MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2005 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Thursday, February 17, 2005, at the St. Louis Community College Cosand Center, in the Large Boardroom, 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Michael Rohrbacker, President, called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Mr. Michael Rohrbacker, President, Ms. Patricia Moss, Trustee; Mr. Robert Nelson, Trustee, and Ms. Lisa Taylor, Trustee. Dr. Dolores Gunn, Vice President, and Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Trustee, were absent. Also present were Dr. Henry Shannon, Chancellor; Ms. Becky Garrison, Administrative Associate to the Board and Ms. Tina Odo, General Counsel. 2. Welcome to Guests Mr. Rohrbacker welcomed Craig Mueller, Assistant Professor at Forest Park. 3. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 4. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Mr. Nelson and seconded by Ms. Moss, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised. 5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items On motion by Ms. Moss and seconded by Mr. Nelson, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved. 6. Approval of January 20, 2005 Minutes On motion by Mr. Nelson and seconded by Ms. Moss, the Board unanimously approved the January 20, 2005 Board of Trustees minutes. 7. Approval of Resolution Re March 31, 2005 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. Moss and seconded by Ms. Taylor, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on March 31, 2005, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 8. Recognition of Student, Staff and Trustee Accomplishments Sharifah Sims-Williams, Coordinator of Internal Communications, read statements of congratulations for students and staff on their recent awards and accomplishments. George Friesen, Pam Leahy, Earl Wamack, John Duarte and Craig Klimczak highlighted the Five “S” Program. 9. Authorization of Chancellor Travel The Board, by consent, authorized Dr. Shannon’s travel to the RC 2000 Spring Meeting and the California State University Presidential Inauguration. 10. Approval of Advisory Committee Appointments The Board, by consent, unanimously approved Advisory Committee Appointments all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 2 11. Approval of Resolution and Authorizing the Offering for Sale of Leasehold Revenue Bonds The Board, by consent, unanimously approved a Resolution authorizing the sale of leasehold revenue bonds to finance the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping new educational facilities within the District all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 12. Chancellor’s Report Dr. Shannon reported on the ACCT Legislative conference. 13. Information Item Representatives from William B. Ittner, Inc. and Kwame Building Group reported on the progress of the West County Campus. 14. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns Ron Mozelewski, JCD-NEA, thanked the Board and the Chancellor for approving the reading requirement pilot, and gave input from JCD-NEA members serving on the committee. II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES 15. Approval of Program Recommendations and Revisions The Board, by consent, approved the following Resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the program recommendations all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and that, where appropriate, said programs be submitted to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education. 3 III. HUMAN RESOURCES 16. Human Resource Recommendations The Board by consent approved the following Resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit C attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. IV. BID AWARDS 17. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts The Board by consent approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit D; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 4 V. BUSINESS & FINANCE 18. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of January, 2005 were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, budget status report general operating fund through January 31, 2005, budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005, student financial aid fund, July 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005, Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005 and restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005. B. Warrant Check Register - - January 31, 2005 The Board, by consent, approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending January 31, 2005. C. Ratification of Investments The Board by consent ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of January 2005, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. D. Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered The Board by consent ratified payments for services rendered from July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 19. Contracts and/or Agreements The Board was requested to approve the acceptance on renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. 5 The Board by consent unanimously approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate in each instance. VII. EXTERNAL FUNDS 20. Acceptance of External Funds The Board by consent approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set out in Exhibit G attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for workstudy programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. 6 VIII. INSURANCE RECOMMENDATION 21. Approval of Insurance Renewals The Board, by consent, voted unanimously to approve renewal of various insurance agreements and policies, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit H attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. IX. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Nelson announced that he would invite individuals who have made contributions to the athletics programs at St. Louis Community College to the March 31 Board meeting. Mr. Rohrbacker reported on the League for Innovation Board Retreat in Phoenix. Mr. Rohrbacker then encouraged staff to attend the Community College Day in Jefferson City on March 1. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Garrison, Secretary Board of Trustees 7 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Henry D. Shannon DATE: February 17, 2005 SUBJECT: Board Agenda Modifications Tab H Page Number 1 Revision Add: 6.1.3 Agreement between the American Program Bureau and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between the American Program Bureau and St. Louis Community College for speaker James McBride. The speaking engagement, which is part of the One Book One College program, would take place on April 13, 2005. The engagement would include a lecture, a question and answer session, a book signing, and a reception. The estimated $11,500 cost for the speaker’s fee and travel expenses will be paid from College operating and auxiliary funds and Foundation funds. #7 Re March 31, 2005 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees Resolution The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 1987), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on March 31, 2005 at 6:00 p.m., at the Cosand Center, 300 S. Broadway, St. Louis, MO, in the Executive Board Room, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021 [1]), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 [2]); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 [3]); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 [9]); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, (Section 610.021 [13]); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021 [17]), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meeting be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 1987. February 17, 2005 Board Agenda -5- #10 Advisory Committee Appointments It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the appointments/reappointments listed on the enclosed program area committee lists for a two-year term, January 2004 through December 2005. Human Services Ms. Kimberly Beck Substance Abuse Counselor Gateway Foundation 1430 Olive Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63103 Ms. Theresa Eschmann Social Worker II St. John's Mercy, Behavioral Health (314) 628-6500 970 Executive Parkway St. Louis, MO 63026 Mrs. RoseAnn Fillbright Chemical Dependency Counselor Bridgeway Counseling Service 119 Church Street Ferguson, MO 63135 (314) 521-5887 Mr. Clifton Glore Outreach Worker Lutheran Senior Services 5016 Tholozan Apt. 1E St. Louis, MO 63109 (314) 832-4274 Dr. Don Linhorst Director BSSW Program St. Louis University School of Social Service 3550 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 977-2720 Mr. Larry Manion Substance Abuse Counselor First Step Recovery Center 6214 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 862-6941 Mrs. Arlene Miller Therapist 10100 Morgan Ridge Drive St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 544-1095 Ms. Antoinette Moore Lead Counselor New Beginnnings, Inc. 3901 North Union St. Louis, MO 63115 (314) 367-8989 Ms. DiAnne Mueller Executive Director St. Louis Crisis Nursing 6150 Oakland Ave. St. Louis, MO 63139 (314) 768-3201 2/17/05 Board Agenda -6- (314) 421-6188 Human Services Continued Sr. Joann Nowak Program Director Room at the Inn P.O. Box 3009 Bridgeton, MO 63044 (314) 209-9198 Mrs. Patti Rosenthal Director of Practicum University of Missouri-St. Louis 8001 Natural Bridge St. Louis, MO 63121 (314) 516-6506 Mrs. Louise Wyer 4 Riverboat Dr. St. Peters, MO 63376 (636) 477-1016 Mrs. Danyelle Smith Sales/Marketing Rep. Alternative Solutions 231 S. Beniston #103 Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 721-1616 2/17/05 Board Agenda -7- #11 RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE OFFERING FOR SALE OF LEASEHOLD REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2005 OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, BUILDING CORPORATION WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 177.088 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the “Act”), the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (the “District”), is authorized to enter into a lease financing arrangement to acquire, construct, improve, extend, repair, remodel, renovate, furnish and equip buildings and facilities within the District; and WHEREAS, the District desires to enter into certain transactions relating to the issuance and delivery of leasehold revenue bonds in the approximate principal amount of $13,810,000 by The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, Building Corporation (the “Bonds”) for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping new educational facilities within the District (collectively, the “Project”), funding a debt service reserve fund for the Bonds and paying the costs of issuance relating to the Bonds; and WHEREAS, public notice has been given in accordance with the requirements of the Act that the Board of Trustees would consider at the meeting at which this resolution is presented adoption of a resolution approving the Project; and WHEREAS, the District desires to authorize A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. (the “Underwriter”) to proceed with the offering for sale of the Bonds and to authorize Gilmore & Bell, P.C. (“Bond Counsel”) to proceed with the preparation of all necessary legal proceedings necessary for the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Board of Trustees hereby approves the Project and authorizes the Underwriter to proceed with the offering for sale of the Bonds, as described in the Preliminary Official Statement attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Board of Trustees hereby declares its intention to adopt a subsequent resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds and approving the terms thereof as described in the Preliminary Official Statement. Section 2. The Board of Trustees hereby authorizes and approves the Preliminary Official Statement in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, and authorizes the preparation of a final Official Statement by amending, supplementing and completing the Preliminary Official Statement, and authorizes the execution of the final Official Statement by the President or Vice President of the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Services, with such changes and additions thereto as such official shall deem necessary or appropriate, such official’s signature thereon being conclusive evidence of such official’s and the District’s approval thereof. The Board of Trustees hereby consents to the use and public distribution by the Underwriter of the Preliminary Official Statement and the final Official Statement in connection with the offering for sale of the Bonds. -6- Section 3. For the purpose of enabling the Underwriter to comply with the requirements of Rule 15c2-12(b)(1) of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the appropriate officers of the District are hereby authorized, if requested, to provide the Underwriter a letter or certification to the effect that the District deems the information contained in the Preliminary Official Statement to be “final” as of its date, except for the omission of such information as is permitted by Rule 15c2-12(b)(1), and to take such other actions or execute such other documents as such officers in their reasonable judgment deem necessary to enable the Underwriter to comply with the requirements of such Rule. Section 4. The District agrees to provide, or cause to be provided, to the Underwriter within seven business days of the date of the purchase contract for the Bonds or within sufficient time to accompany any confirmation that requests payment from any customer of the Underwriter, whichever is earlier, sufficient copies of the final Official Statement to enable the Underwriter to comply with the requirements of Rule 15c2-12(b)(4) of the Securities and Exchange Commission and with the requirements of Rule G-32 of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. Section 5. The Vice Chancellor for Finance and Business Services and other officers and representatives of the District are hereby authorized and directed to take such other action as may be necessary to carry out the offering for sale of the Bonds. Section 6. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Board of Trustees. PASSED by the Board of Trustees this 17th day of February, 2005. (SEAL) President of the Board of Trustees ATTEST: Secretary of the Board of Trustees EXHIBIT A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT [On file in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees] -7- II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board approve a new Certificate of Specialization in Travel and Tourism Foundations approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Campus: Effective: Travel and Tourism Foundations Certificate of Specialization FP Fall 2005 Impact Statement: During the TECH SCAN and DACUM conducted at Forest Park in the fall of 2001, it was determined by the advisory committee that St. Louis Community College should design an accelerated training program that would replicate the type of short-term training that was offered by various travel academies that existed in the recent past. Travel and Tourism Foundations was designed to give students one semester of core competencies and knowledge blocks that would allow them to start an entry-level position in the industry while exercising the option of taking additional courses to complete the Associate of Applied Science degree. Courses Credits TUR 104 Travel and Tourism Foundations I………………………………6 TUR 105 Travel and Tourism Foundations II…………………………….10 Program Total ………………………………………………...16 II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board approve new Certificates of Proficiency in Hospitality Studies: Hotel Management and Hospitality Studies: Restaurant Management approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Campus: Effective: Hospitality Studies: Hotel Management and Hospitality Studies: Restaurant Management Certificates of Proficiency FP Summer 2005 Impact Statement: Hospitality is the second largest industry in St. Louis with over $2.5 billion in sales each year. It employs more than 46,000 people in 15 business categories including: transportation, lodging, food service, convention and event management. St. Louis entertains over 17 million visitors each year. The door is open to good jobs for those who are properly prepared. In response to the need for a prepared job candidate and the need to update the current program, the hospitality faculty at Forest Park assembled an extensive advisory committee to perform a thorough Tech Scan and DACUM. The committee consisted of hotel and restaurant professionals from both local and national chains and concluded that our program can and is a vital bridge between industry needs and individual career choice. The advisory committee determined that the program was essential in order to meet the employment needs of local and national industry. However, certain changes needed to be incorporated to meet the changes that have occurred in industry over the recent past. These changes were identified during the modified DACUM, verified by the advisory committee, and incorporated into the proposed programs. Also, as a response to our findings, it was recommended that along with offering an AAS degree, that we add a Certificate of Proficiency for both Hotel and Restaurant Management. These options would provide our students the ability to gain the knowledge necessary to improve their employability within the local industry even if degree is not sought. In conclusion, the “Occupational Outlook Handbook 2004-05” reinforces the need for prepared individuals in the lodging industry due to expected growth for all occupations through 2012. Job opportunities were stated to be best for persons with college degrees in hotel or restaurant management. Hospitality Studies: Hotel Management Certificate of Proficiency FP General Education ENG: 101 College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math 9 credits 3 3 3 Area of Concentration 30 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting 3 HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 134 Introduction to Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I 1 HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II 1 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 HRM: 210 Guest Services Management 3 HRM: 211 Hotel Facilities Management 3 Select at least 6 credits from HRM: 214 Hospitality Human Resources Management HRM: 112 Purchasing HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM: 209 Hospitality Sales and Marketing HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management TUR: 201 Convention and Meeting Planning IS: 123 Introduction to Windows IS: 151 Microcomputer Applications in Business Program total 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 39 credits Hospitality Studies: Restaurant Management Certificate of Proficiency FP General Education ENG: 101 College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math 9 credits 3 3 3 Area of Concentration 30 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting 3 HRM: 135 Food Preparation Theory 3 HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 134 Introduction to Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I 1 HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II 1 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 HRM: 210 Guest Services Management 3 Select at least 6 credits from HRM: 214 Hospitality Human Resources Management HRM: 112 Purchasing HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM: 209 Hospitality Sales and Marketing HRM: 211 Hotel Facilities Management HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management TUR: 201 Convention and Meeting Planning IS: 123 Introduction to Windows IS: 151 Microcomputer Applications in Business Program total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 4 39 credits II. Instruction and Student Services It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the revised Associate in Applied Science in Hospitality Studies: Culinary Arts Option and Hotel and Restaurant Management Option approved and submitted by the District Curriculum Committee. Program: Campus: Effective: Hospitality Studies: Culinary Arts Option and Hotel Restaurant Option Associate in Applied Science Forest Park Summer 2005 Impact Statement: Hospitality is the second largest industry in St. Louis with over $2.5 billion in sales each year. It employs more than 46,000 people in 15 business categories including: transportation, lodging, food service, convention and event management. St. Louis entertains over 17 million visitors each year. The door is open to good jobs for those who are properly prepared. In response to the need for a prepared job candidate and the need to update the current program, the hospitality faculty at Forest Park assembled an extensive advisory committee to perform a thorough Tech Scan and DACUM. The committee consisted of hotel and restaurant professionals from both local and national chains and concluded that our program can and is a vital bridge between industry needs and individual career choice. The advisory committee determined that the program was essential in order to meet the employment needs of local and national industry. However, certain changes needed to be incorporated to meet the changes that have occurred in industry over the recent past. These changes were identified during the modified DACUM, verified by the advisory committee, and incorporated into the proposed program revisions. Also, as a response to our findings, it was recommended that along with offering an AAS degree, that we add a Certificate of Proficiency for both Hotel and Restaurant Management. These options would provide our students the ability to gain the knowledge necessary to improve their employability within the local industry even if a degree is not sought. In conclusion, the “Occupational Outlook Handbook 2004-05” reinforces the need for prepared individuals in the lodging industry due to expected growth for all occupations through 2012. Job opportunities were stated to be best for persons with college degrees in hotel or restaurant management. Hospitality Studies: Culinary Arts Option Associate in Applied Science FP General Education 18 credits ENG: 101 College Composition I 3 COM: 101 Oral Communication I 3 SOC: 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math 3 PSI: 101 Physical Science Lecture 3 XXX: xxx Missouri State Requirement 3 General Education 18 credits ENG: 101 College Composition I 3 COM: 101 Oral Communication I 3 MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math 3 PSI: 101 Physical Science Lecture 3 PSY: 200 General Psychology 3 XXX: xxx Missouri State Requirement 3 Physical Education Activity Physical Education Activity 2 credits Area of Concentration 32 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting 3 HRM: 110 Quantity Food Preparation I 6 HRM: 112 Purchasing 3 HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 133 Equipment Design and Layout 3 HRM: 200 Meal Planning 4 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 Culinary Arts Option Courses 23 credits HRM: 114 Meat Analysis 1 HRM: 119 Garde Manger 2 HRM: 122 Baking 3 HRM: 123 Pastry 3 HRM: 128 Nutrition 3 HRM: 129 Food Specialties 2 HRM: 130 Culinary Arts Practicum 1 – Co-op 3 HRM: 131 Culinary Arts Practicum II – Contemporary Problems 3 HRM: 132 Culinary Arts Practicum III – Catering 3 Program total Current Program Revised Program 75 credits 2 credits Area of Concentration 13 credits HRM: 135 Food Preparation Theory 3 HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 Culinary Arts Courses 36 credits HRM: 140 Food Preparation Practical I 3 HRM: 145 Food Preparation Practical II 3 HRM: 112 Purchasing 3 HRM: 119 Garde Manger 2 HRM: 122 Baking 3 HRM: 123 Pastry 3 HRM: 128 Nutrition 3 HRM: 129 Global Cuisine 2 HRM: 225 Nutritional Cooking 2 HRM: 230 American Regional Cuisine 2 HRM: 260 Restaurant Operations 6 Select at least 4 credits from ACC: 100 Applied Accounting HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM: 202 Hospitality Law HRM: 245 Salon Competition HRM: 235 Ice Carving HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II XXX: xxx Foreign Language Program total 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 4 69 credits Hospitality Studies: Hotel and Restaurant Management Option Associate in Applied Science FP General Education 18 credits ENG: 101 College Composition I 3 SOC: 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 COM: 101 Oral Communication I 3 MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math 3 PSI: 101 Physical Science Lecture 3 XXX: xxx Missouri State Requirement 3 General Education ENG: 101 College Composition I COM: 101 Oral Communication I MTH: 108 Elementary Applied Math PSI: 101 Physical Science Lecture PSY: 200 General Psychology XXX: xxx Missouri State Requirement 18 credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 Physical Education Activity Physical Education Activity 2 credits 2 credits Area of Concentration 32 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting 3 HRM: 110 Quantity Food Preparation I 6 HRM: 112 Purchasing 3 HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 133 Equipment Design and Layout 3 HRM: 200 Meal Planning 4 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 Hotel and Restaurant Management Option Courses 18 credits HRM: 121 Field Experience Practicum 3 HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 209 Hospitality Sales and Marketing 3 HRM: 210 Hotel Operations Management 3 HRM: 211 Housekeeping Operations and Management 3 TUR: 201 Convention and Meeting Planning 3 Program total 70 credits Area of Concentration 19 credits ACC: 100 Applied Accounting 3 HRM: 135 Food Preparation Theory 3 HRM: 116 Safety and Sanitation 1 HRM: 134 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 3 HRM: 201 Problems of Hospitality Management 3 HRM: 202 Hospitality Law 3 HRM: 205 Operational Cost Control 3 Hotel and Restaurant Management Courses 28 credits HRM: 141 Workplace Learning I 1 HRM: 221 Workplace Learning II 1 HRM: 241 Workplace Learning III 1 HRM: 214 Hospitality Human Resources Management 3 HRM: 209 Hospitality Sales and Marketing 3 HRM: 210 Guest Services Management 3 HRM: 211 Hotel Facilities Management 3 IS: 123 Introduction to Windows 1 Select at least 6 credits from HRM: 112 Purchasing HRM: 250 Foodservice Design and Layout HRM: 212 Bar and Beverage Management TUR: 201 Convention and Meeting Planning Select at least 6 credits from HUM: 112 Creative Thinking COM: 107 Public Speaking COM: 110 Organizational Communication SOC: 103 Human Behavior at Work and in Business IS: 151 Microcomputer Applications in Business Program total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 67 credits 02/17/05 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Young, Kirsten C CC Moore, Davis N Cotton, Jerry N NAME RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Manager, Library Systems P 11 $45,309* 02/18/05-06/30/05 FP Career & Employment Services Specialist P9 37,448* 02/18/05-06/30/05 CC Project Associate II P8 34,045* 02/18/05-06/30/05 TITLE -1* Minimum salary for the range. All are replacement positions. Moore & Cotton are temporary, externally-funded positions. 02/17/05 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL- TIME FACULTY NAME Shiller, Casey CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE C FP Instructor II/Hospitality Studies IV-C $44,087* 02/18/05-05/13/05 -2* Salary is in accordance with Board Policy D1, Faculty/Initial Placement. Replacement position 02/17/05 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Hobbs, Metra C M Masloski, Cheryl N James, Stacy RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Secretary 4 $932.62 bi-wk* 02/22/05 CC Secretary 4 932.62 bi-wk* 02/22/05 C CC Educational Assistant II 6 1,070.96 bi-wk* 02/18/05 Rogers, Denise N FV College Police Officer 6 1,146.12 bi-wk* 02/18/05 Talley, Benjamin N FV College Police Officer 6 1,146.12 bi-wk* 02/18/05 Wagner, Robert C FP College Police Dispatcher 4 932.62 bi-wk* 02/18/05 NAME TITLE -33.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Schriner, Carolyn LOCATION FV TITLE From: Student Services Assistant I, Part-time, Continuing To: Student Services Assistant II RANGE 3 4 * Minimum salary for the range. All are replacement positions except for James' which is a new, temporary externally-funded position. PAY RATE $9.98/hr 932.62 bi-wk* EFFECTIVE DATE 02/18/05 02/17/05 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME LOCATION TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Darr, Sarah CC Analyst Programmer P 10 From: $45,005.94 To: 47,256.00* 01/03/05-06/30/05 Petz, Michael CC Coordinator, Engineering & Network Support P 10 From: 51,065.12 To: 56,172.00* 01/03/05-06/30/05 Goslik, David CC Bennett, Carol CC From: Director, Information & Telecommunications Systems To: Senior Director, Enterprise Computing Services Manager, Bibliographic & Cataloging Services A 19 103,567.00 A 18 (no change) From: P 10 To: P 11 -3a- Ouellette, Sheila CC Manager, Acquisitions & Serials Services From: P 10 To: P 11 46,047.34 02/18/05-06/30/05 02/18/05-06/30/05 47,276.00** 48,882.50 02/18/05-06/30/05 50,183.00** * Increase in base compensation is in accordance with Administrative Procedures E2.3, Additional Administrative/Professional Responsibilities. ** Rate change is in accordance with administrative practice. Darr & Petz are for additional responsibilities of another position; ending date may be earlier than 06/30/05. Goslik, Bennett & Ouellette are the result of classification review. St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Abrams, Sandra J Loc FV FV FV Absher, Frank A FP FP FP FP Abuisba, Layla Azni G M M Adams, Dorlita A FP Adams, Jana R M M M M M M Adams, John T FV Adams, Lawrence J FV FV Adams, Leroy FP FP FP Adams, Russ R FP FV FV FP Adelhardt, Chad A M Aerne, Jo A M M M M Ahmed, Minhaj U FP FP Aiello, Janis J M M Aitken, Victoria J FV FV FV FV Alfoldy, Mary Janice M FP FP M M Alks, Uldis M M M M Allen, Claude O FP FP FP Allen, Deborah Patricia FP M FP FP FP M 02/17/05 Course Number Substitute ART100501 Honors MCM201496 COM101413 MCM120401 MCM120461 WKSP ENG101S01 RDG020462 ECE202650 FLDBSCOOR ECE5336IA ECE5336CE FLDBSDGRT STIPEND INTERPRET PEDU732FV PE 133501 MTH030454 MTH140451 MTH030480 EMT121PAR CCPR FV CCPR ADJ EMT121PRI ART131680 ART233650 ART133601 WKSP ART233602 MTH185450 MTH16C480 NUR 205 NUR 204 SOC103501 SOC1265L1 Substitute SOC2115L1 ENG060650 Substitute ENG701480 ENG060650 Substitute GEG101601 GEG100602 Honors GEG100601 HMS102450 HMNPRACTM HMSSEMINR ADJORI STIPEND BIO111405 BIO111406 BIO111406 BIO111W04 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 10/10/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 11/20/2004 12/4/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.61 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/8/2004 10/23/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.64 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 0.05 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.20 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.92 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/9/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/18/2004 11/25/2004 8/23/2004 9/26/2004 1.50 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.30 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 -4- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 13.25 1.00 4.75 8.00 30.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $25.00 $1,869.12 $72.00 $216.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $3,738.24 $72.00 $72.00 $999.99 $25.00 $1,662.24 $90.00 $1,105.92 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $908.56 $437.25 $27.71 $2,216.32 $2,213.76 $3,317.76 $3,317.76 $50.00 $3,317.76 $4,644.80 $3,715.84 $5,818.92 $2,861.76 $2,422.12 $2,486.88 $118.75 $2,486.88 $4,180.32 $200.00 $750.00 $1,393.44 $75.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $72.00 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $809.96 $1,869.12 $50.00 $25.00 $3,100.28 $952.28 $1,432.00 $3,100.28 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Allen, Gresha Renee Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP Allen, Ivy M FV Allen, Robynne R FV FV Allen, Teresa A M Allison, Beth Michelle M Allison, Robert F M M M M Allman, Julie A M Amantea, Michael A M M M Anand, Vinod K M M Anders, Paul B M M Anderson, Gina M FP Anderson, Karla D FV FV FV Anderson, Laura Jane FP FP FP FP Anderson, Lynda SmithFP FP Andrews, Courtney A FV Ankenbrand, Ralph J FV Anthonis, Dennis M FP FP FP Anton, Anita M M Anton, Katharina M Arbogast, Norman A M Armbruster, Katherine FP FV FV Arnold, Gary L FP FP Arnold, Jack E M M M Arnot, Paul B FP FP Arp, Robert A FP FP FP Arriola, Thomas R FP FP FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number HRM130401 HRM134401 Substitute ADJORI HRM210401 SITEVISITS MUS132551 FACORIENT CRJ101550 PHL104S01 ENG030W02 HST101W01 HST102W01 HST102W50 STIPEND GEO100W01 MGT101601 WKSP MGT2016IA BIO111W51 BIO111W01 PE 116S01 PE 116W50 EMTPARADJ PE 122580 PED116550 PE 122550 MTH020441 MTH020402 MTH020427 ADJORI COM101461 COM101450 PSC1015TA Counselor DMS112450 DMS210450 DMS209450 COM101S50 PE 165680 ART131605 EMT ADJ CCPR FV CCPR ADJ TUR201401 TUR230401 IS 130640 IS 130671 IS 254650 HRM122450 HRM123450 PHL102401 PHL104401 PHL104450 SPA101402 SPA102401 SPA101401 Substitute Substitute Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 11/13/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 2.48 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.88 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 9.00 10/1/2004 12/22/2004 0.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.13 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 0.03 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/24/2004 10/17/2004 3.00 10/18/2004 12/24/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 -5- Clock Hrs 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 4.00 6.00 Amount Paid $623.04 $1,869.12 $75.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,246.08 $1,907.84 $100.00 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,168.20 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $25.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $216.00 $4,022.40 $4,022.40 $1,105.92 $1,105.92 $1,371.15 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $1,791.24 $1,791.24 $1,791.24 $50.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $5,607.36 $371.68 $1,430.88 $953.92 $1,907.84 $1,869.12 $737.92 $2,490.24 $623.25 $216.00 $13.85 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,013.75 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $3,315.84 $3,315.84 $3,315.84 $100.00 $150.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Ashby, Ronald David Atkins, Robert A Austin-Cooper, Dana Avery, Lisa A Loc FV FP M M M Bacon, Michael Hutton M M M Bader, Charles T FP Bailey, Jill C M M Bake, Marlene G FP FP FP FP FP FP Baker, Frances S FP FP FP Baker, Mary J FP FP FP FP Baker, Philip W FV Bakke, James E FP Balderas, Barbara A FV FV FV FV FV FV Ballinger, Jack T FV FV FV FV Bangert, Gretchen R FV Banks, Denise E FV Bardella, Margarette R FP FP FP Barge, Patrice P FV Barkalow, Donald J M Barkman, Thomas D M Barnes, Bobbie Sue M Barnett, Daniel G M Barrett, Michael P FV FV FV FV Barrett, Robyn CamellaM M M M Barteau, Brian Edward FP Barthelmass, Scott A M Bartsokas, David Paul M 02/17/05 Course Number BE 254550 EMTPARADJ Presenter Substitute OTA203601 ENG101S10 ENG101S04 WKSP BUS104451 ECE1016IA ECE101680 ADJORI RDG012401 RDG016401 RDG016450 MALL RDG012421 Substitute MALL MALL DMS106402 DMS107401 DMS106401 DMS206401 PDU704551 IS 237450 IS 1095IA IS 2105IA IS 1575IA IS 119550 IS 101501 FACORIENT Honors Substitute CHM105504 CHM105550 CRFT765FV BUS727500 ENG030451 ENG070450 Substitute HOME703FV MTH160S51 ART167650 IS 241650 ART113650 FACORIENT ENG032551 ENG032552 WRIT CNTR ACC110604 WKSP ACC124670 ACC100605 EMTPARADJ NSNG MCE COM101653 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.34 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.60 8/29/2004 9/11/2004 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 14.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/12/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 9/11/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 9/11/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/25/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/23/2004 12/16/2004 10/23/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/22/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 10/27/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.67 11/8/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -6- Clock Hrs 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 36.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Amount Paid $3,823.44 $332.40 $35.00 $75.00 $2,492.16 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $2,013.75 $216.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $1,432.00 $1,432.00 $1,432.00 $10,023.56 $1,431.12 $110.00 $7,428.86 $928.56 $830.08 $1,660.16 $830.08 $1,660.16 $648.00 $1,662.24 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00 $623.04 $623.04 $100.00 $72.00 $44.00 $3,715.84 $3,715.84 $54.00 $116.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $368.00 $2,864.00 $2,490.24 $2,148.00 $2,213.76 $100.00 $1,432.00 $1,432.00 $2,148.00 $2,216.32 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $925.18 $200.00 $1,869.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Bassett, Maxine A Bates, Christian M Batey, Keith M Batisto, Joan J Bauch, Brenda Beryl Bauer, Lindsay A Baugh, Joseph F Baumstark, Jeffrey M Bayer, Daniel R Bayoc, Reine Keis Beachy, Kathryn C Becker, Jacqueline S Becker, Mary O Becker, Roger A Beckwith, Gwendolyn Bednar, Lisa Behle, Lawrence K Behle, Michael J Bell, Alexander Bell, John P Bell, Wilzetta Mable Belyaeva, Yelena Bemberg, Stephanie P Benavidez, James G 02/17/05 Loc M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M FV FV FV FV M M M FV M FV M FP M M M FV M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV Credit Course Job Begin Job End Hours or Number Date Date Equiv ENG/SUB SCEUC 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 WKSP 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 ENG030W01 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ENG030W02 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.13 Workout 8/24/2004 12/23/2004 PE 109401 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 PE 122401 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 PE 122402 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 PE 109110 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 PE 122123 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 PE 122422 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 COM101410 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 COM101402 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 COM101404 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 EMTPARADJ 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 3.02 WKSP 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 BLKBRDTRN 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 SOC101607 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 SOC101650 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ASTSOFCOA 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 Substitute 9/24/2004 12/18/2004 PSI111501 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 PSI111502 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 PSI111502 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 BIO207650 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 Honors 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 ACC100609 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ACC114550 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ACC1106IA 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 ACC208550 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 Workshop 11/15/2004 11/19/2004 PEDU FPCE 9/15/2004 11/30/2004 BLKBRDTRN 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 EDU211W01 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 EDU211W50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 HEAL708FV 9/25/2004 12/16/2004 GEG100S01 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 Substitute 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 RDG020421 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.88 ENG101462 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 Substitute 11/5/2004 12/18/2004 ENG101461 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 COMPFV 9/3/2004 12/4/2004 ART107551 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.88 Honors 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 FACORIENT 10/18/2004 10/22/2004 ENG101581 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ENG10150H 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 BUS705550 10/5/2004 12/23/2004 ENG101422 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ESLTUTOR 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.58 ESLTUTOR 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 0.53 ENG051450 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 MUS121402 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 MUS122221 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 ESC101550 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -7- Clock Hrs 1.00 33.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 13.22 1.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 82.00 1.00 1.00 7.50 Amount Paid $75.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $700.92 $1,155.00 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,670.31 $75.00 $25.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $1,106.88 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,697.76 $72.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $288.00 $2,148.00 $430.80 $262.62 $25.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $216.00 $2,786.88 $150.00 $1,794.36 $2,148.00 $100.00 $2,148.00 $2,706.00 $1,608.28 $72.00 $100.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $247.50 $1,662.24 $979.62 $326.54 $2,786.88 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $2,148.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Loc Bender, Marcia Marie M M M M M M Benne, Cheryl Arleen FV Benson, Linda Sue M Benton, Deira L FP FP FP FP Bergman, Elizabeth M M Berkbigler, Paul A FP FP Berkshire, Stephen R M M M Berry, James L FV Bersche, Mary J FP Betts, Aubrey S FP Beussink, Jeremy Paul M M M M Bevirt, Donald A FP Beyer, Deborah Ann M M M Bezdek, Helen A FV FV Bhavsar, Neelima G FV FV FV FV Bhavsar, Neelima G FV FV Bidwell, Christie A M Biere, Anthony W M Bini, Kelly Jean M Binks, Randall G FP Birch, Ruth E FP FP FP FP Blackwell, Lewis E FP Block, Priscilla B M M Bobo, Vivian Jones FP FP Boedeker, Elizabeth D FV Boedeker, Stacey S FP FP Boehm, C R FV FV FV FV Bogacki, John E FP 02/17/05 Course Number WKSP BIO140602 BIO111609 BIO111606 Substitute BIO111S03 PHT701550 SOC101W41 ENG101409 ENG020402 ENG030401 ENG030404 WKSP CHM101S50 ART239401 ART135401 ENG020651 WKSP ENG020650 ASTSOCCOA NUR 101 KIDS HEC ENG1026WP WKSP BLKBRDTRN ENG030614 ART269450 Substitute COM101650 WKSP PHL109501 PHL109502 Honors BIO111512 BIO111504 BIO111503 BIO111513 BIO111LAB COM107650 ART109W50 OTA208601 MALLTUTOR BIO111409 BIO111410 BIO111412 BIO111410ADD MALL ART109602 ART105601 NRS723405 CNA EXMNR BIO104501 ST 105401 ST 105402 MTH030504 MTH030514 MTH020504 Substitute HRM200401 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 9/23/2004 12/16/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.00 10/20/2004 12/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 10/1/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 19.56 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 11/11/2004 12/10/2004 11/11/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.50 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.88 10/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 -8- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 69.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 372.25 2.00 9.00 7.00 Amount Paid $50.00 $1,657.92 $3,589.40 $3,589.40 $25.00 $1,102.52 $216.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $3,320.80 $2,861.76 $1,907.84 $1,869.12 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,475.84 $5,723.52 $1,449.00 $1,869.12 $75.00 $25.00 $1,869.12 $3,317.76 $37.50 $1,869.12 $50.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $72.00 $828.64 $828.64 $828.64 $1,869.12 $828.64 $1,869.12 $3,714.24 $1,246.08 $11,145.17 $3,589.40 $1,102.52 $1,657.92 $1,657.92 $12,109.59 $2,861.76 $2,861.76 $66.00 $148.50 $2,864.00 $3,112.80 $3,112.80 $2,058.50 $2,013.75 $2,058.50 $175.00 $1,752.30 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Bolden, Eddie E Loc FP FP FP FP Bolhofner, Edward J M M M M Bolte, Anne M M M M M Bommarito, Florence A FV M M FV FV Booker, Gloria Dennis FP FP Bopp, Corinne S M M M M M M Bottrell, James Dean FV FV Bouillon, Denise K FV Bowles, Micah J FP Boyd, Robert K FV Boyd, Sara Danielle FP Boyer, Gerald C M M Brady, Sandra Helen M M M FP M M Brandle, Maria A FP FP Brandt, Geriann Marie M Brandt, Michael S FP Brannan, Beverly C FP FP FP Brauer, Lloyd Paul FV FV Bravo, Maria R M M Brazeal, Jana S M Breitman, Peter N M Brennan, Beverly B FP Brennan, Donald E FP Brennan, Patricia A FP 02/17/05 Course Number EGR133461 EGR133462 EGR141462 EGR133499 WKSP MTH140S05 MTH140S06 Substitute BIO123W01 BIO111S03 BIO117601 BIO117602 FACORIENT AT 120650 WKSP Substitute FORUM ADV IS 123468 IS 123495 PE 105601 PE 130 PE 161650 WKSP Substitute PE 174650 PSY200553 PSY20050H MUS114551 EMTPARADJ EE 130550 COMP HEC WKSP ENG030607 EDU200602 EDU211S01 EDU200S50 MALL WKSP RDG030S02 FLIT HEC ITL103450 CRJ123S01 EMTPARADJ RDG020403 RDG020404 RDG020422 FACORIENT ART111501 WKSP ECO151650 Librarian ACC100641 COM101451 MOTR FPCE RTH240401 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/26/2004 10/14/2004 2.00 10/21/2004 12/16/2004 1.33 10/26/2004 12/14/2004 2.00 11/29/2004 12/6/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/12/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/5/2004 12/10/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/15/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.79 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.34 10/16/2004 12/20/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 14.