MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1968 - 8;00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri was held on Monday, February 26, 1968, at 8:00 P.M., at the Central Office of the District, 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call to Order 1.2 Roll Call The President of the Board, Mr. Joseph G. Stewart, called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M. The following members were present: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian Messrs. Lester C. Geil Guy S. Ruffin Joseph G. Stewar; Gerald V. Williamson Donald M. Witte Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President of the District; Mr. Raymond J. Stith- Vice President, Campiis Direccor; Dr. Joseph Carson, Dean of Instruction-MCC, representing Campus Director Dr. Glynn Clark in his absence; Dr. Raymond Pietak, Dean of Instruction-FPCC, representing Campus Director Dr. R. William Graham in his absence; Mr. John C. Robertson, Vice President for Business; Mr. Paul H. Connole, Assistant to the President of the District and Secretary of the Board of Trustees; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Coordinator of Finance and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; Mr. Lawrence F. O'Neill, Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Dolores Tygard, Assistant Coordinator Community Relations; all of the Junior College District. Also present was Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Kramer and Yaughan, counsel for the District. 1.3 Minutes Board President Stewart asked for approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 12, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 12, 1968, were approved as submitted. 1.4 welcome to Guests Mr. Stewart welcomed Mr. Gus Lumpe, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, and Mr. David Botto, a citizen. President Stewart informed Mr. Botto, who had appeared at a previous meeting to complain about District hiring practices, that the entire. Board had reviewed his application for employment and had noted, as Mr. Botto himself had previously stated, that it was not complete in many aspects. 1.6 Communications Mrs. Rosemary Scharfenberger.recording secretary for the Board, read the following correspondence: 1.6.1 Letter addressed to Dr. Joseph P. Cosand from Mr. Leland B. Luchsinger, President, Community College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, expressing appreciation of courtesies extended during recent visit to District. Also noted his interest in how the District has provided for students from a shortrange objective, as well asroasterplanning of permanent campus as a long-range objective. 2/26/68 - 2 - 1.6.2 Letter addressed to Dr. Glynn Clark from Mr. Wayne E. Willard, Dean of Instruction, Thornton Junior College, Cook County, Harvey, Illinois, expressing thanks for hospitality extended during recent visit to Meramec Community College Campus. 1.6.3 News Release from St. Louis Regional Industrial Development Corporation with information regarding Labor Unions which have aligned themselves with LAMP, Labor and Management Plan bi-state St. Louis area, in its program to make the region more attractive to new industry by obtaining "no work-stoppage" agreements from building and construction trades unions. 1.7 Treasurer's Report The Treasurer's Report was presented, but since the Board had not had an opportunity to review it before the meeting, the Treasurer requested that approval of the Budget Expense Report and Budget Income Summary Report for January, 1968, be deferred to the next Regular Board Meeting. Whereupon, the Board President deferred consideration of the Treasurer's Report on Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary for January, 1968, until the next Regular Board Meeting. 1.8 Ratification of Investments The Board was requested to ratify investments made by the Treasurer of the District for which bids had been received in accordance with Board policy. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the Treasurer thereof, be and hereby are, ratified, approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees. General Fund Certificate of Deposit, purchased February 9. 1968, from First Northwest Bank on a 5.50 basis, to mature October 19, 1968, for a total cost of $AQO,000.00. S'JOO.OOO.OO $300,000.00 Certificate of Deposit, purchased February 9, 1968, from South County Bank, pn a 5.50 basis to mature October 31, 1968, for a total cost of $300,000.00. 2/26/68 - 3 - General Fund (Continued) $ 2 7 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February 16, I 9 6 8 , from S t a t e Bank o f We U s ton on a 5^50 b a s i s , t o mature Ocotber 3 1 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 2 7 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February 16, 1968, from S t a t e Bank o f W e l l s t o n on a 5-50 b a s i s , t o mature November 7 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February from N o r t h County Bank on a 5-50 b a s i s , t o mature November 15, 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 16, 1968, $ 2 0 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e of D e p o s i t , purchased February from South County Bank on a 5-50 b a s i s , t o mature November 2 9 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 2 0 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 16, I968, B u i I d i n g Fund $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February 9 , from S t a t e Bank o f W e l l s t o n on a 5-50 b a s i s , t o mature J u l y 2 5 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February from N o r t h County Bank on a 5.50 b a s i s , t o mature J u l y 2 5 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 1968, 16, I 9 6 8 , $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February 16, 1968, from S t a t e Bank o f W e l l s t o n on a t . t O b a s i s , t o mature J u l y 2 5 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February from N o r t h County Bank on a 5.50 b a s i s , t o mature August 8 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 16, 1968, $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February from F i r s t N o r t h w e s t bark on a 5.50 b a s i s , t o mature August 8 , i 5 6 8 , f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 16, 1968, $ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February from South County Bank on a 5-50 b a s i s t o mature August 15, 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 16, 1968, $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C e r t i f i c a t e o f D e p o s i t , purchased February from F i r s t N o r t h w e s t Bar.k on a 5.50 b a s i s , t o mature August 15, 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 16, 1968, Construction Fund $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 U. S. Treasury B i l l s , purchased February 9 , I 9 6 8 , from M e r c a n t i l e T r u s t Company on a 4.36 b a s i s , t o mature February 15, 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 1 9 9 , 8 5 4 . 