I ^ • ^ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES Campus Vice District O Treasurer; at of 11966 .' N 8:10 St. e at President; i Also Board The GENERAL A l Louis, lp staff. ,Director; the regular .m Coordinator Mrs. Board present .Central Member St. ST. The MDolores Dr. Also meeting O President, FLouis Dr. U LOUIS, following N THE were G N O DGlaser present C lfA of yfDouglas T County, JinY B. cDr. IU Messrs. n of Physical Mrs. e ,ONST. Tygard, N E. FEBRUARY of the Iwas Mrs. Joseph O S members were C R the Joseph F. LOUIS Board l Missouri, anot COLLEGE rJoseph Facilities; Lester Joseph D G kM Libby, Community ,ieP. rspresent. r.Campus twere of C. arC 2Cosand, iKenneth lc8dO C Trustees t,C G Bastian ,J.U V was .rpresent: 1.7508 N .DISTRICT G .9Bastian, Mrs. ,TStewart eDirector; 6 Williamson held Y Campus i6 Relations I President; ,-Teasdalo of Forsyth 8MISSOURI Mary :0 on The 0cOF a Monday, Director; Dr. PlJunior Jane l-B .eM and ld M all v.R. dr_ the .Calais, . of ,Bruce-E. <Villiam College John St. meeting M February The r . Louis, Robertson, Junior Lawrence A cGraham, District tti o n 2 Missouri. g 8order ,College F. 1 1 El M IH I1Ii|I Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Tecsdnle, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel V*r for the District. 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastian asked for approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 14, 1966. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the unanimous aye vote o f a l l members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 14, 1966, were approved as submitted. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian welcomed the following visitors: M r . Frank teeming, J r . , a reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; M r . Nick N e b l , a reporter from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat; M r . Eric Smith of the ^•^ architectural firm of Smith & Entzeroth, architects for the Meramec Community College Campus; M r . W i l l i a m Tao of W i l l i a m Tao & Associates, I n c . , consulting engineers for the construction of the Ar*\eramec Community College Campus; M r . Horace Graessle, Systems Coordinator, and M r . Paul Connote, Assistant to the President, both of The Junior College District staff; M r . Arnold C o l e , candidate for Board Member of The Junior College District in the e l e c t i o n to be held A p r i l 5 , 1966. 1.6 Communications Mrs. Dolores Tygard, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, reported that the following candidates have f i l e d for the election for two members of the Board o f k Trustees of The Junior College D i s t r i c t , to be held on A p r i l 5 , 1966: 2/28/66 - 2 - I >pr JBBSSB ~"* M i l d r e d E. Bastion, 411 N . Elizabeth, Ferguson, Missouri 63135 Donald M .t.January, W t8220 534 Beaucaire, Missouri 63122 2by prior the for Budget College for /28 the M the candidacy Budget / r6to .Whereupon, The A 61.8 Arnold M John Barry Helen 1.7 Port Daniel Amonth Income cStewart, the icgeneral d tD ti inPresident insExpense igTikker, g H m A tV rh.Treasurer, .of e iRatification H. Treasurer's L. Treasurer afor ctSummary e,n tLee, Short, discussion and C iC February A nthe hon o gl630 and alof .liee nwtmotion A nc,e2719 ithe e ,p t,of 74 S. Budget h,Mrs. Reports r7040 iReport lo 9428 1966. the Schoolway, 2the District Willowbrook fN f5th 8oLaclede e,by lInvestments lM w aye Waterman, oD 1966 Income eaY wfor M i6a lrsoeyrtvote rcdrequested rI.ki-tJane the ,las cis tiStation Williamson, ot3.n w Whereupon, the ST. Summary Road, of month -nD for Calais ,Warson rSt. aiLouis final Bellefontaine vl Board le Road, ra members ,Creve Louis, of t iCreve date had fC Reports January, iWoods, cseconded oof aM on utsent n Coeur, ia Missouri Trustees for otp motion Coeur, yo nl,fewere of the filing Neighbors, w Missouri the o1966 by the oMissouri Budget d Board of approved by 63130 Missouri ,M ofinvestments to The rMissouri M .applications 63144 rthe Stewart, who . Expense Junior Missouri GBoard as ewere i l ,submitted made seconded and members and present, w i t h th aye vote of a l l members of the Board v/ho were present, Jt wds RESOLVED, That the following investments made on behalf of The Junior College District by the Acting Treasurer thereof, be and hereby a r e , r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: $100,000 U . S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 15, 1966 from the First N a t i o n a l Bank in St. Louis on a 4 . 2 5 basis, for a total cost of $ 9 9 , 9 7 6 . 3 9 . $100,000 U . S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 14, 1966 from M e r c a n t i l e Trust Company on a 4 . 2 5 basis, for a total cost of $99,881.94. : ; $100,000 U . S. Treasury Bills, purchased February 14, 1966 from M e r c a n t i l e Trust Company on a 4 . 3 0 basis, for a total cost o f $99,796.94. In accordance w i t h Board p o l i c y , requests for three bids had gone out prior t o these investments. 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 Salary Schedule - Instructional Staff President Cosand recommended that the Board of Trustees approve and ' adopt a revised salary schedule for the instructional staff lodged w i t h the Board at 'its Regular Mooting of February 14, 1966. This instructional salary schedule would become effective for the 1966-67 college year. = Dr. Cosand pointed out that this proposed salary schedule would bring Junior College District instructional salaries more i n t o line w i t h other comparable : junior colleges throughout the United States, thus making i t possible to recruit and - retain the caliber of teaching staff essential to The Junior College District in establishing a comprehensive junior college program. i 2/28/66 - 4 - t Whereupon, on motion by /v\r. G c i l , seconded by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote of all members of the Board who v/cro present, i t was RESOLVED, That the revised Basic Salary Schedule - Instructional Staff be and hereby is adopted by the Board of Trustees and is substituted i n lieu of the salary schedule previously adopted by the Board; said amended salary schedule being attached hereto as an addendum to these Minutes and being expressly incorporated h e r e i n . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to amend the Board Policies and A d m i n i s t r a tive O r g a n i z a t i o n Manual to reflect the adoption of this amended salary schedule. 2.2 Salary Schedule - Administrative Staff Based upon surveys made by a District Administrative Salary Committee appointed to study other comparable educational administrative salaries throughout the United States, Dr. Cosand recommended that the Board of Trustees approve and adopt a revised administrative salary schedule lodged w i t h the Board at its Regular Meeting of February 14, 1966. This revised salary schedule would become effective for the 1966-67 college year. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart, seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote o f a l l members of the Board who wore present, i t was RESOLVED, That the revised Basic Salary Schedule - Administration be and hereby is adopted by the Board of Trustees and is substituted in lieu of the salary schedule previously adopted by the Board; said amended salary schodulo being attached hereto as an addendum to these Minutes and being expressly incorporated herein. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to amend the Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual to r e f l e c t the adoption of this amended salary schedule. 2/28/66 - 5 - «^»m.i..iimn.iit»mnp^».T.»i»nin»iil in• '•Hrw~**"rf*ratflrTiifirtif^-^"-fSiiiifniirnMiiMHMMmtinyiifgn'fiiiinii miiMnrrmr-mnn«r irum '»m mmm •»••< nn»irm»nri - - M i M • —"""iiit»"*i"liiid.M.i..n-fnnn nn n ir in I 2.3 Certificated Personnel In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , socondod by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t : was " RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel be employed i n the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set o u t , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: © Mr. Myron A . Marty - Asst. Professor - History - FVCC - V - 2 Effective 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 . M r . Ronald W. Thomas - Instructor B - A r t - M C C - I V - 2 Effective 9 / 1 2 / 6 6 . FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is, authorized to execute the appropriate Instructor's Contract, p r e viously adopted by the Board, w i t h the above f u l l - t i m e c e r t i f i c a t e d employees, which said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the District. 2/28/66 - 6 - t 2.4 Classified Personnel In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and upon motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the 8oard who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by The Junior College District In the classification and at the salary i n d i c a t e d , said salary classification having been previously approved by the Beard: Miss Lynda L. Crafton - Clerk - Central O f f i c e - 8A - Effective 3 / 1 / 6 6 . Miss Patricia A . Probst - Typist-Transcriber - FPCC - 8A Effective 3 / 1 / 6 6 . Mrs. Yvonne W . Hcncock - Engineering A r c h i t e c t - Physical Facilities - 23A - Effective 3 / 1 / 6 6 . M r s . Barbara S. Lapping - Assistant Accountant - Central O f f i c e 14A - Effective 3 / 1 / 6 6 . 3. CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION 3.1 Data Processing Proposal A committee comprised of faculty members and administrators, and chaired by M r . Robertson, conducted a study and comprehensive evaluation of data processing equipment as i t relcres to instruction, administration, and business functions w i t h i n The Junior College District. The committee recommended that at the present time the District rent computer time on existing computers at either Washington University or the McDonnell Automation Center and rent terminals to be placed on the carouses connected to selected computer center by telephone lines. The choice between the two service agencies would be made at a later d a t e . M r . Graessle and iVir.Connole, both of the District staff, presented pictures and explanations of a central computer system w i t h a terminal network indicating 2/28/66 - 7 - the type computer systems which the ccmmittee recommended be purchased by ; the District i n the f u t u r e . The cost of this proposed equipment, i n c l u d i n g p e r - sonnel and rental of the computer time w i l l increase i n each of the next throo yoars. ~, Estimates c a l l for expenditures i n the 1966-67 school year of $ 9 7 , 1 3 2 . The f o l - 4 lowing year the program would cost $195,878, and i n the 1968-69 college year " the cost would increase to about $260,000. The three-year total cost would be approximately $600,000. : This proposal v/as lodged w i t h the Board for approval at a future meeting. ^ Dr. Cosand complimented the staff members for their work on the committee and the presentation of this report. i M r . Stewart expressed the appreciation of the Board for this thorough and a ^ - well-presented report. ^^ 3.2 ~ Lodging of Modifications To Board Policies and Administrative Organization Manual In accordance w i t h Board policy 1 . 8 . 2 , additions, m o d i f i c a t i o n s , and deletions to the Board Policies and Administrative O r g a n i z a t i o n M a n u a l , as listed i n the addendum attached to these Minutes, were formally lodged w i t h ^ the Board. 3.3 Automotive Technology Advisory Committee Upon the recommendation of the District Instruction Committee, the President = of the District recommended the Board of Trustees approve the establishment of an advisory committee to consider the need and a d v i s a b i l i t y for a t w o - y e a r career program in the field of Automotive Technology. 2/28/66 - 8 - It was further recommended by Dr. Cosand the? fhts committee include representation from labor, management, St. Louis pyblic school system, and the Special School D i s t r i c t . A genera! discussion followed concerning the need for such a program. Whereupon, on r a t i o n by /Vir. G e i l , seconded by //jr. Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of a l ! rr-embers of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees authorize the formation of a committee t o consider the need and advisability of career programs i n the field of Automotive Technology. Said committee to have representation from labor, management, the Board of Education of the City cf St. Louis, and the Special School District for H a n d i capped Children in the County o f St. Louis. FURTHER RESOLVED, That names of prospective committee members be presented to the Board at a subsequent meeting, for approval. 4. PHYSICAL FACIUTIES 4.1 Apcroval of Site Development Plans - Meramec Community College Representatives from the architectural firm of Smith & Entzeroth presented to the Board of Trustees the site development plans for the Meramec Community College Campus. This first contract includes no actual building construction, but rather demolition, c l e a r i n g , grading and earth preparation for the permanent buildings to be constructed. M r . WiMicm Tao of V.illiam Tao & Associates, I n c . , consulting engineers for the construction of the Meramec Campus explained the proposed sewer system i n this site development. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and 2/28/66 - 9 - w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the architectural firm of Smith & Entzeroth be authorized to proceed w i t h the site development plans for the first construction contract at the Meramec Community College Campus. 4.2 Gymnasium Complexes - Florissant V a l l e y and Meramec Campuses The President of the District recommended the Board of Trustees authorize the architectural firms of Smith & Entzeroth, and Kenneth E. Wischmeyer & Partners to proceed with working drawings for the total gymansium complexes at the Florissant V a i l e y and Meramec Campuses,, including the swimming pool facilities. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Rufftn, and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was RESOLVED, That the architectural firms of Smith & Entzeroth, and Kenneth E. VYischmeyer & Partners, Architects, be end hereby a r e , authorized to proceed with working drawings for the total gymnasium complexes, including the swimming pool f a c i l i t i e s , at the Meramec Community College and Florissant V a l l e y Community College campuses, respectively. Board President Bastion thanked M r . Eric Smith and his staff for their presentation. 