Summer Explorer Summer 2012 at St. Louis Community College

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Summer 2012
at St. Louis Community College
Summer Explorer
300 South Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63102-2800
• Advance
your life personally and professionally.
• Explore,createandlearn!
is celebrating 50 years of expanding minds and changing lives in 2012. Fifty years ago, ground was broken for the
Arch and votes approved the formation of the Junior College District of St. Louis-St. Louis County. The Arch made
St. Louis the “Gateway City” and the college provided another gateway, an “open door” of education for all citizens
in the St. Louis region.
Since 1962, more than 1.2 million people have passed through our doors to take a class, earn a degree, upgrade
their career skills or enrich their lives. Each year, nearly 80,000 students enroll in:
• Collegetransferandcareerprogramsleadingtoassociatedegrees
• Jobskillandpersonaldevelopmentclasses
• Collegepreparatorycourses
• Specializedperformanceprogramssponsoredbylocalemployers
business community through assessment, counseling, consulting and training services.
Learning is convenient via:
• FourcampusesFlorissantValley,ForestPark,MeramecandWildwood
• Threeeducationcenters:southandnorthSt.LouisCountyandnorthSt.LouisCity
• Numerousbusiness,industrialandneighborhoodsitesthroughoutthemetroarea
• Onlineinstruction
100634 3/2012
Registration begins May 7
For more information about Continuing Education classes, visit
Summer Dreams
Summer Classes for Kids!
College for Kids - Kids on Campus
July 30-August 3 • August 6-10
Florissant Valley
Kids on Campus
Kids on Campus
June 11-15 • June 18-22 • June 25-29
August 6-10
Registration Begins
Meramec - April 9
Florissant Valley - April 16
Wildwood - April 16
Call 314-984-7777 for more information.
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
summer 2012
stlcc continuing education
S t. L o u i s C o m m u n i t y C o ll e g e
Expanding Minds and Changing Lives Every Day . 314-984-7777
Join us — and expand YOUR mind
this Summer!
Enrich your life and pursue your interests! Improve your health by
Tapping Into The Mind/Body Connection. Explore the possibilities of
opening your own franchise with the Gateway to Franchising Seminar.
Stimulate your creativity, imagination and writing through an art form
called SoulCollage®. Prepare for your job search with Writing Your
Resume to Impress. Whatever your interest is, we’ve got you covered.
Whether it’s learning a new language, gaining a better understanding
of finance and investing, or engaging in a discussion about the Civil
War, our professional development, lifelong learning, and personal
interest classes broaden the cultural and intellectual perspectives of
our students, and can help you take your work and life to the next
Registration begins May 7
How to Read Course Listings
The listing details found below a course title and description provide this information:
Course Fee
Course Code
Day + Time
meeting Dates
Board of TrusTees
St. Louis Community College expands minds and changes lives
every day. We create accessible, dynamic learning environments
focused on the needs of our diverse communities.
Bob Burns
Libby Fitzgerald
Melissa Hattman
Hattie R. Jackson
Craig H. Larson
Margo G. McNeil
Professional Development
Leadership Development
Career Planning
Child Care Training
Computer Applications & Systems
Construction Trades
CPR & First Aid
Food Service
Industry Innovation Insights
Non-Profit Administration
Nursing & Allied Health
Real Estate Professionals
Special Interest
Sports & Fitness
Website & Graphic Design
Lifelong Learning
Ecology & Sustainability
Finance & Investing
Firearm & Home Safety
GED & Test Prep
History / Philosophy / Religion
Languages & ESL
Personal Computing
Science & Mathematics
Personal Interest
Activities for Kids & Families
Activities for Older Adults
Animal Care
Cards & Games
Fine Arts
Food & Spirits
Health & Wellness
Home & Garden
Motorcycle Safety Education
Self Improvement
Sports & Fitness
Tours & Trips
Location Index
General Information
Registration Information/Form
Great care has been taken to provide accurate information about the courses in this schedule. Occasionally,
an error may occur. Information is subject to change and/or correction. For more information on Continuing Education programs at St Louis Community College, visit www stlcc edu and click on the Continuing
Education tab. More details and up-to-date information, including senior fees, can be found online. / 314-984-7777
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Professional Development
S t. L o u i s C o m m u n i t y C o ll e g e
Professional Development
Understanding Patents, Trademarks
and Copyrights
If you are a business or creative person selling a
product or service, then you need to know how
to protect your trademark, copyright, and patents
so that you can profit by their use. In this problemsolving course, you will explore topics relating to
the law for intellectual property such as patents,
trademarks, trade names, copyrights, and trade
secrets. Lunch not provided.
BUSN:729 | $55
680Sa 8:30am-1:30pm
Annette Heller
July 21
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 220
How to Start a Small Business
This is a special short course to acquaint the
small business owner with current management
principles as they relate specifically to small business
operations. It’s designed to be particularly helpful if
you are planning to start your own business. Topics
include: business terms, forms of ownership, risks of
ownership, marketing, record keeping, legal aspects
and insurance needs, finding capital, financial
planning, tax considerations and other business
functions. Lunch not provided.
BUSS:701 | $99
681Sa 9am-3pm
June 9 – June 16
Allen Jones
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 114
INC Yourself
Come explore the best ways to make the most of
emerging business opportunities in the St. Louis
region. INC Yourself is a free workshop offered by St.
Louis area business leaders and designed to teach
people about starting or expanding a business.
C01Th 5pm-7pm
May 24
450Th 5pm-7pm
June 21
H50Th 5pm-7pm
July 19
Corporate College, MULTI
Forest Park - G Tower / 314-984-7777
Harrison Ed Ctr
S.C.O.R.E. Seminar
You will enjoy this special short course to acquaint
the small business owner or operator with current
management principles as they relate specifically
to small business operations. It is designed to be
particularly helpful if you are planning to start
your own business. Topics include business terms,
forms and risks of ownership, marketing, record
keeping, legal aspects and insurance needs. Also,
you will discuss finding capital, financial planning,
tax considerations and other business functions. All
students must register with the SCORE Office online
at Lunch not provided. $50 fee for
class materials payable to SCORE at registration.
680Sa 8:15am-3pm
June 9
Meramec-Social Science, 105
682Sa 8:15am-3pm
July 14
Meramec-Social Science, 105
683Sa 8:15am-3pm
Aug 11
Meramec-Social Science, 105
How to Write a Business Plan that
Whether you’re still in the “idea phase” of business
planning or have been in business for years and never
took time to do a formal business plan, this class
is for you. This practical series will cover planning
operations, human resources, marketing, and finance,
including projecting profitability and cash flow. Active
participants will have an initial draft of their business
plan completed at the end of this 4-part series. Taught
by a CPA.
BUSS:702 | $85
650W 7pm-9:30pm
July 11 – Aug 1
Stephen Roseman
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 112
Understanding Financial Statements
Financial statements are essential sources of
information. You don’t need to know everything
about accounting to use the information in basic
statements; however, it is helpful to know a few
simple concepts and to be familiar with some of the
fundamentals of basic financial statements, such as
revenue and expense, structure and relationships,
meaningful forecasts and projections, balance sheets,
and more.
BUSS:741 | $34
680Sa 9:30am-12:30pm
Robert Harris
July 14
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 118
Gateway to Franchising Seminar
The Gateway to Franchising Seminar is a one day
in-depth event to present the story of franchising, one of the most transformative business
and marketing strategies globally. Franchising
is used by entrepreneurs to expand their business concepts and by fortune 500 companies to
strategically grow business segments. There are
over 2,000 franchise concepts available in the
marketplace today and over a million independently operated franchised locations serving
The franchise seminar will focus on how this
dynamic model is impacting our society, review the latest research and trends, and present
stimulating ideas and opportunities in the sector. There will be strategic break-out sessions on:
Buying A Franchise;
Franchise Enhancement;
Serving the Franchise Sector; and
Social Sector Franchising
Continental breakfast and lunch included.
BUSS:730 | $199
June 6
Corporate College, 209
Financing a Small Business
Looking to secure financing for a start-up or an
expansion? Learn about securing business loans,
identifying appropriate loan types, constructing
credit, and presenting a business plan that will
convince your lender. Non-traditional financing will
also be discussed.
BUSS:742 | $34
680Sa 9:30am-12:30pm
Robert Harris
June 30
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 220
The Entrepreneurial Experience:
Financing Your Small Business
The Entrepreneurial Experience: Financing Your Small
Business takes an extensive look at small business
financing and expands on knowledge shared in the
original Entrepreneurial Experience program. Topics
include daily record keeping, financial planning, tax
considerations an overview of Quickbooks and other
business functions. No prerequisite required. No
class 7/17..
BUSS:742 | $135
C50Tu 6:30pm-8:30pm
June 26 – July 24
Cathy Sexton
Corporate College, 207
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Professional Development
Developing and Using Effective
Supervisor Skills
Being an effective supervisor requires you to know the
people you manage and to use good management
skills, techniques, and methods. Learn the skills and
tools to apply in managing, motivating, counseling,
using constructive correction, resolving and solving
problems, decision-making and many other vital skills
to manage others. Lunch not provided.
BUSN:705 | $45
680Sa 9am-1:30pm
Glenda Herron
June 23
Meramec-Social Science, 108
Managing Conflict Resolution in the
Conflict is inevitable. However, there are approaches
and techniques that can be learned and employed
with others in the workplace and outside of it to
foster understanding and enhance cooperation. You’ll
learn how to evaluate and utilize these important
interpersonal and communication skills to build and
enhance relationships and communication. Lunch
not provided.
BUSN:705 | $45
681Sa 9am-1:30pm
July 28
Glenda Herron
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 220
+50: Re-Wired Employment Seminar
Is retirement not your immediate plan? Whether by
design or a result of the economy, you want to find
employment where you can earn a living and perhaps
make a difference. Re-inspired? A career counselor
will work with you to determine your values and
goals. Re-hired? We will explore resumes and
interview strategies. Re-wired? By networking, using
LinkedIn, Craigslist, submitting online applications
and cover letters, you will use new skills to land the
next opportunity.
CPDV:730 | $45
450M 6:30pm-8:30pm
Edwin Penfold
July 9 – July 30
Forest Park - G Tower, 115
650M 6:30pm-8:30pm
Edwin Penfold
June 4 – June 25
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 208
+50: Re-Inspired: A Workshop
Do you need to retool your professional skills
after many years? Are you a Baby Boomer nearing
retirement? Do you need a new direction? Determine
what may replace the traditional retirement path
in your life through a powerful interactive learning
experience. Clarify your intentions, set your goals
and take action all while supporting other group
members who share similar objectives.
CPDV:730 | $59
651Tu 6:30pm-9pm
June 5 – June 26
480Sa 9am-12:30pm
July 14 – July 28
Child Care Training
Clock Hour Certificates are granted for
all CCPR Workshops and seminars. If you
have questions or need more information
about the CCPR workshops and seminars
for Care Providers, call the Caring for Kids
Program at 314-513-4391.
Discipline for Young Children
Learning to manage behavior with groups of children
is always a challenge. If you ever had problems, this
may help you think of positive ways to handle them.
CCPR:702 | $15
450W 7pm-9pm
June 20
Geraldine Jasper
Forest Park - G Tower, 115
Carol Watkins
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 124
Carol Watkins
Forest Park - G Tower, 113
Career planning
Writing Your Resume to Impress
First impressions are everything. Your resume makes
your first impression to a potential employer. Make
sure it stands out any you’ll be receiving that phone
call in no time. Work with an expert in the employment
field to construct your perfect resume: one that will
play up your experience, play down liabilities, and
improve your chances to land an interview. Choose
the best type of resume for the job, tailor it to the
employer’s needs and write a great cover letter. We’ll
explore online submission of resumes and cover
letters while building your best resume ever.
CPDV:703 | $39
650Tu 6pm-8pm
Jacqueline Meaders-Booth
June 12 – June 26 Meramec-Bus. Admin, 218
Finding Job Leads
Learn how to find job leads (i.e. internet, recruiters,
staffing companies, placement services, associations,
and job fairs), navigate job boards, the importance of
networking, and the role social networking can now
play in your job search. This interactive workshop is
necessary for all those job seeking no matter the
industry. It will provide you with the tools necessary
to find job leads in today’s market.
CPDV:705 | $25
650Tu 6:30pm-9:30pm
Laurie Lombardo
July 10
Meramec-Social Science, 105
Through Plus 50, St. Louis Community
College provides programs and services
that make it easier than ever for adult
learners to earn credit for their past
education and work experience. We offer
support and flexibility to help you reach
your goals, from choosing a course of
study and scheduling classes to applying
for financial aid.
Contact one of our Plus 50
concierges to get started today!
Florissant Valley
Forest Park
Creativity, Art, and Children’s Learning
Join this fun hands-on workshop as you explore your
own creativity and develop skills to link creativity and
young children’s learning.
CCPR:703 | $15
580Sa 9am-11am
Joan Krause
June 9
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
680Sa 9am-11am
Joan Krause
June 2
Meramec-Science West, 106
Outdoor Play Activities and
Playground Safety
Make your outdoor play space more than just a place
to run off steam. Make it a special learning area that
includes a variety of activities and open-ended safe
materials for children to explore.
CCPR:706 | $15
550Tu 7pm-9pm
Geraldine Jasper
June 5
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Professional Development
Infant/Child CPR
This American Heart Association Heartsaver AED:
Infant/Child course is designed to teach infant/
child CPR, AED and relief of foreign body airway
obstruction to all lay rescuers, particularly those
who are expected to respond to infant and child
related emergencies in the workplace - such as day
care providers. Written and practical skills (handson-manikin simulation) evaluation and testing are
required for course completion. Upon successful
completion each participant will receive a course
completion care in approximately two weeks.
Registration one week prior to course start date is
required. Due to the nature of the course you must
arrive on time. No admittance after stated start time.
The CPR card is valid for two years.
CCPR:711 | $55
480Sa 8:15am-12pm
Carol Pikey
June 16
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
580Sa 8:15am-12pm
Carol Pikey
June 30
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
680Sa 8:15am-12pm
Carol Pikey
June 23
Meramec-Science West, 104
Pediatric First Aid Training
The Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid course is designed
to meet the regulatory and credential training
requirements for child care workers. The course is
designed for child care workers, teachers, foster care
workers, camp counselors, youth group leaders,
coaches and others responsible for children. The
course teaches basic first aid. Registration one week
prior to course start date is required. No admittance
after stated start time. The First Aid card is valid for
two years.
CCPR:711 | $55
481Sa 12:30pm-4pm
Carol Pikey
June 16
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
581Sa 12:30pm-4pm
Carol Pikey
June 30
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
681Sa 12:30pm-4pm
Carol Pikey
June 23
Meramec-Science West, 104
Effective Communication with Parents
Child care providers will gain insight on various types
of communication and listening skills with parents.
CCPR:714 | $15
550Tu 7pm-9pm
Nicole Peterson
June 26
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
Starting a Family Child Care Business
Learn what it takes to start and operate a successful
child care business. Everything from marketing to
meals and the learning environment will be discussed.
Whether you have been in business a while or you are
ready to embark on a new venture as a family care
provider this class will help make your family child
care successful and profitable.
CCPR:715 | $25
580Sa 9am-12pm
Lisa Gahan
June 23
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112 / 314-984-7777
Help Your Children Enter The
Wonderful World of Books - 2nd Set of
Are you looking for ways to help young children fall in
love with books and stories while they gain valuable
language skills? Come discover fresh, fun techniques
for sharing books with young children! Participants
will receive a set of seven (7) children’s books. Moo
Baa La La La; Ten, Nine, Eight; Each Peach Pear
Plum; The Hello, Goodbye Window; Frederick; The
Napping House and Harold and the Purple Crayon.
Presented by Annette Harrison, dynamic educator
and storyteller.
CCPR:718 | $25
580Sa 12pm-3pm
Annette Harrison
June 9
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
680Sa 12pm-3pm
Annette Harrison
June 2
Meramec - Student Center, 201
Asking Questions/Encouraging
Throughout all the learning areas-blocks, dramatic
play, books, science and others - encourage critical
thinking, creativity, and problem-solving by asking
questions. Learn many techniques for asking
questions in your everyday activities with children.
CCPR:721 | $15
680Th 7pm-9pm
June 21
Geraldine Jasper
Meramec-Social Science, 206
Helping Children Cope With Crisis in the
Help children cope with crisis in the family, such as
a move, job loss, starting a new school, new baby,
divorce, homelessness, natural disasters, violence,
death, and grief. Learn techniques to support these
children and where to refer their families for help.
Tips will be shared on what to say and how to help
children express their feelings.
CCPR:723 | $15
680Th 7pm-9pm
Geraldine Jasper
June 7
Meramec-Social Science, 206
Understanding the Child with ADD
(Attention Deficit Disorder)
If you are a parent or teacher working with children
who have ADD or are hyperactive, this workshop
is for you. You’ll discuss techniques for coping with
behavior and receive resources for additional help.
CCPR:723 | $15
650Th 7pm-9pm
Mary Williams
June 28
Meramec-Social Science, 206
550Tu 7pm-9pm
Mary Williams
June 12
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
Applications and
For Web design and Photoshop, see the
Web and Graphic Design section in Professional Development. For Introductory
Computer Courses, see Personal Computing in the Lifelong Learning section of this
Microsoft Windows 7: In a Day
Explore Windows 7 and all its user-friendly features
in this course. Students learn mouse techniques
and examine the desktop interface; including the
menu, taskbar, and standard icons. Topics include
using computer, managing files and folders,
using Help, working with applications, creating
shortcuts, customizing the desktop, and exchanging
information between applications. Prerequisite:
Personal Computers Introduction class or equivalent
COMP:705 | $99
S01Tu 9am-4pm
June 26
Patti Bossi
SCEUC, 206
Overview of Microsoft Office 2007:
In a Day
Learn the basics of MS Office 2007 in one day! In
this class you’ll touch on the basics of Word, Excel,
Access & PowerPoint spending about 1.5 hours on
each application. If you need a crash course or a
basic understanding of the applications in Office
2007 then this class is for you! Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:713 | $89
930F 9am-4pm
June 1
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Overview of Microsoft Office 2010
Applications: Word, Excel, Access and
This class is an introduction to the application of the
Microsoft Office Suite. Taught at a beginner’s level,
it introduces and touches on the basics of each of
the Office 2010 applications. Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:713 | $99
680Sa 8am-12pm
June 2 – June 23
Gerri Pritchett
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 202
Microsoft Word 2007: In a Day
Learn the basics of MS Word 2007 in a day! You’ll create
and save documents; enter and edit text; learn to
indent, set tabs, and enhance documents; make block
moves, deletes, and copies; use spell checker, find and
replace text; use shortcut keys; and print. Prerequisite:
Windows Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:715 | $99
930Sa 9am-4pm
June 23
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Professional Development
Microsoft Word 2010: In a Day
Learn the basics of MS Word 2010 in a day! You’ll create
and save documents; enter and edit text; learn to
indent, set tabs, and enhance documents; make block
moves, deletes, and copies; use spell checker, find and
replace text; use shortcut keys; and print. Prerequisite:
Windows Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:715 | $99
S50F 9am-4pm
July 20
Patti Bossi
SCEUC, 206
Microsoft Word 2010 Basics for
Learn to create professional looking documents using
this powerful word processing software. Discover how
editing and formatting tools are at your fingertips as
you work with the toolbar ribbon. Leave with the
skills to create a document, format, change styles and
fonts, cut/paste, import text, and edit a document
with confidence. Text is included in the cost.
COMP:715 | $129
C01F 9am-4pm
June 1
Cris Heffernan
Corporate College, 208
Microsoft Excel 2010: Charts, Tables and
Use Excel to manage lists and create charts and tables
from your existing data. Sort, filter, and use other
database functions in Excel. Present your data in
easy to understand graphical format. Learn to create
effective charts that clearly and accurately convey
the meaning of your data. Add graphics to your
spreadsheets and charts for clarification. Prerequisite:
Microsoft Excel Introduction class or equivalent
COMP:720 | $79
651W 6:30pm-9:30pm
Roy Lenox
July 11 – July 18
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 212
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010 for
In this introductory class you will learn the
fundamentals of Excel. Topics covered include setting
up worksheets, labeling, entering values, editing cells,
copying, formatting, and saving. Text is included in
the cost.
COMP:720 | $129
C01F 9am-4pm
Cris Heffernan
June 8
Corporate College, 208
Intermediate Excel 2010 for Business
Microsoft Excel 2007: In a Day
Learn the basics of MS Excel 2007 in a day! In this
introductory course you’ll learn how to create
spreadsheets for all kinds of applications including
accounting, expense analysis, budgeting, etc. Topics
include setting up worksheets, labeling, entering
values, editing cells, copying, saving, and other
commands. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class
or equivalent experience.
COMP:720 | $99
931Sa 9am-4pm
June 9
930F 9am-4pm
June 22
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Microsoft Excel 2010: Introduction
Create spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel 2010.
Learn Excel terminology, to navigate the Excel
window, and the basic characteristics of a worksheet
and workbook. Enter text values and formulas, move
and copy data, format worksheet appearance, and
work with charts. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction
class or equivalent experience.
COMP:720 | $109
Build on previous knowledge and further you
spreadsheet skills by managing multiple workbooks,
creating more complex formulas and functions,
enhancing the appearance of your documents, and
by creating custom reports with pivot tables and
pivot charts. Text is included in the cost.
COMP:721 | $129
C01W 9am-4pm
Cris Heffernan
June 13
Corporate College, 208
Exploring Topics in Excel: Advanced
Functions, Lookup Tables, Macros, and
Work with lookup tables, create pivot tables, create
macros and explore many more of Excel’s advanced
C01F 9am-4pm
Cris Heffernan
June 22
Corporate College, 208
Microsoft Access 2007: In a Day
Learn the basics of Access in one day! In this class
you’ll learn how to plan and design a database
system, add, change, and delete information as well
as how to create simple reports and how to query the
database to find display data. Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:725 | $99
930F 9am-4pm
June 15
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
650W 6:30pm-9:40pm
Roy Lenox
May 30 – June 27 Meramec-Bus. Admin, 212
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
Microsoft Access 2010: Introduction
Learn the foundations of creating a database using
Access 2010. You will master the skills necessary to
plan and design a database system as well as add,
change, and delete information. Learn how to create
simple reports to print out the information you need
and how to query the database to find and display
data. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class or
equivalent experience.
COMP:725 | $109
680Sa 8am-12pm
Gerri Pritchett
July 7 – July 28
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 202
Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010
for Business
Learn the foundations to plan and design a database
system. Learn to create and work with tables, forms,
and reports; use queries; and create and maintain a
database. Text is included in the cost.
COMP:725 | $129
C01F 9am-4pm
June 29
Cris Heffernan
Corporate College, 208
Intermediate Access 2010 for Business
Get the skill you need to enhance your database
designs. Learn to query multiple tables for customized
forms and reports, create more complex queries, and
customize forms. Text is included in the cost.
COMP:726 | $129
C01F 9am-4pm
July 6
Cris Heffernan
Corporate College, 208
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007: In a Day
Learn the basics of MS PowerPoint 2007 in a day!
This is an introductory course in using PowerPoint
to create effective graphic presentations. Learn to
use word processing and drawing tools to create
and edit text, logos, and artwork. Additional topics
include importing clip art, using templates, and
rearranging your presentation. Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:730 | $99
930F 9am-4pm
July 27
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
QuickBooks Pro 2010
This class introduces students to QuickBooks, an
easy to use, complete accounting system for small
businesses. Students will create a company and use
QuickBooks to maintain financial records. Topics
to be covered include: setting up customer and
vendor lists, entering sales and invoices, receiving
payments, making deposits, handling expenses
and bills, working with bank accounts, analyzing
financial data, handling sales tax, and managing
inventory. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class or
equivalent experience. No class 7/4.
COMP:734 | $115
S50W 6:30pm-9:30pm
June 20 – July 25
Kerry Woodruff
SCEUC, 209 / 314-984-7777
Professional Development
QuickBooks Pro 2010 for Business
This class introduces students to QuickBooks, an
easy to use, complete accounting system for small
businesses. Students will create a company and use
QuickBooks to maintain financial records. Topics
to be covered include: setting up customer and
vendor lists, entering sales and invoices, receiving
payments, making deposits, handling expenses
and bills, working with bank accounts, analyzing
financial data, handling sales tax, and managing
inventory. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class or
equivalent experience.
COMP:734 | $199
C01MTu 8:30am-4:30pm
July 9 – July 10
Corporate College, 208
Social Networking for Professionals
Social networking sites, such as LinkedIn, Plaxo,
FastPitch, Twitter, and Facebook have made their
way to business! Learn how to use social networking
philosophies, tools and activities for business
or professional gains. Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:742 | $29
S51Tu 6pm-9pm
June 26
C01Tu 9am-12pm
June 12
Rachel Bufalo
SCEUC, 209
Jerry Bearden
Corporate College, 208
Tech Savvy Fridays: Utilizing the
So you can email now and even do a Google search,
but are you utilizing everything the internet has to
offer? The world wide web has thousands of everyday tools that can simply your life that you don’t even
know about! Come to this class to discover several
different web-sites that are fun, interesting and even
useful! Prerequisite: Personal Computers Introduction
class or equivalent experience.
COMP:765 | $19
S01F 9am-11am
June 8
Patti Bossi
SCEUC, 206
Tech Savvy Fridays: Creating Folders
and File Management
30 Hour OSHA Construction Safety and
Health Training
One of the trickiest concepts for new computer users
to master is folders. Come to this work-shop and learn
how to create them, how to use them, but best of
all, where to find them! This two hour class will help
you de-clutter your files and folders. Prerequisite:
Windows Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:765 | $19
This course meets the required laws for working on
public job sites. Led by an OSHA certified trainer. The
course covers the mandated OSHA topics including
OSHA regulations, general health and safety, basic
electrical safety, fall protection, ladder and scaffold
safety, hand and power tools, material handling, etc.
Upon successful completion, students will receive the
30 hour OSHA course completion card.
CONS:736 | $349
C02TuWThF 8:30am-4:30pm
Patricia Dalton
June 5 – June 8
Corporate College
S02F 9am-11am
June 15
Patti Bossi
SCEUC, 206
Tech Savvy Fridays: Flash Drives
Some call it a thumb drive, a memory stick, a jump
drive, a USB drive, etc. Regardless of what you call
it, Flash Drives have become the most widely used
device in portable data storage. Come find out how
to use and love this cool little gadget. Class includes
your very own flash drive to use in the class and
keep. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class or
equivalent experience. Fee includes a flash drive.
COMP:765 | $25
S03F 9am-11am
June 29
Patti Bossi
SCEUC, 206
Tech-Savvy Fridays: Learn to Cut, Copy
and Paste
Cut, copy and paste is the ultimate short-cut tool
for Windows! Come find out how easy it is to copy
pictures, text, and files from one place to another.
Maybe you want to capture some text or a picture
from a web page and copy it into a document or
in an e-mail...No problem with this trick! You will
be surprised how easy it is. In this class we will also
explore the “Snipping” tool which is available in
Windows 7. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class
or equivalent experience.
