• MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE 30ARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1968 - 8:00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri was held on Monday, April 8, 1968, at 8:00 P.M., at the Central Office of the District, 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, St; Louis, Missouri. 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call to Order 1.2 Roll Call The President of the Board, Mr. Joseph G. Stewart, called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. The following members were present: Mrs. W. MacLean Johnson Messrs. Guy S. Ruffin Joseph G. Stewart Gerald V. Williamson Donald M. Witte Due to illness, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian could not be present at this meeting. Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President of the District; Mr. Raymond J. Stith, Vice President-Campus Director; Dr. Glynn Clark, Vice President-Campus Director; Mr. Edward M. Ruddy, Dean of Student Services- FPCC, representing Campus Director Dr. R. William Graham in his absence; Mr. John C. Robertson, Vice President for Business; Mr. Paul H. Connole, Assistant to the President of the District and Secretary of the Board of • ' • • * " »' Trustees; Mrst Mary Jane Calais, Coordinator of Finance and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; Mr. Lawrence F.- O'Neill, Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Dolores Tygard, Assistant Coordinator Community Relations; Mrs. Juanita Novak, Administrative Assistant to Dr. Cosand; Mrs. Lucinda Schulz, Conaunity Relations Assistant; Dr. Frederic Custer, Acting Director, Dental Program - FPCC; Mr. Dean A. Dunbar, Assistant Dean-Instruction-FPCC; Mr. Peter Mergenovich, Associate Dean-Continuing Education- FPCC; D. Richey, Associate Dean-Instruction - FPCC; Professor-Physical Sciences - MCC; FVCC; Mr. Vincent Cavanaugh, Teaching Intern Dr. Milton Jones, Miss Lorraine Duvall, Secretary - DO; Constance Kaamerer, DO; Mrs. Cathy M. Licata, DO; all of the Junior College District. Robert Mr. Joseph Walka, Assistant Mr. Dennis Meisinger, Teaching Intern - MCC; Administrative Intern, DO; Mr. Miss and Mrs. Brenda Rupp, DO - Also present was Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Kramer and Vaughan, counsel for the District. 1.3 Minutes 3oard President Stewart asked for approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 27, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Witte seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 27, 1968, were approved as submitted. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Mr. Stewart welcomed Mr. Gus Lumpe, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat; Mr. Jerry Ventors, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis PostDispatch; Mrs. F. J. LeClerq, a citizen; and Mrs. Milton Jones. 4/8/68 - 2 - I * 1»5 ^^ pr Hearing of Citizens and Petitions when would Board, Notary after Office upon right-of-way consider presented and Report 1.9 with 1.7 sewer the Mrs. be Mr. be Public for vote, considered remuneration the attached to Williamson Johnson lines the Mrs. April, been Mr. Upon RESOLVED, The District elected District, Seating Board the term Whereupon, The Treasurer's bordering aye the then the month Ruffin President Secretary's Treasurer's W. Mary presentation were elected of F. vote Board President motion assumed administered 1974, to MacLean of six to by J. Board ending That Jane offered St. these installed for of New seconded LeClerq the on for years Report and all Louis, also carried replacement motion her position of Board Calais, Meramec Board. the approval. Johnson Report official Stewart Report March qualified. declares members Trustees, of and to Board directed seat of the to Member St. certification serve by moved unanimously. Kirkwood, 31, Treasurer on Campus. service for motion Oath as of informed Mr. Minutes Louis of of Mrs. Certification of 1968, a Trustee until the Trustees the to that Witte, the member of shrubbery W. serve County, to the month Office adoption Missouri These Board was her of copies Mrs. MacLean adopt of Meramec seconded of the this approved a does successor ending The election plantings LeClerq present, Missouri, six-year the to along of Board the meeting. of requested Johnson hereby Mrs. Junior Junior Election Board campus.. the foregoing the by March the as of that shall Johnson papers signed Mr. the term following were submitted. accept Trustees College of for Frisco duly College 31, this the Williamson, Treasurer's Trustees. of a have ending destroyed resolution, Oath to 1968, and Board matter Railroad the resolution: and of therewas to a and i 1.8 ^^ Ratification of Investments The Board was requested to ratify investments made by the Treasurer of the District for which bids had been received in accordance with Board policy. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the Treasurer thereof, be and hereby are, ratified, approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: Building Fund $400,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased March 21, 1968, from First National on a 4.50(+$3.00) basis, to mature March 28, 1968, for a total cost of $399,653.00. $500,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased March 21, 1968, from First National on a 4.50 (+$3.00) basis, to mature April 4, 1968, for a total cost of $499,128.00. $210,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased April 1, 1968, from First National on a 5.47 (+$3.00) basis, to mature March 31, 1969, for a total cost of $198,385.37. $200,000.00 Repurchase Agreement, purchased March 29, 1968, from Mercantile Trust on a 5.00 basis, to mature April 1, 1968, for a total cost of $200,000.00. 4/6/68 - * ." . ,^;jk 2, PERSONNEL 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Full-Time Employment The Board was requested to approve employment of Duane L. Jones as full-time Laboratory Assistant in Speech/Drama at Florissant Valley Community College beginning April 9, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That be employed in classification classification the Board. the following certificated personnel the capacity and at the salary hereinafter set out, said salary having been previously approved by Duane L. Jones - Laboratory Assistant-Speech/Drama FVCC - II-3 (Prorated) 4/9/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employee, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Full-Time Employment - Academic Year 1968-69 The Board was requested to approve the employment of tne following certificated personnel for the academic year, 1968-69. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That be employed in classification classification the Board. ^ ^ B 4/8/68 the following certificated personnel the capacity and at the salary hereinafter set out, said salary having been previously approved by ~ ~ 'T 9 2.3 Brown, Marie A. Assistant Professor Nursing FPCC V-6 9/3/68 Holtzman, Shirley.Jo Instructor B Political Science FPCC IV-2 9/3/68 Lutte, Mary H. Assistant Professor Mathematics FPCC V-l 9/3/68 Vento, Vincent A* Assistant Professor Physical Education FPCC V-4 9/3/68 Certificated Personnel - Part-Time Employment - Spring Semester 1967-68 The Board was requested to approve the employment of part-time certificated personnel fov the Spring Semester, 1967-68, Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed on a part-time basis tor the Spring Semester, 1967-68, in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Chraplyvy, Maria Ziskind, Morris (IV-1) Chemistry FPCC (III-9) Chemistry FPCC 1/2x6 cr.hrs. (2 $164/cr.hr. 4/1/68 1/2x4 cr.hrs. Q $213/cr.hr. 4/1/68 The Board was requested to waive state Board policy under Division III, Item J - Employment of Meqbers of the Same Family for the following certificated personnel for the remainder of the Spring Semester, 1967-68, and the Board was requested to approve his part-time employment for the Spring Semester, 1967-68. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was 4/8/68 - 6 - RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees, cognizant of the need to fill a vacancy created in the Chemistry Department, does hereby waive Board policy, Division III, Item J for the balance of the current academic year as it would apply to Patrick J. Coffey, and does hereby approve employment on a part-time basis for the Spring Semester, 1967-68, for the following certificated personnel, in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: » Coffey, Patrick J. 2.4 (II-l) Chemistry FPCC 1/2x10 con.hrs. @ $81/con.hrs. 4/2/68 Certificated Personnel - Correction of Board Approval - Feb. 12, 1968 The Board was requested to approve correction of previous Board appointnent. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the following correction with regard to employment of the following certificated personnel, previously approved by the Board at its meeting of February 12, 1968: Walker, William R. Assistant Professor (V-3) Automotive Technology FROM: TO: 2.5 FPCC 2 cr. hrs. <a $272/cr.hr. 2 cr. hrs. @ $21S/cr.hr. 2/2/68 Certificated Personnel - Reappointment - Academic Year 1968-69 One-Year Contracts The Board was requested to approve reappointment of the following certificated personnel for one-year contracts for the academic year 1968-69. It was explained that certain personnel were recommended for a merit increment and that certain others were not recommended for any advance on the salary '; schedule. • In addition, certain other variations in salary advancement were recommended on the basis of additional graduate work. Variations are indicated where applicable by the following code: (A) (B) (C) (D) I Merit Increment No Increment One step for additional graduate hours Change in salary range but not in academic rank Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all Board members present, it was /a/68 . - 7- . • ' - • ' ' ' KKSOLVKU, Taut the following cert ll'icutt'd [iiirrtonnol lio reappointed for one-year contract^ for the academic year 1968-69 in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Agathen, Beatrice E. Instructor B Mathematics PVCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Anders, Paul B. Assistant Professor Physical Education FVCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Ankenbrand, Ralph Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Bay, Robert R. Assistant Professor Art FVCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Bingham, Thomas J. Instructor A Engineering FVCC From: III-4 To: III-5 9/9/68 Bracy, Jane B. Instructor A English FVCC From: III-5 To: III-6 9/9/68 Bruns, Carl M. Associate Professor Mathematics FVCC From: VI-1 To: VI-2 9/9/68 Burbach, Erna F. Assistant Professor Mathematics FVCC From: V-l. To: V-2 9/9/68 Cays, Donna J. Assistant Professor Foreign Languages FVCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Crabtree, Kenneth L. Assistant Professor Business Education FVCC From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 Cruickshank, Ian Assistant Professor English FVCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Davis, Carolyn J. Certificated Nurse Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: III-4 To: III-5 9/9/68 Davis, Robert P. Assistant Professor Sociology FVCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Dempsey, Kathleen A. Instructor B English FVCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Denton, Susan D. Instructor B Foreign Languages FVCC From: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 Dieterich, Helen M. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: VI-2 To? VI-3 • 9/9/68 * 4/8/68 - 8- 'v V # v A (A) Eisier, David A. Instructor B Art FVCC From: IV-2 To: IV-4 9/9/68 (A) Eldringhoff, Ronald P. Instructor B Mathematics FVCC From: IV-3 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Feldker, Paul F. Instructor B Physics FVCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Finkelston, Harry T. Instructor B History FVCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Follis, Doris L. Assistant Professor Physical Education FVCC From: V-3 To: V-4 9/9/68 Frasier, Eleanor R. Assistant Professor Home Economics FVCC From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 Gersten, Irving Associate Professor English FVCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 Grammaticoff, Alexander Associate Professor Foreign Languages FVCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/6S Hake, Jon J. Instructor B English FVCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Hall, Benjamin R. Instructor B FVCC From: IV-5 9/9/68 Hamm, James W. Engineering Instructor B Engineering FVCC To: IV-6 From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 . • 4/8/68 Heidt, Donald W» Assistant Professor Foreign Languages FVCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Ituen, Edet B. Assistant Professor Political Science FVCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Jones, Duane L. Laboratory Assistant Speech/Drama ' FVCC From: II-3 7/1/68 (Prorated) To: II-3 Kent, E. Allen Instructor B Speech/Drama FVCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Kessell, Edward S. Assistant Professor Speech/Drama FVCC From: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 Kirby, Dorothy H. Instructor B Psychology FVCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 - 9- ^^ ^^|^4/8/68 Kli'i.n, Andrew Instructor li Art FVCC from: IV-2 To: 1V-3 9/S/68 McClintock, Marian G. Instructor B English FVCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 McCracken, N. Patrick Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 McGibbons, Kathryn B. Instructor A Financial Aids Student Personnel Serv, FVCC From: III-2 To: III-3 9/9/68 Katejcic, John J. Assistant Professor Mathematics P\/CC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Melton, Roger H, Instructor B Mathematics FVCC From: >jIV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Miller, John A. Assistant Professor Business Administration FVCC From: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 Murray, Claude E. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Murphy, Robert E. Assistant Professor History FVCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Newell, John A. Associate Professor Engineering FVCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 Pisani, Rosemary A. Assistant Professor English FVCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Randolph, Robert A. From:Assistant Professor To: Associate Professor English FVCC From: V-5 To: VI-2 9/9/68 Reedy, Sidney J. Instructor B Assistant Librarian FVCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Reinert, Catherine G. Instructor A Physical Science FVCC From: III-4 To: III-5 9/9/68 Rezny, Joseph A. Assistant Professor Business Administration FVCC From: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 Ringelstein, Herbert H. Assistant Professor Engineering FVCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 - 10 - 4/8/68 Ruhlxan, Edward A. Assistant Professor Business Administration r'V'CC from: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 Schmidt, Karvey E. Assistant Professor Mathematics FVCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Schneider, Alvin Instructor S English FVCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Schnell, Thomas R. Instructor B English FVCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Schweser, Susan K. Instructor B Mathematics FVCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Small, Robert R. Laboratory Assistant Science FVCC From: II-4 To: II-5 7/1/68 Smith, Kenneth E. Assistant Professor Engineering FVCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Sodon, James R. Instructor B English FVCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 Stanton, Frank L. Assistant Professor Art FVCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Stapleton, Jerry W. Instructor A Engineering FVCC From: III-7 To: III-8 9/9/68 Steitz, Raymond E. Assistant Professor Business FVCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Stevenson, Joseph A. Instructor B Biology FVCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Stinchcorab, Bruce L. Assistant Professor Physics FVCC From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 Stroup, Margaret Instructor B History FVCC From: %IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Tambornino, Thomas A, Assistant Professor Biology FVCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 Taylor, Anita G. Associate Professor Speech/Drama FVCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Teneau, Richard C. Assistant Professor Instructional Resources FVCC From: V-3 To: V-4 9/9/68 Wedle, Patricia A. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Yoder, John Assistant Professor Physics FVCC From: ^V-3 To: V-4 9/9/68 - 11 - '•"•.^P' (A) Anderson, C. Leon Assistant Professor Art FPCC From: V-2 To: V-4 9/9/68 Becher, Harvey W. Instructor B History FPCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 Becker, Hilda R. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FPCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Berg, John C. Instructor B Biology FPCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 Bock, William K. Assistant Professor Law Enforcement FPCC From: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 Brew, Claire N. Instructor A General Curriculum FPCC From: ill-l To: III-2 9/9/68 Cleghorn, Sandra S. Teaching Assistant General Curriculum FPCC From: 1-2 To: 1-3 9/9/68 Cooper, Patricia A. Instructor B Mathematics FPCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Cowan, Gregory M. Assistant Professor English FPCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Craig, Jerry W. Assistant Professor Engineering FPCC From: V-3 9/9/68 To: V-4 (A) D a n i e l , T. David ^ H f t A/8/68 A s s i s t a n t Professor Data Processing FPCC From: V-4 To: V-6 9/9/68 Dickerson, John R. Assistant Professor History FPCC From: V-l To: V-2 9/*)/b8 Duke, William G. Instructor B Mathematics FPCC From: IV-5 To: TV-6 9/9/6H Emery, Mary A. Instructor B Economics FPCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Ensign, Gary C. Instructor B Business Administration FPCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 Estes, Ronald L. Associate Professor English FPCC From: VI-1 To: VI-2 9/9/68 Folk, Barbara Nauer Assistant; Professor English FPCC Proa; Tchg. Asst. To: Instructor B Biology FPCC Instructor A General Curriculum FPCC Instructor B Foreign Languages FPCC Instructor B Biology FPCC Assistant Professor Nursing FPCC Instructor B Mathematics FPCC Instructor B English FPCC Holder, William T. Associate Professor English Hollander, Robert R. , g ^ Fry, William W . (A) Gilbert, Charles B. Gioraetti, Thomas E. Hauck, Jaraes N. Hediger, JoAnn Hirschel, Kenneth S. Koelscher, James C. Keaton, Diane L. Kneebone, James C. Kramer, F. Axtell Kraus, Alan J. Levy, Barbara Lipchak, Amelia C. Love11, William G. ": 4/8/68 From: V-4 T o : V-5 9/9/68 From: 1-5 To: IV-2 9/9/68 From: III-7 To: III-9 9/9/68 From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 From: IV-A To: IV-5 9/9/68 FPCC From: VT-3 To: VI-4 '"': 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Social Science FPCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Assistant Librarian FPCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 From: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Music FPCC Instructor B Chemistry FPCC Assistant Professor English FPCC Instructor B Psychology FPCC Assistant Professor Nursing FPCC Assistant Professor Art FPCC - 13 - MacConnell, Joanna Instructor B Social Science "/?CC From: IV-2 ?o: lv-3 McEnemey, Phyllis L. Assistant Professor Para-Medic FPCC From: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Mathematics FPCC From: V-6 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Art FPCC From: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 McPherson, Elisabeth A. Associate Professor English FPCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Mueller, Arden I. Counselor Student Pers. Services FPCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Instructor B Sociology FPCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Associate Professor Physical Science FPCC From: VI-1 To: VI-2 9/9/68 From: Instructor A To: Instructor B History FPCC From: III-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Psychology FPCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Instructor A Library FPCC From: III-4 To: III-5 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Nursing FPCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Assistant Professor English FPCC From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 Instructor A Dental FPCC From: III-l To: III-2 9/9/68 Instructor B Engineering FPCC From: IV-6 To: V-3 9/9/68 (D) Mcintosh, John W. McMahon, Hylarie M. Neal, Margie A. Nelson, Paul D. Nolan, William F. O'Leary, Lawrence R. Petty, Susie L. Poundstone, Eleanor S. Rabushka, Sol Reeder, Paula (D) 4/8/68 Rehg, James A. - 14 - S/9/6& Richter, Judith C. Assistant Professor English F?CC From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Instructional Resources FPCC From: V-l To: V-3 9/9/68 Roth, Israel J. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FPCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 Streifford, David M. Instructor B Business Education FPCC From: IV-i To: IV-2 9/9/68 Taylor, Mary L. Instructor A Dental FPCC From: 111-1 To: III-2 9/9/68 Tayrien, Dorothy P. Associate Professor Nursing FPCC From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Teachenor, Thelma R. Assistant Professor Nursing FPCC . From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Thomas, Rosemary C. Instructor B Foreign Languages FPCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Walker, Billy R. Assistant Professor Automotive Technology FPCC From: V-3 To: V-4 9/9/68 Whitted, Mildred M. Assistant Professor Business Education FPCC From: V-3 To: V-4 9/9/68 Williams, Reese M. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FPCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Wilson, Thomas H. Associate Professor Foreign Languages FPCC Krom: VI-1 To: VI-2 9/9/68 (A) Rohr, Theodore V. 4/8/68 - 15 - • •• x ;" % - (S) Allbee, Robert P. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. MCC Proa: IV-4 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Baker, Richard H. Instructor B Government MCC Prom: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Bell, C. Pershing Assistant Professor Law Enforcement MCC Prom: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Berkmeyer, Charles H. Assistant Professor Business Administration MCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Birch, David C. Instructor B English MCC Prom: 1V-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 Blackard, Clara Associate Professor Foreign Languages MCC From: 3/4VI-3 9/9/68 To; 12/15VI-4 3ranom, Mendel E. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. MCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Brown, Gary D. Instructor B Economics MCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Cravens, Thomas F. Instructor B Sociology MCC From: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 Cronin, John R. Instructor B Business Administration MCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 Instructor B History MCC Prom: ^IV-1 To: IV-1 9/9/68 Davies, Michael M. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. MCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Davis, Jennie L. Instructor B Foreign Languages MCC From: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 Focht, Dennis L. Instructor B English MCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 Instructor B Business Education MCC From: IV-5 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Instructor B English MCC Prom: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 (B) Crowe, P. Standefer (B) Fuller, Mary B. Gardiner, Charles W. A/8/68 - 16 - }'. . y- r * ' ' - • • ' . Godwin, Sharon A. Instructor A MCC rrom: II1-2 9/9/68 Govero, George L, Nursing Assistant Professor Economics MCC To: III-3 Prom: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 • Grunmann, Arthur R. Instructor B Architecture MCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Data Processing MCC From: V-5 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Instructor B English MCC Prom: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 Teaching Assistant Business Administration MCC From: 1-3 To: 1-5 9/9/68 Instructor B Foreign Languages MCC From: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 Assistant Professor English MCC From: VI-3 To: VI„3 9/9/68 Kottmeyer, William K. Instructor B Mathematics MCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 Lampros, Theodore Instructor B Mathematics MCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 (A) Lessmann, Richard A. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. MCC From: V-2 To: V-4 9/9/68 Longi, Joseph S. Assistant Professor Buair.esa Administration MCC Froc: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 Lynn, Lawrence S. From:Teaching Assistant To: Instructor A Chemistry MCC From: 1-3 To: III-3 9/9/68 McBrearty, Paul R. Instructor B English MCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Macy, Barbara J. Assistant Professor Nursing MCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Madden, Trudy A. Instructor B English MCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 9/9/68 (A) Hennessy, James V, (D) Hohn, Kathleen E. (A) Hunter, Patricia J. Kalfus, Richard M. (B) Kaminsky, Wallace B. 4/8/68 - 17 - Kangan, Frances S. Instructor B Mathematics MCC i'rom: IV-5 To; IV-6 5/^/66 Mar«iti«i.>H, Coor^ P. Instructor H liiKtory MCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/6H Marshall, Julia K. Instructor B Business Education MCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Mitchell, Kent H. Instructor B English MCC From: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 Munden, J. R. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. MCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/9/68 Murrey, Robert E. Assistant Professor Physical Education MCC Prom: V-5 To; V-6 9/9/68 Niven, Alexander C. Associate Professor History MCC From: VI-1 To: VI-2 9/9/68 Orban, Gertrude A. Counselor-Advisor Student Personnel Serv. MCC From: 12/151-1 9/9/68 To: 12/151-2 Assistant Professor Engineering MCC From: V-6 To: VI-3 MCC From: V-2 To: V-2 (D) Ostergaard, Albert J. (B) Petersen, Bruce W. Assistant Professor Biology 9/9/68 Pullen, Henry W. Associate Professor Mathematics MCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Rehr, Kay Teaching Assistant English MCC From: 1-3 To: 1-4 9/9/68 Rodriguez, Laura M. Instructor B Foreign Languages MCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Instructor B MCC From: IV-4 9/9/68 Rose, Aleene English Roussin, Ramon L. Instructor B To: IV-5 MCC English 4/8/68 9/9/68 From: IV-3 9/9/68 To: IV-4 Russell, Nelson L. Consultant Horticulture MCC From: \Vl-U To: %VI-5 9/9/68 Sanders, Judith L. Instructor B Nursing MCC From: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 - 18 - i't '_ » JL , * (B) Scott, James W. Instructor B Assistant Llbr rian MCC From: IV-4 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Smith, Mary H. Counselor-Advisor Student Personnel Serv. MCC Prom: 1-3 To: 1-4 9/9/68 Smith, Richard H. Instructor B History MCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Sprague, Mary K. Instructor B Art MCC Prom: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Thomas, Ronald W. Instructor B Art MCC Prom: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/9/68 Truog, Anthony L. Instructor B English MCC From: IV-1 To: IV-2 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Physics MCC Prom: V-6 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Wang, George S. Assistant Professor Business Administration MCC From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 Wayne, Sam Instructor B Art MCC From: IV-5 To: IV-6 9/9/68 Wheeler, James P. Instructor B Psychology MCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/9/68 Instructor A Biology MCC From: I I I - l To: III-3 9/9/68 Wooten, Margaret £. Instructor A Dental Assisting MCC From: III-l To: III-2 9/9/68 Wyrick, Suzanne C. Instructor A Nursing MCC From: III-5 To: III-6 9/9/68 Yard, Elizabeth Counselor-Advisor Student Personnel Serv, MCC From: 12/151-1 9/9/68 To: 12/151-2 Zander, Charles J. Instructor B Speech/Drama MCC From: IV-2 To: IV-3 A (D) Walka, Joseph A. (A) Wieman, Carol J . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employees, which said contracts are to be filed with the records of the District. 4/8/68 - 19 - 9/9/68 ^fc 2.6 Certificated Personnel - Reappointment - Four-Year Contract 9/9/68 thru Mid-June, 1972 The Board was requested to approve reappointment of certificated personnel for a four-year contract from 9/9/68 thru mid-June, 1972. An age factor would preclude tendering the standard five-year contract. Whereupon, .on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be reappointed for a four-year contract at the salary classification hereinafter set, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Clements, Charles P. Assistant Professor English MCC From:V-5 To: V-6 9/68-6/72 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employee, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.7 Certificated Personnel - Reappointment - Five-Year Contract 9/9/68 thru Mid-June, 1973 The Board was requested to approve reappointment of certificated personnel for a five-year contract from 9/9/68 thru Mid-June, 1973. The code to indicate reasons for advancement other than a one-increment increase being indicated as in Section 2.5. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be reappointed for five-year contracts from September 9, 1968, through Mid-June, 1973, in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set i ' out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: 4/8/68 • ' ' • ' - 20 - Bryant, Raymond F. Prom: Asst. Professor To: Ass c. Professor FVCC Fr mt V-6 To: Vl-3 9/68 - 6/73 From: IV-6 To: V-3 9/68-6/73 • Buckraan, Richard W. Gord n, Leon M. Langlois, Kathryn A. Mcintosh, Harriett Maurer, Mary L. Nicholson, Paul W. Pearson, Melba J. Thum, Gladys E. Mathematics From: Instructor B To: Assistant Professor Art FVCC Associate Professor History FVCC From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor English FVCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Business Education FVCC Assistant Professor English FVCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Science FVCC From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor History FVCC From: To: • From: To: VI-6 VI-7 $13,500 IV-5 V-2 9/68 - 6/73 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-6 To: VI-4 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-4 To: V-5 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-6 To: VI-3 9/68 - 6/73 From: IV-4 To: V-l 9/68 - 6/73 From: Asst. Prof. To: Assoc. Professor English Associate Professor Social Science FVCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Science FVCC Wang, Nora L. From: Instructor B To: Assistant Professor Mathematics FVCC From: IV-6 To: V-3 Wells, Leon G. From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor Sociology FVCC From: IV-6 To: V-3 9/68 - 6/73 From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor Biology FFCC From: IV-5 To: V-2 9/68 - 6/73 Assistant Professor Biology FPCC From: V-4 To: V-5 9/68 - 6/73 From: Instructor B To: Asst. Profe sor English FPCC From: V-5 To: V-6 9/68 - 6/73 Vossick, Paul H. Waldman, Gary S. Baldridge, Marlena K. Delgado, Herman M. Garg r, Jerome S. 4/8/68 - 21 - FVCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/68 - 6/73 From: VI-5 To: VI-6 9/68 - 6/73 From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/68 - 6/73 9/68 - 6/73 Heyne, Clare D. 4fe Johnson, Delwin D. Mclntcsh, Elizabeth Pollard, Betty W. Sieker, Don Wa Stone, A. Foster Thelen, Alice M. Thompson, Betty J. Witherspoon, Fredda D. Ashmore, James E. Bradfield, Anita (A)Brown, Irene M. Durham, David P. Griffin, Max M. Grothaus, Glenn G. 4/8/68 Prom: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor S ciology FPCC From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor Chemistry FPCC Associate Professor Nursing FPCC Assistant Professor General Curriculum FPCC From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor English FPCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Mathematics FPCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor General Curriculum FPCC Assistant Professor Nursing FPCC Counselor Student Pers. Services FPCC Counselor Student Pers. Services MCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Business Education MCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Nursing MCC From: Instructor A To: Instructor B Art MCC Instructor A Art MCC Instructor B Business Administration MCC - 22 - From: V-4 To: VI-1 9/68 - 6/73 From: IV-4 To: V-2 9/68 - 6/73 From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-3 To: V-4 9/68 - 6/73 From: IV-4 TO: V-l 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-4 To: VI-1 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-5 To: VI-2 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-4 To: V-5 9/68 - 6/73 From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-4 To: V-5 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-3 To: V-4 9/68 - 6/73 From: V-3 To: VI-1 9/68 - 6/73 From: II1-5 To: IV-4 9/68 - 6/73 From: III-6 To: III-7 9/68 - 6/73 From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/68 - 6/73 Johnson, Margaret K. Marecek, Gladys R. Miller, Carol A, Phillips, Vera G. Preuss, Ronald S. Rissover, Fredric Rivers, L. Wendell Warner, Jay M. Watson, Julia M. Wing, Isabel K. From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor Mathematics MCC From: IV-5 To: V-2 9/68 - 6 From: Tchg. Assistant To: Instructor A English MCC From: 1-5 To: III-l 9/68 - 6 From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor History MCC From: IV-3 To: IV-4 9/68 - 6 From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Nursing MCC From: V-4 To: VI-1 9/68 - 6 From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor English MCC From: IV-6 To: V-3 9/68 - 6 Instructor B English MCC From: IV-4 To: IV-5 9/68 - 6 From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor Psychology MCC From: IV-4 To: V-l 9/68 - 6 From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Speech/Drama MCC From: V-6 To: VI-3 9/68 - 6 From: Counselor (Inst. B) MCC To: Counselor (Asst.Prof.) Student Pers. Services From: IV-5 To: V-2 9/68 - 6. Instructor A Dental Assisting From: III-2 To: III-3 9/68 - 6. MCC FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employees, which said contracts are to be filed with the records of the District. 2.8 Certificated Personnel - Amendment to Existing Three-Year Contract The Board was requested to approve amendment to the existing three- year contract for the following certificaced personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was 4/8/68 - 23 - i RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve amendment to the existing contract of the following certificated employee: (D) Chiles, Truman L. Assistant Professor Mathematics MCC From: V-6 To: VI-3 9/9/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the existing employment contract with the above certificated employee be amended to reflect the above change in salary classification. 2.? Certificated Personnel - Amendment to Existing Four-Year Contract The Board was requested to approve amendment to the existing four-yiar contract for the following certificated personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and vri-h. the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve amendment to the existing four-year contract of the following certificated employee: Kramer, V. Hildegard Associate Professor Chemistry MCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the existing employment contract with the above certificated employee be amended to reflect the above change in salary classification. 2.10 Certificated Personnel - Amendment to Existing Five-Year Contract The Board was requested to approve amendment to the existing five-vear contracts for the following certificated personnel. (Reasons for other than a one increment increase being indicated by the code specified under Sectioa 2.5). Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with che aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve amendment to the existing five-year contracts of the following certificated employees with respect to salary classification: A/8/68 - 24 - Alcott, Molly 0. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: V-2 To: V-3 Aldridge, Billy G. Associate Professor Science FVCC From: VI-7 To: VI-8 Bamett, Ralph L. Associate Professor Physics FVCC From: VI-2 To: VI-3 Bay, Leroy A. Associate Professor Chemistry FVCC From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Beck, D. Eileen Associate Professor Chemistry FVCC From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Bergman, Joseph A. From:Assistant Professor To: Associate Professor English FVCC From: V-4 To: VI-1 9/9/68 Canavit, Frank H. Counselor Student Personnel Serv* FVCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Doyle, Richard T. Associate Professor Mathematics FVCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Hartman, Neal E. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: V-3 To: V-4 9/9/68 Associate Professor Engineering FVCC From: VI-6 To: VI-6 9/9/68 j^ 5 (B> Hunt, Philip B. 9/9/68 $13,500 $14,000 9/9/68 9/9/68 Marshall, David R. Assistant Professor English FVCC From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 Menges, Edward E. Professor Art FVCC From: VII-1 To; VII-2 9/9/68 Assistant Professor Speech/Drama FVCC From: V-3 To: V-5 9/9/68 O'Grady, James P. Jr. Associate Professor Business Administration FVCC From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Orland, Henry Associate Professor Music FVCC From: VI-3 To: VI--4 9/9/68 (A) Meyer, Arthur C. 4/8/68 - 25 - ' (B) Pannuto, Henry Jr. 4/8/68 Associate Professor English ?VCC From: VI-4 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Simpson, L. Elaine Associate Professor Business Adninistration FVCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 Tripp, Grace D . Associate Professor Philosophy FVCC From: VI-5 To: VI-6 9/9/68 West, Leonora E. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FVCC From: VI-5 To: VI-6 9/9/68 Wilson, Paul B. Associate Professor Engineering FVCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 Wolf, Lawrence J. Assistant Professor Engineering FVCC From: V-5 To: V-6 9/9/68 Bell, Charles E. Associate Professor English FPCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Brown, Jerry W. Assistant Professor English FPCC From: V-l To: V-2 9/9/68 Casmier, Adam A. Associate Professor English FPCC From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Coffey, Joseph F . Associate Professor Chemistry FPCC From: VI-5 To: VI-6 9/9/68 Davis, Irvin Associate Professor Business Administration FPCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 Duffy, William G. Assistant Professor Business Administration FPCC From: V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 *Iaiia«>i, Jvanas Q. Ausoeiaee Professor Biology r*?CC from: vi-2 T o : vi-3 9/9/68 Hauver, Raymond L. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FPCC From: VI-1 To: VI-2 9/9/68 Hitchell, Thomas F. Associate Professor Speech/Drana FPCC From: VI-4 To- vi-5 9/9/68 Hubenschmidt, L a V e m e E. Assistant Professor Nursing FPCC From: V-3 To: V-4 9/9/68 - 26 - Latta, Doris J. Associate Professor Physical Education FPCC From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Margulis, Joel B. Assistant Professor English FPCC From; V-2 To: V-3 9/9/68 Marion, Louis M. Counselor Student Personnel Serv. FPCC Prom: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 Martin, Dortha L. Associate Professor Business Education FFCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 Miller, Jack E. Associate Professor Hotel,Motel&Restaurant FPCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 Nelson, Leonard D. Associate Professor Psychology FPCC From: VI-6 9/9/68 To: VI-7 $13,500 Perry, Mary L. Associate Professor Mathematics FPCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 Secunda, William J. (A) Simmons, Howard L. Tucker, David H. (C) (A) Witte, Patrick H. Algarda, Marian R. Anglin, Margaret F. Anthoney, Josephine Bergmann, Marie T. Brown, Dr. Florence R. Callaway, Betty E. Campbell, David L. 4/8/68 Associate Professor Chemistry FPCC Assistant Professor Foreign Languages FPCC From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor History Assistant Professor Sociology FPCC * FPCC Instructor A Dental Assisting MCC Associate Professor Biology MCC Associate Professor Retai ling MCC Counselor Student Pers. Services MCC Professor Sociology MCC From: Counselor (Inst. B) MCC To: Counselor (Asst.Prof) Student Pers. Services From: Inst. B MCC To: Asst. Professor Biology ~ 27 - 9/9/68 From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 From: V-2 To: V-4 9/9/68 From: IV-4 To: V-l 9/9/68 From: V-l To: V-3 9/9/68 From: III-5 To: III-7 9/9/68 From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 From: VI-5 To: VI-6 9/9/68 From: VII-5 To: VII-6 9/9/68 From: IV-3 To: IV-4 From: IV-6 To: V-3 » 9/9/68 9/9/68 ! • - • ' * - • ' • Donnell, John T. » Dunne, Joseph F. Gillespie, Robert J. Gillett, Frances M. Grcenberg, Aaron J. Keider, Rudolph L. Hensler, Ruth Lane, Gary C. Lottcann, Anna M. Lowe, Don (A) Ma chin, Harry L. Monsees, Robert L. Mosley, Maxine V. Myers, Leon J. 4/8/68 Associate Professor Business Administration MCC From: Instructor B To: Asst. Professor English MCC From: Assistant Professor To: Associate Professor Biology MCC Associate Professor Music MCC From: Assistant Professor To: Associate Professor Architecture MCC Professor Chemistry MCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Art MCC From: Instructor Ii To: Asst. Professor Government MCC Professor Foreign Languages MCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor English MCC Assistant Professor Philosophy MCC Assistant Professor Mathematics MCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor English MCC From: Asst. Professor To: Assoc. Professor Business Administration MCC - 28 - From: VI-2 To: VI-3 9/9/68 From: IV-4 To: V-l 9/9/68 From: VI-5 To: VI-6 9/9/68 From: VI-4 To: VI-5 9/9/68 From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 From: VII-1 To: VII-2 9/9/68 From: V-4 To: VI-1 9/9/68 From: IV-4 To: V-l 9/9/68 From: VII-5 To: VII-6 9/9/68 From: V-4 To: VI-1 9/9/68 From: V-2 To: V-4 9/9/68 From: V-3 To: V-4 9/9/68 Prom: V-6 To: VI-3 9/9/68 From: V-6 To: VI-3 9/9/68 * Pease, Richards K, Petrovich, Sue Roberts, Evelyn H. Schrautemeler, Bernard Wehmeier, Jo Ann Associate Professor S?e ch/Draoa # MCC Associate Professor Karsing MCC Associate Professor laglish MCC Associate Professor Physics MCC Instructor A Assistant Librarian MCC Fron: VI-5 To: VJ-6 9/9/68 From: VI-1 To: VI-2 9/9/68 Fron: VI-5 To: VI-6 9/9/68 From: VI-3 To: VI-4 9/9/68 ' From: III-4 To: III-5 9/9/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the existing employment contract with the above certificated employees be amended to reflect the above changes in classification. 