6 7 . W $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 U. S. Treasury B i l l s , purchased February 16, 1968, from F i r s t N a t i o n a l Bank on a 4.35 (+3.00) b a s i s , t o mature February 2 3 , 1968, f o r a t o t a l c o s t o f $ 1 9 9 , 8 3 3 . 8 3 2/26/68 - u - - 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Full-Time Employment - Academic Year 1968-69 The Board was requested to approve employment of Kenneth L. Milyard as full-time instructor at Meramec Community College for the academic year 1968-69. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Kenneth L. Milyard - Instructor B - Mathematics - MCC IV-1 - 9/3/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate.contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employee, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Ford Foundation Project - Teaching Intern The Board was requested to approve the employment of teaching intern, in accordance with a Ford Foundation grant jointly administered by The Junior College District and Southern Illinois University. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be appointed as a Teaching Intern for the Second Semester 1967-68, in accordance with the terms of the Ford Foundation budget funded for this purpose, and to receive a grant at the salary classification hereinafter set forth: Bonnie J. Wood - Dental Hygiene - Teaching intern - FPCC 14/18/xl/2 x III-7 - 3/4/68 2.3 Certificated Personnel - Full-time Employment - Spring Semester 1967-68 The Board was requested to approve employment of the following personnel as full-time instructors for the Spring Semester, 1967-68. 2/26/68 - 5 - i Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Jerry W. Craig - Assistant Professor - Engineering - FPCC l4/15x 1/2 x V-3 - 2/15/68 Joanne Przeworski - Instructor B - History - MCC 4/5x 1/2 x IV-2 - 2/5/68 Margaret Stroup - Instructor B - Social Science - FVCC 1/2 IV-3 - 1/22/68 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employees, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.4 Certificated Personnel - Part-time Consultant The Board was requested to approve the employment of Jack E. Miller, Associate Professor, Hotel-Motel Program at Forest Park Community College as a consultant for the Physical Facilities Department. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve employment of the following District employee as a Consultant for the Physical Facilities Department, at the salary classification and number of credit hours hereinafter set forth: Jack E. Miller - Consultant (VI-3) - Physical Facilities - CO 2 Cr.Hrs. @ $256/cr.hr. - 2/5/68 2.5 Certificated Personnel - Suggested Change in Division Chairman's Responsibility Factor The Board was requested to approve a change in Division Chairman's Responsibility Factor for Miss Alice M. Thelen, Division Chairman, General Curriculum, Forest Park Community College. Miss Thelen has assumed full responsibility for the Programmed Material Learning Laboratories at the Forest Park Community College. 2/26/68 - 6 - Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve a change in Division Chairman's Responsibility Factor of Miss Alice M. Thelen as follows: Ali ce M. Thelen - Assistant Professor - General Curriculum — FPCC From: V-5x.06 TO: 1/2 V-5x.08 2/5/68 2.6 Certificated Personnel - Request For Release from Contract The Board was requested to accept the resignation of Mr. Norbert M. Freitag, Assistant Professor, History, Florissant Valley Community College, and release him from his contract. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the resignation of the following certificated personnel and releases him from previously signed contract with The Junior College District for the 1967-68 college year, as noted below: Norbert M. Freitag - Assistant Professor - History - FVCC V-4 - 1/31/68 2.7 Certificated Personnel - Part-time Employment - Spring Semester 1967-68 The Board was requested to approve the employment of part-time certificated personnel for the Spring Semester, 1967-68. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed on a part-time basis for the Spring Semester, 1967-68 in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification- having been previously approved by the Board: Florissant Valley Community College: Lawrence J. Adams (V-2) 5cr.hrs.@ Engineering §209/cr/hr. 2/5/68 Kenneth M. Agin 2/26/68 (IV-6) Business - 7 - 2cr.hrs.(3 $209/cr/hr. 2/5/68 Florissant Valley Community College (con't.) Richard A. Ahern George Bartko Suzanne Cooper Chester Danett Marilyn Dell'Orco Edward Delworth John Drone Raymond Duke George Glass Lawrence Grable Richard Haley George Halterman Paul Hutchens Willard Jones Arthur Kurtz Alvin Lager Judith Lorenson Paul Magec 2/26/68 (IV-2) Social Science 3cr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-2) Humanities 18con,hrs.(a $116/con.hr. 2/5/68 (V-l) Communications 3cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-8) Humanities 4con.hrs.(? $136/con.hr. 2/5/ob (III-2) Communications 3cr.hrs.@ $151/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-5) Social Science 6cr.hrs.(§ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (111-10) Engineering 3cr.hrs.@ $222/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-6) Engineering 7con.hrs.@ $163/con.hr. 2/5/68 (V-4) Social Science 3cr.hrs.@ $227/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-1) Humanities 6cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-6) Engineering 4cr.hrs.