COMP:765 | $19
S04F 9am-11am
July 27
Patti Bossi
SCEUC, 206
10 Hour OSHA Construction Safety and
Health Training
This course meets the required laws for working on
public job sites. Led by an OSHA certified trainer. The
course covers the mandated OSHA topics including
OSHA regulations, general health and safety, basic
electrical safety, fall protection, ladder and scaffold
safety, hand and power tools, material handling, etc.
Upon successful completion, students will receive the
10 hour OSHA course completion card.
CONS:736 | $119
C01F 5pm-9pm
June 1
Sa 8am-3:30pm June 2 / 314-984-7777
Patricia Dalton
Corporate College, 213
Corporate College, 213
CPR/First Aid
Registration is required ONE WEEK prior
to course start date to ensure appropriate
student-to-instructor ratios.
Late registrations will be considered on a
space-available basis only.
Heartsaver AED: Adult
The Heartsaver AED Course teaches lay rescuers
when to dial 911, how to give CPR, how to use an
AED and how to provide relief of choking. The course
targets individuals who are expected to respond to
cardiovascular emergencies in the workplace. The
course may be used to teach CPR to lay rescuers who
are required to obtain a course completion card, a
credential, documenting completion of a CPR course
that includes use of an AED. The course is for the
learner with limited or no medical training and needs
a course completion in first aid, CPR and AED for job,
regulatory or other requirements.
CPRR:701 | $44
450M 6:30pm-8:30pm
Greg Light
June 11
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED
Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED is a classroom, videobased, instructor-led course that teaches students
critical skills needed to respond to and manage a
first aid, choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency
in the first few minutes until emergency medical
service (EMS) arrives. It is designed to meet OSHA
requirements. Students learn skills such as how to
treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock and
other first aid emergencies. This course also teaches
adult CPR and AED use. Written and practical skills
(hands-on-manikin simulation) evaluation and
testing are required for course completion. Upon
successful completion each participant will receive a
course completion card in approximately two weeks.
CPRR:706 | $99
CO1W 8:30am-4:30pm
Gail Back
June 20
Corporate College, MULTI
480Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Greg Light
July 14
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Professional Development
Healthcare Provider CPR
CPR Instructor Course
This American Heart Association course is designed for
the healthcare provider. Each participant must obtain
an 84 percent or higher on the written evaluation and
demonstrate proficiency in all CPR skills. Skills include
adult, child and infant CPR, FBAO management of the
conscious victim, adult/infant/child two rescuer CPR,
mouth-to-mask ventilation and automatic external
defibrillation (AED). Written and practical skills
(hands-on manikin simulation) evaluation and testing
are required for course completion. Upon successful
completion each participant will receive a BLS course
completion cared in approximately two weeks.
This course meets the STLCC Nursing Department
admission requirement.
CPRR:707 | $65
The Instructor Course is designed to prepare American
Heart Association (AHA) instructors to disseminate
the science, skills and philosophy of resuscitation
programs to participants enrolled in AHA courses.
The purpose of the AHA BLS/CPR Instructor Course is
to provide instructor candidates with the knowledge
and skills necessary to reach and teach potential
BLS providers. The AHA BLS/CPR Instructor course
provides a structured initiation for the instructor
candidates and serves as the foundation for their
development. It provides instructor candidates the
opportunity to develop and refine their presentation
skills. Please note there is extensive self-paced course
work. Access to a computer will be necessary for this
course work. Prerequisite: Current AHA Healthcare
Provider CPR status.
CPRR:708 | $250
CO1F 9am-3:30pm
Gordon Back
July 27
Corporate College
300M 9am-3:30pm
Gail Back
June 25
Wildwood, 102A
350Th 5pm-10pm
Gail Back
July 19
Wildwood, 102A
450M 5pm-10pm
Greg Light
June 18
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
451M 5pm-10pm
Greg Light
July 9
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
400F 9am-3:30pm
Greg Light
July 20
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
452W 5pm-10pm
Greg Light
Aug 1
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
401W 9am-3:30pm
Greg Light
Aug 15
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
480Su 9am-3:30pm
Greg Light
Aug 19
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
H50M 5pm-10pm
Gordon Back
July 23
Harrison Ed Ctr, 100
500M 9am-3:30pm
Gordon Back
June 11
Florissant Valley-CWI, 136
501W 9am-3:30pm
Gordon Back
July 18
Florissant Valley-CWI, 136
550Th 5pm-10pm
Gordon Back
July 26
Florissant Valley-Training Ctr, 110
551W 5pm-10pm
Gordon Back
Aug 8
Florissant Valley-Training Ctr, 110
502F 9am-3:30pm
Gordon Back
Aug 17
Florissant Valley-CWI, 136
680Sa 9am-3:30pm
Gail Back
June 2
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
650W 5pm-10pm
Gail Back
June 13
Meramec-Science South, 107
600W 9am-3:30pm
Gail Back
July 11
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
651W 5pm-10pm
Gail Back
July 25
Meramec-Science South, 107
681Sa 9am-3:30pm
Gail Back
Aug 4
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
652M 5pm-10pm
Gail Back
Aug 13
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
S01M 9am-3:30pm
Gail Back
July 16
SCEUC, 213
S02F 9am-3:30pm
Gail Back
Aug 10
SCEUC, 125
400F 8am-5pm
Aug 3
Greg Light
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
Heartsaver AED: Infant and Child
This American Heart Association Heartsaver AED:
Infant/Child course is designed to teach infant/child
CPR, AED and relief of foreign body airway obstruction
to all lay rescuers, particularly those who are expected
to respond to infant and child related emergencies in
the workplace - such as day care providers. Written
and practical skills (hands-on-manikin simulation)
evaluation and testing are required for course
completion. Upon successful completion each
participant will receive a course completion card in
approximately two weeks.
CPRR:710 | $55
480Sa 8:30am-12pm
Carol Pikey
June 16
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
680Sa 8:30am-12pm
Carol Pikey
June 23
Meramec-Science West, 104
580Sa 8:30am-12pm
Carol Pikey
June 30
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid
The Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid course is designed
to meet the regulatory and credential training
requirements for child care workers. The course is
designed for child care workers, teachers, foster care
workers, camp counselors, youth group leaders,
coaches and others responsible for children. The
course teaches basic first aid.
CPRR:711 | $55
480Sa 12:30pm-4pm
Carol Pikey
June 16
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
680Sa 12:30pm-4pm
Carol Pikey
June 23
Meramec-Science West, 104
580Sa 12:30pm-4pm
Carol Pikey
June 30
Florissant Valley-Child Dev. Ctr, 112
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
Have you ever wanted to
use the Internet to stay
in touch with family and
friends, share photos or
search for a new job?
St. Louis Community College’s
new public computer centers offer
internet access, laptop computers,
classes, personal computer support
and facilities for your use – and it’s
all FREE.
Get introduced to the internet and
computers with classes like Basic
Computer Skills, Basic Internet
Skills and Introduction to MS Office
Learn general internet topics
such as computer safety, E-books,
sharing photos online, and both
personal and professional social
The best part? You’ll have a
computer professional on-site
to help answer your questions
immediately. Call to register for
the classes you want or stop by the
computer lab. Take each course as
many times as you need!
William J. Harrison Education Center
3140 Cass Ave., St. Louis, MO 63106
For more information
call 314-763-6000
Center for Workforce Innovation
3344 Pershall Rd., St. Louis, MO 63135
For more information
call 314-513-4601
Classes are made possible by a federal grant through the
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, part of
the Recovery Act, and the Missouri Department of Higher
Education. / 314-984-7777
Professional Development
Digital Media
Professional Workshops
Call 314-984-7019 with questions.
Adobe Photoshop for
Professionals-The First Step
This workshop will transform your current knowledge
of Adobe Photoshop into practical methods for
working with the software. Carefully crafted tutorials
survey and reinforce the student’s understanding of
Photoshop tools, including Layers, Making Selections,
Masking, Basic Color, the Type tool, Extraction Filter,
Image Resolution, and the conversion from RGB
to Grayscale. Image repairs with the Healing Patch
and Clone Stamp will be explored. The ability to
create unique fictional images without a camera or
scanner will be introduced. Lots of discussion and
guided demonstrations by a Photoshop expert will
encourage class participation in an atmosphere of
mutual support.
CVTW:701 | $129
600Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Francis Zych
July 7
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Adobe Photoshop for
Professionals-The Next Step
This workshop presents essential techniques for
graphic designers, photographers and digital
artists who are already regular users of Photoshop.
This level of instruction will demonstrate precise
selections using the pen tool and compositing two
images together based on displacement maps. You
will explore the brush engine, typography, filters,
channels, advanced masking and the new vanishing
point tool. Be prepared for an intensive hands-on
learning experience that will assist you in expanding
your creativity.
CVTW:701 | $129
602Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Francis Zych
July 28
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
How to Convert Photos to Paintings
Learn to create paintings from photos. From
conception to printing, students will be given stepby-step instructions using Photoshop on how to
convert images or photography into simulated
painting, suitable for printing and framing. This course
is aimed at business professional photographers,
graphic artists, and hobbyists who want to learn how
to convert photos into paintings.
CVTW:701 | $129
603Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Mary Eigel
July 14
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Adobe InDesign for ProfessionalsThe First Step
Learn how to import illustrations and photos and set
type correctly for flyers, brochures, and other basic
applications. Learn how to convert Quark documents
into an Adobe InDesign document. Learn key
commands and other great tips for making easy work
of your layouts.
CVTW:702 | $129
680Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
D Tjaden
June 16
Meramec-Humanities East, 233 / 314-984-7777
Adobe InDesign for ProfessionalsThe Next Step
Don’t know the best way to set up your brochure
or multi-page document? Learn how to optimize
your page set up for better productivity. Modern
typesetting techniques, including examples from
the top magazines, show you how to make your
document look great. Introduction to style sheets
allows you to keep your work looking consistent and
CVTW:702 | $129
681Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
D Tjaden
June 30
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Corel Painter for ProfessionalsThe First Step
With Corel Painter students will learn inventive
drawing tools such as Natural-Media brushes,
image cloning capabilities and virtually unlimited
customization options that will give them total
freedom for creative expression, as well as enhance
graphic quality and streamline the drawing process
to increase productivity and profits.
CVTW:703 | $129
680Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
James Leick
June 9
Meramec-Humanities East, 136
Corel Painter for ProfessionalsThe Next Step
Take the next step beyond the basics of Corel Painter.
Learn to create breathtaking works of art using
enhanced brush control palettes, frames-per second
control, and customizable shortcut keys. Professional
users can extend their creative possibilities with new
enhancements that include Artists’ Oils Painting
System, Snap-to-Path Painting, improved Digital
Watercolor, and Quick Clone.
CVTW:703 | $129
681Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
James Leick
June 23
Meramec-Humanities East, 136
Maya for Professionals
The first workshop will be an introduction to the
concepts and basic tools for creating imagery in 3D
using Autodesk’s Maya. Starting with a road-map to
the main interface, students will be shown how to
construct shapes and geometry using polygons. Once
built, they will learn how to “texture” these polygons
so that they appear to have surface detail, followed
by how to use the lighting tools to illuminate the
objects they’ve created. We will discuss the basics
of animation, making our objects and camera move
through time. Finally, we will learn “rendering”, or
the final output of our work to a finished, playable
animation file which each student will have created.
CVTW:704 | $129
SketchUp for Professionals
Three-dimensional models are essential if you’re in
the design field. With SketchUp students will learn
the basics of 3D modeling. It’s the perfect tool for
the beginners as well as professional designers,
filmmakers, game developers, architectural, civic,
mechanical engineers, and related professions. This
program is available for anyone designing anything
from frying pans to cathedrals. Basic proficiency
in Illustrator and Photoshop will be helpful for this
CVTW:704 | $129
600F 8:30am-4:30pm
Darren Thompson
July 27
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Adobe Illustrator for
Professionals-The First Step
Is Illustrator still a mystery to you? Enter the world of
vector graphics with this introductory level workshop.
Demystify anchor points, paths and Bezier curves.
You’ll transform shapes into graphic images. Explore
the tool box and basic commands to boost your
vector confidence. Learn to use gradients, gradient
mesh, compound paths, blends, envelopes, live paint,
type tools and more to achieve professional results.
Save template and palette libraries to speed your
CVTW:705 | $129
680Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
D Tjaden
June 2
Meramec-Humanities East, 136
Adobe Illustrator for
Professionals-The Next Step
You know the tools; now put them to use to create
resolution-free vector illustrations. Think like an
illustrator to work through trouble spots. Learn to
combine live trace, transparency, envelopes and
amazing 3D effects with mapping to draw complex
images. Demystify the appearance palette, and use
layers to create simple Flash animations.
CVTW:705 | $129
681Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
D Tjaden
June 23
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
680Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Jason Feiner
June 30
Meramec-Humanities East, 136
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Professional Development
Storyboarding for Video and Social
Media Techniques-Planning for Profit
Professional HD Videos with DSLR
Learn the building blocks for creating professional
and profitable storyboarding for video and social
media branding. Script Writing, Illustrating, editing,
delivering, and product promotion will also be
covered. Students will learn techniques on how to
compose compelling visual shots for Storyboarding,
the Tooltime for storyboarding, camera moves, and
why angles are our friends.
CVTW:706 | $129
Students will learn how to achieve the highest
quality when creating videos using a DSLR camera.
This course will cover improved shooting techniques
for video and how to control still quality, depth-of
field, improve focus, interchange lenses, improve
file management, and how to harness the full
photographic control of a DSLR camera.
CVTW:706 | $129
680Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Anthony Carosella
June 9
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Apple’s Final Cut Pro 7 Video
Editing-The First Step
An introduction to professional video editing
for people that have used iMovie or some other
consumer editing software and want to expand their
skills. The class will show how to take a variety of
video footage from tape to compact flash media and
import it into Final Cut. Next, the basics of editing will
be shown and students will get hands on experience
with cuts.
CVTW:706 | $129
600F 8:30am-4:30pm
Anthony Carosella
June 22
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Apple’s Final Cut Pro 7 Video
Editing-The Next Step
Learn how to share your projects in one click to
your Apple devices, the web, Blu-ray Disc, and DVD.
Collaborate in real time from anywhere in the world
with support for iChat Theater. Change clip speeds
with ease using redesigned speed tools. Enjoy dozens
of additional enhancements, including native support
for AVC-Intra, streamlined alpha transition creation,
improved markers, large timecode window, and more.
CVTW:706 | $129
601F 8:30am-4:30pm
Anthony Carosella
June 29
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Video Production for the Web
From pre-production to editing and post-production,
this workshop will teach you how to create a
professional video for the web. Pre-production is vital
for planning the budget and final look of your project.
Learn how to use storyboards, concepts, timelines
and audio script for production, including the editing
and post-production stage where video sound and
graphics are creatively joined together to match your
CVTW:706 | $129
603Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Anthony Carosella
June 2
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
681Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Darlene McGee
June 16
Meramec-Humanities East, 136
Adobe After Effects for
This workshop is an introduction into understanding
and utilizing After Effects in the creation of Motion
Graphics. Focus will be given on learning the interface
in After Effects, putting graphics in motion and
rendering finished movie and animation projects.
Participants will also explore a workflow between
Photoshop and After Effects. Be prepared for an
intensive hands-on learning experience.
CVTW:712 | $129
600F 8:30am-4:30pm
Timothy Linder
July 20
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Workshop for Teens-Bring Your
Characters to Digital Life and Motion
This workshop is an introduction to understanding
stop motion animation utilizing Photoshop. Students
will use their own hand-drawn characters as a means
of personal expression. Step-by-step instructions on
how to create a stop-motion animation for the web.
Students will present their completed animation
at the end of the workshop. Class is for high school
students exclusively. Ages 13 - 19.
CVTW:713 | $79
602F 8:30am-12:30pm
Timothy Linder
June 8
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Workshop for Teens-Hollywood
Style Special Effects-Using After Effects
This workshop is an introduction to understanding
and using After Effects in the creation of motion
graphics. Focus will be given to learning the interface
in After Effects, putting graphics in motion and
rendering finished movie and animation projects.
Participants will also explore a workflow between
Photoshop and After Effects. Be prepared for an
intensive, hands-on learning experience. Workshop is
for high school students exclusively. Ages 13-19.
CVTW:712 | $79
601F 8:30am-12:30pm
Timothy Linder
July 13
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
Adobe Photoshop for
Professionals-Tips, Tricks, and
Advanced Production Techniques
Participants will learn how to enhance their photos
and create breathtaking effects with the World’s
leading digital imaging tool. The instructor will show
you how to achieve over 30 new, techniques quickly
& easily. We will illustrate and provide one-on-one
instruction so you will be able to perform these
techniques before the workshop day ends. Stock
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
photos will be provided or you may bring your own
troublesome photographs. Selection storage and
retrieval, retouching must knows, and traditional
photography effects will be explained.
CVTW:713 | $129
681Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
Darlene McGee
July 14
Meramec-Humanities East, 136
Digital Sound for Conversing Media
Take command of the audio in your film and video
projects, as well as rich media projects. Learn how to
clean up recordings, polish voice-overs, customize
music and sound effects, and much more. This
workshop explores Apple’s Soundtrack Pro and
GarageBands basic set up and common uses. Student
will learn how to create fades in and out and cross
dissolves, apply effects, use the built-in mixer, loops
and sound beds. Record externals sounds and learn
how to create loops in video and audio, mix down
and export out of Soundtrack Pro and GarageBand to
integrate with Final Cut Pro.
CVTW:713 | $129
683Sa 8:30am-4:30pm
July 21
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
EZ Mobile Web Sites for
This class will focus on the building and management
of a professional website for all mobile devices.
Students will learn what goes into a good mobile
website and how to promote and integrate their
website with Facebook and other social media sites.
We cover the basics of creating pages and content
for mobile devices. It is recommended that students
take EZ Professional Websites-The First Step as a
foundation for this course.
CVTW:750 | $129
682F 8:30am-4:30pm
Kevin Ward
July 6
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
EZ Professional Web SitesThe First Step
Learn to create a professional website. Students will
learn how to register a domain name, and use free
website tools and templates to create and maintain a
professional website.
CVTW:750 | $129
600F 8:30am-4:30pm
Kevin Ward
June 1
Meramec-Humanities East, 233
EZ Professional Web SitesThe Next Step
Picking up right where the First Step left off, learn
about website usability and how to improve visitors
use of your website. Increase traffic to your website
with search engine optimization, using keywords,
copy and images techniques. Learn how to register
your website with search engines and directories to
improve visibility. Learn what is going on with your
website, and how to track, measure, and collect and
use information with website analytics. Learn all
about plug-ins and how to use them.
CVTW:750 | $129
601F 8:30am-4:30pm
Kevin Ward
June 15
Meramec-Humanities East, 233 / 314-984-7777
Professional Development
Food Service
ServSafe Food Safety Certification
St. Louis City and St. Louis County Health
Departments require that at least one person within
each foodservice facility be certified in food safety.
Information and skill development for individuals
who are employed by, manage, or own food service
operations in the hospitality industry. The second
class concludes with the exam. Fee includes textbook,
answer sheet, and exam. Those scoring a grade of
75% or higher on the exam will be awarded the
nationally-recognized ServSafe certificate. Bring a
sack lunch to class.
RMGT:700 | $169
480Sa 8am-3pm
Jack Perry
June 9 – June 23 Forest Park-Hospitality, 219
No Class 6/16
580Sa 8am-3pm
Jack Perry
July 14 – July 28
Florissant Valley-Business, 214 No Class 7/21
C01M 8am-3pm
Jack Perry
July 23 – Aug 6
Corporate College, 207
No Class 7/30
680Sa 8am-3pm
Almut Stephan Marino
Aug 11 – Aug 25 Meramec-Social Science, 232
No Class 8/18
ServSafe Food Safety Certification:
Review and Retest
Designed for those who did not successfully
complete a recent exam. A brief review of the course
material is included, before re-attempting the exam.
Fee includes answer sheet and exam. Those scoring a
grade of 75% or higher on the exam will be awarded
the nationally-recognized ServSafe certificate. Bring a
sack lunch to class.
RMGT:700 | $79
481Sa 8am-3pm
June 23
581Sa 8am-3pm
July 28
C02M 8am-3pm
Aug 6
681Sa 8am-3pm
Aug 25
Jack Perry
Forest Park-Hospitality, 219
Jack Perry
Florissant Valley-Business, 214
Jack Perry
Corporate College, 207
Almut Stephan Marino
Meramec-Social Science, 232
Event Planning 101
Industry Innovation Insights: Health
Information Technology
The St. Louis Community College Center for
Emerging and Advanced Information Technologies (CEA-IT) and the Corporate College invite
you to join us for an Innovation Insight seminar
discussing current trends in Health Information
Technology. Recent reports indicate 51% of
CIOs are worried they will have to delay planned
implementations of Electronic Health Records
(EHR) if they do not find the right talent to get
the job done. St. Louis Community College is
training in six workforce roles to help employers
close the HIT talent gap in the areas of workflow
redesign, business analysis, implementation
management, and technical support. CEA-IT
Director, Dianne Lee, will be joined by Information Technology faculty members and Health
IT industry subject matter experts; topics to be
covered include a review of the recently announced Meaningful Use Stage 2 criteria, electronic health record (EHR) implementation, and
healthcare privacy and security.
COMP:765 | $99
C01 W 8:30am-11am
Dianne Lee
July 18
Corporate College, 208
Explore the Who, What, When, Where, Why and HOW
of event planning. Learn the basic components of
an event, how to establish objectives, organizational
tools, tips on working with vendors, volunteer
recruitment, and post event evaluation. Participants
will have the opportunity to brainstorm new event
ideas and ways to refresh an annual event.
NPAD:703 | $25
450Tu 6:30pm-9pm
July 10
Nancy Higgins
Forest Park - G Tower, 119
Building and Energizing Your Volunteer
Volunteers play a key role in everyday operations of
not-for-profit organizations. A committed volunteer
will also serve as a spokesman for your organization
and as a network to attract complementary
volunteers. This interactive class will teach you to
identify key people, and to build, maintain and
energize a passionate and committed volunteer base
for your organization.
NPAD:707 | $35
680Sa 9am-1pm
July 14
Sarah Guldalian
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 220
Industry Innovation Insights:
Information Security
The Corporate College and the Center for
Emerging and Advanced Information Technologies (CEA-IT) invite you to hear about the top cyber security threats and how to train employees
to protect your organization. Cyber-criminals
grow more sophisticated every day using viruses, worms, Trojan horses and bots to find holes
in network security, locate and steal sensitive
information, and perpetrate denial of service attacks resulting in billions of dollars in damages,
reparations, legal defense and lost opportunities
for corporations, small businesses, public sector
organizations, and consumers. CEA-IT Director, Dianne Lee, will be joined by faculty and
industry experts to discuss topics including the
top cyber security threats, enterprise security
management, secure coding in a mobile world,
defending the network perimeter, and securing
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks. The session will discuss strategies
and techniques including policies, procedures,
and cyber security assessments.
COMP:795 | $99
C01 / 314-984-7777
June 27
Dianne Lee
Corporate College
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Professional Development
Nursing and
Allied Health
for Nursing and Allied Health Programs
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Allied Health Continuing Education
of St. Louis Community College
offers a wide selection of courses and workshops.
Please take a few moments to read the course
descriptions. There are new offerings that have been
developed in response to requests.
Registration THREE WEEKS prior to course
start date is required to ensure ratios and to
ensure arrival of pre-course materials.
Courses are approved or pending approval for
continuing education credit as noted. Approval by
another accrediting entity or for professional licensure
is the sole responsibility of the participant.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
This American Heart Association course is designed
to review, organize and prioritize the skills and
didactic information needed to handle a cardiac
arrest, events leading to a cardiac arrest and events
that follow a cardiac arrest. Please note that written
and practical skills (hands-on manikin simulation)
evaluation and testing are required for course
completion. Upon successful completion each
participant will receive an ACLS course completion
card in approximately two weeks. Intended Audience:
Personnel staffing emergency, intensive care or
critical care departments, emergency medical
providers such as physicians, nurses, emergency
technicians, paramedics, respiratory therapists; and
other professionals who may have a need to respond
to a cardiovascular emergency. Materials will be
mailed prior to the program for extensive self-paced
pre-course preparation. Access to a computer will be
necessary for pre-course work.
ACLS:701 | $270
480SaSu 8am-5pm
June 23 – June 24
481SaSu 8am-5pm
July 21 – July 22
482SaSu 8am-5pm
Aug 11 – Aug 12
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
Contact hours will be awarded to participants who
attend the entire educational activity if it is a single
session; or 80 percent of an activity that meets
multiple sessions and completes the education
activity evaluation.
St. Louis Community College is an approved provider
of continuing nursing education by the Missouri
Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the
American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
St. Louis Community College believes that all planners, presenters and content experts
taking part in continuing nursing education learning activities must adhere to a fair,
unbiased and evidence-based approach in presenting content, and declare any relationships
with commercial organizations. Any real or apparent conflict of interest will be disclosed to
When commercial support is received for a continuing nursing education activity, the
planning committee will maintain complete control of speaker selection and content.
St. Louis Community College, the Missouri Nurses Association, and the American Nurses
Credentialing Center’s Commission of Accreditation do not endorse any commercial
product which may be on display at an educational activity or may be mentioned during a
presentation. Participants will be notified during the educational activity of any product use
for a purpose other than that for which it was approved by the Food & Drug Administration.
Allied Health Continuing Education of St. Louis Community College serves as a Community
Training Center for the American Heart Association whose mission is to reduce disability
and death from cardiovascular disease and stroke and set guidelines for emergency
cardiovascular care and training. The American Heart Association strongly promotes
knowledge and proficiency in BLS, ACLS and PALS and has developed instructional materials
for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course
sponsorship by the American Heart Association. Any fee charged for a course, except for a
portion of the fee needed for American Heart Association course material, does not represent
income to the Association.
Clinical and Field Work
Some degree and certificate programs offered by the college require students to obtain clinical
or other field experience as part of their course work. Students with criminal convictions or
drug use may have difficulty progressing in these programs. Hospitals and facilities may
mandate that a criminal background check and/or drug screening check (at
the student’s expense) may be conducted prior to placement in a clinical
or field setting. Students not passing these checks may be prohibited from
participating in the clinical or field experience, thus rendering the student
ineligible to satisfactorily meet the course/program requirements. Students
should contact an academic advisor or the program coordinator for further details.
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Registration: opens 8:30am, May 7
This training program for nurse assistants
meets requirements of the Missouri Omnibus
Nursing Act.
The course provides the required 75 hours
classroom instruction and 100 hours of
supervised on-the-job training. Class meets
twice a week for 20 sessions; each four
hours in length. The 100 hours of on-the-job
training are in addition to the scheduled class
Course content includes training in basic
nursing skills, fire safety, disaster training,
nursing home resident safety and rights,
the social and psychological problems of
nursing home residents, methods of caring
for mentally confused residents such as
those with Alzheimer’s disease and related
disorders, food service, personal care,
elimination, restorative nursing, infection
control and special procedures.
Upon successful completion of the course
the student is eligible to take the final
examination. A strict attendance policy is
enforced throughout this training.
