How to Manually Matriculate an Application Go into Student Admissions > Application Maintenance > Maintain Applications. Make sure “Include History” mode is checked, and that only “Emplid” and “Institution” are filled in (delete “Application Program Nbr” if one’s there – it usually defaults to 0). 1 Search, choose the right application (if the student has multiple), and go to the 4th tab – “Application Program Data.” Go to the earliest row for this record (their Application row). Take note of the admit term, effective date, and effective sequence here. The rule is that we matriculate an applicant on the start date of their admit term. So, all effective dates and effective sequence number combinations for rows that occur before the matriculation row must be earlier, or less than, the matriculation row. 2 To determine the start date of an admit term, open a window by clicking on the link at the top right corner of the screen. Then, navigate to Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer. Search for the PZAD_TERM_DATES_LOOKUP query. Click on the Favorite link in the search results so that you don’t have to search for this query in the future. Click the HTML link in the search results to run the query. Enter the admit term, then hit search to get a list of dates. 3 In this case, the start date is 5/29/13. So, back on the application, all rows leading up to that matriculation row MUST be before or on 5/29/13. The applied row is good – the effective date is 4/29/13. Go to the next row. 4 This one’s bad, because the effective date is 6/11/13. So, I’m going to change this to 5/29/13, the start date of the term. The effective sequence will stay at 1, since this is the first row that has an effective date of 5/29/13. Click the plus button to add a new row. This is what the system defaults to: Change the effective date to the start of the admit term (5/29/13), and set the Program Action to DEIN. Since the previous row has an effective date of 5/29/13 and an effective sequence of 1(and since you can’t save the apps with rows that have the same effective dates -­‐ effective sequence number combination), set the effective sequence of this row to 2. If this is an undergraduate application, then you must specify an Action Reason as well. DEIN implies that the ARD has been satisfied somehow, so select an appropriate reason code in the lookup prompt to reflect this. Then, click the plus to add another row. 5 Set the effective date to 5/29/13, the effective sequence to 3, and the Program Action to MATR. After setting the Program Action to MATR (and tabbing out of the field), the screen should look like this: 6 Click on the Create Program button. That will save the app, and matriculate the applicant. This may take a little while to process (a minute tops, usually). If you didn’t do the effective dating/sequencing correctly, you’ll get an error. Otherwise, your screen will become read-­‐only, and look like this: At this point, the student needs to be term activated. There’s a process that takes care of this in batch nightly. However, if that student does not get term activated (they will be unable to enroll, and they’ll probably report this to you or the Help Desk), you should contact the Registrar’s Office so that they can take care of this manually. Ask them to Term Activate the student for the admit term (2135), for that career (GRAD) and that career number (0). Those fields are highlighted above. 7