fickas, Julie C FV FV FV FV FV FV Finley, Sarah E M Finneran, Kathleen FV FV FV FV Fischer, Barbara M M FP Fischer, Linda F FP Fisher, Constance M M Fix, Michael F FV FV FV Flacke, Karol Sue FV Flath, Shirley A FV Fletcher, Morris M M M M Florian, Patricia FV FV Flynn, M Luisa FP Fogarty, Donna M M M M M M M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End COM101619 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101S05 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PHL109551 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI111550 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PE 161650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 161S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS113450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG102SWD 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO208512LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/1/05 12/17/05 BIO208508LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO208509LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO208511 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO208512 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020505 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020503 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/24/05 12/17/05 COM101W51 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 108 11/3/05 12/9/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PSY200601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI111503 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEO100502 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI111501 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUSS754551 11/18/05 12/17/05 ECE127580 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARC211650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARC110604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 PE 173501 8/22/05 10/15/05 Correction 10/16/05 11/7/05 FLIT HEC 9/12/05 11/30/05 IS 125W50 9/18/05 12/17/05 IS SDL COMB 11/28/05 12/2/05 MOCRO COR 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 126601 11/14/05 12/12/05 IS 136601 9/28/05 10/26/05 IS 129601 8/23/05 9/22/05 IS 119602 11/8/05 12/17/05 -21- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 2.81 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.00 3.00 1.33 2.00 1.33 1.33 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.94 1.50 3.00 1.00 16.00 2.17 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 0.30 20.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amt Pd 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,210.88 50.00 2,562.24 2,691.45 75.00 2,209.68 2,210.88 856.00 75.00 1,926.24 853.96 44.00 853.96 853.96 1,926.24 1,926.24 25.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,677.43 37.50 1,926.24 50.00 400.00 1,595.88 50.00 2,947.84 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 324.00 2,210.88 3,828.48 3,828.48 50.00 200.00 761.92 220.05 540.00 1,142.08 234.00 1,142.08 200.00 571.04 571.04 571.04 571.04 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Fogarty, Donna Fok, Chien-Liang Forrest, Jeffrey Loc M FP FV FV FV FV Fortenberry, Avery M M Foster, Drew A FV FV FV FV FV Foster, E Kristin FP Foster, John T FP Foster, William D FV FV FV FV FV Fouche, GwyndolynFV FV FV Fox, Carol A FP Fox, James R M Fox, Marianne FP Frank, Joseph A M M Frankenreiter, Davi M M M M M Fraser, Eileen B FV Frederickson, Ken FP Freeman, Kellye M M M Frese, Anne M FV FV Frese, Ethel M M Freund, Linda S FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV 02/23/06 Course Begin End IS 129652 11/8/05 12/6/05 RNGE AIDE 9/17/05 11/5/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ECO151502 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151504 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101508 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 IS 103S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Substitute 9/27/05 12/17/05 ENG101503 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101529 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG2155XA 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHOT FPCE 9/21/05 11/20/05 PEDU FPCE 8/24/05 12/20/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 MTH020502 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC100501 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS103501 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101502 8/22/05 12/17/05 DANC734500 9/10/05 10/22/05 BUS101501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG050402 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Lab 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST100603 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST100604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH108650 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 FOOD FV 9/13/05 12/17/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101S54 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG102SXE 8/22/05 12/17/05 KIDS738FV 9/13/05 12/17/05 CRFT624FV 10/29/05 12/3/05 Substitute 9/12/05 12/17/05 ECE124525 9/26/05 12/15/05 ECE101526 11/9/05 12/31/05 ECE101525 10/1/05 12/20/05 ECE102525 9/27/05 12/13/05 ECE102528 11/11/05 12/24/05 ECE127525 9/30/05 12/15/05 ECE102526 9/28/05 12/12/05 ECE124526 9/28/05 12/10/05 -22- Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.00 Clock Hr 21.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 5.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 11.00 48.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 3.00 5.88 9.00 8.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 33.60 3.74 1.00 3.00 3.00 15.20 8.00 8.00 1.10 1.00 0.70 1.30 0.20 0.90 1.30 1.00 Amt Pd 571.04 108.15 100.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 2,210.88 100.00 137.50 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 231.00 864.00 100.00 78.00 2,870.88 2,870.87 2,870.87 2,870.88 216.00 2,870.88 3,772.22 225.00 8,135.52 2,870.88 2,870.88 75.00 1,713.12 50.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 907.20 2,134.26 75.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 410.40 144.00 200.00 706.28 642.08 449.46 834.70 128.42 577.88 834.70 642.08 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Fruend, Linda S Loc FV FV Frey, Chris Lee M M Fricks, Aldene L M M M M Friedline, GerianneFV FV Frischmann, RobertM M M Frison, Tommie F FP Frye, Felipe S FP FP FP FP Fuhler, Jennifer M M M Fulbright, James M M M Full Lopez, Julie FV FV FV Fuller, Neathery M M Fuller, Toni G FV Gaal, Frank A M Gabel, Randall G FP FP Galloway-Zapiain, FP Ganim, Margaret M Gansner, George M Garcia, Timothy FP Garegnani, Jennie FP Garland, Marcia FV FV Gartner, Nancy E FP FP Gasquet, Rosario FV Gaubatz, Douglas FV FV FV Gaut, Christopher FP FP Gavosto, Michael M Gebhart, Frances FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End CCPR724551 12/10/05 12/17/05 ECE127525 9/26/05 12/10/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 PSY218601 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 102601 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 102602 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 291602 11/6/05 11/19/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG2015XB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MCM101604 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM131601 8/22/05 12/17/05 SPRTINFO 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207453 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART112401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARTS FPCE 9/17/05 11/30/05 Substitute 9/22/05 12/17/05 ART107401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG030S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101604 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1026WA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG032554 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1025XS 8/22/05 12/17/05 ANT101674 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101W02 11/13/05 12/17/05 SIGN701FV 9/12/05 12/17/05 PRD102601 8/22/05 12/18/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 PEDU FPCE 9/12/05 12/10/05 ESL ASST 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS138421 12/5/05 12/9/05 TRP701480 9/22/05 9/30/05 RDG030553 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 FLSP FV 9/6/05 12/3/05 ART167551 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ART505501 8/22/05 12/17/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 PE 161W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Librarian 8/20/05 12/18/05 -23- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 2.00 0.90 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.20 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.67 4.33 4.00 25.00 9.00 2.67 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 0.75 20.00 1.00 0.03 10.50 30.00 12.00 20.00 2.00 3.50 3.00 1.00 0.18 1.19 40.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 0.03 5.50 3.00 1.03 Amt Pd 58.00 577.88 78.00 2,210.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 191.39 50.00 1,713.12 100.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,712.00 3,698.16 2,568.00 525.00 198.00 1,712.00 75.00 1,926.24 50.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 100.00 1,473.92 2,210.88 1,926.24 481.56 540.00 957.20 14.28 346.50 630.00 264.00 500.00 1,092.00 63.00 2,870.88 100.00 99.96 679.73 1,080.00 3,828.48 100.00 3,828.48 14.28 148.50 1,926.24 658.05 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Geimer, Jennifer Geist, Zoe Ann Loc FP FV FV FV FV FV Gelfand, Glenna FP FP FP George, Michael M M M M Georgian, Leonard M M M Gerritzen, Cynthia M Gerst, David R M M Gessford, Corina FV Getty, Michael G FP FP FP Gibbons, Louis A M M M Gibson, Stephen FV FV Gillespie, James FV FV FV Giovanni, Joanne M M M M M Gitcho, Michael M M Glore, Clifton M M M Glynn, Elizabeth M FV M Goddard, Marsha M M Godfrey, Amber M Goede, Robin C FP FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End COMP FPCE 9/17/05 12/10/05 BIO123501 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111503LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111504LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111580 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111580 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020402 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020407 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030403 8/22/05 12/17/05 LGL218671 10/25/05 12/13/05 LGL220650 10/27/05 11/10/05 LGL217670 8/22/05 10/16/05 LGL223650 11/17/05 12/17/05 IS 118651 11/3/05 12/8/05 IS 136650 11/9/05 12/14/05 Stipend 11/20/05 12/3/05 NRSGADJMCE11/18/05 12/9/05 MKT101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 COM101501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG070401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101423 10/16/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/3/05 12/18/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH160W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160W02 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MCM130551 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130505 8/22/05 10/15/05 TRACKCOA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/23/05 12/17/05 PE 161675 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 180675 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130 FC 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 177601 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111651 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 HMS100650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PROG COOR 8/22/05 12/17/05 REL COR 12/4/05 12/17/05 REL10250H 8/22/05 12/17/05 REL105650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101653 8/22/05 12/17/05 ASTWOMSOC 8/22/05 12/17/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 -24- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 9.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 3.00 1.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.05 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 9.25 1.33 7.33 20.50 2.50 3.00 1.33 1.23 4.33 4.33 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.33 0.03 5.00 Amt Pd 243.00 1,926.24 853.96 853.96 1,926.24 853.96 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 2,210.88 736.96 2,210.88 736.96 736.96 736.96 25.00 28.56 2,210.88 50.00 1,926.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 37.50 50.00 3,416.32 3,416.32 100.00 1,926.24 231.25 761.92 4,190.56 451.00 1,428.60 1,714.32 761.92 702.40 2,780.20 2,780.20 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 250.00 2,210.88 2,562.24 50.00 1,926.24 856.00 14.28 2,855.20 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Goede, Robin C Loc FV FP FP FP FV Goldford, Sue E M Golike, Lara Dell FP Gonzalez, Thomas FV FV Gonzalez-Del-Riego, FP FP FP FP FP Goode, Phillip T FP FP Goodlow, Ivy D FV Goodman-Baker, FV Goodrich, Scott l M Gordon, Patricia FV FV Gottesmann, Hele FP Grady, Steven F FV Graham, Larry D FV Graham, Scott E M Gramke, Robert S FV Grant, Ana Maria FP Grass, Thomas R FV Grasso, Maria M Graves, Jack Lee FP FP Gray, Janet L M M Greco, Jennifer L M Greene, James A M Greer, Nancy M FP FP FP Grewal, Harminder FV Grib, John A M M M Grib, Mary F M M M M Gricevich, Anne L FV FV 02/23/06 Course Begin End EMTPRIFV 10/12/05 12/17/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/15/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 EMTADJFV 10/12/05 12/17/05 Accompanist 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 169486 8/22/05 10/15/05 COM101551 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101554 8/22/05 12/17/05 KIDS719HEC 8/29/05 12/20/05 ART108450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART107450 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLSP702H50 9/12/05 12/15/05 ART108401 8/22/05 12/17/05 FIR106450 8/22/05 12/17/05 FIR106451 8/22/05 12/17/05 CCPR714500 10/23/05 11/5/05 CRFT753FV 10/6/05 11/5/05 ASSTBASB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG020512 8/22/05 12/17/05 Librarian 8/20/05 12/18/05 LGL106580 8/22/05 10/15/05 MBKBCOA 8/22/05 11/12/05 PE106650651 8/23/05 9/25/05 BIO111552LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS107401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ME 230551 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART107680 8/22/05 12/17/05 FIR103451 8/22/05 12/17/05 FIR103450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 HST115S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 OTA208601 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS138601 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020424 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH040403 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 NUR102 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 GEO103601 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEO103603 8/22/05 9/17/05 MTH030S09 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH030S07 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030S08 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 165501 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 165550 8/22/05 12/17/05 -25- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 3.50 1.50 1.34 6.50 0.01 60.00 1.33 3.00 3.00 336.00 2.67 2.67 35.00 2.67 3.00 3.00 1.00 12.00 2.67 1.00 3.00 7.44 3.00 2.00 2.67 1.25 2.00 4.67 2.67 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 5.06 1.00 2.25 0.75 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 Amt Pd 101.50 856.56 763.98 188.50 7.14 1,800.00 761.92 2,870.88 2,870.88 8,400.00 1,712.00 1,712.00 945.00 1,712.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 50.00 216.00 1,523.84 100.00 1,713.12 7,119.18 2,210.88 1,914.24 1,712.00 712.01 1,473.12 3,441.60 1,712.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 50.00 2,562.24 1,142.08 1,284.16 1,713.12 2,855.20 50.00 3,728.85 50.00 2,153.16 717.72 1,713.12 50.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 761.92 761.92 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Griffin, Karlyn T Loc FV FV Grillo, Julia S FP FP Grimm-Howell, E M M Groat, Dan D M M M Grossman, Robert M M M Grothe, James W FP FP Grueninger, Kara FP FP FP Guillot, Andrew J FP Gunsten, Mary A FP Guntharp, Pamela FP FP FP Gunther, Margarita FP FP Gunthner, Robert M M M Hafner, Rebecca FV Hagan, Oliver L FV FV FV FV FV Hake, Jon J FV FV Hale, Paul R FP Hall, Amanda M FV FV FV Hall, Gloria J FV Hall, Martin K FP Halsband, Donna M Hamilton, Carolyn M M Hammond, William M Handel, Christel K FP Handshy, ElizabethFP Hanewinkel, KatherFP FV 02/23/06 Course Begin End Fac Ori 8/22/05 9/25/05 MTH140580 9/18/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 FRE101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BLW201650 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030S06 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S10 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S09 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS104651 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS104652 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH170450 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH144450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG060451 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Planning 8/18/05 12/4/05 Substitute 10/6/05 12/17/05 HRM235421 10/18/05 12/17/05 DHY 222 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG060402 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Planning 8/18/05 12/4/05 HISPLATTRNS 9/7/05 9/30/05 CCPR HEC 9/5/05 12/10/05 BUS101601 11/8/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BUS101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 EGR139550 9/18/05 12/17/05 ECO151507 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO152502 8/22/05 12/17/05 MKT104501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/20/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG101514 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101516 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 MTH020519 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020512 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020518 8/22/05 12/17/05 FOOD FV 9/6/05 12/3/05 MOTR FPCE 8/26/05 11/15/05 PRD122698 11/28/05 12/2/05 BIO207651 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO208601 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS114650 8/22/05 12/17/05 GER101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 130450 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 181421 10/17/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 -26- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 15.00 2.00 2.33 6.00 6.00 3.00 45.00 28.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.34 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.94 3.00 3.00 3.00 26.40 48.00 1.00 4.33 4.33 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.33 1.00 Amt Pd 100.00 1,713.12 50.00 2,568.32 50.00 2,870.88 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 2,210.88 2,210.88 50.00 1,926.24 3,210.40 3,852.48 75.00 375.00 1,142.08 2,233.28 150.00 3,852.48 75.00 1,215.00 756.00 854.08 50.00 2,562.24 1,502.46 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 100.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 535.50 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 712.80 600.00 156.00 3,191.04 3,191.04 1,926.24 3,827.84 1,713.12 982.08 100.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Hanewinkel, KatherFP M M FV M M M M FP Hanna, Stacia K FV FV FV Hansen, Troy R FP Hapner, Barry N M M Happe, John W FV FV Harl, Joseph L FV Harrell, Barbara M M M Harris, Anna M FP Harris, Reggie L FP Harrod, James E FP FP FP Hart, Laurie Ann M M Hauff, Alan F FV Hawker, Jon L M M M M M M FP Hawkins, Kenneth FV Hawn, Patricia M FP Haynes, Pamela FP Head, Ernest J M M Hecht, Kim M FP FP Heck, Kenneth FV Heckmann, Jean FV Hefley, Elizabeth FV Hegamin, Nanette FP FP FP 02/23/06 Course Correction PE182601650 PE181601650 PE 181501 Workshop PE SUB Substitute PE 174602 PE181182450 AFCP PE 181551 PED116550 Counselor HST101S80 HST102W01 PSC101503 PSC101506 ANTH706550 Workshop ENG030W01 ENG101W07 NUR 101 CRJS FPCE ENG101402 ENG101413 ENG101421 BIO207605 BIO208650 BUSS701550 BIO124602 Substitute Driver Substitute Van Driver BIO124601 Substitute PE 139550 PEDU FPCE RTH240401 MTH030S05 MTH160S02 ST 105402 ST 105401 ASTSOFCOA ENG050502 FOOD711FV PE 173401 PE 130404 PE 130428 Begin End 8/27/05 10/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/26/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 11/21/05 11/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/6/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/14/05 10/8/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/16/05 12/20/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/23/05 11/5/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/17/05 9/26/05 9/30/05 9/26/05 12/17/05 10/10/05 10/14/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/29/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 10/30/05 11/5/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 -27- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 32.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.00 3.50 4.00 1.33 1.33 1.00 1.33 1.33 4.05 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 5.33 48.00 2.25 2.25 2.00 4.33 4.33 10.00 4.33 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 4.33 2.00 1.33 48.00 0.67 2.63 3.75 1.67 1.67 1.33 6.00 2.40 1.33 1.33 1.33 Amt Pd 220.16 982.08 982.08 982.08 50.00 77.00 88.00 982.08 761.92 200.00 761.92 761.92 2,600.10 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 40.50 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 3,928.32 1,584.00 2,153.16 2,153.16 1,913.92 2,780.20 2,780.20 330.00 4,143.64 75.00 75.00 44.00 75.00 4,143.64 44.00 761.92 864.00 380.96 1,688.67 2,407.80 1,422.40 1,422.40 761.92 4,421.76 60.00 1,276.16 1,276.16 1,276.16 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Hegamin, Nanette FP FP Hegarty, James H FP Heidger, John M FV Heien, Robert E FV FV Heien, Sharon K FV Helbling, Kristine FP Helle, Nancy A FP FP FP FP Hemenway, David FV FV FV FV FV Hemphill, Carol M M M M M Henderson, MarthaM Henry, Matthew FP Henson, Dennis M M Herr, Virginia L FV Herron, Glenda S FV Herron, Maria M M M Hewitt, Gretchen M M Hickey, Brian J M M M M Hicks, John L M Hill, Elke Aurora FP Hill, Richard L M Hillerman, Donald FV FV FV FV FV Hinrichs, Suzanne M M Hirst, Lori C FP FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End PE 130429 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 130423 10/17/05 12/17/05 MUS576450 8/22/05 10/15/05 GIANT PEACH 8/22/05 12/17/05 DANC FV 9/11/05 11/5/05 PHOT704575 9/11/05 11/5/05 DANC FV 9/11/05 11/5/05 Librarian 8/20/05 12/18/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020429 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030408 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH108401 8/22/05 12/17/05 LGL223550 11/13/05 12/17/05 LGL108580 8/20/05 10/16/05 LGL107550 8/25/05 9/8/05 LGL220550 9/22/05 10/6/05 LGL202580 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030S04 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 Blk Board 9/11/05 9/24/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Librarian 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS581401 10/19/05 12/17/05 ART103\W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART103S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 SENR704502 10/19/05 12/16/05 BUSN774500 10/22/05 11/5/05 SPA101S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 SPA101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 SPA101601 8/22/05 9/11/05 MUS115601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Choir Clinic 12/12/05 12/15/05 MTH186650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BLK BOARD 9/11/05 9/24/05 MTH185650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/10/05 10/23/05 AT 231669 8/22/05 12/17/05 BASBCOACH 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 106580 10/11/05 10/23/05 PE 118580 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 118581 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 107501 8/22/05 10/15/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RDG030W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020405 8/22/05 12/17/05 -28- Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.33 1.33 2.00 3.00 Clock Hr 30.00 4.00 24.00 2.63 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.29 3.50 3.00 3.00 15.00 5.00 4.00 48.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 2.67 3.67 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.00 3.00 4.50 3.00 Amt Pd 1,276.16 1,276.16 1,708.16 2,870.88 540.00 92.00 432.00 1,685.25 50.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 956.96 1,913.92 702.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 25.00 75.00 3,897.96 2,247.28 2,210.88 2,210.88 270.00 165.00 3,416.32 2,562.24 854.08 1,142.08 500.00 3,416.32 50.00 25.00 4,270.40 2,562.24 100.00 1,964.16 2,095.28 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 75.00 2,870.88 112.50 1,926.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Hirst, Lori C Hitchcock, Victor Loc FP FP FP FP FP Hoag, David J M M M Hodgson, Thomas M M Hoefel, Briann O FV FV FV FV Hoefer, Eric J M Hoekstra, Elvin L M Hoffman, Catherin FP FP Hoffman, Diane S M M M M M Hoffman, Joyce FP FP FP Hoffman, Patricia FV Hoffman, Sara P M M M Hoguet, Daniel A FP Holcomb, Jamie E M M Hollander, Robert FP FP Hollaway, John M M M Holloway, Earl W FP Holt, Leslie E M Holterman, Donald FV Honti, Mary A FP FP Hootman, David FP FP FP Hopson, Alan J FP FP 02/23/06 Course ENG020401 ENG101403 Substitute ENG1024WD ENG101406 BUS101601 BUS118698 BUS104671 IS 118674 IS 132674 Fac Ori DIT208501 DIT107501 DIT107501 ART113650 IS 225650 Orientation BIO111407 Workshop RDG030S41 RDG030604 RDG100602 Substitute RDG016450 RDG017450 Fac Orient ECE204580 Workshop ART109651 ART112650 EMT ADJ ENG101S52 Workshop Fac Orient HST101403 ENG101W52 Workshop ENG102WXE Coaching ART108602 PE 130552 Fac Orient CLT200401 NSNGADJFP NSNGCPRFP EMT121ADJ Substitute Substitute Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/21/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 10/17/05 12/6/05 9/26/05 10/27/05 11/7/05 12/12/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/25/05 8/28/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 11/12/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 11/12/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/20/05 12/20/05 8/20/05 12/20/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -29- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 2.81 Clock Hr 2.00 2.87 2.75 1.50 3.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.40 0.80 0.80 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.33 1.00 1.50 1.78 1.78 24.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 4.00 4.00 0.40 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.17 2.67 1.33 1.00 3.33 0.05 7.50 0.48 2.00 1.00 Amt Pd 1,926.24 2,691.45 50.00 2,751.26 2,631.64 1,105.44 468.00 1,105.44 854.08 854.08 100.00 256.84 513.66 513.68 2,568.00 2,562.24 50.00 853.96 50.00 963.12 1,144.51 1,144.51 600.00 1,913.92 956.37 50.00 1,105.44 50.00 2,568.00 2,568.00 228.48 1,926.24 75.00 50.00 2,870.88 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 1,809.56 1,712.00 761.92 50.00 3,190.40 28.56 217.50 271.32 44.00 25.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Horne, Mason G Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Horstman, David FV FV Houghton, David FV Howard, James M Howe, Joseph W M M Howell, Kathryn FP Hoxha, Hyrije H FP Huffman, Marilyn M M M M Hufford, David S M Hufker, Barbara J FV FV Hughes, Barbara FV M Hughes, Marilyn FP FP FP FP Hughes, Martha FP FP FP FP Hughes, Yvonne FP FP FP FP Huie, Kym H M Hulsey, Scott A FP Hult, Gregory T M Hunn, John J M M Hurt, David E M M Hurt, Debra A M M M M Hutchinson, Patrici FP 02/23/06 Course PE 114401 PE 114402 PE177178401 PE 150422 PE 150421 Str Trng PE 177421 FANTASTIX DIRECTOR THTR701550 ART156650 MTH020W06 MTH140W03 ENGL765H50 ENG050450 MTH030S05 MTH030160 Workshop MTH160S02 MGT205670 HST100550 HST130551 HOME703FV HOME MCC MTH140412 MTH030403 MTH020418 Substitute COSTUMES Fac Orient MUS131421 MUS114401 RDG030427 RDG030425 RDG030422 Fac Orient PE 165S01 EMT121ADJ IS 132650 ART111604 ART109608 ART157601 ARC115601 BIO551601 PE 173651 BIO207606 BIO207601 REAL701480 Begin End 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/19/05 12/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 9/17/05 8/22/05 9/24/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 9/17/05 8/22/05 10/16/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/17/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/20/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/23/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 9/28/05 10/26/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/23/05 10/16/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/24/05 10/15/05 -30- Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.00 1.33 1.00 2.00 Clock Hr 20.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 60.00 6.00 0.19 0.19 1.00 0.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.33 0.10 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.77 4.00 3.00 1.27 4.33 4.33 3.00 Amt Pd 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 571.44 761.92 571.04 1,142.08 540.00 3,413.76 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,500.00 5,124.48 120.39 120.39 50.00 160.52 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 42.00 42.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 37.50 2,562.24 50.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 50.00 761.92 57.12 736.96 3,828.48 3,828.48 1,306.16 2,946.24 1,926.24 815.88 2,780.20 2,780.20 81.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Huth, Mary Eileen M M Hyland, Deborah J M M M M M Hyman, Cherie FV Irgang, Susan J FP FP FP Irons, Sandra J FP FP Irwin, Glenn T FP FP Isom, Daniel I FP Isom, Lowell Lee FP Israel, Heidi A M Ivery, Judy Ann FP Jablonowski, Cheri FP FP FP Jackson, Sandra FV Jackson, Sharon FV FV FV FV FV Jacobsen, Kirsten FP Jacobsen, Lisa M FV James, David M FP Jamison, Michael FV FV FV Janssen, Jane L M Jarvis, Steven W M Jasper, Geraldine FV FV FP FP Jenner, Julia C FV FV FV Jewell, Lesley C FP Jimenez, Mary A FV Johns, Charles A FV Johnson, Aaron FP FP FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RDG030S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG020605 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030607 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEDU FV 8/29/05 12/20/05 ENG101408 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101404 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG103401 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030452 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1024WV 9/18/05 12/17/05 ENG1024WV 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJS FPCE 8/16/05 12/20/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY205650 8/22/05 12/17/05 RNGE AIDE 9/17/05 11/5/05 BIO208451 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 BIO207451 8/22/05 12/17/05 COMP725500 9/17/05 9/24/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG032502 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG032504 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG032514 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG032516 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART113401 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO203502 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMTADJ 8/22/05 12/16/05 LGL230580 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO140550 8/22/05 12/17/05 LGL218580 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART134669 8/22/05 12/17/05 HDWOMBSK 8/22/05 12/17/05 FAML707551 10/5/05 10/8/05 CCPR FV 10/9/05 12/3/05 CCPR HEC 9/5/05 12/10/05 CCPR FPCE 9/15/05 12/20/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ART133551 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 COMP FPCE 8/20/05 12/20/05 Librarian 8/16/05 12/17/05 GNSF FV 11/6/05 11/19/05 Substitute 11/2/05 12/31/05 MUS572450 8/22/05 10/15/05 MUS572461 10/16/05 12/17/05 -31- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 1.50 1.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 204.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.81 2.81 3.00 3.00 16.00 2.50 3.00 7.00 4.33 1.00 4.33 6.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.66 0.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 5.33 1.25 6.00 16.00 8.00 1.00 64.00 8.00 4.00 4.01 7.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Amt Pd 50.00 1,926.24 37.50 75.00 2,211.11 37.50 2,211.11 5,508.