Honors Independent Study Research Project/ Thesis Guidelines

Edinboro University Honors Program
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Honors Independent Study
Research Project/ Thesis Guidelines
All Robert C. Weber Honors Program scholars are encouraged to complete a senior research
project through independent study. In addition, honors students are encouraged to consider
seriously the option of completing a one-year Senior Honors Thesis which leads to the
presentation and/or publication of original directed research.
Students applying to complete a one-semester Honors Independent Study must develop their
project with a cooperating Edinboro University professor and then submit the required University
and Honors Program forms, including a typewritten proposal describing the goals, objectives, and
expected outcomes of the independent study. Honors Independent Study leading to a Senior
Honors Thesis can be renewed for a second semester, but requires full reapplication to the
Honors Program, providing once again all the required materials.
Students wishing to earn independent study credits register for them along with their regular class
schedule. They should therefore begin planning their Honors Independent Study Research
Project or Senior Thesis early in the semester prior to commencing the work, thereby allowing
time to develop the proposal and secure all approvals. All material must be submitted to the
Honors Office for approval prior to scheduling, and the Honors Director reserves the right to reject
or to request revisions for any under-developed or substandard proposal.
The initial written proposal must include the following:
Two copies of the Edinboro University Authorization to Enroll For Independent Study
Title Page
A copy of the current syllabus for the coordinating course (if applicable)
A narrative description of the proposed project that follows the guidelines set forth by the
discipline of which the course is a part, as well as Honors Program requirements
The narrative of the proposed independent study must include the following:
A thorough description of the assessments to be used in the study/project (specific
assignments, book reviews, papers, exams, etc.);
A description of grading criteria for the independent study;
An explanation of the how these assignments will be of value and support to the work of
the independent study;
A working bibliography which identifies the citation format, books, articles, and other
academic sources to be used throughout the study/project;
A tentative schedule for assignments and meetings with the professor, including tentative
dates of each meeting;
A detailed description of the proposed “final scholarly project” that will be the culmination
of the independent study;
A concluding statement describing the value of this particular study/project.
Updated March 1, 2012 by JGJ
Suggested Proposal Format for the narrative:
In narrative form, consulting the list of narrative requirements on page one of this guide and
using the headers below, provide the following information in your proposal.
Provide a detailed outline of the work to be presented in your
Detail the reasons for your study/project in this section of your proposal.
Detail what you aim to accomplish in this study.
Detail the methods used to test hypotheses or support theses. What are
the systematic methods used to collect data for the study/project? In the
event that your discipline does not lend itself to such a description,
provide one that is appropriate for your discipline. For instance, for an
Art major with an emphasis in painting, present an accurate description
medium, in general, and the specific techniques and influences used.
Construct an appropriate set of sources used to gather information
pertinent to your study/project.
Final Form:
Detail and discuss the expected end product/result of your study/project.
Provide a detailed syllabus and schedule of weekly activities of your
study. This includes meetings with your supervising professor as well as
tasks completed on your own in the duration of the process. Also note
how, and when, the various stages of your progress will be evaluated.
Detail the ways in which you will present your results.
This section is reserved for any information that does not fit into any of
the other sections.
Provide a concluding statement describing the value of this particular
3 - 4 typed pages; 1 inch margins; 1 ½ line spacing; 12 point standard
font. Upper right hand corner headers including last name, first name
and sequential pagination.
The Scholarly Project and Final Grading
At the end of each independent study, an honors-level scholarly project is due, along with any
required forms. In addition, students must turn in narrative reflection paper providing a broader
reflection on the experience. The paper shall chronicle the project of the independent study,
explaining it clearly in a way that would be understandable to the general reader. Narrative
reflection papers will be a minimum of 8 pages.
The student will earn the grade the professor assigns. In addition, assuming the student’s work is
deemed “honors level” after review by the Honors Program Director, it will be coded on the
student’s transcript with an “H”, signifying it is an honors course. Should the work not be deemed
“honors level,” the student will still earn course credit as assigned by the professor, but the course
will not count in any way for honors credit.
Updated March 1, 2012 by JGJ
Edinboro University Honors Program
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Important Notes:
All of the requirements listed above must be completed in collaboration with the professor who
will supervise the work of the Independent Study.
All forms must be complete and in order to be processed. It is the responsibility of the student to
secure the necessary signatures prior to submission of the proposal and required forms.
All students are required to present the work of their completed independent study and the
narrative describing it to the Honors Office at the end of the semester for which they request
honors credit.
Each part of this process must be completed and all data must be turned in, with all requisite
signatures, to the Honors Program Office by the office deadlines. In the event that forms are not
turned in, or the work is not completed during the semester in which the project is completed, the
work will not be designated for honors credit and will not count toward an honors diploma.
