' • & MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1963 - &00 P.M. A meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri was held on Monday, March 25, 1963 at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. I. General Functions 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Gerald V . Williamson, called the meeting ;^F to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian Messrs. Morris Glaser Guy S. Ruffln F. Wm. McCalpin Gerald V. Williamson Mr. Lester C. Gel) was unable to be present, due to illness. Also present at the meeting were President Joseph P. Cosand, Vice President John E. Tlrretl, and Vice President James W. Hobson, all of the Junior C I leg staff. Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff, of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer, qP and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present. 1.3 Minutes Board President Williamson called for a reading of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board on March i l , 1963* The/ were read, and a minor change was recommended to the Executive Secretary, Mrs. Dolores Tygard. It was suggested that the certification (on page II) of the resolution referring to the establishment of a payroll deposit account was unnecessary. Mrs. Tygard corrected this. Whereupon, it was moved by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. Glaser, and passed with the unanimous aye vote of all the members of the Board, that the Minutes of the regular meeting of March I I , 1963 be approved, as corrected. Board President Williamson then called for a reading of the Minutes of the special meeting of March I I , 1963. Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and passed with the unanimous aye vote of all the members of the Board, that the Minutes of the special meeting of March I I , 1963 be approved. 1.4 Treasurer's Report Board President Williamson then called upon the Treasurer of the Junior College, Mr. F. Wm. McCalpin. Mr. McCalpin presented the Treasurer's report of March 25, 1963, as follows; ® 3/25/63 - 2- panamiiiii.iiiim.imiin.in.n.ii.II..L. i • ! ' i - ^ — _ i i n. ' • • •- • l' n •Illll'lllllll ih.lWmmnlHHHlllBIW H M I I I I u m i i " I March 25, 1963 ] REPORT OF THE TREASURER I. Income The following Is the detail of income received by The \ Junior College District in the form of tax collections, maintenance *[ fees, interest and miscellaneous income to date. City of St. Louis Prev. Reported Merchants tax $ 65,107.20 Manufacturers tax 101,347.90 Intangible tax 47,194.20 Personal Property 171,654.88 Real Estate 1,144,241.11 Railroads (State Board) 48,567.30 Railroads (Assessor) 9,226.79 Current Collections $ Sub Total Total 105.40 $ 65,212.60 17-30 101,365-20 47,194.20 10,455-38* 182,110.26 13,201.48*1,157,442.59 360.76* 68.03* 48,928.06 9,294.82 $1,611,547.73 County of St. Louis Merchants & Mfg. 47,093.43 Intangible tax 24,339-62 Personal Property 178,983-98 Real Estate 1,305,583-3^ Utilities 77,627.66 Railroads 11,589.04 47,093-43 24,339-62 178,983.98 1,305,583-34 77,627-66 11,589-04 "$1,645,217.07 Jefferson County tangible tax operty tax December tax coll. January tax coll. Railroad & Utility 10.24 5.64 316.82 3-26 1,152.27 *Includes prorated allocation of surplus commissions 1 $ - - - - - - - 10.24 5.64 316.82 3-26 1,152.27 $ 1,488.23 Illll«lll III I I A Maintenance fees $55,135.00 : A Loan Funds $ 240.00 240.00 $55,375.00 30.00 270.00 9 $ 55,645.00 Interest 4,861.94 Auxiliary Serv. Miscellaneous TOTALS II. 4,861.94 4,861.94 16,604.25 430.83 17,035.08 17>035-08 12,946.45 25,001.18 37,947.63 37,947.63 $3,323,872.32 $ 49,910.36 $3,373,782.68 Assets and Accounts The balance in the several bank accounts of the District as of the close of business this date was as follows: Mercantile Trust Company Manchester Bank City Bank $79,739-48 510.08 4,360.38 The District holds as assets the following: A. U.S. Treasury bills $200,000 400,000 150,000 450,000 $1,200,000 B. due due due due March 28, 1963 April 18, 1963 May 23, 1963 May 31, 1963 Certificates of Deposit $ 600,000 due August 5, 1963 600,000 due December 5, 1963 600,000 due February 5, 1964 $1,800,000 Respectfully submitted, F. Win. McCalpin, Treasurer -2- ® Discussion foflov/ed. Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. G laser, and seconded by Mrs. Bastion, that the Treasurer's report be approved, as submitted. Upon the aye vote of all the members, the motion was approved unanimously. 1.5 Welcome to Guests Board President Williamson introduced the following guests to the Board: Mr. Taylor Pensoneau, a reporter for the St. Louis Post Dispatch Mr. Charles Fackler, a reporter for the St. Louis Globe Democrat 1.7 Communications Mr. Williamson asked if there were any communications to be brought before the Board. There were not, and he moved to Point 2. of the Agenda Personnel. 2, Personnel 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Instructors Vice President Tirrell made a report to the Board on the following instructors: Ralph Bennett - Instructor - Business Administration - 1-4, Eff. 8/26/63 Miss Marie Bergmann - Counselor - 111-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Adam Casnier - Instructor - English - 11-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Mrs. Lillian Chaney - Instructor - Business Administration - 1-4 - Eff, 8/26/63 Don Gawronsk! - Instructor - Social Science - 1-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 ii Robert Gillespie - Instructor - Biology - 1-4 - Eff. 8/26/63 Thomas Milgeman - Instructor - Business Administration - 1-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 3/25/63 - 5 - Malkom Jackoway - Instructor - English - 11-2 ~ Eff. 8/26/63 Anthony Lampe - Instructor - Social Science - 111-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Emmet McFarland - Instructor - Business Administration - 1-4 - Eff. 8/26/63 Frank Livingston - Counselor - 11-2 - Eff. 7/1/63 Kalman Mecs - Instructor - Eng. Drawing - 11-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Victor Reef - Instructor - Engineering - 111 - 2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Edwin Sernoff - Instructor - Art - 1 - 2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Jake Til linger - Instructor - Technical - 11 - I - Eff. 8/26/63 Richard Widmayer - Instructor - English - 1 - I - Eff. 8/26/63 Richard Wurtz - Instructor - Social Science - 1 - 1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Fred Long - Instructor - Social Science - 1 - 1 - Eff. 8/26/63 John Hoelzer - Instructor - Mathematics - 111 - 2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Stanley Malcolm - Counselor - 11 - 3 - Eff. 8/26/63 A general discussion followed with respect to their academic backgrounds and general qualifications. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin / seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and upon the aye vote of all the members, it was RESOLVED, That the following personnel be employed by the Board as Instructors in the capacity and at the salary classification hereinafter set out, said salary classification having been previously adopted by the Board: 3/25/63 - 6- ••mliminiiiwminiiinwiiuiiimnmiliil i»ltlMiHililiiiilmi»»niml inummnniniiiMMiiiimimiiniiniiiiiiiiniiiniiiinaiiinniiiiiiiiiii1!! fiiiniiimimi»iiiimnHiM»ii.«««aM»lfc • » , » » • • — • • u m i i — w Ralph Bennett - Instructor - Business Administration - 1-4 - Eff. 8/26/63 Miss Mario Bergmann - Counselor - 111-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Adam Casnter - Instructor - English - 11-1 - Eff, 8/26/63 Mrs. Lillian Chaney - Instructor - Business Administration - 1-4 - Eff. 8/26/62 Don Gawronski - Instructor - Social Science - 1-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Robert Gillespie - Instructor - Biology - 1-4 - Eff. 8/26/63 Thomas Hilgeman - Instructor - Business Administration - 1-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Malkom Jackoway - Instructor - English - 11-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Anthony Lampe - Instructor - Social Science - 111-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Emmet McFarland - Instructor - Business Administration - 1-4 - Eff.8/26/63 Frank Livingston - Counselor - 11-2 - Eff. 7/1/63 Kalman Mecs - Instructor - Eng. Drawing - 11-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Victor Reef - Instructor - Engineering - 111-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Edwin Sernoff - Instructor - Art - 1-2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Jake Tillinger - Instructor - Technical - 11-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Richard WJdmayer - Instructor - English - 1-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Richard Wurtz - Instructor - Social Science - 1-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 Fred Long - Instructor - Social Science - 1-1 - Eff. 8/26/63 John Hoelzcr - Instructor - Mathematics - 111 - 2 - Eff. 8/26/63 Stanley Malcolm - Counselor - 11 - 3 - Eff. 8/26/63 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be, and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructors' Contract prevbusly adopted 3/25/63 - 7 - by the Board with each of the above certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.2 Classified Personnel i( Vice President Hobson recommended the employment of the following classified personnel: Mrs. Ruth Erickson - Assistant to Director of Instructional Resources Range 19 - Step A Mr. Norbert Klann - Accountant - Range 24 - Step A Discussion followed. Whereupon, upon motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all the members, it was RESOLVED, That the following classified personnel be employed by th District in the classification and at the salary indicated: Mrs. Ruth Erickson - Assistant to Director of Instructional Resources Range 19 - Step A Mr. Norbert Klann- Accountant - Range 24 - Step A 3. Curriculum and Instruction 3*1 Graduation Requirements College President Cosand recommended that the Board consider the adoption of the following graduation requirements, said graduation requirements to be set forth in the proposed policies and procedures manual of the Junior College District, under Section 2,18} 3/25/63 - 8- 2.18 Graduation Requirements 2.18.1 General Requirements There are several general requirements for graduation from any of th programs of study offered by The Junior College District: 1. Satisfactory completion of an approved curriculum or pattern of courses. (This information is published in the general catalogue and in the student information bulletin.) Students are required to obtain written approval of their programs each semester from the appropriate academic advisor and/or counselor. 2. Satisfactory completion of courses required by the laws of the State of Missouri. 3. Satisfactory completion of certain designated general education requirements for graduation. (These required courses may not be elected to satisfy any of the group requirements for the various associate desgrees.) The specific courses required for graduation from any degree or certificate program are: English Mathematics* Social Science American History and American Government or American Civilization Physical Education 6 credit hours 3 credit hours 3 credit hours 2 credit hours •Mathematics not required of students who submit four (4) units of approved high school mathematics. Statistics may be accepted as the mathematics requirements for the Business Administration curricula, 4. A cumulative grade point average of 2,00 (C) or higher. Credits from other colleges may not be used in this computation, 5. Completion, in residence, with an average of "C", a minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours of woik for students who transfer to this College with advanced standing. 