4.3 Construction Progress M r . Lawrence O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities, reported on the construction progress of District f a c i l i t i e s . The "Comet" on the Forest Park Campus has been demolished and the c o n tractor is now i n the process of removing the two-story frame d w e l l i n g from the property. 2/2l')/66 -10- ^ET^*""*•—'—"•—«"—-"'"""-*••—•'•"——'"'•-'—"—"-^rnn-mr^TirTllimimiirnH 11 'II H IHDM rm il—ji^fli lfliiii.iii.il «iirin • iriinli vim nn iTiM»ii«..fc>l«,wiri».«t.'.^»,.i).ln,i,i,»l». i^mum , i miV-.nrln -ny-' t-> i in, n'h.in - M r . O ' N e i l l further explained that i t has been necessary to make slight H modifications i n the building progress due to the hod carriers strike in St. Louis, 9 i n order to by-pass some of the necessary brick w o r k . 9 of delay has been experienced so far, construction at the Forest Park Campus is 9 r a p i d l y approaching a point where this strike w i l l be a damaging i n f l u e n c e . 1 5 - Although a minimum amount BUSINESS A N D FINANCE 9 5.1 Approval of Contract w i t h W. Colston Leigh, Inc. 9 The President of the District recommended the approval of a contract H between The Junior College District and W . Colston Leigh, Inc. providing • a presentation by Anna Chennault, speaking on the "Crises in V i e t n a m " at 9 the Forest Park Campus on April 2 7 , 1966. H i n the amount of $400.00 are to be taken from the student a c t i v i t y fund. 9 Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , Funds for payment of this presentation 9 and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, i t was 9 • 9 9 9 9 RFSOLVED, That the Beard of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, enter i n t o a contract w i t h W . Colston Leigh, I n c . , providing a presentation on the "Crises in V i e t n a m " by Anna Chennault at the Forest Park Campus on A p r i l 2 7 , 1966, in the form of the contract attached to these Minutes and by reference incorporated herein. I 9 9 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the District. 9 ^• ^ 9 A t its meeting on February 14, 1966, the Board of Trustees accepted the Acceptance of Bid from Bardgert Printing and Publishing Company 9 bid from A l l i e d Printing Company for the printing of 15,000 copies of the "1966-67 9 B u l l e t i n " and 17,000 copies cf the "Information About The JCD 1966-67". i 2/28/66 -11- Vice j I President of the District, Robertson, recommended that the Board rescind the action taken at the February 14th meeting. M r . Robertson reported that i n - vestigation had revealed that A l l i e d Printing Company had based its bid upon B a smaller quantity of pages than required by the specifications. Adjusting this • bid to the required number of pages, A l l i e d Printing Company would no longer JH be the low bidder; instead the low bidder is Bardgett Printing and Publishing M Company. ll After a general discussion, whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, H seconded by M r . Stewcrt, and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board •j who wore present, i t was IS RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees rescind and does hereby rescind H H H || H its action taken ct the Regular Board Meeting of February 14, 1966 accepting the bid of A l l i e d Printing Company for tho printing of 15,000 copies of the "1966-67 B u l l e t i n " and 17,000 copies of the "Information About Tho JCD 1966-67" for the reason that investigation has revealed that A l l i e d Printing Company was not the lowest and best H bidder. M 9 B M H FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees accept the bid of Bardgett Printing and Publishing Company and award the order for the printing of 15,000 copies of the "1966-67 Bulletin" and 17,000 copies o f the "Information About Tho JCD 1966-67" for the t o t a l price of $6,839.00 to said Bardgett Printing and Publishing Company. « 5.3 m The Board of Trustees was requested to approve a contract between The Approval of Contract with American Beauty Rides Is Junior College District and American Beauty Rides for a carnival at the Meramec 9 Campus on May 13-15, 1966. I Whereupon, on motion by M r . Stewart, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h H the aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, and 3 2/28/66 - 12 - I — " - — • ' " ' 11 i n M i in . i. il'nii i, m . i| ,» • • • •- li— ** ni-iiri •'•Smr'iTiTirr m 11 - T i n " if " r - fl •••• -• • " • , -, • WHEREAS, the Student Council of the Community College convention 7. Louis February M 7 C performance result is compliance agreement o fused Trustees insurance FURTHER amusement contract desires are to C iWHEREAS, the N D u n.fO ra1 iO ltauthorized slo certain use rM y.tn W such rDistrict; an iM by of Tygard, indemnifying vc,of a the tUtTHEREFORE, the Annual agreement lothe and N 28th from ;the attached RESOLVED, certificates that Iconduct and amusement Meramec w Trides American the by District Y iamusement to of and tto any through who hthey ARELATIONS benefit sctd dotes Convention Student Board A-vericcn execute nfor end ccs is w arThe w iin said Community icontract; chandling Spring tan iBE of a h Association rides March of la shall That lthe nthe lJunior Council American ride laddendum not said Trustees IT said Spring Beauty lBeauty iconduct a Student RESOLVED, prior be the none of Carnival interfere bioperation 4Spring iamusement ia tlAmerican College as furnished h iltPresident lCollege C ,yhas Rides to of desires more the Rides, aof Beauty 1966, arising to rA of the nCarnival asked Junior cito p these w vtsaid of u ioafiMeramoc vDistrict general execution u tprovide bflThat by ih treported Association contract ;Campus ltof the noAmerican Rides liout ycethe Spring substantially permit Minutes, American Colleges sthe set relations terms the and of Program; Board Educational for and out District funds scholarships or to District to upon the Carnival of the the and occurring conduct the Beauty i the nof said being for location of Beauty for Student said furnishing conditions fand Trustees Junior Board be uBoard the lenter the lc o and or Rides; Program held and contract; said nform District for furnishing Rides as annual tof in rthat C Colleges thereof aihereby n complete to a o cthe ithe n Spring tof tof uoof , nenter The St. of an cthe certain be this il •-•)• , Bj Junior College District w i l l hove an e x h i b i t on display in the lobby of the Chase M Park Plaza, the convention h o t e l . 9 Dr. Ubby stated that a conducted tour is being given from the Chase Park M Plaza Hotel to the Florissant' V a l l e y Campus at 9:00 a . m . on Friday, March 4 t h , H for interested convention delegates. &| Dr. Clark President of the Missouri Association of Junior Colleges, and host H for the A A J C Convention, reported that this annual convention promises to be the H largest i n this history of the A A J C , and he i n v i t e d The Junior College District H Board Members to attend as many of the meetings as possible. I 9 M RECESS There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, and H H » on motion d u l y made by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i l , and unanimously **** H passed, the Board recessed at 10:45 p . m . to meet again at 11:00 a . m . , Tuesday, March 1 , 1966. H Respectfully submitted, B 9 9 9 Dolores B. Secretary, The Junior St. Louis, I* 1 2/28/66 - 14 - Tygard Board of Trustees College District of St. Louis County, Missouri B || I. Laboratory Assistant* Hj || ] 4,950 ] ; Competency i n subject f i e l d icborcto.-y wo.'rc. 3.S. p;cferred. i w 12 months positon - v o c a t i o n a l l o w a n c e some cs classified personnel. 3 5,550 1 4 , 150 j Competency in subject f i e l d . jm 2 4,450 i Bccr.eior's Degree preferred. a 3 4,750 I * * Time schedule same cs teaching staff. fiS 4 0,vJou 1 5,700 A. B. Competency end experience in Technical subject f i e l d . S II, B Teaching Assisrcnt * * 111. Instructor A H ffla jB 2 6 , 100 o 6 , Ow J 8 4 6,900 jiB 5 7, JOO jl 6 7,700 ^B 8 o, o J J 9 8,900 H B ^ ^ 2/28/66 | Bccheior's Degree, ££. Page 2 ,500 j ,900 A . M c s t e r ' s Degree i n s u b j e c t f i e l d , or B. B a c h e l o r ' s D e g r e e plus 2 y e c r s < e x p e r i e n c e i n t e c h n i c a l f i e l a , or ; C . V o c a t i o n a l CIGSS A C r e d c m i a ! ,400 ! A . M a s t e r ' s Degree i n s u b j e c t f i e l d , plus j 4 years t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e , or ,800 j ~~ | , 200 5. B a c h e l o r ' s Degree plus 2 y e c r s • experience in ;ecnnica! ;!eid, < plus 4 yeGrs r e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e , or , 600 C . B a c h e l o r ' s Degree plus 10 years ,000 experience in technical f i e l d , .400 or D, V o c a t i o n a l Class A C r e d e n t i a l p l u s 4 years t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e . , 100 A . M a s t e r ' s Degree i n s u b j e c t f i e l d , pius 8 years t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e , or .500 ~~ B. B a c h e l o r ' s Degree p l u s 2 years .900 e x p e r i e n c e in t e c h n i c a l f i e l d plus 8 years t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e , .300 or ~~ C . B c c h e l o r ' s Degree p l u s 10 years e x p e r i e n c e i n t e c h n i c a l f i e l d , plus 700 4 years t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e , or 100 ~~ D. B a c h e l o r ' s Degree plus V o c a t i o n a l Class A C r e d e n t i a l plus 8 years teaching experience. 700 A . 90 u n i t s a p p r o v e d g r a d u a t e w o r k b e y o n d B a c c c l a u r e c t e Degree to 100 i n c l u d e a M a s t e r ' s Degree i n s u o j e c i w>00 p e n e n c e , or f i e l d , plus 12 years t e a c h i n g e x - i 3Q0 C A j c r i o n c c jr. r e c n n i c ^ . i i u i c , ;_. .-.^j 30 u n i t s c p p r o v e a g r a d u a t e w o r k plus 12 years t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e , or •i||fa|y|lwMri^iM'Wlt^ -laffnasgf Instructional Stcff (cont'd) V i i . Professor (cont'd) Pare 3 ' | ' i ' g|f C. Master's Degree plus ;0 veers experience in reci'mcc. ; i c . d , plus 30 units epproved graduate work/ plus 3 /ears teaching experience, or E H H M • 3 . ;Vxstor's Decree plus Vocational Cicss A Credential plus 30 units §1 g| • czproved grcdocfe w o r k , p l u s 12 H§ | years teccning experience, or 11 c. Doctoral Degree plus 12 years teaching e x p e r i e n c e . I W& CONDITIONS: I (1) No teccher or counselor new to The junior College District w i l l be employed and placed beyond Class V I , Step 1 , without special epprovel z/ the Board of Trustees, and in no instance, beyond Classification V I , Step 4 . M H • (2) A i l placemen: i n Class V I ! w i l l be based upon recommendations from the Professional Stcndcrds Committee where said recommendations cc.-.cern themselves w i t h those superior recchers end counselors who have consister.:!;/ improved themselves professionally a n d , in a d d i t i o n , have contributed outstc.-.air.g services to the total educational program of ir>£ c o l l e g e . M ra M M H (3) Salaries quoted are for services rendered curing a regular college year of two full semesters as determined by r'r.e Board of Trustees when establishing the calendar for the college year. M B H Academic Rank - Promotion in Rank Faculty members w i l l be appointed to an eppropricre academic rank upon joining the faculty of the District. Faculty members w i l l not bo promoted to Category V ; i of the salary schedule u n t i l they have satisfied ail c r i t e r i a , as noted i n this M a n u a l , plus a minimum of three (3) years i n Classification V I . 2/23/66 H . H n g B SB I Instructional Staff (cont'd) Page 4 Advancement - Salary Schedule Advancement on the salary schedule is independent of promotion in rcr.k. Faculty members mcy cdvcr.ce on the salary schedule during the first three (3) veers c f service, but promotions in accdemic rank w i l l not be mcce during this period. A i l promotions i n cccdemic rank end ell advancement on the salary schedule w i l l be subject to the c r i t e r i a outlined elsewhere i n this M a n u a l (4.2C. 10). Charter f c c u l t y members v/ere credited w i t h a f u l l year's service for the Spring Session, 1963. Condition !. i r,e Board of Trustees reserves the r i g h t , upon recommendation or the President of The Junior College District, to piece incoming faculty members on ^he salary schedule i n cccorccr.ee w i . . . vr.e best judgment of the campus ana centre! office staffs. O n c e employee ^r.clor c o n t r a c t , faculty members may cdvence w i t h i n the scicry schedule as described i n Section 4 . 2 0 of the M a n u a l . *' i. r Condition i i . Fcculty members showing outstanding professional growth end contriburing beyond expectations in his professional responsibilities to The j u n i o r College District mcy advance more then one step on the salary schedule during any one yecr, but i n no instance more than two steps. '- : IT Condition ill. Faculty members completing Master's progrcms during the contract yecr may be changed in classification from Instructor A , Classification I I I , to Instructor 3, Classification I V , effective the first of the month f o l l o w i n g proof of the advanced degree. = Condition IV. E Fcculty members completing doctoral programs may be advanced two steps on the salary schedule beyond the earned increment, effective at the next cor.rract year. * Define guidelines 2/23/66 = I H instructional Staff (cont'd) Pcge 5 H 9 9 The salary schedule for p a r t - t i m e stafr rr.omoers is bcscd upor, approximately two-;h'rds of the me en saicry paid ir. each of the salary c,ossifications cdcp;..d oy the Coord of Trustees. it is recommendea m a t cccr. part-time start rr.erriber be pcia' upon '.no basis of tno number of 9 credit hours tcught or the equivalent thereof. • Classification I - $1 Co/Credit Hour mi Cicsslficat:on !1 - SlCO/Credit Hour 9 Ciass; .