The Frederick Douglass Teaching Scholars Fellowship Application for Appointment Priority Consideration Given to Completed Applications Postmarked by January 16, 2016 Name: Last First M.I. Address: Street Address Apartment/Unit # City Home Phone: ( State Cell Phone: ( ) Work Phone: ) ZIP Code ( ) Email: Do you have active status in a terminal degree program? YES NO If yes, please complete the following: Program: (PhD) University: (Department) City State Expected date of degree completion (Month / Year): Please indicate your current situation (Check all that apply) Have earned MA (provide year degree was conferred) Taking course work in a doctoral/terminal program Have completed required course work in a doctoral/terminal program, but have not passed oral exam Have passed oral exams and working on dissertation Have earned my PhD (provide year degree was conferred) Other (please explain) Name of your major/program: Adviser: Major adviser’s mailing address: Major adviser’s phone number: ( ) Do your future plans include teaching in higher education? Yes No Do you have college or university teaching experience? Yes No As a teaching scholar, what undergraduate course(s) are you most interested in and/or best prepared to teach? Most Interested Are you willing to be considered for (check all that apply): Best Prepared Summer Position Full-Year Appointment Signature of Applicant: How did you learn about this fellowship? Advertisement (Source): Posting (Where posted): Other (Please Specify): NOTE: This application must be accompanied by: *A cover letter describing your research area(s), experience and qualifications *A curriculum vita *A copy of your graduate transcript(s). (At the application phase this can be a copy of the official transcript) *A letter from your major or dissertation adviser regarding your qualifications for this program. *A letter from at least two additional references regarding your experience and ability. (If you have teaching experience, letters should include relevant information.) Send this application and related materials to the universities of your choice. You are permitted to apply to more than one university, but you must send separate application materials to each school. ***PLEASE NOTE: APPLICANTS TO FDI SCHOLARS FELLOWSHIP MAY UNDERGO A CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK AS PART OT THE SELECTION/HIRING PROCESS AT EACH UNIVERSITY.***