Proposals that do not meet the standard of the Honors Program, or do not constitute honors-level
work, will not be approved by the director of the Honors Program. Should students have
questions regarding the level of academic rigor inherent to the proposed independent study work,
they should consult the director of the Honors Program. When the rigor of the work is in doubt,
the director will consult with the supervising professor and make recommendations for acceptable
changes to the work of the independent study.
NOTE: All proposals must be submitted by the due dates at the Honors Office, and must be
turned in (in printed form) to the secretary, work study student, or director, in the office.
Electronic versions will not be accepted. Paperwork received after 4:00 pm on its due date will be
considered late and, therefore, will not be accepted.
Updated March 1, 2012 by JGJ
Independent Study Checklist
Received by:
Received by:
Received by:
Received by:
Received by:
Received by:
Received by:
Completed and Submitted Edinboro University Authorization to Enroll
for Independent Study Form
Completed Title Page
Completed Narrative Proposal
Printed copy of the Independent Study Syllabus
Completed Midterm Progress Form
Completed Independent Study Completion Form
Completed Culminating Paper & Project
(Double click the appropriate box.)
Updated March 1, 2012 by JGJ
Edinboro University
Authorization to Enroll in an Independent Study
Student ID: @______________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________
Name: Last ________________________________ First ___________________________________________________ M.I. _____
Major: __________________________________________________
Term: (Check One):
Subject: _______
Fall 20___
Wintersession 20___
Course Number: _______
Spring 20___
Credit Hours: _________
Summer 20____ Session ___
Is this Honors Credit:
Title of Proposed Independent Study*: __________________________________________________________________________
*Please attach a detailed description of the proposed independent study.
Justification for requesting the Independent Study: _______________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ________________
Advisor Signature: ___________________________
Date: ________________
Printed Name: ____________________
To be completed by the faculty member agreeing to supervise this independent study:
1. If this independent study is for the 1st or 2nd semester, is your assigned faculty load for the semester at least 11 semester hours
or its equivalent?
2. If this independent study is for a summer session, are you scheduled as an instructor for at least one 3 semester-hour course
during the session of the proposed independent study?
Management will not approve, nor shall a faculty member accept students for more than (9) academic credit hours of independent
study per semester/session.
Faculty supervising independent study
Printed name
The chairperson of the department offering the independent study should list below the names of two additional faculty members
who will serve on the Independent Study Committee:
(1) ________________________________________________
(2) _______________________________________________
Department Chairperson offering the independent study
Department Chairperson of student’s major
Director of Honor’s Program, if student is seeking honors
Dean of student’s major
Dean of faculty supervising independent study
Dean of Graduate Studies, if applicable
Mail or Fax Completed Form to:
Office of Records and Registration, Edinboro University, Hamilton Hall, 210 Glasgow
Rd, Edinboro, PA 16444, Fax: 814.732.2130, Phone: 814.732.5555
Updated March 1, 2012 by JGJ
Edinboro University Honors Program
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Research Project/ Thesis Midterm Progress Form
Full Name:
Primary Email Address:
Primary Phone: (
Full Title of Course:
Course #:
Supervising Professor:
CRN #:
(Full Name)
Junior Level Independent Study
Senior Level Independent Study
(Double click the appropriate box above.)
Use the space below to provide a typed narrative of the work on your project to date. Include a detailed synopsis outlining the progress of your
project as of this date.
Student’s Printed Name:
Supervising Professor
Professor’s Printed Name:
Honors Program Director
Director’s Printed Name: Dr. R. James Wertz
Updated March 1, 2012 by JGJ
Edinboro University Honors Program
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Research Project/ Thesis Completion Form
Full Name:
Primary Email Address:
Primary Phone: (
Full Title of Course:
Course #:
Supervising Professor:
CRN #:
(Full Name)
I have completed my Independent Study.
I have not completed my Independent Study.
(Double click the appropriate box above.)
Use the space below to provide a typed narrative of the work on your project to date. Include a detailed synopsis outlining the progress of your
project as of this date.
Student’s Printed Name:
Supervising Professor
Professor’s Printed Name:
Honors Program Director
Director’s Printed Name: Dr. R. James Wertz
Updated March 1, 2012 by JGJ
Place your name here
Place your ID number here
Place the title of your proposal/paper here
In partial fulfillment of the Research Project/ Thesis course
“Full title of the course here”
IST 000, Section 000
As requirement for honors credit
in the
Edinboro University Honors Program
Supervised by
Full name of supervising professor here
Semester & Year
Place the full date here
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Student Signature -- I pledge that this paper chronicles my original work of
research & that I have not plagiarized or submitted it for grading to in
another course.
Updated March 1, 2012 by JGJ