\ c a t i o n l i i - IV - SloO/Croc'it Hour 9 Classification V - CISC/Credit Hour 9 ClcssifTcatlon V . - S215/Credit Hour 9 Classification V i l - $25C/Credit Hour • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 i 9 9 9 PAYMENT OF COUNSELORS A N D LIBRARIANS Counselors cr.d Librarians w i l l be paid ir. cccordcr.ee w i t h the same saicry schedule applicable to the reaching start. Whenever Counse.ors and Librarians ere employed for periods longer than th.e cccdemic year, two sessions, their compensation w i i i be determined in the same manner as that used for p a r t - t i m e instructional star:, i he maximum number of credit hours for which they may receive compensation w i n be f i f t e e n . Fifteen credit hours would be the basis tor compenscfion when the Counselor or Librarian was employed a minimum of eight hours a dcy during the entire session. For periods shorter than the entire session or for employed hours less than eight hours c day, compensation would be p r c - r a t e d . One week is generally equated as one credit hour of work. PAYMENT OF T E A C H I N G STAFF FOR SUMMER SESSION Any member of the tecching staff employed during the summer session w i l l be compensated on a per credit hour basis at the rate established for p a r t - t i m e teaching staff in his c l a s si f l e c t i o n . I BASIC W ^ SALARY SCHEDULE ADMINISTRATION TiTLE ••_. i • '•• STEP! mm-l •-> • •• • • • STEP 2 ••" • President 21,000 22,500 V i c e President 15,400 16,600 Dean, Coordinator, Assistant To The President 14,600 15,600 Associate Dean, Associate Coordinator, Business Manager, Systems Coordinator 11,600 12,400 Assistant Dean, Assistant Coordinator 9,400 10,000 (1) No placement w i l l be Trade beyond Step 2 without special approval (2) (4) (3) (5) 7TEP 3 24,000 17,800 16,600 13,200 10,600 by the Board Salaries quoted for rendered acsalary land year with w vacation of Academic working funds in the Tax-sheltered subject The President i tsalary academic the h President's District chief the ofInternal to days The exception understanding -instead -administrative annual Rank said $wpreparation, Junior 4hi ,fannuities i0Revenue C cvacation w iare 0htoof 0imodification ulis ;comonse ln of College the Vice be cnecessary irre l .services that granted rcx-sheltered Code. are officers to President experience, chief all total the to District, be to as personnel administrative to If President's of divide one granted related desired, those -the $and calendar a1and n,District administrators n the 5during w u to 0are toiexperience 0 C the itlvy.this lthose oa .intended ube officers cThese month innaw d tauthorized iiiflolchief vlu,nild be annuities time iuftwelve-month w who of ato schedule. offered taken liadministrative tin the hq may into uare The the atoDistrict, l at ireceive fare qualified receive segments. three yamounts Junior one under to college tyear be im which this College officers asection as epaid by ,one-month's contracts, follows: remuneration orevidence comprise out 22of 403B D iof strict, Si Est • An Bf *sggr H 3.9 Community Relatio-.s Assistcnf g §j M 9 Responsibilities: a. Be respons'cie to the President for the dissemination of information to the c o r r - j n i c a t i o n media. g g g 8 H H b. Work closely w i t h the campus personnel, as directed by the Campus Directors, with respect to campus information for dissemination to vhe comrr—nicafion media. g g g |§ || c. Initiate cr.-c develop a c t i v i t i e s , subject to the approval of the President, w h i c h mcy oe of interest to the communication media. g g H • M d. Represent :.-.-3 District i n those education and media organizations and activities .vnich have a direct bearing upon the community relations program of rne District. El g g • e. Perform special duties or assignment by the President. g [ ^^il ^y^gO Campus 3usiness M a n a g e r H Responsibilities: I m a. Be a c c o u n t a b l e t o t h e V i c e President - Campus D i r e c t o r for the planning , development, c o o r d i n a t i o n , implementation, and sup- fl jS ^.;-.'rfft3|5 e r v i s i o n of a l l business f u n c t i o n s of t h e c a m p u s , a n d assist i n the B .TS^ii gHBBH t o t a l e c u c a t i o n program on t h e campus as i t relates t o the p h i l o sophy e n d o b j e c t i v e s of t h e District". M B Be responsible for t h e o p e r a t i o n of the c u s t o d i a l a n d m a i n t e n a n c e ffl ^ n ^ p i J "-& t .V- | £*.1 4.9 ^ P ^ ^ BBHHj! ."iS^JLiJ """"V^jJ b. MflJBBJ d i v i s i o n s on t h e campus. "^SoS c ^ttjragl d. " '*, »;"] e< S5^K3 ^e res P o n s i b l e for t h e o p e r a t i o n a n d a c c o u n t i n g of the Campus • M Be responsible f o r t h e o p e r a t i o n o f a l l campus a u x i l i a r y s e r v i c e M d e p a r t m e n t s , i n c l u d i n g f o o d s e r v i c e d e p a r t m e n t a n d motor p o o l . M Establisn a n d m a i n t a i n proper systems of a c c o u n t i n g , i n t e r n a l c o n - I g H H B t r o l , r e q u i s i t i o n i n g a n d b u d g e t a r y c o n t r o l as r e q u i r e d on the campus, ^^^^21 a n d as r e l a t e d t o t h e p o l i c i e s a n d procedures of the D i s t r i c t , i n - M e l u d i n g the g e n e r a l campus p r o g r a m s , student a c t i v i t i e s programs BJ anQ M BBBBB •,*vwa« '"•,"t7:ifesi •;"'"^& *• assigned s p e c i a l r e s t r i c t e d f u n d p r o g r a m s . • Supervise and be responsible for t h e c o l l e c t i o n , d e p o s i t , proper c o n t r o l , a n d w i t h d r a w a l o f a l l campus f e e s , f i n e s , a n d other a p - ra || p r o v e d funds. If g. M a i n t a i n records of c l a s s i f i e d personnel as r e q u i r e d by D i s t r i c t H h. Supervise a n d m a i n t a i n a n i n v e n t o r y of a l l D i s t r i c t p r o p e r t y on H i. Be responsible for t h e s u p e r v i s i o n a n d a c c o u n t i n g of a l l s h i p p i n g , H J. k. I. r e c e i v i n g , p l a n t w a r e h o u s i n g , a n d storage of supplies a n d m a t e r Be responsible f o r t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d o p e r c f i o n of the campus d iBe P frincje nurgporesponsible lvana i iccaeot im eannca geci n fodi tueanpaifor n tani in rdntgm campus gl oeaaanntdcampus . programs a dsm e ci nuisrsiet cyr aon utariinvt the yd e d tassistance ricampus. av fi sf iico,n .a n dforforthe e s tvarious ablish- H Bj BJ mj IKf •%>'?£&' ! •' ?J - it&S&M ****• 2/28/66 I m KSMM| •"•irr'i i l rtrliffiniiM - Be responsible for fhe telephone and mcl! systems on the campus. nSmw Rf.y^^l B n. ggB^fjjn i£&^£«| °- '^"^aH ^^jfflfl p. Attend and represent the campus at com-jnity meetings and or- 1 ganizations as required. fl Attend and participate in scheduled Dis*-!ct Business Manager's I Meetings. | Perform special duties as assigned by the Vice-President and Cam- 1 us '" 'i^H P HHHS 4.9.1 "*^pB^| director. Business Managers'Meetings 1 I The Vice-President - Business will schezjie regular meetings H involving the Business Manager and such other personnel as the « agenda may require. || -•g^u^S The purpose of these meetings will be to ciarify, coordinate, M BHJ^H and recommend business policies and procedures for the District. SHHHR MWJHM Action may derive through requests from - - recommendations to the President's Council or through the need to clarify existing M I ^SjSg policies and procedures. || " .^^S| •••'•""«*8fflra wsH&am §£§§§ ^$1111 ^ F I §fgg Era 4 . 2 0 . II Members of the teaching staff v." be employed as Instructors, • Assistant Professors, Associate --"'essors, cr Professors. Advance- ment from one academic rank re *ne next w i l l be upon recommendation from the Campus D i r e c t " :o the President, except in the case of the professor rank. Ac. "cement to professor w i l l be up- on recommendation to the Pres'canf from the Professional Standards Committee. Academic Rank in itseif does r:- change the policies concerning contracts as described in sect!:•i under section 4.2G of Division 4.20.12 C" of Division I I I , IV, V, or .'