3/25/63 - 9 - ^ — — — • - " " " ' " •• • W „ ^ . - . U.., i,i. II,. I, . . . . .,, r , ^ _K_ 2.18.2 Requirements for the Associate In Arts Degree Associate Degrees will be granted h the areas of arts, sciences, and business administration. Students enrolled in technical curriculums may qualify for a degree by completing all of the general education courses at the college transfer level of content in addition to the technical course requirements/ (course numbers 100 or above as indicated by the last three digits). In addition to the general education requir ments for each degree, there are definite "degree group" or areas of concentration of studies required. (See attachment) Accordingly, students will need to plan their programs to include the appropriate courses for the degree desired. Bulletins will be published from time to time to outline and explain the detailed requirements for the various technical curriculums. The general catalogue will list the requirements for other curiculums. 2.18.3 Requirements for Certificates The requirements for the various certificates of proficiency in technical semi-professional and terminal courses will be published in separate bulletins. Students will have occasion to plan such programs with the assistance and approval of their faculty advisors and counselors. A minimum cumulative grade point average of "C" or higher Is required in all programs. 3/25/63 - 10 - f | N j ) . . , , , ; j | | f f €1 2.18.4 Degree Group Requirements These requirements are in addition to the courses listed as general requirements: Minimum Hours Required Associate in Arts Group I Humanities 6 Associate Associate in Science in Business 4 6 Art, English, Music, Foreign Language, Speech, or other approved courses Group II Social Science 9 9 9 12 20 8* Anthropology, Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, or other approved courses xfe ^* Group III Natural Science and Mathematics Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics or other approved courses Group IV Business - 12 Accounting, Statistics,* Political Geography, Introduction to Business Administration, or other approved courses Other courses including those from General Requirements List ^ P 37 31 29 64 64 64 *Statistics may be accepted as the mathematics requirement for the Business Administration curricula. 3/25/63 -II- A general discussion followed. Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Glaser, that the following Resolution be adopted; RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of the Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri approve the administrative rules pertaining to graduation requirements, as set forth in Point 2.18, and various subdivisions, of the policies and procedures manual , as submitted by the College. Upon the aye vote of all the members, the resolution was adopted. 3.2 Vice President Tirrell reported to the Board on the development and progress in the technical education fields. He covered the proposed program for nursing education, hotel and restaurant management, and law enforcement. A general discussion followed, involving all of the Board members. 4 . College Facilities College President Cosand reported to the Board on the engineering studies and cost studies of the tentative site locations in the north county area. He recommended that the Board seriously consider the choice of a specific site, In order to commence negotiations leading to acquisition of said site. A general discussion followed. 3/25/63 - 12 - 5. Business and Finance 5.1 Contracts 5. II College President Cosand recommended the approval of the contract between Smith and Entzeroth, Inc., Architects, and The Junior College District, He told the Board that o committee consisting of Mr. Lester C. G e i l , Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff/ Mr. James W. Hobson, and Dr. Cosand, had discussed, and negotiated, this contract with the architectural firm of Smith and Entzeroth, and were submitting it in its final form. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all the members, the following resolution was adopt d: RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, employ the firm of Smith and Entzeroth, Inc., to furnish architectural services in connection with the master planning and construction of a Junior College campus on a St. Louis county site, said agreement to be in the form and on the terms and conditions of the written agreement attached to these minutes and by reference incorporated herein. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute said written agreement on behalf of the District in the form attached to these minutes. 5.12 College President Cosand recommended the acceptance of a contract between McDonnell Automation Center, and the Junior College District, for grade reporting. A general discussion followed. 3/25/63 - 13 - Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mrs, Bastion, and with the aye vote of all the members, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, That the Junior College District enter into a service agreement with the McDonnell Automation Center, a division of the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, for the purpose of furnishing to the District a grade reporting service, said agreement to be on the terms and conditions and in the form attached to these Minutes and by reference incorporated herein; FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President, and Secretary of the Board, are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the District. 