MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI M O N D A Y , JUNE 26, 1967 - 8;00 P. M . A regulor meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, June 26> 1967 at the Central Office of the District, 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call In the absence of the President and Vice President of the Board, and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian was selected by those members of the Board in attendance, to be presiding chairman of this meeting. Mrs. Bastian called the meeting to order at 8:12 p.m., noting that Mr. Joseph G . Stewart and Mr. Lester C. Geil were absent due to out-of-town commitments. The following members were present: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian Messrs. Guy S. Ruffin Gerald V . Williamson Donald M. Witte Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President of the District; Mr. John C. Robertson, Vice President for Business; Dr. Glynn Clark, Vice President-Campus Director; Dr. R. William Graham, Vice President-Campus Director; Mr. David Underwood, Associate Dean of Instruction at the Florissant Valley Campus, representing that campus in the absence of » f M r . Raymond Stith; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Associate Coordinator, Business and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; Mrs. Dolores B. Tygard, Community Relations Assistant; M r . Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; M r . Herbert Damron, Associate Coordinator of Purchasing; M r . Rolland Larson, Procurement Assistant — a l l of The Junior College District staff. Also present was M r . Bruce Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Kramer and Vaughan, counsel for the District. 1.3 Minutes M r s . Bastion asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular M e e t i n g of June 12, 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Witte and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 12, 1967 were approved as submitted. 1.4 Welcome To Guests The Junior College District staff members were i n v i t e d to introduce their guests. Mrs. Tygard introduced M r . Gus Lumpe, newspaper reporter from the St. Louis G l o b e Democrat. M r . David Underwood introduced the following Building Committee representatives from the Florissant V a l l e y Campus: M r . Thomas Bingham, M r . Lawrence W o l f , M r . Carlos S i m e o l i , M r . George Ragland, M r . James O ' G r o d y , M r . M a r v i n Barnum, M r . Vincent Freeman, M r . Peter Hirsch. M r . Richard Kerr, Coordinator of Personnel for the D i s t r i c t , introduced his assistant M r . Tom Rankin. M r . O ' N e i l l introduced Messrs. Kenneth Wischmeyer and Tom Tebbetts of the architectural firm of Kenneth Wischmeyer and Partners. 6/26/67 - 2 - 1.7 Treasurer's Report The Board was requested to approve the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports for the month of M a y , 1967. Upon motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . Ruffin, and with the aye vote of ciS members of the Board present, the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports ?c<- the month of M a y , 1967 were approved as submitted, 1.8 Ratification of Investments The Board was requested to ratify investments made by the Treasurer of the District, •'or which bids had been received in accordance with Board p o l i c y . Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the Treasurer thereof, be and hereby are, r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: General Fund $100,000 U . S. Treasury Bills, purchased June 8 , 1967, from M e r r i l l Lynch on a 3. 10 (+$3.00) basis, to mature June 2 9 , 1967, for a total cost of $99,822.17. $100,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased June 15, 1967, from First National on a 3.75 (+$3.00) basis, to mature June 2 2 , 1967, for a total cost of $99,930.33. Building Fund $250,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased June 8 , 1967, from State Bank or Wellston on a 5 . 0 1 basis, to mature July 10, 1967, for a total cost of $250,0CC.00. $250,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased June 8, 1967, from State Bank of Wellston on a 5 . 0 1 basis, to mature July 2 7 , 1967, for a total cost of $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 : . 0 0 . Debt Service Fund $10,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased June 15, 1967, from Lindell Trust Company on a 4 . 5 0 basis, to mature January 3 0 , 1968, for a total cost of $10,000.00. 6/26/67 - 3 - 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Full-Time Employment - Academic Year 1967-68 The Board was requested to approve employment of certificated f u l l - t i m e personnel for the academic year 1967-68. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: Jane Bracy - Instructor A - English - FVCC - 111-5 - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 Patricia J . Hunter - Teaching Assistant - Business Administration - M C C - 1-3 Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 Julie Marshall - Instructor B - Business Education - M C C - I V - 3 - Eff. 9/5/67 Sidney J . Reedy, Jr. - Assistant Librarian - Instructional Resources - FVCC I V - 3 - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 Sharon A . Sievers - Instructor A - Nursing - M C C - 111-2 - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 Dorothy P. Tayrien - Associate Professor - Nursing - FPCC - V I - 2 - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 Suzanne Wyrick - Instructor A - Nursing - M C C - 111-5 - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby i s , authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, w i t h the above employees, which said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the District. 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Port-Time Administration Dr. Cosand recommended appointment of administrative personnel to f i l l the vacancy created by the recent promotion of the previous Dean of Instruction of the Florissant V a l l e y Campus to V i c e President-Campus Director of that campus. Dr. Cosand recommended that M r . Donald Gawronski be appointed Associate Dean of 6/26/67 - 4 - Instruction, and that M r . A l a n Slay be appointed Associate Dean of Instruction on a half-time basis - each for the period June 19, 1967 to June 3 0 , 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed on a p a r t - t i m e basis for the period June 19, 1967 to June 3 0 , 1967, in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: A l a n L. Slay - 1/2 Time Associate Dean - Instruction - FVCC - Step 1 Donald Gawronski - Associate Dean - Instruction - FVCC - Step 2 2.3 C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Correction of Board Approval - A p r i l 10, 1967 The Board was requested to approve correction of previous Board appointments. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve change of employment of the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel, previously approved by the Board at its A p r i l 10, 1967 meeting: David L. Underwood - FVCC - From: Associate Dean of Instruction - Step Open (4) To: 1/2 Time Dean of Instruction and 1/2 Time Research Associate-Campus Governance Program - Step 2 - Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 7 Dean Dunbar - FPCC - From: Assistant Professor - Biology - V - 4 - Eff. 9 / 1 1 / 6 7 To: Assistant Dean - Instruction - Step 2 - Eff. FURTHER RESOLVED, That correction be made to the existing employment contract w i t h the above c e r t i f i c a t e d employees, which said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the District. 