CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES COUNCIL 4 October 2007 Springfield Room

4 October 2007
Springfield Room
University Union
Roll Call
II. Guest: COAP members along with President Goldfarb
III. Minutes (Jamie Shuda)
IV. Treasurer’s Report (Kevin Morgan)
V. President’s Report (Suzanne Boussaard)
1. President’s Advisory Group meeting: 9.27.07
2. Report to the Board/Board of Trustees meeting: 9.28.07
VI. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Greg Phelps)
VII. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Jackie Thompson)
VIII. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman)
IX. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Sheila Kirby)
X. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Lois Retherford)
XI. Representative Reports to Council
1. Affirmative Action Internship (Tammy Hiel)
2. Affirmative Action & Equity Council (Martha Youngmeyer)
3. Women’s Center (Martha Youngmeyer)
4. Web Page (Kevin Morgan)
XII. Committee Reports
1. Appeals/Award Fund (Rich Hamilton)
2. Award Selection (Ed Lavin)
3. Constitution / Election (Jim Buffalo)
4. Education (Hilary Smith)
5. Mentoring (Sam Marlow)
6. Salary (Suzanne Boussaard)
7. Social Events & Development (Jamie Shuda, Kevin Morgan)
Golf outing wrap up
Luncheon update
8. Committee on Committees (Greg Phelps)
New Business
1. President’s Open Forum: Wed, Nov 7 at 11:00-12:00 and 4:30-5:30, Sandburg
2. Inviting Dr. Tom Morelock to campus for meetings
3. CAS’s 50th Anniversary Planning Committee
Old Business:
1. EOM Award Guidelines
2. Council on Councils
3. Pay for Performance proposal
4. Parade
5. Photos for web page
6. Cookbook sales update
7. Letter to new employees
8. Fund raising letter
XV. Group Concerns: