Past and future changes of wind storms – latest achievements and current activities at HZG Matthias Zahn Frauke Feser Martina Schubert-Frisius Hans von Storch with thanks to M.Barcikowska,L.Cavicchia,F.Chen October 8, 2014 1 / 12 Recently investigated phenomena polar lows (NA) polar lows (NP) c Dundee from Fu et al., 2004 typhoons c NOAA medicanes c NOAA/MSAT How do the occurrence frequencies of these phenomena change over time? Further HZG work: North-Atlantic storminess by Frauke Feser at 11:00 2 / 12 Research tools: numerical models low-res global-domain Simulation ◮ ◮ ◮ ❄ Detection ◮ high-res RCM-domain different atmosphere models dynamical downscaling decades of global data to RCM domain spectral nudging ◮ automated storm detection methods applied based on scale separation 3 / 12 Detection of a Jan 1998 polar low 18 Jan 1998, 6:00, Zahn et al., 2008, Tellus & & A #3*#*+3. ( // Simulation grid ◮ 5 )- 5 )- 6 & ◮ ◮ digital filter: 200 600km spatial scales are retained polar low (PL) signal becomes more distinct used for detection 4 / 12 Past and future polar low frequency Zahn and von Storch, 2010, Nature Number of PLs per winter in the past ◮ ◮ ◮ no change in NCEP driven past over North Atlantic strong decrease under IPCC-GHG warming atmosphere projected to become more stable Left: average PLs per IPCC scenario. Right: area and time-averaged ice free SST − T500hPa over northern North Atlantic. 5 / 12 Future PL frequency, North Pacific from Chen et al., 2014, Clim.Dyn. number of polar lows per winter in the future ◮ ◮ ◮ ◮ ◮ A1B - C20 SST − T500hPa > 39K frequency change, red/blue: less/more stable IPCC scenarios B1, A1B and A2 downscaled to 50km over North Pacific significant decrease decrease linked to GHG increase linked to a more stable atmosphere 6 / 12 Medicanes, Mediterranean Sea Cavicchia et al., 2013, Clim.Dyn., 2014, JClim 6 5 4 3 2 past and future annual cycle 1 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 number of medicanes per season ◮ NCEP(left)/IPCC(right) downscaled to 10km (double nesting) rare phenomenon negligible change over past decrease with future warming 40 E ◮ ◮ ◮ A2-C20 SST − T350hPa > 57K frequency change, blue: more stable 7 / 12 Past and future typhoon frequency Barcikowska,PhD thesis/ in preparation black/red: all/most intense typhoons in CLM ◮ ◮ ◮ ◮ NCEP downscaled to 50km with CLM slight overall increase stronger increase of most intense typhoons BUT: inhomogeneity likely detected typhoons in transient A1B scenario ◮ ◮ ◮ IPCC A1B downscaled to 50km with CLM different detection configurations decrease with warming 8 / 12 Current activity: global downscaling low-res global-domain ◮ ◮ ◮ ❄ ◮ ◮ ◮ apply a global ECHAM6 dynamical downscaling to global domain spectral nudging enables direct storm studies linkages between different ocean basins possible high potential driving further models down the chain high-res global-domain 9 / 12 Simulating 2004 tropical cyclones named TCs of the 2004 season from IBTrACS 60˚ 50˚ 30˚ 60˚ 90˚ 120˚ 150˚ 180˚ 210˚ 240˚ 270˚ 300˚ 330˚ 0˚ IBTrACS-tracks with counterpart: 55 IBTrACS-tracks without counterpart: 15 40˚ NCEP China 25˚ 25˚ Taiwan 30˚ 20˚ 10˚ 20˚ 0˚ 20˚ -10˚ -20˚ Phillipines -30˚ 15˚ 120˚ -40˚ 2004 named IBTRACS WMO tracks, red/black: without/with detected counterpart in EH6 990 1000 15˚ 130˚ 1010 1020 hPa 1030 -50˚ EH6 China 25˚ ◮ ◮ ◮ ◮ ◮ can improve TC representation 70 tropical cyclones named 55 corresponding tracks detected next step: discriminate these from non-TC detections then apply to ≈ 7 decades 25˚ Taiwan 20˚ 20˚ Phillipines 15˚ 120˚ 990 1000 130˚ 1010 1020 15˚ hPa 1030 NOCK-TEN in NCEP-SP and EH6-MSLP, 24 Oct 2004, 0:00 black crosses: observed, green cross: detected 10 / 12 Summary At HZG, different types of storms: ◮ ◮ were reconstructed using RCMs are currently simulated using global downscaling Storm activity changes: ◮ ◮ ◮ no significant past change of activity decreased activity in a warmed future decrease linked to more stable atmosphere 11 / 12 Thank you very much for your attention 12 / 12