Prerequisite: Family Care Safety Registry
Worker Registration letter is required at time
of registration. Only original letter will be
accepted. Letter cannot be older than six
Registration obtained online at www.dhss. Register in person only in
Continuing Education at Forest Park G 329.
Registration begins 5/7.
To enroll in this state approved training
program the student must be employable
in a skilled nursing facility or intermediate
care facility in direct resident care. This will
be assured by verification with the Family
Care Safety Registry Worker Registration,
state registry for nurse assistants, Exclusion
Database-Health and Human Services
Office of Inspector General (OIG) and
Excluded Parties Listing System (EPLS).
Intermediate or higher proficiency in English
is recommended
NURS:723 | $449
TuTh 4:30pm-8:30pm
Alverta Smith
June 12 – Aug 16
Forest Park - G Tower, 117 / 314-984-7777
Home Health Caregiver Training
Medical Terminology
Register IN PERSON ONLY at the W.J.Harrison
Education Center or Forest Park Continuing
Education. This training program is designed for those
seeking employment in the Home Health Caregiver
field. This 90 hour program will provide a combination
of classroom instruction, lab training and off-site
visits. Content includes: basic home health skills of
client hygiene, home safety, home environment
care, documentation, nutrition and fluid intake, vital
signs, body functions, infection control basics, body
mechanics, abuse and neglect reporting, psychosocial aspects of aging, communication with clients,
families, agencies and co-worker’s, basic medication
knowledge and CPR/First Aid training. Prerequisite:
Original copy of Family Care Safety Registry worker
registration letter from the Missouri Department of
Health and Senior Services required at the time of
registration. The Family Care Safety Registry worker
registration letter cannot be older than 6 months
when registering for the training. Family Care Safety
registration should be obtained online at www.dhss. To enroll in this training program the
student must be employable in a skilled nursing
facility or intermediate care facility in direct resident
care. Intermediate proficiency in English or higher is
recommended. A strict attendance policy is enforced
throughout this training. No class 5/28 and 7/4.
AHCE:701 | $670
This course is designed to familiarize the student
with medical terminology. Many medical words have
a structural design which can be divided into word
parts. Once these word parts are learned they can
be used to define the meaning of many other words.
Textbook required.
NURS:708 | $119
How to be a Successful Landlord
MW 4:30pm-9pm
May 21 – Aug 1
Harrison Ed Ctr, 206
EMT Core Curriculum
This course meets all the current requirements
for Missouri EMT-B license renewal. It includes
the assessment and care of the sick and injured,
pediatric and geriatric emergencies, childbirth,
defibrillation, hazardous material situations and the
use of adjunctive EMS equipment. Does not include
CPR. Attendance at first class is required. A strict
attendance policy is enforced. Course is not for initial
EMT-Basic training. Registration deadline 5/8.
EMSS:700 | $270
TuTh 6pm-10pm
May 8 – Aug 23
What are the standards of care, causation and damage
issues as they pertain to critical care litigation? This
course will review current litigation issues in critical
care through discussion as well as hands-on case
analysis. 4 contact hours.
This course meets an elective requirement for the LNC
noncredit certificate program.
NRSG:721 | $85
W 5:30pm-9:45pm
June 13
TuTh 6pm-8pm
John Thomas
June 5 – June 28 Meramec-Science South, 107
First Time Home Buyer Workshop
Designed for first time home buyers, you’ll learn the
steps to buying a home including loans, how payment
and interest rates are calculated, different loan types,
programs offered to first time buyers and much more.
REAL:701 | $25
Sa 12:30pm-3:30pm
Patricia Hutchinson
June 23
Florissant Valley-Business, 212
Landlords can lower property damages and eviction
costs by performing effective initial screening of
potential tenants. Learn how to be creative and to use
the telephone, interview, computer, rental application
and lease expectations to avoid an undesirable
tenant-landlord relationship. Lunch on your own.
REAL:720 | $55
Sa 9am-5pm
June 23
Mary Hankins
Forest Park - G Tower, 113
Norman Corley
Forest Park - G Tower, 121
Medical Legal Analysis of Critical Care
SCEUC, 204
Get Paid to Talk: Breaking into the
Voice-over Industry
Have you been told that you have a great voice? Have
you always wanted the independence to work from
home doing something you love? Learn how to get
started in the voice-over industry! This introductory
course will include a real-world overview of the
industry, including the good, the bad and the ugly
parts, from a St. Louis voice artist that has been in the
industry for over 26 years.
PERD:765 | $34
W 5:30pm-8:30pm
Troy Duran
June 13
Corporate College, MULTI
Sa 10am-1pm
Troy Duran
June 9
Meramec-Science West, 210
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Professional Development
Voice-overs: Making Money with
Your Voice
Sports and Fitness
If you enjoyed our introductory course, Get Paid
To Talk - Breaking Into the Voice-over Industry this is your next step! Voice-over professional Troy
Duran will guide you through real-life voice training
exercises and techniques to help you become a
performing professional. You should arrive with a
basic understanding of the voice-over business,
because this course dives right into the mechanics of
reading copy. At the end of the class, you’ll also have
a basic grasp of capturing your performance using
recording software, and be able to take home a copy
of your personal session’s voice-over! Pre-requisite:
Get Paid to Talk - Breaking Into the Voiceover Industry.
Bring 1Gb flash drive.
PERD:765 | $34
Orientation to Fitness Training
681Sa 10am-12pm
Troy Duran
July 14
Meramec-Humanities East, 112
Acting for the Camera
Lights! Camera! Action! This class will explore how to
audition for on-camera commercials and scene work
for movies. Students will be taped and will have the
opportunity to have their in class work played back
and reviewed for them. Students will be given the
secrets to audition for professional level commercials
and films. Instructor Kim Swanson, CSA is the first
person in the State of Missouri to be accepted into
The Casting Society of America. No class 7/4.
THTR:701 | $69
M01W 8pm-9pm
June 20 – Aug 8
Hi-Pointe Dance Studio
This FREE 1-hour Personal Fitness Training Orientation
is designed to provide information for anyone
interested in the fitness profession or in becoming a
nationally certified personal trainer. This presentation
includes a brief overview of the industry and
professional trends, a look at the study materials
while allowing ample time for a Q & A session. Topics
include personal training, group fitness, older adult
fitness, youth fitness, fitness management and aqua
fitness. Although this is a free orientation, student
registration is required.
480Sa 10am-11am
May 19
Forest Park - G Tower, 119
C50W 6:30pm-7:30pm
May 23
Corporate College, MULTI
Personal Fitness Trainer Certification
Join this fun field and be a part of what the U.S.
Labor Department and the fitness industry have
documented as a high demand profession. Whether
a desired career move or for your own personal
knowledge, get all the information you need to
challenging course is taught over a 5-week period
for better retention and skill competency. The
National Exam is held on the 6th week. Fifteen hours
of lectures include, but are not limited to, anatomy,
exercise physiology, nutrition, health screening, etc.
In addition, 15 hours of “hands on” practical training
prepares you to actually work with clients one on
one. Certification requires passing the written and
practical exam, completing a 30-hour internship and
having current CPR/AED credentials. Text required bring to first class: Fitness Professionals Handbook,
5th edition. Please call 888-330-9487 for pricing and
to order book. Due to the specialized nature of this
TO THE CLASS START DATE. In case of an emergency,
Continuing Education must be notified in writing
within one week of a missed class. Makeup class may
be arranged on an individualized basis by the program
GED. Class is not eligible for Senior Scholarship.
PEDU:753 | $599
481June 9 – July 14 Sa 9am-12pm
Forest Park - G Tower, 115
Sa 12:05pm-4pm Forest Park-Phys. Ed
Like us at
St. Louis
Website and Graphic
For Computer Applications and
Systems training, see the Computer
Applications and Systems section
at the beginning of Professional
Development. For Introductory
Computer Courses, see Personal
Computing in the Lifelong Learning
section of this catalog.
Dreamweaver CS4: In a Day
Learn the basics of Dreamweaver CS4 in one day! You
will learn the basics in the Dreamweaver environment;
how to create and enhance documents; basic
formatting skills; how to create and manage a new
site with site maps and templates; how to link pages
using anchors; work with images, tables and frames;
and how to publish your web site. Prerequisite:
Windows Introduction class or equivalent experience.
HTML experience recommended. Bring a thumb/flash
COMP:745 | $99
931Sa 9am-4pm
June 2
Create Your Own Website with
Anyone can learn how to create their own website in
just a few hours using WordPress, the most popular
website creator tool on the Internet. WordPress is
used by almost 15% of the top 1 million websites and,
as of August 2011, powers 22% of all new websites.
Whether you are just a beginner using graphically
based templates or want to get down into the nittygritty code, WordPress is your answer and it’s FREE
and you don’t have to be a techie! Do It Yourself with
your creativity and Wordpress. Walk away from this
class with a basic website and the skills to go as far
as you want. The sky’s the limit. Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:745 | $99
930Sa 9am-4pm
June 16
932F 9am-4pm
July 20
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
Jerry Bearden
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Jerry Bearden
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Create Your Business Website with
Anyone can learn how to create their own website in
just a few hours using WordPress, the most popular
website creator tool on the Internet. WordPress is
used by almost 15% of the top 1 million websites and,
as of August 2011, powers 22% of all new websites.
Whether you are just a beginner using graphically
based templates or want to get down into the nittygritty code, WordPress is your answer and it’s FREE
and you don’t have to be a techie! DIY with your
creativity and Wordpress. Walk away from this class
with a basic website and the skills to go as far as
you want. The sky’s the limit. Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:745 | $139
C01Tu 9am-4pm
July 10
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Jerry Bearden
Corporate College, 206 / 314-984-7777
Professional development
Adobe Photoshop CS4: In a Day
Learn the Basics of Adobe Photoshop CS4 in a day!
You will learn how to manipulate digital images
from a digital camera, previously scanned images,
or internet graphics. Concepts covered include
Selection Tools, Paintbrush Tools, Layers and Cloning.
Students will work hands-on with a wide variety of
images. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class or
equivalent experience.
COMP:755 | $99
930F 9am-4pm
June 8
931Sa 9am-4pm
July 21
Francis Zych
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Francis Zych
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Photoshop Elements 9: Basic Overview
This entry level course will introduce you to the
basics of this incredible program. First we will learn
the terminology of the program. Then we will touch
on the “organizer” feature of Elements 9 and learn
what it does and what it can do for you. Next you will
launch into the “editor” section including the tool bar
and palette and edit a photo with basic techniques.
Finally, we will embark on the “create” section
and catch a glimpse of its amazing creativity. This
course is designed to prepare you for the specialty
classes of Adobe Elements 9. Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class and Digital Pictures Introduction
class or equivalent experience.
COMP:755 | $59
S50Tu 6pm-9pm
June 12 – June 26
Photoshop Elements 9: Restoring Old
In this class you will learn a few methods for inputting
old photographs into a digital format and then fixing
its flaws such as tears, wrinkles and creases and bad
coloring issues. This course will cover only the “editor”
portion of Adobe Elements. Class will be taught using
Adobe Elements 9. Prerequisite: Adobe Photoshop
Elements - Basic Overview class or equivalent
COMP:755 | $25
S51Tu 6pm-9pm
July 24
Jerry Bearden
SCEUC, 206
Adobe Photoshop CS5: Introduction
This course, utilizing Adobe Photoshop CS5 software,
shows students how to manipulate digital images
from a digital camera, previously scanned images,
or internet graphics. Concepts covered include
Selection Tools, Paintbrush Tools, Layers and Masking.
Students will work hands-on with a wide variety of
images. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class or
equivalent experience.
COMP:755 | $99
680Su 12pm-3pm
June 3 – June 24
Adobe Photoshop CS5: Intermediate
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Intermediate covers
advanced techniques of the concepts learned in the
introductory class, along with Channels, Sharpening,
Actions, Advanced Filters, Color control, and Basic
Web Graphics Creation. Students will work hands-on
with a wide variety of images. Prerequisite: Adobe
Photoshop Introduction class.
COMP:755 | $115
681Su 12pm-3pm
July 8 – July 29
Francis Zych
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 203
Adobe Photoshop CS5: In a Day
Learn the Basics of Adobe Photoshop CS5 in a day!
You will learn how to manipulate digital images
from a digital camera, previously scanned images,
or internet graphics. Concepts covered include
Selection Tools, Paintbrush Tools, Layers and Masking.
Students will work hands-on with a wide variety of
images. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class or
equivalent experience.
COMP:755 | $99
C01W 9am-4pm
July 18
Francis Zych
Corporate College, 206
Francis Zych
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 203
Jerry Bearden
SCEUC, 206
Gateway to Franchising
s e m i na r
June 6, 2012 • 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • 3221 McKelvey Road • Bridgeton, MO 63044-2551
The Gateway to Franchising Seminar is a one day in-depth event to present the story of
franchising, one of the most transformative business and marketing strategies globally.
The seminar will focus on how this dynamic model is impacting our society by reviewing the latest
research and trends and presenting stimulating ideas and opportunities in the sector. Strategic
break-out sessions include, Buying a Franchise, Franchise Enhancement, Serving the Franchise
Sector and Social Sector Franchising.
Call 314-984-7777 to register.
BUSS:730 C01 | 20619
Wednesday, June 6, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
$199 fee includes continental breakfast and lunch / 314-984-7777
About the presenter:
Ben Litalien is a Certified Franchise
Executive (CFE), and is the founder
and principal of FranchiseWell, LLC.
He is dedicated to the improvement
and enhancement of franchising. Ben
has invested over two decades in the
franchise community with a broad range
of key management and franchisebuilding experience.
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Lifelong Learning
S t. L o u i s C o m m u n i t y C o ll e g e
Lifelong learning
Ecology and
Backyard Chickens for the Novice
Have you ever wondered about keeping chickens
in an urban or suburban yard? Learn about local
ordinances/where to find more information for your
area, the benefits of keeping chickens, appropriate
housing and feeding, and different methods for
keeping your chickens healthy and happy. Instructor
has a professional background in the commercial
animal feed industry and is an enthusiastic and
knowledgeable healthy chicken farmer!
ECOL:700 | $29
680Sa 9am-1pm
June 23
Guy Niere
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 114
Beyond the Coop: Backyard Chickens
for the Slightly Experienced
We will review the basics of raising chickens in your
backyard - local ordinances, benefits, housing,
feeding and health. Beyond these basics we will
look at possible diseases, parasites and treatments;
chicken anatomy and egg development; incubation
and broody hatching; culling and processing; breed
characteristics, showing and judging for standards of
perfection, supporting heritage breeds; and changing
ordinances. Bring your questions to class!
ECOL:700 | $29
681Sa 9am-1pm
July 14
Indoor Composting: Worm Bins
An Environmental Ethics Primer
Up to 20% of household trash can be composted! In
these hands-on sessions you will construct and learn
to maintain an indoor composting system capable
of decomposing food and house plant trimmings
for a family of four. In a vermicomposting system,
red wiggler worms process plant-matter scraps
to produce a natural fertilizer and soil conditioner
that your houseplants will love. Class offered in
collaboration with the Missouri Botanical Garden
Earthways Center. All equipment & materials included
in fee. Leave class with a working indoor composting
system in the form of a worm bin.
ECOL:700 | $75
Is there such a thing as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ when it
comes to the environment? This class will explore
whether we have a moral duty to act in a certain way,
and how individuals can foster systems of beliefs and
norms that value all life on earth. We’ll also carefully
scrutinize guilty obligations to future generations
and ethical principles designed to engender a sense
of responsible earth citizenship. Class offered by the
Earthways Center of Missouri Botanical Gardens.
ECOL:700 | $29
651W 7pm-8:30pm
June 6
653M 7pm-8:30pm
June 25
Katy Mike Smaistrla
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 124
Katy Mike Smaistrla
Meramec-Science West, 106
Indoor Composting: Making Bokashi
Up to 20% of household trash can be composted! In
these hands-on sessions you will construct and learn
to maintain an indoor composting system capable of
decomposing food and house plant trimmings for
a family of four. In a space-saving bokashi system,
effective microorganisms transform all types of
kitchen waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment.
Class offered in collaboration with the Missouri
Botanical Garden Earthways Center. All equipment
and materials provided and included in fee. Leave
class with a working indoor composting system in the
form of a bokashi bucket.
ECOL:700 | $75
652Tu 7pm-8:30pm
Katy Mike Smaistrla
June 12
Meramec-Science West, 106
Guy Niere
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 114
Rethinking Reuse: Textile Upcycling
This particular learning lab will begin with scientific
experimentation to categorize the characteristics of
the material (gently worn textiles), and then move
on to multiple techniques for working with the
material as an artistic medium before ending with
a brief studio session in which students can create
their own work. Bring a sharp pair of scissors you can
comfortably handle. Other supplies will be provided.
ECOL:700 | $29
654Tu 7pm-9pm
Katy Mike Smaistrla
June 26
Meramec-Humanities East, 231
Rethinking Reuse: Plastic Upcycling
This particular learning lab will begin with scientific
experimentation to categorize the characteristics of
the material (plastic), and then move on to multiple
techniques for working with the material as an artistic
medium before ending with a brief studio session
in which students can create their own work. Bring
a utility knife your can comfortably handle. Other
supplies will be provided.
ECOL:700 | $29
650Tu 7pm-9pm
Katy Mike Smaistrla
June 5
Meramec-Humanities East, 231
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Lifelong learning
Finance and
Preserving Capital and Making it Grow:
A Winning Strategy for Good Times and
This class is designed to empower the individual
investor with strategies for stock market success as
used by successful investors of our time. Week one
covers Historical Precedent and How It Applies Today.
Week two guides you in Selecting and Purchasing the
Best Investments. Week three lets you know When to
Protect Yourself by Selling Investments. Week four
covers Minimizing Potential Risk While Maximizing
Potential Gain. Instructor owns and operates an
investment firm that has successfully avoided the
Fall 2008 collapse of the US Stock Market. Lunch not
FINC:714 | $79
580Sa 9am-4pm
Brian Bingham
June 23 – June 30
Florissant Valley-Business, 120
Retire with Confidence
Firearm Safety for Concealed Carry
Thinking about retirement? Find out how you can
prepare ahead of time to achieve your retirement
dreams. You will learn about income planning, sources
of retirement income and the ins and outs of social
security benefits. This class will also present strategies
to protect your retirement savings by reducing risk
and volatility. You will also learn about employer
distribution options, lump sum versus income stream
and how relocation will affect your retirement plans.
FINC:736 | $19
Course meets the requirements of the Concealed
Carry Missouri Law. Your instructor is a certified police
officer firearm safety instructor. YOU MUST SHOOT
(any caliber of your choice). If you can please bring
the gun you intend to carry or use to qualify with.
The instructor will provide the other gun but you
will need to provide the 70 rounds of ammunition
(factory only) for that gun. The guns he has available
SEMI-AUTO. (No magnum or plus P loads for the
revolver and no reloads for safety reasons). Guns are
not allowed on campus. In addition, bring a picture
ID proving you are at least 21 years old. Finally, bring
a check or money order made payable to Berkeley
Police Department for $25 to pay for use of the
range. Course includes earplugs, goggles, target, and
documentation needed to secure your permit if you
successfully complete the course. SOME HANDGUN
GNSF:700 | $119
350Tu 7pm-9pm
June 12
Understanding Retirement Healthcare
and Social Security
As people approach retirement, a common concern
is the answer to the question, “What if I get sick?” This
class will prepare you to make important decisions
about your healthcare by helping you to understand
your health insurance options. You will learn about
healthcare decisions to be made before and at
retirement including what Medicare does and does
not offer in plain English. You will also learn about
Social Security, the original source of guaranteed
income for life, including how it can pay to delay, how
your Social Security income will be taxed, and the
little-understood effect of earned income on Social
Security benefits.
FINC:736 | $19
351Tu 7pm-9pm
June 19
Financial Workshop: Your Source for
Financial Education
Financial education is a critical step in helping you
achieve a better future. This workshop offers clear
and practical investing education in a convenient
and comfortable format. You will gain a good
understanding of the key principles of saving and
investing as well as strategies to help you reach
your long-term goals. Topics will include the basics
of stocks, bonds and mutual funds, making sense of
retirement, estate planning, tax-free investing, longterm care insurance and managing financial risk.
Bring calculator to class.
FINC:736 | $55
650W 7pm-9:15pm
Brendan Kane
July 18 – Aug 8 Meramec-Social Science, 105
Steve Glazer
Wildwood, 224
Steve Glazer
Wildwood, 224
Firearm and Home
Firearm Safety: Beginning Skills
If you have never shot a handgun, this is the course for
you. You will focus on safety, loading and unloading,
using ammunition and marksmanship. You will
discuss cleaning, storing and using accessories such
as grips and holsters. Course meets 8am-12noon on
campus, 1-5pm at the range. BEFORE COMING TO
TAGGED. If you don’t own one then you can use the
instructor’s (We do prefer that you use your own). The
guns he has available are a .38 SPECIAL REVOLVER and
a 22 LONG RIFLE SEMI-AUTO. Ammunition—bring 100
rounds—may be kept in your car for use at the range.
You must check in by 7:45am. If you do not check in
with the campus police you will not be admitted to
class. There are NO exceptions. Guns are not allowed
on campus. In addition, bring a picture ID proving you
are at least 21. Finally, bring a check or money order
for $25 made payable to Berkeley Police Department
for use of the range.
GNSF:701 | $69
580Sa 8am-5pm
Jack Bender
June 9
Florissant Valley-Social Science, 108 / 314-984-7777
Florissant Valley
580Sa 8am-8pm
Jack Bender
June 23 Florissant Valley-Social Science, 108
The classroom portion meets from 8am-4pm;
one hour range time is scheduled after that.
Guns are not allowed on campus. After class you
will pick up your gun(s) from the Campus Police
Office and report to the range at your assigned
680SaSu 8am-2pm
Jack Bender
July 21 – July 22
Meramec-Science West, 210
Course meets Saturday on campus, and Sunday at
the range. Guns are not allowed on campus. You
will receive detailed range instructions during the
classroom portion.
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Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Lifelong learning
GED and Test Prep
Adult Basic Education (including
GED) and English as a Second
St. Louis Community College at Meramec
offers these programs in the following school
districts: Affton, Bayless, Kirkwood, Lindbergh,
Mehlville, Valley Park and Webster Groves.
Call 314-984-7777 for more information
Please note: Graduates of the St. Louis
C.C.-Meramec GED program who are
also Mehlville School District residents
are eligible to receive an honorary
degree from Mehlville and participate in
their commencement ceremonies at the
end of the year. For more information
contact the Director of Alternative
Programs-Mark Catalana, mcatalana@, 314-467-5261.
City of St. Louis Public Schools: 314-367-5000
Serving the school districts of St. Louis city,
Ferguson-Florissant, Hancock Place, Jennings,
Normandy, Riverview Gardens, and Wellston
Parkway Schools:
Serving the school districts of Brentwood,
Clayton, Hazelwood, Pattonville, Ladue,
Maplewood, Richmond Heights and Parkway
Rockwood Schools:
Serving the school district of Rockwood
Ritenour Schools:
Serving the school district of Ritenour
University City Schools:
Serving the school district of University City
Hi-Tech Charities:
314-389-5737 ext. 112
Adult Basic Education program serving North
St. Louis
GED Exam-offered at the Forest Park campus.
Call 314-644-9251 for exam dates.
GED Test Preparation
This course will help prepare you to take the GED
examination for high school equivalency. It will
feature classroom instruction for all five GED tests:
Writing Skills, Social Studies, Science, Interpreting
Literature and the Arts, and Mathematics. Practice
tests will also be given. Textbook required. You must
have a working knowledge of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. Attendance the first
week is required. Reading assessment required prior
to registration.
GEDU:701 | $119
400TuTh 1pm-4pm
Linda McBride
June 12 – Aug 2
Forest Park - G Tower, 113
450TuTh 6:30pm-9pm
Carolyn Jackson
June 5 – Aug 14
Forest Park - G Tower, 115
No Class 7/3
500MW 9:15am-12:15pm
Paul Matteson
June 4 – July 30
Florissant Valley-Eng. Bldg, 158
No Class 7/4
550TuTh 6pm-9pm
Cherie Hyman
June 19 – Aug 14
Florissant Valley-Eng. Bldg, 272 No Class 7/3
A Tale of Three Presidents - 100 Years
Look back 100 years to 1912 when Theodore
Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson
contested for the Presidency. We’ll examine how the
political parties split and formed and friendships
shattered, then consider how that historical contest
still shapes our nation today.
HIST:709 | $19
650Th 7pm-9pm
June 21
James Gallen
Meramec-Social Science, 105
persons planning to travel in Canada or Europe.
Concentration will be on the oral use of the language
in dealing with everyday situations. No text required.
Bring a pocket folder, notebook and pen.
FLFR:702 | $99
650MW 7pm-9pm
Marcel Kyle
July 9 – Aug 1
Meramec-Communications South, 211
French Conversation: Intermediate
Designed for individuals who have taken French
Conversation: Beg II or who previously studied French
and need a more advanced refresher. Concentration
will be on the oral use of the language dealing with
everyday situations. No text required. Bring a pocket
folder, notebook and pen.
FLFR:705 | $99
650TuTh 7pm-9pm
Marcel Kyle
July 10 – Aug 2
Meramec-Communications South, 211
Languages and ESL
Introduction to the Chinese Language
and Culture
The Chinese culture has thousands of years of diverse
history with many unique customs and a language
filled with great significance. Learn how the Chinese
culture influences how people work and live. Business
practices and social meetings will also be discussed.
You’ll receive a brief introduction to speaking and
listening to the language. Continental breakfast
FLCH:708 | $25
C01Tu 7:30am-9:30am
June 12
Jane Kosinski
Corporate College, THTR
Chinese for First Timers
If you’ve never learned a word of Chinese, this course
is for you. You’ll be introduced to pronunciation, the
Pin Yin system, greetings, and basic sentences. No text
FLCH:702 | $49
650M 7pm-9pm
June 18 – July 9
Meramec-Social Science, 105
French for the Traveler
A quick, easy, and very practical course in the
language. Learn survival phrases, how to read menus,
understand cultural differences, transportation
schedules and more. A jump-start course in the
French language for smart travelers. No text required.
Bring a pocket folder, notebook and pen.
FLFR:701 | $69
German for the Traveler
An easy and practical introduction to the language.
Learn survival phrases, how to read signs, menus,
transportation schedules, and more. Understand
cultural differences and be prepared to enjoy your
adventure. A jump-start course for smart travelers.
Text required-bring to first class.
FLGE:701 | $69
650Tu 6:30pm-9:30pm
Bryan Young
June 12 – June 26 Meramec-Bus. Admin, 205
600MW 4:30pm-6:30pm
Marcel Kyle
July 9 – July 25
Meramec-Communications South, 211
French Conversation: Beginning I
In a relaxed and informal atmosphere you will learn
practical vocabulary, correct pronunciation, and the
basic sentence structure necessary to understand
and use the French language. Especially helpful for
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Lifelong learning
Italian for the Traveler
Spanish Conversation: Beginning II
An easy and practical introduction to the Italian
language. Emphasis will be on conversation for
transportation, food, lodging, and basic shopping as
well as observation of cultural differences. A jumpstart course for smart travelers. Text required-bring to
first class.
