+ ..... .. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI M O N D A Y , FEBRUARY 2 7 , 1 9 6 7 - 8 : 0 0 P. M . A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, February 2 7 , 1967, at the Central O f f i c e of the District, 7508 Forsyth Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. 1. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll C a l l The President of the Board, M r . Joseph G . Stewart, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p . m . The following members were present: Messrs. Lester C. G e i l Joseph G . Stewart Gerald V . Williamson Donald M . Witte Two Board members, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian and M r . Guy S. Ruffin were absent. Mrs. Bastian was making a presentation at the annual American Association of Junior Colleges conference in San Francisco, and M r . Ruffin was representing the District at the centennial celebration at Howard University. Also present were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President of the District; M r . John C . Robertson, V i c e President for Business; The three Deans of Instruction - Dr. Joseph O . Carson, Meramec Campus, Dr. Raymond Pietok, Forest Park Campus, M r . Raymond S t i t h , Florissant V a l l e y Campus, were present representing their respective campuses in the absence of the Campus Directors who were offending the American Association of Junior Colleges Convention. Other District staff members present were: M r , Lawrence F. O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Associate Coordinator, Business and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; M r . Paul Connole, Assistant To The President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees; Mrs. Dolores B. Tygard, Community ; Relations Assistant; and M r . Samuel L. Stone, Associate Coordinator of Institutional Development. Also present was M r . Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale Kramer and Vaughan, counsel for the District. 1.3 Minutes Board President Stewart asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 2 3 , 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 2 3 , 1967 were approved as submitted. M r . Stewart then requested Board approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 3 0 , 1967. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Special Meeting of January 3 0 , 1967 were approved as submitted. _. The Board was requested to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 3 , 1967. Upon motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the unanimous vote of approval of all members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 3 , 1967 were approved as submitted. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 13, 1967 were then presented for approval. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the unanimous vote of approval of a l l members of the Board present, the Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 13, 1967 were approved as submitted. 2/27/67 - 2 - 1.4 Welcome to Guests M r . Stewart welcomed M r . Gus Lumpe, reporter from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Dr. Cosand introduced M r . Frank Livingston, member of the Executive Committee f the Faculty Association and counselor on the Florissant Valley Campus. He also introduced M r . Robert Murphy, member of the Legislative Committee of the Faculty Association and staff member of the Florissant Valley Campus. Other staff members whom Dr. Cosand introduced to the Board were M r . Samuel Stone, Associate Coordinator of Institutional Development; M r . Ray Stith, Dean of Instruction of the Florissant Valley Campus; Dr. Raymond Pietak, Dean of Instruction of the Forest Park Campus; and Dr. Joseph O . Carson, Dean of Instruction of the Meramec Campus. Board President Stewart also welcomed the following furniture representatives: M r . Gene Bond, representative of the Holscher-Wernig Company, M r . Fred Benassi of St. Louis Typewriter Company, and a representative of the Cole Furniture Company. 1.6 Communications M r . Robertson, Vice President for Business, reported that the District had made application for a federal loan available to institutions of higher education for construction of buildings. M r . Samuel Stone, Associate Coordinator of Institutional Development, had investigated the procedures and implementation of these federal funds and reported to the Board that these monies can be invested if the District has excess money in its construction fund. The District has been informed that this loan has been accepted by the federal government, and the actual loan agreement should be received in the District offices very shortly. 2/27/67 - 3- M r . Robertson added that this federal loan would n t be on additional six million dollar grant, but part of The Junior College District $47,200,000 bond issue recently approved by the voters of St. Louis City and County. Bonds issued to take advantage of the federal law, however, would be assured of a maximum interest cost not to exceed 3 % . 1.7 Treasurer's Report The Board was requested to approve the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Reports for the month of January, 1967. Upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and approved by all members of the Board present, the Budget Expense and Budget Income Summary Repdrts for the month of January, 1967 were approved as submitted. 