6/26/67 - 5 - 7/1/67 • 1 2.4 Certificated Personnel - Correction of Board Approval - A p r i l 10, 1967 The Board was requested to approve correction of previous Board appointments mode at its meeting on A p r i l 10, 1967, Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve change of employment of the following c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel, previously approved by the Board at its A p r i l 10, 1967 meeting: Myron A . M a r t y - FVCC - From: Assistant Professor - V - 5 - Eff. 9 / 1 1 / 6 7 To: Asst. Prof. - Div. Chairman - V - 5 * - Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 7 * Also reflected in salary w i l l be 8/36ths of basic salary for extended time during period 7 / 1 / 6 7 through 6 / 3 0 / 6 8 . Recommended for one year contract. Alan L. Slay - FVCC - From: Asst. Prof. - D i v . Chairman - V - 3 - Eff 7 / 1 / 6 7 To: 1/2 Time Asst. -Prof. - D i v . Chairman - 1/2 V - 3 * and 1/2 Time Assoc. Dean - Instruction - 1/2 Step 1 Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 7 * Also reflected i n salary w i l l be 8/36ths of basic salary for extended time during period 7 / 1 / 6 7 through 6 / 3 0 / 6 8 . Reco mmended for five year contract. FURTHER RESOLVED, That correction be mode to the existing employment contract with the above certificated employees, which said contract is to be filed w i t h the records of the District. 2.5 Certificated Personnel - Correction of Board Approval - June 12, 1967 The Board was requested to approve a correction of the previous Board appointment of Dr. Donald Gawronski mode at its meeting on June 12, 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h • he aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve change of employment of the following c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel, previously approved by the Board at its June 12, 1967 meeting: 6/26/67 - 6 - Donald Gawronski - FVCC - From: 1/2 Assoc. Prof. - D i v . Chairman - 1/2 V I - 2 Effective 7 / 1 / 6 7 To: Associate Dean - Instruction - Step 2 Effective 7 / 1 / 6 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, That correction be made to the existing employment contract with the above c e r t i f i c a t e d employee, w h i c h said contract is to be f i l e d with the records of the District. 2.6 Certificated Personnel - Consultant Service By FVCC Staff Dr. Cosand recommended that the Board appoint various Florissant V a l l e y staff members to perform consulting services for the District w i t h respect to the technical buildings planned for that campus, said services to be completed by July 15, 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, V a l l e y staff in the dollar by July 15, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d employees of the Florissant be employed to perform consulting services for the District amounts hereinafter set f o r t h , said services to be completed 1967: Thomas Bingham - Engineering - FVCC - 5 cr. hrs. - $ 1 , 0 5 5 . 0 0 Maury Bynum - Engineering - FVCC - 1.3 cr. hrs. - $333.00 Richard Doyle - Business - FVCC - 1 . 1 cr. hrs. - $351.00 Philip Hunt - Engineering - FVCC - 4 . 8 cr. hrs. - $ 1 , 7 3 3 . 0 0 W i l l i a m Schallert - Engineering - FVCC - 3 . 8 c r . hrs. - $1,425.00 Kenneth Smith - Engineering - FVCC - 2 . 2 c r . hrs. - $623.00 Lawrence Wolf - Engineering - FVCC - 2 . 3 c r . hrs. - $676.00 6/26/67 - 7 - * 1 2.7 Certificated Personnel - Full-Time Employment Ford Internship Project - Fall 1967^63 The Board was requested to approve employment of c e r t a i n interns i n accordance w i t h a Ford Foundation grant j o i n t l y administered by The Junior College District and Southern Illinois University. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be appointed as interns for the Fall Semester, 1967-68, in accordance w i t h the terms of the Ford Foundation budget funded for this purpose, to receive a grant at the rate of the salary classification opposite their respective names. Charles Berkmeyer - Intern - M C C - 1/2 V - 4 - Eff. 9/5/67 Robert Yowell - Intern - FVCC - 1/2 I V - 1 - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract w i t h the above participants in the internship program, which said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the District. 2.8 Certificated Personnel - Summer Employment - 1967 The Board was requested to approve employment of c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel for the Summer Semester, 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed during the Summer Semester, 1967 in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: 6/26/67 - 8 - ^_ John Cronin Business Administration MCC ^P John Donnell Joseph Dunne David Durham Mary Fuller Robert Gillespie Frances Gillett George Govero Katie Harrington Clare Heyne Wallace Kaminsky William Kottmeyer Hildegnrde Kramer Gary Lane 6/26/67 3cr.hrs.@ $217/cr.hr. 6/19/67 Business Administration & Economics MCC 6cr.hrs.@ $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 English MCC 6cr.hrs.(a $239/cr.hr. 6/19/67 Art MCC Business Education Biology Music 6con.hrs.<? $l48/con.hr. 6/19/67 5cr.hrs.(3 $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 MCC 4cr.hrs.(a $347/cr.hr. 6/19/67 MCC MCC Economics Art 3cr.hrs.(3 $333/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3cr.hrs.'3 $294/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6cr.hrs.(a $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 7cr.hrs.@ $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6cr.hrs.(B $217/cr.lir. 6/19/67 MCC 4cr.hrs.ni $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 MCC MCC Sociology English MCC MCC Mathematics Chemistry Political Science -9 - MCC MCC 6cr.hrs.f9 $239/cr.hr. 6/19/67 .lo.seph Longi Harry Machin Frances Mangan Maxine Mosley Leon Myers Ronald Preuss Wendell Rivers Thomas Schnell Richard Smith John Wallace Jay Warner James Wheeler James Williams D. Eileen Beck Joseph Bergman Carl Bruns Raymond Bryant Kenneth L. Crabtree 6/26/67 Business Administration Philosophy MCC MCC Mathematics MCC English MCC Business Administration English MCC MCC Psychology MCC English MCC History MCC Art MCC English MCC Psychology MCC History MCC Chemistry FVCC English FVCC Mathematics Mathematics Business Education - 10 - FVCC FVCC FVCC 3 cr.hrs/a $294/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.@ $261/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.@ $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.(a $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.t? $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.@ $261/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(a $239/cr.hr. 6/19/67 2 cr.hrs.ei $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.(P $239/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 con.hrs.ffl $167/con.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.Cd $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.(3 $239/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.ra $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 4 cr.hrs.@ $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs/a $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.C? $294/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.fa $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.'-i $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 ^fc ^ ^ Richard Doyle Mathematics FVCC 6 cr.hrs.@ $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 Ronald Eldringhoff Mathematics FVCC 7 cr.hrs.fa $228/cr.hr.- 6/19/67 Jon J. Hake English FVCC 6 cr.hrs.