5.2 Payment of Claims Vice President Hobson submitted the following claims, for payment, under the business and finance section of the Board agenda: 5.2 Payment of Claims - Personal 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 John E. Tirrell J , W. Hobson Glynn Clark Helen KinneyJohn Hoelzer R.RichardsonN . W. Klann- Expenses - 2/20-3/20 Expenses - 3/1 - 3/15 Expenses - 2/1 - 3.18 Expenses - 3/11/63 Expenses - 3/14/63 Expenses 3/13/63 Expenses - 3/14-3/16 $568.12 85.32 52.60 91.97 50.00 60.00 134.70 93.53 5.3 Payment of Claims-Tuition Refunds 18.00 5.4 Payment of Claims - Part-time Employees 5.41 Class room assistants 5.42 Library 5.43 Bookstore 5.5 pqvmenr of 5.51 5.52 5.53 5.54 3/25/63 506.27 155.00 291.89 59,38 Claims - Salaries Administrative Classified Full-time Faculty Part-time Faculty - Period 3/31/63 - Period 3/31/63 - Period 3/31/63 - Period 3/31/63 - 14 - 23,018.47 7,753,76 2,514.16 7,425.55 5,325.00 5.6 Payment of Claims - Payroi! Withholding Tax Adjustments 5.61 City Earnings Tax - refunds to employees 5.62 Social Security - refunds to students $43.53 37.59 5.94 A general discussion followed, involving all of the preceding claims. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Williamson, and with the aye vote of all the members, it was RESOLVED, That the claims listed under Points 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 on the Board agenda, and appearing above, be paid, as submitted. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the claim of Dr. Helen Kinney, listed under 5.24, be paid from the special fund in the Manchester Bank of St. Louis. 6. Student Personnel Services 4BL No report. 7. Community Relations College President Cosand informed the Board that strong unsolicited support had been given to the Junior College District from the following school districts, and interested individuals, in connection with the forthcoming tax rate election on April 2, 1963: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Affton School District Brentwood School District Mnplewood-RIchmond Heights School District Adult Education Council President Ivan Nicholas of the Cooperating Superintendents of St. Louis County 6. Burton Sawyer, Klrkwood School Board 7. Valley Park Public School Board of Education 8. Representative Alfred A. Speer 3/25/63 -15- 8. Now Business College President Cosand Informed the Board that certain sections of the Policies and Procedures Manual were being modified by the committee appointed to study the Manual. These revisions and modifications werp. discussed by the Board members. It was agreed to present the Manual, for formal Board action, at a future meeting of the Board. 9, Adjournment Board President Williamson asked the Board if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin made ^P a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Ruffin seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved at 11:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion Secretary Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri 3/25/o3 - 16 - - ' ' " ' ' '" '" ' ' '.' ' ' ' "'' ' ^%A^\ ' ' - || ••• | •( In | | | | AC-REEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 9BMV THIS AGREEMENT made as of the day of In the year Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Three by and between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI (hereinafter called the "Owner"}, and SMITH & ENTZEROTH, INC., ARCHITECTS, a Corporation, 10 S. Hanley Road, St, Louis (Clayton) St Missouri (hereinafter called the "Architect"), WITNESSETH, that whereas tb'i Owner intends to master plan and erect a Junior College for a St. Louis County site (hereinafter called the "Project"). NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner end the Architect for the considerations hereinafter set forth agree as follows: v A. The Architect agrees to perform professional services for the above Project as hereinafter set forth. 3. The Owner agrees to pay the Architect as compensation for his services: (1) For his basic services: (a) Six percent {b%) of the construction cost for any single stage of the total Project costing $5*000,000.00 or leas. (b) Five and one-half percent (5*. $%) of the construction cost for any single stage of the total Project costing more than $5,000,000.00. (2) For extra services defined in Article II hereinafter, the Owner agrees to pay the Architect Two (2) times the Direct I I •"'•• | | Personnel Expense as defined in Article V hereinafter including principals1 time at $12.£0 per hour, ™* (3) Reimbursable expense R3 defined hereinafter in Article V to the amount expended. (ij.) Master Plan: The architect shall be reimbursed for all work performed on the Master Plan defined in Article XI of Section C of this Agreement at the same rate as defined in subparagraph B-2 above. Statements shall be rendered monthly by the Architect computed on the previous month's time records and reimbursable expenses. The total cost of the Master Plan shall be deducted from the entire fee for basic services on a pro-rata basis as basic services are performed for each stage of the development. The total cost of the Master Plan shall not exceed $60,000.00. It is estimated that the work for each phase will cost approximately as follows: Program Phase Schematic Phase Preliminary Phase Pinal Presentation $ 5,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 If, after further investigation upon the part of the Architect it appears necessary that additional expenditures are necessary for completion of the Master Plan, the fee for this service may be increased, but only upon prior written approval of any increase by the Owner. C. The parties hereto further agree to the following conditions: I. BASIC SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT -2- !