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 4.46 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.03 10/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/11/2004 11/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 -9- Clock Hrs 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 27.00 1.00 2.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 40.00 1.00 1.00 24.00 Amount Paid $1,108.16 $739.00 $1,108.16 $864.00 $50.00 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,861.76 $75.00 $675.00 $1,869.12 $716.00 $716.00 $804.14 $1,660.16 $1,867.68 $50.00 $44.00 $830.08 $2,013.75 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $434.89 $4,031.68 $324.00 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $6,676.83 $50.00 $2,148.00 $1,080.00 $2,216.32 $2,148.00 $2,470.84 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $100.00 $2,213.76 $50.00 $1,869.12 $2,508.38 $2,786.88 $2,148.00 $300.00 $476.96 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Britts, Pamela Y Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP Brodie, John E M M M Brody, Gail S M Brown, Amy L FV FV FV FV FV FV Brown, David G FP Brown, Deborah R FP FP Brown, Edward L FP Brown, Norman R FV FV FV Brown, Patricia A FV FV FV FV Brown, Robert B FP Brown, Ruth B FV Brown, Sarah T M Brown, Sherri T FP Brumfield, David J M M M Brundick, Frank W FV Brunetti, Arturo B FV Brunsmann, Sandra M FP FP Bryant, Michael M FP Buck, Stephanie J FP FP Buettner, Thomas L FP Buhr, Thomas Anthony FV Burden, Rhonda L FV Burke, Mary Hagan FP FP Burnett, Brian Scott M M M Burnett, Marvin P FV FV FV Burns, Deborah H M Burns, Kara Allyn FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number RDG020451 RDG030451 MALL Substitute ADJORI MALL WKSP BLKBRDTRN SOC211601 ARC209650 COM101516 COM101580 COM107501 CERTIFPGM FACORIENT Substitute PEDU FPCE HEAL HEC ENGL HEC MUS575461 CE 240550 CE 245550 CE 246550 MTH16B501 MTH123582 MTH123580 MTH16B503 EMTPARADJ HST708587 ECE107650 HRM211450 Honors ENG1026WX ENG102WWE BUS705550 FLT702500 TRP701402 GEN701403 PHOT FPCE EMTPARADJ PARACOORD BIO111452 ME 255550 PEDU729FV DHY 129 DHY 222 ART207601 ART207602 ART107652 ECO151505 ECO151506 ECO140502 Workshop ADJORI MTH040421 MTH140421 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 0.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 21.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/22/2004 12/18/2004 8/24/2004 12/15/2004 11/18/2004 12/20/2004 11/9/2004 12/20/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/10/2004 9/12/2004 1.00 8/27/2004 8/29/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.29 10/3/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.63 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/3/2004 11/18/2004 9/18/2004 12/16/2004 10/12/2004 11/15/2004 11/4/2004 11/20/2004 9/15/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.87 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.77 9/8/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.35 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/15/2004 11/19/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/13/2004 12/19/2004 5.00 9/13/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 -10- Clock Hrs 16.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 48.00 3.00 8.00 2.00 1.00 7.50 20.00 2.50 7.00 13.00 119.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $537.00 $352.00 $50.00 $10,016.16 $50.00 $25.00 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $200.00 $100.00 $150.00 $864.00 $81.00 $216.00 $1,662.24 $3,343.72 $1,432.00 $959.44 $3,715.84 $928.96 $928.96 $3,715.84 $157.89 $54.00 $2,148.00 $1,879.50 $72.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $202.50 $540.00 $45.00 $189.00 $273.00 $481.98 $2,770.40 $4,022.40 $1,270.45 $2,142.00 $928.96 $2,183.05 $1,660.09 $1,660.16 $1,660.16 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $430.80 $50.00 $2,770.40 $1,662.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Burns, Mary Esther Loc M M M Burns, Richard B FP FP FP Burrage, Angela L FP FP Buschardt, Graciela M Buss, Kenneth D FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Butler, Herman B FP FP FP Butler, Karen Elise P FP Butler, Melanie Marie M Buxbaum, Laurence M M M Byington, Alvin R FV FV Byington, Carol H FV Bynum, Alice J M Byrne, Amy Rankin FP FP Cahn, Elissa M FP FP FP Calicutt, Carolyn J FP FP Calicutt, Steven C FP FP FP Calicutt, Stevie C FP FP FP M Caliman, Lawrence M M M M FP Callahan, John S FP Callier-Green, Betty A M Cameron, Brian K FV FV Campbell, Joseph E FV FV FV FV FP FV Campbell, Sabrina A M M M 02/17/05 Course Number PSY200607 PSY203602 Substitute EDU211450 EDU211401 EDU215401 MATH HEC BOECMPHEC WKSP PE 162550 PE 130515 PE 162501 PE 130508 PE 130501 Substitute PE 130502 CRJ207401 CRJ212401 CRJ212450 CRJ124450 RDG020650 WKSP ART100S50 CHM106501 CHM106550 CHM101550 AHCE MCE DA 157 DA 144 Substitute EDU200450 MALL IS 129466 IS 151403 IS 239401 IS 235450 IS 236450 IS 123466 IS 132466 IS 124466 IS 130670 MTH030W51 MTH140W51 BLKBRDTRN WKSP MTH020454 FINC FPCE NRSADJMCC PHL104551 PHL1045SA PE 130551 AQUA DIR PE 130554 PE 130507 PE 180402 AQUA DIR WKSP MTH140W03 MTH140W04 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/2/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/7/2004 12/18/2004 9/15/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 12/1/2004 12/23/2004 9/27/2004 11/19/2004 2.00 8/24/2004 9/22/2004 1.25 10/19/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.87 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.00 8/27/2004 9/24/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/27/2004 1.00 10/4/2004 11/1/2004 1.00 11/8/2004 12/6/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/17/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 11/15/2004 11/10/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -11- Clock Hrs 4.00 30.00 4.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 8.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 7.50 1.50 1.00 Amount Paid $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $810.00 $108.00 $50.00 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $125.00 $737.92 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,486.88 $1,869.12 $50.00 $2,786.88 $3,715.84 $4,644.80 $4,951.36 $264.00 $737.92 $461.20 $37.50 $1,741.80 $7,428.86 $623.04 $2,492.16 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $716.00 $716.00 $716.00 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $25.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $157.50 $20.18 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $830.08 $415.04 $830.08 $830.08 $1,660.32 $415.04 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Canavan, Tim H Cantieri, Annette E Cardwell, Gaylen K Carey, Amanda C Carlos, Mario Pruna Loc FV M FV FP FP FP Carlson, Chris Ann FV Carlson, Eileen M M M Carmody, Thomas J M Carney, Marinan M M M Carosella, Anthony J M M M M M Carroll, Amy Michelle M M M M Carroll, Brian J M Carroll, Jeffery N FP FP Carroll, Maria Esther FP Carron, Rebecca A M M Carter, Terrell Lamont FP FP FP FP Carter, Yolanda Denise FP FP FP FP Castillon, Jerry R M M Castro, James F FP Cernich, Victoria Marie FV FV FV FV FV FV Chacko, Ruth C M Chang, Sheow Hwey FV Char, Deborah J M M M Charles, Mario P M Chastain, Penny L M Chavaux, Therese L M M M Chellis, Matthew J M M Chen, Hui-Hsien FP FV Childress, Cheryl A FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number ASTBASCOA Substitute CERTIFPGM SPA101403 ART111401 ART214402 NUR102 WKSP EDU226W50 WKSP WKSP PSY200608 ART505602 CSTLADOBE CSTL PGM AT 2466IA ART505601 COM101614 COM101613 WKSP COM101W02 PE 130 ADJORI CHM101450 SPA102450 ENG101650 ENG101652 IDS101405 IDS101451 IDS101404 GALL DIR PSY200451 PSY200404 ADJORI PSY200421 WKSP BIO111W02 EMTPARADJ ENG030518 ENG030518 RDG020512 RDG021512 ENG101557 ENG1025WU MD DRMCC ART727500 WKSP MTH030616 Substitute IDS101S50 FLDWRKCOR PSY200S51 PSY205S01 PSY205W01 WKSP REL204650 Librarian Librarian HRM112450 HRM130402 SITEVISIT Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 12/6/2004 12/18/2004 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.06 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 10/24/2004 11/6/2004 12/19/2004 12/24/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.99 11/2/2004 12/18/2004 1.31 11/2/2004 12/18/2004 1.31 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/10/2004 12/23/2004 9/25/2004 12/16/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/22/2004 3.90 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.74 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.50 -12- Clock Hrs 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 30.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 Amount Paid $830.08 $50.00 $200.00 $2,492.16 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $1,498.92 $50.00 $1,869.12 $75.00 $50.00 $4,296.00 $2,861.76 $70.00 $210.00 $216.00 $2,861.76 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $2,213.76 $50.00 $4,418.36 $3,315.84 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $1,245.12 $1,245.12 $1,245.12 $2,490.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $4,022.40 $548.46 $817.74 $817.74 $1,869.12 $623.04 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $600.00 $690.00 $50.00 $1,662.24 $175.00 $1,869.12 $1,662.24 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $50.00 $2,148.00 $2,430.48 $2,329.21 $2,013.75 $1,253.00 $2,506.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Christeson, M C Loc M M M M Christmann, Gary A FP Chura, Patrick J M M Cira, Salvatore W FP Clancy, Stephanie M M Clark, Harriet Scranton FP Clark, Jamie P M Clarke, John D FP Clauss, Lee L M Clayton, John A FP FP Clayton, Sandra E M M M M M Clifford, Anjanette FP Cluff, William E M M M Coen, Stella Rita FP Coerver, Joan J FV Cohen, Elliott C FV FV FV FV Cohen, Lorraine M M M M Cole, Yvonne E FV FV FV FV FV Collins, Kristin M M Colvin, Jennifer Megan M Compton, Dianne K FV FV FV FV FV Conde, Sandra Levy M FV FP M Conley, Brian P M Conley, Cheryl A M M Connell, Debra Jane FP Conoyer, Daniel J FV FV FV FV Cook, Robert Thomas FV Coon, Eugene E FV 02/17/05 Course Number COM101603 COM101609 COM101601 Substitute EMTPARADJ WKSP ENG101631 CRJ111450 NRSADJMCC MALL ART165602 BIO207451 HEADVOLBL MCM2014IB MCM124401 MTH020S02 MTH030S01 WKSP Substitute MTH030S02 EMT121SUB WKSP MTH020652 MTH030653 FLIT HEC FSHN FV ACC204550 ACC100506 FACORIENT ACC100505 PSY200W20 WKSP STIPEND BIO111510 BIO111506 Substitute BIO111501 BIO111508 WKSP ARC110605 PED2016LA FACORIENT ENG070501 ENG060501 ESLCOORD ENG050501 PSY203S01 CERTIFPGM PSY200406 PSY200S50 ENG101W50 MUS222601 MUS122601 NUR 101 Substitute Honors HST101501 GEG101501 DANC FV BLW101550 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/11/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.16 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/10/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 23.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 11/20/2004 12/4/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/20/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 11/30/2004 9/9/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 10/4/2004 12/18/2004 11/15/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 11/15/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 15.00 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 10/1/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -13- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 0.50 3.00 1.00 10.00 60.00 1.00 40.00 38.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 84.00 1.00 6.50 1.00 16.00 Amount Paid $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $25.00 $642.64 $75.00 $2,787.26 $2,148.00 $6.73 $8,486.08 $2,213.76 $3,100.28 $2,213.76 $216.00 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $250.00 $1,869.12 $1,500.00 $50.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,080.00 $693.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $100.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $75.00 $25.00 $2,728.82 $2,728.82 $87.50 $1,393.44 $1,393.44 $50.00 $2,490.24 $1,867.68 $100.00 $432.00 $864.00 $2,148.00 $2,268.00 $2,148.00 $200.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,486.88 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $6,225.60 $162.50 $72.00 $2,728.82 $2,728.82 $288.00 $2,486.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Copeland, James R Copeland, Jane Marie Copp, Julie C Loc FV FV M M Cordes, David J FV Corich, Christian J FP FP Corley, Norman G FP FP FV FV FP Corson, Dennis M Costigan, Paul J FV Counts, Christine M FV Covington, Edith E M M Cowan, Sandra Kaye M M M Cowell-Oates, June A M M M M Cox, Karen E FV FV FV FV Cox, Michelene F FV FV FV FV Cracchiolo, Lisa M FP Craig, Glenn Joseph FP Craig, John FP FP Crane, Alison B FV FV FV Crane, Anthony M FV Creighton, Allison FP FP Crews, Joel P FP FP Crider, Jack FP FP FP FP FP FP Crisler, Kathryn E M Critchfield, Cynthia S M M M Croghan, Ann D FV Cross, Donald T FP Cross, John L M Cross, John L M Crouch, Rosalyn A FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number EE 236550 CMP734500 Substitute COM101S51 MTH140554 Substitute MALLTUTOR EMTPARADJ NRSG ADJ CCPR FV CCPR ADJ EMT121PRI IS 217650 GER101550 NUR 101 WKSP IS 125650 MTH030S53 WKSP MTH020S52 HMS204650 HMS202650 Substitute Honors FACORIENT CERTIFPGM ECO151550 ECO151551 FACORIENT ENG030502 ENG032517 ENG103550 RTH240401 EMTPARADJ PE 171401 PE 111421 FACORIENT SOC10150P SOC10150H ME 255550 MALL MALL MUS113401 MUS128421 PE 130464 PE 130412 PE 130452 PE 130453 PE 177402 PE 130463 ART131651 SOC101651 SOC101SWB WKSP ARTSFV PSY203401 ART107603 ART111601 ENG020403 ENG020406 ENG020407 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/11/2004 11/6/2004 10/1/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.69 8/25/2004 12/15/2004 0.09 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 0.01 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.97 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/1/2004 12/10/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.60 9/30/2004 12/18/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/1/2004 12/18/2004 1.31 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/14/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.17 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 11/13/2004 1.46 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.62 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/26/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/2/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -14- Clock Hrs 8.00 3.00 3.00 178.00 8.25 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 126.00 Amount Paid $2,148.00 $264.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $2,786.88 $75.00 $4,127.82 $379.49 $48.48 $255.75 $6.93 $3,878.56 $1,869.12 $2,216.32 $2,477.28 $50.00 $1,246.08 $1,869.14 $50.00 $1,869.14 $2,486.88 $2,984.24 $75.00 $72.00 $100.00 $200.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $100.00 $727.23 $1,108.16 $1,662.24 $415.04 $648.18 $737.92 $737.92 $100.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,046.26 $1,475.84 $968.52 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,105.92 $1,105.92 $1,105.92 $1,105.92 $1,105.92 $1,105.92 $2,213.76 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $3,402.00 $2,786.88 $1,660.16 $2,490.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Crowley, William R Cruz-Flores, Salvador Cuddihee, Gregory P Culler, Donna R Cunningham, Denise Curran, Michele L Cyr, Laura-Jean A Dallavis, Kristen A Dang, Thao X Daniel, Rita A Daniel, T D Danmole, Lateef O Darris, Francelle V Dattoli, Anthony David David, John C Davidson, Nancy A Davis, Erin Ohallaron Davis, Joseph L Davis, Marilyn J Davis, Phyllis R Davis, Randall J Dawkins, Linda Mary De Voe, Pamela A Deal, Edwin J Deelo, Joan M Deloney, Ronald W DeLong, Ann S Dempsey, Brian Denney, Christa G Dennis, Sonya M Deprow, Jeffery Allen Detering, David W Devereaux, Paul A Dickemper, Cheryl A 02/17/05 Loc FP FP FP M FV M FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP M M M M M M M M M M FV FV M FV M FP FP FP M M FV FV M M FP FV FV FV FP FV M FV M M Course Number MOTR FPCE RNGE AIDE EMTMDLECT ARC123650 DANC FV ECE103S50 DMS114402 DMS211401 DHY 120 DHY 222 ENG103650 WKSP ENG103650 ENG101S52 MCM101650 IS 129650 IS 129651 IS 110450 Substitute MTH220450 MTH160C450 IS 136H50 COMP HEC Substitute HEAD BASE MCM140450 WKSP ENG101W51 ENG102WWC BLKBRDTRN PSC101S50 PSC101604 WKSP PSC101604 PSC101W01 Substitute BUSS FV 1Time Pay NRSADJMCC CHM105550 Substitute ESLTUTOR Substitute ESLTUTOR Substitute ACC100608 ACC100550 ACC100551 IS 1036LB WKSP EMTPARADJ PHO711550 AT 279501 ART165502 FSHN FPCE ME 151550 ENG1026WJ EGR139550 WKSP ENG1026WS Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/27/2004 11/15/2004 10/23/2004 12/5/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/7/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 9/15/2004 0.75 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/27/2004 9/24/2004 1.00 9/28/2004 11/2/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/27/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/9/2004 10/20/2004 1.00 9/27/2004 12/15/2004 10/30/2004 11/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 0.75 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 12/19/2004 10/12/2004 11/20/2004 10/24/2004 10/25/2004 11/10/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 11/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 3.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 11.25 10/29/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.40 9/18/2004 11/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.62 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.62 9/20/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.34 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -15- Clock Hrs 144.00 14.00 28.00 1.00 4.00 19.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 34.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 8.00 2.50 1.00 18.00 12.00 1.00 Amount Paid $1,800.00 $72.10 $207.24 $1,869.12 $504.00 $2,486.88 $2,384.80 $2,384.80 $1,430.88 $3,815.68 $467.28 $75.00 $1,401.84 $1,869.12 $2,786.88 $716.00 $716.00 $2,486.88 $100.00 $3,115.20 $2,492.16 $716.00 $513.00 $150.00 $1,660.16 $2,148.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $25.00 $2,786.88 $696.72 $50.00 $2,090.16 $2,786.88 $850.00 $216.00 $300.00 $13.46 $1,235.52 $75.00 $1,383.60 $176.00 $4,150.80 $62.50 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $1,662.24 $50.00 $221.60 $378.00 $2,682.90 $2,682.90 $252.00 $3,343.72 $2,486.88 $1,939.77 $50.00 $1,869.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Diekmann, Henry A Loc M M M Dietzler, Michael N FP Doerr, Erica Lynn FV FV FV FV FV Dominguez, Christine FV Dorsey, Patrick T FP Douglas, Deborah M M M Douglas, Milton R FP FP FP Dow, Annamarie M Doyle, Mari Y FP FV Drazic, Blair K FV FV Drikow, Gary P FV Driskill, John E FV FV FV FV FV FV DuBro, Mark F FP FP FP FP FP DuChesne, Mark B M M Dugal, Ronald V FP Duke, William G FP Duncan, Sylvia J FP Dunn, Richard A FP FP FP Dunne, Joseph F M Durham, Margaret J FP FV Durley-Petty, Renay D FV FV FV FV FV FV Dwyer, Daisy A FP Dwyer, Terrence J FV FV FV Dye, Vicky L FP FP Dyer, Burman Thomas FP Dyess, Carolyn Dixon M Dyess, John F M 02/17/05 Course Number ECO151670 ECO152671 WKSP EMTPARADJ Honors GED1005T1 FACORIENT GEO100550 GEO100503 SPA201550 PED745420 WKSP ART112650 PE 162403 PE 162450 PEDU FPCE ASTVOLCCH CCPR HEC CCPR707FV BLW101580 FACORIENT CE 230550 SIGN 725585 Substitute DCS111552 DCS115551 DCS210551 FACORIENT Substitute HRM110403 HRM129450 ADJORI HRM119401 Substitute ART165601 ACC204451 PHY111450 WRT701420 ART213402 AT 213450 CERLABMGR HUM112S50 GEN701480 GEN765550 TRIO Grant Facilator STUSUPSVC COL 100 PSY203550 PSY214501 Substitute ASTR FV PSI115550 PSI115551 Substitute ENG070404 RTH250450 ART133602 ART138650 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 10/17/2004 3.00 10/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.66 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/15/2004 11/20/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 9/14/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/25/2004 12/15/2004 10/11/2004 12/23/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/19/2004 11/6/2004 10/3/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.00 8/31/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 9/13/2004 10/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/25/200411/10/2004 8.00 9/21/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/21/2004 19.63 12/1/2004 12/5/2004 9/16/2004 10/30/2004 1.25 9/30/2004 11/30/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/30/2004 12/18/2004 9/29/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/26/2004 12/17/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 -16- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 30.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 8.00 8.00 1.00 2.00 9.50 2.00 Amount Paid $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $50.00 $916.87 $72.00 $1,869.12 $100.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,492.16 $144.00 $50.00 $3,714.24 $1,105.92 $1,105.92 $540.00 $1,475.84 $66.00 $124.00 $2,486.88 $100.00 $2,864.00 $50.00 $375.00 $1,752.30 $1,752.30 $1,869.12 $100.00 $66.00 $3,577.76 $1,342.50 $50.00 $716.00 $66.00 $2,213.76 $2,148.00 $4,644.80 $200.00 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $622.56 $2,786.88 $168.00 $168.00 $14,051.50 $350.00 $895.00 $1,074.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $237.50 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $50.00 $1,869.12 $415.04 $2,490.24 $2,211.83 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Earhart, Julie A Loc M M M Ebert, Dineen M M M M M M Ebert, Elizabeth Anne M M Echols, Felicia C FP FP Eck, J T FP Edelen, Vitina J FV FV FV FV FV Edge, Carla Elaine FP Edghill, Mark R FV Edward, Cecil Deron FP Edwards, Martha E M M Edwards, Robert F FV FV FV Edwards, Stephen J M M Ehrlich-Mathiesen, S M Eigel, Mary T M M M Eimes, John Andrew FP FP FP Eisele, Carolyn C FP Eisenhart, Gary J FV Elgin, Angela M FP FP El-Hage Chehade, L FP Ellis, J P FP Ellis, Kimberly Sherron FV Elpers, Francis J M M Elzinga, Russell B FP Endraske, Jaclyn R FP Engelhardt, Francesca M M England, Donica C FP English, Nordeka FP Erdel, Shara A M Escobar, Hugo S FP Eskeles, Maria Cynthia M M M M Espeseth, Stephen R FV FV Esteban, Francisco J M 02/17/05 Course Number WKSP ENG101651 ENG101S21 IS 1616LA IS 1196LA IS 1236LA IS 1236LB IS 1576LA WKSP ENG101612 CRJ206401 CRJ206450 SIGN701FP MTH030513 MTH140507 FACORIENT Substitute MTH140511 RTH204401 SIGN 725585 Coach IS 139650 IS 1096LA BIO111515 BIO111511 BIO111512 ART239603 ART138601 COM101621 WKSP Substitute ART131601 BIO111402 BIO215401 BIO111411 HRM201402 ARTS FV EMTPARADJ PARCLICOR ARA1014L1 NUR507SUB DANC FV LGL107650 WKSP EMTPARADJ EMTPARADJ PSY200S52 PSY200S80 Coaching MCM113401 ENG030652 FLSP FPCE Substitute AT Substitute WKSP ARC110650 EGR500550 ME 539550 ARC123651 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/1/2004 12/3/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 9/24/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 9/24/2004 1.00 9/27/2004 10/29/2004 1.00 9/29/2004 11/3/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/12/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 10/19/2004 11/6/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/24/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 9/8/2004 11/6/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.84 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/6/2004 10/30/2004 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 10/28/2004 11/11/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.49 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.10 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/10/2004 12/15/2004 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 11/30/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.34 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -17- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 24.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 3.00 25.00 1.00 80.00 45.50 1.00 Amount Paid $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $928.96 $928.96 $928.96 $928.96 $928.96 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $540.00 $1,627.61 $1,627.61 $100.00 $600.00 $1,627.61 $368.96 $200.00 $2,951.68 $2,148.00 $716.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,861.76 $2,861.76 $1,869.12 $50.00 $88.00 $2,490.24 $1,869.12 $3,320.80 $1,246.08 $2,013.75 $162.00 $1,019.36 $1,108.16 $2,492.16 $75.00 $450.00 $928.96 $50.00 $268.69 $55.40 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $1,014.64 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $2,000.00 $1,001.00 $1,038.90 $50.00 $2,213.76 $2,391.00 $2,863.56 $2,486.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Etling, Thomas R Loc FV FV FV Ettling, Patty D M Evans, Kevin FP FP Evens, Kevin A M M Faden, Regina M FV FV FV Fagbemi, Tony D FP Fairchild, Mary P FP Fairchild, Terese C M Fazekas, Joan Elaine M M M Fechter, Susan M M Feezel, Regina L FV FV Feldker, Paul F FV Fetouh, Kamal A FP Fickas, Julie C FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Fischer, Barbara A FP M M Fischer, Linda F FP FP Fisher, Constance L M M M M Fix, Michael F FV FV FV Flath, Shirley A FV FV Fletcher, Morris E M M M Flynn, M Luisa FP Fogarty, Donna M M M M M M Foley, Sarah Jane FV Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip FV FV FV FV Fortenberry, Avery A M M 02/17/05 Course Number BUS104550 FACORIENT MGT101550 Workshop ENGL HEC COMP HEC MTH160C651 MTH230650 ENG2135WB ENG101582 ENG1025WW EDU120450 RTH240401 Workshop COM101615 COM101618 COM101619 WRTEFFASG Orientation PHL109551 PSI111550 DMS113450 BIO207504 BIO208512 BIO208511 BIO207501 Substitute BIO208512 BIO207503 Substitute WKSP COM101635 Substitute NUR 108 BLKBRDTRN PSY200612 PSY200601 WKSP GEO100501 GEO100502 GEO111501 MOT ECE127580 ARC110601 ARC211650 WKSP FLIT HEC WKSP Substitute IS 129601 IS 151650 MICROCOOR FACORIENT IDS101552 ECO151502 IDS101508 FACORIENT IS 103S50 IS 103S02 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/15/2004 11/19/2004 11/20/2004 12/15/2004 10/18/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 11/15/2004 11/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/1/2004 9/6/2004 8/29/2004 9/12/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/31/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/10/2004 12/18/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.25 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 12/31/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/4/2004 12/15/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/13/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 9/23/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 11/22/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -18- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 4.00 86.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 7.00 1.00 18.00 1.00 1.00 74.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,486.88 $100.00 $2,486.88 $430.80 $108.00 $2,322.00 $3,715.84 $4,644.80 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $476.96 $430.80 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $430.80 $100.00 $2,486.88 $2,786.88 $830.08 $828.64 $828.64 $1,246.08 $828.64 $88.00 $1,869.12 $828.64 $175.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $396.00 $1,550.12 $25.00 $4,296.00 $4,296.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,960.00 $2,148.00 $3,714.24 $3,714.24 $50.00 $540.00 $50.00 $175.00 $554.08 $2,216.32 $1,108.16 $100.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Foster, Diane R Loc FV FV Foster, Drew A FV FV FV FV FV FV Foster, John T FP Foster, William D FV FV FV Fouche, Gwyndolyn FV FV FV FV Fox, Carol A FP FP Fox, Marianne FP Frank, Joseph A M M Frankenreiter, David A M M M M M M Fraser, Eileen Bernice FV Frederickson, Kenneth FP Freischmidt, Mark A FP FP FP Frese, Anne M FV Freund, Linda S FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Frey, Chris Lee M M Fricks, Aldene L M M M M M Friedman, James P FV FV FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number FACORIENT COL 100 FACORIENT Substitute Honors ENG032503 ENG101504 ENG2155WA PEDU FPCE ACC100501 ACC100580 MTH020503 DNC734500 BUS101501 IDS101502 Honors Substitute ENG050402 NUR 101 HST100603 HST100604 MTH020616 MTH108601 MTH020W04 Substitute Substitute WKSP FOOD FV EMT121PRI ADJORI HRM122451 Substitute CRFTKDSFV ECE124526 ECE102526 ECE103528 ECE102529 FACORIENT ECE124526 ECE124527 ECE103525 ECE103525 CCA104203 ECE103526 ECE103526 ECE103527 ECE101525 ECE102526 WKSP PSY218601 WKSP IS 291602 IS 292601 IS 102601 IS 102602 Substitute MTH140505 MTH020527 MTH020516 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/8/2004 12/19/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/24/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/2/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/11/200412/19/2004 4.00 8/30/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/16/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.75 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10/23/2004 12/23/2004 10/6/2004 12/19/2004 0.40 11/8/2004 12/20/2004 0.40 10/8/2004 12/16/2004 0.40 10/5/2004 12/20/2004 0.40 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/6/2004 12/20/2004 0.50 10/7/2004 12/19/2004 0.70 11/2/2004 12/15/2004 0.40 10/1/2004 12/16/2004 0.35 9/14/2004 12/15/2004 0.35 9/13/2004 12/10/2004 0.40 9/18/2004 12/10/2004 0.70 9/20/2004 12/15/2004 0.35 9/15/2004 12/15/2004 1.30 10/4/2004 12/15/2004 0.35 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/1/2004 12/18/2004 0.20 12/1/2004 12/18/2004 0.20 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/3/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 -19- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.00 51.00 7.00 1.00 5.00 4.50 1.00 29.60 1.00 4.50 13.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $100.00 $1,246.08 $100.00 $62.50 $72.00 $1,432.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $918.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $126.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $72.00 $125.00 $3,738.24 $7,428.48 $2,786.88 $3,715.84 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $100.00 $112.50 $50.00 $799.20 $2,077.80 $50.00 $1,869.12 $99.00 $361.80 $249.22 $249.22 $249.21 $249.22 $100.00 $311.52 $436.12 $249.22 $218.06 $218.07 $249.22 $436.12 $218.06 $809.96 $218.06 $75.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $185.79 $185.79 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $25.00 $1,592.98 $1,558.35 $1,627.61 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Loc Frischmann, Robert S M M M M Frisella, Sam M M M Frison, Tommie F FP FP FP Fritsch, Leanne FV FV FV Frye, Felipe S FP Fuhr, Carol Ann FP Fulbright, James S M M M Full Lopez, Julie A FV FV FV Fuller, Carolyn Marie FV FV Fuller, Neathery B M M Furnace, Lee FV Gabel, Randall G M Gabriele, Concetta FP Galloway-Zapiain, S FP Gansner, George A M Garcia Dominguez, M M Gardner, Steven E FP FP FP Gartner, Nancy E FP Gasquet, Rosario G FV Gaubatz, Douglas G FV FV FV FV Gegg, Marie Sandy M Geist, Zoe Ann FV FV FV FV FV FV Gelfand, Glenna R FP FP FP George, Michael T M M Georgian, Leonard S M M M M Gerner, Gregg D FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number WKSP INFO DIR MCM101603 MCM131601 BLKBRDTRN GEO113601 WKSP BIO207453 BIO111408 BIO207452 ENG030502 ENG030518 ENG030520 ART107401 KDS HEC ENG1026WA ENG101W04 ENG201WWA FACORIENT ENG020551 ENG021551 RDG031508 RDG031549 ANT2026WA ANT102601 BUS720500 NSNG MCC KDS714HEC PEDU FPCE Substitute WKSP ENG020S01 ENG060451 MALL RDG030412 EMTPARADJ FLSPKIDSFV FACORIENT ART167551 Substitute ART165503 HDCHRLDG BIO111580 BIO111580 BIO123501 BIO111LAB BIO111514 Substitute ENG030421 ENG030422 ENG101421 LGL217670 LGL218671 WKSP Substitute IS 132601 IS 136652 FIR204450 FIR204451 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 11/13/2004 1.94 8/23/2004 11/13/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 11/13/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/20/2004 12/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/16/2004 12/23/2004 11/8/2004 12/23/2004 9/18/2004 11/30/2004 9/10/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 5.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.88 9/7/2004 12/17/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 10/24/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 10/29/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/17/2004 3.00 10/19/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/1/2004 12/18/2004 9/28/2004 10/26/2004 1.00 11/29/2004 12/13/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 -20- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 56.00 6.00 2.00 20.00 15.00 24.00 1.00 60.00 1.00 10.25 2.00 1.00 2.50 Amount Paid $50.00 $1,660.16 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $25.00 $2,486.88 $75.00 $3,589.40 $1,110.80 $3,589.40 $1,207.14 $1,168.20 $1,168.20 $1,660.16 $1,176.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $100.00 $2,148.00 $716.00 $623.04 $623.04 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $174.00 $200.00 $540.00 $315.00 $600.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $3,738.24 $2,179.22 $1,869.12 $484.75 $1,620.00 $100.00 $3,714.24 $256.25 $3,714.24 $1,475.84 $1,869.12 $828.64 $1,810.71 $828.64 $1,810.71 $50.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $62.50 $716.00 $716.00 $1,342.52 $1,342.52 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Gerst, David R Loc M M Giannotti, Franco FP Giannotti, Nerina FP Gibbons, Louis A M M M Gilbers, Pat FP Gillespie, James L FV FV FV Gillispie, William H FV FV Gilman, Frank M FP FP FP Gindra, John J FP Giovanni, Joanne B M M M M M M Gitcho, Michael A M M M Glazer, Sheila A M M M Glore, Clifton M M M Glynn, Elizabeth C FV Goddard, Janet M M FP M Goddard, Marsha G M M Godfrey, Amber N M M Goede, Robin C FP Goldford, Sue Ellen M M Goliday, Sean J FP FP Gonzalez, Thomas L FP FV FV Gonzalez-Del-Riego, MFP FP Goode, Phillip T FP FP Gooden, Amy E M Goodman-Baker, P FV Goodrich, Scott M M Gordon, Patricia C FV FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number BUS104W50 WKSP FLIT HEC FLIT HEC WKSP MTH160W01 MTH160W02 NPD765480 PE 130504 Scorekeeper TRACKCOA ME 153500 ME 15350M MTH030418 MTH124401 MTH030404 MOTR FPCE PE 130 PE 177601 PE 192601 PE 1806LB Substitute PED116650 WKSP BIO111W50 BIO111650 WKSP BLKBRDTRN ENG020609 HMS111650 Substitute WKSP REL10250H ENG1026WH MALL ENG1026WH WKSP ENG101653 PE 122S50 PED116S50 PARMEDPRI ACCOMPIST Accompanist SOC101406 SOC101480 COM101495 COM101551 COM101553 KDS719HEC ART108401 EMTPARADJ EMT121PRI ART151650 CRFT753FV ASST BASE ENG020510 ENG021510 FACORIENT Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/14/2004 11/30/2004 9/14/2004 11/30/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/2/2004 10/20/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/25/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 11.00 8/29/2004 9/12/2004 1.00 9/8/2004 11/6/2004 4.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/1/2004 11/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.87 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/25/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/15/2004 0.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 2.25 9/1/2004 9/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 11/13/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/25/2004 12/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.10 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/22/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 -21- Clock Hrs 1.00 20.00 20.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 24.00 14.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 19.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 58.00 283.00 12.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,148.00 $50.00 $540.00 $540.00 $50.00 $3,315.84 $3,315.84 $189.00 $737.92 $20.00 $4,058.56 $623.04 $2,909.60 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $300.00 $1,037.70 $691.80 $737.92 $1,660.32 $308.00 $737.92 $50.00 $2,697.76 $2,697.76 $75.00 $25.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $487.50 $50.00 $2,148.00 $467.28 $1,037.60 $1,401.84 $50.00 $1,869.12 $778.20 $778.20 $1,246.68 $200.00 $1,740.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,787.26 $2,786.78 $2,786.78 $7,075.00 $1,660.16 $55.40 $2,493.36 $2,490.24 $168.00 $1,475.84 $1,662.24 $554.08 $100.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Gordon, Susan M Loc M M Gorman, Alan D FV FV FV Gosebrink, Thomas A FV Grady, Steven F FV Graham, Larry D FV FV FV Graham, Scott E M M Gramke, Robert S FV Granneman, Ralph S FV Grant, Ana Maria FP Grass, Thomas R FV Grasso, Maria M M Gray, Janet L M FV Gray, Marlene Allison FP Gray, Patrick J M Greene, James A M Greenlaw, James B M M Grib, John Anthony M M M Grib, Mary F M M M M Gricevich, Anne L FV FV Grillo, Julia S FP Grimm-Howell, E M M M Groat, Dan D M M M M Grogan, Nancy W M M Grossman, Robert J M M M Grothe, James W FP Groves, Jeremy Ross M Guffey, Roger Mark FP Guillot, Andrew Joseph FP Gully, Sandra R FP Gunsten, Mary A FP Guntharp, Pamela M FP FP FP Gunthner, Robert J M M 02/17/05 Course Number PSC101605 PSC101605 IS 129550 IS 129580 IS 136580 COMP FV LGL106580 MBKBCOA PE 111550 PE 112501 PE 106650 PE 106651 BIO111552 COMP745FV DMS107401 ME 230551 ART107680 ART109607 HST115S01 CERTIFPGM Substitute HRT201650 MUS138601 WKSP BUS104S50 WKSP GEO103601 GEO103603 WKSP MTH020S06 MTH020S07 MTH020S08 PE 165550 PE 165501 FRE101401 BLW201601 BLW101650 MTH030S08 MTH030S07 MTH030S06 WKSP IS 103650 IS 103S01 BUS104651 BUS104652 WKSP MTH108450 ECO152650 IS 217450 HRM500401 EMT121SPC DHY 222 ESLTUTOR ESLTUTOR ENG060402 BUS101650 WKSP Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 10/19/2004 10/21/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 9/11/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 9/11/2004 1.00 9/12/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/18/2004 11/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/25/2004 9/19/2004 2.00 9/1/2004 9/26/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 9/21/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 10/22/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.22 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 0.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 -22- Clock Hrs 15.00 36.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 Amount Paid $934.56 $2,803.68 $623.04 $623.04 $1,246.08 $465.00 $2,148.00 $4,952.32 $1,238.08 $1,238.08 $830.08 $830.08 $736.92 $1,188.00 $1,907.84 $3,343.72 $1,660.16 $2,490.24 $2,486.88 $200.00 $200.00 $1,346.08 $1,246.08 $50.00 $2,486.88 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $50.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $737.92 $737.92 $2,492.16 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $50.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,013.75 $831.12 $100.00 $1,992.54 $933.84 $311.28 $3,738.24 $2,486.88 $50.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Guynn, Carmen R Hagan, Oliver L Hake, Jon J Hale, Paul R Hall, Amanda Marie Hall, Gloria J Hall, Helen M Hall, Martin K Halsband, Donna L Hamilton, Carolyn Hamilton, James T Hammond, Kay A Handel, Christel K Handlan, Scott M Handshy, Elizabeth A Hanewinkel, Katherine Hanna, Stacia Kay Hapner, Barry N Happe, John William Hardy, Russell D Harl, Joseph L Harrell, Barbara A Harris, Elizabeth L Harris, Scott Harris-Juelfs, Melodye Harrod, James E Hart, Laurie Ann Harvey, Gwendolyn A Hauff, Alan F Havecker, John F Hawker, Jon L Hawkins, Kenneth J Hawn, Patricia M 02/17/05 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV M M M FP M M M M M M FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV M FV M M FV FV FV FP FV M M M M FV M M M FP FP FP M M FP FV FP M M FV FP FV Course Number DNC746500 MKT104501 ECO152502 ECO151507 ENG101516 ENG101512 Substitute EMTPARADJ MTH020581 MTH020550 FOOD FV MTH020S50 MTH020S51 WKSP MOTR FPCE Presenter BIO207651 BIO208603 GED INSV WKSP IS 125W50 GER102450 GER101401 EMT121ADJ IS 229450 PE 181601 PE 181S50 PE 174601 PE 181502 CERTIFPGM WKSP PE 181551 HST102W40 HST101S80 PSC101503 PSC101506 PSC10150H EMTPARADJ ATH706550 ENG102WWA ENG101W20 ENG102WWD WKSP CERTIFPGM MUS133651 PSY200WWB PSY200WWA ENG101402 ENG101408 ENG1024WK BIO208650 BIO207605 AHC769405 BUS701550 CHM101451 BIO124601 BIO111W03 PE 139550 PEDU FPCE PEDU FV Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/11/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 9/29/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.80 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.44 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.63 9/7/2004 12/6/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/1/2004 11/15/2004 8/29/2004 9/11/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 12/1/2004 12/23/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/14/2004 0.90 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.59 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.49 9/15/2004 10/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 10/12/2004 11/10/2004 10/5/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/10/2004 11/30/2004 9/19/2004 11/19/2004 -23- Clock Hrs 7.00 4.00 22.00 1.00 24.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 10.00 60.00 18.00 Amount Paid $126.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,435.07 $2,435.07 $100.00 $443.20 $1,518.66 $1,635.48 $594.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $300.00 $70.00 $3,100.28 $3,100.28 $40.00 $50.00 $1,432.44 $3,715.84 $3,715.84 $498.60 $1,662.24 $1,907.84 $909.21 $1,714.08 $953.92 $200.00 $75.00 $737.92 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $268.69 $54.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $200.00 $1,106.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,697.76 $2,697.76 $162.00 $330.00 $4,951.36 $4,022.40 $4,022.40 $737.92 $1,080.00 $324.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Hayman, Matthew L Haynes, Pamela J Hecht, Kim M Loc M FP FP FP Heck, Kenneth HermanFV Hefley, Elizabeth Ann FV Hegamin, Nanette H FP FP FP FP FP Heien, Robert E FV Heien, Sharon K FV Helle, Nancy A FP FP FP FP Hemenway, David S FV FV FV FV FV Henderson, Martha L M Hennig, Anne K M Hensley, Richard R FP Henson, Dennis Ray M M Herron, Glenda S FV Herron, Maria M M Hewitt, Gretchen H M Hickey, Brian John M M Hicks, John J M M Highfill, Judy A M M M Hill, Richard L M M Hillerman, Donald FV FV FV FV FV Hinrichs, Suzanne K M M M Hirst, Lori C FP FP FP Hitchcock, Victor P FP FP FP Hoag, David J M M 02/17/05 Course Number ASTWOMSOC RTH204401 ST 105401 ST 105402 ASTSOFCOA FOOD FV PE 130410 PE 130411 PE 173401 PE 130428 PE 130429 DANC FV DANC FV MTH030408 MTH020407 MTH020428 ADJORI LGL107550 LGL224550 LGL220550 LGL202580 LGL108580 LIbrarian BIO113650 MUSC FPCE ART100S01 ART103S01 BUS794550 SPA101601 SPA101S50 MUS115601 MTH160C652 WKSP ARC222650 WKSP WKSP ENG101618 BLKBRDTRN AT 131651 WKSP PE 130518 BASECOACH PE 118551 PE 107501 PE 106501 WKSP RDG030W50 STIPEND ENG020401 ENG020405 MALL ENG101403 ENG1024WC ENG1024WH BUS1186IA BUS104671 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/30/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 9/12/2004 12/16/2004 9/12/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 9/11/2004 1.00 11/20/2004 12/4/2004 1.00 9/26/2004 10/9/2004 1.00 10/16/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.46 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/15/2004 11/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/3/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 10/18/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 -24- Clock Hrs 3.00 9.60 21.00 21.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $1,106.88 $368.96 $1,382.40 $1,382.40 $737.92 $220.80 $1,238.08 $1,238.08 $1,238.08 $1,238.08 $1,238.08 $378.00 $378.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $50.00 $928.96 $928.96 $928.96 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $4,627.15 $1,869.12 $42.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $99.00 $3,315.84 $3,315.84 $1,108.16 $3,315.84 $75.00 $2,861.76 $50.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $25.00 $1,907.84 $50.00 $737.92 $2,029.28 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $75.00 $2,786.88 $25.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $2,213.76 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $216.00 $2,148.