(a $228/cr.hr. 6/19/67 Philip Hunt Mechanical Engineering FVCC 7 con.hrs.@ $241/con.hr. 6/19/67 Kathryn Langlois English FVCC 3 cr.hrs.@ $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 Charles Jones Art FVCC 6 con.hrs.@ $157/con.hr. 6/19/67 Al Lager History FVCC 3 cr.hrs.@ $244/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.C? $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(3 $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(3 $294/cr.hr. 6/19/67 David R. Marshall John J. Mate}cic Myron A. Marty !t. C. Mellone Arthur C. Meyer Robert Murphy James P. O'Grady Melba J. Pearson Virgil Pinkstaff Rosemary Pisani George Ragland 6/26/67 English FVCC Mathematics History FVCC FVCC Business Administration Speech & Drama History FVCC FVCC FVCC Business Administration History FVCC FVCC Business Administration English FVCC FVCC Mathematics -11- FVCC 6 cr.hrs.f? $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr-hrs.? $272/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.@ $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.@ $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.@ $239/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.@ $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.@ $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.s? $361/cr.hr. 6/19/67 Alvin Schneider Thomas Schnell Elaine Simpson Raymond E. Steitz Grace Tripp Paul Vossick Leon Wells Barbara Wilper Charles Bell James E. Belton Helen V. Botsford Jerry W. Brown Adam A. Casmier Joseph F. Coffey T. David Daniel Irvin David Herman M. Deigado John E. Dickerson 6/26/67 English FVCC English FVCC Business Administration Business Administration Humanities & Philosophy Sociology FVCC FVCC FVCC FVCC Sociology FVCC Sociology FVCC English FPCC English FPCC English FPCC English FPCC English FPCC Chemistry FFCC Data Processing Business Administration Biology FPCC FPCC FPCC History FPCC - 12 - 3 cr.hrs.@ $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 2 cr.hrs.@ $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(a $333/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(3 $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 7 cr.hrs.@ $347/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.<a $347/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.@ $261/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.rd $217/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.(a $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.C? $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.tf $333/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.ra $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.@ $306/cr.hr- 6/19/67 4 cr.hrs.@ $347/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(«i $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 9 cr.hrs.ra $333/cr.hr. 6/19/67 4 cr.hrs.@ $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.a $250/cr.hv. 6/19/67 William G. Duke III Dean A. Dunbar Barbara D. Dowl Jerome S. Garger Charles B. Gilbert James G. Gleeson Irene E. Hanebutt JoAnn Hcdigcr Kenneth S. H i r s c h e l Thomas F . I l i t c h e l l William T. Holder Delwin D. Johnson James D, Kaplan Diane L. Keaton Karen L. Kohout Doris Lotto 6/26/67 Mathematics FPCC Biology FPCC Nursing FPCC English FPCC General Curriculum Biology FPCC FPCC Nursing FPCC Nursing FPCC Mathematics FPCC Speech & Drama English FPCC FPCC Chemistry FPCC Philosophy FPCC Library FPCC Sociology FPCC Physical Education " 13 " FPCC 3 cr.hrs.@ $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 4 cr.hrs.@ $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.@ $151/cr.hr. 7/31/67 3 cr.hrs,@ $294/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(3 $244/cr.hr. 6/19/67 4 cr.hrs.@ $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.@ $200/cr.hr. 7/31/67 12cr.hrs.C<l $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 5 cr.hrs.@ $228/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(? $333/cr.hr. 6/19/67 2 cr.hrs.@ $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 8 cr.hrs.@ $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.@ $164/cr.hr. 6/19/67 9 cr.hrs.ra $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.@ $211/cr,hr. 6/19/67 1-1/5 cr.hrs.C^ $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 Amelia C. Lipchak William Luebkert JoArma MacConnell Joel B. Margulis Dortha L. Martin John W. Mcintosh Ruby 0. Mees Jack E. Miller Beatirce J. Mitchell Donald H. Moser Margie II. Neal Margie II. Neal Leonard D- Nelson Samuel A. OLiveri Mary L. Perry BeLty W. Pollard Theodore V. Rohr 6/26/67 Nursing FPCC Mathematics Political Science English FPCC FPCC FPCC Business Education Mathematics Nursing FPCC FPCC FPCC Hotel,Motel & Restaurant Management FPCC Nursing FPCC Mathematics American History History FPCC FPCC FPCC Psychology FPCC Psychology FPCC Mathematics Educational. Lab Services Instructional Resources - 14 - FPCC FPCC FPCC 12cr.hrs.3 $294/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.? $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.2 $217/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.; $261/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.? $333/cr.hr. 6/19/67 5 cr.hrs.^ $306/cr.hr. 6/19/67 7 cr.hrs.3 $191/cr.hr. 6/19/67 2 cr.hrs.:? $319/cr.hr. 6/19/67 7 cr.hrs.'? $200/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.} $228/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.? $228/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs. = $228/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.) $361/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.;? $289/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.^ $333/cr.hr. 6/19/67 4-^cr.hrs.'$272/cr.hr. 6/19/67 8 cr.hrs.5 $250/cr.hr. 7/10/67 A. F o s t e r Stone M a r c c l l a L. Thum David Tucker Steven Vago P a t r i c k H. W i t t e Richard J . Wurtz E l i z a b e t h Mcintosh Mar lone Schuman Diana Schmidt 2.9 Mathematics Library FPCC FPCC History FPCC Sociology FPCC Sociology FPCC History FPCC Nursing FPCC Humanities FPCC P h y s i c a l Sciences FPCC 5 cr.hrs.(a $283/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.sa $196/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(a $239/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.J $244/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr.hrs.(a $250/cr.hr. 6/19/67 3 cr-hrs.7? $209/cr.hr. 6/19/67 6 cr.hrs.3 $319/cr.hr. 7/31/67 2 cr.hrs.a $100/cr.hr. 6/19/67 4 c r . h r s . •« $100/cr.lir. 6/19/67 Certificoted Personnel - Extended Time Projects The Board was requested to approve the employment of c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel for extended time projects for 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve employment of the following c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel on extended time projects, i n the dollar amounts and on the campuses hereinafter set f o r t h : 6/26/67 - 15 - * 1 Mernmec Cnmpus Marian Algarda Dental Assisting MCC 8 cr.hrs. $ 1,776.00 Josephine Anthoney Retailing MCC 2 cr.hrs. 666.00 Anita Bradfield Business Education MCC 5 cr.hrs. 1,360.00 David Campbell BioLogy MCC 3 cr.hrs. 783.00 David Durham Art MCC 3 cr.hrs. 666.00 Robert Gillespie Biology MCC 4 cr.hrs. 1,388.00 George Govero Economics MCC 3 cr.hrs. 882.00 Max Griffin Art MCC 3 cr.hrs. 699.00 Rudolph Heider Chenistry MCC 1 cr.hr. 347.00 Rudolph Heider Cheaistry MCC 6 cr.hrs. 2,082.00 Anna Marie Lottmann Foreign Languages MCC 6 cr.hrs. 2,418.00 Barbara Macy Nur-irtg MCC 3 cr.hrs. 849.00 Robert Mnnst'«!K Mathematics MCC i cr.litfi. Hid. 00 Albert Ostergaard Archicecture & MCC 6 cr.hrs. 1,836.00 Engineering Richard Pease Dranii & Speech MCC 3 cr.hrs. 1,041.00 Sue Petrovich Nursing MCC 2 cr.hrs. 588.00 Ronald Preuss English MCC 3 cr.hrs. 783.00 Fredric Rissover English MCC 2 cr.hrs. 478.00 L. Wendell Rivers Psychology MCC 3 cr.hrs. 717.00 John Wallace Art MCC 6 cr.hrs. 1,500.00 Jay Warner Dran^ & Speech MCC 3 cr.hrs. 918.00 Isabel Wing Dentil Assisting MCC I cr.hr. 189.00 Margaret Wooten Dental Assisting MCC 1 cr.hr. 178.00 Total 6/26/67 - 16 - $22,960.00 Florissant Valley Campus Paul Anders Physical Education FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 522.00 Ralph Barnett Science FVCC 6 cr.hrs. 1,836.00 Robert Bay Humanities FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 957.00 Thomas Bingham Engineering FVCC 6 cr.hrs. 1,266.00 Raymond Bryant Mathematics FVCC 5 cr.hrs. 1,530.00 Richard Buckman Humanities FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 783.00 Richard Buckman Humanities FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 783.00 Kathleen Dempsey Communications FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 500.00 Kathleen Dempsey Humanities FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 500.00 Bettv Duvall Instructional Resources FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 816.00 Paul Feldker Science FVCC 6 cr.hrs. 1,500.00 Doris Follis Physical Education FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 544.00 Kathryn Langlois Communications FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 750.00 David Marshall Communications FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 750.00 John Matejcic Mathematics FVCC 5 cr.hrs. 1,415.00 Mary Lou Maurer Communications FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 566.00 Edward Menges Instructional Resources FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 694.00 Arthur C. Meyer Communications FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 544.00 Arthur C. Meyer Communications FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 316.00 Robert Murphy Social Science FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 849.00 James O'Grady Business FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 612.00 James 0'Grady Business FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 9!8.00 Molba Pearson Social Science FVCC 4 cr.hrs. $ 956.00 Rosemary Pisani Communications FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 566.00 Robert Randolph Communications FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 832.00 6/26/67 - 17- Florissant V a l l e y Campus ( c o n t ' d ) Edward Ruhlman Business FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 882.00 Edward Ruhlman Business FVCC 4 cr.hrs. 1,176.00 Kenneth Smith Engineering FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 849.00 Raymond S t e i t z Business FVCC 5 cr.hrs. 1,595.00 Joseph Stevenson Science FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 500.00 Thomas Tambornino Science FVCC 2 cr.hrs. 666.00 Thomas Tambornino Science FVCC 4 cr.hrs. 1,332.00 Gladys Thum Communications FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 918.00 Wm. .1. Voos Humanities FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 957.00 Cary Waldman Science FVCC 6 cr.hrs. 1,914.00 Leon Wells S o c i a l Science FVCC 3 cr.hrs. 783.00 Lawrence Wolf Engineering FVCC 6 cr.hrs. 1,764.00 Total $35,191.00 Forest Park Campus C. Leon Anderson Art FPCC 3 cr.hrs. .lurry W. Ilrown English FI'CC 2 er.hrs. 500.uu Gregory M. Cowan English FPCC 2 cr.hrs. 566.00 Charles B. Gilbert General Curriculum FPCC 1 cr. hr. 244.00 C h a r l e s B. G i l b e r t General Curriculum FPCC 1 cr.hr. 244.00 Kenneth S. H i r s c h e l Mathematics FPCC 3 cr.hrs. 684.00 John Mcintosh Mathematics FPCC 3 cr.hrs. 918.00 Betty W. P o l l a r d I n s t r u c t i o n a l Resources FPCC 3 cr.hrs. 816.00 I n s t r u c t i o n a l Resources FPCC 1 cr.hr. 272.00 Uotty 6/26/67 w - ''"Hard - :•., - $ 7HI.0U Forest Park Campus (cont'd) DonW. S i e k e r English FPCC 3 cr.hrs. 717.00 Howard L. Simmons Spanish FPCC 4 cr.hrs. 1,044.00 A. F o s t e r Stone Mathematics FPCC 2 cr.hrs. 566.00 David Tucker History FPCC 3 cr.hrs. 717.00 Jeanne M i l d e r Humanities FpCC 2 cr.hrs. 544.00 Claire Schneider General Curriculum FPCC 1 cr.hr. 178.00 Total $8,793.00 2 . 10 Ciossified Personnel - Reclassification Board approval was requested for the reclassification of M r . Rolland Larson from Procurement Assistant to Assistant Coordinator of Equipment. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of c f l members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the reclassification of the following classified employee at the salary classification hereinafter sot out, said salary classification having been previously adopted by the Board: Rolland Larson - C O . - From: Procurement Assistant - 27A To: 2.11 Asst. Coordinator - Equipment - Step 1 - 7 / 1 / 6 7 Ciossified Personnel - Full-Time Employment The Board was requested to approve employment of classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of a l l members oi the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District i n the classification and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously adopted by the Board: 6/26/67 -19- W i l l i a m A l l e n - Custodian - FVCC - 3B - Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 7 W i l l i e J . Carter - Custodian - FVCC - 3B - Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 7 Joan M . Enger - Stenographer I - M C C - 4 A - Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 7 V i r g i n i a Leutzinger - Accountant - C O . - 10A - Eff. Sherlean M i l l e r - Clerk-Typist II - C . O . - 3A - Eff. 7/1/67 7/1/67 Judy M . Poppe - Stenogropher I - M C C - 4A - Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 7 Susan L. Schneider - Secretary I - FPCC - 6A - Eff. 7 / 1 0 / 6 7 Charles R. Tillison - Inventory Control Auditor - C O . 2.12 IOC - Eff. 7 / 1 / 6 7 Classified Personnel - Placement C n Salary Schedule Dr. Cosand recommended approval of placement of currently employed classified personnel on the new salary schedule adopted by the Board at its meeting on June 12, 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve placement of the f o l l o w i n g classified personnel on the classified salary schedule adopted by the Board of Trustees at its June 12, 1967 meeting, said positions and salary placements to become effective July 1 , 1967: 6/26/67 Allen, William From: To: Custodian Custodian FVCC From: To: VA iH A liny, M . i r j o r i e From: To: Acclg. Asst. Arcount.int CO. From: To: 1AA J 0A Avers, From: To: Steno. Sr. Secretary I FFCC From: To: 10B '>!', K.