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,805.85 1,805.85 1,926.24 1,926.24 464.00 55.00 2,210.88 36.05 3,698.16 50.00 3,698.16 186.00 100.00 1,142.08 1,142.08 1,142.08 1,142.08 2,568.00 2,992.08 456.96 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,946.24 3,047.68 33.75 198.00 528.00 264.00 100.00 2,808.32 200.00 108.00 3,840.77 126.00 50.00 1,473.92 1,473.92 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Johnson, Barbara M M Johnson, Delwin FP FP FP Johnson, Paula P FV Johnson-Stephenson,MFV FV FV Johny, Mulavana M M M M Joiner, Renee P FP Jones, Alfred H FV FV FV Jones, Allen W FP FV Jones, Amanda L FP Jones, Christina FV Jones, Karen L FP FP Jones, Scott J FP FP FP FP Jones, Sheila M FP Jones, Steven S FV Jordan, Catherine M M M Joyce, Sherry G FP FP FP FP Judge, Natalie B FP FP Kacer, Karen F FP Kahn, Dency B M Kaiser, Jane B M M Kammerer, Robert FP Kane, Dolores A FP Kane, Susan G FV Kantz, Mary E FP FP Kargacin, John M Karl, Jeffrey J M 02/23/06 Course Begin End BIO111S51 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 CHM114451 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM114450 8/22/05 12/17/05 HCHS COOR 8/28/05 12/10/05 SPA101550 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/24/05 12/17/05 SPA101501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140680 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S51 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ECE101H55 9/26/05 12/20/05 HST101502 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST101580 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST10150H 8/22/05 12/17/05 PRD108421 9/15/05 12/18/05 WMEN FV 9/27/05 12/17/05 MCM219461 9/18/05 12/17/05 MUSC710500 9/10/05 12/17/05 MTH040450 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030451 8/22/05 9/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 AHCTCRFPCE 9/30/05 12/20/05 AHCTCRADJ 9/30/05 12/20/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 225 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/9/05 12/17/05 ART153602 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART153603 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART153601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 DHY 222 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/14/05 12/17/05 DHY 121 8/22/05 12/17/05 Coaching 8/22/05 12/17/05 SID 8/22/05 12/17/05 Librarian 8/20/05 12/18/05 Librarian 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 RNGE AIDE 8/26/05 11/15/05 THTR765480 9/8/05 12/15/05 BUS104552 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR508439 10/16/05 12/17/05 NUR507480 9/18/05 11/12/05 ASST SOC 8/22/05 12/17/05 HDWOMSOC 8/22/05 12/17/05 -32- Cr Hr/ Equiv 4.33 4.33 Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 3.00 133.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 18.00 3.00 24.00 5.00 0.19 1.00 7.50 0.05 2.50 7.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 5.67 6.50 2.00 2.00 6.00 8.75 7.88 1.00 25.00 42.00 36.00 3.00 3.00 1.88 2.67 4.67 Amt Pd 4,143.64 4,143.64 50.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,862.00 3,827.84 50.00 3,827.84 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 50.00 1,921.68 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,473.92 594.00 1,713.12 504.00 3,210.40 120.39 571.20 202.50 28.56 1,427.60 5,524.20 75.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 50.00 4,836.16 162.50 1,706.88 1,142.88 3,428.64 5,617.50 7,537.98 50.00 550.00 216.30 756.00 2,210.88 1,713.12 1,070.70 1,523.84 2,996.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Karros, Gretchen M M M Karutz, Theresa M Kasl, David R FP Katon, Deborah FV Katz, Phyllis A FV Kedro, Milan J M Keen, Brian S M M Keen, Don E FP Kehr, Judith A FP FP FP FP FP Kell, Steven Roy FP Kelley, Vanessa FP Kelly, Constance FP FP Kelly, Janice H FP FP M Kennedy, Martin FV Kennedy, William FP FP FP Kenney, Ann L FP FP Kenzora, Paula A FP FP Kerans, Verna A FP FP Kerlagon, KathleenM M Kerlagon,Raymond M M M M Kerr, Bob FP M Kettler, Rebecca FP Kiehne, Deanna FV Kierski, Bernard M M M Kijowski, Karen FP Kilstrom, John P M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End PE 181S80 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 181S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 181W02 8/22/05 12/17/05 SPA101603 8/22/05 12/17/05 CE 116450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART107502 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUSN768500 10/1/05 10/8/05 HST100650 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 135650 8/22/05 9/24/05 AT 135650 9/18/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/26/05 12/18/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 SPA101403 8/22/05 12/17/05 SPA101404 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 BUSPERHEC 8/30/05 12/20/05 MCM113401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART133450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 ACC100402 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC100609 8/22/05 12/17/05 Counselor 8/22/05 10/28/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 PSY200421 9/18/05 12/17/05 PSY200451 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 9/12/05 RDG030463 9/18/05 12/17/05 LAB NUR 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 101 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101421 9/18/05 12/17/05 COM101407 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC110S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ACC100S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS104W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 FIN101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST101480 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST102S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH137580 8/19/05 9/12/05 BUS104611 8/22/05 12/17/05 IB 100601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 HST101650 8/22/05 9/24/05 HST101650 9/18/05 12/17/05 -33- Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.27 1.27 1.33 4.00 3.00 2.58 Clock Hr 5.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 0.40 2.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.25 69.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 9.20 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.81 2.33 5.33 3.00 3.00 12.50 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 16.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.40 0.75 2.25 Amt Pd 815.88 815.88 856.00 2,947.84 2,210.88 1,902.78 155.00 2,870.88 736.56 2,209.68 228.48 50.00 100.00 50.00 3,827.84 3,827.84 711.14 1,863.00 2,285.76 2,285.76 50.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 5,906.40 50.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 2,402.10 1,718.64 3,928.32 2,562.24 2,562.24 312.50 2,947.84 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 400.00 571.04 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 799.68 640.56 1,921.68 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Kilstrom, John P Loc M M Kimble, Karena B M Kimzey, Satoko FP King, Loren P FP Kingsbury, Nancy M M M M Kinnard, Dale A FP Kinney, Johnna D FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Kinzel, Carrie L FV Kitt, Robert L FV FV FV Kladky, Michael FV Klein, Bonnie J FP FP FP FP Klingerman, Linda FV FV Klinkerman, Brend M M M M M Klutho, Judith R M Knight, Charles FV FV FV Knight, Paul D M M Knipp, Christine FV Knipping, Melanie FV Koch, Lura Jane M M Koch, Robert A FV FV FV Koch, Yvonne S M Koehler, Stephen FP 02/23/06 Course HST101WW1 HST101WWA ART100S01 FLJP708480 COMP FPCE Workshop RDG020020 RDG020S02 RDG020W40 EMT121ADJ Substitute PE 171550 FC Director PE 122501 PE 171501 PE 122502 PE SUB PE 121502 KIDS738503 ART165551 ART168502 Substitute HIST708FV DMS216401 DMS119450 DMS214450 DMS215450 LGL216580 LGL104580 MTH030W05 BLK BOARD MTH020W04 Workshop MTH020W05 Substitute Fac Ori EGR104133 EGR100050 Workshop PSY203WWA CFT765FV KIDS738FV Workshop PSY200650 ENG1025XR ENG1025XT Fac Ori COM101648 AHCE767405 Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/24/05 11/20/05 8/20/05 12/20/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 12/16/05 12/31/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 9/25/05 10/8/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/13/05 10/8/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/11/05 9/24/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/1/05 11/19/05 10/2/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/26/05 11/20/05 -34- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 18.00 14.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.35 4.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 3.00 1.33 1.50 62.00 2.91 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.92 2.67 1.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 2.67 4.67 1.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 48.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 Amt Pd 2,562.24 2,562.24 1,926.24 414.00 378.00 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 771.12 100.00 856.00 856.00 856.00 856.00 856.00 54.00 856.00 34.50 1,813.50 1,866.05 75.00 40.50 1,473.12 1,411.76 1,964.16 982.08 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,713.12 25.00 1,713.12 50.00 1,713.12 132.00 100.00 2,280.40 3,988.56 75.00 2,210.88 100.00 81.00 50.00 2,210.88 2,574.24 2,870.88 100.00 1,926.24 66.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Koenemann, Harry M M Koetting, Beth L FP FP Korkaric, Huso FP Kosednar, Priscilla M M M M Kosednar, Ronald M M M Koshak, Karen D M M M M M M Kraja, Elida FP FP FP FP Krause, Joan B FV FV FV FV FV Kraushaar, Janet FV FV FV Kravitz, Rebecca FP FP FP Krepcio, Thomas FP Kretzler, Edward FV Krewson, Christina FV Krizanec, Jasna FP FP Krogmeier, Mary FV Kufskie, Kathy M FV FV FV FV FV Kuhn, Marilyn F M M Kulczycki, Judith FV M 02/23/06 Course CRJ122650 CRJ122S01 Orientation ENG020480 Tutor MTH020W50 Workshop MTH030W04 MTH030W06 MTH030W02 Workshop MTH020W01 PE 120602 PE129602 Substitute Workshop PE 173602 PE 130 ACC100421 ACC110451 Tutor Fac Orient ECE127526 ECE103525 ECE103527 Fac Ori EC3101527 Fac Ori COM101502 COM101516 DHY 120 Fac Orient DHY 222 COMP FPCE ASTWBCOA FANTASTIX Orientation RUS103474 ECE107501 PSY200S02 Substitute Fac Ori Honors PSY200508 PSY200509 PTA100601 PTA100602 CCPR765FV Workshop Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/25/05 8/28/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/30/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/2/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 11/19/05 9/9/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/30/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 9/13/05 10/15/05 10/24/05 12/31/05 11/11/05 12/30/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 9/12/05 10/31/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/20/05 12/20/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/25/05 8/28/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/23/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/26/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 -35- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 175.75 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.33 2.08 9.00 1.00 1.33 2.67 3.00 4.00 260.00 1.00 0.20 1.10 0.65 1.00 1.10 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 5.33 14.00 0.67 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 Amt Pd 2,562.24 2,562.24 50.00 2,210.88 2,460.50 1,713.12 50.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 50.00 1,713.12 856.00 1,337.50 198.00 50.00 856.00 1,712.00 2,210.88 2,947.84 3,640.00 50.00 191.39 1,052.66 622.02 100.00 1,052.66 100.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 3,413.76 50.00 4,551.68 378.00 380.96 571.04 50.00 1,926.24 2,210.88 2,562.24 87.50 100.00 78.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 1,473.92 1,473.92 108.00 75.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Kulczycki, Judith Kull, John R Loc M FV FV Kush, Catherine FV Kuykendall, Saund FP FP FP FP Kwan, Felix B FP FP La Mell, Stephen FP FP FP FP FP FP FP La Scola, Maria FP Laboray, Ronald FV FV Lagermann, ShannM M LaGrone, John E FP FP FP Laird, Beverly L FP FP FP Lakshminarayanan, J FV Lamb, Keith R M M Lambert, Mary J FV FV Lambing, Eric J FP Lampros, TheodoreM M Lampros, William M Lander, Laura A M Landis, Bryan H FP FP Lane, Harry A FV FV Lange, Margaret M M Lanter, Wayne J M Lappin, Lisa M M Larkin, Tosha S FP FP FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End ECE125650 8/22/05 12/17/05 EE 106581 10/8/05 10/15/05 EE 114580 12/3/05 12/10/05 NURS FV 10/19/05 11/19/05 ENG030402 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030412 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030410 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO15245A 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM116H14 9/26/05 10/30/05 FOOD FPCE 8/26/05 12/15/05 FOOD HEC 10/5/05 11/30/05 HRM122401 8/22/05 10/15/05 HRM122403 8/22/05 10/15/05 HRM123402 8/22/05 10/15/05 FLIT HEC 9/12/05 11/30/05 ART109504 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART108501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Observation 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE124608 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/8/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 SPA102401 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020422 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030461 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG100450 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDUC704550 9/20/05 9/24/05 ART102650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART109650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/12/05 12/17/05 MTH020551 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJS FPCE 12/13/05 12/31/05 MTH030650 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030651 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ124650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 122602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 CHM101405 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020550 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020552 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 IRT127650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG102SWC 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH108450 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS103451 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH124450 8/22/05 12/17/05 -36- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 1.00 1.00 Clock Hr 6.50 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 13.50 1.00 48.00 10.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 20.00 3.88 2.67 1.15 1.60 2.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.81 16.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.21 1.00 5.33 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.91 Amt Pd 2,562.24 642.08 642.08 175.50 2,210.88 100.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,562.24 50.00 297.00 736.96 1,008.00 270.00 1,105.44 1,105.44 1,105.44 540.00 2,854.17 1,964.16 738.39 1,027.32 50.00 50.00 2,947.84 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 75.00 1,714.32 2,285.76 75.00 1,805.86 432.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,562.24 775.75 50.00 5,100.60 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,926.24 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,141.79 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Lauburg, Mary S Loc FV FV Laufersweiler, Jon FP FP FP Lawrence, Carrie FV M M Lawrence, Wendy FV FV Lazenby, Carol L M Leaptrott, Stephani FP Learman, Mark D FV Leech, John D M Legorreta, Judith M M Leick, James A M Leifheit, Rhonda FV Lemar, Julie A FP FP FP Leopardi, Giovann FP Lesh, James M M Levin, Richard D FP Levine, Douglas FV FV FV Lewis, Bonnie L FP FP FP Lewis, Robert FV FP Lewis, Robert H M M Ley, Jack D FP Li, Dongfeng M FP Liang, Xia FP Libby, Kathryn J M Libby, Kenneth E M M M Liebman, Emily M M Light, Greg L FV FV FP FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End ENG2015WA 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG2285WA 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS576462 12/5/05 12/9/05 MUS573461 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS576461 8/22/05 12/17/05 FANTASTIK 8/22/05 10/15/05 THT529698 11/28/05 12/2/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 COM101517 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE101609 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 Librarian 8/16/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/17/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ACC110650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART131602 8/22/05 12/17/05 PERD732550 9/12/05 10/22/05 CTC ASSOC 8/22/05 12/14/05 CTC ASSOC 8/22/05 12/14/05 CTC ASSOC 8/22/05 12/14/05 FLIT HEC 9/12/05 11/30/05 PE153601650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 154650 8/24/05 10/16/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 CONLAWCOOR 11/6/05 12/9/05 PSC101551 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSC205501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020403 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020412 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020420 8/22/05 12/17/05 COMP704FV 9/10/05 12/3/05 COMP FPCE 8/20/05 12/20/05 AT 228650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART110601 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 ART109609 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART109450 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHI101474 8/22/05 12/17/05 ASTWOMSOC 8/22/05 12/17/05 ASTMENBSK 8/22/05 12/17/05 Tournament 12/23/05 12/31/05 PE 130 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101609 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101611 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMTPARFV 8/30/05 12/17/05 EMTADJFV 8/30/05 12/17/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 -37- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.80 0.74 1.53 7.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 1.16 1.16 1.16 40.00 4.00 1.33 0.40 1.00 3.00 49.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 39.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 0.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.33 2.00 1.00 1.33 3.00 3.00 25.25 0.13 0.71 57.00 Amt Pd 2,870.88 2,870.88 936.00 1,142.08 1,142.08 856.56 1,170.00 75.00 100.00 1,926.24 2,063.50 421.26 979.05 175.00 50.00 2,568.32 3,413.76 216.00 663.30 663.30 661.88 1,080.00 2,285.76 761.92 228.48 200.00 2,870.88 2,808.06 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,287.00 99.00 2,568.00 2,568.00 285.60 2,568.00 2,568.00 2,568.32 856.00 1,284.00 736.56 982.08 2,870.88 2,870.88 833.25 71.40 406.98 1,881.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Light, Greg L Loc FP FP FP FP Limburg, Robert FV FV FV Lin, Chien Fu FP FP Lindsay, Jason FP Lingua, William C FV Lipic, Gayle A FP FP FP Lizorty, Ronald J FV FV FV Lochmann, William FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Lodato, Theodora FP FP Longoria, Ricardo M M M M Lopanec, Rebecca M M M Lott, Jason L FP Lott, Mary L FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Love, Mario K M Love, Myrtle M FP Love, Pattie Y M M M 02/23/06 Course PARCLICOR EMTPAREQP EMTPAREQP EMTPAREQP MTH140506 MTH140501 MTH140504 AT 121401 ART109401 EMT ADJ PTVL COOR Fac Orient DHY 120 DHY 222 AT 514580 ART239501 ART138501 Guest Spk PE 130515 PE 130516 PE 130510 PE 130512 PE 130513 Substitute PHL1034WB PHL1034WA MTH140614 Workshop AFCP MTH140650 Mail Merge EDU211S01 Workshop Substitute RDG013401 RDG053401 RDG017421 RDG017403 RDG017401 RDG013402 RDG013421 RDG017422 RDG051401 PSC101604 MTH020462 RDG100601 RDG100603 Workshop Begin End 8/22/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/21/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 11/21/05 11/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/6/05 11/19/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 11/5/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 -38- Cr Hr/ Equiv 4.31 4.42 3.02 3.07 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 0.88 Clock Hr 56.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 64.00 64.00 2.67 1.75 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 4.00 3.00 2.91 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Amt Pd 2,460.47 2,522.85 1,724.60 1,753.16 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,568.00 2,568.00 499.80 784.00 50.00 2,946.24 4,419.36 1,872.00 2,808.32 1,964.16 43.75 856.00 856.00 856.00 856.00 856.00 100.00 2,870.88 2,781.17 1,926.24 50.00 200.00 1,926.24 140.00 2,210.88 25.00 100.00 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 2,407.80 2,870.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 25.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Lowder, Joseph F M M Lundt, Walter H FV Lutzeler, Ingrid E FP FP FP Lynch, Leeanna L FV Lyons, James S FP Maag, Colin M M Mack, Francis S FV FV Macke, John E M M M MacKesson, Robin FP FP MacLaughlin, Kath FV FV Maddock, Gregory FP Mahfood, Sebastia M M Maixner, Diane M M M Malin, Cindy R FV Mallett, Kimber L M Manganaro, Jennif M Manning, Scott D FP Manson, James E FP FP FP Marcanik, Edward FP FP Marchbanks, CindyFV Marconi, Dante M FP Marner, Ruth M M M Marquardt, Sharon FP FP FP FP FP Marra, Jan C FP Marron, Gwain E FV Marshall, Betty J M M M Martin, Leonard K FP Martin, Mary E FP Martin, Russell L FV 02/23/06 Course Begin End Substitute 9/15/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PE 153550 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM1017403 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM0701550 9/8/05 10/8/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 PE118650651 8/30/05 9/18/05 GATEWAY DEV 8/22/05 12/17/05 GE 13250T 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEO111S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEO111650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH040421 9/12/05 12/18/05 MTH020411 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 DIT209501 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 ENG101629 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ACC213650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 180580 8/22/05 12/17/05 Stipend 11/20/05 12/3/05 ART251601 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 IS 124466 11/7/05 12/5/05 IS 123466 8/22/05 9/26/05 IS 132466 10/3/05 10/31/05 MTH230450 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160C408 8/22/05 12/17/05 PEDU729FV 9/6/05 12/17/05 FLIT FPCE 9/15/05 11/30/05 ENG102WXB 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG102WWA 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE111112421 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 130425 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 130406 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 130405 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 130426 10/17/05 12/17/05 MUSC FPCE 9/14/05 11/30/05 ME 241550 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PTA211601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PTA211602 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM123461 9/18/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 ECO152580 10/21/05 12/3/05 -39- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 4.50 1.00 2.00 5.33 1.00 2.33 12.00 0.90 2.67 0.41 3.00 5.67 5.67 1.00 4.88 3.00 1.00 0.80 0.30 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 0.63 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 4.00 86.00 40.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 20.00 3.00 1.00 3.67 3.67 3.00 3.90 3.00 Amt Pd 99.00 50.00 1,706.88 3,928.00 736.96 1,717.12 396.00 514.08 1,523.84 304.00 2,210.88 4,178.56 4,178.56 50.00 2,783.82 1,713.12 100.00 513.68 171.36 2,210.88 75.00 50.00 2,210.88 1,926.00 25.00 3,413.76 357.00 736.96 736.96 736.96 4,270.40 3,416.32 1,548.00 1,080.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 460.00 2,210.88 50.00 2,704.64 2,704.64 2,562.24 2,227.68 1,926.24 3.2 Ratifications Name Martin, Sandra L Loc M M Marvel, Joyce S FP FP FP Marzouk, Magdy MFV FV Massey, Donald A FP Mathias, Steve A M M Mathis, Janet Lynn FP FP Matson, Kristopher FV FV Matthews, Ann C FV May, Jeff P M M Mayberry, Lynn K FV Mazhar, Uzma M M McAllister, Kevin FP McBride, Linda K FP McCarthy, ChristopFP FP McCarty, Leann C M M McConkey, Kennet FP McCord, Sheri L M M McCormack, HelenFP FP McCullen, Rosann FP FP McDaniel, Amy R FV FV FP FP McDaniel, Carrie FP McGhee, Tracie FV FV McGowan, Ruth FV FV FV FV McHugh, Margaret FP McHugh, Sydney FP FP FP FP 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End PE 161S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BIO203402 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/25/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 PE 169550 8/22/05 10/15/05 MUSC710420 9/19/05 11/15/05 ACC100650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 DMS107401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS120450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 12/1/05 12/17/05 Substitute 12/1/05 12/17/05 FLSP705575 11/6/05 11/19/05 ENG030S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ASTVOLCOA 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200SWA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RTH240401 8/22/05 12/17/05 GED FPCE 9/6/05 12/15/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMTADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PSY205S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 MOTR FPCE 8/26/05 11/15/05 ENG1026WT 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020419 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 Clinical 8/22/05 12/17/05 CPR ADJ FV 10/31/05 12/17/05 CPR FV 10/31/05 12/17/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 SGN701H60 9/29/05 11/25/05 CCPR765FV 9/29/05 10/22/05 FAML707552 10/23/05 11/5/05 MTH020531 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030537 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030531 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/2/05 12/18/05 AT 276401 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/8/05 12/17/05 COM101402 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101405 8/22/05 12/17/05 -40- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 2.66 4.34 20.00 1.00 1.33 16.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.33 1.00 4.00 20.00 3.00 1.00 2.67 3.00 1.00 0.67 52.00 2.00 0.38 1.00 3.00 72.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 10.67 0.04 9.00 0.14 39.50 16.00 6.00 1.25 3.00 3.00 3.00 33.75 4.00 3.00 16.50 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 2,210.88 75.00 1,960.32 3,198.40 440.00 100.00 761.92 336.00 2,562.24 50.00 2,946.24 982.08 25.00 88.00 460.00 1,926.24 75.00 1,523.84 2,562.24 50.00 491.04 1,404.00 1,142.08 214.20 50.00 1,926.24 900.00 1,926.24 50.00 25.00 1,713.12 50.00 7,856.64 21.42 243.00 78.54 1,066.50 432.00 174.00 28.75 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 843.75 2,946.24 2,562.24 412.50 2,562.24 2,562.24 3.2 Ratifications Name McKay, Collin C Loc M FP McKee, Paul Ray FV FV FV McKelvie, Kenneth M McKenna, Joseph FV McKinney, Melvin FV FV McMichael, Luci M McMillen, Donna FP McMurphy, Marcia FV FV McNamara, ThomaM M McNeil, James H FV FV McPherson, Kelly M M Mcvey, David N M M Meade, Dennis FP Medeiros, Jennifer FV FV FV FV Meenach, Dean FP FP FP Mehringer, Ben FP Meier, Christopher FP FP FP Meier, John Carl FV Melbrod, Kelli S FV Melman, Morton M Menendez, MicheleFP FP FP Menendez, RichardM M Menley, Rebecca FP FP Merrett-Murry, Tammy M M Meser, John E FP FP FP FP 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 REL100H51 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101506 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101509 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101504 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART152601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ASTWBKB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111501LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111508LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU120W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH240401 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC100504 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC100503 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 ME 153502 11/28/05 12/16/05 ME 153501 10/10/05 10/31/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 CRJ124S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200WWB 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200WWA 8/22/05 12/17/05 MOTR FPCE 8/26/05 11/15/05 Fac Ori 9/11/05 9/25/05 ENG101585 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 HST119585 8/22/05 9/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030461 9/12/05 12/17/05 AHCTCRADJ 9/30/05 12/20/05 AHCTCRFPCE 9/30/05 12/20/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 ELEC705550 9/7/05 12/17/05 COMP705501 11/6/05 11/19/05 MUS130601 8/22/05 12/17/05 DHY 222 8/22/05 12/17/05 DHY 120 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PSI115651 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR204401 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR205401 8/22/05 12/17/05 MONTAGEADV 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM112601 8/22/05 12/17/05 CORPALPRO 8/22/05 12/15/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 MEDIR FP 8/20/05 12/20/05 -41- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 3.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.67 1.33 1.33 4.00 0.67 2.91 2.91 2.00 4.00 4.67 4.67 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 120.00 1.00 3.10 1.00 0.75 1.58 1.52 8.56 3.00 0.01 6.00 3.43 42.00 15.00 2.00 2.67 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.67 6.00 3.00 13.00 48.00 0.10 3.00 Amt Pd 75.00 2,763.60 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 380.96 759.48 759.48 3,828.48 491.04 2,781.17 2,781.17 50.00 2,568.32 4,469.00 4,469.00 200.00 2,210.88 2,562.24 2,562.24 1,500.00 642.08 2,024.17 156.00 489.72 902.50 869.65 4,889.53 1,713.12 7.14 162.00 1,956.36 1,218.00 495.00 1,284.16 1,523.84 1,142.88 50.00 50.00 1,284.16 2,568.00 5,564.00 3,852.48 1,926.24 325.00 1,296.00 57.12 300.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Metzger, Fredric A M Michaelis, Dale H M Michaelis-Cobb, Cherie M M M Michalski, Richard M Micheels, Barbara M Michel, Amanda L FP FP Miederhoff, MarilynFP M FP Miley, Joann R FP FP FP Miller, Brandy L FP Miller, Carolyn S FP FP FP FP FP FP Miller, Daniel W FV Miller, Thomas G FP Miller-Flood, Diane FP Milne, Terry Lynne M Mimlitz, Edward J M M Mines, Cheryl L FV FV Minogue, Pauline FV FV Mitchener, Debra M M M Mitchler, Sheryl J FV Mittler, Charles C FP FP FP FP FP Moeller, Terry L FV FV FV FV FP Monachella, Lisa M M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End PSY200651 8/22/05 12/17/05 EGR050601 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030605 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RDG030609 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101680 8/22/05 12/17/05 BLK BOARD 9/11/05 9/24/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 ENG101419 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 DMS216450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 DMS121401 8/22/05 12/17/05 NURS723405 9/6/05 12/17/05 RDG017423 9/18/05 12/17/05 RDG016403 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG017402 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 RDG016423 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020406 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO152550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARTS FPCE 9/17/05 11/15/05 CRFT736420 9/21/05 11/15/05 HRT218651 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 133S80 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE133601602 8/23/05 10/16/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 201 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH108501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH108502 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S05 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S04 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S03 8/22/05 12/17/05 CCPR FV 9/25/05 12/20/05 ANT102T54 9/18/05 12/17/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 AHCTCRFPCE 9/30/05 12/20/05 SOC101T54 9/18/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ART STOR 10/23/05 11/5/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 ART101551 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART100T14 9/18/05 12/17/05 MTH020680 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 -42- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 4.67 2.42 Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.94 3.00 1.00 3.50 2.67 1.00 4.00 80.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 16.00 16.00 3.00 1.33 2.67 12.00 8.75 2.62 2.62 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Amt Pd 2,210.88 3,988.56 1,551.02 75.00 1,926.24 2,562.24 25.00 50.00 1,886.11 1,713.12 50.00 1,996.34 1,964.16 50.00 2,946.24 2,640.00 958.17 1,913.92 956.96 50.00 1,913.92 2,870.88 2,562.24 336.00 288.00 1,926.24 1,137.92 2,275.84 264.00 7,470.44 2,512.03 2,512.03 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 132.00 2,562.24 3,416.32 50.00 132.00 2,562.24 100.00 50.00 624.