Detection and Longterm Climatology of North Atlantic Polar Lows Matthias Zahn1,2, Hans v. Storch1,2, Stephan Bakan3 (1) University of Hamburg, Meteorological Institute, Germany (2) GKSS Research Centre, Institute for Coastal Research, Germany (3) Max Planck Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg, Germany Content ● ● ● What are Polar Lows (why is it difficult to detect them) ? How does my approach look like ? How does the climatotology of Polar Lows look like ? 2 Polar Lows Polar Lows ● ● ● ● ● ● Very intense mesoscale storms typically several hundred km in diameter occurring poleward the Polar Front in both hemispheres strong winds (>15m/s), severe weather, heavy precipitation develop extremely rapidly (reaching peak intensity within 24 hours) Arctic hurricanes Rasmussen and Turner (2003) state: "A polar low is a small, but fairly intense maritime cyclone that forms poleward of the main baroclinic zone (the polar front or other major baroclinic zone). The horizontal scale of the polar low is approximately between 200 and 1000 kilometres and surface winds near or above gale force." fdistrubances.htm Rasmussen and Turner, 2003: Polar Lows: Mesoscale Weather Systems in the Polar Regions 3 Polar Lows Polar Low development conditions ● ● ● ● ● ● form under cold upper level troughs form in cold arctic air that flows over a warm body of water/ Cold Air Outbreak shallow baroclinic zones along the main baroclinic zone triggered by convection / sensible heat flux instable atmospheric environments: baroclinic instability (barotropic instability) CISK conditional instability of second kind WISHE wind induced surface heat exchange 4 Polar Lows Examples of Polar Lows 20.12.2002, 2:00 04.03.2008, 11:35 11.03.08, 15:25 16.1.1995, 9:00 IPY-Thorpex field campaign: , images from Kolstad, E. W. & T. J. Bracegirdle & I. A. Seierstad: Marine cold-air outbreaks in the North Atlantic: temporal distribution and associations with large-scale atmospheric circulation. Climate Dynamics, published online 19 June, 2008. DOI:10.1007/s00382-008-0431-5 5 Background • Comprehensive measurements are required to address such a question • long in time • high in spatial detail • homogeneous • Use of numerical models in combination with existing measurements to reconstruct the past state of the atmosphere • Polar Lows need to be automatically detectable in such data! • First part: capability of LAM's to reproduce polar lows (Polar Lows in CLM) • Second part: detection of polar lows • Third part: derive climatology 6 PLows in CLM-data Ensemble simulations (2x4) with CLM ( ~50km ) in climate mode for polar low cases Oct. 1993 (and Dec. 1993, Jan. 1998) • Driven by the NCEP reanalysis • Initial times Initialisation PLow 2 weeks • Spectral Nudging (4x) and without (4x) • Different waves (above appr. 700 km) Hans von Storch, Heike Langenberg, and Frauke Feser, A Spectral Nudging Technique for Dynamical Downscaling Purposes, Monthly Weather Review 128(10) 3664-3673. 7 PLows in CLM-results 0600 UTC 15 Oct 1993 Dundee NCEP DWD CLM01-nn CLM02-nn CLM03-nn CLM04-nn CLM01-sn CLM02-sn CLM03-sn CLM04-sn 15.10.93, 05:24 10m wind speed ≥ 13.9m/s and air pressure (at mean sea level) on 15 October 1993: NCEP/NCAR analysis after interpolation onto the CLM grid, 0600 UTC, DWD analysis data, 0600 UTC, CLM ensemble run without (nn) and with(sn) spectral nudging , 0900 UTC Satellite image from 8 PLows in CLM-results 0600 UTC 15 Oct 1993 (Response function: wave lengths between appr. 200 and 600 km are retained) NCEP DWD CLM01-nn CLM02-nn CLM03-nn CLM04-nn CLM01-sn CLM02-sn CLM03-sn CLM04-sn Band-pass filtered mslp (isolines; hPa) and 10m wind speed anomalies, NCEP/NCAR analysis after interpolation onto the CLM grid, 0600 UTC, DWD analysis data, 0600 UTC, CLM ensemble run without and with spectral nudging, 0900 UTC. Black dots indicate the positions of the polar low's pressure minimum in the respective untreated field of the ensemble run. 9 PLows in CLM-results The 1993 case: NERC Dundee Satellite Receiving Station weatherchart, DWD, 0000 UTC 9 Dec 1993 CLM22-sn, filtered 0000 UTC 9 Dec 1993 Rasmussen and Turner, 2003: Polar Lows: Mesoscale Weather Systems in the Polar Regions CLM22-sn, full field 0000 UTC 9 Dec 1993 10 PLows in CLM-results The 1998 case: NERC Dundee Satellite Receiving Station Weather chart, 0100 UTC 18 Jan 1998 CLM01-sn, filtered 0000 UTC 18 Jan 1998 Woetmann Nielsen, N., Om forudsigelighed af polare lavtryk, Vejret, 20, 37–48, in Danish, 1998 CLM01-sn, full field 0000 UTC 18 Jan 1998 11 PLows in CLM-results Intermediate Results: •In principle, Polar Lows can be reproduced with CLM run in climate mode •Though, there may be deviations in location and amount of pressure minima •Without nudging the large scale, the formation of Polar Lows is subject to considerable ensemble variability •A digital filter could be useful for an automatic detection Zahn, M., H. von Storch, and S. Bakan, 2008: Climate mode simulation of North Atlantic Polar Lows in a limited area model, TellusA 60 (4) 12 PLows in CLM-results Intermediate Results: •In principle, Polar Lows can be reproduced with CLM run in climate mode •Though, there may be deviations in location and amount of pressure minima •Without nudging the large scale, the formation of Polar Lows is subject to considerable ensemble variability •A digital filter could be useful for an automatic detection Development of a detection algorithm and application to longterm simulations Zahn, M., H. von Storch, and S. Bakan, 2008: Climate mode simulation of North Atlantic Polar Lows in a limited area model, TellusA 60 (4) 13 Detectionalgorithm Setup of the detection algorithm applied 1st step: detection of all locations with a filtered mslp minimum < -1hPa Zahn, M., and H. von Storch, Tracking Polar Lows in CLM, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17 (4), 445-453, doi:10.1127/0941- 2948/2008/0317, 2008 14 Detectionalgorithm Setup of the detection algorithm applied 1st step: detection of all locations with a filtered mslp minimum < -1hPa 2nd step: combine detected positions to individual tracks, distance to next (3h) pos < ~200 km 3rd step: checking further constraints along the tracks: • strength of the minimum ( ≤ −2hPa once along the track) • wind speed ( ≥ 13.9 m/s once along the track) • air-sea temperature difference ( SST − T500hPa ≥ 43K) • north south direction of the track • limits to allowable adjacent grid boxes OR: strength of the minimum in the bandpass filtered MSLP field decreases below −6hPa once Zahn, M., and H. von Storch, Tracking Polar Lows in CLM, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17 (4), 445-453, doi:10.1127/0941- 2948/2008/0317, 2008 15 Climatologymodel setup Setup of long-term simulation: CLM 2.4.6 initialised: 1.1.1948 finished : 28.2.2006 driven by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis 1 spectral nudging of scales > 700 km together with the algorithm enables a long-term climatology of Polar Lows 16 Climatologytime series Time series of the number of Polar Lows per winter • Strong interannual variability • No longterm trend visible • Most active winter was PLS 1981 • Fewest Polat Lows were detected PLS 1964 Number of detected polar lows per polar low season. One polar low season is defined as the period starting 1 Jul and ending 30 Jun the following year. Zahn, M. and H. von Storch, 2008: A longterm climatology of North Atlantic Polar Lows, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters , 21 August, 17 2008 Climatologysensitivity Algorithm's sensitivity 18 Climatologyresemblance Climatological comparison C=0,72 C=0,58 Wilhelmsen, K., Climatological study of gale-producing polar lows near Norway, Tellus, 37A, 451–459, 1985. Blechschmidt, A.-M., A 2-year climatology of polar low events over the nordic seas from satellite remote sensing, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35 (L09815), doi:doi:10.1029/2008GL033706, 2008 Gunnar Noer, MetNo, Norwegian Meteorological Service, pers. comm. 19 Climatologyresemblance Density distribution Bracegirdle, T. J. and S. L. Gray, 2006: The role of convection in the intensification of polar lows. Ph.d. thesis, 69 pp., The University of Reading, UK. 20 Climatologyregions Regional aufgeteilt Subregions, for which the number of detected polar lows were counted (R1-R14) and respective number of detected mature state polar lows (see text). Difference in total number of polar lows (3313) and sum of polar lows in the respective regions (3193) is due to polar lows occurring in the Southwest outside the investigated area. Also given for each region are mean number of polar lows per year (Mean), standard deviation (sdev), slope of least squares fit (lsqf) and polar lows per area unit (P/AU). The latter number is normalised by the smallest region in terms of surface area, R6, and divided by the respective region's fraction of maritime boxes in the model. Zahn, M. and H. von Storch, 2008: A longterm climatology of North Atlantic Polar Lows, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters , 21 August, 21 2008 Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) Method to study the correlation bewteen two (or more) random vectors, e.g. X and Y we used: X: number of Polar Lows per PLS Y: gridded mean MSLP fields per PLS 22 Climatologylarge scale Links to large scale mean pattern 23 Climatologylarge scale Links to large scale mean pattern 24 Final results ● No long-term trend detectable ● Strong interannual variability ● ● No one to one similarity to other studies, but qualitative similarity Large scale link: more southerly mean flow => more Polar Lows 25 Thank you very much Grazie per la vostra attenzione!! 26