* MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES • THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI M O N D A Y , JANUARY 11, 1965 - 8:00 P.M. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis St. Louis County, Missouri, was held on Monday, January 11, 1965, at the Central Office of of the District, 7508 Forsyth Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion, called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion Messrs. Lester C. Geil Morris G laser Guy S. Ruffin F. William McCalpin Gerald V. Williamson Also present were Mr. James W. Hobson, Vice President; Dr Glynn E. Clark, Campus Director; Dr. R. William Graham, Campus Director; Dr. Douglas F. Libby, Jr., Campus Director, and Mrs. Dolores Tygard, Community Relations - all of the Junior College staff. Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present. . ™ 1/11/65 - 1 - ^ P 1.3 Minutes Board President Bastian called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular meeting of December 28, 1964. They were read and discussed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Glaser, and with the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board who were present, the Minutes of the Regular meeting of December 28, 1964 were approved as submitted. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Bastian welcomed M r . Bob Jackson - a reporter from the St. Louis Globe Democrat. She also welcomed M r . James Hammons, who is spending three weeks observing various aspects of the Junior College District, in connection with the Junior College Leadership Training Program at the University of Texas. The following faculty members were also introduced to the Board and welcomed to the meeting: Dr. Florence Brown, Miss La Verne Hubenschmidr, M r . Gerald Fullerton from Meramec; and Dr. Paul Eisner and M r . Edward Menges from Florissant V a l l e y . 1.6 Communications 1.6. 1 The report from the Citizens Advisory Committee, chaired by M r . John Fox, had been sent to the Board members prior to the meeting for their perusal. A general discussion followed among the Board members regarding the value of this report and the great effort which M r . Fox and the members of his committee had put into i t . In order to utilize this report to the fullest, Board member M c C a l p i n moved that the secretary be directed to send copies of the Report to the mayor of the C i t y of St. Louis; the supervisor of St. Louis County; members of the Board of Aldermen in the C i t y of St. Louis and of the St. Louis County Council; 1/11/65 - 2 - , ,. , , ' mi I ^ P " i i i • ' ' ' i if ^ mi' i I i • r • i • •«. I,, .1 . . . J > ,«,»,ih.......iiii.nl,..I»J.II»,I..II.I.I...III , • ill | ,i.....mi. , Hill .Til H i|| ilU|,H'«Jt,|.| members of a l l of the school boards in the c i t y and c o u n t y , superintendents of each school aye Monday, district Advisory and copies College or been the letter equivalent C Congress Central vote Welfare,must iincluded vof be iRESOLVED, M Sec. which of, Vice Welfare, or Whereuppn, Federal l1.6.2 District, gratitude of Committee, rRights February invited national . or all O Ruffin 6 established President fsuperintendents, makes be 0 fin imembers 1 cfinancial Ae .asubjected the give to cas A land seconded 8tlo to N.,on That submit rassurances an memorandum up oagenda, ireceived be g1965. appreciation this Hobson person imotion applicant the nof the distributed ,the assistance." be the Department their to Junior following the District A discrimination excluded wliich iexplained by n and from Board, lwhich smotion, comments the oM for from ,College that rto the that upon .stated United give future were itRuffin, M pthe Francis additional Chairman from orwas and the to .lrequest ito cassurance with that District, Fox required the ybenefits States participation under Board :the i tseconded Keppel, and was Board respect "In Department to John scopies any opassed h the Title any fto and from that a f members ilcldemonstrate program Fox, ,members iU to by a cprincipals on VI .ithe should littlithis M yiunanimously. nS. zw of the ,and reof accept iDepartment .n lbe Commissioner Report that lthe ;Williamson, or Health, ground comply of be and that denied aC of under his that prepared cithe tvthat ito the the vi committee. liof tthe with report Education, Rights the yof this secretary a non-public race, lreceiving lof Health, District Board and ben and who this a of cEducation Atcolor, cupon ,retained fits section the treceive on the send of and Education or institutions, Citizens the 1964, Junior a before of had in @^B? |:H ; would comply comp'9tely with Title VI of the C i v i l Rights A c t of 1964, and all other provisions of the C i v i l Rights A c t affecting Education. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized to execute whatever documents are necessary to give the assurances requested. 1.6.3 Mrs. Doris Burns read a letter from Mayor Raymond R. Tucker to Dr. Cosond, in w h i c h he acknowledged receipt of a copy of an advertisement which appeared in Business Week. ' He has forwarded this, together with a reply to M r . Aloys P. Kaufmann, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis, since there is a relationship of the JCD in St. Louis with the industrial development in St. Louis, 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 Certificated Personnel In accordance with President Cosand's recommendation,after due discussion, and on > motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . G e i I , and by unanimous vote, it was RESOLVED, That the following be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board: John R. Brookhart - Counselor - FPCC - 1-4 - Effective 1/25/65 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by the Board, with each of the above f u l l - t i m e certificated employee, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.2 Classified Personnel - Change in Classification The President of the College recommended the reclassification of Virginia Leutzinger IBM Operator - from Range 9C to IOC - Effective 1/1/65. A general discussion followed involving her duties and qualifications•;•'',' A Whereupon, on motion by M r . Glaser, seconded by M t . G e i l , and upon the unanimous I • 1/11/65 - 4 - a YQ •I,.*&' vo *e °f a " members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the classification of V i r g i n i a Leutzinger - IBM Operafor - be changed from Range 9C to IOC - Effective 1 / 1 / 6 5 . 2.3 Salary Schedule - Certificated Personnel The President of the C o l l e g e , Dr. Cosand, recommended that the salary schedule for the faculty be established as submitted. This would include all classifications from Laboratory Assistant through, and i n c l u d i n g , Professor. V i c e President Hobson pointed out that this change was necessary to bring our salary schedule in line w i t h other junior colleges and community colleges in the area, and throughout the United States, thus making i t possible to recruit and retain outstanding educators. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and upon the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Basic Salary Schedule for the Instructional Staff be established by the Junior College District of St. Louis - St, Louis County, Missouri, as outlined in pages 1 - 5 of the attached addendum to these Minutes. FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Salary Schedule go into effect for the 1965-66 College Year. Amendment of the Basic Salary Schedule for Administration was deferred until a future meeting of the Board of Trustees. 2.4 Salary Schedule Adjustments The President of the College recommended that the following adjustments be made to the present schedule for the Instructional Staff. For those faculty members with Master's Degrees, who are now in Classification I, Step 1 or Step 2 - and who in the new schedule would ( £ rfU* 1/11/65 - . • • . - . .••• : ' , • > • _ : < : - _ : . . . . . ' - . . . . . . • - . : • : . . ' • - . - 5 . - . • • • ; • • • • ' " • . ' • . • - . . • , _. j i « w i » i H j ^ w » M » « w ' w w i m w i T i « r n r i T T ^ n i y i T i i w M w i ^ i i m ^ ——1—-T-~n-rmninTrrfmir" -l , "~n'TTrTTr~i L nTrr J - iir"'riii"'rrr-~rriinTr'r" J ' ~— be in Classification I V , the President recommended that they be advanced one step to be effective January 4 , 1965 (for the second session) and that they be advanced another step for the College Year 1965-66. Vice President Hobson explained that we want to be in a position to offer graduate students w i t h a Masters Degree, without experience, a beginning salary of $6300, which is in competition with other institutions. To do this, we must make some adjustments for Instructors now employed wi*h the District, who were hired at $5500, and who were perhaps in the second step of the schedule of $5900. This would also be true of those in the $6300 bracket, who should be raised to $6700 for the 1965-66 College Year. N o other adjustment would be made to bring the new schedule into correlation with the old schedule. Board member Williamson moved that we accept the recommendation as submitted. The motion was seconded by M r . Glaser. A general discussion followed involving c l a r i f i c a t i o n of the above mofion. Whereupon, M r . M c C a l p i n moved that the motion be amended to state that the present contracts of a l l teaching personnel in Classification I, Step 1, be amended to increase their compensation for the current semester from an annuql rate of $5500 to an annual rate of $5900, and those in Classification !, Step 2 , from $5900 to $6300 per year, but to take no action with regard to the salaries for the 1965-66 College Year. it passed unanimously. M r . Ruffin seconded the motion to amend. Upon the vote Whereupon, Mrs. Bastian called for a vote on the following resolution, as amended. RESOLVED, That the salaries of Instructors in Classification I, Step to an annual rate from $5500 to $5900 - effective January 4 , 1965; salaries of those Instructors in Classification I - Step 2 , be adjusted $5900 to $6300 - for the annual rate - effective January 4 , 1965, are to continue for the remainder of their current contract year, Upon the vote, the resolution was passed unanimously. 