Climate mode simulation of North Atlantic Polar Lows in a limited area model Matthias Zahn1,2, Hans v. Storch1,2, Stephan Bakan3 (1) University Hamburg, Meteorological Institute, Germany (2) GKSS Research Centre, Institute for Coastal Research, Germany (3) Max­Planck­Institut für Meteorologie (MPI­M), Germany • Polar Lows • Background/ topic of PhD • Paper/ results of 1st part • Data • Results • Conclusions • Outlook/ future plans • (Further work) Polar Lows ● ● ● ● ● ● Polar Lows intense maritime mesoscale cyclones typically several hundred kilometers in diameter occurring poleward the Polar Front strong winds (>13,9m/s), severe weather, heavy precipitation develop extremely rapidly (reaching peak intensity within 24 hours) Arctic Hurricanes Rasmussen and Turner, 2003: Polar Lows: Mesoscale Weather Systems in the Polar Regions Nordeng, T., and E. Rasmussen, A most beautiful polar low. A case study of a polar low development in the bear island region., Tellus, 44A, 81–99, 1991 Polar Lows Polar Low development ● ● ● ● form under cold upper level lows when cold arctic air flows over a warm body of water (delta T > 35 °C) (shallow) baroclinic zones triggered by convection/sensible heat flux instable atmospheric conditions: baroclinic instability (barotropic instability) (CISK) conditional instability of second kind air-sea interaction instability, Rasmussen and Turner, 2003: Polar Lows: Mesoscale Weather Systems in the Polar Regions Background My thesis: Trends and variability in extratropical mesoscale cyclones (VI EXTROP): Long term aim: climatological description of polar low features Background • Comprehensive measurements are required to address such a question (long in time, high in spatial detail, homogeneous) • Use of numerical models in combination with existing measurements to reconstruct the past state of the atmosphere • first part of my PhD: capability of LAM's to reproduce polar lows 1st Paper­data Ensemble simulations (2x4) with CLM ( ~50km ) in climate mode for polar low cases Oct. 1993 (and Dec.1993, Jan. 1998) • Initial times (approx. two weeks prior to polar low formation) • Spectral Nudging (4x) and without (4x) • Different waves (above appr. 700 km) • Different strength Hans von Storch, Heike Langenberg, and Frauke Feser, A Spectral Nudging Technique for Dynamical Downscaling Purposes, Monthly Weather Review 128(10) 3664­3673. 1st Paper­data Spectral nudging NCEP large scale > 850 hPa CLM Spatial scale Separation in regional climate modelling, PhD thesis Frauke Feser 1st Paper­results Nielsens (1997) case, Oct. 1993 synoptic scale low, “the Swan”, shallow baroclinic processes combined with upper level vorticity advection Nielsen,1997: An early Autumn polar low formation over the Norwegian Sea, J.Geophys. Res., 102, 13955­13973 1st Paper­results Nielsens (1997) case, Oct. 1993 Mature state polar low: reaching peak intensity, wind speeds above gale force, closed small scale surface low Nielsen,1997: An early Autumn polar low formation over the Norwegian Sea, J.Geophys. Res., 102, 13955­13973 1st Paper­results Nielsens (1997) case, Oct. 1993 decaying quickly after landfall Nielsen,1997: An early Autumn polar low formation over the Norwegian Sea, J.Geophys. Res., 102, 13955­13973 1st Paper­results 15.10., 6:00 NCEP DWD 10m wind speed ≥ 13.9m/s and air pressure (at mean sea level) on 15. October 1993: NCEP/NCAR analysis after interpolation onto the CLM grid, 6:00 UTC, DWD analysis data, 