FLIT:701 | $69
This class is for students who have some experience
with the Spanish language. You will continue to
increase your knowledge of the Spanish language
including speaking, grammar and vocabulary.
Prerequisite: Conversational Spanish - Beginning I
or equivalent experience. Text required-bring to first
FLSP:704 | $99
600M 4pm-6pm
Annunciata Buzzai
June 11 – July 16 Meramec-Social Science, 109
650M 7pm-9pm
Annunciata Buzzai
June 11 – July 16 Meramec-Social Science, 109
Japanese Conversation: Beginning I
This class introduces the Japanese language and
culture through conversation. The goal is mastery of
the basic grammatical structures. Cultural aspects
of the class include customs, modern topics and
traditions. No text required, handouts provided. One
class will be held at a Japanese restaurant - cost not
included in fee. Date and location TBA. Provide own
FLJP:702 | $99
480Sa 10am-12pm
June 9 – July 28
450Tu 7pm-9pm
Lorenzo Gonzalez
June 12 – July 31
Forest Park - G Tower, 111
650W 7pm-9pm
Ann Matthews
June 13 – Aug 8
Meramec-Communications South, 119
No Class 7/4
Personal Computers - Introduction: In
a Day
A beginning course presenting the basic sentence
structure and vocabulary necessary to participate
in elementary Spanish conversation and to begin
reading short Spanish passages. Additional lab hours
required. Available for credit as SPA 101.301. No class
FLSP:701 | $352
Learn the basics of using a PC in a day! This course
emphasizes hands-on experience using a personal
computer to teach essential concepts and computer
commands. Basic terms regarding computer
hardware and software, and basic skills regarding the
use of PCs and the Internet are covered.
COMP:701 | $99
Wildwood, 301
480Sa 9am-4pm
June 2
Spanish Conversation: Beginning I
550W 6:30pm-8:30pm
Maria de la Garza
June 6 – Aug 1
Florissant Valley-Communications, 113 No class 7/4
450M 7pm-9pm
Lorenzo Gonzalez
June 11 – July 30
Forest Park - G Tower, 111
650M 6:30pm-8:30pm
Ann Matthews
June 11 – July 30
Meramec-Communications South, 119
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St. Louis
Education / 314-984-7777
550W 5pm-7pm
Amy Miller
June 13 – July 25
Florissant Valley-Communications, 111
For Computer applications see
Computer Applications and Systems
in Professional Development. For web
design and Photoshop, see the Web and
Graphic Design section in Professional
Elementary Spanish I
In a relaxed and informal atmosphere you will learn
practical vocabulary, correct pronunciation and the
basic sentence structure necessary to understand and
use the Spanish language. Text required-bring to first
FLSP:702 | $99
This class will keep your skills in shape! Improve sign
to voice skills in ASL lexicon comprehension. Improve
your voice to sign skills in producing effective
finger spelling and numbers, producing effective
lexicon and classifiers, the appropriate use of space
and grammar, and maintaining composure and
appearance. No class 7/4.
SIGN:765 | $69
Personal Computing
Satoko Kimzey
Forest Park - G Tower, 119
230MTuWTh 9am-11:45am
June 4 – July 13
Skills Enhancement for the Student
Denise Rieves
Forest Park - E Tower, 310
Personal Computers: Introduction
Spanish Conversation: Intermediate
This course is designed for continued expansion of
conversational skills in Spanish through focus on
everyday vocabulary and situations. Basic grammar
and sentence structure will be examined and
reviewed. Aspects of Latino culture will be introduced
and highlighted as topics of conversation throughout
the class. Prerequisite: Conversational Spanish Beginning II or equivalent experience. Text requiredbring to first class.
FLSP:705 | $99
650Th 6:30pm-8:30pm
Ann Matthews
June 14 – Aug 2
Meramec-Communications North, 230
Sign Language: Beginning
Learn the fundamentals of ASL including finger
spelling and hand signs. A brief overview of deaf
culture will be discussed. Text required-bring to first
class. No class 7/14.
SIGN:701 | $89
550W 5pm-7pm
Steven DeShetler
June 6 – Aug 1
Florissant Valley-Communications, 137
Build a strong foundation for your computer skills.
This course emphasizes hands-on experience using
a PC to teach essential concepts and commands
and develop user confidence. Basic terms regarding
computer hardware and software are covered, as are
basics regarding the use of computers, printers, and
drives. It’s a class designed for those with little or no
computer skills.
COMP:701 | $99
S01Tu 9am-12pm
May 29 – June 19
Patti Bossi
SCEUC, 206
Introduction to Craigslist
Craigslist is a fantastic website and provides a
wonderful community service to cities all over the
United States. This site is about more than just buying
and selling. Come find out what all of the hype is
about! Prerequisite: Windows - Introduction class or
equivalent experience.
COMP:742 | $25
681Su 12:30pm-3:30pm
Rachel Bufalo
July 15
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 212
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Lifelong learning
Adobe Illustrator CS5: Introduction
Facebook is everywhere and demographics for 2010
in the US show an explosion in growth for older
adults. In a few more years communicating on this
social networking site will be as second nature to you
as email. Come and learn how to navigate this fun and
exciting site! Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class
or equivalent experience.
COMP:742 | $25
This course is designed for students with little
or no working knowledge of creating vector art
objects or typographic designs for print. Students
will gain an understanding of the tools, menus
and palettes required to create and edit vector art
object and typographic designs, using color on
layers. Prerequisite: Windows Introduction class or
equivalent experience.
COMP:752 | $99
680Su 12:30pm-3:30pm
Rachel Bufalo
June 17
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 212
350Th 6pm-9pm
Jerry Bearden
July 12
Wildwood, 207
Introduction to eBay:
Buying and Selling
Come join the millions buying and selling on eBay.
This hands-on course will teach you: to choose a
UserID, to search for items, to bid, win auctions, to sell
items-including fees, to add a picture, to complete
a sale, ship and what to do if an item doesn’t sell.
Look at other eBay issues: safety measures, feedback,
what to do if you receive “spam” from eBay use and
keeping updated on changes. Prerequisite: Windows
Introduction class or equivalent experience.
COMP:742 | $39
S52Th 6:30pm-9pm
June 21 – June 28
William Bearden
SCEUC, 206
S50Th 6pm-9pm
June 7 – June 28
Jane Kaiser
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 212
Science and
Conquering Math Anxiety
What is Math Anxiety and why are so many
people intimidated by math? This course will
following learning principles to enable students to
approach math from a perspective of curiosity and
empowerment as opposed to anxiety and fear. What
will clearly be demonstrated and communicated
is that everyone can meaningfully master math naturally, enthusiastically and with fun.
MATH:715 | $35
400Th 6pm-8pm
May 24 – June 7
Chemistry Warm-up: Math Review for
Chemistry (CHM 101 or CHM 105)
Don’t let Chemistry get you down! Get a head start on
the materials you will need to succeed in Chemistry
(CHM:101 or CHM:105). Topics include algebra review,
calculator operations, scientific notation, metric
system, dimensional analysis, and study skills.
MATH:752 | $59
600WThF 8am-12pm
Suzanne Saum
May 30 – June 1 Meramec-Social Science, 111
Dissection for Adults
Were you always interested in science as a youth?
Well it’s not too late to put on your aprons and gloves
and explore the inside structures found in these
specimens! You’ll learn to use dissection equipment
properly and to identify the organs. Possible
dissection specimens include pig, shark, snake and
SCIE:701 | $49
650Th 6pm-9pm
June 7
Jeanne Schulte
Meramec-Science South, 106
Allen Jones
Forest Park - G Tower, 111
Enhance your employability
by mastering advanced skills with Accelerated Training Classes
through St. Louis Community College.
The Business Office Application Training (BOAT) program is an
intensive, 10-week certificate program offering diverse adult
learners the practical skills necessary to compete in today’s business offices at entry level. Microsoft Word and Excel
Certifications are available.
The new Medical Intake Information Specialist (MIIS)
program is an accelerated 8-week certificate course of study
designed to provide focused, skills-based professional
education for students 19 years of age or older who are
seeking to enter the medical/healthcare support industry.
The Business Technology Training (BTT) program is an accelerated
10-week certificate program offering diverse adult learners the advanced
technical and business skills necessary to differentiate themselves in
today’s competitive job market. Microsoft Certification included.
For more information contact the MET
Center at 314-746-0800.
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
S t. L o u i s C o m m u n i t y C o ll e g e
Personal interest
Tennis for Youth: Pee Wee - Ages 4-6
Swimming for Children: Beginning
Activities for Kids
and Families
This is a series of group lessons specifically designed
to introduce a young child, 4-6 years of age, to the
game of tennis. The class will include eye-hand
coordination exercises as well as building skills for
forehand, backhand, serve and volley. Tennis balls
provided. Prince rackets available for use in class.
KIDS:709 | $72
You’ll learn to swim like a fish-maybe a shark-while
practicing beginning swimming strokes & personal
water safety skills & overcoming any fear you may
have of the water. Ages 5 & up.
KIDS:720 | $39
Karate For Kids - 10 Sessions
M02Sa 4pm-5pm
June 2 – July 7
Karate for Kids is a program designed to build selfconfidence, self-esteem, and self-discipline. It teaches
the basic concepts of karate as well as self-control,
coordination and focus. Safety and fun are the most
important elements of this program. The instructor is
a 6th degree black belt with over 30 years of teaching
experience and is certified through the American
Council of Martial Arts. For boys and girls ages 4-10.
KIDS:707 | $59
M01Sa 10am-11am
Timothy Toeniskoetter
June 9 – Aug 11 The Martial Arts Cntr (Mehlvl)
Mark Platt
Forest Lake Tennis Club
Tennis for Youth: Beginning I & II - Ages
Class designed for beginners and those who need to
brush up on the basics. Techniques covered include
forehand, backhand, serve, volley, basic strategy
as well as drill exercises. Players will be grouped
according to ability. Ages 7-10. Tennis balls provided.
KIDS:709 | $72
580Sa 9am-10am
Mark Platt
June 2 – July 7
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, TENNIS
M03Sa 4pm-5pm
Mark Platt
June 2 – July 7
Forest Lake Tennis Club
720Sa 10am-11am
Mark Platt
June 2 – July 7
Ladue Middle School
M01Th 6pm-7pm
Mark Platt
June 7 – July 12
Queeny Park Rec Complex
Golf for Youth: Beginning - 6 Sessions
Ages 12-15
Beginning Golf for children. Ages 12-15. Class limit 6.
Extra fee for balls. 6 sessions.
KIDS:710 | $59
890Th 5pm-6pm
May 24 – June 28
Tower Tee Golf Center
Golf for Youth: Beginning - Ages 7-12
Beginning Golf for children. Ages 7-12. Class limit 6.
Extra fee for balls. 4 sessions.
KIDS:710 | $45
Karate for Kids - 8 Sessions
This program is designed to build self-confidence,
self-esteem, and self-discipline. It teaches the basic
concepts of karate as well as self-control, coordination
and focus. Safety and fun are the most important
elements of this program. For boys and girls ages
KIDS:707 | $49
V01Sa 10am-11am
June 2 – July 21
880Sa 9am-10am
June 2 – June 23
891Sa 10am-11am
June 2 – June 23
810W 6pm-7pm
July 11 – Aug 1
811Sa 10am-11am
June 2 – June 23
The First Tee
Tower Tee Golf Center
Big Bend Golf Center
580Sa 12pm-12:45pm
Jeanne Schulte
June 9 – July 28
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
581Sa 1pm-1:45pm
Jeanne Schulte
June 9 – July 28
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
582Sa 2pm-2:45pm
Jeanne Schulte
June 9 – July 28
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
584Sa 4pm-4:45pm
Jeanne Schulte
June 9 – July 28
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
Swimming for Children: Intermediate
You’ll build strength and breath control, refine your
stroke and continue to learn about water safety in this
fun class. Must be able to swim without a flotation
device. Ages 5 & up.
KIDS:720 | $39
583Sa 3pm-3:45pm
Jeanne Schulte
June 9 – July 28
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
Piano: Beginning
Learn music theory and note names and practice
melody. By the end of the course you’ll be able to
play songs. Ages 9 and up. Text required - bring to
first class.
KIDS:737 | $49
500M-F 1pm-2pm
Christina Springer
July 23 – Aug 3
Florissant Valley-Communications, 114
Guitar: Beginning
You’ll learn basic music theory, how to read easy and
basic guitar chords. Ages 12 and up. Must bring own
acoustic guitar. Text required - bring to first class.
KIDS:737 | $49
501M-F 2pm-3pm
Christina Springer
July 23 – Aug 3
Florissant Valley-Communications
Big Bend Golf Center
Martial Arts Cntr (Florissant) / 314-984-7777
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Activities for Older
Line Dancing for Older Adults:
Come learn fun line dances you can do without
a partner. This is a great class if you’re single or in a
group of friends who want to dance. So put on your
dancing shoes and learn the hottest new line dances
as well as the all-time classics. Be prepared for lots
of fun, cardiovascular exercise, and meeting good
SENR:703 | $49
Digital Camera Basics After You’ve
Taken a Picture
Social Security Benefits America:
Medicare and Medicare Drug Programs
Well, you took the picture, now what do you do?
In our short course you’ll find out what to do with
those pictures stored in your digital camera. You’ll
learn to install software, connect your camera to your
computer, and how to download your pictures. In
addition, you’ll practice simple picture enhancement.
Finally, you’ll explore printing, e-mailing, and
archiving your pictures.
SENR:705 | $19
SENR:766 | No Fee
303Tu 1pm-3pm
July 24
500F 9am-12pm
July 6
Lawrence Behle
Florissant Valley-Business, 139
M01F 12:30pm-1:30pm
Gerry Strait
June 1 – July 6 Affton White-Rodgers CC, GYM
M02F 12:30pm-1:30pm
Gerry Strait
July 20 – Aug 24 Affton White-Rodgers CC, GYM
M03F 1:45pm-2:45pm
Gerry Strait
June 1 – July 6 Affton White-Rodgers CC, GYM
M04F 1:45pm-2:45pm
Gerry Strait
July 20 – Aug 24 Affton White-Rodgers CC, GYM
Yoga for Seniors
Social Security Benefits America:
Retirement-How Do You Qualify for
How do you qualify for retirement benefits? Learn
how to estimate your benefits using the online
retirement estimator. You will learn the rules for
working and receiving benefits and find out about
benefits for family members and Medicare enrollment
periods. Registration required. Class offered by the
Social Security Administration.
SENR:766 | No Fee
300Tu 1pm-3pm
June 12
M01Th 10am-11am
May 31 – July 19
What are disability benefits? Who qualifies for
disability benefits? What does it mean to be “insured”
for Social Security Benefits? Learn about the process
of filing for Disability, what happens once you file
your application and how to appeal the decision if
necessary. Registration required. Class offered by the
Social Security Administration.
Yoga for Seniors: Mini-Session
Open your mind to a new understanding of your
body. Gentle, slow-paced combination of stretch and
strength work. Introduction to pranayama, breath
work and meditation. Great for calming and relieving
stress. Bring a yoga mat, towel and water.
SENR:704 | $45
M02Th 10am-11am
July 26 – Aug 16
Masterpeace Studios
Wildwood, 204
Social Security Benefits America:
Disability-Basic Eligibility &
Entitlement Factors
SENR:766 | No Fee
301Tu 1pm-3pm
June 26
Wildwood, 204
Social Security Benefits America: What
Every Woman Should Know About
Social Security
As a woman what challenges will you face in the
retirement years? Learn about Spousal Benefits,
Widow’s Benefits and Divorced Spouse’s Benefits.
Registration required. Class offered by the Social
Security Administration.
SENR:766 | No Fee
302Tu 1pm-3pm
July 10
Social Security Benefits America:
Caregivers/Representative Payees-What
Your Need to Know
SENR:766 | No Fee
304Tu 1pm-3pm
Aug 7
Open your mind to a new understanding of your
body. Gentle, slow-paced combination of stretch and
strength work. Introduction to pranayama, breath
work and meditation. Great for calming and relieving
stress. Bring a yoga mat, towel and water.
SENR:704 | $79
Masterpeace Studios
Wildwood, 204
Who can be a Representative Payee? What effects will
a move to a Skilled Nursing Facility have on your loved
one’s Social Security benefits? In this session, you will
learn the do’s and don’ts of being a Representative
Payee, and possible entitlements to other benefits for
your loved one. Registration required. Class offered by
the Social Security Administration.
Line Dancing for Older Adults: Easy
This class is for those who have mastered the
beginning class and want to learn more dances. Come
learn fun line dances you can do without a partner.
This is a great class if you’re single or in a group of
friends who want to dance. So put on your dancing
shoes and learn the hottest new line dances as well
as the all-time classics. Be prepared for lots of fun,
cardiovascular exercise, and meeting good friends.
SENR:703 | $49
Are you confused about Medicare? Get your questions
answered by a Social Security Representative and a
Medicare Expert. In this session you will learn about
other health plans and prescription drug companies
and find out about Part A, Part B, and Part D of
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
Wildwood, 204
Animal Care
Dog Massage
Dog massage is a great way to bond with your pet
and spend quality time together. You will learn the
basic techniques of massage and TTouch for your
companion animal. Massage helps to relieve stress,
aids geriatric pets especially those with arthritis,
relieves anxiety and boosts general well-being.
Animals receive the same benefits of massage that
people do. Class is hands-on. Bring a blanket or bed
for your dog. Proof of current vaccinations required.
ANIM:701 | $29
M01Sa 9:30am-11:30am
June 2
Leann Zalasky
RiverChase of Fenton
How to Reduce Your Dog’s Anxiety
This hands-on class teaches you the basic techniques
of TTouch for your pet that suffers from anxiety of any
type (storm phobia, separation anxiety, etc.). Using
a combination of TTouches, body wraps, and flower
essences, you can help alleviate and/or reduce your
pet’s fears. You will also learn to modify your own
behavior and emotions to help calm your pet during
stressful events. Bring a blanket or doggie-bed for
your pet and 2 size-appropriate, non-adhesive Ace
bandages for use during class. Proof of vaccinations
ANIM:701 | $29
M02Sa 9:30am-11:30am
July 21
Leann Zalasky
RiverChase of Fenton
Wildwood, 204 / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Puppy Kindergarten
You can raise a happy, well-adjusted and confident
puppy through socialization, along with basic
commands and manners training. You’ll also learn
leadership, grooming skills, and behavioral problemsolving. Completion of all six classes qualifies you and
your puppy to take the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Test on
the sixth week. (STAR: Socialization, Training, Activity,
Responsibility). Successful completion of the test
enables you to send for an AKC STAR Puppy Certificate
and Medallion. Puppies must be 9 weeks to 1 year old,
have 2 series DHLPP & Bordetella immunizations.
Proof of vaccinations required. Bring puppy to first
ANIM:703 | $59
M01Sa 9:30am-10:30am
June 9 – July 14
Susan Baxter-Carr
RiverChase of Fenton
Crash Course in Basic Skills and Manners
for the Family Dog
If your time is limited and your budget won’t
spare the expense of private lessons, this is the
perfect alternative! This crash course in basic skills
and manners will give you and your dog a good
introduction to beginning obedience commands
over a period of 6 weeks. Accomplish your training
goals quickly and start getting those behavior
problems under control. Class topics also touch on
basic grooming, vaccinations, flea/tick control and
traveling in the car. Bring your questions! Dog must
be at least 6 months old and proof of vaccinations is
required. Bring dog to first class.
ANIM:706 | $69
Make chic and fashion-forward accessories with
simple, eco-friendly techniques. Using upcycled
clothing, you will learn to make stylish one-of-akind hair accessories and wearables that are fresh
and modern. Students should bring scissors and
any embellishments they would like to incorporate
into their projects (lace, fabric, buttons, decorative
CRFT:713 | $25
M02Sa 10:30am-12pm
June 9 – July 14
Susan Baxter-Carr
RiverChase of Fenton
Dog Obedience: Novice I
This course is designed to provide the dog owner
with the necessary skills to exercise basic home
control of the animal. Dogs should learn to obey such
commands as come, sit, stand, heel, etc. Class requires
much physical stamina. Do not bring dog to first
class. Dog must be at least 6 months old and proof of
vaccinations is required. No class 7/5.
ANIM:706 | $109
M01Th 7pm-8:30pm
June 7 – Aug 2
Dog Sports: K9 Nose Work
Dogs see the world through their noses. This sport
is designed to develop your dog’s remarkable sense
of smell and natural scenting abilities by using
their desire to hunt and their love of treats, toys,
and exercise. It is a great way for your dog to build
confidence and burn both mental and physical
energy while having fun. If your dog has a nose, it can
play this Nose Work game. Bring your dog and learn
together how to play this fun, new sport. It’s fun for
both of you! Dogs must be at least 6 months old, with
current immunizations. Bring soft treats your dog
likes (with a distinct scent), a 6-foot leash (no reels)
plus flat collar (no choke collars) or harness, and crate
or kennel for your pet. If you prefer to attend without
your dog, see ANIM 704 M02 for a discount. No class
ANIM:704 | $69
M01W 7pm-8:30pm
June 6 – July 18
Sandra Ellison
RiverChase of Fenton
Dog Sports: K9 Nose Work (without dog)
This class is the same as ANIM 704 M01, without
the dog. If you would like to learn to play this sport
with your dog but due to your dog’s shy, nervous,
or reactive behavior aren’t comfortable bringing
him/her to a multi-dog activity, you are welcome to
register to attend for yourself, to learn and watch and
do the exercises with your dog at home. No class 7/4.
ANIM:704 | $59
M02W 7pm-8:30pm
June 6 – July 18
Sandra Ellison
RiverChase of Fenton / 314-984-7777
Sandra Karcher
Affton White-Rodgers CC, A
Cards and Games
Bridge: Supervised Party Bridge with
Intermediate Instruction
Practice what you learn in a structured party bridge
setting. You will be playing bridge, keeping score, and
learning how to play your hand more skillfully. Class
to be held at Bridge Haven bridge facility located in
a strip mall at 6205 North Lindbergh, Hazelwood MO
BRID:702 | $65
V01Th 7pm-9pm
June 7 – July 19
George Hawley
Bridge Haven
Chess: Beginning to Intermediate
This class is designed for those who want to learn
the basics of chess or who would like to advance
their basic skills and improve their tournament play.
Beginning skills covered will include moves of the
pieces, reading and writing chess notation, move
selection principles, middle game tactics, endgame
principles and checkmate. More advanced players
will learn opening system for white, opening system
for black, middle game tactics, endgame studies,
and review of masters games. Includes chess book
provided at first class. Instructor is on Board of
Directors of Missouri Chess Association and has over
30 years of chess coaching experience.
BRID:710 | $59
RE-Fashion: Upcycled Accessories
650Tu 7pm-9pm
June 26
P03Sa 9am-11am
Aug 4
April Tate
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
April Tate
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
RE-Fashion: T-shirt Revival
Turn your boring, plain tees into stylish and trendy
tops! Learn some simple sewing skills and design
techniques that will breathe new life into your plainjane t-shirts and make them contemporary and chic.
Students should bring a variety of solid and patterned
tees to remake on the spot with simple hands-on
instruction and even add some modern flair with a
personal screen printer. Please bring scissors and any
embellishments that you would like to incorporate
into your projects (lace, fabric, buttons or other
decorative elements).
CRFT:713 | $34
651Tu 6pm-9pm
April Tate
July 17
Meramec-Humanities East, 231
P02Sa 9am-12pm
April Tate
July 21
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
Modern Mending: Revamp, Repair and
Revamp and revive your worn (and torn) wardrobe!
With simple skills and creative inspiration, you will
learn how to perk up a old garment with stylish
appliques, colorful patches, saucy embroidery and
contemporary and chic modern embellishments.
You’ll leave with a new vocabulary of techniques that
you can use again and again to make your wardrobe
more fabulous. We’ll be using the book, “Mend it
Better” by popular craft blogger Kristin M. Roach to
put a new spin on mending by updating traditional
approaches for today’s crafty sewers. Students should
bring a small assortment of clean clothing in need of
repair, scissors and any embellishments they would
like to incorporate into their projects (lace, fabric, or
buttons). Book required — bring to first class.
CRFT:713 | $34
652Tu 6pm-9pm
July 31
P01Sa 9am-12pm
June 30
April Tate
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
April Tate
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
P01Tu 7pm-9pm
Edward Baur
May 31 – June 26
Chess Club & Scholastic Ctr SL
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Knit 101: Beginning Techniques for All
Basic Wire Wrap
No other jewelry class can match this quick and easy
way to wire wrap! Craft a sterling silver bracelet (and
earrings if time permits.) You choose the stones.
Learn to make consistent, clean and professional
loops. You’ll find something new even if you have
taken our other wire wrap classes! Fee includes
use of necessary tools. Supplies for project must be
purchased from DEEsigns. Supplies are extra and will
cost approximately $25. Photos of similar projects
are available at the Meramec Continuing Education
office. Students may bring safety and magnifying
glasses for personal use.
CRFT:753 | $45
MD1Th 6pm-9pm
June 14
DEEsigns Studio
MD2Sa 9:30am-12:30pm
July 14
DEEsigns Studio
Knitting isn’t just for making winter garments and
accessories. Use linen, cotton , silk and lighter threads
and yarns to make projects and garments that will
be useful all year round. We will still cover the basics
- casting on, increasing and decreasing, finishing, a
variety of stitches and more. Get lots of information
and tips for future projects as well as help reading
patterns. Students may bring unfinished projects. All
levels welcome. Supply list sent.
CRFT:720 | $45
450W 6:30pm-8:30pm
Thi Miller
June 13 – June 27
Forest Park - G Tower, 117
550Th 7pm-9pm
Cathy Brinkmeyer
July 12 – July 26
Florissant Valley-Social Science, 110
Crochet 101: Beginning Techniques for
All Seasons
Crochet isn’t just for making winter hats! Use linen,
cotton, silk and lighter threads and yarns to make
projects and garments that will be useful all year
round. We will still cover crochet basics - single,
double and triple stitches while you learn to increase
and decrease. Make a simple piece for class and get
help reading patterns. Students may bring unfinished
projects. All levels welcome. Supply list sent.
CRFT:724 | $45
550Tu 7pm-9pm
Anne Frese
June 12 – June 26
Florissant Valley-Social Science, 102
S50W 7pm-9pm
Tammy Smith
July 11 – July 25
SCEUC, 120
Stained Glass: Beginning
Construct a basic leaded window and try copper foil
technique. Students must use a design chosen from
the studio’s selection of beginner patterns. Materials
are additional and cost approximately $35. Call studio
at 314-772-2611 for more information about the
project. Bring lunch.
CRFT:736 | $109
P01Sa 10am-3:30pm
July 28 – Aug 11
Preston Art Glass
Make a Stained Glass Lamp
In this class you will make a small Tiffany-style lamp
(copper foil). It is necessary to have good glass cutting
skills and to be willing to work at home cutting glass
between classes in order to complete your lamp
within the scheduled eight weeks. Materials are
additional and cost approximately $95. Call studio
at 314-772-2611 for information about the project.
Please come to the studio to choose your pattern one
week before the beginning of class.
