c 2004 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM J. APPL. MATH. Vol. 65, No. 1, pp. 336–360 SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS— A CONJECTURE OF NAGAI∗ HOWARD A. LEVINE† AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ† ‡ Abstract. Consider the initial-boundary value problem for the system (S) ut = uxx − (uvx )x , vt = u − av on an interval [0, 1] for t > 0, where a > 0 with ux (0, t) = ux (1, t) = 0. Suppose µ, v0 are positive constants. The corresponding spatially homogeneous global solution U (t) = µ, V (t) = µ/a + (v0 − µ/a) exp(−at) is stable in the sense that if (µ , v0 ) are positive constants, the corresponding spatially homogeneous solution will be uniformly close to (U (·), V (·)). We consider, in sequence space, an approximate system (S ) which is related to (S) in the following sense: The chemotactic term (uvx )x is replaced by the inverse Fourier transform of the finite part of the convolution integral for the Fourier transform of (uvx )x . (Here the finite part of x the convolution on the line at a point x of two functions, f, g, is defined as (f (y)g(y − x) dy.) We 0 prove the following: (1) If µ > a, then in every neighborhood of (µ, v0 ) there are (spatially nonconstant) initial data for which the solution of problem (S ) blows up in finite time in the sense that the solution must leave L2 (0, 1) × H 1 (0, 1) in finite time T . Moreover, the solution components u(·, t), v(·, t) each leave L2 (0, 1). (2) If µ > a, then in every neighborhood of (µ, v0 ) there are (spatially nonconstant) initial data for which the solution of problem (S) on (0, 1) × (0, Tmax ) must blow up in finite time in the sense that the coefficients of the cosine series for (u, v) become unbounded in the sequence product space 1 × 11 . A consequence of (2) states that in every neighborhood of (µ, v0 ), there are solutions of (S) which, if they are sufficiently regular, will blow up in finite time. (Nagai and Nakaki [Nonlinear Anal., 58 (2004), pp. 657–681] showed that for the original system such solutions are unstable in the sense that if µ > a, then in every neighborhood of (µ, µ/a), there are spatially nonconstant solutions which blow up in finite or infinite time. They conjectured that the blow-up time must be finite.) Using a recent regularity result of Nagai and Nakaki, we prove this conjecture. Key words. chemotaxis, finite time singularity formation, Keller–Segel model AMS subject classifications. 35K55, 92C17 DOI. 10.1137/S0036139903431725 1. Introduction. The classical equations of chemotaxis were introduced in [15, 16, 22]. A variant of them, which was later discussed in [14], takes the form (1.1) ut = D1 (∆u − ∇ · (uχ(v)∇v)), vt = D2 ∆v + λu − av when the diffusivities Dj are constant. The constants in (1.1) are presumed to be positive. Generally speaking, u(·, t) represents the cell concentration (or local population) of some species, while v(·, t) corresponds to the concentration of a chemotactic agent such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The function χ(v) is called the chemotactic sensitivity. ∗ Received by the editors July 14, 2003; accepted for publication (in revised form) January 20, 2004; published electronically October 28, 2004. The first author was supported in part by Mathematical Sciences Biology Institute of Ohio State University. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under agreement 0112050. The second author was supported by a NATO postdoctoral fellowship and by KBN 2-P03A-002-23. http://www.siam.org/journals/siap/65-1/43172.html † Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 (halevine@iastate.edu, joannar@iastate.edu). ‡ Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Śniadeckich 8, 00-956 Warsaw, Poland (jr@impan.gov.pl). 336 SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 337 This system is not of standard reaction-diffusion type since the first equation will involve the Laplacian of the second dependent variable. Typically, the boundary conditions are of Neumann type for the first equation and of either mixed or Dirichlet type for the second equation. Precise conditions will be given later. In the growing literature on singularity formation in chemotaxis, the problems studied tend to fall into one of two types.1 In the first type, the time scale of the second equation is assumed to be much smaller than that of the first, i.e., D2 D1 , or the cell species has infinite propagation speed, while the chemical species has diffused so rapidly that it has come to a steady state. In this case, the system simplifies into one of elliptic-parabolic type, namely, (1.2) ut = D1 (∆u − ∇ · (uχ(v)∇v)), 0 = D2 ∆v + λu − av. A number of papers have been concerned with the phenomenon of blowup for such systems. See [2, 1, 5, 9, 10, 8, 19], for example. The first such result in this direction seems to be contained in [13]. The rough idea of the approach to this system is to solve, at least in principle, the second (elliptic) equation in (1.2) for v as a nonlocal, but linear, function of u and then eliminate v from the first equation leaving a nonlinear, nonlocal dynamical equation for u. In the second, and probably less well studied form, the time scale of the second equation is assumed to be much larger than that of the first, so fast in fact that the diffusion of the chemical species can be neglected. (That is, D2 D1 .) In this case the spatial movement of the chemical is being controlled by the movement of the particles which the chemical influences through its gradient. This was used as an example to illustrate the modelling approach to Dictyostelium discoideum movement taken in [21]. The reaction term λu−av is the cAMP saturated limit approximation of a reaction term that more accurately reflects Michealis–Menten reaction kinetics. A model of D. discoideum movement which views the cell receptors as the catalyzing agent for cAMP production can be found in [6, pp. 498ff.]. However, if cAMP is not in excess, uv then one must replace the reaction term by a term of the form kk21+v − av, where λ = k1 /k2 , in order to more accurately describe the cell receptor kinetics involved (see [6, pp. 273ff.]). The system then takes the form u , ut = D1 ∇ · u∇ ln ψ(v) (1.3) k1 uv − av. vt = R(u, v) = k2 + v The advantage of writing the system in this form is that one can see that if the system is tending toward a steady state, u should follow ψ(v). Indeed, by using the principles of reinforced random walk [4], the authors of [21] derived the first of equations (1.3) ab initio. However, by writing the flux vector − → J as − → − → − → J = −D1 ( ∇ u − χ(v)u ∇ v), 1 If one sets τ = D t, then D drops out of the first equation, while the second equation becomes 1 1 D1 ∂τ v = D2 ∆v + λu − av. One then lets D1 → 0 in this equation in the first case. In the second case, one lets D1 , a, λ → ∞ in such a way that a/D1 , λ/D1 remain constant. 