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 1,713.12 50.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Montague, Nancy M M M Montgomery, Arnol M FV M Moore, ChristopherFP Moore, David A FP Moore, Kevin M FP Moore, Marian V FP Moore, Michael R M M M Moore, Victoria S FP FP Moreland, Lisa FP Morey, Janet R M M M M Morin, Cynthia L M M M M Morris, Patrick J FP Morris, Paul T FV Morris, Sandra E FV Morrison, Margaret M M Morrow, Betty J FV FV FV FP Morton, Kimberly FP Morton, Lori Ardel FP Mosby, Timothy C FV Mosley, Linda A FV Motta, Denise K M M M M M Mowczko, Douglas M M Muehling, Janet FV FV FV Mueller, Doris L FV Mueller, Robert J FV 02/23/06 Course Begin End ENG101S51 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101681 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 12/1/05 12/17/05 REL10050F 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART266450 8/22/05 12/17/05 SPA201450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Tutor 8/22/05 12/30/05 PE 120S80 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 129S80 8/22/05 11/12/05 PE 130 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR507SUB 9/30/05 10/20/05 NUR507ADJ 9/16/05 10/15/05 NUR 108 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG050650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL ASST 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111W04 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/14/05 12/17/05 BLK BOARD 9/11/05 9/24/05 BIO111WW5 8/22/05 12/17/05 HEAL FPCE 9/24/05 11/20/05 EGR050100 8/22/05 12/17/05 Librarian 8/16/05 12/17/05 BLW101W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 BLW101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG031551 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030552 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030551 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030426 9/18/05 12/17/05 CRJ122450 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS131421 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ART113551 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 181S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE Sub 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 191601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 143602 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 181S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MGT SDL COMB11/28/05 12/2/05 MTH030516 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020514 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020510 8/22/05 12/17/05 WRIT704550 10/12/05 12/3/05 COMP FV 8/26/05 12/19/05 -43- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.50 4.00 4.00 354.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.50 0.64 11.33 1.00 15.00 6.00 11.00 4.33 3.00 1.00 4.33 14.00 4.67 6.14 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.00 3.88 1.08 1.50 1.27 1.33 1.33 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 16.00 45.00 Amt Pd 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 100.00 2,947.84 75.00 856.56 2,285.76 3,827.84 4,963.00 642.00 1,284.00 3,210.00 137.50 364.14 8,347.68 25.00 375.00 3,852.48 242.00 2,780.20 75.00 25.00 2,780.20 378.00 3,988.56 3,940.29 2,870.88 2,870.88 642.08 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,210.88 2,210.88 856.00 100.00 3,708.84 619.07 33.00 726.21 761.92 761.92 75.00 2,340.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 400.00 1,485.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Muldoon, Peggy J FP FP Mulligan, Colin B FP Mullins, Patrick B FP FP CC Mullins, Scott M FP FP FP Munie, Michael G M FV Murphy, Daniel E FP Murphy, Denis M FP Murray, Robin R M M M Myers, Jo Anne M M M Nadziejko, BradfordM M M Nahlik, Mary S M M M Nauer, Barbara FV FV FV FV Needham, Cathy M Nesheva, Mihneva M M M Neufeld, Irwin J M M Newcomb, Steven FP FP FP FP Newkirk, Rick L FV Newman, Richard FV FV Nichols, Eric R M M Nichols, Nichole FV FV Nicklas, Sherrol L M M Nielsen, Sara F M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End COM101415 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101409 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101405 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM210450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 REL10050H 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH240401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DANC FPCE 9/12/05 12/20/05 LGL108671 10/20/05 12/17/05 LGL205670 8/24/05 10/16/05 LGL228671 10/19/05 12/18/05 BUS104641 10/20/05 12/17/05 MKT104698 11/28/05 12/2/05 BUS104671 11/7/05 12/17/05 ENG030S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030S46 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO113603 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111WW2 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG020510 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020514 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020513 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART100W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101622 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101W03 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM101602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/17/05 12/17/05 BIO111609 8/22/05 12/17/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/15/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 WBKBCOA 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG225501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG2025XA 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART113601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030580 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 CHM105650 8/22/05 10/15/05 Librarian 8/22/05 12/17/05 -44- Cr Hr/ Equiv 2.87 2.87 3.00 2.66 Clock Hr 1.00 1.00 0.38 0.01 27.00 1.00 2.67 0.67 12.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.33 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 4.33 6.50 0.82 1.25 3.75 5.33 3.00 3.00 4.00 18.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.67 3.76 Amt Pd 2,751.26 2,751.26 1,926.24 1,960.32 50.00 200.00 214.20 7.14 891.00 75.00 1,523.85 428.00 216.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,562.24 468.00 1,708.16 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,780.20 75.00 100.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 4,143.64 201.50 465.53 713.80 2,141.40 3,928.32 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,568.00 396.00 1,926.24 100.00 50.00 1,069.46 2,415.54 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Niemczyk, Joshua M M M Nihira, Nicholas FV Nikonowicz, Diane FV Nold, Earl F M Nolker, Elizabeth FP Norfleet, Shirley M M Norton, Leslie K M M Noser, Philip H M Noto, Tina D M M Notzke, Lori S M M Novotny, John J FV FV FV Nyman, Micki M M Oakes, Jordan FP O'Connell, Dennis FV FV FV O'Connell, M D M M M O'Connell, Marcia FV FV Odenthal, Ronald FV Odenwald, Robert FP Ogden, Joan M FV FP O'Hallaron, Dorrit FV FV Ohlms, Mary Beth FV FV FV Ohmer, Roberta M OLaughlin, Tricia FP Oliver, Keith L M M M M Oliver, Michael T FP FP O'Neill, Cheryl O FP FP 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End MTH030W03 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020W02 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART107551 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/1/05 12/17/05 MTH030616 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 108 11/3/05 12/9/05 PSY205S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 CHM101651 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 10/5/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG070650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 IRT125650 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG031505 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG031503 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG031504 8/22/05 10/15/05 ENG1026WR 8/22/05 12/17/05 WRT704420 9/21/05 11/15/05 ENG032506 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030523 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG032501 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRT230601 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRT230650 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRT235650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030504 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHOT FV 9/10/05 11/5/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 HOME711550 10/23/05 12/3/05 HOME711420 10/3/05 11/30/05 MTH140507 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030501 8/22/05 12/17/05 DIT 107 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 DIT106501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Librarian 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 THT101604 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101633 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101486 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101454 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020452 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020458 8/22/05 12/17/05 -45- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.58 Clock Hr 4.50 3.00 2.54 3.00 1.00 5.33 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 12.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 20.00 0.18 17.50 27.22 3.00 3.00 0.40 1.00 0.80 8.11 0.40 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.91 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,658.50 112.50 2,210.88 1,872.09 1,926.24 50.00 4,552.24 50.00 44.00 25.00 1,926.24 75.00 1,926.24 854.08 854.08 854.08 1,926.24 252.00 1,142.08 1,713.12 1,142.08 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,562.24 2,562.24 540.00 99.96 402.50 489.96 2,562.24 2,562.24 294.80 100.00 589.56 5,208.25 228.48 78.00 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,562.24 2,482.17 1,926.24 1,926.24 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Oquendo Rivera, RositaFV FV FV Osler, Jan Marie FV FV Ostergaard, Mary M M M M M M Otalora, Jose D M M Oughton, David C M M Overkamp, Susan FP M Owens, Darren FP FP FP Owens, James L FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Owens, Joseph M M M Paddock, Grace M M Paden, Stanley FP FP Paez, V SuzAnne M M M M Pagano, Kathryn FV Page, Diane A FV Pancella, Peter M Panzau, Sarah E M Parashak, Sharyl M M Paris, Wayne R FV FV 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End BUS104551 8/22/05 12/17/05 MGT10951A 12/5/05 12/9/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 SOC100551 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 124674 11/7/05 12/12/05 IS 137646 10/3/05 10/31/05 IS 125674 8/20/05 10/29/05 IS 209650 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 150601 11/9/05 12/14/05 IS 119603 8/22/05 9/26/05 SPA101W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 SPA102650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL101W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL103W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 PEDU766H60 9/27/05 12/5/05 PE 165650 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM219466 10/20/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 Concert Promo 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG021501 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG021508 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG021504 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG030511 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG021509 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG021505 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG021503 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG021507 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG021506 8/22/05 10/15/05 RDG021502 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART111601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART109607 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART109604 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG062401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG061451 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 116WO1 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE172601602 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE171601602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 9/12/05 10/7/05 CCP724550 11/6/05 11/19/05 MUS132651 8/22/05 12/17/05 ASTWMNVB 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY214SWA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BIO208581 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO208580 8/22/05 12/17/05 -46- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 Clock Hr 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 1.33 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 1.29 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.02 0.67 3.00 1.00 4.32 4.32 Amt Pd 2,870.88 234.00 100.00 100.00 1,926.24 854.08 854.08 1,708.16 2,562.24 854.08 854.08 3,416.32 3,416.32 2,870.88 2,870.88 324.00 856.00 1,473.92 50.00 736.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 2,870.88 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 956.96 2,568.00 2,568.00 2,568.00 2,562.24 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 761.92 761.92 738.11 50.00 50.00 58.00 1,152.76 380.96 2,562.24 50.00 3,689.64 3,689.64 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Parisho, Rishae Loc FP FP Parker, Christia FV Parker, Jennifer M Parks, Heather M M Parsons, Phyllis FV Pashos, Leo C FP FP FP FP FP FP Pasley, Tamia S FP FP FP Paul, Robert G M M M Pauley, Mark M M M M Peck, David M FV Pedersen, Timothy FV FV FV FV Pelletier, Nathalie M Pemberton, SharonFP FP FP FV Pence, Jerald K M M Peoples, Michael FV Pepper, Lisa Joy M M M Perrin, Sherry FP Perry, John H FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FP FP 02/23/06 Course DA 164 DA 144 FLSP702552 NUR 108 ENG030S03 ENG101S04 Substitute PE 130411 PE 130430 PE 130403 PE 130431 PE 130432 PE 130410 ENGL HEC COMP HEC PERD HEC Blk Board BIO111606 BIO111610 ART107601 ART107651 ART108650 COMP745550 MTH040550 MTH020581 Fac Ori Substitute Substitute MTH108403 MTH020404 MTH020417 COMP702500 Correction HRT218650 MTH020553 Substitute Workshop ENG101652 RTH240401 HRM116461 HRM135450 AFCP DIET714480 Orientation HRM116403 HRM116422 HRM116451 HRM116450 Begin End 10/3/05 12/17/05 8/26/05 9/30/05 10/19/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/19/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 9/1/05 12/20/05 9/1/05 12/20/05 11/9/05 12/15/05 9/11/05 9/24/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 11/19/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 11/11/05 12/17/05 12/1/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/10/05 10/22/05 8/22/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/18/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/21/05 11/25/05 10/29/05 11/20/05 8/25/05 8/28/05 8/22/05 10/16/05 10/18/05 12/18/05 8/23/05 10/16/05 8/22/05 10/16/05 -47- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.62 1.33 Clock Hr 20.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 19.00 67.00 4.00 1.00 4.33 4.33 2.67 2.67 2.67 18.00 5.00 3.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 18.00 0.72 3.00 2.81 1.50 1.00 3.00 0.67 1.00 3.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amt Pd 2,071.47 761.92 420.00 5,136.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 150.00 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 513.00 1,407.00 108.00 25.00 4,143.64 4,143.64 2,552.32 2,552.32 2,552.32 486.00 3,210.40 1,926.24 100.00 150.00 22.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 594.00 530.15 1,926.24 1,606.05 37.50 75.00 1,926.24 380.96 736.96 2,210.88 200.00 264.00 50.00 736.96 736.96 736.96 736.96 3.2 Ratifications Name Perry, Talya R Peters, Donna M Peters, George J Pevnick, Nancy Peyton, Krista S Pfaus, Diane B Phelps, Shannon Phillips, Karana J Phillips, Roxanne Pierce, Rebekah Pietroburgo, Jill R Pikey, Carol A Pilla, Michael A Pisoni, John C Pitchford, Duane Pittenger, Jeffery Pittman, Dwight D Platt, Stephen E Pohlmann, Gary Popp, Tamara E Porter, John P Porter, Joseph P 02/23/06 Loc FP FP FP FV FP M FV M FP FV FV FV FP FV M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FP FP M M M M M M M M M M M St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End MUS115401 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS121401 8/22/05 12/17/05 RNGE AIDE 9/24/05 10/30/05 MTH160R552 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/16/05 PSC101S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 CCPR FV 9/14/05 12/9/05 ECO151S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 COMP FPCE 8/20/05 12/20/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 ART115ALL 8/22/05 12/17/05 RNGE AIDE 9/15/05 10/15/05 FAMKIDSFV 9/17/05 11/19/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 NSNGCPRFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 NSNGADJFP 8/20/05 12/20/05 EMTPARFV 8/30/05 12/17/05 EMTADJFV 8/30/05 12/17/05 ACC124580 8/22/05 10/15/05 ACC211580 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG060601 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 157474 10/3/05 10/31/05 IS 164426 10/25/05 12/18/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 IS 119161 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 102402 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 102474 8/22/05 12/17/05 MOTR FPCE 8/26/05 11/15/05 MUS128S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS128601 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS128602 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC114651 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MOTR FPCE 9/23/05 10/30/05 RNGE AIDE 8/26/05 11/15/05 MTH140S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH030S51 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART109605 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART109603 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL102605 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL102601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL1046WA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 -48- Cr Hr/ Equiv 2.00 2.00 Clock Hr 35.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 19.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 21.00 5.00 1.00 2.28 51.50 0.21 18.25 0.09 3.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 141.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 38.11 24.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Amt Pd 1,284.16 1,284.16 180.25 3,827.84 571.20 1,926.24 116.00 1,926.24 513.00 100.00 78.00 2,568.00 108.15 165.00 50.00 1,299.48 1,596.50 121.38 602.25 49.98 2,562.24 2,562.24 5,741.76 956.96 956.96 50.00 956.96 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,762.50 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 75.00 476.38 123.60 1,926.24 75.00 1,926.24 3,413.76 3,413.76 50.00 88.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Posdamer, Stephanie Potter, Allen S Powell, Michael J Pratte, Cheryl D Prewitt, Amy H Price, Renee W Prifti, Norma J Pritchett, Gerri R Puglisi, Michael Pulley, Cynthia F Quinn, Kelly C Quinn, Margaret Quirk, Thomas Rabushka, Sol Radcliff, David Rader, Jacqueline Radigan, Lynnette Ragsdale, Janis Rahm, Robert A Railey, Mary P Rain, Ronald G 02/23/06 Loc M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M FV M M FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M M M FP FP M Course PSI111S50 Workshop MTH030451 MTH030463 MOTR FPCE DANC720550 ENG020551 Fac Ori ENG020552 PHL103502 Fac Ori DA 165 DHY 126 DHY 121 DHY 222 LGL106670 Fac Ori MUS128W01 MUS113S50 MUS113551 MUS128501 MCM113501 MCM110501 ADV/FORUM MUS113450 MUS128S01 IS 123604 IS 205650 REL102650 Fac Orient Seminar HUM101401 HUM101450 ENG020421 RNGE AIDE MOTR FPCE ENG030554 Fac Ori ENG030553 Research PSY125S02 PSY125S01 Workshop MTH030S01 MTH020S21 MTH030S20 IS 103422 Fac Orient Substitute St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/13/05 12/18/05 8/26/05 11/15/05 9/9/05 11/5/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 10/5/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/25/05 10/16/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/27/05 11/1/05 8/22/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 10/14/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/10/05 10/30/05 9/17/05 11/5/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -49- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 2.81 3.00 24.00 12.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.67 2.00 2.67 1.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.12 0.75 1.87 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.88 7.00 72.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.88 1.88 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.81 1.00 4.00 Amt Pd 1,926.24 75.00 1,606.05 1,713.12 300.00 216.00 2,210.88 100.00 2,210.88 1,926.24 100.00 736.56 1,964.16 1,473.12 1,964.16 963.12 100.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 829.08 552.72 1,381.80 1,926.24 1,926.24 571.04 2,284.16 2,210.88 50.00 150.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,455.48 36.05 900.00 2,562.24 100.00 2,562.24 1,926.24 1,207.12 1,207.12 50.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 2,072.70 50.00 100.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Ralphs, Laura C Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Ramseyer, Guy D FV Randell, Douglas FP FP Ranney, Mary-Kay M M M Rauss, Mark D FP Ray, Jaron R FP FP FP FP Reaves, Florence FV FV M Reed, Barbara A FP Reedy, Sidney J FV Reese, Myron C M Reid, Sharon R FV Reif, Melissa N M M Reigstad, John M M M Reilly, Cynthia A M M M Reis, Kevin J FP Rell, David P FP FP Remmy, Patricia FV FV Repke, Judith A FP Reynolds, KimberlyFP FP FP Reynolds, Roger FV FV FV FV Ribaudo, Ann E M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End DA 151 8/22/05 9/28/05 DA 144 8/26/05 9/30/05 DA 159 8/22/05 9/28/05 DA 164 10/3/05 12/16/05 DA 150 8/23/05 9/29/05 Substitute 11/22/05 12/17/05 DA 503499 12/5/05 12/9/05 DA 161 11/22/05 12/4/05 DA 143 10/3/05 12/16/05 PEDU732FV 10/9/05 10/22/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/16/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 Wellness 8/22/05 12/17/05 AQUACOOR 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/8/05 12/17/05 EMT ADJ 9/22/05 12/15/05 MTH020438 9/13/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020428 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030416 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MUS114501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS114W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARTS FPCE 9/26/05 11/30/05 Librarian 8/16/05 12/17/05 CHM106650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG020560 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PHL103S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL104S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL104S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 122601 8/22/05 10/16/05 PE 123601 10/17/05 12/18/05 PE 130 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 Substitute 10/17/05 12/17/05 HRM119403 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG031550 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030550 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU102450 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG100461 9/18/05 12/17/05 RDG061450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/21/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ACC100580 10/21/05 12/18/05 ACC100550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC110552 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDUC MCE 12/4/05 12/31/05 -50- Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.29 1.42 1.00 4.63 0.96 Clock Hr 6.00 3.00 0.25 1.67 7.50 0.95 3.00 4.67 2.67 5.00 0.10 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 18.50 3.68 5.33 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 0.33 1.33 0.75 3.50 1.88 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.88 2.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 17.00 Amt Pd 951.39 1,043.46 736.56 3,406.59 705.87 150.00 468.00 184.14 1,227.60 135.00 542.64 1,713.12 2,996.00 1,712.00 110.00 57.12 1,713.12 62.50 1,713.12 1,713.12 100.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 388.50 3,138.46 5,100.60 1,926.24 1,926.24 75.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 761.92 190.48 761.92 428.40 77.00 1,070.70 736.96 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,845.98 1,284.16 75.00 100.00 2,870.88 3,827.84 3,827.84 306.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Rice, John Philip Loc M M M Rice, Tracy L M Richards, Mary B FV FV FV FV Richards, Michael FP Richardson, Jamel FV FV Richardson, MariahFP FP FP Richenburg, Peter M Richmond, Janice M M Rick-Grigorescu, MFV Ridenour, KimberlyM Riedisser, Janice FP FP M Riess, John F M M M M M Rijos, Paola M FP Ring, Phyllis A FP FP FP Ring, Tracy Ryan M Risch, Jeffrey M FV FV FV Risch, Judith A FV FV FV Risch, Justin C FP FP Ritchie, Laura J FP Rivers, Sheila L FP Rivers, Wendell FP FP FP Roark, Carol T FP Robben, Keith M M M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH030S53 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140S51 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH025650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART100501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/12/05 12/17/05 ART100502 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART STOR 10/23/05 11/5/05 MOTR FPCE 8/26/05 11/15/05 ASTMBKBCOA 8/22/05 11/12/05 MENBKBCOA 11/13/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/10/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 MCM120401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART107650 8/22/05 12/17/05 LGL106641 10/20/05 12/17/05 LGL106670 8/25/05 10/16/05 CCPR723FV 9/27/05 10/22/05 ASTWOMSOFT 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMTPRIMARY 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH140W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140W02 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI111W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLSP702H60 9/27/05 11/25/05 Substitute 9/8/05 12/17/05 DHY 222 8/22/05 12/17/05 DHY 120 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUSS MCE 8/22/05 12/20/05 ECO140575 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS201550 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS103550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO140501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151503 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020455 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020457 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 205421 9/13/05 12/17/05 REAL701481 10/8/05 11/20/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 PSY200406 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200405 8/22/05 12/17/05 MOTR FPCE 9/10/05 11/10/05 COM101616 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101646 8/22/05 12/17/05 -51- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 22.00 3.00 1.00 36.00 1.00 2.33 5.00 1.00 3.00 2.67 3.00 1.50 4.00 2.00 3.75 0.58 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 16.00 4.50 7.67 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 72.00 3.00 4.50 3.00 Amt Pd 75.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,210.88 550.00 2,210.88 50.00 450.00 571.44 1,333.36 125.00 50.00 2,562.24 1,964.16 2,870.88 1,435.44 132.00 1,142.88 2,141.40 328.44 50.00 25.00 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 432.00 112.50 7,337.92 1,914.24 81.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,947.84 81.00 50.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 900.00 1,926.24 112.50 1,926.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Robben, Keith M Roberts, Kristy Jo M M M M M Robinson, James FV FV FV FV Robinson, Lyle F M Robinson, Rodney FP FP Rodgers, Kiota S FP Roesch, Donna E M Rogenski, Jennifer FV Rogers, Michael M Roither, Amy E M M M M Rollins, Joseph L M Rollo, Natalie J M M M M Romeo, John E FP Ronecker, John E M Rooney, Patricia M M M Rose, Catherine FV Rose, Kristy M M M Rosebrough, Eliza M M M Rosen, Judy M Rosener, Russell FV FV FV Ross, James W FV Ross, Linda N FP FP Rothermich, Jerry FP Roy, Yolaine R FP Rudloff, Christina FV Rues, Anne L M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End COM101623 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030S41 11/13/05 12/17/05 RDG030S51 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030S06 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RDG030S41 10/17/05 11/19/05 Substitute 9/27/05 12/17/05 ENG101554 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101555 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG102SWF 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY205450 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY205401 8/22/05 12/17/05 PERD765ASST 10/8/05 11/15/05 EDU211W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART109552 8/22/05 12/17/05 ASSTWREST 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 ESL ASST 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG070602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART543601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG102SXB 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101S10 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART100601 8/22/05 12/17/05 DCS115553 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030671 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101W04 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101W05 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PE 181W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 175501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 ART275580 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART134502 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101452 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101453 8/22/05 12/17/05 MOTR FPCE 10/21/05 11/21/05 FLFR701420 9/21/05 11/15/05 PHOT701550 10/9/05 10/22/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG102SWA 8/22/05 12/17/05 -52- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 1.50 7.50 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 53.50 3.00 4.00 1.33 1.00 2.50 3.00 1.50 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.34 4.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.27 4.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 24.00 16.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 Amt Pd 1,926.24 963.12 1,926.24 1,926.24 75.00 963.12 187.50 2,870.88 2,870.88 100.00 1,713.12 1,926.24 1,926.24 936.25 2,562.24 2,946.24 761.92 25.00 55.00 1,926.24 37.50 2,285.76 1,926.24 50.00 75.00 1,926.24 1,335.32 100.00 50.00 25.00 5,741.76 1,926.24 1,926.24 75.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 75.00 726.21 3,828.48 156.00 3,828.48 2,285.76 1,926.24 1,926.24 300.00 336.00 108.00 75.00 1,926.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Rues, Anne L Rush, Nicholas A Russell, Brenda C Russell, Janine R Loc M M M FP Sabharwal, Chander M M M M M Sabharwal, Surinder FP FP FP FP Saccavino, Alex M Saddler, Angel Y M Saettele, Robert M M M Sago, Janis Lynn M M Salomon, Mary FP Salsman, Iris J FV Sanders, Crystal FV FV Sanders, James FV Sanders, John FP Sanders, Jonathan M Sanders, Thomas FP Sandmel, Barbara FP Saputo, Pauline M M Sarich, Mark D FP FP FP Sather, Lawrence FV FV FV Saunders, Kathleen M M Saunders, Montserrat FP Sayer, Christof A FP FP FP Schaljo, Frederick FV FV Scherr, Frank B M M Schmidt, Amy E FV 02/23/06 Course ENG102SWG PE 130 IRT142650 GEDU FPCE MTH140W50 MTH160W51 Workshop AFCP MTH030W50 MTH166450 MTH165450 MTH020406 Substitute THT101S01 ASTWOMBSK Workshop HRT220601 HRT220650 ART167601 ART165603 DMS206401 WMEN FV MTH030580 MTH140581 BUSN FV BIC204450 ENG101W51 IS 103453 FLFR702420 ART109602 ART105601 MUS103401 Substitute MUS128450 Substitute ENG1025XG ENG101524 Workshop IRT138650 FLSPHEC ART115401 Fac Orient Workshop RDG020550 RDG021550 arc110650 Workshop ASTSOCCOA Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/16/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 11/21/05 11/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/9/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 11/30/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/10/05 12/31/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/24/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/26/05 12/5/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 12/3/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -53- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 2.58 3.00 Clock Hr 60.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 2.67 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 2.81 2.81 66.