. Advancement to the rcnk of Pr::essor w i l l be in accordance with the following procedure. .1 I. Staff members ro be e ' ' ; ' c ! e must f u l f i l l the qualifications and concirions se* ; orth in the Basic Salary Schedule of the Junior College Z strict. s 2. An eligible staff merr,:; - snail initiate a request to the Campus Director t h r e e - rhe Division Chairman and Dean ; of Instruction. I n d u c e ; with the request should be ade- quate evidence s u p p e ' - g the request. -: 3. The Campus Director j-cM forv/ard the request with all supporting dare ro the -rofessional Standards Committee by not later than Merc - I of the regular calendar year. Indorsements from the Division Chairman, Dean of I n ruction, and Campus Z'rector sha II accompany all requests. 4. Evidence to suostantic-e rhe request shall include: a. ^ Candidate's kn;.-. ledge of recent developments in his subject mcrr;- rield, as attested to by the Division Cnairman " d Dean of Instruction. b. ^ Candidate's k r : - l e d g e of the various methods of presenting class w.-< on his subject matter f i e l d , and of having oersonc - achieved superior performance in the skills of teeming within the comprehensive Junior College, a arrested to by the Division Chairman and Dean of l~;--uction. : c. The complete •" r of "Evaluation Forms" and "Annual Reports, " one ;..:.-. other evidence as may be justified for the Dean c ; i nstruction to attest rhat the candi- dare is a super•';,- reacher. 0. L.C •'•'• •. ' . . ' • • • • ' '">;.', i o : : i i ' • - ) ' . , . - . - " i %gy .vi i . n i i N i i . c. t o . . / •'-.20.13 A r . •:•• |-'.-,.: ' n':.' . . „ ; c : ' '•• i'.^n •-.... _ '. - s i i o - •..."., " j v . : ; . :r . T j ! . ' • . , v , . : . : . p ; , , .•!•-' . " . ; i n" i • .•. ' i • •• . ivx... • ,. i • iv. i-.-il i n n . . . . ; :. '. . • . r,i,, .• . / . ''•>'•••, ' • ' • . • ' r >; rr:r,l< o n '. • • - ' ' . ' / ., . • ' '•• •• -., • • , . ; , ; ••' " '• •'•'•• ° ' : ; .vo y.'.cr:. . ..•, e n / • •• " - •-•• ... • c - . - i c c - , '• - - p i t r - i a c n , or ,>resic.e; . m a y u<. cp>.;ni"<:a c c c -i >.ic r a n k . ••. - i v i . : •; a e '•-.•'."... i.:, ,•. ...i..-,;,v, • ..ic..'. .•.'•.' o. . '.•? . ~--.-..'.;, . \ i;:.."; :.. ". . : . ; . n^ ',,•,_' a ~ n - c e < Z '/'. .^. : •'. . . , i•. t'•. v- . ^<i . t :...*.'", c ,~c' i•• 'i» , > y o* •'. ^ ; jt"-c J * •'• . i.•.n !.'• ' ... i uCif >^ -J . 3C;C i j l i i - i k " . , . . . o: .,,•:• • / . r e i :'.•;•! .i. ill a n d Campus v'"f.-c.;- f n e •*•:.:,• i" i ,! -'; •>;("/«. ..'::."• i, • or n,e iv-..o.v..ii 1. _...C'. ^.1 w,,,', ,,;;» c: i" . Suci. p ^ i a v a l " " / o c a,;a.i<. a i n ,i'./yir,enr <">;t!y w;>:••• .-i.iier or o o l l i c o n c i i ' i O ' . - --•.>•: V«';...Vi .'.••• w(-<[•< '.:•-, c ^ j . o n is p r o t o s s i o n ^ rind g i v e s promise o. t.-r,!,i..; " . i . . ; j ii.'_ i•'.•;.i-. -•. u i ' s useiulni.-.. ... a i e a c n o i a n d ® sc.nolci i n his f i e , a . 2. i,. .no or.-,.: o, ;.•:.',- ••• c.aAo.'vz.i , m a y ... r r o i v i c o on ' • ••..en i ! appears ;;',;.: i u c i i a c l i v ' n y v/iii no: i r r . c f e r ? • er.cpicv •: T , sucn o p - i o v a i . : no pc; forrncr.cc c" c o l l e g e d u n e s or iii, ..c.ii d i e u i c i u , , •».•; o; the i n d i v i d e ; ; . as a r e a c h e i a n d S 0 i i O , Ci I . *,./->./! A c a , 11 one 1 C ou.'se Vv'o'k A f i - l . - f n r . o member ci" n".e T':.J./,."/ ir.ay f a k e c c . ; ~ i for u n c e i g r c d i,:,ic or c i ' c i u x r e credi," as L."..^ cs i u c n studies c ; n o ; d e t r a c t from ni:, ei":.'.'c;ivi.: ess as :. j - ? ^ c - p m o y e e . lr is recc "••"nended t'nai no ir.Oic iju.i'i Iv-'O cowries ^ e i c - . o ; ! c o n c u i r e n i l y . "^HP 4.37 Course Development N e w courses can be developed by the faculty to strengthen the educational program and to meet the justificbie needs of the students end community. Courses w i l l be approved i f they f i t w i t h i n the c r i t e r i a for adding new courses, recommended by the instruction Committee, and approved by the President's C o u n c i l . 4.38 Textbook Selection Textbook selections v/ill be (submitted to the office of the Campus Director for approval upon recommendation c : rhe Dean of Instruction) recommended by the i n d i v i d u a l teacher through the Division Chairman to the Dean of Instruction. Formal epprovci -ests w i t h the Campus Director upon recommendation by the Dean c~" Instruction. 4.39 Expenditure of District Funds A l l expenditures of District funds must be o u : - o r i z e d . Unauthorized personal expenditures v/ill not be reimbursed end are strictly the responsibility of the i n d i v i d u a l . 4.40 Conference Attendance Absence from the campus for purposes of conference attendance rr.usf be approved by the Campus D i r e c t o r , i- cases where the conference would extend for more than three cays, the Campus Director v / i l l recommend to the President of r-.e D i s t r i c t , who in turn v / i l l submit the request for approval by the Board of Trustees. fl fl fl M fl fl M fl fl fl fl fl fl B • B || E» fl fl fl fl 4.41 Salary Schedule - See Following Pages fl 4.42 Maintenance Fee Waiver fl 2/28/66 The immediate family of a l i officers and f u l i - r i m e employees of The B Junior College District may attend courses c'-'ered by the District w i t h o u t payment of either t u i t i o n or mainter,c-ce fees; provided, however, that all said family members shall ze subject to the same rules, regulations and entrance requirements ci the regular students of the D i s t r i c t . Immediate family members irz\\ include the spouse of any such officer or f u l l - t i m e employee one any dependent c h i l d or c h i l d r e n of any said officer or f u l l - t i m e e~2>!oyee as the term dependent is defined by the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. fl fl fl B fl fl fl fl I * 4.45 Employment O f Staff .'.'embers Or Students By Staff Members JCD staff me-cers or students enrolled in the JCD may be employed by crier staff members only when there is no possibility of misundersrc-.ding the intent of such employment. N o staff mercer offering such employment may benefit in any manner t h r c . c n such assistance, i f the benefits received relate d i r e c t l y to: a. The »,se of District equipment. b. The consumption of District supplies. c. The -eceipt of services, paid for or n o t , at the same time :he person providing such services is being paid for services rendered to the D i s t r i c t . " T i m e " refers to fhz ecru a I working d a y . Abuse of this -egulction w i l l provide cause for a recommendation to the Board of "'ustees for dismissal. 