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Hodgson, Thomas D Loc M M M M Hoefel, Briann O FV FV Hofer, Matthew J FP Hoffman, Diane S M M Hoffner, Mary P FP Hoffstetter, Edwyn J M Hollaway, John David M M M Holloway, Earl William FP Holterman, Donald L FV Honti, Mary A FP Hootman, David E FP FV FV Hopson, Alan J FP FP Horne, Mason Gabriel FP FP FP FP FP FP Horstman, David R FV Horstmann, Julie Marie M Houghton, David M FV Howard, Betsy L M Howe, Joseph W M M M Hoxha, Hyrije H FP Huff, Dorothy N FP FP Huffman, Marilyn M M M M Hufker, Barbara J FV Hughes, Marilyn Sue FP FP FP FP Hughes, Martha R FP FP FP Hughes, Yvonne L FP Huie, Kym H M Hult, Gregory T M M M Humphrey-Davis, K FP FP FP FP Hunn, John J FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number IS 1326LA IS 1186LA WKSP IS 123605 DIT106501 DIT107501 EMTPARADJ RDG030W01 RDG030610 NUR 201 ACC213650 ENG101W06 ENG101W05 ENG101S02 Coaching PE 130550 CLT200401 EMT121ADJ CCPR FV CCPR ADJ Substitute Substitute PE 150422 Coaching PE 177421 PE 114401 PE 127401 StrengthCoa MUSDIRECT CRJ123601 THT701550 MUS130601 MTH020W05 MTH020W06 MTH020S80 ENG050450 DA 144 DA 164 Substitute WKSP MTH160S01 HST100550 MTH020416 MTH030414 MTH020405 ADJORI Substitute MUS131421 MUS114401 RDG012402 PE 165S01 IS 123650 IS 132650 IS 126650 BUS713H50 BUS713H51 ENG702H35 ENGL HEC Substitute ART111503 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 11/10/2004 12/10/2004 1.00 10/1/2004 11/1/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/9/2004 12/7/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.80 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.10 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.60 9/5/2004 12/23/2004 9/5/2004 12/23/2004 0.05 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.50 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/24/2004 9/22/2004 1.50 9/29/2004 11/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 9/27/2004 1.00 9/29/2004 11/3/2004 1.00 11/15/2004 12/13/2004 1.00 10/19/2004 12/20/2004 10/19/2004 12/20/2004 9/15/2004 11/15/2004 10/25/2004 12/10/2004 9/12/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 -25- Clock Hrs 1.00 16.00 4.00 8.00 20.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 8.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 21.00 Amount Paid $828.96 $828.96 $50.00 $828.96 $249.20 $498.44 $55.40 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $4,054.16 $3,715.84 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,752.56 $737.92 $3,095.20 $884.05 $464.00 $27.70 $100.00 $176.00 $737.92 $1,291.36 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $1,662.24 $1,869.12 $540.00 $1,246.08 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $4,973.76 $829.44 $552.96 $87.50 $50.00 $2,492.16 $2,148.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $50.00 $75.00 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $1,246.08 $737.92 $716.00 $716.00 $716.00 $216.00 $270.00 $432.00 $270.00 $525.00 $3,714.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Hurley, Susanna M Hurt, David Edward Hurt, Debra A Loc FP M M M M M Huth, Mary Eileen M M M Hyland, Deborah J M M M Hyman, Cherie M FV Irgang, Susan Judith FP FP FP FP Irons, Sandra J FP FP Irwin, Glenn T FP Isbell, Camelia M M M Israel, Heidi A M Ivery, Judy Ann FP Ivie, Alice R FP Jablonowski, Cheri L FP FP FP Jackson, Pamela C FV Jackson, Sandra K FV Jackson, Sharon A FV FV FV FV FV Jackson, Yolanda A FP Jacobs, Rebecca M M Jacobsen, Kirsten FP FP Jacobsen, Lisa Marie FV FV FV FV Jafari, David H M M Jamison, Michael T FV FV FV FV Janssen, Jane L M Janssen, Melanie E M M Jarvis, Steven W M Jasper, Geraldine FV FV FP Jimenez, Mary Ann A FV Johnson, Barbara S M M 02/17/05 Course Number HRM123451 ARC115601 Substitute BIO207604 BIO207606 PE 173651 WKSP STIPEND RDG030S50 ENG020S02 ENG201S01 WKSP GEDU701FV ENG103450 ENG103451 Substitute ENG101412 MTH030452 MTH030450 MALL ENG101681 ENG030615 PSY205650 RNGE AIDE MTH020480 ADJORI BIO208450 BIO208451 BUS744500 CMP725500 FACORIENT ENG032514 ENG032507 ENG032516 ENG032504 EMTPARADJ ARC110603 ART113401 AT 213451 BIO203504 FACORIENT Substitute BIO203502 ART113601 Substitute ECO140550 LGL218580 LGL230580 FACORIENT ART133651 NUR 205 NUR 204 HEAD BKW CCPR FV Outreach CCPR HEC Librarian BIO111S01 BIO111S51 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 10/15/2004 1.81 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/24/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/18/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 10/9/2004 12/23/2004 10/9/2004 12/23/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.66 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.66 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/16/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 11.80 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 9/15/2004 11/20/2004 10/9/2004 12/20/2004 9/1/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 -26- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 195.00 4.00 14.00 1.00 4.50 6.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 6.00 11.00 4.00 Amount Paid $1,752.30 $2,861.76 $66.00 $2,697.76 $2,697.76 $752.26 $75.00 $25.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $5,265.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $3,735.36 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,148.00 $72.10 $1,869.12 $50.00 $3,589.40 $3,589.40 $130.50 $188.50 $100.00 $1,108.16 $1,108.16 $1,108.16 $1,108.16 $277.00 $2,861.76 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $2,903.36 $100.00 $75.00 $2,903.36 $2,213.76 $132.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $100.00 $2,861.76 $4,897.48 $2,490.24 $2,951.68 $198.00 $363.00 $132.00 $2,090.70 $4,022.40 $4,022.40 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Loc Johnson, Christopher FP Johnson, Kelli S FV Johnson, Veronica FP Johnson-Stephenson,MFV FV Johny, Mulavana John M M M Joiner, Renee P FP FP FP FP Jones, Alfred H FV Jones, Allen W FP FP FV Jones, Amanda L FP Jones, Scott J FP FV FP FV Jones, Sheila Marie FP FP Jones, Steven S FV FV Jordan, Catherine F M M M Joyce, Sherry G FP FP FP Juracsik, Clay G FP Kacer, Karen Faye FP Kahn, Dency B M M Kaiser, Jane Bokamper M M Kaminski, Romona L FP Kane, Joseph Gerard FV Kane, Susan G FV Kantz, Mary Ellen FP FP Kappel, Carol A M Kargacin, John J M Karl, Jeffrey J M Karros, Gretchen V M M M M Karutz, Theresa M M M M Kasl, David R FP Kaufmann, Robert C M M Keao, Ellen A FV FV FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number EMTPARADJ CMP705502 NUR 201 SPA101501 SPA101550 MTH020680 MTH030W50 WKSP CPR725H54 CPR725H55 ECE101H51 ENG765H51 HST101580 PRD108401 BUS753H50 WMEN FV MCM126422 EMT121TEAM CCPR ADJ EMT121ADJ CCPR FV ADJORI NUR 205 GUEST SPK ART113551 ART153603 ART153601 ART153602 DHY 226 DHY 222 Substitute FLRU FPCE Librarian Librarian Librarian WKSP ART131606 EMTPARADJ ASTBKBCOA BUS104552 NUR508439 NUR507480 PTA215601 ASST SOC HD WOMSOC PE 181W02 Substitute Substitute PE 181S80 SPA101603 WKSP SPA101603 CE 116450 WKSP REL105650 Substitute HST115501 HST115501 HST117501 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.09 10/16/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/2/2004 12/5/2004 9/13/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/26/2004 11/18/2004 2.00 8/24/2004 11/20/2004 11/1/2004 12/23/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 12/23/2004 0.04 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.67 9/6/2004 12/23/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10.97 11/21/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10.06 10/22/2004 12/18/2004 9/15/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/22/2004 8.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.71 12/19/2004 12/29/2004 0.13 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.59 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 9/10/2004 9/30/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.81 9/28/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.91 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 -27- Clock Hrs 15.00 1.00 98.00 21.00 26.00 9.00 12.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 Amount Paid $601.09 $465.00 $4,054.16 $3,715.84 $3,715.84 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $3,234.00 $693.00 $2,486.88 $858.00 $2,786.88 $1,432.00 $297.00 $396.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $20.78 $371.18 $324.00 $50.00 $5,233.44 $75.00 $2,490.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,658.88 $5,564.16 $75.00 $460.00 $5,234.88 $8,095.66 $116.15 $50.00 $2,213.76 $324.09 $368.96 $2,148.00 $1,558.35 $1,662.24 $1,869.12 $1,475.84 $2,905.28 $752.26 $66.00 $66.00 $791.17 $2,148.00 $50.00 $716.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $2,148.00 $62.50 $1,830.18 $1,869.12 $1,830.18 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Kedro, Milan J Keen, Don E Kelley, Kevin M Kelly, Constance M Kelly, Janice H Kerans, Verna Alice Kerlagon, Kathleen A Loc M FP FP FP FP FP M M M Kerlagon, Raymond L M M M M Kerr, Bob FP FP M Khademian, Arvin A FP FP FP FP Kiehne, Deanna J FV Kiel, Gail P FP Kienstra, Edward M M M Kierski, Bernard H M M M Kijowski, Karen Louise FP Kilstrom, John P M M M Kimzey, Kristie A FP FP FP King, Andrew R M Kingsbury, Nancy Jean M M M M Kingsland, Schuyler J FV Kinnard, Dale A M FP Kinney, Johnna D FV FV FV FV FV FV Kintree, John B FP Kissinger, Susan K FP Kitt, Robert L FV FV FV FV Kladky, Michael John FV Klein, Bonnie J FP FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number HST100650 EMTPARADJ RNGE AIDE MCM113401 ACC100402 THT108401 WKSP Substitute ACC100601 WKSP Substitute Substitute BUS101601 HST101450 HST101480 HST101603 MTH020462 MTH020463 ADJORI MTH020456 Substitute NUR 101 Substitute IS 133650 WKSP BUS104611 MKT203650 EMT121ADJ HST1016WB HST101WWA HST101WWB ESLTUTOR ENG061451 ESL TUTOR PHY111601 WKSP RDG020S01 RDG030S01 ENG030S02 MUS721500 NRSADJMCC EMT121ADJ PE 122501 VOL COACH PE 122502 FC DIRECT PE 105501 PE 171502 COMP FPCE PEDU FPCE ART168502 GUEST SPK ART165551 FACORIENT HST708550 DMS215450 DMS216401 DMS119450 DMS214450 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.30 9/11/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/1/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/14/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/200412/14/2004 0.90 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/18/2004 12/16/2004 11/10/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/15/2004 0.76 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.50 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/18/2004 12/15/2004 9/14/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/21/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/5/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 -28- Clock Hrs 7.00 1.00 20.50 1.00 3.00 9.00 1.00 3.00 35.00 1.00 1.00 12.00 0.50 6.00 31.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 Amount Paid $2,786.88 $166.20 $36.05 $1,662.24 $2,699.79 $2,486.88 $50.00 $512.50 $2,148.00 $50.00 $75.00 $225.00 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $50.00 $1,662.24 $75.00 $2,146.32 $875.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $498.60 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $715.44 $2,148.00 $2,146.32 $3,115.20 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $324.00 $6.73 $421.04 $737.92 $1,291.36 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $174.00 $651.00 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,490.24 $100.00 $63.00 $953.92 $1,430.88 $1,430.88 $1,907.84 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Klingerman, Linda K Loc FV FV Klinkerman, Brenda S M M M M M Klutho, Judith Rawlins M Knezik, Rebecca L FV Knight, Charles E FV FV Knight, Paul D M Knipp, Christine E FV Knipping, Melanie R FV Koch, Lura Jane M M Koch, Robert A FV FV Koch, Yvonne S M M M M Koenemann, Harry G M M Koetting, Cathy Ware M M Kolander, Glen D FP Koric, Arabela FP FP FP FP Kosednar, Priscilla A M M M M Kosednar, Ronald W M M M M Koshak, Karen D M M M M Kostelc, Jane Ann M Kowalczyk, Nancy Ann FP FP Kraja, Elida FP Krause, Joan B FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Kraushaar, Janet T FV Kravitz, Rebecca S FP FP Kretzler, Edward W FV 02/17/05 Course Number LGL104580 LGL216580 WKSP MTH030W04 MTH030W05 MTH030W06 Substitute Substitute KDS738500 EGR050501 EGR104501 PSY203W50 CFT765550 FAMKIDSFV PSY200650 PSY200606 ENG101556 FACORIENT Substitute MCM101601 COM101606 COM101604 CRJ122650 CRJ122S01 NUR 201 WKSP RTH204401 Substitute MTH020430 MTH020421 MTH030421 MTH030W02 MTH030W01 MTH020W20 WKSP MTH030W03 MTH020W02 CRJ212650 WKSP PE 130 PE 129602 PE 173601 PE 120602 EC108S50 ENG1024WU ENG1024WU ACC110451 ECE102528 ECE127525 ECE124528 ECE124528 ECE102530 ECE124525 ECE102528 ECE102527 COM10350H DHY 120 DHY 222 ASST WBKB Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 10/29/2004 12/18/2004 12/4/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/10/2004 11/20/2004 10/2/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/6/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 17.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 11/3/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 0.75 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 11/2/2004 12/15/2004 0.40 11/10/2004 12/20/2004 0.90 11/1/2004 12/15/2004 0.40 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 1.47 10/20/2004 12/20/2004 0.40 10/4/2004 12/19/2004 1.10 10/4/2004 12/20/2004 0.35 10/1/2004 12/19/2004 1.30 11/14/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 11/14/2004 12/18/2004 1.37 -29- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $50.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $25.00 $75.00 $69.00 $3,871.77 $2,213.31 $2,148.00 $50.00 $243.00 $2,148.00 $4,296.00 $2,786.88 $100.00 $25.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $7,055.68 $50.00 $552.96 $75.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $50.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $50.00 $1,245.12 $1,245.12 $1,660.16 $830.08 $2,486.88 $537.00 $1,611.00 $2,864.00 $371.58 $836.06 $371.58 $1,370.22 $371.58 $1,021.85 $325.14 $1,207.64 $1,869.12 $3,317.76 $4,423.68 $507.32 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Krewson, Christina J Krizanec, Jasna K Krogmeier, Mary Kruse, David M Kuehnel, Kevin N Kufskie, Kathy L Kuhlman, James E Kuhn, Marilyn F Kull, John R Kulp, Wendy Marie Kush, Catherine A Kuykendall, Saundra Kwan, Felix B La Mell, Stephen R La Scola, Maria E Laboray, Ronald E Lafata, Christopher T Lagermann, Shannon Laird, Beverly Louise Lakshminarayanan, J Lamb, Keith R Lambert, Mary J Lampros, Theodore Lampros, William P Landis, Bryan H Lane, Harry A 02/17/05 Loc FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP M FP FP FV M M FV FV M M M M FP FP FV FV FV Credit Course Job Begin Job End Hours or Number Date Date Equiv CHOREOGRAPHE 8/23/200410/16/2004 1.00 DIRECTOR 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 3.00 RUS1034L1 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 ECE104501 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ECE206501 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 0.33 FACORIENT 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 MOT 10/1/2004 12/31/2004 ECE107550 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 EMTPARADJ 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.10 EMT121ADJ 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.37 PSY200509 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 PSY200508 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 PSY200505 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 Substitute 9/9/2004 12/18/2004 Honors 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 WKSP 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 PHY111650 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 PTA100601 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 PTA1006IA 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 PTA100602 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 EE 114580 11/7/2004 12/19/2004 1.00 EE 109580 10/24/2004 11/6/2004 1.00 NUR102 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 11.13 NRS737550 10/15/2004 12/23/2004 ENG030402 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ENG030405 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ENG020421 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ECO1524SA 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 HRM122401 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 HRM123401 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 FOOD FPCE 9/3/2004 12/15/2004 HRM122402 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ADJORI 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 Substitute 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 FLIT HEC 9/15/2004 11/30/2004 ART109552 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 FACORIENT 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 ART107503 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 Substitute 9/12/2004 12/17/2004 EMTPARADJ 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.99 ECE101609 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.60 RDG100450 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 RDG030461 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 EDU704550 9/20/2004 10/23/2004 ART102650 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ART109650 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 FACORIENT 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 MTH020551 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 MTH140653 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 MTH160C680 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 Substitute 9/20/2004 12/18/2004 CRJ124650 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 ADJORI 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 CHM101401 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 MTH020554 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 MTH030550 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 MTH030554 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 -30- Clock Hrs 1.00 84.00 1.25 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.50 43.00 1.00 3.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 Amount Paid $554.08 $1,662.24 $2,492.16 $2,148.00 $236.28 $100.00 $3,360.00 $2,148.00 $55.40 $204.98 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $31.25 $72.00 $75.00 $3,115.20 $1,432.00 $288.00 $1,432.00 $623.04 $623.04 $4,617.32 $94.50 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,486.88 $2,013.75 $2,013.75 $903.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $66.00 $540.00 $2,861.76 $100.00 $1,907.84 $75.00 $545.69 $996.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,662.24 $2,213.76 $100.00 $1,869.12 $2,786.88 $3,715.84 $250.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $4,951.36 $2,786.88 $2,699.79 $2,612.70 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Lange, Margaret M Loc M M Langton, Laura B M M Lanter, Wayne J M Larkin, Tosha S FP FP Larson, Steven B FP FP Lattimore, Carole C M M Lauburg, Mary S FV FV FV Laufersweiler, JonathanFP FP FP FP Laughlin, Rayma K FV FV Laycock, Margaret Lair M Lazenby, Carol L M M Leach, David P M M Learman, Mark D FV Lee, Perry Oswald FV FV FV FV Leech, John David M Leech, Melissa L M M M Leick, James A M Leifheit, Rhonda K FP FV Lemar, Julie Anne M FP FP Leopardi, Giovanna FP Lesh, James Scott M M M Levine, Douglas L FV Lewis, Bonnie L FV FP FP FP Lewis, Moira L FP FP Lewis, Robert FP FV Lewis, Robert H M M Li, Dongfeng M FP Libby, Kenneth E M Liebman, Emily M CC M M 02/17/05 Course Number IRT127650 Substitute WKSP BIO111608 ENG102SWC ADJORI BUS103451 IS 1024BA IS 2104LA MTH140W02 MTH140W01 FACORIENT ENG2015WL ENG2285WL MUS573451 Substitute MUS576461 MCM219453 FACORIENT ENG032512 Substitute WKSP ECE101611 MTH030S52 MTH186S50 Librarian FACORIENT MTH020555 Substitute MTH108551 Substitute MTH030603 MTH030605 WKSP ART131650 PERD FPCE PRD732550 NSNG ADJ CTC ASSOC CTC ASSOC FLIT HEC PE 154650 PE 153601 PE 153650 PSC205501 CERTIFPGM MTH020403 MTH020410 MTH020418 ART208450 ART107450 COMP FPCE COMP FV AT 228650 ART110601 ART109609 ART109450 ASST BKM Cornerstone IDS101611 IDS101610 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/15/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.80 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.80 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/15/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.80 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 1.99 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/10/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/11/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/15/2004 11/15/2004 9/13/2004 11/20/2004 11/8/2004 12/23/2004 0.29 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.89 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.88 9/13/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 10/11/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/16/2004 12/20/2004 9/11/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -31- Clock Hrs 4.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 48.00 3.50 1.00 50.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 18.00 1.00 12.00 8.00 40.00 1.00 12.00 73.50 1.00 Amount Paid $2,148.00 $112.50 $75.00 $3,100.28 $2,148.00 $50.00 $2,148.00 $2,211.84 $2,486.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,786.88 $1,728.00 $997.34 $87.50 $997.34 $1,662.24 $100.00 $1,108.16 $1,111.00 $50.00 $4,868.80 $2,148.00 $2,864.00 $1,238.61 $100.00 $1,869.12 $75.00 $1,869.12 $450.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $2,490.24 $324.00 $216.00 $159.28 $490.45 $485.73 $1,080.00 $737.92 $1,106.88 $1,106.88 $2,786.88 $200.00 $1,830.18 $1,830.18 $1,830.18 $1,907.84 $1,907.84 $396.00 $2,425.50 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $1,907.84 $500.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Light, Greg L Loc FP FP FP FV FV M FP Limburg, Robert C FV FV FV FV Lin, Chien Fu FP M Linback, Robert K FP Linenweber, Robert G M Lingua, William C FV Linkemer, Barbara L FV Lipic, Gayle A FP FP FP Lippi, Cora J FP FP Liu, Su Chun M M Lizorty, Ronald J FV FV Lochmann, William J FV FV FV FV FV Lodato, Theodora L FP FP Longoria, Ricardo A M M M M M Lott, Mary L FP FP Love, Joseph J FP FP Love, Mario K M M M Lowder, Joseph F M M Lowes, Saundra A FP Loyet, Michelle A M M M M Lubowitz, Nancy L FV Lundt, Walter H FV FV Lynch, Leeanna L FV Lyons, James S FP 02/17/05 Course Number EMTPARADJ EMTPARADJ EMTPARADJ CCPR FV CCPR ADJ MD DRMCC EMT121PRI MTH140510 MTH140506 Substitute MTH140504 AT 121401 ART111650 MALLTUTOR AVI2576IA OFFCAMCOR SBPCONSUL DHY 120 Substitute DHY 222 EDU129450 ADJORI WKSP ENG061601 Substitute Honorarium PE 130510 PE 130506 PE 130509 Substitute PE 130505 PHL1034LA PHL103401 MTH140614 WKSP MTH030601 MTH030602 Substitute RDG100406 RDG016421 ENG101452 ENG101453 Substitute PSC101602 PSC201601 Substitute PESUBSCEUC MALL ANT101601 Substitute WKSP ANT1056TA VOCAL COA PE 153551 PE 153550 CMP701551 EMT121ADJ Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 2.53 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 4.42 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 2.72 9/3/2004 12/16/2004 9/3/2004 12/16/2004 0.08 11/10/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 9/15/2004 12/23/2004 9/30/2004 10/4/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/22/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/12/2004 12/17/2004 9/27/2004 10/10/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 23.44 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/2/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/7/2004 12/5/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/9/2004 10/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.70 -32- Clock Hrs 24.00 10.00 1.00 301.40 1.00 171.25 1.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 12.00 Amount Paid $1,403.01 $2,447.31 $1,508.29 $792.00 $41.55 $1,000.00 $1,523.72 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $25.00 $2,148.00 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $10,455.57 $216.00 $2,397.50 $250.00 $1,430.88 $87.50 $4,769.60 $2,486.88 $50.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $500.00 $50.00 $830.08 $830.08 $830.08 $75.00 $830.08 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $1,869.12 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $2,786.88 $1,857.92 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $3,738.24 $1,869.12 $44.00 $44.00 $11,178.75 $1,869.12 $75.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,246.08 $1,658.88 $1,658.88 $396.00 $387.80 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Maag, Colin M Loc M M Mack, Francis S FV Macke, John E M M Mackenzie, Joyce A M MacKesson, Robin L FP FP FP MacLaughlin, KatherineFV FV FV FV Maddock, Gregory T FP Magee, Carolyn Jones FV Mahon, Martha M FP Maixner, Diane M M M M M Malin, Cindy R FV Malon, Wayne Elmer M Manganaro, Jennifer R M Mann, Steven M FP Manning, Scott D FP Manuel, Lee Ann FP Marcanik, Edward G FP FP FP FP Marconi, Dante M FP Marner, Ruth M M M M M Marquardt, Sharon FP FP FP FP FP Marra, Jan C FP Marron, Gwain E FV Marshall, Betty J M M Martin, Kathleen S FP Martin, Mary E FP Martin, Russell Lee FV Marvel, Joyce S FV FP FP FP FP FP FP Marzouk, Magdy M FV Mathea, Michael John M M M Mathias, Steve A M M 02/17/05 Course Number PE 118650 PE 118651 Gateway GEO111S50 GEO111650 MTH030623 Substitute MTH030451 MTH030410 DIT106501 FACORIENT DIT107501 DIT209501 EMT121ADJ CPR710550 ARTS FPCE ACC100S50 ACC100652 Substitute WKSP PE180501 AT 251671 ART251601 EMT121ADJ EMTPARADJ CONCERT MTH154499 MTH215499 MTH186450 MTH230450 FLIT FPCE ENG102WWB WKSP ENG101S51 ENG030W20 PE 130405 PE 130406 PE 130131 PE 130425 PE 130426 MUSC FPCE ME 241550 PTA211601 PTA211602 PHT103401 EMT121ADJ ECO152580 CERTIFPGM Substitute BIO207455 ADJORI BIO207455 BIO203402 BIO207450 PE 169552 ECO151605 WKSP BLKBRDTRN ACC110650 WKSP Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/7/2004 9/12/2004 2.00 9/14/2004 9/19/2004 2.00 10/6/2004 12/18/2004 1.38 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.40 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.70 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.40 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.30 9/20/2004 12/18/2004 10/2/2004 12/4/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/24/2004 11/6/2004 0.56 9/1/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 10/18/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.18 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/31/2004 11/29/2004 12/31/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 9/18/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 9/10/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/15/2004 1.59 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 10/27/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.34 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.66 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 -33- Clock Hrs 2.00 1.00 2.00 32.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 40.00 1.00 34.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $737.92 $737.92 $984.50 $4,059.72 $4,059.72 $1,662.24 $50.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $249.20 $100.00 $436.13 $249.20 $166.20 $54.00 $672.00 $2,148.00 $402.75 $75.00 $50.00 $1,867.68 $737.92 $3,317.76 $554.00 $96.95 $1,662.24 $864.00 $1,728.00 $3,315.84 $4,144.80 $1,080.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $782.00 $2,148.00 $2,627.72 $2,627.72 $2,786.88 $878.09 $1,869.12 $200.00 $132.00 $959.44 $50.00 $1,432.00 $1,904.56 $3,100.28 $737.92 $2,148.00 $50.00 $25.00 $2,864.00 $50.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Mathis, Janet Lynn Matson, Kristopher M Matuszak, Michael L Mayberry, Lynn K Mayer, Diane M Mazhar, Uzma McAllister, Kevin M McBride, Linda K McCarthy, Christopher McCarthy, Sarah E McCarty, Leann C McClellan, Catherine McCord, Sheri L McCormack, Helen M McDowell, Lynda M McGhee, Tracie Berry McGowan, Ruth Ann McHugh, Margaret E McHugh, Sydney C McInturff, Marianela M McKee, Paul Ray McKelvie, Kenneth H McKenna, Joseph T McKessy, Sean M McMichael, Luci M McMurphy, Marcia S 02/17/05 Loc FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FP FP FP M M FP FP M M FP M M FP FP FP FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M FV FP M FV FV FV FV Course Number DMS107401 DMS206401 DMS120450 EE 109502 EE 109501 Substitute CHM101502 ASTVOLCOA PE 171550 MTH020518 MTH020512 FACORIENT PSY200SWA BLKBRDTRN WKSP RTH240401 GED701401 EMT121ADJ NSNG ADJ NSNGSCEUC EMT121TEL EMTPARADJ WKSP PSY205S50 PDU761420 ENG102SWA ENG102SWB MTH020419 ADJORI MALLTUTOR CERTIFPGM CCPR HEC CPR765550 FACORIENT MTH020535 MTH020534 MTH030532 Substitute ADJFAC ART275450 COM101401 COM101405 COM101402 Substitute HRM110450 ADJORI COM101508 COM101509 COM101503 AT 152650 ASTBKBCOA MOTR FPCE EDU120601 SOC100504 FACORIENT SOC100503 SOC100550 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.00 10/14/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/16/2004 12/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.30 11/8/2004 12/23/2004 0.13 11/8/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.59 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 11/20/2004 12/15/2004 10/18/2004 12/23/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/8/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/9/2004 10/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.92 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.77 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -34- Clock Hrs 4.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 52.00 10.00 1.00 15.00 1.00 186.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 19.32 1.00 14.00 1.00 24.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,384.80 $2,384.80 $953.92 $554.08 $554.08 $112.50 $3,715.84 $1,475.84 $737.92 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $100.00 $2,487.13 $25.00 $75.00 $476.96 $1,404.00 $717.43 $69.25 $290.00 $1,108.16 $324.09 $50.00 $1,869.12 $315.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,662.24 $50.00 $4,313.35 $200.00 $54.00 $42.00 $100.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $483.00 $50.00 $2,861.76 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $350.00 $2,013.75 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $737.92 $300.00 $3,714.24 $2,714.31 $100.00 $2,569.16 $2,786.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name McNeil, James H Mcvey, David N McWilliams, Gina M Medler, Edward A Meenach, Dean C Mehringer, Julie Ann Meier, Christopher J Meier, John Carl Menendez, Michele E Menendez, Richard A Menley, Rebecca L Merrell, Margaret Ruth Merrett-Murry, Tammy Mertz, Ronald E Meser, John Edward Metzger, Fredric A Meyer, Charles R Meyers, Sherry G Michalski, Richard M Micheels, Barbara A Miederhoff, Marilyn K Miley, Joann R Miller, Arlene C Miller, Carolyn Sue Miller, Daniel W Miller, John A Miller, Thomas G Miller-Flood, Diane L Milne, Terry Lynne Mimlitz, Edward J Mines, Cheryl Lynn Minogue, Pauline K 02/17/05 Loc FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP M FV M M FP M M M M M M M FP M M M FP M M FV FP FP FV FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP M M M FV FV FV FV Course Number ADJORI WKSP PSY2006WA Stipend REL110H50 MTH020433 MTH020435 PARPRIDAY EMTPARADJ BIO207410 ADJORI BIO207409 BIO207410 EMTPARADJ ELC705550 DHY 120 DHY 222 WKSP CERTIFPGM STIPEND PSI115651 NUR 205 WKSP Substitute OTA204650 STIPEND MONTAGE WKSP ANT102602 MEDIRFP PSY200651 PHL101W50 WKSP NUR 205 ENG101680 LGL217671 CCPR ADJ EMT121TEAM EMT121ADJ CCPR FV ADJORI DMS216450 DMS121401 Substitute ADJORI RDG020406 RDG030408 RDG030423 ECO152550 ECO152551 ACC100503 ARTS FPCE CFT736420 HRT104651 PE 133601 PE 133S80 NUR 201 MTH020525 MTH020537 MTH108501 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/29/2004 9/11/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.75 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.13 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.35 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 2.26 9/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 21.50 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/25/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10.97 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/18/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/26/2004 12/16/2004 0.05 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.50 8/26/2004 12/16/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 10/27/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/18/2004 11/20/2004 9/17/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.33 8/24/2004 10/15/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 14.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 -35- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 42.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 13.25 1.00 3.50 1.00 48.00 16.00 Amount Paid $50.00 $75.00 $2,486.88 $100.00 $3,108.60 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $4,501.90 $745.13 $1,432.00 $50.00 $4,022.40 $1,235.52 $1,249.27 $1,134.00 $1,106.88 $1,475.84 $50.00 $200.00 $25.00 $1,246.08 $8,923.36 $75.00 $25.00 $2,864.00 $25.00 $3,738.24 $50.00 $2,486.88 $200.00 $2,864.00 $2,786.88 $75.00 $5,232.24 $2,486.88 $2,148.00 $27.71 $1,662.24 $831.00 $410.75 $50.00 $1,907.84 $2,861.76 $87.50 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,786.88 $1,008.00 $288.00 $2,074.72 $1,105.92 $1,105.92 $7,741.44 $2,612.70 $2,612.70 $2,612.70 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Mitchell, Felecia D Mitchler, Sheryl J Mittler, Charles C Moeller, Terry L Mollard, Alan R Montague, Nancy A Mooney, Tina Lynn Moore, Christopher R Moore, David A Moore, Kevin M Moore, Marian V Moore, Michael R Moreland, Lisa Kay Morey, Janet R Morgan, Daniel L Morgan, Denise A Morgan, Kevin J Morgan, Robert C Mori, Donald L Morin, Cynthia Louise Morris, Patrick J Morris, Paul T Morris, Sandra E Morris, Utica Chantae Morrison, Margaret Z Morrow, Betty Jean Morse, Kimberly Ann Morton, Kimberly R Morton, Lori Ardel Mosley, Linda A Motta, Denise K Moulder, Kevin W 02/17/05 Loc FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP M M M M M FP M M FP FP FP FP M FP FV FP FV M M M M FV FV M FP FP FV M M M M FP FP Course Number BUSN HEC PERD HEC CCPR FV CCPR FPCE SOC1014TQ EMT121TEL SOC1014TA ANT1024TA ART101551 Honors ART1004T1 IS 241450 ENG1026WQ ENG101S03 ENG101S05 NUR 108 EMT121TEAM ART266450 SPA201450 Substitute PE 130 PE 129S80 PE 120S80 NUR 108 Substitute ADJORI ENG050650 Substitute ENG051601 Substitute PSY200W50 EMTPARADJ WKSP NUR 101 MTH030463 Substitute MTH030461 MTH030462 BIO111610 HEALFPCE EGR100550 Librarian MTH02050R WKSP STIPEND BLW101W50 BLW101602 RDG031551 RDG030551 ENG070S50 CRJ122450 ACCOMPANIST Substitute PE 122601 PE 191601 PS 181S01 PE 181S02 PE 150421 PE 114402 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/14/2004 12/18/2004 9/14/2004 12/18/2004 9/29/2004 12/23/2004 9/7/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.65 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/26/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 11/13/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 13.00 9/1/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 10/25/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/14/2004 0.37 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 9/14/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/13/2004 12/19/2004 2.88 9/14/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 11/13/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.67 8/23/2004 12/22/2004 6.43 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/10/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.87 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 -36- Clock Hrs 4.00 10.00 6.00 4.00 1.00 40.00 4.00 1.00 1.50 6.00 1.00 5.00 11.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Amount Paid $108.00 $270.00 $198.00 $132.00 $3,315.84 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $3,315.84 $216.00 $2,486.88 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $3,648.76 $1,662.24 $2,213.76 $3,715.84 $1,000.00 $3,320.32 $1,245.12 $830.08 $6,200.48 $88.00 $50.00 $3,738.24 $37.50 $1,869.12 $150.00 $1,869.12 $204.98 $75.00 $3,320.32 $1,662.24 $125.00 $1,592.98 $1,662.24 $2,697.76 $297.00 $3,871.24 $4,004.06 $1,869.12 $50.00 $25.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $623.04 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,148.00 $830.08 $75.00 $1,429.72 $737.92 $703.33 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Muehling, Janet M Loc FV FV Mueller, Doris L FP FV Mueller, Ken S M M M Muldoon, Peggy J FP FP FP Mulligan, Colin B FP Mulligan, Theresa B FP Mullins, Patrick B FP Mullins, Scott M FP Murano, Kathleen M M Murphy, Denis M FP Murphy, Robert E FV Murray, Robin R M M M Mydler, Vietta Anne FV Myers, Jo Anne M M Myles, Gregory FV Nadal, Cecilia A FP Naidenko, Olga V FP FP FP FP FP Nauer, Barbara FV FV FV FV FV Naugles, Tina Lanette FP FP Needham, Cathy Lee M M Nesheva, Mihneva M M M M M Neubich, Kathleen L FV Neufeld, Irwin J M M Newcomb, Steven D FP FP Newkirk, Rick Lee FV Newman, Richard T FV FV FV Newstead, Steven G M M Niemczyk, Joshua J M M M M Niemiec, Ryan M FP 02/17/05 Course Number MTH020510 MTH020513 WRT765420 WRT704550 WKSP HST101651 HST102S50 COM101409 COM101415 COM101421 MALL MALL CHM210450 EMT121ADJ WRTEFFASG DNC747420 PSC205ALL LGL228670 LGL205671 LGL108671 BUS715500 WKSP MKT104601 MTH020502 NPA701H80 ADJORI BIO111404 BIO111402 BIO111403 BIO111404 ENG020507 FACORIENT ENG021507 ENG020501 ENG021501 ECE204H50 BUSN HEC ART100W50 ART103W01 Honors COM101W20 COM101S04 COM101S20 CPR714550 Substitute BIO111611 EMTPARADJ EMT121PRI WBKBCOA FACORIENT Honors ENG2255WA WKSP ACC110651 MTH020W01 MTH020W03 MTH030W20 Substitute HEAL FPCE Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 10/30/2004 9/22/2004 12/16/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 5.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.66 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.37 9/1/2004 9/6/2004 10/4/2004 11/20/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/25/2004 10/17/2004 3.00 10/27/2004 12/15/2004 3.00 10/21/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/6/2004 11/20/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 9/9/2004 10/20/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 10/19/2004 12/31/2004 2.25 8/24/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 10/15/2004 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.37 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.94 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 12/18/2004 9/8/2004 12/10/2004 -37- Clock Hrs 12.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 8.00 1.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.74 Amount Paid $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $300.00 $400.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,282.46 $3,320.32 $1,657.28 $204.98 $430.80 $126.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $232.00 $50.00 $2,486.88 $1,830.18 $396.00 $50.00 $1,432.00 $959.44 $3,100.28 $952.28 $2,148.00 $100.00 $716.00 $2,148.00 $716.00 $1,246.68 $324.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $72.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $54.00 $25.00 $4,022.40 $204.98 $2,666.51 $3,308.91 $100.00 $72.00 $1,662.24 $50.00 $3,315.84 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $25.00 $539.98 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Nihira, Nicholas M Loc FV FV FV Nikonowicz, Diane M FV Nobs, Scott A FP Nold, Earl F M M Nolker, Elizabeth E FP Norfleet, Shirley J M FV M Norton, Leslie Kent M M M Noser, Philip H M Novotny, John J FV FV FV Nyman, Micki Mae M M Oberkrom, William R FP Obermeier, Mark J FV O'Connell, Dennis W FV FV FV FV O'Connell, M D M M M M O'Connell, Marcia L FV FV FV Oesch, Tammy Marie FP FP FP FP FP FP Ogden, Joan M FP FV O'Hallaron, Dorrit B FV FV FV FV Ohmer, Roberta M M Oliver, Keith L M M M M M Oliver, Michael T FP FP OMalley, Jennifer M FV FV O'Neill, Cheryl O FP FP O'Neill, Terri Lynn FV 02/17/05 Course Number ART108501 FACORIENT Substitute Substitute EMT121ADJ Substitute MTH140613 NUR 108 WKSP CERTIFPGM PSY205S02 WKSP CHM101651 CHM101650 Substitute RDG031503 RDG031504 RDG031505 ENG1026WE ENG1026WF ME 108450 MTH140580 ENG032511 ENG032501 ENG032502 WRIT CNTR HRT230601 HRT230650 HRT112670 HRT130671 WRIT CNTR ENG030504 ENG030501 DA 159 ADJORI DA 143 DA 164 DA 144 DA 151 HOME FPCE HOM711550 MTH123581 MTH123583 MTH030529 MTH170501 Librarian THTDIRECT THT101605 WKSP THT108601 Substitute ENG101454 ENG101495 BIO111LAB BIO111LAB MTH020458 MTH020452 HST708586 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/10/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/14/2004 0.35 8/25/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.25 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 10/6/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 0.87 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 0.87 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 0.87 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/25/2004 9/24/2004 0.56 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/29/2004 11/24/2004 2.44 9/29/2004 11/24/2004 6.50 8/24/2004 9/22/2004 3.31 8/25/2004 9/24/2004 1.94 10/4/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/16/2004 8/27/2004 8/29/2004 1.00 9/10/2004 9/12/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9.19 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.29 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.29 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 9/26/2004 10/9/2004 -38- Clock Hrs 1.00 2.00 11.50 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 17.50 17.50 1.00 3.00 2.00 Amount Paid $1,660.16 $100.00 $50.00 $287.50 $193.90 $75.00 $2,148.00 $1,550.12 $50.00 $200.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $4,418.36 $4,418.36 $44.00 $725.34 $725.34 $725.34 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,391.44 $1,558.35 $1,108.16 $1,108.16 $1,108.16 $1,662.24 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $716.00 $716.00 $2,486.88 $2,435.07 $2,435.07 $268.29 $50.00 $1,162.59 $3,100.24 $1,579.93 $924.11 $315.00 $402.50 $828.96 $828.96 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $5,725.65 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $2,148.00 $75.00 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $805.71 $805.71 $1,810.71 $1,810.71 $46.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Orabka, Neal A Osler, Jan Marie Loc M FV FV FV Ostergaard, Mary M M M M M M M M M M Otalora, Jose D M Oughton, David C M M M Overby, Susan L FP Overkamp, Susan M M M M Owens, James L FV FV FV FV FV FV Owens, Joseph E M M Ozersky, Amanda A FP Paddock, Grace E M M M Paden, Stanley D FP FP FP FP Paez, V SuzAnne M FV M M Pagano, Kathryn Ann FV Pagano, William M FP M FV FV FP FP Page, Diane Arneze FP Pallarito, Richard J FP FP Pancella, Peter E M Paradise, Michael J FP FP Parashak, Sharyl T M M M 02/17/05 Course Number ENG053650 Substitute FACORIENT SOC100501 IS 137601 CSTL WORD IS 209650 IS 125650 IS 150650 IS 1246LA IS 136651 CSTL PGM IS 123651 SPA103W50 Honors PHL101S50 PHL103W50 BUS701440 PE 165650 PE SUB WKSP RDG021502 RDG021505 RDG030511 RDG031511 RDG020502 RDG020505 ART111603 ART109605 PE 181182 WKSP STIPEND MTH030S50 MTH030416 ENG062401 MALLTUTOR MTH020439 WKSP CERTIFPGM PE 171602 Substitute Substitute AHCE FPCE CTCADJMCE CCPR ADJ CCPR FV EMTPARADJ AHCE ADJ CCPR FPCE EMTPARADJ EMT121INS MUS132651 ADJORI ART209402 BLKBRDTRN PSY214SWA WKSP Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/5/2004 12/10/2004 1.00 10/24/2004 11/6/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/25/2004 9/22/2004 1.00 11/10/2004 12/15/2004 1.00 11/15/2004 12/16/2004 1.00 9/29/2004 11/3/2004 1.00 12/19/2004 12/25/2004 8/26/2004 9/23/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/4/2004 12/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/6/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.87 11/24/2004 12/18/2004 9/9/2004 12/18/2004 9/7/2004 12/20/2004 12/1/2004 12/23/2004 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 0.01 9/17/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.79 9/7/2004 12/20/2004 0.01 10/15/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.39 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 -39- Clock Hrs 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 117.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.50 8.50 0.50 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $1,869.12 $50.00 $100.00 $1,869.12 $828.96 $87.50 $2,486.88 $828.96 $828.96 $828.96 $828.96 $70.00 $828.96 $2,486.88 $72.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $198.00 $830.08 $44.00 $50.00 $928.96 $928.96 $2,786.88 $928.96 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $737.92 $50.00 $25.00 $2,486.88 $1,869.12 $2,148.00 $3,049.02 $1,869.12 $50.00 $200.00 $691.80 $22.00 $287.50 $229.50 $6.93 $6.93 $108.00 $434.89 $6.93 $108.00 $213.29 $1,385.20 $1,106.88 $50.00 $2,490.24 $25.00 $2,486.88 $75.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Paris, Wayne R Loc FV FV Parker, Jennifer A M Parks, Heather A M M M Pashos, Leo C FP FP FP Patton, Christine M FV Patton, Michael F M M M Pauley, Mark M M M M Pautler, Sheryl A M Pedersen, Timothy W FV FV FV Peeples, Lance C FP Pemberton, Sharon A FP FP FP FV Pence, Jerald K M Peplow, Matthew C FV FV FV Perrin, Nancy G FP Perrin, Sherry Ann FP FP Perry, John H FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Perry, Talya Renee FP FP FP Peters, George J FV Pfaus, Diane B FV Phillips, Roxanne M FV FV Phillips, Sheila H FP Pietroburgo, Jill R FV Pike, Martin J M Pikey, Carol A FV FP FV Pilla, Michael A FV FV Pine, Darren W M M 02/17/05 Course Number MTH020505 BIO207580 NUR 108 ENG101601 ENG030S50 WKSP PE 130430 PE 130431 PE 130432 CFT713551 WKSP BLKBRDTRN ECO152602 ART107601 ART108650 ART107651 IRT138650 FACORIENT MTH040550 MTH108552 EMTPARADJ MTH108402 MTH020415 MTH020404 CMP702500 HRT104650 PE 130580 PE 130581 PE 130552 DANC FPCE Substitute RTH240401 Substitute HRM133450 FOOD FPCE ADJORI HRM116403 HRM116H50 HRM116401 HRM116450 HRM116421 HRM116404 HRM116402 MUS114495 MUS115401 MUS121401 MTH16A552 CPR702551 FACORIENT ART115501 ENG765H50 FAMKIDSFV HD SOCMEN CCPR FV EMTPARADJ CCPR ADJ ACC211580 ACC124580 ENG101S80 THT101W01 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 13.