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 18.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 14.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 24.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.67 Amt Pd 1,926.24 1,658.50 2,562.24 1,500.00 2,870.88 3,827.84 50.00 200.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 37.50 2,210.88 1,523.84 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,285.76 2,285.76 5,892.48 372.00 1,606.05 1,606.05 2,046.00 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 450.00 3,828.48 3,828.48 1,926.24 350.00 1,926.24 50.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 75.00 1,284.16 648.00 2,568.00 50.00 175.00 2,210.88 736.96 3,413.76 75.00 1,523.84 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Schmidt, Jamie E M M Schmidt, Susan C M M M M Schmieder, Linda FP FP FP FP FP Schoen, Gary R M M M Schopp, Carl R M Schopp, Kathleen FP Schrader, Diann J M M M Schulte, Jeanne FV Schulze, Anna M FP Schwartz, Oscar FP Schweppe-Streiler, Sheral FV Schwieder, Marcia M M Sciaroni, Cynthia FP Scott-Barnes, Vern FP Scurlock, Eugene FV FV FV Seaborn, Jeffrey FP FP Seager, Mary V FV FV Sedano, Christy L M M M Seger, Matthew FP Self-Portwine, Sus M Selig, Margaret R FV FV FV Senior, Martha FV FV Seyer, Bradley A FP FP Shahriary, Carol FP FP 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101618 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS121603 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS121602 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS121601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Blk Board 9/11/05 9/24/05 RTH223401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/7/05 12/17/05 RTH247401 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH121402 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH250461 10/16/05 12/17/05 MTH160W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 IS 229651 8/22/05 12/17/05 PERD765FPCE 10/7/05 11/15/05 MTH140S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140S02 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 KIDS720FV 9/10/05 11/5/05 TUR501426 10/3/05 10/14/05 Med Direc 8/22/05 12/17/05 CCPR FV 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030623 8/22/05 10/15/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 FOOD FPCE 9/22/05 12/20/05 ACC100452 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC100504 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC100503 8/22/05 12/17/05 Asst Track Coa 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM119401 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM119450 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030520 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030519 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 105601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/27/05 12/17/05 PE 192601 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 HMS100601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Counselor 12/19/05 12/31/05 PRD 109 8/22/05 12/17/05 PRD 100 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030519 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1025XJ 8/22/05 12/17/05 DHY 128 8/22/05 12/17/05 DHY 222 11/23/05 11/24/05 Librarian 8/20/05 12/18/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 -54- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 0.67 36.50 0.67 1.33 0.67 4.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 12.50 3.00 3.00 1.00 32.00 3.00 1.33 2.00 1.50 1.00 32.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.17 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.17 1.00 1.08 0.19 3.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 0.15 5.38 1.00 Amt Pd 75.00 1,926.24 1,708.16 1,708.16 1,708.16 25.00 428.00 912.50 428.00 856.00 428.00 2,568.32 50.00 200.00 2,210.88 262.50 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 576.00 1,713.12 1,137.92 54.00 963.12 75.00 812.50 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 666.68 1,473.92 1,473.92 2,870.88 2,870.88 749.00 22.00 695.50 105.67 1,926.24 191.44 956.96 956.96 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,137.92 124.46 5,144.96 50.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Shanders, NicholasFP Shankle, James FP FV FV FP FP Sharpe, William FV FV FV FV Shaw, Susan J FV Shea, John M M M M Shea, Marion C M M M M Shepard, Mark A M Shepek, Gary D FP FP FP Shepherd, Edward FP Sheppard, Mark A M M M Sheppard, Patricia M Sherry, Jerome P M M M Shields, Laura A FV FV Shiller, Alan H M M M M Shiwachi, Maki S FP M M Sholy, Carol S FV Shrinivas, Radha FP FP FP FP Shull, Mary J M M M Siebel, John M Siebert, Stacy FP Silva, Michael R FP 02/23/06 Course EMT121ADJ EMT121ADJ EMTPRIFV EMTADJFV EMTPRIFP EMTPRIMC COM101507 COM101503 COM101505 Fac Ori COMP742FV PHL101S50 PHL101W01 PHL104S50 PHL101603 PHL103S50 PHL101602 Substitute IS 103S50 MTH020401 MTH020408 MTH020423 MTRMAINTFP Workshop ART109W39 ART109652 ART109606 ESL Asst ENG051601 ENG061602 DANC745500 DANC745FV COM107601 COM101608 COM101603 Substitute JPN103476 JPN104601 JPN103601 PSC204ALL MTH020405 MTH020433 MTH020415 MATH716401 IS 101602 IS 101601 Workshop Substitute EMT121ADJ AUTO701498 Begin End 8/22/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/15/05 10/12/05 12/17/05 10/12/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 9/15/05 10/22/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/26/05 11/10/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/11/05 12/3/05 10/9/05 12/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/10/05 11/21/05 9/26/05 10/26/05 8/22/05 9/22/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/17/05 12/22/05 8/22/05 12/15/05 9/15/05 10/10/05 -55- Cr Hr/ Equiv 0.88 0.18 Clock Hr 3.50 0.01 2.00 4.13 2.81 2.75 2.81 1.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 10.50 3.00 3.00 5.00 20.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 0.18 5.00 Amt Pd 499.80 99.96 108.50 7.14 1,142.08 2,355.54 1,805.85 1,765.72 1,805.85 100.00 330.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 25.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,100.00 50.00 3,413.76 3,413.76 2,946.24 231.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 90.00 360.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 100.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,210.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 54.00 736.96 736.96 50.00 75.00 99.96 125.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Silver, Susann S Silverberg, Jennif Simler, Diana J Loc FP FP M M Simmons, Karen FP FP FP FP Simmons, Mary FP FP Simon, Sheree FP Simons, Kolleen M M Simpson, Chana FP FP FP FP FP Simpson, Roxanne FV Simpson, Thomas M Singer, Jonathan M M Singh, Kuldip M M Singleterry, RonaldFP Singleton, Melissa FP Sippy, Jessica M M M Skosky, Brenda M M Slaughter, Anne FP FP Sletten, Byron K M Smallwood, Micha M Smejkal, Christoph M M M M Smith, Allan D FP Smith, Cheryl S FV Smith, Earnrolyn FV FV Smith, Leslie C FP Smith, Michael J FV Smith, Robert FV Smith, Robert R FV FV 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End NUR 108 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART272450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ACC100S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 COMP HEC 9/13/05 12/20/05 PERD HEC 9/12/05 12/20/05 PERD HEC 9/15/05 12/20/05 PERD HEC 8/22/05 9/10/05 NUR507SUB 9/30/05 10/20/05 NUR507ADJ 9/16/05 10/15/05 EMT Adjunct 8/22/05 12/15/05 HMS101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PE122123402 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 122421 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 122422 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE122123401 8/22/05 10/15/05 Fitness 9/6/05 12/17/05 WOMSOCCOA 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI111650 8/22/05 12/17/05 REL100670 8/22/05 11/1/05 REL100671 10/17/05 12/18/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 IS 251650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101463 10/16/05 12/17/05 ENG101479 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101604 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101603 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 DHY 222 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/11/05 12/17/05 AT 106650 9/18/05 12/17/05 LGL211671 10/25/05 12/17/05 COM SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101627 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101628 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101634 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART233401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DANC746500 9/10/05 12/17/05 LGL217580 8/22/05 12/17/05 LGL222550 10/20/05 11/19/05 KIDS701HEC 8/29/05 12/20/05 CE 247580 8/22/05 12/17/05 GNSF FV 10/23/05 11/5/05 BIO207580 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 -56- Cr Hr/ Equiv 5.58 4.00 Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 4.00 11.00 8.00 12.00 9.00 0.95 0.10 3.00 1.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 26.00 7.33 3.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 13.25 3.00 1.00 9.13 2.50 4.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 10.00 3.00 1.00 335.00 3.00 1.00 4.33 1.00 Amt Pd 3,582.36 2,285.76 50.00 2,562.24 92.00 297.00 184.00 324.00 225.00 542.64 57.12 2,562.24 25.00 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 910.00 4,190.56 1,926.24 2,947.84 2,947.84 75.00 2,562.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 3,210.40 331.25 1,926.24 50.00 7,794.76 62.50 3,828.48 2,870.88 125.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,568.00 180.00 2,210.88 736.96 8,375.00 2,870.88 108.00 4,143.64 78.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Smith, Robert R Smith, Sandra T Loc FV FP FP Smith, Susan M M Smith, Thomas J FP FP Smith-Buckingham, Minnie FP FP Smugala, Brian A M Smugala, Joe M FP FP Sneed, Ralph J FV FV FV FV Snyder, Peggy L M M Sokol, Laurence J M M M M M Sonderman, Amy FV FV FV FV Sotraidis, Sandra M M M M M M Spainhour, Bret L M Spear, Carrie A M Spearman, August FP FP FP FP FP Speegle, Aletta M M M Spihlman, Walter M Spradley, William M Squillace, Joseph M M Stafford, Robert M Stanton, Tracey M 02/23/06 Course Begin End BIO207581 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160C452 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020463 9/13/05 12/18/05 PE 136601 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM145461 10/18/05 12/18/05 HRM140450 8/23/05 10/16/05 ST 105402 8/22/05 12/17/05 ST 105401 8/22/05 12/17/05 HDMENSOC 8/22/05 12/17/05 WomSocCoa 8/22/05 10/15/05 SocCoach 8/22/05 10/15/05 PSY200550 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 PSY200551 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS103601 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS103650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101603 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH020526 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/29/05 12/18/05 MTH030529 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030532 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 COM SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101643 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101647 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM107603 8/22/05 12/17/05 MUS128W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 141601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 RDG012402 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG016402 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG016421 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG016422 8/22/05 12/17/05 Blk Board 9/11/05 9/24/05 MTH030680 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030W51 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC126650 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRT132670 8/22/05 10/15/05 HMS102698 11/28/05 12/2/05 HMS102650 8/22/05 12/17/05 CE 117601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE125611 8/22/05 12/17/05 -57- Cr Hr/ Equiv 4.33 4.00 3.00 1.33 3.00 3.00 4.17 4.17 4.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 1.50 3.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 20.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 Amt Pd 4,143.64 2,568.32 1,926.24 761.92 1,713.12 1,713.12 3,069.00 3,069.00 2,285.76 1,714.32 1,142.88 2,870.88 78.00 100.00 2,870.88 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,926.24 112.50 37.50 1,926.24 50.00 1,713.12 100.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 50.00 75.00 500.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,562.24 1,713.12 50.00 1,142.08 1,142.08 1,142.08 1,142.08 25.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,210.88 736.96 234.00 2,210.88 3,827.84 1,284.16 3.2 Ratifications Name Star, Darcie E Loc M M Stdko, Joe R FV Stearman, Scott M Stecko, Andrew FP Steele, Cathy S M Steele, Denise FV Steenberg, Karl M Stegeman, Elaine FP Steier, John J FV Steinberg, Michael FP Steiner, Frank A M M Steinke, Grace E FV FV Sterling, Antionette FV FV FV FV Stevens, Annie E M M M Stewart, Linda F FV FV Stieferman, Debra FP FP FP FP FP Stikes, Charles E M M Stiles, Marsha I FV FV Stilwell, Ronald M Stinchcomb, Bruce FV FV Stine, Candaice FV Stocker, Christine M Stoll, Sam L M M Stopke, Steven D FV Storer, Christopher FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Cr Hr/ Course Begin End Equiv Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PE 116601 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.33 MENSOCCOA 8/22/05 12/17/05 7.33 IDS101W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 0.50 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 PSY200553 8/22/05 12/17/05 2.91 GEDINSVMCE 8/22/05 12/31/05 EMT121ADJ 8/22/05 12/14/05 0.35 Substitute 9/26/05 12/17/05 MCM130461 9/18/05 12/17/05 3.00 ART131650 8/22/05 9/24/05 1.00 ART131650 9/18/05 12/17/05 3.00 DIET705500 10/11/05 10/22/05 DIET 705 12/11/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 COM101518 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 Substitute 10/10/05 12/17/05 COM101510 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG1026WQ 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 ENG1026WV 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 ENG030552 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 ENG030551 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 MCM102421 9/18/05 12/17/05 3.00 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 MCM101461 11/28/05 12/31/05 0.56 Substitute 10/25/05 12/17/05 MCM101401 11/28/05 12/31/05 0.56 SOC101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 SOC101605 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 BLW101580 10/16/05 12/17/05 3.00 MUS114604 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 GEOL703FV 10/19/05 11/19/05 GEO111501 8/22/05 12/17/05 2.67 Costumer 9/18/05 12/17/05 1.50 ART167650 8/22/05 12/17/05 4.00 MTH140652 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 MTH170650 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 PHL103351 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 BIO208551LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.33 BIO207508LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.33 BIO207502LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.33 BIO208551 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 Substitute 8/24/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Substitute 11/2/05 12/17/05 BIO207508 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 -58- Clock Hr 1.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 4.50 4.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 12.50 1.00 2.00 Amt Pd 75.00 856.00 4,708.00 2,870.88 285.60 25.00 2,141.79 40.00 199.92 75.00 1,926.24 853.44 2,560.32 148.50 132.00 100.00 1,926.24 75.00 1,926.24 75.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,210.88 50.00 414.54 75.00 414.54 2,562.24 2,562.24 100.00 2,210.88 2,870.88 108.00 2,555.08 963.12 2,946.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,210.88 759.48 759.48 759.48 1,713.12 312.50 100.00 44.00 1,713.12 3.2 Ratifications Name Stover, Karl S Strait, Gerry T Strait, Marlene A Strand, Stephanie Stream, Jo A Loc FV CC CC M FP FP Strothkamp, Pame FP FP Struebing, Meredit FV FV FV FV FV FV Stucco, Guido G FP Stuhlsatz-Krouper, Sarah FP Sturgis, Anna M M M M Suess, Yvonne C FP Sullivan, Kathleen M M M Sullivan, Michael FP FP FP FP Sullivan, Timothy FP Summers, Diane M M Summers, Lesley FP FP Surber, Judith A FP FP FP Sutton, Emerson FP Svrakic, Ljiljana FP Sweetman, Leah M M Swegle, Jonathan FP FP FP Swiderski, William FP Swiener, Rita R M M M Swoboda, Michael M M M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End ART207501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Enter/Dance 9/15/05 9/16/05 Enter/Dance 9/15/05 9/16/05 BIO203650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ILC 440 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 ENG020451 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 ENG062501 9/18/05 12/17/05 ENG051502 8/22/05 9/11/05 ENG051502 9/18/05 12/17/05 ENG062501 8/22/05 9/11/05 ENG051502 8/22/05 9/11/05 ENG062501 8/22/05 9/11/05 PHIL701420 9/26/05 11/10/05 BIO111480 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 SOC103601 8/22/05 12/17/05 TRP FPCE 9/10/05 10/15/05 PHL102650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL102604 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MKT203451 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS104401 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS104403 8/22/05 12/17/05 RNGE AIDE 8/20/05 11/10/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PED116650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/18/05 SPA101402 8/22/05 12/17/05 CLT201401 8/22/05 12/17/05 CLT106401 8/22/05 10/16/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 REL205H51 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLSP701420 9/21/05 11/15/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 SOC101SWA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 MCM126401 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM126422 9/18/05 12/17/05 CRJS FPCE 8/16/05 12/20/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200S46 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY208W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 276601 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 108601 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 589698 11/28/05 12/2/05 -59- Cr Hr/ Equiv 2.67 Clock Hr 1.00 1.00 4.33 8.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.25 0.70 2.25 0.70 0.05 0.05 10.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 11.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 28.00 1.00 1.33 6.00 3.75 3.33 1.33 1.00 3.00 16.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 Amt Pd 1,712.00 37.50 37.50 2,780.20 6,827.52 50.00 1,713.12 50.00 1,444.68 451.46 1,444.68 451.46 30.10 30.10 250.00 2,568.32 25.00 75.00 1,926.24 198.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 25.00 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 144.20 75.00 761.92 150.00 2,407.80 2,455.20 982.08 50.00 2,210.88 432.00 50.00 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 620.00 25.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,285.76 2,285.76 468.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Taborn, Eleanor Loc FP FP FP Taborn, Tyrone A FP FP Tackette, Roger D M M M Taggart, Andrew FP FP Taqieddin, Ranya FP FP Tarbouni, Younass FP Taylor, Amanda V M M Taylor, Jennifer L M M Taylor, Karen M FV Tesker, Kathleen FV Tharenos, Anthony M M Thibodeaux, Scott M M Thoele, Mary A M M Thoma, Glenn E M Thomas, Elizabeth FP FP Thomas, Eric S FV FV FV Thomas, Frances FV FV Thomas, Jesse P FV FV FV Thomas, Preston FP Thomas, Tricia L FV Thomas-Woods, R FP FP FP FP Thompson, Donald FV FV FV FV Thompson, Marcia FV FV FV 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 RDG030416 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030402 8/22/05 12/17/05 BLW101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101618 8/22/05 12/17/05 THT1016W1 8/22/05 12/17/05 THT101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1024WH 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1024WC 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 BIO207452 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG060450 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 108 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH020651 8/22/05 12/17/05 CCPR FV 9/6/05 12/3/05 COMP720FV 9/9/05 10/8/05 ART135601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART135602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 AT 101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO203603 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO203604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RTH247401 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH250461 10/16/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 AT 588551 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 233551 8/22/05 12/17/05 HMS20550H 9/18/05 12/17/05 HMS203550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART111551 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ART111502 8/22/05 12/17/05 Coaching 8/22/05 12/17/05 CCPR708550 9/20/05 9/24/05 ENG030404 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101413 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101414 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 Substitute 11/30/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MTH030555 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030556 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MTH030511 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030518 8/22/05 12/17/05 -60- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.33 5.63 7.67 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 12.00 2.67 2.67 1.00 4.00 4.33 4.33 1.00 0.67 0.67 1.00 2.67 2.67 3.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 2.67 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 50.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 75.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 2,780.20 3,611.70 4,922.00 75.00 50.00 1,926.24 54.00 396.00 1,964.16 1,964.16 75.00 3,413.76 2,780.20 2,780.20 50.00 428.00 428.00 78.00 2,275.84 2,275.84 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,568.00 100.00 2,568.00 1,964.16 58.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 100.00 100.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 100.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Thompson, Marcia FV FV Thompson, Pearl FV Thumin, Ling J FV Tilling, Jennifer R FP FP FP Timmermann, Karl FV FV FV Tippett, Royce C FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Tjaden, D Scott M Toal, Kevin R FP FP FP Tobias, Marvin A FV FV FV FV Tocco, Heather K FP Tolbert, Patricia K FV Tolen, Stephanie FP Tolson, GwendolynFV Toma, Terry Lynn FP Torrisi, Constance M Touchette, Nancy FV Touma, Jennifer FV Tournier, Adam G FV FV FV FV Townsend, RichardFV FV Trachtova, Carolyn M FP M M Traubitz, Arnold M M M Trax, Daniel David M M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End MTH030507 9/18/05 12/17/05 MTH030507 8/22/05 9/11/05 FSHN700FV 9/7/05 11/19/05 Librarian 8/16/05 12/17/05 MTH030462 9/12/05 12/17/05 MTH020465 9/12/05 12/17/05 MTH020439 9/12/05 12/17/05 MCM130501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MCM1015SC 10/16/05 12/17/05 PE 130408 8/22/05 10/15/05 PE 130409 8/22/05 10/15/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 PEDU756403 8/28/05 9/11/05 Coach 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 180402 8/22/05 10/15/05 COL100401 8/22/05 10/15/05 ART563601 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111401 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111404 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111403 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 PSY20050H 10/16/05 12/17/05 PSY200505 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/9/05 12/17/05 EMT ADJ 8/22/05 12/15/05 DIET714FV 9/10/05 12/3/05 GEDU FPCE 9/20/05 12/20/05 NUR 102 9/18/05 12/17/05 PHL104401 8/22/05 12/17/05 GED MCE 8/16/05 12/31/05 ENG1025XN 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUSN FV 11/6/05 12/3/05 PHY1115WC 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/4/05 12/17/05 PSI111502 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHY1115WB 8/22/05 12/17/05 JPN100550 8/22/05 12/17/05 JPN103501 12/5/05 12/9/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENGL765H51 9/6/05 12/15/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG060650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG103650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1026W0 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ENG101631 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101651 8/22/05 12/17/05 -61- Cr Hr/ Equiv 2.25 0.75 Clock Hr 18.00 0.55 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.54 1.54 18.00 18.00 2.00 1.62 1.54 4.00 1.34 1.33 1.33 1.00 3.00 2.88 3.00 1.80 12.00 96.00 2.75 3.00 65.00 3.00 8.00 5.00 8.00 3.00 1.00 48.00 3.00 1.00 75.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 2,153.16 717.72 324.00 526.48 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 100.00 1,926.24 880.97 880.97 396.00 324.00 1,142.88 928.59 880.97 2,285.76 765.20 759.48 759.48 78.00 1,926.24 1,845.98 75.00 1,028.16 396.00 2,208.00 2,025.54 2,210.88 910.00 1,926.24 264.00 3,210.40 200.00 1,926.24 642.08 2,106.24 234.00 75.00 2,475.00 25.00 3,852.48 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 25.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 3.2 Ratifications Name Trenholm, Robert Loc FP FP Tretter, Gina G FV FV FV FV Tricamo, Sandra FV FV FV FV Trietley, Roger S FP FP Trombley, Allison FP FP FP Trost, Sean P FV True, James E FV FV FV FV FV Truong, Quang M FV FV Trzaska, Anupama FV FV FV FV Tucek, Linda A M M M M M M Turner, Bryan J FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FV FP FV Turner, Fred FP Turner, Mitchell M FP FP FP FP FP 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End ST 108401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ST 104401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DIT209501 8/22/05 12/17/05 DIT107501 8/22/05 12/17/05 DIT106501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 PE 181550 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 181502 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ART240401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART131421 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030461 9/18/05 12/17/05 ENG030422 9/18/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 MUSC FV 9/15/05 12/17/05 IDS101552 8/22/05 12/17/05 AFCP 11/21/05 11/25/05 BUS104506 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO140502 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MTH140552 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160B580 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207551LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207552 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207551 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207552LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH030602 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140602 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140613 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030623 10/16/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Orientation 8/25/05 8/28/05 BIO111402ADD 9/18/05 12/17/05 BIO111506LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111505LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO11156LILAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111550LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111408 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 BIO111402 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/5/05 12/17/05 CRJS FPCE 8/16/05 12/20/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 FOOD FPCE 11/3/05 12/10/05 HRM212401 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM212402 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM212450 8/22/05 12/17/05 -62- Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.00 2.00 0.40 0.80 0.80 Clock Hr 1.00 1.00 1.33 1.33 1.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 16.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 1.33 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.74 29.00 1.00 1.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 4.33 1.00 1.33 8.00 36.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 571.44 1,284.00 256.84 513.68 513.68 100.00 200.00 761.92 761.92 100.00 3,413.76 3,413.76 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 432.00 2,870.88 200.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 100.00 1,926.24 2,568.32 980.16 2,210.88 2,210.88 980.16 50.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,119.62 725.00 50.00 736.96 853.96 853.96 853.96 853.96 3,191.04 100.00 980.16 176.00 1,188.00 50.00 105.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 3.2 Ratifications Name Tyler, Ray A Loc FV FV Tyus, Vera R FV FV FV Ubriaco, Robert D FV FV Uhles, Mathew L FP FP Uhrig, Kirk J FP Ullery, Leona M FP Unverferth, Donna FP FP FP Urbach, Cathy A FP Usher, Ellen NicoleFP FP FP FP Vallely, John A FV Valter, Bella V M M Van Dyke, Karen FP FP Van Herreweghe,ChristFP Van Hoogstraat, William M M Van Leuven, DianaM VanDaele, ThomasM M Vareedayah, Mariadhaso FP FP FP FP FP Varel, Anne Marie M Vasat, Irma FP FP FP FP Vavere, Atis FV Vernon, Ena A M M Villalobos, Carol FV Vinson, Annette L FV FV FV FV Vogel, Dorothy M FV 02/23/06 Course PE 145550 Fac Ori RDG020552 RDG020551 RDG021551 HST101506 HST101507 RTH246401 RTH249421 EMT121ADJ MTH160C451 MTH020425 Substitute MTH030415 MOTR FPCE ENG101401 ENG101402 ENG030420 ENG030415 MTH140555 PE 128601 PE126601602 IS 151401 IS 102403 IS 103452 ART239636 ART138636 MCM101601 Workshop BUS104S50 ESL Planning Substitute ENG070403 ENG070451 ENG061404 ART155650 DA 157 Substitute DHY 222 DHY 121 CHM101551 BIO111S02 BIO111S50 SPA102550 RDG031502 RDG031507 RDG031508 RDG031509 CRFT720550 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/19/05 11/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/14/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/20/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/18/05 12/4/05 9/16/05 12/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/5/05 12/17/05 11/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/23/05 11/5/05 -63- Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.33 Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 0.67 0.67 0.78 4.00 3.00 3.50 3.00 24.00 2.94 0.94 2.94 2.87 3.00 0.67 2.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 1.33 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 2.91 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.15 3.00 5.00 2.00 5.33 4.33 4.33 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 Amt Pd 761.92 100.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 854.08 3,827.84 3,827.84 568.96 568.96 442.68 3,416.32 1,713.12 87.50 1,713.12 300.00 2,164.82 692.74 2,164.82 2,118.76 1,926.24 428.00 1,284.00 3,827.84 2,870.88 1,926.24 3,413.76 1,137.92 1,926.24 50.00 2,870.88 75.00 200.00 2,141.79 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,926.24 735.63 75.00 3,210.00 1,284.00 5,100.60 4,143.64 4,143.64 2,568.32 642.08 642.08 642.08 642.08 144.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Volpe, Vincent T Loc M M Von der Heydt, Elizabeth FV FV FV FV FV FV Voorhees, Heather M Vroman, Paul J FV FV FV FV FV Wable, Steven L FV Wadlow, Robert E M Walentik, David S M M Walker, Augustus M M Walker, Carmel M M M M Walker, Virginia M M M Wallace, Marsha FP FP Walston, Craig H M Walter, Michele C FV FV FV Walters, James R M M Wamsley, David M Ware, Keith FV FV FV FV Ware, Regina J FP FP Warner, Kathlene FV Warnock, Peter J M M M M Wartts, Charles FV FP 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Course Begin End Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 BLW101S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111512LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 12/8/05 12/17/05 BIO111507LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111513LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111514LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111511LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020S52 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 Substitute 10/13/05 12/17/05 MTH030550 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030551 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030582 8/22/05 12/17/05 GE 131580 11/5/05 11/20/05 ART265650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO151650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 COM101W01 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101W02 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101W04 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 RDG020651 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020453 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020459 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 159601 8/22/05 10/16/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 FRE101501 8/22/05 12/17/05 FRE101550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC206650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC212674 8/22/05 12/17/05 GEG101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101557 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 ENG101553 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101556 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 RDG030462 8/22/05 12/17/05 DIET FV 9/24/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ANT101602 8/22/05 12/17/05 ANT102602 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101606 11/13/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 9/1/05 9/12/05 ENG101462 9/18/05 12/17/05 -64- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 1.33 1.50 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 3.00 1.00 6.