1.8 Ratification of Investments The Board was requested to ratify investments made by the Treasurer of the District, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board policy. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the unanimous aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the Treasurer thereof, be and hereby are, ratified, approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: General Fund $100,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 10, 1967, from Merrill Lynch on a 4 . 1 0 (+$3.00) basis, to mature February 2 8 , 1967, for a total cost of $ 9 9 , 7 9 8 . 0 0 . $150,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 15, 1967, from Merrill Lynch on a 4 . 1 0 basis, to mature February 2 3 , 1967, B r a total cost of $149,880.42. $350,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased February 10, 1967, from State Bank of Wellston on a 5 . 2 7 basis, to matur September 2 9 , 1967, for a total cost of $350,000.00. 2/27/67 f - 4 - ^ Building Fund $350,000 U . S. Treasury Bills, purchas d February 10, 1967, from Merrill Lynch on a 4 . 1 0 (+$3.00) basis, to mature February 16, 1967, for a total cost of $ 3 4 9 , 7 6 3 . 8 3 . $450,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 10, 1967, from Merrill Lynch on a 4 . 1 0 (+$3.00) basis, to mature February 2 3 , 1967, for a total cost of $ 4 4 9 , 3 3 6 . 7 5 . $620,000 U. 5. Treasury Bills, purchased February 15, 1967, from Merrill Lynch on a 4 . 1 0 basis, to mature February 2 3 , 1967, for a total cost of $ 6 1 9 , 5 0 5 . 7 2 . Construction Fund $250,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 15, 1967, from Merrill Lynch on a 4 . 1 0 basis, to mature February 2 3 , 1967, for a total cost of $ 2 4 9 , 8 0 0 . 6 9 . Debt Service Fund $40,000 Certificates of Deposit, purchased February 16, 1967, from Lindell Trust Company on a 5 . 0 0 basis, to mature July 3 1 , 1967, for a total cost of $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Full-time Employment - Academic Year 1967-68 The Board was requested to approve employment of certificated full-time personnel for the academic year 1967-68. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the copocity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: M r . James C . Kneebone - FPCC - Assistant Professor - Humanities - V - 2 Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 M r . Richard M . Kalfus - M C C - Instructor B - Communication; - I V - 1 Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 M r . William Kottmeyer - M C C - Instructor B - Mathematics - I V - 2 Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 M r . Theodore V . Rohr - FPCC - Assistant Professor - Instructional Resources V - l - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 2/27/67 - 5 - , ,„ „ Ll || . I HI, I „ , III Ik III! llllh I.II III .11, 111 l U l L I III III. Ill r- ji' £ FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employees, which said contract-is fo be filed with the records of tne District. 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Full-time Employment - Ford Internship Project c Spring 1966-67 ' The Board was requested to approve employment of interns in accordance with a Ford Foundation grant jointly administered by The Junior College District and Southern Illinois University. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was gjm RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, for the Spring Semester, 1966-67, in accordance with the terms of the Ford Foundation grant. Salary expenditures for these intern positions to be expended from the Ford Foundation budget funded for this purpose. M r . Raymond J . Baker - M C C - Economics - I V - 1 - Eff. 2 / 1 5 / 6 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Beard be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously odopted by the Board, with the .above participants in the internship program,, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.3 Certificated Personnel - Consultants - Spring Semester 1966-67 The Board was requested to approve employment of consultants for the Spring S mester 1966-67. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following personnel be employed as consultants for the Spring Semester 1966-67 in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said s6lary classification having been previously approved by the Board: ^ H M r . Jack E. M i l l e r - C O . Effective 3 / 1 5 / 6 7 2/27/67 Physical Facilities - 4 cr. hrs. @ $ 2 J 5 . 0 0 / c r . hr. -6 - Miss Eleanor Roe Miller - FVCC - Science - 4 cr. hrs. @ $ 1 8 0 . 0 0 / c r . hr. Effective 2 / 2 0 / 6 7 2.4 Certificated Personnel - Consultant - Academic Year 1967-68 The Board was requested to approve employment of a Horticulture consultant for the academic year 1967-68. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following personnel be employed as a consultant for the academic year 1967-68 in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: M r . Nelson Russell - MCC - Horticulture - 1/2 V I - 4 - Eff. 9 / 5 / 6 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate contract, previously adopted by the Board, with the above employee, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.5 Certificated Personnel - Correction - Released Time The Board was requested to approve the following correction to the released time appointment of M r . Walter Stoffel, previously approved by the Board: M r . Walter Stoffel - M C C - English - From: 6 cr. hrs. @ $ 2 1 5 . 0 0 / c r . hr. To: 2 cr. hrs. @ $ 2 1 5 . 