CRFT:736 | $119
P02Sa 1pm-3pm
June 2 – July 21
Preston Art Glass
Hand-Painted Ice Tea Glasses
Paint a festive design on four unique glasses for
refreshing summer ice tea and lemonade. One of a
kind conversation pieces. You choose the colors and
add designs for your own personal touch. Pieces will
be fired and may be picked up one week after class
ends at the shop. Fee includes materials and firing.
Paints are lead free and food-safe.
CRFT:743 | $35
M01W 7pm-9pm
June 27
Cathy Cody
Painted Zebra - Kirkwood
Hand-Painted Glass Fruit Salad Bowl
Personalize your own fruit salad or picnic side bowl
for all of those “fun-in-the-sun” summer activities.
You choose the colors and add designs for your own
personal touch. Bowl is 9 1/2 inches across and 3
inches deep. Pieces will be fired and may be picked
up one week after class ends at the shop. Fee includes
materials and firing. Paints are lead free and food-safe.
CRFT:743 | $35
M02W 7pm-9pm
July 11
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
Cathy Cody
Painted Zebra - Kirkwood
Advanced Wire Wrap
Get tons of tips and tricks on applying hammered
wire to stone and working with metal. Fun and
unique class for unusual designs. Fee includes use
of necessary tools. Supplies for project must be
purchased from DEEsigns. Supplies are extra and will
cost approximately $25. Photos of similar projects are
available at the Meramec Continuing Education office.
Students may bring safety and magnifying glasses for
personal use. Prerequisite: Basic Wire Wrap class.
CRFT:753 | $45
MD3Sa 9:30am-12:30pm
July 28
DEEsigns Studio
Basic Stamping on Metal
Learn to stamp on sterling silver wire, sheet, discs,
and more for many different applications. Other skills
in this class are doming, forging, piercing, and filing.
Try pendants, charms, a bracelet, necklace or earrings.
Prerequisite: Basic Wire Wrap class. Fee includes
use of necessary tools. Supplies for project must be
purchased from DEEsigns. Supplies are extra and will
cost approximately $25. Photos of similar projects
are available at the Meramec Continuing Education
office. Students may bring safety and magnifying
glasses for personal use.
CRFT:753 | $45
MD4Sa 9:30am-12:30pm
July 28
DEEsigns Studio
Basic Metalsmithing Techniques for
Learn the fundamentals of making jewelry with wire
and sheet metal. Basic metal forming skills: sawing,
forming and shaping, filing, sanding, soldering, and
polishing will be taught. We will be making your
choice of a ring or a pendant with a simple stone
setting. We will also learn the basics of photo-etching
and we will make a simple photo etched piece
that can be made into a pin or a pendant. This is a
beginning level class. What will be learned are the
basic building blocks needed for jewelry design. No
experience necessary. Tools and metal supplied in
class fee.
CRFT:753 | $159
680Sa 9am-12pm
Elizabeth Krinsky
June 2 – June 30
Meramec-Humanities East, 131 / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Intermediate Metalsmithing
Techniques for Jewelry
While working on a project of your own design, learn
beginning to intermediate jewelry techniques as well
as setting stones. Improve your skills in the techniques
learned in the Basics class such as soldering, sawing
and filing, surface texturing and cold joining, as well
as stone settings . You will need to purchase or bring
your own stones for setting and some other materials.
Prerequisite: Beginning Metalsmithing Techniques for
Jewelry or equivalent experience. Supply list sent.
CRFT:753 | $159
681Sa 9am-12pm
Elizabeth Krinsky
July 7 – Aug 4 Meramec-Humanities East, 131
Terrariums: Craft a Garden Under Glass
Terrariums are a beautiful, low-maintenance way
to add some living greenery to your home. In this
workshop, you will create your very own toadstool
terrarium while learning about appropriate
plant species, props, soil requirements, and care
instructions. Class can be messy - dress appropriately.
Fee includes most materials. Student needs to bring
large, clear glass jar they wish to use for their terrarium
structure. Jar can be any shape but needs to include a
lid and be label free.
CRFT:765 | $35
650Tu 5:30pm-8:30pm
Autumn Wiggins
July 17
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
Birthday, Get Well and Thank You cards are just a few
of the different cards you will create in this fun and
informative class. Join us to learn some different
stamping and paper-crafting techniques used to
create these “fabulous” cards. In this class, you will
also create a small gift bag with a matching card.
CRFT:765 | $29
SD1W 6pm-9pm
June 20
Patti Bossi
SCEUC, 204
Henna 101: The Natural Art of Henna
Do you enjoy the ancient art and traditions of henna?
We will discuss the science of henna and how it works
and the history, tradition and use of the art form.
Make your own henna paste and cone applicator.
Learn about aftercare, tips and troubleshooting.
Instructor will supply some basic designs for practice.
Supplies included in fee.
CRFT:765 | $29
P01Sa 10am-12pm
Deanna Nash
June 23
Thomas Dunn Mem. Ctr
650Tu 6:30pm-8:30pm
Deanna Nash
July 10
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
Like us at
St. Louis
Education / 314-984-7777
Ballet Tone and Stretch for Beginners
Beginning techniques of classical ballet will be
combined with toning and stretching on mat and
barre for overall body conditioning. No prior ballet
experience required. Leotard, tights, and ballet shoes
required. Studio is located behind a kitchen & bath
design store.
DANC:701 | $59
M01M 7pm-8pm
June 4 – July 9
Adiva Dance Center
Ballet: Beginning
This fun class is designed for the student who has
never studied ballet before or hasn’t taken a recent
class. Using full barre work, you’ll learn to utilize your
center/core for strong ballet technique. The fun and
exciting movement of ballet is a great way to get into
shape, with music and movement that is as good for
the soul as it is for the body! Ballet shoes required.
DANC:701 | $59
M02Tu 8pm-9pm
June 19 – Aug 7
Ballet: Intermediate
If you have studied classical ballet consistently,
have a good understanding of basic barre work
and centre work and are seeking to develop your
technique, musicality, and artistry, this is the class
for you! You’ll refine your technique at the barre,
with emphasis on Cecchetti, Royale and Vaganova
methods of technique. Centre combinations will be
given, including leaps and turns. Ballet shoes and
appropriate attire is required.
DANC:702 | $59
M01M 8pm-9pm
June 18 – Aug 6
Tap Dancing: Beginning
Designed for the beginner as well as someone with
limited tap experience. Basic tap steps and tap
combinations will be taught as well as a tap routine.
Develop your sense of movement while practicing
basic rhythm tap techniques. A fun way to exercise!
Do not purchase tap shoes until after first class. Body
suit for women and comfortable clothes for men
recommended. Studio is located behind a kitchen
and bath design store. DANC:707 | $59
M01M 8pm-9pm
June 4 – July 9
Fee is per person. Complete registration
information required for each person when
enrolling in a dance class for “partners
only”. Dress shoes recommended. No
tennis shoes.
Ballroom Dancing: Beginning
You can learn to dance with grace and ease. Be the
center of attention at the next reception you attend!
A variety of dance rhythms and steps will be covered.
Add a new dimension to your life by learning some
of the classic favorites which can provide you with a
lifetime of enjoyment. It’s a fun night out with friends.
Invite others to join you! Partners only.
DANC:720 | $69
550F 6:30pm-7:45pm
June 8 – July 27
Florissant Valley-Student Center, PDR-B
Ballroom and Latin Dancing: Beginning
Begin your basic ballroom skills with waltz, foxtrot
and swing, then learn to dance to Latin rhythms with
cha cha, rumba, and salsa. Techniques and dance
rhythms taught in this course will help you look great
on the dance floor. This course is designed for those
who have no dance experience as well as for those
who have done other styles of dance. Partners only.
DANC:720 | $69
M01M 6:30pm-7:45pm
Gerry Strait
June 11 – July 30
Concordia Luth. Ch-Kirkwood, CAFE
Ballroom and Latin Dancing:
This class is for those who are ready to move to the
next level. Be certain to have a firm grasp of moves
learned in the beginning class. Learn more steps to
the basic ballroom and Latin rhythms and add tango,
mambo, and merengue rhythms. Techniques taught
in this course will help you look great on the dance
floor. Prerequisite: Beginning Ballroom and Latin
Dancing. Partners only. Fee is per person. Dress shoes
recommended. No tennis shoes.
DANC:721 | $69
M01M 8pm-9:15pm
Gerry Strait
June 11 – July 30
Concordia Luth. Ch-Kirkwood, CAFE
Adiva Dance Center
Tap Dancing: Review
Dancers will be introduced to more complex steps,
patterns, and combinations as well as learning a tap
routine. Enjoy the rhythm of tap dance and have fun
dancing to great tap music! Previous tap experience
and tap shoes required. No class 7/3, 7/10.
DANC:708 | $49
M01Tu 6:30pm-7:30pm
Bonnie Kleyboecker
June 5 – July 24
St John’s Evangelical UCC
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Slide Dancing for Fun and Fitness
Come learn the latest party slide dances in the St Louis
area and around the nation. Imagine yourself joining
in the fun at parties and social events when the slide
dancers take to the floor. After taking this class you will
be able to do just that! Explicit instructions will make
slide dancing easy to learn. Slide dancing is a fun way
to exercise, reduce stress, and enjoy friendships.
DANC:734 | $59
580Sa 10am-11:30am
June 9 – July 14
Center, PDR-B
Stephanie Crusoe
Florissant Valley-Student
Swing Dancing: Beginning
Learn to swing dance in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.
You’ll learn and practice a variety of easily performed
swing dance steps that are the basic ingredients of all
higher level swing dancing. This class will teach the
basics of swing along with combinations and patterns
of various swing movements. The techniques taught
in this course will help you look great on the dance
floor after just a few lessons! A fun way to meet new
friends and dance to great music. Partners only. Fee
is per person. Dress shoes recommended. No tennis
DANC:738 | $59
M01W 8pm-9pm
Gerry Strait
June 6 – Aug 1 Sunset Hills Community Center
No Class 7/4
550F 8pm-9pm
June 8 – July 27
Florissant Valley-Student
Center, PDR-B
M02F 6:30pm-7:30pm
Gerry Strait
June 1 – July 20
RiverChase of Fenton
Haitian-Caribbean Dance
Haitian-Caribbean Dance is a traditional, yet vibrant
mix of dance deriving from both the continent of
Africa and the Caribbean Island of Haiti. In this class,
our instructor who is a native of Haiti, will guide
students through a journey of rich Haitian culture.
You’ll experience live complex rhythms on Haitian
instruments and dances of the Caribbean as you learn
to explore the “snake dance” celebrating Dambala
with the yanvalou; celebrate love with Congo, and
going to the market with Raboday.
DANC:743 | $49
H80Sa 1:30pm-2:30pm
June 9 – July 14
Rodney Lindor
Harrison Ed Ctr, 206
Belly Dancing for Fun and Fitness
If you’re looking for a fun and entertaining new way
to exercise, try belly dancing. This class will teach you
to perform various forms in the belly dance genre. It’s
a workout to middle eastern music that just might
be what you’re looking for, whether your goal is
exercise or performance. Wear fitness style clothing
for freedom of movement. No baggy sweat clothes.
Studio is located behind a kitchen & bath design store.
DANC:745 | $59
M01Tu 8pm-9pm
June 5 – July 10
Adiva Dance Center
Easy Social Dancing for Weddings and
Other Occasions
Perspective Drawing & Still Life: All
Are you attending a wedding reception, reunion,
company event or going on a cruise where you’ll have
to dance? Then take our fun course and learn several
easy dances that will allow you to dance to anything fast or slow. If you know what music you’ll be dancing
to, feel free to bring your music on tape or CD for
helpful suggestions. Partners only. Fee is per person.
Dress shoes recommended. No tennis shoes.
DANC:750 | $69
In a relaxed atmosphere, explore drawing
fundamentals - line, perspective, value and
composition. No experience necessary. Individualized
instruction given. Intermediate level students will
advance with more sophisticated projects. Supply list
discussed at the first class. Bring pencil & sketch pad
to first class.
ARTS:709 | $185
M01W 6:30pm-7:45pm
Gerry Strait
June 6 – Aug 1 Sunset Hills Community Center
No Class 7/4
M02F 7:35pm-8:50pm
Gerry Strait
June 1 – July 20
RiverChase of Fenton
Get Fit with Bollywood Dancing
Get in on the latest dance-fitness craze! Bollywood
Dancing is a beautiful blend of dance styles — Indian
elements blend with Western dance styles (as seen
on MTV or in Broadway musicals) as performed in
Bollywood movies. Techniques include beautiful
hand, feet, and body movements to up-beat
music. Comfortable workout wear, tennis shoes
recommended. For information and directions visit:
DANC:765 | $59
M01Tu 7pm-7:50pm
July 10 – Aug 14
The Club at Chesterfield
Story to Spectacle: Hollywood
Perfect class for movie buffs and anyone interested
in learning more about the film industry! Watch and
discuss the appearance and growth of the summer
‘blockbuster’ in Jaws (PG), Star Wars (PG), Batman (PG13), and Transformers: Dark of the Moon (PG-13).
PERD:765 | $49
Learn the tools, materials, visual and artistic
perception needed for this essential art form. Drawing
fundamentals will be covered - line, perspective, value
and composition. Advanced students will expand
their skills with more sophisticated projects. Students
will use pencil, conte crayon and charcoal. Supply list
ARTS:709 | $99
600Tu 9:30am-12pm
Ruth Kolker
June 12 – July 17 Meramec-Campus Police, CP
S01W 12pm-2:30pm
Ruth Kolker
June 13 – July 25
SCEUC, 201
No Class 7/4
Inspired by antique styles, create contemporary
pieces with new methods. Try watercolor, pen and
ink, and/or colored pencils. Learn composition and
color skills with models from fresh flowers, fruit or
vegetables. All levels welcome. Supply list sent.
ARTS:709 | $99
601Th 12pm-3pm
Maureen Brodsky
June 28 – July 26 Meramec-Campus Police, CP
Josh Sellers
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 124
fine arts
Drawing I & II
Drawing I is a beginning course in fundamentals
of drawing that includes an introduction to
drawing principles, construction, proportion, form,
value, perspective, composition, tools and media.
Perception, visual awareness, sensitivity, attitude and
judgment are all stressed. Additional studio hours
required. Drawing II is a continuation of Drawing I.
The fundamentals and principles of drawing, with
more emphasis on organizational concepts and a
variety of media are covered. Additional studio hours
required. Available for Credit as ART 109 and ART 110.
No class 7/4.
ARTS:709 | $264
230MTuW 5:30pm-9:15pm
June 4 – July 25
Drawing: Beginning/Intermediate
Botanical Illustration: Beginning
682Sa 10am-1pm
June 9 – June 30
450M 6:30pm-9:30pm
Ann Croghan
June 4 – Aug 6
Forest Park - G Tower, 409
550Tu 6pm-9pm
Laurie Shriver
June 5 – Aug 7
Florissant Valley-Humanities, 104
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
Mark Oakley
Wildwood, 309 / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Uncial Calligraphy
Uncial is a modern version of Medieval calligraphy.
It is a Majusacule (capital letter) alphabet closely
connected to Ireland and England. At its peak, it was
used to write important manuscripts. As we study
historic Uncial, we will work on a modern version for
your use.
ARTS:725 | $65
650M 7pm-9pm
June 4 – July 9
No Class 6/25
Leslie Barnes
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
Ceramics I & II
Ceramics I is a study of the basic principles of ceramics
and ceramic sculpture with emphasis on hand-built
techniques. As the student progresses, there will be
study on the kick wheel. Ceramics II is a study of the
techniques of wheel-thrown ceramics and extensive
experimentation with glazes and oxides. Additional
studio hours required. Available for credit as ART 113
or ART 213. No class 7/4.
ARTS:727 | $264
230MWF 11am-3:20pm
June 4 – July 11
Wildwood Art Annex
Pottery: All Levels
Explore projects in which skills in hand-building (for
beginners) and wheel throwing (for more advanced
students) are investigated and improved. All levels of
experience are welcome. Fee includes most materials.
ARTS:727 | $135
550Tu 7pm-9:30pm
John Driskill
June 5 – July 10
Florissant Valley-Humanities, 109
350Th 6:30pm-9pm
June 14 – July 19
Wildwood Art Annex
580Sa 9:30am-12pm
Sheow Chang
June 9 – July 14
Florissant Valley-Humanities, 109
Explore cartooning and comics with an overview
of tools used in an overlooked art form. Investigate
comic strip creation, comic book layout, political
cartooning, basic character design, hand drawn
animation, etc. Gain an understanding of basics, skills
and techniques. Prerequisite: Basic Drawing class or
equivalent experience. Supply list sent. There will be
homework assignments.
ARTS:733 | $79
680Sa 9:45am-11:45am
Sean Long
June 23 – July 28
Meramec-Humanities East, 125
680Sa 10am-12:30pm
Beverly Hoffman
June 9 – July 21
Meramec-Humanities East, 215
No Class 6/23
Watercolor: Intermediate/Advanced
Paint transparent watercolor on a more advanced
level. Students must be proficient in drawing with
basic watercolor skills. Attempt the more difficult
techniques of layered washes, modeling with color,
unusual textural accents, and more. Prerequisite:
Beginning Watercolor class or equivalent experience.
ARTS:736 | $185
300F 9am-12pm
Phyllis Smith Piffel
June 1 – Aug 3
Wildwood, 309
301F 12pm-3pm
Phyllis Smith Piffel
June 1 – Aug 3
Wildwood, 309
Painting I & II
Painting I is an introduction to oil painting from stilllife objects, with emphasis on technique and the
effective use of color. Composition and drawing will
be stressed as they relate to painting. Painting II places
emphasis on composition and color. Knowledge will
be developed for future individual study. Additional
studio hours required. Available for credit as ART 114
or ART 214. No class 7/4.
ARTS:740 | $264
230MTuW 9am-1:50pm
June 4 – July 11
Mark Weber
Wildwood, 309
Acrylic Impressions
Fledgling artists-try painting, those with experienceloosen your style to paint like the Impressionists.
You’ll work in a small size to quickly complete your
own vibrant, light-filled piece. Instructor provides
prints and photos. Painting board provided. Supply
list sent. All levels welcome.
ARTS:748 | $185
600Tu 12:30pm-3:30pm
Phyllis Smith Piffel
June 5 – Aug 7
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
380Sa 9am-12pm
Phyllis Smith Piffel
June 2 – Aug 4
Wildwood Art Annex
650W 6:30pm-9:30pm
Phyllis Smith Piffel
June 6 – Aug 15 Meramec-Campus Police, CP
No Class 7/4
Choose Your Medium: All Levels
Choose one medium (acrylic, oil or watercolor) and
develop your techniques. Strong emphasis is given
to color theory, artistic perception, paint mixing/
application and texture. Much individual instruction
included. Recommend beginning students attend
first three classes. Supply list provided at first class.
Water-based oil is the only type of oil paint accepted
in the classroom. Please bring to first class: 1 (9 x 12)
sketchbook, 1 ink pen, and 1 disposable mechanical
ARTS:748 | $185
580Sa 9am-12pm
Ann Croghan
June 9 – Aug 11
Florissant Valley-Humanities, 104
581Sa 12:30pm-3:30pm
Ann Croghan
June 9 – Aug 11
Florissant Valley-Humanities, 104
P01M 1pm-4pm
Ann Croghan
June 4 – Aug 6
University City Public Library
P03Tu 1pm-4pm
Deanna Nash
June 5 – Aug 7
University City Public Library
Choose Your Medium: Advanced Levels
Choose one medium (acrylic, oil or watercolor)
and expand on your technical skills. Get more color
theory, artistic perception, paint mixing/application,
and texture. Much individual instruction included.
Supply list provided at first class. Water-based oil paint
is the only type of paint accepted in the classroom.
Prerequisite: Choose Your Medium - All Levels class or
equivalent experience.
ARTS:748 | $79
P02M 1pm-4pm
Ann Croghan
Aug 13 – Aug 27 University City Public Library
Tu 1pm-4pm Aug 14
University City Public Library
Watercolor: Beginning/Advanced
Paint with the brilliant color and fluid stroke of
watercolor. Attempt the more difficult techniques of
layered washes, modeling with color, unusual textural
accents and others. Prerequisite: Basic drawing class
or equivalent experience. Supply list sent.
ARTS:735 | $99
600Tu 1pm-3:30pm
Beverly Hoffman
June 5 – July 17
Meramec-Humanities East, 231
No Class 6/19 / 314-984-7777
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Food and Spirits
All food classes are hands-on unless
otherwise stated.
Cake Decorating for Fun or Profit:
Unleash your creativity with cake decorating! This
basic course includes instruction in the use of basic
tools to make borders, flowers and fancy trimmings.
Course includes planning, preparation, equipment,
techniques and practice. Join for fun or to start your
own business. Supplies extra.
FOOD:701 | $69
M01Th 6:30pm-9pm
Debra Hennen
June 7 – July 5 Sunset Hills Community Center
No class 6/21.
550Tu 6:30pm-8:30pm
Gloria Hall
June 5 – July 24
Florissant Valley-Student Center, PDR-B
conditioning - dress appropriately for the season). Tour
the blooming lavender fields (wear walking shoes);
expect full sun and uneven ground. For directions to
the lavender farm:
Registration/withdrawal deadline: 6/8. No refunds
after that date. Class also listed as TRIP 701 3D1.
FOOD:765 | $29
3D1Sa 1pm-3pm
June 16
Winding Brook Estate
Summer Sides for Sizzling
Summertime Meals
Summertime means “grillin’” and we’ve got the perfect
sides that will add a special touch to your favorite
grilled meat! Come prepare and sample these tasty
summer side dishes that are easy and quick. Recipes
include: Herb Roasted Corn, Creamy Parmesan Salad,
Grilled Potatoes and Peppers with Dijon vinaigrette,
Summertime Garden Pilaf, plus several more you’re
sure to enjoy! Class is hands on.
FOOD:765 | $29
550W 7pm-9:30pm
Eileen Fraser
June 6
Florissant Valley-Science/Math, 129
Health and Wellness
Lavender Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the art of treating body, mind and
spirit with natural aromatic substances harvested from
nature’s rich store. Lavender is generally regarded as
the most versatile essence therapeutically. Drawing
on research and clinical studies this in-depth class will
explore all aspects of Lavender for these purposes.
Each participant will even get to take home a bottle
of Lavender essential oil for their own use. Class will
be held lakeside in the old red barn (fans but no air
conditioning - dress appropriately for the season).
There will also be a brief tour of the blooming lavender
fields (walking shoes required). Expect full sun and
uneven ground. For directions to the lavender farm:
HEAL:701 | $24
W01Sa 10:30am-12pm
June 2
Winding Brook Estate
Stress Reduction Techniques for Daily
Discover exercises to enhance awareness in everyday
life. Receive guided instruction in awarenessenhancing techniques: breath awareness, body scan,
sitting meditation and mindful Yoga. Get suggestions
for daily home practice.
HEAL:701 | $34
M01Sa 9am-11am
July 14
Masterpeace Studios
Couples Massage
Find gentle ways to comfort and relax your partner.
Methods based on Swedish, Russian Massage, and
Trigger Point Therapy. Partner required. Fee is per
person. Supply list sent.
HEAL:704 | $39
Couples Cook: 4th of July Celebration
So Easy to Preserve Summer’s Bounty
Preserve the summer’s bounty with the skills you’ll
learn in this class. Your instructor is a Certified Master
Food Preservationist with years of experience in
home canning. Come spend a fun Saturday morning
making fruit jelly, sweet pickle relish, homemade
applesauce (you’ll never eat store bought again!), and
pressure canning green beans. Fee includes canning
supplies used in class and you’ll take home one jar of
everything canned in class! Class is hands on.
FOOD:754 | $29
580Sa 9am-12pm
Eileen Fraser
July 14
Florissant Valley-Science/Math, 129
Down on the Farm: Cooking with
Come on out to the farm to experience and enjoy how
lavender can subtly enhance the flavor of beverages,
desserts, and savory foods. Discover how you can
use varieties of lavender as a culinary herb in your
own kitchen. Food presentation and sampling will
be held in the old red barn, lakeside (fans but no air
Entertain family and friends with this delicious
summery menu: Pork Tenderloin with Raspberry
Chipotle Glaze, Strawberry Gouda Salad, Roasted
Asparagus with Mustard Vinaigrette, and AppleCranberry Crisp. There will be even more recipes
for you to prepare and enjoy that will assure a fun,
filling, and satisfying evening for you and your special
someone. Class is hands on. Fee is per person.
FOOD:765 | $29
580F 7pm-9:30pm
Eileen Fraser
June 22
Florissant Valley-Science/Math, 129
Couples Cook: Summertime Favorites
Join us for a special evening as we prepare these
delicious summertime favorites: Chicken with
Balsamic Raspberry Sauce, Strawberry-BlueberryOrange Salad, Garden Vegetable Risotto, and
individual Strawberry Pies. As always, there will be an
additional array of delicious recipes for everyone to
prepare and savor. Come enjoy the flavors of summer!
Class is hands on. Fee is per person.
FOOD:765 | $29
581F 7pm-9:30pm
Eileen Fraser
July 20
Florissant Valley-Science/Math, 129
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
480Sa 9:30am-3:30pm
B Sanvito
June 9
Forest Park-Hospitality, 221
481Sa 9:30am-3:30pm
B Sanvito
July 14
Forest Park-Hospitality, 221
The Magic of Coincidence
A guide to greater awareness of “meaningful
coincidences” in life. Discover how to trust intuition
and receive the power of synchronicities.
HEAL:765 | $19
680Sa 10am-12pm
Roselyn Mathews
July 14
Meramec-Social Science, 109
Heart Rate Fitness Walking
Walk productively and get results! Use walking to
increase cardiovascular endurance and fitness levels
with the knowledge of heart rate concepts. Participate
in fitness walking with the use of heart rate monitors
to unleash effective calorie/fat burn.
PEDU:758 | $39
500TuTh 10:30am-11:30am
Timothy Mosby
June 19 – July 5
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, GYM / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Home and Garden
Simple Home Repairs for Women:
Do-it-Yourself Electrical Fix-its
Shade Perennials: Selection and Care
When something needs fixing who do you call? Fix it
yourself and save time, money and hassle! If you need
a new ceiling fixture, wall switch or outlet, this course
is for you! A variety of simple home repairs that you
can do yourself will be examined with a “hands-on”
perspective. We’ll look at how-to, when-to and when
it’s safer NOT to. Come prepared to be amazed at what
you can do yourself!
HOME:713 | $19
Start your shade perennial garden with a good
understanding of plant selection, care, and
maintenance. Discover the most popular varieties of
shade perennials and characteristics of each including:
size and height; when they bloom; soil requirements
and conditions in which they grow best. You’ll be able
to take what you learn in this class and create a shade
perennial garden that is not only beautiful, but easier
to maintain throughout the season.
HORT:704 | $19
553W 7pm-9pm
June 27
Florissant Valley-Eng. Bldg, 160
680Sa 9am-11:30am
Nancee Kruescheck
June 16
Meramec-Social Science, 112
Discover how to choose the right shape and size
accessories, how to mix accessories with different
patterns and to put colors in the right proportions.