• Schematic Design Phase (a) The Architect shall consult with the Owner to ascertain the requirements of the Project and shall confirm such requirements to the Owner. (b) He shall prepare schematic design studies leading to a recommended solution together with a general description of the Project for approval by the Owner. (c) Ke shall submit to the Owner a statement of the probable project construction cost based on current area, volume or other unit costs. (d) These services shall be performed on each particular phase of the project as it is carried beyond the master planning stage and shall be in addition to master planning as hereinafter defined in Article XI of this Section. 2. Design Development Phase (a) The Architect shall prepare from the approved schematic design studies and the master plan, the design development documents consisting of plans, elevations and other drawings, and outline specifications, to fix and illustrate the size and character of the entire Project in its essentials as to kinds of materials, type of structure, meohanical and electrical systems and such other work as may be required. (b) The Architect shall submit to the Owner a further statement of the probable project construction cost -3- and, if authorized by the Owner, obtain a semidetailed estimate of such cost. 3. Construction Documents Fhuae (a) The Architect shall prepare from the approved design development documents, working drawings and specifications setting forth in detail and prescribing the work to be done, and the materials, workmanship, finishes, and equipment required for the architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, service-connected equipment, and site work, and the necessary bidding information, General Conditions of the Contract, and Supplementary General Conditions of the Contract, and shall assist in the drafting of proposal and contract forms. (b) He shall keep the Owner informed of any adjustments to previous statements of the probable project construction cost indicated by changes in scope, requirements or market conditions. (c) The Architect shall be responsible for filing the required documents to secure approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the design of the Project. ij.. Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Contracts; (a) The Architect shall assist the Owner in obtaining proposals from Contractors and in awarding and preparing construction contracts. -k- The Architect shall also make recommendations on all claims of the Owner and Contractor and on all matters relating to *T& the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents. (b) He shall check and approve samples, schedules, shop drawings and other submissions for conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given by the Contract Documents, prepare change orders and assemble written guarantees required of the Contractor. (c) The Architect will make periodic visits to the site to familiarize himself generally with the progress and quality of the work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. He will make daily on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work, but will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous onsite inspections. During such visits and on the basis of his observations while at the site, he will keep the Owner informed of the progress of the work, will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of Contractors, and he may condemn work as failing to conform to the Contract Doouraents. Based on such observations and the Contractor's Applications for Payment, he will determine the amount owing to the Contractor and v/ill issue Certificates for Payment in such amounts. -5- f I I These Certificatea will constitute a representation I to the Owner, based on such observations and the | -"^P data comprising the Application for Payment, that | the work has progressed to the point indicated. | issuing a Certificate for Payment, the Architect will f also represent to the Owner that, to the best of his { knowledge, information and belief based on what his ( observations have revealed, the quality of the work By is in accordance with the Contract Documents. He will conduct inspections to determine the dates of substantial and final completion and issue a final I Certificate for Payment. (d) If more extensive representation at the site is required, the conditions under which such representation shall be furnished and a Project Kepresentative selected, employed and directed, shall be agreed to by the Owner and the Architect and set forth in an exhibit to this Agreement. $t i ™ Personnel (a) Robert Entzeroth shall be assigned to this project as project architect and shall be associated with all (b) phases The registered as continuous Architect of construction. the architect work shall on-site -6-atassign from inspections, allThis times. his one shall staff full-time not to supervise bequalified construed all (c) The Architect shall require the site, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers to assign a w qualified engineer from each of their staffs to supervise each phase of the work for which his office is responsible. 