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 12.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.00 4.00 64.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 50.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.75 1.00 2.75 Amt Pd 50.00 2,870.88 853.96 37.50 853.96 853.96 853.96 853.96 1,713.12 100.00 162.50 1,713.12 1,713.12 1,713.12 854.08 2,946.24 2,870.88 2,870.88 300.00 3,827.85 50.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 25.00 75.00 1,926.24 1,713.12 1,713.12 856.00 100.00 3,827.84 2,496.00 2,870.88 2,870.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 100.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 50.00 1,926.24 1,650.00 50.00 2,210.88 2,210.88 552.72 100.00 2,348.72 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Wartts, Charles Loc FV FV Washington, Bruce FV FV Wasserman,Cheryl M M M Watt, Darren W FV Wayne-Moten, Jac FP FP FP Wead, Rodney S FP FP FP Weatherholt, Heather M Weber, Cami A M M M Weber, Eugene P FP Wedle, Patricia A FV Wegener, Delano M M FV M M Wehrle, Dan J M Weindel, Kenneth FP Weintraub, Margaret M Weintrop, Jeff A FV Weiss, April A FV Weiss, Denise M M Weiss, Jill Marie M Weiss, Sandra L M M M M Welby, James E FP Welch, Tonna M FV Welling, James F FV Weltscheff, William FP FP Werdes, M J FV FV Werner, Terry F M M M Wessel, Charlotte M Wessels, Gerard FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End ENG030508 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101519 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 8/21/05 9/3/05 MTH140554 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 PSY200S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 MTH030554 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 IS 102450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ILC 479 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 SOC101407 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 NUR 101 8/22/05 12/17/05 LAB CHECKS 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 COMP FPCE 8/20/05 12/20/05 Counselor 11/14/05 12/31/05 MTH020S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH SUB 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG2135XA 8/22/05 9/17/05 MTH160S03 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030S04 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 103651 8/22/05 12/17/05 Librarian 8/20/05 12/18/05 ART251602 8/22/05 12/17/05 ME 106501 12/12/05 12/16/05 KIDS719500 9/25/05 11/5/05 EDU102S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 HDWOMSOFT 8/22/05 12/17/05 PTA215601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/31/05 12/17/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 CRJS FPCE 8/16/05 12/20/05 CCP701500 11/6/05 11/19/05 PERD741550 9/30/05 10/8/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 DHY 222 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH108551 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020555 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 BIO111S05 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111S04 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG030650 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIC102450 8/22/05 12/17/05 -65- Cr Hr/ Equiv 2.94 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.67 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 6.67 1.33 1.00 20.00 0.90 3.00 2.00 12.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 6.84 4.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 48.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 4.42 2.81 2.62 1.00 4.33 4.33 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 2,508.86 2,562.24 100.00 2,870.88 50.00 1,926.24 25.00 1,713.12 50.00 2,562.24 2,275.84 50.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 50.00 4,280.00 856.00 75.00 620.00 768.60 2,870.88 50.00 468.00 3,827.84 2,870.88 1,926.24 6,544.87 2,946.24 234.00 189.00 2,870.88 50.00 1,142.88 1,926.24 75.00 25.00 75.00 1,584.00 66.00 135.00 50.00 4,227.28 2,072.70 1,934.52 78.00 4,143.64 4,143.64 1,926.24 1,926.24 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Weusthoff, Carole FV White, Donna M M M M White, Joyce A FV FV FV FV Whiteside, Ken FV Whitmore, Jennifer FP Whobrey, Edith F FV FV FV FV Wieckhorst, Kathryn FP FP Wiese, Ronald W FV Wild, Gerald A FV Wilke-Grimm, Briget FP FP Wilkins, Beverly FP Willard, Gina M FP FP Willard, Polly S FP FP Williams, Clovis FV Williams, Kenneth FP Williams, Lisa A M Williams, Meriam FV FV Williams, Robin L FP FP FP Williams, Shirley FP FP Williams, Terril K FP FP FP FP Willis, Ann A M Willis, Dahna R M M Willis, Jovon N FP FP Willman, Timothy FV Willmore, Melissa M FP FP M 02/23/06 Course CRFT765500 SOC101650 SOC101651 SOC101W01 ENG020506 ENG020504 ENG020507 Fac Ori COM10150P EMT121ADJ Honors ACC110503 ACC110504 Fac Ori Substitute FNL206401 CE 235550 PEDU766550 Fac Orient MTH020460 RDG020423 ART165450 PHOLABMGR ART100402 ART101401 Substitute Coaching PSI115650 SIGN725585 DCS104552 Substitute DHY 222 DHY 221 Fac Orient ECE101450 PE137138401 PE139140421 PE137138421 PE139140401 Librarian ECE208S50 ECE125610 Orientation PHT116421 Librarian PHL111698 PHL101450 PHL1014WA PHL103W01 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Begin End 9/17/05 9/24/05 11/13/05 12/17/05 11/13/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 10/3/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/15/05 12/31/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/26/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/23/05 11/5/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/29/05 12/4/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/25/05 8/28/05 8/22/05 11/12/05 8/16/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -66- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 3.17 0.75 0.75 3.00 2.88 2.88 2.88 1.00 3.00 1.25 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 7.33 3.00 10.00 1.00 3.00 2.75 4.00 4.00 3.00 2.91 17.50 3.67 2.00 1.00 4.84 3.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.67 3.00 6.40 1.00 3.58 0.83 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 57.06 481.56 481.56 1,926.24 1,845.98 1,845.98 1,845.98 100.00 2,870.88 714.00 234.00 2,947.84 2,947.84 100.00 50.00 4,190.56 2,210.88 250.00 50.00 1,713.12 2,631.64 2,568.00 2,568.00 2,870.88 2,781.17 437.50 2,095.28 1,284.16 50.00 2,765.98 75.00 3,210.00 1,284.00 50.00 2,210.88 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 1,071.35 2,210.88 4,716.56 50.00 2,047.66 529.68 234.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,926.24 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Wills, Freddie E M Wilson, Antonina FV FV FV Wilson, Crystal J FP FP FP FP FP FP FV Wilson, Diana L FV FV Wilson, Donald FV FV FV FV Wilson, Susan J M M M M M Winfield, Leroy FP Wisler, Marilyn K FP FP FP Woerther, Michael M M Wohl, Allison M M Wood, Pamela R FP FP Woolem, Donald FP Worley, Kenneth FV FP FP Wright, Allyson W FP FP Wright, Doris J M Wu, Cheng-Shih FP FP Wulfert, Rodney M M M M M Wylie, Carolyn E FP FP Yaksic, Maria R FP 02/23/06 Course COM101653 DCS104502 SIGN725585 Substitute PE 130407 PE 130451 PE122123450 PE 122461 PE 130427 PE 130462 DANC734501 PEDU756550 PED 116 Fac Ori ENG032505 ENG032508 ENG032519 MCM213698 COM131602 MCM126601 MCM101W01 Workshop Coaching MTH140450 MTH140452 MTH140480 Workshop ACC114650 MTH030653 MTH020W03 Fac Orient HST137450 EMT121ADJ ART100550 ART100450 ART100401 Fac Orient COM101425 Substitute ART111450 ART114401 MTH020S08 Workshop BLK BOARD MTH020S06 MTH020S07 DHY 222 DHY 221 ECE124H50 St. Louis Community College Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/23/05 11/5/05 9/26/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/17/05 12/15/05 10/17/05 12/15/05 10/17/05 12/15/05 11/6/05 12/17/05 9/13/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 9/11/05 9/24/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 9/11/05 -67- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 5.00 Clock Hr 1.00 9.50 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 12.00 12.00 1.33 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.17 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.40 4.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.33 2.00 0.75 Amt Pd 1,926.24 2,855.20 50.00 237.50 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 761.92 216.00 252.00 761.92 100.00 1,708.15 1,708.16 1,708.16 234.00 2,562.24 2,562.24 2,562.24 50.00 1,809.56 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 2,210.88 1,713.12 1,713.12 50.00 1,926.24 1,328.04 2,870.88 2,870.88 2,870.88 50.00 1,926.24 60.00 2,568.00 2,568.00 1,926.24 50.00 25.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 1,991.36 1,706.88 481.56 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Yaksic, Maria R FP Yancey, Amanda FP M Yanko, Albert M Yanko, Marie S M Young, Dawn M FP FP FP Young, Eric S FP Young, Kathryn A FV Young, Sharon L FV Youngblood, Stanley FV Zagar, Robert A FV Zamenski, Andrew FP Zebroski, Sheryline FP FP FP FP Zemen, Diane L M M Zimmerman, Raymond FP Zirngibl, James L M Zoernig, Deborah M M Course Begin End ECE124H50 9/18/05 12/17/05 Word Class 9/6/05 9/11/05 Publisher 11/6/05 11/19/05 ASTMENCOA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Cheerleading 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111451 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111410 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111450 8/22/05 12/17/05 EMT Adjunct 8/22/05 12/15/05 PEDU761551 9/14/05 11/18/05 BIO111552 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARTS727550 9/13/05 12/3/05 ARC209550 9/18/05 12/17/05 RTH240401 11/13/05 12/17/05 SOC101402 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101404 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 SOC101405 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160S51 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160S52 8/22/05 12/17/05 MOTR FPCE 8/26/05 11/15/05 MKT104601 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDUC MCE 12/4/05 12/31/05 EDUC MCE 12/4/05 12/31/05 Total: 02/23/06 Cr Hr/ Equiv 2.25 Clock Hr 1.00 1.00 0.67 2.67 1.34 1.33 1.33 0.20 20.00 3.00 30.00 3.00 0.33 2.94 2.94 1.00 2.94 4.00 4.00 24.00 3.00 14.00 5.00 5,829.63 11,633.88 -68- Amt Pd 1,444.68 120.00 105.00 380.96 1,523.84 765.20 759.48 759.48 114.24 540.00 1,926.24 690.00 2,562.24 214.00 2,164.82 2,164.82 50.00 2,164.82 3,416.32 3,416.32 300.00 2,210.88 252.00 90.00 4,574,382.65 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Adamecz, Gustav FP FP Aehle, Michael R M Ahrens, J Markus M M M M Albrecht, Randall M M Amor, Abdelouahab FP FP FP FP Anderhub, Beth M FP FP Angert, Joseph C FP FP FP FP Anthes, Richard M FP FP FP FP Appelbaum, Susan FP FV FV Armstrong, Richard FV FV FV Arpadi, Allen G FP Ashcroft, John R FV Baldwin, Robert O FP FP FP Ballard, Kelly K M M M Barrett, Barbara J M M Bayer, John G M M M Beal, David W FP FP Beard, Otis C FV FV Becker, Kathleen FP Behrend, Reynold M Belt, Donda D FV FV 02/23/06 Course Begin End IT 504466 10/20/05 12/17/05 IT 525450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART154602 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC204674 8/22/05 12/17/05 Extended 10/3/05 10/13/05 ACC100674 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 Tournament 12/23/05 12/31/05 PE 129601 8/23/05 11/19/05 IT 502466 10/20/05 12/17/05 IT 501486 8/20/05 10/16/05 IT 502486 10/22/05 11/20/05 IT 502486 10/22/05 12/17/05 DMS105401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DMS201401 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 251450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART166401 11/22/05 12/31/05 PHOTOLAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM114401 11/23/05 12/31/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 AUT163401 10/17/05 12/18/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 AUT151450 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM128450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 DIT107501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH154550 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/13/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 MCM101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ME 151550 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200401 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200T94 9/18/05 12/17/05 PSY208T14 9/18/05 12/17/05 MTH030617 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/17/05 12/17/05 MTH030610 8/22/05 12/17/05 MKT203695 8/22/05 12/17/05 MKT203602 8/22/05 12/17/05 HUM204601 9/18/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 HUM204601 8/22/05 9/24/05 MTH020416 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH124401 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020512 8/22/05 12/17/05 RDG020510 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 205 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART111605 8/22/05 12/17/05 COL COOR 8/22/05 12/17/05 CORCOL100 8/22/05 12/17/05 -69- Cr Hr/ Equiv 5.00 3.00 2.67 3.00 2.00 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 1.12 0.78 2.34 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.67 1.00 2.00 7.00 1.00 1.01 3.00 1.00 0.40 2.00 4.00 1.00 0.67 1.67 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.25 3.00 0.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 5.79 2.67 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 3,744.80 2,246.88 2,595.84 2,246.88 1,497.92 2,246.88 78.00 1,728.00 1,728.00 4,344.80 977.60 678.88 2,036.64 1,946.88 1,946.88 2,606.88 864.00 2,304.00 864.00 44.00 6,082.72 25.00 877.64 2,606.88 78.00 347.60 1,948.16 100.00 78.00 576.00 1,250.76 1,948.16 1,948.16 2,922.24 2,246.88 37.50 2,246.88 2,922.24 1,948.16 2,191.68 234.00 730.56 2,606.88 2,606.88 2,246.88 1,497.92 4,336.64 2,595.84 2,246.88 2,246.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Berger, Carol A Bergjans, Dorrine Berne, Richard R Betzler, Daniel J Bickel, Roger P Billman, Daniel T Blalock, Kay J Blanco, Carlos A Boullier, Peggy M Bozek, Brian M Breed, Gwen E Breitwieser, Dianne Brennan, James Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M 02/23/06 Loc FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV Course HUM110502 GL 101500 HUM110501 CTL IS 126466 COMP715500 PSY200T95 PSY200510 PSY200585 PSY200T15 PSY200504 DCS216501 Honors Substitute DCS208501 DCS210501 DCS211501 PT PREP BUS104505 IS 151501 Substitute Substitute BIO124650 Substitute Honors HST1026WB HST115601 IDS101W51 ENG1025XA Substitute RDG030506 RDG100501 NEWFACORI PT PREP MTH220551 Substitute NUR203LAB COM101605 RTH251461 RTH249421 RTH220401 RTH248450 RTH246450 HST101T14 HST101T94 PE 130511 PE 130517 PE 130554 PE 130555 PE 130520 Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/1/05 12/13/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 10/25/05 12/18/05 9/11/05 9/24/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 10/10/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/20/05 12/17/05 10/24/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/27/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/6/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 -70- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 0.75 1.50 Clock Hr 3.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 0.20 2.80 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.50 1.00 3.66 2.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 0.94 4.00 5.00 3.00 1.51 1.00 0.67 0.67 3.00 1.33 1.33 3.00 4.00 0.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 Amt Pd 2,922.24 730.56 1,461.12 120.00 868.96 198.00 2,922.24 194.80 2,727.44 2,922.24 974.08 2,606.88 234.00 75.00 234.00 2,606.88 2,606.88 160.00 2,922.24 974.08 87.50 25.00 3,180.39 50.00 78.00 2,606.88 3,475.84 2,606.88 2,606.88 62.50 2,606.88 2,606.88 703.64 160.00 3,744.80 75.00 1,307.52 974.08 648.96 648.96 2,920.32 1,297.92 1,297.92 1,958.88 2,611.84 217.52 870.08 870.08 870.08 870.08 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Burkhardt, Charles FV FV FV FV FP FV FV Campbell, Carl E M M M M Campbell, Cindy L FV FV FV FV FV Campbell, Jay G M Carson, Diane E M M M Carter, Christine E M Chambers, StanleyFP FP Chanasue, DeborahM Chapman, Thelma FP Chesla, Joseph C M M Chesney, Win M M Chott, Craig S M M Christman, Mary M Clark, Judy V FP FP Coburn, John W FV Coelho, Ana P FV Collier, Nancy C M M M M Collins, Jennifer P FP FP FP Collins, Steven G M M M Conner, Elcee C FP Consolino, Beverly FP Cooper, Terry D M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End PHY112501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/10/05 12/17/05 SENR766500 10/23/05 11/5/05 Substitute 9/8/05 12/17/05 MTH240450 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHY1115WB 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH123581 8/19/05 9/12/05 GEO100650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/17/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 GEO104651 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101501 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 120580 11/19/05 11/20/05 PE 135T15 9/18/05 12/17/05 PE 130521 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 103501 8/22/05 10/15/05 HUM101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART GRANT 11/6/05 11/19/05 SD DG GRANT 11/6/05 11/19/05 MCM132601 8/22/05 12/17/05 ANT102601 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160C407 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH108404 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 204 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART216601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Art Inventory 12/12/05 12/16/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 BUS104608 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 215674 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 235650 8/22/05 12/17/05 PTA212601 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030421 9/12/05 12/18/05 MTH030426 9/12/05 12/18/05 Substitute 8/25/05 12/18/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 Substitute 9/5/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/17/05 12/17/05 CHM106602 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM105650 9/18/05 12/17/05 GEO113T14 9/18/05 12/17/05 GEO100T14 9/18/05 12/17/05 GEO111401 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST137601 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST105602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Canterbury 8/22/05 12/17/05 RTH120401 8/22/05 12/17/05 DA 127 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 -71- Cr Hr/ Equiv 4.00 Clock Hr 2.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 3.00 1.33 1.33 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 3.00 4.00 3.00 0.83 1.33 2.80 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.65 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.68 3.00 3.00 2.66 3.00 5.00 3.00 3.33 1.67 3.00 1.00 Amt Pd 3,896.32 50.00 25.00 100.00 2,922.24 974.08 974.08 1,958.88 25.00 78.00 1,958.88 2,922.24 1,297.92 2,922.24 1,297.92 1,297.92 1,948.17 1,157.00 3,471.00 1,461.12 2,606.88 2,995.84 2,246.88 714.24 1,297.92 2,095.96 1,000.00 78.00 2,922.24 2,246.88 748.96 2,581.32 1,958.88 652.96 50.00 390.00 50.00 25.00 748.96 2,756.17 1,958.88 1,958.88 1,736.88 2,606.88 4,344.80 2,606.88 2,880.00 1,622.40 234.00 25.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Cooper, Terry D Loc M M Corich, Evelyn F FP Counte, Suzanne M Cruz, Ana Lucia M Cupples, Tommy FV M Cusumano, Donald FP FP FP FP Daniel, Paul T FP FP FP Day, Leroy T M M Delong, Rondel J M M M Denney, Diane M FP FP Dent, Thomas P FV FV FV FV FV Dettman, David D FP FP DeVoll, Matthew FP FP Dickerson, John FP FP Dickinson, Zelma FP FP FP Dixon, Robert T M M M Doerr, Erica Lynn FV FV Dorough, Scott C FV FV FV Dorsch, Joachim OM M Dorsey, Mary K M Downey, Michael FP FP FP FP 02/23/06 Course PSY210698 PSY208601 MTH140421 ACC110674 Substitute IS 13951A IS 103606 PSY205T14 PSY203T14 PSY205T54 PSY100T14 IT 501486 IT 502486 IT 501466 FRE101601 Honors IS 227602 IS 103676 Honors EDU200401 EDU200450 ACC114501 LGL21951A ACC29151A ACC100574 ACC114550 DIE104426 DIE107426 Substitute ENG101409 HST138402 VOC ED Substitute DHY5064IA DHY 222 COM104654 COM101642 COM104653 Fac Ori ProratFT MCM124501 MCM219501 MCM201501 GEO113601 GEO111602 NUR 205 RELEASED HRM116421 HRM116402 HRM116401 Begin End 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/20/05 10/16/05 10/22/05 12/17/05 8/23/05 10/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/13/05 12/18/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/14/05 12/8/05 10/17/05 11/10/05 9/7/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/9/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/11/05 9/25/05 8/16/05 9/12/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/18/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 10/16/05 8/22/05 10/16/05 -72- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 3.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.62 3.12 5.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.88 3.00 0.60 0.20 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.34 4.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 13.00 1.00 0.46 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 5.33 1.16 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amt Pd 234.00 4,344.80 748.50 748.96 75.00 234.00 2,246.88 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 1,948.16 1,412.08 2,715.52 4,344.80 974.08 78.00 2,606.88 2,606.88 78.00 2,922.24 1,826.40 2,922.24 584.45 194.82 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,606.88 295.45 100.00 2,246.88 2,922.24 5,844.48 325.00 156.00 446.16 2,606.88 2,606.88 2,606.88 642.08 1,970.04 1,305.92 1,170.00 468.00 748.96 3,991.96 868.32 1,737.92 868.96 868.96 868.96 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Downey, Michael FP du Maine, Jessica FV Dufer, Dennis C M Dunbar, Laurencin FV FV FV FV Dunlop, Katherine FP Dwyer, Joan E M Ebest, Ron J FV FV Elliott, John M M M M Etling, Nancy A M Featherson, Vincent FP FP Finnell, Patricia K FV FV FV Fischer, Carl W FV Fish, Lynda K FP FP Fitzgerald, Eleftheria FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Fliss, Edward R FV FV FV FV FV FV Florini, Jeanne R FV FV FV FV Flynn, Thomas W FV FV FV FV Fonseca, Eve M FP Fox, Sharon A FV FV FV Franks, Louise B M Fratello, Bradley M 02/23/06 Course Begin End Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/26/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 PSI105501 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI105503 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI105585 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 DEPTCHAIR 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 108 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM113501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM110501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH030604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020607 8/22/05 12/17/05 PgmCordin 8/22/05 12/17/05 XRT103401 8/22/05 12/17/05 XRT213401 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 102 9/18/05 12/17/05 NRSG704500 10/23/05 11/5/05 NUR 101 8/22/05 12/17/05 GE 132550 8/22/05 9/17/05 Dept Chair 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 PRD107421 9/14/05 12/18/05 PRD108403 8/25/05 11/17/05 Fall Reg 8/16/05 8/23/05 PRD102426 9/13/05 11/1/05 Fall Regis 9/13/05 9/30/05 PRD107461 9/14/05 12/18/05 GLOBALED 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 Substitute 12/2/05 12/17/05 BIO1225OP 10/16/05 12/17/05 BIO140501LAB 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207507 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS201501 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101511 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101585 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101512 8/22/05 12/17/05 DIT1155IA 12/5/05 12/9/05 PT PREP 8/21/05 9/3/05 Substitute 10/10/05 12/17/05 DCS109551 8/22/05 12/17/05 DCS109501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG053401 8/22/05 12/17/05 PT PREP 8/21/05 9/3/05 PTK 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101509 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 205 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART100T16 9/18/05 12/17/05 -73- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 4.50 3.00 1.00 0.33 3.00 3.33 1.00 6.00 2.25 48.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.67 2.67 4.00 2.00 6.00 2.53 0.35 5.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.15 1.00 0.27 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.33 3.00 4.00 0.20 6.55 3.00 3.00 2.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.49 2.01 Amt Pd 99.00 66.00 78.00 286.76 2,606.88 2,893.64 78.00 5,844.48 1,946.88 702.24 1,497.92 1,305.92 50.00 1,958.88 1,440.00 2,304.00 3,456.00 1,728.00 186.00 2,183.04 260.26 5,357.44 25.00 868.96 1,737.92 130.38 868.96 233.53 868.96 2,606.88 78.00 25.00 2,246.88 996.12 2,246.88 2,995.84 173.80 5,691.68 2,606.88 234.00 80.00 150.00 1,958.88 1,958.88 2,246.88 80.00 2,246.88 2,246.88 1,290.24 1,502.61 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Freeman, Terrence M FV FV Friedman, Donna FV FV FV FV Frost, James G M M M M M Fuller, Carolyn M FV Galanis, Joanne FV Gale-Betzler, Lisa FV FV Gardetto, Darlaine M M CC Garrett, Toni N M Gee, Stacy L FV Gerardot, Diane FP FP FP Gerstenecker, Dale FV FV Gleason, Mary E M M Goessling, Steven FP FP Goetz, Ronald E M M Gopalan, Chaya FV FV Gordon, Brian G FV FV Gordon, Katherine FV FV Graham, Nita S FP Grahlfs, Joan M FV Graul, Julie L FV FV Greer, James F M M CC M M Groth, Charles E M M 02/23/06 Course IDS101605 ESC100550 IDS101501 CHM105504 CHM206580 CHM222501 CHM221501 MTH160C675 MTH160A603 Substitute MTH160C698 MTH140698 RDG031501 ART100T15 DCS106551 DCS106501 WMS100698 GEN EDCOR Speaking M MTH020615 CTL ST 105401 ST 108401 ST 109401 EGR133504 EGR 50A ProratedFT NUR 102 AUT165499 AUT259426 MTH030612 Substitute Honors BIO208509 HST107501 HST107550 Honors SENR766500 MALL MTH030541 Honors PSY205T15 COM101S02 COM101S03 Lec Award COM SUB COM101635 ART245697 ART232602 Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/29/05 8/31/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/7/05 12/16/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/16/05 8/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/14/05 12/16/05 10/17/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 10/23/05 11/5/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/1/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/19/05 12/23/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -74- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 1.02 3.00 1.33 3.00 3.66 2.66 4.00 4.00 Clock Hr 2.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 0.83 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.85 1.00 2.69 7.00 1.34 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.56 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.33 Amt Pd 2,606.88 993.56 2,922.24 1,295.52 2,922.24 3,565.12 2,591.04 3,896.32 3,896.32 50.00 312.00 234.00 652.96 2,922.24 3,744.80 3,744.80 234.00 2,606.88 1,015.04 974.08 240.00 720.00 4,320.00 1,728.00 156.00 1,607.56 2,320.40 2,016.12 546.00 798.65 1,737.92 25.00 390.00 974.08 2,922.24 2,922.37 78.00 25.00 2,995.84 2,224.54 78.00 2,246.88 2,922.24 2,922.24 451.98 50.00 1,461.12 156.00 998.07 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Grupas, Angela Loc FV M M Guenther, Charles FV Hafer, Gail H M Hagan, Marilyn M Hake, Carol L FV Hake, John C FV FV FV Hallermann, Charleen FP FP Hamberg, Linda J FV FV Hanlon, David R M M M M Harlan, Vernon T FP FP FP Harms, Robert C M M Harris, James J FP FP Hartmann, William FP Hartsfield, Janice FV FV Hartwein, Jon FP FP Haun, Margaret C FV FV FV FV Hauser, Michael M M M Hawker, Patricia FP FP FP Heaton, Patricia L FP Helbling, Rebecca M Herdlick, John D M M M M Herman, Susan M M Hertel, Robert B FP FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End CTL 11/28/05 12/2/05 COM120675 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM107675 8/22/05 12/17/05 ESC233501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 ART252602 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 MTH020513 8/22/05 12/17/05 CTL 11/28/05 12/2/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/18/05 MTH030407 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU216501 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU216502 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART204601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART271698 11/28/05 12/2/05 ART166601 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ208450 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ124401 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ COOR 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111677 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO106601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHL105401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/8/05 12/31/05 PHL109401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 9/11/05 9/25/05 RDG021511 8/22/05 10/15/05 XRT213401 8/22/05 12/17/05 XRT111401 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101T15 9/18/05 12/17/05 SOC1015T1 8/28/05 8/31/05 SOC101503 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC201T14T15 9/18/05 12/17/05 CHM1056W6 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM1056W4 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/5/05 12/17/05 BIO207404ADD 9/18/05 12/17/05 BIO207404 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207406 8/22/05 12/17/05 DHY 226 8/22/05 12/17/05 COL020W50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140675 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH186601 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140699 11/28/05 12/2/05 Counselor 12/19/05 12/22/05 COL020605 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 -75- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 6.00 3.00 3.00 1.06 1.00 0.67 1.00 2.00 6.00 6.50 3.00 1.00 16.00 16.00 3.40 6.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.33 3.83 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.33 3.33 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.33 3.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 0.20 3.00 3.00 9.00 Amt Pd 240.00 2,922.24 2,922.24 1,032.52 78.00 648.96 312.00 1,305.92 240.00 162.50 2,922.24 25.00 468.00 702.08 2,545.12 132.00 234.00 2,994.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 3,762.60 3,328.12 2,922.24 25.00 974.08 736.96 748.96 2,175.20 2,175.20 2,922.24 944.00 974.08 973.47 5,191.84 3,409.28 25.00 1,497.92 1,497.92 2,246.88 973.44 2,606.88 75.00 748.96 2,995.84 234.00 130.64 2,246.88 66.00 225.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Hertel, Robert B Loc FP FP Herzog, David L FV FV FV FV Heth, George O FV FV FV Higdon, Paul E FV FV FV FV FV FV Higgins, Julie C FP High, Julie Ann M M Hinton, Grady FP FP Hsu, Jeff C M Huber, William F FP FP FP Huelsmann, Mary M Huether, Teresa FV Hughes, John S M M M Hughes, Ronald FP FP Hulsey, Keith C FP Hunt-Bradford, S M M M M M Hurley, Mary E FP FP FP FP FP Hurst, Douglas J M Huxhold, John P M Ibur, James M M M M Inyang, Ambrose M Ivory, Jeffrey P FP FP 02/23/06 Course HRM250499 HRM205401 MKT203FV MGT101574 MGT204574 MKT203574 Substitute Substitute BIO203501 MUS131501 PT PREP MUS114T55 MUS103501 MUS121502 MUS122501 MTH020413 Substitute PTA209602 PERSONA HUM209401 ACC122S72 BIO207410 BIO208403 BIO208404 ARC110601 CTL HST101S01 HST101S50 HST101SW1 CORD STUD ENG110401 Substitute MCM141602 MCM141674 Substitute Honors MCM142650 IDS201401 Substitute COM101422 MCM201498 COM101410 COM101S50 ENG101W03 ART113602 Art Inventory ART113603 SOC101T16 HRM210402 HRM214402 Begin End 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/4/05 12/17/05 10/14/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 11/9/05 11/19/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/29/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/9/05 10/22/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 10/5/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/12/05 12/16/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -76- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 3.00 2.