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 11/3/2004 12/23/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.18 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/11/2004 12/4/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 9/10/2004 11/30/2004 11/24/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 12/5/2004 12/20/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 10/15/2004 1.00 11/20/2004 12/20/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/11/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/11/2004 1.00 10/18/2004 12/19/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/15/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/11/2004 1.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/9/2004 12/23/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/28/2004 12/15/2004 9/25/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 3.00 8/26/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 3.10 8/26/2004 12/16/2004 0.09 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -40- Clock Hrs 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 18.00 54.00 2.50 40.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 60.00 5.00 20.25 Amount Paid $2,486.88 $3,589.40 $5,395.52 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $769.92 $737.92 $737.92 $168.00 $75.00 $25.00 $2,486.88 $2,476.16 $2,476.16 $2,476.16 $554.08 $100.00 $3,115.20 $1,869.12 $96.95 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $594.00 $2,384.31 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $972.00 $62.50 $276.72 $1,000.00 $2,013.75 $63.00 $50.00 $716.00 $716.00 $716.00 $716.00 $716.00 $716.00 $716.00 $1,869.12 $1,246.08 $1,246.08 $3,715.84 $58.00 $100.00 $2,490.24 $1,500.00 $165.00 $1,106.88 $587.25 $1,717.40 $48.48 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Pisoni, John C Loc M M M Pitchford, Duane C FP FP FP FP FP FP Pitchford, Stanley L FP FP FP FP FP Pittman, Dwight D M M M Platt, Stephen Ernest M Ploof, Jerry J FV Pokorny, Steven J FP FP Pollock, Jerry Steven M M Pon, Roger M M Porter, John P M M M Porter, Joseph Paul M M M Porter, Patrick A FV Potter, Allen Scott FP FP FP Prange, Michael J FV Pratte, Cheryl D FV Prewitt, Amy H FV FV FV Price, Renee W FV FV Prifti, Norma J FP FP FP Puglisi, Michael J M M Quinn, Kelly C FV M FP Quinn, Margaret A M M M Quirk, Thomas M M Rabushka, Sol FP FP Radcliff, David W FP Rader, Jacqueline M FV FV Radin, Gary J M M 02/17/05 Course Number ENG060602 ENG062650 Substitute IS 164426 Substitute ADJORI IS 102401 IS 1024AA IS 119466 MTH030409 MTH108403 Substitute MTH030423 ADJORI MUS128601 MUS128602 MUS128S50 ACC114W50 COMP701550 Substitute Substitute BUS104W01 WKSP WKSP IS 229650 ART108602 ART107607 ART107602 PHL102603 PHL102601 PHL101602 EGR133550 ADJORI MTH030455 MTH030456 CPR702575 DNC720550 ENG032553 ENG032554 FACORIENT PHL103502 PHL103501 DHY 126 DHY 121 DHY 222 WKSP MUS128W01 MUSC710FV MUS128S01 MUS113450 IS 123602 IS 123604 IS 205650 REL102650 HUM101401 HUM101450 MOTR FPCE ENG030553 ENG030554 WKSP ART506650 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/1/2004 12/18/2004 10/27/2004 12/15/2004 1.00 9/28/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 9/13/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/7/2004 11/6/2004 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.34 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/13/2004 12/23/2004 9/10/2004 11/24/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/11/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/23/2004 1.00 9/20/2004 10/28/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/17/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 -41- Clock Hrs 8.00 4.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 29.00 24.00 1.00 Amount Paid $5,573.76 $2,786.88 $176.00 $928.96 $88.00 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,476.16 $928.96 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $175.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $396.00 $25.00 $44.00 $2,486.88 $75.00 $50.00 $2,486.88 $1,907.84 $1,907.84 $1,907.84 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $1,457.92 $50.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $132.00 $216.00 $1,432.00 $1,432.00 $100.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,907.84 $1,430.88 $1,907.84 $75.00 $1,869.12 $609.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $554.08 $554.08 $2,216.32 $2,148.00 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $300.00 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $75.00 $2,861.76 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Loc Raftery, Daniel Michael M Ragsdale, Janis Marilil M M Rahm, Robert A M M M M M Railey, Mary P FP Ralphs, Laura C FP FP FP FP Randell, Leona S FV FV FV FV Ranney, Mary-Kay R M M M Ratino, Kathlyn S M Ray, Jaron R FP FP FP FP Reason, Trudy Lynn FP Reaves, Florence A FV M Redman, Oral Lee M Reed, Barbara Ann FP Reese, Myron C M Reid, Christopher C FP Reid, Sharon R FV FV Reigstad, John Rolf M Reilly, Cynthia A M M M Reis, Kevin Joseph FP Remmy, Patricia R FV FV Repke, Judith A FP FP Reynolds, Roger W FV FV FV Rice, Tracy L M Richards, Mary Bryce FV FV Richardson, Andrea Ni FP Richenburg, Peter W M Richert, David L M M M Richmond, Janice E M M Rick-Grigorescu, Mary FV FV FP 02/17/05 Course Number ARC223650 PSY125S01 PSY125S02 Substitute MTH020S05 MTH020S04 WKSP MTH020S03 IS 103422 DA 143 DA 161 DA 164 DA 165 Substitute ENG062501 ENG051501 ENG053501 Substitute WELLCOORD AQUACOORD COM101W51 MTH020438 MTH030417 MTH020412 Substitute GED701480 MUS103551 MUS114W20 HRT201650 ART722420 CHM106650 SPA101451 ENG0215LA ENG0205LA PHL103S01 Substitute PE 122602 PE 130 EMTPARADJ RDG031550 RDG030550 ADJORI EDU102450 FACORIENT ACC110552 ACC110550 MTH030650 Substitute ART100502 PEDU FPCE ART107650 ACC SUB WKSP ACC100652 LGL106670 LGL106641 CCPR FV CPR723550 CCPR HEC Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 8/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 1.87 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 4.31 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 7.12 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 1.25 10/22/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/9/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 12/19/2004 2.72 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/25/2004 12/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 9/20/2004 11/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.20 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/26/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/14/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.44 8/26/2004 10/17/2004 3.00 10/21/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/6/2004 12/23/2004 9/6/2004 9/8/2004 9/15/2004 12/15/2004 -42- Clock Hrs 22.00 1.00 18.00 48.00 49.50 48.00 9.00 5.00 48.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.50 40.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 Amount Paid $2,148.00 $1,171.32 $1,171.32 $550.00 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $50.00 $1,662.24 $2,148.00 $894.30 $2,056.89 $3,398.34 $596.20 $450.00 $864.00 $1,728.00 $1,080.00 $198.00 $2,905.28 $1,660.16 $1,869.12 $1,506.41 $1,662.24 $1,610.30 $125.00 $1,008.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $1,346.08 $336.00 $4,951.36 $3,315.84 $623.04 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $22.00 $737.92 $368.96 $110.80 $716.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $100.00 $3,715.84 $3,715.84 $2,486.88 $387.50 $2,148.00 $840.00 $1,907.84 $75.00 $50.00 $1,745.26 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $132.00 $66.00 $66.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Riedisser, Janice M Loc FP FP Riess, John F M M M M M Ring, Phyllis A FP FP Risch, Jeffrey M FV FV FV Risch, Judith A FV FV FV Risch, Justin C FP FP Rizos, Matthew E M Robben, Keith Bernard M M M M Robbins, Andrew Perry FP FP Robinson, James P FV FV FV Robinson, Lyle F M Robinson, Rodney B FP FP FP Robinson, Rose Marie FV Rodgers, Heather J M M Roffle, Angela H FP FP FP Rogers, Larry P FP Rogers, Michael R M Rollins, Joseph L M M Romeo, John E FP Ronecker, John E M Rooney, Patricia Ann M M Rose, Catherine C FV Rosen, Judy M Rosen, Steven R M Rosener, Russell John FV FV FV Ross, James W FV FV Ross, Johnathan Lorin FP Ross, Linda N FP FP Ross, Patricia J FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number EMTPARADJ EMT121PRI MTH020W07 PSI111S50 PSI111W50 WKSP Substitute DHY 120 DHY 222 BUS201550 ECO1405LA BUS103550 BUS103501 ECO140503 ECO151503 MTH020457 MTH020455 ART542650 Substitute COM101636 COM101610 COM101616 ART131402 ART131401 ENG101555 FACORIENT ENG101554 ENG1026WG ADJORI PSY205401 PSY205450 GEAR UP WKSP ENG101629 HMS100450 ECE126450 ECE205401 EMTPARADJ ASSTWREST AT 5896IA ART543601 EMTPARADJ WKSP ART100601 ART100603 DCS1155LA PE 181W01 ACC110S50 ART505501 Substitute ART275580 ART133503 Substitute COM745433 COM101452 COM101453 ECE125H50 CPR725H55 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.37 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/30/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.06 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 11.69 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 10/1/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/25/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 2.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.67 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/12/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.62 10/10/2004 12/17/2004 11/13/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/7/2004 12/21/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 11/30/2004 -43- Clock Hrs 1.00 7.00 7.50 1.00 1.00 41.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 9.00 6.00 34.00 Amount Paid $204.98 $2,631.88 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $175.00 $1,895.80 $7,235.04 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $2,213.76 $187.50 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $2,786.88 $100.00 $2,786.88 $1,662.24 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $954.50 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,296.36 $737.92 $144.00 $2,213.76 $371.18 $50.00 $3,738.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $703.33 $2,492.16 $3,714.24 $125.00 $3,714.24 $2,075.40 $225.00 $162.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,122.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Roth, Jann M Loc M M Rothermich, Jerry C FP FP Rudloff, Christina L FV Rush, Nicholas A M Rush, Sarah B M M M Russell, Janine R FP Russell, Retannical D FV Ryan, Timothy J M M Sabharwal, Chander L M M M Sabharwal, Surinder K FP FP FP FP Saccavino, Alex V M M Saddler, Angel Y M Sago, Janis L M M Salomon, Mary Ann FP Salsman, Iris J FV Sanders, Crystal N FV Sanders, James H FV Sanders, John A FP FP Sanders, Jonathan H M M Sandmel, Barbara L FP Santo, Syl M M Saputo, Pauline A M M M Sarich, Mark D FP M Sarich, Mark D FP Sather, Lawrence C FV FV FV Saur, Stephanie Poe FV Sayer, Christof A FP FP FP FP Scalf, Cecil F FV FV FV Scanga, Diane M M Scanio, Dennis J FV Schacht, Laura MelissaFV Schaljo, Frederick FV FV Schaper, Frank C FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number WKSP SOC103601 MOTR FPCE RNGE AIDE PHT701550 PE 130 WKSP DCS509601 DCS509650 GEDU FPCE DNC718550 WKSP ACC208650 MTH140652 MTH170650 MTH160W50 MTH020414 MTH166450 MTH020406 MTH165499 THT101S01 WKSP ASST BKW ART165604 AT 279601 DMS206401 WMEN FV MTH020580 BUSN FV FIR210451 FIR210450 WKSP ENG101W52 FLR702420 IS 2346IA ART109601 ART105602 Substitute MUS128450 MUS114S01 MUS103401 FACORIENT ENG1025WD ENG1025WH REL10050H ADJORI AT 215450 ART115401 PrntMaking COM101501 COM101512 COM111501 CRJ123650 Substitute WMEN FV RDG020550 RDG021550 FIR204450 FIR204451 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 11/6/2004 10/2/2004 10/30/2004 9/23/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/26/2004 12/15/2004 9/9/2004 12/17/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/5/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.00 11/1/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/10/2004 11/30/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 12/4/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/12/2004 12/17/2004 11/1/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 -44- Clock Hrs 1.00 24.00 14.00 8.00 1.00 60.00 10.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 12.00 61.45 1.00 18.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 13.00 Amount Paid $75.00 $2,148.00 $300.00 $72.10 $216.00 $1,660.16 $50.00 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $1,380.00 $180.00 $50.00 $2,486.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $3,715.84 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $864.00 $2,148.00 $75.00 $1,475.84 $2,213.76 $2,213.76 $5,723.52 $348.00 $1,662.24 $1,874.95 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $450.00 $216.00 $3,714.17 $3,714.17 $110.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,492.16 $50.00 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $200.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,148.00 $200.00 $351.00 $2,148.00 $716.00 $1,342.52 $1,342.52 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Schene, Carrie L Schiff, Wendy J Loc FV M M Schmidt, Amy E FV Schmidt, Georgia L M M Schmieder, Linda K FP FP FP FP FP FP Schoen, Gary R M M Schoenfeld, Kathryn G FP Schopp, Carl R M Schopp, Kathleen M FP Schott, Christopher A M M Schrader, Diann J M M Schriner, Carolyn G FV Schultz, Robert G FV Schwartz, Larry S FV Schwartz, Oscar A FP Schweppe-Streiler, S FV Sciaroni, Cynthia L FP Scott, Sherry L FP Scott-Barnes, Verna M FP FP FP Scurlock, Eugene A FV FV FV Seaborn, Jeffrey W FP FP FP FP FP Seager, Mary V FV FV Seddon, Karla S FP Seeck, Deborah K FV Seger, Matthew Robert FP Segneri, Todd Joseph FP FP Self-Portwine, Susan M Serrano, Alice O M Seyer, Bradley Alan FP Shadburne, William L M Shahriary, Carol H FP Shankle, James M FP FP Sharma, Mayura A FP FP FP FP Sharpe, William W FV FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number KDS730505 PE 161S50 PE 161W50 ASTSOCCOA Substitute Guest Spk RTH247450 Substitute Substitute FD 102450 Substitute RTH120402 WKSP MTH160S50 EMTPARADJ IS 229651 PERD765FP ART133605 ART133650 MTH160S03 MTH160S02 KIDS706FV HST705550 BUS722500 MEDDIRECT CPR765551 FOOD FPCE BUSN HEC ACC100452 Substitute ACC110480 ACC100502 Track Assistant ACC100507 FOOD FPCE HRM119402 HRM119450 HRM129401 HRM119401 RDG020506 RDG021506 MALL DIT705500 EMTPARADJ ADJORI HRM110450 HMS205650 BIO113603 DHY 128 Substitute ADJORI EMT121TEL EMT121PRI MTH020434 Substitute MTH020401 MTH020408 COM101502 COM101504 COM101506 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 10/8/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/30/2004 12/18/2004 12/2/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 10/15/2004 1.00 9/14/2004 12/18/2004 9/14/2004 12/18/2004 10/18/2004 11/6/2004 0.13 11/9/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.39 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/8/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/25/2004 12/16/2004 9/23/2004 12/23/2004 10/2/2004 10/8/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 11/22/2004 12/23/2004 9/5/2004 10/15/2004 9/15/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/14/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/2/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.63 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 0.38 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 31.25 11/13/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.53 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/15/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 2.75 10/6/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 -45- Clock Hrs 1.50 8.00 3.00 21.00 8.00 1.50 1.00 12.50 11.00 10.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 33.00 1.00 12.00 4.50 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 Amount Paid $31.50 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $1,476.30 $176.00 $339.99 $415.04 $462.00 $200.00 $51.88 $37.50 $830.08 $50.00 $2,492.16 $767.29 $2,148.00 $262.50 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $2,492.16 $2,492.16 $253.00 $250.00 $132.00 $1,105.92 $50.00 $230.00 $891.00 $2,148.00 $25.00 $2,864.00 $1,869.12 $737.92 $1,869.12 $252.00 $1,163.50 $1,432.00 $1,432.00 $268.50 $2,786.88 $928.96 $12,970.00 $148.50 $290.85 $50.00 $3,816.28 $2,148.00 $2,486.88 $1,657.92 $66.00 $50.00 $1,662.24 $2,493.36 $1,523.72 $75.00 $1,592.98 $1,558.35 $1,830.18 $1,830.18 $1,830.18 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Shaw, Susan J Shea, John M Loc FV M M M Shea, Marion C M M M Shepek, Gary D FP FP FP FP Shepherd, Edward A FP Sheppard, Mark A M M Sheppard, Patricia M M M Sherry, Jerome Paul M FP Shiller, Alan H M M M Shiller, Casey Eric FP FP FP FP Shiwachi, Maki S FP M M Sholy, Carol S FV Shrinivas, Radha S FP FP FP Shrinivas, Sheela FP FP FP FP Shull, Mary J M M Siebel, John M Siebert, Stacy Mildred FP Silva, Michael R FP Silver, Susann S FP FP Silverberg, Jennifer FP Simler, Diana J M M M Simmons, Mary L FP Simpson, Roxanne R FV Simpson, Thomas E M Singer, Jonathan W FP M M M Singh, Kuldip M Singleterry, Ronald L FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number CMP742500 PHL101603 PHI101604 PHL101W01 PHL103W01 PHL103602 PHL103S50 MTH030405 MTH030403 Substitute MTH020422 MAINT FP ART109652 ART109W01 ART109606 WKSP ENG070650 ENG070402 COM101605 COM101608 COM107601 Substitute FOOD FPCE HRM123402 HRM217401 JPN103476 JPN103601 JPN104601 PSC204ALL MTH140402 MTH020413 MTH020431 ENG030413 ENG030403 ENG030406 ENG030411 WKSP IS 101601 ENG061650 EMTPARADJ AUT701499 NUR 102 ADJORI ART166450 ACC100W01 ACC100S01 WKSP NUR507ADJ COASOCCER PSI111650 REL100SUB WKSP Substitute REL100650 IS 251651 ENG101479 ENG020422 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 10/23/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/29/2004 11/5/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/3/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 9/23/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.29 9/5/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.09 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/6/2004 10/30/2004 0.56 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 9.64 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/9/2004 10/20/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -46- Clock Hrs 5.00 1.00 9.00 1.00 27.00 12.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 4.00 Amount Paid $165.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $25.00 $2,148.00 $765.00 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $594.00 $252.00 $2,013.75 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,148.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $50.00 $716.00 $1,869.12 $157.89 $115.00 $2,941.58 $50.00 $2,213.76 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $50.00 $311.63 $3,557.94 $1,869.12 $200.00 $50.00 $100.00 $2,864.00 $2,486.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Sippy, Jessica Lynn Loc M M M M Skinner, Lawrence J FV FV Slaughter, Anne H FP Smallwood, Michael B M Smejkal, Christopher H M M Smith, Allan D FP Smith, Alverta L FP Smith, Earnrolyn C FV FV Smith, Emily Christian M M Smith, Helena FP FP FP FP FP Smith, Herman W FV Smith, Leslie C FP Smith, Michael J FV Smith, Robert R FV FV FV Smith, Sandra T FP FP Smith, Scott Stephen M Smith, Stacia M FP Smith, Susan M M Smith-Buckingham, Mi FP FP Smugala, Brian A M Smugala, Joe M FP Sneed, Ralph J FV FV Snyder, Peggy L M M Sokol, Laurence J M M M Solar, Olajumoke O FV Solovic, George J FV Sonderman, Amy J FV FV FV FV Sotraidis, Sandra K M M M M M Spainhour, Bret L FV M FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number SOC101606 SOC101602 WKSP BLKBRDTRN ENG1025WG ENG1025W1 DHY 222 LGL211671 COM101620 COM101637 ART233401 NRS708405 LGL217580 LGL229580 ENG102SWE ENG1026WT BIO111401 BIO111402 BIO111411 BIO111402 Substitute PED107550 KDS701HEC CE 247580 BIO207552 BIO208580 BIO207551 MTH124450 MTH160C452 REL100671 EMTPARADJ PE 136601 ST 105401 ST 105402 ASST SOC Coaching PSY200551 PSY200550 BUS103601 BUS103650 ENG1026WU ENG1026WB ENG101601 PE 130555 WMEN FV Substitute MTH020531 MTH020532 MTH030525 Substitute COM101631 WKSP COM101633 Substitute JAZZ PERF MUS113S50 Speaker MUS113501 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 13.87 10/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/13/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/25/2004 12/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/18/2004 12/19/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.53 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 11/1/2004 12/23/2004 10/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/1/2004 12/19/2004 11/15/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/6/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -47- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 20.00 14.00 307.00 12.00 11.87 3.00 1.00 43.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $1,869.12 $2,492.16 $75.00 $25.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $7,672.32 $2,786.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,490.24 $540.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,697.76 $828.64 $834.88 $1,246.08 $308.00 $1,238.08 $7,675.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $4,022.40 $2,786.88 $1,869.12 $2,492.16 $2,492.16 $290.85 $737.92 $3,577.20 $2,384.80 $1,106.88 $2,213.76 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $737.92 $348.00 $296.75 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $75.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,075.00 $250.00 $2,486.88 $15.00 $2,486.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Loc Spearman, Augustine FP FP FP FP FP Speegle, Aletta D M M M M Spencer, Linda Susan M M M Spigel, Joel R FV FP Spihlman, Walter J M Sprinkle, Regina M FP Squillace, Joseph M M Stafford, Robert W M Stahl, Margaret Mary M Stamme, Paul Henry FP M Stanfield, Michael C FV Stanton, Tracey M M Star, Darcie Evon M Stdko, Joe R FV Stegeman, Elaine D FP Steier, John Joseph FV FV FV FV FV Steimle, Regina C FV FV Steinberg, Michael D FP Steiner, Frank A M Stephan Marino, A FV FV FV Stevenson, Joseph A FV FV Stewart, Katie D FV Stewart, Linda F FV FV Stieferman, Debra A FP FP Stikes, Charles E M M Stiles, Marsha Irene FV FV FV FV FV Stilwell, Ronald E M M M Stinchcomb, Bruce L FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number RDG030422 RDG016402 Substitute ADJORI RDG016422 WKSP MTH030680 MTH030651 MTH1656XB ENG101S07 WKSP ENG101S20 BUS706500 BUSSFPCE SOC126650 EMTPARADJ STIPEND HMS1026L1 CE 117601 NRSG ADJ PSC101480 PSC101S01 GEAR UP ECE101610 PED MSOCCOA EMTPARADJ ENG021512 ENG020512 ENG020508 FACORIENT ENG021508 ENG020514 ENG021514 MCM132461 ART275651 DIT106501 FACORIENT DIT205501 BIO111552 BIO111553 NRS777550 ENG030552 ENG030551 Substitute MCM201499 SOC101601 WKSP CTL LGL2285LA BLW102502 BLW101501 FACORIENT MUS114602 Honors MUS114604 GEO101502 GEO111501 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/19/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/13/2004 12/23/2004 11/17/2004 12/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.32 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 11/10/2004 12/23/2004 0.03 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/25/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 11.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.19 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.97 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.97 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.40 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/12/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 11/20/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 10/2/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 -48- Clock Hrs 9.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 12.25 1.00 1.00 3.25 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $1,662.24 $1,108.16 $225.00 $50.00 $1,107.82 $50.00 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $1,869.12 $50.00 $1,869.12 $132.00 $132.00 $2,148.00 $178.67 $25.00 $2,148.00 $3,715.84 $13.85 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $281.75 $1,245.68 $1,660.16 $4,565.44 $102.49 $603.57 $1,810.71 $1,810.71 $100.00 $603.57 $1,662.24 $554.08 $1,869.12 $3,317.76 $249.20 $100.00 $249.20 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $87.75 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $75.00 $864.00 $4,144.80 $25.00 $400.00 $1,432.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $100.00 $3,715.84 $72.00 $4,644.80 $1,857.92 $1,857.92 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Stocker, Christine R Loc M M Stoll, Sam L M M Stone, Ryan Patrick M M M M M Stopke, Steven D FV FV Storer, Christopher M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Stover, Karl S FV Strand, Stephanie S M Stream, Jo A FP Strothkamp, Pamela K FP Stucco, Guido G FP Stuhlsatz-Krouper, S FP FP Suess, Patricia A FV FV FV Suess, Yvonne C FP Sullivan, Katherine Jo FV Sullivan, Kathleen Ann M M Sullivan, Michael J FP FP FP Summers, Brian S FP Summers, Sheryl H FP Surber, Judith A FP FP Surinsky, Wendy J FP FP Sutton, Emerson M FP Svrakic, Ljiljana L FP Sweetman, Leah M M M Swiener, Rita R M M M M M Swoboda, Michael E M M M FP Taborn, Eleanor Carol FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number ART167651 AT 2806IA MTH140650 MTH185650 WKSP ENG030650 ENG030S01 ENG102SWF ENG030S20 FACORIENT PHL103551 BIO207LAB BIO208LAB BIO207508 BIO207LAB FACORIENT Substitute BIO122501 BIO122503 BIO208551 ART207501 BIO203650 ILC 4AA ENG101455 PHL701420 ADJORI BIO111495 MTH140523 Substitute FACORIENT TRP FPCE SGN725585 PHL102650 PHL102605 BUS104401 BUS104403 MKT203451 EMTPARADJ PEDUFPCE CLT201401 CLT106401 COM101406 MALL WKSP REL205H50 FLS701420 WKSP SOC101SWA WKSP PSY200S20 PSY208W50 Substitute PSY200W51 AT 5896IA AT 277601 AT 108680 ART135401 ADJORI RDG030414 Substitute Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/4/2004 12/18/2004 11/15/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 11/15/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.00 11/14/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 10/30/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/4/2004 12/10/2004 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 1.74 9/10/2004 12/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 10/14/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 11/15/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 -49- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.00 10.00 1.00 10.50 1.00 4.50 1.00 15.00 1.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Amount Paid $2,861.76 $216.00 $2,486.88 $4,144.80 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,148.00 $736.92 $736.92 $1,662.24 $736.92 $100.00 $500.00 $831.12 $831.12 $1,662.24 $1,660.16 $2,697.76 $6,635.52 $1,662.24 $250.00 $50.00 $2,697.76 $2,148.00 $262.50 $100.00 $81.00 $100.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $963.96 $315.00 $2,384.80 $1,430.88 $8,592.00 $1,907.84 $75.00 $2,148.00 $400.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $200.00 $2,786.88 $216.00 $2,213.76 $2,213.76 $1,475.84 $50.00 $2,486.88 $75.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Taborn, Tyrone A Loc FP FP FP Tackette, Roger D M M M M Taggart, Andrew J FP FP Tamboli, Dawn R M Tarbouni, Younasse T FV FV FP Taylor, Jennifer Lynn M M M Taylor, Karen Marie FV Teipen, John A M Terhune, Robert H M M M Tesker, Kathleen T FV Tharenos, Anthony M M M M Thebeau, Lydia Gayle FP FP Thibodeaux, Scott C M M Thoele, Mary A M M Thoma, Glenn E M Thomas, Elizabeth M FP FP Thomas, Frances J FV FV FV Thomas, Preston R FP Thomas, Tricia L FV Thomas-Woods, ReneeFP FP Thompson, Donald E FV FV FV Thompson, Marcia L FV FV FV FV FV Thompson, Pearl C FV Thouvenot, Suzette M FP Tippett, Royce Crosby FP FP FP FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number BLW101401 BUS104406 Substitute THT101603 THT101604 THT101602 THT101601 ENG1024WP ENG1024WV ECE101611 Referee Referee ENG060450 MTH140S50 MTH030S51 WKSP CPR726550 AVI155650 IS 125602 WKSP IS 103W02 COMP FV ART135601 ART135602 ART135603 ADJORI BIO203450 AT 101650 WKSP BIO203603 BIO203604 PE 165W01 RTH247450 RTH250450 HMS203550 HMS204550 HMS20550P Coaching CPR708550 ENG030415 ENG030480 FACORIENT MTH030551 MTH140555 MTH030507 MTH030510 FACORIENT Substitute MTH030518 FSHN700FV FSHN FPCE Coaching COL100401 PE 130408 PE 130409 PE 180401 Substitute Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.20 9/11/2004 10/30/2004 10/1/2004 10/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 12/9/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/4/2004 12/13/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.66 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/15/2004 1.00 10/26/2004 12/17/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.20 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/4/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/22/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/11/2004 10/23/2004 9/20/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 4.50 10/18/2004 12/18/2004 -50- Clock Hrs 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 43.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 18.00 40.00 3.00 Amount Paid $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $100.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $859.19 $50.00 $120.00 $3,738.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $54.00 $1,869.12 $1,432.00 $75.00 $2,148.00 $1,419.00 $1,907.84 $1,907.84 $1,907.84 $50.00 $3,862.96 $3,317.76 $75.00 $2,697.76 $2,697.76 $737.92 $415.04 $415.04 $1,300.56 $1,114.76 $2,786.88 $1,907.84 $54.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $100.00 $50.00 $2,786.88 $324.00 $720.00 $1,106.88 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $1,660.32 $66.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Tobin, Deborah D Loc FV FV FV M M Touchette, Nancy J FV Touma, Jennifer FP FV FP Townsend, David Allen M Townsend, Richard H FV FV Traubitz, Arnold M M M Trenholm, Robert M FP FP Tretter, Gina Gillardi FV FV FV Tricamo, Sandra Ann FV FV Trombley, Allison M FP Trost, Sean P FV Trower, Jason P FP True, James E FV FV FV Truong, Quang Minh FV FV FV Tucciarone, Krista M M M M Tucek, Linda A M M M M Turner, Mitchell M FP FP FP FP FP Tylka, Karen S M Tyrey, Rachel E FV Tyus, Vera R FV FV Ubriaco, Robert D FV Uhles, Mathew L FP FP Uhls, Corie Leigh FP Ullery, Leona M FP FP Ulrich, Virginia FP Underwood, Kevin D FP Unverferth, Donna M FP FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number BIO111550 BIO111550LAB BIO111551 BIO111612 Substitute ENG101530 BUS753H50 BUS739500 BUSS HEC REL100670 JPN100550 JPN103550 Substitute WKSP ENG102SWD ST 108401 ST 104401 DIT107501 DIT106501 FACORIENT FACORIENT PE 181550 ENG030461 MUS705550 SID MKT203501 BUS104503 BUS104504 MTH160B50P MTH030580 MTH160B580 Substitute WKSP COM101624 COM101630 MTH160B602 Substitute WKSP MTH030615 SITVISITS FOOD FPCE HRM212450 HRM131401 HRM212401 Workshop PEDU729FV RDG020551 RDG021551 HST101550 RTH246450 RTH249540 NUR 201 ADJORI MTH160C451 DANC FPCE RNGE AIDE Substitute MALLTUTOR MTH020424 MTH020429 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 11/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/24/2004 11/20/2004 9/6/2004 9/8/2004 8/24/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 10/17/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/15/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.60 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.80 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/16/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/1/2004 12/19/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/4/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/15/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/15/2004 11/19/2004 9/11/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/15/2004 1.00 10/26/2004 12/17/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 15.50 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/10/2004 11/30/2004 9/11/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -51- Clock Hrs 2.00 15.00 4.00 45.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.00 3.00 1.00 4.50 1.00 5.00 1.00 62.00 1.00 12.00 84.00 3.50 162.50 Amount Paid $1,869.12 $828.64 $1,869.12 $2,697.76 $50.00 $1,869.12 $465.00 $124.00 $1,395.00 $2,492.16 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $75.00 $50.00 $1,869.12 $622.56 $1,245.12 $996.88 $498.44 $100.00 $100.00 $737.92 $1,869.12 $432.00 $1,660.32 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,492.94 $1,869.12 $2,492.16 $75.00 $50.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,492.16 $112.50 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,246.08 $105.00 $1,869.12 $623.04 $1,869.12 $430.80 $1,116.00 $2,486.88 $828.96 $2,786.88 $552.96 $552.96 $6,433.12 $50.00 $3,315.84 $216.00 $432.60 $87.50 $3,768.38 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Usher, Ellen N Loc FP FP Vallely, John Anthony FV FV Valter, Bella V M M Van Dyke, Karen A FP FP Van Herreweghe, Chris FP FP FP Van Hoogstraat, Willia M M M VanDaele, Thomas L M M Vaninger, Stanley F M Vanover, Thomas B FV FV FV FV FV Vanschaik, Thomas FV Vareedayah, Mariadha FP FP FP Vavere, Atis FV FV FV Venegoni, Charles L FP Vermani, Satyendra K FV Vernon, Ena A M M Villalobos, Carol A FV Vinson, Annette L FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Vinson, Nannette L FP FP Volpe, Vincent Thomas M Voorhees, Heather L M Vroman, Paul J FV FV FV Vroman, Paul J FV Waggoner, Robert J M Walentik, David S M M M Walker, Augustus B M Walker, Carmel M M M M Wallace, Albert L FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number ENG020451 ENG020480 FACORIENT MTH14050P PE 126601 PE 126602 IS 151402 IS 102403 IS 103407 IS 103452 ADJORI ART2396IA ART138602 ART239601 WKSP BUS104S01 IS 112650 FACORIENT ENG020502 ENG021502 ENG020503 ENG021503 FOOD760FV ENG070451 ENG070403 Substitute FACORIENT MTH020520 CHM101551 EMTPARADJ EE 132550 BIO111S02 BIO111S50 SPA102550 RDG030509 FACORIENT RDG031509 RDG031502 RDG031506 RDG031507 RDG031501 COM101400 MALL BLW101S50 MTH020651 MTH030581 MTH030553 MTH030552 Substitute MUS133650 ECO151S50 ECO151601 ECO152603 SOC101603 COM101W01 COM101W03 COM101617 WKSP PE 145550 PE 137550 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/13/2004 10/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.10 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.16 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/4/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 -52- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.80 17.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $100.00 $1,246.47 $830.08 $830.08 $3,715.84 $2,786.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $50.00 $216.00 $2,211.84 $3,317.76 $75.00 $2,786.88 $2,148.00 $100.00 $1,869.12 $623.04 $1,869.12 $623.04 $110.40 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $425.00 $100.00 $2,786.88 $4,951.36 $55.40 $4,796.37 $4,022.40 $4,022.40 $2,492.16 $1,869.12 $100.00 $623.04 $623.04 $623.04 $623.04 $623.04 $6,648.96 $737.92 $2,786.88 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $25.00 $1,245.12 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $50.00 $737.92 $737.92 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Wallace, Marsha E Loc FP FP Wallhaus, Jay L FP Walston, Craig H M Walter, Michele C FV FV FV Walters, Jadine W FP Walters, James R M M Walton, Timothy Paul M M M Wamsley, David M M M M Wankowski, Ann M FP FP Ward, Kevin W M M Ward, Wynn B FV Ware, Keith FV FV FV Ware, Regina Jane FP FP Warner, Kathlene R FV Warren, Angelique N FP FP FP Washington, Loretta FV Watson, Carole FP Watt, Darren W FV Watts-Dreyer, Rosema FP Wayne-Moten, Jacque FP FP FP Wead, Rodney S FP FP Weakley, Riahna C M M Weatherholt, Heather L M M M Weathers, Robert D M M M M Weber, Edward V FP Wedle, Patricia A FV Wegener, Delano P M M M M Wehrle, Dan J M M Weindel, Kenneth J FP Weinstein, Debra H FP Weintraub, Margaret M M 02/17/05 Course Number MTH020460 MTH020453 Rnge Aide PE 159601 FRE101501 FRE2015IA FACORIENT CPR725H56 ACC110641 ACC100651 NUR 108 Substitute WKSP GEG100W01 GEG101650 GEG103603 IS 508466 IS 509466 AT 1446IA AT 143680 HST705551 ENG1025WR ENG1025WT FACORIENT RDG030462 ADJORI DIET FV ECE202480 ECO101H50 ECE101H50 PRDTHTRFV ESL TUTOR MTH020553 PERD FPCE ADJORI ILC 4BA IS 102450 SOC101450 SOC101407 SPA203650 SPA103S50 IS 156680 IS 118651 WKSP LGL223650 WKSP LGL220650 LGL216670 COMP FPCE Counselor MTH140S01 MTH140S02 MTH020S21 Substitute IS2386IA IS 103651 Librarian PHOT FPCE ART251602 Substitute Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/10/2004 11/10/2004 8/23/2004 10/15/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/1/2004 12/5/2004 10/19/2004 12/19/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 13.00 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/25/2004 10/13/2004 1.00 10/27/2004 12/15/2004 1.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 11/10/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/23/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/30/2004 0.75 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 9/21/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 11/30/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/13/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 11/4/2004 12/2/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/16/2004 9/30/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/7/2004 10/21/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 10/17/2004 3.00 11/19/2004 12/15/2004 10/1/2004 12/22/2004 0.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/22/2004 6.48 9/10/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 12/2/2004 12/18/2004 -53- Clock Hrs 14.00 64.00 1.00 75.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 51.00 7.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 10.00 1.00 16.00 6.00 Amount Paid $1,662.24 $1,662.24 $72.10 $830.08 $3,715.84 $1,152.00 $100.00 $2,475.00 $3,715.84 $2,786.88 $5,395.52 $88.00 $75.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $716.00 $716.00 $216.00 $2,213.76 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $100.00 $1,869.12 $50.00 $1,683.00 $1,869.12 $467.28 $1,401.84 $161.00 $2,903.04 $1,662.24 $432.00 $50.00 $1,658.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $2,486.88 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $623.04 $623.04 $75.00 $828.96 $75.00 $828.96 $2,486.88 $198.00 $621.90 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $250.00 $216.00 $1,869.12 $6,022.38 $336.00 $2,861.76 $150.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Weintrop, Jeff A Weiss, Denise Weiss, Jill Marie Welch, Geraldine F Welch, Tonna Marie Welling, James F Weltscheff, William K Werdes, M J Werner, Terry F Wertin, Andrew J Wessels, Gerard J Weston, Patricia L Weusthoff, Carole J White, Amy E White, Joyce A Whiteside, Ken White-Williams, Chant Whobrey, Edith F Wieckhorst, Kathryn N Wiese, Ronald W Wigginton, Sheridan L Wild, Gerald A Wiley, Kimberly R Wilke, Debra J Wilke-Grimm, Briget A Wilkins, Beverly W Willard, Gina Marie Willard, Polly S Willers, William C Williams, Clovis E Williams, Daniel R Williams, Daron Kali Williams, Kay J 02/17/05 Loc FP M M M M FV FP FV FP FV FV FV M M FP FP M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FP FV FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV FV FP Course Number ME 105450 EDU102S50 WKSP HDSOFTBAL ECO140604 CPR701550 CCPR FPCE PRD741550 DHY 222 MTH020552 MTH020506 MTH020524 BIO111S04 BIO111S05 Substitute BIC202450 AT 135650 Substitute ART2416IA AT 1006IA CRFT765FV BIO003501 BIO111501 BIO111505 BIO111506 BIO111510 PSI115650 BIO207502 PSI115552 BIO111515 ENG020505 ENG021511 ENG020511 ENG021505 COM101552 ENG101517 ENG101528 ACC110504 ACC110503 Honors FACORIENT ACC110504 ClinDirector CE 235550 SPA101450 PDU766550 COMP HEC ECO152S50 MTH020459 ADJORI RDG100421 ART165451 PHOLABMGR ART101401 ECO140650 Substitute EE 51850B EE 101501 OFFCAMCOR AHC768401 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 10/9/2004 11/10/2004 12/15/2004 9/23/2004 10/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 11.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.69 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.69 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 11/18/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/30/2004 12/18/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.97 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.91 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 11/13/2004 11.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/16/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.37 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 12/17/2004 11/9/2004 12/9/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 9/15/2004 12/23/2004 10/22/2004 11/20/2004 -54- Clock Hrs 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 13.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 22.50 42.72 170.25 6.50 Amount Paid $2,148.00 $2,786.88 $50.00 $1,106.88 $2,486.88 $66.00 $66.00 $135.00 $7,118.96 $1,674.42 $1,674.42 $1,869.12 $4,022.40 $4,022.40 $286.00 $1,869.12 $2,213.76 $264.00 $216.00 $72.00 $54.00 $554.08 $736.92 $736.92 $736.92 $736.92 $1,108.16 $736.92 $1,246.08 $736.92 $1,869.12 $603.57 $1,810.71 $623.04 $2,786.88 $1,627.61 $1,662.24 $1,432.00 $2,864.00 $144.00 $100.00 $1,432.00 $4,150.80 $2,148.00 $2,492.16 $230.00 $54.00 $2,786.88 $1,662.24 $50.00 $3,135.24 $2,490.24 $2,490.24 $2,786.88 $1,869.12 $562.50 $1,432.00 $1,855.76 $2,383.50 $188.50 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Williams, Kenneth W Williams, Meriam E Williams, Robin Lin Williams, Stephanie M Williams, Terril K Willingham, Shannon Willis, Ann A Willis, Dahna Raye Willman, Timothy S Willmore, Melissa L Wills, Freddie E Wilson, Antonina Wilson, Crystal J Wilson, Donald W Wilson, Jimmy D Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Susan J Winfield, Leroy Wisler, Marilyn K Woerther, Michael E Wohl, Allison Wood, Pamela Renee Woodson, Dallas Neil Woolem, Donald L Worley, Kenneth R Wright, Allyson W Wright, Doris J Wu, Cheng-Shih 02/17/05 Loc FP FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP M M FV M FP M FP M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FV FV FV FP FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FP M M M M FP M FP FP FP FP FV FP M FP Course Number Coaching DCS104552 SIGN 725585 DHY 221 DHY 222 BIO207551 BIO207552LAB BIO1115L1 BIO111508 PE 139401 PE 137401 EMTPARADJ Librarian ECE101608 Librarian Honors PHL101450 PHL1046WA PHL1044WA COM101652 DCS104502 SIGN 725585 Substitute PE 130451 PE 122123 PE 130427 PE 130462 PE 122462 DNC746500 PE 130407 ENG032518 ENG032508 FACORIENT MOTR FPCE ANT103ALL SOC101550 MCM126601 MCM131W50 WKSP MCM131602 Coaching MTH140452 MTH140450 MTH140480 WKSP ACC114651 WKSP MTH030614 HST137450 ART109651 EMTPARADJ ADJORI ART100401 ART100450 ART100550 COM101425 Substitute ART111450 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 10/18/2004 11/6/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 0.80 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.80 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.83 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.84 10/18/2004 11/6/2004 9/27/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 11/4/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/17/2004 11/30/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 3.91 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 -55- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 24.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Amount Paid $2,029.28 $2,770.40 $50.00 $1,167.30 $3,112.80 $736.92 $552.69 $736.92 $736.92 $737.92 $737.92 $443.20 $1,246.40 $3,436.80 $514.14 $72.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $2,683.83 $50.00 $125.00 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $18.00 $737.92 $1,657.92 $1,657.92 $100.00 $300.00 $1,869.12 $2,492.16 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $50.00 $2,148.00 $1,752.56 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $50.00 $2,148.00 $75.00 $1,662.24 $1,869.12 $2,490.24 $2,163.37 $50.00 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $2,786.88 $1,869.12 $100.00 $2,490.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Wulfert, Rodney O Loc M M M M Wylie, Carolyn E FP FP Yancey, Amanda Ann FP Yancie, Monroe L FP Yates, Pamyla Ann FP FP Young, Dawn M FP FP Young, Emily Joy FP Young, Marilyn F FV FV FV Youngblood, Stanley FV FV Zebroski, Sheryline A FP FP FP FP Zemen, Diane L M M M Zimmerman, Steven A FV FV FV FV Zirngibl, James L M M 02/17/05 Course Number MTH030S20 WKSP MTH030S03 MTH030S04 DHY 221 DHY 222 COMP FPCE EMT121ADJ ENG201450 MALL BIO111451 BIO111450 DANC FPCE MTH020514 MTH030516 MTH030511 ART727550 ART727550 ADJORI SOC101405 SOC101402 SOC101404 MTH140S51 WKSP MTH160S52 PE 130521 PE 130582 PE 129501 PE 130519 WKSP BUS104650 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.50 11/5/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.10 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 9/13/2004 11/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.94 9/6/2004 9/8/2004 9/14/2004 12/23/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -56- Clock Hrs 1.00 6.00 10.00 12.00 30.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $1,869.12 $50.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,658.88 $1,935.36 $174.00 $55.40 $1,246.08 $622.56 $736.92 $736.92 $180.00 $2,103.25 $2,103.25 $2,103.25 $252.00 $630.00 $50.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $2,486.88 $50.00 $3,315.84 $737.92 $737.92 $1,106.88 $737.92 $50.00 $2,148.