4.46 Resecrch And Deveioc-er.r - Released Time From Regular Assignment Research arse cevelooment w i t h i n the JCD must be directed toward improving the quality of instruction, developing and revising curricula and individwC courses, balancing the total educational program w i t h i n the p h i l o s o p - . and objectives of the D i s t r i c t , and decreasing credit hour costs or Instruction through more enlightened use of teacher time end energy cs related to teaching assistants and laboratory assistants. The rapid development of new teaching aids makes p a r t i c u l a r l y a p p l i cable the irrensification of i n i t i a t i v e , imagination and c r e a t i v i t y throughout' :r-e entire professional staff. Today's educational ferment demands ccr.-.c.s climates in which a l l f a c u l t y members can and w i l l e x p l o i t their ccrentiais in order to find better v/ays to educate those youth and c c . ' r s who enroll at one of the JCD's three campuses. To accomplis". these, the JCD w i l l support justifiable proposals in accordance w'rh the following definitions and procedures. 2/28/66 9 *•»' A. D e f i n i t i o n of Terms: 9 9 9 1. Research end D e v e l o p m e n t - Refers to i n s t r u c t i o n a l , administrative and counseling projects devised by individuals or groups, ii.,;c or inter-campus. 9 9 2. Released Time - Refers to projects scheduled during the regular contractual period of the person or persons i n v o l v e d . 9 9 3. Expanded time - Refers to projects scheduled outside of the regular contractual p e r i o d . 9 B. Budget (Cc.r.pus) 9 9 9 9 1, Up to two percent of the t o t a l campus professional salary budget may be allocated to research end development projects i n the areas of instruction and student personnel services, based upon the a b i l i t y of the campus to justify such a l l o c a t i o n s . 9 2. This fund w i l l be included i n the campus budget. 9 9 9 3. Funds for administrative assignments w i l l be incorporated i n departmental budgets, and not treated as either released or exter.t-sd time projects. 9 9 9 9 9 9 4. A n instructor may be assigned t o as much as f u l l time to undertake a project considered h i g h l y important. Hov/ever, i f is expected that the time of any one instructor on one campus usually should not exceed the e q u i v a l e n t of six credit hours of released time per semester or ten c r e d i t hours of extended time during a summer session. 9 9 5. One full week of professional level work is expected for each credit hour of released or extended time a p p r o v a l . 9 9 9 9 9 9 6. Remuneration for extended time projects w i l l be paid according to the progress of the p r o j e c t as determined by the Campus Director. Remuneration for released time projects w i l l be cost accounted as a percentage of the normal contract salary at normal pay periods w i t h the understanding that supervision v/ill insure satisfactory progress of such projects. |9I I 2/28/66 K ^ ^ ^ l C Budge ' ] ff^SB The ?resldent °f fhe District w i l l maintain a budget for the same o ^ a f t e r the i n d i v i d u a l campus Resocrch and D e v e l o p m e n t ' s u d ^ n c s PHTHHI ft^jSS * ' " (District O f f i c e ) 1# E a c i l CQ mpus wi 11 be charged w i t h the responsibility for: K^^OseS a * I n i t i a t i n g end developing proposcls. I*'*?*!)! b - Providing a review end epproval procedure on ecch cc.r.pus. I c. C i r c u l a t i n g descriptions of approved projects to other campuses icr information ana to avoid d u p l i c a t i o n . This may be done through the appropriate District committee (Student Personasl Services, Instruction, President's C o u n c i l ) . 2. Final epproval w i l l be made by rhe Campus Director under " 3 " aboveby the President under " C " above. 3. Fropos-jis of high D i s t r i c t - w i d e importance w i l l be referred to the President's C o u n c i l , which may in turn s o l i c i t the cooperation of one or mere campuses in conducting the p r o j e c t . 4. Required forms for proposals end reporting of such proposals may be obtained from the offices of the respective Dean's of Instruction. 5. Completed reports o f a l l such projects w i l l be d u p l i c a t e d and b o u n d , a n n u a l l y , and copies w i l l be placed in each campus iibrary and i n the Central O f f i c e . II " ^ / "••• "r II ''" '' m l ••ii-iimiw^MO Bniiiii»ilftt—M.iiimii- m m niri ••ifin«<i •in—HIMiiiiiiK IM>I»K irfi<»TJr »n.iwili»»im«WMUfl.hiiilil<irti>iyiiHM'llT-Ml •a-1|iti-.'^>^-J»-i-~;iAtkKnJn h" i -* "PLEASE RETURN ORiGiNAl AND THIRD COPY OF CONTRACT, RETAINING THE SECOND FOR YOUR RECORDS ,r ATTRACTION A*™* CHENNAULT Gnutrart ATTRACTION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 7 , 1 9 6 6 DATE ami wr~ OJhiB (Unntrart. made and entered into by and between _ __ ?.•.??.. ?•*• HOUR W. COLSTON LEIGH, INC. 52. FIFTH AVE. NEU YORK 17. N. Y. . S T . L O U I S , WISSOURI AUSPICES F o n E S T P A R K C C m T O T Y COLLEGE__ CITY hereinafter referred In as the "BUREAU." party of the first , .„ . ,. . . „ , ., part, and the engaging organization, hereinafter referred to a. .i i ' c n n v c n n «• the SPONSOR, . t .1 "CRISIS IN VIETKA):" SUBJFCT aunjr.i.i J ( N O T TO »r. BROADCAST OR OTirnwut R e m o o u c n party of the second part. WITHOUT THE BUREAU', F » M » M O I « > In consideration of the mutual and dependent covenant* here- CORRESPONDENT • ii)OIT18S C • H i t c h 1 1 inafter set forth on the opposite pane of this agreement, which , , . . . . AnMttP«s«: is understood to be pjrt of Mid agreement; Convocation C h a i r r a n AlHJMtv'-o the Sponsor engage, »nd the Bureau shall furnish the service. F o r e s t ', 5 1 8 5 of the ATTRACTION specified to appear at the time and place d(M. na(r(] P a r l The SPONSOR shall: _ Community College Sit... Louis, Missouri TELEPHONE . f Gravois ' „ , HOME- £3118.._ FR I - ^ 8 5 ^ "'"'"'""'' , , ,. . , , ... , , , ,, TELEPHONE OFFICE: __" .„...._ - A. rurniMi a well heated, lighted and licensed place for the performance, in good condition, together with all necessary TERMS- Mage arce ! S orie. and properties. ] T FOUR HUNDRED ^ F U R T „ I I I I I E R (£400) DOLLARS A G R E E D : B. Do all advertiting and pay all express charges, printing fltt = < ^ Ss N, and publicity, if any. of any materia] furnished by the Bureau. I I I I I I I I I I C. Pay any and .11 Federal or State Amusement taxes. APPROX. LENGTH OF LECTURE r, o QUESTION PERIOD? . , . . ? , , ., , . u . Remit check, or drall for lee specified in agreement to W. COLSTON LEIGH. I N C . immediately after the lecture or program has been completed. lion contract reason the E.Bureau, tk.ll If thereof. for ,shall have any the .bere«on Lecturer no dermed claim not terminated, isfor within prevented damages the Pand control from Lagainst the Eappearing, A engaging or S the byE the Bureau org.uiuthen fault Sthis by of E ° | | I I I I I HClJR IfaM.-.). _.^AUDITORIUMF.P.C.C,. Auditpri^. (Rposeyelt H . S . ) E OUA SPONSOR Uy...fe^./^V*r^rS..Sr.*rr~rrriA W. T^-~x^~) AADDRESS H COLSTONl t E RJanuary . ? LEIGH, 9S ^ T3250. Ir. .D . .INC. 21. ?E^Hartford /&i_ .^ . .1966 ? . '9f~\ S.^^s_?^ i^S ~7T~ -^ . t.S.. .-f-r^Srrv^-S— ? . ? E__ ? ? ? ... _* 1 * r' §5 DMPORTANT TO. T H E SPONSOR— Pleose f i l l o u t t h i s f o r m f o r t h e c o n s i d e r a t i o n o f our T r a n s p o r t a t i o n P I; Department w h e n 1 I $ L I | making THGS BS N O T A P A R T 1. TYrE OF MEETING (plcaie c h e c k ) ^ a u p t h e Lecturer's t r a v e l Men «r women Mixed schedule. OF THE CONTRACT - JTLT......Public. t^T._ Members Only Number attending... $ 1. WHAT OOTEL DO YOU WISU TO RECOMMEND? /Ml^r/... id J. IS THERE A N Y SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION \FE SHOULD HAVE? .S?._.