2.11 Certificated Personnel - Divisional Chairmen - Amendment to Existing Five-Year Contracts • The Board was requested to approve amendment of the existing five- year contracts of the following certificated personnel and to approve appointment of said personnel for the period 7/1/68 through 6/30/69 as Division Chairmen. (Increases other than one increment are explained by the code set forth under Section 2.5). Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the five-year contracts of the following certificated personnel be amended, said amendment being limited to a change in salary classification as noted: 4/8/68 - 29 - Baroum, Marvin R. Associate Professor Scienc PVCC Prom: VI-4 To: VI-5 7/1/68 Bucher, Norman J. Associate Professor Business PVCC From: VI-5 To: VI-6 7/X/68 Ragland, George C. Associate Professor Mathematics PVCC From: VI-6 To: VI-7 $13,500 7/1/68 Schallert, William P. Professor PVCC From: VII-3 7/1/68 A Engineering To: VII-4 Slay, Alan L. Assistant Professor Communications PVCC From: ^Assoc.D-jan *>Asst.Prof, To: V-4 7/1/68 (A) Voos, William J. Associate Professor Humanities PVCC From: VI-3 To: VI-5 7/1/68 Handy, Uvan Assistant Business PxofMsor PPCC From: V-4 To: V-5 7/1/68 Jackovay, Malkom G. Associate Professor Humanities PPCC From: VI-3 To: VI-4 7/1/68 Lampe, Anthony B. Professor Social Science PPCC From: VII-4 To: VII-5 7/1/68 Reef, Victor E. Professor Physical Science FPCC From: VII-4 To: VII-5' 7/1/68 Bell, Garth E. Associate Professor Art MCC From: VI-5 To: VI-6 7/1/68 Biegelsen, Jules Associate Professor History MCC From: VI-5 To: VI-6 7/1/68 Greer, Arnold J. Associate Professor Biology MCC From: VI-5 To: VI-6 7/1/68 Kilgeman, Thomas F. 6 From: Assistant Professor To: Associate Professor Business Administration MCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5 7/1/68 Murray, Robert E. Associate Professor Mathematics & Engineering MCC Prom: VI-5 To: VI-6 7/1/68 Stoffel, Waltor J. Associate Professor English MCC From: VI-5 To: VI-6 7/1/68 A A/8/68 - 30 - FURTHER RESOLVED, That the above mentioned certificated personnel be and hereby are appointed Division Chairmen and shall be offered a contract for a full one-year period from 7/1/68 through 6/30/69, as Division Chairmen. Said personnel shall receive an additional 8/36ths of the basic salary for work under the twelve-month contract and said Division Chairmen appointments to be for one year only. FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Division Chairmen shall receive additional compensation based upon a responsibility factor to be determined by the Board. The Board was requested to approve Division Chairman appointment for the period 7/1/68 through 6/30/69, and issuance of a five-year contract to said personnel, effective 7/1/68 through mid-June, 1973. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following personnel be and hereby ia • appointed Division Chairman and shall be offered a contract for a full one-year period from 7/1/68 through 6/30/69, as Division Chairman. Said personnel shall receive an additional 6/36ths of the basic salary for work under the.twelve-month contract and said Division Chairman appointment to be for one year only. FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Division Chairman shall receive additional compensation based upon a responsibility factor to be determined by the Board. Duggins, Oliver H. Professor Life Science PPCC From: VII-5 To: VII-6** 7/1/68 **Also reflected in salary will be 6/36ths of basic salary for extended time during period 7/1/68 through 6/30/69, Presently on Five Year Contract. FURTHER RES0LVED(.Tbat the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorised to execute the appropriate •five-year instructor's contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employee, which said contract is to be filoci with the records of the District. 4/8/68 - 31 - ::'-.'^^. •" Certificated Personnel - Divisional Chairmen - One-Year Contracts The Board was requested to approve Division Chairman appointment for the period 7/1/68 through 6/30/69, and issuance of a one-year contract to said personnel, effective 7/1/68 through mid-June, 1969. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following personnel be and hereby are appointed Division Chairmen and shall be offered a contract for a full one-year period from 7/1/68 through 6/30/69, as Division Chairmen. Said personnel shall receive an additional 8/36ths of the basic salary for work under the twelve-month contract and said Division Chairmen appointment to be for one year only. FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Division Chairmen shall receive additional compensation based upon a responsibility factor as previously determined by the Board. (A) Guese, Lucius E. Associate Professor FVCC Student Personnel Services From: VI-4 To: VI-6* 7/1/68 (A) Marty, Myron A. (D) Assistant Professor Social Science FVCC From: V-5 To: VI-3* 7/1/68 Associate Professor Physical Education FVCC From: VI-4 To: VI-5* 7/1/68 Miller, L. William *Also reflected in salary will be 8/36ths of basic salary for extended time during period 7/1/68 through 6/30/69. Recommended for one year contracts. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate one-year instructor's contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employees, which said contracts are to be filed with the records of the District. 4/8/68 - 32 - • * 2.12 Certificated Personnel - Administrative Reappointments Existing Five-Year Contracts In accordance with Dr. Cosand's recommendation, the Board was requested to approve the reappointment of administrative personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following administrative personnel, each of whom holds a five-year teaching contract for administrative personnel, be reappointed in the administrative position hereinafter set out, effective 7/1/68 at the salary classification indicated, said classification having been previously approved by the Board. Underwood, David L. Riggs, Casgidy L. Freeman, Vincent E. Gawronski, Donald V. Hirsch, Peter M. Dunbar, Dean A. Ruddy, Edvard M. Richey, Robert D. 4/8/68 Dean of Instruction FVCC Dean of Student Personnel Services FVCC Associate Dean Registrar FVCC Associate Dean of Instruction Associate* Dean Institutional Research Assistant Dean of Instruction FVCC PVCC FPCC Dean of Student Personnel Services FPCC Associate Dean of Instruction FPCC - 33 - Prom: Dean Step 2 To: Dean Step 3 7/1/68 From: Dean Step 2 To: Dean Step 3 7/1/68 From: Assoc.Dean Step (4) §15,400 To: Assoc. Dean Step (5) $16,300 7/1/68 From: Assoc.Dean Step 2 To: Assoc. Dean Step 3 7/1/68 Krtsn: A-sst.Ik'nn Step ^ $2.2 700 To: Assoc. Dean Step 2 7/1/68 From: Asst.Dean Step 2 To: Asst, Dean Step 3 7/1/68 From: Dean Step 2 To: Dean Step 3 7/1/68. Prow: Assoc. Dean StepC*) $15,400 T ; Assoc. Dean St p(5) 7/1/68 $16,300 s " ; ; % • • ' • • • • ' ,< ^ ^ ',', ^ p Hunter, Walter E. Associate Dean of Instruction MCC from: Assoc,Dean Step 4 .«15,400 To: Assoc. Dean Steo 5 $16,300 7/1/68] Wuller, Margaret J. Associate Dean Registrar MCC Prom: Assoc.Dean Step 3 To: Assoc, Dean Step 4 $15,400 7/l/6£ Jones, Robert C. Stone, Samuel L. Coordinator Instructional Resources D.O. Coordinator D.O. Institutional Development Front: Coord. Step 2 To: Coord. Step 3 Fran: Coord. Step 1 To: Coord. Step 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized and directed to execute the appropriate administrative contract with each of the above administrative employees. The Board was requested to approve reappointment of administrative personnel and authorize the issuance of a five-year teaching contract for the following administrative personnel, effective 7/1/68 thru June 30, 1973. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following administrative personnel be reappointed for one year in the administrative positions hereinafter set out, effective 7/1/68 and at the salary classification set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. 4/8/68 - 34 - 7/1/68 7/1/68 Broolchart, John R. Assistant Dean Student Activities FPCC A . "•'..W From: Asst.Dean Step 3 To: Asst. Dean St p (4) $12,700 Halpin. Elisabeth E. Assistant Dean Registrar PPCC From: Asst.Dean Step (4) $12,700 To; Asst. Dean Step (5) -7/1/68 $13,400 Fietak, Raymond A. Dean of Instruction FPCC From: Dean Step 2 To: Dean St p 3 7/1/68 From: Dean Step 2 To: Dean Step 3 7/1/68 From: Dean Step 2 To: Dean Seep 3 7/1/68 From: Assoc.Dean Step 1 To: Assoc. Dean Seep 2 7/1/68 Carson, Joseph 0. Donnelly, Robert J. Mitr.litz, Edward J. Dean of Instruction MCC Dean of Student Personnel Services MCC Associate Dean, Student Activities MCC Connole, Paul H. Assistant to the President D.O. From: Asst.t Pres. Step 2 To: Asst.to Pres. Step 3 7/1/68 Calais, Mary Jane Coordinator Finance D.O. From: Coord. Step 1 To: Coord. Step 2 7/1/68 From: Coord. Step Z To: Coord. Step 3 7/1/68 O'Neill, Lawrence F. CoordinatorPhysical Facilities D.O. FURTHER RESOLVED, That each of the said administrative personnel be issued a five-year teaching contract for administrative personnel, effective 7/1/68 through 6/30/73. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the appropriate administrative contract and five-year teaching contract for administrative personnel with each of the above administrative employees, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. ... 4/8/68 7/1/68 - 35 - The Board was requested to approve reappointment of the following administrative personnel effective 7/1/68 through June 30, 1969. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following administrative personnel be reappointed for one year in the administrative positions hereinafter set out, effective 7/1/68 and at the salary classification set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. • - Mathes, Irma D. Simeoli, Carlo A. Wiegert, Glenn J. • • • Associate Dean of Student Personnel Services Associate Dean of Instruction Associate Dean Business Affairs FVCC FVCC FVCC Moore, William J. Associate Dean General Curriculum FPCC Mergenovich, Peter Associate Dean of Instruction FPCC Shanle, Leland C. Associate Dean of Business Affairs PPCC From: Assoc .Dean Step 3 To: Assoc. Dean Step (4) $15,40C Prom: Assoc.Dean Step 2 To: Assoc.Dean Step 3 7/1/68 From: Assoc.Dean Step 1 To: Assoc.Dean Step 2 7/1/68 From: Assoc. Dean Step (4) $15,400 To: Assoc. Dean Step (5) 7/1/68 $16,300 From: Assoc, oean Step 1 To: Assoc. Dean Step 2 7/1/68 From: Business Mgr. Step 3 To: Assoc. Dean Step (4) $15,400 4/8/68 - 36 - 7/1/68 7/1/68 Mastin, Thomas N. ^ 4P Carlock, Philip D. Walker, Richard S. Malan, W. Russell McClintock, Thomas T. Damron, Herbert C. Assistant Dean of Student Personnel Services FPCC Assistant Dean of Instructional Resources FPCC Associate lk;an of Business Affairs Assistant Dean of Instruction Coordinator Data Processing Coordinator Purchasing Prom: Asst. Dean Step 2 To: Asst. Dean Step 3 MCC MCC D.O. D.O. Proa: Asst.Coord. Step 3 To: Asst. Dean Step (4) $12,700 7/1/68 7/1/68 Prom: Business Mgr. Step 2 To: Assoc„ Dean Step 3 7/1/68 From: Asst.Dean Step 4 $12,700 (Prorated) To: Asst. Dean Step 5" 013,400 (Prorated) 9/9/68 From: Coord. Step 1 To: Coord. Step 2 7/1/68 From: Assoc.Coord. Step 1 To: Coord. Step 1 7/1/68 % . Brendecke, Roger C. Hill, Charles R. Burns, Frank K. Druromond, Robert D. Erickson, S. Rutlic 4/8/68 Associate Coordinator • 0.0. Physical Facilities Director * Ford Project D.O. Assistant Coordinator - D.O. Purchasing Assistant Coordinator - D.O. Publications and Printing Assistant Coordinator - D.O. Instructional Res ureas » 37 - From: Assoc.Coord. Step 2 To: Assoc. Coord. Step 3 7/1/68 From director Step 2 To: Director Step 3 7/1/68 From: Asst.Coord. Step 1 To: Asst.Coord. Step 2 7/1/68 From: Asst.Coord. Step 1 To: Asst. Coord. Step 1 7/1/68 From: Asst.Coord. St p 2 To: Asst. Coord. St p 3 7/1/68 • - - - " ' • ' • • * • ' . • . " , - i f ! 1 ' ' s • Hultengren, Lawrence C. Assistant Coordinator • D,0. Maintenance and Operations Planning . ^_. ^ ^P * Pron: Asst.Coord. Step 1 To; Asst. Coord, Step 2 7/1/68 Kerr, Richard K. Assistant Coordinator • D«0. Personnel Promt Asst.Coord. Step 3 Tot Asst. Coord. Step A $12,700 7/1/68 Larson, Holland c. Assistant Coordinator - D.O. Equipment Pron: Asst.Coord. Step 1 To: Asst. Coord. Step 2 7/1/68 Pron: Asst.Coord. Step 1 To: Asst. Co rd. Step 2 7/1/68 Pron: Asst.Coord. Step 2 Tot Asst. Coord. Step 3 7/1/68 Laurent, Marvin J. Assistant Coordinator • D.O. Business * Rusk, Paul c. " Taylor, Thomas W. Tygard, Dolores b. Assistant Coordinator - D.O. Instructional Resources Assistant Coordinator • D.O. Business Assistant Coordinator - D.O. Comnunity Relations Pront Asst.Coord. Step 1 To: Asst. Coord. Step 2 7/1/68 Promt Asst.Coord. Step 2 Tot Asst. Coord. Step 3 7/1/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate administrator s contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above administrative employees, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. §> -384/8/68 The Board was requested to approve reappointment of the following administrative personnel, presently on a three-year contract with the District. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve amendment to the existing three-year contract of the following administrative Vice President, said amendment being limited to change in salary as noted. Stith, Raymond J. Vice PresidentCollege Director FVCC FRom: V.P. Step 2 To: V.P. Step 3 7/1/68 The Board was requested to approve reappointment of administrative personnel to be issued a three-year contract for administrative Vice Presidents, effective 7/1/68 through June 30, 1971. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following administrative Vice Presidents be reappointed for three years in the administrative positions hereinafter set out, effective 7/1/68 and at the salary classification set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. Clark, Glynn E. Robertson, John C. 4/8/68 Vice PresidentCollege Director Vice President Business - 39 - MCC DO From: V.P. Step 4 $20,400 To: V.P. Step 5 $21,700 7/1/68 From: V.P. Step 3 To: V.P. Step 4 $20,400 7/1/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above administrative Vice Presidents, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.13 Certificated Personnel - Reclassification to Administrative Salary Seal The Board was requested to approve reclassification from Certificated Personnel to Administrative Salary Scale for the following certificated personnel. Whereupon, on notion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of ail members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be reclassified to the administrative salary scale in the position and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: FURTHER RESOLVED, That Che following personnel be appointed for one year in the administrative positions hereinafter set out, effective 7/1/68 and at the salary classification set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the five year instructors contracts for each of the following personnel shall continue in force subject, however, to their contracts as administrators. Duvali, Betty J. Livingston, Frank B. 4/8/68 Assistant Dean Instructional Resource* Associate Dean Admissions - 40 - FVCC PVCC From: As at.Prof. V-3 To: Aaat. Dean Step A $12,700 7/1 From: Assoc.Prof, VI-5 To: Ass c. Dean Step 4 $15,400 7/1 * ^ The Board was requested to approve reclassification from Certificated Personnel to Administrative Salary Scale for the following certificated personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, ;. and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED THat the following certificated personnel be reclassified to the administrative salary scale in the position and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: ['•. Hagebush, Virginia Librarian MCC From: Inst.B • IV-4 " To: Asst. Dean Step 2 7/1/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the above personnel be appointed for one year in the administrative position set out, effective 7/1/68 and at the salary classification set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. • FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employee, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.14 Certificated Personnel - Termination of Services The Board was requested to approve termination of personnel and to inform the following certificated personnel, in writing, that they would not be issued a contract for the academic year 1968-69. The staff recommended that Mr. Beverly Kitching not be reemployed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was 4/8/68 ' - 41 - KKSOI.VKI), .Thai Mr. li.-vurly KUcliiu>< nol lu> r«--»-nip !.>v<-il or offered a i-oul i;n-l for tli.t' .u*ad«Miiii' y»-ar foiiimcnc in v» September, 1968, ami thut the PrusiuVnL of die District be and hereby is, authorized and directed to notify said person in writing on or before the fifteenth day of April, 1968 that he will not be re-employed and that his present contract will expire as of June 14, 1968. The staff recommended that Mr. Robert L. Wilhelm not be reemployed. Upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That Mr. Robert L. Wilhelm not be re-employed or offered a contract for the academic year commencing September, 1968, and that the President of the District be and hereby is, authorized and directed to notify said person in writing on or before the fifteenth day of April, 1968, that he will not be re-eraployed and that his present contract will expire as of June 14, 1968. The staff recommended that Mrs. Ludmilla Getsiv not be reemployed. Upon motion by Mr. Witte, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That Mrs. Ludmilla Getsiv not be re-employed or offered a contract for the academic year commencing September, 1968, and that the President of the District be and hereby is, authorized and directed to notify said person in writing on or before the fifteenth day of April, 1968, thatshe will not be re-employed and that her present contract will expire as of June 14, 1968. The staff recommended that Mr. Earl Edwards not be reemployed. Upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That Mr. Earl Edwards not be re-employed or offered a contract for the academic year commencing September, 1968, and that the President of the District be and hereby is, authorized and directed to notify said person in writing on or before the fifteenth day of April, 1968, that he will not be re-employed and that his present contract will expire as of June 30, 1968. 4/8/68 - 42 - \° - 'I'hti uLafl ret:omrm<n«U'«J thai Mrn. Olive I'. Ky.^iTs not ho reemployed. ^B| Upon motion by Mr. Witte, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That Mrs. Olive P. Eggers not be re-employed or offered a contract for the academic year commencing September, 1968, and that the President of the District be and. hereby is, authorized and directed to notify said person in writing on or before the fifteenth day of April, 1968, that she will not be re-employed and that her present contract will expire as of June 14, 1968. The staff recommended that Mr. Loy Westfall not be reemployed. Upon motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That Mr. Loy Westfall not be re-employed or offered a contract for the academic year commencing September, 1968, and that the President of the District be and hereby is, authorized and directed to notify said person in writing on or before the fifteenth day of April, 1968, that he will not be re-employed and that his present contract will expire as of June 14, 1968. 2.15 Certificated Personnel - Request for Leave of Absence The Board was requested to approve Leave of Absence Without Pay for the following certificated employees. Miss Mcintosh will enroll in Graduate School at the University of North Dakota. Mrs. Burns is requesting Maternity Leave. Both for the academic year 1968-69 Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize a Leave of Absence, without pay, for Miss Harriett A. Mcintosh for the academic year, 1968-69, in order that she might attend graduate school at the University of North Dakota. Upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize a Leave of Absence, without pay, for Mrs. Joan M. Burns for the academic year, 1968-69 for maternity leave. 