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Adamecz, Gustav Ahrens, J Markus Albrecht, Randall L Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Angert, Joseph C Anthes, Richard M Appelbaum, Susan S Armstrong, Richard D Arpadi, Allen G Ashcroft, John R Baldwin, Robert O Ballard, Kelly K Barrett, Barbara Jean Bayer, John G Beal, David W Beard, Otis C Becker, Kathleen Sue Bee, Bethabra Behrend, Reynold C Belt, Donda D Berger, Carol A Bergjans, Dorrine C Berne, Richard R Betzler, Daniel J 02/17/05 Loc FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FV FV FP FV FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M FP FV FP M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Course Number Substitute IT 504466 ACC2046LA PE 111601 PE 129601 IT 502426 IT 511466 TECH UNIT DMS205401 DMS107401 COMPUTLAB AT 280498 IS 251450 AUT259426 Substitute Substitute AUT258426 HRM128402 Substitute HRM128450 MTH144501 MTH240551 MCM201498 ME 151501 PSY2004TQ PSY2004T1 PSY2084LA PSY2084T1 MTH020607 MTH020601 SemNewFac Substitute MKT203602 Honors HUM204601 HUM204601 EGR141461 RDG020501 NUR 205 IRT1406LA IRT1216LA ART211601 ART2106IA ECE203501 COL100COR HUM 503 HUM110502 CMP715500 IS 126466 PSY200510 PSY200504 PSY2005T1 THT104501 DCS110551 DCS211501 THT108501 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 11/13/2004 12/18/2004 10/19/2004 12/19/2004 4.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/30/2004 2.00 8/24/2004 10/28/2004 3.00 10/23/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 10/25/2004 12/15/2004 5.00 10/12/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/18/2004 12/15/2004 3.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10/19/2004 12/16/2004 4.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/20/2004 12/4/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.01 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/26/2004 9/30/2004 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 0.75 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.70 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.20 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/11/2004 10/23/2004 11/9/2004 12/7/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 -57- Clock Hrs 8.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 6.50 Amount Paid $200.00 $2,904.32 $2,178.24 $1,116.16 $1,674.24 $2,522.88 $4,204.80 $1,681.92 $2,512.00 $1,256.00 $1,116.16 $72.00 $2,522.88 $3,086.32 $50.00 $88.00 $3,927.28 $2,522.88 $50.00 $2,522.88 $943.04 $2,829.12 $216.00 $1,459.44 $2,829.12 $3,771.57 $943.04 $2,829.12 $1,452.16 $2,178.24 $70.00 $50.00 $2,829.12 $72.00 $707.28 $2,121.84 $563.44 $2,178.24 $1,613.36 $2,829.12 $943.04 $2,622.96 $216.00 $871.28 $2,178.24 $1,768.20 $2,829.12 $214.50 $840.96 $943.04 $4,715.20 $2,829.12 $726.08 $2,178.24 $2,178.24 $1,089.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Bickel, Roger P Loc FV FV FV FV FV Billman, Daniel T M Bingham, Thomas J FV Blalock, Kay Jeanene M M Blanco, Carlos A FV FV CC FV FV FV FV FV Bozek, Brian M FV Breitwieser, Dianne E M M CC Brennan, James R FP FP FP FP FP FP Brown, Dorian A FP FP Bryan, Wayne M FV FV FV FV FV FV Bullock, Robert L M Bunn, John R FP FP FP Burkhardt, Charles E FP FV Bushong, Michael T FV FV Campbell, Carl E M M Campbell, Cindy L FV FV FV FV FV Campbell, Cindy L FV Campbell, Jay G M Carper, Michael T FV FV FV Carter, Christine E M Chanasue, Deborah M M 02/17/05 Course Number IS 1515LA BUS104505 Honors Substitute BUS104501 HRT206650 EE 130501 HST101S50 HST203601 RDG0545IA RDG0505IA Cornerstone RDG0525IA RDG030507 RDG100501 IDS101504 ENG1025WA Substitute COM1146SB Speaker GEN ED RELEASE RTH246450 RTH249450 RTH251450 RTH248450 RTH220401 HST1014TQ HST1014T1 PE 130514 PE 130553 PE 130513 PE 130520 PE 1355TQ COL100502 WKSP EMERSON MTH186499 MTH020420 MTH240450 Substitute MTH140513 MTH185501 GEO103602 Substitute PE 121550 PE 174501 IDS101501 PE 1035LA PE 120580 PE 13565T1 HUM101601 PHL104501 PHL101503 FACORIENT RDG030S20 NUR205 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.66 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 11/29/2004 12/15/2004 11/29/2004 12/15/2004 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 11/29/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/11/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 11/8/2004 11/12/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 0.50 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 11/29/2004 12/5/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 11/20/2004 12/4/2004 2.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.24 -58- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 Amount Paid $943.04 $2,829.12 $72.00 $25.00 $2,829.12 $2,658.35 $320.64 $2,522.88 $3,363.83 $288.00 $144.00 $500.00 $72.00 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $112.50 $2,829.12 $70.00 $122.50 $1,256.00 $628.00 $628.00 $628.00 $628.00 $2,826.00 $3,160.00 $3,792.00 $841.92 $841.92 $841.92 $210.48 $1,896.00 $631.62 $75.00 $840.96 $288.00 $1,681.92 $2,522.88 $37.50 $2,178.24 $3,630.40 $1,896.00 $50.00 $1,256.00 $1,256.00 $2,829.12 $1,256.00 $1,256.00 $2,829.12 $3,363.84 $2,148.00 $2,148.00 $100.00 $2,522.88 $692.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Chant, Robert R Chapman, Thelma L Chesla, Joseph C Chott, Craig S Christman, Mary B Cobb, Daniel R Coelho, Ana P Collier, Nancy C Collins, Jennifer P Collins, Steven G Conner, Elcee C Consolino, Beverly M Conte, Mario V Cooper, Terry D Corich, Evelyn F Cusumano, Donald R Dabney, Kristin Diane Daniel, Paul T Davies-Sigmund, Fran Day, Leroy Thomas Delong, Rondel J Denney, Diane M Dennis, Jeremy K Dent, Thomas P Dettman, David D Dickerson, John R Dickinson, Zelma A Dixon, Robert T 02/17/05 Loc FV FV FP M M M M M M M FV FV M M M FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP M CC M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M M M Course Number IS 103507 IS 2645IA NUR 108 ART216601 IS 239650 IS 123601 IS 236650 Substitute PTA212601 ECO151604 Honors PHL102502 CHM105605 Substitute Substitute GEO1004T1 GEO111401 GEO1134T1 CANTERBURY HST102606 HST137601 HST105601 RTH240401 DHY 127 DHY 126 FACORIENT PSY210601 Substitute MTH040404 MTH020432 PSY2054TA PSY1004T1 PSY2054T1 Global Ed PSY2034T1 PE 173501 IT 502466 BLKBRDTRN Cornerstone FRE101601 FRE101ALL IS 2556L1 IS 262650 RDG030402 EDU200450 RDG020407 COMPCOORD ACC10050A ACC1145LA ACC114501 DIE103426 Voc Ed HST138402 Substitute DHY CHAIR COM104603 COM101625 COM101632 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.50 10/1/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.65 10/15/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 11/8/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.66 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/2/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/12/2004 9/15/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.50 10/19/2004 12/19/2004 4.00 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.88 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/15/2004 12/9/2004 2.01 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -59- Clock Hrs 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,829.12 $216.00 $1,099.00 $483.04 $2,178.24 $726.08 $363.04 $25.00 $2,228.56 $943.04 $576.00 $1,261.44 $2,904.32 $75.00 $50.00 $1,896.00 $3,577.12 $1,896.00 $2,178.24 $2,178.24 $2,178.24 $1,452.17 $3,069.44 $928.56 $2,476.16 $2,178.24 $2,829.12 $25.00 $726.08 $2,178.24 $2,829.12 $1,886.67 $2,829.12 $500.00 $2,829.12 $241.52 $3,363.84 $25.00 $500.00 $3,363.84 $4,482.84 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $2,829.12 $1,768.20 $2,829.12 $2,178.24 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $1,459.42 $5,658.24 $2,829.12 $25.00 $2,826.00 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Dorough, Scott C Dorsch, Joachim O Loc FV M M Dorsey, Mary K M Downey, Michael D FP du Maine, Jessica J FV Dufer, Dennis C M Dunbar, Laurencin FV FV FV Dunlop, Katherine FP FP Dwyer, Joan E M Ebest, Ron J FV Edmonds, Dino A FV Elliott, John M M M Epperson, Cynthia K CC M M Etling, Nancy A M Featherson, Vincent E FP FP Finnell, Patricia K FV Fish, Lynda K FP Fitzgerald, Eleftheria FP FP FP FP Fliss, Edward R FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Florini, Jeanne R FV FV FV FV Flynn, Thomas W FV FV FV FV Fonseca, Eve M FP Fox, Sharon A FV FV Franks, Louise B M M Franks, Stephanie L M Fratello, Bradley Peter M Freeman, Terrence L FV FV Friedman, Donna G FV FV FV FV Frost, James G M M M M 02/17/05 Course Number MCM120501 GEO111602 Substitute NUR 204 RELEASE Honors Substitute PHY223550 PHY223501 HONRSCORD MCM201497 DEPTCOOR NUR108 ENG101523 Honors MTH030606 Substitute Cornerstone Honors SOC101W01 AT 153601 XRT111401 XRT213401 NUR 101 DEPTCHAIR PRD107421 PRD102426 PRD107461 GLOBAL ED BIO122502 Substitute BIO12250P BIO140501 BIO207507 Honors BIO1405IA COM101519 DIT1155IA COM101510 COM101585 DCS109551 DCS109501 ADJCERPGM Substitute ESLPLCMNT Substitute PTK NUR 108 NUR 205 NUR 201 Substitute ESC203501 GUEST SPK CHM221501 CHM222501 CHM206580 CHM105504 MTH1406FL Substitute MTH020615 MTH1406IA Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.24 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.50 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/31/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/20/2004 12/4/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/27/2004 12/31/2004 8.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.70 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.29 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.50 9/15/2004 11/10/2004 1.00 9/14/2004 11/9/2004 1.00 9/15/2004 11/10/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 11/15/2004 12/18/2004 0.75 11/12/2004 12/18/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.70 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 9/27/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/15/2004 12/18/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/1/2004 12/17/2004 0.63 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.24 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.26 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.34 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.66 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.66 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/18/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 -60- Clock Hrs 3.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 12.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 6.00 2.00 8.50 1.00 Amount Paid $1,264.00 $2,425.12 $75.00 $1,082.00 $6,307.20 $72.00 $150.00 $5,045.76 $840.96 $2,522.88 $216.00 $5,658.24 $4,989.24 $2,178.24 $72.00 $632.00 $75.00 $500.00 $216.00 $2,178.24 $2,622.96 $1,674.24 $2,790.40 $719.92 $4,625.28 $840.96 $840.96 $840.96 $5,045.76 $544.56 $25.00 $2,178.24 $965.68 $2,178.24 $144.00 $1,728.00 $2,522.88 $864.00 $2,522.88 $3,111.56 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $140.00 $75.00 $2,178.24 $62.50 $2,178.24 $351.60 $692.00 $2,057.76 $150.00 $320.64 $50.00 $2,508.48 $3,451.52 $2,829.12 $1,254.24 $2,522.88 $212.50 $2,522.88 $216.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Fuller, Michael J Loc FV FV M M Galanis, Joanne M FV FV FV Gale-Betzler, Lisa E FV FV Gardetto, Darlaine C M CC M M Gardner, Sandra M FV Garrett, Toni N M M Garvey, Pamela A M Gerardot, Diane M FP FP FP FP Gerstenecker, Dale M FV Godfrey, Carolyn Jean FP Goessling, Steven P FP FP Goetz, Ronald E M Gopalan, Chaya FV FV Gordon, Brian G FV Gordon, Katherine H FV Gormley, James C FV Grahlfs, Joan M FV FV Graul, Julie L FV FV Greer, James F M M M M Grote, Terri J FP Grupas, Angela K M M M Guenther, Charles J M Hafer, Gail H M CC Hagan, Marilyn Kay M Hake, Carol L FV Hake, John C FV Hamberg, Linda J FV FV FV Hamilton, Angela L M M Hanlon, David R M M M M M 02/17/05 Course Number PHL1035LB PHL1035LA Honors ANT1046IA ART100571 ART1005T1 Honors DCS104501 DCS104551 SOC1016T1 Cornerstone SOC204ALL Substitute NUR102 Substitute MTH210650 Substitute ST 105402 ST 109401 ST 105401 ST 108401 EGR100501 NUR 108 Substitute Substitute MTH020604 Honors BIO208501 HST102503 Honors ART133502 MTH170551 MTH160B553 Substitute PSY205577 COM101S01 Honors SOC101S02 SOC101S03 IS2564IA COM1206LA COM1076T1 COM1076TA Honors Speaker GEN ED ART252602 Honors Substitute Substitute EDU216501 EDU216502 ENG2296IA Honors ARTCOM6IA ART166601 ART168650 Honors ART204601 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/2/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.28 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.51 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.50 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/4/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 11/8/2004 11/12/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 10/5/2004 12/18/2004 12/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.70 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 -61- Clock Hrs 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 5.25 16.50 16.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $216.00 $216.00 $3,772.16 $3,771.57 $72.00 $3,630.40 $2,178.24 $725.64 $250.00 $2,178.24 $75.00 $1,584.36 $25.00 $4,715.20 $75.00 $1,116.16 $2,232.32 $1,674.24 $2,232.32 $2,951.76 $420.96 $44.00 $25.00 $1,681.92 $144.00 $311.20 $2,829.12 $72.00 $1,116.16 $2,522.88 $2,943.36 $50.00 $2,178.24 $2,357.60 $216.00 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $432.00 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $72.00 $70.00 $105.00 $2,512.00 $720.00 $175.00 $131.25 $576.00 $576.00 $216.00 $72.00 $144.00 $338.12 $2,898.24 $72.00 $2,898.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Harlan, Vernon T Loc FP FP FP Harms, Robert C M M M Harris, James J FP Hartmann, William K FP Hartwein, Jon FP FP Haun, Margaret C FV FV Hauser, Michael A M M M Hawker, Patricia E FP FP FP Hayes, Harriette Anne FP FP FP Heidger, John M FV Herdlick, John D M M M Herman, Susan K M Hertel, Robert B FP FP FP FP Herzog, David L FV FV FV FV Heth, George O FV FV FV Higdon, Paul Edward FV Higgins, Julie C FP Hinton, Grady FP FP FP Huber, William F FP Huebner, Michael E FV Huelsmann, Mary L M Huether, Teresa F FV FV Hughes, John S M M M Hughes, Ronald V FP FP Hulsey, Keith C FP Hunt-Bradford, Susan M M M 02/17/05 Course Number COOR CRJ208450 CRJ211LLA BIO106601 BIO1116LD Honors ADJ COORD MENTOR XRT111401 XRT213401 SOC101503 SOC101507 CHM105603 CHM105602 Substitute BIO207406 BIO207402 BIO207404 ECE203206 CCPR FPCE CDA FIELD COM101513 MTH1406LB MTH030611 Substitute Counselor HRM507401 FOOD FPCE CO CHAIR Substitute Honors BUS1044T1 MGT1015LA BUS1044TA BIO122504 DEPTCHAIR Substitute MUS121501 Substitute ENG101418 HUM209401 PERSONA FACORIENT Counselor ARC114601 ADJCERPGM CORSTFDEV Substitute HST101S01 HST102S02 CORSTUPRP ENG103401 ESL ARP MCM141602 MCM140603 MCM142650 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.83 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.50 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/14/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/15/2004 12/18/2004 12/20/2004 12/22/2004 0.60 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/3/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/15/2004 12/18/2004 0.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.33 10/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/20/2004 12/31/2004 0.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.70 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -62- Clock Hrs 2.00 1.00 4.00 6.50 12.00 1.50 1.00 15.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $2,054.80 $3,143.92 $144.00 $2,829.12 $942.45 $1,683.84 $420.96 $943.04 $943.04 $4,482.32 $2,943.36 $25.00 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $1,452.16 $116.00 $5,808.63 $2,829.12 $2,178.24 $1,452.16 $162.50 $379.20 $2,178.24 $252.00 $5,445.60 $37.50 $72.00 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $630.72 $277.52 $330.00 $1,452.16 $75.00 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $1,414.56 $2,522.88 $336.48 $2,270.28 $210.00 $2,829.12 $25.00 $1,886.08 $2,829.12 $840.96 $2,522.88 $1,452.16 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Loc Hurley, Mary Elizabeth FP Huxhold, John P M Hvatum, Margaret M CC M Ibur, James M M M Ivory, Jeffrey P FP FP FP FP Johnson, Aaron O M M M Johnson, Cecilia H FP FP FP Johnson, Ida T FP FP Johnson, Margaret K FP Johnson, Reginald A FP FP Jones, Jeffrey D FP FP Jones, Trevin J M Juriga, David A FP FP FP Kahan, Brenda H M FP Kalfus, Richard M M M M Kalinevitch, Karen L FV FV FV Kalmer, Irene C FV FV FV Karleskint, George M M M Keller, Margaret L M Keller, Patty OHallaron M M M Kelly, J Kevin M M Kiser, Karen M FP Klein, Nancy M M M M Knight, Sandra M FP FP FP Koosmann, Steven B FP FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number MALL COOR ENG101W03 Cornerstone IDS101602 ART113602 AT 2276IA Substitute HRM212402 HRM211402 HRM210402 Substitute ECO140605 WKSP HSMPRACTM HMS CHAIR HMSSEMNAR PHT101401 PHT116421 Substitute PRD102425 PRD102425 BUS104404 MGT204401 ENG217601 ACC100401 CAC ACC110401 SemNewFac IS 1034TA GER102601 HUM115650 GER101601 Honors ENG229501 ENG229550 ECE205550 ECE206501 COL100509 BIO140602 BIO144601 BIO140601 ART111604 PSY2006TA PSY2036TA PSY2086T1 Substitute PE 132 CLT202401 OTA101601 OTA215601 OTA103601 PRD525401 PRD102461 PHITHEKAP Clin Director FNL206401 MASSFATAL Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/1/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.30 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/26/2004 11/18/2004 2.00 9/15/2004 11/10/2004 1.00 9/28/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 9/28/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/27/2004 9/30/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.64 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/24/2004 11/30/2004 3.00 9/16/2004 11/11/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/12/2004 3.00 11/14/2004 12/18/2004 2.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.50 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 -63- Clock Hrs 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 48.00 51.00 7.00 Amount Paid $3,630.40 $2,829.12 $500.00 $2,522.88 $483.04 $432.00 $75.00 $2,178.24 $2,178.24 $2,178.24 $75.00 $2,148.00 $75.00 $4,055.08 $4,715.20 $2,829.12 $1,449.12 $5,071.92 $37.50 $1,452.16 $726.08 $1,633.68 $1,633.68 $1,896.00 $2,178.24 $2,178.24 $2,904.32 $70.00 $2,358.78 $471.52 $2,829.12 $3,772.16 $432.00 $1,080.00 $864.00 $2,522.88 $2,220.12 $840.42 $2,829.12 $471.52 $4,715.20 $1,395.20 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $154.00 $3,627.52 $2,512.00 $2,829.12 $1,886.08 $1,886.08 $2,178.24 $726.08 $2,178.24 $1,727.00 $314.00 $5,658.24 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Kreider, Mary K Krishnan, Gee R Loc M M M M Kurt, Barbara E M M M Landiss, Daniel J FV Langnas, Robert S FV Langrehr, Andrew M M M Larson, Judy C M FP Lasek, Emily L FV Layton, Timothy S FV Leach, Judith A M Lee, Dianne M FP FP Lee, Kwan M M M M Lee, Robert M M Lemons, Shelly Lynn M Lewis, Christine Marie FV FV Lewis, Walter B M M M Lincoln, Craig Walter M M Linzy, Nancy A FV Liu, Grace FP FP FP Lodhi, Afzal K FP FP Long, Richard Douglas M M Lorenz, Michael R M Loy, Willis L M M Luebke, Mary E FV FV Lupardus, S Carol FV Lyons, Eilene M FV FV FV FV FV Magagnos, Lovedy S FV FV FV FV Mahony, Elizabeth M M Mani, Marcia A M Manteuffel, Mark S FV Marshall, Gregory A M Martin de Camilo, Jody M M M 02/17/05 Course Number HMS101601 CHM106601 CHM106602 CHM105604 Substitute MTH0306FL MTH140617 Honors Honors CHM101602 CHM101604 IS 2056LA IS 2054LA Counselor ENG030514 CSTL PGM IS 218450 SPCPROJEC PSI1016LA PHY122601 PSI111604 HST1016T1 Substitute MTH160B552 MTH186551 CRJ2126LA CRJ212601 CRJ1226LA Honors PSI121601 ENG2135WA Global Ed ENG053450 GLOBAL ED BIO111451 BIO111450 Substitute ENG103602 ARC228650 IDS201601 Honors ADJCERPGM DCS115501 Substitute BIO111505 BIO547550 BIO122505 Honors BIO221501 ECE105501 ECE108550 ECE124550 ECE100501 Substitute Substitute Substitute ENG020605 BIO122602 Substitute Substitute Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.17 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 12/20/2004 12/31/2004 0.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/19/2004 12/24/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 10/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/12/2004 9/15/2004 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 0.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/9/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/20/2004 12/24/2004 1.00 11/15/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/31/2004 12/18/2004 8/31/2004 12/18/2004 10/22/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.40 11/8/2004 12/18/2004 10/4/2004 12/18/2004 -64- Clock Hrs 5.50 1.00 1.00 8.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 6.00 3.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 3.00 Amount Paid $943.04 $5,026.40 $5,026.40 $943.04 $137.50 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $72.00 $72.00 $2,301.68 $3,870.00 $840.96 $3,363.84 $252.80 $1,896.00 $280.00 $943.04 $4,715.20 $2,522.88 $1,681.92 $2,522.88 $5,809.08 $100.00 $632.00 $2,528.00 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $72.00 $2,522.88 $2,178.24 $500.00 $707.28 $2,829.12 $1,886.08 $2,829.12 $37.50 $1,681.92 $1,932.16 $3,772.16 $72.00 $210.00 $2,522.88 $93.75 $2,522.88 $840.96 $1,261.44 $288.00 $420.48 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $2,522.88 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 $2,829.12 $1,742.60 $37.50 $66.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Martin, Susan J Mayes, Karen K McBride, Patrick C McCloskey, Ellen A McDonald, Chris L McDonald, Virginia N McDoniel, Lawrence J McElligott, Pamela G McEwen, Patricia B McGuffin, Dorothy B McHugh, James M McKay, Darrell E McManemy, Jeffrey McManus, Laurie K Mense, James J Mercer, June J Messmer, John P Meyer, Deborah M Meyer, Eric W Meyer, Suellen Michel-Trapaga, Rene Miller, Lisa A Mines, Thomas E Mirikitani, Ronald T 02/17/05 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M Course Number PE 130424 PE 101401 PE 174421 SMRORIENT PE 143421 NUR 203 PE 1354TQ PE 130421 PE 130423 PE 130422 PE 130403 MCM101501 MCM101502 MTH230501 BIO207602 ENG231650 IDS201601 MKT104679 CHM101402 CHM105401 CHM105450 Counselor CPD702550 EMERSON COL100508 BUS1164T1 XRT111401 XRT101401 Substitute MTH040601 Presenter SemNewFac ENG032506 ENG032509 ENG0305LB ENG0325LB ENG0325LA IS 110601 Presenter PSC205601 PSC101603 IS 132427 IS 124426 Asst Chair Honors Presenter ART275650 ENG101415 ENG101410 ENG1024WI CHM105503 CHM101503 CHM101505 Honors CHM101502 CHM210501 Substitute PE 145601 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 0.50 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 1.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.34 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 0.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.34 12/20/2004 12/31/2004 0.20 9/28/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/29/2004 9/11/2004 9/26/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.55 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.50 8/29/2004 9/11/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/30/2004 11/3/2004 1.00 11/8/2004 12/13/2004 1.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.25 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/29/2004 9/11/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.66 9/16/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 -65- Clock Hrs 7.50 6.00 3.00 1.00 12.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $841.92 $210.48 $841.92 $701.20 $841.92 $841.52 $2,178.24 $966.08 $966.08 $966.08 $241.52 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,178.24 $2,197.28 $2,829.12 $3,363.84 $840.96 $3,870.00 $3,870.00 $1,699.04 $188.64 $202.50 $2,829.12 $943.04 $2,103.45 $628.00 $6,280.00 $132.00 $2,829.12 $105.00 $70.00 $1,452.16 $1,452.16 $324.00 $1,128.15 $1,452.16 $420.48 $70.00 $2,904.33 $2,904.32 $840.96 $840.96 $790.00 $72.00 $35.00 $1,570.00 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,254.24 $1,254.24 $1,254.24 $216.00 $1,254.24 $3,451.52 $22.00 $3,768.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Mitchell, Lucille B Mizes, Lisa R Molner, Arthur R Monachella, Mary B Montgomery, David L Moody, Carla J Moody, Peggy L Moore, Kathryn E Morris, Jonathan M Mosher, Anne Marie Mozelewski, Ronald A Mueller, Craig Hugo Mueller, Kelly J Munson, Bruce J Murray, Russell H Nagel, Jack G Nagel, John William Nance, Harreld E Nesser-Chu, Janice Nichols, Andrea Jean Njoku, Angela C Noori-Khajavi, Anoosh Nygard, Paul D 02/17/05 Loc FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M M FP FV FV M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FP M M FV FV FV FV M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV Course Number PRD102423 NUR723405 CNA EXMNR PRD102423 PRD108406 RDG030608 MTH020611 MTH140604 MTH020650 Substitute MTH020603 MTH210602 ART101602 ART1006T1 THT101401 PSY200503 Honors RDG100603 RDG030604 PHY122450 Honors MTH030519 COL100551 Substitute MTH2105WD ECO1525LA ECO1525LB NEA PRES TUR104450 Substitute SPA101ALL SPA101502 SPA2025IA Diversity Com MTH020602 Substitute Honors BIO1134T1 BIO111501 BIO111508 AT 276650 AT 276601 CRJ209211 CRJ212501 RELEASE CRJ122501 ART165501 SOC1014T1 CLT102401 MTH215498 MTH160C406 MTH160C407 HST10150H HST101502 Honors HST205585 HST119585 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/13/2004 11/8/2004 1.00 9/7/2004 11/15/2004 11/11/2004 12/10/2004 9/13/2004 11/8/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 11/29/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/200412/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.33 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 11/29/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.90 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.60 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.66 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/5/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.65 -66- Clock Hrs 80.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 Amount Paid $943.04 $2,640.00 $148.50 $943.04 $1,886.08 $632.00 $2,829.12 $943.04 $2,829.12 $25.00 $2,829.12 $4,715.20 $1,261.44 $4,205.34 $1,896.00 $726.08 $72.00 $2,522.88 $840.96 $208.56 $72.00 $2,522.88 $840.42 $50.00 $840.96 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,904.32 $75.00 $5,056.41 $2,904.32 $288.00 $948.00 $1,452.16 $75.00 $576.00 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,826.00 $2,449.20 $1,345.52 $3,363.84 $1,680.87 $840.42 $1,284.88 $1,264.41 $1,449.12 $216.00 $2,528.00 $2,528.00 $2,522.88 $1,681.92 $72.00 $2,522.88 $1,387.60 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Olson, Karen A Loc M M Ortbals, John D FV Ostlund, Karen M FP FP FP FP Otto, Esther Elizabeth FP Padberg, Christine E M M Palank, Robert F FV FV Pea, Nancy E Jones FV Pearson, Roy FV Pennington, Gwendoly FP FP FP Peppes, Nicholas D FP FP FP Person, Sharon K FP Pescarino, Richard A FV CC FV Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth FP FP FP FP FP FP Pierroutsakos, Sophia M Pisacreta, Diane M M M Popper, Regina W FV Powell, Margaret B FV Pressman, Sophia M M Raheja, Nina S FP FP FP Reeves, Aaron L FP FP FP Reilly, Catherine H FV Reno, Shaun CC Rhodes, Marlene FP M FP Richards, Evann M FP FP Richardson, Carol J M M M M M Riedl, John Michael FV FV FV 02/17/05 Course Number ECE205601 ECE2056IA Honors ENG1024WM CORSTUPRP Global Ed PERSONA NUR 205 RDG030640 Staff Dev IS2515LA BIO547550 NUR 102 MTH040503 CDA FIELD ECE COORD ECE105401 ECO151403 Global Ed ECO151401 Substitute MTH160B507 Cornerstone Substitute HRM110403 Substitute Substitute HRM119401 HRM200401 HRM200402 Honors WMS1006WA PSY200604 Substitute Honors RDG021511 PSY2056T1 WRIINTTRN Substitute NRS704 FP NUR 101 ACC100402 ACC120451 ACC100421 HST119585 Cornerstone PRD525402 SemNewFac PRD108403 ART133403 ART2454IA MCM125601 MCM124601 MCM124602 Substitute MCM201601 IDS101506 HST102504 Honors Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/12/2004 9/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.10 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 10/28/2004 11/7/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.20 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/12/2004 9/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10/17/2004 12/17/2004 0.88 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 12/2/2004 12/18/2004 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/29/2004 9/12/2004 11/15/2004 12/18/2004 10/26/2004 11/20/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 12.77 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/14/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.65 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/26/2004 12/2/2004 3.00 9/26/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 11/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 12/19/2004 11/1/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 -67- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $840.96 $216.00 $72.00 $2,522.88 $840.96 $500.00 $1,261.44 $1,497.44 $632.00 $70.00 $2,522.88 $840.96 $3,864.32 $2,904.32 $5,658.24 $2,829.12 $1,131.64 $2,522.88 $500.00 $2,522.88 $275.00 $1,452.16 $500.00 $50.00 $1,896.00 $220.00 $150.00 $553.00 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $72.00 $2,178.24 $4,356.48 $25.00 $360.00 $840.96 $631.62 $200.00 $176.00 $162.00 $6,168.44 $1,264.00 $3,792.00 $1,896.00 $1,198.04 $500.00 $2,522.88 $70.00 $1,681.92 $3,348.48 $864.00 $2,829.12 $1,414.56 $2,829.12 $25.00 $1,414.56 $1,896.00 $632.00 $72.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Risch, David E Loc FV M FV M Ritts, Vicki M M M M Rizzo, Kathleen Susan FP Roach, Timothy L FP FP CC Roberts, Paul R M M M Romero, Marco A M M Rosenthal, Howard G FV FV FV FV FV Rossi, Charles R FP FP FP Ruppert, Joan Hart M Salmon, Harold E M Saum, Suzanne E FV FV FV FV FV FV Schaber, Jennifer K FP Schalda, Anne T FV CC FV Schamber, Steven M M CC Scherer, Juliet Katheri M Schneider, Joseph R M M M M Schoolman, Marilyn J M M Schweser, Susan K M M Scroggins, Fredna C M Seese, Lillian M M M M Selig, Margaret R FV Sether, Donald L M Shanks-BrueggenjohanFV FV Shepherd, Deneen M FP FP Shuck, Patrick J M M Shultis, Eric FV 02/17/05 Course Number ECO1515LC ECO151607 Substitute BUS103602 Substitute PSY2006HA PSY200610 NUR 101 GENEDCORD MALIAISON Cornerstone HRT102650 HRT104601 HRT101601 SPA201601 SPA202601 WRT704500 HMS204501 HMS201501 HMS202501 HMS203501 HRM110402 HRM110401 Substitute NUR 102 Counselor CHM105501 CHM101506 CHM101504 CHM106550 CHM106501 CHM105502 SPA201ALL MTH160B508 Cornerstone MTH186501 ECO151WWA GEN ED RDG020S50 GEO1136T1 GEO1006T1 Substitute PSI111601 MGT2046LA BUS1046T1 MTH185601 Substitute Lec Award CORFACORI Presenter MTH160A601 Counselor IRT166601 SOC101506 Honors ENG217401 ENG101413 ART115650 ART108601 Honors Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/30/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.60 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.06 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/25/2004 10/9/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.80 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.80 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.03 12/20/2004 12/22/2004 0.60 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.33 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/8/2004 11/12/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 12/13/2004 12/17/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/29/2004 9/11/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 12/20/2004 12/31/2004 0.40 12/1/2004 12/18/2004 0.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.20 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 -68- Clock Hrs 3.00 3.50 2.00 1.00 3.00 10.50 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Amount Paid $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $87.50 $2,829.12 $50.00 $2,829.12 $5,658.24 $3,188.08 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $250.00 $2,800.40 $2,800.40 $3,414.28 $3,772.16 $943.04 $81.00 $754.44 $2,829.12 $1,886.08 $1,697.48 $2,178.24 $3,866.37 $231.00 $497.52 $565.92 $965.68 $965.68 $965.68 $239.60 $965.68 $3,870.00 $632.00 $1,452.16 $500.00 $2,904.32 $1,896.00 $200.00 $726.08 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $100.00 $1,869.12 $840.96 $2,522.88 $4,715.20 $25.00 $456.88 $2,829.12 $35.00 $3,772.16 $377.28 $290.43 $948.00 $144.00 $2,178.24 $2,178.24 $3,768.00 $125.60 $72.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Sibbitts, Gary E Loc M M M M M CC Simmons, Nancy R M M M Skornia, Dale E M M Smith, Stephen W FP FP Snaric, Jay M M M M Sodon, James R FV FV FV Spaulding, Donna M FV FP Spencer, Jamieson FV FV Sperruzza, Denise M M M Stephens, Christopher FV FV FV CC FV FV Stewart, Gayla S M M M M M CC Stukenholtz, Larry L M M Swallow, Cheryl A FP M FP Swyers, Kathleen M FP FP Talkad, Venugopal D FP FP FP Taylor, Mark L FV FV FV Taylor, Mary A FP FP FP FP Taylor, Timothy Neal M M Ter Maat, Dwayne J FP Thomas, Corinne M M M M 02/17/05 Course Number IS 2586IA CSTL Substitute IS 266650 IS 2566L1 Tech Prep LGL104641 LGL108670 LGL219601 MUS134650 MUS114602 FD 103450 FD 102450 BIO208602 BIO208601 BIO207S01 ENG1025W2 ENG2055WL ENG1025WL GENEDCORD Facilitator ENG101ALP ENG032520 COM107602 COM107603 IDS101505 HUM208503 IDS101585 Cornerstone COM1145SA Honors IS 218601 IDS101W50 IS 202601 IS 291601 IDS101650 Cornerstone MUS101602 MUS201601 NUR 204 NUR 108 NRSG FPCE PRD108405 PRD102422 Substitute Substitute FACORIENT EDU102501 EDU102501 Substitute DA 149 DA 157 DA 165 DA 144 ENG1026WV Substitute XRT111401 BIO1136T1 BIO113602 BIO113601 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 10/24/2004 11/6/2004 10/1/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/22/2004 12/5/2004 0.20 10/27/2004 12/15/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 10/17/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/12/2004 9/15/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.87 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 12/1/2004 12/18/2004 0.60 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/1/2004 12/18/2004 0.20 12/1/2004 12/18/2004 0.20 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/22/2004 11/26/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.23 11/1/2004 12/17/2004 0.81 9/3/2004 9/30/2004 8/26/2004 11/18/2004 4.00 9/13/2004 11/8/2004 1.00 10/27/200412/18/2004 2.00 10/27/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 9/18/2004 0.75 11/1/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 9/23/2004 1.50 9/27/2004 11/19/2004 4.81 9/27/2004 11/24/2004 1.50 8/24/2004 9/22/2004 1.13 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/31/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 -69- Clock Hrs 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 35.26 3.25 1.00 Amount Paid $216.00 $280.00 $25.00 $1,681.92 $2,522.88 $168.19 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $943.04 $726.08 $2,178.24 $966.08 $2,173.68 $3,143.92 $3,143.92 $726.08 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $3,363.84 $280.00 $3,784.32 $1,681.92 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $1,681.92 $1,576.80 $1,261.44 $500.00 $2,522.88 $288.00 $565.82 $2,829.12 $188.61 $188.61 $2,829.12 $500.00 $3,363.84 $2,943.36 $4,034.92 $452.04 $162.00 $2,904.32 $726.08 $44.00 $75.00 $2,522.88 $1,745.37 $630.72 $81.25 $942.00 $3,022.25 $942.00 $706.50 $632.00 $25.00 $6,280.00 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $943.04 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Thomas, Ronald W Thomas-Vertrees, Lav Thompson, Judith S Tiedt, Linda J Trunk, Deborah D Tyler, Margaret G Tylka, David L Unger, Richard S Urban, Georgia A Van Vickle, Linda M Vasat, Irma Wachal, Barbara Joan Waghulde, Vidyullata Walker, Carla Drake Walker, Mitchell E Wallner, Donna F Wallner, Donna F Walsh, Janet K Warren, Aundrea L Wasson, George Weil, Robert L Werner, Donna J Wessely, Vicki R Wiesler, Eugene Paul Wigg, David George Wilke, Fred J Wilkinson, Lisa R 02/17/05 Loc M M M M M M M M M M M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FV FP M M FP FP FP FP FV M M M FV FP FP FP FP FV M M FV FV M FP M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M Course Number ART214602 ART114603 ACC122S71 ACC291601 ACC1116IA ART133604 ART2456IA ART233601 PE1356TQ PE 132 Substitute DHY 222 PSY200585 PSY200512 PSY200507 PSY2085T1 Honors PSY200511 BIO110604 BIO120601 HOME765500 Substitute Substitute Asst Chair DA 157 Substitute DHY 222 DHY 121 Honors CHM210602 CHM210601 CHM206601 ENG2175WA AUT156401 AUT168401 AUT271401 Facilitator NUR 101 NUR 105 NUR 108 Substitute BIO208509 ECO151W50 AUT281401 Honors ACC1146LA SemNewFac MTH020605 Substitute MTH220601 PSC1015WD PSC101551 PSC1015T1 BUS104507 BUS104506 Substitute Substitute ENG070602 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 0.60 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.70 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 5.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.19 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.30 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/2/2004 11/6/2004 9/21/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.25 9/27/2004 11/30/2004 1.75 10/28/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.50 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.62 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.67 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 9/14/2004 9/18/2004 8/23/200412/18/2004 8.23 11/1/2004 12/17/2004 0.81 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 0.74 10/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.34 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 9/26/2004 9/30/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 5.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.50 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 9.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/31/2004 12/18/2004 10/24/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -70- Clock Hrs 3.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 22.00 20.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 48.00 1.50 1.50 Amount Paid $1,884.00 $628.00 $2,829.12 $565.82 $864.00 $1,506.80 $432.00 $3,348.48 $3,772.16 $3,454.00 $66.00 $117.76 $252.30 $3,363.84 $840.96 $2,522.88 $72.00 $840.96 $1,959.44 $2,522.88 $506.00 $440.00 $75.00 $1,633.68 $726.32 $75.00 $3,100.24 $1,252.04 $144.00 $1,691.76 $2,664.72 $2,178.24 $1,896.00 $3,140.32 $4,404.00 $1,414.56 $280.00 $4,593.00 $452.04 $412.96 $100.00 $840.56 $2,829.12 $4,603.36 $72.00 $1,886.08 $70.00 $2,829.12 $25.00 $4,715.20 $1,512.00 $1,261.44 $7,568.64 $2,829.12 $2,829.12 $37.50 $37.50 $1,869.12 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Fall 2004 Name Williams, Louis Wilson, Nathan G Loc FP M M M Wilson, Pamela S FV Worth, Joseph B FV Yale, Emily A M M M Zant, Thomas M Zirkle, Thomas A FP Zumwinkel, Donna M M Zuo, Yingxue FP FP 02/17/05 Course Number HST138421 MTH030610 MTH020612 Substitute Counselor Honors NUR 108 NUR 105 Orientation PSC101W50 MUS101401 Counselor RELEASE ART110401 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/20/2004 12/18/2004 12/20/2004 12/31/2004 0.20 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.24 11/1/2004 12/17/2004 0.47 8/23/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 12/20/2004 12/22/2004 0.45 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 -71- Clock Hrs 6.00 1.00 19.52 Amount Paid $2,904.33 $1,264.00 $1,896.00 $150.00 $145.20 $72.00 $692.00 $262.30 $429.44 $2,829.12 $726.08 $284.40 $3,348.48 $2,232.32 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2004 Name Adeyemi, Gloria W Bakke, Donna J Loc M FP FP FP Banahan, Richard M FP FP FP FP Bast, Janet Dorothy M Bean, Emery A FP Bell, Yolanda FP FP Bonds, Marsha J FV FV FV Bottger, Robert C M Brandon-Straub, Rach FP Buckley, James M FP Clark, Walter E M M Cooper, James N FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV Crawford, Justine FV Croskey, Timothy J FV Cross, V David FP FP FP Cundiff, Mike B M Darr, Sarah J M M Denson, Kenneth W FV Dill, Dennis W M M Dill, Kimberly M M Drown, Frances F M M Edwards, Jeanne A FV Ehlen, Steven F FV FV FV FV FV Elliott, Lauren Leigh FP Fakes, Mary E FP Fisher, Ronald N FP French, Brenda F FP Gero, Susan A M M M M Gibson, Michael P M M M M M 02/17/05 Course Number BIO122650 WEB COORD MCM219451 COMP FPCE CRJ124401 CRJ1224IA CRJ123450 CRJ1244IA Substitute IS 103451 IS 123H81 IS 101H81 FACORIENT ENG021552 ENG020552 PE 1356T1 BIO111412 IS 125466 ANT102ALL ANT102ALL IS 132550 IS 2175IA FACORIENT IS 215550 IS 124550 IS 123580 IS 123550 Lab Tutor CPR706550 MCM213551 HRM200402 HRM201405 SITEVISITS MUS128S51 LGL229671 LGL229COR Speaker WKSP MGT106671 Substitute WKSP MTH030652 MOT Substitute FACORIENT GE 131550 GE 101550 GE 131550 Web 2005 EMT121ADJ Outlook Training PRD525450 Substitute BIO207S01 Substitute BIO111651 MTH030640 MTH140651 MTH1406IA Substitute MTH140641 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/9/2004 12/15/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 9/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 9/17/2004 10/4/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/23/2004 11/25/2004 0.81 10/23/2004 11/25/2004 0.81 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 8/27/2004 12/8/2004 2.00 9/19/2004 11/13/2004 2.67 11/14/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 10/24/2004 11/6/2004 1.00 11/29/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/21/2004 12/31/2004 1.00 10/10/2004 10/23/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 9/11/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/19/2004 1.00 11/15/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/21/2004 12/19/2004 3.00 9/13/2004 9/17/2004 11/12/2004 12/22/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 10/27/2004 12/15/2004 3.00 9/27/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/1/2004 12/30/2004 9/12/2004 12/18/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.34 9/7/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/14/2004 0.19 9/25/2004 10/16/2004 8/24/2004 11/30/2004 3.00 10/4/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 9/13/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.33 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 10/11/2004 12/19/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 -72- Clock Hrs 6.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 53.50 1.00 6.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 4.50 Amount Paid $3,153.60 $3,324.48 $1,662.24 $198.00 $2,178.24 $192.00 $2,178.24 $192.00 $175.00 $1,869.12 $513.50 $513.50 $100.00 $632.00 $1,896.00 $2,903.88 $768.84 $1,681.92 $2,514.38 $1,257.19 $726.08 $216.00 $100.00 $2,178.24 $726.08 $726.08 $726.08 $726.08 $58.00 $1,944.00 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $1,734.24 $1,896.00 $18.24 $150.00 $50.00 $2,178.24 $110.00 $50.00 $1,734.24 $240.00 $25.00 $100.00 $972.96 $2,178.24 $972.96 $1,896.00 $102.49 $105.00 $2,148.00 $154.00 $1,235.52 $25.00 $4,022.40 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $216.00 $112.50 $1,896.00 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2004 Name Giles, Miriam Denise Loc FP FP FP Hall, Jacklyn Micheal FV Harris, Kristi N FV FV FV FV Hoffman, Patricia A FV FP Hoffmann, William J FV FV FV FV FV FV Iborg, Deborah A FV FV FV FV Jaeger, Christy L FV Jones, Darren Bruce M M Koehler, Charles H FP Kozlowski, Dennis J FP FP FP Kroesen, Leendert K FV Lawler, Nancy M M Lucido, Vicki L FV Malta, Randy J FP Marshall, Glenn FP McCool, Marie L FV McGee, Darlene K M M McLellan, Margaret M M McNeil, Haralyn LaD FV McVey, Matthew H FV Miller, Marc A M FP Mintun, Susan L M Morrell, Anisha Layla M Naumann, Virginia L FV FV FV Neil, Darlene H FV FV FV Nelson, Donnie D FP Nixon, Carol C FV FV FV Norris, Richard J FV Odo, Tina A FP Odom, Victor L FV Ouellette, Sheila L M M 02/17/05 Course Number BUSN HEC BOECMPHEC MATH HEC Guest Speaker COM10150P Honors COM101554 COM10150H CPR707500 CCPR FPCE Substitute Substitute Substitute TEL105502 TEL104501 TEL105501 PE 1205LA PE 119502 ASSESSMENT PE 101102 COMP766FV PE 130 PE 1016IA TRP FPCE PE 130461 PE 177422 PE 130450 PHT705550 MTH020W51 MTH020581 MCM126450 COACHING COM101517 ART165680 AT 104601 TEACH REC ENG101630 CPR706550 Scorekeeper AVIDS MCM219462 HRT110670 COM101W50 Substitute MTH020526 BIO111502 CPR765501 ECE10150P CPR712576 CCPR FPCE ECE105528 ECE104526 ECE104550 Substitute HRM202450 GNSF700FV Librarian Librarian Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 10/20/2004 12/10/2004 9/28/2004 12/10/2004 10/20/2004 12/10/2004 10/11/2004 12/18/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 12/5/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/4/2004 12/23/2004 11/20/2004 12/15/2004 9/12/2004 12/18/2004 9/12/2004 12/18/2004 11/30/2004 12/18/2004 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.50 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 10/13/2004 12/16/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 7.50 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 9/4/2004 12/10/2004 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 10/18/2004 12/20/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 10/16/2004 2.00 9/10/2004 11/12/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/23/2004 11/7/2004 0.94 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.75 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/12/2004 12/23/2004 9/15/2004 12/19/2004 8/29/2004 9/12/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/10/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.33 11/13/2004 12/23/2004 9/19/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/6/2004 9/8/2004 11/20/2004 12/15/2004 11/8/2004 12/15/2004 0.20 11/8/2004 12/20/2004 0.40 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 11/17/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/11/2004 12/23/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.56 12/19/2004 12/29/2004 0.10 -73- Clock Hrs 4.00 84.