@ $244/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (VI-2) Communications 3cr.hrs„@ $244/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-l) Mathematics 6cr,hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-l) Humanities 3cr.hrs.<3 $142/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-1) Humanities 3cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-6) Social Science 6cr.hrs.@ $244/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-1) Communications 6cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-5) Social Science 6cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 - 8 - Florissant Vallc-y Community CnlK-f.c? (con't.) Arthur Margulis (IV-4) Social Science 6cr.hrs.@ $191/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-4) Mathematics 3cr.hrs.@ $227/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-8) Engineering 7con.hrs.@ $136/con.hr. 2/r>/68 (V-5) Business 6cr.hrs.@ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/66 (111-10) Engineering 3cr.hrs.@ $222/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-2) Mathematics 6cr.hrs.@ $151/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-4) Humanities 10con.hrs.@ $127/con.hr. 2/5/68 (V-l) Mathematics 3cr.hrs.(? $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 Randall Schneider (1V-3) 3cr.hrs.@ James Skelly Mathematics (VI-2) Engineering $182/cr.hr. 4cr.hrs.@ $244/cr.hr. (IV-2) Engineering 6con.hrs.@ $116/con.hr. 2/5/68 (V-l) Science 4cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-3) Communicacions 3cr.hrs.@ $182/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-5) Engineering 7con.hrs.(3 $133/con.hr. 2/5/68 (V-3) Mathematics 6cr,hrs.@ $218/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-2) Business 3cr.hrs.@ $209/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-2) Humanities 6con.hrs.@ $139/con.hr. 2/5/68 G. Vilas Martin Raymond Martin James McDonald Joel O'Connor Helen Nowlan Marilyn Oesch John Reid ' • Harry Smith Bruce Stinchcomb Ann Tucker Wesley Verges Richard Wallace Floyd Wente, Jr. Carl Yochum 2/26/68 - 9 - 2/5/68 2/5/68 Forest Park Community College Jerald R. Alpert James Atkinson Miriam Austrin Slierrye Baker Nellie Batt William Biggs Harry Blackiston Kenneth Borgwald Berthoud Boulton Susan Bresnick Arthur H. Buddemeyer Richard Burgdorf Mary Burgheim Canascia Burke Francis Canepa, Jr. 2/26/68 IV-5 6cr.hrs.(? Continuing Education $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 III-3 Physical Science 6cr.hrs.@ $160/cr.hr. 2/5/68 III-l Business Education 3cr.hrs.@ $l42/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Humanities 4con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 VI-1 Physical Science 6cr.hrs.@ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 IV-1 Social Science 3cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 VI-1 Humanities 4cr.hrs.@ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 VI-3 Life Science 2cr.hrs.@ $256/cr.hr. 2/5/68 v-5 Physical Science 3cr.hrs.@ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1V-2 Humanities 3cr.hrs.(? $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 V-5 Physical Science 6cr.hrs.<3 $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 6cr.hrs.(? $240/cr.hr. 2/5/68 3cr.hrs.@ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 V-5 6cr.hrs.@ Continuing Education $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 V-4 Humanities 2/5/68 II'X-12 Business VI-1 Humanities - 10 - 3cr.hr8.@ $227/cr.hr. l'or''fit: Park Community Collcfl': (can' t.) William Cato Tim Chouinard Leonora Citrin Robert Conway Lucille Copeland Donald Davis Maxine Dempsey Hugh Donnelly Floyd Hacker James Hager Carol Hake William Hess Shirley Holtzman Emil Hrbacek Irene Hueseman IV-2 Social Science 6cr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Humanities 4con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 III-3 Humanities 2cr.hrs.@ $160/cr.hr. 2/5/68 V-l Business Admin. 3cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 General Curriculum 25con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 IV-5 Business 3cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Physical Science 10con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 IV-5 Social Science 6cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 V-4 Social Science 3cr.hrs.@ $227/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Physical Science 10con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Humanities 4con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 IV-3 3cr.hrs.@ Continuing Education $182/cr.hr, 2/5/68 IV-1 Social Science 2/3x-Vx$7,400 §2,466.66 2/5/68 1V-6 Physical Science 6cr.hrs.@ $209/cr.hr. 2/5/68 I1I-6 Business 2cr.hrs.@ $187/cr.hr. 2/5/68 , . „ , Daniel Hurley TTT-2 1 " ^ , „. j Hugh ingrasci TU-4 Unities , , , Leah Jansky 1V 2/26/68 ^ iv-3 . . Humanities - 11 - ^ 5cr.hrs.@ $15l/cr.hr. 2/5/68 3cr.hrs.@ $191/cr.hr. 2/5/68 3cr.hrs.@ 41fl ,/„ >„. $18Z/cr.nr. 2/5/68 t/iioo jyn <•••;t ^njjj^mmmt i1y Co 11 •• y... , t - o n ' i . ) Ruth Kane James Kaplan Roberta Landau James Luther Donald Makovsky Lillian Merry Jeanne Milder Jeanne Miller Maryellen Moore Lawrence Nicholson Robert Nicolai Lon Novack A. S. Oliver! Lee Petcu Wally Regnier Barbara Relyea Richard Salamon Joseph Salvia 2/26/68 V-5 Humanities 3cr.hrs.<a $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 IV-1 Exaanities 3cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 IV-4 Physical Science 3cr.hrs.@ $191/cr.hr. 2/5/68 III-6 Physical Science 7con.hrs.@ $124/con.hr. 2/5/66 V-2 Social Science 3cr.hrs.@ $209/cr.hr. 2/5/oS IV-2 H-jnianities bcr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 V-3 K-tmanities 9/15x*;x$9 ,800 $2,940.00 2/5/68 IV-1 Humanities 6cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 General Curriculum 12con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 '.I-4 Social Science 3cr.hrs.(a S267/cr.hr. 2/5/68 III-l Physical Science 8cr.hrs.@ S142/cr.hr. 2/5/68 IV-2 Social Science 3cr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 VI-4 Social Science 6cr.hrn.@ $267/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Physical Science 6con.hrs.@ S67/con.hr. 2/5/68 1LI-6 Hotel-Motel 15con.hrs.<a $124/con.hr. 2/5/68 IV-2 Humanities 9cr.hrs.@ ?173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 III-2 Humanities 3cr.hrs.