4/8/68 - 43 - !2p-\' •0":" * % a l ' • : • ' . • • : ' . . • • " ' • ' / • • • • . . . • • " ' • " . - V - ..''•;•• •' •" '• ' ' • " ' " • • • ' . ' • • . • • ' " • • . - - - . " • • ' • . • . . . . M' ^ ^ . ; • , 2.16 Certificated Personnel - Request for Military Leave of Absence The Board was requested to approve a Leave of Absence, without pay, is for Donald B. Moser, Instructor B, Mathematics, Forest Park Community College, i_ to attend Officers Candidate School at the United States Naval Reserve from September, 1968 to end of initial period of enlistment. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Rutfin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize a Leave of Absence, without pay, for Donald B. Moser from September, 1968 to end of initial period of enlistment to attend Officers Candidate School at United States Naval Reserve. 2.17 Classified Personnel - Full-time Employment The Board was requested to approve employment of classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District in the position and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: 4/8/68 Berry, Geraldine A. Adoinistrative Clerk D.O. 5-A 4/16/< O'Malley, Stoner J. Custodian FVCC 3-A 4/9/6C Tcwsend, Shelba V. Clark-typist II FPCC 3-A 4/9/68 - 44 - r>".'-.-,•• • 2.18 Classified Personnel - Reclassifications The Board was requested to approve reclassification of the following classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the reclassification of the following classified employees at the salary classification hereinafter set forth, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Peterson, Josephine A. Rigg, Roberta A. Shea, Thomas M. 2.19 FROM: TO: Administrative Clerk Recorder FPCC FROM: TO: Clerk-Typist I Stenographer II D.O. FROM: TO: Dupl. Operator I Dupl. Operator II FVCC FROM: 5-A TO: 7-A 4/16/< FROM: 2-A TO: 5-A 4/16A FROM: 2-D TO: 5-b 4/16A Classified Personnel - Six-month Increment The Board was requested to approve six-month increment for the following classified personnel: Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be granted a salary increase at the classification hereinafter set forth: Westerdale, Mrs. 4/8/68 Stenographer I - 45 - MCC FROM: 4-A TO: 4-B 4/1/ f 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Warrant Check Register Approval The Warrant Check Register for March, 1968, was presented to the Board for approval. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, aJZt'axpenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month of March, 1968, were ratified and approved by the Board. 5.2 Ratification of Contract No. 1027 - Window Cleaning - FPCC The Board was requested to ratify a contract No. 1027 for window cleaning at Forest Park Community College in the amount of $732.00, the work having been completed while students were on Spring vacation. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby ratify and approve a Contract No. 1027 with City Window Cleaning Company for window cleaning at Forest Park Community College, for a total cost of $732.00, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of The Junior College District. 5.3 Acceptance of Bid for Caps and Gowns The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to Collegiate Cap and Gown for rental of caps and gowns for the 1968 graduation ceremonies of The Junior College District in the amount of $3,730.84. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and award an order to Collegiate Cap and Gown for rental of caps and gowns for the 1968 graduation ceremonies of The Junior College District at a total cost of $3,730.84, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of the District. 4/8/68 - 46 - , to 5.A Awarding Order for Book Purchase and Processing The Board was requested to award an order to Bro-Dart Industries in the amount of $4,957,78 for purchase of books and cataloging and processing of books for the Junior College District under NDEA. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby award an order to Bro-Dart Industries for purchase and cataloging and processing of books for The Junior College District under NDEA, at a total cost of $4,957.78, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of the District. 5.5 Donations The Board was requested to approve acceptance of a $56.00 donation from seven donors for the Warren R. Wagner Memorial Student Loan Fund of Florissant Valley Community College. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, donations to be set Loan Fund That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the from seven donors in the total amount of $56.00 aside in the Warren R. Wagner Memorial Student of Florissant Valley Community College. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for these donations. The Board was requested to approve acceptance of an anonymous donation of $50.00 for the Meramec Community College Student Loan Fund. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District does hereby accept the anonymous donation of $50.00 for the Meramec Community College Student Loan Fund. 4/8/68 - 47 - 5.6 Awarding an Order - Debossing Equipment - Addressograph-Multigraph The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to AddruHsonraph-Multlgraph Corporation for debossing equipment stationed at Meri.e>«)c Conraunitv College to service all three campuses, in the amount of $3,293.00. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and award an order to AddressographMultigraph Corporation for debossing equipment to be stationed at Meramec Community College, in the amount of $3,293.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. 5.7 Acceptance of Bids for Office Equipment - FPCC The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to E & I Cooperative for various types of office equipment for Forest Park Community College in the amount of $3,040.00. Whereupon, Mr. Williamson offered and moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and award an order to E & I Cooperative for various types of office equipment for Forest Park Community College, in accordance with District specifications, at a total cost of $3,040.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. Mr. Ruffin seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and the question being put to a vote, the motion carried four to one, Mr. Witte voting "NO". 5.8 Contract No. 1023 - Aetna Janitor Service- FPCC The Board was requested to ratify a contract No. 1023 between The Junior College District and Aetna Janitor Service in the amount of $395.00 for concrete floor cleaning and sealing in the. automotive technology area of Forest Park Community College. 4/8/68 - 48 - Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby ratify Contract No. 1023 with Aetna Janitor Supply for concrete floor cleaning and sealing in the automotive technology area at Forest Park Community College, for a total cost of $395.00, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of The Junior College District, and authorizes and directs the President of the Board to execute the appropriate contract on behalf of the District. 5.9 Proposed Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year July, 196S - June 30, 1969 A proposed Annual Budget for The Junior College District for the Fiscal Year July, 1968-June 30, 1969 was lodged with the Board for action at a future meeting. Board President Stewart set up a Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees to study this proposed Budget with the staff and report its findings, for final action and establishment of a tax rate by its Regular Meeting on May 13. 5.10 Awarding an Order - Dental Hygiene Portable Units - FPCC The Board was requested to waive Board Policy Division VI, 6.1, newspaper advertisement for bids on equipment over $10,000, and award an order to A-DEC Company for twenty dental hygiene portable units in the amount of $16,780.00 for Forest Park Community College Dental Hygiene Program. It is reported that A-DEC is the only company which can supply this portable type of equipment and deliver in seven weeks. This order is contingent upon A-DKC conforming to District specifications and submission of performance bond. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was 4/8/68 - 49 - RESOLVED, That che Board of Trustees docs hereby waive Hoard Policy, Division VI, 6.1, relating to newspaper advertisement for bids on equipment over $10,000.00, for twenty portable dental hygiene units tor the Dental Hygiene Program at Forest Park Community College, the only bid received being the only acceptable supplier within the cost and time factors established for procurement of this equipment. Upon motion by Mr. Witte, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby award an order to A-DEC Company for twenty portable dental hygiene units for the Dental Hygiene Program at Forest Park Community College, for a total cost of $16,780.00, contingent upon A-DEC to conform to District specifications and submit performance bond, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the appropriate contract on behalf of the District. 5.11 Contract No. 68-61 - Radiological Equipment - FPCC The Board was requested to approve acceptance of bid and award an order under Contract No. 68-61 to General Electric Company X-Ray Division for radiological equipment for the radiological laboratories at Forest Park Community College in the amount of $12,235.28. Whereupon, Mr. Williamson offered and moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and approve a contract No. 68-61 with General Electric Company, X-Ray Division, for radiological equipment for the radiological laboratories at Forest Park Community College, for a total cost of $12,235.28, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the appropriate contract on behalf of the District. Mrs. Johnson seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and the question being put to a vote, the motion carried four to one, Mr. Stewart voting "NO". 4/8/68 - 50 - z 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Stewart asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Johnson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, this meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paul H. Connole Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri 4/8/68 - 51 - * " x*HN^ / T H E ^ ^ ^ d f c ^ ^ O F /'^nriQl^ftU DISTRICT \'^Vv'fi'iralt^':' V ' ^^SLLsJ^T >,' :. J U N I O R S T . L O U I S . C O L L E G E S T . FFlCE: 7SM FORSYTH SLVO. MOO P»««*AU. « 0 . »M«UMN. IUMPUM u m JA «.tOIO L O U I S D I S T R 5 C T C O U N T Y . ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI 63105 • MOO OAKLAND AVCftUC »r. LOW*, MIMOUMI «*tio III 4.M00 M I S S O U R I AREA CODE 3 U -?