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 6.00 20.00 1.50 4.00 1.00 4.50 18.00 2.00 19.00 20.00 1.00 4.00 9.25 2.00 2.00 22.66 Amount Paid $108.00 $2,268.00 $216.00 $25.00 $1,896.00 $72.00 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $264.00 $66.00 $150.00 $440.00 $37.50 $716.00 $2,148.00 $716.00 $966.08 $2,173.68 $2,178.24 $966.08 $132.00 $3,157.20 $72.00 $81.00 $737.92 $737.92 $737.92 $486.00 $1,896.00 $519.45 $2,178.24 $1,058.64 $2,522.88 $2,213.76 $2,213.76 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $54.00 $380.00 $701.20 $2,148.00 $632.00 $1,896.00 $22.00 $1,896.00 $840.56 $132.00 $2,178.24 $305.25 $54.00 $143.20 $286.40 $2,148.00 $50.00 $2,829.12 $611.82 $987.50 $63.20 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Fall 2004 Name Pande, Jyoti S Loc M M Peck, Donna K FV Perkins, Sarah F FV Petroff, Kathleen M FV Petz, Michael J FP Porter, Kevin D FV FV FV Preston, Justine L FV FV Price, Veronica FV Rau, Dennis E FP FP Romer, Ronnie L M Ru, Yuxia FP FP Savoca, Diane L FV Schrader, Karen M FP FP FP FP Seegers, Gerald S M M Smith, Adrienne Carol FP FP FP Stafford, Sherry A FV FV Stevens, William H FP Talaski, Paul M M Thompson, Darren L M Toliver, Patricia FV Trauterman, Tammy M FV Trzaska, Kenneth John FV Van Reed, Jay R FV FV FV Weber, Mark A FP Werner, Vicki L FV Willmore, Richard A M M Wilson, Patricia E FP 02/17/05 Course Number BLACKBOARD BLACKBOARD COMP FV BIO117550 EDU101550 EE 131450 GE 13250S GE 13250G ME 151503 Substitute DCS111551 FLS702551 ANN ARTS DIRECTING PE 133680 MALLTUTOR FLC708480 ADJCERPGM ILC 4AA IS 291401 IS 205401 ADJORI Honors ART265650 ENG030450 ENG101401 ENG030452 IS 101580 IS 203204 ME 101450 ART166650 WKSP THTDIRECT 1Time Pay Guest Speaker Substitute IS 132580 IS 123551 FACORIENT DEPTCHAIR BUS104550 THT102601 THTDIRECT DA 162 Credit Job Begin Job End Hours or Date Date Equiv 10/24/2004 11/6/2004 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 9/8/2004 12/18/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/17/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.34 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.34 8/30/2004 12/17/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/16/2004 12/23/2004 10/1/2004 10/30/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 9/17/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/17/2004 9/18/2004 11/25/2004 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 2.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 11/29/2004 12/3/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 9/12/2004 9/25/2004 1.00 10/5/2004 12/2/2004 1.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 4.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 6.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 10/24/2004 10/25/2004 9/29/2004 12/18/2004 11/8/2004 12/19/2004 10/24/2004 11/7/2004 1.00 9/26/2004 10/9/2004 1.00 9/6/2004 9/10/2004 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 8.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 3.00 8/23/2004 12/18/2004 1.00 -74- Clock Hrs 1.00 4.00 30.00 3.00 20.00 199.00 20.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 Amount Paid $70.00 $140.00 $810.00 $2,829.12 $632.00 $3,151.20 $2,178.24 $2,178.24 $1,699.04 $75.00 $1,896.00 $540.00 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $841.92 $4,614.82 $460.00 $175.00 $737.92 $554.08 $2,216.32 $50.00 $72.00 $2,490.24 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $1,869.12 $716.00 $716.00 $2,864.00 $2,898.24 $50.00 $1,896.00 $300.00 $37.50 $50.00 $623.04 $623.04 $100.00 $5,024.00 $1,869.12 $1,896.00 $1,896.00 $716.00 St. Louis Community College Board Agenda Summary Report Fall 2004 Group Part-Time Faculty Full-Time Faculty Administrative/Professional/Classified (full-time) Total 02/17/05 Credit Hours or Equiv Clock Hrs Amount Paid 9,867.62 $4,645,954.76 1,738.82 866.53 $1,379,423.79 271.19 653.41 $190,013.00 8,911.81 11,387.56 $6,215,391.55 6,901.80 -75- ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location CC Name Program/Job Title Adams, Kevin CPC WIA CPC MTPA Correction Chancellor's Ofc CPC MTPA MET Project Associate II Mail, Shipping, Receiving Clk Office & Tech CPC CPC WIA Coor Spc Prj Cns Services Correction Project Associate II Correction Project Associate II Correction Professional Part-time Professional Correction Correction Office & Tech Correction Professional PT Administrator Facilities Support Assistant Office & Tech Clerk II Stu Act Asst Fac Support Assistant Fac Support Assistant Correction Secretary MTPA CPC Correction Sr Information Ctr Analyst Correction Project Associate II Correction Sr Info Center Analyst Bindery Operator Correction ETC DW Correction Office & Tech Correction Adams, Leroy Adolphe, Ethel Sawyer Annis, Jeff C Arnold, Terrie Lee Atheir, Kais Bacon, Frank C Baker, Cliff C Barnes, Patricia Lewis Bay, Stephanie T Blalock, Wanda Alise Bogdajewicz, John Joseph Buscher, Bernadette M Casteel, Cathleen Elizabeth Claywell, JoAnn Cooperwood, Sandra L Cowens, Sabriya Christinia DeLargy, Richard W Devoti, Bart S Distler, Richard Lee Dye, Bobbie E Elliott, Aundria Ernst, Ann Gleason Filla, Elmer J Filla, Julius Frank Gerber, Linda S Glasgow, Joyce L Goliday, Melba M Harer, Dennis David Harris, Kevin Lamar Harris, Michelle Tamasha Hauser, Albert P Hawasli, Khouloud H Huber, Ronald W Hyde, Michelle Scott Jablon-Bernstein, Moira M Jones, Stephen Andrew Kahn, Yohna T 02/17/05 -76- Amount Paid 78.66 1,099.17 7,483.40 1.33 7,992.54 882.05 6,745.90 13,271.46 2,824.20 5,820.62 9,521.65 18,894.08 1,258.88 2,312.84 8.53 9,488.90 3.96 3,545.94 3.48 7,661.87 10,237.96 2.28 1.67 7,264.31 1.22 9,309.81 13,021.87 3,913.08 5,249.23 5,608.89 8,778.88 5,102.94 3,895.25 3.46 9,955.38 23,787.80 108.56 2.67 75.95 3.24 10,151.44 8.00 813.93 12,339.33 6.93 664.93 8.22 6,172.62 2.24 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Keith, Diane L Kellner, Kurt A Kelly, Janice H Kemp, Carletta Ann Kersten, Melissa C Lakes, Joyce O Laury, John D Lewis, Malinda J Lieneke, Cheri L Clerk II Correction Acting Internal Auditor Correction Correction Accounting Clk I Fac Support Assistant Correction ETC ADULT ETC Amer Air ETC DW Project Associate II Correction Correction Correction Correcton Correction Educational Assistant I P/T Professional Part-time Voc Ed Correction Educational Assistant I Part-time Professional CCTI CPC Correction Correction Correction Genl Main Mech Correction Correction Correction Office & Tech CCTI-League Correction Correction Correction Correction Macedonia Coor Stu Abroad Stu Act Asst II MTPA Correction Correction Correction Mandrapa, Tatjana M Massot, Elizabeth Ann Miles, Helen M Moore, Lisa E Morgan, Daniel L Moses, Richard L Mujakovic, Elmedina Newsham, John S Niehaus, Pamela J Nienkamp, Roger L Pippin, Stephanie L Quiroz, Noelia Raiford, Charles H Rasmussen, Douglas W Reed, Augusta Lee Reisenbichler, Colleen E Rideout, Genyne Lorraine Riley, Julia Ann Rose, Clyde R Russell, Jesse J Schneider, Harriet S Smith, Adrienne Carol Soto, Raymond J Stepanovic, Lisa E Stephenson, Eddie C Stone, Jennifer R Vidal, Benjamin O Wagner, Robert Henry Weber, Linda A Westphalen, Mary O Wilder, Yvette Wilson, Bradie Frederick Woodley, Rubie B 02/17/05 -77- Amount Paid 5,107.71 4.02 4,117.86 3.13 5.59 6,879.17 2,913.04 1.22 4,066.40 2,182.01 5,147.40 6,938.85 2.67 4.88 2.66 2.93 7.12 4,034.40 426.72 14,944.90 3,520.00 3.76 2,693.70 83.92 888.84 5,374.08 2.00 4.00 3.55 17,807.20 3.34 6.27 2.22 9,794.18 1,526.85 5.34 2.22 2.51 4.18 1,135.44 7,626.90 818.13 5,299.11 5.04 2.74 4.60 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location CC-CBIL Name Program/Job Title Adams, Kevin Ali-Hasan, Noor Fayyad YIN Practice Leaders DP Initiatives Staff Dev SLCC Projects TRNG SUPT Special Projects Ameren UE AB McBride & Sons Permacel DP Pepsi CS Operating SLCC PROJ Permacel SLCC Project Practice Leaders Carpenters Tayman RGA Pepsi NEW JOBS On Site DTC Practice Leader Marsh USA MISC ASSESS KOZOZENSKI Ameren UE Edward D Jones McBride & Sons TALX BI STATE DIAL DP Koch Air-Marco Sales SLCC Proj Tayman CMS ABB Training Support Training Support OPERATING SLCC Projects Dial DP Misc Assess SLCC Proj Sigma-Aldrich LAASIE SLCC PROJ Practice Leaders Bacon, Frank C Bates, Tiffany Catrice Bellantone, Connie S Bettis, Brent A Blickhan, Jane M Boling, Amy Kathleen Carter, Rollin J Castillo, Cathie A Centracchio, Anthony Daniels, Loraine A Dwyer, Jennifer Ann Epps, Amy Rebecca Estrin, Jean J Fitzgibbon, Erika J Friesen, George H 02/17/05 -78- Amount Paid 5,587.85 1,764.10 275.31 249.09 95.00 29,441.33 885.37 142.50 6,834.88 976.96 1,648.62 203.58 305.38 542.88 1,434.91 396.90 10,489.57 778.52 290.04 271.44 213.72 6,208.41 950.04 2,748.33 9,891.48 206.50 6,622.16 831.29 4,103.33 274.77 875.26 3,297.24 52.44 624.22 118.00 854.84 1,355.31 610.60 4,604.27 3,913.13 25,696.98 732.72 1,691.65 257.83 964.72 4,048.32 213.07 3,312.51 16,518.48 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Friesen, George H Nat'l Sales CBIL Marketing ERB Equip Marquette Integram Marquette Erb Equip SLCC Projects Training Support DTC MET UAW SKILLS ABB Practice Leaders Findlay ETC Multi ETC Adult Practice Leaders DTC DP Init DTC Amerenue UE Computer Support Boeing Skills Boeing Skills Automark On-Site Chrysler North DP Init Boeing On-Site On Site On Site LWP Misc Assess Operating Ford SEP Practice Leaders SLCC PROJ TRANSCHEM UAW GM DTC Practice Leaders Findlay DP Init Pepsi Collins & Aikman GRAPHICS McBride SUPV Gamache, Stephen E Goliday, Melba M Harding, James M Irons, Ellen E Jablon-Bernstein, Moira M James, Stacy Renee Jaycox, Carolyn R Jenkins, Diane M Jones, Julie Ann Kenyon, Margaret Edna Kitchen, Troy A Kroeger, John C Kuhn, Thomas Allen Landrum, Cynthia Lucille Lieneke, Cheri L Maksimovich, Patricia Ellen Malone, Iris A Manning, Lisa K Maschmeier, Edward L Mecca, John W Merz, Christopher M Michki, Daniel J Pope, Scott A Powers, Joseph M Prindable, Mary P 02/17/05 -79- Amount Paid 101.79 1,485.92 780.39 671.66 1,888.74 475.02 122.12 1,017.75 41,574.24 3,260.31 3,092.10 4,666.75 271.44 18,954.80 1,323.27 257.83 81.42 179.79 15,529.34 78.68 1,828.75 516.10 407.20 1,654.88 13,207.01 4,450.97 1,282.27 12,630.48 20,817.30 1,168.20 419.94 206.50 2,464.22 26.22 2,850.00 18,516.17 30,572.12 244.24 271.44 5,491.17 732.78 18,828.38 8,895.14 2,045.16 4,179.72 2,768.28 16,615.15 732.72 9,100.80 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Prindable, Mary P Procter, Julie D Putney, Patti W Robinson, Nana A Rorabaugh, Nicole K Ryan, Robert T ON-SITE Boeing On-Site Supv AB DIRECT PAY On Site CBIL - PT Professionals AB DP Carpenters Carpenters MET SLCC Projects Sister of St Joseph Spec Proj DTC Graphics Graphics/Web Practice Leaders Graphics/Web Staff Dev SLCC Proj SPEC PROJ SLCC PROJ GKN EXEC Chrysler Pohlman Dierbergs DTC DTC Chrys No CHRYS SO Practice Leaders CBIL Marketing STAFF DEV SLCC PROJ Operating Autotech Autotech Chrysler North Findlay SLCC Proj On-Site DTC Dierbergs Staff Dev Police Academy CBIL Marketing McGraw-Hill Sanford, W Leon Scharringhausen, Annamarie Schuh, William J Sinclair, Harriett L Smith, Dennis L Spilker, Richard Donald Stehlin, Vincent R Stepanovic, Lisa E Tuttle, Patricia A Vitullo, Angelo G Voigt, James L Westphalen, Mary O Wylie, Kim E 02/17/05 -80- Amount Paid 4,944.55 1,663.89 702.36 12,005.12 961.70 699.32 425.96 1,131.00 196.70 1,702.29 723.84 16,128.06 15,320.73 1,492.92 249.39 11,480.03 1,055.70 623.30 2,239.60 787.06 27,893.92 850.73 528.13 542.80 671.66 2,014.57 542.88 519.01 1,221.20 732.72 16,119.36 1,594.72 542.80 1,373.87 31,617.60 5,554.32 3,323.65 2,415.36 518.31 244.24 915.90 1,419.65 969.33 542.88 3,758.89 81.42 1,221.20 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location FP Name Program/Job Title Adams, Leroy Aderibigbe, Adedamola Adekunle Adolphe, Ethel Sawyer Ainley, Dennis James Allen, Moria N Allgeyer, Crystal Lynn Anderson, Bobette La Shea Anderson, Laura Jane Atlas, Sharon Michele Baker, Aretta Baker, Sherry Lynn Ball, DeWayne William Banks, Cetina B Bardella, Margarette R Barnes, Antonio Demetrius Barnum, Qiana Janiece Bass, Farren Danielle Bennett, D'Noshie Veante Bersche, Mary J Bextermueller, Kathlene M Billi Bello, Taoridi Lanre Educational Assistant II Sr Computer Services Tech Acting Dean, Humanities/Soc Sc Model Events Worker Educational Assistant I Events Worker MALLTUTOR Events Worker Office & Tech Bookstore Assistant I Cashier NYSP Educational Assistant III Bookstore Assistant I Events Worker Events Worker Child Care Attend I Part-time Professional Post Secendary Int II Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Housekeeper Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Clerk Office & Tech Events Worker PSI II NYSP Cashier Events Worker Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I NYSP Child Care Attend I Lifeguard Lifeguard Phys Ed NYSP Educational Assistant I Events Worker MODL FPCE Model Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Bills, Gregory Ray Bishop, Vernetta Ann Blalock, Tiffany Jatuan Blalock, Wanda Alise Bossler, Sara M Bostic, Monica Rene Bromaghim, Becki Laura Brown, Marie Deburah Brown, Marquetta Lane Brown, Sharon Lanae Bui, Duy Dang Burns, Kara Allyn Burns, Michael W Burton, Joseph Melvin Byrd, Robbie L Campbell, Charles E Carroll, Felicia J Carter, Ashley N Castardi, Becky J Charles, Mario P Chauncey, Latoya Lynette Clark, Amber Jenesa 02/17/05 -81- Amount Paid 2,393.28 403.20 7,316.94 94.21 224.00 1,968.00 16.00 2,236.39 289.80 5,263.99 3,980.48 6,889.56 2,100.00 1,489.73 9,028.34 116.00 36.00 1,454.12 3,790.28 388.05 209.10 6,815.46 1,117.20 3,504.48 448.95 5,635.81 160.00 264.00 1,244.40 1,200.00 4,825.94 40.00 2,935.50 1,285.20 3,563.64 1,500.60 660.00 1,493.07 81.90 90.63 936.96 520.43 1,672.83 180.00 44.32 397.93 1,016.90 507.25 2,229.38 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Claywell, JoAnn Clincy, Mysha R Cobb, Mary Ann Coleman, Sarah Nelle Collins, Quiana Marie Colvin, Jennifer Megan Cook, Jessica L Corder, Troy Lamount Cowens, Sabriya Christinia Cox, Galen Paul Crane, Clifton Maurice Library Associate Admissions Rep Academic Advisor Clerk II Cashier Lifeguard Events Worker Events Worker Child Care Attendant I Campus Police EVENTWRKR Events Worker Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant I Professional Office & Tech NYSP Educational Assistant Office & Tech Office Tech Project Associate I Educational Assistant II NYSP Lifeguard Sr Project Associate I Accessibility Servic Model Educational Assistant I Office & Tech Educational Assistant III Security Officer NYSP College Nurse Events Worker Educational Assistant I Events Worker NYSP Educational Assistant III Engineering Technician Educational Assistant III NYSP NYSP NYSP Events Worker Professional Educational Assistant I College Nurse Events Worker NYSP Creighton, Allison Crocker, Stanley T Daugherty, Kathleen Ann Davenport, Cynthia A Davis, Charity D De Fabio, Leonard Depew, Matthew S Dietrich, Valerie Dore, William P Douglas, Milton R Dowell-Foster, Donna A Doyle, Michelle Lynn Dufer, Dallas D Dunham-Mayfield, Carlen Raquel Dunphy, Karen S Dye, Vicky L Edmond, Troy D Ellis, Glenn L Evans, Gloria D Evans, Lakeisha Rene Finnie, Natavia N Y Ford, LaTonya Marie Ford, Zaneta Denise Fox, Carol A Frison, Tommie F Gardner, Steven Eugene Garrison, Reid D'Evan Garrison, Rolland Nathaniel Garry, William W Gauda, Robin J Gee, Stacy L Geimer, Jennifer Lee Gerber, Linda S Gibbs, Keisha Vonsha Gladen, Rolanda Charlette 02/17/05 -82- Amount Paid 3,305.28 10,937.08 1,043.84 64.58 2,732.75 343.98 215.28 92.00 4,242.90 1,258.88 49.68 372.00 285.80 1,631.52 351.00 487.31 750.00 890.12 1,122.03 685.48 5,197.19 890.12 2,012.09 1,610.32 6,869.17 1,221.30 60.67 2,432.33 552.83 2,170.45 3,505.50 2,199.00 133.96 244.00 5,046.48 240.00 720.00 3,381.09 3,966.27 3,785.49 450.00 4,999.50 2,599.50 84.00 351.00 7,240.23 5,607.62 248.00 2,599.50 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Goldstein, Sean B Goodwin, Suzanne M Groundskeeper Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I EVENTWRKR GED Examiner GED Examiner Administrative Clerk Model Office & Tech Cashier Educational Assistant I Cashier Model Educational Assistant II Clerk II Educational Assistant I Stu Act Asst II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I ED ASST I Clerk Hum/SS/Soc Program Mall Tutor Mall Tutor MALL TUTOR Events Worker Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Project Associate II Clerk II Cashier Educational Assistant I Events Worker NYSP Cashier Academic Advisor EVENTWRKR Career Specialist Educational Assistant II EDASST II Administrative Clerk Campus Police Security Officer Clerk II Events Worker Clerk II Event Worker Educational Assistant III Green, Andrina Kennise Green, Bonnie R Green-Benedek, Julie A Griessel, Michael K Grosch, Angeline J Hafezi, Blerina Haffer, Christopher Alan Haier, Bert G Ham, Nikki L Handy, Lamandris T Hantal, Berhane Zerai Harer, Dennis David Harris, Jeffery T Harris, Michelle Tamasha Harris, Tara N Harrold, Desia T Hehner, Kimberly Ann Helle, Nancy A Higdon, Paul Edward Hill, Patrice Ann Hinton, Caroline Ann Holt, Barbara Jean Hood, Tiffany L Hudson, Sarah Danielle Hughes, Martha R Hughes, Shameka Danielle Humphrey, Jervon A Hutson, Tiffany M Hyde, Michelle Scott Isaac, Chasity E Jackson, Charles B Jackson, Elizabeth Lynn Jacobs, Vetrue James, Kenneth Jefferson, Rita E Jenkins, Karla Jean Johnson, Antoian T Johnson, Barbara A Johnson, Evelynn LaVerne Johnson, Valerie B 02/17/05 -83- Amount Paid 12,489.30 461.25 1,139.24 444.00 290.00 289.80 316.48 27.71 5,837.60 1,871.30 2,186.33 2,314.27 763.93 894.20 909.88 2,008.53 1,086.17 1,435.54 1,141.85 202.95 3,113.79 1,332.05 3,234.03 803.90 527.06 1,636.21 180.00 1,260.75 5,180.94 12,510.32 1,165.98 2,849.33 247.20 76.00 2,023.08 775.55 7,893.89 364.48 6,403.46 631.22 601.63 3,306.49 111.24 9,446.13 7,920.56 224.00 899.99 24.00 6,105.23 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Jones, Amanda Monique Jones, Shuron Danielle Jones, Stanley R Jones, Stephen Andrew Clerk Child Care Attendant Office & Tech Specialist Svc for Disabled Specialist Svc for Disabled Events Worker Educational Assistant Educational Assistant I Office & Tech Office & Tech Administrative Secretary Housekeeper MALL TUTOR Educational Assistant I PSTSECINTII Office & Tech GEDPROCTR GED Proctor Stu Adm Reg Asst I Clerk Clerk II Educational Assistant II Computer Svc Tech II NYSP Clerk II Campus Police NYSP Trainer Educational Assistant II Cashier NYSP Office & Tech Cashier Clerk Educational Assistant I Campus Police Copy Center Supv Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant III Child Care Attendant I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I MALL TUTOR Educational Assistant I Campus Police Secretary Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant III Joy, Cornelius C Kalayeh, Mona M Kelley, Brenda G Kellner, Kurt A Kemp, Carletta Ann Kersten, Melissa C Koric, Arabela Korkaric, Huso Kudrna, Patricia Ann Lawshee, Larry L Lewis, Clarice D Lewis, Malinda J Liggins, Carolyn V Lonning, Robert D Lott, Jason L Marbley, Johnny Lewis Marino, Angela L Marshall, Glenn Marshall, Jolease M Martin, Susan J May, Brian Otto McCorkle, Michelle L McCray, Jamaal A Metzler, Jill Emily Miles, Helen M Miller, Geraldine Miller, James J Mills, Barbara A Moore, Lisa E Moore, Marian V Moore, Pamela D Morgan, Daniel L Mori, Donald L Moseley, Beau Z Moses, Richard L Mosley, Coyita R Mouton, Nathan Mukhi, Seema Raju 02/17/05 -84- Amount Paid 572.14 4,266.95 840.34 8,530.54 8,530.54 340.00 1,841.64 6,342.69 430.67 8,938.36 8,831.73 6,814.52 1,157.50 5,260.92 3,612.15 4,034.60 227.70 345.00 3,381.73 2,037.78 1,045.87 890.12 11,201.15 750.00 84.46 160.68 750.00 2,651.81 890.12 3,389.47 750.00 560.00 2,300.54 7,587.39 4,491.15 2,107.38 13,982.25 2,452.68 2,452.68 3,802.65 3,994.43 6,911.40 1,486.71 2,562.46 1,730.40 12,350.40 8,047.64 2,324.70 2,803.77 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Najafi, Amon M Taghizadeh Namaghi, Rozina Teimouri Neal, Jessica E Nguyen, Thanhphuong Thi Nguyen, Tuong-Thao Thi Nicholson, Jacinda Ann Nickson, Anita S Niemeier, Robert Scott O'Dell, Kori Lynn Obrien, Daniel E ED ASST I Child Care Attend I Clerk II Educational Assistant I Educational Asistant 1 Educational Assistant I Office & Tech Educational Assistant I Bookstore Assistant I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I NYSP Cashier Events Worker Lifequard Events Worker College Police Office & Tech Stock Clerk Model MODL FPCE Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I EVENTWRKR NYSP Educational Assistant I Speech & Theatre Executive Dean/FP Educational Assistant I MALL TUTOR MALLTUTOR MALLTUTOR Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant I Events Worker Accounting Assistant II Educational Assistant I Dist/Mail Clerk Model Office & Tech Educational Assistant I Events Worker Educational Assistant III Clerk II Student Act Asst II Educational Assistant II Office & Tech Oliver, Melissa Janice Omotola, Jennifer Susan Orange, Gianna Monique Pashos, Leo C Pastera, Marilyn Faria Chenoweth Payne, Gary Tyrone Pegues, Marva L Peistrup, Amanda Lee Peniston, Eric B Pippin, Stephanie L Pitchford, Verla D Poole, Thomas J Porter, Ashley L Porter, Patricia Lynn Potter, Larry Keith Pupillo, Christina L Rau, Dennis E Ray, Jaron R Reisenbichler, Colleen E Rheinheimer, Mark J Riddle, Dawana L Rideout, Genyne Lorraine Riley, Julia Ann Rogers, Ella L Rowold, Faith Elizabeth Ru, Yuxia Russell, Jesse J Rutledge, Rowena R Sabharwal, Chander Lekha Sayles, Keith Pryor Schaefer, Robert E Schneider, Harriet S 02/17/05 -85- Amount Paid 3,193.56 1,194.45 551.37 1,789.65 4,404.99 2,229.38 2,265.41 3,162.24 3,907.92 49.44 1,273.08 2,199.00 2,556.03 152.00 2,118.12 60.00 4,066.26 5,165.73 509.07 105.30 44.32 1,384.74 4,911.06 894.20 1,900.35 332.00 2,199.00 2,459.52 4,543.30 2,055.32 350.55 1,400.43 387.60 1,367.36 4,556.67 719.55 116.00 9,228.84 1,073.87 9,798.96 515.44 2,898.04 6,490.32 16.00 1,406.86 6,407.09 287.99 894.20 7,067.91 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Scott, Aquinda L Shrinivas, Radha S Simon, Elizabeth H Slaughter, Joanna Waceke Smith, Adrienne Carol EVENTWRKR Educational Assistant III Cashier Educational Assistant I Student Activities Asst II Educational Assistant I Events Worker Educational Assistant II NYSP Administrative Clerk Event Worker Model Office & Tech Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II EDASST II Educational Assistant III FP/ACCESS Administrative Clerk Cashier Housekeeper PSI I 1Time Pay Educational Assistant II Events Worker NYSP Educational Assistant Gym Supervisor Office & Tech Office & Technical Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II NYSP Scene Editor Specialist GED Cheif Examiner Accounting Clerk I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Security Officer Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Stud Serv Asst II Educational Assistant I Smith, Chandra C Smith, Curtis Smith, David Brian Smith, Linda Smith, Linda Kay Smith, Victoria J Stanford-Jones, Patricia A Stephenson, Eddie C Stipanovic, Michael D Stone, Jennifer R Stone, Kathleen A Straubmuller, Spencer Richard Stroud, Clariecia Renee Sutton, Recco Taksel, Stephanie Kaye Tarbouni, Younasse T Taylor, James P Taylor, Michael Lamarr Taylor, Ryan W Terry, Robert P Thomas, Preston R Thompson, Sandra D Tibbs, Marlon Comelius Tiffany, Johne R Tippett, Royce Crosby Topps, Stanley M Trower, Jason P Tucker, Jane Frances Turner, Linda S Turner, Shirley Ann Ury, Christopher M Ury, Johnathan D Vidal, Benjamin O Wagner, Robert Henry Wallace, Marsha Elaine Wanko, David J Ward, Alethea Carol Ward, Steven Bradford 02/17/05 -86- Amount Paid 348.00 1,338.34 3,314.11 2,946.99 2,947.29 1,460.05 104.00 1,675.52 750.00 5,244.55 252.00 299.40 5,983.19 7,994.21 890.12 2,230.10 2,233.50 3,570.92 3,563.75 2,913.99 5,144.77 1,681.12 1,630.66 200.00 894.20 448.00 2,199.00 894.20 528.89 1,347.90 859.95 1,479.51 1,210.62 2,472.21 690.00 440.00 7,844.72 1,050.00 3,119.66 543.84 321.36 1,171.44 1,001.16 4,848.78 9,327.24 1,398.42 890.12 9,750.55 1,316.10 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Watson, Monica R Watts, Angela Marie Weaver, Donald E Wells, La Toya Reshay White, Berratdus S White, Erin Michelle Educational Assistant I Project Associate I Educational Assistant II NYSP Events Worker EVENTWRKR Events Worker Model Comp Svc Tech II Model Educational Assistant I NYSP Clerk Clerk II Educational Assistant II Clerk Scorekeeper Office & Technical Professional Educational Assistant I Events Worker Events Worker Telephone Att Recept NYSP NYSP NYSP Educational Assistant I Clerk Bookstore Assistant I White, Theresa N Wilder, Yvette Williams, Bruce A Williams, Chrystal Dawn Renee Williams, Terril K Williamson, Tamara Diane Willis, Wrainbeau Lynn Wilson, Barry Glenn Wilson, Bradie Frederick Wilson, Lisa Winn, Toya S Wood, Pamela Renee Woodley, Rubie B Woods, MaDonna A Wright, Doris Marie Wright, Oceolia L Wurm, James G Wurm, Katherine Elizabeth Young, Derrick L Yousefi, Shahrouz Zerai, Shamir Cyretha 02/17/05 -87- Amount Paid 5,727.51 7,211.63 894.20 2,199.00 60.00 62.10 256.00 82.73 12,020.27 193.97 2,567.63 2,218.24 769.19 7,966.28 894.20 5,267.15 150.00 305.00 351.00 7,348.65 404.00 96.00 5,323.50 750.00 720.00 999.00 2,842.80 549.62 6,761.85 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location FV Name Program/Job Title Adams, John T Agusti, Kathleen M Aje, Olamide B Theatre Office & Tech Educational Assistant I Correction Child Development Ct Correction Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Table Official Office & Tech Educational Assistant I Correction Clerk Educational Assistant I Clerk II Child Care Attendant Correction English Child Care Attend I Housekeeper Office & Tech Educational Assistant III External Post Secendary Int II Operating NYSP Correction Clerk Clerk I Cashier Housekeeper Office & Tech NYSP Educational Assistant II Project Associate II Operating External Operating Sr Project Associate II Model Educational Assistant Clerk II Educational Assistant I Correction NYSP Clerk NYSP NYSP Correction Alberty, Alita M Alcozer, Antonio D Angert, Mary Elizabeth Arisman, Robert R Aslin, Holly A Backowski, Lorrie Michelle Balderas, Barbara A Barnstead, Ella Knight Barrett, Michael P Barrow, Kimberly Celeste Beckmann, Shawn D Benton, Debra A Bess, Stephanie L Bextermueller, Kathlene M Black, Lallie Bonita Black, Mary Alberta Boswell, Joy Marie Bowen, Barry Boyd, Mary A Bridgeforth, Rosalyn Yvette Brockhaus, Laurie K Bromaghim, Becki Laura Brooks, Angela Dorise Brosch, Jennifer Ann Brown, Amy L Brown, Christina Deanne Buchanan, Ashley R Bucher, Jonathon E Byes, Stephen B Campbell, Joseph Edward Carraway, Brandye Anna 02/17/05 -88- Amount Paid 150.00 1,001.16 5,844.93 2.09 3,486.15 4.12 442.80 1,783.52 300.00 707.30 11,394.06 6.27 58.31 4,643.65 853.70 3,492.56 1.75 1,089.35 4,119.49 6,851.68 186.30 3,522.97 1,306.44 776.10 452.73 1,836.19 3.66 4,442.12 1,549.13 49.45 4,724.06 4,749.21 1,584.78 781.67 13,203.17 174.20 38.81 271.64 229.57 77.21 3,459.66 2,692.56 6,696.47 8.15 3,321.70 517.56 1,867.66 2,500.00 4.88 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Carraway, Brandye Anna Cason-Sumrall, Deidre Annette Child Care Attendant Educational Assistant II Correction Educational Assistant III Perkins External Operating Correction Operating External Educational Assistant II Student Activities Asst I Correction Educational Assistant II Security Officer Cashier Model Educational Assistant II Operating External Perkins FV-Acad Support Services Educational Assistant II Correction Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Correction Model Correction Educational Assistant II Correction NYSP Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Correction Educational Assistant II EDASSTIII Educational Assistant III Sr Project Associate I Clerk Operating External Operating Model NYSP Child Care Attend I Educational Assistant II Clerk II College Nurse Cernich, Victoria Marie Chaperlo, Patricia A Chay, Edgar Rene Chisholm, Ann Chrusciel, Timothy Paul Cisco, Elisabeth N Clark, Deanna K Clark, Glandean Althea Clincy, Mysha R Cole, Margaret A Collins, Robert W Colon Munoz, Norma E Connors, Derrick S Cook, Christopher S Corley, Robert David Crane, Alison B Crouch, Frederick L Cubb, Joanne Lynn Cunningham, Eric Maurice Dailes, Alease Patricia Dale, Rebecca Lael Dalton, Mark R Davidson, Joy Anjeanette Davis, Larilean Davis, Phyllis R De Friese, James Randolph 02/17/05 -89- Amount Paid 6,700.02 8,033.51 2.22 2,236.40 24.60 452.76 159.90 0.76 904.48 123.00 677.41 2,489.25 3.78 4,160.73 5,100.36 254.67 264.72 693.79 949.05 346.89 45.82 601.61 1,458.72 1.78 107.99 4,624.16 7.56 266.04 3.34 6,847.92 3.66 1,567.61 858.48 3,428.88 1.78 1,460.69 1,665.23 2,756.25 15,597.57 296.01 945.54 27.81 50.24 309.05 1,558.72 242.19 604.90 1,577.34 6,504.84 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Dean, Christina J Acosta Operating External Perkins Operating External Lifeguard Clerk II Educational Assistant II Correction NYSP NYSP EXTERNAL OPERATING Operating Operating NYSP NYSP Correction Clerk II Operating Educational Assistant II Cashier Model Clerk Clerk Child Care Attend I Correction Educational Assistant I External Operating Perkins Security Officer Educational Assistant II 1Time Pay EDASSTIII 1Time Pay Cashier Program Asst Program Asst Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Child Care Attendant Correction ACCRED TA Advisor Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II MODEL Dee, Jamil Amon DeLisle, Jo B Dempsey, Karen Raquel Diego, Roberto Doss, Trenton JaVon Dotson, Roderick D Doyle, Michelle Lynn Driskill, John E Driskill, Regina Lynn Durley-Petty, Renay D Edwards, Terry T Edwards, Wendy K Emig, Bridgette Tracey Estes, Tiffany N Evans, Glenna Jean Evans, Mary G Eveld, Linda Catherine Feuerstein, Margaret Ann Fischer, Mindy Marie Flieger, Jimmy D Foley, Therese M Ford, Elijah D Foster, Diane R Foster, Drew A Fowlkes, Ashlee C Francis, Antya M French, Lisa Marie Frese, Anne M Freund, Linda S Friedline, Gerianne Gaubatz, Douglas G Gearhart, Lori F Geyer, Melody O 02/17/05 -90- Amount Paid 798.50 906.49 170.17 279.24 432.60 491.40 563.73 6,828.53 3.66 1,599.01 1,811.96 341.55 207.00 582.08 569.14 3,000.00 1,670.77 3.66 3,171.66 31.06 2,676.05 273.24 410.13 1,051.92 1,282.72 2,547.49 1.67 9,150.75 26.31 4,369.77 249.86 6,227.49 17,511.30 100.00 398.35 800.00 610.12 298.50 147.60 698.34 1,002.46 3,783.07 2.16 845.95 264.21 1,454.15 645.99 2,616.85 266.04 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Gibbons, Thomas Patrick Gilda, Camie Alexis Educational Assistant III NYSP Correction NYSP NYSP Correction Office & Tech Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Correction Ofc & Technical Office & Tech Educational Assistant III NYSP Clerk II Operating Cashier Model Correction NYSP NYSP Educational Assistant I Clerk II Office & Tech Child Care Attend I Educational Assistant I Correction Clerk Correction Clerk Clerk Correction Child Care Attendant Child Care Attend I Office & Tech Stu Adm Reg Asst I NYSP NYSP Educational Asst I Cashier Correction Educational Assistant II External Perkins Operating External Operating Clerk II Gillespie, James L Gilmore, Brandon G Gilson, Lillian L Gleason, Rebekah Margaret Goodlow, Ivy Denise Goodwin-Raftery, Karen F Gordon, Latasha Luenise Gordon, Patricia C Goston, Bryant Graham, Jennifer Lynn Graves, Angela S Greene, Amanda L Griessel, Michael K Griffin, Lehman D Griffin, Willie L Gruss, Donna J Gunn, Aisha Janette Guynn, Erika D Hake, John C Hamasukwa, Ajay Hansen, O D Harris, Duran C Harris, Ovaloretta Hart, Lois M Havens, Carrie Ann Hayes, Andrea N Haynes, Magnolia Heck, Kenneth Herman Henderson, Shirley J Hendree, Claudette J Henley, Melissa Anne Henley, Michelle Kimberly Henry, John Eric 02/17/05 -91- Amount Paid 700.21 1,625.01 4.12 2,500.00 1,536.21 3.66 247.91 3,445.96 11,273.82 6.69 270.27 1,712.93 914.56 2,500.00 1,226.36 232.96 3,383.22 410.13 3.66 1,782.89 246.00 565.80 4,457.85 3,792.44 392.44 461.28 1.67 398.69 4.88 6,254.02 1,026.85 4.27 7,804.36 2,442.10 4,105.24 3,231.57 2,500.00 2,500.00 196.80 417.31 4.67 11,002.08 375.19 2,665.13 362.26 58.57 54.06 4,678.38 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Henry, Lena G Correction Educational Assistant II Model Educational Assistant II Operating Supv PE Ath Fac PE/ATH SUPPORT External Operating External Office & Tech Model Educational Assistant I NYSP Correction NYSP Correction NYSP Clerk Security Officer Correction Cashier Project Associate II Correction Security Officer NYSP NYSP Correction Perkins Operating External Educational Assistant I Correction Advisor ACCRED TA Advisor Child Care Specialist Accounting Clerk I Correction Child Care Attend I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Model Educational Assistant I SCOREKEEP Educational Assistant II Career & Emp Svc Spc ACCRED TA Advisor Herbert, Harry Herrion, Antony D Hillen, Melinda K Hillerman, Donald Hoff, Sue N Holliday, Kellyn J Holmes, Lanthie R Holmes, Randall G House, Verna Denise Howard, Leotis Hunt, Melinda Marie Irby, Clemmie Bee Jenkins, Angela M Jenkins, Patricia J Jett, Patricia A Jett, Paul M Johnson, Frank Walter Johnson, Jahmil Johnson, Pinkey Lynette Johnson, Steven A Joiner, Renee P Jordan, Denise Judge, Kelley M Kaiser, Tawnya Lavon Kaveler, Michael H Key, Heather Colleen Kiehne, Deanna J Kinney, Johnna D Klopfenstein, Jane E Krause, Joan B 02/17/05 -92- Amount Paid 2.22 5,325.70 132.36 2,460.92 741.18 2,336.12 4,008.37 1,203.20 1,584.61 1,170.36 2,804.43 1,187.68 6,431.52 1,568.84 4.60 1,533.29 1.83 1,824.87 270.30 4,642.92 6.69 7,086.90 7,766.36 3.34 4,309.20 2,500.00 1,544.92 3.66 8.97 636.87 179.40 10,642.62 3.76 1,981.13 5,056.66 691.08 5,479.00 864.61 3.66 6,069.16 1,180.80 4,588.05 496.35 1,087.68 71.42 1,588.51 2,553.12 332.67 54.80 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Kretzler, Edward W Krogmeier, Mary Scorekeeper ACCRED TA ACCREDADV EXTERNAL OPERATING Office & Tech Educational Assistant III Cashier NYSP Correction Office & Tech Educational Assistant III Office & Tech Clerk I Clerk Custodial Services Stu Adm Reg Asst I Ofc & Technical Educational Assistant II Correction Project Associate II 1Time Pay Stu Adm Reg Asst I Lifeguard Lifeguard Cashier Divemaster Perkins Operating NYSP NYSP College Nurse Correction Educational Assistant I NYSP Security Officer Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Correction Child Care Attend I Cashier lifeguard Lifeguard NYSP Correction Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I NYSP Kudrna, Patricia Ann Kuenzel, Jeffrey M Laboray, Ronald E Lake, Ebony Lashell Laughlin, Rayma K Lemke, Celeste M Lemke, Harry E Lemke, Lorraine C Lesueur, Rosemary Lewis, Josephine Tanner Lewis, Rosita D Liggins, Carolyn V Lightle, Meghan E Lincoln, Sheryl A Loche, Eugene D Logan, Conin O Lucas, Alyse N Lucido, Brian P Luckett, Paulette Rene' Madison, Candice Starr Mahoney, Michael Edward Malique, Ismail Al Manning, Neisha C Marbs, Margaret Ann Marchbanks, Cindy L Marr, Pamela J Martin, Michael Anthony 02/17/05 -93- Amount Paid 60.00 2,262.20 1,374.28 258.75 143.15 2,804.70 1,128.91 1,112.63 749.00 6.40 2,150.12 3,292.34 3,326.91 2,551.99 468.53 9,180.02 4,565.62 31.25 6,110.39 7.56 6,487.83 100.00 5,263.04 241.60 367.77 740.24 197.76 251.98 39.27 1,726.14 2,500.00 553.08 8.15 3,881.04 2,180.54 1,326.23 356.70 1,446.50 6,754.44 2.45 726.57 3,749.89 1,620.90 1,724.28 748.61 0.63 219.96 8,991.90 1,543.82 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Mason, Bryan T Mathias, Katie F Matson, Kristopher M Mcbeth, Susen S McClain, Jason B Project Associate II Clerk Educational Assistant I Interpreter Correction NYSP NYSP Educational Assistant II Correction Educational Assistant I Office & Tech Child Care Specialist Educational Assistant I Lifeguard NYSP Lifeguard NYSP Office & Tech Educational Assistant I Clerk Advisor Admissions Rep I Educational Assistant I Correction Operating Educational Assistant I Correction Educational Asst II Cashier Educational Assistant III NYSP Correction Educational Assistant I Clerk Office & Tech Educational Assistant II Correction Student Acct Asst I Stu Act Asst Student Aide NYSP Clerk Operating Perkins Driver NYSP Correction Educational Assistant I Registration McClain, Sylvester L McFall, Duane E McMurray, Gerard E McNeil, Haralyn LaDawn Mensinger, Jason Michael Mitchell, Shiante J Modlin, Barbara J Moellering, Michelle L Moore, Douglas A Moore, Pamela Jo Morris, Alvin T Morrison, Robert G Mueller, Mary J Murphy, Virgil M Myles, Shirlyn Annette Neal, Barbara Sue Newman, Richard T Nicholson, Ivan Christopher Nicholson, Terrell A Nolan, Christy Nell Nowack, John E Nunez, Jose Enrique Oakes, Patricia A Odom, Jesse Kurt Onyemelukwe, Danette I Orlando, John J Ottenlips, Salvatore Paglusch, Roger M Parker, Crystal L Patterson, Chasity Marie 02/17/05 -94- Amount Paid 1,208.13 833.44 12,277.80 100.00 3.66 1,513.27 2,228.85 2,616.84 5.01 11,538.23 6,669.71 2,508.00 240.98 909.63 469.55 269.80 1,669.86 772.52 7,484.56 4,948.62 2,118.15 2,370.72 4,280.82 14.21 341.91 1,952.88 2.67 5,921.62 6,636.96 649.59 1,894.58 5.85 5,483.01 163.70 6,694.40 8,323.85 6.67 4,136.50 3,132.66 798.25 2,500.00 427.98 579.72 5,657.53 337.50 1,336.00 5.85 6,354.54 5,614.49 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Patton, Eddie Cadozia Petty, Riebeil Douglass Pfeiffer, Rebecca Lynn Phillips, Clifton Vincent Phillips, Roxanne M Plarski, Doris L Porter, Kevin D Poynter, Tracy M Custodian NYSP NYSP NYSP Educational Assistant III Tab Official SUPV TLC Stu Adm Reg Asst I One Time Payment Operating Correction Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II NYSP Educational Assistant I Stu Adm Reg Asst I Lab Assistant Educational Assistant I Child Care Attendant Correction Educational Assistant II NYSP Child Care Attendant I Lifeguard Correction Administrative Clerk II Interpreter Driver NYSP Admissions Rep I Clerk Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Robotics Bookstore Asst I NYSP Child Care Attend I Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Correction Clerk Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Correction Operating External Correction NYSP Preston, Sonja Michelle Quigle, Nancy L Raife, Tracee Shanae Ramirez, Raul Redd, Janie N Reekers, Samuel Scott H Reinert, Amanda J Rivas, Betsy Ann Rosener, Russell John Ross, Meridith V Russell, Brandon J Russell, James M Saines, Yulonda Patrice Sapienza, Joe P Sawyer, Yvonne L Scaife, James Haywood Schliemann, Marie Emily Schmitt, Linda M Schneider, Scott E Sciuto, Lee Ann Scurlock, Eugene A Seigler-Whittler, Ruth Anna Sekardi, Kimberlee M Shah, Jigisha Bipinbhai Shaw, Angela N Shelton, Deionza L Shelton, James C Shepherd, Marilyn E 02/17/05 -95- Amount Paid 7,734.51 1,878.63 1,590.51 1,646.97 535.89 60.00 3,613.92 4,897.56 100.00 37.08 1.36 1,199.29 3,553.95 4,175.72 1,262.31 1,869.60 3,909.19 98.28 3,208.50 5,739.24 2.44 359.98 541.54 2,471.77 156.75 4.88 2,711.72 100.00 337.50 1,344.77 8,642.56 762.45 1,595.93 4,231.35 554.79 10,487.80 731.86 251.16 3,549.60 2,563.20 1.67 215.28 4,764.78 1,536.96 8.78 317.43 62.18 3.66 1,626.85 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Siljak, Mihail Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard Lifeguard NYSP Student Activities Asst I Accounting Clerk I Model NYSP Security Officer Correction Perkins External Perkins Operating Gymnasium Supv Operating External EDASSTIII Clerk NYSP Correction Educational Assistant I NYSP Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant I Correction Perkins Operating External Clerk Correction Educational Assistant I Correcton FV-Acad Support Services Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II NYSP NYSP NYSP Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Correction Child Care Attend I Educational Assistant I Swimming Lifeguard Lifeguard Cashier Simmons, Valerie Darnesha Sinclair, Amelia Skonseng, Tamara Jean Smith, Karla Teresa Smith, Levi Clarence Smith, Robert Smythe, Theresa O Sorber, Gene F Sparks, Nancy Steier, John Joseph Steinbruegge, Susan M Stewart, Robert L Storer, Christopher M Strode, Brooke A Stroker, Claire A Sumo, Flumoquiqu W Taksel, Stephanie Kaye Tapp, Cherie Ann Thomas, Tricia L Tobias, Marvin A Tompkins, Janice A Tucker, DeAndra Lavon Tucker, Ronald E Turnage, Jasmine K Turner, Kala A Tyler, Ray A Tyrey, Rachel E Underwood, Blanche K 02/17/05 -96- Amount Paid 748.61 2,258.66 55.35 868.07 1,978.65 9,056.12 739.01 77.59 2,500.00 6,142.58 3.76 330.18 1,708.30 3,469.26 1,335.04 744.52 1,720.70 194.06 629.70 539.70 1,371.45 4.18 7,511.58 1,648.74 829.01 2,973.72 1.25 2,275.15 1,093.55 194.13 910.45 6.06 10,406.40 1.78 552.30 65.75 3,860.35 1,000.05 4,000.00 1,566.25 2,206.26 2,228.82 5.22 3,928.87 630.36 259.56 739.41 519.03 501.76 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Underwood, Deborah A Vaughn, Albert Cashier Correction Part-time Professional Model Correction Office & Tech Educational Assistant I Correction Educational Assistant II Part-time Professional Accounting Clerk I Educational Assistant II Accounting Clerk I NYSP Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant II Correction NYSP Correction Clerk Operating External NYSP Housekeeper Driver NYSP Custodial Services Educational Asst I Educational Assistant I Clerk II Correction Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant III NYSP Model Security Officer Educational Assistant II NYSP NYSP Educational Assistant I Villa, Angelo T Vroman, Paul J Wade, Grace Wagner, Mary Sutherland Walker, Belinda J Walker, Joy A Walker, Neita F Walls, Geannette L Walton, Jeremi M Walton, Rebekah Christine Watson, Rahbosha Dalanda Webber-Ward, Barbara Jean Weeks, Phyllis Dean Wells, Michael A Wilke, David M Williams, Clovis Eugene Williams, Ryan S Williams, Stephanie Michelle Wilson, Donald W Winslow, Jennifer Denise Woelfel, Ashley M Woodcox, James K Woods, Danielle Nicole Young, Jaron R Young-Lang, Deanita Joy Zimmerman, Steven A 02/17/05 -97- Amount Paid 5,509.81 2.67 7,228.40 1,339.39 4.23 7,253.70 3,203.52 2.09 4,234.32 9,171.91 761.08 3,082.70 4,297.94 2,200.00 9,516.18 431.97 7.94 636.87 3.35 4,130.99 40.37 1,506.96 2,300.00 5,309.36 337.50 1,336.00 9,276.92 541.20 1,721.13 4,048.27 1.33 4,501.20 1,291.51 6,519.31 1,580.12 299.28 2,705.68 6,747.90 2,500.00 1,640.60 233.70 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location HP 02/17/05 Name Program/Job Title Lucy, Catherine Concetta Library Associate -98- Amount Paid 2,269.35 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name MC Agobe, Eloviano Jesse Program/Job Title Clerk CLERK Educational Assistant I Clerk II Educational Assistant I GEDEAMCC Educational Assistant II Cashier Flat fee 1TIME PAY 1 Time Payment Educational Assistant II Correction Scorekeeper Cashier Stu Adm Reg Asst II Educational Assistant II 1TIME PAY Stu Serv Asst I Office & Tech Bus Svc Asst Stu Asst II 1Time Pay 1Time Pay Stu Serv Asst Correction Educational Assistant II Cashier Clerk Clerk Educational Assistant I Scorekeeper Scorekeeper CLERK II 1Time Pay 1Time Pay Clerk II Educational Assistant III Acad Data Systems Correction PLB MCC Student Svc Asst I Cashier Coor Registration/PT Prof Cashier PLB MCC Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I PLB MCC Ahmed, Khawaja J Alexander, William R Alfoldy, Mary Janice Barnes, Javonda Jane Barnett, Susan Lauren Bathe, Christopher Lee Bedwell, Janie A Bee, Donald Louis Bee, Shannon L Belleville, Susan Mary Bene', Michelle Lynn Benson, Michael Eugene Bereitschaft, Linda A Bernal, Mary L Bevineau-Lewis, Beverly Ellen Bina, Nancy E Bitikofer, Dustin S Blair, Antonia Tianda Bloom, Charles Timothy Blumenthal, Nicholas Kyle Bodero Ganoza, Luciano JJ Bond, Marcus W Bossi, Patti D Bossler, Sara M Boyer, Laura Lee Bradley, Terry Lee Braun, Robert N Breig, Ethelreda K Brooks, Melanie Melissa Brown, Donald E Brown, Karen A Brown, Theresa Rose Burgess, Julie Anne Burnett, Brian Scott Butler, Synetra T 02/17/05 -99- Amount Paid 80.73 265.66 1,691.25 428.44 990.15 1,689.12 152.42 3,201.47 200.00 200.00 125.00 9,535.63 6.01 208.00 1,181.20 534.96 706.86 75.00 3,867.31 3,289.39 314.16 7,666.73 75.00 50.00 3,447.80 3.56 6,829.20 2,881.45 278.72 206.31 1,629.75 304.00 33.12 1,347.92 75.00 100.00 1,308.18 944.38 4,089.72 19.62 224.70 7,502.84 623.07 3,571.70 524.17 515.57 197.32 4,126.65 260.97 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Caliman, Claudia Carli Caliman, Lawrence Mugurel Callahan, Megan Anne Carlson, Carrie E Carr, William C Castardi, Becky J Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Bookstore Assistant I Cashier Educational Assistant III Model Model Student Svc Asst I Educational Assistant III PLB MCC 1 Time Payment Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant II Correction Cashier Educational Assistant II College Nurse Educational Assistant III EDASSTIII Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant III Educational Assistant III Clerk II Stu Serv Asst I College Nurse Lifeguard Educational Assistant III PT Service/Maintenance Office & Tech Ed Asst III College Nurse Child Care Assistant PLB MCC Educational Assistant I Educational Assistant I Stu Serv Asst I Clerk II Educational Assistant III Scorekeeper Scorekeeper Model Clerk Typist Gate Keeper Night Supv Office & Tech Stu Adm Reg Asst II Scorekeeper Correction Educational Assistant II Chandler, Amanda Beth Clayton, Sandra E Connelly, Colleen P Conyers, Scott E Cook, Mary C Cox, Michael Anthony Cullmann, Curtis C Cunningham, Gladys M Dale, Rebecca Lael Davies-Sigmund, Francine M Depp, Jennifer Lynn Depriest, Linda K Derousse, Mark S Deutman, Jesse T Dickerson, Bertha L DiPaolo, Sonja Jean Dorsett, Ricky Lee Downs, Connie Lynn Duenwald, Lucas D Dunker, Michael H Echterhoff, Joan H Eggers, Mary Belle Evans, Elizabeth A Felsen, Joseph R Finley, Sarah Elizabeth Fonod, Steven Joseph Forbis, Beverly Ann Frankenreiter, David A Frischmann, Robert Steven Geyer, Melody O Gilbert, Patricia B Giovanni, Joanne B Gipson, Robert L Goodberlet, Amy Elizabeth Goodrich, Scott Michael Grande, Mary Ann 02/17/05 -100- Amount Paid 5,576.69 1,307.10 3,443.88 4,833.75 2,272.39 66.48 724.56 766.00 1,121.57 292.80 75.00 1,437.63 5,934.11 2.11 6,199.24 11,385.69 376.56 1,531.32 454.52 667.36 1,364.71 2,034.90 351.10 8,481.43 941.40 532.35 771.66 1,283.34 2,597.03 3,110.27 2,064.56 4,110.26 642.87 210.05 4,480.28 5,771.58 475.33 5,508.97 51.70 32.00 485.68 2,743.20 263.93 1,196.44 2,879.13 855.27 64.00 7.12 11,935.70 