338 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ defining ψ(v) by the equation ψ (v)/ψ(v) = χ(v), and using the continuity equa− → − → tion ut = − ∇ · J , we obtain the first equation in (1.3) by continuum mechanical considerations. Here the solution approach, taken, for example in [17], is to solve the second equation for u as a nonlinear function of v, vt and then eliminate it from the first equation, leaving a rather messy third order equation in v. Reference [17] is devoted to a detailed discussion and interpretation of the numerical results obtained there and earlier in [21] for the resulting equation. In [17], the discussion begins with consideration of the following special case of (1.3) on an interval [0, 1] for t > 0 with ψ(v) = v: u , ut = ∇ · u∇ ln v (1.4) vt = R(u, v) = uv with ux (0, t) = ux (1, t) = 0 and vx (0, t) = vx (1, t) = 0 (which then imply the zero flux conditions ux = uvx at x = 0, 1). The vector [µ(x, t), v0 (x, t)]t ≡ [1, et ]t is a spatially homogeneous solution of (1.4) with [1, 1] as initial datum. The following statement is a consequence of the results of [17]: Let c be the positive root of c2 +N c−1 = 0 and let 0 < < 1. Given any mode number N , there is a direction [uN , vN ]t ≡ [N c, 1]t cos(N x) in the closed subspace of L2 (0, 1)×H 1 (0, 1) consisting of the closure of functions which − → satisfy u[log(u/v)]x = 0 at x = 0, 1, and a curve given by R (ε) ≡ [u(·, 0, ε), v(·, 0, ε)]t in L2 (0, 1) × H 1 (0, 1) of initial data passing through [1, 1] with the property that any solution initially emanating from this curve will blow up in a finite time. This solution is given by u = ψt (x, t), v = exp(ψ), where ψ(x, t) = t − ln[1 − 2ε exp(N ct) cos(N πx) + ε2 exp(2N ct)]. Moreover, this solution has the important biological property that it leaves the above space by aggregation, in particular, by virtue of the fact that u(·, t)L2 (0,1) blows up in finite time. It is conceivable that for such systems, u(·, t)L2 (0,1) can remain bounded, while ux (·, t)L2 (0,1) blows up in finite time. In [21], this possibility was demonstrated numerically, while in [17], a plausibility argument was given to show that these numerical results were not just artifacts of the simulations and were to be expected from the underlying dynamical system. The result tells us that in every neighborhood of the initial data for the spatially homogeneous solution [1, et ]t , there are solutions of arbitrarily high initial total variation which begin in this neighborhood and blow up in finite time. The numerical evidence suggests that every arbitrarily small nonconstant perturbation of the initial data for [1, et ]t (which must have a nontrivial projection onto at least one of the directions [N c, 1]t cos(N x) for some N ) must blow up in finite time. (This interpretation was not spelled out in [17].) Clearly if we replace v by exp(v) in the system (1.4), there results (1.5) ut = uxx − (uvx )x , vt = u, which, when ≥ 0, is a special case of (1.6) ut = uxx − (uvx )x , vt = vxx + u − av. SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 339 Equation (1.6) is the classical system studied in [3]. In its turn, this system contains as a special case the system of Nagai and Nakaki taken up in section 2. However, it is important to note that in [20], the authors establish the well posedness of the initial-boundary value problem for this system (with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions) as well as the existence of a global attractor. Their proof demands that > 0 in order to establish the existence of a global Lyapunov functional. An alternate proof of this result has been given in [12]. There the authors also provide an asymptotic profile of the solution. Thus we are left with the question of what happens to solutions when the dissipation in v is weak, i.e., when = 0 and a > 0. This is the problem raised by Nagai and partially addressed by him and Nakaki in [18]. The plan of the paper is as follows. In section 2 we discuss their system and the results they established recently [18]. There we also discuss a related initial value problem for their system and introduce a closely related approximate initial value problem. In section 3 we reformulate the Nagai–Nakaki system as an infinite system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. In section 4, we introduce a second infinite system of ordinary differential equations which is closely related to the system of ordinary differential equations in section 3. This second system is related to the first in much the same way as the approximate initial value problem is related to the full initial value problem for their system. In section 5 we establish the local existence and uniqueness of solutions of their system when µ > a in the sequence space 1 ×11 , i.e., in the space of pairs of sequences ({ai }, {bi }) such that i≥1 (|ai | + i|bi |) is finite. (This sequence space is continuously and injectively imbedded in L1 (0, 1)×W 1,1 (0, 1). However, the inverse of the injection (restricted to the image) is not continuous. We discuss this point in more detail in section 7.) In section 6, we demonstrate that the spatially homogeneous solutions of the system of ordinary differential equations for the approximate problem are unstable in the sense that in every neighborhood of the spatially homogeneous solution there are solutions in L2 (0, 1) × H 1 (0, 1) with spatially inhomogeneous data which blow up in finite time in this space. In section 7, we establish this conjecture. That is, if µ > a, then in every neighborhood of (µ, v0 ) there are (spatially nonconstant) initial data for which the corresponding solution of the Nagai–Nakaki problem in the cylinder must blow up in finite time (in a sense to be made precise below). This result will yield the Nagai–Nakaki conjecture for solutions that are sufficiently regular. 