Edinboro University of Pennsylvania College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Registration Form Registration form must be received two weeks prior to the exam date. Form can be mailed, emailed, faxed, or dropped off at: The Academic Success Center, 200 Tartan Road, Baron-Forness Library, 2nd Floor, Edinboro, PA 16444 success@edinboro.edu; Fax: (814) 732-2210 1. First Name 4. Birth Date / / 7. E-mail Address 2. M.I. 5. Telephone Number ( ) - 9. City 3. Last Name 6. Student ID (if you are an Edinboro Student) @ 8. Street Address 10. State 11. Zip 12. Students with documented disabilities: ! Check here if you need testing accommodations. Be sure to contact the Academic Success Center to make the necessary arrangements before the exam date. 13. Exam Date: / / 14. Examination for which you are registering: q American Government q American Literature q Analyzing & Interpreting Literature q Biology q Business Law, Introductory q Calculus q Chemistry q College Algebra q College Composition q College Composition Modular q College Mathematics q Educational Psychology, Intro. to q English Literature q Financial Accounting q French Language q German Language q History of the U.S. I: Early Colonization q History of the U.S. II: 1865 to the Present q Human Growth & Development q Humanities q Info. Systems & Computer Applications q Macroeconomics, Principles of q Management, Principles of q Marketing, Principles of q Microeconomics, Principles of q Natural Sciences q Pre-Calculus q Psychology, Introductory q Social Sciences & History q Sociology, Introductory q Spanish Language q Western Civilization I q Western Civilization II are repeating this exam. Remember, you must wait three months before 15. Repeating Exams: ! Check here if you repeating an examination. Question 16, 17 and 18 are for Edinboro University students only. 16. Are you in a provisional admittance program such as Fresh Start or AEP? ! Yes ! No 17. Are you currently enrolled or have you previously received a letter grade for this class? ! Yes ! No PLEASE NOTE: You cannot take a CLEP exam and receive credit for a course in which you are currently enrolled and/or have previously received a letter grade (including, but not limited to, an F, W, AU, or I). 18. Please state how you learned about CLEP exams: 19. Fees: The fee for each CLEP exam is $80 payable to CLEP and $25 payable to Edinboro University. You must pay the $80 to CLEP via the CLEP website (www.collegeboard.com/clep) prior to taking the exam. Further instructions will be emailed to you once this registration form is received by Edinboro University’s Office of Adult Student Services. The $25 fee to Edinboro University will be posted to your student account at the time of registration. If you are not an Edinboro student, the $25 fee to Edinboro University can be paid by check or money order, and is due at the time of registration. The $25 fee is non-refundable. 20. I understand that the $25 payable to Edinboro University is non-refundable and will be posted to my student account at the time of registration (Edinboro students) or is due at the time of registration (non-Edinboro students). I also understand that the registration form is due two weeks prior to the exam date listed in question #13. Student Signature Date