1/11/65 - 6 - 1, be adjusted and that the upwards from Said adjustments '• 3. CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION 3. 1 Dr. Paul Eisner, Dean of Instruction at the Florissant V a l l e y campus, introduced M r . Edward Menges, an Instructor in the Art Department. Dr. Eisner pointed out some of M r . Menges 1 qualifications, mentioned the Montage show which he was on last Sunday, e t c . , and gave some background on the work he had done in both the Commercial Art and Fine Arts programs. M r . Menges reviewed in some detail what the Junior College District is attempting to do for the students in the community, in a minimum amount of t i m e , and at a great savings i n cost. Particularly in the Commercial Arts courses, M r . Menges urges his students to go for q u a l i t y , not for grades, since this is what w i l l make them employable in the years to come. He emphasized that design and composition are equally as important as draftsmanship for students seeking employment. M r . Menges also mentioned the fact that speed is a factor in the A r t class. He does give then a good deal of homework which can be done at their own rate of speed. Another point which was brought out was the fact that some of the better students were going on to four year colleges, after completion of their first two yaars. Students are also urged to seek employment in the summer. With the help of posters drawn by the students at various stages of instruction, M r . Menges showed the marked improvement which can be made in a short period of time. Discussion ensued regarding curriculum, e t c . and questions were asked by members of the Board, Mrs. Bastion thanked M r . Menges for his interesting presentation. 1/11/65 - 7 - 9 4. PHYSICAL FACILITIES 4- 1 V i c e President Hobson reported that the Tarlton Construction Company had completed the work on the Florissant V a l l e y Community College campus on November 3 0 , 1964. The architects,. Campus Director and staff, have a l l recommended that the work be accepted as being completed under the conditions of the contract. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . M c C a l p i n , and w i t h the unanimous aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the final payment for completion of the contract by Tarlton Construction Company be made, in accordance with the terms set forth in the contract. 5. BUSINESS A N D FINANCE 5. 1 Treasurer's Report The Board President, Mrs. Bastian, c a l l e d upon the Treasurer, M r . Hobson, to present the Treasurer's Report for the month ending December 3 1 , 1964. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . M c C a l p i n , seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, the Treasurer's Report was approved as submitted, and is attached as an addendum to these M i n u t e s . 5.2 Warrant-Check Register The Treasurer of the College, M r . Hobson, presented the Warrant-Check Register for the month ending December 3 1 , 1964. The expenditures for this p e r i o d , as listed in the above-mentioned Warrant-C!•••. -k Register are as listed in the addendum to these Minutes. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . Glaser, seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n and upon the aye vote of all jnembers of the Board, the Board r a t i f i e d and 1/11/65 - 8 - ^ p approved the payment of a l l expenditures made In accordance w i t h the Warrant-Check Register, for the month of December, 1964, 5.3 Ratification of Investments The President of the College requested r a t i f i c a t i o n of the investments made by the Treasurer of the C o l l e g e for the period December 28th through January 11th, 1965, A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the f o l l o w i n g investments by the Treasurer of the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri - be r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: $200,000.00 in U. S. Treasury b i l l s , purchased January 7 t h , due January 21st, 1965 from the First N a t i o n a l Bank in St. Louis on a 3 . 4 4 basis, for a total cost of $ 1 9 9 , 7 5 1 . 5 6 . V i c e President Hobson pointed out that requests for bids had gone out prior to the investment, in accordance w i t h Board policy,. 