2. The system of Nagai and Nakaki [18]. Nagai, in a talk given at the International Conference on Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology, Wuhan, China, 2001, considered the following initial-boundary value problem: (2.1) ut = uxx − (uvx )x , vt = u − av with a ≥ 0. As boundary conditions he took (2.2) ux (0, t) = vx (0, t)u(0, t), ux (1, t) = vx (1, t)u(1, t). These boundary conditions follow from the conditions ux (0, t) = ux (1, t) = 0 and vx (0, 0) = vx (1, 0) = 0 because the second equation of (2.1) implies that vx (0, t), vx (1, t) 340 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ satisfy y (t) = −ay(t). (In what follows we will refer to (2.1) and (2.2) as Nagai’s problem or the Nagai–Nakaki problem.) To set the notational stage for what follows, we introduce a potential function ψ(x, t) as follows: We let v(x, t) ≡ V (t)+ψ(x, t), u(x, t) ≡ U (t)+ ũ(x, t). The spatially homogeneous solution of Nagai’s problem is (V (t), U (t)) = (µ/a + (v0 − µ/a) exp(−at), µ). This and the second equation force the choice for ũ = ψt + aψ so that (2.3) (ψ, ψt + aψ)t = (v − V (t), u − µ) = (v, u)t − (V (t), U (t))t . In particular, in what follows, the reader is cautioned that (ψ, ψt + aψ)t corresponds to the pair (v, u + aψ)t . (That is, with reference to [18], the pairing is (u, v), while in the theorems and proofs here, the pairing is (v, u).) We are interested in those potential functions for which 1 1 (2.4) ψt dx = 0 ψ dx = 0 0 1 in order to ensure that the mass, 0 u dx, is conserved. Recently Nagai and Nakaki [18] have established the following statements for a restricted class of initial data perturbations for which the corresponding solutions are more regular than L2 (0, 1) × H 1 (0, 1). To save the reader a bit of time, we give a rough summary of their results. (By initial values, we mean initial values for which the mean value of u is µ and which are not identical with the stationary solution (µ, µ/a).) 1. If the initial values are sufficiently regular (in particular if they are analytic functions) and if they satisfy the boundary conditions, then the solution components u, v will be in H 2 (0, 1) and will be continuous or continuously differentiable in time into the appropriate range on the interval of existence. 2. If µ < a and the initial values are sufficiently regular, then (u, v) approaches (µ, µ/a) exponentially rapidly in the norm of H 1 (0, 1) × H 2 (0, 1). 3. Suppose µ > a and suppose that the initial values are sufficiently regular. a. If the initial data satisfy W (u(, ·, 0), v(·, 0)) < µ ln µ − µ2 , 2a where f > 0, g ≥ 0 and where 1 W (f, g) ≡ (f ln f − f g + ag 2 /2) dx, 0 and if the solution exists for all time, then each component of (u, v) blows up in the H 1 norm as t → +∞. b. If the blow-up time is finite, then each component blows up in L∞ , i.e., pointwise. 3. There are also solutions in each such neighborhood which converge to the steady state solutions in infinite time in the norm of H 1 (0, 1) × H 2 (0, 1). Stability results for related problems have been established in [7, 23]. All of the exact solutions found in [23] were found earlier in [17] in rescaled form, contrary to 341 SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS the implication in [23, p. 776]. (The solutions in [23] follow from those of [17] after a shift in the time axis.) In his talk, Nagai mentioned that he and Nakaki were unable to resolve whether or not the blowup occurred in finite time. Therefore, we shall refer to the following statement as Nagai’s conjecture. There are choices of initial data (u(·, 0), v(·, 0)) for which the blow-up time must be finite. In view of the results of [17], when a = 0, the blowup must occur in finite time. Motivated by this simple observation, we set about trying to establish this for Nagai’s problem. However, we were unable to establish this claim in L2 (0, 1) × H 1 (0, 1). In the course of our investigations, we happened upon a problem, which is, in a sense, close to that of the problem of Nagai, for which Nagai’s conjecture holds for (u, v) ∈ L2 (0, 1) × H 1 (0, 1). Moreover, this result allows us to prove the conjecture of Nagai in a Banach space different from that proposed by Nagai. More precisely, if we (t), bn (t))}∞ denote by {(an n=1 the sequence of cosine coefficients for the pair (ψ, ψt ), we show that n (n|an (t)| + |bn (t)|) must blow up in finite time. As remarked above, blowup in sequence space in this sense does not imply blowup of the L1 norm of ψ, ψx , or ψt . We see that ψ satisfies ψtt + (µ − a)ψxx = (ψtx − ψt ψx )x − a(ψt + (ψψx )x ). (2.5) In order to motivate the approximate problem, we digress for a moment and consider the pure initial value problem for (2.5). If we compute the Fourier transform t) = ∞ e−iξx ψ(x, t)dx and assume that ψ, ψx vanish at x = ±∞ ϕ(ξ, t) = ψ(x, −∞ on any interval [0, T ) where the solution of the initial value problem exists, we find (suppressing the second argument on the right) aξ 2 ϕ ∗ ϕ(ξ) + ξϕt ∗ (ηϕ) 2 ξ 1 [aξ 2 ϕ(ξ − η)ϕ(η) + 2ξ(ξ − η)ϕ(ξ − η)ϕt (η)] dη = 2 0 1 ∞ + {aξ 2 ϕ(ξ − η)ϕ(η) + ξ[(ξ − η)ϕ(ξ − η)ϕt (η) 2 ξ ϕtt + (a + ξ 2 )ϕt + ξ 2 (a − µ)ϕ = (2.6) + ηϕ(η)ϕt (ξ − η)]} dη. If ψ, ψx are sufficiently regular, then (2.7) lim |ξ|→+∞ ∞ aξ 2 ϕ(ξ − η)ϕ(η) + ξ[(ξ − η)ϕ(ξ − η)ϕt (η) + ηϕ(η)ϕt (ξ − η)] dη = 0. ξ We can estimate the terms in (2.7) as follows: ∞ 2 ≤ ξ 2 ϕL∞ ξ ϕ(ξ − η)ϕ(η) dη ξ ∞ |ϕ(η)| dη, ξ while 1 ∞ ξ[(ξ − η)ϕ(ξ − η)ϕt (η) + ηϕ(η)ϕt (ξ − η)] dη ≤ |ξ|ηϕ(η)L∞ 2 ξ ξ ∞ |ϕt (η)| dη. 342 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ These inequalities give us an idea of how rapidly the transform of the solution should decay. The Fourier transform of the partial differential equation which approximates Nagai’s problem is the equation (2.8) ϕtt + (a + ξ 2 )ϕt + ξ 2 (a − µ)ϕ 1 ξ 2 = [aξ ϕ(ξ − η)ϕ(η) + 2ξ(ξ − η)ϕ(ξ − η)ϕt (η)] dη ≡ Φ(φ, φt )(ξ, t). 2 0 The nonlinear partial differential equation itself can be recovered from (2.8) in the form (2.9) ψtt + [aψ + ψxx ]t + (µ − a)ψxx = Φ (φ, φt )(x, t), where Φ denotes the inverse Fourier transform of Φ. We call Φ the finite part of the Fourier transform of (uvx )x . (Notice that, except for the factor ξ 2 , Φ is the sum of the finite parts of two convolutions, one of φ with itself and the other of φt (ξ) with ξφ(ξ).) In section 4, we derive a system of ordinary differential equations for the cosine coefficients of the initial-boundary value problem for (2.9). This initial-boundary value problem corresponds to the natural initial-boundary value problem for (2.5) which arises from Nagai’s problem, i.e., ψx = ψxt = 0 at x = 0, 1 and t > 0 with ψ, ψt prescribed at t = 0. The resulting system of ordinary differential equations for the cosine coefficients of the solution of (2.9) is related to the corresponding system of ordinary differential equations for the cosine coefficients of the solution of Nagai’s problem in much the same way that (2.8) is related to (2.6). In order to see how the former system comes about, we next derive the corresponding system of ordinary differential equations for Nagai’s problem. 