Past and future changes of moisture transports into the convective areas of the tropical atmospheric circulation Matthias Zahn and Richard P. Allan, maz/,, INTRODUCTION METHOD, step 2 RESULTS (continued) RESULTS (continued) large scale atmospheric circulation important Calculate moisture transport (MT) across boundary Changing frequency and extent of the ascending regions. MT towards tropical land areas DATA 20˚ studies, which apply time or space averages) vertically) applying mean and instantaneous values V Pressure level [hPa ] 400 600 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0 Shape follows mean 900 920 MT 99%tile experiences strongest increase Means higher moisture supply during extreme precipita- Fig.3: Vertical structure of the dierence of percentiles of MT. tion events 200 940 400 960 980 600 1000 0.01 0.011 0 0.012 0.013 0.005 0.014 0.015 10˚ 10˚ 0˚ 0˚ 60 −10˚ −10˚ −20˚ −20˚ −30˚ −30˚ 0.01 0.015 10˚ 0˚ 0˚ −10˚ −10˚ −20˚ −20˚ −40˚ −40˚ 0˚ −10˚ −10˚ −20˚ −20˚ −30˚ −30˚ 22 Jun 2008, 0:00 Fig.1: Examples of a monthly mean and instantaneous ! eld, blue: upward, red: downward, green line indicates boundary across which transports are calculated instantaneous masks exhibit highly irregular ASCm not physically consistent with instanta- neous wind and humidity elds 10 15 20 25 30 30 40˚ 60˚ 80˚ 100˚ 120˚ 140˚ 160˚ 180˚ −160˚ −140˚ −120˚ −100˚ −80˚ −60˚ −40˚ −20˚ −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0˚ 30˚ 20˚ 10˚ 10˚ 0˚ 0˚ −10˚ −10˚ −20˚ −20˚ −30˚ −30˚ (a) MTin ✭❛✮ ❈✷✵ ❆❋❘ ✭❜✮ ❈✷✶ ❆❋❘ ✭❝✮ ✁ ❆❋❘ ✭❣✮ ❈✷✵ ❙❆▼ ✭❤✮ ❈✷✶ ❙❆▼ ✭✐✮ ✁ ❙❆▼ 60 50 40 Fig.5: Change of percentage of time steps a grid box belongs to ASC from the instantaneous vertical wind C21 - C20, top: from ASCi , bottom: ASCm . Red (blue) indicates a box belongs to ASC more (less) frequently. Note the dierent scale of the colour bar. Right column: Zonal mean percentage a grid box belongs to ASCi /ASCm . Green denotes C21, red C20. −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 −25 −20 10 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Latitude ITCZ much more pronounced in ASCm widening of extent of ASCm in response to warming slight or no change of extent of ASCi Masks of ASCi show a very irregular pattern Increase for MT into ASC found at lower and MTi, C20out MTi, C20in MTi, C21out MTi, C21in MTm, C20out MTm, C20in MTm, C21out MTm, C21in (b) MTout out of ASC at mid levels MT budget increases despite of this counteracting Increase is most pronounced at high percentiles of MTi events Dierent answers from ASCi and ASCm whether ITCZ extends in response to warming MT towards land intensify, but no distinct circulation changes were found Moisture budgets of land areas increase Budi, C20 Budi, C21 Budm, C20 Budm, C21 References 5 0˚ [ kg *s-1 * m-1 ] 10˚ 5 20˚ -2 10˚ -2.8 20˚ -3 20˚ -3.2 30˚ [ kg *s-1 * m-1 ] 30˚ pattern 0 30˚ 9 -1.8 0˚ 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 100˚ 110˚ 120˚ 130˚ 140˚ 150˚ 160˚ 170˚ 180˚ −170˚ −160˚ −150˚ −140˚ −130˚ −120˚ −110˚ −100˚ −90˚ −80˚ −70˚ −60˚ −50˚ −40˚ −30˚ −20˚ −10˚ 11 90˚ 10 80˚ 9 70˚ 8 60˚ 7 50˚ [ kg *s-1 * m-1 ] 40˚ 12 −30˚ 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 Jun 2008 −30˚ Time series of in- and outward transports 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 10˚ 10 2069 2072 2075 2078 2081 2084 2087 2090 2093 2096 2099 20˚ 8 20˚ 7 30˚ 30˚ 50 40 0.016 6 30˚ 2069 2072 2075 2078 2081 2084 2087 2090 2093 2096 2099 