5.4 Acceptance of Contract Revision with the Automatic Retailers of America The President of the College requested the acceptance of the contract revision w i t h the Automatic Retailers of A m e r i c a . Vice President Hobson explained the problem which has arisen in the d i n i n g area a t the Florissant V a l l e y campus because of the high usage during the hours of 8:30 a . m . and 5:00 p . m . It is d i f f i c u l t to keep the tables bussed and the floors c l e a n e d . Therefore, rather than hire someone to do the work, i t was suggested that the vending company extend their services to cover this needed work, A general discussion followed regarding the possibility of hiring students to do this type of w o r k . 1/11/65 Vice President Hobson was asked to review this possibility in future circumstances. - 9 - Q£P Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . M c C a l p i n , and with the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees authorize revision of the contract between Automatic Retailers of A m e r i c a , Inc. and the J C D , in accordance w i t h the Addendum to Agreement attached to these Minutes. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the D i s t r i c t . ' 5.5 Acceptance of a Scholarship from the American Business Women's Association The President of the College recommended the acceptance of a scholarship from the Fleur-De-Lis Chapter of the American Business Women's Association in the amount of $250.00 each year to provide for tuition and books. This scholarship must be awarded to a female student, enrolled f u l l time, and having a strong academic record and test scores which indicate good college p o t e n t i a l . The scholarship would be awarded by the JCD Scholarship Committee. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r , M c C a l p i n , seconded by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District accept the scholarship of $250.00 to be awarded each year for t u i t i o n and books, in accordance with the abovementioned provisions, as set forth i n the scholarship, from the Fleur-De-Lis Chapter of the American Business Women's Association. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees extend the Junior College District's appreciation to this organization for this scholarship. 5.6 Acceptance of a bid for sign for Florissant V a l l e y Community College The Presti.k<nt of the College recommended the acceptance of the bid and awarding of an order for the construction and erection of a sign for the Florissant V a l l e y Community 1/11/65 - 10 - College campus from the Federal Sign Company i n the amount of $ 1,835o90. V i c e President Hobson pointed out that a number of designs had been submitted by the architects for this sign, and requests for quotation sent to five suppliers for material and installation of the sign. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupdn, i t was moved by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , and seconded by M r . Ruffin that the Board approve the sign and award an order to the Federal Sign Company for the construction and erection of said sign. was as follows: The vote by the members of the Board M r . Williamson (yes), M r . M c C a l p i n (yes), M r . Ruffin (yes), Mrs. Bastion (no), M r . G e i l (no), M r . Glaser (no). Being a t i e v o t e , the motion to approve the sign and award the order to Federal Sign Company f a i l e d to pass. Discussion ensued regarding the pros and cons of a l l designs submitted. It was decided that the administrative staff should check further with sign companies, involve f a c u l t y members as much as possible, and come up with another recommendation in the near future. 5.7 Certificates of Deposit Board Member M c C a l p i n requested that an item be added to the Agenda authorizing members of the Board to invest the funds of the District, pending r a t i f i c a t i o n thereof at the next Board meeting - in accordance w i t h the funds available for investment , and on the terms of the bids to be opened on Tuesday, January 19, 1965. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . /Villiamson, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was RESOLVED, That Board members Glaser and M c C a l p i n be and hereby are authorized to open the bids to be received by the District on January 19, 1965, for the purchase of Certificate? of Deposit - not to exceed two m i l l i o n dollars; and upon the anqlysis and study of such bids received and upon review of the funds 1/11/65 - 11 - .miiniiwiiMii •KIIMHIIH i»i»iMiiiM»iiw»ii»iiiiri«>^ii<iiiiiiiihwii^^ of the District a v a i l a b l e for investment and not required for the general needs of the District for a period of six months, to invest the funds of the District so available in Certificates of Deposit for U. S. Treasury Bills at the best price obtainable for the time periods selected; said investments to be ratified by the Board at its next regular meeting. FURTHER