0 0 / c r . hr. Effective 2 / 2 8 / 6 7 2.6 Certificated Personnel - Administrative Reclassification In accordance with Dr. Cosand's recommendation, the Board was requested to approve the reclassification of M r . Robert Richey from Associate Professor to Associate Dean of Instruction of the Forest Park Campus. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was 2/27/67 - 7 - I RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby approve reclassification of the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel as follows: M r . Robert D. Richey - FPCC - From: Associate Professor - V I - 3 To: Associate Dean of Instruction - Step 3 Eff. 3 / 1 / 6 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the appropriate contract modification be mode on the above employee's employment contract on f i l e w i t h the District. 2.7 C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - Part-time Employment - Spring 1966-67 The Board was requested t o approve employment of p a r t - t i m e certificated personnel for the Spring Semester, 1966-67. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following certificated personnel be employed on a part-time basis i n the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , for the Spring Semester, 1966-67: Florissant V a l l e y Mr. Kenneth L. Crabtree Business 5cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Cornelia Crigler Communications 6cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Fredric Makler Communications 4cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Richard J. Haley Engineering 4cr.hrs.@ $215/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Raymond E. Martin,Jr. Engineering 7con.hrs.@ $105/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. James J. Skelly Engineering 4cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Jerry W. Stapleton Engineering 7con.hrs.@ $105/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. John Drone Engineering 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Dale Hagen Engineering 4cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 2/27/67 -8- Florissant V a l l e y (cont'd) Mr. Joel P. O'Conner Engineering 6cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Harry T. Smith Engineering 6con.hrs.@ $105/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Ben Hall Engineering 7con.hrs.@ $105/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Harry Ebers Humanities 4con.hrs.(? $105/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Charles J. Jones Humanities 3cr.hrs.(? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Charles J. Jones Humanities 4con.hrs.@ $125/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Grace Tripp Humanities 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Carl Bruns Matheaatics 6cr.hrs/a $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Harvey Schmidt Mathematics 6cr.hrs.(? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Herbert E. Taylor Mathematics 6cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. William H. Storer Social Science 6cr.hrs. @ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Orville A. Thiel Social Science 6cr.hrs,(3 $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Al Lager Social Science Scr-hrs.? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Lawrence J. Adams Student Personnel Services Acr.hrs.ra $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Paul B. Anders Student Personnel Services 4cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr.Harry I Keough Student Personnel Services 2cr.hrs.(a $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 2/27/67 -9- Florissant V o l l e y ' • • _ — " = (cont'd) " - - — - Dr. James F. Robinson Social Science 3cr.hrs.(? $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Jerrald K. Pfabe Social Science 3cr.hrs.'? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. David F a r r e l l y Communications 6cr.hrs.ft $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Forest Park Mr. Vest Davis Business 6cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Robert E. Jackson Business 7cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Robert Wiesmann Humanities 3cr.hrs.{a $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Harry S. Blackiston Humanities 8cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Ernest Recht Humanities 8cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Herbert J. Schweich Humanities 4cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. J. Townsend Shelby Humanities 4cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Thomas H. Wilson Humanities 4cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Irene Huesemen Business 5cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. John Dickerson Social Science 3cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Felton B. Mahr Social Science lcr.hr. @ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Daniel Stein Business 15con.hrs.O $125/con.hr. 2/6/67 >trs. Nellie J. Batt Physical Science 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Frederick H. Mayer Social Science 6cr.hrs.i? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 2/27/67 - 10 - Forest Pork (cont'd) Mr. Thomas Wade Business 6con.hrs.@ $125/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Harry E. P l a i s t e d , J r . S o c i a l Science lcr.hr. @ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Edward D. Hamilton Physical Science 6cr.hrs.