£:...„ Q./jffi.tL...... ZJO^^'MLZ^U^^0 Oft \VO I | K. WILL SOMEONE IN T H E ORGANIZATION MEET T H E SPEAKER ON ARRIVAL? S fiii/>m£.. \Mmja.^jtju£.^f^ij^ 5. PLEASE STATE DRESS, FORMAL OR INFORMAL, ^..Uf..9...<r.^...7Z.'.. 4dMdi/k u>. aeAJL v......'. BUSINESS SUIT OR AFTERNOON DRESS _ EVENING DRESS, T U X E D O _ „ ... L PLEASE STATE DISTANCE O F AUDITORIUM FROM AIRPORT OR OTHER T R A W S P O R T A T 1 0 N . . . . „ . . . ^ Z y / e . . j < 3 ' _ "- _ IAJIMJM. .:±a.u dikisAJt^L o£_ FjZ.C-jZ^ i r r NOTES FOR YOUR INFORMATION A l l correspondence concerning the practical details of the engagement should be directed to W . Colston Leigh Inc., 521 Fifth Avenue, N e w York 17, N. Y. as all travel arrangements and itineraries are prepared and issued i n N e w York. Inasmuch as there are constant changes in train and plane schedules, w e are not i n a position to give specific information concerning the speakers' arrival a n d departure until shortly before the engagement is scheduled to take place, a n d after the schedule has been approved. AGREEMENT This is an AGREEMENT made this 28th day of 196 6 by and between the AMERICAN BEAUTY RIDES, February Box 29, Perryvillo, Missouri, hereinafter referred to as the OPERATOR, and The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, a body corporate and subdivision of the State of Missouri (hereinafter called H JCD M ). WHEREAS, the Meraraec Community College Student Council desires to conduct a spring carnival in order to raise scholarship funds for the JCD and to benefit the student activities program on the 24eramec Community College Campus of JCD; and WHEREAS, said spring carnival will not interfere with the educational purposes to which its Meramec Community Colleg r property is devoted; WHEREAS, no general funds of JCD will be used to conduct said spring carnival; NOW, THEREFORE, in order to facilitate the conduct of said spring carnival, the parties hereto, hereby agree as followsi 1. OPERATOR agrees to provide all materials and services necessary for the operation of an amusement-type carnival from May 15, 1966 May 13 through and including , and consisting of the following ridesi 1-Ferris Wheel Ride 1-Tile-A-Whirl Ride 1-Ocotpus Ride 1-Rock-O-Plane Ride 1-Scrambler Ride 1-Round-up Ride 4fe $.25 .30 (Unless otherwise ammer.ded,) .25 (prices indicated are approved) .30 (for each ride. ) .30 .30 1-Kcrry-GO-Round $. 25 1-Boat Rida .25 ^ 1-Honda Rido .25 9 Total Rides Contracted For 2. ~ ? * OPERATOR agrees to provide the necessary ticket booths for each of the aforementioned rides and further agrees to provide JCD with all serially numbered tickets for advanced ticket sales and for . sale from the ticket booths during the actual operation of the carnival. 3. OPERATOR agrees to secure any necessary building i or operating permits as required by the City of ^ Kirkwood, and to furnish JCD with copies of all w ; said permits, which permits shall be granted in the nanre of OPERATOR. JCD agrees to pay for the installST ation, separate metering and use of electric power for all amusement rides and other concessions under its direct control. 4. ^ <^ OPERATOR will provide JCD, at OPERATOR'S cost, within fifteen (15) days after the signing of this agreement, a certificate of insurance authenticating a prepaid policy for the following minimum requirements t Public liability insurance of $100,000 for any one accidents $300,000 total. JCD and its Board of Trustees will be a named insured on said policy, or said policy shall otherwise provide complete coverage to JCD and its Board of Trustees on arising out of, or account of said carnival operation. : £fe 5. OPERATOR agrees to provido all necessary transportation, hauling and lifting of equipment required for the set-up and removal of his carnival apparatus from JCD property and further agrees that final removal of said equipment, clean up and restoration of site to its original condition shall be no later than forty-eight (48) hours from the final hour of authorised operation. JCD is authorized to deduct from OPERATOR'S commission, any cost incurred by it on account of OPERATOR'S failure to comply with this provision. 6. v< <r- JCD hereby gives its permission for OPERATOR to enter onto property located on the campus of Meramoc r Community College, 959 South Geycr Road, Kirkwood, Missouri, and conduct such carnival operations as aro outlined solely, however, in accordjanco with this agreement. 7. JCD will permit the OPERATOR to bring onto the site a confection trailer from which the OPERATOR may sell, for his exclusive benefit and profit, cotton candy, popcorn and snowcones. All other refreshments sold during the carnival operation will be operated by, and for the sole benefit and profit of JCD and its scholarship and student activity funds. 8. JCD agrees to accept from the OPERATOR pro-numbered tickets for use on all amusement rides. JCD will be held accountable for all such pro-numbered Ill tickets. Monetary consideration will bo paid by |1 the JCD to OPERATOR based on number of ride tick to S| actually sold. All unused rido tickets will bo •;.: * • B M . returned by the JCD to OPERATOR. An accounting, consisting of properly documented receipts will bo H rendered for all serially numbered tickets delivered B by OPERATOR to JCD for resale. !H II The amount payablo by the JCD to OPERATOR will be based on the following scalei M GROSS SAL~5 B TOTAL GROSS SALES B PERCENTAGE OP COZffllSSION 75% 9. JCD will supervise the sale of all tickets, the H collection of all monies rolating to amusement B rides, refreshments other than those concessions B granted to OPERATOR, and amusement booths. H An auditing will bo rendered by OPERATOR of the daily B receipts for each individual ride to the JCD. An B auditing will be rendered to OPERATOR by JCD within B forty-oight (48) hours of the closing date of the B carnival. This auditing will set forth the number B o£ tickets received from OPERATOR, the number sold B and the number returned to OPERATOR. The total B amount due to OPERATOR will be calculated. Final B payment will be made not later than two (2) days from B date of closing of the carnival. Pinal payment will B he contingent upon OPERATOR having complied with all S conditions of this agreement to the satisfaction B Of JCD. III 10. OPERATOR agrees to maintain all equipment in good H 11. OPERATOR agrees that in the case of inclement M weather, it will reschedule the performance for the H following weekend, i.e., B May 22, 1966, afc jjl no May 20th through ond including additional cost or penalty to JCD. 12. OPERATOR agrees that all his employees will be 9 suitably attired, i.e., minimal standards required H will be full length pants and short sleeved sport 9 shirto, and that he will prohibit his eraployoos from M using profane and/or indecent language during their H tenure at the carnival site. 9 IN V7ITNESS V7HSREOP, the parties hereto have caused this 9 agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. B OPERATOR (Title) 9 Authorized Officer f I w 9 9 9 9 gm. W T H E JUNIOR C O L L E C E D I S T R I C T , OP ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI ~ T President, Board of Trustees T