-iki-r, C i r r i i " From: 'l'°: Stenographer Stenographer FVCC TI From: To: iw-niH-r, Mary From: To: C J erk-Typi s t CO, Clerk-Typist II K.itherine - 20 - From: To: ( i|', <,\\ /A tA Boohmer, Donald From: Data P r o c . CO. Lend O p e r a t o r DataProc.Supv. From: I 8C To: DC From: To: Stenographer Secretary I FVCC From: To: 9B 6A liowiiian, M a r i e From: To: Secretary Secretary II FVCC' From: To: lilt yc Boyd, R i c h a r d From: To: Maint.Man Maint.Plumber FPCC From: To: 1'il-j 11A Brady, From: To: Matron Matron MCC From: To: AA IA From: Data Proc. CO. Operator Data Proc. I From: 12A To: 711 Secretary Secretary I From: To: To: Bouas, - Lois Flora Brandt, Jane To: Brown, GeraLdine From: To: FPCC 11A 6A Brown, Vondn From: 'In: Acetg. Clerk A C C L K . Ck-rk CO. From: To: IOC /B Buchanan, Joyce From: To: Stenographer Secretary I FPCC From: To: 9B t,A BuehJer, Frank From: Data Proc. Opera tor,Sr. Arc eg. Clerk CO. From: I ?A MCC To: To: 7C From: To: 91J JF i 2A (>\\ Butikins, L.B. From: To: Custodian Custodian Bunch, Cathye From: To: Lib.Asst.Sr. C O . Library Asst. From: To: I'.urch, Lois From: To: Dupii.Oper. DupLi .Oper.I MCC From: T<»: BurJ'ord, Delbert From: To: Maint.Man Maint.HVAC FPCC From: To: I'.JF 11A BurLon, V i r g i n i a From: To: Stenographer Steno. II MCC From: To: 9B >B 6/26/67 - 21 - ( h\ 20 Carey, Owen From: To: Delivery Man Delivery Man CO. From: To: ( Carpentior, Wm. From: Construction Inspector Construction Inspector CO. From: 2 2A To: 13C To: K", 3F« Carter, Willie From: To: Custodian Custodian FVCC From: To: "A 3U Castiglioni, Louis From: To: Maint.Man Maint.Elec. FPCC From: To: 1 3F JJA Chorn, Theodora From: Secretary, l-'VCC Admin istraL i ve Secretary III From: 1 i(- To: C m fton, L. From: To: Crump, Carol From: To: 8C Clerk-Typist, FVCC Sr. Stenographer I From: HB To: AB Clerk-Typist, C O . From: 8B To: ID From: Ml'. S i". To: Cx.arnecki, Dolores Clerk-Typist. II From. To : Dale, Charles From: To: I).' Fiore, Vincent From: To: - Diaz., Fred From: T o: Diel, Dennis From: To: 6/26/67 CI erk-Typi st , FVCC S r. C I e r k- Ty p i s t i l T<>: 3F Manager, FVCC Ma int.. 6 Veeh . Mgr.MLn.&Vech. From: Manager, FPCC Power & Util . Manager, Power 6 I.R i 1 . Assistant FPCC Bus. Manager From: /ij\ To: 15C As s i s tant Bus. Manager Bookstore A s s I. . , S r . Asst.Bookstore Manager - 22 - To: From: To: FPCC From: To: 20B J Mi .'.'<: I (> D I'll! IDA From: To: Custodinn Custodinn Donahoo, Vada From: Secretary, MCC Sr. Secretary III From: Bookstore Manager Booksiore Manager From: 2111 To: Donnelly, Kenneth From: To: FVCC MCC From: To: l Dixon, Claude To: )C }F i2C 8B To: I A C Duval 1, Lorraine From: To: Steno,, Sr. CO. Secretary II From: 10A To: 7A Farl, Rose From: To: Matron Matron MCC From: -'<A To: 1A FIHCr, From: Analyst C.O. From: John To: KveroLt, Suolta From: To: Fairies.-,, Julian Fa i I h, Samuel Pro,-,,; To: From: To: Programmer Ana 1 . Proj-.. Key Punch Opera to r Key p u n c h 1r To: C.O. (>|>«'r. M.iinl . M m M a i n t : .Hi 1 p . r I.ah.Tech. I.ab.Toch. FVCC FVCC To: From: To: ! >>A Hi; M'. i > '( >F From: i 5A To: < M Faunon, Imogene From: To: Matron Matron I'errara, James From: To: Ma Int.Man MCC Ma i nL .lie 1 per From: 1 'B To: »i I'lici',, From: Clerk-Typist, S r. Admin.Clerk Fl'CC From: From: To: Nt<uo., Sr. Se<-1 e t .'i r y f From: To: s i i-nii. , S r . Secretary II Jackie To: Forhis, I \,.-., 6/26/67 Marcy |.« •, •. I v - 23 - FVCC From: ?4A From: To: -A 1A riB To: >B C.O. From: To: h)A (>A Fl'CC From: To: I Mr, ,'A Fremont, Robert From: To: Bookstore FVCC From: Asst. Sr. Asst.Bookstore Mgr. To: Frentrop, Frank From: To: Custodian Custodian Gifford, Billie From: To: Gintcr, Vincent 10A From: To: 9E 3F Grounds Chief FVCC Grounds Chief From: To: 16C 12C From: To: Ma int.Man FPCC Maint.Carpenter From: To: 13E HA Glass, Ann From: To: Stenographer Secretary I FPCC From: To: 9B 6A Gray, Arden From: Manager, FPCC Maint. & Vech. From: To: 23A 14D Griesbnum, Janet From: To: StenoT, Sr. CO. Comm.Rela.Asst. From: To: 10B 8A Grose, Dorothy From: To: Library Asst. FVCC Library Asst. From: To: 10A 6A From: C lork-Typts t, C O . Sr. Stenographer II From: 8A To: 5A Clerk-Typist, FPCC Sr. Clerk-Typist II From: 8A To: 3B Clerk-Typist, C O . Sr. Clerk-Typist II From: 8A To: 3C Security FVCC Officer To: Security Officer From: 9B To: 3D From: To: 7B 3C Crunz, Kathy To: Hacker, Rita From: To: Hall, Ann From: To: Hart, Elmyra llartwig, Theresa 6/26/67 MCC 13C From: From: To: PBX-Recep. PBX Oper.II - 24 - FPCC Eff. 9/1/67 Hays, Lester From: To: Hecteian, Maxine From: To: Heintz, Elizabeth From: To: Analyst Programmer Analyst Programmer II Recorder Recorder CO. From: 24A To: 18A From: To: 12B 7C Clerk-Typist, FVCC Sr. Stenographer I From: 8A To: 4A MCC Herbert, R. L. From: To: Watch Engr. Stationary Engr. FPCC From: To: 14D 11A Hoadley, Karen From: To: Draftsman Draftsman CO. From: To: 13A 7B Hofir.eister, Sandra From: To: Steno. , Sr. Steno. II MCC From: To: 10B 5C Houseman, Roxie From: Clerk-Typist, C O . Sr. Stenographer II From: 8A To: 5A To: Hu] cen^rtm, L«- rry From: To: Supv. PlantOprMCC From: ..'6A Supv.PlnnL Operations T o . 11>A Imb.--, Christine From: To: Clerk-Typist M C C Clerk-Typist I From: To: 7\\ 2C Inr,iu, Clarence From: To: Custodian Cust od inn MCC From: To: «ili 'D Jorni'ii, Alice From: To: Clerk-Typist MCC Clerk-Typist II From: To: /A SA Karenerer, Constance From: From: 8B To: Clerk-Typist, C O . Sr. Clerk-Typist II To: 'JC Ka-ion, ] . . From: To: Secretary, Sr. FVCC Secretary 11 From: To: I'M! IV. K«-.oie, C a t h y From: To: Clerk-Typist Clerk-Typist From: To: IV, u: 6/26/67 - 25 - FVCC II Kearney, Claire From: To: Kelly, Kathleen From: To: Kendrick, Roger From: To: Kirk, Margaret From: To: Knight, Wi.lli.-m From: Kramlich, Ceor/.e Krenning, D. Larry !-»gunas, A n g e l i c a MCC From: From: FVCC From: 915 T o : (>A Purchasing Asst., S r . Buyer CO. From: To: 7C 2D 1 'JK To: 12A Clerk-Typist M C C Clerk-Typist II Bookstore FVCC Manager To: Bookstore Manager From: Grounds MCC Chief To: Ware.&Rec.Ch. From: To: From: 7A 1A 21C To: IAD From: To: I (>l) 9F Clerk-Typist, FPCC Sr. Admin. Clerk From: From: To: Phoiographcr Photographer CO. From: To: IOC 7C From: Clerk-Typist, Sr. Secretary I FPCC From: HC To: <>A 'I'M: Kuban, Residence Chaperon Residence Chaperon Stenographer Secretary I To: To: 8B *JA LaMew, De l o r e s From: To: PBX-Recep. pux O p e r . I I FVCC From: To: ID iD Lancaster, Charles From: Security Officer Maint.Helper FPCC From: 91', CO. To: To: Lapping, Barbara From: To: Ace tg. Asst. Ace tg. Clerk Leip, Connie From: Clerk-Typist, CO. Sr. Stenographer II To: 6/26/67 - 26 - ')B From: To: I Mi 71) From: 8A To: SA Li.cata, C.ithy From: To: PBX-Recep. PBX O p e r . I I CO. From: To: 715 3C Loll, A l i c e From: To: Engr.Arch. En^r.Arch CO. From: To: 2'Jli 1 r )C Long, Vivian From: Library CO. Assistant Library A s s t . From: From: To: Lonigro, Joe From: 12A To: 6C Lowry, Dennis From: To: Supv. Plant FPCC Operations Supv. Plant Opera t ions Dup: i. Oper. C O . Dupli.Oper. I Luethge, Dorothy From: To: Secretary,Sr. M C C Secretary II From: 12C T o : 7D McClane, JuLie From: To: Steno., S r . Steno. II MCC From: 101$ T o : '3C McDaniels, From: To: Clerk-Typist Cler'n-TyplNt MCC II From: To: Sarah McDonald, J o a n To: Mc-Craw, J u d i t h Martin, Catherine Mat b i a s , Meyer, Doris Patricia From: Miller, 6/26/67 SI.er l e a n From: To: 'M 21) /K 'III Placement FPCC A S M . , S r. placement A s s t . From: I4C To: /L PBX O p e r a t o r From: FVCC PBX Oper. I From: To: Stenographer Secretary I FPCC From: To: Secretary ,Sr. Secretary II CO. From: From: To: T o : I'M From: To: To: To: 2bA 7A :>H To: 'n: >B From: To: ( From: To: ! 2A 7A C l e r k - T y p i s t , FVCC S r. Clerk-Typist II From: HA New Employee c . 0 . Clerk-Typist II ,,ro|n. To: - 27 - To: iB New 3A M i l l : ; , M.ixie From: To: Custodian Custodian MCC From: To: Mitchell, From: A-VAsst., Sr. Library Asst. ITCC From: Library Assistant MCC Hen To: M i L c h c l l , Minerva From: To: To: Library Assistant "II 'U) 1011 6B From: JOB To: (>H Monrotus, Dorothea From: To: Secretary Secretary II FPCC From: To: I 1A 7A Murdock, Rosemary From: Clerk-Typist, Sr. Steno. I I FPCC From: 8B To: 5A To: Nemec, Stanley From: To: Nichols, Judy From: To: Novak, Juanita From: To: Construction C O . From: 22B Inspector Construction To: 13E Inspector Stenographer C O . From: 9A Stenographer II To: 3A Executive C O . From: 1 f»D Secretary,Sr. Admin.Asst. T o : I OK O ' C o n n o r , Dennis From: To: Oliver, H. From: Groundsman To: Groundsman O s b o r n e , Eleanor From: To: P-issor, Anita From: To: 6/26/67 A-V Tech. A-V Tech. C O . From: I'M To: /C FVCC From: VMi To: }|j Library M C C From: 1011 Assistant Library T o : (,A Assistant Clerk-Typist, C O . From: HA Sr. Stenographer I To: 4A - 28 - Perez, Lucy From: To: Perkins, Albert From: To: Library CO. A S M s tnnt Library Asst. From: I OB To: 6B Watch FPCC Engineer Stationary Engr. From: 1M) To: 11A Peterson, Irene From: To: Stenographer Secretary I FVCC From: To: 9B 6A Povis, Joseph From: From: ?.