@ $100/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mias Claire N. Schneider Physical Science 4cr.hrs.ra $100/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Michael Scruggs Physical Science 6cr.hrs.<? $100/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Vincent A. Vento Life Science 2cr.hrs.<? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Fred R. Heidorn Business 3cr.hrs.(a $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Roberta Landau Physical Science 3cr.hrs.(? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. T. David Daniel Business 3cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Donald D. Tanner Business 5cr.hrs,@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Joseph Salvia Humanities 6cr.hrs.f? $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Carol A. Hake Humanities ecr-hrs.-? $100/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Berthoud C. Boulton Physical Science 3cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Erwin W. Walker Business 3cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Susan Cryer Humanities 3cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Sol Rabushka Humanities 3cr.hrs.(a $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Jean S. Stromberg Humanities 3cr.hrs.(3 $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 2/27/67 - ]1 - Forest Pork (cont'd) Mr. Howard E. Schwartz Humanities 6cr.hrs.<? $100/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. A l b e r t Wolfingtoti Humanities 6cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Etnil C. Hrbacek Physical Science 6cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Donald L. Laughlin Business 3cr.hrs.<3 $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Richard P. Burgdorf Business 6cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. James R. A t k i n s o n Business 6cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Malcolm S. Enger Humanities 3cr.hrs.r? $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Robert Nicolai Physical Science 8i;cr.hrs .ft $100/cr.hrs. 2/6/67 Mrs. Lucille E. Copeland Humanities 6cr.hrs.@ $100/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Vincent S. Briscuso Physical Science l-3/4cr.hrs ,@ $100/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Vincent Vento Student Personnel Services 2cr.hrs.^ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. William W. Fry Life Science 3/4 x 1/2 x $4750 = $1781.25 2/6/67 Mrs. Jeanne Milder Humanities 1/2 x 8/15 x $7800 - $2080.00 2/6/67 2/27/67 - 12 - Meromec Mr. Stephen Kinsella Art 10con.hrs.@ $125/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Stewart Scott Art 4con.hrs.@ $125/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Sam Wayne Art 6cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Sam Wayne Art 6con.hrs.@ $125/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Theodore Jockenholfer Architecture 4con.hrs.@ $175/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Larry Purcell Architecture 6con.hrs.@ $125/con.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Lawrence Smith Architecture 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Fern Bittner Biology 2cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. John Leake Biology 4cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Hugh Barber Business Administration lcr.hr.!? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Don Blanckaert Business Administration 6cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Bevily Hundley Business Administration 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Clifford Mosley Business Administration 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 2/27/67 - 13 - Meromec (cont'd) Mr. M. Pattison Rodi Business Administration 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Dr. John Hirzy Chemistry 4cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Myrna Hershman Chemistry 2cr.hrs.@ $100/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Jack Dauner Economics 3cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Dr. William Boeger Economics 3cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Clyde Buzzard English 3cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Marjorie Grishara English 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Irene Heppe English 6cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Mildred Jaspar English 6cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Miss Ruth Kane English 3cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Wayne Rock English 2cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Dr. Sam Rosenkranz English 3cr.hrs.@ $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Anna Rowland English 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Miss Joan Thompson English 2cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Lucien Zamorski English 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Velma Benner Geography 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Erika Ober German 8cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 2/27/67 - 14 - Meramec (cont'd) Mr. Geoffrey Morrison History 3cr.hrs.@ $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Margaret Sullivan History 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Roy Freeland History 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Alexander Niven History 3cr.hrs.(a $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Paul Frein History 3cr.hrs.