You will begin to see your personality reflected in your
choice of accessories. Information in this class adds
details to the accessories part of HOME 703 offered in
spring and fall.
HOME:709 | $29
650Tu 6:30pm-9:30pm
Kathryn Leinauer
June 12
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
Fearless Home Repair: 5 Repairs Every
Homeowner Should Know
Sun Perennials: Selection and Care
Fearless Home Repair: Planning a
Basement Remodeling Project
554W 7pm-9pm
July 11
Florissant Valley-Eng. Bldg, 160
Before you make that first cut or hit the first nail,
start here! You’ll learn to layout and measure your
basement remodeling projects so you can frame,
insulate, wire, add a bathroom, and more!
HOME:713 | $19
550W 7pm-9pm
June 6
Florissant Valley-Eng. Bldg, 160
Do-it-Yourself Ceramic Tiling
Interior Decorating: Color Schemes
Discover how to choose the best colors for that
special room and how to incorporate them expertly.
Consideration of the weight and balance of colors will
be examined. Information presented in this class adds
details to the color scheme part of HOME 703 offered
in spring and fall.
HOME:708 | $29
650Tu 6:30pm-9:30pm
Kathryn Leinauer
June 5
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
Interior Decorating: Accessories
Simple Home Repairs for Women: Your
Basic Tool Box
When something needs fixing who do you call? Fix
it yourself and save time, money and hassle! Having
a good, basic toolbox at your home can get you out
of many household dilemmas. Knowing you have
all the right tools for a project gives you confidence.
There are just a few key inexpensive tools, which you
might already have, plus a few others that will let you
fix most things. This class will show you what they are
and how to use them in different situations. You’ll be
fixing and saving while smiling big when you get that
first task completed. After that it’s all down hill!
HOME:713 | $19
551W 7pm-9pm
June 13
Florissant Valley-Eng. Bldg, 160
Simple Home Repairs for Women: Be
Your Own Plumber
When something needs fixing who do you call? Fix
it yourself and save time, money and hassle! If your
toilet runs, your drains are slow, you need a new
faucet, this course is for you! A variety of simple home
repairs that you can do yourself will be examined with
a “hands-on” perspective. We’ll look at how-to, whento and when it’s safer NOT to. Come prepared to be
amazed at what you can do yourself!
HOME:713 | $19
552W 7pm-9pm
June 20
Florissant Valley-Eng. Bldg, 160 / 314-984-7777
You should be able to do a few simple household
repairs and tasks without using special hand tools.
In our course you’ll learn to locate utility shut offs, relight a pilot light, fix a faucet, replace a furnace filter
and replace electrical outlets and switches. Learning
to perform these few tasks can save you a lot of
HOME:713 | $19
Start your sun perennial garden with a good
understanding of plant selection, care, and
maintenance. Discover the most popular varieties of
sun perennials and characteristics of each including:
size and height; when they bloom; soil requirements
and conditions in which they grow best. You’ll be able
to take what you learn in this class and create a sun
perennial garden that is not only beautiful, but easier
to maintain throughout the season.
HORT:704 | $19
681Sa 9am-11:30am
Nancee Kruescheck
June 23
Meramec-Social Science, 112
Come learn how to repair, re-grout, or install new
ceramic tile and grout on floors and walls in your
home. Distinguish between the different sizes of
tile and why each are used in certain places. You’ll
learn how to design, layout, prepare, cut, and install
ceramic tile and grout. See the tools you’ll need and
watch a demonstration of how and why to use them.
HOME:713 | $19
555W 7pm-9pm
July 18
Florissant Valley-Eng. Bldg, 160
Vegetable Gardening and Maintenance
Do you want to grow your own this season? Learn tips
for planting, maintaining and harvesting your own
fresh veggies. Topics for discussion include raised
beds, container gardening and more!
HORT:701 | $19
680Sa 9am-11:30am
Nancee Kruescheck
June 9
Meramec-Social Science, 112
Herb Gardening: Growing, Harvesting,
Preserving, and Using
Have you always wanted to have an herb garden but
didn’t know where to start? Join us for this one-night
class to learn how to plant, maintain, and harvest an
herb garden. You’ll also discover tips on using herbs
in and around your home as well as the best way to
freeze and preserve herbs for future use.
HORT:701 | $25
350W 6pm-9pm
June 6
Michelle Ochonicky
Wildwood, 202
Gardening Under Trees and Other
Tough Spaces
Do you have problems successfully growing plants
under the trees in your yard? Are you concerned
about possibly damaging the tree roots but would
really like to plant some attractive plantings that
would thrive there? Come learn about the art and
science of gardening under trees and other tough-togrow spots to add to the beauty of your yard.
HORT:706 | $19
680Sa 9am-11:30am
Nancee Kruescheck
June 30
Meramec-Social Science, 112
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Square Foot Gardening and Companion
How would you like a garden filled with beautiful
flowers, vegetables, or herbs without heavy digging,
and with less watering and weeding? Square
foot gardening is a design system that enables
the gardener to plant and maintain a productive,
attractive garden in any amount of space based
on a grid of 1-foot by 1-foot squares. In this class,
we’ll talk about the design elements of square foot
gardening to make a garden you’ll be proud of this
growing season. In addition, we discuss the benefits
of companion gardening and tips for companion
planting success.
HORT:706 | $19
P01Sa 9am-11am
David Horton
June 2
City Seeds Urban Farm
Gardening for the New Gardener
Do you feel a bit lost when you go to the garden
supply store? What do those numbers on a fertilizer
bag mean?! Why does pH matter and what does it
mean when your soil is “too limey?” Do you know
what “B & B” means when buying a new tree for
your yard? For these horticulture basics and much
more, join our gardening expert for a crash course in
gardening basics.
HORT:708 | $19
680Sa 9am-11:30am
Nancee Kruescheck
June 2
Meramec-Social Science, 112
Backyard Composting
Composting yard waste is one of the most
environmentally sound things you can do. Get
started by joining our discussion of the materials to
use, compost bin selection, and how to construct a
compost pile. Ongoing management of the compost
pile and troubleshooting composting problems will
also be covered. Lots of opportunity for Q & A.
HORT:708 | $19
P01Sa 9am-11am
David Horton
June 16
City Seeds Urban Farm
Organic Gardening
Organic gardening promotes a healthy, sustainable
environment. Enhance your gardening, your
plants, and your life with these simple and effective
techniques. You CAN garden successfully without
applying synthetic chemicals. Learn the reasons
people choose to grow plants organically, how to
keep plants healthy, and ways to handle challenges
such as pests, disease and weeds. Discover the joys of
growing plants in balance with nature.
HORT:708 | $19
P02Sa 9am-11am
David Horton
June 9
City Seeds Urban Farm
Container Gardening for Outdoor Plants
Creative outdoor container plantings for the
2011 growing season will be shown. There will be
demonstrations of techniques for a variety of plant
selections—tropicals, herbs, vegetables, small trees,
shrubs, new cultivars, and old favorites. Proper soil
mixtures, proper timing and placement of plantings
to insure optimal enjoyment will be discussed.
HORT:714 | $19
650Th 7pm-9pm
June 14
Exploring Hummingbirds
Beekeeping can be a hobby, a secondary business, or
a full-time vocation. It’s a relatively inexpensive hobby
that provides a sweet bonus each year. Is beekeeping
right for you? Come to this class and learn the basics
to discover how to get started.
HORT:765 | $19
Explore the magnificent little hummingbird. Learn
about the habits and happenings, as well as tips
to improve your home environment to attract
hummingbirds to your garden. Field trip 6/23, 10
am-12 pm, location TBA. Provide own transportation.
Offered in cooperation with the St. Louis Audubon
NATR:709 | $19
680Sa 9:30am-11:30am
Yvonne Von Der Ahe
June 2
Meramec-Social Science, 108
Students are offered the opportunity to earn a
Master Naturalist Certificate in cooperation with
St. Louis Audubon Society, Missouri Native Plant
Association, North American Butterfly Association,
St. Louis Astronomical Society, St. Louis
Community College at Meramec Department of
Biology, Endangered Wolf Center, Forestry ReLeaf
of Missouri and Continuing Education Office. The
course of study includes credit and non-credit
classes. A non-credit Master Naturalist Certificate
will be awarded to students completing all
components of the program. For more information
and a listing of SUMMER 2012 Master Naturalist
classes, please call 314-984-7777. Master Naturalist
classes are open to the public and do not require
you to be a part of the certificate program.
650Tu 7pm-9pm
June 19
Meramec-Communications South, 211
Sa 10am-12pm June 23
Discovering Endangered Wolves and
Canids at the Endangered Wolf Center
Guests will experience the Endangered Wolf Center
through an informative and interactive lecture about
the wolves and other endangered canids and the
role the Endangered Wolf Center has played in the
recovery of the endangered canids in our care. We
will also examine the myths and misconceptions that
surround these misunderstood creatures and what
ultimately led to the near extinction of many species
of wolves and other canids. After the presentation,
guests will have the opportunity to touch real wolf
pelts, skulls, and other wolf artifacts. Bring sack
lunch and drink. Children ages 12-15 may register
Looking at Summer Night Skies
This class will help you observe and enjoy the night
skies of summer. Learn how to find and identify the
constellations and planets of this summer with the
unaided eye, binoculars and telescopes. Discover
how to observe meteors, auroral displays, artificial
satellites and other naked eye phenomena. An
introduction on how to observe the moon, planets,
stars, constellations and nebula with a telescope will
also be covered. One Field Trip required to one of
these events:
Weather permitting, one evening trip to a
location far from city lights (exact date &
location still to be determined, likely dates/
locations to be on the weekends of July
13/14/15 and July 20/21/22 at Danville Wildlife
Area). Provide own transportation; Instructor
will provide telescope(s).
August 3, 2012 (Friday) St. Louis Science Center
Planetarium telescope viewing.
A Friday night public telescope session
at the Astronomical Society of Eastern
Missouri (ASEM) facility in St. Charles County
Broemmelsiek Park on Friday, July 7, 2012.
Text required: The current issue of Astronomy
magazine (US Kalmbach Publishing, NOT the British
“Astronomy Now” version) or Sky & Telescope
magazine (Sky Publishing). Recommended Text:
“Exploring the Night Sky With Binoculars : A
Companion to the Night Sky” David S. Chandler.
Offered in cooperation with St. Louis Astronomical
NATR:701 | $59
650MW 7pm-9:30pm
Michael Malolepszy
July 9 – July 18 Meramec-Social Science, 111
when accompanied by a registered adult. Offered in
cooperation with the Endangered Wolf Center.
NATR:710 | $29
M01Su 10am-2:30pm
July 1
Endangered Wolf Center
Native Tree Identification
Learn about Missouri tree identification using
characteristics and samples such as twigs, leaves, bark,
fruit and more. First class is a lecture format on the
Meramec campus 7/12 followed by a weekend field
trip 7/14 at the CommuniTree Gardens, Creve Coeur
Park, 2194 Creve Coeur Mill Rd, Maryland Heights.
Dress for hiking. Resource booklets provided. Provide
own transportation. Class is offered in cooperation
with ForestReleaf of Missouri.
NATR:723 | $29
650Th 6pm-8pm July 12 Meramec-Communications South, 119
Sa 10am-12pm July 14
CommuniTree Gardens
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Common Mushrooms of Missouri
Severe Weather Spotter-Level 2
Strobilomyces confusus, oh my! Take the fear out of
fungi and learn to identify some of the most common
mushrooms in Missouri. Class is a combination of
lecture, discussion and field exploration. Bring sack
lunch and hiking shoes. Class held at Babler State Park
Visitors Center. Offered in cooperation with Missouri
Mycological Society (MOMS).
NATR:723 | $25
Improve the basic meteorological and severe weather
skills you learned in the Level 1 class by taking the
region’s only Level 2 program. We’ll discuss computer
resources, convective outlooks, watch and warning
messages, cloud definition, radar interpretation,
severe weather safety, and more. You’ll get lots of
handouts and certification too. Prerequisite: Level 1
NATR:765 | $25
M01Sa 10am-2pm
June 2
581Sa 1pm-4pm
Michael Redman
July 21
Florissant Valley-Social Science, 101
Babler State Park
More Common Mushrooms of Missouri
If you missed Part I or you want to discover more of
the hundreds of mushrooms of Missouri, then this
class is for you. Starting with a presentation, learn
how to identify several mushroom species and then
take to the field to explore and find some. Bring a sack
lunch and hiking shoes. Class held at Babler State
Park Visitors Center. Offered in cooperation with the
Missouri Mycological Society (MOMS).
NATR:723 | $25
M02Sa 10am-2pm
Aug 4
Babler State Park
Understanding Cladograms: A
Phylogenetic Overview for Field
An introduction to how the plant family tree is
constructed and how plant characters follow the
tree will be covered both in the classroom and on
the field trip (7/21) at Shaw Nature Reserve. Provide
own transportation. Offered in cooperation with the
Missouri Native Plant Society.
NATR:723 | $39
651Tu 6:30pm-8:30pm
July 17 – July 24
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 205
Sa 9am-12pm July 21
Shaw Nature Reserve
Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, and Floods:
Severe Weather Spotter-Level 1
Are you interested in the weather and basic
meteorology - like how storms form, how to find
a tornado in a storm, what causes hail and much
more? Would you like to join the local severe
weather network and help officials identify severe
weather in your area? Join Michael Redman, former
Communications Coordinator for the St. Louis County
Police Dept. and current Managing Director of the
Traveling Weather Show as he shares his knowledge.
Learn how to identify cloud formations and weather
indicators that will make you an asset to the region
in an emergency. You’ll get your own spotter number
to use, if needed, when you call in your information;
a training certificate, a CD of weather brochures and
manuals, and handout material on severe weather.
Children ages 14-15 may register if accompanied by
a registered adult.
NATR:765 | $25
580Sa 9am-12pm
Michael Redman
July 21
Florissant Valley-Social Science, 101
Thunderstorms, Tornadoes and Floods: / 314-984-7777
Motorcycle Safety
All Motorcycle Safety classes meet in Forest
Park-D tower, Room 215, prior to activities on
the motorcycle range.
Motorcycle Safety Basic Rider Course
The Basic Rider Course (MSF-BRC) is geared toward
the novice motorcyclist or scooter operator, but
will also provide an excellent skills update for
the returning rider or those experienced with no
previous formal training. The course consists of
classroom and on-bike instruction with furnished
motorcycles or scooters (loaner scooters are limited,
however personal scooters are permitted). Those
who successfully complete the course will be issued a
completion card from the Missouri Motorcycle Safety
Program which is a waiver for the road test portion of
the license endorsement. Students must be at least
15-1/2 years old and able to ride a bicycle. Those
under 18 years of age must have a release form signed
by a legal guardian or parent. Students must bring
DOT-approved helmet (loaner helmets available),
boots, gloves, long-sleeved jacket or heavy shirt,
eye protection, sturdy pants, bring a photo ID, and
show proof of medical insurance. At the discretion
of the instructors, students who are unable to safely
operate the motorcycles will be dismissed from class
for their own protection and the safety of the group.
No refunds will be given if you are unable to complete
the class for any reason. Class held rain or shine. Call
for a detailed brochure: (314) 984-7777. To view a
5-minute video of Basic Rider Course highlights, go
MOTR:701 | $195
480F 6pm-9pm May 18
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Sa 7am-5pm June 2
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 7am-3pm June 3
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
481Sa 9am-7pm June 2
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 9am-8pm June 3
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
482F 6pm-9pm June 1
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Sa 7am-5pm June 9
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 7am-3pm June 10
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
483Sa 9am-7pm June 9
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 9am-8pm June 10
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
484F 6pm-9pm June 8
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Sa 7am-5pm June 16
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 7am-3pm June 17
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
485F 6pm-9pm June 15
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Sa 7am-5pm June 23
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 7am-3pm June 24
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
486F 6pm-9pm June 22
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Sa 7am-5pm June 30
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 7am-3pm July 1
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
487Sa 9am-7pm July 7
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 9am-8pm July 8
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
488Sa 9am-7pm July 21
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 9am-8pm July 22
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
489Sa 9am-7pm July 28
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 9am-8pm July 29
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
490Sa 9am-7pm Aug 11
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 9am-8pm Aug 12
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
491Sa 9am-7pm Aug 25
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Su 9am-8pm Aug 26
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Motorcycle Safety Basic Rider Course
(BRC) - Weekday
MOTR:701 | $195
400Tu 9am-7pm Aug 7
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
W 9am-8pm Aug 8
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
simple scales, melodies and right hand strumming
techniques. We will introduce tablature and guitar
notation. Must bring own (acoustic) guitar and an
extra set of strings. Text required - bring to first class.
MUSC:705 | $69
450Th 7pm-9pm
May 31 – July 19
Forest Park - G Tower, 119 No class 7/5
550Th 7:30pm-9pm
Christina Springer
May 31 – July 26
Florissant Valley-Communications No class 7/5
650Tu 7pm-9pm
James Renz
June 7 – July 19
Meramec - Humanities West Bld, 102 No class 7/5. No text required for this section.
Piano: Beginning
In this enjoyable, relaxed approach to the piano, you
will learn: 1) the letter names of notes and where they
are on the keyboard, 2) simple chords to accompany
melodies, 3) easy rhythm patterns, 4) pedaling. Text
and headphones with 1/4 inch adapter required. No
class 7/2.
MUSC:710 | $69
Motorcycle Safety Advanced Rider
Course (ARC)
Get the most out of your bike with the Advanced
Motorcycle Safety Course Level III (MSF-ARC), while
improving your ability to deal with hazards. Riders
will enhance skills to improve cornering, swerving,
and braking techniques, as well as develop additional
expertise in the areas of risk management, decisionmaking, riding strategies, and rider behavior. Using
techniques developed by sport bike riders, you will
learn how to maximize your turning abilities, how
to stop as well as your machine can manage, and
how to swerve around large objects. This course is
for two-wheeled motorcycles only (no scooters). For
the beginning or casual rider, the BRC-2 would be
a recommended prerequisite. Students must have
a motorcycle endorsement on driver’s license and
provide their own insured street legal motorcycle. No
passengers allowed! Class held rain or shine.
MOTR:704 | $139
480Su 8am-5pm
June 3
Piano: Advanced Beginning & More
Learn: more advanced rhythms - dotted rhythms and
triplets, major chords and their functions, staccato
playing, major scales & exercises, and expression
marks & phrasing. ‘Pop’ music introduced. Songs will
be played in major keys. There is a review at course’s
beginning if needed. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of
keyboard and letter names of notes recommended.
Text and headphones with 1/4 inch adapter required.
No class 7/3.
MUSC:711 | $79
550Tu 5:30pm-7:30pm
Christina Springer
June 5 – July 31
Valley-Communications, 114
Harmonica: Beginning
Have fun learning to play the harmonica. This unique
and versatile instrument is easy to play. Fee includes
song-book and “C” diamatic harmonica.
MUSC:720 | $39
650W 7pm-8pm
June 13 – June 27 Meramec-Science West, 208
650M 6pm-7:30pm
Ronald Krausch
June 4 – July 30 Meramec-Humanities East, 112
Piano: Beginning and More
35mm & Digital Photography:
In this enjoyable, relaxed approach to the piano, you
will learn: 1) the letter names of notes and where they
are on the keyboard, 2) simple chords to accompany
melodies, 3) easy rhythm patterns, 4) pedaling. Text
and headphones with 1/4 inch adapter required. No
class 7/5.
MUSC:710 | $79
550Th 5:30pm-7:30pm
Christina Springer
May 31 – July 26
Valley-Communications, 114
Piano: Advanced Beginning
Learn: more advanced rhythms - dotted rhythms and
triplets, major chords and their functions, staccato
playing, major scales & exercises, and expression
marks & phrasing. ‘Pop’ music introduced. Songs will
be played in major keys. There is a review at course’s
beginning if needed. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of
keyboard and letter names of notes recommended.
Text and headphones with 1/4 inch adapter required.
No class 7/2.
MUSC:711 | $69
650M 7:30pm-9pm
Ronald Krausch
June 4 – July 30 Meramec-Humanities East, 112
Forest Park - D Tower, 215
Guitar: Beginning
Gain photography skills and take better pictures
as you learn about the operation of your camera.
Improve your techniques to enhance family, vacation
and nature images. Boost your creativity. Get tips
that will help you use your camera to the fullest. No
darkroom/lab. Need a camera (digital or 35 mm) and
your own film or memory card. Please note: Due to
the large variety of camera brands, your individual
camera’s features cannot be discussed. Class covers
generalities of how cameras operate. Read the
camera’s manual prior to the first class and bring it to
class. No class 7/2.
PHOT:701 | $55
S50M 7pm-9pm
June 11 – July 16
SCEUC, 213
Digital Photography - Beginning
Learn to take portraits with a professional
photographer. You’ll learn how to pose and light
for portraits of people. You’ll see examples of the
common problems encountered in portraiture and
how to overcome these. You’ll practice your new
photography skill on friends and family and then
learn to transfer your pictures from the camera
to a computer’s editing program such as Adobe
Lightroom or Photoshop and create your finished
product. Students may bring a digital camera to use.”
PHOT:704 | $65
M01Sa 2pm-5pm
July 21 – July 28
Masterpeace Studios
This class is for students who have never played a
guitar and have no background in music. The class will
cover, tuning, string changing, how to select a new
guitar and a brief history of the guitar. Students will
learn to play first position and open position chords,
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Digital Pictures: Introduction
Meditation: Beginning
Coaching Youth Sports
This course is an introduction to digital images and
photos. If you don’t know the answer to the following
questions then this class is for you. How do I get a
photo into my computer? How do I get the photo
from my digital camera into my computer? How do
I download a picture that someone sent me in an
email? Where do I put my photos in my computer?
How do I find the photos once they are in my
computer? What’s a jpeg? This is an entry level class.
Because digital cameras vary, the class will cover
universal methods of inputting digital images into
your computer including using SD (secure digital)
and CF (compact flash) memory cards. In some cases,
the methods may not apply to your specific digital
PHOT:707 | $49
S50Tu 6pm-9pm
Rachel Bufalo
July 10 – July 17
SCEUC, 206
You’ll discover the benefits of meditation: relaxation,
mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual
attunement. In addition, you’ll learn a variety of
meditation techniques so you can discover which one
works best for you and how to utilize it for greater
health, emotional calm and connection with your
spiritual self. Class will meet in the Highlander Lounge
the first week and then it will meet in the West Cafe
conference room for the remainder of the class.
PERD:732 | $49
450Tu 7pm-9pm
Rhonda Leifheit
June 5 – June 26
Forest Park - Student Center, 150
Coaching Youth Sports is a blueprint for developing
young athletes into successful, mature men and
women. Most youth coaches volunteer their time
without any idea how to develop the skills necessary
for the young athlete to progress. By learning
the foundational principles of Long Term Athletic
Development (LTAD), you will improve your ability to
successfully impact young lives on and off the field of
PERD:710 | $29
Are you fascinated by the paranormal? Have you,
personally, had a mysterious experience? Come
explore the field of Parapsychology; learn about and
discuss topics such as: ESP, Telepathy, Clairvoyance,
Telekinesis, Spiritualism, Ghosts and so much more!
The only pre-requisite is an open mind. No class 7/4.
PERD:734 | $49
650W 6:30pm-8pm
June 13 – July 11
You Can’t Have Enough Stuff
Everyone loves a bargain and we all know you just
“can’t have enough stuff!” Learn the difference
between a garage sale, tag sale, estate sale, flea
market, rummage sale, thrift store, consignment
shop, and auction. Acquire a basic understanding of
how to bargain successfully and how to redecorate
your home with your thrifty finds and collectibles!
PERD:710 | $25
650Th 6pm-8pm
Barbara Hughes
June 7
Meramec-Campus Police, CP
Basic Emergency Preparedness
Take the first step to develop, practice, and maintain
emergency plans that reflect what must be done to
protect your family and property before, during, and
after a disaster. Also included is information on how to
assemble a disaster supplies kit in the event you must
rely on your own resources to survive.
PERD:710 | $29
681Sa 8am-12pm
Mark Diedrich
July 14
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 124 / 314-984-7777
Mark Diedrich
Meramec-Bus. Admin, 118
Sports and Fitness
“The Psi Factor” - Examining
Self Improvement
680Sa 8am-12pm
June 9
Daniel Guilfoy
Meramec-Science West, 108
“The Psi Factor” - Just Ghosts
Did you enjoy learning about the paranormal in
“The Psi Factor” - Examining Parapsychology? Ready
to learn even more? Share your experiences and
continue your exploration into the paranormal in this
one night class that focuses on ghosts.
PERD:734 | $25
651W 6:30pm-8pm
July 25
Daniel Guilfoy
Meramec-Science West, 108
Consumed by Clutter
If you or someone you love is overcome with clutter,
there is hope. Acquire and utilize strategies to
organize and let go of clutter.
PERD:765 | $45
650M 6:30pm-8:30pm
Kimberly Meredith
June 18 – July 9
Meramec-Communications North, 227
The college can assume no liabilities for
injuries or for the aggravation of individual’s
medical condition, which may be incurred in
connection with its on-and-off campus course
offerings. Although accidents rarely occur, those
participating in sports and recreational events in
particular should have their own insurance or be
aware that expenses for any medical treatment
or care must be borne by the individual student.
Students engaging in dance, sports, or recreational
type activities should understand that a physical
activity of this type is potentially hazardous. It is
strongly recommended if a participant is of an
age, has a medical condition, or leads a sedentary
lifestyle that may affect their health due to
participation in this activity, that they receive a
complete physical examination before the start of
the program.
Water Sport Students:
Due to circumstances related to inclement
weather, building and/or equipment
malfunctioning or maintenance, the pool facilities
used by Continuing Education may have to be
closed with little or no advance notice. In these
cases, no refunds will be offered, nor will makeups be available because of tight scheduling of
swimming, water exercise and other physical
education classes. For additional information
regarding the various college pools, please call
Meramec Pool: 314-894-7172
Forest Park Pool: 314-644-9717
Florissant Valley Pool: 314-513-4275
Lap Swim - Florissant Valley
The pool is open for lap swimming during this time.
Lockers are available; however you must provide your
own towel & lock for your valuables. No class 7/4.
PEDU:721 | $75
500M-F 6:30am-7:45am
June 4 – July 27
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Get Wet I
This class will take you from fearfulness to a place
where you are ready to learn. We will teach the
rudiments of face down gliding, back floating, and
PEDU:722 | $59
M01Tu 11:30am-12:15pm
June 5 – July 17
Mid-County Family YMCA
M03Tu 7pm-7:45pm
June 5 – July 17
Mid-County Family YMCA
Get Wet II
This level will take the student that is ready to begin
strokes and teaches the beginnings of the basic 4
PEDU:722 | $59
M02Th 11:30am-12:15pm
June 7 – July 19
Mid-County Family YMCA
M04Tu 7pm-7:45pm
June 5 – July 17
Mid-County Family YMCA
M04W 8:15am-9am
June 6 – Aug 8
No Class 7/4
M05F 8:15am-9am
June 8 – Aug 3
M07Tu 6:30pm-7:25pm
June 5 – July 31
M08Th 6:30pm-7:25pm
June 7 – Aug 2
Golf Classes - Extra fee for balls
Mid-County Family YMCA
Golf: Beginning I
Mid-County Family YMCA
Mid-County Family YMCA
Mid-County Family YMCA
Water Exercise - Florissant Valley 8 Sessions
Get a total body workout as you tone, strengthen,
and achieve flexibility and circulatory endurance
while exercising in the water. No more stiff and sore
muscles! All skill levels are welcome as you will work
Swimming Skills: Beginning Forest Park
Designed for persons who want to acquire basic
through intermediate swimming skills, enabling
them to feel confident in the water and around
water activities. Emphasis is on the primary strokes,
buoyancy techniques, breath control and acquiring
PEDU:722 | $45
450Tu 7:30pm-8:25pm
Milton Douglas
June 5 – July 24
Forest Park-Phys. Ed, POOL
Stay Wet
Class is designed for an intermediate level student
that needs stroke development. Curriculum will
adjust to those in the class, teaching the group skills
the majority are interested in developing.