3. Reformulation of the Nagai–Nakaki system as a system of ordinary differential equations. We introduce some notation. Let β ≥ 0 and i ∈ {1, 2}. We work in the spaces iβ ([0, T )) of sequences of real valued functions {gn (t)}∞ n=1 on ∞ [0, T ) for which n=1 nβ |gn (t)|i < ∞. When β = 0 we omit the subscript. That is, iβ = i0 = i . i We say that a sequence of differentiable functions {gn (t)}∞ n=1 is in β ([0, T )) × i ∞ jβ ([0, T )) if the sequence {gn (t)}∞ n=1 is in β ([0, T )) and the sequence {gn (t)}n=1 is j in β ([0, T )). Assuming that µ > a, we seek a solution of this equation in the form (3.1) ψ(x, t) = ∞ gn (t) cos(Cnx), n=1 where C = 2πM for some integer M . With this choice of M the conservation conditions (2.4) hold. SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 343 Consequently, (ψt ψx )x = −C ∞ kgk gl (cos(Clx) sin(Ckx))x n=2 k+l=n (3.2) ∞ 1 kgk gl [(k + l) cos(C(k + l)x) + (k − l) cos(C(k − l)x)] = − C2 2 n=2 k+l=n ∞ n−1 1 = − C2 kgk gn−k [n cos(Cnx) + (2k − n) cos(C(2k − n)x)], 2 n=2 k=1 and (ψψx )x = −C (3.3) ∞ kgk gl (cos(Clx) sin(Ckx))x n=2 k+l=n ∞ 2 1 =− C 2 kgk gl [(k + l) cos(C(k + l)x) + (k − l) cos(C(k − l)x)] n=2 k+l=n ∞ n−1 1 2 =− C gk gn−k [n2 cos(Cnx) + (2k − n)2 cos(C(2k − n)x)]. 4 n=2 k=1 Then (2.5) can be rewritten in the form ∞ (gn + (C 2 n2 + a)gn − (µ − a)C 2 n2 gn ) cos(Cnx) n=1 ∞ n−1 1 2 C {kgk gn−k [n cos(Cnx) + (2k − n) cos(C(2k − n)x)] 2 n=2 k=1 a + gk gn−k n2 cos(Cnx) + (2k − n)2 cos(C(2k − n)x) }. 2 The terms involving cos(C(2k − n)x) on the right-hand side can be rewritten by switching the order of summation and setting l = 2k − n to obtain = ∞ ∞ ∞ n−1 (2k − n)kgk gn−k cos(C(2k − n)x) = (2k − n)kgk gn−k cos(C(2k − n)x) n=2 k=1 k=1 n=k+1 = = ∞ k−1 lkgk gk−l cos(Clx) k=1 l=−∞ ∞ ∞ (−l)kgk gk+l cos(Clx) k=1 l=1 + =− ∞ k−1 k=1 l=1 ∞ ∞ lkgk gk−l cos(Clx) lkgk gk+l cos(Clx) l=1 k=1 + ∞ ∞ l=1 k=l+1 lkgk gk−l cos(Clx). 344 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ Likewise, ∞ n−1 gk gn−k (2k − n) cos(C(2k − n)x) = 2 n=2 k=1 = ∞ ∞ gk gn−k (2k − n)2 cos(C(2k − n)x) k=1 n=k+1 ∞ ∞ gk gl+k l2 cos(Clx) k=1 l=−(k−1) ∞ ∞ 2 l gk gl+k cos(Clx), =2 l=1 k=1 the third line following from the second by breaking up the inner sum on the right of the second line into an infinite sum over positive integers and a finite sum over negative integers l = −1, . . . , −(k − 1). The latter inner sum is then rewritten as a finite sum over positive indices and the order changed in the resultant double sum. Therefore, we have ∞ (gn +(C 2 n2 + a)gn − (µ − a)C 2 n2 gn ) cos(Cnx) n=1 (3.4) = ∞ n−1 1 2 a C nkgk gn−k + n2 gk gn−k cos(Cnx) 2 2 n=2 k=1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 2 + C n kgk gk−n − kgk gk+n + an gk gn+k cos(Cnx). 2 n=1 k=n+1 k=1 k=1 We obtain the following (infinite) system of ordinary differential equations: Ln gn ≡ gn + (C 2 n2 + a)gn − (µ − a)C 2 n2 gn n−1 1 2 a kgk gn−k = C n + ngk gn−k 2 2 (3.5) k=1 ∞ + (n + k)gn+k gk − kgk gk+n + angk gn+k for n = 1, 2, . . . . k=1 In order to rewrite (3.5) in a more compact form, we introduce the notation |g| = {|gk |}∞ k=1 , Tn g = {gn+k }∞ k=1 (shift operator), ∞ g = {gk }k=1 (differentiation), Mg = {kgk }∞ (multiplication by the transform variable), k=1 ∞ n−1 gk hn−k (convolution), g∗h= k=1 (g, h) = ∞ n=1 gk hk (scalar product in 2 ). k=1 Then one can solve the Nagai–Nakaki system in the aforementioned function space if and only if one can solve the initial value problem for the following system in the SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 345 corresponding sequence space: Ln gn ≡ gn + (C 2 n2 + a)gn − (µ − a)C 2 n2 gn (3.6) a 1 2 = C n (Mg ∗ g )n + n (g ∗ g)n + [(Tn Mg, g ) − (Mg, Tn g )] + an(g, Tn g) . 2 2 4. A system of ordinary differential equations related to the Nagai– Nakaki system. If we consider (3.6) without the last three terms on the right-hand side, we obtain the following system of ordinary differential equations: Ln gn ≡ gn + (C 2 n2 + a)gn − (µ − a)C 2 n2 gn n−1 a 1 2 kgk gn−k + ngk gn−k = C n 2 2 k=1 1 2 a ≡ C n (Mg ∗ g )n + n (g ∗ g)n . 2 2 (4.1) That is, (4.1) is the discrete version of (2.8). It is the system satisfied by the cosine coefficients of solutions of (2.9). Comparing (4.1) and (2.8), we infer that the three terms in (3.6) that do not appear in (4.1) can be viewed as “tail ends” of integrals. That is, they are analogous to the three integrals that have been dropped in passing from (2.6) to (2.8) under the assumption that ψ, ψx are sufficiently regular. This suggests that (Tn Mg, g ), (Mg, Tn g ), na(g, Tn g) can be neglected in comparison with the remaining terms on the right-hand side of (3.6). Such a statement needs rigorous proof. 5. Local existence and uniqueness of solutions of the initial value problem for the Nagai–Nakaki system. We prove the following result in 11 × 1 which was proved in [18] in a product of smoother spaces. Lemma 1. The solution {gn (·)}∞ n=1 of the system (3.5) exists locally in time and is unique in 11 ×1 on the interval of local existence. Moreover, the solution is uniformly bounded in the 11 × 1 norm on compact subsets of the existence interval. Proof. First consider the question of uniqueness. Set wn = gn − hn , where gn and hn are two solutions of the above system for n ≥ 2 for which g(0) = h(0), g (0) = h (0). The difference wn satisfies the equation Ln wn ≡ wn + (C 2 n2 + a)wn − (µ − a)C 2 n2 wn n−1 1 2 k(wk gn−k = C n + hk wn−k ) + ak(wk gn−k + hk wn−k ) 2 k=1 ∞ (5.1) + (n + k)(wn+k gk + hn+k wk ) − k(wk gn+k + hk wn+k ) k=1 + 2a ∞ k(wk gn+k + hk wn+k ) , k=1 which, in the above notation, becomes Ln wn = 1 2 C n{(Mw ∗ g )n + (Mh ∗ w )n + a[(Mw ∗ g)n + (Mh ∗ w)n ] 2 + (Tn Mw, g ) + (Tn Mh, w ) − (Mw, Tn g ) − (Mh, Tn w ) + 2a[(Mw, Tn g) + (Mh, Tn w)]}. 346 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ We abbreviate this as Ln wn = Fn (w, w ), (5.2) where we suppress the dependence of the right-hand side on g, h, g , h for the moment. The characteristic equation for each of the linear second order operators Ln is r2 + (C 2 n2 + a)r − (µ − a)C 2 n2 = 0. The roots rn+ , rn− are real with rn+ > 0 > rn− , with rn+ → 2(µ − a) ≡ r+ as n → ∞, and with rn+ ≤ r+ for all n while rn− → −∞. Since the initial values for w vanish, the solution of (5.1) can be written as − + wn = An (Fn , t)ern t + Bn (Fn , t)ern t , (5.3) where (5.4) t − + −ern s Fn (s) 1 An (Fn , t) = e−rn s Fn (s)ds, ds = 2 2 2 2 2 W (C n + a) + 4(µ − a)C n 0 0 t t r+ s − −1 e n Fn (s) ds = Bn (Fn , t) = e−rn s Fn (s)ds. 2 2 2 2 2 W (C n + a) + 4(µ − a)C n 0 0 t Because − + max{|Bn (Fn , t)ern t |, |An (Fn , t)ern t |} ≤ c rn+ t e n2 t e−rn s |Fn (s)|ds + 0 for some computable constant c, we have (5.5) Mw(t)1 = ∞ n|wn (t)| ≤ n=1 r+ t ≤e ∞ c rn+ t t −rn+ s e e |Fn (s)|ds n 0 n=1 t ∞ c |Fn (s)|ds. n 0 n=1 We need to estimate the terms in the last integral. For each index n, there are 10 sums arising from the 10 terms in the definition of Fn /n. After use of the convolution inequality, we have that ∞ n=1 |(Mw ∗ g )n | ≤ ∞ n−1 k|wk ||gn−k | = |Mw| ∗ |g |1 ≤ Mw(t)1 g (t)1 . n=1 k=1 The next three sums are bounded above by a constant multiple of w (t)1 Mh(t)1 , Mw(t)1 Mg(t)1 , and Mw(t)1 Mh(t)1 , respectively. The terms involving Tn are a bit trickier to estimate. We have, for the first of them, ∞ n=1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ |(Tn Mw, g )| ≤ (n + k)|wn+k ||gk | = |gk | l|wl | ≤ |gk |Tk Mw1 . k=1 n=1 k=1 l=k+1 k=1 347 SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS Since Tk Mw1 is decreasing in k, we obtain ∞ |gk ||Tk Mw|1 ≤ Mw(t)1 g (t)1 . k=1 In a similar fashion, the remaining five sums are found to be bounded above by a constant multiple of w (t)1 Mh(t)1 , Mw(t)1 g (t)1 , w (t)1 Mh(t)1 , Mw(t)1 Mg(t)1 , and Mw(t)1 Mh(t)1 , respectively. Thus, for some constant B t + Mw(t)1 ≤ Ber t (Mw(s)1 + w (s)1 )(Mg(s)1 + g (s)1 + Mh(s)1 0 +h (s)1 )ds. Assume that g(·), h(·) are in 11 ([0, T ]) and g , h are in 1 ([0, T ]); i.e., on every compact subset K of [0, T ) there is a finite constant M (K) such that ∞ ∞ max (5.6) (k|gk | + |gk |), (k|hk | + |hk |) < M (K). k=1 k=1 There results Mw(t)1 ≤ Ber (5.7) + t t (Mw(s)1 + w (s)1 )ds 0 for some new computable constant B = B(M (K)). Next we estimate w (t)1 . Using the representation formula (5.3) we obtain t + 1 rn+ (5.8) wn (t) = ern (t−s) Fn (s)ds 2 2 2 2 2 (C n + a) + 4(µ − a)C n 0 t − ern (t−s) Fn (s)ds . − rn− 0 Consequently, for some positive computable constants c, d we have, noting that rn− ≈ −dn2 , + t t r r + (t−s) −dn2 (t−s) |Fn (s)| ne e |Fn (s)|ds + (5.9) |wn (t)| ≤ c ds . n2 0 n 0 The first √ term on the right-hand side is treated exactly as above. We note that for c1 = 1/ 2ed, all positive integers n, and all s ≤ t, 2 c1 . ne−dn (t−s) ≤ √ t−s Using this in (5.9) and summing over n we obtain t ∞ ∞ t |Fn (s)| c1 |Fn (s)| + r + (t−s) √ r e ds + (5.10) w (t)1 ≤ c ds . n2 n t − s n=1 0 0 n=1 Since we have already estimated the integrand sums tain (5.11) r+ t w (t)1 ≤ c1 e 0 t ∞ n=1 |Fn (s)| n above, we ob- c √ (Mw(s)1 + w (s)1 ) ds . t−s 348 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ Setting ϕ(t) = Mw(t)1 + w (t)1 , we have, with c = c(T ) = (cc1 + B)er t ϕ(t) ≤ c (5.12) 0 + T , ϕ(s) √ ds, t−s a Volterra integral inequality of Gronwall type with a weakly singular kernel. Thus, after an application of the Hölder inequality, it is easily shown that ϕq , with 1/p + 1/q = 1 and 1 < p < 2, satisfies a standard Gronwall inequality. That is, ϕ (t) ≤ c q q Thus, for φ(t) = t 0 pq t q q p−2 t ϕq (s) ds. 0 q q q 2 ) p s p − 2 , we obtain ϕq (s) ds and c̃(s) = cq ( 2−p d dt Then 2 2−p − φ(t)e t 0 c̃(s) ds ≤ 0. t c̃(s) ds 0 ≤ φ(t) ≤ φ(0)e 0 . Since φ(0) = 0, it follows that φ(t) ≡ 0. Consequently, ϕ(t) ≡ 0, and hence g ≡ h on the existence interval. Next, consider local existence. Since most of the estimates needed here have been worked through above, we will be brief. Abbreviate (3.6) as Lg = F (g, g ), g(0) = g0 , g (0) = g0 . Then the homogeneous solution G(t) with inhomogeneous initial values solves LG = 0, G (0) = g0 , G(0) = g0 , while the function H = g −G satisfies the nonlinear problem with homogeneous initial data: LH = F (G + H, G + H ), H(0) = 0, H (0) = 0. Thus it suffices to show that the integral equation H = L−1 F (G + H, G + H ) has a fixed point on some interval [0, Texist ). We see from the variation of parameters formula (5.3) that the components satisfy + − Hn = An (Fn , t)ern t + Bn (Fn , t)ern t . 1 1 ∞ Define the sequence of iterates {H k }∞ k=1 as follows with H (t) = {Hn (t) = 0}n=1 and, for k ≥ 1, H k+1 = L−1 F (G + H k , G + H k ). To construct a fixed point, we need to show that sequence ({H k }, {H k }) is convergent in 11 × 1 . We do this by showing that we can apply the contraction mapping principle to the sequence. The argument usually goes in two steps. 349 SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 1. There is a small time interval [0, T ] such that the sequence (of sequences) 1 1 ({H k }, {H k })∞ k=1 is uniformly bounded in the norm on 1 × . 2. This sequence is contracting on this (or possibly smaller) time interval; i.e., there exists a constant 0 ≤ θ < 1 such that sup M(H k+1 (s) − H k (s))1 + (H k+1 − H k ) (s)1 0≤s≤T ≤ θ sup M(H k − H k−1 )(s))1 + (H k − H k−1 ) (s)1 . 0≤s≤T To establish step 1, we find, as in the uniqueness proof, an inequality of the form MH k+1 (t)1 + (H k+1 ) (t)1 t 1 √ (M((G + H k )(s))1 + (G + H k ) (s)1 )2 ds. ≤c t−s 0 Because the roots rn± are bounded above, we can assume that sup [0, T ](MG(s)1 + (G (s)1 ) ≤ G0 (T ) for some constant G0 depending only on T . Consequently, we have the estimate √ MH k+1 (t)1 + (H k+1 ) (t)1 ≤ c t G20 + [MH k (t)1 + (H k ) (t)1 ]2 . √ If we set Zn = sup[0,T ] [MH n (t)1 + (H n ) (t)1 ], then Zn+1 ≤ c T (G20 + Zn2 ). Let G1 > 0 be any constant such that Z1 ≤ G1 . Then Zn+1 ≤ G1 for all n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , provided that T is so small that √ T ≤ G1 . c(G20 + G21 ) Since both G0 , G1 depend on the initial values for the free solution, we have the desired a priori bound on the iterates. For step 2, we examine the difference: L(H k+1 − H k ) = F (G + H k , G + H k ) − F (G + H k−1 , G + H k−1 ) ≡ F(W k , W k ), where W k = H k − H k−1 and F depends in fact on H k , H k , H k−1 , G, G . That is, Ln Wnk+1 = 1 2 C n{(MW k ∗ (G + H k ) )n + (M(G + H k−1 ) ∗ W k )n 2 + a[(MW k ∗ (G + H k ))n + (M(G + H k−1 ) ∗ W k )n ] + (Tn MW k , (G + H k ) ) + (Tn M(G + H k−1 ), W k ) − (MW k , Tn (G + H k ) ) − (M(G + H k−1 ), Tn W k ) + 2a[(MW k , Tn (G + H k )) + (M(G + H k−1 ), Tn W k )]}. Consequently, as in the previous proof, after obtaining a similar expression for W k we can then use the estimates in the previous part of the proof to derive the estimate of the form t 1 √ MW k+1 (t)1 + (W k+1 ) (t)1 ≤ c (MW k (s)1 + (W k ) (s)1 ) ds, t−s 0 350 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ where c = c(M(G + H k−1 )1 , G + H k 1 , (G + H k ) 1 ). By step 1, we may assume that c is uniformly bounded above by a constant c̃(T, G(0), G (0)) for a sufficiently small time interval [0, T ]. We proceed as in the previous proof, using the Hölder inequality to obtain the Gronwall inequality. From this, we easily show that on a sufficiently small time interval one can apply the contraction mapping principle to the sequence ({H k }, {H k }) in 11 × 1 . We omit the details. 