@ $151/cr.hr. 2/5/68 V-l Kumanities 3cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 - 12 - Forest Park Community College (con't.) Ben Sandler Edmund Sansovini Paul Schroeder John Seibel Elvis O'Hara Spearman Daniel Stein Donald Tanner Pamela White Albert Wolfington John Wyrick Judith Zentner 2/26/68 IV-2 Humanities 3cr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 III-8 Hotel-Motel 2cr.hrs.@ $204/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Physical Science 2con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Physical Science 4con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 V-4 Humanities 4con.hrs.@ $151/con.hr. 2/5/68 _6 Hotel-Motel 6con.hrs.@ $124/con.hr. 2/5/68 IV-5 Business 2cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 1-1 Humanities 6con.hrs.@ $67/con.hr. 2/5/68 V-3 Humanities 3cr.hrs.@ $218/cr.hr. 2/5/68 V-3 Physical Science 3cr.hrs.@ $218/cr.hr. 2/5/68 IV-2 Humanities 3cr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 in - 13 - Moramec Community C o n u ^ e Sandralee Acquaviva Richard Ahem David Anderson Frank Armstrong Velma Benner Richard 3rand Jean Bussard Kenneth Castelli Charles Day Gilbert Early Robert Elliott Del Fraise Paul Frein Sister Maurice Galvin Fred Giessow 2/26/68 (IV-1) Psychology 6cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-2) Psychology 3cr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-2) Psychology 3cr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-2) History 3cr.hrs.(§ $209/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-4) Geography 10/15x^x$10,200 $3,400 2/5/68 (V-5) Dental Assisting 4cr.hrs.@ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (II1-3) Nursing 12con.hrs.@ $107/con.hr. 2/5/68 (V-5) Psychology 3cr.hrs.@ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-8) Flight Theory 3cr.hrs.<a $204/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (HI-5) Art 12con.hrs.@ $119/con.hr. 2/5/68 (III-2) Mathematics 3cr.hrs.@ $15l/cr.hr. 2/5/6S (III-7) 2cr.hrs.@ Interior Decoration $196/cr.hrs. 2/5/68 (IV-5) History 3cr.hr3.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-5) Music 3cr.hrs.<3 $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (111-12) Mathematics 3cr.hrs.@ $240/cr.hr. 2/5/68 - 14 - Mcraniec Comunity College (con't.) Mary Gildehaus Floyd Hacker Helen Havird John Hirzy Manuel Hughes Mary Jacques . , - _. Theodore Jockenhoerer James Kaplan Philip Kapnick Paul Keller John Kelley Leo LeRiche Muriel Lewis Mary Lowe Chester Marvin 2'26/68 (IV-6) Business Education 3cr.hrs.@ $209/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-4) Sociology 3cr.hrs.@ $227/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (HI-5) Business Education 3cr.hrs.<? $178/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-5) Chemistry 4cr.hrs.@ $236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-2) Art 6con.hrs.@ $116/con.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-1) Sociology 6cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-15) (open) Eng< Graphicg 4con.hrs.@ $178/con.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-1) Philosophy 3cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-5) Psychology 6cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (111-8) Mathematics 3cr.hrs.@ $204/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-5) Data Processing 3cr,hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-2) Sociology 3cr.hrs.@ $173/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-3) Art 12con.hrs.@ $107/con.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-5) Business Education 5cr.hrs.@ §200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-9) Mathematics 5cr.hrs.@ $213/cr.hr. 2/5/68 " 15 " I 24eramec Coionunitv College (con't.) Norma Metheny Edson Mitchell Geoffrey Morrison Salby. R. Neff hurry Purcell Edward Riessen James Robinson Mary Salniker Leslie Scott George Smith Jill Smith Larry Smith James Stevens William Storer James Vail Carl Van Dyke (V-l) Nursing 3cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-4) Mathematics 5cr.hrs.@ $227/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-3) History 3cr.hrs.@ $182/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (111-12) Horse Management 2cr.hrs.(a $240/cr.hr. 2/5/68 OV-r>) Eng. Graphics 6con.Ur.n .@ $133/con.hr. 2/5/68 (III-5) Eng. Graphics 6con.hrs.@ $119/con.hr. 2/5/68 (VI-1) History 3cr.hrs.<? S236/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-3) Psychology 3cr.hrs.@ $182/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-l) Music 3cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-3) Physical Science 3cr.hrs.@ $218/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-5) Art 6con.hrs.@ $133/con.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-4) Eng. Graphics 3cr.hrs.@ $191/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (III-9) Mathematics 3cr.hrs.@ $213/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (V-2) Law Enforcement 6cr.hrs.@ $209/cr.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-4) Eng. Graphics 6con.hrs.@ $127/con.hr. 2/5/68 (IV-6) Data Processing 6cr.hra.@ $209/cr.hr. 2/5/68 , \i \ 2/26/68 - 16 - 2.8 Classified Personnel - Full-Time Employment The Board was requested to approve employment of classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Cell, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District in the position and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: 2.9 Handy, William F. Security Chief FPCC 1A-C Herman, James Custodian FPCC 3-A 3/1/68 Hines, Curly Security Officer MCC 3-A 2/27/68 Horsh, Katherine Stenographer I CO. 4-A 2/27/68 Lamb, John C. Analyst-Programmer II CO. 18-A 2/27/68 Ross, James F. Stationary Engineer FPCC 11-A 2/27/68 Schrader, Marcelene Secretary I FPCC 6-A 3/4/68 Trowbridge, George C Buyer CO. 12-A 3/4/68 Wadley, Darla S. Clerk (Mail) FPCC 1-A 2/27/68 Watkins, Solomon Custodian MCC 3-B 2/2 7/68 __ Classified Salary Schedule - Change in Title The Board was requested to approve a change in title from "Security Officer - Range 3" to"Security Officer - Range 5" and "Security Officer - Range 6" to be included in the existing Classified Salary Schedule and Positions Manual. This proposed change in title was lodged with the Board at the Regular Meeting of February 12, 1968. 