PEDU:723 | $59
M01Tu 7pm-7:45pm
June 5 – July 17
Mid-County Family YMCA
Shallow Water Aquacise
A cardio workout held in the shallow water. Includes
muscle strengthening and flexibility. No swimming
skills required.
PEDU:729 | $55
M01Tu 8:15am-9am
June 5 – July 31
M02Th 8:15am-9am
June 7 – Aug 2
M06M 7pm-7:45pm
June 4 – July 30
Mid-County Family YMCA
Mid-County Family YMCA
Mid-County Family YMCA
This is a full body workout with no impact on your
joints. Includes warm up, cardio workout and cool
down designed to maintain cardio health and
joint flexibility. Comfort in deep water required. A
buoyancy belt is provided.
PEDU:729 | $55
8 Sessions | $39
450Tu 6:30pm-7:25pm
Milton Douglas
June 5 – July 24
Forest Park-Phys. Ed, POOL
480Sa 9am-10am
Milton Douglas
June 9 – July 28
Forest Park-Phys. Ed, POOL
550Th 6pm-6:50pm
Catherine Crinnion
June 7 – July 26
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
580Sa 9am-9:50am
Catherine Crinnion
June 9 – July 28
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
581Sa 10am-10:50am
Catherine Crinnion
June 9 – July 28
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
16 Sessions | $79
501TuTh 2pm-2:50pm
Catherine Crinnion
June 5 – July 26
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
17 Sessions | $85
500MWF 10am-10:50am
Catherine Crinnion
June 18 – July 27
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
Aqua Zumba
Deep Water Aquacise
M03M 8:15am-9am
June 4 – July 30
at your own pace.
Mid-County Family YMCA
Dance your way to fitness in this fun, low-impact,
water-based workout! Aqua Zumba integrates the
Latin-inspired, dance-fitness moves of the traditional
Zumba class with water-based exercises.
PEDU:729 | $39
Learn the basic fundamentals of golf: grip, set up,
mini-swing, full swing, putting and chipping. Class
limit 6. Extra fee for balls.
4 Sessions | $45
831W 7pm-8pm
July 11 – Aug 1 Family Golfplex & Learning Ctr
880Tu 6pm-7pm
May 29 – June 19
The First Tee
840Tu 5pm-6pm
May 29 – June 19 Landings at Spirit Golf Club
896Sa 8am-9am
June 2 – June 23
Tower Tee Golf Center
810W 7pm-8pm
May 30 – June 20
Big Bend Golf Center
811M 6pm-7pm
June 4 – June 25
Big Bend Golf Center
812M 7pm-8pm
June 4 – June 25
Big Bend Golf Center
813M 7pm-8pm
July 9 – July 30
Big Bend Golf Center
814Sa 8am-9am
June 2 – June 23
Big Bend Golf Center
6 Sessions | $59
830Tu 6pm-7pm
May 29 – July 3
Family Golfplex & Learning Ctr
832Sa 11am-12pm
June 2 – July 7 Family Golfplex & Learning Ctr
850Tu 7pm-8pm
May 29 – July 3
North County Golf & Sports
851Th 7pm-8pm
May 31 – July 5
North County Golf & Sports
852M 6pm-7pm
June 4 – July 9
North County Golf & Sports
855Sa 10am-11am
June 2 – July 7
North County Golf & Sports
874Sa 9am-10am
June 2 – July 7
Ruth Park Golf Course
890Tu 9am-10am
May 29 – July 3
Tower Tee Golf Center
891Tu 10am-11am
May 29 – July 3
Tower Tee Golf Center
892W 7pm-8pm
May 23 – June 27
Tower Tee Golf Center
893W 6pm-7pm
July 11 – Aug 15
Tower Tee Golf Center
894W 7pm-8pm
July 11 – Aug 15
Tower Tee Golf Center
895Th 6pm-7pm
July 12 – Aug 16
Tower Tee Golf Center
897Sa 9am-10am
July 7 – Aug 11
Tower Tee Golf Center
551Tu 6pm-6:50pm
Neil Skid
June 5 – July 24
Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, POOL
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Golf: Beginning I - Women Only
Learn the basic fundamentals of golf: grip, set up,
mini-swing, full swing, putting and chipping but all
geared toward women! Extra fee for balls/putting
green use.
4 Sessions | $45
800Th 11am-12pm
May 31 – June 21 Barrett Station Golf Center
801Tu 6pm-7pm
May 29 – June 19 Barrett Station Golf Center
802Th 7pm-8pm
May 31 – June 21 Barrett Station Golf Center
803Sa 10am-11am
June 2 – June 23
Barrett Station Golf Center
6 Sessions | $59
853Tu 6pm-7pm
July 10 – Aug 14
North County Golf & Sports
854Sa 9am-10am
June 2 – July 7
North County Golf & Sports
872Tu 6pm-7pm
May 29 – July 3
Ruth Park Golf Course
873Sa 10am-11am
June 2 – July 7
Ruth Park Golf Course
Golf: Beginning I - 12 Hours
Learn the basic fundamentals of golf: grip, set up,
mini-swing, full swing, putting and chipping.Class
limit 8. Extra fee for balls. 12 sessions.
PEDU:730 | $109
870TuTh 1pm-2pm
May 29 – July 5
Ruth Park Golf Course
Golf: Beginning I - 18 Hours
Learn the basic fundamentals of golf: grip, set up,
mini-swing, full swing, putting and chipping. Class
limit 8. Extra fee for balls. 12 sessions.
PEDU:730 | $159
871TuTh 4pm-5:30pm
May 29 – July 5
Ruth Park Golf Course
Golf: Beginning II
Review fundamentals presented in Golf: Beginning I
with special emphasis on correcting individual swing
faults. Class limit 6. Extra fee for balls.
4 Sessions | $45
831W 6pm-7pm
July 11 – Aug 1 Family Golfplex & Learning Ctr
880Tu 7pm-8pm
July 3 – July 24
The First Tee
810W 6pm-7pm
May 30 – June 20
Big Bend Golf Center
811M 6pm-7pm
July 9 – July 30
Big Bend Golf Center
800Tu 10am-11am
May 29 – June 19 Barrett Station Golf Center
802Th 6pm-7pm
May 31 – June 21 Barrett Station Golf Center
805Sa 9am-10am
June 2 – June 23
Barrett Station Golf Center / 314-984-7777
6 Sessions | $59
830Tu 7pm-8pm
May 29 – July 3 Family Golfplex & Learning Ctr
832Sa 10am-11am
June 2 – July 7 Family Golfplex & Learning Ctr
851Th 6pm-7pm
May 31 – July 5
North County Golf & Sports
852Tu 7pm-8pm
July 10 – Aug 14
North County Golf & Sports
890Th 9am-10am
May 31 – July 5
Tower Tee Golf Center
891Tu 7pm-8pm
July 10 – Aug 14
Tower Tee Golf Center
892Th 7pm-8pm
July 12 – Aug 16
Tower Tee Golf Center
893Sa 10am-11am
July 7 – Aug 11
Tower Tee Golf Center
Golf: Beginning II - Women Only
Review fundamentals presented in Golf: Beginning I
with special emphasis on correcting individual swing
faults but all geared toward women! Class limit 6.
Extra fee for balls/putting green use.
4 Sessions | $45
801Tu 7pm-8pm
May 29 – June 19
803Tu 6pm-7pm
June 26 – July 17
804Th 7pm-8pm
June 28 – July 19
6 Sessions | $59
850Tu 6pm-7pm
May 29 – July 3
Barrett Station Golf Center
Barrett Station Golf Center
Barrett Station Golf Center
North County Golf & Sports
Golf: Putting, Chipping, Pitching and
Sand Shots
Class will cover putting, chipping, pitching, and sand
shots and will cater to the beginner student as well
as the student wanting to improve their game. Class
limit 6. Extra fee for balls.
4 Sessions | $45
840Tu 6pm-7pm
May 29 – June 19
897Sa 9am-10am
June 2 – June 23
6 Sessions | $59
891W 6pm-7pm
May 23 – June 27
898Sa 8am-9am
July 7 – Aug 11
Landings at Spirit Golf Club
Tower Tee Golf Center
Tower Tee Golf Center
Tower Tee Golf Center
Golf: Iron and Wood Play
Class covers the use of woods and irons. Class limit 6.
Extra fee for balls/putting green use. 4 sessions.
PEDU:732 | $45
851Su 11am-12pm
July 8 – July 29
North County Golf & Sports
Golf: Putting and Chipping, Wood and
Iron Play - 6 Sessions
Class reviews putting & chipping and wood & iron
play. Class limit 6. Extra fee for balls. 6 sessions.
PEDU:732 | $59
890Th 10am-11am
May 31 – July 5
Tower Tee Golf Center
893Th 7pm-8pm
May 24 – June 28
Tower Tee Golf Center
895Tu 6pm-7pm
July 10 – Aug 14
Tower Tee Golf Center
Golf: Combo Class
Class is a combination of short game, full swing
and on course lessons. The first few classes will be
on the practice range and remaining will be on the
course. On course strategy and mental game will be
discussed. Class limit 6. Extra fee for balls. 6 sessions.
PEDU:732 | $59
892Th 6pm-7pm
May 24 – June 28
894Tu 5pm-6pm
July 10 – Aug 14
896Th 5pm-6pm
July 12 – Aug 16
Tower Tee Golf Center
Tower Tee Golf Center
Tower Tee Golf Center
Be the Best Golfer You Can Be
Every aspect of playing the game of golf will
be discussed and instruction will focus on each
individual’s skill level (from beginner to ‘scratch’ golfer).
Mandatory first class meets at Creve Coeur Municipal
Golf Course Tuesday, 5/29. On Sunday, 6/3, the class
will meet at Golfport Driving Range to cover driving
accuracy ($9 for balls). All remaining sessions will meet
at Creve Coeur Municipal Golf Course (golfer brings
own balls). 6/10 - putting session, 6/17 - short game
session, and the last session, 6/24, will be an optional
2 or 3-hole round of golf (with instructor) - bring $9 to
pay for 3-hole round. More info supplied at first class.
PEDU:732 | $29
V01Tu 5:30pm-7pm Melvin Klearman
May 29
Florissant Valley-Off Campus (CE)
Su 9am-10am June 3
Golfport of Maryland Heights
Su 9am-10am June 10-June 24
Florissant Valley-Off Campus (CE)
Golf: Chipping, Putting, and Sand Shots
- 3 Sessions
Do you get your golf ball on the green but take forever
getting it in the hole? Work on chipping, putting, and
sand shots in our fun course and take strokes off your
game! Class limit 6. Extra fee for balls/putting green
use. 3 sessions.
PEDU:732 | $30
850Su 12pm-1pm
June 3 – June 17 North County Golf & Sports
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Semi-Private Golf Lesson
Enjoy this unique opportunity to play with an
experienced golf instructor. PGA professional will take
you and three other students on the regular course
(not the par 3 beginner’s course) to play nine holes.
Class is for golfers who have had prior instruction but
have difficulty taking their game to the next level. Be
prepared to pay Eagle Springs approximately $20 to
play nine holes (includes a riding cart) on the regular
course. Meet instructor at Eagle Springs Clubhouse.
Tee time is 5pm sharp.
PEDU:732 | $29
820M 5pm-7:30pm
June 18
Eagle Springs Golf Course
821M 5pm-7:30pm
July 9
Eagle Springs Golf Course
822M 5pm-7:30pm
July 16
Eagle Springs Golf Course
Golf: Parent/Child
Parent attends class with a child, ages 7-15.
Registration required for each participant. Class limit
6. Extra fee for balls. 4 sessions.
PEDU:732 | $45
810W 7pm-8pm
July 11 – Aug 1
Big Bend Golf Center
811Sa 9am-10am
June 2 – June 23
Big Bend Golf Center
Golf for Seniors
Learn the basic fundamentals of golf: grip, set-up,
mini-swing, full swing, putting and chipping. Class
will move at a slower pace. Adults 60 and older. Class
limit 6. Extra fee for balls. 4 sessions.
PEDU:732 | $45
800Th 10am-11am
May 31 – June 21
Barrett Station Golf Center
Mother/Daughter Golf
Mother attends class with a daughter, ages 7-15.
Registration required for each participant. Class limit
6. Extra fee for balls. 4 sessions.
PEDU:732 | $45
801Sa 11am-12pm
June 2 – June 23
Barrett Station Golf Center
National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP)
This player is just starting to play tennis
May have had some lessons; needs on-court experience
Can sustain a short rally of slow pace; needs to develop form
Consistent on medium-paced shots; needs work on form and strategy
Consistent wiht directional control; needs to work on specialty shots
Designations used as a tool to assist students when registering for tennis classes:
Beginning I (1.0-2.0): Designed for beginners and those who have limited experience with basic tennis
strokes. Proper techniques of all strokes will be covered. Drills will be used and tennis etiquette and
rules will be discussed. Players will be grouped accoring to ability.
Beginning I and II (1.0-2.5): Designed for beginners and those who need to brush up on the basics.
Techniques covered are forehand, backhand, serve, volley, basic strategy as well as drill exercises. Players
will be grouped according to ability.
Beginning II (2.5): Further emphasized is proper stroke development and footwork through the use of
drills. Tennis etiquette and rules will be reviewed. Constancy of stroke production is a major goal.
Intermediate I (3.0-3.5): A refresher on proper stroke execution. Drills are used and emphasis is on
impoved consistency and directional control. Strategy and some match play are covered.
Bring tennis shoes and racket. Tennis balls provided.
Every effort will be made to schedule a make-up class for outdoor classes missed due to rain-outs.
However, no refunds will be given for rained-out classes.
Tennis: Beginning I & II (NTRP 1.0-2.5)
See NTRP Rating Box. Tennis balls provided.
4 Sessions | $48
P02Sa 9am-10am
Mark Platt
July 28 – Aug 18
Francis Park
6 Sessions | $72
580Sa 10am-11am
Mark Platt
June 2 – July 7Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, TENNIS
720MW 6pm-7pm
Mark Platt
June 4 – June 20
Ladue Middle School
721MW 7pm-8pm
Mark Platt
June 4 – June 20
Ladue Middle School
722TuTh 6pm-7pm
Mark Platt
June 5 – June 21
Ladue Middle School
723MW 6pm-7pm
Mark Platt
July 9 – July 25
Ladue Middle School
M03Th 7pm-8pm
Mark Platt
June 7 – July 12
Queeny Park Rec Complex
P03Sa 10am-11am
Mark Platt
June 2 – July 7
Kaufman Park
P01Sa 9am-10am
Mark Platt
June 2 – July 7
Francis Park
Tennis: Beginning I (NTRP 1.0-2.0)
See NTRP Rating Box. Tennis balls provided.
4 Sessions | $48
P05Su 9am-10am
July 22 – Aug 12
6 Sessions | $72
724Sa 9am-10am
June 2 – July 7
P04Su 9am-10am
June 3 – July 8
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
Tennis: Beginning I (NTRP 1.0-2.0) Vetta
See NTRP Rating Box. Tennis balls provided. Facility is
not air-conditioned, dress appropriately.
PEDU:733 | $54
M01M 6pm-7pm
June 4 – July 9
M02M 6pm-7pm
July 23 – Aug 27
Vetta Concord Sports Club
Vetta Concord Sports Club
Tennis: Beginning II (NTRP 2.5) - 4
See NTRP Rating Box. Tennis balls provided.
PEDU:734 | $48
P01Su 10am-11am
July 22 – Aug 12
Mark Platt
Kaufman Park
Tennis: Beginning II (NTRP 2.5) - Vetta
See NTRP Rating Box. Tennis balls provided. Facility is
not air-conditioned, dress appropriately.
PEDU:734 | $54
M01M 7pm-8pm
June 4 – July 9
M02M 7pm-8pm
July 23 – Aug 27
Vetta Concord Sports Club
Vetta Concord Sports Club
Tennis: Intermediate I (NTRP 3.0)
Mark Platt
Kaufman Park
Mark Platt
Ladue Middle School
Mark Platt
Kaufman Park
See NTRP Rating Box. Tennis balls provided.
4 Sessions | $48
P03Sa 10am-11am
July 21 – Aug 11
P02Sa 10am-11am
July 28 – Aug 18
Mark Platt
Kaufman Park
Mark Platt
Francis Park / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Tennis: Intermediate I (NTRP 3.0)
Get Fit - Fit Kick
Zumba: Beginning
See NTRP Rating Box. Tennis balls provided.
Workout to a variety of exercises from mat work to
kick boxing drills that will help you de-stress, improve
muscle tone, strength, and flexibility. Work with
weights, resistance bands, focus mitts, and kicking
shields. Bring a mat, boxing gloves (12 oz. preferred),
towel, and water. Please wear clean sole tennis shoes.
PEDU:744 | $63
Designed for the beginning student, this class is a
lower intensity, exhilarating, and effective way to get
fit and increase your energy level! Join in the Zumba
craze featuring easy to learn routines set to Latin and
International music designed to quickly burn calories.
Give it a try, and you’ll be convinced that exercise
fitness can be fun.
PEDU:747 | $45
6 Sessions | $72
720TuTh 7pm-8pm
June 5 – June 21
721TuTh 6pm-7pm
July 10 – July 26
P01Sa 10am-11am
June 2 – July 7
Mark Platt
Ladue Middle School
Mark Platt
Ladue Middle School
Mark Platt
Francis Park
M02M 7:30pm-8:25pm
Katherine McMeans
June 4–Aug 6 Sunset Hills Community Center
No class 7/2
M03W 7:30pm-8:25pm
Katherine McMeans
June 6–Aug 8 Sunset Hills Community Center
No Class 6/27, 7/4
Dance your way to fitness with Zumba. Let the Latin
music take you away with a combination of Salsa,
Merengue, Samba, and Cumbia. It’s a great highenergy low-impact workout that’s fun! PLEASE BRING
PEDU:747 | $45
Tennis: Intermediate I (NTRP 3.0) - Vetta
See NTRP Rating Box. Tennis balls provided. Facility is
not air-conditioned, dress appropriately.
PEDU:735 | $81
M01Tu 2pm-3:30pm
May 29 – July 3
M02Th 2pm-3:30pm
May 31 – July 5
M03Th 2pm-3:30pm
July 19 – Aug 23
Vetta Concord Sports Club
Vetta Concord Sports Club
Vetta Concord Sports Club
Self Defense for Women
Designed for ladies who want to learn to protect
themselves at all times! Class is taught by Randy, a
fifth degree black belt, who also specializes in Judo
and Jujitsu and has been teaching for 30 years.
Come dressed as you are and leave feeling safe and
prepared for anything! No class 7/3.
PEDU:743 | $49
M01Tu 7pm-8pm
June 12 – July 31Sunset Hills Community Center
Aerobic Kickboxing
This class begins with warm-up and stretching
followed by an aerobic workout including floor work
and self-defense moves. A great workout with an
experienced instructor from The Martial Arts Center.
Bring a mat for floorwork. No class 7/4.
PEDU:744 | $59
M01W 7pm-8pm
Timothy Toeniskoetter
June 6 – Aug 15 The Martial Arts Cntr (Mehlvl)
580Sa 10am-11am
Tracey McGee
June 9 – July 21 Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, 233
550M 7pm-8pm
Paula Taylor
June 4 – July 16 Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, 233
Designed for the older active adult or individuals
with limited physical activity, Zumba Gold takes a
lower intensity, gentle approach to Zumba dance.
Exercises are modified to work on your posture,
strength, and balance. This non-strenuous class will
also work on breathing and stretching. Come join in
the fun and get fit with the upbeat tempo of Latin and
International music. No class 7/4.
PEDU:747 | $45
Theresa Daniels
Adiva Dance Center
Theresa Daniels
Adiva Dance Center
Zumba Toning: Beginning
Sculpt your arms, abs, glutes and thighs as you
participate in a healthy workout with Latin infused
Zumba moves matched to Latin and International
music. Using lightweight maraca-like toning sticks,
you’ll get a strength-training dance exercise workout
like you’ve never done before! Join this new and
exciting beginner level class to shape your body
naturally into a fit new you! Please bring two 1 lb
Zumba toning sticks to class. Available for purchase
online. No class 7/4.
PEDU:747 | $45
M03W 6pm-6:50pm
June 6 – July 18
Theresa Daniels
Adiva Dance Center
Zumba Toning: Beginning
Sculpt your arms, abs, glutes and thighs as you
participate in a healthy workout with Latin infused
Zumba moves matched to Latin and International
music. Using lightweight maraca-like toning sticks,
you’ll get a strength-training dance exercise workout
like you’ve never done before! Join this new and
exciting beginner level class to shape your body
naturally into a fit new you! Please bring two 1 lb
Zumba toning sticks to class. Available for purchase
PEDU:747 | $45
M05Sa 10am-10:50am
June 9 – July 14
Theresa Daniels
Adiva Dance Center
Dance Aerobics
Zumba Gold for Seniors
M01W 10am-10:50am
June 6 – July 18
M02W 11am-11:50am
June 6 – July 18
M04Sa 9am-9:50am
June 9 – July 14
Theresa Daniels
Adiva Dance Center
A fun, full body workout including cardio and toning
set to contemporary music. Bring light weights (1-3
lbs) and a mat. No dance experience required. PLEASE
ROOM. No class 7/4.
PEDU:750 | $79
550MW 6pm-6:50pm
Susan Pellegrino
June 4 – July 25 Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, 233
Ageless Grace®
Ageless Grace® consists of 21 simple anti-aging
exercises almost anyone can do. Each of the 21
tools focuses on anti-aging techniques, such as joint
mobility, spinal mobility, right-left brain coordination,
cognitive function, system stimulation, balance,
confidence and playfulness. All of the movements are
designed to be practiced in a chair (though they don’t
have to be), making them perfect for seniors and
others who want the benefits of a fun fitness class,
but who may have limited mobility or stability issues.
No class 7/5.
PEDU:755 | $42
M01Th 8:15am-8:55am
Karol McNutt
June 7 – July 19 Sunset Hills Community Center
Nia: A Combination of Cardio & Strength
NIA blends the grace and spontaneity of modern
and ethnic dance, the stillness and concentration of
Tai Chi, the dynamic poses of yoga, and the explosive
power of martial arts to make it an expressive mindbody-spirit movement class offering a holistic
approach to cardiovascular fitness. Wear comfortable
clothing. No class 6/23, 7/7.
PEDU:755 | $42
M02Sa 8:20am-9:20am
Karol McNutt
June 9 – July 28 Sunset Hills Community Center / 314-984-7777
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Dynamic Stretch
Boot Camp with Shark Fitness
Increase the range of motion in your muscles and
joints through specialized lengthening and stretching
techniques designed to help release muscle tension,
decrease stress, and enhance coordination.
PEDU:755 | $39
You will learn the correct way to train in terms of form,
tempo, exercise selection, and what to do outside of
class. We discuss nutrition techniques that are crucial
to success in achieving your goals without useless,
and potentially dangerous, supplements. We track
your efforts with pre and post fit tests to provide real
feedback. Our classes will challenge you individually
despite the group setting by using sets based on
time and variable resistance, not repetitions. Each
class contains a wide range of backgrounds, ages
and ability levels without overwhelming or holding
anyone back. Each class consists of calisthenics,
resistance training, short runs, multi-direction drills,
and plenty of abdominal work. Are you ready? Must
be able to jog 300 yds. Bring a towel and water. Class
will meet outside the gym entrance.
PEDU:755 | $150
Strengthen, lengthen and tone muscle, as well as
increase your flexibility. You’ll learn how to execute
the movements while focusing on breathing, allowing
the mind and body to unite. Bring a towel and mat.
PEDU:756 | $45
601Tu 8am-8:50am
June 5 – July 17
602Th 8am-8:50am
June 7 – July 19
Gary Ketcherside
Meramec-Phys. Ed, 105
Gary Ketcherside
Meramec-Phys. Ed, 105
Cardio Mix
Keep moving and improve your coordination and
fitness level with Hi/Lo moves plus body conditioning
and basic pilates. All skill levels welcome-work at your
own pace. No class 7/4.
PEDU:755 | $34
651W 5pm-5:50pm
June 6 – July 18
Gary Ketcherside
Meramec-Phys. Ed, GYM
603MWF 5:45am-6:45am
May 30 – June 29
604MWF 5:45am-6:45am
July 9 – Aug 10
Meramec-Phys. Ed
Meramec-Phys. Ed
Short on time in achieving your optimal physical
conditioning? Cover all the bases in this class with a
20 minute cardio segment, followed by 20 minutes
of toning with small hand weights, and ending with
20 minutes of ab work and stretching. Bring a towel,
sticky mat and small hand weights (3-5 lbs). No class
PEDU:755 | $85
650MW 5pm-5:55pm
June 4 – July 25
Summer Fat Burn
Get into the best shape of your life this summer! Use
High Intensity Interval Training to burn fat, increase
metabolism, and improve strength and endurance.
Class will combine strength and cardio training that is
appropriate for any age or fitness level.
PEDU:755 | $39
500TuTh 9am-10am
Timothy Mosby
June 19 – July 5 Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, 122
Yoga - Sunset Hills CC
Relax, calm your mind, experience vibrant healing
energy. Learn to use breathing, stretching and
relaxation techniques to bring a total sense of well
being and integration of mind and body. Bring a
towel and mat. No class 7/2, 7/4.
PEDU:761 | $56
M08M 5:30pm-6:25pm
Sharon Danyluck
June 4 – July 23
Sunset Hills Community Center
M09W 5:30pm-6:25pm
Sharon Danyluck
June 6 – July 25
Sunset Hills Community Center
New to yoga or desire a slow, gentle pace? Learn
standard yoga postures, flexibility, and correct
breathing techniques. Bring a towel & mat.
PEDU:761 | $49
M02F 10am-11am
Kelly Kauffmann
June 1 – July 6 Affton White-Rodgers CC, GYM
Yoga: Advanced - Affton White Rodgers
Rise and Shine Senior Workout
600TuTh 5:55am-6:55am
Gail Velten
June 5 – June 28
Meramec-Phys. Ed, 201
Angelicia Fingers
Meramec-Phys. Ed, 201
Yoga: Beginning - Affton White
Rodgers CC
Angelicia Fingers
Meramec-Phys. Ed, 201
This class is a total body senior workout program
for active older individuals. Join this early morning
session for a variety of exercises that are designed to
increase muscular strength, range of motion, agility,
and heart-healthy movement supporting the skills
required for your daily life. Wake up, work out and
feel energized for the rest of the day. No running or
jumping in this class. Wear tennis shoes. Bring water,
towel, small rug or yoga mat and one pair of 2-3lb.
