Edinboro University of Pennsylvania College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Registration Form

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Registration Form
Registration form must be received two weeks prior to the exam date. Form can be mailed, emailed, faxed, or dropped off at:
The Academic Success Center, 200 Tartan Road, Baron-Forness Library, 2nd Floor, Edinboro, PA 16444
success@edinboro.edu; Fax: (814) 732-2210
1. First Name
4. Birth Date
7. E-mail Address
2. M.I.
5. Telephone Number
9. City
3. Last Name
Student ID (if you are an Edinboro Student)
8. Street Address
10. State
11. Zip
12. Students with documented disabilities: ! Check here if you need testing accommodations. Be sure to contact the
Academic Success Center to make the necessary arrangements before the exam date.
13. Exam Date:
14. Examination for which you are registering:
q American Government
q American Literature
q Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
q Biology
q Business Law, Introductory
q Calculus
q Chemistry
q College Algebra
q College Composition
q College Composition Modular
q College Mathematics
q Educational Psychology, Intro. to
q English Literature
q Financial Accounting
q French Language
q German Language
q History of the U.S. I: Early Colonization
q History of the U.S. II: 1865 to the Present
q Human Growth & Development
q Humanities
q Info. Systems & Computer Applications
q Macroeconomics, Principles of
q Management, Principles of
q Marketing, Principles of
q Microeconomics, Principles of
q Natural Sciences
q Pre-Calculus
q Psychology, Introductory
q Social Sciences & History
q Sociology, Introductory
q Spanish Language
q Western Civilization I
q Western Civilization II
are repeating this exam. Remember, you must
wait three months before
15. Repeating Exams: ! Check here if you
repeating an examination.
Question 16, 17 and 18 are for Edinboro University students only.
16. Are you in a provisional admittance program such as Fresh Start or AEP? ! Yes
! No
17. Are you currently enrolled or have you previously received a letter grade for this class? ! Yes ! No
PLEASE NOTE: You cannot take a CLEP exam and receive credit for a course in which you are currently enrolled
and/or have previously received a letter grade (including, but not limited to, an F, W, AU, or I).
18. Please state how you learned about CLEP exams:
19. Fees: The fee for each CLEP exam is $80 payable to CLEP and $25 payable to Edinboro University. You must pay
the $80 to CLEP via the CLEP website (www.collegeboard.com/clep) prior to taking the exam. Further instructions
will be emailed to you once this registration form is received by Edinboro University’s Office of Adult Student
Services. The $25 fee to Edinboro University will be posted to your student account at the time of registration. If you
are not an Edinboro student, the $25 fee to Edinboro University can be paid by check or money order, and is due at
the time of registration. The $25 fee is non-refundable.
20. I understand that the $25 payable to Edinboro University is non-refundable and will be posted to my student account
at the time of registration (Edinboro students) or is due at the time of registration (non-Edinboro students). I also
understand that the registration form is due two weeks prior to the exam date listed in question #13.
Student Signature