•» fe-A5B6 »»» » 0 . Olvt» « i HIMWOOD. MI»«OU«> » J I » I r o 4-140X April 8, 1963 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OATH OF OFFICE I do soieanly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States ana of the State of Missouri, and that I will faithfully deaean myself in the office of Trustee of The Junior College District of St. Louis-St. Louis County, Missouri Mrs. W . MocLean Johnson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of April, 1968. M.J. CfaX/^- My ComoiisVion expires: October 24, 1968 4/8/68 - J>2 - y v" "# "' : , j.t'.' ' '' THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 31, 1968 ' *''*L'% Debt Service Plant Fund Fund Current Fund Balance as of 3/1/68 Plus Receipts: Tax Revenue I n t e r e s t Income S t u d e n t Fees G i f t s and Grants A u x i l i a r y Services One t o D e b t S e r v i c e Due t o a n d f r o m o t h e r Notes Receivable Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous Total Receipts $ 95*+, 176.8** $ $ $ 66,408.16 $ 66,408.16 $ $ $ 3/31/68 O f f o f Bad C h e c k s 3/31/68 B a l a n c e as o f 3 / 3 1 / 6 8 P e t t y Cash Cash I n Banks Investments $23,377,090-41 funds Less D i s b u r s e m e n t s : Salaries (net) O p e r a t i n g Expenses Capital Outlay Payroll Withholdings Transfer to other funds S t u d e n t Refunds I n c r e a s e P e t t y Cash Miscellaneous Total Disbursements B a l a n c e as o f Less W r i t e B a l a n c e as o f $6,174,255-77 consists R e c o n c i l i a t i o n o f W a r r a n t Check t o Di s b u r ^ e m e n t s : W a r r a n t Check R e g i s t e r ' ' Less I n v e s t m e n t s Interfund transactions 47,396.77 14,972.22 3,502.85 470.00 8,830.05 23,960.35 210,256.26 397.95 2,898.80 9?406.09 322,091734 453,300.74 103,872.68 25,353.50 73,512.92 145,649.07 21,292.60 100.00 2,369.89 825,451.40 69,910.41 $ 1,4o6.28 71,316.69 $ $ 6,195.56 1,230,725.60 823.10 $ 1 , 2 3 7 , 7 4 4 . 26* $ $5,670,895.71 416.00 $ 5 , 6 7 0 ^ 7 9 . - 7J_ $ $ $22^0^662.8^ $X^O|0,585.O0 $ $ $ 99-003.03 22,111,659-81 $22~, 2 1 0 , 6 6 2 . 8 4 27,916.79 992,668.21 $1,020,585.00 $15,307,623.40 (13,465,579-14) _ (60^^300^00) $ %Sllllilhh.-lk $ of: 1,750.00 189,264.11 5,479,465.60 $5,670,479.71 Register $ 837,916.70 (12,465.30) $ 8TT,45T5o" 142,668.21 (142,668.21) v •A . > , THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TREASURER'S REPORT MARCH 3 1 , 1968 PAGE 2 Student Student Aid Balance as o f 3 / 1 / 6 8 $ Acti vi ty ^9,832.88 $ Plus R e c e i p t s : I n t e r e s t Income S t u d e n t Fees G i f t s and Grants A u x i l i a r y Services Notes R e c e i v a b l e S t u d e n t A c t i v i t y Income Miscellaneous Total Receipts Less D i s b u r s e m e n t s : Salaries O p e r a t i n g Expense C a p i t a l Outlay Notes R e c e i v a b l e A u x i l i a r y Services Miscellaneous T o t a l Disbursements $ 1*4,015.30 $ Balance as o f 3 / 3 1 / 6 8 $ 76,071 .25_ $_ Balance as o f 3 / 3 1 / 6 8 c o n s i s t s P e t t y Cash Cash In Banks Investments $ Student 10.51 *t,5^8.19 $ Union $316,107.^0 $ 11,9^7.60 39,3^.00 111,512.60 899.16 $ ^0.253.67 $ $ 12,365-30 1,550.00 $ 919-70 I J? 0 12,868.80 1 ** • 3 5 $111,526.95 $ 8,101.78 i+70.00 3,273.86 1,065.80 100.00 251,238.39 310.00 8,881.78 $255,578.05 __8,53JL.2J. $172,056.30 of: Reconciliation of Warrant Check Register to Disbursements: Warrant Check Register Less Investments Inter fund transactions Total Disbursements $ $ 76,071.25 $_ $ 8,535.21 . _8,535T[ 72,056.30 100,000.00 $172,056.30 $ 76,071.25 $ 1,550.00 $ 8,881.78 $255,578.05 $ 12,A65.30 1^,015-30 $ 8,881.78 $255,578.05 : - : ^ - ';^,:- v V . • , • - - • *••'. • I * ,* * * •••' ' '.~ ** ,\ *' *" THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TREASURER'S REPORT SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1968 Purchase Date Purchased From Type of j nv. Rate Maturity Date Maturity Value Interest Earned Cost GENERAL FUND BsPance as of 3/1/68 $ 6,050,000.00 $ 6,029,^65-60 No Purchases S S -0- 5 I00.U00.00 ^50,000-00 550,000.00 Less Maturi ties : 9/28/67 12 9/28/67 13 Total Maturities 2 5.50 2 5-50 3/15/68 3/29/68 $ $ Balance as of 3/31/68 -0^ 100,000.00 ^450,000.00 550,000.00 $_5,500,000.00 $ $_5,^79^65.60 CONSTRUCTION FUND Balance as of 3/1/68 $ -JtL $ z2z No Purchases or Maturities $ -0- $ -0- Balance as of 3/31/68 $__ -Oji S -0- $ 100,000.00 $ -0- $ t00,000j00 STUDENT UNION FUND Balance as of 3/1/68 $ 100,000.00 No Purchases or Maturities $ Balance as of 3/31/68 $-a l_00,000^00 -0^_ BUILDING FUND Balance as of 3/1/68 Plus Purchases: 3/1/68 9 3/1/68 9 3/1/68 9 3/1/68 9 3/1/68 9 3/I/68 9 3/1/68 9 3/1/68 9 3/1/68 9 3/1/68 9 3/1/68 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5.50 5.50 5-50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5-50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 9/19/68 9/26/63 10/17/68 10/31/68 11/21/68 11/27/68 12/19/68 12/30/68 1/16/69 1/30/69 9/19/68 $22,0^5,000.00 $22,0^5,000.00 $ $ 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 $ 2,597-22 12,375-00 $1**,972.22 . * --* * ( * -»' ST. THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TREASURER'S REPORT SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1968 PAGE 2 Purchase Date Purchased From Type of Inv. Maturity Date Rate Maturity Value Cost BUILDING FUND (CONTINUED) PI us Purchases : 3/1/68 3 3/1/68 3 3/1/68 6 3/1/68 6 3/1/68 6. 3/1/68 6 3/1/68 10 3/1/68 10 3/1/68 10 3/1/68 2 3/1/68 2 3/1/68 13 3/1/68 13 3/1/68 13 3/1/68 13 3/1/68 15 3/1/68 7 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 12 3/1/68 6 3/8/68 2 3/14/68 8 3/14/68 8 3/21/68 2 3/21/68 2 3/29/68 6 Total Purchases 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 3 5.50 5.50 5-50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5-50 5-50 5.50 5-50 5.50 5-50 5.50 5-50 5-50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5-50 5-50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.31 4.50 4.65 5.54 4.50 4.50 5.00 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 10/17/68 12/19/68 9/12/68 9/26/68 10/31/68 11/14/68 10/17/68 11/27/68 12/19/68 9/19/68 11/21/68 10/10/68 12/30/68 1/9/69 1/30/69 1/16/69 12/12/68 9/12/68 9/19/68 9/26/68 10/10/68 10/17/68 10/31/68 11/14/68 11/21/68 11/27/68 12/12/68 12/19/68 12/30/68 1/9/69 1/16/69 1/30/69 2/28/69 3/1V68 3/21/68 2/28/69 3/28/68 4/4/68 4/1/68 5 100,000.00 100,000.00 250,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 250,000.00 300,000.00 150,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 400,000.00 250,000.00 150,000.00 250,000.00 150,000.00 400,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 951,000.00 500,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 500,000.00 200,000.00 $13.551 ,000.00 $ 100,000.00 100,000.00 250,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 250,000.00 300,000.00 150,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 'tOO,000.00 250,000.00 150,000.00 250,000.00 150,000.00 400,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 500,000.00 250,000.00 899,940.81 499,625.00 399,641.33 567,591.00 399,653.00 499,128.00 200,000.00 s1"3,465,579.14 .Interest Earned v ' ; ; : "•'•':'.••-. '*'.' i v " • THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TREASURER'S REPORT SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1968 PAGE 3 Purchase Date Purchased From Type of Inv. Rate Maturity Date Maturity Value Interest Earned Cost BUILDING FUND (CONTINUED) Less Maturi ties : 8/7/67 10 8/7/67 12 8/7/67 10 8/31/67 6 2/29/68 6 3/8/68 2 3/14/68 8 3/21/68 2 Total Maturities 2 5.30 2 5.30 2 5.37 2 5.50 3 ^ 5 / 8 1 4.50 I 4.65 I 4.50 3/7/68 3/14/68 3/21/68 3/28/68 3/1/68 3/IV68 3/21/68 3/28/68 Balance as o f 3 / 3 1 / 6 8 $ 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 10,000,000.00 500,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 $13,400,000.00 $ 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 600,000.00 10,000,000.00 499,625.00 399,641.33 399,653.00 $13,398,919.33 $22,196,000.00 $22,111,659.8] DEBT SERVICE FUND Balance as o f 3 / 1 / 6 8 Plus Purchases : $ 850,000.00 $ 850,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 142,668.21 No Maturities $ z^L $ 1°_1 Balance as of 3/31/68 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 992_t_668•21 3/14/68 (a) 8 2 5.45 I n t e r e s t compounded d a i l y . 1/30/69 $15,464.23 16,194.64 16,636.15 19,250.00 1,284.72 375.00 358.67 347.00 $69,910-47 ? / • ' ' • • " . _ ' ' • - " ' " . " ' , CODE FOR BANKS 1 Boatmen's National Bank 2 First National Bank in St. Louis 3 First Northwestern Bank k Jefferson Bank and Trust 5 Lindell Trust Company 6 Mercantile Trust Company 7 Mound Ci ty Trust 8 Merrill Lynch 9 North County Bank 10 South County Bank 11 y'•':•'• & '•"-'' jti{'-,'.'•' •'.• • ' ' |S;:; •.... . Southwest Bank 12 State Bank of Wellston 13 Mark Twain State Bank ]k Northland Bank 15 Bank of St. Louis '•' ' . ' • ' " " r \ V* -••"' SCHEDULE B ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1968 Fund Names Fund No. Salaries Operating Expense Capital Outlay Total CURRENT RESTRICTED FUNDS Office of Education-Title I I-Higher Education Act of I965-Instructional Resources-FVCC 018 Office of Education-Title I I-Hi gher Education Act of I965-Instructional Resources-MCC 019 Kellogg Foundation 027 2,527.83 262.35 2,790.18 Ford Foundation 048 13,006.56 1,327.33 14,333.89 Esso Education Foundation 063 1,725.50 331.44 2,056.94 Danforth Fund 064 2,750.33 449.48 3,199.81 AHE-Campus Governance Program Florissant Valley 066 733.33 68.59 801.92 §20,7^3.55 $2,439.19 60.00 $ 2,635.77 60.00 $25,818.51 $20.743.55 1,167.13 $1,272.06 $_2,635.77 1,167.13 $ 24,651.38 Vocational Education ActDental Assistant 1967-68 Total S $ $ 1,500.24 1,075.53 905 Less Accruals of FICA and Retirement $ 1,500.24 1,075.53 r SCHEDULE B ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1968 PAGE 2 \ * " J- Fund Names Fund No. Salaries Operating Expense Capital Outlay Total PLANT FUNDS MO Project #3-0020 031 MO Project #3-1175 044 MO Project #3-1760 1,974.19 $ 3,913-74 922.08 2,788.31 3,710.39 059 44.88 496,388.46 496,433-34 MO Project #3-1761 060 7.05 125,069-36 125,076.41 MO Project #3-2343 061 127.40 35,055.36 35,182.76 Student Union Building Fund 101 55.64 184,877-78 184,933-42 Vocational Ed-Trade and Technical Education 908 1,465-45 1,465-45 950 2.108.90 $849,725-81 2.108.90 $852.824.41 Office of Education - Title VI Total $ $1,939-55 $ $3,096.60 $ STUDENT AID FUNDS Fund Operating Notes Fund Names No. Expense Receivable College Work Study Progre™ 032 General Loan Fund 036 Economic Opportunity Grant Total 049 $ $ Other $12,365-30 100.00 1 ,550.00 $ 1.550.00 $ 100^00 Tota 1 $12,365.30 100.00 -ui^_u^_i_Li. $ 12,365-30 1 ,550.00 $ 14,015-30