PEDU:755 | $49
600F 9am-9:50am
June 22 – July 27
Get the benefits of yoga, pilates and core
strengthening as you exercise and stretch. A
challenging and relaxing workout in just one class.
Beginners to any class should come 10 minutes early
for a brief introduction. Bring water, towel and yoga
PEDU:756 | $69
M01M 5:30pm-6:30pm
Tracy Strubberg
June 4 – Aug 13 Vetta Concord Sports Club No
class 7/2
M04Th 5:30pm-6:30pm
Denise Motta
June 7 – Aug 9
Affton White-Rodgers CC, A
Pilates - Sunset Hills CC
Strengthen, lengthen and tone muscle, as well as
increase your flexibility. You’ll learn how to execute
the movements while focusing on breathing, allowing
the mind and body to unite. Bring a towel and mat.
PEDU:756 | $63
Designed for individuals with prior yoga experience,
you will continue to build your skills while learning
to relax, calm your mind, and experience vibrant
healing energy. Learn to use breathing, stretching
and relaxation techniques to bring a total sense of
well being and integration of mind and body. Bring
a towel and mat.
PEDU:761 | $49
M03F 11:15am-12:15pm
Kelly Kauffmann
June 1 – July 6 Affton White-Rodgers CC, GYM
Yoga: Beginning - Meramec
New to yoga or desire a slow, gentle pace? This class
will focus on standard postures, flexibility and correct
breathing techniques. Bring a towel & mat.
PEDU:761 | $45
600F 10am-10:50am
June 22 – July 27
Angelicia Fingers
Meramec-Phys. Ed, 201
M02M 6:30pm-7:25pm
Katherine McMeans
June 4 – Aug 6 Sunset Hills Community Center
No class 7/2
M03W 6:30pm-7:25pm
Katherine McMeans
June 6 – Aug 8 Sunset Hills Community Center
No Class 6/27, 7/4
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Personal Interest
Yoga - Wildwood
Relax, calm your mind, experience vibrant healing
energy. Learn to use breathing, stretching and
relaxation techniques to bring a total sense of well
being and integration of mind and body. Bring a yoga
sticky mat.
7 Sessions | $74
351W 7pm-8:30pm
June 6 – July 25
No class 7/4
8 Sessions | $85
350M 7:30pm-9pm
June 4 – July 23
Bishnupriya Misra
Wildwood, 102B Jill Dunlap
Wildwood, 102B
Afterwork Yoga: Union of Body, Mind
and Spirit
Attain a balance of mind, body and spirit as you work
on posture mechanics, breathing and energy. This
course will help you reduce stress, increase flexibility
and tone your muscles. All levels of experience
welcome. Bring a towel and mat.
PEDU:761 | $49
500M 4pm-4:55pm
Silvia Luna Zapiain
June 4 – July 9 Florissant Valley-Phys. Ed, 233
C01W 4pm-4:55pm
Silvia Luna Zapiain
June 6 – July 18
Corporate College, MULTI
Yoga: Beginning & Beyond
Yoga: Basics
New to yoga or desire a slow, gentle pace? Learn
standard yoga postures, flexibility, and correct
breathing techniques. Sticky mats are available for
rent or students may bring their own.
PEDU:761 | $74
Relax, calm your mind, and experience the healing
energy of yoga. Learn to use breathing, stretching,
postures, and relaxation techniques to discover a
renewed sense of well-being. Non-competitive Hatha
Yoga. Bring a towel and mat.
PEDU:761 | $45
M01Th 4:30pm-5:45pm
June 7 – July 26
P01M 9:30am-10:30am
June 4 – July 9
Silvia Luna Zapiain
Solar Yoga Center
T’ai Chi Chih: Beginning
T’ai Chi Chih is a moving meditation consisting of 19
movements and 1 pose. Its purpose is to circulate and
balance one’s “chi” or vital force life energy. Health
benefits include better balance, blood pressure
control, and reduction in symptoms associated with
stress, shingles, and arthritis.
PEDU:766 | $66
P01Tu 2:30pm-3:30pm
June 26 – Aug 14
Susan Kissinger
Solar Yoga Center
T’ai Chi Chih: Continuing
Designed for students who have completed a
beginning T’ai Chi Chih class and want to enhance
their practice. Each week we will complete a practice
of all 19 movements and the final pose, explore
key principles of the form, and refine individual
PEDU:767 | $59
P01Tu 1:15pm-2:15pm
June 26 – Aug 14
650W 5pm-6pm
June 6 – July 25
No Class 7/4
Susan Kissinger
Solar Yoga Center
Gale Portman
Meramec-Phys. Ed, 105 Yoga - Big Bend Yoga Center
Gentle Yoga
Tours and Trips
Relax, calm your mind, experience vibrant healing
energy. Learn to use breathing, stretching and
relaxation techniques to bring a total sense of well
being and integration of mind and body. Bring a
towel and mat.
PEDU:761 | $85
A gentle combination of yoga exercises helping to
improve flexibility and core balance. Great for stress
relief. Individual yoga practice will be encouraged.
Bring a yoga mat, towel and water. No class 7/4.
PEDU:761 | $79
Re-live the 1904 World’s Fair
M04Tu 1pm-2:30pm
June 5 – July 24
Julie Garland
Big Bend Yoga Center
Yoga: Continuing - Big Bend Yoga Center
Designed for individuals with prior yoga experience,
you will continue to build your skills while learning
to relax, calm your mind, and experience vibrant
healing energy. Learn to use breathing, stretching and
relaxation techniques to bring a total sense of well
being and integration of mind and body. Prerequisite:
Prior yoga experience. Bring a towel and mat.
PEDU:761 | $85
M05Th 9am-10:30am
June 7 – July 26
Melanie Klug
Big Bend Yoga Center
M06W 7pm-8pm
May 30 – July 25
Masterpeace Studios
Gentle Yoga: Mini-Session
A gentle combination of yoga exercises helping to
improve flexibility and core balance. Great for stress
relief. Individual yoga practice will be encouraged.
Bring a yoga mat, towel and water.
PEDU:761 | $45
M07W 7pm-8pm
Aug 1 – Aug 22
Masterpeace Studios
Join us for an illustrated, narrated tour of the actual
fair grounds of the 1904 World’s Fair in and around
Forest Park. Travel back in time through a narrated
3-D stereoscopic slide presentation, then travel to
the sites of the marvels you’ve just seen. Fee includes
a light lunch of foods made famous at the fair and
print materials (including maps). Special 3-D glasses
are supplied for this course. Some walking required.
Provide own transportation for the tour. Rain date:
TRIP:701 | $39
480Sa 8:30am-1:30pm
Charles Koehler
June 30
Forest Park - G Tower, 113
Down on the Farm: Cooking with
Come on out to the farm to experience and enjoy how
lavender can subtly enhance the flavor of beverages,
desserts, and savory foods. Discover how you can
use varieties of lavender as a culinary herb in your
own kitchen. Food presentation and sampling will
be held in the old red barn, lakeside (fans but no air
conditioning - dress appropriately for the season). Tour
the blooming lavender fields (wear walking shoes);
expect full sun and uneven ground. For directions to
the lavender farm:
Registration/withdrawal deadline: 6/8. No refunds
after that date. Class also listed as FOOD 765 3D1.
TRIP:701 | $29
3D1Sa 1pm-3pm
June 16 / 314-984-7777
Winding Brook Estate
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Personal Interest
Land of Lincoln
Beating Writer’s Block
Visit the Lincoln Presidential Museum detailing the
life of our nation’s 16th president, from his humble
beginnings to his lasting achievement. Enjoy a fried
chicken dinner at Mariah’s before a stop at his final
resting place to learn about the precautions taken
at the Lincoln Tomb to thwart grave robbers. Then,
ride the Amtrak train from Springfield, IL back to the
downtown station. Your coach will be there to pick
you up and return you to Meramec. Trip includes
guided tour, transportation, admission, lunch, and
gratuities. Meet tour bus in Lot E on NW side of the
Meramec campus. Field trip release form required.
Tour guide is Dea Hoover. Registration/withdrawal
deadline: June 14. No refunds after that date.
TRIP:702 | $89
This class will teach writers how to get around the
block. Writer’s block, that is. When the words and
ideas seem to dry up, there is always a new wellspring
of inspiration just waiting to be tapped. This course
will help you come up with exercises to re-energize
your stifled creativity. Like a blender to produce new
creative juices, this class will teach you how to turn
the lemon of writer’s block into lemonade.
WRIT:701 | $69
MD1Sa 8am-8pm
June 30
Meramec - Off Campus (CE)
Travel Ideas for Women
Gain a wealth of information about enjoyable and
unusual trips particularly suited to women travelers.
Learn about travel options available to people with
different interests and abilities and to those traveling
alone or with a friend. You can move confidently and
courageously into your next travel adventure!
TRIP:703 | $29
650Th 6:30pm-9pm
June 7
Meramec-Social Science, 105
651Th 6:30pm-9pm
Jordan Oakes
June 7 – June 28 Meramec-Social Science, 112
How to Become a Published Freelance
In this exciting class, you will be encouraged to
bring out your “inner-journalist.” This will begin with
nurturing your passion for expressive, concise, and
adaptable writing, and include the importance of
producing good work on a deadline, networking, and
learning to market yourself and your work. The class
will touch on the often subtle differences between
the styles of newspaper and magazine journalism
and how it’s important to cater to each medium.
Additional topics covered will include pitching story
ideas, finding a niche, being realistic about which
publications might buy your work, ascending the
freelance market by working your way up to more
prestigious magazines and newspapers and more!
WRIT:704 | $69
650Tu 6:30pm-9pm
Jordan Oakes
June 5 – June 26 Meramec-Social Science, 112
Fiction Writing One-Day Workshop
Are you eager to write fiction but unsure of where to
start? Have you wanted to begin a short story, novella,
or novel but require direction and encouragement?
Through easy-to-follow lectures, learn the elements
of the fiction writer’s craft: structure, characterization,
plot description, dialogue, point of view, style, and
voice. Gain experience with each one in a series of
inspiring in-class exercises. You’ll acquire knowledge
of the craft of fiction, generate story ideas, and gain
the inspiration and momentum required to begin
writing in earnest. Publishing in print and online will
also be discussed. Bring a sack lunch.
WRIT:704 | $49
680Sa 9am-3pm
June 9
Heather Luby
Meramec-Social Science, 108
How to Map a Murder
Ever have the urge to write a whodunit? Published
mystery authors Jo Hiestand and Wilfred Beres will
lead you through the intricacies of plotting, character
development, descriptive scene writing, and research
techniques. Police detective Paul Hornung, who coauthors with Hiestand, will discuss how real crimes
are solved and expose the myths of television’s CSI
WRIT:719 | $39
680Sa 9am-1pm
June 9
Jo Hiestand
Meramec-Social Science, 107
Screenwriting: Amazing Dialogue and
Spend time this summer learning to write effective
scenes that are supported by compelling dialogue
and concise description, and layered with meaningful
subtext. We’ll analyze excerpts from produced
screenplays for dialogue, narrative description,
dramatic impact, flow, etc., and will view clips to see
how the written scenes play on the movie screen.
You’ll complete a series of writing exercises and share
your work in class. This class is designed for beginning
writers who already have a basic understanding of
screenwriting and screenplay format. No class 7/4.
WRIT:719 | $79
550W 7pm-9pm
June 13 – July 25
Valley-Communications, 110
Rita Russell
Discovering Your Writer’s Voice
If you want to write, but haven’t been able to find
your way, this workshop is for you. Whether you’re
creating a journal, poem, short story, novel, or
screenplay, writing is one of the greatest adventures.
Explore and celebrate many ways to write with joy
and passion, and overcome the challenges that get
in your way. It will not be a class requirement, but
those interested in sharing their work will receive the
benefit of a thorough, productive critique from both
the instructor and fellow students.
WRIT:701 | $69
650W 6:30pm-9pm
Jordan Oakes
June 6 – June 27 Meramec-Social Science, 111
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
ST L CC C o n t i n u i n g Ed u c ATION
location index
Adiva Dance Center
943 S. Kirkwood Rd, 63122
Endangered Wolf Center
Tyson Valley Road, 63025
Painted Zebra
10907 Manchester Road, 63122
Affton White-Rodgers
Community Center
9801 Mackenzie Road, 63123
Family Golfplex & Learning Center
3717 Tree Court Industrial, 63122
Preston Art Glass
2651 Chouteau Avenue, 63103
First Tee
6286 Lemay Ferry Road, 63129
Queeny Park--Greensfelder
Recreation Complex
550 Weidman Road, 63011
Babler State Park
Hwy. 109, 63005
Barrett Station Golf Practice Range
3031 Old Dougherty Ferry Road,
Bellefontaine Conservation Area
10600 Lewis & Clark, 63136
Berkeley Police Firing Range
Intersection of Frost and Eva, 63134
Big Bend Golf Center
3390 Quinette Road, 63088
Big Bend Yoga Center
88 North Gore, 63119
Bridge Haven
6205 No. Lindbergh Blvd, 63042
Chess Club & Scholastic Center
of St. Louis
4657 Maryland Ave, 63108
City Seeds Urban Farm
2200 Pine Street, 63103
Columbia Bottom Conservation Area
Columbia Bottoms
& Strodtman Rds, 63138
Concordia Lutheran Church
505 S. Kirkwood Rd., 63122
DEEsigns Studio
221 S. Kirkwood Road, 63122
Eagle Springs Golf Course
2575 Redman Rd. 63136
Forest Lake Tennis Club
1012 North Woods Mill Road, 63011
Francis Park
Donovan & Eichelberger, 63109
Golf Port of Maryland Heights
1 Golf Port Dr ,63146
Hawn State Park
12096 Park Drive
Ste Genevieve MO 63670
RiverChase of Fenton
990 Horan Drive, 63026
Ruth Park Golf Course
8211 Groby Road, 63130
St. Anthony’s Medical Center
10010 Kennerly Rd. 63128
St. John’s Evangelical UCC
11333 St. John’s Church Road, 63123
Kaufman Park
8000 Blackberry, 63130
Solar Yoga Center
6002 Pershing at Des Peres, 63112
Ladue Middle School
9701 Conway Road, 63124
St. Louis Community CollegeWilliam J. Harrison
Education Center
3140 Cass Ave, 63106
Landings at Spirit Golf Club
180 No. Eatherton Road, 63005
Little Creek Nature Area
2295 Dunn Road, 63033
Martial Arts Center (Meramec area)
3712 Lemay Ferry Road, 63125
Masterpeace Studios
176 Crestwood Court, 63126
Meramec State Park
115 Meramec Park Rd
Sullivan MO, 63080
Mid-County Family YMCA
1900 Urban Drive, 63144
North County Golf and Sports Center
3555 N. Highway 67, 63033
St. Louis Community CollegeSouth County Education
& University Center
4115 Meramec Bottom Road, 63129
St. Louis Community CollegeCenter for Workforce Innovation
3344 Pershall Road, 63135
St. Louis Community College
Florissant Valley
3400 Pershall Road, 63135
St. Louis Community College
Forest Park
5600 Oakland Ave, 63110
Industry Innovation Insights
Join the Workforce Solutions
Group and the Center for Emerging
and Advanced Information
Technologies (CEA-IT) for the
Summer 2012 Industry Innovation
Insight seminars–your source
for the latest information
on innovations and business
intelligence that are transforming
the St. Louis corporate landscape.
Information Security
St. Louis Community College
11333 Big Bend Road, 63122
St. Louis Community College
2645 Generations Dr.
Wildwood, 63040
St. Louis Community College-
Corporate College
3221 McKelvey Road, 63044
Sunset Hills Community Center
3915 South Lindbergh, 63127
The Club at Chesterfield
16619 Swingley Ridge Rd, 63017
The Studio-Brentwood
1332 Strassner Drive, 63144
Thomas Dunn Memorial
Learning Center
3113 Gasconade, 63118
Thornhill Branch/St. Louis County
12863 Willowyck Dr, 63146
Tower Tee Golf Center
6727 Heege Road, 63123
University City Public Library
6701 Delmar Blvd, 63130
Vetta Sports-Concord
12320 Old Tesson Ferry Road, 63128
Winding Brook Estate 3 Winding Brook Estate Dr., 63025
Yoga Source
1500 Big Bend--2nd floor, 63117
brought to you by the
Workforce Solutions Group
• Top cybersecurity threats
COMP: 765 Section C01 | $99
Wednesday, July 18, 8:30-11 am
Fee includes continental breakfast
St. Louis Community College is training
individuals in six workforce roles to help
employers close the health information
technology talent gap in areas of workflow design,
business analysis, implementation management
and technical support. Join the CEA-IT director
and faculty and industry experts to discuss:
• Training employees to protect your organization
• Current HIT trends
• Enterprise security management
• Recently announced
Meaningful Use Stage 2 criteria
COMP: 795 Section C01 | $99
Wednesday, June 27, 8:30-11 a.m.
Fee includes continental breakfast
In today’s data intensive environment, information
security is a business requrirement. Join the CEA-IT
director and faculty and industry experts as they
• Secure coding in a mobile world, defending the
network perimeter
• Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA) networks
• EHR implementation
• Healthcare privacy/security
Health Information Technology (HIT) / 314-984-7777
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
ST L CC C o n t i n u i n g Ed u c ATION
general information
Enrollment in classes within this brochure, except for youth section classes, is limited to persons 16 years or older.
Accommodations Statement
Safety and Program Guidelines for Youth Classes
St. Louis Community College makes every reasonable effort to accommodate
individuals with disabilities. If you have accommodation needs, please call the
Continuing Education office at least two weeks before the beginning of the
class. Documentation of the disability may be required. Campus address and
phone numbers are located on the registration form on the inside back cover.
All children under the age of 16 who are enrolled in programs through the St.
Louis Community College Office of Continuing Education, must be accompanied to and signed-in at the beginning of each program session by a responsible party. In addition, a responsible party must also meet the participant at
the end of the session and sign them out. Appropriate behavior is expected.
Students may be disenrolled for misbehavior.
Students Rights and Responsibilities
All students are responsible for adhering to college policies and procedures.
Please refer to to review
and/or download a copy of the Fact Finder Student Handbook including student rights and responsibilities or call the Continuing Education office.
Postponement/Cancellation Due to Inclement Weather
Occasionally, continuing education classes are cancelled due to inclement
weather. Cancellations will be broadcast on KMOX-AM (1120) and on KMOVTV,
KSDK-TV and KTVI/Fox 2. When St. Louis Community College cancels classes,
off-campus classes are also cancelled. In addition, when a particular host
school district or institution closes, the continuing education classes at that
location will not meet.
Refund of Fees
Since continuing education (non-credit) classes are self-supporting, the decision to run a class is based on the number of people enrolled. The college reserves the right to cancel if sufficient enrollment is not achieved. Registrants
will be notified by phone or mail if a class is cancelled. Full refunds will be issued for classes cancelled by the college.
If you drop a class, you will receive a 100 percent refund for most classes if the
class is dropped one business day before the first meeting. A 50 percent refund
will be given for most classes dropped between one business day before the
first class meeting and prior to the second meeting of the class. See the course
schedule for classes (such as daytrips) that require notice beyond one business
day for cancellation and eligibility for a refund.
Requests of withdrawals should be submitted in writing to the Continuing
Education office. Calculation of refunds will be based on the date the written
request is received by the office. If you have a situation that warrants an override of the above policy, an explanation of the circumstances should be made
in writing to the of Continuing Education office. Refunds should be received
within 30 days.
Fee Reduction for Older Adults
Older adults (those 60 years and older) may enroll in most courses for a reduced fee. This reduction is half the price of the class fee only, plus whatever
material costs are associated with the class. Material costs include fees for expenses such as books and materials, facility usage, tour and travel costs, computer lab usage, online courses, food supplies and other items needed for the
class. NOTE: Those wishing to take advantage of this fee reduction must do so
at the time of registration. Before registering, please contact the Continuing
Education office to see if your course contains a material fee.
Senior Citizen Scholarship
Missouri residents who are at least sixty-five years of age will be awarded a
scholarship to be exempt from maintenance fees to enroll in courses on a
space available basis. There will be a non-refundable registration fee of $10
per course to a maximum of $50 per semester. Student is responsible for other
fees, such as materials, supplies and books. At the earliest, students may enroll
in the class two days prior to the first class date. Students may not receive a
refund for a paid course in order to enroll for a scholarship space in that same
REGARDING THE SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP. The senior scholarship discount does
not apply to online classes.
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education Summer 2012
Unattended Children
Students are not permitted to bring children to class, nor should children be
left unattended in the halls, offices, library or common areas. The college reserves the right to protect the safety and welfare of unattended children. If students leave children unattended, the college will institute disciplinary action.
Textbooks — can be purchased at the campus bookstores.
Library and Computer Lab Privileges
If you are registered in continuing education courses, you may enjoy library
and computer lab privileges by showing your student ID. To obtain a student
ID take your paid fee receipt to the Campus Life office and the personnel there
will provide you with one.
Firearms on College Property
Except for licensed police officers, no person shall possess or carry any firearm, visible or concealed, on college property (including college buildings and
grounds leased or owned by the college-college athletic fields and parking
lots) or in any college van or vehicle or at college-sponsored activities. College
employees, students and visitors who hold concealed carry endorsements as
allowed by Missouri law may not carry or bring any firearms, visible or concealed, on college property, owned or leased or at any college activities.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
St. Louis Community College is committed to non-discrimination and equal
opportunities in its admissions, educational programs, activities and employment regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national
origin, ancestry, age, disability, genetic information or status as a disabled or
Vietnam-era veteran and shall take action necessary to ensure non-discrimination. For information contact:
Corporate College
Lesley English-Abram
Manager, Employment and Training
STLCC Corporate College
3221 McKelvey Road
Bridgeton, MO 63044
Cosand Center/Employment
Patricia Henderson
Senior Manager of Employment
300 S. Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63102-2800
Florissant Valley
Laura Sterman
Vice President, Student Affairs
3400 Pershall Road
St. Louis, MO 63135-1408
Linden Crawford
Vice President, Student Affairs
11333 Big Bend Road
St. Louis, MO 63122-5720
Marilyn Taras
Director of Student Affairs
2645 Generations Drive
Wildwood, MO 63040-1168
Section 504/Title II Coordinator
Donna Dare
Vice Chancellor of Academic
and Student Affairs
300 S. Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63102-2800
Forest Park
Thomas Walker, Jr.
Vice President, Student Affairs
5600 Oakland Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110-1316
314-644-9212 / 314-984-7777
How to Register
Complete the registration form (below) and mail with check (payable to St. Louis Community College) to:
STLCC Continuing Education, 3221 McKelvey Road, Suite 200, Bridgeton, MO 63044
Students who register by mail should assume they are registered unless otherwise notified. A registration
confirmation is mailed to students who register by mail; however, the confirmation may not be received prior
to the beginning of the class. If you have enrollment questions, please call Continuing Education: 314-984-7777
In Person at STLCC
Enrollment in classes within
this brochure, except for youth
section classes, is limited to
persons 16 years or older.
You may want to first call the Continuing Education office at 314-984-7777, to check that openings exist.
Registration Deadline
Telephone: 314-984-7777
All non-credit courses are
limited in enrollment. Advance
registration is required.
Corporate College, Meramec, Florissant Valley & Forest Park: M–F 8:30am–4pm
Before calling to register, have this information ready:
1. Course Title / Course Code (letter prefix with number) / Section Number
2. Student Contact Info (name / address / phone number)
3. Student Social Security Number or UIN
4. Credit Card Number with Expiration Date
Call to complete your
registration by charging
fees to MasterCard, Visa,
American Express or
Bank Payment (ACH)
All checks will be converted
to an electronic Automated
Clearing House (ACH)
transaction whether the
payment was made in person
or mailed.
Visit our website and click on the “Continuing Education” link —
where you can view current class offerings and to register for classes.
form Please print in ink.
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Soc Sec No or UIN: __________________________________
Birthdate: __________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Senior Citizen?
Middle Initial
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
street or post office box
Check Payment:
Please make checks payable to
St. Louis Community College, and
mail with form (addess above).
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________
City State Telephone/Home: __________________________________
Zip Code
Work: _ ____________________________________
Credit Card Payment:
Charge fees to:
American Express_______________________________________ Expiration Date: _________
card number
Please register me for the following courses:
Course Code
Section / 314-984-7777
Course Title
Day/Time Fees
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
American Management Association
Online Self-Study Program
Fine tune your current skills and learn new ones with a flexible learning plan that fits your
schedule, your budget and your professional goals.
More than 65 self-study programs, developed by business and education experts, provide
the latest management practices and real-world solutions—complete with diagrams, charts,
assessments and other learning tools . Join more than 300,000 professionals who have enriched
their careers through AMA’s University Certificate Program. This unique partnership between
AMA and St. Louis Community College makes quality management training more convenient,
accessible and affordable for today’s managers .
Earn AMA Certificates in:
• AdministrativeAssistantSkills
• HumanResourcesManagement
• BusinessCommunication
• ManufacturingManagement
• CustomerSatisfaction
• QualityManagement
• CustomerServiceManagement
• SalesandMarketing
• FinanceandAccounting
• StrategicLeadership
• FinanceManagement
• SuccessSkillsintheWorkplace
• GeneralManagement
For more information on individual courses and
program details, go to
St. Louis
St. Louis Community College | Continuing Education
Continuing Education • 314-984-7777
Summer 2011
Summer 2012 / 314-984-7777
Registration information for credit students / 314-984-7777
Summer 2012 . Continuing Education | St. Louis Community College
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
St. Louis, MO
Permit No. 2370
Summer 2012
at St. Louis Community College
Summer Explorer
300 South Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63102-2800
• Advanceyourlifepersonallyandprofessionally.
• Explore,createandlearn!
is celebrating 50 years of expanding minds and changing lives in 2012. Fifty years ago, ground was broken for the
Arch and votes approved the formation of the Junior College District of St. Louis-St. Louis County. The Arch made
St. Louis the “Gateway City” and the college provided another gateway, an “open door” of education for all citizens
in the St. Louis region.
Since 1962, more than 1.2 million people have passed through our doors to take a class, earn a degree, upgrade
their career skills or enrich their lives. Each year, nearly 80,000 students enroll in:
• Collegetransferandcareerprogramsleadingtoassociatedegrees
• Jobskillandpersonaldevelopmentclasses
• Collegepreparatorycourses
• Specializedperformanceprogramssponsoredbylocalemployers
business community through assessment, counseling, consulting and training services.
Learning is convenient via:
• FourcampusesFlorissantValley,ForestPark,MeramecandWildwood
• Threeeducationcenters:southandnorthSt.LouisCountyandnorthSt.LouisCity
• Numerousbusiness,industrialandneighborhoodsitesthroughoutthemetroarea
• Onlineinstruction
100634 3/2012
Registration begins May 7
For more information about Continuing Education classes, visit