6. Errors and Omission Insurance - Contingency Fund (a) The Architect shall submit to the Owner insurance certificates giving proof that the Owner is protected from major errors attributable to the Architect and/or any consultant retained by the Architect. All premiums for this insurance shall be paid by the Architect out of his fee for basic services. (b) The Owner shall include In the building budget a contingency fund of 2% of the cost of the work to pay for minor alterations, corrections and omissions to the work required during construction and for a period of one full year following substantial completion of the work. 7. Revisions to Contract Documents The Architect agrees to revise the contract documents as required without additional expense to the Owner if the low bid exceeds by $% or more the amount of the cost estimate approved by the Owner, exclusive of increased costs caused by unforsoen increases in rates for labor. II. EXTRA SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT The following services, if performed due to unusual circumstances, cause the Architect extra expense, and -7- shall bo paid for by the Owner as a Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense: 1. Making planning surveys and special analyses of the Owner's needs to clarify requirements of the Project when requested by the Owner. 2. Making measured drawings of existing construction when required for planning additions or alterations thereto 3. Revising previously approved drawings or specifications to accomplish changes ordered by the Owner. 4. Preparing documents for alternate bids and change orders requested by the Owner. $. Consultation concerning replacement of any work damaged by fire or other cause during construction and furnishing professional services of the types set forth jta* in paragraph C-l above as may be required in connection with the replacement of such work. 6. Arranging for the work to proceed should the contractor default due to delinquency or insolvency. 7. Preparing as-built drawings showing construction changes in the work and final locations of mechanical service lines and outlets, if requested by the Owner. 8. Making an inspection of the Project prior to expiration of the guarantee period and reporting observed discrepancies under guarantees provided by the construction contracts, if requested by the Owner. III. THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Owner shall provide full information as to his requirements for the Project, -8- 2. Ka shall designate, when necessary, repre- sentatives authorized to act in his behalf. He shall examine doouments submitted by the Architect and render decisions pertaining thereto promptly, to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the Architect's work. He shall observe the procedure of issuing orders to contractors only through the Architect. 3. He shall furnish or direct the Architect to obtain at the Owner's expense, a certified survey of the site, giving, as required, grades and lines of streets, alleys, pavements, and adjoining property, rights of way, restrictions, easements, encroachments, zoning, deed restrictions, boundaries, and contours of the building site; locations, dimensions, and complete data pertaining to existing buildings, other improvements and trees; full information as to available service and utility lines both public and private; and test borir.gs and pits necessary for determining subsoil conditions. l±. He shall pay for structural, chemical, mechanical, soil mechanics or other tests and reports if required. 5. He shall arrange and pay for such legal and auditing services as may be required for the Project. 6. If the Owner observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defeot in the Project, he shall give prcrnpt written notioo thereof to the Architect, IV. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST 1. Project construction cost as herein referred to means the total cost of all work designed or specified .9. by the Archlteot, but does not include any payments made to the Archlteot or consultants. 2. Project construction cost shall be based upon one of the following sources with precedence in the order listed: (a) Lowest acceptable bona fide Contractor's proposal received for any or all portions of the Project. (b) Estimate of project construction cost as defined in paragraph I4. below. (c) The Architect's latest statement of probable project construction cost based on current area, volume or other unit costs. 3. If a fixed limit of project construction cost is stated herein, or if otherwise authorized by the Owner, estimates of the project construction cost prepared in semi-detailed or detailed form by an experienced estimator will be secured by the Architect during the Design Development or Construction Documents Phase. I4.. If the estimated project construction cost or the lowest bona fide proposal is in excess of any limit stated herein, the Owner shall give written approval of an increase in the limit, or he shall cooperate in revising the project scope or quality,or both, to reduce the cost as required. 5. Since the Architect has no control over the cost of labor and materials, or competitive bidding, he does not guarantee the accuracy of any statements or estimates of probable construction cost, except as set out in Article I, sub-paragraph 7 of this Agreement. -10- V. THE ARCHITECT'S EXPENSE 1. Direct Personnel Expense Includes that of principals and employees engaged on tha Project including architects, engineers, designers, job captains, draftsmen, specification writers, typists and Project Representatives, In consultation, research, designing, producing drawings, specifications and ctaer documents pertaining to the Project, and services during construction at the Project site. Employees' time shall be at their regular rates of pay. 2. Reimbursable Expense includes actual expenditures made by the Architect in the interest of the Project for the following incidental expenses. (a) Expense of transportation and living of principals and employees when traveling in connection with the Projeot; long distant calls and telegrams; reproduction of drawings and specifications; excluding copies for Architect's offioe use and eight complete sets at each phase for the Owner's review and approval; and fees paid for securing approval of authorities having jurisdiction over the Projeot. (b) If authorized in advance by t'r.o Owner, the expense of Project Representative, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates, semidetailed and detailed estimate* of project construction cost, perspective a or models for the Owner's use. -11- (c) If their employment is authorized in advance and in writing by the Owner, fees of special con•^* sultants other than those listed in Article X. VI. PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT 1. Payments on account of the Architect's basic services shall be as follox^s: (a) Payments shall be made monthly in proportion to services performed to Increase the compensation for basic services to the following percentages at the completion of each phase of the work: 2. 