0˚ 40˚ 20˚ 0˚ 20˚ 800 40˚ 10˚ −20˚ SUMMARY 99% 97% 95% 90% 75% 50% 25% 10% 5% 3% 1% -1.6 100˚ 110˚ 120˚ 130˚ 140˚ 150˚ 160˚ 170˚ 180˚ −170˚ −160˚ −150˚ −140˚ −130˚ −120˚ −110˚ −100˚ −90˚ −80˚ −70˚ −60˚ −50˚ −40˚ −30˚ −20˚ −10˚ −40˚ 70 MTi ERAint MTm ERAint MTm C20 MTm C21 MTi C20 MTi C21 -2.2 90˚ −60˚ 20˚ 20˚ in accordance with Hadley Cell Proles from EH5 and ERAint similar Lower level inward and mid level outward MT increase Fig.2: Vertical proles of horizontal MT into ASC with warming 0 -2.4 80˚ −80˚ Latitude In-/outward pattern -2.6 70˚ −100˚ −30 2069 2072 2075 2078 2081 2084 2087 2090 2093 2096 2099 60˚ −120˚ 30˚ MT [kg *s-1 * m-1 * hPa-1 ] 50˚ −140˚ 30˚ −10 1000 -0.005 40˚ −160˚ Changes of percentiles of vertical transports dicated by subscripts i and m) results in one ASC/DESC mask per time step 30˚ 180˚ −30 MT [kg *s-1 * m-1 * hPa-1] based on monthly mean and instantaneous ! (in- 20˚ 160˚ 30 Vertical profiles 0 Define regions of ascending and descending air motion (ASC and DESC) 10˚ 140˚ % 1000 METHOD, step 1 120˚ −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 800 1960-1989: C20, A1B 2070-2100: C21 100˚ % Pressure level [hPa ] U 80˚ Frequency of ASCi linking wind vectors with water content along all boundary segments (horizontally and 200 !, and , q, pressure information 0:5 , 30 vertical levels, 6h time intervals reanalysis (ERAint) 1989 -2008 two IPCC scenarios from ECHAM5-model 60˚ 70 RESULTS Use of high space resolution quasiinstantaneous data (unlike many other such 40˚ Frequency of ASCm driver of the global water cycle carries and distributes moisture and energy thus determines precipitation regionally how will associated moisture transports change in a warmer climate? (c) Budget Fig.4: Evolution of yearly MT below (a) and above (b) the reversal level (at which MT = 0 ). (c) time series of the yearly mean budget. Black lines indicate decadal means. Zahn, M., and R. P. Allan, (2011), Changes in water vapor transports of the ,ascending branch of the tropical circulation, . , (accepted), Climate Warming related strengthening of the tropical hydrological cycle, , (submitted), Quantifying present and projected future atmospheric moisture transports onto land, J. Geophys. Res. 116 Journal of Climate. Water Resources Re- search. Fig.6: MTwall across shorelines of Africa and South America. Left column: in C20, second column: in C21, right column: C21-C20. red colours: landward MT, blue: seaward MT. land- and seaward MT intensify, but rarely change in sign intensication of circulation strength and of the hydrological cycle, but generally no change of pattern −150˚ −120˚ −90˚ −30˚ ∆MT = 99.3 ∆PE = 122.2 75˚ 60˚ 45˚ −60˚ ∆MT = 43.0 ∆PE = 50.2 30˚ 0˚ 30˚ ∆MT = 74.6 ∆PE = 232.2 ∆MT = 53.2 ∆PE = 80.2 ∆MT = 3.3 ∆PE = −3.1 90˚ ∆MT = 17.1 ∆PE = 27.8 ∆MT = 18.3 ∆PE = 24.8 ∆MT = 44.3 ∆PE = 56.1 −15˚ 60˚ 120˚ 150˚ 180˚ ∆MT = 461.3 ∆PE = 249.7 ∆MT = −24.5 ∆PE = −17.7 ∆MT = −179.8 ∆PE = 6.9 15˚ 0˚ ∆MT = −47.7 ∆PE = −31.2 ∆MT = 69.1 ∆PE = 141.8 ∆MT = −72.0 ∆PE = −36.0 −30˚ −45˚ ∆MT = −7.2 ∆PE = −0.8 ∆MT = −32.1 ∆PE = 48.7 −60˚ −75˚ ∆MT = 30.3 ∆PE = 29.0 Fig.7: Change of moisture budget for land areas from transports and precipitation - evaporation, C21 - C20 −90˚ most land areas get wetter sign from P-E and MT consistent in most areas 4 times daily MT may be biased by diurnal cycle (not shown) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Funding by NERC PREPARE project, NE/G015708/1