(? $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Hugh Donnelly Law Enforcement 6cT.hrs.i3 $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Paul Keller Mathematics 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Robert McCurdy Mathematics 3cr.hrs.r? $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Ed Mitchell Mathematics 5cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. James Stevens Mathematics 3cr.hrs.(3 $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. John Musser Mathematics Scr.hrs.'? $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Burton Isaac Music 2cr.hrs.(? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. H. C. Seuhs Music 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mrs. Norma Metheny Nursing 3cr.hrs.a $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Stephen Meyer Political Science 3cr.hrs.ra $215/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Benjamin Crosby Political Science Scr-hrs.1? $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Al Lager Political Science 3cr.hrs.(? $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 2/27/67 - 15 - j j I i I | j Meromec ; ! Mr \ * ste (cont'd) P h e n Leff Psychology 3cr.hrs.@ $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 Mr. Kenneth Kuzenski Sociology ecr.hrs.'a $180/cr.hr. 2/6/67 ,; Mrs. Marie Kaplan Sociology ecr.hrs.'a $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 ! | I | Mrs. J u d i t h Wolff c ^r.hrs.'? $150/cr.hr. 2/6/67 %x%x7700 (1925) 2/6/67 . , Spanish Mrs. Mary J . Lowe Business Education j Certificoted personnel - Contract Modi fie otion ' 2.8 ; The Board was requested to approve contract modification for Dr. Myron A . M a r t y , who i j recently completed his doctoral degree, to resolve a misunderstanding created by a variance | between the Florissant Valley Campus faculty manual and usual District procedure. ; Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye f ' vote of all members of the Board present, it was I RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby approve contract modification for the following certificated personnel as follows: i Dr. Myron A. Marty - FVCC - From: Class V Step 2 To: Class V Step 4 - Eff. 1 2 / 1 / 6 6 ! 2.9 Classified Personnel - Employment i i The Board was requested to approve employment of classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District in the classification and at the salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: I. (. - 16 - Mrs. Doris J . Mathias - Secretory Sr. - C . O . ( M T E Q - I2A - Eff. 3 / 6 / 6 7 Miss Anita H . Passer - Clerk-Typist Sr. - C . O . - 8A - Eff. 3 / 1 / 6 7 M r . Samuel N . Faith - Lab. Technician - FVCC - 13A - Eff. 3 / 1 / 6 7 M r . Lawrence C . Hultengren - Supervisor - Plant Operations - M C C 26A - Eff. 3 / 1 / 6 7 2 . 1 0 Classified Personnel - Reclassification The Board was then requested to approve reclassification of the following classified personnel. Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i t t e , seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the classification of the following classified personnel be changed as follows: M r . Gary J . Washburn - C O . - 3. From: Duplicating Operator 9A To: Duplicating Operator, Sr. 11A Eff. 3 / 1 / 6 7 CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION 3.1 Low Enforcement Advisory Committee Appointment Dr. Cosand requested Board approval of M r . Gene M c N a r y to serve as an additional member of The Junior College District Law Enforcement Advisory Committee for the academic year 1966-67. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby appoint M r . Gene McNary to serve as a member of the existing District Law Enforcement Advisory Committee for the academic year 1966-67, said appointment to terminate August 3 1 , 1967. 2/27/67 - 17 - 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES 4.1 Construction Progress Report M r . Lorry O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities, reported on the construction progress at each of the three campuses. Contracts have been let for furniture for each of the three campuses. 70% of the furniture and equipment for the Forest Park Campus is now under contract, and 4 0 % of the furniture and equipment for the Florissant Valley and Meramec Campuses has been ordered. The first phase of construction at the Meramec and Florissant Valley Campuses is anticipated for completion by September 15, 1967. Progress continues on schedule at the Forest Park Campus and occupancy of the first phase is scheduled for June 1 , 1967. Parking facilities are now available at the Forest Park Campus site for 600-700 cars. 5. BUSINESS A N D FINANCE 5.1 Acceptance O f Bids For Study Carrels - Forest Park Campus Library The Board was requested to accept the bid and award an order to Holscher-W rnig, Inc. for construction of study carrels for the Forest Park Campus Library for a total cost of $87,101.00. | , Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by Mr. G e i l , and with the aye vote of all members of the Board present, it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the bid and award an order to Holscher-Wernig, Inc. for the construction of study carrels for the Forest Park Campus Library, in accordance with District specifications, under contract ' 6 7 - 6 Q fan a total cost cf $ 8 7 , 1 0 1 . 0 0 . 