Statistics 404 Fall 2009 FINAL EXAM Solutions Name _______________________________ Google has hired you to evaluate a variety of formats for its “Google Shopping” (GS) website. When potential shoppers access the site, Google wants to be sure that they are not “turned off” by what they see and that they are able to quickly find the products they seek. That is, Google wishes to ensure that potential customers have positive web experiences in terms of both the ascetics and the efficiency of its web site. In close cooperation with the GS web-development team, you modify the GS website as follows: First, you develop two color schemes for the site—one with “cool” colors (blue, green) and one with “warm” colors (red, orange). Next, you offer two types of music—“background” music (classical) and “foreground” music (contemporary). People who access the site are randomly assigned to one of the following four versions of the GS website: cool colors with background music, cool colors with foreground music, warm colors with background music, warm colors with foreground music. Your sample consists of the first 100 people to access each of these four website versions (for a total sample size of 400 subjects) who were paid $20 each by Google to have filled in a short online survey before leaving the website. Accordingly, in addition each subject’s website version and the amount of money they spent prior to leaving the site, you also have information on each from this survey on each subject’s emotional state, satisfaction with the webshopping experience, and intention to revisit the website. In your preliminary report to Google executives, you state the following: “The 400 subjects in the study spent an average of $30 during their visit to the GS website. When the website’s colors were warm during their visit, they spent an average of $5 more than this; when their website’s music was background, they spent an average of $2 more. Independent of these effects, there is a bonus of $1 additional spending when the website had both warm colors and background music.” The four dollar-values in this statement correspond to unstandardized regression coefficients from the following equation in which S measures dollars spent, C measures color scheme, M measures music type, and B measures the “bonus” referred to in the statement: Sˆ 30 5C 2 M 1B a. Assuming that both this equation and your above-quoted statement are true, indicate whether each of the following 8 sentences is true or false. [weight 8] C=1 means that the subject was assigned to a website with a warm color scheme. true false M=1 means that the subject was assigned to a website with foreground (i.e., contemporary) music. true false 1 Statistics 404 Fall 2009 FINAL EXAM Solutions Name _______________________________ Variable B is a contrast. true false Variable B is a polynomial. true false Variables C and M are contrasts. true false There is a bonus of $1 additional spending when the website had both cool colors and foreground music. true false Subjects who visited the website with warm colors spent $35 on average. true false Subjects who visited the website with warm colors and foreground music spent $32 on average. true false The above-mentioned bonus effect turns out not to be significantly different from zero, so you proceed without it and estimate the following path model (Model A) using data from your online survey: Color (Z1) .104 BBB AAA .200 Emotions (Z3) .468 Satisfaction (Z4) .584 Intention to revisit (Z5) .046 Music (Z2) .733 .913 .799 The correlation matrix among these 5 standardized variables is as follows: Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 1.00 CCC 1.00 –.65 .20 1.00 –.20 .35 .40 1.00 .30 .25 .55 .60 1.00 2 STAT 404 / FINAL EXAM b. What is the value of Model A’s unanalyzed path, AAA? (Hints: Note the description of the sampling design described in this exam’s second paragraph, and be sure to explain your answer. If you are stumped, just pick a number and proceed with the exam.) [weight 2] AAA rCM 0 The correlation (and thus the unanalyzed path) equals zero as a direct result of the sampling design in which equal numbers of subjects had each combination of color scheme and music type. c. Find values for the path, BBB, and for the correlation, CCC? (Hint: Again be sure to explain how you obtained these values.) [weight 2] As explained in the answer to part b, the correlation, CCC equals zero as a result of how subjects were sampled. The partial slope, BBB, equals the correlation between Color and Emotions because there is no collinearity between Color and Music. This can be demonstrated as follows: ˆ1 r13 r23r12 .65 .2 .0 .65 .65 1 r122 1 .0 2 1 3 STAT 404 / FINAL EXAM d. According to Model A, what are the total effects of the GS website’s color scheme on subjects’ intention to revisit the website? Likewise, what are the total effects of the GS website’s music type on subjects’ intention to revisit the website? Based on this model, what color scheme and music type would you recommend to Google as the optimal combination for stimulating subjects to revisit its GS website? (Show your work!) [weight 4] Effect of color scheme on intention to revisit: Direct: p51 0 p41 p54 p31 p43 p54 .104 .584 .65 .468 .584 .061 .178 .117 Total effect = Direct + Indirect 0 .117 .117 Indirect: Given the negative total effect of Z1 (Color, where high scores indicate a warm color scheme) on Z5 (Intention to revisit), I would recommend a cool color scheme to Google for its GS website. Effect of music type on intention to revisit: Direct: p52 .046 p32 p43 p54 .20 .468 .584 .055 Total effect = Direct + Indirect .046 .055 .101 Indirect: Given the positive total effect of Z2 (Music, where high scores indicate a background music) on Z5 (Intention to revisit), I would recommend classical, or background music to Google for its GS website. 4 STAT 404 / FINAL EXAM e. In the space provided below, draw a revised path model (Model B) to which two overidentifying restrictions have been added, namely that p41 = p52 = 0. Be sure to draw all paths, and to provide values for each (including unanalyzed and residual paths). [weight 5] Color (Z1) –.650 .000 .200 .400 Emotions (Z3) Satisfaction (Z4) .600 Intention to revisit (Z5) Music (Z2) .733 .917 .800 Work space: The two revised paths between endogenous variables equal the respective variables’ correlations, because each path equals the standardized slope from a bivariate regression. The two revised residual slopes are obtained as follows: e2 1 R42.3 1 .4 2 .917 e3 1 R52.4 1 .6 2 .8 5 STAT 404 / FINAL EXAM f. Which path model (Model A or Model B) provides the better fit to your data? (Use the .05 significance level, and show your work!) [weight 4] Table of e 2 s: Less Restricted More Restricted Q Z3 .7332 .537 .7332 .537 Z4 .9132 .834 .917 2 .840 Z5 .799 2 .638 .8 2 .64 .537 .834 .638 .532 .990 .537 .840 .640 .538 W n d 2 d1 lnQ 400 5 3 ln.990 398 .010 4.099 22,.05 5.991 4.099 W Thus the less restricted model (Model A) does not provide a significantly better fit to the data than the more restricted model (Model B). The two paths (i.e., p41 and p52) may be assumed to equal zero. 6