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 2.00 1.66 2.00 4.00 1.50 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 18.00 0.40 1.50 3.00 3.00 4.33 3.00 3.33 1.67 6.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.00 0.13 4.00 3.00 2.00 Amt Pd 234.00 2,172.40 973.47 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 29.26 50.00 1,442.48 1,497.92 160.00 1,123.44 2,246.88 1,497.92 1,497.92 1,958.88 450.00 299.60 1,461.12 2,922.24 1,958.88 3,762.60 2,606.88 2,893.64 1,247.60 240.00 2,922.24 2,922.24 1,948.16 868.96 2,606.88 75.00 2,246.88 2,246.88 50.00 156.00 2,246.88 748.97 50.00 2,246.88 234.00 2,246.88 2,606.88 2,922.24 997.78 1,000.00 99.80 3,896.32 2,246.88 1,497.92 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Ivory, Jeffrey P Loc FP FP James, Darrin C FV FV FV FV Johnson, Cecilia FP FP FP Johnson, Reginald FP FP FP FP Josten, Denice L FP Juriga, David A FP FP FP Kahan, Brenda H FP Kalfus, Richard M M M M Kalinevitch, Karen FV Kalmer, Irene C FV FV FV Karleskint, George M M M M Keller, Patty O M M M M Kelly, J Kevin M Kiser, Karen M FP Klein, Nancy M M M Knight, Sandra M FP FP FP FP FP Kokotovich, Lisa M Koosmann, Steven FP FP Koric, Arabela FP FP Krishnan, Gee R M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End CURDEVEL 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM211402 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 130519 10/16/05 12/17/05 Fac Ori 9/11/05 9/25/05 PE 118581 9/13/05 9/25/05 ProratedFT 8/16/05 8/28/05 HMS201401 8/22/05 12/17/05 HMS203401 8/22/05 12/17/05 HMS205401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Fall Reg 8/16/05 8/19/05 PRD108402 8/25/05 11/17/05 PRD108450 8/24/05 12/18/05 PRD102425 9/14/05 11/2/05 Chair Transition 9/18/05 12/17/05 ACC122451 8/22/05 12/17/05 ACC100401 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS201401 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 129426 8/23/05 9/15/05 GER201601 8/22/05 12/17/05 GER102601 8/22/05 12/17/05 GER101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 ECE206501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE205550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE203501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 BIO140601 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO140602 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO144601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY203T56 9/18/05 12/17/05 PSY200T56 9/18/05 12/17/05 PSY203T16 9/18/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 131 8/22/05 12/17/05 CLT202401 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS101650 8/22/05 12/17/05 OTA101601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PRD525401 8/23/05 12/18/05 PhiThetaKappa 8/22/05 12/18/05 Fall Reg 8/16/05 8/23/05 PRD102461 9/15/05 11/3/05 Fall Regis 9/13/05 9/30/05 NUR101 8/22/05 12/17/05 FNL101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 FNL106401 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020435 9/12/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM106601 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM101675 8/22/05 12/17/05 -77- Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.00 3.00 0.33 1.00 0.33 Clock Hr 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 0.10 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 2.50 4.00 1.00 0.66 3.00 0.20 1.00 5.00 3.00 0.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.33 5.00 4.67 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.25 1.00 0.27 4.02 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 5.33 1.00 Amt Pd 748.96 2,246.88 249.52 642.08 249.52 2,023.11 1,948.16 2,922.24 2,922.24 74.92 1,497.92 1,497.92 748.96 1,738.47 2,246.88 2,995.84 2,246.88 974.08 3,896.32 2,435.20 3,896.32 312.00 573.52 2,606.88 173.80 78.00 4,870.40 2,922.24 487.04 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 133.25 4,320.00 4,542.72 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,606.88 2,606.88 217.30 868.96 233.53 3,009.20 1,946.88 1,946.88 1,958.88 37.50 5,191.84 974.08 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Kurt, Barbara E Langnas, Robert Langrehr, Andrew Larson, Judy C Lasek, Emily L Layton, Timothy Leach, Judith A Lee, Dianne M Lee, Kwan M Lee, Robert M Leech, Melissa L Lemons, Shelly L Lewis, Christine Lewis, Walter B Lincoln, Craig W Linzy, Nancy A Liu, Grace Lodhi, Afzal K Long, Richard D Lorenz, Michael Loy, Willis L Luebke, Mary E Lupardus, S Carol Lyons, Eilene M 02/23/06 Loc M M M FP FV M M CC M FP M M FV FV FV M M FP M M M M M M M M M M FV FV FV M M M M M FV FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Course Begin End Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020601 8/22/05 12/17/05 STFDVLPWEB 8/22/05 12/17/05 Visit Artist 10/20/05 10/24/05 ART109501 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM105605 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM105603 8/22/05 12/17/05 DACUM 9/13/05 12/4/05 IRT121650 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 205474 8/22/05 12/17/05 IRT166601 11/20/05 12/3/05 IRT121601 8/22/05 12/17/05 Counselor 12/19/05 12/31/05 COL020502 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS201560 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 EDU216601 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 205474 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI111604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 PHY111674 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST101T16 9/18/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020603 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 HST102601 9/18/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/23/05 12/18/05 MTH020524 8/22/05 11/12/05 MTH020560 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ124674 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ212674 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ122674 8/22/05 12/17/05 PHY111601 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSI111602 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1025XP 8/22/05 12/17/05 GLOBALED 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111450 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO203404 8/22/05 12/17/05 CURRENTS 8/22/05 12/17/05 ARC110602 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS201604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 Substitute 10/24/05 12/17/05 IDS201551 8/22/05 12/3/05 IDS201551 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111516 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 Substitute 10/6/05 12/17/05 -78- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 5.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.33 5.33 3.17 0.23 3.00 4.00 0.20 3.00 0.40 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 7.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.67 4.33 2.00 1.67 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 3.00 1.00 7.00 Amt Pd 125.00 974.08 2,922.24 100.00 1,152.00 3,991.96 2,374.20 202.58 2,606.88 3,475.84 173.79 2,606.88 261.28 1,958.88 2,611.44 75.00 974.08 2,922.24 2,606.88 156.00 4,344.80 5,242.73 78.00 75.00 748.96 175.00 25.00 748.97 75.00 2,246.88 2,246.88 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 4,870.40 2,922.24 2,246.88 2,922.24 1,626.72 4,217.76 1,737.92 1,247.60 974.08 78.00 37.50 1,086.20 1,086.20 2,606.88 78.00 175.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Magagnos, Lovedy FV FV FV FV Manteuffel, Mark S FV FV Marshall, Gregory M M Martin de Camilo, Jody M M M Martin, Susan J FP FP FP FP Mayes, Karen K FV McBride, Patrick FP FP FP FP McCloskey, Ellen FV FV FV McDonald, Chris FV McDonald, Virginia M M McDoniel, Lawrence M McElligott, Pamela M M M McEwen, Patricia FP FP FP McGuffin, Dorothy FV FV McHugh, James FP McKay, Darrell E FP FP FP McManemy, JeffreyFV FV FV McManus, Laurie M M Mense, James J FV FV Mercer, June J M M M M 02/23/06 Course Begin End ECE102501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE108550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE124550 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE105 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 BIO111514515 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG1026WJ 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO123601 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO117601 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO1236W2 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 102499 8/20/05 11/6/05 PE 130421 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 143421 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 174421 10/17/05 12/17/05 PGMCORDIN 8/22/05 12/17/05 PE 135T94 10/16/05 12/17/05 PE 130421 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 130422 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE 130402 8/22/05 10/22/05 MCM140501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MCM141501 8/22/05 12/17/05 COM101520 10/16/05 12/17/05 MTH020508 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO207604 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/3/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 Sum06Grant 11/20/05 12/3/05 IDS201S01 8/22/05 12/17/05 IDS201602 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM105450 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM105402 8/22/05 12/17/05 CHM105401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Counselor 12/19/05 12/31/05 Emerson 8/22/05 12/17/05 BUS116T14 9/18/05 12/17/05 XRT211401 12/5/05 12/9/05 XRT101401 8/22/05 12/17/05 XRT111401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 201 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR102 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020608 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG032560 11/28/05 12/9/05 ENG032561 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 133698 11/28/05 12/2/05 IS 272650 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 IS 133650 10/1/05 11/30/05 -79- Cr Hr/ Equiv 0.30 3.00 2.00 3.60 Clock Hr 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.40 3.00 3.63 1.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 3.56 3.00 1.33 1.33 0.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.33 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.33 1.00 5.33 0.30 3.00 1.50 3.00 6.67 0.67 1.30 1.82 1.33 5.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 0.50 Amt Pd 260.68 2,606.88 1,737.92 3,128.24 78.00 748.96 2,922.24 75.00 1,797.52 2,246.88 2,718.72 78.00 870.08 870.08 870.08 3,465.44 2,246.88 998.08 998.08 249.52 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 748.96 3,243.68 44.00 78.00 2,664.00 3,475.84 868.96 996.12 748.96 3,991.96 292.20 2,922.24 1,303.44 468.00 6,489.60 648.96 28.60 1,572.48 1,152.00 125.00 974.08 1,404.00 1,497.92 234.00 2,606.88 78.00 434.48 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Messmer, John P M M M Meyer, Deborah FP FP FP FP FP Meyer, Suellen M Michel-Trapaga, Rene M M Miller, Lisa A FP FP Mines, Thomas E FV FV FV FV FV Mirikitani, Ronald M Mizes, Lisa R M Molner, Arthur R M M Monachella, Mary M Moody, Carla J FP FP Moody, Peggy L FV FV Mosher, Anne M FV FV Mozelewski, Ronald FV FV FV Mueller, Craig H FP FP Mueller, Kelly J FV FV Munson, Bruce J FP FP FP Murray, Russell H M M Nagel, Jack G FV FV FV Nagel, John W M Nance, Harreld E FV FV FV FV 02/23/06 Course PSC103698 PSC101601 Honors IS 132426 IT 124426 IS 124427 IS 132427 IS 241499 Honors ART275651 AT 160698 ENG1024WI ENG101415 CHM101503 CHM101502 CHM210501 CHM101504 CHM101505 PE 145ALL Substitute MTH140604 MTH210601 MTH210602 DIRECTOR MCM201494 PSY205550 PSY200503 MTH020536 Substitute ECO152574 ECO152575 NEA PRES Substitute HRM105461 SPA101502 Begin End 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 9/26/05 10/28/05 10/31/05 12/2/05 11/1/05 12/1/05 9/27/05 10/27/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/4/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 SPA101ALL 9/18/05 12/17/05 PSY203401 8/22/05 12/17/05 Diversity 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200450 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020609 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO113T14T15 9/18/05 12/17/05 BIO111501 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO111511 8/22/05 12/17/05 AT 246698 11/28/05 12/2/05 RELEASED 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ212501 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ211501 8/22/05 12/17/05 CRJ209501 8/22/05 12/17/05 -80- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.67 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.33 3.66 1.33 1.33 4.00 6.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 11.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 7.00 1.95 5.33 3.00 1.50 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 0.80 0.60 Amt Pd 468.00 2,606.88 78.00 868.96 868.96 868.96 868.96 468.00 78.00 2,595.84 234.00 1,958.88 1,958.88 1,295.52 1,295.52 3,565.12 1,295.52 1,295.52 3,893.76 150.00 1,948.16 4,870.40 4,870.40 1,958.88 234.00 748.96 748.96 1,737.92 287.50 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 150.00 5,242.72 1,460.46 3,992.43 1,958.88 979.44 1,958.88 1,737.92 100.00 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 234.00 1,737.92 2,606.88 695.16 521.36 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Nesser-Chu, Janice FV FV Nichols, Andrea J FP Noori-Khajavi, Anoosh FP FP FP North, Sharon I FV FV FV Oney, Margaret J FV Ortbals, John D FV FV Ostlund, Karen M FP FP FP Otto, Esther E FP Pacheco, Jill V M M M M Palank, Robert F FV FV Pea, Nancy E J FV FV Pearson, Roy FV FV Pennington, GwendolynFP FP FP Pennington, Jack FP Peppes, Nicholas FP FP Pescarino, Richard FV FV FV Piazza, Ellen E FP FP FP Pierroutsakos, Sophia M Pisacreta, Diane M M Pitchford, Stanley FV FV Popper, Regina FV Powell, Margaret FV Pressman, Sophia M M M Raheja, Nina S FP 02/23/06 Course Begin End Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 ART166501 8/22/05 12/17/05 SOC101T14 9/18/05 12/17/05 MTH140406 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160C421 9/12/05 12/18/05 MTH210495 12/5/05 12/9/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 MTH160A505 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH160B505 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 201 8/22/05 12/17/05 ART107501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 CORD STUD 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/18/05 PERSONA 8/22/05 12/17/05 NUR 205 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/18/05 ENG101S47 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG101633 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 103507 9/18/05 12/17/05 IS 24651A 12/5/05 12/9/05 NUR102ADD 9/18/05 12/17/05 NUR 102 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH040501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/15/05 12/17/05 ECE105401 8/22/05 12/17/05 GRANT 8/22/05 12/17/05 CDA FIELD 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO203402 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO152402 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECO1524WA 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/23/05 12/18/05 MTH140509 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH140519 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM201402 8/22/05 12/17/05 HRM135402 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200611 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY200604 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY125650 8/22/05 12/17/05 ProratedFT 8/16/05 9/1/05 Substitute 10/10/05 12/17/05 Honors 12/5/05 12/9/05 GEAR UP 8/22/05 12/17/05 PSY205T16 9/18/05 12/17/05 Honors 11/28/05 12/2/05 Substitute 8/22/05 12/17/05 Lab Clinical 8/22/05 12/17/05 -81- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 1.77 1.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 4.49 1.33 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.50 2.23 1.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.93 2.80 4.00 1.50 1.40 3.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 20.00 2.00 6.00 2.37 1.00 2.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 8.33 Amt Pd 156.00 1,327.44 652.56 1,958.88 2,611.85 390.00 156.00 3,896.32 3,896.32 4,367.52 1,152.00 156.00 868.96 75.00 1,303.44 1,671.80 75.00 175.00 1,926.24 1,926.24 2,606.88 234.00 1,447.53 2,095.96 2,995.84 37.50 1,363.72 2,922.24 4,870.40 1,948.16 2,922.24 2,922.24 75.00 2,246.88 2,246.88 1,958.88 1,958.88 440.00 1,497.93 4,493.76 1,775.04 1,970.04 62.50 312.00 1,737.92 2,246.88 78.00 100.00 6,238.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Raheja, Nina S Rebollo, Jean M Reeves, Aaron L Reilly, Catherine Rhodes, Marlene Richards, Evann Richardson, Carol Riedl, John M Risch, David E Ritts, Vicki M Rizzo, Kathleen S Roach, Timothy L Roberts, Paul R Romero, Marco A Rosenthal, Howard Rossi, Charles R Ruppert, Joan H Salmon, Harold Saum, Suzanne 02/23/06 Loc FP FP M M M M FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FP CC FP FP M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP M M FV FV Course NRSG704405 Substitute Substitute THT106699 Honors THT109601 ACC110405 Substitute IDS201 Fall Reg Fall Regis PRD108401 PRD525402 ART138401 ART133401 ART245499 Substitute MCM201601 MCM120674 IDS101506 HST137550 HST101504 HST101503 BLW201514 BUS103602 ECO152605 Substitute PSY2006WA PSY200602 NUR102 Speaking FP ENG2014XA Substitute HRT227601 HRT101601 HRT218601 SPA602601 SPA201601 SENR766500 HMS201501 HMS102501 HMS202501 WRIT704500 HRM145421 HRM129401 NUR 101 Counselor CHM101502 CHM106501 Cr Hr/ Begin End Equiv 8/29/05 9/30/05 8/29/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 2.50 8/20/05 8/21/05 0.15 9/13/05 9/30/05 0.27 8/25/05 11/17/05 2.00 8/23/05 12/18/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.33 8/22/05 12/17/05 4.00 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 0.60 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 6.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 4.47 8/29/05 8/31/05 1.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 11/8/05 12/31/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 4.33 8/22/05 12/17/05 4.33 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.46 8/22/05 12/17/05 4.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.00 10/23/05 11/5/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.20 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 3.40 9/25/05 10/8/05 10/25/05 12/18/05 3.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 2.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 2.01 12/19/05 12/22/05 0.40 8/22/05 12/17/05 1.00 8/22/05 12/17/05 4.00 -82- Clock Hr 6.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Amt Pd 174.00 88.00 50.00 234.00 234.00 2,246.88 748.96 25.00 2,172.40 130.38 233.53 1,737.92 2,606.88 1,152.00 3,456.00 780.00 75.00 584.44 2,922.24 2,246.97 2,246.88 749.30 749.30 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 125.00 2,922.24 5,844.48 3,343.56 1,156.96 2,922.24 25.00 3,762.05 3,762.60 1,268.68 3,896.32 974.08 25.00 3,117.04 2,922.24 3,311.88 81.00 2,606.88 1,737.92 1,502.12 389.60 748.96 2,995.84 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Saum, Suzanne Loc FV FV Schaber, Jennifer FP Schalda, Anne T FV FV FV Schamber, Steven M M Scherer, Juliet K M Schneider, Joseph M M M M M Schoolman, Marilyn M M M M Schroeder, VirginiaFP FP Schweser, Susan M Scott, Harriette FP FV FP FP FP FP Scroggins, Fredna M M M M Seese, Lillian M M M M M Shanks-Brueggenjohann, FV FV Shepherd, Deneen FP FP Shiller, Casey E FP FP FP FP FP FP Shuck, Patrick J M M 02/23/06 Course Substitute CHM105503 SPA201T14 Substitute PT PREP IDS 101 Honors ECO152S50 Substitute Substitute PSI123674 GEO100T16 GEO113T16 PSI123650 MGT140698 BUS104T16 BUS104T56 MGT204674 PRORATEFT Orientation MTH185601 CCPR FPCE CCPR765FV ECE103450 ECE203450 GRANT ECE125401 SOC101T16 Substitute EDU216602 PSY200T96 MTH160A601 MTH160A602 COL020601 Substitute SOC203501 ANT103ALL ENG2174XA ENG101425 HRM122403 NEWFACREL FOOD FPCE HRM123402 HRM122401 CUR DEV ART107606 ART107605 Begin End 8/27/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/18/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/16/05 8/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/15/05 12/20/05 10/23/05 11/5/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/13/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/20/05 12/10/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 10/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 -83- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 3.00 5.33 1.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 0.50 1.00 1.02 4.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.60 2.00 3.00 1.67 1.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.00 16.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 1.47 2.67 Amt Pd 75.00 3,991.96 652.56 200.00 160.00 2,246.88 78.00 1,958.88 25.00 62.50 1,958.88 1,958.88 1,958.88 1,958.88 624.00 2,606.88 2,606.88 434.48 2,401.24 763.52 3,896.32 58.00 58.00 2,246.88 1,198.32 1,497.91 2,246.88 1,626.71 25.00 974.08 2,922.24 3,896.32 974.08 2,922.24 75.00 979.44 1,958.88 2,246.88 2,246.88 979.44 1,958.88 336.00 979.44 979.44 1,958.88 1,427.71 2,595.83 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Sibbitts, Gary E Loc M M M Simmons, Nancy M M M Skornia, Dale E M M Smith, Stephen FP FP FP Snaric, Jay M M M M M Sodon, James R FV FV FV Souder, Sally A FP Spaulding, Donna FV FV FV FV FV CC Spencer, Jamieson FV FV Sperruzza, Denise M M M M Stephens, Christopher FV FV FV FV Stewart, Gayla S M M Stukenholtz, Larry M M M M M M Suess, Patricia A FV FV FV FV Swallow, Cheryl A FP FP 02/23/06 Course IS 103674 IS 151674 IS 227698 LGL219601 LGL104641 LGL104671 MUS103T56 MUS114S01 Substitute FD 102450 FD 103450 Substitute BIO1516X1 BIO208603 BIO208602 ENG205T55 ENG1025WD ENG2055WA Substitute THT108501 CTL PT PREP CTL COM111501 Speaking FV Honors IDS201504 Substitute COM200SS1 IDS101S95 IDS101674 IDS101585 GL 101500 COM1205SA IDS101505 IS 202601 IS 218601 MUS101601 MUS225698 Honors MUS201601 MUS103T56 ART GRANT ProratedFT Substitute CTL MTH157580 NUR 204 Substitute Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 11/20/05 12/17/05 10/19/05 12/18/05 10/17/05 12/18/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/12/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/12/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/8/05 12/31/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 10/9/05 10/22/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/29/05 8/31/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/1/05 12/13/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/6/05 11/19/05 11/6/05 11/19/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 11/6/05 11/19/05 8/16/05 8/28/05 11/9/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 9/12/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/29/05 12/17/05 -84- Cr Hr/ Equiv 0.50 4.00 Clock Hr 3.00 2.20 3.00 2.00 1.50 3.00 4.50 3.00 1.33 2.00 1.00 4.33 4.33 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 48.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.55 0.25 1.00 3.00 0.20 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 4.50 3.00 1.00 6.69 2.00 Amt Pd 434.48 3,475.84 234.00 2,142.98 2,922.24 1,948.16 1,123.44 2,246.88 112.50 2,245.68 998.08 50.00 868.96 3,762.60 3,762.60 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,922.24 25.00 1,404.00 120.00 240.00 240.00 1,737.92 1,015.04 78.00 3,475.29 50.00 2,246.88 2,246.88 2,246.88 5,691.68 217.24 868.96 2,606.88 194.82 974.08 3,475.84 234.00 78.00 3,475.84 1,303.44 1,015.00 2,401.24 112.50 120.00 748.96 5,777.28 44.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Loc Swyers, Kathleen FP FP FP Talkad, Venugopal FP Taylor, Mark L FV FV FV M Taylor, Mary A FP FP FP Teschendorf, Michelle FV Thayer, William V M Thomas, Corinne M M M Thomas, Ronald M Thomas-Vertrees, LaverneM M M Thompson, Judith M M Tiedt, Linda J M M M M M M Trunk, Deborah D FP FP Tyler, Margaret G FV FV FV FV FV Tylka, David L M M M Unger, Richard S FV Voss, Karl Dirk M Wachal, Barbara J FV FV FV Waghulde, Vidyullata M M M Wagner, Joyce D FV FV FV 02/23/06 Course Fall Reg Fall Regis PRD108425 CHM101451 EDU211550 EDU211504 EDU211501 Presenter DA 157401 DA 151401 DA 149401 NUR 101 MTH030608 BIO113T16 BIO113602 BIO113601 ART114638 ACC291601 ACC110605 ACC110675 ART245698 ART133603 PE 135T56 Sum'05Corr Substitute PE 180601 PE 135T76 PE 161601 Substitute DHY 222 Honors PSY200511 PSY200512 PSY208550 PSY208T15 BIO148601 BIO120602 BIO110604 PGMCORDIN Substitute ENG2135XA Substitute ENG2135XA CHM211601 CHM207650 Sum06Grant NUR 101 NUR 102 ProratedFT Begin End 8/20/05 8/21/05 9/13/05 9/30/05 9/12/05 12/18/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/11/05 9/24/05 10/7/05 12/16/05 8/22/05 9/28/05 8/23/05 9/29/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/20/05 12/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 9/2/05 9/3/05 11/1/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/27/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/24/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 9/16/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/6/05 12/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/16/05 9/12/05 -85- Cr Hr/ Equiv 0.15 0.27 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 1.00 3.92 0.83 0.92 0.19 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.67 0.20 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.67 3.00 0.47 1.50 2.33 3.00 2.67 1.00 0.17 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.33 1.00 1.00 36.00 3.00 0.75 3.67 3.00 1.00 0.53 0.67 1.00 Amt Pd 130.38 233.53 2,606.88 3,475.84 2,606.88 2,606.88 2,606.88 240.00 3,812.64 811.20 892.32 167.04 868.96 2,922.24 2,922.24 974.08 2,595.84 194.82 3,896.32 3,896.32 624.00 2,304.00 2,922.24 545.31 33.00 2,271.36 2,922.24 2,595.84 25.00 162.24 78.00 868.96 868.96 2,606.88 2,606.88 2,922.24 2,922.24 2,269.60 868.96 25.00 1,404.00 75.00 468.00 2,748.68 2,246.88 2,664.00 394.24 498.72 2,401.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2005 Name Walker, Carla D Walker, Mitchell Loc FV FP FP FP Wallner, Donna FV FV FV M Walsh, Janet K M Warren, Aundrea FV Wasson, George M Weber, Andrea R FP FP Weber, Mark A FP FP Weil, Robert L FP FP Wentworth, Glenna FV Werner, Donna J M M Wessely, Vicki R M M M Wiesler, Eugene P M M M Wigg, David G FV FV Wilke, Fred J FV FV Williams, Louis FP FP FP Wilson, Nathan G M M M Wilson, Pamela S FV Worth, Joseph B FV FV FV Zant, Thomas M Zirkle, Thomas A FP FP FP FP Course Honors AUT168401 AUT156401 AUT151401 Substitute NUR 201 CTL Presenter NUR 108 BIO220550 ECO151674 LAB PRORATEFT ART214401 ART109402 AUT273401 AUT168450 Counselor IDS101603 IDS101603 ACC100W01 ACC114698 MGT204695 Substitute MTH020602 MTH220650 PSC101ALL PSC205ALL MGT20151A BUS104507 HST102450 HST101499 HST138421 Substitute MTH020605 MTH030605 Counselor COL020501 Counselor PT PREP PSC101W50 MUS114T54 MUS211401 MUS572401 MUS572421 Begin End 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 9/11/05 9/24/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/16/05 8/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/19/05 12/31/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 12/5/05 12/9/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 8/25/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/19/05 12/31/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 12/19/05 12/31/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 Total: 02/23/06 Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.46 4.67 4.67 8.00 6.49 8.00 1.00 0.16 3.00 3.00 2.01 1.00 4.00 1.33 4.67 2.67 0.80 2.25 0.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 4.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 0.40 3.00 0.40 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.25 2.00 1.00 1,631.13 -86- Clock Hr 1.00 794.71 Amt Pd 78.00 1,422.16 4,548.96 4,548.96 176.00 6,314.40 320.00 240.00 138.24 1,958.88 2,922.24 1,507.12 2,320.40 3,893.76 1,297.92 3,497.64 1,999.72 695.36 1,955.16 651.72 2,922.24 234.00 2,922.24 25.00 2,922.24 4,870.40 3,910.32 2,606.88 234.00 2,922.24 2,246.88 216.00 2,995.85 200.00 1,958.88 1,958.88 299.68 2,606.88 347.68 80.00 2,922.24 2,246.88 1,685.16 1,497.92 748.96 1,466,649.25 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Adeyemi, Gloria W M Bakke, Donna J FP FP FP Banahan, Richard FP FP FP Bast, Janet D M M Bayer, Christine FP Bayer, Daniel R M FV FV Bean, Emery A FP FP Bell, Yolanda FP Bennett, Edward FV Bone, Jimmie D FV Bottger, Robert C M Brandon-Straub, RachelFP FP Braun, Robert N M Buckley, James FP Clark, Walter E M Clayton, Sandra E M M M M Cooper, James N FV FV FV FV FV Cross, V David FP FP FP FP CC Cummings, DonaldM Cundiff, Mike B M M Darr, Sarah J M Dill, Dennis W M M Drown, Frances F M M Edwards, Jeanne FV FV 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2005 Course BIO122650 COMP FPCE WEBCORDIN MCM219461 CRJ209/211 Fac Orient CRJ123450 Substitute Substitute IS 210474 ACC100651 ACC208550 ACC100558 IS 103461 IS 103451 IS 101H84 BUSS FV IS 129550 PE 135T16 BIO203450 Substitute Substitute IS 125466 ANT102T16 MTH030601 MTH030S52 Substitute Workshop Fac Ori IS 132550 IS 123550 IS 123551 IS 123580 HRM112474 HRM112450 FOOD765401 HRM201450 AFCP CRJ212650 MUS128S51 COL SUB LGL229671 MGT106671 Workshop Workshop MTH030652 CDA MOT Begin End 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/20/05 12/20/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/27/05 9/11/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/3/05 12/17/05 10/3/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/12/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/22/05 11/20/05 10/9/05 11/19/05 9/6/05 9/27/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/3/05 12/18/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 11/7/05 11/28/05 9/12/05 10/3/05 10/10/05 10/31/05 10/7/05 10/28/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/7/05 11/30/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/21/05 11/25/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/20/05 12/17/05 10/19/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/24/05 12/31/05 9/1/05 12/31/05 -87- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.13 Clock Hr 13.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 8.50 1.00 5.00 4.66 10.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 1.00 2.81 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 Amt Pd 2,719.84 429.00 4,421.76 2,210.88 2,246.88 50.00 2,246.88 88.00 100.00 1,958.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 2,210.88 1,926.24 1,926.24 652.96 280.50 652.96 3,744.79 3,042.80 220.00 25.00 1,737.93 3,896.32 1,958.88 1,958.88 25.00 50.00 100.00 748.96 748.96 748.96 748.96 1,958.88 1,958.88 76.02 1,958.88 200.00 2,106.45 1,788.00 75.00 1,958.88 2,246.88 50.00 50.00 1,788.00 500.00 480.00 3.2 Ratifications Name Ehlen, Steven F Loc FV FV Fakes, Mary E FP FV FV Felsen, Claudia J M French, Brenda F FP Gero, Susan A M M Gioia, Matthew P FV Hacker, Theresa L FV Hanson, Philip D M Harris, Kristi N FV Hoffmann, William FV FV Iborg, Deborah A FV FV FV FV FV FV Jansen, Charlene FP Jones, Darren B M M M M M Koehler, Charles FP Kozlowski, Dennis FP FP FP FP Kroesen, Leendert FV Lucido, Vicki L FV FV FV Marshall, Glenn FP Massey, Julie K M M McGee, Darlene M M M McLellan, Margaret M McVey, Matthew FV Miller, Donna L FV Miller, Marc A FP Mintun, Susan L M M M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2005 Course Fac Ori ELEC FV NSNGCPRFP CPR FV CPR ADJ FV COL020S01 PRD525450 Substitute Substitute IS 125550 Substitute COM101S51 COM10150H Substitute Substitute PE 101501 SPTINFDIR PE 130503 PE 119501 Substitute PE 120502 EMT121ADJ PE 104680 PE 135T66 Substitute PE 130 PE 135T66 TRP FPCE PEDU756404 PE 177422 PE 130461 PE 130450 PHOT705550 Fac Ori MTH020554 MTH020580 Coaching Workshop COL020602 AT 589699 ART165680 ART104601 Fac of Stnd Scorekeeper CCPR714500 MCM219462 HRT235601 HRT110670 HRT125670 Begin End 8/21/05 9/3/05 10/23/05 11/5/05 8/20/05 12/20/05 10/31/05 12/17/05 10/31/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/23/05 12/18/05 10/31/05 12/17/05 8/29/05 12/17/05 10/13/05 12/15/05 10/5/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/26/05 12/18/05 10/16/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/14/05 8/20/05 10/16/05 10/16/05 12/18/05 9/19/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 9/10/05 10/15/05 8/28/05 9/11/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 10/17/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 10/15/05 9/9/05 10/22/05 8/21/05 9/3/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/28/05 9/10/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 9/2/05 12/17/05 10/23/05 11/5/05 9/18/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 -88- Cr Hr/ Equiv Clock Hr 1.00 10.20 90.86 9.75 0.04 3.00 3.00 5.00 1.50 2.00 3.25 3.00 3.00 8.00 8.83 1.33 1.50 1.33 3.00 5.50 1.33 0.49 1.33 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 11.00 18.00 1.33 1.33 1.33 18.