1. Design Development Phase 2. Construction Documents Phase 3. Receipt of Bids 2>$% 1$% 80$ k.. 100$ Construction Phase Payments for extra services of the Architect as defined in Article II above, and for Reimbursable Expense as defined in Article V 9 paragraph 2 as well as costs of Master Planning shall be made monthly upon preservation of Architect's detailed invoice. 3. No deduction shall be made* from the Architect's compensation on account of penalty, liquidated damages or other sums withheld from payments to contractors, 1+. If any work designed or specified by the Architect during any phase of service is abandoned or suspended in whole or in part, the Architect Is to be paid for the service performed on account of it prior to receipt of written notice from the Owner of such abandonment or suspension, together with reimbursements then due. -12- ""'—'—~"^—"""-—"• ) ' - ^ - — • ^ - ^ - y - t - > — r ^ - ^ ^ - ' — ^ -piifi VII. IIITYIW) V "'> il ii i n I ml i ii "HIM- i iniiili in n i n in ACCOUNTING RECORDS OF THE ARCHITECT Records of the Architect's Direct Personnel, Consultant, and Reimbursable Expense pertaining to this Project and records of accounts bet*;een the Owner and Contractor shall be kept on a generally recognized accounting basis and shall be available to the Owner or his authorized representative at mutually convenient times, and upon demand Architect shall report reimbursable expenses in writing to Owner. VIII. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice for any cause whatsoever. In the event of termination, due to the fault of others than the Architect, the Architect shall be paid the reasonable value of his services performed to termination date, or a fee baued on the percentage of the work completed, whichever is less, together with reimbursements then due. IX. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS Owner shall have the right to use freely Architect's drawings and specification for planning, and for other Junior College projects; provided, however, that the Owner shall not build, nor shall it allow others to build, nor shall it cause anything to be built under the sealed plans of Architect without the prior written consent of Architect. X. CONSULTANTS 1. The Architect agrees to submit for approval by the Ownor the names and qualifications of all consultants ; i \ I "13" in • to be employed by him for this work, Thia shall include a site engineer, structural engineer, mechanical engineer, ^^ electrical engineer, acoustical consultant, landscape architect, kitchen consultant and all other consultants the Architect deems necessary for the successful completion of this work. The Architect shall pay the cost of these consultants out of his fee. If, however, the Owner instructs the Architect to engage a particular consultant, the consultants qualifications must be acceptable to the Architect, and the Owner shall pay any additional fee required above the fee charged by the consultant of the Architect's choice. 2. The Owner shall retain and pay the cost of a soils consultant, including the cost of all test holes and pits, laboratory tests, and soils engineering reports. XI. MASTER FLAN 1. Program Phase: The Architect will collaborate with the Owner to develop a description of the required spaces. This service shall include as many conferences as are necessary to produce the required results and shall also include whatever graphic presentations are required to clearly organize and define the program. 2, Schematic Phase: The Architect, together with his consultants, will develop the concept of the total campus with small-scale plan drawings, study models and diagrams to indicate land use, building groups, circulation and major utility distribution. , v • 3. Preliminary P h a s e : The A r c h i t e c t , together w i t h his consultants, will expand and improve the design of the approved schematic master p l a n utilizing small-scale plan drawings and a study model together with a detailed report of the entire M a s t e r Plan, including structural, mechanical and electrical work, I}.. Final Presentation Phase: This phase shall in- clude a professionally constructed model of the entire campus, plus perspective sketches drawn to illustrate the total concept. XII. ARBITRATION Arbitration of all questions in dispute under this Agreement shall be at the choice of either p a r t y and shall be in accordance w i t h the p r o v i s i o n s , then obtaining, of the Standard Form of Arbitration Procedure of The American Institute of A r c h i t e c t s . A decision b y the arbitrators shall be a condition precedent to the right of any legal action. IN WITNESS W H E R E O F the parties hereto have made and executed this A g r e e m e n t , the day und year first above w r i t t e n . SMITH & E N T Z E R O T H , I N C . , ARCHITECTS Attest: By . By Secretary THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI By Attest: By, • President, Board of Trustees „ Secretary -15- MCDCNNELL V AUTCMIAYBON CENTER P.,.I.I_1-P.,.. DIVISION OF MCDONNELL AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LAMBERT .ST. LOUIS MUNICIPAL AIRPORT BOX 516 ST. LOUIS 64. MO. •^^ SERVICE AGREEMENT The Junior Colleges District St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri Agr<.Bmel„ No 438 Customer 4388 Lindell Boulevard S t . LOUla City MCDONNELL nnlm Street Address 8 MlMCWi Zone State AUTOMATION CENTER ptf„tiw. 25 March , 9 63 D o t . Expires 19 ( M . A . C . ) and Customer agree: 1. M.A.C. will perform the service, in the following Schedule upon the term., conditions and rates specified: SCHEDULE A. Initial File: M.A.C. will compile the master file necessary to produce the reports list d In Paragraph B. Source of Information will be the files produced by M.A.C. registration processing in the grade reporting semester and by M.A.C, grade reporting processing (when applicable) for the immediately prior two (2) years or from compatible machineable files furnished by the Customer. B. Reports: M.A.C. will produce the following reports: 1. At mldsaraesten a. b. Midseroester Grade Reports State** Report Data 2. Customer will deliver to M.A.C* materials in accordance with the Schedule. If Customer fails to conform to the Schedule, or if the mot.rlals are Incorrect, M.A.C,'» delivmy obligation! and/or the rotes and charges will b. .qultably adjusted. 3 . Receipt ol Customer-furnished mot.rlals Is subject to M.A.C.'* inspection and operotlng procedures, but M.A.C. assumes no responsibility for t h . correctness of such materials. Materials prepared by M.A.C. for Its own use In performing the services will be M.A.C,*s exclusive prop.rty, 4. M.A.C. will treat as confld.ntlal Information so designated by Customer, and will mak. the same effort to safeguard such Information as it does in protecting Its own proprietory data. 5 . Any r.work of services will be at M . A . C . optionj provided, however. Customer will accept the results hereunder as complete and satisfactory performance. 6. Terms are thirty days net from dote of Invoice. In addition to Schedul. charges, Customer will pay, to the extent Incurred by M.A.C. h.r.under, ( I ) out>of.pock.t .xpenses such as transportation and long distance telephone charges, and (2) sales, use, and excise taxes. 7. This Agreement may p . terminated by olth.r party on one month's written n o l l e Upon termination by Customer, Customer will pay all charg.s for work performed. I '< I 8. This constitutes t h . entlr. agreement batwesn t h . parties, Is governed by Missouri law. and may not be changed except In writing signed by (lie putties. CUSTOMER. The Juftiy, College District TLI, ^^S>^.3^^-jdl^^tt^J, DATE , J r ^ ^ U - _ - j L »•*'•. -tad t tiiv « e t c «l I Tin.^.qwwml Manager 19 &% <• MCOONNELL ^TOT^U^'C'ENTER DATE ™J&L,MjKC*h . , 19&3 i«ttitaBmiHm»ii»Jniwi«i««iii»u»«,«ii»mm»j« , , , ., , , ——,—. . —• 2 3 DIVISION OF MCDONNELL AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LAMBERT-ST. LOUIS MUNICIPAL AIRPORT BOX 516 ST. LOUIS 66, MO. SERVICE AGREEMENT 438 Agr«om»nt N o . SCHEDULE (Continued): B. 2. At semester #nd» a. Semester Grade Reports b. Ledger Card Grade Labels o. Ledger Card Heading Labels d. Suspect Probation List e. Suspect Probation Mailing Labals f. Grada Distribution Reports These reports will be prepared by every desired cotsblnatlon of one, two or three of the following parameters: \ # 3. 1) Course 2) Section 3) Location 4) Teacher 5) High School 6) Level On request: 7) Curriculum 8) Session 9) Type 10) Sex 11) Probation Status At any time after the preparation of final class lists (M.A.C. registration processing) or after the required files have been furnished by the Junior College District (no M.A.C. registration processing) M.A.C. will prepare: a. Mailing Labels for ail current students b* Mailing Labals for all students in attendance during the previous two (2) years. c. Mailing Labels lor current students or students in attendano during the previous two (2) years by any one of the parameters: z: ; _J=|- ™S|'<' 1) Level 2) Location (campus) 3) State Aid Class 4) Sex 5) Probation Status 6) Graduating Student ! \ 7) Residence Code 3) Curriculum 9) Open Grada 10) Session 11) Inactive Student ^jjjiMMt t » t V * OKC 6< I i i in in >nr i • ' • • ' ii I'II 11 i pi "||( r MCOOISINEL.IL cmnKTERt MVT&MATB&N Pfl8 3 3 '~of—pa9" DIVISION OF MCDONNELL AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LAMBERT-ST, LOUIS MUNICIPAL AIRPORT BOX 516 ST. LOUIS 66, MO. SERVICE AGREEMENT 438 Agreement No. SCHEDULE (Continued): C. 8©t Up: M.A.C* will complete programs and machine procedures necessary to prepare the roaster file In Paragraph A and the reports in Paragraph B, D. Chargest 1. SetTJp: The charges for the aet up in Paragraph C will be $6,800. 2. Reports: a. The charges for processing to produce the reports in Items B. I , , B*2.a. through B.2.o. and any five (5) possible reports in B.2.f. will be $0.60 per student per session. b. The charges for processing to produce additional Grade Distribution Reports over the five (5) allowed in item D,2.a. and for processing to produce Mailing Labels in item B.3. will be according to man and machine time expended at the following hourly rates. A |P Procedure Analyst 8K Tape 1401 E. $10,00 $90.00 ' r The Customer will provide the mark sense grade cards, all data sheets and all report forms with the exception of the following, which will be printed on stock paper, 1 j ~ 1. State Report Data 2, Suspect Probation List 3, Grade Distribution Reports " |§ ^B l P. Transportation of source documents and reports will be furnished by the Customer, or If so desired, M.A.C, will furnish transportation at cost plus 20% handling oharges, i* •'Win