(>i\ To: Supervisor, FVCC Plant Oper. Supv. Plant Oper, Ragaini, Florence From: To: Secretary ,Sr. FVCC Secretary II From: \?.C To: 7E Rankin, Thomas From: Personnel Assistant Personnel As- i st an I Steno., Sr. Secretary I From: 'I'o: Ray, Maza From: To: Reed, William From: To: Bookstore Manager Bookstore Manager CO. To: 1 9A To: 161) IAA FVCC From: IUB T o : 6A FPCC From: 21B ]4Q To: Roberts, William From: To: Custodian Custodian CO. From: To: ( Roth, Kathleen From: To: Secretary,Sr. C O . Secretary II From: To: I'M 7C Russell, Mary J. From: To: Steno., Sr. Secretary II CO. From: To: IDA /A Kussom, Pearl From: To: Steno., Sr. Secretary I FPCC From: To: |0|i 6B Ryan, liryon From: Bookstore Asst. S r. Bookstore Ass istant MCC From: HA To: M". To: 6/26/67 - 29 - M !JC Sehcidlor, Natalie From: To: Sehnel!, Koger From: To: Schr.ulcr, William From: Clerk-Typist, FVCC Sr. Stenographer I From: A-V Tech. From: I'JA To: 6D From: 2?.\\ FVCC Library Assf. Construction CO. To: HD M> Inspector To: Sehulz, Lueinda From: To: Construction Inspector Comm. R e l . CO. Asst. Comm. Rel.Asst. To: I.IK From: 12A To: 8A Sestric, Phyllis From: To: Acctg.Asst. Accountant CO. From: To: LAB LOB Shanfeld, Elaine Fro:n: To: Steno. , Sr. Secretary II CO. From: To: 10B 7A Shanks, Mary Lou From: To: Secretary ,Sr. MCC Secretary II From: 121) To: 7K Smithers, Irene From: To: Secretary Secretary II From: 11B To: 7B Snyder, Kay From: To: Admin.Secre. C O . Admin.Secretary From: To: 14D 9C Sommer, Frieda From: Clerk-Typist, C O . Sr. Stenographer II From: MB To: '>A To: FPCC Stajduhar, Joseph From: To: Groundsman Ma int. Helper FVCC From: To: 9B '>B Stern, Micki From: To: Secretary ,Sr. C O . Secretary II From: To: I ?(.' i\) Sunnier:-, , Michael From: To: 6/26/67 Purchasing A ss 1stan t Buyer - 30 - CO. From: I 2B To; 12A I Taylor, Thomas Tuggles, Wagner, Tipton, Tillison, Vnnn, Volz, Thomson, Thompson, Towns, Thompkins, 'r«-inplin, Orville Lillian Phyllis J.L. Marie Henderson Catherine Krvin Charles John Jerry From: Internal CO. From: To: Internal To: From: From: From: To: To: To: To: Clerk-Typist, Custodian SLeno. Secretary Stenographer Steno. Custodian PBX-Operator New Stenographer Ma Library Asst.Business Lab. PBX Asst.Bus.Mgr. Library Inv.Control int.Man int.Helper Oper.Tl Employee Tech. Tech.Sr. , Sr. Asst. II Aud. III MCC C FVCC MCC MCC FVCC COO.. From: From: From: From: To: To: To: To: 2UA 1dC IOB INew 1 12A 15C -jn 16A 'J?A 8B Ar 9A 7A 9B 7A t>C 3C 3A 5B 5F 9C 91) OB 5A Washburn, Cary From: To: W.-itson, J . W . From: '1'°' WI'IMT, Joseph From: To: Wi- i HIMM•)',«• I , Uu( It From: To: Wenom, Russell From: To: Dup1i.Oper. CO. Sr. D u p I i . L e a d Oper I I From: Security FVCC Chief SecuriLy Chief From: IhC '1'°: L4A Oupli.Oper. FVCC Sr. Oupli.Oper II From: MB To: ')C Kxatniner From: ll'l*. 'l'o: /(.' Custodial FVCC Chief Custodial Chief From: Ibli From: To: MCC Examiner : >C To: 12A W e s t , Mildred From: To: Matron Matron Westerlin^;, June From: To: Rooept ionis l MCC Stenographer I From: 7A To: -'tA Whaley, Edna From: Placement MCC Ass is tant Placement Assistant Clerk-Typist, FPCC Sr. Admin. Clerk From: To: Wideman, Judith From: To: WLiu;i.ns, Freddie From: To: FVCC To: MA To: 4A 1A 11'A 7B From: 8B To: 3A Clerk-Typist, C O . Sr. Clerk-Typist II From: 8li To: 3C 9C "IK Wiftftins, James From: To: Custodian Custodian FVCC From: To: Williams, Malva From: To: Steno., Sr. Examiner FPCC Front: IOC To: /T. Williams, From: Adm i n i s l r a t i ve FPCC Secretary Secretary III Marilyn To: 6/26/67 - 32 - From: I'll) To: HI) W i sii ii'wski , J o a n n a From: To: Stenographer Sec r e La r y I FVCC Oil <>A Woods, Willie From: To: Cuslodian CusLodian W o o d w o i l h , JaneL From: CI erk-Typ is L , FPCC S r. Admin.Clerk From: To: SA Warehouse Receiving Warehouse Receiving From: 14K To: 9K To: Wormok, Raymond From: To: l.niu inger, Virginia From: To: 6/26/67 MCC From: To: & FPCC Chief & Chief Acetg.Asst. Accountant - 33 - CO. From: «)(: To: IK HI'. From: |/»A T o : 10A 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES 4. 1 Approval O f Preliminary Plans - Phase II - Florissant V a l l e y Compus Messrs. Kenneth Wischmeyer and Tom Tebbetts of the Kenneth E. Wischmeyer and Partners architecutral f i r m , presented preliminary drawings for the f i n a l phase of the Florissant V a l l e y Community College construction, consisting of Science, Technical., Business, Administration, and Service Buildings. is approximately $4,267,450.00. The estimated cost of these buildings M r . Wischmeyer reported that working drawings for the above-mentioned buildings would be completed and available for Board perusal as follows: Science Building - February 1 , 1968 Technical Builing - March 1 , 1968 Business Building - March 1, 1968 Administration Building - A p r i l 1, 1968 Service Building - A p r i l 1 , 1968 Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby approve preliminary drawings for the Phase II construction at the Florissant Valley Community College consisting of Science, Technical, Business, Administration, and Service Buildings. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby authorize the architectural firm of Kenneth E. Wischmeyer and Partners to proceed with the preparation of working drawings, said working drawings to be completed and to be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval at the Board M e e t i n g preceding the dates when advertisements for bids w i l l be made for said construction work. 6/26/67 - 34 - 4.2 Campus Construct ion Report M r . Larry O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical F a c i l i t i e s , reported on the construction progress at each of the District campuses as follows: Meramec Campus: The contractor has estimated the Gymnasium Building w i l l be completed in February 1968. M r . O ' N e i l l added that the overall construction program at the Meramec Campus is progressing slowly. Florissant V a l l e y Campus: Following are the anticipated completion dates of the various buildings at the Florissant V a l l e y Campus: Boiler Plant - O c t o b e r , 1967 Library - October, 1967 Communications Building - September 5, 1967 Humanities Building - September 5 , 1967 Little Theatre Building - September 2 5 , 1967 Gymnasium - February, 1968 Forest Park Campus: The third and fourth floor faculty offices at the Forest Park Campus have been inspected and accepted. Carpeting should be installed June 27th. b u i l t - i n office equipment should begin on June 2 7 t h . expected to arrive in approximately one week. 6/26/67 - 35 - Construction of The lecture hall furniture is 5. BUSINESS A N D F I N A N C E 5.1 Approval O f G i f t From Northside Art Association The Board was requested to accept the donation of $42.50 from the Northside A r t Association for advancement of the Florissant V a l l e y Campus art g a l l e r y to be located i n the new Instructional Resources Building at the Florissant V a l l e y Campus. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the donation of $42.50 from the Northside Art Association for advancement of the Florissant V a l l e y Campus art gallery to be located in the new Instructional Resources Building at the Florissant V a l l e y Campus. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is authorized to express the Board's appreciation for this donation. 5.2 Acceptance O f Bid From A e o l i a n Company of Missouri Bids were received for one piano to be used by the Music Department of the Forest Park Campus. The Board was requested to accept the bid of Aeolian Company of Missouri for one Steinway piano for the Forest Park Campus in the amount of $4, 126.00. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of all members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Boord of Trustees does hereby accept the bid for one Steinway Piano from A e o l i a n Company of Missouri, in accordance with District specifications, and authorizes the purchase of said piano at the total cost of $4, 126.00. 5.3 Acceptance O f Scholarship From Society O f Independent Artists O f St. Louis Thtt Board was requested to accept a scholarship donation from the Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis in the amount of $600.00. 6/26/67 - 36 - ' 1 Upon motion by M r . Ruffin, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the scholarship donation in the amount of $600.00 from the Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis, in accordance with the restrictions of this scholarship d o n a t i o n . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for this donation. 5.4 Approval O f Contract With Insurance Audit And Inspection Company The Board was requested to renew its contract with Insurance Audit and Inspection Company to provide insurance consulting services to the District for a one-year period. M r . Wifte pointed out that, in accordance w i t h District p o l i c y , in cases where required services are available from local concerns, the District would prefer to contract from these local agencies rather than out-of-state firms. He, therefore, requested the District a d m i n i - stiative staff to contact M r . B. G . Gregory, Executive Secretary of the Insurance Board of St. Louis to ascertain whether these required insurance consultant services are available through Missouri insurance firms. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Ruffin and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve renewal of its agreement with Insurance Audit And Inspection Company to provide insurance consulting services to the District for an additional one-year p e r i o d , for a total cost of $ 1 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the D i s t r i c t . 6/26/67 - 37 - 5.5 Acceptance O f Bid For Steno Laboratory Equipment - FVCC & FPCC The Board was requested to accept the bid and cward an order to Raytheon Learning Systems, I n c . , for steno laboratory equipment for the Florissant V c l l e y and Forest Park Campuses, totaling $ 2 0 , 6 6 9 . 0 0 . Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by M r . Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid fosteno laboratory equipment for the Florissant V a l l e y and Forest Park Campuses of the District, i n accordance w i t h District specifications under Contract N o . 6 6 - 8 2 , from Raytheon Learning Systems, Inc. in the total amount of $ 2 0 , 6 6 9 . 0 0 . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the appropriate contract for and on behalf of the District. 5.6 Approval Of "Student Aid Funds" Account Dr. Cosand recommended the Board authorize a change in the title ?•' the District account at the First National Bank of Clayton from " N a t i o n a l Defense Student Loan" Account to "Student Aid Funds" Account in order that similar student aid fi.-,ds might be grouped together and thus aid i n the auditing of these specialized funds. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , end w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby opprove a change in the name of the District bank account w i t h First National Bank o ; Clayton from " N a t i o n a l Defense Student Loan" account to "Student Aid Funds" account, and does hereby authorize the administrative staff of the District to effectuate said change of name with the First National Bank of C l a y t o n . 6/26/67 - 38 - 5.7 Acceptance O f Scholarship From Fleur-De-Lis Chapter O f American Business Women's Association The Board was requested to accept a scholarship donation in the amount of $936.00 from the Fleur-De-Lis Chapter Of American Business Women's Association. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. W i t t e , seconded by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District does hereby accept the schoiarship donation of $936.00 from the Fleur-De-Lis Chapter of American Business Women's Association, i n accordance w i t h the specifications of this scholarship. FURTHER1 RESOLVED, That rhe Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for this scholarship donation. 5.8 Acceptance O f Gront From U. S. O f f i c e O f Education The Board was requested to accept an amended grant from the U. S. O f f i c e of Education in the amount of $268,09c.00 for The Junior College District construction program under Project M o . 3-2343 3* rhe Florissant Valley Campus. Whereupon, on motion by M - . Ruffin, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District does hereby accept the amenoed grant from the U. S. O f f i c e of Education in the amount of 5^68,096.00 for construction under Project Mo. 3-2343 at the Florissant V a l l e y Campus of the D i s t r i c t . FURTHER RESOLVED, That t h * Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to express the Board's appreciation for this amended grant providing increased construction funds for the Florissant V a l l e y c o n struction program. 6/26/67 - 39 - 5.9 Acceptance O f Bid R o n F-H-W Equipment Company Bids were received for two commercial-type lawn mowers to be used at the Meramec and Forest Park Campuses of the District. The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to F-H-W Equipment Company for two commercial-type lawn mowers for a total cost of $8,257.40. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board o' Trustees does hereby occept the bid of F-H-W Equipment Company *'or two commercial-type lawn mowers, in accordance w i t h District specifications, and authorizes the purchase of said equipment, for a tote' cost of $ 8 , 2 5 7 . 4 0 . 5.10 Acceptance O f Bids F r cn Streator Store Fixtures Company Bids were received for bookstore shelving to be used at the Forest Park Campus. The Board was requested to accept tr-e bid end award an order to Streator Store Fixtures Company for soia shelving, in the c.^ount of $ 2 , 5 4 1 . f i / . Whereupon, on motion by M»-. W i t t e , seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board o* Trustees does hen»:by accept the bid of Streator Store Fixtures Corraany for bookstore shelving, in a c cordance w i t h District specifications, and authorizes the purchase of said shelving, in the amount of $ 2 , 5 4 1 . 8 7 . 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6. 1 Establishment O f Late Registration Fee Dr. Cosand recommended approval of the late registration fee proposal which was lodged with the Board at its last meeting. 6/26/67 The proposed $10.00 fee would become effective - 40 - r each new registration period on the first day of classes and would not be refundable in the event of student w i t h d r a w a l . Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the establishment of a $10.00 late registration fee to become e f f e c t i v e each new registration period on the first day of classes, said f e e , once assessed a District student, to be non-refundable. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board Policies and Administrative O r g a n i z a t i o n Manual of the District shall be amended to reflect the establishment of the $10.00 late registration fee. 6.2 Establishment O f "Board O f Trustees Scholarships" Dr. Cosand recommended that the Board consider the request for establishment of "Board C f Trustees Scholarships" which was lodged w i t h the Board at its last meeting. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve the establishment of "Board O f Trustees Scholarships" not to exceed thirty in number and to be equally distributed on eoch campus, said scholarships to become effective w i t h the college year commencing September, 1967. FURTHER RESOLVED, That said "Board O f Trustees Scholarships" be established in accordance with the qualifications and procedures hereinafter set f o r t h , said qualifications and procedures to be subject to further refinement and included in the existing Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual of the D i s t r i c t , upon final approval by the Board: 6/26/67 - 41 - 1. 2. E l i g i b i l i t y : The scholarships w i l l be made a v a i l a b l e to residents of the District who are f u l l - t i m e students or applicants for admission accepted for a f u l l - t i m e course l o a d . Full t i m e , for these purposes, is defined as t w e l v e or more semester hours o f c r e d i t . The applicant for scholarship may be a student enrolling b e y o n d high school for the first t i m e , a student new to the District who has advanced standing, or a continuing student. The applicant for scholarship must be accepted for or c o n t i n u i n g enrollment in a curriculum leading to a degree c e r t i f i c a t e . Qualifications: A. Financial N e e d : The applicant for scholarship must have demonstrated f i n a n c i a l need. B. Academic p o t e n t i a l : For students enrolling in higher education for the first t i m e , the high school r e c o r d , graduating class rank, and standardized test scores w i l l be considered. For continuing students or students w i t h advanced standing, the earned grade point average w i l l be considered. G e n e r a l l y , those applicants for scholarship who have demonstrated the highest degree of f i n a n c i a l need and h a v e , through their past record, evidenced the highest potential for academic development at the college level w i l l receive the most favorable consideration. The a v a i l a b i l i t y of these scholarships w i l l be announced generally throughout the the District and in the high schools. Applications w i l l be accepted and processed each year during the period M a y 15 - J u l y 15. Announcements of awards w i l l be made as soon after August 1 as p r a c t i c a b l e . Applications w i l l be submitted to the campuses. Processing and granting of awards w i l l be carried out through establishment procedures. 9. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Bastian requested a motion for adjournment. Upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the unanimous consent of a l l members of the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p . m . Respectfully submitted, Paul H. Connole Secretary, Board of Trustees The j u n i o r College District St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri 6/26/6 7 - 42 - . t INSURANCE AUDIT AND INSPECTION COMPANY )xj<-oryi>r3l< d 1901 7. t«u >• I>-CROI«F. r«iij( Y •• •>•><• "'''•<— --"-"- TwHimmfMilia.. IrtAitmn "* ' i»4tr.i.<« • <ovri.Mi.tc M TKHVISOIO SERVICE AGREEMENT The J u n i o r C o l l e g e D i s t r i c t Subscriber...o^..St......Lp.uis _ _ — '•"--•• Address Sfc Louis.,...Miasouri. Date j.une..-l-319/..9.Z.. The INSURANCE AUDIT AND INSPECTION COMPANY agrees to furnish the Subscriber the service described on the back of this agreement and, in consideration thereof, the undersigned Subscriber agrees to pay the INSURANCE AUDIT AND INSPECTION COMPANY within Sixty Days the sum of One...thous_and_thr^e DOLLARS ($.!JL3.Q9.:.99. ) as payment in full for the service of said company for one year from date hereof. The Subscriber certifies that the total amount of property insurance at this date does not exceed $ no l i m i t t INSURANCE AUDIT AND INSPECTION COMPANY Roy S. h'OUtZ, President Countersigned this.-3th.day of..J.yn.e -^ / y~, ^y , / By ?r^Z^.^x\.^L:...LiM<:ha^.r^. Authorised Representative Secretary The 19/6.7. Junior College D l s t r i t of S t . L o u i s By Subscriber i Service to be Furnished Subscriber by INSURANCE AUDIT AND INSPECTION COMPANY Hereinafter Known as the Company 1. The Company will send to the office of the Subscriber its accredited representative who will make a complete audit of all insurance policies submitted to him, collect and compile all available and necessary data as to the various forms of insurance run ted, values of the property covered and submit to the Company a lull report of run conference with the Subscriber, together with ail recommendations and suggestions agreed upon. 2. The Company will thereupon prepare and submit to the Subscriber an abstract and report of the Subscriber's insurance, prepare new lorma wnen considered auvisabic, give explicit instruction lor tne correction ol all errors and omission* loutid, leport on tne linuticiui stundmg and general repute ol all insurance companies whose policies ute carried by tne subscriber, and oiler recoinmenuauons lor tne revision and improvement of the enure body of insurance earned or suggested by tne Subscriber. J. The Company will thereulter, and throughout the term of this Agreement, examine all inauiunce policies of tne suuscriber received by tne company and lurnisn written opinion 01 meir validity una accuracy, and recommend all such changes us seem to improve tne Subscriber's protection unu rights ol recovery tnereunder. 4. The Company will furnish to the Subscriber, when requested, general and teclinicul advice on all matters per mi rung to the insurance carried or proposed by the Subscriber. o. The Company will furnish (u) upon request, confidential statements of the reported linancial condition and reputation of any insurance company doing business in Hie Uniteu Mates; (b) witnoul request a report ol any adverse development in ine iiuunciui strength or methods ol any insurance company wnose policies, curried by the Subscriber, nave been submitted to tne Company. 0. The Compuny will furnish the Subscriber information and advice upon the methods of reducing the cost of (a) his property insurance, including physical improvements, purcnase and installation ol lire extinguishing and hazard reducing devices; (u) his various forms of miscellaneous insurance. 7. The Company will, upon request, consult with the Subscriber, in event of lire loss, regarding his rights and duties under the policies, the methods of preparing proofs ol loss and caring lor damaged property. H. The foregoing service shall include and cover lire, tornado, explosion, riot and civil commotion, vandalism, niuiine, prolits, use and occupancy, credit, workmen's compensation, employers' and general public liability, products liability, steam boiler and machinery, automobile, fidelity, burglary and robbery, and all other forms uf property, casualty and business insurance, excepting only life, health and accident and group industrial insurance. 9. It is agreed by and between the purties hereto that all information received by and furnished to the said Subscriber shall be held in strict confidence.