2/26/68 - 17 - 3/11/tij Whereupon, on motion by Kr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of t^e Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby approve the change in salary classification of security officers from "Security Officer - Range 3" to "Security Officer - Razge 5" and "Security Officer - Range 6" to be included in the existing Classified Salary Schedule and Positions. Manual under Division V, Section I and Section II, and to be included in Section 3B.6.1 and 3B.5.2 of the proposed revised Board Policies and Administrative Organisation Manual. This change in titles to be effective April 1, 1965. 2.10 Classified Salary Schedule - Addition of Titles The Board was. requested te approve addition of titles to the Classified Salary Schedule and Positions Manual, "Art Model - Range 9", and "Photographic Model - Range 15" as of March 1, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby approve the addition of titles "Art Mc4el - Range 9" and "Photographic Model - Range 15" to be included in the existing Classified Salary Schedule and Positions Manual under Division V, Section I and Section II, and to be included in Section 3B.6.1 and Section 3B.6.2 of the proposed revised Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual. 2.11 Classified Personnel - Parc-time Continuing Employment The Board was requested to approve the employment of classified personnel for part-time continuing employment. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District on a part-time continuing employment basis, at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board, said compensation to be on an hourly basis: 2/26/68 Alberta Macdonald - Clerk-typist II - MCC - 3-B - 2/27/68 Diane Wallweber 3-A - 2/27/68 - Clerk-typist II - MCC - - 18 - 2.12 Classified Porsonnol .-. RucJattsiflcatlon The Hoard was requested to approve reclassification of the following classified personnel. W0 Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the reclassification of the following classified employees at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: 2.13 Christine Imbs - MCC - FROM: TO: Clerk-Typist I Clerk-Typist II - 2-C - 3-C - 3/1/68 Dorothy Luethge - MCC - FROM: TO: Secretary II - 7-D Business Assistant - 10-B - 2/1/68 Classified Personnel - Correction of Board Approval - February 12, 1968 The Board was requested to approve correction of the effective date of the six-month increment of Milton Moss, Warehouse and Receiving Chief, Florissant Valley Community College, previously approved by the Board at its meeting of February 12, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following correction of the effective date be made to the approval of six-month increment for Milton Moss, Warehouse and Receiving Chief, Florissant Valley Community College, previously approved by the Board: Milton Moss - Warehouse & Receiving Chief 2.14 - FVCC - 9-B - FROM: 2/16/68 TO: 2/1/68 Classified Personnel - Six-Month Increments The Board was requested to approve six-month increment for the following classified personnel: Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be granted a salary- incraaae^-aJ:i: the...alaaalfication hereinafter set fortn: 2/26/68 - 19 - Auberry, Charlotte Barone, Judi M. Beahan, Oliver E. Becker, Claudine M. Bond, Bernice Caito, Thomas J. Cobyt William Crafton, Lynda L. Estle, Douglas Fogler, Kathleen A. Grose, Dorothy Harrison, Wra. J. Head, Virginia M. Howell, Edwin Hunzeker, Meriam Hunpert, Kathleen Iverson, Lois Lewis, R. L. Martin, William E. 2/26/68 Keypunch Operator Secretary I CO. FPCC Manager, Power & Utilities MCC PBX Operator II FPCC Clerk-Typist II FVCC Maintenance Mechanic FPCC Library Assistant Audio Visual FVCC Library Assistant FPCC Maintenance Mechanic MCC Secretary I FPCC Library Assistant Security Officer Clerk-Typist II Stationary Engineer Library Assistant Stenographer I MCC FPCC FVCC MCC CO. Accounting Clerk Stationary Engineer Assistant Manager, Bookstore - 20 FVCC - CO. MCC MCC FROM: 3A TO: 3B 3/1/68 FROM: 6A TO: 6B 3/1/68 FROM: 15A TO: 15B 3/1/68 FROM: 3A TO: 3B 3/1/68 FROM: 3A TO: 3B 3/1/68 FROM: 11A TO: 11B 3/1/68 FROM: 6A TO: 6B 3/1/68 FROM: 6A TO: 6B 3/1/68 FROM: 11A TO: 11B 3/1/66 FROM: 6A TO: 6B 3/1/68 FROM: 6A TO: 6B 3/1/68 FROM: 3A TO: 3B 3/1/68 FROM: 3A TO: 3B 3/1/68 FROM: 11A TO: 11B 3/1/68 FROM: 6A TO: 6H 3/1/68 FROM: 4A TO: 4B 3/1/68 FROM: 7A TO: 7B 3/1/68 FROM: 11A TO: 11B 3/1/68 FROM: 10A TO: 10B 3/1/68 ^fe. Classified Personnel - Six-Month Increments Meyer, Walter Maintenance Mechanic Nix r Geraldine E. Stenographer I Peterson, Margaret Library Assistant Sigala, Emma Stenographer I Skaggs, Leon Stock, George A. Wendling, George 2.15 (continued) FVCC FPCC MCC CO. Assistant Miinager, Power & Utilities FVCC Receiving and Shipping Clerk FPCC Stationary Engineer FPCC FROM: 11A TO: 11B 3/1/68 FROM: 4A TO: AB 3/1/68 FROM: 6A TO: 6B 3/1/68 FROM: 4A TO: 4B 3/1/68 FROM: 12A TO: 12B 3/1/68 FROM: 6A TO: 6B 3/1/68 FROM: 11A TO: 11B 3/1/68 Classified Personnel - Annual Increment The Board was requested to approve an annual increment for Joseph Weber, Duplicating Operator II, Florissant Valley Community College. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be granted an annual increment at the classification hereinafter set forth: Joseph Weber 2/26/68 - Duplicating Operator II - FVCC FROM: 5-C TO: 5-D - - 21 - 3/1/68 3. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 3.1 Approval to Join League for Innovation in the Community College The Board was requested to approve The Junior College District joining the "League for Innovation in the Community College" at a cost to the District of $500.00 for 1967-68 and $3,500.00 for 1968-69. The purpose of the membership fee is to defray the cost of an Executive Director who will coordinate the activities of the League and distribute materials relative to research and innovation to all member institutions. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That The Junior College District join the "League for Innovation in the Community College" and authorizes the expenditure for said purposes in the amount of $500.00 for the fiscal year 1967-68 and $3,500.00 for the fiscal year 1968-69. 