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Gupta, Aksh Guyton, Rosalyn B Haier, Bert G 1 Time Payment Stu Asst II Model Model Sr Project Associate II Stud Adm/Reg Asst II Clerk II Educational Assistant II Correction Clerk II Stu Serv Asst I Lifeguard College Nurse Educational Assistant III Correction Educational Assistant II Office & Tech Model Clerk II Correction Educational Assistant I Correction Educational Assistant I Clerk Typist Educational Assistant II Correction Cashier Educational Assistant II Correction Clerk II Clerk Correction Cashier Educational Assistant I Clerk II Lifeguard Office & Tech Office & Tech Correction Educational Assistant II Admissions Rep I CLERK II Cashier Clerk II Cashier College Nurse Cashier Student Admissions/Reg Asst II Clerk II Halsband, Donna L Hamilton, Margaret R Hamtil, Allison Louise Hamtil, Maureen R Hanna, Liliane Adel Harris, Shelia Green Harrison, Sean P Hauser, Lynn M Head, Ernest Jack Heffernan, Jane E Heminghaus, John E Henzler, Mark G Hoeninger, Jason H Hoffman, Carl Frederick Hoffman, Michael G Holdenried, Marguerite C Holliday, Kellyn J Holt, Leslie E Horneker, Mary E Horvath, Kristen D Hudson, Elizabeth M Hudson, Megan Kathleen Hughes, David H Inman, Jacob Wayne Jacobs, Michael Ray Jaeger, John A Jankowski, Mariann Helen Johny, Manu Ben Jusufovic, Nadza Kavanaugh, Bradley A Keith, Diane L Kell, Emily Ellen Kerry, Carol Ann Kirby, Joan W Koehne, Sharon Kay Kornmann, Carol A 02/17/05 -101- Amount Paid 825.00 9,229.32 88.68 2,157.04 23,333.46 2,014.91 1,474.75 6,460.90 4.50 1,305.49 3,160.09 1,109.75 5,831.20 2,686.52 1.84 3,456.84 575.68 731.60 1,997.23 2.44 492.00 3.34 7,657.29 2,486.78 2,842.79 1.56 3,953.54 4,838.08 1.78 6,320.60 3,027.91 2.63 3,282.28 429.51 744.22 726.87 1,438.20 4,317.21 3.56 2,668.06 23.54 5,741.69 1,300.54 1,927.58 2,322.91 371.76 5,400.73 193.03 694.78 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Kosednar, Ronald Walter Krupp, Dorothy L Kummer, Susan M LaBounty, Dorothy H LaGarce, Charles Gratiot Lake, Kathlyn L Land, Katherine Elizabeth Landeau, Michele P Lanning, Deborah Vane Leisti, Robyne Patricia Huff Loos, Cathryne K Educational Assistant III Stu Asst II Office & Tech Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Cont Ed Specialist Model Clerk II Cashier Model Correction Office & Tech Educational Assistant III Office & Tech Cashier Cashier Cashier Educational Assistant II Office & Tech Clerk II Educational Assistant II Lifeguard Clerk Accounting Clerk Lifeguard Clerk II Student Services Asst II Clerk II Model Model Educational Assistant II Clerk II Office & Tech Educational Assistant I Model 1 Time Payment Educational Assistant III Coordinator Library Svc Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Correction Librarian Correction Cashier Scorekeeper Cashier Clerk II Model Model Lowder, Joseph F Marlowe, Elizabeth S Martin, James Gregory Martin, Lawrence A Martin, Sylvia L Massot, Elizabeth Ann Mathes, Anna Mauch, Ann Maughs, Delainey E McDonald, Jonathan C McKrell, Julie Woodburn McVey, Margarett Ellen Meade, Jonathan Wesley Menachem, Toni Menendez, Elizabeth Kay Miller, Nicole Ann Miller, Sandra L Milne, Terry Lynne Modray, Martin J Modray, Mary Patricia Moore, Adrienne J Moore, Candice A Moreda Marcos, Jorge Morey, Janet R Mueller, Susan Jane Nettles, Brian S Nguyen, Nhatthien C Nielsen, Sara Frances Nugent, Courtney E O'Brien, John W Palubiak, Sandra Kay Parker, Stephen M Peniston, Eric B 02/17/05 -102- Amount Paid 75.37 4,146.52 2,846.70 2,939.28 497.42 5,690.82 631.83 3,397.22 6,112.30 382.43 3.34 3,943.14 211.74 3,306.20 670.05 5,171.24 534.06 3,944.09 377.57 253.37 395.98 853.47 2,307.67 3,083.39 329.66 2,576.36 674.73 1,889.43 3,981.53 2,094.88 5,807.67 1,395.99 9,420.84 89.61 165.45 275.00 818.27 94.14 163.63 4,216.68 7.12 8,228.25 1.67 4,239.59 160.00 4,457.49 317.95 44.34 33.09 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Peniston, Eric B Penrod, Amanda Lynn Peskar, James Edward Model Educational Assistant I Project Associate II Correction ED ASST I Educational Assistant I Clerk II Clerk II Educational Assistant I PLB MCC Project Associate II Child Care Asst Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant III Night Supv 1Time Pay Scorekeeper Announcer Mathematics Educational Assistant III Office & Tech Clerk II PLB MCC Model Educational Assistant I PLB MCC Educational Assistant Clerk II Educational Assistant I Clerk II Correction Office & Tech One time pay 1 Time Payment Clerk II Stu Adm Reg Asst II Correction Office & Tech Model Office & Tech Scuba Instructor Clerk II Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant III Correction Educational Assistant III Gatekeeper Secretary Educational Assistant I Pilarski, Sandra M Pittman, Corey S Polizzi, Bernadette Mary Preston, Sonja Michelle Price, Rene Pritchett, Christine S Pruett, Alicia A Ramsey, Kathleen A Ranney, Mary-Kay R Reaves, Florence A Rhea, Ryan L Richeson, Melba D Riess, John F Roberds, Willette J Rolfe, Cheryl Lee Romero, Linda Ann Rowold, Faith Elizabeth Rudis, Niloufar Morshed Ryan, Jennifer Lauren Sabo, Paula K Salib, Mai S Samm, Christopher Aaron Sanchez, Joseph A Schallom, Claire A Schneider, Susan E Schrader, Jerome A Schulten, Caleb A Sciales, Katie E Shadburne, William L Shmagina, Yuliya Smith, Dennis Alan Snodgrass, Sandra Jean Sommerhauser, Lisa E Souchek, Marilyn Kay Sprock, Jessica M 02/17/05 -103- Amount Paid 587.82 535.05 1,749.29 3.20 2,298.96 2,020.86 6,141.12 3,522.01 190.95 254.61 5,382.04 4,422.04 680.69 1,880.09 441.43 30.00 256.00 16.89 3,236.41 1,886.28 4,585.99 164.67 388.28 99.27 432.84 1,858.59 519.68 1,913.42 673.62 1,889.23 1.74 888.68 100.00 125.00 2,460.06 551.51 3.66 6,200.70 672.83 149.04 687.96 205.71 1,951.38 714.50 1.78 4,458.48 80.00 1,342.91 123.00 ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 3.2 RATIFICATIONS FOR PART-TIME, TEMPORARY CLASSIFIED/ADMIN/PROF STAFF 7/1/04 through 12/31/04 Location Name Program/Job Title Steenberg, Karl T Stewart, Peter M Subramanian, Melissa Keerthika Sucher, Chad C Professional Office & Tech Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant II Correction Cashier Correction Educational Assistant I Office & Tech Correction Office & Tech Model Cashier Gate Office Correction Educational Assistant II 1Time Pay College Police Officer Student Affairs 1Time Pay One-time Pay Model Clerk Educational Assistant II Educational Assistant I Correction PLB MCC Bookstore Asst I Correction Educational Assistant II Clerk II Clerk II Office & Tech Model Model Child Care Attendant Professional PLB MCC Educational Assistant III Admissions Rep I Clerk II Score Keeper Night Supv Scorekeeper SCRKEPING Accounting Clerk Bookstore Summers, Sabrina A Tate, Michael Jovan Taylor, Erin T Thompson, Jason D Throop, Rebecca L Unland, Andrew R Vartanian-Heifner, Toni Vogel, Kelly Ann Walterscheid, Melaney Majella Walton, Chad R Waugh, Larry R Welch, Karen L Welch, Patrick M Westermayer, Stephen William Weston, Lisa M Weston, Patricia L Wheaton, Margaret M Wheelehon, Anita D Wiegman, Robert B Williams, Bruce A Williams, Natalie Nichole Willmore, Melissa L Winslow, Linda Louise Wise, Donald Wood, Kimberlee S Yanko, Albert Yanko, Timothy M Yehlen, Shanna Lynn Zofness, Daniel M 02/17/05 -104- Amount Paid 7,417.52 8,277.29 52.36 6,833.55 2.22 5,807.97 3.34 7,594.82 3,628.27 3.34 8,585.76 694.89 2,177.32 84.00 1.83 1,761.74 100.00 913.93 600.00 270.00 581.25 33.24 6,171.86 942.48 1,060.62 1.67 515.57 6,774.56 6.67 7,201.75 3,663.63 4,339.27 1,304.35 995.39 66.48 3,011.69 11,381.78 38.19 1,015.64 760.97 4,322.66 281.52 1,370.93 96.00 192.00 1,278.58 435.16 02/17/05 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME LOCATION EFFECTIVE DATE TITLE Johnson, Margaret FP Assistant Professor/Mathematics 06/30/05 Kipp, Rita CC Project Associate II 01/24/05 Myers, Deborah CC Project Associate II 01/27/05 Johnson: Retirement (12 years of service) Kipp & Myers: Resignations -1053.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RETIREMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Shayne, Diane 7 years of service LOCATION FV TITLE Secretary EFFECTIVE DATE 01/31/05 01/27/05 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY-APPROVED ITEMS Board of Trustees' approval on 08/26/04; p. 7: 3.2 Full-Time Faculty Salary Recommendations for 2004-2005 Revise rank and annual salary for Carolyn Godfrey; FP; effective 08/17/04-05/13/05; from Instructor II/Nursing; range IV, step B, $43,349; to Assistant Professor/Nursing, range V, step A, $48,335. -105a- 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested to allow the College to use the UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI’S COOPERATIVE CONTRACT Q091704 with SBC DATACOMM in lieu of competitive bidding, for the purchase of Polycom products, for a period of (21) twenty-one months, to begin February 18, 2005, in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00. Description This cooperative contract will be used to purchase various pieces of Polycom audio video conferencing equipment, and related accessories, replacement parts and maintenance services on an as needed basis at highly competitive prices. The contract, which was competitively bid by the University of Missouri Department of Purchasing, will primarily be used by the College’s Telelearning program. Board of Trustee Policy No. H.11 allows the use of cooperative contracts established by the State of Missouri or other public State Agencies in lieu of competitive bidding with prior approval from the Board. SBC Datacomm is neither a known minority-owned nor a known woman-owned business enterprise. Funding Purchases will be funded from both current operating and capital budgets, as well as from external funds. Advertisements The University of Missouri managed all aspects of their bid process, including placement of all notices and advertisements. 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of Apple microcomputer equipment for resale to APPLE COMPUTER, INC., in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 for a period of one (1) full year to begin April 1, 2005. Description This contract will be used by the Meramec campus bookstore to purchase Apple brand microcomputer equipment for resale to students, faculty and staff at attractive retail prices and to supply institutional needs at below retail market prices. Apple Computer, Inc. makes this program available to Colleges and Universities. The campus bookstores receive a 2% commission on each product item sold. In addition, demonstration units are offered to the College at discounted rates ranging from 7-26% off list price. The recommended bidder is the sole manufacturer and distributor of equipment through this educational program. This vendor is neither a known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise. Funding These purchases will be funded from College operating, auxiliary enterprise, capital and external funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements and WEB postings are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for cellular telephone services to CINGULAR WIRELESS in an amount not to exceed $140,000.00 for a period of two (2) full years, to begin April 1, 2005, with an option to renew for a period of two (2) additional years. Description This contract will be managed by the Technology & Educational Support Services Department at the Cosand Center to provide cellular telephone service to approved College staff. The College currently has seventy-six (76) phones and uses two cellular phone providers. This contact will provide the College with two consecutive one (1) year service terms and will allow changes to lower rate plans should such plans be introduced during the service term or should such changes be financially beneficial to the College. Bids were evaluated on price (70%), service offering (20%) and areas of coverage (10%). Two bidders provided incomplete bids. The recommended bidder achieved the overall highest score while meeting the specifications of the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001839 The evaluation of this bid, which opened November 29, 2004, is listed below: Bidders CINGULAR WIRELESS Verizon Wireless Sprint Verizon Wireless Sprint Verizon Wireless Nextel Communications Nextel Communications Nextel Communications Nextel Communications Copi-Rite, Inc. (1) One Year Cost Plan Offer Est. 76 users Shared Business Cingular Nation $28,940.00 America’s Choice Business Shareplan 1 34,372.71 Sprint PCS Free & Clear 42,407.24 America’s Choice Business Shareplan 2 39,799.11 Sprint PCS Free & Clear 46,283.24 Business Shareplan with Push to Talk 48,007.68 National Team Share 400 32,146.29 National Team Share 600/Add-on 36,526.17 National Team Share 500 51,663.09 National Team Share 600 39,624.69 Nextel Authorized Representative – offers all 4 32,146.29 to “National Team Share” plans/prices listed above 51,663.09 Evaluation Score/100pts 96.50 83.24 76.34 74.70 73.49 68.08 66.21 65.08 63.58 63.13 63.13 to 66.21 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing (cont.) Funding All services generated under this contract will be paid for from current operating, auxiliary enterprise or external budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the St. Louis Argus. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of the purchase of two (2) thermogravimetric analyzers and one (1) differential scanning calorimeter to PERKIN ELMER LAS, INC., in the amount of $48,124.00. Description This equipment will be used by the Chemistry Department at Florissant Valley for classroom instruction in the Chemical Technology Program. The thermogravimetric analyzer will be used to measure the change in weight of a sample. The differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) will be used to measure the amount of energy absorbed or released by a sample as the samples are either heated, cooled or held at a constant temperature. These techniques are used in industry but are not currently taught at the College. Therefore, purchase of this equipment will expand instructional opportunity for the approximately thirty (30) students who will use these instruments each year. Eighteen (18) potential bidders were contacted of which only two (2) offered quotations. The recommended bidder offered the best bid and meets all the specifications. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001879 The evaluation of this bid, which opened January 14, 2005, is listed below: Bidders PERKIN ELMER LAS, INC. Mettler-Toledo, Inc. Total Price $48,124.00 69,690.00 Funding This equipment will be purchased from current capital funds: FY 2004-2005 (Section: General Review, pg. 59). Advertisements The College posts all open bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated at $75,000 or greater. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of plumbing supplies to MILFORD SUPPLY COMPANY, CRESCENT PLUMBING SUPPLY and J.A. SEXAUER, INC., in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, to be split between the three (3) vendors with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin March 1, 2005. Description This contract will be used by the Physical Facilities Departments at all campus locations to purchase small equipment and supply items used in general plumbing repairs and minor renovations that are performed by in-house staff. Bid responses were evaluated on pricing (70 points), quality and depth of selection on products offered (20 points) and delivery services available (10 points). The recommended bidders achieved the overall highest score while meeting all product specifications. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001854 The evaluation of this bid, which opened January 27, 2005, is listed below: Bidders MILFORD SUPPLY COMPANY CRESCENT PLUMBING SUPPLY J.A. SEXAUER, INC. Plumbers Supply Plumbmaster, Inc. Total Price/51 Commonly Used Items $1,426.66/(all 51 items) 1,417.09/(all 51 items) 990.41/(41 items) (p) 1,612.83/(all 51 items) 648.94/(27 items) (p) Total Score/100 91.24 Points 88.58 Points 88.00 Points 79.12 Points 63.02 Points (p) = partial bid response Funding Purchases made from this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the St. Louis Argus. 4.1.6 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the routine purchase of lumber and related supply items to HANNEKE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, HANDYMAN HARDWARE and FEHLIG BROTHERS BOX & LUMBER CO., in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00, with no guaranteed amount to any one bidder, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin March 1, 2005. Description This contract will primarily be used by the Physical Facilities Departments at all College locations for the purchase of lumber and related supply items used in minor construction, renovation and repair projects that are handled by College staff. The Theatre Departments will also use this contract to purchase materials used in the construction of stage sets. The three bidders recommended for award offered the overall best combination of price and delivery services and meet all requirements of the bid. No known minority-owned or woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0001890 The evaluation of this bid, which opened on February 2, 2005, is listed below: Bidders HANNEKE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY HANDYMAN HARDWARE FEHLIG BROS. BOX & LUMBER CO. Beyers Lumber Co. Sample Pricing/38 Typical Items Delivery Service $490.27 free with any purchase 501.09 free with $300 purchase 517.15 free with any purchase 625.66 free with $450 purchase Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.1.7 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for up to twenty (20) Biology students and two (2) faculty members to participate in a Marine Biology Field Study Course in Jamaica. The scheduled dates of the course are June 2, 2005 and end June 12, 2005. The total cost of the program is expected to be approximately $32,000.00. This course is an introduction to the coastal and marine ecosystems of the tropics and will be conducted on-site at Hofstra University’s Marine Laboratory (HUML) in St. Ann, Jamaica, West Indies. HUML will provide room and board, classroom facilities, equipment and supplies, museum of specimens, field guides, access to their library, a “fleet” of three vessels, bus transportation and airport transfers. HUML’s primary focus is on education as opposed to just research and is the only research station in the area specifically equipped for classroom instruction, and teaching in the field. The cost of the course is estimated at $22,000, which includes all program instructional materials and events, as well as room and board. This estimate is based upon the maximum number of participants and will vary slightly depending upon actual enrollment. A separate competitive bid will be conducted for round trip airfare and awarded to the vendor with the best price meeting all bid specifications. The cost of the air travel is estimated at $10,000. Funding Expenditures will be paid by course participants. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Items available from only one source are not typically bid. 4.1.8 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board approval is requested for up to thirty (30) students and two (2) faculty members to participate in an archaeological dig and historical study program at the University of Saint Kliment Ohridsi in Skopje, Macedonia, to begin July 1, 2005 thru July 21, 2005. The total cost of the program is expected to be approximately $90,000.00. Because the airfare must be competitively bid and is expected to exceed $25,000, permission is also requested to bid this portion of the trip, award to the lowest and best bidder and then present to the Board for ratification at the March or April, 2005 Agenda. This historical study program will provide students with historical instruction on the region, a visit to an archaeological dig at the Markos Castle on the outskirts of Skopje, various other tours, lodging in University dormitories and meals. The estimated costs are based upon the maximum number of participants and will vary slightly depending upon actual enrollment. Funding Expenditures will be paid by course participants. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing Ratification is requested for the purchase of six (6) Rockwell/Allen Bradley training simulator systems from APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES, in the amount of $153,285.00. Description Board approval was given on January 20, 2005 to purchase and then submit the transaction for ratification. These systems, which include ControlLogix industrial controller systems, Motion Control rack mounted modules and related proprietary software, are designed, integrated and distributed by the sole local distributor, Applied Technologies. Their product lines have pervasive market penetration in the local market and students trained on this equipment will have an enhanced placement potential with local business and industry. The equipment will be used jointly by the advanced manufacturing program in the Engineering Department at the Florissant Valley campus, and by the Center for Business, Industry & Labor for laboratory instruction on industrial robotics programming and maintenance. Funding This purchase will be made from both State of Missouri RTEC Targeted and Workforce Prep funds. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Items available from only one source are not typically bid. 4.3.1. Recommendation for Extending Award/Physical Facilities: Board approval is requested to extend the existing agreement(s) and approve an additional $750,000.00 of consulting fees for our Indefinite Quantity (Open-end) Architectural/Engineering (A/E) consulting agreements (the amount is Not-to-Exceed NTE). This amount is for the next calendar year and will cover all contracts combined. The firms recommended to have their open-end agreements extended are Horner & Shifrin, Inc. (A6-0142), Hoener Associates (A6-0161), Heideman + Associates (A6-0163), Sitex Environmental, Inc. (A6-0164), David Mason & Associates (A6-0168), Geotechnology, Inc. (A6-0172), John A. Jurgiel & Associates, Inc. (A6-0173), NPN Environmental (A6-0174), PSI (A6-0175), SCI Engineering, Inc. (A6-0176), Terracon (A6-0177), Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. (A6-0178); Kennedy Associates, Inc., (A6-0180); Fleming Corporation (A6-0181); SM Wilson & Company (A6-0182); Kwame Building Group, Inc., (A6-0183), and Project Controls Group, Inc. (A6-0184). The consulting work will be divided between the seventeen firms on an as-needed basis with actual amounts not specified nor guaranteed. *************************Existing Agreements************************* Balance Previous Amount Available 1/14/05 Approved 2/19/04 (Approved & Pending) $ 700,000 $125,371 *******Recommendation******* Amount New Requested Exp. for 2005 Date $750,000 12/31/05 The consultants listed were previously selected by a committee that evaluated several firms based upon professional qualifications, previous educational clients, experience with renovation/repair projects, knowledge of ADA project requirements, experience with open-end consulting agreements and their schedule of fees. Presently, these firms are performing a variety of technical, architectural, engineering, construction management, and testing services pertaining to various capital projects for renovation, repair and maintenance of college facilities throughout the district. These agreements allow us to respond quickly to facilities consulting demands. The fees will be expended on an “as needed” basis for outside consulting work in response to Physical Facilities’ projects and/or educational program demands. Charges for each individual project will be handled separately by setting NTE limits at the beginning of each job with the final billings to be on a “time charged” basis. The cost of the consulting fees has been included in the estimates for the individual capital projects listed on the approved districtwide Capital Allocation Plans. 4.3.1. Continued Reason: We are requesting the additional amount of funds and extension of each contract in order to manage the future workload for new capital projects, to expedite certain items by assigning the work to outside consultants, to handle various new planning projects, and because the technical scope of some projects are beyond what can be performed by our limited “in-house” staff of designers. Much of our ADA work, major renovations and larger capital projects will need to have the design work outsourced in order to meet the deadlines for fiscal year, state funding, etc. Recently, we also added consultants that specialize in testing, environmental, roofing services, and construction management. The amount requested this year has increased in order to account for inflation and a greater demand for outside consultants. Funding: Funds will come from current capital, auxiliary, parking, rental and external funds depending upon the actual location and type of the project. 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property Board approval is requested to dispose of surplus property by sealed bid or auction as listed on the following pages. This property has been declared excess and posted internally for redistribution prior to any item being offered for sale as surplus property. ITEM# 163 163 163 163 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 189 189 189 194 194 194 195 195 196 196 200 200 200 200 200 203 205 205 205 QTY DESCRIPTION A B C D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A B C D E F G H A B C A B C A B A B A B C D E A A B C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 STORAGE CABINET ORGANIZER BROCHURE HOLDER SMALL ORGANIZERS OVERHEAD PROJECTORS-3M-213 OVERHEAD PROJECTORS-3M-213 OVERHEAD PROJECTORS-3M-213 OVERHEAD PROJECTORS-3M-213 OVERHEAD PROJECTORS-3M-213 SMALL CARTS METAL SMALL CARTS METAL LARGE CARTS METAL LARGE CARTS METAL WALL SCREEN70X70 WALL SCREEN70X70 WALL SCREEN70X70 OVERHEAD PROJECTORS-3M-213 OVERHEAD PROJECTORS-3M-213 LIGHT TABLE 454530U STEELCASE DARKBLUE 454530U STEELCASE DARKBLUE 454520U STEELCASE DARKBLUE 454520U STEELCASE DARKBLUE 454520U STEELCASE DARKBLUE 454312U STEELCASE DARKBLUE 454312U STEELCASE DARKBLUE 454312U STEELCASE DARKBLUE JVC MONITOR S/N 07019214 #MT1-8657 JVC MONITOR & BRACKET S/N 1601913 SYPHONIC VCR S/N U49126443 RCA MONITOR S/N142290477 &BRACK PANASONIC VCR S/N K2MA50820 PANASONIC VCR S/N J11A19721 BOXLITE PROJECTOR S/N G8602376 BOXLITE PROJECTOR S/N G8602383 SYPHONIC VCR S/N U03233801 PRINCETON LCD MONITOR S/N WCCD2 YELLOW COUNTER TOP DESKS METAL BOOKSHELF BROWN TOP TABLE CHAIRS BIG SCREEN T.V. DESK TOPS FILE CABINET FILE CABINET P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 2-17384 NONE 2-00576 2-06192 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM# 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 206 211 211 211 211 211 217 217 217 217 217 217 218 219 220 100258 100258 100258 100258 100268 100268 100268 100268 100376 100376 100377 100377 100377 100377 100377 110001 300528 300530 D E F G 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300599 A B C A B C A B C A B C D A B C D E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD EE FF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 1 1 1 MONITOR CPU PRINTER GREEN 2-DRAWER FILE CABINET DESK TABLE DIGITAL INDICATOR VEGA TENSILE TESTER VEGA BENDER WATERBRAKE DYNAMOMETER HYDRAULIC TEST BENCH PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR STAND SCOTT AIR-CONDITIONING DEMO UNIT EMCO 5" CNC LATHE EMCO F1 CNC MILL DECITEK COMPUTER CONTROL IRON MILL VISE PNEUMATIC ROBOT COMPUTER CLONE COMPUTER CLONE COMPUTER CLONE DARKROOM SINK COMPUTER CLONE DTK COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP VECTRA XU 6/200 COMPUTER HP 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POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property ITEM# 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300599 300600 300608 300608 300608 300642 300642 300642 300642 300642 300642 300642 300642 300664 300664 300664 300664 300703 300703 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 QTY DESCRIPTION GG 1 HH 1 II 1 JJ 1 KK 1 LL 1 MM 1 NN 1 OO 1 PP 1 QQ 1 RR 1 SS 1 TT 1 UU 1 VV 1 WW 1 XX 1 YY 1 ZZ 1 AB 20 AC 22 1 A 24 B 1 C 5 A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 F 1 G 1 H 1 A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 A 1 B 1 A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 F 1 G 1 H 1 I 1 J 1 TOSHIBA TV AND CART HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP KAYAK XM600 COMPUTER HP910 MONITOR KEYBOARDS COMPUTER TABLET ARM CHAIR DESK TABLES ROUND MUSITRONIC ELECTRIC KEYBOARD MUSITRONIC ELECTRIC KEYBOARD MUSITRONIC ELECTRIC KEYBOARD MUSITRONIC ELECTRIC KEYBOARD MUSITRONIC ELECTRIC KEYBOARD MUSITRONIC ELECTRIC KEYBOARD MUSITRONIC ELECTRIC KEYBOARD MUSITRONIC ELECTRIC KEYBOARD MICROWAVE TYPERWRITER FAX MACHINE HP LASERJET 4 PRINTER NEC MONITOR APS 280 BACK-UP DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER P/N LOC CONDITION NONE 009337 009993 009336 009335 009329 009331 009340 009345 009332 009344 009333 009327 009338 009341 009976 009328 009326 009991 009334 NONE NONE 002679 NONE NONE NONE 352752 352764 352766 352769 352760 352771 352757 352768 NONE NONE NONE 321148 NONE NONE 009047 008820 009307 009011 009270 009268 009261 009051 009271 009292 FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM# 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300765 300767 300767 300767 300767 300767 300767 300767 300767 300767 300767 300775 300775 300788 300802 300802 300803 300804 300805 300819 300819 300819 300827 300840 300840 300841 300841 300855 300855 300856 300856 300865 300880 300880 300880 300880 300880 300880 300880 300880 300880 300880 K L M N O P Q R S A B C D E F G H I J A B A B A B C A B A B A B A B A B C D E F G H I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER DELL GX1 COMPUTER METAL TABLE 36" ROUND TABLE GRADING MACHINE OMNI KEYBOARD UNITEC 486 COMPUTER HP OFFICEJET FAX MACHINE HP P750 MONITOR HP LASERJET 1100 PRINTER MONITOR CHAIRS KEYBOARD FAX MACHINE NEC XE15 NEC E500 BOXES OF TEXTBOOKS NEC MONITOR MEAT SLICER APPLE CPU- MONITOR-PRINTER FREEZER-DOUBLE DOOR REFRIGERATOR HUBBLE CABINET MAC PRINTER BROTHER PRINTER MAC COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER COMPUTER KEYBOARD KEYBOARD COMPUTER HP PRINTER P/N LOC CONDITION 008933 008963 009272 009049 008818 008842 008869 008991 NONE 008979 009306 009229 008986 008882 008958 009290 008920 008983 NONE 318913 NONE NONE NONE 320218 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 000387 001624 000380 000385 NONE 320108 354460 001570 001077 001084 001236 NONE NONE 001378 NONE FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM# 300880 300890 300890 300895 300895 300895 300895 300895 300895 300895 300895 300895 300896 300896 300896 300898 300902 300902 300902 300909 300910 300910 1-00457 1-00457 1-00457 1-00457 1-00457 2-00069 2-00069 2-00069 2-00069 2-00069 2-00069 2-00069 2-00069 2-00069 2-00070 2-00070 2-00070 2-00070 2-00070 2-00070 2-00072 2-00072 2-00072 2-00072 2-00072 2-00072 2-00072 2-00072 K A B A B C D E F G H I A B C A B C A B A B C D E A B C D E F G H I A B C D E F A B C D E F G H 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 35 38 1 1 1 24 1 1 4 24 20 1 1 16 1 1 1 1 1 MONITOR NEC MONITOR BOX OF KEYBOARDS RAT CAGE & RACK MAP STORAGE DESK BOX OF MISC. ELEC. EQUIPMENT EPSON PRINTER TYPERWRITER TYPERWRITER MAC POWER PC FILE CABINET ROLLER CABINET TABLE CHAIRS CLOTH CHAIR APPLE MULTIPLE SCAN 20 DISPLAY KENWOOD KSC-16 RADIO CHARGER KENWOOD CHARGER KENWOOD APAPTER NEC MONITOR MILLINGTON MACHINE SONY VP5000 LIGHTTABLE SN# 115F84-095 DESK/BENCH BROWN TOP TABLE HEATING LAMP DESK TOPS DESKJET 722C PRINTER DESKJET CP/700 PRINTER SGIAV MONITER BAYTECH PC KEYBOARDS MICE LASER WRITER TUNER CARTRIDGE GATEWAY COMPUTER HP SCANJET 6300C STEEL CASE DESKS INSTRUCTOR STATION PRINTER STAND FILE CABINETS KEYBOARD TRAYS SECRETARY CHAIRS HP DESKJET 600 HP DESKJET 600 TOOL BAGS COMPUTER CASE COMPUTER CASE PRINTER STAND FOLDER STAND PENTEUM II PC P/N LOC CONDITION NONE NONE NONE 355115 311827 355125 NONE NONE 351307 320757 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 352944 NONE 104602 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 006854 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 006850 006848 NONE NONE 006955 FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM# 2-00072 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 2-00484 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00312 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 I A B C D E F G H I J K L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 POWER CABLES CASSETTE PLAYER MO.2550 CASSETTE PLAYER MO.2551 CASSETTE PLAYER MO.2510 CASSETTE PLAYER MO.2551 AUDIOTRONICS CASSETTE MO.180 MICROPHONE PROJECTION SCREEN PROJECTION SCREEN PROJECTION SCREEN PROJECTION SCREEN PROJECTION SCREEN PROJECTION SCREEN COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR P/N LOC CONDITION NONE 2-09663 9-00844 2-11360 2-11234 9-00803 NONE 9-00185 2-02247 9-00173 2-05730 2-05722 NONE UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM# 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00313 4-00570 4-00570 4-00782 4-00782 4-00782 4-00782 4-00783 4-00783 4-00783 4-00785 4-00785 4-00786 4-00786 4-00786 4-00789 4-00789 4-00789 4-00789 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00790 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 O P Q R S T U V W A B A B C D A B C A B A B C A B C D A B C D E F G H I J K L M A B C D E F G H I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR REFRIGERATOR LAB STOOLS STEELCASE UPHOLSTERED CHAIR STEELCASE UPHOLSTERED CHAIR STEELCASE UPHOLSTERED CHAIR TABLE WITH SLATE TOP WOOD DESK BROWN CHAIRS DESK INTELLIFAX 800M FAX MACHINE INTELLIFAX 800M FAX MACHINE TAPE DUP. COPYETTE 1-2-3 TAPE DUP. COPYETTE 1-2-3 TAPE DUP. COPYETTE 1-2-3 STUDENT ARM CHAIRS STUDENT DESKS DISABILITY TABLE INSTRUCTOR TABLES APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY QUEFIRE EXTERNAL CD/RW EPSON STYLUS 1280 EPSON STYLUS 1280 MISCELLEOUS CABLES APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY P/N LOC CONDITION UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK 4-05433 4-05440 4-05448 4-07007 UNK UNK UNK 4-18406 4-18407 4-18421 4-18422 4-22451 UNK UNK UNK UNK 6-0000412 6-0000708 6-0000709 6-0000710 6-0000711 6-0000713 6-0000714 6-0000717 6-0000719 UNK UNK UNK UNK 0-10251 0-10231 0-10253 0-10237 0-10239 0-10237 0-10239 0-10241 0-10234 0-10236 MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM# 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00791 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00794 4-00802 4-00802 4-00802 4-00802 4-00802 4-00802 4-00802 4-00802 4-00803 4-00803 4-00803 4-00803 4-00803 4-00803 4-00803 K L M N O P Q R S T U A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 2 APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY APPLE G4 450 Mhz CINEMA DISPLAY EPSON STYLUS PRINTER EPSON STYLUS PRINTER DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011349 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011344 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011350 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011346 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011351 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011345 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011537 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: JF9VD01 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011534 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011532 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011531 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011535 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011540 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011342 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011343 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011348 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011341 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011347 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011538 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011536 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011533 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011340 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011539 DELL GX110 COMPUTER S/N: 011541 COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR COMPUTER MONITOR ALR ALR ALR ALR GX1P S/N: 0YYHB MONITORS FLAT MONITORS P/N LOC CONDITION 0-10254 0-10245 0-10230 0-10225 0-10228 0-10232 0-10226 0-10243 0-10244 UNK UNK 6-002091 6-002092 6-002095 6-002096 6-002099 6-002100 6-002103 6-002104 6-002107 6-002113 6-002108 6-002112 6-002111 6-002094 6-002090 6-002093 6-002098 6-002097 6-002105 6-002102 6-002110 6-002101 6-002109 6-002106 UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK 0-04701 0-06713 UNK 0-01765 UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK MC MC MC MC MC MC MC MC UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 4.5.1 Request for approval/disposal of surplus property QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM# 4-00803 4-00803 4-00803 4-00804 4-00804 4-00804 4-00804 4-00804 4-00804 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00807 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00810 4-00839 4-1490 H I J A B C D E F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q A A 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 P/N UTC 0-01784 FLAT PANEL MONITORS UNK NEC 15" MONITOR UNK HP MODEL 8150N S/N: USBCO12433 UNK HP MODEL 8150N S/N: USBDO12461 UNK UNK APPLE LASER WRITER 16/600PS 0-08571 APPLE G4 S/N: XB0020X5HLA 0-08580 APPLE G4 S/N: XB0020W0HLA COMPAQ TRINTCON S/N: 040FA25MA84 UNK COMPAQ CRT MONITOR UNK COMPAQ CRT MONITOR UNK NEC MULTISYNC XVIST MONITOR UNK EPSON STYLUS PHOTO 2000p UNK EPSON STYLUS 3000 UNK UNK EPSON 1650 PHOTO SCANNER UNK POLARIOD SPRINT SCAN 35t UNK POLARIOD SPRINT SCAN 4000 UNK APPLE CINEMA DISPLAY UNK COMPAQ WORKSTA. S/N; 6049-DTLZ-A UNK COMPAQ WORKSTA. S/N: 6050-DTLZ-A UNK COMPAQ WORKSTA. S/N: 6050-DTLZ-A UNK COMPAQ WORKSTA. S/N: 6050-DTLZ-A UNK APS SCSI CD BURNER S/N: A702088 UNK PANASONIC VCR S/N: K35A51524 DESKJET MODEL 600 UNK CPU S/N: 32H10B UNK CPU S/N: CURGN UNK CPU S/N: 1937701 UNK CPU S/N: 6D37701 UNK CPU S/N: CUR66 UNK CPU S/N: 9937701 UNK CPU S/N: INTOU UNK CPU S/N: H8V6701 UNK DESKJET MODEL 670C UNK HP MODEL 6MP PRINTER UNK MONITOR UNK MONTIOR UNK MODEL LG2N HP PRINTER UNK LASERJET MODEL 11D UNK MAC COMPUTER UNK MONITORS UNK CASH REGISTRER & COMPONENTS UNK DIATHERMY MACHINE UNK LOC CONDITION UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR POOR 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary - Financial Results through January 31, 2005 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through January 31, 2005 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports- Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency, July 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2004 - January 31, 2005 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for January 2005 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of January 2005 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered – July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. 5.1.1 Executive Summary February 17, 2005 (Financial Results Through 01/31/2005) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $115.4 million or 79.6% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $106.3 million or 77.5% of the budget for the prior year. The increases in student fees and local taxes are the primary reasons that the current year’s revenues are greater than last year’s. Expenditures Expenditures are $68.1 million or 52.5% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $66.0 million or 54.2% of the budget for the prior year. The increase in all three categories of expenses is the reason that this year’s dollar amount of expenditures is greater than the prior year. Transfers Transfers are at $14.9 million or 92.7% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $14.1 million or 90.2% of the budgeted transfers for the prior year. The increase in the transfer amount is due primarily to the additional planned leasehold bond payments. 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through January 31, 2005 Original Budget Revisions* Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 52,678,983 44,425,725 44,633,382 3,350,000 145,088,090 52,678,983 44,425,725 44,633,382 3,350,000 145,088,090 49,155,926 25,820,871 38,552,455 1,902,171 115,431,423 93.3% 58.1% 86.4% 56.8% 79.6% 45,039,301 25,156,534 34,540,165 1,482,658 106,218,658 86.8% 58.5% 89.8% 39.5% 77.5% Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 82,486,504 18,997,860 27,828,253 129,312,617 82,486,504 18,997,860 28,236,430 129,720,794 45,441,681 10,903,739 11,802,149 68,147,569 55.1% 57.4% 41.8% 52.5% 44,765,113 10,021,265 11,189,376 65,975,754 56.1% 57.9% 45.4% 54.2% 10,113,182 3,278,561 1,512,230 1,195,000 16,098,973 10,113,182 2,579,829 1,512,230 717,160 14,922,401 100.0% 78.7% 100.0% 60.0% 92.7% 10,578,952 1,959,398 768,710 771,348 14,078,408 100.0% 59.8% 100.0% 77.9% 90.2% Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers 9,789,682 3,278,561 1,512,230 1,195,000 15,775,473 408,177 323,500 *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July, 2004 - January, 2005 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Food Service/Vending 672,000 11,553,970 1,912,773 672,000 11,553,970 1,912,773 618,880 9,032,301 1,084,530 92% 78% 57% 14,138,743 14,138,743 10,735,711 76% Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale 1,272,844 311,126 2,819,609 8,665,477 1,272,844 311,126 2,819,609 8,665,477 756,012 138,505 1,638,969 6,113,564 59% 45% 58% 71% Total Expenditures 13,069,056 13,069,056 8,647,051 66% Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents 90,000 36,000 115,000 140,000 36,000 128,187 140,000 36,000 128,187 100% 100% 100% Total Transfers 241,000 304,187 304,187 100% 13,310,056 13,373,243 8,951,238 67% Total Revenue Expenditures Transfers Total Expenditures & Transfers 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July, 2004 - January, 2005 Original Budget Total Revenues Adjusted Budget Actual To Date 57,000 57,000 23,323 Prior Year's Funds Expenditures 57,000 146,869 57,000 21,660 Total Expenditures 57,000 203,869 21,660 % of Budget To Date 41% 11% St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July, 2004 - January, 2005 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available $ 150,000 500,000 $ 650,000 Expenditures Total Expenditures Funds in excess of expenditures Adjusted Budget $ 93,588 $ 93,588 Actual To Date 150,000 500,000 172,046 $ 70,555 62,394 172,046 47.0% 12.5% 100.0% 822,046 $ 304,995 37.1% 49,931 20.8% $ 49,931 20.8% $ 255,064 240,563 $ % of Budget To Date 240,563 5.1.4 St. Louis CommunityCollege Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2004 - January 2005 Funds available Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $899,739 581,189 $899,739 581,189 $306,995 106,105 34% 18% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 552,657 110,531 552,657 110,531 431,099 107,775 78% 98% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 503,280 119,658 506,353 503,280 113,791 506,353 339,574 113,791 254,277 67% 100% 50% $ 3,267,540 $ 1,659,616 51% $1,480,928 663,188 617,071 506,353 $413,100 538,874 453,365 254,277 28% 81% 73% 50% $ 3,267,540 $ 1,659,616 51% Total funds available $ 3,273,407 * Revised Budget % of Revised Budget Original Budget * Actual Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships Total expenditures $1,480,928 663,188 622,938 506,353 $ 3,273,407 * Federal Pell Grant Expenditures *Does not include $310,067 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant $8,648,693 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL)* Budget Status Report July, 2004 - January, 2005 Original Budget Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date Revenues / Resources Government Private Institutional Contribution Account Balances / Projects $ 2,600,000 3,500,000 886,000 1,000,000 $ 3,508,725 7,283,015 886,000 1,000,000 995,267 3,239,765 416,132 1,000,000 38.28% 92.56% 46.97% 100.00% Total Revenue / Resources $ 7,986,000 $ 12,677,740 $ 5,651,164 70.76% Salaries Benefits Operating Capital $ 2,500,000 450,000 4,961,000 75,000 $ 2,500,000 450,000 9,652,740 75,000 $ 898,717 188,835 2,917,033 35.95% 41.96% 58.80% 0.00% Total Expense $ 7,986,000 $ 12,677,740 $ 4,004,585 50.15% Expenditures 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2004 - January, 2005 Current Budget Actual * To Date Revenue, Contribution and Match External Sources Institutional Match $16,366,362 1,272,747 $9,516,199 1,271,929 58.1% 99.9% Total Revenue, Contribution and Match * $17,639,109 $10,788,127 61.2% $6,353,177 1,764,812 $3,608,251 952,372 56.8% 54.0% 8,278,710 1,242,410 2,357,608 794,997 28.5% 64.0% 9,521,120 3,152,605 33.1% $17,639,109 $7,713,227 43.7% Expenditures Salary Staff Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital, Equip. & Maint. Total Other Expenses Total Expenditures * * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. % of Budget To Date 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending January 31, 2005 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 2004-2005 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. 