RESOLVED, That any such investments comply with the requirements of the school law concerning Security requirements of the successful bidder or bidders. A general discussion followed regarding attendance at these bid openings. Board members who wish to be present are invited to do so, and Vice President Hobson was requested to inform them of the date and time when this is to be done6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 6.1 Enrollments - Winter Session, 1965 Dr. G l y n n E. C l a r k , Campus Director of the Meramec campus, reported that 1442 students had registered to d a t e , which is some 174 below the figure last September. This drop in the number of students is in line with other second semester figures - taking into consideration dropouts, dismissals, e t c . - and the fact that the District picks up few, if any, transfer students in the Winter Session. Campus Director R. William Graham, reported that !430 had registered at the Forest Park Campus, almost 300 below last Fall; and Dr. Douglas F. Libby, J r , , Campus Director at Florissant V a l l e y reported an enrollment of approximately 1270, about 364 less than last FalL Discussion ensued among the Board members and Campus Directors regarding the various reasons for the decrease in enrollment. Campus Directors also reported on the number of applications which hove been received to date for the F a l l , 1965 Session. Dr. Libby said they have in excess of 900 applications; Dr. Graham - 12; and Dr. Clark reported that they have not numbered them beyond the 947 figures. 1/11/65 " '2 " 7. C O M M U N I T Y SERVICES 7.1 Publicity - Radio, Press, TV Mrs. Dolores Tygard reported that press releases have gone out regularly to a l l of the news media - in the c i t y and county, She mentioned in particular the K M O X Montage TV program which had featured M r . Edward Menges from the Florissant V a l l e y campus on Sunday, January 10, 1965. A l s o , Dr. Cosand had appeared on radio and TV on several occasions during the past several weeks. 7.2 Open House - Florissant Valley Community College Campus Director Douglas F. Libby, Jr. reported that 1500 invitations have gone out for the Open House to be held on Sunday, January 2 4 , 1965 from 1:30 to 4:00 p . m . He reported in some detail on where invitations are being sent, arrangements which are being made, e t c . 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Bastion asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and M r . Williamson moved that we adjourn. M r . McCalpin seconded the m o t i o n , and it was unanimously adjourned at 10:05 p . m . Respectfully submitted, Dolores B. Secretary, The Junior St. Louis - \ 1/11/65 - 13 - Tygard ^ ^ Board of Trustees College District of St. Louis County, Missouri iHiiliriHiilll^Jl^jWiMHi—Ml II j — ^ ^ _ * I I I I ' ' I ! nvnr.f n...... I.I.I., .....i...^^,^.—^..>..-^...—_ 1 BASIC SALARY 1—• I. II. III. Laboratory Assistant * Teaching Assistant * * Instructor A Continued - - - . ^..... f - _ _• J M I W I I ^ W ' .: —inn ill III imiWin i.i ,,,||| SALARY 1 4,800 2 5,100 3 5,400 4 5,700 5 6,000 1 4,000 Competency in subject field. 2 4,300 Bachelor's Degree preferred. 3 4,600 * * Time schedule same as teaching staff 4 4,900 5 5,100 5,500 2 5,900 3 6,300 4 6,700 5 7,100 6 7,500 7 7,900 8 8,300 9 8,700 in i m in inn , STAFF STEP 1 mi i SCHEDULE INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION . QUALIFICATIONS Competency in subject field laboratory work. B.S. preferred. * 12 months position - vacation allowance same as classified Bachelor's Degree or competency and experience in technical subject field. \ - j j i s t r uc t i o na I Staff IV. V. Instructor B Assistant Professor @VI. Page 2 1 6,300 Master's Degree in Subject Field, or 2 6,700 Bachelor's Degree plus 2 years experience in 3 7,100 Technical Field, or Vocational Class A 4 7,500 Credential 1 7,100 Master's Degree in Subject Field, plus 4 years teaching experience, or 2 7,500 3 7,900 4 8,300 5 8,700 6 9,100 Vocational C!css A . Credential plus 4 years teaching experience. 1 8,700 Master's Degree in Subject Field plus 8 years teaching experience, or 2 9,100 3 9,500 4 9,900 5 10,300 6 10,700 Bachelor's Degree plus 2 years experience in Technical Field, plus 4 years teaching experience, or Bachelor's Degree plus 10 years experience in Technical Field, or Associate Professor Bachelor's Degree plus 2 years experience in Technical Field plus 8 years teaching experience, or Bachelor's Decree plus 10 years experience in Technical Field, plus 4 years teaching experience, or Bachelor's Degree plus Vocational Class A Credential plus 8 years teaching experience. VII. Professor 1 10,300 2 10,700 90 units approved graduate work beyond Baccalaureate Degree to include a Master's Degree in Subject f i e l d , plus 12 years teaching experience, or 3 Continued --- 11,100 4 11,500 5 11,900 