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES 4.1 Acceptance of Bids for Administration Building - MCC Bids were received for the construction of the Administration Build- ing at Meramec Community College. Upon the recommendation of the staff, Dr. Cosand recommended the Board accept the base bid plus additive alternate of the low bidders for the construction of the Administration Building at Meramec Community College. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District does hereby accept the bids of the following low bidders which shall include the base bid plus the additive alternate, for construction of the Administration Building at Meramec Community College under Contract No. 68-20, in accordance with District plans and specifications. 2/26/68 - 22 - • General Contractor Hankins Construction Company $566,697.00 Electrical Subcontractor Benson Electric Company $ 61,885.00 Heating apd Air Conditioning Subcontractor Rock Hill Mechanical Corp. $117,200.00 Plumbing & Fire Protection Subcontractor Arthur Maier and Company $ 24,265.00 The funds for this contract are to come from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. FURTHER P.ES0LVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Hankins Construction Company for the construction of the Administration Building at Meramec Community College, for a total cost of $566,697.00 with the condition that the General Contractor enter into contracts with the following subcontractors for the amount indicated for heating and air conditioning, electrical, and plumbing and fire protection work to be done on the project, all in accordance with plans and specifications previously submitted to said subcontractors and on file with the District: Benson Electric Company - Electrical Subcontractor in the total amount of $61,885.00. Rock Hill Mechanical Corporation - Heating and Air Conditioning Subcontractor - in the total amount of $117,200.00. Arthur Maier and Company - Plumbing and Fire Protection Subcontractor - in the total amount of $24,265.00 4.2 Mr. O'Neill, Coordinator of Physical Facilities, presented a Status Report of the building programs at the three campuses. 4.3 Change Order for Foundation Piers - FPCC On Contract 67-4 with George L. Cousins Contracting Company, Board was requested to approve an additional $10,000.00 for foundation piers for the Student Union Building, Forest Park Community College. 2/26/68 - 23 - the Whereupon, on notion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all Eembers of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve expenditure of an additional $10,000.00 on Contract 67-4 with George L. Cousins Contracting Company, said increase to cover additional costs of sinking foundation piers at the Student Union Building, Forest Park Community College, and not contemplated in the original contract nor covered by previous authorized change orders. 4.4 General Landscaping - Meramec Community College Bids were received for general landscaping at. the. Meramec Community Community College. The Board was requested to accept the Joint bid of Frisella Nursery and Teston Tree Treatment at a total cost of $73,779.20. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the joint bid of Frisella Nursery and Teston Tree Treatment for general landscaping at the Meramec Community College, in accordance wiph District specifications under Contract No. 68-23, at a total cost of $73,779.20, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the District for the performance of said landscaping work. 2/26/68 - 24 - 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 The Board was requested to approve changes in policies on attendance of counsel at bid openings, as lodged with the Board at its meeting of February 12, 1968, in accordance with established Board policy. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby adopt the following changes in policies, said changes to be included in Section 6.1 and Section 7.7 of the Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual: 6.1 Purchases in Excess of $10,000.00 "...All bids shall be opened in the presence of one member of the Board and where the bid price is estimated to exceed $25,000.00, the Board Counsel shall be present." 7.7 Bids, How Deposited and Opened "...The box containing such bids shall be opened in the presence of at least one member of the Board of Trustees and where the anticipated bid price will exceed $50,000.00, in the presence of Counsel." 5.2 The Board was requested to approve changes in policies on date of filing budget and tax rate, lodged with the Board at its meeting of February 12, 1968, in accordance with established Board policy. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Ruffin, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby adopt the following changes in policies, said changes to be included in Section 6.14 and Section 6.9 of the Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual: 2/26/68 6.14 "first regular meeting in May" 6.9 "not later than the first meeting in April'.1... and..."adopt a budget not later than the first meeting in May". - 25 - 5.3 Acceptance of Bids for Concrete Sidewalks - FFCC The Board was requested to accept the bid and award a contract to Christensen Cement Contractors, for concrete sidewalks at Forest Park Community College, in the amount of $3,342.00. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid for concrete sidewalks at Forest Park Community College, in accordance with District specifications, from Christensen Cement Contractors and award a contract, at a total cost of $3,342.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund. FURTHER RESOLVED, The President of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the District. 5.4 Approval of Contract for College Work Study Agreement The Board was requested to approve an agreement between The Junior College District and the City of St. Louis, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry for cooperative participation in the federal College Work Study Program. To comply for participation in this federal program, it is necessary for the agency to contribute on a matching funds basis, with the federal government paying 85% and the agency paying 15%. This agreement between the District and the City of St. Louis, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry would make it possible for this agency to employ District students and compensate students for work performed under this program at a rate of 15% plus Social Security Tax. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve entering into an agreement with the:.City-of St. Louis, Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry to participate under the College Work Study Program at no cost to the District. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the District, in the form to be approved by legal counsel for the District. 2/26/68 - 26 - 5 «5 Rejection of Bid - Snack Bar Equipment - FVCC One bid was received under Contract No. 67-98 for snack bar equip- ment for the Florissant Valley Community College. The Board was requested to reject the bid and to authorize revision of the specifications for competitive bidding. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by £trs* Bastian, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, the Board, therefore, rejected the bid received under Contract No. 67-98 for snack bar equipment for the Florissant Valley Community College and authorized the Physical Facilities Department to revise the specifications and advertise for new bids. 5.6 Acceptance of Grants from U.S. Office of Education - FVCC and MCC The Board was requested to accept the following grants from the U.S. Office of Education: $500,000.00 - Florissant Valley Community College Project No. 3-6-00291-0 $500,000.00 - Meramec Community College Project No. 3-6-00292-0 Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the following grants from the U. S. Office of Education: $500,000.00 - Florissant Valley Community College Project No. 3-6-00291-0 $500,000.00 - Meramec Community College Project No. 3-6-00292-0 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute grant agreements on behalf of the District, in the form to be approved by legal counsel for the District. 2/26/68 - 27 - * 5.7 Acceptance of Bids & Awarding of Order - Theatre Console Organ - MCC The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to Ludwig Music House, Inc. for a Wurlitzer Theatre Console Organ to include twotone registers for both sacred and secular music, for Meramec Community College in the amount of $3,510.00. Whereupon, Mr. Geil offered and moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and award an order to Ludwig Music House, Inc. for a Wurlitzer Theatre Console Organ to include two-tone registers for both sacred and secular music, for Meranec Community College, in accordance with District specifications, in the amount of $3,510.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. Mrs. Bastian seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and the question being put tb a vote, the motion carried five to one, Mr. Stewart voting "NO". 5.8 Acceptance of Bids for Lounge Furniture - FVCC The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to E & I Cooperative for various lounge furniture for Florissant Valley Community College in the amount of $6,573.18. Whereupon, Mr. Williamson offered and moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid for various lounge furniture for Florissant Valley Community College and award an order to E. & I Cooperative, said furniture to meet District specifications, in the amount of $6,573.18., said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. Mrs. Bastian seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and the question being put to a vote, the motion failed to pass, all members of the Board voting."NO". Whereupon, Mr. Williamson stated that in view of Missouri statutes requiring the Board to purchase from Missouri suppliers where bids are substantially equal, he was offering and moving adoption of the following resolution: 2/26/68 - 28 - RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid for various lounge furniture for Florissant Valley Community College and award an order to HolscherWernig, said furniture to meet District specifications, in the amount of $6,681.52, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. » Mr. Witte seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution, and the question being put to a-vote,.the resolution was adopted unanimously. 5.9 Contract No. 68-4 - Acoustic Panels - FPCC The Board was requested to approve a contract between The Junior College District and the Dorrell Company of St. Louis in the amount of $1,500.00 for construction of acoustic panels in the vending machine room at Forest Park Community College, these panels to be available as surplus materials when no longer needed in the vending machine room. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve a contract No. 68-4 with The Dorrell Company of St. Louis for construction of acoustic panels in the vending machine room at Forest Park Community, said panels to be available as surplus materials when no longer needed in the vending machine room, for a total cost of $1,500.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. 5.10 Contract No. 1012-FP - Elevator Floor Number Changes - FPCC The Board was requested to approve a contract between The Junior College District and General Elevator Engineering Company in the amount of $574.00 for elevator floor number changes at Forest Park Community College. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RLoOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve a contract No. 1012-FP with General Elevator Engineering Company for elevator floor number changes at Forest Park Community College, for a total cost of $574.00, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District. 2/26/68 - 29 - • 5.11 ^^ Awarding Order for Book Processing The Board was requested to award an order to Alanar Book Processing Center for processing of books for The Junior College District in the amount of $11,368.40 through June 30, 1968. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby award an order to Alanar Book Processing Center for processing pf books for the District through June 30, 1968, at a total cost of $11,368.40, said funds to be paid from the General Fund of The Junior College District. 5.12 Contract 1006-FP - Junction Box Accessories - FPCC The Board was requested to approve a contract between The Junior College District and Aschinger Electric Company for junction box accessories in carpeted areas at Forest Park Community College, in the amount of $2,231.40. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve a contract No. 10p6-FP with Aschinger Electric Company for junction box accessories and installation in carpeted areas at Forest Park Community College, for a total cost of $2,231.40, said funds to be paid from the Building Fund of The Junior College District, and the President of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute the appropriate contract on behalf of the District. 5.13 Contract for Optional General Service Rates - Laclede Gas - FPCC The Board was requested to authorize and approve a contract between the District and Laclede Gas Company for optional general service rates for Forest Park Community College's gymnasium and boiler plant. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Witte, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize and approve a contract with Laclede Gas Company for optional general service rates for Forest Park Community College Gymnasium and Boiler Plant and authorizes and directs the President of the Board to execute the appropriate contract on behalf of the District. • 2/26/68 - 30 - 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 8. NEW BUSINESS 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Stewart asked if there were any further business to come before the Board, There was not, and upon motion by Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Geil, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board, this meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.. Respectfully submitted, Paul H. Connole Secretary, Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri 2/26/68 - 31 - ^ COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF DENVER 207 STATE SERVICES DENVER. COLORADO LELANDD.LUCHS.NOER PRESIDENT BUILDING eozo3 TELEPHONE: ( 3 0 3 ) 8 9 2 - 3 1 5 1 COLLEGE COUNCIL ROBERT P. DAVISON. CHAIRMAN ARAPAHOE COUNTY MRS. H. C. ENGDAHL. V I C E . CHAIRMAN J E F F E R S O N COUNTY F e b r u a r y L4, 1968 (Diet. 2-9-68; MRS. HAROLD V. ANDERSON. SECRETARY BOULDER COUNTY HARRY BATH ADAMS COUNTY RICHARD W. WRIGHT DENVER COUNTY Dr. Joe Cosand, President Junior College District of St. Louis 7508 Forsyth Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63105 Dear Dr. Cosand I wish to express my gratitude to you and to members of your staff for the many courtesies extended to ne during my recent visit to the Junior College District of St. Louis. I was interested in how the college had provided for students from a short-range objective, as well as master-planning of permanent campus as a long-range objective. Dr. Jones was a very gracious host. I learned a great deal from my visit. I shall look forward to seeing you at the AAJC meeting in Boston. Sincerely yours Leland B. Luchsinger President LBLrba v ••" "; '•• {'• y 151st Street and Broadway HARVEY, I L L I N O I S 60426 PhOI, • 312/331-8820 *Tp , I JtAS&*l£ MMES D. LOGSDON / O LEELDULGAR ou.rttb.ciiu. f * ^ ^ * J February 8 , 1968 Dr. Glynn C l a r k Meramec Community College S t . Louis Junior College D i s t r i c t S t . Louis, Missouri Dear Dr. Clark: 0n HERBERT G GREINER tadd..t.r»n.>M.d behalf of the f a c u l t y and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of Thornton J u n i o r C o l l e g e , I wish to thank you f o r your gracious hospitality. Our f a c u l t y was impressed by many o f the f e a t u r e s found in your new campus, i . e . , l i b r a r y , c l a s s s i z e , b u i l d i n g t e x t u r e , and use of Edex system. We can assure you t h a t our v i s i t w i l l be useful to us as we p l a n our new campus. H. ARD ^Memberof the Board Mm JAMES W J M I B. DUNKER M.mtxr of the Board Dean Edwards and other members o f your s t a f f a r e to be commended f o r giving us so much information in such a b r i e f Stay. R. KOOPMAN Member of tha Board HENRY ARNOLD LABAHN |f y o u s h o u ] d b e ln t h e M.mb«r of th. Bond a y f£ jt tQ Qu r Chicago area, we would welcome carnpus. HOMER M. LEFLER ,., . . . . . . Member of tha Board WALTER F. SCHOEN Memb.r of th. Board With regards, , 3 ,v . 9' '#• < 7 * " , C ^'-C tUnA.'. •' Wayne E. W i l l a r d Dean o f I n s t r u c t i o n cc: v Dean Earl Edwards OWEN H. WYANDT Treasurer « R E W. CLARK j Secy, to the Board and P«an of Buiincu Alfalrj - j Knowledge j for Progress '"'.V'-lfl I D 0 ^ B I 11 11 TN_I * 'y^Vt ?• rJ rMNum | ~~^\ NEWS RELEASE ' ST - L O U , S PIERRE LACL£DE R E G I N A L ' N D U ^^'^ FROM TRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BUILDING • 7?t1 FORSYTH BOULEVARD • ROOM 34S • ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63105 • PARKVIEW 5-0300 From: D. Reid Ross Executive Vice-President ra « ^ ' E W 2 15 W « W FOR RELEASE AFTER 9:00 A.M., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1968 Four more labor unions with jurisdiction in the Illinois portion of the metropolitan St. Louis region have pledged that they will not halt work on construction projects because of jurisdictional conflicts. The new pledges raise to 12 the number of construction unions which have aligned themselves with the program of LAMP, the Labor and Management Plan serving the bi-state St. Louis area, to make the region more attractive to new industry by obtaining "no work-stoppage" agreements from building and construction trades unions. Similar pledges were made last month by unions affiliated with the Building and Construction Trades Council of St. Louis specifically in connection with the plans of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., to expand its local brewing facilities at an estimated cost of $10 million. Although LAMP was not officially involved in the negotiations leading to the Anheuser-Busch agreement, the group is actively urging an extension of no-work stoppages pledges, and of a system of pre-job conferences, on the Missouri as well as the Illinois side of the Mississippi River. Latest unions to agree to the no-work stoppage formula include the Cement Masons and Plasterers, Local 90, East St. Louis; Cahokia Painters District Council 58, Cahokia, Illinois; Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers Local 2, ^P Belleville, Illinois; and Tile Setters Helpers Local 41, St. Louis. ###