6. Local existence and blowup of solutions of the approximate system. We turn next to the local existence theorem and blow-up theorem for the initial value problem for the approximate system (4.1). We choose the special initial sequence gn (0) = an , gn (0) = nλan , where an and λ are to be chosen in such a manner that {gn (t) = an enλt }∞ n=1 is a solution of the approximate system which must blow up in finite time. In what follows, we adopt the following notation. Let M be a positive integer such that 4π2aM 2 ≡ a∗ ≤ 1. Suppose that ε, δ are such that 0 < 2ε ≤ a1 ≤ λ δ, λ+a where λ is given by (6.3) below. We establish the following theorems. Theorem 1 (local existence). Suppose µ > a and the sequence {an }∞ n=2 solves the recurrence relation given by (6.1) below. Then the sequence {gn (t) = an enλt }∞ n=1 solves (4.1) on an interval [0, Te ], where Te ≥ T∗ = − lnλδ . Moreover, (ψ(·, t), ψt (·, t)) is in H 1 (0, 1) × L2 (0, 1) on [0, T∗ ), where (ψ(·, t)) is given by (3.1). The function ψ is analytic on (0, 1) × [0, T∗ ). Theorem 2 (finite time blowup). The function (ψ(·, t), ψt (·, t)) of the previous theorem must leave H 1 (0, 1) × L2 (0, 1) in finite time T∞ ≤ − lnλε . Before proving these theorems, we show that for n ≥ 2 λ(4π 2 M 2 n − a)(n − 1)an = 2π 2 M 2 (6.1) n−1 [λ(n − k) + a]kak an−k . k=1 This recurrence formula defines the sequence an . However, unlike the situation in [11, 17], we cannot find a simple expression for the coefficients an in terms of a1 and n. Nonetheless, we can find upper and lower bounds for the series which sum to the related solutions found in [17] for the case a = 0. These estimates provide the necessary comparison functions for the existence and blowup of ψ in H 1 (0, 1) × L2 (0, 1). For convenience of notation, we use ξ = x−1/2 in (3.1) instead of x. Then ∂x = ∂ξ and single point blowup at ξ = 0 corresponds to blowup at x = 1/2. Therefore, if gn = an enλt and C = 2πM , equation (4.1) reads ∞ (6.2) an {4π 2 M 2 λn3 + λ2 n2 − (µ − a)4π 2 M 2 n2 + aλn}enλt cos(2πM nξ) n=1 2 = 2π M 2 ∞ n=2 n n−1 k=1 (λ(n − k) + a)kak an−k enλt cos(2πM nξ). SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 351 Comparing coefficients for n ≥ 2, n−1 [λ(n − k) + a]kak an−k . [4π 2 M 2 λn2 + n λ2 − (µ − a)4π 2 M 2 + aλ]an = 2π 2 M 2 k=1 For n = 1, a1 {λ2 + λ(4π 2 M 2 + a) − (µ − a)4π 2 M 2 } = 0. Since µ > a, the roots are real. Let (6.3) λ= 1 2 2 ( (4π M + a)2 + 16π 2 M 2 (µ − a) − 4π 2 M 2 − a) 2 denote the positive root.2 Then the relation for an , n ≥ 2, simplifies to (6.1) as claimed. With the values of λ, a∗ above, we have that (6.4) 2λ(n − a∗ )(n − 1)an = n−1 (λ(n − k) + a)kak an−k . k=1 We are now in a position to prove the theorems. We begin with Theorem 1. Proof. From (6.1), since n ≥ k + 1, 2λ(n − a∗ )(n − 1)an ≤ n−1 (λ(n − k) + a)kak an−k k=1 ≤ (λ + a) n−1 k(n − k) ak an−k . k=1 If a1 ≤ b1 , by induction it follows that an ≤ bn , where n−1 λ+a k(n − k)bk bn−k . 2(n − a∗ )(n − 1)bn = λ k=1 Because n ≥ 2, we have a∗ ≤ n/2 and n(n − 1)bn ≤ n−1 λ+a k(n − k)bk bn−k . λ k=1 Comparing this sequence with bn , it again follows that if b1 = b1 , then bn ≤ bn , where n(n − 1)bn = n−1 λ+a k(n − k)bk bn−k . λ k=1 2 As in [17], the choice of the negative root yields a global solution which converges to the spatially homogeneous solution as t → +∞. Notice also that if µ < a, both roots have negative real part and the constructed solution must not only be global, it must converge to the spatially homogeneous solution, an observation consistent with the results of Nagai and Nakaki [18]. When µ = a, λ = 0 and the constructed solution will be global but will not converge to the spatially homogenous solution. 352 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ n−1 n This recurrence relation can be solved explicitly with bn = n1 λ+a (b1 ) . For λ λ λ δn b1 = λ+a δ, we have bn = λ+a n . The sequence {bn } defines a convergent series of the form ψ(x, t) = ∞ bn enλt cos(2πM nξ) = n=1 =− ∞ λ 1 n nλt δ e cos(2πM nξ) λ + a n=1 n λ ln[1 − 2δeλt cos(2πM ξ) + δ 2 e2λt ] λ+a for t < − lnλδ . Consequently, the upper bound for ψ in L2 holds by the comparison of the coefficients an and bn of series for ψ and ψ. A similar norm estimate holds for ψt , ψ̄t . Thus ψ exists for all t < T∗ . That is, the existence interval [0, Te ] ⊃ [0, T∗ ) or Te ≥ T ∗ . We now turn to the proof of Theorem 2. Proof. To obtain the lower bound, note that if a1 ≥ c1 , then an ≥ cn , where the cn satisfy 2(n − a∗ )(n − 1)cn = n−1 k(n − k)ck cn−k . k=1 Thus 2n(n − 1)cn ≥ n−1 k(n − k)ck cn−k + 2a∗ (n − 1)cn ≥ k=1 n−1 k(n − k)ck cn−k . k=1 Hence if c1 ≥ c1 > 0, then cn ≥ cn , where 2n(n − 1)cn = n−1 k(n − k)ck cn−k . k=1 n 1 However, cn = n2n−1 (c1 )n . Setting c1 = 2ε, it follows that an ≥ cn = 2 εn . The function ψ(x, t) = 2 ∞ 1 n nλt ε e cos(2πM nξ) n n=1 = − ln[1 − 2εeλt cos(2πM ξ) + ε2 e2λt ] exists as long as t < − lnλε because the series converges absolutely and uniformly. The function ψ blows up pointwise at those points for which cos(2πM ξ) = 1. Although we cannot compare these functions pointwise, we can compare them in H 1 . To see this, note that from Parseval’s identity, it follows that |ψx |L2 (t) blows up in finite time. n Again, from Parseval and the inequalities an ≥ 2 εn , we have |ψx |L2 (0,1) (t) ≤ |ψx |L2 (0,1) (t) and |ψt |L2 (0,1) (t) ≤ |ψt |L2 (0,1) (t). SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 353 Thus, ψ “blows up” at T∞ ≤ − lnλε in the sense that the functions t → |ψx |L2 (t) and t → |ψt |L2 (t) cannot be locally bounded on [0, ∞) and hence (u, v) cannot remain in H 1 (0, 1) × L2 (0, 1) for all time. We next require that 2ε ≤ a1 ≤ λ δ λ+a so that ε≤ (6.5) λ δ. 2(λ + a) Then the blow-up time must satisfy − lnλδ ≤ T∞ ≤ − lnλε . To prove the last claim of the theorem, note that since u = µ + ψt + aψ, it follows yet again from Parseval that |u(·, t) − µ|L2 (0,1) = ∞ 1 |an |2 (1 + n2 )e2nλt ≥ 4 ∞ ε2n (1 + n−2 )e2nλt . 