1 I FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute the appropriate furniture and equipment contract for and on behalf of the District. i { i 2/27/67 - 18 - ^#2 ^m, Acceptance O f Loon Fund From Crestwood-Sunset Hills Optimist Club The Board was requested to accept a $500.00 donation from the Crestwood-Sunset Hills Optimist Club for the establishment of a loan fund. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the donation i n the amount of $500.00 for the establishment of a loan fund from the Crestwood-Sunset Hills Optimist C l u b , i n accordance w i t h said restrictions of this loan f u n d . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is requested to extend appreciation on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the Crestwood-Sunset Hills Optimist Club for this loan fund. 5.3 Approval O f Contract For Construction O f Florissant V a l l e y Student Center This item was deleted from the agenda. 5.4 Discussion O f Tartan Flooring - Florissant V a l l e y Gymnasium The Board then took up the matter of Tartan flooring for the Florissant V a l l e y Gymnasium. Pursuant to the Board's request, the staff had determined from the 3 M Company that 1/2" Tartan could be used for an additional cost estimated by the 3 M Company to be in the neighborhood of $3600.00. M r . Robertson reported that i t was this figure which formed the basis of his recommendation to the Board that l / 2 " Tartan flooring could be installed for an amount not to exceed $4,000 (increase in cost plus contractor's overheod and p r o f i t ) . M r . Robertson further advised the Board that in seeking a figure for the change order from Kloster & Company that Kloster's estimate of cost for the change was i n excess of $5,000. After discussion, M r . G e i l moved that the Board of Trustees reject the change to 1/2" Tartan since i t did not meet 2/27/c7 - 19- • the previous cost increase limits set by the Board. M r . Williamson seconded the motion. After discussion, however, the motion was withdrawn by M r . G e i l and i t was determined that M r . Robertson would further investigate Kloster & Company's figures to reduce the cost of the change order to the limits previously set by the Board. The entire matter was, therefore, deferred until the recessed meeting of March 1 , 1967. 5.5 Electrical Transformers - Forest Park Campus tAr. Robertson reported that the District hod placed a tentative order for two e l e c t r i c a l transformers which were to be used to test equipment on the Forest Park Campus. M r . Robertson explained that this interim measure was necessary because the original transformers which were to be provided by the contractor, were to come from A l l i s Chalmers who has been on strike since October, 1966. Some source of power is needed immediately on the Forest Park Campus site for the testing of e l e c t r i c a l equipment and l i g h t i n g . M r . Robertson reported that he had located two transformers which would provide a source of temporary power and which were of a kind which could be used on a permanent basis in the future in either the Student Union or Gymnasium at the Forest Park site. Due to the extreme emergency of the situation, M r . Robertson explained that i t had been impossible to follow the usual bidding procedure of the District. M r . Williamson confirmed that the proposed price of the two transformers F . O . B . St. Louis was an excellent one. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and with the aye vote of : i ! members of the Board present, i t was 2/27/67 - 20 - RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees hereby ratifies, approves, and authorizes the purchase of two 750 KVA dry type electrical transformers from Westinghouse far a cost of $5,230 e a c h , or a total cost of $10,460.00 and that the Board does hereby waive the normal District purchasing procedures for s»- d equipment deeming the inmediate purchase thereof to be in the matter of an emergency and i n the best interest of the District. 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES M r . Raymond Stith, Dean of Instruction of the Florissant V a l l e y Campus reported to the Board on student test score comparisons which hod been made on the Florissant V a l l e y Campus, and reported on how The Junior College District students compare with students enrolled in four-year colleges and universities. Mr. Paul Connole, who is responsible for student personnel services for the District, reported that he w i l l be supplying the campuses with information each year on profiles of the campus student body in order to keep the faculty cognizant of the abilities end types of students attending each campus. M r . Connole also commented that 4,734 transcripts have been sent out for Junior College District students — 3600 were sent i n the State of Missouri, 300 to I l l i n o i s , and the remainder to colleges and universities throughout forty-two states. Follow-up of these transcripts w i l l be to write to the various institutions and inquire i f the students actually arrived on campus, and how many District courses were actually accepted by that i n s t i t u t i o n . The Junior College District student grade reports are sent out from the District to the respective high schools from which the students graduate, i n order that the high schools may evaluate the success of their graduates in the junior college programs. 2/27/67 - 2 1 - 7. C O M M U N I T Y RELATIONS 7.1 Legislative Bills Dr. Cosand reported to the Board that recently three bills had been introduced i n the Missouri Legislature e f f e c t i n g junior colleges. Dr. Cosand requested the Board to endorse these bills for the betterment of higher education in the State of Missouri. Senate Bill *82 would provide authorization to Boards of Trustees to c a l l special elections for bond issue proposals. Senate Bill * 128 would provide authorization for junior colleges to provide adult or specialized education courses for adults who may not be high school graduates. Senate Bill # 225 provides for an improvement in State aid to junior colleges, either fifty per cent of operating costs, or $400 for each twenty-four seroester hours of college c r e d i t , whichever is less. The b i l l provides a "grandfather clause" to prevent reduction of the current $240 per f u t l - t i m e equivalent student for those districts operating at less than $480. M r . Robert Murphy, member of the Legislative Committee of the District Faculty Association, volunteered the services and resources of the District Faculty Association to assist the Board in any way possible in its endorsement and passage of these b i l l s . M r . G e i l then moved that the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District strongly endorse all three of these b i l l s . The motion was seconded by M r . Williamson and unanimously approved by a l l members of the Board present. Board President Stewart thanked M r . Murphy for appearing before the Board on behalf of the Faculty Association and expressed the Board's appreciation for the faculty support of these junior college b i l l s . 2/27/67 - 22 - 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Stewart asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was no further business brought t o , and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . W i t t e , and with the aye vote of d l members of the Board present, at 9:25 p . m . this meeting was recessed until March 1, 1967 at 11:00 a . m . at the Central : O f f i c e of the District. Respectfully submitted, Pau= H. Connole Secretary, Board of Trustees The junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri ^ ^ i 2/27/67 - 23 -• F/72 MEMORANDUM February 10, 1967 TO: Faculty FROM: Raymond J . Stith SUBJECT SCAT Percentile Scores of the Florissant V a l l e y Student Body As a l l of you probably know, we have administered the School and College A b i l i t y Test (SCAT) to a l l of our entering students and the raw scores have been converted to percentile scores on the basis of University of Missouri norms. A recent cursory look at the distribution of total percentile scores indicated that our entering students this year had lower percentile scores than the students we admitted last y e a r . This effect could be produced either by a d m i t t i n g students who are less capable or by upgrading of the University of Missouri norms through increased s e l e c t i v i t y . A c c o r d i n g l y , it was decided to explore the meaning of our students' percentile scores using other a v a i l a b l e norms. The attached table and graph are the result of this investigation. The f o l l o w i n g observations can be made: I . While 75% of our entering students are below the 30th percentile on the University o f Missouri norms, o n l y 4 2 % are below the 30th percentile on the 14th grade (college sophomore) national norms, 3 5 % are below the 30th percentile on the 13th grade (college freshman) national norms, and less than 8% of our entering students are below the 30th percentile on the 12th grade (high school senior) national norms. < 2 . While only about 12% of our entering students are above the 50th percentile on University of Missouri norms, about 3 1 % are above the 50th percentile on 14th grade (college sophomore) national norms, about 37% are above the 50th percentile on 13th grade (college freshman) national norms, and more than 78% are above the 50th percentile on 12th grade (high school senior) national norms. i « I ? i « 1 It would seem important for us to recognize that our students generally score much better than the average of high school seniors across the country and o n l y s l i g h t l y lower than the average of college freshmen in a sample including some very selective colleges and universities. In v i e w of our open door p o l i c y , it would appear that our students compare quite favorably w i t h college freshmen generally. If you have any observations or comments concerning this matter, I would like to have you communicate them to m e . Raymond J . Stith Dean of Instruction i 2. T *.ble 1 . P e r Cent Of FVCC F a l l , 1 ° 6 6 E n t e r i n g Freshmen I n SG.\T T S c o r e D e c i l e Bands By F a l l , 1966 FVCC Norms; 1 2 t h , 1 3 t h , and l U t h Grade N a t i o n a l Norms} and U n i v e r s i t y Of M i s s o u r i 196U - 1 9 6 6 Entei'ing Freshman Norms. SCAT T Decile Band FVCC 1966 % 12th Grade Natl,. Norm % 13th Grade N a t l . Norm % I b t h Grade N a t l . Norm % Univ. of Missouri 196U - 1966 % 91-100 10 17*20 3.00 1*81; 0.?5 81-90 10 19.30 8.56 U.71 1.82 71-80 10 17.50 5.77 6„oa 2.98 61-70 10 11*60 10.59 h999 2,75 51-60 10 12.80 9*28 13.50 3.50 lil-50 10 3.87 1U.62 6.69 5.50 31-UO 10 5.18 12.U0 19.33 7.25 21-30 10 3.55 Ui.78 8.90 11.93 11-20 10 3.21; 13.75 22.00 17.32 1-10 _10_ 0,76 7.25 12.00 U6.00 TOTALS 100 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3. i ; • i • :' ! " ' j' : M ' • i ' • •' ' i " ' ' so . • ; ! : • ' i : ! 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