6:00 UTC, CLM ensemble run without (nn) and with(sn) spectral nudging , 9:00 UTC 1st Paper­results NCEP CLM01­nn CLM02­nn DWD CLM03­nn 10m wind speed ≥ 13.9m/s and air pressure (at mean sea level) on 15. October 1993: NCEP/NCAR analysis after interpolation onto the CLM grid, 6:00 UTC, DWD analysis data, 6:00 UTC, CLM ensemble run without (nn) and with(sn) spectral nudging , 9:00 UTC CLM04­nn 1st Paper­results NCEP DWD CLM01­nn CLM02­nn CLM03­nn CLM04­nn CLM01­sn CLM02­sn CLM03­sn CLM04­sn 10m wind speed ≥ 13.9m/s and air pressure (at mean sea level) on 15. October 1993: NCEP/NCAR analysis after interpolation onto the CLM grid, 6:00 UTC, DWD analysis data, 6:00 UTC, CLM ensemble run without (nn) and with(sn) spectral nudging , 9:00 UTC 1st Paper­results Track of polar low's local sea level pressure minimum in CLM­sn CLM01­sn CLM02­sn CLM03­sn Start: 14.10 15:00 until 18.10. 0:00 CLM04­sn 1st Paper­results CLM­HOAPS CLM01­sn Mean diff = ­1.96 m/s std. dev = 3.27 m/s Difference maps for 10m wind speed as provided by CLM with spectral nudging (CLM01­sn) and without spectral nudging (CLM01­nn and CLM02­nn) compared to HOAPS­estimates of surface wind speed on 15 October 1993, 0­12 UTC. 1st Paper­results CLM­HOAPS CLM01­sn Mean diff = ­1.96 m/s std. dev = 3.27 m/s CLM01­nn Mean diff = 0.02 m/s std. dev = 4.02 m/s CLM02­nn Mean diff = ­0.44 m/s std. dev = 3.51 m/s Difference maps for 10m wind speed as provided by CLM with spectral nudging (CLM01­sn) and without spectral nudging (CLM01­nn and CLM02­nn) compared to HOAPS­estimates of surface wind speed on 15 October 1993, 0­12 UTC. 1st Paper­results Pattern correlation coefficients (PCC) between HOAPS(b) and CLM(a) ∑ a −a b −b P b = ∑ a −a ∑ b˙ −b 1993 Oct 1998 Jan 1993 Dec i i a i 2 i i 2 i i 1st Paper­results Concept of scale separation to cut off the meso scale Response function ­ corresponding to wave lengths from ~200 km – ~600 km Feser, F., and H. von Storch, A spatial two­dimensional discrete filter for limited area model evaluation purposes, Mon. Wea. Rev., 133(6), 1774–1786, 2005 1st Paper­results 15.10., 6:00 NCEP DWD CLM01­nn CLM02­nn CLM03­nn CLM04­nn CLM01­sn CLM02­sn CLM03­sn CLM04­sn Band­pass filtered mslp (isolines; hPa) and 10m wind speed anomalies, NCEP/NCAR analysis after interpolation onto the CLM grid, 6:00 UTC, DWD analysis data, 6:00 UTC, CLM ensemble run without and with spectral nudging, 9:00 UTC. Black dots indicate the positions of the polar lows pressure minimum in the respective untreated field of the ensemble run. 1st Paper­results The 1993 case: Weather chart, 9.12.1993, 0:00 CLM22­sn, filtered CLM22­sn, untreated Rasmussen and Turner, 2003: Polar Lows: Mesoscale Weather Systems in the Polar Regions 1st Paper­results The 1998 case: Weather chart, 18.1.1998, 1:00 CLM01­sn, filtered, at 0:00 CLM01­sn, untreated, 0:00 Woetmann Nielsen, N., Om forudsigelighed af polare lavtryk, Vejret, 20, 37–48, in Danish, 1998 1st Paper­results CONCLUSION: • Principally, Polar Lows can be reproduced with CLM run in climate mode • Though, there may be deviations in location and amount of pressure minima • A digital filter could be useful for an automatic detection Outlook Outlook / future plans • (More cases)/ differentiation of dynamical development/ forcing mechanisms • Longer (1 year) simulation time • How many Polar Lows are reproduced • Comparison with HOAPS/ KLEPP (pers. comm.) • [...] • Simulation over 50 years • Climatology Thank you very much