1 Consequently u must leave L2 in finite time. Notice that this blow-up time is at least as large as the time of escape from H 1 . Finally, note that ψ(x, 0) and ψt (x, 0) are uniformly bounded above by [2λ/(λ + a)] ln(1 − δ) and [2λ/(λ + a)](λδ(2 + λδ)/(1 − δ)), respectively. Hence for sufficiently small δ the initial values for the perturbed solution are positive and uniformly close to those for the spatially homogeneous solution. n Corollary 1. If an ≥ 2 εn , the function (ψ(·, t), ψt (·, t)) in the theorem also blows up in finite time in the sense that the sequence {(gn (t), gn (t))}∞ n=1 with gn (0) = an and gn (0) = nan λ must leave 11 × 1 in finite time. Since |ngn (t)| + |gn (t)| ≥ 4εn enλt , the result follows. Remark 1. We give an argument in the next section that shows that in every neighborhood of the spatially homogeneous solution, there are solutions of Nagai’s problem, which, if they agree initially with solutions of the approximate problem and are sufficiently regular, cannot be global. The key to this argument is the demonstration that one may neglect the terms which we have identified as “tail ends.” To explain why this might be reasonable, if we evaluate (Tn Mg, g ), (Mg, Tn g ), na(g, Tn g) for gn (t) = β n enλt for β ∈ (0, 1) and λ > 0, one has gn = nλgn so that the sum of the three neglected terms is bounded above by a constant multiple of β n+2 eλ(n+2)t /(1 − β 2 e2λt ), while the sum of the convolution terms behaves like nβ n enλt . Therefore on any compact subinterval of [0, − ln β/λ) the terms involving Tn are small in comparison to the convolution terms for all sufficiently large n. Elementary calculations with series for which gn (t), gn (t) ≈ A/n(2+δ) show that the terms involving the Tn are not necessarily small when compared with the convolution terms. A loose interpretation of this is the following: The partial differential equation ψtt + (µ − a)ψxx = (ψtx − ψt ψx )x − a(ψt + (ψψx )x ) can be written in the form ψtt + [aψ − ψxx ]t + a(ψψx )x + (ψt ψx )x + (µ − a)ψxx = 0, which can be viewed as a quasi-linear second order partial differential equation with a strong damping term (aψ − ψxx )t . Suppose that µ > a. Linearizing this equation about ψ = 0 yields ψtt + (aψ − ψxx )t + (µ − a)ψxx = 0, an equation which is of 354 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ elliptic type in the second derivative terms. Without the damping term, the solutions are very regular, but the initial-boundary value problem is highly unstable. Even with the damping term, solutions of the linear equation can blow up in infinite time. The introduction of the nonlinear terms a(ψψx )x + (ψt ψx )x can lend a hyperbolic character to the problem and force blowup in finite time by a focusing effect. See [17] for a discussion of this when a = 0. 7. Nagai’s conjecture. From the local existence and uniqueness theorem we know that the cosine series for ψ, ψt satisfies the condition that (Mh(s)1 + h (s)1 ) (7.1) is uniformly bounded on [0, τ ] for all τ in the existence interval of the solution. We also know that in every neighborhood of the homogeneous initial data, there is a solution of the approximate problem (4.1) with spatially nonconstant initial data for which the solution blows up in 11 × 1 in finite time. We establish the following theorem. Theorem 3 (Nagai’s conjecture in 11 × 1 ). Suppose µ > a. Then the corresponding solution of the Nagai–Nakaki problem, for which the cosine coefficients agree initially with the cosine coefficients of the aforementioned approximate problem, cannot be global. That is, Nagai’s conjecture (in our sense) holds; i.e., such spatially inhomogeneous solutions become unstable by blowing up in finite time in 11 × 1 . Proof. Suppose that h(t) ≡ {hn (t)}∞ n=1 satisfies h(0) = an , h (0) = nλan and the system of ordinary differential equations (3.6) on some interval, say, [0, Tmax ). Let ∗ g(t) ≡ {gn (t)}∞ n=1 satisfy g(0) = an , g (0) = nλan and satisfy (4.1) on [0, T ). Then ∗ Tmax ≤ T , and the solution of Nagai’s problem must blow up in finite time Tmax in 11 × 1 . Suppose we could show that, on any time interval [0, τ ) where {hn (t)}∞ n=1 exists in the sense of the local existence theorem, (7.2) sup M(h(t) − g(t))1 + sup h (t) − g (t)1 < C(h, τ ), [0,τ ] [0,τ ] where C(h, τ ) does not depend on g. Then this inequality, together with Theorem 2 and the triangle inequality, would lead to a lower bound for the 11 × 1 norm of ∞ {hn (t)}∞ n=1 in terms of the corresponding norm for {gn (t)}n=1 and thus would permit 1 the establishment of Nagai’s conjecture in the space 1 × 1 . To this end, suppose that τ < T ∗ < Tmax . We need to estimate wn (t) = hn (t) − gn (t) in the same fashion that we did in the proof of local existence and uniqueness where once again, wn (0) = wn (0) = 0. Define, for any sequence {zn (t)}, 1 2 a C n{(Mz ∗ z )n + n (z ∗ z)n }, 2 2 1 Hn (z, z ) = C 2 n{[(Tn Mz, z ) − (Mz, Tn z )] + an(z, Tn z)}. 2 Gn (z, z ) = (7.3) SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 355 Then Ln wn = Gn (h, h ) − Gn (g, g ) + Hn (h, h ) = Gn (h, h ) − Gn (w + h, (w + h) ) + Hn (h, h ) 1 = C 2 n{−(Mw ∗ h )n − (Mh ∗ w )n − a[(Mw ∗ h)n + (Mh ∗ w)n ]} (7.4) 2 + Hn (h, h ) ≡ Kn (w, w ; h, h ) + Hn (h, h ) ≡ Fn (w, w ; h, h ). This is the value of Ln that replaces the right-hand side of (5.2), (5.4)–(5.8). Notice that the terms in the definition of Kn can be estimated as in the local existence and uniqueness theorem. That is, |Kn (w, w ; h, h )(s)| ≤ (Mw(s)1 + w (s)1 )(Mh(s)1 + h (s)1 ). Likewise, we have ∞ |Hn (h, h )|(s) n=1 n ≤ max{a, 1} ∞ ∞ [|hk (s)|j|hj (s)|+|hk (s)|j|hj (s)|+|hk (s)|j|hj (s)|]. k=1 j=1 For such functions, the conservation conditions (2.4) hold. Consequently, ∞ |Hn (h, h )|(s) ≤ max{a, 1}(h(s)1 + h (s)1 )Mh(s)1 n n=1 by using estimates similar to those used for the estimates on the tail-end terms in the proof of uniqueness. Thus we obtain an inequality of the form Mw(t)1 + w (t)1 ∞ t A(Mw(s)1 + w (s)1 ) + n=1 |Hn (h, h )|(s)/n √ (7.5) ≤ ds t−s 0 t A(Mw(s)1 + w (s)1 ) + B(Mh(s)1 + h (s)1 )Mh(s)1 √ ds ≤ t−s 0 for some constant A depending on τ, Mh1 , h 1 and for some constant B depending perhaps on τ but not on w, w , h, h . This inequality, (7.1), and an application of the Gronwall inequality will give us the estimate (7.2). Combining this observation with its consequence (7.2) and the triangle inequality gives the result. Remark 2. The injection I : 1 → L1 (0, 1) given by I({an }∞ n=1 )(x) = ∞ an cos (n − 1)πx n=1 is certainly continuous. However, the inverse is not. To see this, let P (x, ) = 1 − 2 1 2 1 + 2 − 2 cos(πx) 356 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ denote the Poisson kernel for 0 ≤ < 1. The Poisson kernel is nonnegative, satisfies 1 P (x, ) dx = 1 = P (·, )L1 , 0 and has Fourier cosine series ∞ ∞ 1 n an cos (n − 1)πx = + cos nπx 2 n=1 n=1 whose coefficient sequence satisfies {an }∞ n=1 1 = 1+ . 1− Therefore, as increases to unity, the 1 norm of the coefficient sequence increases without bound, while the L1 norms of P (·, ) remain bounded. (Indeed, they converge in measure to Dirac measure). 