Civil Service Employees Council

Civil Service Employees Council
March 3, 2011, 1:15pm
Capitol Rooms, University Union
I. Roll Call – Present: Suzanne Boussard, Jim buffalo, Hilary Churchill, Carla
Farniok, Rich Hamilton, Wendi Mattson, Bill Rupert, Peter Skyrpkun, and
Martha Youngmeyer. Excused: Leslie Apel, Chris Brown, Pam Bowman,
Tishly Herrington, Kristie Parkins, Dan Rathjen,Cindy Roon, Kim Sedgwick,
and Jackie Thompson
II. Minutes (Leslie Apel) – A motion was made by Rich to accept the minutes.
Seconded by Bill. Motion carried.
III. Treasurer’s Report (Jim Buffalo)- Jim reported that out of the general account
$25 was spent on the Employee of the Year plaque, leaving a balance of
$4,560.77. Scholarship account received endowment leaving a balance of
$10,989.69. The Endowment fund has a balance of $102,400. Motion made
by Hilary to accept treasurer’s report. Seconded by Suzanne. Motion carried.
IV. President’s Report (Tishly Herrington) – no report.
V. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Wendi Mattson)-Kathleen Clauson with
the Physical Services Library is the Civil Service Employee of the Month for
March. Her presentation will be held Tuesday, March 8th at 2:00 in the
Physical Sciences Library (the round annex on the end of Currens Hall) Rm.
VI. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Jackie Thompson) – no
VII. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) – no report.
VIII. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun) – Peter
reported that their next meeting would be in April. They had not met since
the Council’s previous meeting. Suzanne asked if he knew anything about a
proposal to change health care coverage for retirees which would base their
premium on the amount of income of person’s living in the home. He had not
heard of anything. Suzanne is to forward the information on that she had
received and he will look into it.
IX. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Chris Brown) – no report.
X. Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship (Tishly Herrington)- no report.
b. Web Page (Jim Buffalo)- no report.
Civil Service Employees Council
March 3, 2011, 1:15pm
Capitol Rooms, University Union
c. Training and Development (Carla Farniok) – there is a Civil Service
training session on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 from 9-12 in the Sandburg
d. Technology Advisory Users Group (Jim Buffalo) – no report.
e. Web Accessibility (Jim Buffalo)- no report.
f. Technology Cabinet (Jim Buffalo)- no report.
g. University Diversity Council (Tishly Herrington)- no report.
XI. Committee Reports
a. Appeals (Bill Rupert)- no appeals to report.
b. Award Selection (Dan Rathjen)- no report.
c. Constitution/Election (Jim Buffalo)- no report on the Constitution.
However, Jim reported that the election will be coming up soon. Up
for re-election is Bill, Carla, Kim and Dan. Martha has served her full
term and cannot be re-elected.
d. Education (Hilary Churchill)- no report.
e. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) Anna James, Office Support Specialist,
Management & Marketing, starts 3/14/11; Michael Wilmot, Building
Service Worker, Building Services will start 3/21/2011; Ron Wetzel,
Building Service Worker, Building Services will start 3/22/2011.
f. Salary (Suzanne Boussaard)- Suzanne reported The union was
certified in mid-late January for clerical employees.
A meeting was conducted to nominate individuals to the negotiating
team. Those not present at the meeting but nominated were
contacted within the next few days to see if they would be willing to
serve on the committee. Some were, some were not. If there would
have been more than 10 nominees, a vote would have been taken to
determine the negotiating team members. So by default, there are
eight individuals who will be the negotiating team.
Civil Service Employees Council
March 3, 2011, 1:15pm
Capitol Rooms, University Union
The first meeting of the negotiating team will be meeting Monday,
March 7th after work. After that, there may be more information to be
Negotiations are confidential as far as I know right now.
Once a contract is negotiated, it will be put to the union members for a
vote. If a majority votes for the contract, then we are set. If not, we go
back to the negotiating table to see what we can do. Everyone will
have the contract in black and white in front of them to read BEFORE
the vote is taken.
Dues will not be deducted from paychecks until a contract is
negotiated and voted on by the union membership.
If anyone has any ideas/suggestions for what should be covered by
the union, they are more than welcome to let me Suzanne or others
involved know. Or they may contact, Ann Conwill, Kent Beauchamp
with AFSCME or Randy Lynch who is the negotiator.
g. Social Events & Development (Hilary Churchill) – The Spring
Luncheon date was set for May 5, 2011. The theme of Cinco DeMayo
was discussed and agreed on. Hilary will check into getting a tent so
an outdoor event could be held. The menu idea was a taco bar or
walking taco and having some outdoor events also going during the
lunch hour.
There will be a lunch for Martha who will be leaving before our May
meeting. This meeting date needs to be changed due to the spring
luncheon falling on that date. The date of the May meeting will be
discussed during the meeting in April.
h. Committee on Committees (Carla Farniok) – no report.
XII. Old Business
a. CSEC Fundraising Ideas - The Flower Power bulb order forms were
given to council members in attendance. The orders are due back at
the regular April meeting.
b. Technology Committee Representative – no report.
Civil Service Employees Council
March 3, 2011, 1:15pm
Capitol Rooms, University Union
c. New Employee of the Year Plaque Vote – Jim had a catalog with
possible ideas. As this will not be needed until December, it will be
discussed further at future meetings.
d. Employee of the Month Reserved Parking Space Vote – it was
discussed and the solution to the problem will be solved by calling the
EOM earlier and letting parking services know which space should be
reserved as close the first of the month as possible.
e. Question Regarding Audit Request – Suzanne had previously asked
about position audits and if there was a set amount of time and
employee had to be at that position before one could be requested.
She reported that according to SUCSS website it states that an
employee can request an audit at any time.
XIII. New Business – Bill reported that he needs two civil service employees to
serve on the Benefit Council for 403 B, which is supplemental retirement.
They need to be in place by next Thursday. It was suggested that a
TELESTARS message be sent out. Motion made by Suzanne that a Telestars
message be sent, Seconded by Carla. Motion carried.
XIV. Group Concerns – Suzanne asked if we knew who was serving on the VPAS
and VPSS search committee. Carla called Tishly. She will try to find out and
let us know.
XV. Announcements – motion by Bill to adjourn meeting, seconded by Jim.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
XVI. Next meeting April 7, 2011 in University Union Capitol Room.