Master's Degree plus 2 years experience in Technical Fielc plus 30 units approved graduate work plus 12 years teaching experience, o? gjgistructional VII. Staff Professor Cont. Page 3 6 12,3C0 Master's Degree plus 10 years experience in Technical f i e l d , plus 30 units approved g r a d uate work, plus 8 years teaching experience, or Master's Degree plus Vocational Class A Credential plus 30 units approved graduate w o r k , plus 12 years teaching experience, or Doctoral Degree plus 12 years-teaching experience. CONDITIONS: (1) N o reacher or counselor new to the St. Louis Junior College District w i l l be employed and placed beyond Class V , Step 4 , without specie; approval by the Board of Trustees, and in no instance, beyond Classification V I , Step 4 . (2) A l l placement in Class V I I w i l l be based upon -ecommendations from the Professional Standards Committee where said recommendations concern rhemselves with those superior teachers and counselors who have consistently improved the-seives professionally and, in a d d i t i o n , have contributed outstanding services to the total ec^cational progrc- of the c o l l e g e . (3) Salcries quoted are for services rendered durirc c regular college year of two full semesters as detes-mined by the Board of Trustees when estaciishing the calendar for the college year. Academic Rank - Promotion in Rank Faculty members w i l l be appointed to an appropriate academic rank upon joining the faculty of the District. Faculty members w i l l not be promored to Category VII of the sclary schedule until they have satisfied a l l c r i t e r i a , as noted in this manual, plus a minimum of three (3) years in Classification V I . Advancement - Salary Schedule 1 Advancement on the salary schedule is independent of promotion in rank. Faculty members may odvance on the salary schedule during the fifV mree (3) years of service, but promotions in ocodemic rank w i l l not be made during this period. A l l promotions in academic rank and a l l advancement on th-e salary schedule w i l l be r e j e c t to the criteria o u t l i n e d elsewhere i n this manual ( 4 . 2 0 . 10) Charter faculty members w i i ! be credited with a f u l l year's service for the Spring Session, 1963. Con tinued --- " • ™ ^ " i , ™ " M * M * ^ , " * , ' M M Jrfast r u c t i o n o l ' * - - ~ ^ - l ^ k - t ——""- • '• — — 1| | in - • I •liniHUBM - | - | - |*MlMmnai>llllU^ Ifc |MMH»willlll tr Staff I I LU._ ir.. I Page 4 SALARY SCHEDULE FOR PART-TIME INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF The salary schedule for p a r t - t i m e teachers is based upon approximately twd-thirds o f the mean salary paid i n each of the four salary classifications previously adopted by the Beard of Trustees. It is recommended that each part-time teacher be paid upon the basis of the number o f credit hours taught. •* Classification I I I - I V - $150/Credit Hour Classification V - $180/Credit Hour Classification V I - $215/Credit Hour Classification V I I - $250/Credit Hour PAYMENT O F COUNSELORS A N D LIBRARIANS Counselors and Librarians w i l l be paid i n accordance with the same salary schedule applicable to the teaching staff. Whenever counselors and librarians are employed for periods longer than the academic year, two sessions, their compensation w i l l be determined in the same manner as that used for part-time instructional staff. The maximum number o f credit hours for which they may receive compensation w i l l be f i f t e e n . Fifteen credit hours would be the basis for compensation when the counsebr or librarian was employed a minimum of eight hours a day during the entire session. For periods shorter than the entire session or for employed hours less than eight hours a d a y , compensation would be p r o - r a t e d . PAYMENT O F T E A C H I N G STAFF FOR THIRD SESSION I N O N E CALENDAR YEAR A n y member of the tepching staff employed during the third session o f one calendar year w i l l be compensated on a per c r e d i t hour basis at the rate established for part-time teaching staff i n his classification. 4 • * "' * Q p I n s t r u c t i on a I S t a f f Condition I . Page 5 to become 4 . 2 0 . 13 The Board of Trustees reserves the r i g h t , upon recommendation of the President of the J . C D . to place incoming f a c u l t y members on the salary schedule in accordance w i t h the best judgment of the campus and central office staffs. Once employed under c o n t r a c t , f a c u l t y members may advance w i t h i n the salary schedule as described in section 4 . 2 0 of the Policies and Procedures M a n u a l . * Condition I I . to become 4 . 2 0 . 14 Faculty members showing outstanding professional growth and contributing beyond expectations in his professional responsibilities to the JCD may advance more than one step on the salary schedule during any one year, but in no instance more than t w o steps. Condition I I I . to becomp 4 . 2 0 . 15 Faculty members completing doctoral programs may be advanced two steps on the salary schedule beyond the earned increment, e f f e c t i v e at the next contract year. * Define guidelines The Junior College District St. Louls-St. Louis County, Missouri TREASURER'S REPORT DECEMBER 31, 1964 Account Amount December 1, 1964 Plus Receipts: Tax Revenue City of St.Louis Tax Revenue St. Louis County Investment Income Auxiliary Services Student Fees Student Activities Miscellaneous Receipts Balance $2,315,546.32 901 902 920 930 951 961 - $568,977.85 358,596.68 40,828.04 3,118.44 69,383.80 131.50 253.16 Total Receipts Less Disbursements: Tuition Refunds Salaries - Net Expenses Capital Outlay Auxiliary Services - Cost of Sales Payroll Taxes and Withholding Other Disbursements 1,041,289.47 120 300 400 500 600 700 - $ 75.50 166,296.49 51,111.51 59,809.29 23,897.95 43,811.73 400.00 Total Disbursements 345.402.47 December 31, 1964 $3.011.433.32 Balance December 31, 1964 consists of: Petty Cash Funds Cash in Banks: General Account Payroll Account Investments (see Schedule A) $ $ 59,981.08 652.24 800.00 60,633.32 2.950,000.00 $3,011.433.32 Reconcllation of Warrant-Check Register to Disbursements: Warrant-Check Register Total December 31, 1964 $3,244,908,67 Less: Cost of Investments made during December $2,899,353.96 Excess deposit In payroll bank account 152.24 2.899.506.20 Total Disbursements for Month of December, 1964. $ 345.402.47 The Junior College District St. Louis-St.Louis County, Missouri SCHEDULE A INVESTMENT ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH OF DFCEMBFR, 1964 Purchase Date Purchased From Type of Inv. (a) Rate of Int. Maturity Date Maturity Value Cost interest Earned December Maturities 1963 12/23 Security.Tr. 2 4.00 12/17/64 $'. 500,000.00 500,000.00 $20,000.00 12/23 Boatmen's Bnk 2 4.00 12/17/64 500,000.00 500,000.00 20,000.00 M e r r i l l Lynch First Natl. First Natl. M e r r i l l Lynch 3.36 3.25 3.20 3.40 12/10/64 12/17/64 12/17/64 12/24/64 150,000.00 150,000.00 300,000.00 500.000.00 $ 149,818.00 149,823.96 299,813.33 499.716.67 $ 182.00 176.04 186.67 283.33 $40.828.04 05/20/65 05/20/65 12/12/65 12/12/65 03/31/65 $• 500,000.00 500,000.00 950,000.00 500,000.00 500.000.00 S2.950.000T00 $ $ 1964 11/27 12/04 12/10 12/17 1 1 1 1 Outstanding December 31. 1964 1964 5/22 5/22 12/17 12/17 12/24 Merc T r . Security T r . Security T r . Mound C i t y Security T r . 2 2 2 2 2 4.00 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.25 (a) 1 - Treasury B i l l s 2 - C e r t i f i c a t e of Deposit 3 - Repurchase Agreement 500,000.00 500,000.00 950,000.00 500,000.00 500.000.00 $2^950,000.00 THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. LOUIS-ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI « At the present time we are expending only from General and Plant Funds. No Debt Service Fund has been established. The check-warrants listed hereon have been issued in accordance with the Policies and Procedures of The Junior College District, and in compliance with the appropriations granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 1964-65 fiscal year budget, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and sub-fund available for the expenditures for which approval is herein requested. Trei\Burer, Board of Trustees Approved by the Board of Trustees this //"""day of President, Board of Trustees (J/Z-Xs. 1964. Secretary, Board of Trustees M (j i January 11, 1965 • ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUTOMATIC RETAILERS OF AKERICA, INC. AND THE JU2JIQR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS Tho agreement for Vending and Food Services signed and entered into August 10th, 19&A by and between A.R.A. Service of St. Louis and The Junior College District of St. Louis is amaiended as follows: Effective January 11th, 1965 A»RoA. Service of St. Louis will provide the following additional services: • 1 An employee who will work in the lounge area to provide the following: 1. Bussing of the tablesj clearing, wiping and emptying of ash trays* 2„ Cleaning of floorsj pick up refuse, nop up spillagej and necessary sweeping« 3. Empty trash containers, whenever they become full* This employee will provide the above services frcra 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (with one-half hour time off for lunch) Monday thru Friday* A*?..A« will be responsible for all table bussing. Effoctivo at this time A.R.A. will pay cexmissiono at the rate of ten percent on total gross sales from our food service equipment,, AUTOMATIC RETAILERS 0? AMERICA A.R.A. SERVICE OF ST. LOUIS ytdA/Mj :'' Vultor F. Kayer Division l&naner // u THE JUNIOR CCLLF.GE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS COUNT*, MISSOURI By It's Duly Authorised Officer President of the Board of Trustees ''