1 If µ ≥ 0, then we know from the first equation of the system that 0 u(x, t) dx = 1 µ(x) dx and hence must remain in L1 (0, 1) on the existence interval. The second 0 equation tells us that the second component must likewise remain bounded in L1 (0, 1). The remark tells us that it is possible for the solution to blow up in sequence space in finite time but remain bounded in the H 1 × L1 norm. If one knew that the solution components blow up in finite time in 2β × 2β , for large enough β, β , then Parseval’s identity would tell us that the solution would blow up in H β (0, 1) × H β (0, 1). Thus we have the following corollary. Corollary 2. Let δ, δ > 0. Suppose a solution of Nagai’s problem blows up in finite time T in 11 × 1 . If the solution components belong to H 3/2+δ (0, 1) × H 1/2+δ (0, 1) and are bounded on compact subsets of the existence interval in the norm of this product space, then the solution blows up in H 3/2+δ (0, 1) × H 1/2+δ (0, 1) in finite time no larger than T . Proof. This result follows from Schwarz’s inequality and Parseval’s identity. Remark 3. The corollary states that certain very smooth solutions of Nagai’s problem cannot be global. That is, they must lose regularity in finite time. We can use the results of [18] to establish Nagai’s conjecture. Corollary 3. Suppose µ > a. Then in every neighborhood of the stationary solution, there are solutions which blow up in finite time in the sense that the H 2 ×H 1 norm blows up in finite time. Proof. In [18, Proposition 4.1] the authors prove that if the initial data for u, v are sufficiently smooth (in particular, if they are analytic) and satisfy the boundary conditions, then both components are continuous from [0, Texist ) into H 2 (0, 1), while the first (corresponding to v in the notation of [18]) is continuously differentiable from [0, Texist ) into H 2 (0, 1). The initial data for the approximate problem which give a solution of the approximate problem that blows up in finite time are in fact analytic (the Fourier coefficients are bounded above by Cnn for small ) and consequently must satisfy the smoothness criteria of the initial data needed for [18, Proposition 4.1]. If we take the same initial values for solution of Nagai’s problem, its components must belong to the same spaces. Thus, by the preceding corollary, the solution cannot be global. This, together with the preceding corollary and δ = δ = 1/2, establishes Nagai’s conjecture for certain sufficiently smooth data in every neighborhood of the stationary data. SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS 357 Remark 4. These results say nothing about the pointwise finite time blowup for the solution components. λ δ, where λ is given in (6.3). Corollary 4. Suppose µ > a and 0 < ε ≤ a1 ≤ λ+a Then both components of the solution constructed in the preceding corollary blow up in L∞ . Proof. In [18, Theorem 7.1], the authors show that if the global existence time is finite, then both components blow up in L∞ . An illustrative computation is given in Figures 3 and 4. Remark 5. If we replace λ by the negative root of the quadratic it satisfies, then we can use the arguments of section 6 to obtain solutions of the approximate problem which decay uniformly and exponentially rapidly to zero. It is then possible, by appropriately modifying the arguments in Theorem 3, to show that the corresponding solution of the Nagai–Nakaki problem, for which the cosine coefficients agree initially with the cosine coefficients of the aforementioned approximate problem, must be global. That is, Nagai’s conjecture (in our sense) holds; i.e., such spatially inhomogeneous solutions (ψ, ψt ) exist for all time and must converge to the steady state (µ/a, µ) in 11 × 1 as t → ∞. We omit the details. 8. Illustrative computations. One might well ask whether or not solutions of (6.1) are asymptotically of the form An for some || ∈ (0, 1) in the sense that there is ∈ [0, 1) such that lim an /n = A for some constant A. We have shown that the solutions of (6.1) are bounded above and below by terms of this form but we have not yet established the asymptotics. However, the computations below provide a powerful argument for these asymptotics. The dependence of the blow-up time on M, µ − a for the function ψ in Theorem 1 can be investigated numerically as follows. It is worth noting that λ → 0+ as M → +∞ for fixed µ − a or µ − a → 0+ for fixed M ≥ 1. We begin by examining the growth of the terms of the sequence defined by (6.1). If we set an (a) = bn (a)σ n /n with b1 = 1 and σ > 0, it is not too hard to see that when a = 0, bn = 1 for all n ≥ 1. However, when 0 < a < µ, the terms bn grow remarkably rapidly. As an illustrative example, with M = µ = 1 and a = 0.6, b1 = 1, ln b1000 ≈ 656.9587. In fact, numerical evidence suggests that ln bn ≈ 0.657616(n−1)(1+o(1/n)). Let τ be this coefficient of n−1 (assuming it exists). If we take σ = exp(−τ (1+δ)) for any small, positive δ, then the solution should blow up in finite time t = τ δ/λ. This will be the case if one can prove that the asymptotics for the bn are as indicated by the numerical evidence. The numerical evidence indicates that as a increases to µ from below, τ increases without bound, and hence the blow-up time will increase without bound also. This is to be expected. (See Figure 1.) Likewise, the numerical evidence indicates that as the integer M is increased for fixed a, τ approaches a limiting value (which is to be expected since as M increases, λ → 0). This corresponds to a∗ = 0 so that the sequence behaves like the exact solution when a = 0. The solution for a = 0 has the smallest blow-up time possible for fixed ε, δ, µ and all a ≥ 0. (See Figure 2.) In Figures 3 and 4 we present a numerical simulation for the Nagai–Nakaki problem with ut = D(uxx − (uvx )x ), vt = u − av for 0 < x < 1, t > 0 and zero flux boundary conditions. We took D = 0.02, µ = 4.0, and a = 1.0. For initial values we used u(x, 0) = µ − cos(2πx) where = 0.4 and v(x, 0) = v0 = µ/a. These figures provide some evidence that the solution does blow up pointwise in finite time as well as in the 11 × 1 norm. 358 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ (The lines corresponding to a = 0.8, 0.9 do not continue due to exponential overflow.) Fig. 1. Growth of coefficients given by (6.1) for variable a. (The lines corresponding to M = 0.09, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 do not continue due to exponential overflow.) Fig. 2. Growth of coefficients given by (6.1) for variable M. SINGULARITY FORMATION IN CHEMOTAXIS Fig. 3. Partial density, a = 1.0, D = 0.02, ε = 0.25, µ = 4.0. Fig. 4. Chemical density, a = 1.0, D = 0.02, ε = 0.25, µ = 4.0. 359 360 HOWARD A. LEVINE AND JOANNA RENCLAWOWICZ Acknowledgments. The authors take pleasure in thanking Thomas Hillen, Peter Palacik, and Hans Weinberger and the referees for their constructive comments which considerably improved the earlier versions of this manuscript. 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