5-2-5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of January 2005 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: Daily throughout month Maturity Date: Overnight Average Amount Invested: $ 37,686,955 Interest Earned: $ Average Rate Earned: 69,610 2.188% Range of Rates Earned: 2.095% ⎯ 2.235% Other Investments Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 01/06/2005 Purchase Date: 01/06/2005 Fund: General Fund Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: US Treasury Notes Par Value: $5,000,000.00 Type of Investment: FHLB Coupon Bonds Par Value: $3,000,000.00 Cost of Investment: $4,969,725.48 Cost of Investment: $3,007,843.75 Maturity Date: 10/31/2005 Maturity Date: 09/15/2006 Investment Yield: 2.756% Investment Yield: 3.256% Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchased Through: UMB Bank Purchase Date: 01/21/2005 Purchase Date: 01/27/2005 Fund: General Fund Fund: General Fund Type of Investment: FNNT Coupon Bonds * Par Value: $5,000,000.00 Type of Investment: US Treasury Notes Par Value: $10,048,000.00 Cost of Investment: $4,997,371.85 Cost of Investment: $9,999,126.21 Maturity Date: 01/30/2007 Maturity Date: 06/30/2005 Investment Yield: 3.400% Investment Yield: 2.478% *One time callable with 10 days notice. 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Admire Entertainment Akyeampong, Oheneba Allen, Jeremiah Alston, Omya Anderson, Bobette La Shea Andrade, Jose A An'Noor, Kahlil AM Arbini, Christopher J Auclair, Jeffrey A Bann, Steve Barnard, Deborah Ann Barnett, Tyrice Barnidge, Katherine E Barylski, Mary Beth Bass, Eurainna T Bates, Kassandra Rebecca Bauman, Stephen M Bell, Lavita R Benard, Cynthia Benchabane, Madjid Bitzer, Joe Blackshear, Michael R Blanc, Raymond Bohnert, Kay Bollinger, Chelsea Logan Booher, Larry Boone, Michael Boose, Tierra Renee Bowen, Rick Braun, Chad C Brink, Will Briscoe, Robert Broadway, James Brown, Claybourn Brown, James Brown, James Jye Brown, Marlon Amount Paid 1,500.00 697.00 3,150.00 75.00 52.00 240.00 88.00 305.00 144.00 100.00 121.50 500.00 32.00 375.00 96.00 24.00 510.00 48.00 1,351.25 680.00 70.00 125.00 400.00 395.00 36.00 680.00 230.00 96.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 430.00 300.00 2,100.00 250.00 250.00 50.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Buckner, Ernest Bunting, Christopher A Burns, Pat Bussmann, Blake Adam Butler, Anthony L Caesar, DeMarcus L Caldwell, Emmanuel Calvert, Kurt Carbery, Kevin Carr, Harry A Carr, Jeane M Carter, Ashley N Carter, Barbara A Carter, John R Carver, Ashley N Chandler, Drew Cheatham, Roy E Cheek, Katherine Ann Christian, Brandon J Cleveland, Verlon L Clifton, Ken Cogo, Akif Collins, Ray Constantin, Robert Conway-Long, Don Cooper, Nicole Elizabeth Cova, Jerry Cummings, Wanda E Cunningham, Ryan Curtis, Fred Davenport, Daniel R Davis, Chantel DeClue-Magnusson, Rori M DeGreeff, Vince Dennerline, Thorsten Dobrich, Devon A Dohogne, Aaron Jonathan Donahoe, Shawn Amount Paid 290.00 100.00 200.00 20.00 250.00 16.00 280.00 220.00 175.00 180.00 600.00 100.00 150.00 800.00 48.00 220.00 2,500.00 625.00 52.00 25.00 200.00 325.00 100.00 1,250.00 100.00 250.00 120.00 68.00 72.00 100.00 80.00 88.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 275.00 50.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Donnelly, Maggie Dooley, Shawn A Doyle, Kimberly B Dueker, Paul W Dufaux, Mary Renee Dunahue, Robert Duncan, David S Duniven, James E Dutt, Michael D Dutton, Marisa E Edgar, Daniel Edwards, Sequoi D Egart, Timothy C Eitzkorn, Jeremy Epstein, Hedy Espinosa, Jose Evans, Jason A Evans, Vince Faison, Jonathan A Falker, Frederick G Faria, Viola Farmer, Cindy Feit, Corey Felling, Katherine Alexis Fenner, Samantha E Ferrentelli, Francesca F Fiala, Neil S Fisher, Brenda B Fitzwater, Paul Flanigan, Joseph Forder, Anna C Fortner, Meisha Ann Fox Galvin Freeman, Elliot A French, Elizabeth C Frese, Ethel M Frey, Bob Frisse, Les Amount Paid 80.00 125.00 750.00 200.00 217.59 100.00 200.00 50.00 380.00 144.20 300.00 48.00 20.00 80.00 70.00 375.00 120.00 100.00 600.00 100.00 150.00 135.00 500.00 550.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 2,100.00 90.00 625.00 475.00 30.00 150.00 300.00 475.00 180.00 100.00 100.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Frye, Richard Furrer, Lawrence R Gainey, Rhonda N Gano, Vernon Gata, Nowell X Gault, Douglas W Gavrilovic, Sava Geders, Thomas J Geismar-Ryan, Lori Genetti, Dominic Thomas Gianino, Kevin G GME Enterprises Inc Gomez, Austin Gonzalez, Donald Gonzalez, Rob Griffin, Briranda J Griffin, Tracy L Gross, John G Guetschow, Theresa M Hacker, Beverly J Hageman, Anthony Hale, John Halen, David Halsell, Mark Hampton, Bryan L Hans, Diane E Hantak, Neil Hargis, Kyle Harland, Michael Harrison, Kevin Hart, E Franklin Heard, Charles E Heislen, Mark Helfrich, Doug Henley, Penny C Hesse, John Hibbett, Bruce Hilton, Steve B Amount Paid 3,000.00 325.00 2,190.75 80.00 340.00 200.00 750.00 400.00 1,000.00 975.00 85.00 500.00 400.00 80.00 1,200.00 120.00 8.00 110.00 120.00 600.00 80.00 80.00 500.00 100.00 75.00 25.00 250.00 60.00 300.00 100.00 1,500.00 300.00 640.00 160.00 32.00 50.00 50.00 250.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Hoelker, Dennis Hohenstein, John Hollis, Bev Holzapfel, Brent August Horlacher, Tom Horvath, Trudy K Howes, Janet Huber, Gary Huber, Rich Hurley, Jamralynn Coree Husted, Ken Ingram, Joseph G Jackson, Donald R Jackson, Shawn Janet Muhm Graphic Design & Writing Services Jia, Li Lian Johnson, Antoian T Johnson, Brad A Johnson, Doshiemae Leslie Jones, Damion S Jones, Gary Jones, Jonas E Joy, Cornelius C Judd, David A Kadane, Doug Keelara, Varsha G Kelly, Bill Kennedy, Kyle F Kerman, Bryon Kerperien, Matthew Joseph Ketcherside, Gary Kettenbach, Virginia Kinney, Erik H Klamer, Eileen M Klenc, Doug Knuckles, Lester Kopff, Adam Kriszt, Maria A Amount Paid 200.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 75.00 851.50 175.00 360.00 120.00 124.00 80.00 160.00 398.00 500.00 2,520.75 500.00 48.00 40.00 36.00 150.00 85.00 44.00 48.00 160.00 80.00 193.17 560.00 100.00 500.00 20.00 240.00 105.00 200.00 854.40 200.00 290.00 800.00 95.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Krus, Kacey Kury, Dan Labedz, Lawrence J Laney, Ashley Ollices Lashley, Joe Lavender, Roszetta G Lawrence, Kara Ledbetter, Anne S Lehmen, Tim Lercher, Stu Lieneke, Ana M Linda Nash Resilience Strategies Linder, Doveed Lindquist, Judith Lipschitz, Ervin Little, Ken Long, Katie Marie Looney, Erica La Trease Love, Megan Lukasek, Kayla Lumpkin, Kimberly Monique Lutker, Tom Mahfood, Sebastian P Mahmood, Sarah A Major, George Manderbach, Kerry K Martin, Ronnie J Mataya, Thomas P Mayes, Steven P McCallie, Franklin S McChesney, Robert McClenney, Kay M McCurry, Kenneth M McGinnis, Kevin McKenna, Donald J McKiernan, Terry McSparin, Shawn D Mertens, Scott Amount Paid 60.00 500.00 80.00 136.00 60.00 168.00 60.00 240.00 100.00 315.00 243.00 1,000.00 70.00 30.00 400.00 500.00 475.00 68.00 150.00 24.00 28.00 320.00 400.00 50.00 120.00 80.00 60.00 560.00 100.00 50.00 3,650.00 3,000.00 80.00 80.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 85.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Meuschke, Jeff Meyr, Dennis Mihov, Roumen Mihulka, Carol R Miller, Tina M Millonas, Rachel M Ming, Jana J Minor, Anderson L Mitchell, Alvin T Mitchler, Daniel Mohr, Steven Edward Morrow, Mesho Murphey, Barry Thane Neels, Tim Neukomm, Jane Nichols, Ronald Lawrence Niemann, Erik P Nolde, Joseph T Nuelle, Mike O'Brien, Eileen A O'Connell, Kelly O'Day, Ken O'Donnell, Rich OHeron, Daniel Robert Oluseyi, Hakeem M O'Neal, Larry A Oster, Dave Ottoson, Andy Owczarczak, Patricia J Paluch, Emily Palus, Robert Paniagua, Miguel Parent, Michelle M Parker, Diane Pasternak, Peter J Pate, Michael Patton, Larry Peniston, Timothy M Amount Paid 1,000.00 200.00 80.00 90.00 32.00 150.00 250.00 300.00 200.00 70.00 40.00 200.00 300.00 315.00 2,518.50 120.00 75.00 200.00 120.00 2,200.00 150.00 545.00 600.00 40.00 500.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 81.00 42.00 400.00 500.00 80.00 1,500.00 250.00 100.00 320.00 120.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Peoples, Michael Peters, Jeffrey S Phelps, Amy Phillips, Christopher M Pohrer, Preston Poliak, Joe Porter, Ashley L Posey, Scott Powell, Marie A Pratt, Miranda Presseller, Henry Prochko, Marty Puricelli, Ray Radetic, Mark C Rajani, Lynne Ratkewicz, Michael J Raup, Gwendolyn Renee Rauscher, Gene P RBG & Company Reinert, Rebecca M Reininger, Chris Remacle, Matt Reul, Jeffery A Reynolds, Rory R Richter, Elizabeth C Riddle, Dawana L Roark, Burton F Roberts, Edward Robinson, Ramona C Rockwell, Kerry Ross, Ronald Rush, Mallory M Rutherford, Mark Ryder, Torri Sanderson, Joyce Sanford, Demarcus B Sayer, Christof Andreas Schad, Stephen J Amount Paid 1,558.25 80.00 200.00 252.00 148.00 200.00 36.00 400.00 44.00 150.00 810.00 175.00 240.00 160.00 81.00 575.00 24.00 100.00 75.00 40.00 247.00 600.00 400.00 58.00 275.00 136.00 70.00 4,000.00 52.00 100.00 1,300.00 40.00 280.00 100.00 185.00 150.00 175.00 150.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Schneider, Greg Schuchard, Oliver A Schulte, Bryan Scott, Vernon E Seitz, Ken Sextro, Rita A Shekar MD Chandra Shelton, Jeffrey L Shocklee, Patrick J Shores, David Simms, Robin M Simon, Adam J Simpson, Roxanne Ruth Skowra, Leszek Smith, Chandra C Smith, Dan Smith, Johnathan LeMar Smith, Sean Smith, Shawn F Smith, Thomas Smith, Tom Smithee, Kimberly R Smoller, Esther Spaccarotella, Marie Spangenbery, R Gary Sprous, Irvin M St Louis Herpetological Society Stahl, Chris Stallings, Angel C Stallings, Antoinette Stanfield, Michael Carlos Steele, Patricia A Steiner, Matthew S Sterling, Brandon J Stewart, Phillip Brandon Stewart, Robert L Stickney, Pete Stonecipher, Brad Amount Paid 380.00 200.00 1,100.00 250.00 180.00 420.00 2,000.00 160.00 760.00 323.00 125.00 80.00 500.00 275.00 80.00 85.00 148.00 750.00 40.00 235.00 120.00 50.00 75.00 245.00 100.00 150.00 262.50 300.00 76.00 32.00 1,500.00 325.00 540.00 500.00 25.00 300.00 63.00 300.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Strieker, Joe Studt, David C Stumpf, Brian J Tayman, Trilby L Teymouri, Iran A Thomas, Steven Dean Thompson, Jason Thompson, Karen Tortorici, Joseph J Traven, Peter Trower, Jason P Trower, Robert W Tulley, Annette Tulley, Norman Turner, Gwendolyn Y Turner, Ronnell Underwood, Ensign Valle, Steven Valle, Terry Virani, Nargis Vosbrink, Vic Votsmier, Henry Vuagniaux, Mike Walker, Kendra A Walters, Steve Warner, Douglas E Warren, Dajua S Wasserman, Sid Waters, Byron Watkins, Julie C Watkins, Paul Watson, Dennis R Werner, Nicki Werner, Scott Whittier, Ronald Wilcox, Kim Wilhite, Sean Wilke, Marilynn Amount Paid 200.00 458.00 20.00 240.00 70.00 382.50 150.00 2,950.00 50.00 100.00 155.00 140.00 100.00 650.00 1,000.00 100.00 540.00 440.00 100.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 240.00 76.00 360.00 220.00 48.00 260.00 650.00 187.50 100.00 570.00 360.00 580.00 300.00 750.00 350.00 200.00 5.2.2 Ratification of Payments for Services Rendered for July 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004 Name of Person/Organization Williams, Rob Williams, Ron Williams, Virginia Wilms, Wayne W Winkelmann, G Michael Winschel, Ruby Wolff, Doug Woodson, Dale J Wrankle, Russell Yeganeh, Samira Safari Ylagan, L Maria Young, Aaron Zazove, Rebecca L Zellich, Kathryn Zonia, Dhimitri J Amount Paid 350.00 290.00 2,100.00 320.00 2,000.00 430.00 200.00 99.00 1,200.00 112.00 100.00 114.00 110.00 100.00 30.00 TOTAL $141,776.36 6. Contracts and/or Agreements 6.1.1 In-District Agreement The purpose of this contract(s) and/or agreement(s) is to permit the following organization(s) to pay resident rates for its employees at St. Louis Community College, effective February 18, 2005. Fees for employees of City of Kirkwood will be paid at the time of registration. Participants City of Kirkwood, 139 S. Kirkwood, Kirkwood, MO 63122 6.1.2 Agreement between Group H Entertainment, Inc. and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify an agreement between Group H Entertainment, Inc., and St. Louis Community College for three days of presentations as a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Presentations are scheduled for February 15, 16, and 17, 2005. The $9,000 fee will be paid by student activity fees. Office of Vice Chancellor for Education 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant Program/Campus Effective Date Dental Assisting Forest Park 1-24-05 Dietetic Technology Florissant Valley 1-1-05 Dental Assisting Forest Park 1-24-05 Memorial Hospital Belleville, IL Surgical Technology Forest Park 2-1-05 St. Anthony’s Health Center Alton, IL Occupational Therapy Meramec 9-1-04 St. Luke’s Hospital (renewal) Nursing Meramec 8-1-04 Surgical Technology Forest Park 11-15-04 Bankhead and Firth Orthodontics BJC Healthcare A. Joseph Ecker, DDS St. Luke’s Hospital 6.2.2 NISOD Exhibit/Partner Approval of application to exhibit/partner in the amount of $1,500 with NISOD International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, Austin, Texas. This event will give St. Louis Community College the opportunity to exhibit the Mobile Tech Center and showcase programs such as Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Networking, and Broadcast Captioning at the NISOD Conference in Austin, Texas on May 29-June 1, 2005. 6.2.3 2004 Ratification of Continuing Education Programs – Florissant Valley, Fall Summary of Expenditures: ALASKA KLONDIKE COFFEE CO. - COFFEE COLLEGE The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered Coffee College in cooperation with Alaska Klondike Coffee Company during fall 2004. $140.00 was incurred in instructional and supply costs AMANAT’S SELF DEFENSE (TKD KIDD) - EXERCISE AND DEFENSE CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered Karate and Self Defense in cooperation with Amanat’s Self Defense (TKD Kidd) during fall 2004. $480.00 was incurred in instructional, supplies and facility costs AMERICAN WOODWORKING ACADEMY - WOODWORKING CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered woodworking classes in cooperation with American Woodworking Academy during fall 2004. $125.00 was incurred in instructional, equipment and supply costs. ANIMAL AND INSECT SOLUTIONS - HORTICULTURAL CLASS The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered The Mole Hunter in cooperation with Animal and Insect Solutions during fall 2004. $50.00 was incurred in instructional costs CITY OF MARYLAND HEIGHTS - FACILITY RENTAL The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered non-credit courses at Maryland Heights Center during fall 2004. Facility costs of $312.00 were incurred. EDUCATION TO GO – INTERNET-BASED CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered classes through Education To Go during fall 2004. $2415 was incurred in instructional costs FITNESS WITH FLAIR - EXERCISE CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered Flatten and Firm and Aerobics in cooperation with Fitness with Flair during fall 2004. $1404 was incurred in instructional costs JUDEVINE CENTER FOR AUTISM - CHILD CARE PROVIDER CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered childcare provided classes in cooperation with Judevine Center for Autism during fall 2004. $108 was incurred in instructional costs. Summary of Expenditures (continued) HEALTHQUARTERS OF HAZELWOOD - EXERCISE CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered exercise classes in cooperation with Healthquarters of Hazelwood during fall 2004. $1648 was incurred in instructional costs HENDELS CAFÉ - WINE TASTING CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered wine tasting classes in cooperation with Hendels Café during fall 2004. $310 was incurred in instructional costs HISTORY AND HAUNTING BOOK CO - HAUNTED ST LOUIS The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered Haunted St. Louis in cooperation with History and Haunting Book Company during fall 2004. $800 was incurred in costs KETC CHANNEL 9 - CHILD CARE WORKSHOPS The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered classes in cooperation with KETC CHANNEL 9 during fall 2004. $410.00 was incurred in costs MUSIC MASTERS SCHOOL OF MUSIC - PIANO CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered Instant Piano for Busy People in cooperation with Music Masters School of Music during fall 2004. $700.00 was incurred in instructional costs NORTH COUNTY GOLF AND SPORTS - GOLF CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered golf classes in cooperation with North County Golf and Sports during fall 2004. $882 was incurred in instructional costs PATTONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT - CLASSROOM RENTAL The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered credit courses at Pattonville Senior High School during fall 2004. Facility costs of $1201.25 were incurred RITENOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT - CLASSROOM RENTAL The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered credit courses at Ritenour Senior High School during fall 2004. Facility costs of $126.00 were incurred. ROCKWOOD R-VI SCHOOL DISTRICT - SILENT WEEKEND The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered Silent Weekend in cooperation with Rockwood R-VI School District during fall 2004. $4409.25 was incurred in facility rental and costs Summary of Expenditures (continued) SAVOIR FAIRE - ETIQUETTE CLASS The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered Dining Etiquette in cooperation with Savoir Faire Programme, Inc. during fall 2004. $50 was incurred in instructional costs SEEGER WEST COUNTY DRIVING RANGE - GOLF CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered golf classes in cooperation with Seeger West County Driving Range during fall 2004. $756 was incurred in instructional costs ST LOUIS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL - CHILDRENS CLASSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered Child Care Provider Classes in cooperation with St. Louis Children’s Hospital during fall 2004. $181.25 was incurred in costs WHISTLE STOP CAFÉ - WALKING TOUR The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered the Ferguson Walking Tour in cooperation with Whistle Stop Café during fall 2004. $60.00 was incurred in costs. YMCA OF GREATER ST. LOUIS - CHILD CARE PROVIDER COURSES The office of continuing education at Florissant Valley offered The Importance of Early Reading in Brain Development in cooperation with the YMCA of Greater St. Louis during fall 2004. $70.00 was incurred in instructional costs. Center for Business, Industry & Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services and economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Title of Program and/or Purpose Becton DickinsonAccuGlass To provide Facility Room Rental Erb Equipment Company To provide: Assessment survey, Communication skills workshop, follow-up survey training effectiveness. Campus Date Amount CBIL January 11, 2005 through June 30, 2005 $300 CBIL January 14, 2005 through June 30, 2005 $10,500 CBIL January 11, 2005 through July 31, 2005 $36,300 Manager: Robert Serben Estimate Number of Participants: 30 Estimated Total Credit Hour Equivalents: 165 Manager: Robert Serben U.S. Cellular To provide Facility Room Rental Manager: Robert Serben OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY AMOUNT Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 20,000.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Meramec Child Care Center to participate in Early Childhood Child Care Program. Grant funds will be used to improve and enhance the early childhood programs at the Child Care Center. This is a new award. FUND Restricted Project Period: 1/1/05-6/30/05 Project Director: Earline Powell Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 20,000.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley Child Care Development Laboratory Center to participate in Early Childhood Child Care Program. Grant funds will be used to improve and enhance early childhood programs at the Child Care Development Laboratory Center. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 1/1/05-6/30/05 Project Director: Cecelia Luecking St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment $173,956.89 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide employment related services to laid off workers from American, Delta, United and U.S. Airways airlines in the St. Louis area through National Emergency grant. This is a new award. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Jane Boyle St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment $ 10,677.22 Contract with St. Louis Community College to provide assistance in the recruitment and enrollment of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) eligible clients (adult and dislocated). Award represents additional funding. Project Period: 7/1/04-6/30/05 Project Director: Jane Boyle Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts 7.2. Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR AMOUNT PURPOSE FUND Mary A. Hartman Charles C. Hatcher Patricia L. Heaton $ $ 50.00 25.00 Donations to the Dr. Charles R. Clifford, Jr. Dental Hygiene Endowment Scholarship Fund on the Forest Park campus. Student Aid $ 25.00 Anonymous Anonymous $ 550.00 $ 150.00 Donations to the Noreen Krebs Scholarship Fund on the Meramec campus. Student Aid Vicki Ritts Meramec Faculty & Staff $ 25.00 $ 123.11 Donations to the MCCA Book Scholarship Fund Student Aid on the Meramec campus. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mirabel $ Donation to the John Lair Scholarship Fund on the Florissant Valley and Meramec campuses. Student Aid Heather McKay $ 100.00 Donation to the Tina Stone-Feijo Memorial Scholarship Fund at St. Louis Community College. Student Aid St. Louis Wilbert Vault Company $1,000.00 Donation to the Funeral Services Department on the Forest Park campus for the Funeral Service Program. -- 50.00 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3. Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Estate of Sue Lorenz The Estate of Sue Lorenz is donating the following to the Forest Park Hospitality Restaurant Management Department: Collection of Gourmet Magazines (17 Bound Volumes from 19531970 and loose gourmet magazines from 1971-2000). The donor’s estimated value is $750.00. The condition of donated items is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Dell Computers Dell Computers presented the following to three SLCC staff who attended an Educause Conference: Three (3) Dell Photo AIO Printers. The printers were presented as part of Dell’s Educause Giveaway Program. Two of the printers will be used by TESS and one printer will be used by Instructional Resources (Highland Park). The estimated fair market value for each printer is $144.95 for a total of $434.85. The condition of donated items is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Cathy Reilly Cathy Reilly is donating the following to the Florissant Valley Library: One (1) Hardback Book titled “GWYNEPE Slew the Dragon…Almost” by Linda Diggs. The donor’s estimated value is $15.00. The condition of donated item is new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of Donations and Gifts – Non Cash 7.3 Non-Cash Donations The Board of Trustees is asked to accept the non-cash donations listed below on behalf of St. Louis Community College. DONOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION OF GIFT RESTRICTIONS Patricia Williams Patricia Williams is donating the following to the Florissant Valley Library: One (1) Video Recording titled “Andrew Lloyd Webber – The Royal Albert Hall Celebration”. The donor’s estimated value is $7.99. The condition of donated item is good. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with the donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Robert Palank Robert Palank is donating the following to the Florissant Valley Library: 18 Books. The donor’s estimated value is $10.00 per book for a total of $180.00. The condition of donated items is good to new. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. Charlie Jones Charlie Jones is donating the following to the Florissant Valley Arts and Humanities Department: Nine (9) Lithography Stones. The donor’s estimated value is $2,370. The condition of donation is excellent. There are no maintenance or delivery costs associated with donation. There are no restrictions placed on donation. VIII. (8) CONTRACT AWARD/RENEWAL FOR EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 8.1.1 Recommendation for Award of Dental (PPO) Insurance Contract Board Approval is requested for the award of a contract to MetLife (Dental PPO) for a period of three (3) full years to begin June 1, 2005. Description The College sought competitive bids for a Dental PPO plan. The bid specifications required quotes that duplicated our current dental plans. Proposals were received from 14 insurance carriers for the Dental PPO plan. The top four proposals were received from UnitedHealthcare (UHC), United Concordia, MetLife and the incumbent Delta Dental. Although the Delta’s bid represented a modest increase over their current rates, ten of the markets provided quotes that were more competitive than the renewal and some offered a multiple year rate guarantee. Marsh, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. United Healthcare, United Concordia, and Delta Dental quoted 2nd year rate guarantee options where MetLife quoted a one year rate guarantee with a second year rate cap of 8%. While UHC’s price was slightly lower, there were concerns that UHC was new to the dental business, dental insurance was not UHC’s core business and their provider network was not as strong. United Concordia’s price was also slightly lower; their network disruption (the number of providers that employees have sought in-network service from that would be considered out-of-network with the new carrier) was higher. MetLife rated considerably higher than the competitors in areas other than price including network size, network disruption, plan design, continuity and customer satisfaction. Based on the foregoing information, the College recommends MetLife as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. The total annual premium for Dental PPO Insurance under this recommendation will be $949,550, which is an annual cost savings of $85,364 over current cost. The College’s portion of that total premium will be $678,514. Bid Cost Comparison / Top 4* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on October 29, 2004, is shown below: EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost College Cost Total Premium Total Points Awarded** Other Factors Considered Current Cost $3.82 $34.38 $38.20 MetLife Bid $3.51 $31.54 $35.05 390 Competitive rates; lower network disruption Delta Dental Bid $4.01 $36.10 $40.11 325 Proposed a 5.71% rate increase UnitedHealthcare Bid $3.40 $30.57 $33.97 370 New to the dental business; Provider Network was not as strong United Concordia Bid $3.52 $31.63 $35.15 345 Higher network disruption Current Cost $35.76 $66.31 $102.07 MetLife Bid $32.81 $60.84 $93.65 Delta Dental Bid $38.03 $70.12 $108.15 UnitedHealthcare Bid $31.80 $58.98 $90.78 United Concordia Bid $32.90 $61.01 $93.91 FAMILY * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, network size, network disruption, customer service/satisfaction, plan design, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 1 Summary of Bids Dental PPO Financial Analysis Effective June 1, 2005 Employee Only Family Aetna $36.26 $96.89 AIG $41.72 $111.47 Ameritas $38.20 $102.07 BCBS $37.47 $100.13 Delta Dental $40.11 $108.15 Dental Source $36.30 $96.90 Guardian $37.66 $100.63 Humana $34.95 $93.38 MetLife $35.05 $93.65 Mutual of Omaha $40.08 $107.09 Reliance Standard $39.96 $107.36 Standard $38.20 $102.07 United Concordia $35.15 $93.91 UnitedHealthcare $33.97 $90.78 2 8.1.2 Recommendation for Award of Dental (HMO) Insurance Contract Board Approval is requested for the award of a contract to Dental Source (Dental HMO) for a period of three (3) full years to begin June 1, 2005. Description The College sought competitive bids for a Dental HMO plan. The bid specifications required quotes that duplicated our current dental plans. Proposals were received from 5 insurance carriers for the Dental HMO plan. However, the incumbent Cigna did not submit a quote. The top two proposals were received from Aetna and Dental Source. Marsh, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. Dental Source quoted a 3 year rate guarantee and Aetna quoted a 1 year rate guarantee with a 2nd year rate cap of 9%. Aetna quoted a plan design that is not as rich as the current dental HMO program with Cigna. It has a $10 office visit copay vs. $5 and copays for fillings and cleanings where there currently are not any copays. Dental Source’s dental HMO program more closely matched the current Cigna program and even has some enhancements. There is no office visit copay and there are some higher benefit levels in the major services categories of Periodontics and Orthodontics than Cigna. Dental Source is not rated. However, Marsh has a unit that focuses solely on monitoring the financials of insurance companies and even though Dental Source is not yet rated, they do meet Marsh’s financial guidelines. Dental Source rated higher than the competitor in areas other than price including network size, plan design, continuity and customer satisfaction. Based on the foregoing information, the College recommends Dental Source as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. The total annual premium for Dental HMO Insurance under this recommendation will be $32,532, which is a cost savings of $90 over current cost. The College’s portion of that total premium will be $23,567. Bid Cost Comparison/ Top 2* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on October 29, 2004, is shown below: EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost College Cost Total Premium Total Points Awarded** Current Cost $1.30 $11.74 $13.04 Dental Source Bid $1.30 $11.70 $13.00 480 Aetna Bid $1.30 $11.74 $13.04 395 Current Cost $9.82 $20.26 $30.08 Dental Source Bid $9.80 $20.20 $30.00 Aetna Bid $9.82 $20.26 $30.08 Other Factors Considered Quoted plan design was not as rich as current plan FAMILY * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, network size, network disruption, customer service/satisfaction, plan design, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 3 Summary of Bids Dental DHMO Financial Analysis Effective June 1, 2005 Employee Only Family Aetna $13.04 $30.08 Dental Source $13.00 $30.00 Guardian $13.46 $35.52 United Concordia $13.44 $39.37 UnitedHealthcare $15.55 $41.55 4 8.1.3 Recommendation for Award of Vision Insurance Contract Board Approval is requested for the award of a contract to EyeMed, our incumbent carrier for a period of three (3) full years to begin June 1, 2005. Description The College sought competitive bids for a Vision plan. The bid specifications required quotes that duplicated our current vision plans. Proposals were received from 4 insurance carriers for the Vision plan. The top two proposals were received from Vision Benefits of America (VBA) and the incumbent EyeMed. EyeMed proposed holding the current rates with a 1 year rate guarantee while VBA was 9.4% lower than current with a 3 year rate guarantee. Marsh, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. Although the VBA’s rates are lower there are several reasons we should not change from EyeMed. VBA requires an employee to request a claim form in advance of service via the 800 customer service number or the web and then wait for the claim form in the mail approving the requested services before they see the doctor. EyeMed’s program provides a roster to doctors so services can be received immediately. VBA’s out-of-network benefit is not as rich as EyeMed, and the allowance for standard progressive lenses are much lower. VBA does not contract with Lenscrafters as EyeMed does. EyeMed rated considerably higher than the competitor in areas other than price including network size, network disruption, plan design, continuity and customer satisfaction. Based on the foregoing information, the College recommends EyeMed as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. The total annual premium for Vision Insurance under this recommendation will be $124,908, which is the current cost The College’s portion of that total premium will be $91,239. Bid Cost Comparison/ Top 2* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on October 29, 2004, is shown below: EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost College Cost Total Premium Total Points Awarded** Current Cost $ .50 $4.51 $5.01 EyeMed Bid $ .50 $4.51 $5.01 475 VBA Bid $ .46 $4.14 $4.60 435 Current Cost $3.98 $8.00 $11.98 EyeMed Bid $3.98 $8.00 $11.98 VBA Bid $3.56 $7.24 $10.80 Other Factors Considered Requires an employee to request and receive a claims form before accessing services FAMILY * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, network size, network disruption, customer service/satisfaction, plan design, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 5 Summary of Bids Vision Marketing Financial Comparison Effective June 1, 2005 Employee Only Family EyeMed $5.01 $11.98 Spectera $9.35 $19.30 Vision Benefits of America $4.60 $10.80 VSP $9.51 $20.90 6 8.1.4 Recommendation for Award of Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Contract Board Approval is requested for the award of a contract to Cigna for a period of three (3) full years to begin June 1, 2005. Description The College sought competitive bids for a Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) plan. The bid specifications required quotes that duplicated our current Life/AD&D plan. Proposals were received from 9 insurance carriers for the Life/AD&D plan. The top three proposals were received from Cigna, AIG and Reliance Standard and all three have rate guaranteed for 2 years. MetLife, the incumbent increased their rates by 18% for employee Life and AD&D combined, did not change retiree rates and increased the dependent life rates by 116%. Marsh, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. While AIG and Reliance Standard’s price was slightly lower, they quoted a plan design that is not as rich as the current Life/AD&D program with MetLife. Cigna has matched the benefits for employee Life/AD&D closer than the competitors and include enhancements for a Coma and Felonious Assault benefit. They have matched all current retiree and dependent life rates and current benefits. Cigna rated considerably higher than the competitors in areas other than price including plan design, continuity and customer satisfaction. Based on the foregoing information, the College recommends Cigna as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. The total annual premium for Life/AD&D Insurance under this recommendation will be $519,159, which is an increase in cost of $22,623 over current cost. The College’s portion of that total premium will be $463,182. Bid Cost Comparison / Top 3* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on October 29, 2004, is shown below: Rates Are Per $1,000 of Volume CARRIERS Employee Life/AD&D Cost Dependent Cost Current Cost $0.215 $1.50 Cigna Bid $0.225 $1.50 355 AIG Bid $0.205 $7.61 315 Quoted a plan design that was not as rich as current plan Reliance Standard Bid $0.190 $1.50 345 Quoted a plan design that did not meet plan design specifications MetLife Bid $0.254 $3.24 215 Increase employee rate by 18%; increase dependent life rate by 116% Total Points Awarded** Other Factors Considered * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, network size, network disruption, customer service/satisfaction, plan design, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 7 Summary of Bids Basic Life and AD&D Financial Analysis Effective June 1, 2005 Life and AD&D Rates Are Per $1,000 of Volume Life/AD&D Rate Dependent Rate AIG $0.205 $7.61 Cigna $0.225 $1.50 Hartford $0.259 $2.00 MetLife $0.254 $3.24 Mutual of Omaha $0.250 $1.50 Prudential $0.232 $3.84 Reliance Standard $0.190 $1.50 SunLife $0.255 $3.25 Unum $0.250 $1.08 8 8.1.5 Recommendation for Award of Long-Term Disability Insurance Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to Standard for a period of three (3) full years to begin June 1, 2005. Description The College sought competitive bids for a Long-Term Disability (LTD) plan. The bid specifications required quotes that duplicated our current LTD plan. Proposals were received from 10 insurance carriers for the LTD plan. The top three proposals were received from Mutual of Omaha, Standard, and UnitedHealthcare (UHC) and all three have a rate guarantee for 3 years. MetLife, the incumbent, increased their rates by 40.4%. Marsh, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. While Mutual of Omaha and UHC’s prices are competitive, overall, Standard has the lowest plan cost which reduces the base and buy-up rates for both certified and non-certified employees. Disability is Standard’s core business and Standard is currently the College’s Short-Term Disability carrier. Standard rated higher than many of the competitors in areas other than price including plan design, continuity and customer satisfaction. Based on the foregoing information, the College recommends Standard as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. The total annual premium for LTD Insurance under this recommendation will be $360,362, which is a cost savings of $50,623 over current cost. The College’s portion of that total premium will be $276,841. Bid Cost Comparison/ Top 3* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on October 29, 2004, is shown below: Rates Are Per $100 of Volume CORE PLAN BUY-UP PLAN (Optional) Employee Cost* College Cost* Total Premium* Employee Cost* College Cost* Total Premium* Current Cost Certified Non-Certified $0.07 $0.04 $0.62 $0.39 $0.69 $0.43 Standard Bid Certified Non-Certified $0.06 $0.04 $0.525 $0.38 MetLife Bid Certified Non-Certified $0.10 $0.06 Mutual of Omaha Certified Non-Certified UnitedHealthcare Certified Non-Certified Total Points Awarded** | | $0.207 $0.12 $0.0 $0.0 $0.207 $0.12 $0.585 $0.42 | | $0.175 $0.110 $0.0 $0.0 $0.175 $0.110 405 $0.87 $0.54 $0.97 $0.60 | | $0.290 $0.170 $0.0 $0.0 $0.290 $0.170 205 $0.06 $0.04 $0.55 $0.34 $0.61 $0.38 | | $0.207 $0.120 $0.0 $0.0 $0.207 $0.120 285 $0.06 $0.04 $0.54 $0.33 $0.60 $0.37 | | $0.200 $0.120 $0.0 $0.0 $0.200 $0.120 325 * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, network size, network disruption, customer service/satisfaction, plan design, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 9 Summary of Bids Long Term Disability Marketing Results Financials Effective June 1, 2005 Rate Are per $100 of Volume Aetna Certified Non-Certified Cigna Certified Non-Certified Hartford Certified Non-Certified MetLife Certified Non-Certified Mutual of Omaha Certified Non-Certified Prudential Certified Non-Certified Standard Certified Non-Certified SunLife Certified Non-Certified UnitedHealthcare Certified Non-Certified Unum Certified Non-Certified CORE Total Premium BUY-UP Total Premium $0.99 $0.62 $0.300 $0.170 $0.69 $0.43 $0.207 $0.120 $0.725 $0.452 $0.217 $0.126 $0.97 $0.60 $0.290 $0.170 $0.61 $0.38 $0.207 $0.120 $0.76 $0.48 $0.230 $0.130 $0.585 $0.42 $0.175 $0.110 $0.69 $0.43 $0.207 $0.120 $0.60 $0.37 $0.200 $0.120 $0.82 $0.52 $1.070 $0.660 10 8.1.6 Recommendation for Award of Voluntary Short-Term Disability Insurance Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to Standard, our incumbent carrier for a period of three (3) full years to begin June 1, 2005. Description The College sought competitive bids for a Voluntary Short-Term Disability (VSTD) plan. The bid specifications required quotes that duplicated our current VSTD plan. Proposals were received from 12 insurance carriers for the VSTD plan. The top three proposals were received from Unum, Hartford, and the incumbent Standard. Marsh, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. Unum was the most competitive with a total annual cost of $82,272 and quoted a 2 year rate guarantee, while Standard quoted a one year rate guarantee with a two year rate guarantee contingent upon loss ratio of .78% or less. However, the Insurance Advisory Committee decided that the premium savings was not sufficient enough to make a change in carriers, considering Standard’s strong track record in administering the STD plan for the past 3 years. Standard rated very comparable to the other competitors in areas of plan design, continuity and customer satisfaction. Based on the foregoing information the College recommends Standard as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. The total annual premium for VSTD Insurance under this recommendation will be $88,149, which is a cost savings of $41,136. Since this is a voluntary program, there is no cost to the college. Bid Cost Comparison/ Top 2* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on October 29, 2004, is shown below: Rates Per $10 of Covered Weekly Benefit Employee Cost Total Points Awarded** Current Cost $0.44 Standard Bid $0.30 355 Unum Bid $0.28 325 Hartford Bid $0.276 345 Other Factors Considered Administration is not as strong for claims payment * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, network size, network disruption, customer service/satisfaction, plan design, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 11 Summary of Bids Voluntary Short Term Disability Marketing Financials Effective June 1, 2005 Rate per $10 of covered weekly benefit Aetna $0.440 Cigna $0.560 Guardian $0.440 Hartford $0.276 MetLife $0.370 Mutual of Omaha Age Banded Rates – Not Acceptable Prudential $0.350 Reliance $0.290 Standard $0.300 SunLife $0.310 UnitedHealthcare $0.390 Unum $0.280 12 8.1.7 Recommendation for Award of Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Contract Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to CHUBB, our incumbent carrier for a period of three (3) full years to begin June 1, 2005. Description The College sought competitive bids for a Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment (VAD&D) plan. The bid specifications required quotes that duplicated our current VAD&D plan. Proposals were received from 2 insurance carriers for the VAD&D plan. The two proposals were received from Cigna and the incumbent CHUBB. Marsh, our insurance consultant, analyzed the proposals and the College’s Insurance Advisory Committee reviewed and evaluated the results. CHUBB proposed holding the current rates with a 1 year rate guarantee while Cigna quoted a 2 year rate guarantee. Although Cigna’s rates are guaranteed for 2 years they are 57.9% higher than the current rate. CHUBB rated considerably higher than the competitors in areas other than price including plan design, continuity and customer satisfaction. Based on the foregoing information, the College recommends CHUBB as the sole finalist and recommended contractor. The total annual premium for VAD&D Insurance under this recommendation will be $58,901, which is the current cost. Since this is a voluntary program, there is no cost to the college. Bid Cost Comparison* The cost-only evaluation of this bid, which was opened on October 29, 2004, is shown below: Rates Per $1,000 of Volume Covered Weekly Benefit EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost Total Points Awarded** Current Cost $0.014 CHUBB Bid $0.014 415 Cigna Bid $0.020 255 FAMILY Current Cost $0.022 CHUBB Bid $0.022 Cigna Bid $0.036 CHUBB required plan changes: o The dependent child limit will now be capped at 15% to $100,000. o The in-patient hospital benefit will be limited to 90 days from 365 days. o The dependent eligibility definition will be changed to: “under 19 years of age and living with the insured person, under 25 years of age if classified as a full-time student at an institution of higher learning and beyond 19 if permanently mentally or physically challenged and incapable of self-support. * See attached spreadsheet for summary of all bids received. **The Employee Insurance Advisory Committee rated each finalist on several factors; cost, network size, network disruption, customer service/satisfaction, plan design, contingencies and administration. The factors were weighted with cost being weighted at 50%. 13 Summary of Bids Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment Marketing Financials Effective June 1, 2005 Rate per $1,000 of covered weekly benefit Employee Only Family CHUBB $0.014 $0.022 Cigna $0.020 $0.036 14 8.1.8 Recommendation for Renewal Rate for of Medical Insurance Board Approval is requested to approve UnitedHealthcare rate renewal for the Group Medical plan for a policy period June 1, 2005 through May 31, 2006. Description This is the College’s second year of our three (3) year contract with UnitedHealthcare for the Medical insurance plan. The negotiated renewal for Medical is an increase of 4.5% or an overall cost increase of $544,714. The renewal increase to the college is $428,256 and $116,458 to employees. The total annual cost is $12,649,458 of which the College’ portion of total premium will be $9,945,054. EMPLOYEE ONLY Employee Cost College Cost Total Premium Current Cost $43.48 $391.31 $434.79 UHC Renewal Rates $45.44 $408.92 $454.36 Current Cost $302.45 $779.77 $1,082.22 UHC Renewal Rates $316.06 $814.86 $1,130.92 FAMILY MEDICAL INSURANCE RENEWAL NOTE It should be noted that the average annual increase in medical insurance at the College for the last 5 years was 13.8%. The average increase would have been higher if College had not made plan design changes to mitigate renewal increases. The 4.5% increase for 2005-2006 compares with a national average increase of 13.7% (with no plan design changes). Several factors influenced this year’s favorable renewal: • • • Improved Claim Experience Fewer catastrophic claims Previous plan design changes that educated and enhanced employees’ consumer behavior such as: o Emergency Room copay change o Pharmacy copay change o Out-of-network benefit change o In-network copay change It should also be noted that our benefit consultant, Marsh, was helpful in achieving the favorable rate change this year. The original UnitedHealthcare renewal came in at 6.8%. Through negotiation and underwriting, the increase was reduced to 4.5%, a reduction of $214,629 to the College and $58,375 to employees. . While health care costs continue to rise dramatically across the country and the College’s increase this year was favorable, keeping cost increases under control for future years will continue to be a challenge. 15