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.67 1.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 24.50 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 Amt Pd 100.00 336.60 2,998.38 321.75 21.42 2,246.88 2,246.88 125.00 33.00 1,142.08 81.25 1,958.88 1,958.88 176.00 220.75 998.08 1,122.84 998.08 2,245.68 137.50 998.08 310.27 870.08 1,957.68 88.00 2,610.24 1,958.88 198.00 324.00 761.92 761.92 761.92 486.00 100.00 1,713.12 1,713.12 2,189.44 25.00 1,958.88 234.00 2,285.76 2,285.76 1,958.88 490.00 50.00 2,210.88 1,958.88 652.96 652.96 3.2 Ratifications Name Morrell, Anisha L Loc FP M Naumann, Virginia FV FV FV FV FV Neil, Darlene H FV FV Nixon, Carol C FV FV Norris, Richard J FV Odom, Victor L FP FV Ottenlips, Maureen FV Pande, Jyoti S M Partee, Nigel C FP FP FP Peck, Donna K FV Perkins, Sarah F FV Porter, Kevin D FV FV FV Preston, Justine L FV Price, Veronica FV Rau, Dennis E FP FP Romer, Ronnie L M Ru, Yuxia FP Savoca, Diane L FV Schrader, Karen FP FP FP Schriner, Carolyn FV Smith Brookins, Adrienne FP FP FP FP Stevens, William FP Talaski, Paul M M Thompson, Darren M FV Trauterman, Tammy FV Turner, Linda S FP Weaver, Deborah FV Werner, Vicki L FV Willmore, Richard M 02/23/06 St. Louis Community College Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2005 Course Begin End COM101463 9/18/05 12/17/05 COL020S50 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 9/26/05 12/17/05 BIO554501 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020506 8/22/05 12/17/05 MTH020501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 10/12/05 12/17/05 ECE101550 8/22/05 12/17/05 HEC COOR 12/18/05 12/31/05 ECE104501 8/22/05 12/17/05 ECE104550 8/22/05 12/17/05 BIO221501 10/16/05 12/17/05 GNSF700FPCE 9/21/05 10/20/05 GNSF700FV 9/17/05 10/22/05 Concert 12/5/05 12/16/05 ESL Training 8/28/05 9/10/05 PE 109421 10/17/05 12/17/05 PE109110401 8/22/05 10/15/05 PEDU FPCE 9/20/05 11/30/05 COMP FV 9/7/05 11/19/05 BIO117550 8/22/05 11/12/05 GE 132501 8/22/05 12/17/05 Substitute 11/15/05 12/17/05 TYCO 8/23/05 9/11/05 DCS115551 8/22/05 12/17/05 FLSP704551 9/15/05 12/3/05 CORDINATR 8/22/05 10/14/05 SET DESIGN 10/15/05 11/11/05 PE 133680 8/20/05 10/16/05 Fac Orient 8/27/05 9/11/05 COL020551 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 205486 8/22/05 12/17/05 IS 291401 8/22/05 12/17/05 ILC 440 8/22/05 12/17/05 KIDS706FV 10/9/05 10/22/05 ENG030480 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030450 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030452 8/22/05 12/17/05 ENG030480 8/22/05 9/17/05 ME 101450 8/22/05 12/17/05 Workshop 8/28/05 9/10/05 ART166650 8/22/05 12/17/05 TECDIRECT 8/22/05 12/17/05 FANTASTIX 8/22/05 10/15/05 Speaker 11/7/05 12/4/05 Substitute 8/23/05 12/17/05 Speaker 11/7/05 12/4/05 BUS104550 8/22/05 12/17/05 TECDIRECT 8/22/05 12/17/05 -89- Cr Hr/ Equiv 3.00 3.00 Clock Hr 4.00 2.00 2.94 2.94 1.00 3.00 4.50 3.00 3.00 0.40 8.00 24.00 1.00 2.00 1.33 1.33 36.00 30.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 20.00 3.00 3.00 1.33 1.00 3.00 4.00 0.50 1.67 6.00 2.25 3.00 3.00 0.75 4.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 6.00 2.15 3.00 3.00 Amt Pd 1,958.88 1,958.88 88.00 1,305.92 1,922.15 1,918.07 25.00 2,246.88 112.50 2,246.88 2,246.88 389.64 216.00 648.00 150.00 50.00 761.92 761.92 648.00 870.00 2,922.24 2,995.84 88.00 250.00 1,958.88 540.00 1,958.88 1,958.88 870.08 50.00 2,246.88 2,284.16 285.52 952.40 138.00 1,444.68 1,926.24 1,926.24 481.56 2,947.84 50.00 2,994.24 1,958.88 979.44 37.50 150.00 53.75 1,926.24 1,958.88 3.2 Ratifications Name Loc Willmore, RIchard FV M Wills, Angelina M FP Wilson, Patricia E FP Wilson, Shana D M St. Louis Community College Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2005 Course FANTASTIX THT106698 PE 119401 DA 162 COL020650 Begin End 8/22/05 10/15/05 11/28/05 12/2/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 10/6/05 12/15/05 8/22/05 12/17/05 Total: 02/23/06 Cr Hr/ Equiv 1.50 1.00 3.00 1.84 3.00 246.89 -90- Clock Hr 464.54 Amt Pd 979.44 78.00 1,791.36 1,358.77 1,958.88 182,721.25 02/23/06 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/DEPARTMENT CHAIRS AND PROGRAM COORDINATORS AT FOREST PARK 2005-2006 Program Coordinator Diesel Technology 3.4 David Dettman OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REQUEST FOR UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCE/CLASSIFIED STAFF LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Werder, Philip FV Copy Technician 01/06/06-03/16/06 Sams, Joyce FV Housekeeper 01/01/06-06/30/06 NAME -913.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Goswami, Utpal M Dean, Business Administration & Instructional Operations 03/06/06 Herdlick, John M Assistant Professor/Mathematics 08/14/06 Corpening, Brian FV Dean, Student Development 03/03/06 All are resignations. 02/23/06 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RETIREMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE Lewis, Charlotte M Administrative Clerk 01/31/06 Werner, Vicki M Secretary 01/31/06 Years of service: Lewis, 37; Werner, 16 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/TERMINATIONS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME Gates, Renee' -92- 3.4 LOCATION TITLE EFFECTIVE DATE FP Project Associate II 02/24/06 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees' approval, 01/20/05, 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/2006-2007 Sabbatical Leave Recommendations, p. 7: Revise effective date for Juliet Scherer, Assistant Professor/English, Meramec, from summers 2006/2007 to fall semester 2006. Board of Trustees' approval, 06/16/05; 3.2 Other Personnel Actions/2005-2006 Salary Recommendations, p. 30: Revise rank and annual salary of Steven Goessling from Instructor I, $42,675, to Instructor II, $47,046, effective 01/01/06-05/15/06. (Faculty member fulfilled requirements as set forth in Joint Resolution relating to Provisions of Board Policy applicable to Full-Time Faculty regarding movement to rank of Instructor II.) Board of Trustees' approval, 09/22/05; 3.1 Appointments/Full-time Administrative/Professional Staff, p. 1: Revise range and salary of Brian McKeever, Manager Electronic Communication Services, from P 13, $56,361 to P 14, $59,286. 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested to extend the College’s current contract for long distance telephone service awarded to QWEST COMMUNICATIONS on a month-by-month basis, up to an additional ninety (90) days, with no increase in award amount. If this request is approved, the contract expiration date will occur on or before June 22, 2006. The original contract was approved for award on March 6, 2000, Agenda Item 4.1.9, for the amount of $100,000.00, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin March 23, 2000. Subsequent approvals were given to extend the contract to its current expiration date of March 22, 2006. There has been no increase in the original award amount. The College is currently involved in a final analysis of a replacement contract and may need up to three additional months beyond the current projected expiration date to complete its evaluation. No additional funding is required. Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements 1 The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis American and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to APPLE COMPUTER, INC., for the routine purchase of Apple microcomputer equipment for resale, in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 for a period of one (1) full year to begin April 1, 2006. Description This contract will be used by the Meramec campus bookstore to purchase Apple brand microcomputer equipment for resale to students, faculty, staff and the College at below retail market prices. Apple Computer, Inc. makes this program available to Colleges and Universities. The campus bookstore receives a 6% commission on each product item sold. In addition, demonstration units are offered to the Bookstore at discounted rates ranging from 7-26% off list price. The College bookstore has been a participant in this program, with board approval, since January 1, 1998. The recommended bidder is the sole manufacturer and distributor of equipment through this educational program. This vendor is neither a known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise. Funding This purchase will be funded from auxiliary enterprise, capital, operating and external budgets. 2 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to THE DOUGLAS STEWARD COMPANY and D&H DISTRIBUTING, for the purchase of microcomputer software for resale, in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin March 18, 2006. Description This contract will be used by the three campus bookstores to purchase various microcomputer software products for resale, including, but not limited to Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk, Macromedia, McAfee, Symantec, Corel and Borland. Bids were evaluated on price, product selection, and support services. This bid was sent to fifteen (15) potential bidders. Both of these bidders are recommended for award to insure that the College has access to the best combination of pricing, product selection and product availability at the actual point of purchase. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprises participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002048 The evaluation of this bid, which opened January 19, 2006, is listed below: 3 Bidders D&H DISTRIBUTING THE DOUGLAS STEWART COMPANY Price Comparison 13 Sample Software Programs $1,405.64 1,593.39 Total Point Score 95.00 92.34 Funding This purchase will be made from auxiliary enterprise budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the Metro-Sentinel. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested to use the State of Missouri vehicle contracts to purchase two (2) additional new utility vehicles listed below: Contract No. C106046002 C106046003 Total Vendor Joe Machens Ford Putnam Chevrolet-Pontiac, Inc. Description 2006 Ford F250 Truck 2006 Chevy Silverado 1500 Truck Qty. (1) (1) (2) Contract Price $18,297.60 12,483.22 $30,780.82 Description One truck will be used by the District-Wide Maintenance staff and one by the Physical Facilities Grounds crew at the Florissant Valley campus to perform normal grounds work that includes snow removal. The College normally recommends acquisition of vehicles through the State of Missouri contracts in order to take advantage of the manufacturer’s deeply discounted pricing made available only to large public agencies. 4 Funding These vehicles will be purchased from current capital budgets: FY 2005-2006 Capital Budget, Tab J, Page 20. Advertisements The bid and award process, including all advertisements, are managed by the State of Missouri Division of Purchasing. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested for the purchase of one complete Advance Radiographic X-Ray system from GATEWAY X-RAY, LLC in the amount of $69,650.00. Description This equipment, which includes a high frequency generator, a patient elevating table, an x-ray tube with overhead tube stand, a wallstand, a linear collimator and a film processor, will be used by the Radiology Technology Department at Forest Park for program instruction in patient anatomy and patient positioning. If approved for purchase, it will replace an exisiting system that is 20+ years old and technologically obsolete. This new system will allow Radiologic Technology students to practice making exposures using phantoms that simulate a real patient. The bid was sent to ten (10) potential bidders. The recommended bidder offered the overall combined lowest price and met all the specifications of the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002042 The evaluation of this bid, which opened January 23, 2006, is listed below: 5 Bidders GATEWAY X-RAY, LLC Radiologic Resources, Inc. #1, as specified Radiologic Resources, Inc. #2, alternate Total Price $69,650.00 76,190.00 70,295.00 Funding This equipment will be purchased from current capital funds: FY 2005-2006 Capital Budget, Tab H. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were placed in the St. Louis PostDispatch, the Metro-Sentinel, and the St. Louis American. 4.1.6 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested for the purchase of a virtual monitor wall processor system from HEARTLAND VIDEO SYSTEMS, INC., in an amount of $56,570.72. Description This equipment will be used to replace obsolete, failing monitors in the Master Control Room located at the Cosand Center, which are used for teleclass classroom instruction. The purchase price will include the Kaleido-K2 advanced modular multi-image display processor populated with audio and video input modules, three (3) Sharp 45” direct view LCD displays, in-house equipment setup, on-site commissioning and training. The new system allows the display of multiple images as well as different input formats (analog, digital, computer) onto one LCD display. The recommended bidder meets all requirements of the bid. The bid prices offered are both appreciably lower than the preliminary purchase estimate of $70,000.00. No known minority-owned or womanowned business enterprise participated in this bid. Bid – B0002051 The evaluation of this bid, which opened January 30, 2006, is listed below: 6 Bidders Heartland Video Systems, Inc. Preco, Inc. Perlmutter Purchasing Power VSA, Inc. Total Cost $56,570.72 62,309.69 no bid no bid Funding This purchase is funded from capital funds: FY 2004-2005 Technology Infrastructure Contingency. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis American, the Metro-Sentinel and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 4.1.7 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested for the purchase of PowerWare UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) equipment, software, and maintenance agreement from CDW GOVERNMENT, INC., in an amount of $41,298.82. Description This equipment and software will be used by the Network Operations staff at the Meramec Campus to provide continuous power to network switches when the electrical service fails. These units will protect the uninterrupted service of the network during classes and registration and replace undersize Legacy units to restore dual power redundancy. All replaced units will be reutilized in other locations that do not have UPS units at this time. The recommended bidder offered the lowest price and meets all specifications of the bid. One known minority-owned and no known woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002058 The evaluation of this bid, which opened February 2, 2006, is listed below: 7 Bidders CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. World Wide Technology, Inc. Katek Solutions J&S Power Solutions, Inc. DC Group, Inc. Graybar Electric Co., Inc. Total Cost/including shipping $41,298.82 $42,483.59 $42,887.00 $45,743.00 $48,620.00 $55,686.68 Funding This equipment will be purchased from current capital budget: FY 2005-2006 Technology Infrastructure Contingency. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.8 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested for the purchase of two (2) LT25000B Spectrum 100 FTIR spectrometers from PERKIN ELMER, in an amount of $35,934.00. Description These items will be used by the Chemistry Department at the Florissant Valley campus for classroom instruction in special analysis. The equipment is only available from the recommended vendor and must match existing Perkin Elmer analysis equipment, precluding a competitive bid. The purchase price includes hardware, software and installation. Perkin Elmer is neither a minorityowned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Bid – B0002072 This equipment is available only from one source. Funding 8 This purchase will be funded from Vocational Enhancement funds. Advertisements The College posts all open bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated at $75,000.00. Advertisements are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.9 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to BRAUER SUPPLY COMPANY, for the routine purchase of HVAC air filters and related supplies, in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00 for a period of three (3) full years to begin March 1, 2006. Description This contract will be used by the Physical Facilities Departments at all College locations for the routine purchase of filters and related supplies on an as needed basis, at volume discount pricing. These filters will be used for general maintenance and upkeep of the College’s HVAC air handling units. Bid responses were evaluated on pricing, products offered and delivery services. The recommended vendor meets all requirements of the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001993 The evaluation of this bid, which opened January 5, 2006, is listed below: 9 Bidders BRAUER SUPPLY COMPANY PCI Filtration Services, Inc. Tridim Filter Corporation Pure Air Filter Scan Air Filters Starbeam Supply Johnstone Supply Sample Pricing 25 High Volume Items $42,875.17 45,172.68 42,770.35 46,440.71 47,749.92 49,444.56 54,998.27 Total Score 93.50 91.28 90.33 84.47 79.53 75.88 64.95 Funding Purchases made from this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College currently posts all open bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.10 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 Board approval is requested for the purchase of one hundred twenty (120) electronically programmable door locks from SAFLOK, in an amount not to exceed $26,000.00. Description This equipment will expand a project initiated in 1996 to install a door security system at the Forest Park Campus. The SAFLOK door security system was selected in the initial bid, which involved the replacement of 140 lock sets and the installation of a master control console system used by Campus Police to monitor door activity. 670 additional door locks were subsequently replaced through 2005 and linked to this master control system. This request represents a continuation of this ongoing program. The cost for the additional hardware order is $23,500.00. The anticipated cost for related programming and connection to the control system is estimated at $2,500.00, bringing the total estimated expenditure for this phase of the project to $26,000.00. There will be an additional two hundred replacement locks needed to completely convert all doors to the electronic system, as well as ongoing maintenance and replacement for doors already on-line in the system. Because all locks must operate from a common control system, this was handled as a restricted purchase and could not be competitively bid. This vendor is neither a known minorityowned nor a known woman-owned business enterprise. Bid – B0002060 10 The pricing submitted on the original sole source quotation in 1996 is still valid and listed below: Bidder SAFLOK Qty 120 Lock Unit Price/Total Price $190.00 /$22,800.00 Delivery Charges $700.00 Estimated Projected Programming Changes $2,500 Estimated Total Cost $26,000.00 Funding This purchase will be made from current capital funds: FY2004-2005 Physical Facilities Forest Park Contingency. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing Board Meeting 2/23/06 There are no requests for ratification for Purchasing this month. 11 Board Meeting 2/23/06 4.3.1 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 06 611, WALL & CEILING REPLACEMENT IN STUDENT CENTER, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT MERAMEC to the low bidder, JOHN KALICAK CONSTRUCTION, INC., for $635,599.00. Contractor JOHN KALICAK CONSTRUCTION, INC. Muccigrosso Construction, Inc. Interior Construction Services, Ltd. Brady Construction, Inc. Keith Contracting, LLC J.E. Novack Construction Company The Harlan Company Craftsmen Contracting, Inc. Dar-Beck, Inc. Base Bid $ 574,925.00 585,250.00 602,595.00 604,000.00 607,850.00 641,000.00 663,874.00 722,640.00 542,400.00 Alternate #1 $ 60,674.00 55,850.00 53,950.00 53,550.00 58,006.00 55,000.00 58,150.00 21,900.00 61,400.00 Contract Total $ 635,599.00 641,100.00 656,545.00 657,550.00 665,856.00 696,000.00 722,024.00 744,540.00 603,800.00 * * Dar-Beck, Inc., was disqualified because they did not bid the complete project as required in the bid specifications. Vital work was not included in their bid price. 12 Description: During the abatement of the 2nd floor of the Student Center,(F 06 608) extensive demolition was required to complete the abatement. This project will replace the interior walls, ceiling, flooring, and electrical and mechanical systems to reopen the floor. Alternate #1 is to provide demountable partitions for some areas. Funding: This project will be funded from the College fund balance, Agenda Item 5.1.8 and Capital Budget Fiscal Year 2004/2005, Physical Facilities Contingency. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority companies received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 2/23/06 4.3.2 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 06 408, RENOVATION OF NEW ART FACILITY, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE at FOREST PARK to the low bidder, DEMIEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, for $441,500.00. Contractor DEMIEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY John Kalicak Construction, Inc., Benz-Parks, Inc. Dar-Beck, Inc. Wachter, Inc. The Harlan Company Craftsmen Contracting, Inc. J.E. Novak Construction Company Brady Construction, Inc. Muccigrosso Construction, Inc. Aulbach Contracting, Inc. TOTAL $ 441,500.00 448,993.00 455,000.00 455,000.00 458,100.00 462,800.00 472,391.00 477,500.00 509,400.00 531,135.00 539,650.00 13 Description: This project will renovate the building at 5435-5439 Highland Park Drive, which was purchased by the College in 2005. To alleviate crowding in the existing art department studios at Forest Park, the Ceramics and Printmaking programs will be moved to this new facility. In addition, space will be available for future expansion of the ceramics program and the addition of other art programs. The renovation includes a new printmaking studio, a new ceramic studio, clay mixing area, and kiln room. The existing equipment from these areas will be relocated under this contract, and access from the campus will be improved. All modifications will include provisions to accommodate students and staff with disabilities. Plans and specifications were prepared by Horner & Shifrin, Inc., and the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2005/06, Tab H, Page 1, DW #5. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Metro Sentinel, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. Board Meeting 2/23/06 4.3.3 Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested for award of CONTRACT F 06 507, REPAIRS TO TRACK & FIELD EVENTS AREAS, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FLORISSANT VALLEY to the second low bidder*, AMERICA’S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LLC, for $61,888.00. Contractor AMERICA’S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LLC The Harlan Company ATG Sports Industries, Inc. Aulbach Contracting, Inc. Byrne & Jones Construction Widel & Sons Paving Construction, LLC $ TOTAL 61,888.00 69,000.00 78,700.00 84,494.00 84,660.00 52,100.00 * * Widel & Sons Paving Construction, LLC shall be cancelled because they failed to execute and deliver a signed contract and required bonds to St. Louis Community College within fifteen days after they received notice of acceptance of their bid, after the November 17, 2005, BOT meeting (Item #4.3.1). 14 Description: The existing event areas are in need of repair and need to be brought up to current NCAA standards for track and field events. The scope of work includes replacing the high jump, long jump and pole vault sections, plus repairing the shot put area. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department. Funding: This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2005/06, Tab H, Page 1, No. 17, and Tab I, Page 3, No. DW-17. Advertisements: Advertisements were placed with St. Louis Daily Record, St. Louis Countian, St. Louis American, St. Louis Metro Sentinel, Builders Association, Contractors Assistance Centers, McGraw-Hill Construction News, Mo-Kan/St. Louis Construction Contractors Assistance Center, Reed Construction Data. Minority Contractors: No known minority company received plans and specifications. No known minority company submitted a bid for this project. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Financial Results through January 31, 2006 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through January 31, 2006 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2005 – January 31, 2006 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2005 – January 31, 2006. 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2005 – January 31, 2006 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2005 – January 31, 2006 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for January 2006 5.1.8 Approval for Transfer of Funds 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of January 2006 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered – July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Board Meeting 2/23/06 1 5.1.1 Executive Summary February 23, 2006 (Financial Results Through 01/31/2006) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $114.9 million or 77.6% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $114.7 million or 79.1% of the budget for the prior year. The College anticipated that it would have had a larger amount of total revenue, specifically local taxes, by this time in the fiscal year. One of the taxing jurisdictions changed its practice and is retaining taxes paid under protest. Expenditures Expenditures are $73.0 million or 55.6% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $68.1million or 52.5% for the prior year. Increases in all three of the main categories of expenditures are causing this year’s expenditures to be greater than the prior year’s. Transfers Transfers are at $14.8 million or 88.7% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $14.2 million or 88.5% of the budgeted transfers for the prior period. The increase in the transfer amount is due primarily to the increase in additional planned leasehold bond payments. Board Meeting 2/23/06 2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through January 31, 2006 5.1.2 Board Meeting 2/23/06 Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 54,259,352 44,425,725 46,548,432 2,750,000 147,983,509 54,259,352 44,425,725 46,548,432 2,750,000 147,983,509 46,786,418 25,495,337 40,664,301 1,939,328 114,885,384 86.2% 57.4% 87.4% 70.5% 77.6% 49,155,926 25,153,535 38,552,455 1,902,171 114,764,087 93.3% 56.7% 86.4% 56.8% 79.1% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 84,577,692 19,699,324 27,037,980 131,314,996 84,577,692 19,699,324 27,140,830 131,417,846 46,688,168 11,382,083 14,953,510 73,023,761 55.2% 57.8% 55.1% 55.6% 45,441,681 10,903,739 11,802,149 68,147,569 55.1% 57.4% 41.8% 52.5% 9,489,682 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,307,040 16,668,513 9,489,682 1,912,493 2,593,230 793,246 14,788,651 100.0% 58.3% 100.0% 60.7% 88.7% 10,113,182 1,912,493 1,512,230 717,160 14,255,065 100.0% 58.3% 100.0% 60.0% 88.5% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers 102,850 9,489,682 3,278,561 2,593,230 1,307,040 16,668,513 *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July, 2005 - January, 2006 Original Budget Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Copy Centers Food Service / Vending Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 648,000 11,312,000 1,024,240 1,982,651 $ 648,000 11,312,000 1,024,240 1,982,651 $ 606,698 9,112,195 588,441 1,208,202 93.6% 80.6% 57.5% 60.9% $ 14,966,891 $ 14,966,891 $ 11,515,536 76.9% $ 1,804,491 516,107 3,465,032 8,186,891 $ 1,804,491 516,107 3,465,032 8,186,891 $ 993,242 185,003 2,045,045 6,562,436 55.0% 35.8% 59.0% 80.2% $ 13,972,521 $ 13,972,521 $ 9,785,725 70.0% $ 90,000 36,000 115,000 $ 90,000 36,000 115,000 $ 90,000 36,000 115,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 241,000 $ 241,000 $ 241,000 100.0% Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 14,213,521 $ 14,213,521 $ 10,026,725 70.5% Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents Board Meeting 2/23/06 4 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July, 2005 - January, 2006 Original Budget Total Revenues $ Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures 57,000 Adjusted Budget $ 57,000 $ 159,912 57,000 57,000 $ 57,000 $ 216,912 Actual To Date $ 16,827 % of Budget To Date 29.5% 10,788 $ 10,788 5.0% 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July, 2005 - January, 2006 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available 150,000 125,000 $ 150,000 125,000 156,912 $ 7,200 142,516 156,912 4.8% 114.0% 100.0% $ 275,000 $ 431,912 $ 306,627 71.0% 67,072 76.5% $ 67,072 76.5% $ 239,555 87,706 $ 87,706 87,706 $ 87,706 Funds in Excess of Expenditures Board Meeting 2/23/06 Actual To Date $ Expenditures Total Expenditures Adjusted Budget % of Budget To Date 5 5.1.4 St. Louis CommunityCollege Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2005-January 2006 Actual % of Revised Budget 624,984 $899,739 $49,001 624,984 $330,711 $49,001 131,238 36.8% 100.0% 21.0% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 547,345 136,836 547,345 136,836 426,201 116,788 77.9% 85.3% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 545,220 147,162 465,668 545,220 143,532 506,353 346,153 143,532 276,365 63.5% 100.0% 54.6% $ 3,453,010 $ 1,819,989 52.7% $1,524,723 684,181 688,752 506,353 $510,950 542,989 489,685 276,365 33.5% 79.4% 71.1% 54.6% $ 3,404,009 $ 1,819,989 53.5% Original Budget * Funds available Federal Work Study - Federal Share Prior year's funds Federal Work Study - Institutional Match Total funds available $899,739 $ 3,366,954 * Revised Budget Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Total expenditures $1,524,723 684,181 692,382 465,668 $ 3,366,954 * Federal Pell Grant Expenditures $17,676,116 *Does not include $353,004 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant Board Meeting 2/23/06 6 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report July, 2005 - January, 2006 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 2,250,000 2,326,572 886,000 1,000,000 $ 3,958,563 3,808,250 886,000 1,000,000 $ 1,045,757 2,941,702 660,415 1,000,000 26.4% 77.2% 74.5% 100.0% Total Revenue / Resources $ 6,462,572 $ 9,652,813 $ 5,647,874 58.5% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 2,093,915 376,905 3,916,752 75,000 $ 2,093,915 376,905 7,425,033 75,000 $ 878,283 164,024 2,739,849 9,974 41.9% 43.5% 36.9% 13.3% Total Expense $ 6,462,572 $ 9,970,853 $ 3,792,130 38.0% Board Meeting 2/23/06 7 % of Budget To Date 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2005 - January, 2006 Current Budget Actual * To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue / Resources * $16,229,460 1,922,996 $18,152,456 $7,738,255 1,451,170 $9,189,425 47.7% 75.5% 50.6% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * $7,158,023 2,011,511 8,594,795 388,128 $18,152,456 $3,871,160 1,050,604 2,099,719 109,397 $7,130,880 54.1% 52.2% 24.4% 28.2% 39.3% * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. Board Meeting 2/23/06 8 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending January 31, 2006 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 20052006 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. Board Meeting 2/23/06 9 5.1.8 Approval for Transfer of Funds It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the transfer of $435,600 from the General Operating Fund Balance to the Capital Budget. The purpose of the transfer is to provide partial funding for agenda item 4.3.1. It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the transfer of $200,000 from the General Operating Fund Balance to the Operating Budget. The purpose of the transfer is to provide funding for enrollment management strategies. Board Meeting 2/23/06 10 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of January 2006 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 31,079,856 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 110,550 4.181% Range of Rates Earned: 4.115% ⎯ 4.245% Other Investments Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 01/05/2006 Purchase Date: 01/05/2006 Fund: General Fund Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: Federal Home Loan Banks Par Value: $2,010,000.00 Type of Investment: Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp D/N Par Value: $6,095,000.00 Cost of Investment: $ 1,995,537.57 Cost of Investment: $ 5,999,186.60 Maturity Date: 12/22/2006 Maturity Date: 05/16/2006 Investment Yield: 4.570% Investment Yield: 4.450% Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 01/05/2006 Purchase Date: 01/05/2006 Fund: General Fund Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: Federal Home Loan D/N Par Value: $4,093,000.00 Type of Investment: Federal Home Loan Mtg Corp D/N Par Value: $2,042,000.00 Cost of Investment: $ 3,999,741.00 Cost of Investment: $ 1,999,509.95 Maturity Date: 07/13/2006 Maturity Date: 06/27/2006 Investment Yield: 4.499% Investment Yield: 4.483% Board Meeting 2/23/06 11 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 Name of Person/Organization 12 Ajanaku, Kenya Albert, John D Allen, Jeremiah Andrade, Jose A Arias, Anne E Arp, Susan M Badgett, Steven Badillo, Marisol E Bafaro, Judith Banks, Alyssa M Bapple, Shay S Barry, Joni L Barylski, Mary Beth Battistini, Raymond F Beck, Dennis Beer, Ronald R Benchabane, Madjid Bender, Nancy L Berry, Matthew T Bitzer, Joe Blackshear, Michael R Blakemore, Jane C Blanc, Raymond Bono, Sam B Booher, Larry Bottila, Carolyn S Boul, Jenifer E Boul, Tim Bowen, Rick Boyko, Mark Break, Cathey A Briggs, John Briney, Marc Brooks, Melissa Brown, Broc J Brown, Ceara Nicole Brown, Claybourn Amount Paid 500.00 40.00 3,550.00 50.00 70.00 36.00 300.00 200.00 169.95 70.00 45.00 186.00 356.00 60.00 100.00 63.00 450.00 70.00 100.00 75.00 175.00 120.00 359.00 440.00 860.00 205.00 420.00 260.00 205.00 200.00 100.00 65.00 205.00 154.00 120.00 15.00 1,300.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 13 Name of Person/Organization Brownfield, Jonathan David Bruer, E Lili Buckner, Jerry Lee Bunting, Christopher A Bunyard, Jon D Burke, Leon Burns, Pat Caldwell, Emmanuel Campbell, Consuelo Cavins, Frederick B Chandler, Drew Chapman, Jonathan Eric Chilton, Bradley S Christian, Daniel Clifton, Ken Climer, Dave Cole, Glenn C Coleman, Tracy Collins, Ray Colloton, Allison Constantin, Robert Cook, Carol Cook, David Cooperman, Jeanette Crenshaw, Edward J Cross, Jeff Danzo, Kirsten Davenport, Daniel R Dearborn, Brad Defabio, Michelle A DeGreeff, Vince DeJesus-Ferrill, Editha G Denton, Robert Didisheim, Corinne A Diestelkamp, Andrew Dittmar, Brad Dobrich, Devon A Dockett, Simeon L Dohrmann, Jason S Amount Paid 25.00 250.00 615.00 110.00 140.00 500.00 205.00 220.00 500.00 450.00 220.00 70.00 320.00 100.00 360.00 70.00 125.00 590.00 415.00 108.15 1,075.00 90.00 1,000.00 300.00 110.00 210.00 90.13 680.00 100.00 205.00 300.00 283.00 150.00 46.00 129.00 200.00 400.00 150.00 200.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 14 Name of Person/Organization Donnelly, Maggie Dooley, Shawn A Drozdz, James DuClos, Amanda Dueker, Paul W Dufresne, Derrick F Duncan, David S Duncan-Hively, Ann Dell Easter, Jason Eberhardt, Timothy J Edgar, Daniel Edwards, Cynthia Egart, Chris S Ellis, Paul Emphrey, Henry L Espinosa, Jose Evans, Jason A Evans, Vince Everding, Maria Faison, Jonathan A Falk, Lee Walker Falker, Frederick G Farmer, Cindy Fiala, Neil S Field, Beverly Fields, Jerome Armando Fisaga, Eric Fischer, Todd E Fisher, Pamila J Fitzsimmons, Colleen Fitzwater, Paul Flanigan, Joseph Foerster, Paulette M Folk, Amanda Fowler, Keith Fowler, Queen Fox Galvin Fraser, Iain A Fredrickson, Hans Amount Paid 350.00 40.00 305.00 70.00 640.00 500.00 205.00 350.00 180.00 200.00 260.00 150.00 40.00 100.00 70.00 412.00 80.00 299.00 860.00 280.00 1,300.00 100.00 145.00 310.00 120.00 40.00 180.00 75.00 567.57 54.08 400.00 796.00 25.00 54.08 100.00 700.00 75.00 300.00 150.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 15 Name of Person/Organization Freundt, Douglas Frey, Bob Fritts, Debra Froehlich, Cliff Furnace, Pamela D Furrer, Lawrence R Gaines, Stephanie Galvin, Johnie L Gault, Douglas W Gavrilovic, Sava Geders, Thomas J Gentile, Ross Gipson, Kristen Goettelmann, Thomas P Gomez, Austin Gravenhorst, Edna Campos Gray, Deborah S Grebe, James Greer, Dixie Griffin, Timothy F Gross, John G Guetschow, Theresa M Guy, Flora Rosslind Hager, Reed Halley, Abby Hantak, Neil Harelimana, Froduald Harland, Michael Harrison, Annette Harrison, Kevin Harvey, William W Haymes, Wayne Heffernan, Kevin Heislen, Mark Helfrich, Doug Hellige, William L Hellinger, David Hemmelgarn, Melinda Henderson, Bonnie Amount Paid 100.00 215.00 500.00 300.00 250.00 324.00 300.00 300.00 220.00 320.00 180.00 200.00 325.00 105.00 160.00 50.00 75.00 190.00 225.00 600.00 50.00 270.00 30.00 420.00 70.00 100.00 825.00 215.00 695.00 100.00 90.00 70.00 66.00 440.00 200.00 120.00 250.00 500.00 425.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 16 Name of Person/Organization Hendin, Daniel S Herderhorst, Trevor J Hess, Jason Hesse, John Lee Hines, Barbara J Hitchcock, Phillip Hock, Andrew Hock, Anthony Hodge, Harlan B Hoelker, Dennis Hohenstein, John Hollis, Bev Holmes, Fritzi S Horton, Lani Horvath, Trudy K Huber, Gary Hughes, Nadine Hults, David W Hummel, Judith A Huntspon, Teryle H Husted, Ken Ingram, Joseph G Jackson, Elisa Morgan Janous, Kim Johns, Samantha Jones, Gary Jordan, Rosalind Rena Judd, David A Kadane, Doug Kaiser, Donna Marie Kaye, Pamela Kelly, Bill Kelsheimer, Alexander J Ketcherside, Gary Key, Kevin H Kirkpatrick, Amanda Knuckles, Lester Kopsas, James Krafcik, James M Amount Paid 60.00 250.00 950.00 80.00 275.00 300.00 172.00 87.00 750.00 400.00 100.00 360.00 36.00 120.00 900.00 120.00 50.00 75.00 70.00 150.00 80.00 200.00 20.00 108.00 70.00 90.00 100.00 440.00 240.00 178.00 2,520.00 360.00 195.00 270.00 112.00 250.00 220.00 100.00 70.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 17 Name of Person/Organization Kriszt, Maria A Krus, Kacey Krus, Katie M Lampert, Lori M Lang, Beth Ann LaPee, Elizabeth D Lawrence, Kara Leigh, Daniel T Levin, Allen S Linder, Doveed Lindhorst, Jeff Lindsay, Barbara Lockyear, Charles H Lorentz, Michael C Lovett, Colin Luetkenhaus, Courtney Lukasek, Kayla Lutker, Tom Mai, Robert Manion, Lawrence E Massey, Brandon L Mataya, Thomas P Matlock, Gene Maxam, Dwayne E Mayes, Steven P Mazo, Andrea D McAuliffe, George McGauly, Sharon J McKenna, Donald J McKiernan, Terry Mcnutt, David E Mertens, Scott Meyr, Dennis Mihov, Roumen Mihulka, Carol R Miller, Keith Mills, Jonathan W Miner, Craig Minor, Anderson L Amount Paid 15.00 192.00 55.00 145.00 50.00 440.00 24.00 240.00 75.00 75.00 205.00 120.00 70.00 420.00 50.00 90.00 24.00 240.00 1,475.00 31.25 560.00 75.00 280.00 105.00 200.00 70.00 200.00 81.00 75.00 205.00 25.00 530.00 305.00 360.00 83.15 145.00 80.00 25.00 320.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 18 Name of Person/Organization Mitchell, Alvin T Mitchell, Noah Mohr, Steven Edward Moore, Randy Muccigrosso, Angela Naunheim, Jerry Neal, Percy Nielsen, Timothy Nolde, Joseph T Norfolk, Robert L North-Jones, Peggy Nuelle, Mike O'Day, Ken Oakley, Mark H OHeron, Daniel Robert Ohlms, Derek Oldroyd, David Oster, Dave Palmer, Jamee Lynn Paniagua, Miguel Parkes, Jan Parkes, Thomas S Parsons, Monica Pastera, Marilyn Faria Chenoweth Pate, Michael Patton, Larry Pfleinger Schacht, Kimberly Ann Philippi, Craig M Phillips, Christopher Piedimonte, Tim Pierce, Kathryn M Pohrer, Preston Poliak, Joe Poore, Kevin Pope, Darrell E Posey, Scott Prochko, Marty Pulley, Jeff Puricelli, Ray Amount Paid 205.00 175.10 200.00 140.00 60.00 300.00 205.00 40.00 210.00 400.00 500.00 610.00 264.00 200.00 100.00 290.00 159.65 305.00 560.00 1,500.00 60.00 120.00 375.00 253.75 200.00 280.00 6,300.00 100.00 253.75 175.10 800.00 15.00 410.00 105.00 205.00 105.00 190.00 325.00 320.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 19 Name of Person/Organization Quach, Yen Ratkewicz, Michael J Reid, Susan Reininger, Chris Remacle, Matt Rescot, Norman Reynolds, Rory R Rice, Jill A Riopedre, Jorge Robbins, Steven A Roberts, John D Robertson, Tysheina Rockwell, Kerry Ronan, Bernie Rose, Marcella C Rozycki, Iris G Rugaber, Jocelyn E Rutherford, Mark Sage, Kristin Kaminsky Salmo, Suzanne Saltzman, Diane M Sanderson, Joyce Schelp, Matthew Schiefelbein, Andrew J Schilf, Raquel Schneider, Greg Schulz, Ann Scovill, Paul Sebben, Angela M See, Kymberly Seitz, Ken Semidey, Herman Setzer, Joseph E Seward, Stephen M Sextro, Rita A Shavers, Daniel Shaw, Nicole Shekar MD Chandra Shellenbarger, Jane Amount Paid 100.00 540.00 25.00 395.00 600.00 110.00 100.00 950.00 120.00 384.25 125.00 200.00 100.00 1,100.00 360.00 325.00 75.00 440.00 120.00 100.00 50.00 460.00 180.00 70.00 115.00 640.00 70.00 340.00 30.00 150.00 80.00 1,200.00 70.00 270.00 350.00 70.00 515.00 2,000.00 350.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 20 Name of Person/Organization Shelton, Jeffrey L Shores, David Martin Simms, Robin M Skowra, Leszek Smart, Suzanne E Smith, Jacqueline M Smith, Samantha Smith, Thomas Smith, Tom Sprengeler, Richard A Sprous, Irvin M Stahl, Chris Stanfield, Errol W Steele, Patricia A Sterling, Brandon J Stevens, Rosalyn M Stevenson, Robert Oliver Stonecipher, Brad Stoskopf, Kelsey Strieker, Joe Studt, David C Sun, Chyng Suyderhoud, Jack P Sweeny, Catherine A Swenson, Richard F Tang-Martinez, Zuleyma Taylor, Virginia Teeter, Matt Thomas, Steven Dean Thompson, Andrew Thornton, Bernard Thornton, Maria Touzinsky, Keith M Towers, Timothy Ian Trower, Robert W Turner, Ronnell Tyson, Peggy Valle, Steven Valle, Terry Amount Paid 280.00 95.00 35.00 360.00 120.00 615.00 70.00 120.00 260.00 75.00 200.00 305.00 490.00 332.00 700.00 30.00 30.00 100.00 60.00 305.00 310.00 1,100.00 500.00 300.00 370.00 250.00 300.00 240.00 255.00 50.00 150.00 550.00 90.00 30.00 70.00 110.00 25.00 360.00 480.00 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005* Board Meeting 2/23/06 21 Name of Person/Organization Vanderselt, Kathy VanGennip, Kelly Votsmier, Henry Vuagniaux, Mike Walters, Steve Watkins, Paul Watson, Dennis R Werner, August Werner, Nicki Werner, Scott Westbrooks, Pamela A Whinnery, Susan L Whiting, Jelani Whittier, Ronald Widner, Jim Wilke, Marilynn Williams, Ron Wilms, Wayne W Winkelmann, G Michael Winschel, Ruby Wolff, Doug Wollbrinck, Kevin David Word, Katrial M Yorg, Jacob A Young, Robert A Zenk, Elizabeth Zimmerman, Tom Total Amount Paid 480.00 78.00 105.00 580.00 960.00 310.00 270.00 180.00 90.00 500.00 350.00 70.00 250.00 400.00 100.00 200.00 220.00 240.00 2,830.00 720.00 80.00 30.00 165.00 60.00 100.00 205.00 260.00 112,501.96 *This list, which includes athletic officials, consultants, lecturers, orchestras, entertainers, and staff development presenters, is being provided in accordance to Board Policy H.16. 6 Contracts and/or Agreements 6.1.1 Agreement between St. Louis Community College and Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between St. Louis Community College and Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District (Metro). St. Louis Community College will license to Metro 20 parking spaces at the South County Education and University Center to be used as a park and ride facility for one year. In return for the use of the 20 parking spaces, Metro will pay St. Louis Community College a sum of one ($1.00) dollar per year for the term of the agreement. Metro and its patrons may use the 20 parking spaces from approximately 5:00 AM until 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, for a park and ride facility. 6.1.2 Agreement between St. Louis Community College and St. Louis University It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify a subcontract agreement between St. Louis Community College and Saint Louis University in support of the implementation of a Brownfields Minority Worker Training Program that is funded through an agreement with Kirkwood Community College’s Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute that was approved by the Board of Trustees on January 19th, 2006. Saint Louis University’s Center for Environmental Education and Training will provide technical, environmental training to at least fifteen (15) youths per year as outlined in the agreement. The term of this agreement shall be from January 1, 2006 through July 31, 2010, and the funding shall be $39,192 per year, contingent upon the funding dependencies outlined in SLCC’s agreement with Kirkwood Community College. Board Meeting 2/23/06 1 Office of Vice Chancellor for Education 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Bankhead and Firth Orthodontics Program/Campus Effective Date Dental Assistant Forest Park 1-30-06 Barnes Jewish Hospital Diagnostic Sonography Forest Park 7-1-05 Christian Hospital Northeast-Northwest Pharmacy Technician Forest Park 11-1-05 Certified Medication Technician Forest Park 2-1-06 R.N. First Assistant Program Forest Park 2-1-06 St. Louis Children’s Hospital Dietetic Technology Florissant Valley 1-1-06 The Children’s Dental Zone Dental Assistant Forest Park 1-23-06 Hillside Manor St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 6.2.2 Jamaican Study Abroad Agreement – Hofstra University Marine Laboratory It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Agreement between Hofstra University Marine Laboratory, Hempsted, New York, and St. Louis Community College in which Hofstra Marine Laboratory will provide two resident directors who will assist faculty with their class and field trips as well as all equipment, laboratory space, housing and local transportation for SLCC students enrolled in the Field Experience in Marine Biology course. Program dates will be March 12-19, 2006. The program is open to participants from all campus locations. Minimum program enrollment is eight participants; payment to Hofstra University Marine Laboratory in the amount of $960.00 per participant. This will be the first year St. Louis Community College offers this program. Program cost will be paid entirely by participant assessment. Airfare was arranged through one of SLCC’s contracted travel agencies and covered by participant assessment at a cost of approximately $574.00 per participant. Center for Business, Industry & Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services and economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Title of Program and/or Purpose Campus Date Amount RKZ Management To provide Technical Writer services Impact Outcome: Implement identity information into their operations manual Manager: Robert Serben CBIL January 9, 2006 through June 30, 2006 $6,398 Ameren UE Addendum to original contract – Technical Writing – Process Picture Mapping Manager: Robert Serben CBIL November 28, 2005 through June 30, 2006 $27,537 Total amount of contract ($41,658) McDonald’s Corporation Additional service to original contract – room rental facility Manager: Robert Serben CBIL July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 $3,500 (Total amount of contract $7,000) St. Charles Community College To Provide: Training Facilitation Manufacturing Process course. WCD January 17, 2006 through June 30, 2006 $9,360 Impact Outcome: Course delivery of manufacturing process for period of 16 weeks. Manager: Steve Long OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY AMOUNT PURPOSE Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 20,000.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley Child Care Development Laboratory Center to participate in Early Childhood Child Care Program. Grant funds will be used to improve and enhance early childhood program at the Child Care Development Laboratory Center. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 12/1/05-6/30/06 Project Director: Cecelia Luecking Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 20,000.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Meramec Child Care Center to participate in Early Childhood Child Care Program. Grant funds will be used to improve and enhance the early childhood programs at the Child Care Center. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 12/1/05-6/30/06 Project Director: Earline Powell St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE) $ 85,190.92 Contract with St. Louis Community College to recruit, perform eligibility determination, enroll, place into employment and provide various other re-employment services to laid off workers from Ford and Lear in the St. Louis area. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/05-12/31/06 Project Director: Jane Boyle UAW-Ford National Programs Center $ 43,052.08 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide skills enhancement services to workers at the Ford St. Louis Assembly Plant through the Skills Enhancement (SEP) Program. This award represents additional funding. Project Period: 1/1/06-3/31/06 Project Director: Lorna Finch Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY AMOUNT PURPOSE St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE) $ 39,137.37 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide employment related services to laid off workers from American, Delta, United and U.S. Airways airlines in the St. Louis area through National Emergency grant. This award represents additional funding. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/04-10/15/05 Project Director: Jane Boyle St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE) $ 59,681.01 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide employment and training services to eligible clients (adult and dislocated) under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) in the City of St. Louis. This award represents additional funding. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/05-6/30/06 Project Director: Jane Boyle St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment (SLATE) $178,008.74 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide trainers to conduct workshops in Soft Skills, Resume Development and Job Search for SLATE clients. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 8/22/05-6/30/06 Project Director: Jane Boyle Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Code 3, Inc. (Company) $14,375.00 (DESE) $12,500.00 (Company) $ 26,875.00 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Code 3, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical Development and Training; ISO9000:2000 Development and Training; and Leadership Skills Development and Training. This is a new award. Project Period: 7/1/05-6/30/06 Project Director: Robert Serben Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts 7.2. Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR AMOUNT PURPOSE FUND Carla Cunningham Foundation $2,000.00 Donation to the Carla Cunningham Scholarship Fund at St. Louis Community College. Student Aid Doris & David Lichtenstein Foundation $ 100.00 Donation to the Charles Menees Memorial Endowment Jazz Scholarship Fund on the Meramec campus Student Aid Lynn Harvey Dr. Wayne E./ Carole B. Fischer Susan Clifford $ 15.00 $ 100.00 Donations to the Dr. Charles R. Clifford, Jr. Dental Hygiene Scholarship Fund on the Forest Park campus. Student Aid Ralph Bierman $ 160.00 Donation for Phi Theta Kappa induction fees on Student Aid the Meramec campus. Anonymous $ 187.00 Donation to the Carolyn Rybicki Scholarship Fund on the Florissant Valley campus. Student Aid St. Louis $ 300.00 Vegetarian Society Donation to the Hospitality Studies Department on the Forest Park campus for the herb class. The donation was made on behalf of St. Louis Vegetarian Society to thank Professor Robert Hertel and culinary students for help they provided in preparation for the St. Louis Turkey-Free Thanksgiving dinner. -- Anonymous $ 150.00 Donation to the Noreen Krebs Scholarship Fund on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Ross Manufacturing $4,000.00 Donation to the Hospitality Studies Department on the Forest Park campus to be used for educational purposes. -- $ 50.00 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3. Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Susan & Mark Voelpel Susan and Mark Voelpel are donating the following to the Meramec Art Department: One (1) Minolta SRT101 35mm Camera. The estimated fair market value is $125.00. The condition of the donated item is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Teresa Huether Teresa Huether is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book titled “Song of Solomon”. The donor’s estimated value is $20.00. The condition of donated book titled “Song of Solomon” is new. The condition of other donated items is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. The condition of donated items is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. One (1) Book titled “The Hobbit”. The donor’s estimated value is $10.00. One (1) Book titled “White Rat: A Life in Baseball”. The donor’s estimated value is $10.00. Lawrence Sather Lawrence Sather is donating the following to Florissant Valley Library Services: One (1) Book titled “Lectures on Shakespeare”. The donor’s estimated value is $19.95. One (1) Book titled “Lincoln’s Melancholy”. The donor’s estimated value is $25.00. One (1) Book titled “D. H. Lawrence: The Life of an Outsider”. The donor’s estimated value is $29.95. VIII. (8) CONTRACT AWARD/RENEWAL FOR EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 8.1.1 Recommendation for Award of Medicare Advantage Insurance Contract Board Approval is requested for the award of a contract to United Healthcare (UHC) with an option to renew annually beginning June 1, 2006. The plan design, network and rates quoted are guaranteed through December 31, 2006, since Medicare Advantage plans must be filed and approved with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on an annual basis. Description The College sought competitive bids for a Medicare Advantage HMO and/or PPO plan to provide to its retirees as an option to the current plan offered. This is a new program offered by the College. The bid specifications required quotes from plans that met the approval of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Proposals were received from 5 insurance carriers for the Medicare Advantage plan. The top three proposals were received from Group Health Plan (GHP), Mercy and United Healthcare (UHC). Mercer, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Employee Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. The rates quoted are guaranteed through December 31, 2006, since Medicare Advantage plans must be filed and approved with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on an annual basis. Group Health Plan, United Healthcare, and Mercy offered both HMO and PPO plans. Although GHP’s HMO plan represented a competitive bid, the PPO plan quote was much higher than the competition. While Mercy’s price was slightly higher, their PPO network is not offered in Illinois. Although the rates for Essence appear to be competitive, their network is limited and the plan design does not include prescription drug coverage. United Healthcare rated higher than the competitors in areas other than price including network size, plan design, and administration. Based on the foregoing information, the College recommends United Healthcare as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. This is a supplemental plan that will be administered by the third party. There is no cost to the College for making this plan available to retirees who are currently enrolled in the standard College medical plan as an option to the current plan offered by the College. Bid Cost Comparison / Top 3* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on November 7, 2005, is shown below: RETIREES ONLY HMO Monthly Cost PPO Monthly Cost Total Points Awarded** Other Factors Considered United Healthcare $0 / (plus Part B premium) $28.00 / (plus Part B premium) 475 Competitive rates; Stronger Provider Network; Offers Vision and Dental coverage for additional premium Group Health Plan $0 / (plus Part B premium) $63.79 / (plus Part B premium) 340 Higher rates; Smaller Network Mercy $29.86 / $25.94 / 310 (plus Part B and Part D premium) (plus Part B and Part D premium) Effective 1/1/06 Medicare Part B Premium Mercy’s Medicare Part D HMO Premium Mercy’s Medicare Part D PPO Premium Higher rates; PPO plan not available in Illinois $88.50 $37.34 $37.26 * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, network size, customer service/satisfaction, plan design, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 1 Summary of Bids Medicare Advantage Financial Analysis Effective June 1, 2006 December 31, 2006 Monthly HMO Cost Monthly PPO Cost United Healthcare (UHC) Premium Medicare Part B Total $0.00 $88.50 $88.50 $28.00 $88.50 $116.50 Group Health Plan (GHP) Premium Medicare Part B Total $0.00 $88.50 $88.50 $63.79 $88.50 $152.29 Mercy Premium Medicare Part B Mercy's Medicare Part D Premium Total $29.86 $88.50 $37.34 $155.70 $25.94 $88.50 $37.26 $151.70 Essence Premium Medicare Part B Premium Reduced Total $0.00 $52.61 $52.61 Humana Premium Medicare Part B Total N/A N/A $46.00 $88.50 $134.50 2 8.1.2 Recommendation for Award of Flexible Spending Account Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to United Healthcare for a period of three (3) full years to begin June 1, 2006. Description The College sought competitive bids for the administration of a Flexible Spending Account plan. This is a new benefit for full-time College employees. The bid specifications required quotes for a health care account with an annual limit of $1,000 and a dependent care account with an annual limit of $5,000; the minimum for each account will be $100. Proposals were received from 5 vendors for the Flexible Spending Account plan. The top three proposals were received from Ceridian, United Healthcare (UHC), and Tri-Star Systems (AIG VALIC). Mercer, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Employee Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. Ceridian quoted a 3 year rate guarantee (with some contingencies), Tri-Star Systems quoted a 2 year rate guarantee option where United Healthcare quoted a one year rate guarantee with a second year rate cap of 5%. Ceridian and Tri-Star Systems rates are higher and their fees do not include a debit card. United Healthcare’s program allows for automatic integration with the medical plan, a debit card is available and the cost is competitive. United Healthcare rated higher than the competitors in areas other than price including automation/user friendly and administration. Based on the foregoing information, the College recommends United Healthcare as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. The total annual administration cost for United Healthcare’s Flexible Spending Account Program will be $10,733 plus an additional $1,500 for Section 125 compliance testing of the plan. Employees are responsible for their individual contributions to the programs based on the elected amount. The College’s annual cost for the administration of this plan will be $10,733. Bid Cost Comparison/ Top 3* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on November 7, 2005, is shown below: PLANS 2006 Policy Year 2007 Policy Year Total Points Awarded** Other Factors Considered United Healthcare $10,733 $11,270 480 Cost of debit cards is included; Section 125 compliance testing an additional $1,500 Ceridian $12,859 $12,159 355 Cost does not include debit cards which are an additional $1.50 per card; Section 125 compliance testing an additional $200 Tri-Star Systems (AIG VALIC) $12,233 $10,733 405 Cost does not include debit cards which are an additional $2.00 per participant per month; Section 125 compliance testing included in cost * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, customer service/satisfaction, automation/user friendly, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 3 Summary of Bids Flexible Spending Account Financial Analysis Effective June 1, 2006 2006 Policy Year 2007 Policy Year United Healthcare* $10,733 $11,270 Ceridian* Tri-Star Systems (AIG VALIC) $12,859 $12,159 $12,233 $10,733 BeneFlex $14,885 $14,684 Benergy OS $12,263 $11,813 * Cost does not include Section 125 compliance testing. 4 8.1.3 Recommendation for Renewal Rate for Medical Insurance Board approval is requested to approve United Healthcare rate renewal for the Group Medical plan for a policy period June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007. Description This is the third year of the College’s three (3) year contract with United Healthcare for the Medical insurance plan. The negotiated renewal for Medical is an increase of 10.1% or an overall cost increase of $1,275,201. The renewal increase to the college is $993,605 and $281,596 to employees. The total annual cost is $14,858,042 of which the College’ portion of total premium will be $10,831,435. EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost College Cost Total Premium Current Cost $45.44 $408.92 $454.36 UHC Renewal Rates $50.03 $450.22 $500.25 Current Cost $316.06 $814.86 $1,130.92 UHC Renewal Rates $347.98 $897.16 $1,245.14 FAMILY MEDICAL INSURANCE RENEWAL NOTE No plan changes were made for the 2006-2007 benefits year. However, state mandates could require changes to be made. 5 8.1.4 Recommendation for Renewal Rate for Dental PPO Insurance Board approval is requested to approve MetLife rate renewal for the Group Dental PPO plan for a policy period June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007. Description This is the second year of the College’s three (3) year contract with MetLife for the Dental PPO insurance plan. The negotiated renewal for Dental PPO is an increase of 5% or an overall cost increase of $49,455. The renewal increase to the college is $34,512 and $14,943 to employees. The total annual cost is $1,039,303 of which the College’ portion of total premium will be $725,411. EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost College Cost Total Premium Current Cost $3.51 $31.54 $35.05 MetLife Renewal Rates $3.68 $33.12 $36.80 Current Cost $32.81 $60.84 $93.65 MetLife Renewal Rates $34.45 $63.88 $98.33 FAMILY DENTAL PPO INSURANCE RENEWAL NOTE No plan changes were made for the 2006-2007 benefits year. However, state mandates could require changes to be made. 6 8.1.5 Recommendation for Renewal Rate for Vision Insurance Board approval is requested to approve EyeMed rate renewal for the Group Vision plan for a policy period June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2008. Description This is the second year of the College’s three (3) year contract with EyeMed for the Vision insurance plan. EyeMed offered a 2 year rate guarantee with renewal. The negotiated renewal for Vision is an increase of 4% or an overall cost increase of $5,127. The renewal increase to the college is $3,676 and $1,451 to employees. The total annual cost is $135,174 of which the College’s portion of total premium will be $96,556. EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost College Cost Total Premium Current Cost $ .50 $4.51 $5.01 EyeMed Renewal Rates $ .52 $4.69 $5.21 Current Cost $3.98 $8.00 $11.98 EyeMed Renewal Rates $4.14 $8.31 $12.45 FAMILY VISION INSURANCE RENEWAL NOTE It should be noted that EyeMed recently purchased Cole Vision. This resulted in the following plan changes: * * * * * * The network now includes most Pearle Vision, Sears Optical, Target Optical & Shopko locations. Lenticular Lenses are not covered The following copays increased to $15 for UV Coating, $15 for Tinting, $40 for Polycarbonate and $65 + $15 lens copay for Progressive The new plan caps the amount the provider can charge for a standard contact lens fit and follow-up making the member cost capped at $55. The premium contact fit and follow-up is now 10% off retail price. The new plan only allows for the $130 contact allowance to apply to materials as opposed to the exam and materials. 2 year rate guarantee 7 8.1.6 Recommendation for Renewal Rates for Voluntary Short-Term Disability Insurance Contract Board approval is requested to approve Standard rate renewal for the Group Voluntary Short-Term Disability plan for a policy period June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007. Description This is the second year of the College’s three (3) year contract with Standard for the Voluntary Short-Term Disability insurance plan. The total annual premium for VSTD Insurance under this recommendation will be $100,800, which is the current cost. Since this is a voluntary program, there is no cost to the College. RENEWAL RATES Rates Per $10 of Covered Weekly Benefit Employee Cost Current Cost $0.30 Standard Renewal Rate $0.30 Flat rate; No increase 8 8.1.7 Recommendation for Renewal Rate for Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Contract Board approval is requested to approve CHUBB rate renewal for the Group Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment plan for a policy period June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2008. Description This is the College’s second year of our three (3) year contract with CHUBB for the Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance plan. CHUBB offered a 2 year rate guarantee with renewal. The total annual premium for VAD&D Insurance under this recommendation will be $60,792, which is the current cost. Since this is a voluntary program, there is no cost to the college. RENEWAL RATES Rates Per $1,000 of Volume Covered Benefit EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost Current Cost $0.014 CHUBB Renewal Rate $0.014 Flat rate; No increase FAMILY Current Cost $0.022 CHUBB Renewal Rate $0.022 Flat rate; No increase 9